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TAC32 1 Op Ptas 6300pa3 y Pa4 Parcial PDF

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The document discusses electronic setup and adjustment of elevator door operators, including setting limits, troubleshooting power issues, and diagnostic commands.

The steps to set the door limits are to manually move the door to the closed position, loosen and align the limit cams, tighten the mounting bracket, and rotate the cams until the LEDs just turn on while ensuring the magnets are centered on the sensors.

Some troubleshooting steps if the voltages are not correct include verifying the power switches are on, checking the connections in the swing return and elevator controller, and ensuring the fuses are good.

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

IMS 2.2 or greater is required for adjustment. 4. Loosen DCL and DOL Cams and rotate them until their
magnets face the Door Card.
Refer to Using The Door Smart FAST in the Diagnostics
section for the following procedures. 5. Loosen the Door Card Mounting Bracket Screws.

6. Slide Card and Bracket toward or away from DCL and

The configuration done by the
DOL Cams until there is 1/8 between Card and Cams.
Factory uses adjustment and The Card MUST be square with DCL and DOL Cams.
parameter values that are different from the default
values shown in the Diagnostics section. 7. Tighten the Door Card Mounting Bracket Screws.

8. Slide the DCL and DOL Cams to align the center of their
Preparation Magnets with the center of their respective Magnetic Sen-
sors at the edge of the Door Card.
1. Turn OFF, lock and tag out the mainline disconnect.
9. Ensure Door Configuration Jumpers on Door Card are
2. Route Door Operator Harness to the Swing Return and installed per Table 1. See Figure 8 for locations.
connect harness connectors to the appropriate connec-
tors on the Car Wiring Interface card. 10. Turn ON the Mainline Disconnect.

3. If required, connect Safety Edge Cables to Safety Edge To prevent automatic move-
Box. ment of the door while adjust-
NOTE:On jobs with both Front and Rear Doors, adjust Front ing limit switches, place elevator on INSPECTION
and Rear Door Operators separately. Operation.

4. Unplug the door motor connector (CON10) from the Door 11. Rotate the DCL Cam in the same direction the Cam shaft
Card. rotated in Step 3 until the DCL LED just turns ON. Tighten
the Set Screw.
5. Turn ON the mainline disconnect.
12. Move Door to the fully open position, noting which direc-
6. Place the car on Inspection Operation. tion the Cam shaft rotates.

7. Verify that the VBUS and WD LEDs on the Door Card are 13. Rotate the DOL Cam in the same direction the Cam shaft
ON. rotated in Step 12 until the DOL LED just turns ON. Tight-
en the Set Screw.
If LEDs are not ON, refer to the Troubleshooting section.
14. Continue with Direction Check.
8. In the Door Smart FAST, check that the value of DCM is
0 for a 1/2 HP AC motor or 1 for a 1/6 HP DC motor.
If the DCM value is not correct, STOP and Obtain a disk
with the proper door operator profile. Refer to Uploading
The Door Operator Profile in the Technical Information
section and upload the profile from the disk. DCL GATE
9. Continue with Limit Setting.

Limit Setting
NOTE:Refer to Figure 7 and Figure 8 while doing Steps 3
through 13.

1. Turn OFF, lock and tag out the mainline disconnect.

2. Reconnect CON10.

3. Manually move the Door to the Closed position, noting

which direction the Cam shaft rotates. Figure 7-Door Operator Cams

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

JP3; JP4;




VBUS JP1 LED Magnet Centers MUST
FUSE F3 FUSE F2 JP6 line up with Centers of
MDC Magnetic Sensors

Figure 8 - 6300PA3 and 6300PA4 Door Operator Card and Limit Cams

Jumper Jumper Setting/Position Description

Jumper on 1 and 2 (default) Selects the DSP to run as a microcontroller. FACTORY USE ONLY.
Jumper on 2 and 3 Selects the DSP to run as a microprocessor. FACTORY USE ONLY.
Jumper on 1 and 2 Provides +5 VDC programming voltage for the DSP core FLASH. FACTORY USE ONLY.
Jumper on 2 and 3 (default) Removes +5 VDC programming voltage to the DSP core FLASH. FACTORY USE ONLY.
Selects Zmodem mode for uploading new s/w. When changed must push reset button to take
Selects Normal mode for running. When changed must push reset button to take affect.
Off (default)
Selects Rear door mode for receiving rear door commands. When changed must push reset
button to take affect. FIELD SELECTABLE.
Selects Front door mode for receiving front door commands. When changed must push reset
Off (default)
button to take affect. FIELD SELECTABLE.
Selects RS485 communication link mode. When changed must push reset button to take affect.
On (default)
(Door Parameters D12 and D13=8) FIELD SELECTABLE.
Selects CAN communication link mode. When changed must push reset button to take affect.
FIELD SELECTABLE. (Door Parameters D12 and D13=7 or 9)
Selects 100K baud for CAN communication link. When changed, must push reset button to take
affect. (JP6 ON for ISIS 1) FIELD SELECTABLE. (Door Parameters D12 and D13=9)
Selects 50K baud for CAN communication link. Push reset button after change for it to take affect.
Off (default)
(JP6 OFF for TAC 50−03 and TAC 50−04) FIELD SELECTABLE. (Door Parameters D12 and D13=7)

Table 1-Door Operator Card Configuration Jumpers

Printed in USA December, 2005 13

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

Direction Check 2. In the Door Smart FAST, select the LTR (Learn Travel)
command from the Command pulldown menu.
To prevent automatic move- 3. Press and hold the MDO OR MDC button until the door(s)
ment of the door while adjust- travels the full width of the opening and the DOL or DCL
ing limit switches, place elevator on INSPECTION LED turns ON.
4. Save Door Scan to Flash by selecting the Save button.
1. Check DOL and DCL limits:
a. Press and hold the MDO button on the door card to 5. Continue with Profile Adjustments.
open the door(s). Verify that the door opens fully and
the DOL LED turns ON.
 If doors move in the open direction, continue Profile Adjustments
with step 1b.
 If doors do NOT move in the open direction, NOTE:Doors should perform well with default settings. How-
change the value of LHO, save the value and ever, if changes to the performance are required, refer to the
press the reset button on the door card. Re- Diagnostics section for more information on the adjust-
peat step 1a. ments.

1. Make sure the car is on Inspection Operation.

Do not change motor leads or
encoder wires 2. In the Door Smart FAST, select the Cycle Mode command
from the Command pulldown menu.
b. Press and hold the MDC button on the door card to
close the door(s). Verify that the door(s) closes fully 3. Adjust the delay time at each limit by changing the value
and the DCL LED turns ON. of Door Control Adjustment CDT. Some delay at the door
close limit is necessary to allow other adjustments to be
2. Continue with Auto Null. changed.
NOTE:Some adjustments cannot be changed with the
door(s) in motion. If you are not using the cycle mode with a
Auto Null delay, make adjustment changes only when the door(s) are
at rest.
1. With the car on Inspection Operation, bring the door(s)
to rest. Position is not important. 4. Place the car at the appropriate landing that will use the
profile that is to be adjusted.
2. In the Door Smart FAST, view and record the values of the
ADC0 and ADC1 parameters. To avoid mechanical damage
to the doors when increasing
3. In the Door Smart FAST, select the ANL (Autonull) com-
Open and Close High Speed, do NOT make drastic
mand from the Command pulldown menu.
NOTE:The Autonull operation takes 1 to 2 seconds, but there
will be no confirmation message. View the ADC parameter 5. Right click anywhere in the door smart FAST grid and se-
values to determine whether they have been changed. lect the appropriate profile from the pop-up menu. The
adjustment values for the selected profile will be dis-
4. Save the autonull parameters to FLASH by selecting the played.
Save button.
6. Make the necessary adjustments. After each adjustment
5. Continue with Door Scan. change, press the Enter Key. See Figure 9 and Figure 10
for Door Open and Close Profiles.

7. Save any adjustment changes to Flash by selecting the

Door Scan Save button.

1. With the car on Inspection Operation, make sure the

door(s) is fully closed or open.

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

Close Torque Limit 3 Close Torque Limit 2 Close Torque Limit 1

(ctl3) (ctl2) (ctl1)




CloseDEcelRate CloseLinearTargetGain
CloseACcelRate (cder#) (cltg#)
CloseNudgingSpeed (cms#)

Six Inch From

Close Point

DOL Door Closing DCL

Profile# Adjustment Door Adjustment (cdto#)
cacr# - CloseACcelRate ctl1 - Close Torque Limit 1 six_inch_point_adj
cbs# - CloseBacklashSpeed ctl2 - Close Torque Limit 2 (six)
cbt# - CloseBacklashTime ctl3 - Close Torque Limit 3
chs# - Close High Speed
cder# - CloseDEcelRate
cms# - CloseManualSpeed
NOTE:# = Profile Number.
cltg# - CloseLinearTargetGain
cdto# - CloseDigitalTarget Offset
cndgs# - Close Nudging Speed

Figure 9 - Door Closing Profile

Printed in USA December, 2005 15

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

Open Torque Limit 1 Open Torque Limit 2 Open Torque Limit 3

(otl1) (otl2) (otl3)





DCL OpenBacklashSpeed Door Opening DOL

Profile# Adjustment Door Adjustment
oacr# - OpenACcelRate otl1 - Open Torque Limit 1
obs# - OpenBacklashSpeed otl2 - Open Torque Limit 2
obd# - OpenBacklashDistance otl3 - Open Torque Limit 3
ohs# - Open High Speed
oder# - OpenDEcelRate
oms# - OpenManualSpeed
oltg# - OpenLinearTargetGain NOTE:# = Profile Number.
odto# - OpenDigitalTarget Offset

Figure 10 - Door Opening Profile

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

Closing Force 6. Subtract the POS value (step 5) from the DOOR_trav val-
ue recorded in step 3.
1. In the Door Smart FAST, note the value of Door Adjust-
ment STALL so that it can be set back later. 7. On the Door Adjustment Screen, enter the value from
step 6 in SWM1.
2. Set the value of STALL to 0.
8. With the Manual button(s) (MDC or MDO), move the
3. Measure Closing Force with a force gauge. See door(s) to one of the following positions:
Figure 11. Closing Force should be less than 30 lbf in the Centering Opening Doors:
middle 1/3 of travel. 2 from fully closed

4. If Closing Force is too high, reduce the value of Door Ad- Single Speed Doors:
justment CTL2 and re−measure. 2 from the face of the strike column

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until Closing Force is within limits. 9. From the Monitor pulldown menu, select the POS (Door
Position) parameter and record the value.
6. Set the value of STALL back to its original value.
10. On the Door Adjustment Screen, enter the value from
7. Save values to Flash by selecting the Save button. step 9 in SWM2.

11. Determine the Minimum Allowable Closing Time from the

Door Operator nameplate.
Closing Kinetic Energy 12. Place the car on automatic.
1. Place the car at the landing where the test will be per-
formed. 13. In the Door Smart FAST, select the Stopwatch Closing
Time command from the Command pulldown menu.
2. Place the car on Inspection Operation.
14. Press the Door Open button.
3. From the Monitor pulldown menu, select the DOOR_trav
(Door Travel) parameter and record the value. 15. If the Closing Time is less than the Minimum Allowable
Closing Time specified, Reduce the value of Profile# Ad-
4. With the Manual button(s) (MDC or MDO), move the justment CHS# (Close High Speed).
door(s) to one of the following positions:
16. Repeat steps 16 and 17 until the Closing Time is Greater
Center Opening Doors − 1 from fully open Than or Equal to the Minimum.
Single Speed Doors − 2 from fully open
17. Save any adjustment from step 15 or 16 to Flash by se-
5. From the Monitor pulldown menu, select the POS (Door lecting the Save button.
Position) parameter and record the value.

Figure 11-Safe Use of Door Gauge

Printed in USA December, 2005 17

Electronic Setup and Adjustment

Setting the Gate Switch Shorting

Gate Closed Bar
1. Position the door(s) 11/2 (38mm) from FULLY CLOSED. Switch
2. Rotate the disk in the CLOSE direction until the shorting Switch
bar just touches the two leaf contacts. See Figure 12.

3. Locate a tab on the locking ring that lines up with a notch

in the contact disk.
Leaf Con-
4. Rotate the drive wheel until the door(s) is FULLY CLOSED tacts
and ensure that the shorting bar has NOT run past the
leaf contacts.
Figure 12 – Gate Switch
5. Open and close the door(s) to verify that the gate switch
shorting bar enters the leaf contacts at 11/2 (38mm)
Final Security
Recheck all bolts, cap screws, cam hex screws, and belt
NOTE:Verify that the shorting bar remains between the leaf
tensions for proper tightness.
contacts in the fully closed position. Be sure that the gate
switch leaf contacts do not rub on the thin portion of the plas-
tic disk during normal operation. See Figure 12.



Using The Door Smart FAST  Monitor(Not editable) A pull-down menu to select a pa-
rameter with the parameter’s value. Parameter values are
The Door Smart FAST is accessed by selecting the appropri- used for diagnostic purposes.
ate car; Door Diagnostics from the Service pull‘−down menu;  CommandExecutes a listed command from a pull-down
and finally, the Door Smart FAST from the Door Diagnostics menu and gives the resulting value.
menu. See Figure 13.  AdjustmentsDisplays and Edits values within a grid.

In the Door Smart FAST, there are three buttons at the top of There are five types of adjustments and help available from
screen. See Figure 14: a pop-up menu by right clicking anywhere in the adjustment
 The Save button saves values to non-volatile memory grid. See Figure 14:
(flash).  Profile# (# = profile number 1 − 5)
 The Undo button reverts the entered value to the saved  Control
value.  Diagnostics
 The Transfer button downloads adjustment values to a  Door
file or uploads adjustment values from a file.
Below the buttons, the Door Smart FAST window displays the
following categories of the door software. See Figure 14:

Figure 13

Printed in USA December, 2005 19


Parameter Monitor Parameter Value

Display Most Recent
Selection Window Command Last Command
Value Value


Adjustment Type

Adjustment Display
and Editing Window

Adjustment Type
Selection Menu
(Right click anywhere
within the grid to

Figure 14

Adjustments, Parameters, and closer to either the door open or door close limit depending
on whether the doors are opening or closing.
Door position is stored at 0 on DCL and at Travel (TRV) on
Quick References to parameters, commands, and adjust- DOL.
ments are given in Table 1 and Table 2. Following the Quick
References are descriptions, minimum and maximum val- Speeds are (+) in the opening direction and (−) in the closing
ues, and default values of each parameter, command, and direction.
All adjustments must be made when the doors are idle. After Door Control Diag System CAN
making any adjustment changes, be sure to save them to ANL ADC0 MCS TPL1 VER CEC
FLASH before the card is reset or powered down. CER ADC1 *PIN0 TPL2 ESR
When the adjustment is a speed value, increasing the value CYC DTGC *PIN4 TPO2 MDER
causes the door to run at a faster speed. Decreasing the
value causes the door to run at a slower speed.
When the adjustment is an acceleration or deceleration rate RST OSC *POUT1
value, increasing the value causes the door to accelerate or SHD POS *POUT4
decelerate faster. Decreasing the value causes the door to SWC TRV *POUT5
accelerate or decelerate slower. SWF UCV
When the adjustment is a distance or point value, increasing UMV
the value causes the distance or point to be further from UTQ
either the door open limit (DOL) or door close limit (DCL) UVE
depending on whether the door(s) is opening or closing.
* Available only when System Adjustment MAL=1.
Decreasing the value will cause the distance or point to be
Table 1 - Commands and Parameters Quick Reference


Profile_# Control Diagnostics Door System SWF, Stopwatch Flight - When activated, measures and
OHS# *IBM0 TPA1 OTL1 LHO displays the elevator flight time between SWM1 and SWM2.
SWO, Stopwatch Opening - When activated, measures and
displays the door opening time between SWM1 and SWM2.
ODTO# *IBM4 TPM2 CTL2 ELI Door Parameters
OBD *IBM5 *DM0 CLT LDO These values are viewable only to aid in diagnostic purposes.
CHS# *IIM *DM1 DIREV *UPM ADC0, Analog to Digital Converter 0 − Displays the value of
analog to digital converter number 0, which is the lwfbk
signal (W phase current feedback).
CDER# *TPL2 *PPR ADC1, Analog to Digital Converter 1 − Displays the value of
CDTO# *HEX *IFB analog to digital converter number 1, which is the lufbk signal
CJDR# *RPM (U phase current feedback).
CNDGS# *ADZ1 CSC, Close Slip Compensation − This value is automatically
KPCMD# *MDC set. It indicates the amount of belt slip during a close door
KICMD# *MNC cycle. This value is in motor revolutions. DO NOT CHANGE.
DTGC, Distance To Go Close - Calculated value based on
travel and close slip compensation.
†LAG *SWM1 DTGO, Distance To Go Open - Calculated value based on
†RSC *SWM2 travel and open slip compensation.
# = profile number
* Available only when System Adjustment MAL=1. DPID, Profile ID − Displays current profile.
† Available only in Profile 1.
OSC, Open Slip Compensation − This value is automatically
Table 2 - Adjustments Quick Reference set. It indicates the amount of belt slip during an open door
cycle. This value is in motor revolutions. DO NOT CHANGE.

Commands POS, Door Position − This parameter displays the position of

ANL, Auto Null − Commands the UDC to null the ADCs. the door in motor revolutions from the door close limit (DCL).
To use this feature, move the doors to the desired position
CER, CAN Error Reset − Clears CAN errors. and read the number displayed. Used for setting OBD and
CLF, Clear Faults − Clears faults that are no longer active.
Minimum: 0
CYC, Cycle Mode − Causes the UDC to go into a continuous Default: 0
cycle mode. CYC toggles each time it is selected. The delay Maximum: TRV
at each limit is controlled by the Cycle Delay Time (Control TRV, Door Travel − This is the travel value learned when a door
Adjustment CDT). scan is performed. The value is in motor revolutions.
LTR, Learn Travel - This command puts the door operator UCV, UPID Command Velocity − Displays the dictated or
card in the learn door travel mode. Available only in commanded velocity.
UPE, UPID Position Error - Displays the difference between
IEF, IGBT Error Reset − Resets the IGBT power module. calculated position and actual position.
RST, Reset − Resets the UDC card. UMV, UPID Motor Velocity − Displays the dictated or
commanded motor velocity.
SHD, IGBT Shutdown − Shuts down the IGBT power module.
NOTE:The SHD command prevents any motor operation in- UTQ, UPID Torque − Displays the dictated or commanded
cluding the manual MDO and MDC functions. torque.

SWC, Stopwatch Closing - When activated, measures and UVE, UPID Velocity Error − Displays the difference between
displays the door closing time between SWM1 and SWM2. dictated or commanded velocity and actual velocity.

Printed in USA December, 2005 21


Control Parameters Motion Control

State Number
These values are viewable only to aid in diagnostic purposes. 4 Direction Reversal
8 Stop Door
MCS, Motion Control State Number - Indicates the current
motion control state shown in the table to the right. 9 Hold Closed
10 Nudge Close
11 Manual Open
12 Manual Close
13 Open Door
14 Close Door

NOTE:System Adjustment MAL must equal 1 for the availability of the following:

PIN0, Input Parameter 0 − Use to view the status of the parameters shown in the table.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
X Electronic DCL Encoder Phase B Encoder Phase A X X X X

PIN1, Input Parameter 1 − Use to view the status of the parameters shown in the table.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Hall Limit DOL Hall Limit DCL X X X X X X
PIN4, Input Parameter 4 − Use to view the status of the
parameters shown in the table.

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

LCD−Back Light X VBUS SE X X X X

PIN5, Input Parameter 5 − Use to view the status of the parameters shown in the table.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
X FTP Electronic DOL VF/PWMn F/Rn CAN/485n MDC MDO

POUT0, Output Parameter 0 − Use to view the status of the parameters shown in the table.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

POUT1, Output Parameter 1 − Use to view the status of the parameters shown in the table.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

POUT4, Output Parameter 4 − Use to view the status of the parameters shown in the table.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
LCD−Back Light X X X X X X X

Technical Information

21. Remove jumper JP3 and press the reset button. 4. Click on UDC Icon, or from the IMS Menu Bar click on
Service, then Door Diagnostics. See Figure 16.
22. Turn OFF, lock, and tag out the mainline disconnect.
5. Click on Front or Rear Door Smart FAST as appropriate.
23. Remove the cable from CON6. See Figure 16.

24. Reconnect CON10. 6. In the Transfer window, click on the chip in the graphic
or select Upload to cause the arrows to point from the
computer to the chip. See Figure 15.
Uploading The Door Operator Profile

IMS Version and later contains the door operator

profile information for the different door operator types. To
download the correct door operator profile from IMS use the
following procedure:

1. Turn OFF, Lock, and tag out the mainline disconnect.

2. Remove CON10 from the door card to disconnect door

motor leads.

The motor leads must be

disconnected. If an incorrect
door operator profile is loaded with the motor
connected, damage to the card or motor may result. Figure 15

3. Turn ON mainline disconnect, and start IMS or


Figure 16

Printed in USA December, 2005 35

Technical Information

7. Click the Default button. The Open window will display. 12. Verify that DCM is set to 0 for 1/2 HP AC motor.
See Figure 17.
13. Turn OFF, Lock, and tag out the mainline disconnect.

14. Reconnect CON10.

15. Turn ON mainline disconnect.

16. Verify proper door operation.

Cycle Mode
To help with the adjustment procedure, a cycle command is
available. This command, when activated will cause the
doors to continuously cycle. The Cycle Delay Time, CDT
Figure 17 adjustment can be used to control the delay time at each
limit. Note that some delay at the door close limit will be
necessary to allow other adjustments to be changed. Please
8. Highlight the file that matches the job. refer to the CDT adjustment description in the Control
Adjustments section.
9. Click the Open button and the Door Profile Value screen
will open. The values will begin to fill in as they are being To activate the cycle command, select CYC from the
loaded. (This may take several seconds.) See Figure 18. Command pulldown menu

10. Click OK. See Figure 15. To deactivate the cycle command, select CYC again.

When all values are filled in, the door operator profile has
been successfullly loaded.
Restarting IGBT Power Module
11. Click the Save button.
The power module can be reset if an overcurrent circuit
Improper DCM setting could condition has caused the power module to send a shutdown
cause damage to the door signal to the DSP. The power module can only be reset after
operator card and/or motor. the fault condition has been cleared.

Press the reset button on the door card or select the IEF
command from the Command pulldown menu.

Shutting Down the IGBT Power

The power module can be shut down by selecting the SHD
command from the Command pulldown menu.

This command prevents any motor operation including the

manual MDO and MDC functions.

Figure 18


Power Up Verification  connections in the elevator controller are good.

1. Turn OFF, lock, and tag out the mainline disconnect.

2. Unplug the connectors from the door card. LED Verification

3. Turn ON the mainline disconnect. 1. Turn OFF, lock, and tag out the mainline disconnect.

4. Measure AC voltage on the door operator terminal strip 2. Reconnect the connectors on the door card inside the
across AC1S and AC2. The voltages should match the door operator.
voltages in Table 4. If the voltage measured is zero (0),
verify that the: 3. Make sure the doors are in the fully closed position.
 Power switch in the door control box is ON. 4. Turn ON the mainline disconnect.
 AC1S switch is ON in the swing return.
 connections in the swing return are good. 5. Verify that the V−BUS and WD LEDs are ON. These LEDs
 power is ON at the elevator controller. are on the door card inside the operator. See Figure 19.
 fuses in the elevator controller are good.  If the V−BUS LED does NOT come ON, refer to VBUS
LED Will Not Light.
 connections in elevator controller are good.
 If the WD LED does NOT come ON, refer to WD LED
5. Measure AC voltage across AC1S and ACG. If voltage is Will Not Light.
in range of 0 and 80 VAC, measure AC2 to ACG. If AC2
to ACG is in range of 103 and 126 VAC, AC1S and AC2 6. Verify that the door(s) is still in the fully closed position
have been reversed. Reverse AC1S and AC2. and that the DCL LED is ON. If the LED does not come ON,
refer to DCL or DOL LED Will Not Light.
6. With the system still powered up, measure DC voltages
on the door operator terminal strip across P24 and G24. 7. Turn OFF the toggle switch in the door operator.
Voltages should match the voltages in Table 5. If the volt-
age measured is zero (0), verify that the: 8. Manually move the doors to the fully open position.
 P24 switch in the swing return is ON. 9. Turn ON the toggle switch in the door operator.
 connections in the swing return are good.
 power is ON at the elevator controller. 10. With the door(s) in the fully open position, verify that the
 fuses in the elevator controller are good. DOL LED is ON. If the LED does NOT come ON, refer to
DCL or DOL LED Will Not Light.

Voltage Meter Setting Positive Meter Probe Negative Meter Probe Voltage Measured
AC1S Volts AC AC1S terminal 6 AC2 terminal 4 103 − 126 VAC
AC1S Volts AC AC1S terminal 6 ACG terminal 2 103 − 126 VAC
AC2 Volts AC AC2 terminal 4 ACG terminal 2 0 − 80 VAC

Table 4

Voltage Meter Setting Positive Meter Probe Negative Meter Probe Voltage Measured
P24 Volts DC P24 terminal 17 G24 terminal 20 22 − 26 VDC

Table 5

Printed in USA December, 2005 ARTURO LOPEZ.MX 37

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