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Language 1 - Pronouns: Subject, Object,

and Possessive Adjectives

Subject Pronoun I you he she it we they

Object Pronoun me you him her it us them
Possessive Adjectives my your his her its our their

We use pronouns and possessive adjectives to refer to people, places, and things that have already been
mentioned earlier in the sentence, or in a previous sentence.
We loVe the Internet. It makes our liVes so much simpler. It lets us chat with friends.

We can also use this, that, these, and those to refer to things we already mentioned. This and that often refer
to the entire previous sentence.
The best way to deal with malware is to install good anti-Virus and Internet security software. This can stop
Viruses coming into your computer using a firewall.

A Complete the sentences with correct subject and object pronouns or possessive adjectives.

1 My sister and I love playing computer games, so we were very happy when our parents bought us
a new Playstation 4.
2 My brother works for a technology company. His job is to design music apps.
3 I need that document as soon as possible. Can you send it to me today?
4 My sister wanted to buy a new laptop. I know about computers, so she asked me to help her choose the
best laptop.
5 What do you think about the new Google glasses? I am not sure I like them .
6 I installed new anti-virus software on my computer. Its main features are its excellent firewall and virus
quarantine vault.

B Read the text and decide what the underlined words refer to.

The Story of Samsung In the 1980s, Samsung began to invest in research

and development. In 1987, it entered the aerospace
Byung-Chull Lee started out in 1938 with an export business, collaborating with Airbus and Boeing in the
business, selling food such as dried fish, vegetables, production of airplanes. In the 1990s, it expanded its
noodles, and fruit to China. He named this company products to include the computers and other digital
Samsung. This means three stars in Korean. appliances. These would become its more profitable
businesses in a global economy.
In the 1970s, Samsung produced textiles and entered
into the shipbuilding business, building huge oil tankers Samsung first developed cell phones in the 1990s.
and passenger ships. It began producing a range of When one line of phones did not work, the chairperson,
products, including washing machines, refrigerators, Kun-He Lee, famously had them destroyed. Samsung
and microwave ovens. But innovation was not its has now been in the smartphone market for over ten
strong point; its engineers were busy trying to reverse- years and is now Apple’s most formidable competitor.
engineer Japanese components and produce them Thanks to its Galaxy series, Samsung became the
inexpensively. biggest manufacturer of smartphones in the world
in 2013.

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Language 1 - Pronouns: Subject, Object,
and Possessive Adjectives
1 (line 3) He Byung-Chull Lee
2 (line 4) This Samsung
3 (line 7) It Samsungs
4 (line 9) its Samsung
5 (line 11) them Japanese Components
6 (line 18) These computers and other digital appliances
7 (line 22) them one line of cell phones that did not work
8 (line 25) its Samsung

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Language 2 - Defining Relative Clauses

Relative Pronouns Use Examples: Defining

who / that people These may be from criminals who want to steal your money.
Spyware is a program which steals your priVate information.
which / that things and animals
Malware is any program that damages your computer.
whose possession There are many people whose computers haVe been affected by Viruses.
where places and websites There’s a goVernment website where you can find further information.

We use relative clauses to explain or define what something is. The first part of the sentence is usually difficult to understand
or incomplete without the relative clause. The relative clause begins with relative pronoun. This relative pronoun normally
follows the thing that we are explaining, Notice that for relative pronouns who and which we can also use the alternative
relative pronoun that. We tend to use that in more informal situations or spoken English.

A Complete the sentences with appropriate relative pronouns.

1 I have a new app which can identify songs that I hear on the radio.
2 Anonymous is a famous hacktivist organization whose members often wear a Guy Fawkes mask.
3 I often go to a local Internet café where I can play video games online.
4 Kim Dotcom is the man that started the MegaUpload website.
5 An Internet troll is someone that intentionally causes problems or send offensive messages.

B Transform these pairs of sentences into a single sentence with a relative clause.

1 This is a new app. You can use it to check where there is traffic congestion in your city.
This is an app which / that you can use to check where there is traffic congestion in your city.

2 Where can I download the new game? We played it yesterday.

Where can I download the new game that we played yesterday.

3 Look at this old computer. It belonged to my dad.

Look at this old computer which belonged to my dad.

4 He is the hacker. He hacked the government database.

He is the hacker who hacked the government database

5 Twitter is a social networking site. You can post messages of 140 characters there.
Twitter is a social networking site where you can post messages of 140 character.

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Language 4 - Non-defining Relative Clauses

Non-defining Relative Clauses

Members of Anonymous, who use Guy Fawkes masks to hide their identities, see themselves as doing good.
Anonymous, which says it is fighting corruption, is probably the most famous hacker group right now.
Hackers, whose intentions are often malicious, are difficult to identify.

Non-defining relative clauses are similar to defining relative clauses. However, the function of a non-defining
relative clause is to add extra information which is not essential. We can remove non-defining relative clauses
from the sentence without changing the main meaning of the sentence.
Look at the example:
Hackers, whose intentions are often malicious, are difficult to identify.

The relative clause does not define what hackers are and if we remove it from the sentence, the main meaning of
the sentence is the same.
Hackers are difficult to identify.

Notice that we use comma to separate these clauses from the main sentence. Also notice that we cannot use
the relative pronoun that in non-defining clauses.

A Complete the sentences with appropriate relative pronouns.

1 eBay, which was started by Pierre Omidyar, is a website where you can buy and sell things.
2 PayPal, which is a subsidiary of eBay, is an online payment system.
3 Mark Zuckerberg, who was a student at Harvard University, started Facebook.
4 Bill Gates, whose company former Microsoft is one of the biggest tech firms in the world, does
a lot of work for charity.
5 Angelina Jolie, who played the character of Lara Croft in two movies, is a UN ambassador.

B Choose the correct non-defining clauses and insert them in the correct sentences.

1 HTML, whose name stands for Hyper TextMarkup Language , is the language used to create websites.
2 The Matrix, which stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss , is a movie about living in a virtual
reality universe created by machines.
3 Instagram, which has a 100 million users worldwide , is an online photo sharing application.
4 Tim Berners Lee, who was born in England in 1955 , helped invent the Internet.
5 My brother, whose username is kingofGames22 , is the best online gamer I know.

a) whose username is KingofGames22

b) which stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss
c) whose name stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
d) who was born in England in 1955
e) which has a 100 million users worldwide

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Vocabulary - Internet Security

A Complete the text with words from the box.

firewall trustworthy password Trojan anti-virus virus spyware

I downloaded some free software last week, and I have had nothing but problems since I did this. I think the
software was a (1) Trojan which means that it contained a hidden (2) virus .
I didn’t check before I downloaded that it was a (3) trustworthy website. The problem is that I think
this virus is a (4) spyware virus, and as a result, somebody has access to my username and
(5) password for my online banking service. Luckily, I realized in time and no money was stolen.
I will be more careful in the future and will install new (6) anti-virus software. The problem with my
previous software was that the (7) firewall was not a good filter for viruses and didn’t detect
the Trojan.

B Answer the questions.

1 Do you use a computer or a tablet? Which make(s) do you own?

I use hp computer

2 Which web explorer do you use? Why?

I use opera explorer

3 Do you use anti-virus software? If so, which and why?

I use Kaspersky because the best

4 Do you think your passwords are complicated or easy to guess? Do you use the same password for different
Is very very complicated

5 What are your top five favorite websites?

My favorite website is youtube

6 What was the last piece of software that you downloaded?


7 What are your three favorite pieces of software and why?

Office, website and social media

8 Have you ever had a virus on your computer? What type was it? How did you remove it?
Trojan with a deep scan on my computer

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Vocabulary - Internet Security

9 Do you ever receive spam? What does it advertise?

Yes money advertising

10 Have you ever experienced an Internet troll? If so, what happened?


Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Reading - Spotify

A Read the text and write the correct topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.

(1) Spotyfy is a music streaming service available on the internet This service offers access to over 15 million
tracks and has over 24 million users. It is available in many different countries all over the world, and on almost all
computer platforms.

(2) Spotyfy has developed rapidly in the few years it has existed Spotify was developed in Stockholm, Sweden,
in 2008. Initially it was free but later subscription services became available. The free service was later restricted
to allow users only 20 hours of music per month and with a service that was interrupted by advertisements.
Customers paying subscriptions could have unlimited access without the advertisement interruptions. By 2011,
the company was valued at over $100 million.

(3) However, the Spotyfy service has received some criticism Many musicians claim that they do not receive
the correct royalties for their music and that the service makes a lot of money, but that it does not share this with
the musicians. Singer Thom Yorke from the UK band Radiohead is a famous opponent of Spotify and refuses to
allow his solo music on the service.

a) However, the Spotify service has received some criticism.

b) Spotify is a music streaming service available on the Internet.
c) Spotify has developed rapidly in the few years it has existed.

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.
Writing - Video Games

A Read the paragraphs and look at the underlined topic sentences. Write an alternative topic sentence
for each paragraph.

The video gaming industry is one of the biggest industries in the world right now. Estimates say that video games
generated more than $93 billion in 2013 and predictions say that in 2014 and 2015, sales will exceed $100 billion.
That means it makes more money than the music industry and the movie industry. Given that video games are so
popular, it is not surprising that there are divided opinions about whether video games are a good thing or not.

Critics of video games suggest that they are bad for the health both physically and psychologically. They explain
that serious video gamers spend too long in front of TV or computer screens and do not interact socially. In
addition, they point to the amount of violence in video games and suggest they can increase violent tendencies in
children. There is evidence to suggest that both theories are true, but the same criticism applies to television.

The video gaming industry is one of the biggest industries in the world right now.. Studies show that video games
can improve hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. In addition, it is suggested that 70% or more of
video gamers play in a social atmosphere – that it to say, they play with friends or as part of online multi-player
games that require cooperation. There is even research that suggests that playing computer games can help fight

1 The video gaming industry is one of the biggest industries in the world right now.

2 Critics of video games suggest that they are bad for the health both physically and psychologically.

3 The video gaming industry is one of the biggest industries in the world right now.

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2014. Only for teaching purposes.

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