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Learning IT Vocabulary: Techniques and Tips

1. Guessing meaning from context
Some ICT terms (Information and Communication Technologies) are difficult, but some
other are relatively easy to understand. You probably know term like modem, online, chat, email,
website, virus, and hacker; these words are part of our everyday life.

When you meet an unknown word, first try to guess the meaning from the context – the
surrounding words and the situation. Read the following text and see how words have meaning in
relation to other words:

The birth of a revolution

Kids use PCs, to do homework, access
information via Internet for research,
communication with pals, play video games and
collect digital music. Parents, too, use the PC for
communication and entertainment but also let it
handle mundane tasks like balancing the
checkbook, monitoring investments, preparing tax
returns, and tracking the family’s genealogy. With
the advent of more powerful PCs with greater
storage capacity, families are digitizing home
movies and photos are stored on the home Typing cartoons illustration made by Storyset:

• You know that a PC is a type of “computer” and digital music relates to “music in
• You know that are digitizing is a verb because it derives from “digit”, it is in the form of the
present continuous, and it goes with the subject “families” and the object “home movies”.
• Words change their shape by adding prefixes and suffixes; for example, we add a prefix
inter- to net and form Internet, and we add the suffix -age to store and form storage.
2. Organizing vocabulary
Read the text The birth of a revolution again. There are different ways on which you
can organize your vocabulary. A vocabulary bank is one of the most common techniques
to organize your new words:

How? Examples
Meaning Definition The Internet is a global network for computers.
Lexical family Digit (root), digital, digitally, digitize, digitizer, etc
Synonyms Handle=manage; advent=arrival
translation Storage = almacenamiento
Word class (n), (v), (adj), etc Communication (n); communicate (v),
Word Building Prefixes Internet, research
Suffixes Information; investment; powerful
compounds Checkbook (check + book)
Collocations Word partners, Access information; handle tasks

Another common technique is a spidergram. They can help you build up you own
mental maps of vocabulary areas. They are diagrams to classify things.

Example 1 Example 2

Peripherals PC

input devices output devices storage devices

Processor RAM Mempory peripherals
e.g. mouse e.g. printer e.g. hard disk
3. Using a dictionary
A monolingual dictionary gives you a lot of information
about words. Click on How to read a Dictionary Entry

Now that you watch the video, look at this entry:

Taken and adapted from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Take a look at another example here

Activity 1
Part 1. Look at the words in the box. Are they nouns, verbs or adjectives?

Financial internet electronic print design microchips

Part 2. Read the following text about the digital era. Use the words from exercise 1 to
complete the text.

A digital era
Computers have changed the way we do everyday
things, such as working, shopping, and looking for
information. We (1) houses with the help
of PCs; we buy books or make flight reservations on
the (2) ; we use gadgets that spring to
life the instant they are switched on, for example the
mobile phone, the music player, or the car ignition,
all of which use (3) ;. Many people now
work at home, and they communicate with their
office by computer and telephone. This is called
'teleworking'. With the appropriate hardware and
software, a PC can do almost anything you ask. It's a
magical typewriter that allows you to type and print
any sort of (4) ;. It's a calculating
Nature on screen Semi Flat
Illustrations made by Sotryset: <a
machine that makes (5) ; calculations. It
href="">Illu is a filing cabinet that manages large collections of
stration by Freepik Storyset</a> data. It is a personal communicator that lets you
interact with friends. It is a small lab that helps you
edit photos and movies. And if you like
(6) entertainment, you can also use it to
relax with games.
Activity 2
Part 1. Match the following words with the correct definition:

a) Financial 1. Tiny pieces of silicon containing complex electronic circuits

b) internet 2. To make or draw plans for something
c) electronic 3. Relating to money or how money is managed
d) print 4. Involving the use of electric current in devices such as computers
e) microchips 5. The large system of connected computers around the world
f) design 6. To produce text and pictures using a printer

Part 2. Take a look at the following words. Organize them in the spaces provided.

Mobile phone interact communicator teleworking calculating

calculators typewriter

Meaning Definition (1) : working at home, while

communicating with your office by computer or
Lexical family Calculate, calculator, (2) (3)
Synonyms Gadgets: small devices
translation Switch on = (4)
Word Building Prefixes (5)
Suffixes (6)
compounds (7) (8)
Collocations Word partners Print a document; make calculations
Activity 3
Part 1. Look at this dictionary entry. Put the following labels in the correct place.

1. Pronunciation
2. Definition
3. Example sentence
4. Grammar feature
5. Word class

Taken and adapted from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Part 2. Use your monolingual dictionary to find the following words. Analyze the
dictionary entries you find.

Password developer username support database

Part 3. Select one two of the following words to do a spidergram. Do the map in
your notebook.

1. System
2. Cybercrime
3. Privacy
4. Download
5. Memory
Search Flat Illustrations made by Storyset:
Rate yourself by selecting yes/no/need to practice next to each sentence:


I understand how to guess the meaning of a word from the

I recognize the two ways to organize the words I want to
learn: vocabulary bank and spidergram.
I can find a word in the dictionary and understand the
different sections presented.
I know what a grammar feature is and how to find it in the
I discovered new IT related words and know their meaning.
Answer Key
Activity 1

Part 1.
Financial (adj), internet(n), electronic (adj), print (v), design (v), microchips (v)

Part 2.
1. Design
2. Internet
3. Microchips
4. Print
5. financial
6. electronic

Activity 2.
Part 1. a-3, b-6, c-4, d-6, e-1, f-2
Part 2. 1. Teleworking, 2. Calculators, 3 calculating, 4. Encender, 5. interact 6.
Communicator, 7. Mobile phone, 8. Typewriter.

Activity 3.
Part 1.

1 5 4

Part 2. Answers may vary.

Part 3. Answers may vary.

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