DB WCFX-E-R134a-50-60Hz
DB WCFX-E-R134a-50-60Hz
DB WCFX-E-R134a-50-60Hz
The Dunham-Bush POSEIDON series WCFX-E Water Cooled Rotary Screw Flooded Chillers are
available from 60 to 1000 TR [211 to 3517 kW]. These units are supplied with rotary screw compressors
that are backed by more than 45 years of experience. The WCFX-E series are Dunham-Bush premium
chillers for commercial and industrial applications where installers, consultants and building owners
require maximum quality and optimal performances especially at part load. The WCFX-E series are
certified to AHRI Standard 550-590, meets ASHRAE Standard 90.1, and ETL listed.
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Nomenclature ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Components ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Standard Features .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Unit Features ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Option And Accessories ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Operating Benefits .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Physical Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Sound Pressure Data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Electrical Data .................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Dimensional Data .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Floor Loading Diagram ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Typical Wiring Schematic ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Application Data ................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Guide Specifications ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
WC F X E 10 S AU B3R A4R Q
Flooded Evaporator
Condenser Code
Screw Compressor
Evaporator Code
Product Generation
Electrical Code
AT = 380V/3ph/50Hz
Model AU = 400V/3ph/50Hz
AK = 208V/3ph/60Hz
AN = 230V/3ph/60Hz
S = Single Compressor
AR = 460V/3ph/60Hz
T = Two Compressors
AS = 575V/3ph/60Hz
Blank= Three Compressors
CB = 380V/3ph/60Hz
Heat exchangers
with cleanable
copper tubes and
removable water
heads for easy
Vessels designed in according
with ASME code
General D kW Input
D 40 models from 60 to 1000 TR [211 to 3517 kW] D Evaporator and Condenser Fluid Temperature
D Multiple compressors models provide unparallel D Evaporator and Condenser Pressure Drop
redundancy and reliability, with enhanced superior D Evaporator and Condenser Tube Water Velocities
part load energy efficiency D Electrical Data
D Compact footprint design is available to reduce D Part-Load Performance
required installation area
Contact our local Dunham-Bush Sales Representative
D The unit is designed to operates with R134a, the for Customized Solutions that can be offered to meet
environment friendly refrigerant with zero ODP your specific application needs.
(Ozone Depletion Potential)
D Package capacity reduction can goes down to as
low as 8.5% without Hotgas Bypass (HGBP) for Compressor(s)
multiple screw compressors models D New generation of Dunham-Bush MSC Vertical
D ETL listed for 60Hz models Screw Compressors with Unique Patented Twin
Screw compressor technology, offers efficiency
improvement, high reliability and lower sound level.
Computer Performance Ratings
D Optimized oil management with 2 integral oil
Dunham-Bush WCFX-E Chillers are available from 60 separators. Multi-layered mesh element effectively
to 1000 TR [211 to 3517 kW]. Large number of separates oil from the gas stream
combinations of heat exchangers, compressors and
motors make it impractical to publish tabular ratings for D Vertical screw design with unparallel reliability on
each combination. A chiller may be selected to match compressor lubrication; rotor bearings are
a certain building requirements by your Dunham-Bush submerged in oil that guarantees rotor lubrication
Sales Representatives using WCFX-E Computer whenever the compressor is in operation
Selection Program. Selection print out includes D Patented screw profile design which is specially
required data such as: designed for R134a application, to assure operation
D Chiller Capacity at highest efficiencies
D Optimized volume ratio, VI port position and Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV)
geometry for best efficiency
D EEV is used for precise control of liquid refrigerant
D Consistent loading and unloading with hydraulically flow into the evaporator
actuated slide valve mechanism; a rugged and
D Refrigerant liquid level in evaporator is controlled at
trouble-free design
precise level for optimum performance
D No external oil pump required
D Refrigerant in evaporator is superheated as desired
D Hermetic design eliminates casing leakage, with no before entering into compressors
requirement for internal parts service, no periodic
compressor tear down and overhaul
D The economizer circuit consists of plate type heat
2ND OIL SEPARATOR DISCHARGE exchanger, expansion valve and solenoid valve
D Refrigerant is sub-cooled at economizer before
OIL DEFLECTOR CAP entering the evaporator; the flash refrigerant from
economizer is fed into compressor at intermediate
D The economizer increased cooling capacity by
means of the sub-cooling circuit, or 2-stage
MALE (DRIVE) ROTOR refrigerant expansion
SLIDE VALVE D Cooling capacity is increased significantly with
marginal increases in kW-input, thus, unit EER is
SUCTION improved
VALVE Control Panel
REPLACEABLE D Electrical enclosure fabricated by heavy gauge
sheet steel with powder coated baked finishing.
D Single point power connection for all models
D Circuit breaker for each compressor motor
D Direct driven design eliminates gear set; improve
D Unit mounted reduced inrush starter for compressor
efficiency and reliability
D Solid state motor protector module for compressors
D Suction and discharge service valves are provided
to each compressor for the ease of servicing D Step down transformer for control circuit
D Smaller foot print D Main power supply monitoring module provide
protection on under or over voltage, phase reversal,
phase losses and imbalance
Evaporator / Condenser
D Unit mounted Remote/Off/Local (R/O/L) selector
D Shell-and-tube type heat exchanger switch, an operation and servicing friendly feature
D Flooded type evaporator D Vision 2020i – the state-of-art Dunham-Bush
D 2-pass arrangement. 1-pass or 3-pass arrangement proactive advanced controller monitors the unit
available as option operation and maintains optimal operation of the
D Integral finned copper tubes to maximized heat unit. Vision 2020i, an intelligent controller that is
transfer area able to operate the unit with optimum efficiency at
off-design conditions. Vision 2020i adapts to any
D Cleanable and removable copper tubes for easy
abnormal operating conditions and will execute
preventive controls and actions for safety
D Removable water heads for service protections
D Victaulic
Groove Water connection comply to
D Evaporator comes with 1” [25mm] thick closed cell
D Standard relief valve(s) – ¾” [19mm] FPT
D Pressure test up to 220psig for refrigerant side, and
195psig for water side
D Condenser design capable for full pump down
Capacity Control
Vision 2020i, an advance programmable Micro Leaving chilled water temperature control is
controller designed specifically for the applications and accomplished by entering the water temperature set
precise control of Dunham-Bush Rotary Screw point and placing the controller in automatic control.
compressor chillers, WCFX-E. The unit will monitor all control function and move the
The controller is provided with a set of terminals that slide valve to the required operating position to match
connected to various devices such as temperature closely to the actual building load requirement. This will
sensors, pressure and current transducers, solenoid put the chiller operation at optimum efficiency at all
valves, control relays and etc. Required controller time, and thus, maximized the energy saving of the
boards are provided to handle different number of input chiller plant operation.
and output requirements: The compressor ramp (loading) cycle is programmable
The unit algorithm program and operating parameters and may be set for specific building requirements.
are stored in FLASH-MEMORY that does not require a Remote adjustment of the leaving chilled water set
back-up battery. The program can be loaded through point is accomplished either through High Level
PC or programming key. Interfacing (HLI) via BMS communication, or Low Level
Vision 2020i controller is equipped with a user friendly Interfacing (LLI) via an external hardwired, 4 to 20mA
DBG5 graphical touch screen color display panel. chilled water reset control signal. Remote reset of
DBG5 display terminal has dedicated touch keys that compressor current limiting function can be
provides easy access to the unit operating conditions, accomplished in a similar fashion.
control set points, trend graphs and alarm histories.
Each unit’s controller can be configured and connected System Control
to the local DBLAN network that allows multiple units
The unit may be started or stopped manually, or
sequencing control without additional hardware. The
through the use of an external signal from a Building
DBLAN is local area network made up of several
Automation System. In addition, the controller may be
chillers’ controller.
programmed with seven-day operating cycle or other
Dunham-Bush control packages may start and stop the
Display and User Terminal system through inter-connecting wiring.
Vision 2020i controller is designed to work with the
DBG5 terminal display, a 7” TFT, 65k colors, LED System Protection
backlit touch screen graphical display panel. DBG5 The following system protection controls will
terminal display allows carrying out all program automatically act to ensure system reliability:
operations. The user terminal allows displaying the unit
D Low evaporator pressure
working conditions, compressor run times, alarm history
D High condenser pressure
and modifying the parameters. The display also has an
D Freeze protection
automatically self-test of the controller at system start-
D Low suction discharge pressure differential
up. Multiple messages will be displayed, automatically
D Low compressor oil level
scrolling from each message to the next. All of these
D Compressor run error
messages are displayed in English on the display
D Power loss
D Chilled water flow loss
Touch keys on DBG5 graphical display panel allow D Sensor error
user to access information and settings, based on D Compressor over current
security level of the password. For more detail of D Compressor Anti-recycle
Display Terminal operation, please refer to the Unit
Operation Manual. The controller can retains up to 99 alarm histories
complete with time of failure together with data
Easily accessible measurements include: stamping on critical sensor readings in an alarm
D Leaving chilled water temperature condition. This tool will aid service technicians in
D Rate of Change for leaving chilled water troubleshooting tasks enabling downtime and nuisance
temperature trip-outs to be minimized.
D Evaporator pressure
Remote Monitoring And Control (Option) chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling
towers, variable frequency drives (VFD), motorized
Dunham-Bush, as a leading HVAC solution provider valves, bypass modulating valves, and etc. Field
understands the current trend of focusing on chiller devices such as flow meters, BTU meters, digital power
plant performance and optimization. Several solutions meters, sensors & transducers can be interfaced with
as below are offered to the building owner to achieved CPM via HLI or LLI. CPM controls chillers, pumps and
optimized chiller plant room controls, operation and cooling towers sequencing, as well as lead-lag, duty-
performance. standby and alarm changeover operations.
NetVisorPRO – Monitoring software of CPM system
DB-LAN Master Slave Sequencing Control which allows system monitoring, historical trending, and
(MSS) alarm logging to be carry out at a PC terminal.
In a chiller system with multiple Dunham-Bush chillers, Graphical animations on system operation, temperature
Vision 2020i controller of each chiller can be connected and flow rate trend graphs, historical data and alarm
to the DB-LAN network via a communication bus history logs, settings changes are all available with
without additional controller, to enable Master-Slave NetVisorPRO.
Sequencing Control of this chiller system. MSS will Chiller plantroom control and automation by Dunham-
stage in/out chiller in operation to match building Bush CPM provides the owners with a chiller system in
required cooling capacity. Chiller Lead-lag, duty- stable operation, optimized performance and energy
standby and alarm changeover controls are come with efficiency.
MSS, as well as the chilled water pumps control. Each
MSS DB-LAN network can be connected up to 8 Building Management System (BMS)
numbers of chillers. Communication
Vision 2020i is able to communicate to BMS through an
Dunham-Bush Chiller Plant Manager (CPM) add-on communication card via various common
DB Chiller Plant Manager (CPM) is a trustworthy and protocols as:
headache-free solution for building owners and users D Modbus RTU RS485, ModBus TCPIP
on chiller plant control and automation system. CPM’s D BACnet over IP, MS/TP, or PTP
advanced controllers monitor and control equipments in D LONworks FTT 10
chiller plant such as chillers, primary and secondary
access to the unit working conditions, compressor run Remote Monitoring (For DB-Director)
time, alarm histories and to modify the parameters.
Multiple messages will be displayed automatically, DB-Director is equipped with RS485 and Ethernet
scrolling from each message to the next. All of these communication ports as standard. This user friendly
messages are spelled out in English language on the design allows Building Management System (BMS) to
display terminal. interface directly with the chiller via either of Modbus
RTU, Modbus IP, or BACnet IP communication
The display also has an automatically self-test of the protocol.
controller on system start-up. For more detail operation
of the DB-Director keypad, please refer to the Unit LONworks or BACnet MSTP communication protocol
operation Manual. can be established with installation of external adapter.
D Ease of troubleshooting through controller retention
EFFICIENCY & RELIABILITY of monitored functions
D Evaporators and condensers are designed with
Compressor Experience removable water heads which can be removed
D More than 45 years of rotary screw experience and easily without dismantling the chilled water piping
dedicated technological advancements. connections, for inspection and for mechanical
Compressors are CE listed tubes cleaning with brushes or auto-brush. This will
D Designed for high reliability with only two rotating enable low tube fouling factor in the evaporator and
parts. No gears to fail condenser to be assured, thus maintaining system
D Insured continuous oil flow to each compressor efficiency
through integral high efficiency oil separation for
each compressor Factory Testing
D Chillers use multiple rotary screw compressors for
D Each chiller undergoes the factory testing prior to
fail-safe reliability and redundancy unit shipment. This assures consistencies of
workmanship at highest quality
Refrigerant Compatibility D Thus, all units shipped are completely factory
D Designed to operate with environmentally safe and tested; charged and adjusted according to the
economically smart HFC-134a with proven design parameters, for ease of installation and
efficiency and reliability minimal field start-up adjustments
D Consult factory for use with new HFC refrigerants
Control Flexibility
Energy Efficiency D Controller-based with DDC (direct digital control)
D Designed to provide the highest amount of cooling features precise touch keys control over every
capacity for the least kilowatt input over the entire aspect of operation with built-in control philosophy
operating range of your building that allow extra energy savings on start-up and
D Delivers outstanding efficiency and offer greater throughout the life of your equipment
energy savings through the utilization of the D Insured uniform compressor loading and optimal
economizer energy efficiency through controller controls which
D Maximized performance through a wide range of utilize pressure transducers to measure evaporator
matched components and multiple compressors on and condenser pressure
a single refrigerant circuit D Lower energy costs resulting from automatic load
D High efficiency oil recovery system guarantees monitoring and increased accuracy and efficiency in
removal of oil carried over with the refrigerant and compressor staging
maintains the heat exchangers at their maximum D Various communication options for remote
efficiency at both full and part load monitoring of the unit operation
D Proactive control by controller that anticipates
Installation And Maintenance Ease problems and takes corrective action before they
occur. Controls will unload compressor(s) if
D Side-by-side evaporator/condenser plus snug
condenser or evaporator pressure approach limits.
arrangement of rotary screw compressors result in
This will enable unit to stay on the line while
an extremely compact work envelope
warning operator of potential problems
D Units feature optional split design to allow easy fit
D Stable and efficient operation with precise chilled
through any standard commercial doorway
water temperature control. Chilled water
D Dramatic payback in reduced maintenance and o o
temperature is controlled at ±0.8 F [0.5 C] range
overhaul costs both in down time and in labor for your comfort cooling, with best energy saving
Model WCFX-E 10S 12S 15S 19S* 20S* 20T 22T
Nominal Capacity TR 59.7 74.6 90.2 111.5 136.8 119.6 134.0
[kW] [210.1] [262.4] [317.3] [392.2] [481.2] [420.5] [471.4]
Nominal Power Input kW 37.4 44.3 53.1 63.9 80.6 75.0 82.2
kW/TR 0.626 0.594 0.589 0.573 0.589 0.627 0.613
Energy Efficiency
COP 5.618 5.923 5.976 6.138 5.970 5.607 5.735
Min % Unit Capacity 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5%
Power Supply 380~415V/3Ph/50Hz
Model(Qty.) 1210(1) 1212(1) 1215(1) 1220(1) 1222(1) 1210(2) 1210(1)/ 1212(1)
Model C2R C3R D2R E2R 2CR 2CR 2DR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 142.6 [32.5] 178.4 [40.7] 215.0 [49.0] 266.2 [60.7] 326.5 [74.4] 284.8 [64.9] 318.0 [72.5]
Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 3.7 [11.2] 4.2 [12.5] 4.1 [12.2] 4.1 [12.2] 8.8 [26.2] 7.2 [21.4] 8.3 [24.7]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 4 5 6 6 6 6 6
Model B3R B4R B5R C2R E5R E5R 4AR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 168.2 [38.3] 209.4 [47.7] 252.7 [57.6] 310.6 [70.8] 382.2 [87.1] 341.7 [77.9] 378.1 [86.2]
Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 4.8 [14.2] 5.0 [15.0] 5.3 [15.8] 5.8 [17.4] 9.9 [29.7] 8.6 [25.6] 9.8 [29.3]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 4 5 5 6 5 5 6
General Information
Length Inches[mm] 119 [3011] 124 [3160] 124 [3160] 132 [3358] 164 [4171] 156 [3972] 157 [3977]
Width Inches[mm] 44 [1125] 45 [1146] 48 [1231] 63 [1600] 63 [1600] 47 [1203] 50 [1280]
Height Inches[mm] 78 [1981] 78 [1981] 85 [2159] 76 [1930] 76 [1930] 81 [2057] 81 [2057]
Shipping Weight lbs[kg] 6,581 [2985] 6,951 [3153] 7,635 [3463] 7,981 [3620] 8,466 [3840] 7,769 [3524] 8,382 [3802]
Operating Weight lbs[kg] 6,841 [3103] 7,269 [3297] 8,016 [3636] 8,642 [3920] 9,026 [4094] 8,885 [4030] 9,151 [4151]
Approx. R134a Charge lbs[kg] 220 [100] 254 [115] 320 [145] 364 [165] 441 [200] 441 [200] 485 [220]
- 10 -
Model WCFX-E 36S 38T* 40T* 41S 46S 46T* 50T*
Nominal Capacity TR 245.6 224.5 275.6 278.8 [ 314.9 314.6 343.2
[kW] [863.7] [789.5] [969.4] 980.6] [1107.3] [1106.3] [1206.9]
Nominal Power Input kW 136.0 126.6 154.4 154.1 173.6 173.8 189.9
kW/TR 0.554 0.564 0.560 0.553 0.551 0.553 0.553
Energy Efficiency
COP 6.351 6.236 6.278 6.363 6.378 6.365 6.355
Min % Unit Capacity 25% 12.5% 12.5% 25% 25.0% 12.5% 12.5%
Power Supply 380~415V/3Ph/50Hz
Model(Qty.) 2233(1) 1220(2) 1222(2) 2236(1) 2246(1) 1222(2) 1222(1)/ 1227(1)
Model 6AR 5BR 6CR 6CR 7DR 7DR 8BR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 586.1 [133.6] 539.2 [122.9] 656.7 [149.7] 666.4 [151.9] 751.2 [171.2] 753.5 [171.7] 818.2 [186.5]
Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 11.0 [32.9] 12.6 [37.6] 10.8 [32.2] 10.9 [32.6] 13.3 [39.7] 10.9 [32.5] 11.2 [33.5]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 8 8 8 8 8 8 10
Model K4R K3R K5R K5R L1R L1R M3R
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 686.3 [156.4] 629.3 [143.4] 768.7 [175.2] 773.9 [176.4] 875.2 [199.5] 874.9 [199.4] 950.8 [216.7]
Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 11.6 [34.6] 12.7 [38.1] 11.3 [33.7] 11.2 [33.6] 12.6 [37.7] 11.5 [34.3] 11.7 [35.0]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 8 8 8 8 8 8 10
General Information
Length Inches[mm] 174 [4425] 197 [4997] 197 [4997] 174 [4425] 174 [4425] 197 [4997] 197 [4997]
Width Inches[mm] 70 [1778] 75 [1905] 80 [2032] 70 [1778] 70 [1778] 80 [2032] 80 [2032]
Height Inches[mm] 96 [2438] 86 [2185] 86 [2185] 96 [2438] 97 [2463] 86 [2185] 88 [2235]
Shipping Weight lbs[kg] 12961 [5879] 13689 [6209] 14722 [6678] 13569 [6155] 15745 [7142] 17320 [7856] 17954 [8144]
Operating Weight lbs[kg] 14004 [6352] 14782 [6705] 15721 [7131] 14769 [6699] 17364 [7876] 18678 [8472] 19414 [8806]
Approx. R134a Charge lbs[kg] 761 [345] 683 [310] 882 [400] 838 [380] 970 [440] 970 [440] 1014 [460]
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Model WCFX-E 77* 81T 81* 84* 87T 87*
Nominal Capacity TR 532.0 558.9 560.8 585.5 593.0 610.5
[kW] [1871.1] [1,965.7] [1972.2] [2059.2] [2085.4] [2147.0]
Nominal Power Input kW 300.4 308.7 316.6 329.9 325.8 343.6
kW/TR 0.565 0.552 0.565 0.563 0.549 0.563
Energy Efficiency
COP 6.229 6.368 6.229 6.242 6.401 6.249
Min % Unit Capacity 8.5% 12.5% 8.5% 8.5% 12.5% 8.5%
Power Supply 380~415V/3Ph/50Hz
Model(Qty.) 1222(1) /1227(2) 2236(2) 1227(3) 1227(2)/ 1230(1) 2246(1)/ 2236(1) 1227(1)/ 1230(2)
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 1268.5 [289.1] 1335.4 [304.3] 1338.6 [305.1] 1390.0 [316.8] 1,414.7 [322.4 ] 1456.4 [331.9]
Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 13.9 [41.5] 11.8 [35.3] 14.0 [41.8] 12.5 [37.3] 13.4 [40.0] 12.7 [38.1]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 10 12 10 12 12 12
Model Y7R JAR Z1R 1BR 1CR 1CR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 1470.9 [335.2] 1547.2 [352.6] 1563.8 [356.4] 1629.8 [371.4] 1647.4 [375.4] 1699.5 [387.3]
Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 13.1 [39.3] 12.0 [35.9] 13.0 [38.9] 13.3 [39.7] 13.3 [ 39.8] 12.7 [38.1]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 10 12 10 10 10 10
General Information
Length Inches[mm] 214 [5429] 207 [5251] 214 [5429] 214 [5429] 214 [5429] 214 [5429]
Width Inches[mm] 86 [2184] 86 [2184] 86 [2184] 86 [2184] 86[2184 ] 86 [2184]
Height Inches[mm] 97 [2464] 100 [2540] 99 [2515] 99 [2515] 100 [2540] 99 [2515]
Shipping Weight lbs[kg] 25510 [11571] 27207 [12341] 27055 [12272] 30212 [13704] 26376 [11,964 ] 31004 [14063]
Operating Weight lbs[kg] 27847 [12631] 29538 [13398] 29544 [13401] 32855 [14903] 29718 [13,480 ] 33799 [15331]
Approx. R134a Charge lbs[kg] 1380 [626] 1455 [660] 1464 [664] 1532 [695] 1601 [726] 1601 [726]
- 12 -
Model WCFX-E 10S 12S 15S 19S* 20S* 20T 22T
Nominal Capacity TR 71.1 89.1 108.0 132.9 164.0 142.2 160.1
[kW] [249.9] [313.2] [379.7] [467.3] [576.8] [500.1] [562.9]
Nominal Power Input kW 44.6 52.7 63.0 77.1 96.7 89.4 97.8
kW/TR 0.628 0.592 0.584 0.580 0.590 0.629 0.611
Energy Efficiency
COP 5.603 5.943 6.027 6.061 5.965 5.594 5.756
Min % Unit Capacity 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5%
Power Supply 208~230V/3Ph/60Hz, 380V/3Ph/60Hz, 460V/3Ph/60Hz, 575V/3Ph/60Hz
Model (Qty) 1210(1) 1212(1) 1215(1) 1220(1) 1222(1) 1210(2) 1210(1)/ 1212(1)
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 170.3 [38.8] 212.2 [48.4] 258.3 [58.9] 317.7 [72.4] 389.0 [88.7] 339.8 [77.4] 383.8 [87.5]
Evap. Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 3.7 [11.2] 3.9 [11.8] 3.6 [10.8] 4.5 [13.6] 9.1 [27.3] 7.5 [22.3] 7.8 [23.3]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 5 6 6 8 6 6 8
Model B4R B5R C2R D2R 5BR 5BR 5BR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 201.1 [45.8] 250.0 [57.0] 302.3 [68.9] 370.6 [84.5 459.6 [104.7] 402.2 [91.7] 451.7 [102.9]
Cond. Pressure Drop ft wg[kPa] 4.5 [13.6] 5.1 [15.1] 5.4 [16.0] 5.9 [17.5] 9.3 [27.8] 7.7 [23.2] 9.8 [29.3]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 5 5 6 6 6 6 6
General Information
Length inches[mm] 124 [3160] 124 [3160] 125 [3171] 132 [3358] 164 [4171] 152 [3862] 152 [3866]
Width inches[mm] 45 [1146] 47 [1195] 52 [1326] 70 [1778] 70 [1778] 52 [1330] 54 [1363]
Height inches[mm] 78 [1981] 81 [2057] 87 [2210] 76 [1930] 76 [1930] 83 [2108] 85 [2159]
Shipping Weight lbs[kg] 6898 [3129] 7357 [3337] 8682 [3938] 8576 [3894] 10496 [4761] 7987 [3623] 8869 [4023]
Operating Weight lbs[kg] 7216 [3273] 7738 [3510] 9149 [4150] 9370 [4254] 11173 [5073] 8938 [4054] 9709 [4404]
Approx. R134a Charge lbs[kg] 254 [115] 320 [145] 364 [165] 419 [190] 529 [240] 529 [240] 558 [253]
- 13 -
Model WCFX-E 36S 38T* 40T* 41S 46S 46T* 50T*
Nominal Capacity TR 292.2 270.3 330.1 332.0 376.0 375.3 409.8
[kW] [1027.5] [950.7] [1160.9] [1167.4] [1322.4] [1319.8] [1441.4]
Nominal Power Input kW 162.5 151.5 185.8 184.2 207.7 207.5 226.8
kW/TR 0.556 0.560 0.563 0.555 0.552 0.553 0.553
Energy Efficiency
COP 6.323 6.275 6.248 6.338 6.367 6.360 6.355
Min % Unit Capacity 25% 12.5% 12.5% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5%
Power Supply 208~230V/3Ph/60Hz, 380V/3Ph/60Hz, 460V/3Ph/60Hz, 575V/3Ph/60Hz
Model (Qty) 2233(1) 1220(2) 1222(2) 2236(1) 2246(1) 1222(2) 1222(1)/ 1227(1)
Model 7CR 6CR 8BR 7BR 8DR 8DR KBR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 697.1 [158.9] 644.8 [147.0] 786.7 [179.3] 795.5 [181.3] 897.1 [204.4] 902.4 [205.7] 985.3 [224.5]
Evap. Press. Drop ft wg[kPa] 10.3 [30.9] 11.5 [34.4] 10.5 [31.4] 10.8 [32.2] 13.6 [40.6] 11.3 [33.7] 11.2 [33.5]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 8 8 10 10 10 10 10
Model RAR K5R M3R M1R M5R M5R T5R
812.6 754.4 913.6 917.1 1045.4 1039.3
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 1137.6 [259.3]
[185.2] [171.9] [208.2] [209.0] [238.2] [236.8]
Cond. Press. Drop ft wg[kPa] 11.4 [34.0] 12.1 [36.1] 11.0 [32.8] 10.8 [32.3] 11.8 [35.3] 10.6 [31.8] 11.5 [34.5]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 8 8 10 10 10 10 10
General Information
Length inches[mm] 174 [4425] 197 [4997] 197 [4997] 174 [4425] 174 [4425] 197 [4997] 197 [4997]
Width inches[mm] 70 [1778] 75 [1905] 80[2032] 70 [1778] 75 [1905] 80 [2032] 80 [2032]
Height inches[mm] 96 [2438] 86 [2185] 88 [2235] 97 [2464] 100 [2540] 88 [2235] 92 [2337]
Shipping Weight lbs[kg] 15205 [6897] 14103 [6397] 17414 [7899] 16180 [7339] 17505 [7940] 18210 [8260] 19928 [9039]
Operating Weight lbs[kg] 16473 [7472] 15393 [6982] 18673 [8470] 17633 [7998] 19255 [8734] 19864 [9010] 21689 [9838]
Approx. R134a Charge lbs[kg] 981 [445] 882 [400] 1014 [460] 1102 [500] 1113 [505] 1113 [505] 1312 [595]
- 14 -
Model WCFX-E 77* 81T 81* 84* 87T 87*
Nominal Capacity TR 634.0 664.9 667.2 696.4 705.3 725.5
[kW] [2229.6] [2338.4] [2346.6] [2449.0] [2480.5] [2551.5]
Nominal Power Input kW 358.7 368.9 377.7 394.3 390.8 411.8
kW/TR 0.566 0.555 0.566 0.566 0.554 0.568
Energy Efficiency
COP 6.216 6.339 6.213 6.211 6.348 6.196
Min % Unit Capacity 8.5% 12.5% 8.5% 8.5% 12.5% 8.5%
Power Supply 208~230V/3Ph/60Hz, 380V/3Ph/60Hz, 460V/3Ph/60Hz, 575V/3Ph/60Hz
Model (Qty) 1222(1)/ 1227(2) 2236(2) 1227(3) 1227(2)/ 1230(1) 2236(1), 2246(1) 1227(1)/ 1230(2)
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 1512.3 [344.7] 1581.1 [360.3] 1590.8 [362.5] 1663.1 [379.0] 1682.6 [382.0] 1722.2 [392.5]
Evap. Press. Drop ft wg[kPa] 13.6 [40.7] 11.8 [35.2] 13.8 [41.2] 12.4 [37.2] 13.4 [40.0] 12.7 [38.1]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 12 12 12 12 12 12
Model 1CR KAR 7BR 7BR 7CR 7CR
Water Flow Rate USgpm[m³/hr] 1765.9 [402.5] 1846.8 [420.9] 1870.5 [426.3] 1942.8 [442.8] 1961.7 [445.3] 2020.1 [460.4]
Cond. Press. Drop ft wg[kPa] 13.4 [40.1] 11.4 [34.1] 12.4 [37.1] 13.1 [39.3] 15.7 [46.9] 13.3 [39.7]
Design Press. Water Side psig[kPa] 150 [1034]
Connection Size inches 10 12 12 12 12 12
General Information
Length inches[mm] 214 [5429] 207 [5251] 214 [5429] 214 [5429] 214 [5429] 214 [5429]
Width inches[mm] 88 [2235] 88 [2235] 88 [2235] 88 [2235] 90 [2286] 88 [2235]
Height inches[mm] 95 [2413] 100 [2540] 95 [2413] 95 [2413] 108 [2743] 95 [2413]
Shipping Weight lbs[kg] 29665 [13456] 29952 [13586] 31857 [14450] 33735 [15302] 29729 [13485] 34370 [15590]
Operating Weight lbs[kg] 32459 [14723] 32774 [14866] 34888 [15825] 36905 [16740] 33687 [15280] 37642 [17074]
Approx. R134a Charge lbs[kg] 2017 [915] 1808 [820] 2260 [1025] 2635 [1195] 2701 [1225] 2701 [1225]
- 15 -
Model Octave Band (Hz) Total
WCFX-E 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K dB (A)
10S 70 55 59 67 75 72 62 53 78
12S 71 56 60 68 76 73 63 54 79
15S 71 59 63 71 79 76 66 57 81
19S 68 57 63 68 75 72 72 54 79
20S 68 57 63 68 75 72 72 54 79
20T 72 57 61 69 77 74 64 55 80
22T 73 58 62 70 78 75 65 56 81
23S 68 57 63 68 75 72 72 54 79
24S 69 59 64 68 76 73 74 56 80
24T 73 58 62 70 78 75 65 56 81
27S 69 59 64 68 76 73 74 56 80
27T 73 59 63 71 79 76 66 57 82
30S 70 61 65 69 78 75 74 59 82
30T 73 61 65 73 81 78 68 59 84
36S 71 62 66 70 79 76 75 60 83
38T 70 59 65 70 77 74 74 56 81
40T 70 59 65 70 77 74 74 56 81
41S 71 62 66 70 79 76 75 60 83
46S 73 64 68 72 81 78 77 62 85
46T 70 59 65 70 77 74 74 56 81
50T 71 60 66 70 78 75 75 57 82
54T 71 61 66 70 78 75 76 58 82
57T 72 62 67 71 79 76 76 60 83
60T 72 63 67 71 80 77 76 61 84
69 71 60 66 71 78 75 75 57 82
73T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 85
73 68 58 63 67 75 72 73 55 79
75T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 85
77 72 62 67 71 79 76 77 59 83
81T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 85
81 72 62 67 71 79 76 77 59 84
84 73 63 68 72 80 77 77 61 84
87T 76 67 71 75 84 81 80 65 87
87 73 64 68 72 81 78 77 62 85
90T 76 67 71 75 84 81 80 65 87
90 73 64 68 72 81 78 77 62 85
108 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
113 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
118 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
123 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
10S 70 55 59 67 75 72 62 53 78
12S 71 56 60 68 76 73 63 54 79
15S 71 59 63 71 79 76 66 57 82
19S 68 57 63 68 75 72 72 54 79
20S 68 57 63 68 75 72 72 54 79
20T 72 57 61 69 77 74 64 55 80
22T 73 58 62 70 78 75 65 56 81
23S 68 57 63 68 75 72 72 54 79
24S 69 59 64 68 76 73 74 56 80
24T 73 58 62 70 78 75 65 56 81
27S 69 59 64 68 76 73 74 56 80
27T 73 60 64 72 80 77 67 58 83
30S 70 61 65 69 78 75 74 59 81
30T 73 61 65 73 81 78 68 59 84
36S 72 63 67 71 80 77 76 61 83
38T 70 59 65 70 77 74 74 56 81
40T 70 59 65 70 77 74 74 56 81
41S 72 63 67 71 80 77 76 61 83
46S 73 64 68 72 81 78 77 62 85
46T 70 59 65 70 77 74 74 56 81
50T 71 60 66 70 78 75 75 57 82
54T 71 61 66 70 78 75 76 58 82
57T 71 62 66 70 79 76 76 60 83
60T 72 63 67 71 80 77 76 61 83
69 71 60 66 71 78 75 75 57 82
73T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 85
73 72 61 67 71 79 76 76 58 83
75T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 85
77 72 62 67 71 79 76 77 59 83
81T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 85
81 72 62 67 71 79 76 77 59 84
84 73 63 68 72 80 77 77 61 84
87T 74 65 69 73 82 79 78 63 86
87 73 64 68 72 81 78 77 62 85
90T 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
90 73 64 68 72 81 78 77 62 85
108 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
113 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
118 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
123 75 66 70 74 83 80 79 64 86
Note: Sound Pressure Level dB(A) @ 3.3ft [1m] (free field) ± 2dBA.
- 16 -
Unit Compressor
WCFX-E Min. Circuit Inrush Amps
Power Supply Max. Fuse Size Model (Qty) RLA (Qty) LRA (Qty)
Ampacity (Qty)
20T 300 200 1210(2) 74(1)/ 74(1) 269(1)/ 269(1) 403(1)/ 403(1)
22T 400 200 1212(1)/ 1210(1) 99(1)/ 74(1) 372(1)/ 269(1) 559(1)/ 403(1)
24T 400 300 1212(2) 99(1)/ 99(1) 372(1)/ 372(1) 559(1)/ 559(1)
27T 500 300 1215(1)/ 1212(1) 123(1)/ 99(1) 408(1)/ 372(1) 611(1)/ 559(1)
30T 500 300 1215 (2) 123(1)/ 123(1) 408(1)/ 408(1) 611(1)/ 611(1)
57T 900 500 1230(1)/ 1227(1) 213(1)/ 183(1) 645(1)/ 584(1) 968(1)/ 876(1)
73 900 600 1227(1)/ 1222(2) 183(1)/ 146(2) 584(1)/ 474(2) 876(1)/ 711(2)
75T 1200 700 2236(1)/ 2233(1) 294(1)/ 246(1) 1153(1)/ 874(1) 1730(1)/ 1311(1)
77 1000 700 1227(2)/ 1222(1) 183(2)/ 146(1) 584(2)/ 474(1) 876(2)/ 711(1)
84 1100 800 1230(1)/ 1227(2) 213(1)/ 183(2) 645(1)/ 584(2) 967(1)/ 876(2)
87 1100 800 1230(2)/ 1227(1) 213(2)/ 183(1) 645(2)/ 584(1) 968(2)/ 876(1)
113 1400 1000 2236(1)/ 2233(2) 294(1)/ 246(2) 1153(1)/ 874(2) 1730(1)/ 1311(2)
118 1500 1000 2236(2)/ 2233(1) 294(2)/ 246(1) 1153(2)/ 874(1) 1730(2)/ 1311(1)
- 17 -
Unit Compressor
WCFX-E Min. Circuit Inrush Amps
Power Supply Max. Fuse Size Model (Qty) RLA (Qty) LRA (Qty)
Ampacity (Qty)
22T 300 203 1210(1)/ 1212(1) 79(1)/ 99(1) 200(1)/ 252(1) 435(1)/ 603(1)
27T 350 248 1212(1)/ 1215(1) 99(1)/ 119(1) 252(1)/ 325(1) 603(1)/ 661(1)
57T 700 506 1227(1)/ 1230(1) 211(1)/ 236(1) 394(1)/ 476(1) 904(1)/ 999(1)
73 800 624 1222(2)/ 1227(1) 180(2)/ 211(1) 302(2)/ 394(1) 733(2)/ 904(1)
75T 1000 667 2233(1)/ 2236(1) 274(1)/ 314(1) 610(1)/ 718(1) 1334(1)/ 1760(1)
77 800 655 1222(1)/ 1227(2) 180/ 211(2) 302(1)/ 394(2) 733/ 904(2)
84 1000 717 1227(2)/ 1230(1) 211(2)/ 236(1) 394(2)/ 476(1) 904(2)/ 999(1)
87T 800 634 2236(1), 2246(1) 261(1)/ 298(1) 701(1)/ 835(1) 1266(1)/ 2122(1)
87 1000 742 1227(1)/ 1230(2) 211(1)/ 236(2) 394(1)/ 476(2) 904(1)/ 999(2)
113 1200 941 2233(2)/ 2236(1) 274(2)/ 314(1) 610(2)/ 718(1) 1334(2)/ 1760(1)
118 1200 981 2233(1)/ 2236(2) 274(1)/ 314(2) 610(1)/ 718(2) 1334(1)/ 1760(2)
- 18 -
WCFX-E 10S 2 1/16 [53] 11 4/16 [286] 101 15/16 [2589] 6 [153] 2 8/16 [63] 10 1/16 [256] 4 10/16 [117] 78 [1981] 23 4/16 [591] 14 12/16 [374] 12 11/16 [322] 119 [3011] 4 10/16 [118] 44 [1125] 4" 4"
WCFX-E 12S 2 1/16 [53] 17 1/16 [433] 101 14/16 [2588] 6 [153] 2 8/16 [63] 10 1/16 [256] 5 2/16 [130] 78 [1981] 23 8/16 [597] 14 12/16 [374] 13 3/16 [335] 124 [3160] 4 [102] 45 [1146] 5" 5"
WCFX-E 15S 2 1/16 [53] 17 1/16 [433] 101 14/16 [2588] 6 [153] 2 13/16 [72] 11 2/16 [282] 5 10/16 [143] 85 [2159] 24 13/16 [630] 17 4/16 [438] 14 7/16 [366] 124 [3160] 4 [102] 48 [1231] 5" 6"
- 19 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
33 3/16 33 3/16 33 3/16 17 8/16 37 3/16 51 3/16 15 7/16 132 5 10/16 14 14/16 22 5/16 27 8/16 4 8/16
WCFX-E 19S* 15 [381] 76 [1930] 1 2/16 [29] 1 6/16 [35] 11/16 [17] 2 [51] 63 [1600] 6" 6"
[843] [843] [843] [445] [945] [1300] [392] [3358] [143] [378] [567] [699] [114]
40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 21 2/16 164 5 10/16 14 13/16 19 5/16 25 4/16 4
WCFX-E 20S* 20 [508] 76 [1930] 1 2/16 [28] 1 6/16 [35] 11/16 [17] 1 12/16 [44] 63 [1600] 5" 6"
[1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [536] [4171] [143] [377] [491] [642] [102]
40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 20 14/16 164 5 10/16 14 13/16 19 5/16 26 5/16 4 8/16
WCFX-E 23S* 20 [508] 76 [1930] 1 2/16 [28] 1 6/16 [35] 11/16 [17] 12/16 [19] 63 [1600] 6" 6"
[1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [530] [4171] [143] [377] [491] [668] [115]
40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 21 2/16 164 5 10/16 14 13/16 20 5/16 28 9/16 5 10/16
WCFX-E 24S* 20 [508] 76 [1930] 1 2/16 [28] 1 6/16 [35] 11/16 [17] 1 4/16 [32] 63 [1600] 6" 6"
[1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [536] [4171] [143] [377] [516] [725] [143]
40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 20 14/16 164 6 14/16 14 13/16 21 5/16 29 12/16 5 10/16
WCFX-E 27S* 20 [508] 76 [1930] 1 2/16 [28] 1 6/16 [35] 11/16 [17] 2 8/16 [64] 63 [1600] 6" 8"
[1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [530] [4171] [175] [377] [542] [756] [143]
- 20 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
50Hz: WCFX-E 19S*, 20S*, 23S*, 24S*, 27S*, 30S*, 36S, 41S, 46S
WCFX-E 2 [51] 17 1/16 [433] 138 [3505] 6 [152] 45 4/16 [1149] 11 2/16 [283] 5 10/16 [143] 81 [2057] 24 13/16 [630] 17 4/16 [438] 14 7/16 [367] 156 [3972] 4 [102] 47 [1203] 5" 6"
WCFX-E 2 [51] 17 4/16 [438] 138 [3505] 6 [152] 48 12/16 [1238] 11 2/16 [283] 5 10/16 [143] 81 [2057] 27 10/16 [702] 17 4/16 [438] 15 7/16 [392] 157 [3977] 4 8/16 [114] 50 [1280] 6" 6"
WCFX-E 2 [51] 12 8/16 [318] 138 [3505] 6 [152] 50 14/16 [1292] 12 6/16 [314] 5 10/16 [143] 83 [2108] 27 6/16 [695] 18 4/16 [464] 15 4/16 [387] 152 [3862] 5 10/16 [143] 52 [1330] 6" 6"
WCFX-E 2 [51] 12 10/16 [321] 138 [3505] 6 [152] 53 11/16 [1364] 13 6/16 [340] 6 14/16 [175] 88 [2235] 29 4/16 [743] 19 3/16 [487] 15 4/16 [387] 152 [3866] 5 10/16 [143] 54 [1381] 6" 8"
WCFX-E 2 [51] 12 10/16 [321] 138 [3505] 6 [152] 53 11/16 [1364] 13 6/16 [340] 6 14/16 [175] 88 [2235] 29 4/16 [743] 19 3/16 [487] 15 4/16 [387] 152 [3866] 5 10/16 [143] 54 [1381] 6" 8"
- 21 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
15 60 60 45 24 68 8/16 78 8/16 86 14/16 1 14/16 21 2/16 197 1 8/16 1 2/16 6 14/16 17 8/16 23 5/16 30 12/16 6 2/16 75
WCFX-E 38T* [381] 8" 8"
[1524] [1524] [1143] [610] [1740] [1994] [2184] [22] [48] [537] [4997] [38] [29] [175] [445] [592] [781] [155] [1905]
15 60 60 45 24 68 8/16 78 8/16 86 14/16 1 14/16 21 2/16 197 1 8/16 2 2/16 6 14/16 20 24 5/16 31 12/16 6 2/16 80 8" 8"
[381] [1524] [1524] [1143] [610] [1740] [1994] [2184] [22] [48] [537] [4997] [38] [54] [175] [508] [618] [806] [155] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 86 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 2 8 2/16 20 25 5/16 33 12/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 46T* 8" 8"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2184] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [51] [207] [508] [643] [858] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 88 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 2 8 2/16 20 26 5/16 35 13/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 50T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2210] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [51] [207] [508] [669] [909] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 88 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 2 8 2/16 20 26 5/16 35 13/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 54T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2210] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [51] [207] [508] [669] [909] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 88 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 2 8 2/16 20 26 5/16 35 13/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 57T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2235] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [51] [207] [508] [669] [909] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 92 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 3 8 14/16 20 27 5/16 36 12/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 60T* [175] 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2337] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [76] [225] [508] [694] [934] [2032]
15 53 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 74 81 100 14/16 1 14/16 20 10/16 207 1 8/16 3 14/16 9 12/16 23 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 86
- 22 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
50Hz: WCFX-E 38T*, 40T*, 46T*, 50T*, 54T*, 57T*, 60T*, 73T, 75T, 81T, 87T, 90T
WCFX-E 69* 15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 97 14/16 1 14/16 20 14/16 214 1 8/16 3 14/16 8 14/16 23 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 86
10" 10"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2464] [22] [48] [530] [5429] [38] [99] [225] [584] [719] [1008] [187] [2184]
15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 97 14/16 1 14/16 20 14/16 214 1 8/16 3 14/16 8 14/16 23 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 86
WCFX-E 73* 10" 10"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2464] [22] [48] [530] [5429] [38] [99] [225] [584] [719] [1008] [187] [2184]
15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 97 14/16 1 14/16 20 14/16 214 1 8/16 3 14/16 8 14/16 23 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 86
WCFX-E 77* 10" 10"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2464] [22] [48] [530] [5429] [38] [99] [225] [584] [719] [1008] [187] [2184]
15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 99 14/16 1 14/16 20 14/16 214 1 8/16 2 15/16 8 14/16 23 28 5/16 38 3/16 8 2/16 86
WCFX-E81* 10" 10"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2515] [22] [48] [530] [5429] [38] [74] [225] [584] [719] [970] [206] [2184]
15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 99 14/16 1 14/16 20 14/16 214 1 8/16 3 12/16 10 3/16 23 29 5/16 41 9/16 8 2/16 86
WCFX-E 84* [381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2515] [22] [48] [530] [38] [95] [258] [584] [745] [1056] [207] [2184] 10" 12"
- 23 -
50Hz: WCFX-E 69*, 73*, 77*, 81*, 84*, 87*, 90*
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
Notes :
29 71 71 25 76 74 117 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 6/16 10 3/16 32 5/16 44 12/16 9 12/16 97
WCFX-E 108 12" 12"
[737] [1803] [1803] [635] [1930] [1880] [2972] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [85] [259] [821] [1137] [248] [2464]
29 71 71 25 76 74 117 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 6/16 10 3/16 32 5/16 44 12/16 9 12/16 97
WCFX-E 113 12" 12"
[737] [1803] [1803] [635] [1930] [1880] [2972] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [85] [259] [821] [1137] [248] [2464]
29 71 71 25 76 74 125 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 11/16 10 12/16 34 5/16 48 14/16 10 10/16 100
WCFX-E 118 [737] [1803] [1803] [635] [1930] [1880] [3175] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [94] [273] [872] [1241] [270] [2540] 14" 14"
- 24 -
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
2 1/16 17 1/16 101 14/16 6 2 8/16 10 1/16 5 2/16 78 23 8/16 14 12/16 13 3/16 124 4 45
WCFX-E 10S 5" 5"
[53] [433] [2588] [153] [63] [256] [130] [1981] [597] [374] [335] [3160] [102] [1146]
2 1/16 17 1/16 101 14/16 6 1 7/16 11 2/16 5 10/16 81 24 13/16 17 4/16 14 7/16 124 4 47
WCFX-E 12S 5" 6"
[53] [433] [2588] [153] [37] [282] [143] [2057] [630] [438] [366] [3160] [102] [1195]
2 1/16 17 4/16 101 14/16 6 1 9/16 12 6/16 5 10/16 87 28 2/16 18 3/16 15 7/16 125 4 8/16 52
WCFX-E 15S 6" 6"
[53] [438] [2588] [153] [39] [315] [143] [2210] [715] [462] [392] [3171] [115] [1326]
- 25 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
15 33 3/16 33 3/16 33 3/16 17 8/16 37 13/16 51 3/16 76 1 2/16 1 6/16 20 14/16 132 11/16 2 8/16 6 14/16 15 14/16 21 5/16 29 12/16 5 10/16 70 6" 8"
[381] [843] [843] [843] [445] [960] [1300] [1930] [29] [35] [530] [3358] [17] [64] [175] [403] [541] [756] [143] [1778]
20 40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 76 1 2/16 1 6/16 20 14/16 164 11/16 1 4/16 5 10/16 15 14/16 20 5/16 28 9/16 5 10/16 70 6" 6"
[508] [1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [1930] [28] [35] [530] [4171] [17] [32] [143] [403] [516] [725] [143] [1778]
20 40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 76 1 2/16 1 6/16 20 14/16 164 11/16 2 8/16 6 14/16 15 14/16 21 5/16 29 12/16 5 10/16 70 6" 8"
[508] [1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [1930] [28] [35] [530] [4171] [17] [64] [175] [403] [542] [756] [143] [1778]
20 40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 76 1 2/16 1 6/16 20 14/16 164 11/16 2 8/16 6 14/16 15 14/16 21 5/16 29 12/16 5 10/16 70 6" 8"
[508] [1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [1930] [28] [35] [530] [4171] [17] [64] [175] [403] [542] [756] [143] [1778]
20 40 11/16 40 11/16 40 11/16 25 58 8/16 53 8/16 78 1 2/16 1 6/16 20 14/16 164 11/16 3 8/16 6 14/16 15 14/16 22 5/16 30 13/16 5 10/16 70 6" 8"
[508] [1033] [1033] [1033] [635] [1486] [1359] [1980] [28] [35] [530] [4171] [17] [89] [175] [403] [567] [782] [143] [1778]
- 26 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
60Hz: WCFX-E 19S*, 20S*, 23S*, 24S*, 27S*, 30S*, 36S, 41S, 46S
Notes :
WCFX-E 20T 2 [51] 12 8/16 [318] 138 [3505] 6 [152] 1 8/16 [38] 12 6/16 [314] 6 10/16 [168] 83 [2108] 27 6/16 [695] 18 4/16 [464] 15 4/16 [387] 152 [3862] 5 10/16 [143] 52 6/16 [1330] 6" 6"
WCFX-E 22T 2 [51] 12 10/16 [321] 138 [3505] 6 [152] - 13 6/16 [340] 6 14/16 [175] 85 [2159] 29 4/16 [743] 19 3/16 [487] 15 4/16 [387] 152 [3866] 5 10/16 [143] 53 11/16 [1364] 6" 8"
WCFX-E 24T 2 [51] 12 10/16 [321] 138 [3505] 6 [152] - 13 6/16 [340] 6 14/16 [175] 85 [2159] 29 4/16 [743] 19 3/16 [487] 15 4/16 [387] 152 [3866] 5 10/16 [143] 53 11/16 [1364] 6" 8"
WCFX-E 27T 2 [51] 12 14/16 [327] 138 [3505] 6 [152] - 14 7/16 [367] 6 14/16 [175] 88 [2235] 29 [737] 20 3/16 [513] 15 4/16 [387] 153 [3879] 5 10/16 [143] 54 9/16 [1386] 6" 8"
WCFX-E 30T 2 [51] 18 10/16 [473] 138 [3505] 6 [152] - 14 7/16 [367] 6 14/16 [175] 88 [2235] 28 13/16 [732] 20 3/16 [513] 16 4/16 [413] 158 [4024] 6 1/16 [154] 55 9/16 [1411] 8" 8"
- 27 -
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
15 60 60 [ 45 24 68 8/16 78 8/16 86 14/16 1 14/16 21 2/16 197 1 8/16 2 2/16 6 14/16 17 8/16 24 5/16 31 12/16 6 2/16 75
WCFX-E 38T* 8" 8"
[381] [1524] 1524] [1143] [610] [1740] [1994] [2185] [22] [48] [537] [4997] [38] [54] [175] [445] [618] [807] [155] [1905]
15 60 60 45 24 68 8/16 78 8/16 88 14/16 1 14/16 21 2/16 197 1 8/16 2 8 2/16 20 26 5/16 35 12/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 40T* 10" 10"
[381] [1524] [1524] [1143] [610] [1740] [1994] [2235] [22] [48] [537] [4997] [38] [51] [206] [508] [668] [908] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 88 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 2 8 2/16 20 26 5/16 35 13/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 46T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2235] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [51] [207] [508] [669] [909] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 92 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 3 8 2/16 20 27 5/16 36 12/16 6 14/16 80
WCFX-E 50T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2337] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [76] [206] [508] [694] [934] [175] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 97 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 3 14/16 8 14/16 20 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 80
WCFX-E 54T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2464] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [99] [225] [508] [719] [1008] [187] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 97 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 3 14/16 8 14/16 20 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 80
WCFX-E 57T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2464] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [99] [225] [508] [719] [1008] [187] [2032]
15 55 55 55 26 64 8/16 64 8/16 97 14/16 1 14/16 18 14/16 197 1 8/16 3 14/16 8 14/16 20 28 5/16 39 11/16 7 6/16 80
WCFX-E 60T* 10" 10"
[381] [1397] [1397] [1397] [660] [1638] [1638] [2464] [22] [48] [480] [4997] [38] [99] [225] [508] [719] [1008] [187] [2032]
15 53 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 74 81 100 14/16 1 14/16 20 10/16 207 1 8/16 3 12/16 10 3/16 24 8/16 29 5/16 40 13/16 8 88
WCFX-E 73T 12" 12"
- 28 -
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
60Hz: WCFX-E 38T*, 40T*, 46T*, 50T*, 54T*, 57T*, 60T*, 73T, 75T, 81T, 87T, 90T
15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 95 14/16 1 14/16 20 1/16 214 1 8/16 2 15/16 8 14/16 25 8/16 28 5/16 40 11/16 8 2/16 88
WCFX-E 69* 10" 10"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2413] [22] [48] [510] [5429] [38] [74] [225] [648] [719] [1033] [207] [2235]
60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 95 14/16 1 14/16 20 1/16 214 1 8/16 3 12/16 10 3/16 25 8/16 29 5/16 41 9/16 8 2/16 88
WCFX-E 73* 15 10" 12"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2413] [22] [48] [510] [5429] [38] [95] [258] [648] [745] [1055] [207] [2235]
60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 95 14/16 1 14/16 20 1/16 214 1 8/16 3 12/16 10 3/16 25 8/16 29 5/16 41 9/16 8 2/16 88
WCFX-E 77* 15 10" 12"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2413] [22] [48] [510] [5429] [38] [95] [258] [648] [745] [1055] [207] [2235]
60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 95 14/16 1 14/16 20 1/16 214 1 8/16 4 4/16 10 3/16 25 8/16 30 5/16 41 9/16 8 2/16 88
WCFX-E 81* 15 12" 12"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2413] [22] [48] [510] [5429] [38] [108] [259] [648] [770] [1055] [207] [2235]
15 60 11/16 60 11/16 60 11/16 25 90 3/16 71 14/16 95 14/16 1 14/16 20 1/16 214 1 8/16 5 4/16 10 3/16 25 8/16 32 5/16 42 8/16 8 2/16 88
WCFX-E 84* 12" 12"
[381] [1541] [1541] [1541] [635] [2291] [1826] [2413] [22] [48] [510] [5429] [38] [133] [259] [648] [821] [1080] [207] [2235]
- 29 -
60Hz: WCFX-E 69*, 73*, 77*, 81*, 84*, 87*, 90*
*Optional compact footprint series is available. Unit height may be increased. Please consult factory for details.
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
Notes :
29 14/16 71 71 25 14/16 76 74 125 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 11/16 10 12/16 34 5/16 48 14/16 10 10/16 100
WCFX-E 108 14" 14"
[759] [1803] [1803] [657] [1930] [1880] [3175] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [94] [273] [872] [1241] [270] [2540]
29 71 71 25 76 74 125 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 11/16 10 12/16 34 5/16 48 14/16 10 10/16 100
WCFX-E 113 14" 14"
[737] [1803] [1803] [635] [1930] [1880] [3175] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [94] [273] [872] [1241] [270] [2540]
29 71 71 25 76 74 129 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 8/16 11 12/16 35 5/16 50 13/16 10 12/16 100
WCFX-E 118 14" 14"
[737] [1803] [1803] [635] [1930] [1880] [3277] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [89] [298] [897] [1291] [273] [2540]
29 71 71 25 76 74 129 14/16 1 14/16 17 14/16 202 1 8/16 3 8/16 11 12/16 35 5/16 50 13/16 10 12/16 100
WCFX-E 123 14" 14"
[737] [1803] [1803] [635] [1930] [1880] [3277] [22] [48] [454] [5124] [38] [89] [298] [897] [1291] [273] [2540]
- 30 -
2.) Above drawing is for Superior model. Consult factory for Standard and Premium model dimension.
WCFX-E 10S, 12S, 15S, 19S, WCFX-E 108, 113, 118, 123
20T, 22T, 24T, 27T, 30T
- 31 -
WCFX-E 10S, 12S, 15S, 19S, WCFX-E 108, 113, 118, 123
20T, 22T, 24T, 27T, 30T
- 32 -
- 33 -
The evaporator fluid circuit requires a minimum system If the chiller or fluid piping may be exposed to
fluid volume of 3 US gallons per Ton [3.3 liters/ cooling temperatures below freezing, glycol protection is
kW] for stable operation. The minimum system fluid recommended if the water is not drained. The
volume may increasing up to 10 US gallons per Ton [11 recommended protection is 10°F [5.6°C] below the
liters/ cooling kW] for process cooling, low load minimum ambient temperature in the equipment room
applications with small temperature range and/or vastly and around piping. Use only glycol solutions approved
fluctuating load conditions. for heat exchanger duty. DO NOT use automotive anti-
Variable Evaporator Flow If the equipment is being used for applications below
Dunham-Bush chillers are capable for variable 38°F [3.3°C], glycol should be used to prevent freeze
evaporator flow system. The chiller may operate to damage. The freeze protection level should be 15°F
maintain constant leaving fluid temperature with [8.3°C] lower than the leaving brine temperature.
evaporator flow rate changes, with below conditions
fulfilled. Table 1 and 2 are to be used to calculate performance
D Evaporator fluid flow rate is within minimum and and power input with the addition of glycol.
maximum flow rate of the unit at all time during the
operation Table 1 : Ethylene Glycol
D Rate of flow changed shall not exceeded 10% per % E. G.
Freeze Point C1
minute Weight °F °C Factor Factor Factor Factor
Failure to comply with the above conditions will cause 10 26.2 -3.2 0.995 0.998 1.019 1.050
problem to the chiller operation and may cause the 15 22.4 -5.3 0.991 0.997 1.030 1.083
20 17.8 -7.9 0.988 0.996 1.044 1.121
chiller to shutdown.
25 12.6 -10.8 0.984 0.995 1.060 1.170
30 6.7 -14.1 0.981 0.994 1.077 1.219
Operating Limits - Leaving Evaporator 35 0.0 -17.8 0.977 0.992 1.097 1.275
Fluid Temperature 40 -10.0 -23.3 0.973 0.991 1.116 1.331
45 -17.5 -27.5 0.968 0.990 1.138 1.398
Leaving Fluid Temperature Minimum Maximum
50 -28.9 -33.8 0.964 0.989 1.161 1.466
Standard 40 oF [4.5 oC] 55 oF [12.8 oC]
With Dual Mode Operation 18 oF [-7.8 oC] 55 oF [12.8 oC]
Table 2 : Propylene Glycol
Performance Correction- Evaporator % P. G.
Freeze Point C2
Fouling Factor Weight °F °C Factor Factor Factor Factor
10 26.1 -3.3 0.988 0.994 1.005 1.019
Fouling Factor Capacity kW-input
Correction Correction 15 22.8 -5.1 0.984 0.992 1.008 1.031
hr.ft².°F/BTU m².°C/kW Factor Factor 20 19.1 -7.2 0.978 0.990 1.010 1.051
0.00010 0.018 1.000 1.000 25 14.5 -9.7 0.970 0.988 1.015 1.081
0.00025 0.044 0.995 0.998 30 8.9 -12.8 0.962 0.986 1.021 1.120
0.00050 0.088 0.985 0.995 Note: P.D. – Pressure drop vessels across
0.00075 0.132 0.975 0.991
0.00100 0.176 0.964 0.987
The Dunham-Bush WCFX-E Chiller can significantly
CONDENSER FLUID CIRCUIT reduce building operating costs when the heat recovery
The unit shall works with constant condenser flow, option is selected. Any building which requires
variable condenser flow is not recommended. Variable simultaneous heating and cooling may be an excellent
condenser flow will keep condenser pressure high at candidate for this system.
the chiller, and thus, decreases chiller’s efficiency and
increase power consumption of the system. In addition, Hotter Hot Water
variable condenser flow increases rate of fouling of Most centrifugal water chillers are limited in producing
condenser, which will de-rating chiller performance and leaving condenser water temperatures to 105°F[40°C]
increases unit maintenance cost.
or below. Dunham-Bush WCFX-E Chillers are able to
The unit can be operated with condenser inlet water
provide leaving hot water temperatures up 140°F[60°C]
temperature above 55°F up to 105°F. If the unit is
allowing for the installation of smaller heating coils at a
required to operates with condenser inlet water
lower first cost than systems utilizing centrifugal water
temperature lower than 55°F, a bypass control at
condenser water loop is recommended to maintain chillers. The warmer supply air temperatures available
condenser inlet water temperature is always higher will also improve tenant comfort.
than 55°F.
Lower Energy Consumption
Performance Correction - Condenser The efficient unloading characteristics of the Dunham-
Fouling Factor Bush WCFX-E Chiller compressor make it ideal for heat
Fouling Factor Capacity kW-input recovery duty. Heat recovery chillers must be selected
Correction Correction to operate at many operating conditions, not just full
hr.ft².°F/BTU m².°C/kW Factor Factor
load heating and full load cooling duties. Heat recovery
0.00025 0.044 1.000 1.000
0.00050 0.088 0.998 1.007
chillers spend the majority of their time at lower loads,
0.00075 0.132 0.996 1.010 conditions at which centrifugal chillers must often be
0.00100 0.176 0.995 1.014 operating with energy inefficient hot gas bypass.
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Greater Design Flexibility therefore, the capacity. If this occurs faster than the
machine can accommodate it, the condenser pressure
The heat recovery Dunham-Bush WCFX-E Chiller,
or evaporator pressure will soon exceed their safety
utilizes positive displacement compressor which will not
setpoints and the machine will shut down.
surge. This chiller is capable of unloading its
compressors to their minimum capacity at all head The necessary control can sometimes be attained via
conditions, both cooling and heat recovery, for greater fan cycling if the tower is rated at the same capacity as
design flexibility. the chiller’s heat rejection. On multiple chiller jobs, a
single tower is oversized relative to the chiller. On other
In order to maximize the user’s flexibility on design and
jobs the tower/chiller might be oversized to the design
operation, Dunham-Bush chillers offer two heat
load and the chiller and tower frequently cycle under
recovery designs.
light load. Under these conditions, fan cycling might
Desuperheater: A shell-and-tube desuperheater is result in very rapid temperature swings, which creates a
installed at chiller to reclaim “waste” heat from dynamic situation to condenser, that potentially cause
superheated refrigerant produced by the vapor unstable operation. Thus, in this case, either variable
compression cycle. speed fans or modulating valve control should be used
to regain control of the condenser water. Either type of
Double-Bundle Condenser: Double-bundle
control provides precise modulating control of the
condenser with two sets of water connectors allow
condenser water rather than on-off step control. The
connections to hot water loop and cooling tower water
control can be initiated either by a condenser water
loop simultaneously. Double-Bundle condenser is rated
temperature sensor/controller or, even better, by direct
at 300 psig [20.7Bar] working pressure on refrigerant
control from the chiller's controller based upon the
side, and is pressure test up to 330 psig [22.8 Bar] in
chiller's condenser pressure.
the factory. This design reclaims “waste” heats
generated by vapor compression cycle, and full heat It is further recommended that the condenser water
reclaim can be done with this design. Condenser pump be cycled by the chiller. This is to eliminate
thermal insulation is can be included to provide heat potentially very cold water from going through the
insulation on double-bundle condenser and discharge condenser while the chiller is shut down. At the same
piping. The 1” thick closed cell insulation will reduce time it is probable that relatively warmer chilled water is
heat losses during heat recovery operation, and in the evaporator (an inversion). Refrigerant tends to
prevent unpleasant human contact with hot surface. migrate if there is a difference in pressures within the
components of the chiller. It will seek the lowest
To further improve the operational flexibility, for units
pressure area of the packaged chiller which, in this
with full heat recovery design, priority on controlled
case, would be the condenser. Starting of a chiller
temperature can be selected through a digital input
where the refrigerant has migrated to the condenser is
signal. When “Heating Mode” contact is closed,
not desirable. The presence of highly subcooled liquid
controlled temperature will switch from leaving
refrigerant in the condenser will cause low suction
evaporator water temperature to leaving condenser
pressures and possibly liquid slugging of the
water temperature; thus, the unit is now operated as a
compressor. If the condenser water pump is off until
heat pump. This control function is available when
prior to the chiller starts, the water in the condenser is
Condenser Water Pump Control & Complete
at the chiller room ambient, which is usually much
Temperature Monitoring options are included together
closer to the evaporator water temperature.
with double-bundle condenser option.
Further to condenser pump control, a 0-10 Vdc analog
signal can be output from the chiller’s controller to
bypass some of the condenser water flow to maintain
CONDENSER PRESSURE chiller’s condenser pressure. Cooling tower fans control
CONTROL is also available to achieve better system efficiency.
Cooling tower control is increasingly becoming an Thus, even though there has been a trend toward fan
overlooked subject, and it causes problems. The cycling control of cooling towers, it is not a device that
following is a general recommendation that is is suitable to every installation. We recommend that the
applicable to all standard packaged chillers. designer carefully evaluate the system to determine if a
more precise method of control is indicated. If there is
Most chiller manufacturers recommend that condenser
any doubt, the more precise control is required.
water be controlled so that its temperature never goes
below 55°F [12.8°C] (even when the machine is off) Dunham-Bush WCFX-E Chillers have as standard a
and that its rate of change is not rapid. Rapid can be control feature called EPCAS (Evaporator Pressure
defined as not exceeding 2°F [1.1°C] per minute. This Control at Start) which will allow for an inverted start.
is necessary because a chiller operates in a dynamic This occurs when the chilled water loop in a building is
environment and is designed to maintain a precise at a higher temperature than the condenser/tower loop.
leaving chilled water temperature under varying This occurs in many buildings after a weekend shut
entering chilled water conditions. The additional down. The chilled water loop can be as high as 90°F
dynamic of rapidly varying condenser water and the condenser/tower loop as low as 60°F. With the
temperature subjects the machine to fluctuating EPCAS feature, the valve feeding the evaporator will
pressure on differentials across the evaporator and be throttled to create a pressure differential to help load
condenser. This varies the refrigerant flow and, the compressor.
- 35 -
demand to be shifted to low-demand nighttime periods,
ICE THERMAL STORAGE thus reducing demand charges for the entire year.
SYSTEM (ITES) Energy Cost: ITES, by operating chillers at night, will
fully utilize incentive on electricity night tariff, which is
The globe is progressively marching towards a serious
much lower compare to day tariff.
electric energy crisis. The HVAC/R industry is shifting
to operate with more efficient machines, as well as Rebates: ITES usually qualifies for rebates offered by
alternate system designs and solutions. Dunham-Bush, electric utilities or governments for equipment that shift
as a leader of HVAC/R solutions provider, we provide peak loads to off-peak hours.
packaged solution for ITES, which include, equipments Colder Air Temperature: ITES can produce chilled
selections, chillers, Ice Cels and CPM for ITES system liquid at supply temperature of 38°F [3.3°C] or even
controls. lower without scarifying system’s efficiencies. This
Dunham-Bush WCFX-E Chillers, with positive realizes energy saving on chilled water pumping
displacement rotary screw compressor can easily cool system, AHUs and FCUs. Colder supply air distribution
low temperature glycol down to 20°F [-6.7 oC] to charge lowers room humidity, and thus, comfort cooling can be
the ice storage tanks. The same chiller can also achieved with higher room temperature. This reduce air
produce warmer supply fluid temperature, 40 to 45 oF conditioning load required, and therefore, reduces the
[4.4 to 7.2 oC], for those building systems designed for installation cost and system operating cost.
only peak shaving. Standby Cooling Capacity: Energy stored in ITES can
Dunham-Bush is the only HVAC/R manufacturer who be utilized to cater peak or unexpected loads which
can provide complete ITES packaged solution, with exceeded total cooling capacity available from the
own products for chillers, ice storage tanks and plant installed chillers. This is savior to the regions which
room control system, with following benefits. having difficulties on power generation plants
expansion, where with ITES, will significantly reduced
Demand Charge: ITES allows some of the peak
total demand of the buildings.
hr.sq.ft.°F/BTU [0.000044m².°C/W] for the water
SCOPE condenser and 0.0001 hr.sq.ft.°F/BTU [0.0000176
Supply and commissioning of complete factory m².°C/W] for evaporator. Water pressure drop at design
assembled water cooled rotary screw chiller(s). The conditions shall not exceed ___________ feet of water
rotary screw chiller(s) shall contain rotary screw through the condenser, and ____________ feet of
compressor(s), evaporator, condenser, interconnecting water through the evaporator.
refrigerant piping, electronic expansion valve, control
panel, chilled liquid connections, condenser water QUALITY ASSURANCE
connections. The control panel shall be fully wired by
D Chiller performance shall be certified by AHRI as
the manufacturer connecting & interlocking controller,
per AHRI 550/590 standard latest edition.
starter, electrical protection devices with electrical
D [Optional] ASHRAE Standard 15 safety code for
power and control connections. Packaged chiller shall
be factory assembled, charged and tested with a full mechanical refrigeration
operating refrigerant and oil charge. The refrigerant D ASME standard B31.5 for Refrigerant piping
type shall be R134a. and shall not have phasing out D Vessels shall be fabricated and pressure tested in
schedule. compliance with ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel
code, Section VIII, Division 1 “Unfired Pressure
Capacity of each chiller shall be not less than
_________refrigerant tons (kW output) cooling at
D [Optional] JKKP code for vessels required in
________ USGPM (liters/min.) of water from
_______°F[°C] to ________°F[°C]. Power input Malaysia market place.
requirements for the unit(s), incorporating all D [Optional] PED certification required in Europe
appurtenances necessary for unit operation, including market place
but not limited to the control accessories and pumps, if D Manufacturer shall have experience of minimum 10
required, shall not exceed _______kW input at design years in manufacturing water cooled screw chillers
conditions. The unit shall be able to unload to _____% in their facility.
of cooling (refrigeration) capacity when operating with D Unit shall be manufactured in ISO9001 registered
leaving chilled water and entering condenser water at manufacturing facility.
design temperatures. The unit shall be capable of D Factory run test: Chiller shall be pressure tested,
continuous operation at this point, with stable evacuated and fully charged with refrigerant and oil.
compressor operation, without the use of hot gas The chiller shall be run tested with water flowing
bypass. through the vessels.
Heat transfer surfaces shall be selected to reflect the D Manufacturer shall have a service organization with
incorporation of a fouling factor of 0.00025 trained service personal.
- 36 -
- 37 -
OIL MANAGEMENT physical buttons and touch keys enable user to access
information, based on security level of password. There
The chiller package shall ensure proper lubrication shall be min three level of password for operator,
during the operation in order to have prolonged service personnel and for the critical manufacturer
compressor life as well as maintaining system settings in order to protect the chiller controller from
efficiency. An efficient Pressure differential lubrication unauthorized access.
system shall be provided with oil filter, sight glass, oil
sump and oil sump heater. The oil heater shall be The controller board shall be provided with a set of
energized during the chiller switched off to prevent oil terminals that connected to various devices such as
from dilution. Oil pump is not acceptable. temperature sensors, pressure transducers, current
transducers, solenoid valves, compressor contactors,
electronic expansion valve, controls relays. The
ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL PANEL controller should be able to configured and connected
The electrical switch gears, controller, control sensors multiple unit that allow sequencing control without
and relays shall be housed in NEMA-1 panel. The additional hardware. The controller shall be able to
panel casing shall be of galvanized steel with powder carry out all program operations, It shall be able to
coating for corrosion resistance. The panel shall be display unit operating parameters, compressor
divided into two separate compartments or shall have information, alarm history and shall able to modify the
two separate panels to house power and control parameters.
devices separately. The controller shall be able to carry out its own
diagnose test on the controller and the connected
ELECTRICAL POWER PANEL devices and alarm messages shall be displayed
The chiller manufacturer shall provide suitable part automatically on faulty devices.
winding starter for the compressor motor in order to All messages shall be displayed in English language.
minimize the starting current. The starter shall be shall be displayed either in Imperial or SI units.
factory mounted, wired to the motor and controller. The Leaving chilled water temperature control shall be
starter shall be able to provide adequate starting torque accomplished by entering the water temperature set
and the required acceleration for the compressor during point with accuracy to 0.8°F and placing the controller
starting. automatic control mode. The controller shall monitor all
NEMA-1 electrical panel compartment shall include: control functions and move the compressor slide valve
to the calibrated position. The compressor loading
D Main incoming power terminal block suitable to
cycle shall be programmable and shall be adjusted to
receive single entry of three phase 3-wire power
the building load requirement. The loading adjustable
supply with specified voltage. range shall be from 0.1% to 0.4% per increment to
D Circuit breakers for each compressor prevent excessive demand hike at start up.
D Solid state compressor motor over Current The controller shall continuously monitor evaporator
protection module for each phase leaving water temperature, rate of change of chilled
D Solid state compressor motor overheat protection water leaving temperature, evaporator and condenser
module pressure; compressor amp draw; and discharge
D Under/over voltage phase reversal and imbalance refrigerant temperature.
relay. The controller shall be complete with all hardware and
D [Optional] Ground fault interrupter. software necessary to enable remote monitoring of all
The compressor starter contactors and circuit breakers data through the addition of an optional web card if
shall be wired securely to the main incoming terminal accessing the controller via web or network cards if
block. Solid state external compressor over load linking chiller to the Building Management Systems.
protector, over heating protection modules, over/under The controller shall be complete with a RS485 long
voltage phase relay shall be interlocked with the distance differential communications port, the remote
compressor starter contactors to provide adequate connection shall be established by a twisted pair of
protection to the compressor motor. wire. The controller shall also accept a remote start and
stop signal, 0 to 5VDC [optional], chilled water
temperature reset signal [optional] and 0 to 5VDC
CONTROL PANEL compressor current limit reset signal [optional].
The packaged chiller shall be equipped with stand The electrical control panel shall be wired to permit fully
along proactive advance controller which adapts to automatic operation during - initial start-up, normal
abnormal operation conditions. The unit algorithm operation, and shutdown conditions. The control
program and operating parameters shall be stored in system shall contain the following control, displays and
flash-memory. Battery back-up is not acceptable. 115V safety devices:
Power supply to the controller shall be provided by a
control transformer provided with the panel. External MANUAL CONTROLS
power source to the controller is not acceptable. The
controller shall be equipped with a user friendly D Auto/Local/Remote switch
terminal with color touch screen LED back lit graphical D Control circuit stop and start switches
display and dedicated touch keys that provides easy D Compressor enable switch
access to the unit operating parameters, control set D Compressor over current
points and alarm history. There shall be dedicated D Compressor anti-recycle
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D Programmable with Seven day operation cycle D Low differential pressure
D [Optional] chilled liquid and condenser water pump D Compressor run error
on/off control D Power loss
D [Optional] dual mode operation to produce Ice at D Sensor error
21F-26F for Ice thermal energy systems D Refrigerant loss
D Reverse rotation
AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Controller shall be able to retain upto 99 alarm
D Compressor motor increment contactors conditions complete with time of failure and all critical
D Start delay timer sensor readings. This aids service technicians in their
D Anti-recycle timer trouble shooting task enabling downtime and nuisance
D Oil sump heater interlock relays trip-outs to be minimized.
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