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6HR510 Developing Leadership and Management 08

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Definitions of Leadership and Management..................................................................................4
Differences and similarities between leadership and management................................................5
The balance between Leadership and Management in a contemporary context.............................6
comparing the types of leadership that followed by the Greatest leader........................................8
Considering what makes leader successful and why people follow them....................................11
Require skills to become a successful leader...............................................................................13
Way to develop the skills.............................................................................................................14

The business organisation formed for their profit. Organisation profit and goals are depended
on the organisation leadership and its management. The more effective leadership and
management will make more success. Thus every organisation must focus on leadership and
management which will develop in some of the effective ways. To develop the leadership and
management style organisation must understand the leader and manager roles and
responsibility and their differences. To develop the leader and manager skills leaders must
know the different types of leadership styles such as transactional, transformational, etc.
Besides, the leader also compares those styles. Moreover, they should know the skill of a
successful leader and the way to achieve. All of those things will discuss in this report.

Figure 1: Developing Leadership and Management (Harris and Gonzalez, 1981).



Definitions of Leadership and Management


Leadership is a process where a leader can motivate or influences others to achieve a distinct
and common goal. That’s means leadership is a capacity that makes it able to conduct some
group of people (Harris and Gonzalez, 1981). A good leadership style is a good
communicator. Besides, leadership styles establish based on the particular theory, ideas or
some approaches and those ideas, theory, and approaches cannot run unless employees can
communicate properly as the leader demands. Thus it is required to become a good
communicator if a man wants to become a good leader. A good leader increases the
organisation bottom line rather than profit. A leader is a person who thinks for the whole
organisation rather than apart.

Thus the decision making power is given to the leader. To make a perfect decision leader
must understand the circumstances properly. Besides, a leader must need an extraordinary
profile which will help to make influences to the others. Thus Peter Drucker says that a leader
has some followers. Besides, an effective leadership never told that the ‘I am boss you just
listen’ rather than a leader will allow expressing the viewpoint of the employees towards
solving the problems.

In recent times, the CEO of Microsoft Inc. Satya Nadella is one of the most iconic leadership
whose presences increase Microsoft's profit and also its performance. When he took the
responsibility as CEO of Microsoft Inc. at that time its market cap was 300$ billion in 2014
but it has increased now in the 800$ billion.


Management is a process where organisation internal administration is managed and

controlled the organisation activity. This process ensures to maintain the organisation
environment so that employees can work perfectly which will help to achieve the business
objectives effectively or efficiently. The person who runs this management process is called a
manager. The manager guides the employees and makes coordinates with the top-level
administration so that their plan can implement. Besides, effective management ensure the
maximum uses of 5M’s such as men, machine, money, material, and methods.

A proper combination of both leadership and management can bring proper achievement to
the organisation. But people sometimes make some mistakes that they think leadership and
management activity is the same. But it is wrong. Thus there are given a discussion about
similarities and differences between the leadership and management:

Differences and similarities between leadership and management

Leader Manager
According to William Arruda, a leader thinks The manager is working to support the
in a bigger picture where it takes place leader's vision. Thus a manager makes goals
beyond the individuals. Besides, a leader and objective which is a short time basis
thinks in long time basis where it is focused planning. In this aspect, managers control the
on the organisation vision. In this aspect, the internal environment.
leader makes the vision and turns into reality.
Any organisation most precious asset is the Manager work is only internally so that they
relationship with the peoples. The leader focus only on organisational structure and
works to make necessary relationships which process which allows them to achieve the
help to follow him and also make royalty to organisational goal and objectives (Dive,
the organisation. 2008).
To lead an entire organisation leader must be Whereas a manager is only maintaining the
an innovative person. organisational activity.
Leaders are interested to take the new and The manager only works to reduce the rick.
unique challenges which will increase the
organisational profit.
Leaders are willing to know the new theories The manager tries to work based on their
and interested to learn effective knowledge. existing knowledge.
Leaders are self-motivated which allows A manager needs external motivation from
them to work again and again to achieve the other sources which give them fuel to work
target. properly.

Leaders are the person who innovates a Whereas managers work to implement and
solution to enhance organisational control the solution.


 Leaders and managers both work to create an effective organisational structure and

 Management and leadership both peoples are so much active to maximum usage of
the organisational resources.
 Leadership and management of all teams are worked related to human assets.
 Management and leadership both motivate their sub-ordinate people.
 Managers and leaders both solve the problem sometimes.

The balance between Leadership and Management in a contemporary context

The balance between leadership and management will happen when its roles and
responsibility clarify to the audiences. In a modern era, business organisation divides the
leadership and management roles and responsibility for the better performance of the
organisation. There will present some roles and responsibility of the leadership and

Leaders Roles and Responsibility

Inspiration & Motivation: A good and effective leadership can succeed to move their
business with their employees. Besides, based on the employee's work an organisation goes
forward. Thus leaders must motivate the employees so that employees can be inspired to
work effectively.

Communicating Vision: Leaders set the organisational vision and employees' efforts are
making the vision into reality. Thus a leader shows his works so that employees can
understand what the leader wants to achieve on a longer basis. Furthermore, the leader also
clarifies to the employees how their daily activity helps to turn the vision into reality. Again,
good leadership never leaves the employees direction rather they lead their employees
(Musaali, 2010).

Priorities the Organisation Task: To achieve the organisational vision a leader must set the
objectives. The group of small objectives turns the vision into reality. Thus there are lots of
objectives. But a leader prioritizes the base of the objective on the importance. If a leader
cannot do it then the organisational employees will give their effort in the wrong place and
also lost their time and money. Those things are well known to the leaders. Thus leaders
make priorities the organisational task.

Seeking Solution: Vision will turn to reality when the organisation set proper objectives. But
how to matter strong vision or objectives a leader must solve the solution. Caused to seek the

organisational vision and objectives leaders will face lots of problems and by solving the
problem leader will achieve the objectives and those objectives will open the vision into

Manager Roles and Responsibility:

 The most and first roles of a manager are to manage the daily task or activity of an
 The manager will set goals and objectives for a short time.
 The manager hires the employees and a good manager role is to hire a perfect
employee for the accurate place.
 The manager also trains the employees so that employees can perform properly which
will help to achieve the organisational objectives.
 Manager coordinates between the top-level management and lower-level workers.
 The manager controls the employee's work and evaluates their work. If the manager
found any error in the employee's works then he or she will make a solution for the
organisation work (Nasser, 1999).
 The manager monitors the whole organisation so that employees cannot make any
mistakes or give not any opportunity so that they give away the work.


comparing the types of leadership that followed by the Greatest leader.

To make effective leadership and management human must follow some leadership and
management styles or approaches. In recent times, some iconic leaders change the world and
also their business. In 2019 Fortune published a list of leaders in the name of “2019 Greatest
Leaders List”.

From that Bill and Melinda Gates is the first top greatest leader. Bill Gates is the founder of
Microsoft Inc. and Melinda Gates is the wife of Bill Gates. Melinda Gates was the former
general manager of the Microsoft Inc. In 2000 Bill and Melinda Gates have created Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation. This is the world's biggest private charitable organisation. Bill
Gates become a great business leader for his transitional leadership style (Microsoft - Official
Home Page, 2020).

Figure 2: Bill Gate a successful leader (Microsoft - Official Home Page, 2020).

Satya Nadella is another unique leader profile who is now running the CEO of Microsoft Inc.
Nadella joined Microsoft in 1992. Nadella worked in cloud computing which helps Microsoft
to become the largest cloud infrastructure in the world. In the time of Satya Nadella
Microsoft make a huge acquisition with LinkedIn with 26.2 billion dollars which help them
to take competition with Silicon Valley. For some years every people know that there are lots
of competition shown between Microsoft and Apple. In the Nadella time, Microsoft shows
that in some case they are better than Apple. Nadella's achievement comes for his
transformational leadership style.

Figure 3: Satya Nadella Greatest Leader (Microsoft - Official Home Page, 2020).

Doug McMillon is another great leader who is the CEO of the world's largest retailer
company Walmart Inc. In his time, he focuses on the employee's development and invests in
this area around 2.7 billion and also invests in the customer relationship. He argued that this
investment will low down the profit but in the longer period it will increase its brand image.
Besides, his time Walmart increase its investment in e-commerce, stressing, etc. Dough
McMillon, I follow a transformational and democratic leadership style but in the terms of the
rules, standards, procedures, and application he follows a bureaucratic leadership style.

Figure 4: Doug McMillon ( | Save Money. Live Better., 2020).

Those three giants follow transitional, transformational and bureaucratic leadership styles.
There are given a discussion on those leadership styles:

Transitional Leadership: Transitional leadership is like a systematic structure leadership. A

transitional leader focuses more on the organisational structure, formation, rules, and values.
This leadership style is like military operation commanding style and manages multinational
or large company who have many international projects which need to finish the work in time
under the rules and regulation in an organized manner. A transitional leader most of the time

focus on the organisational results based on the existing organisational structure and also it
deeply measures achievement as the organisation reward the achievement. A transitional
leader focuses on individual performance rather than the entire group. He or she thinks that
combines individual performance will bring the result. To judge the employee's performance
leader sets a requirement from the previous information and make reviews the employee's
works. If the employee's work fulfils the requirement, then the employee's work is positive. A
transitional leader has a former power and for this power, he can any decision.

Differences between transactional leadership and other leadership styles

The transitional leadership style is fully large differences with transformational leadership.
The main feature of the transitional leadership is positive and negative reinforcement.
Whereas the transformational leadership style is fully focused on the motivation and
inspiration aspects of the employees. A proactive approach is the feature of the
transformational leadership style whereas the transitional leadership style is followed by
reactive approaches. A transformational leader is more interested to work with the group
rather individual like transitional.

Transformational Leadership: Transformational leadership style refers to those leadership

styles which encourage to innovate new ideas and creates changes so that future change or
challenges can face the organisation. A transformational leader focuses on creativity and
emphasizes finding the new solution for the previous problem and also new problems. This
leadership style was founded by James V.Downton in 1973 and after it was expanded by
1978 (Kuhnert, 1996). Moreover, it also adds the ways how to make measuring the success of
transformational leadership through Bernard M. bass. This type of leadership style is more
applicable in the tech industry caused the tech industry is changing so fast. Thus
transformational leadership can use more effectively in the tech industry. This leadership
style makes more emphasis on open communication and also cooperation. It removes the
self- interest mentality from the employees by building the organizational culture.

Figure 4: Transformational Leadership (Kuhnert, 1996).

Bureaucratic Leadership: Bureaucratic leadership style refers to the organizational defined

and some certain systematic duty and rules-regulations shadow of a hierarchy authority and
implements some rules so that management and taking the decision can take in an effective
way. In these aspects, company’s employee's maximum time follows the organizational
structure and also they do not think out of the box. In 1947 Max Weber has founded this
leadership style (Norbash, 2017). This type of leadership style perfect for those industries
where much creativity is not required and also it is applicable for the highly restricted
business environment.

Differences between transformational leadership and bureaucratic leadership

The transformational leadership style is more focuses on creativity on the other hand
bureaucratic leadership style is more concerned about following the organizational structure
and rules. The transformational leadership style creates an open environmental whereas the
bureaucratic leadership style creates a more restricted environment in the organization. The
transformational leadership style fulfils the organizational task by motivating the employees
but the bureaucratic leadership style fulfils the task by providing fear.

Though the transitional and bureaucratic leadership style is almost the same there are also
some differences. The transitional leadership style allows expressing the viewpoint of the
employees by maintaining the organizational structure. But the bureaucratic leadership style
has not created an opportunity to express the employee's viewpoint.

Considering what makes leader successful and why people follow them
Above it states some great leaders such as Bill Gates, Satya Nadella and Dough McMillan
who are successful. Their success comes from their personality and some of them come from
their post and knowledge.

Bill Gates's success comes from his knowledge as like everyone. Without knowledge, he
cannot create Microsoft Inc. which introduce personal computer. After that, he finds the
position and power. Thus it is clear that the knowledge is the change-maker for Gill Gates. In
terms of controlling the employee's fear to help him to become a successful leader caused he
is a transitional leader.

Satya Nadella is a transformational leader. His success comes from his both knowledge and
power, position. Without knowledge, Satya Nadella cannot go to the top level of the
management body. After that power makes him the ultimate successor and also he
conveniences the people with the hope as he is a transitional leader. Dough Mcmillan is both
follow a transformational and Bureaucratic leadership style. Thus both fear and hope help
him to become a successful leader.


Require skills to become a successful leader

A man or woman never born leader. He or she claims to the leader position by their skills and
behaviours. Every leader must need some unique skill which will show success. If the leader
has not any unique skill, then he or she will not succeed. In the previous section, it states
some of the greatest leaders of 2019 such as Bill Gates, Satya Nadella and Dough McMillan.
Those persons can successful leaders for their unique personality and their skill. To become a
successful leader there are must need some skill. There are given those skills:

Innovation Skill: Innovation means a created new thing which will enrich society or the
business organisation. Innovation skill brings new ideas or concepts which will help to solve
the problem. In the business world, there are lots of competitors and leader success will come
when he or she will beat the competitors with the organisation strength. Innovation skill helps
to make marketing strategy which helps to make a good relationship with the customers. For
this customer relationship, another competitor will lose its customers (Special Issue
Leadership Journal: Indigenous Leadership, 2014). As a result, the organisation will make a
brand image in the market which will help to sustain in the market for a long time. Moreover,
innovation skill allows inventing new products which will change the trends as like Steve
Jobs one-button phone change the entire phone world. Another great leader is Bill Gates who
also changed the personal computer trends.

Problem Solving Skill: A man or woman became a successful leader when he or she
achieved some great objectives or goals. To achieve the goals or objectives the organisation
will face many problems such as competitor threat, external environment threat, economical
threat, employee disagreement- dissatisfaction and so on. Without solving those threats or
problems a leader cannot achieve some great goals or objectives. In this aspect, problem-
solving skill is one of the major requirement for a successful leader. Besides, the problem-
solving skill also helps to develop innovation skill. For this problem-solving skill, an
organisation will take the opportunity to make a big hit. Satya Nadella is a problem-solving
skill person which allows him to present a big change in Microsoft Inc. By his coming as the
CEO of Microsoft Inc. it has seen many achievements such as it maximizes its market value
and also the share. Besides, he also increased the Microsoft profit along with all-party

Analytical Skill: Analytical skill is one of the most key skill which helps to make the proper
decision. In the business, there are seems many opportunities but the problem is that
organisation has not enough resources to invest in all opportunity. In this aspect, the leader
falls in the doubt situation which impacts the organisational performance. To remove those
doubts leaders must need analytical skills which allows them to understand the opportunity
which will be better for the organisation. Besides, the analytical skill also ensures the way to
invest the opportunity so that organisation can succeed. For this analytical skill will put the
leader on the right track to hit the big. This analytical skill also helps to understand the
internal problem. Sometimes the organisation faces many production line problems but they
cannot understand why is the product quality so low or product line becomes to slow down?
Analytical skill allows a leader to understand the internal problem also.

Ability to Motivate: Organisation employees are not own-self motivator rather they need
some motivation from the external sources. Without motivation, an employee cannot do
better work or their performance is not satisfactory to achieve the organisation goals and
objectives. Thus a leader must motivate the employees so that they can work as a leader
demand. To motivate employee’s leaders must know many motivational theories such as X
and Y theories, Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory, etc. (Miner, 1993).

Way to develop the skills

To become a successful leader a man or woman must need at least those skills. There will
show how those skills will achieve. To achieve those skills a man or woman must follow
some way. There are given some way to the developer or achieve innovation skill and
Motivating skill.

Innovation Skill: To develop the innovation skill or to achieve this skill leader can follow
some footstep as like:

 Invest in the idea generation course: One of the key features of the innovation skill
is to invent new ideas for society. When a leader invests his time, money to generate
the idea he or she will think about the new ideas. As a result, the leader's mind will
gradually open to making innovation.
 Developing Customer Understanding: Customer understanding will allow a leader
to know what customer demand? When a leader thinks about the customer he or she
will find the problems. As a result, the leader will want to find a solution. Besides, a

deep understanding of the customer allows a leader to develop the intellectual mind of
the leader.
 Develop Company Culture: Company culture also makes influences to develop
innovation skills. If the organisation all-time focus on innovative ideas and
techniques. Gradually leader will develop their innovation skills (Saini, 2015).
 Focus on the outside sources: A leader will not find every idea or technique to learn
the new techniques. The leader will not find every idea in the organisation. Thus he or
she must focus the outside world.

Motivation Skills: To develop or achieve the motivation skill leader must know or learn
many types of motivational theories or techniques such as X and Y theories, Maslow Need
Hierarchy Theory, etc. X and Y theories. The leader will focus to understand which thing
motivates the employees. If the leader does not understand which think will motivate the
employees, then the leader will not give accurate motivation. Because every employee need
is not the same. Someone needs money, someone needs the time or someone needs respect or
promotion. Thus leader must understand the thing which will motivate the employees.

From the above discussion, it states that every organisation success depends on leadership
and management so that an organisation must focus on the leadership styles. Besides, it also
shows that every organisation should apply appropriate leadership styles which comply with
the business environment. Moreover, the organisation leader should focus on their skill to
develop leadership and management and find a good way to implement the plan.

Dive, B., 2008. The Accountable Leader. London: Kogan Page.

Harris, R. and Gonzalez, R., 1981. The Operations Manager. St. Paul: West Pub. Co.

Kuhnert, K., 1996. Transformational Leadership. New York: Dekker.

Leadership, 2014. Special Issue Leadership Journal: Indigenous Leadership. 10(2), pp.263-
265. 2020. Microsoft - Official Home Page. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 19 April 2020].

Miner, J., 1993. Role Motivation Theories. London: Routledge.

Musaali, M., 2010. The Board Managment Nexus in Corporate Governance. SSRN Electronic

Nasser, J., 1999. A passion for the business. Leader to Leader, 1999(12), pp.45-51.

Norbash, A., 2017. Transitional Leadership. Academic Radiology, 24(6), pp.734-739.

Norbash, A., 2017. Transitional Leadership. Academic Radiology, 24(6), pp.734-739.

Saini, D., 2015. Integral Leadership Style: A New Perspective. International Journal on

Leadership, 3(2). 2020. Walmart.Com | Save Money. Live Better.. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 19 April 2020].

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