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The document provides an introduction and overview of the Grimmsgate adventure module.

The adventure module is for characters between levels 1-3 and involves exploring the village of Grimmsgate and surrounding wilderness.

The village of Grimmsgate, surrounding wilderness, and the Elder Temple are described as locations in the adventure.

ISBN 978-1-62283-176-0

Author Layout and Graphic Design
Matthew J. Finch Charles A. Wright

Developer Front Cover Art

Bill Webb Erol Otus

Producers Interior Art

Bill Webb and Charles A. Wright Chris McFann

Editor Cartography
Aaron Zirkelbach Robert Altbauer

Frog God Games is

CEO V. P. of Marketing & Sales
Bill Webb Rachel Ventura

Creative Director: Swords & Wizardry Art Director

Matthew J. Finch Charles A. Wright

Creative Director: Pathfinder The Dude

Greg A. Vaughan Skeeter Green

©2012 Bill Webb, Matthew J. Finch, Frog God Games. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Frog God
Games, the Frog God Games logo, and Grimmsgate are trademarks of Frog God Games.
All rights reserved. All characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by
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for tough

Table of Contents
Grimmsgate......................................................................................... p. 4
The Village of Grimmsgate..................................................................... p. 5
Wilderness.......................................................................................... p. 8
The Elder Temple................................................................................. p. 11
Legal Appendix .................................................................................... p.22

An introductory adventure for the Swords & Wizardry ™ fantasy Imprisonment of the Demon
role-playing game, for 4-8 characters level 1-3. The slow deterioration in this area is rooted in events long ago, at a
place that is now referred to as the Elder Temple, a partially-collapsed

hillside not far from the village of Grimmsgate. In the almost-mythic
past, a group of three paladins killed a manifestation of a demon named
Vuod the Putrefactor. They burned the body and placed the ashes into
If you’re already an old hand at using adventure modules, and you a magically-sealed jar made of green glass. The jar was given over to
don’t need any explanation about what’s going on here, then feel free the priests of Law at the Elder Temple, and left under their protection.
to skip forward to the rest of the adventure. On the other hand, if this is For as long as the demon’s ashes remained within the protective jar, the
your first time reading a published adventure, welcome! You might need demon would not be able to manifest itself again in the material plane of
a few words of introduction to get you started with your first time as a existence.
Referee, but fear not – Swords & Wizardry isn’t complicated, and neither
is running an adventure. Presumably you’ve taken at least a quick look Arumvel’s Crime
at the Swords & Wizardry rulebook, and you’ve got the idea of how the For centuries the ashes of Vuod were kept safe by the priests of the
game is played. The non-Referee players create characters in a fantasy Temple, until the unforeseen day when one of the priests, the acolyte
world, and as the players tell the Referee what their characters are doing, Arumvel, became so curious about the forbidden jar on the pedestal in the
the Referee describes the results. Using dice, a few rules, and this back- Temple that he decided it could do no harm to at least touch it. The moment
and-forth exchange of information, questions, and descriptions, the story Arumvel reached out his hand and made contact with the demon’s prison,
of the characters emerges as they explore the world, fight monsters, the ashes of Vuod the Putrefactor exploded outward and coated Arumvel’s
gain treasure, and become more powerful. Because the Referee is not body, destroying most of his soul and taking complete possession of
in control of the characters, and since the players aren’t in control of the the too-curious priest. With Arumvel possessed by the demon, the other
Referee’s world, the epic story that emerges will contain surprises for priests were taken by surprise and either killed or enslaved to Arumvel’s
everyone. will. A few of the Temple servants managed to leave warnings before they
As the Referee, one of your most difficult tasks is preparing the died, but the bloody events of the Temple’s desecration left no survivors.
adventures that will confront your players. When everyone sits down at After the carnage, Vuod the Putrefactor escaped from the material plane,
the gaming table, the players are going to be asking you for information leaving Arumvel behind – still alive, but with his body and soul horridly
about the fantasy world: “What do we see?” “Do we know any rumors?” warped. Slowly, the wilderness has encroached into the area where the
“Where should we go?” For many Referees, preparing the adventure ahead Elder Temple once held it at bay.
of time is part of the fun of the game. Other Referees enjoy playing the For over two hundred years after the slaughter at the Elder Temple,
game, but prefer to use pre-prepared modules like this one. This adventure Arumvel the Wicked remained quiet, resting and regaining his strength.
is a good introduction to running a Swords & Wizardry adventure even if Now, with his assembled minions and the strength of centuries, he has
you never plan on using a published adventure module again. One tip to finally turned his eye upon the lands beyond his lair.
start out with, though. If you plan on writing your own adventures, they
don’t need to be as detailed as what you read here: all you really need are The Rise of Arumvel
quick notes to jog your memory. Arumvel the Wicked, horribly altered during his possession by the
Enjoy! demon Vuod, is dedicated to the cause of Chaos. Unlike many servants
of the dark powers, he is only slightly interested in conquest or power;
instead, ruin, decline, and decay are his cherished goals. His influence
If you are going to be a player in this upon the area around the Elder Temple has been subtle but very
adventure, and you are not the Referee, destructive over time, as trade in the area has been choked off, the Temple
in Grimmsgate has become less and less able to protect the village, and
READ NO FURTHER! monsters have begun to return to the area. These monsters included a band
of mogura-jin looking for a base of operations and new sources of human
prey; the mogura-jin are a race of cannibalistic mole-men, descended and

Background degenerated from human beings. Seeing an opportunity, Arumvel recruited

the mogura-jin to be his followers, supporting their raids and depredations
with his own demonic and magical powers. Even worse, Arumvel began
The Present Day to create more of these degenerated beings by capturing and transforming
Deep in the wooded wilderness, the village of Grimmsgate is an humans into new stock that would increase the numbers of mole-men in
outpost town on a seldom-traveled trail, right at the edge of nowhere. his ranks. These cursed humans are only partially transformed into mole-
The village’s half-ruined temple of Law, dilapidated inn, drunken men, but their offspring will be condemned to the same cursed existence
blacksmith, exiled trader and a few fur-trappers are enough to keep the as the true mogura-jin.
bloody-minded denizens of the dark forest at bay, but nobody really
expects the village to still be there in another ten years. The woods have
become too dangerous for the trappers who once caught animals for fur,
and merchants no longer travel the poorly-maintained road because of
bandits. None of the nearby barons are willing to accept responsibility
Referee Notes
for the village, because the one and only attempt that was ever made Before running this adventure, read all the way through it to get
to subdue this part of the wilderness, a patrolling troop of knights and familiarized with the different parts. The first section of the module is
soldiers, completely disappeared in the forest without leaving a trace. about the Village of Grimmsgate, which is where the characters arrive at
When the search parties also failed to return, civilization gave up on the start of play. After the map and key for Grimmsgate, the next section
Grimmsgate and departed, making no further efforts to stave off the is the wilderness map, describing the area in the vicinity of the village,
slow advance of Chaos. the wandering monsters that may be found while exploring, and various

Grimmsgate: The village
interesting locations. The third section is the main adventure area for the
module, the forbidding Elder Temple where Arumvel the Wicked makes Rumor Table
his lair. Assuming the players tell you that their characters ask some questions
The Elder Temple contains several monsters that take only half damage in Grimmsgate, the answers will automatically yield the following two
when hit by non-magical weapons. Spells, magic weapons, and holy pieces of information about the area:
water are all ways to inflict damage on demons and undead. Holy water “Seems like things have been going downhill for years, here in
inflicts 1d4 hit points of damage if a bottle is thrown on such creatures. Grimmsgate. Ever since the barons lost a big patrol in the forest, they
It is worthwhile to remind the players of the properties of holy water, haven’t sent anyone since. Seems like we lost a fur trapper or a farmer
especially if they are new players that might not know holy water can be every month for a while, and now there aren’t enough people to keep
used as a weapon in this way. things going.”
There are several reasons that might bring the characters to the Village “There is an old temple out there somewhere nearby. It’s called the
of Grimmsgate, and if you choose to give the players some direction Elder Temple because it was before we had a temple here in the village.
you can assign one of these missions to the characters ahead of time. Something bad happened there a long time ago.”
Otherwise, simply tell the players that their characters are in search of Once this basic information is conveyed to the players, there are
treasure and adventure … then wait and see what they do. a few more rumors that might be floating around in Grimmsgate. You
might choose to give the party 1d3+1 of these additional rumors (rolling
1. The characters have been charged by the priests of Law in another randomly on a d6 to see which ones they hear), or, if the players themselves
area to discover what has become of the Elder Temple. Unless the party are new to the game, you might decide to tell them all these rumors as a
is made up primarily of hero-types, there will likely need to be a financial way of helping them along a bit. Note that rumors 4 and 5 contradict
reward involved if the characters are successful. each other; #4 is technically the truth, but it is not the whole story and is
2. The characters are hired by a nearby baron to see if a small group actually a bit misleading.
of adventurers can do a better job of discovering and rooting out the evil
in the area than the (already failed) military approach using knights and Roll 1d6 to determine which rumor the characters hear:
men-at-arms. 1 Two nearby farmers, Albraith and Etarra, disappeared from their
3. One of the characters has been deeded one of the abandoned houses farmhouse only a couple of days ago.
in Grimmsgate, and the party is traveling to the village to see if it would 2 To find the Elder Temple, go south downriver from the ford.
be a good place as a base of operations for an adventuring career. The 3 The Elder Temple was a building on a hill, but now all that is left is
character might have won the house in a card game, inherited it, or bought the catacombs underneath the ruins.
it cheaply from someone who left the village due to the growing sense of 4 Someone freed a demon in the Elder Temple, and it killed all the
hopelessness and defeat there. priests before it disappeared.
5 Someone freed a demon in the Elder Temple, and the demon is still
there to this very day.

Start 6 Something must be keeping travelers away from Harkin’s Ford up to

the northeast, because no one has come to the village from that
direction in several days.
After several days of traveling, you and your companions are
at last approaching the small village of Grimmsgate. The narrow
road that leads for miles through this forest is overgrown with Map Key
weeds, beginning to blend and disappear entirely back into the
wilderness. Indeed, everything you have seen since the last real G-1. Abandoned Farmhouses
signs of civilization has had the same feeling of slow retreat and
disintegration. More than once, you have passed by strange signs
and indications – bones arranged in a circle around a human skull; Three stone farmhouses were once built beside the pathway
a small, red-stained wicker basket by the side of the road; an that leads up to the top of Grimmsgate Hill, but they appear to be
unmarked grave in the dappled shade of the trees. abandoned now. One of them has a wooden shutter that bangs
Finally, though, you see ahead of you the distinctive hill upon open and closed in the wind. A cat sits in one of the dark windows,
which the village of Grimmsgate is built. At the top, there is a small watching you as you pass by.
cluster of buildings – you can just barely see the half-collapsed roof
of the old Temple of Law that was once said to be the pride of the The cat is a regular cat, but it is feral and will run away if anyone tries
village. Even at this distance, the place looks run down. Although to approach it.
the village is not fortified, the hill is very steep and only one path
leads up to the top.
Do you head toward the village? G-2. Grimm’s Gatehouse
The trail up to the hilltop is blocked by a half-ruined gatehouse.
The gates have fallen off and have been pushed to the side to
keep them from blocking the entrance. However, the rusting iron

The Village of Grimmsgate portcullis has been lowered, and there is a guard standing atop the
building with his crossbow leveled at you.

The village sits atop a steep hill, with a single pathway leading
around the hill’s natural curve and up to a gatehouse that protects
the buildings at the summit. There are three farmhouse-type
G-3. Silver Dagger Inn
buildings along the path, but the rest of the village appears to be
A large building with a wooden sign out front painted to represent
located behind the gatehouse, so that any attackers would have to
a silver dagger. It has recently been painted, and shows other signs
take the gates before they could reach the regular buildings.
of attempted repairs, but this is obviously an old building and the
repairs are not expertly done. As you draw nearer to the inn, one
of the wooden roof shingles comes loose in the breeze and slides
down, falling to the ground in the overgrown grass.

Grimmsgate: The VIllage

Grimmsgate: The VIllage
The Silver Dagger Inn has six rooms for rent upstairs (1gp/night), each
of which can sleep as many as three people if two share a bed and the third
sleeps on the floor. On the ground floor, there is a common room where
meals are served; the common room serves as a tavern for the rest of the
village as well, for on most nights there are no guests staying at the Inn at
all. The rooms are clean, but all of them have ceilings that leak if it rains,
and the floorboards squeak.
The innkeeper of the Silver Dagger is Ralmar Prath, a tall, thin fellow
with a shiny, bald head. His wife Miralda and his two sons Ullin and Jark
help him with the various tasks of running the inn and the stable.

Ralmar Prath (Ftr5): HD 5d8hp; HP 25; AC 4[15]; Atk 1

longsword (1d8) or longbow (1d6); Move 12; Save 10; AL L;
CL/XP 5/240; Special: 5 attacks against opponents with 1HD
or less.

Miralda, Ullin and Jark (Normal Humans): HD 1d6hp; HP 6, 4,

5; AC 9[10]; Atk 1 dagger (1d4); Move 12; Save 18; AL L, L, N;
CL/XP B/10; Special: None.

Ralmar’s room contains a strongbox with 320gp, 426sp, and a small

emerald (200gp).

G-4. Stable
This long, stone building has broad double doors and smells
of horses and manure. There is no sign on the front, but this is
obviously the village’s stable. The stones in one corner of the
building appear to be coming loose, but as far as you can tell at a
glance, the building is still structurally sound.

The stables are owned by the temple, but Ralmar Prath of the Silver
Dagger manages them on the temple’s behalf. There are three horses and
five mules kept here.
G-6. “Drunken” Smith
G-5. The Emporium (Merchant) The building has a blacksmith’s forge in the front. A sign on the
side of the building reads “Blacksmith,” but it is so faded that you
This is a well-tended stone building with a roof of wooden can barely read it.
shingles. A sign over the door reads: “The Hilltop Emporium.”

The blacksmith of Grimmsgate is nicknamed “Drunken” Smith, and

The Emporium is a combination of a store and trading post, the the nickname describes him well. When he is sober, he can shoe horses,
headquarters of Pantro Panga’s tiny mercantile empire. Pantro is an repair armor and weapons, and even make swords and daggers. When he
extremely flamboyant and somewhat manic person with big dreams is not sober, his creations and repairs tend to be off center, bent, or slightly
of becoming a great merchant owning caravans and fleets of ships. twisted.
Unfortunately, he is in what might be the worst possible location to
succeed in such a plan. He owns a mule (in the stables), the small amount
of merchandise in his store, and not much else. G-7. Stevin’s Farmhouse
The characters can buy any equipment from the standard equipment list
here, but quantities will be limited. Pantro has only one suit of plate mail, This building is in excellent repair, and the stone wall around the
for example. He will buy anything valuable that the characters bring to garden is painted a cheery yellow color.
him, with the hopes of either selling it here or shipping it by caravan to a
town or even a city.
This farmhouse belongs to Stevin Farmer. Stevin’s farm is a half hour
walk from the bottom of the hill.
At some point, Pantro can easily become a source of adventures,
especially if you decide that he is running out of cash and needs G-8. Farmer Ezrac’s House
to take all these things he has been buying from the characters
into a town for sale. At that point he might hire the characters
to guard him and the caravan (he will rent the other mules in the This half-timbered house leans slightly to one side, and there are
village stable for the journey). He would be expecting to join up some holes in the plaster.
with a larger caravan within a day or so, but if the rendezvous fails
due to a delay somewhere, he would likely choose to go on alone Farmer Ezrac is not friendly to visitors, and generally keeps to himself
if he has guards. Guarding a caravan through the wilderness and even with the other villagers.
past the threat of bandits and monsters can make for an excellent

Grimmsgate: The Wilderness
G-9. Abandoned Houses W-2. The Elder Temple
The Elder Temple is described in its own section.
Three farmhouses are clustered together here, all of them
obviously abandoned.
W-3. Harkin’s Ford
Harkin’s Ford is a shallow point in the river, where it is possible to cross
If the players think of it, their characters could actually rent or buy one without a bridge or ferry. An ogre has recently taken up residence near
of these houses from the Temple (Rhall). The price to rent would be 30gp the ford, finding that it is a good place to attack small groups of travelers.
per month, and the cost to buy would be 600gp (no farmland would come The ogre is careful not to attack groups of more than three people, but
with the purchase or rental of the house, just the building itself). anyone coming to the ford and looking around will find traces of the
ogre’s presence: a skull here and there, a mortar and pestle where the ogre
grinds bones, and even its pile of sleeping furs if they range far enough
G-10. Trake Farmhouse around the area. If the party stays long enough, the ogre will lose patience
and come out from its hiding place to attack these interlopers. If the party
This building is a farmhouse with two cows in the stone-walled is simply approaching the ford before heading south, following directions
enclosure behind the building. to the Elder Temple, they are not likely to be stopped by the ogre.

Ogre of Harkin’s Ford: HD 4+1; HP 21; AC 5[14]; Atk 1

An elderly couple named Yorbin and Melly Trake live here. Their three weapon (1d10+1); Move 9; Save 13; AL C; CL/XP 4/120;
adult children have all left the area to seek their fortunes elsewhere. Special: None.

G-11. Temple of Law Treasure: The ogre carries a bag that contains two human skulls, a
gallon of beer, a haunch of venison, 250gp, a jeweled dagger (100gp), and
an ivory drinking horn (100gp).
This large building is obviously a Temple of Law, but it is in
terrible disrepair. Parts of the roof have collapsed into the building,
and the garden in front of the temple is choked with weeds. W-4. Young Black Dragon
This is the lair of the young black dragon Iscarax, a recent arrival in the
area. Iscarax’s lair is a very small cave, and the dragon intends to find a
An old cleric named Rhall is the last remaining priest here, although
deeper lair or perhaps a swamp in the future. For the time being, though,
he has a letter claiming that an acolyte will be sent to him from a larger
the young dragon has found itself drawn to this area for some reason it
temple “soon.” Rhall has been camping out in the semi-ruin ever since
the roof started to fall in. He has been trying to figure out how to restore does not understand, and it intends to stay for a while. The reason why
some kind of spirit to the villagers, but so far he has been unsuccessful at Iscarax has been drawn to this area, of course, is due to the influence of
fighting off the sense of defeat that has been eating away at the community Arumvel.
for years. He has begun to suspect that there are supernatural forces at
work, and it has crossed his mind that the old stories about the Elder Young Black Dragon (6HD): HD 6 (12hp); AC 2[17]; Atk 2
Temple might have something to do with the way that Grimmsgate seems claws (1d4), 1 bite (3d6); Move 9 (Fly 24); Save 11; AL C; CL/
to be dying away. XP 5/240; Special: Spits acid.
Although Rhall is unable to do any sort of adventuring – he lost an
arm several years ago, and his lungs are weak – he can be of invaluable
aid to the party as long as they are helping the village. He owns several
scrolls of clerical spells, some of which are more powerful than he could
cast without the help of the scroll. In one case, the scrolls could literally
mean the difference between life and death. The scrolls are: raise dead
x2, remove curse, and cure blindness. Rhall will not allow adventurers to
take the scrolls with them, but he will use the spells to restore them if they
return battered from an expedition to help the village.

Rhall (Clr4): HD 4d6hp; HP 20; AC 4[15]; Atk 1 mace (1d6);

Move 12; Save 12; AL L; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Spells (2/1), +2
save vs. paralysis and poison, turn undead.
Spells: Cure light wounds x2, speak with animals.

The Wilderness
The wilderness map shows the area around the village of Grimmsgate,
including the location of the Elder Temple. One square on the map
represents a half mile, and it will take the party about a half hour to travel
across a square. The terrain here is rough, and this movement rate assumes
that the party is also moving slowly and carefully.

Map Key
W-1. Village of Grimmsgate
The village of Grimmsgate is described in its own section. If the module
is being placed into an existing campaign, you, as the Referee, could
certainly choose to change the name of the village or to create your own.

Grimmsgate: The Wilderness

Grimmsgate: The elder temple

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
Treasure: As a young dragon, Iscarax has not yet assembled a very
impressive hoard of treasure, although it is enough to allow a peasant
to retire. The hoard includes 250gp, 337sp, 1,452cp, a golden chalice
Map Key
(100gp), 3 small rubies (100gp each), and a +1 shield.
T-1. Slopes of the Elder Temple
A rocky hill rises steeply beside the trail; a few massive blocks of dark
W-5. Bandit Camp stone at the crown making it clear that this is the site of the Elder Temple.
This area is the camp of a small group of bandits, led by a level 2 fighter No buildings remain, although several blocks of masonry are scattered
named Yarithor Bloodmark. here and there on the hillside as if they had been tossed around by an
unthinkably powerful force. Two small groves of trees have taken hold
Yarithor Bloodmark (Ftr2): HD 2; HP 10; AC 4[15]; Atk 1 near the bottom of the slope, and you can see three cave entrances into
longsword (1d8) or longbow (1d6); Move 12; Save 13; AL C; the hill itself. The lower two entrances are doorways crafted from carved
CL/XP 2/30; Special: 2 attacks against 1 or fewer than 1HD stone. The highest entrance, near the top of the hill, is quite different. It is
creatures. very large, wide enough for several people to enter side by side, and it is
closed by what appears to be a metal door.
Bandits (4): HD 1; HP 1, 5, 4, 8; AC 7[12]; Atk 1 longsword
(1d8) or longbow (1d6); Move 12; Save 17; AL C; CL/XP 1/15;
Special: None. T-2. Servants’ Quarter Tunnel Entrance
Treasure: In addition to the value of the bandits’ armor and weapons, This cave entrance is built of plain, undecorated stones. Light
each of the bandits carries a belt pouch with 1d6+1gp. Yarithor has 110gp from the outside shines just far enough into the hallway to show
and a medallion worth 25gp. that the entrance passageway makes a “T” junction after twenty
feet or so, with passages leading to the left and right. Where the
W-6. Hill of Statues passageway ends, you can see that a face is carved into the stone,
but you can’t see any more details without entering the tunnel.
Although there is no particular threat on this hilltop, the circle of statues
is unusual. There are five statues of hooded figures here, very worn by
many seasons of rain and snow. Each wears a holy symbol of Law (the For details on the inside of the tunnel, see Location T-4.
players will not know it, but these are statues of the 5 high priests who
ruled the Elder Temple before it was destroyed.
T-3. Guards’ Entrance

The Elder Temple This tunnel entrance is hidden away in a grove of young trees
that have probably grown since the time when the tunnel was first
excavated. Over the top of the entrance, a shield has been carved
into the stone. There is no device upon it, but at the edges of the
carving you can see what appear to be flecks of white paint.
Wandering Monsters
This entrance into the underground complex of the Elder Temple was
Check for wandering monsters once every three turns. There is
primarily used by the temple’s guards. As characters enter tunnels, check
only a 1 in 10 chance of encountering a wandering monster – on a
to make sure that the party is carrying light sources and that they have
roll of 1, check the table below to see what has been encountered.
established a marching order.
A result of “special” means that the monster is determined by
which set of caves the characters are in (each cave entrance has its
special monster included at the front of the entrance description). T-4. Entryway
Wandering Monsters (1 in 10 chance)
The entrance from the outside leads to an area that is a landing
Die Roll
halfway down a broad staircase. The steps go up to the left, and
(1d10) Encounter
down to the right. In front of you on the wall of the landing, there is
1 Manes Demon
a bas-relief carving in the wall, the face of a bearded man.
2-3 Giant Rats (1d3)
4-6 Mogura-jin (mole-man) (1)
7-8 Cursed humans (1d2) As characters enter tunnels, check to make sure that the party is
9-10 Giant Centipedes (small, non-lethal) (1d3) carrying light sources and that they have established a marching order.
In this entrance, for example, marching order is important because it may
Manes Demon (1): HD 1; AC 5[14]; Atk 2 claws (1d2), 1 determine which character falls into the pit trap at Location T-5.
bite (1d4); Move 5; Save 18; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special:
Half damage from non-magic weapons.
Giant Rats (1d3): HD 1d4hp; AC 7[12]; Atk 1 bite (1d3); T-5. Pit Trap
Mogura-jin (Cannibal Mole-man) (1): HD 2; AC 7[12]; THE STEPS!
Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 9 (burrowing); Save 16; AL C;
CL/XP 2/30; Special: Blinded by bright light. Your light illuminates a dark spot on the ceiling about the size of
Cursed Humans (1d2): HD 1; AC 7[12]; Atk 2 claws a large coin.
(1d4); Move 9; Save 17; AL C; CL/XP 1/15; Special:
Blinded by bright light.
Giant Centipedes (small, non-lethal) (1d3): HD 1d2hp; The dark spot is a recessed button in the ceiling that will lock the pit
AC 9[10]; Atk 1 bite (0 + poison); Move 13; Save 18; AL trap in place so that the trapdoor will not swing open when weight is
N; CL/XP B/10; Special: non-lethal poison bite (+4 save). placed on it. Since the ceiling is ten feet high over the top of the steps, the
adventurers will need to use some sort of tool to press it.

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
Unless the characters probe the floor ahead with a staff or pole, press
the overhead button, or do something else that would detect it, the covered
pit trap here is likely to catch at least one of them. The pit is ten feet
deep, and has a hinged covering painted to look like the flagstones of the
dungeon floor. Each person who steps onto this concealed trapdoor has a
4 in 6 chance to fall into the pit for 1d6 points of damage.

T-6. Servants’ Quarters

When you open the door and peer into this room, you see that there
are five skeletons lying on the floor, each one of them surrounded
by pieces of rotting wood and cloth.

The skeletons here are all normal skeletons (not animated). These are
servants of the Elder Temple that were enslaved by Arumvel the Wicked.
The pieces of rotting wood and cloth are all that remains of the beds and
other simple furniture that was once in the room – if the characters dig
through the bits and pieces, they will find several rusted nails but nothing
of value.

T-7. Pantry
This room has several wooden shelves around the walls, but they
are badly rotted and most have collapsed. Apparently the room was
looted at some time in the past, for there is nothing on the shelves
and only some broken glass and pieces of pottery left on the floor.
Rather ominously, there is a human skull in one corner of the room.

Searching through the trash on the floor allows the characters to find
2gp and 4cp. Searching takes a full turn, and has a 1 in 6 chance to alert
the cursed humans in Location T-8.

T-10. Mole-man Lair

T-8. The Cannibals’ Kitchen
Note: it is possible for the characters to enter this room through the
This room was evidently used for storage at some time in the
regular door or through the secret passageway from Location T-18.
past, for there are several large alcoves in the room, each one large
enough for a person to stand in, each of them carved with stone
This room is obviously a kitchen, with a large fireplace, several shelves. You only have a moment to notice the room’s details,
wooden counters along the walls, and a table in the middle of the though, for there are also several mole-men in the room, moving
room. Iron cooking pots and other implements are hung by hooks to the attack. Their leader is a big, fat brute of a mole-man covered
from the ceiling. Six human-like creatures are sitting around the with scars and standing over six feet tall. At the back there is also
table, eating what looks like raw rat meat. They are skinny and an old-looking cannibal mole-man with tattoos all over his skin and
hairless, with snout-like faces and long, claw-like fingernails. a bone through its nose.

These creatures are cursed humans (see “New Monsters”). They are This is the main group of the cannibal mole-men who inhabit the
halfway altered into cannibal mole-men, and their offspring will most Servants’ Quarter area of the Elder Temple. The big mole-man is the war
certainly be members of that malignant species. These cursed humans are leader and the one with the bone through its nose is Jylagura the Demon-
part of the larger group of mole-men and cursed humans that makes its Speaker, a servant of Arumvel the Wicked (see Location T-43). Jylagura
lair in Location T-10. has a smear of ash on his forehead like the manes demons of Arumvel’s
There is a bundle of bones wrapped in burlap in one corner of the room. court, but this is ordinary ash, not ashes from Vuod the Putrefactor.
The bones are fresh, with scraps of meat still clinging to them, and they
are obviously those of a human being. Gobura Scar (Mole-man leader): HD 3; HP 12; AC 5[14];
Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 9 (burrowing); Save 14; AL C;
Cursed Humans (6): HD 1; HP 6, 3, 8, 7, 3, 1; AC 7[12]; Atk CL/XP 4/120; Special: Blinded by bright light.
2 claws (1d4); Move 9; Save 17; AL C; CL/XP 1/15; Special:
Blinded by bright light. Jylagura the Demon-Speaker (Cannibal mole-man):
HD 2; HP 10; AC 6[13]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 9 (burrowing);
Treasure: Each of the cursed humans has a belt pouch with 1d10 gold Save 16; AL C; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Spells (cause light
pieces in it. One of the iron cooking pots hanging from the ceiling contains wounds, hold person, cure light wounds), blinded by bright
a leather bag that contains 3 gems (25gp each) and 5 gold pieces. light. Jylagura’s cause light wounds may be cast at a range
of 30ft and does not permit a saving throw.
T-9. Empty Room Mogura-Kin (Cannibal mole-men (3)): HD 2; HP 12, 4, 11;
This room is empty. AC 7[12]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 9 (burrowing); Save 16;
AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Blinded by bright light.
There is nothing of interest to the characters in this room.

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
Treasure: Gobura wears a necklace of gold nuggets (200gp) and has a
belt pouch with 12gp and 23sp. Each of the ordinary cannibal mole-men
has a belt pouch with 1d10gp. Jylagura the Demon-Speaker has a shoulder
bag made of cured human skin, which contains a number of disgusting
items used in his demonic rituals, and also contains a gem carved in the
shape of a demon’s head. This gem is worth 500gp.

Referee Note:
Swords & Wizardry has no rules to tell the Referee how to make
monsters like Jylagura. He is a cannibal mole-man tribal spellcaster
because that fits well with the whole mystery of the Elder Temple,
but there is no rule that such spell casters should have clerical
spells, magic user spells, druid spells, or spells that you make up
for tribal spell casters. Creating adventures for Swords & Wizardry
is not a matter of following rules or procedures; it is a matter of
putting together interesting, playable adventures!

T-11. Main Temple Entrance

This entrance to the hill is blocked by a closed, metal double door,
wide enough for several people to enter side by side. The door is
marked with a large circle, one of the symbols of Law, but eight
arrows have been roughly gouged into the iron around the circle,
transforming it into a Chaos symbol. T-13. Fane of the Elder Temple
The great doors are not locked, but they are not easy to open. It takes This chamber is circular, the domed ceiling supported by carved
at least three characters with a combined strength of 35 to open them. A stone pillars. At the center of the room there is a short pedestal,
dwarf might notice that the gouges in the iron door were not made by about three feet tall. Broken shards of green glass surround the
normal tools, but look almost like claw marks (the claws of the mole-men pedestal. The room has a sense of brooding power in it, but it feels
are strong enough to gouge the metal quite deeply). like an echo or a residue rather than an active source of anything
As characters enter tunnels, check to make sure that the party is carrying magical.
light sources and that they have established a marching order.
A detect magic spell will reveal that the shards of glass are infused with
T-12. Temple Antechamber an extraordinarily powerful enchantment. Anyone touching the shards
will be knocked unconscious by the intense power that remains in them
This impressive underground chamber has double doors at both even after the jar was shattered. The character will remain unconscious
ends. Over the top of the eastern doors there is a mosaic image of a for 1d6 ten-minute turns, and during each turn the character will have
green jar surrounded with light. dreams resulting from the shock of contacting the remains of the artifact.
Some of these dreams may repeat; roll on the table below, once per turn
that the character is unconscious, to determine what dreams may come to
The mosaic tiles comprising the “light” around the jar are actually the character.
magic, and if there is no light in the chamber they will be seen to glow
faintly. If someone is boosted up to touch the mosaic jar, that character Roll 1d8
will instantly have a very powerful vision sent by the powers of Law. In 1 The character hears a frightened voice repeating the words
the vision, the character sees a demon being burned in holy fires by three “beneath the sun alone for safekeeping.”
knights in plate mail, each wearing armor that shines with white light. One 2 The character repeatedly sees a person wearing the robes of a
of the knights has a helmet bearing the crest of a phoenix, one bears the priest of Law reaching out to touch a jar made of green glass.
crest of a horse, and one bears the crest of a golden dragon. The demon’s The man is muttering to himself, but the dream contains no sound.
ashes suddenly rise into the air like smoke, and are sucked down into a It looks like the man might be saying the word, “dangerous.”
green jar. The three knights lift the jar (it is about the size of a person) and 3 The character repeatedly hears the words, “It can’t be that
place it behind a carved wooden screen that bears magical holy symbols. dangerous.” If a player asks if this is the same frightening voice
When the jar is placed behind the screen, the symbols on the wooden mentioned in #1, the answer is no – this is the jar’s memory of the
panels suddenly blaze with light. The knights step back, and the vision voice of Arumvel just before he touched the jar and released Vuod
fades away. Just as it does so, however, the person seeing the vision from captivity.
will suddenly become convinced that whatever this vision represented, 4 The character sees the same vision as when the mosaic picture
something about it has since gone terribly wrong. of the jar is touched in Location T-12. However, the scene is
The mosaic of the jar was created here as a warning and a reminder to viewed from the perspective of the jar, so the demon’s ashes
the priests of Law who once lived in the precincts of the Elder Temple. It rise from the fire and seem to jump into the character. After this
depicts the imprisonment of the demon Vuod by the three paladins who startling moment, the character will see the three knights placing
killed him, burned the flesh, and placed the ashes in the jar, a magical the wooden screen in place as if they were putting the screen
artifact created for this purpose. around the character. At this point, the dream ends.
5 The character sees a fountain of dark dust, or possibly powder, rise
into the air and form the shape of a demon. This viewpoint is very

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
strange, because it appears to be seen from several different an area against the back wall of the room where there is much less leaf
perspectives at once. (The multiple-viewpoint effect is due to the coverage on the floor than elsewhere in the room. (This is directly in front
fact that it is seen from the perspectives of several shattered pieces of the secret door).
of the jar, just after the demon shattered it from within).
6 The character sees a person’s lying on the floor in the middle of
several pieces of broken green glass (this can be recognized as T-17. Side Storage Room
the same person – Arumvel – as seen in result #2 who was Note: If the characters inspect the door to this room, they will discover
reaching out to touch the jar). Suddenly a stream of dusty smoke that something seems to have gnawed away some of the wood at the
begins to stream into the person’s mouth and nose, as if being bottom, leaving a gap about 3 inches high by 6 inches wide.
7 The character sees the man (Arumvel) speaking to a small group This room contains several wooden crates, probably ten of them,
of squat but disturbingly human-like beings, about 5 feet tall and stacked in a jumbled pile at the back of the room. Two of the crates
having pale skin, small beady red eyes, no body hair, and nails at the front and top of the pile appear to be in good condition, but
overgrown to claws. the rest of the crates are very old and rotted. Piles of rotted wood
8 The character sees a human being chained to a wall. Time seems lie on the floor around the crates, and it looks as though these have
to pass rapidly, and the character sees a nauseating change come been created by stripping pieces of the rotted wood away from the
over the man as he slowly transforms into a human-like creature boxes. There is a very bad smell in the room.
with pale skin, small beady red eyes, no body hair, and nails
overgrown to claws.
10 giant rats live in the nest they have made in this pile of crates.
If a character is knocked unconscious as a result of touching the green
shards of glass, three giant centipedes will crawl out of unseen holes in Giant Rats (10): HD 1d4hp; HP 4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 4; AC
the stone pillars, and attack the party. The centipedes are bright green and 7[12]; Atk 1 bite (1d3); Move 12; Save 18; AL N; CL/XP A/5;
shiny. Special: 5% are diseased.

Giant Centipedes (small, lethal) (3): HD 1d2hp; HP 1, 2, 1; AC Treasure: Searching the pile of crates will reveal a fair amount of junk
9[10]; Atk 1 bite (0 + poison); Move 13; Save 18; AL N; CL/XP that the rats have accumulated, but will also yield some valuable finds.
1/15; Special: poison bite (+4 save or die). In with the trash, the characters will find 73sp, 89cp, and a silver brooch
worth 25gp.

T-14. Secret Room T-18. Guard Barracks

This room is relatively featureless – the only unusual object in it
is located in the center of the room, a square pedestal two feet high, There are several rotted wooden beds in this room, a line of
with a concavity in the top shaped like a hemisphere. The concavity wooden boxes against the wall in the northernmost part of the
would contain exactly half of a one foot diameter sphere. chamber, and long weapons racks on the walls.

This area was the secret altar room of the priests of Law. The base of This spacious underground hall was once the barracks of the Elder
the altar is the pedestal, but at one time a sphere floated above the altar, Temple’s guard unit. The weapon racks are empty, and there is no sign
and without the sphere the altar has no unusual properties. As Arumvel, of the warriors that once inhabited this barracks. The wooden boxes in
possessed by the demon Vuod, was destroying the temple’s aboveground the northern part of the room are where the soldiers kept their personal
structure, the priest quickly hid the altar sphere away. It can be found in belongings. They have been ransacked, and are empty except for a few
Location T-25. If the sphere is returned to the altar, any Lawful character scraps of cloth.
within 60ft will gain 500 experience points as a divine blessing for
restoring the altar to wholeness. T-19. Entrance to the Catacombs
T-15. Flooded Room This tunnel entrance is about halfway up the hill. It has definitely
been carved from the rock, for the walls of the tunnel are straight
Steps lead down the corridor to a dark chamber. You can hear the and the floor is level. All around the opening, carved into the
sound of water dripping into a pool. hillside rock, there are carvings of skulls and skeletons. Ancient
runes are carved over the top of the tunnel.

The floor of this chamber is flooded in about two inches of water,

although on first glance the characters will not be able to tell that it is The ancient runes are too old to be understood by the characters without
so shallow. The water is dripping from the ceiling. Anyone walking magical aid, but if they cast a read languages spell, they will find that the
through the water will have 1d3-1 leeches stick to the character’s boots words read: “Crypts of the Elder Temple.”
before reaching the other side. The leeches are not dangerous, although When the characters enter tunnels, check to make sure that the party
they might suggest to novice players that water in dungeons can pose is carrying light sources and that they have established a marching order.
unexpected dangers.

T-16. Guard Room

This room is empty. Dead leaves are scattered on the floor,
probably blown into the tunnel during storms.

If the players specifically say that they are looking at the pattern of
leaves on the floor (and this must be before the characters traipse into
the room and scatter everything all about), they will notice that there is

Grimmsgate: The elder temple

resident in the temple), or hostile (the party said or did something stupid
T-20. Tomb of the Guardian when talking to the guardian).
Note: the passageway leading into this room may be the first side The guardian knows that the Elder Temple has been desecrated and
passage that the party encounters, if they have entered through the cave at overtaken by Arumvel the Wicked. Under these circumstances, it is willing
T-19. In that case, you may wish to read them the following description to trade certain of the material possessions in the graves in exchange for the
when they reach the intersection, and allow them to decide whether to destruction of Arumvel and his minions, and the restoration of the temple
enter the side passage or continue deeper into the complex. to its original state. As you, in your capacity as the Referee, conduct the
discussion between the tomb guardian and the player characters, keep all
A narrow passage leads off from the main corridor. The image of this in mind, and decide at the end of the discussions whether the guardian
a human skull has been carved over the top of the entrance to the will elect to be friendly, neutral, or hostile to the party.
corridor. The guardian is a being very similar to a ghost; it has an existence in the
ethereal plane, but its manifestation in the material plane of existence is
incorporeal. It cannot be damaged other than with magical weapons, and
If the party continues down the corridor to the tomb: if it is attacked it will vanish, leaving various rooms in the catacombs in
a state of hostility to the adventurers. It has enough hit points to survive
Shortly after it turns, the corridor opens into a rectangular chamber one combat round of anything that a low-level party could conceivably
that has been excavated from the rock. The walls, ceiling, and floor throw at it; even if the Referee is modifying the adventure for higher level
all have uneven surfaces that still bear marks of the miner’s tools. characters, it is still suggested that the Guardian be kept as a non-combat
Five stone sarcophagi have been placed here. encounter.
The sarcophagi in this room all contain normal (not animated) skeletons.
If the characters attempt to loot this tomb, under the very eyes of the Tomb
Obviously, this chamber is a tomb. However, as the chamber nearest Guardian, the guardian will raise its arms and each of the skeletons in the
to the entrance/exit of the catacombs, this was also the post of the tomb sarcophagi will rise as extremely powerful undead beings:
guardian. If anyone enters the room, setting foot beyond the corridor,
a column of white smoke will rise from the floor and coalesce into the Guardian Skeletons (5): HD 3; HP 18, 16, 13, 10, 14; AC
shape of a human wearing robes and a medallion of the symbol of Law 7[12]; Atk 1 strike (1d6); Move 12; Save 14; AL N; CL/XP
(whatever this might be in your campaign). The ghostly figure speaks: 4/120; Special: Take half damage from non-blunt weapons,
“I am the guardian of the Catacombs of the Elder Temple. What is your immune to sleep, cold, and charm magic.
purpose here?”
From this point on, there may be a conversation with the characters. Treasure: Each of the sarcophagi contains valuable grave goods that
Based on your judgment as Referee, the party’s responses might cause were buried along with the skeletons.
the guardian of the tomb to aid them or to ward against them. Many of Sarcophagus #1: Necklace of blood rubies worth 500gp
the chambers in the tomb area will have different characteristics based on Sarcophagus #2: Bracelet of blue stones (150gp)
whether the tomb guardian is neutral (hasn’t met the party yet), friendly Sarcophagus #3: Dagger with yellow jewels (cursed: touching the
(party has agreed in some way to try and defeat the evil that is now dagger causes the victim to turn into a snake unless the character makes a

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
successful saving throw). works, so there is no danger for the characters. The bones are those of the
Sarcophagus #4: A brooch of protection +1 (affects saving throws but initial residents of the sarcophagi. If the characters replace the bones in
nothing else) the sarcophagi, the tomb guardian at Location T-20 will be very favorably
Sarcophagus #5: 100gp in a box encrusted with semi-precious stones disposed toward them.
worth 50gp.
T-23. Tombs Antechamber
T-21. Paladins’ Tomb
The walls, floor, and ceiling of this chamber are painted yellow,
This tomb chamber contains 3 stone sarcophagi. The ceiling although the paint is now faded and old. The stone walls of the
is painted with now-faded pictures of three knights, one of them room contain twenty large niches, each of which contains what
wearing the shield-device of a dragon, one of a horse, and one of a appears to be a human skeleton. On each side of the southern door
phoenix. The knights are seen fighting against goblins, trolls, and is the statue of a dog.
other such evil enemies of humankind.
If the Tomb Guardian is Friendly: The dog statues will not animate.
If the Tomb Guardian is Friendly: Traps on the sarcophagi will not If the Tomb Guardian is Neutral: One of the dog statues will animate.
activate. If the Tomb Guardian is Hostile: Both of the dog statues will animate.
If the Tomb Guardian is Neutral: Traps on the sarcophagi are as normal.
If the Tomb Guardian is Hostile: Traps on the sarcophagi do +2 normal The skeletons in the niches are normal skeletons; they are the remains
damage. of priests of Law that were buried here before the temple was taken over
and desecrated by Arumvel. The two stone dogs at the exit, however, are
Sarcophagus #1: This sarcophagus has an inlaid image of a phoenix guardians of the tombs beyond this chamber, and one or both of them will
on the heavy stone lid. The lid has not been opened as far as the party animate and attack if a character tries to continue south past this room (or
can tell. It requires 2 people to shift the lid, and when it is moved it will if a character starts messing with the skeletons in this room). Only if the
cause a magical shock of power to anyone holding the lid (1d3 hit points). characters have already spoken to the tomb guardian in location T-20 will
This can only be avoided if the characters are pushing the lid aside using the statues remain inanimate.
tools of some kind that are longer than 1 foot in length. Because the shock
is magical, not electric, it does not matter if the tools would conduct Dog Statues (1 or 2): HD 3; AC 2[17]; Atk 1 bite (2d4); Move 9;
electricity or not. Because this is a magical trap, it cannot be detected by a Save 14; AL N; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Immune to mind control.
thief, although a find traps spell would certainly locate it.
Inside the sarcophagus is a (normal) skeleton wearing plate mail and
holding a longsword. The sword is magical; in the hands of a Lawful
T-24. Main Tomb
character, it has a +1 bonus. In the hands of a Chaotic character it will All around the walls of this room, there are niches containing
inflict 1 hit point of damage on the wielder every time it hits an opponent, skeletons, a total of 15. All of them wear rusting chain mail and
and cannot be put down without the assistance of a remove curse spell. carry notched swords and riven shields.
Sarcophagus #2: This sarcophagus has an inlaid image of a horse. The
lid has not been opened as far as the party can tell. There is no trap set If the Tomb Guardian is Friendly: Skeletons will not animate.
upon this sarcophagus, but the lid is unusually heavy and requires three If the Tomb Guardian is Neutral: 1d4+1 skeletons will animate per
people to slide it to the side. Inside the sarcophagus there is a (normal) round.
skeleton wearing plate mail and carrying a sword. If one of the characters If the Tomb Guardian is Hostile: All skeletons will animate immediately.
inspects the floor of the sarcophagus very closely (unless there is magical
light such as from a light spell, this would require being inside the coffin As noted above, these skeletons will animate to defend the room
to check), a small latch may be found that will open a compartment in the unless the tomb guardian in Location T-20 has made an agreement
floor of the sarcophagus. The latch is wired to release poison gas if the with the characters that they will destroy the evil force that has taken
wire is not spotted and carefully unwound, but the compartment contains residence in the Elder Temple. If the Tomb Guardian is neutral to the
a gem worth 250gp. characters, not all of the skeletons will animate immediately; 1d4+1 of
them will animate immediately and each round thereafter until they are
Sarcophagus #3: This sarcophagus has an inlaid image of a dragon. all slain.
The lid has not been opened as far as the party can tell. Opening the
sarcophagus requires two people, and when the lid opens, if any weight is Skeletons (15): HD 1; AC 7[12] with shield; Atk 1 weapon or strike
removed from the bottom of the sarcophagus, a scything blade will slash (1d6) ; Move 12; Save 17; AL N; CL/XP 1/15; Special: Immune to
across the opening to inflict 1d6 points of damage to anyone reaching fear and charm. HP: 4, 6, 1, 2, 6, 2, 6, 1, 1, 7, 8, 2, 8, 1, 5.
inside at the time. The sarcophagus contains a (normal) skeleton wearing
a necklace worth 100gp. Treasure: There is no treasure in this room.

T-22. Ransacked Tomb T-25. Treasure Room

This chamber once contained three stone sarcophagi, but the This room contains a large, strangely-shaped stone chest, five feet
remains of the heavy coffins are shattered and broken. The walls of long by two feet tall and two feet deep.
the chamber are scorched, and several bones are scattered around.
The bones are not scorched.
The chest has three stone lids, all hinged, next to each other. The
If the Tomb Guardian is Friendly: No effect. leftmost lid is engraved with a picture of a deer, the middle lid is engraved
If the Tomb Guardian is Neutral: No effect. with the picture of a sun, and the right lid is engraved with a picture of a
If the Tomb Guardian is Hostile: No effect. sword.
If the Tomb Guardian is Friendly: A gem worth 100gp sits on top of
This chamber has been ransacked by grave robbers who set off a fire the “sun” lid.
trap while doing so (the reason for the scorched walls). The trap no longer If the Tomb Guardian is Neutral: No effect.

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
If the Tomb Guardian is Hostile: Anyone touching the “sun” lid must
make a saving throw or run screaming for 1d4 turns.
The chest contains nothing unless only the middle (sun) lid is open,
and the other two lids are closed. If the characters have the lids open and
closed in this combination, there will be two things underneath the sun
lid: the first is a bag containing a +1 mace and 500gp, and the second is a
stone sphere about 1 foot in diameter. This sphere glows if a spell is used
to detect whether or not it is magical. This is the missing part of the altar
at Location T-14.

T-26. Ransacked Tomb Chamber

This room contains six sarcophagi, but they have been broken
open and ransacked.

This room contains nothing of interest to the characters.

T-27. Night Sky Room

The walls of this chamber are painted with an intricate pattern
of trees and flowers. The ceiling is painted black with hundreds of
small white spots placed at apparently random locations.

The room is empty.

T-28. Sun Room

The ceiling of this room is painted with a yellow sun, and there
are four stone spheres on the floor, each one foot in diameter. All
four of the spheres are painted blue.

None of these spheres is magical. Each sphere sits in a concave

depression in the floor, which keeps them from rolling (unless they are
rolled out, which is not difficult). The concavity beneath one of the four
spheres is much deeper than the other three – it is a hole ten feet deep. At Mogura-jin (2): HD 2; HP 8, 10; AC 7[12]; Atk 2 claws (1d4);
the bottom of the hole there are four giant centipedes that guard a scroll Move 9 (burrowing); Save 16; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special:
case. Blinded by bright light.

Giant Centipedes (small, lethal) (4): HD 1d2hp; HP 2, 1, 1, 1; Treasure:

AC 9[10]; Atk 1 bite (0 + poison); Move 13; Save 18; AL N; CL/ Each of the mogura-jin has a belt pouch containing 1d10gp. Additionally,
XP 1/15; Special: poison bite (+4 save or die). the larger one has a ring on one of its claws worth 100gp.

Treasure: The scroll inside the case contains the spells sleep, web, and fly.
T-31. Empty Room
T-29. Cloud Room This chamber appears to be empty.

The ceiling of this room is painted with grey and white swirls
and spirals. The walls are painted to resemble vines with grapes The chamber is, indeed, empty.
growing on them.
T-32. Green Bird Room
The painting is interesting, but there is nothing else in the room.
The walls of this large room are painted with bright green images
of hundreds of birds. One of the paintings is significantly larger than
T-30. Mole-man Lair the others, and the word “Aelbos” is written beneath this image.

There are two rickety wooden cots in this room, each with a
leather bag underneath it. The “Aelbos” painting is very old, and might even pre-date the Elder
Temple. The word has no known meaning, but might refer to a bird-god
or bird-spirit of some kind.
This chamber is the lair of two mogura-jin, the cannibal mole-men who
serve Arumvel the Wicked. The bags underneath the cots only contain
scraps of cloth and bits of bone; the mole-men carry their valuables with

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
T-33. Face Room T-35. Trap Chamber
The walls of this room are painted with numerous highly-stylized A small demon head, made of bronze, is indented in the wall just
faces. A man-sized statue of a demon blocks a hallway that leads before the eastern wall of the corridor opens into a large chamber.
out of the room to the northeast. The mouth of the demon head is about two inches across, and you
can see that it contains several small gears and switches, so small
that a needle would be required to move them around with any
This room is the guard post for Arumvel’s prison (see Location T-34). precision.
The demon “statue” is actually one of Arumvel’s manes demons, holding
itself perfectly motionless as it stands guard. If the party engages the This entire room has been rigged as a magical trap to guard the demon-
demon in combat, the prisoners in Location T-34 will hear the battle and lair on the far side. The only way to disarm the mechanism is to treat it
start calling for help. as a lock and successfully pick it (a thief’s ability to handle delicate tasks
will come in useful here). This will deactivate the trap for a period of 10
Manes Demon (1): HD 1; HP 6; AC 5[14]; Atk 2 claws (1d2), 1 turns. If the characters disregard or do not successfully pick the “lock,”
bite (1d4); Move 5; Save 18; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Half then the trap will activate whenever a living being tries to walk through
damage from non-magic weapons. the corridor past the room (or into the room). The demons and undead, of
course, do not need to bother with the lock.
Treasure: The demon has no treasure. If anyone walks into the chamber without disabling the trap mechanism,
1d6 darts will fire from holes in the eastern wall of the chamber, “attacking”
as 2HD creatures. The darts inflict 1d2 points of damage if they hit.
T-34. Prison Cell The room itself is empty – it has been cleared out to maintain a clear
field of fire for the darts.
Two humans are chained to the wall in this room, one male and
one female. They are thin and haggard from the imprisonment.
T-36. Demon Lair
These humans are Albraith and Etarra, a married couple that were The walls of this chamber appear to be stained with blood, and
kidnapped from their farm only a couple of days ago. They are still alive, there is a pentacle marked on the floor. Inside the pentacle there is
although they have not been fed and are weak from starvation. Arumvel a pair of ordinary dice. Four skeletons stand around the walls, near
has appeared once in the prison, saying magic words and feeding them what appears – for a moment – to be the statue of a demon, until the
alchemical preparations that would – if repeated enough times – turn the statue suddenly snarls and moves toward you.
two prisoners into cursed humans with twisted minds, under Arumvel’s
control. Thus, if they are asked (or if it is clear that the information would
be useful) they can describe Arumvel to the characters. Manes Demon (1): HD 1; HP 7; AC 5[14]; Atk 2 claws (1d2), 1
bite (1d4); Move 5; Save 18; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Half
damage from non-magic weapons.
Skeletons (4): HD 1; HP 7, 2, 7, 6; AC 8[11] or 7[12] with shield;
Atk 1 weapon or strike (1d6) or (1d6+1 two-handed); Move
12; Save 17; AL N; CL/XP 1/15; Special: Immune to sleep and
Treasure: The dice in the pentacle are made of a precious stone found
only in the lairs of demons. Each of the two dice is worth 250gp.

T-37. Empty Chamber

There appears to be nothing in this room, although a dark
powdery substance on the floor might possibly be a smear of dried
blood where something was dragged from north to south or south
to north.

The room is empty.

T-38. Warning Chamber

There is a treasure chest in the western part of this chamber.

There is a small bronze “lock” attached to the bottom of this chest, and
if the chest is moved or opened (without this trap being disabled), a very
loud, siren-like noise will begin to shriek from the inside of the chest. The
chest itself contains 500 copper pieces worth 1/100 of a gold piece each.
If the characters make the mistake of activating the alarm inside the
chest, the mole-men in Location T-39 will ready themselves for combat
(cannot be surprised) and the cursed humans from Location T-40 (if they
are still alive) will circle around to enter this chamber from Location T-37,
hoping to catch the intruders between them, attacking with the mole-men
on one side and the cursed humans on the other, to prevent escape.

Grimmsgate: The elder temple

Treasure: To open the chest, either the padlock (or chest) must be
T-39. Mole-man Lair broken, or the lock must be picked. Breaking the chest or lock by any
violent means will also shatter the two healing potions that are inside. In
This room has a rank smell to it, wafting upward from piles of addition to the healing potions, the chest contains various filthy items of
garbage that rise three feet high against the north and west walls. clothing and a bag containing 50gp.
There are three sleeping furs in here, and a single wooden chest.
T-41. Mural Room
This room is the lair of 3 mogura-jin. Combat in this room will draw
the cursed humans from location T-40, who will arrive through the secret The walls of this large chamber have apparently been plastered
door in 1d4 rounds. over, and the smooth surface has been painted with murals that
circle the whole room. The paintings depict what is obviously the
Mogura-jin (2): HD 2; HP 8, 10; AC 7[12]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); hill of the Elder Temple, beneath which you currently stand, but
Move 9 (burrowing); Save 16; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special: there is a shining building that stands at the top of the hill itself.
Blinded by bright light, burrowing. Not far below the building you can see the metal door that you
have seen from the outside. The lower tunnels were either not built
Treasure: The treasure chest is locked; it will have to be broken open at the time the paintings were made, or they were simply left out
(automatic check for wandering monsters) or the lock will need to be of the pictures. As the paintings proceed around the room, you
picked. The chest contains a necklace of human bones and gold beads can see pictures of religious ceremonies of Law taking place, and
(100gp), a +1 short sword, 3 bottles of holy water, 61gp, 232sp, and an then a procession of three knights carrying a large, green jar to the
intricately carved sandalwood fan (50gp). building. This is the last picture in the sequence: there is still room
left for more to be painted on the wall, but the plaster in the blank
space is slashed and marked with dark stains that look unpleasantly
T-40. Lair of the Cursed Humans like blood.

This room contains five wooden cots, and there is a single Although this room is fascinating as a historical record, it contains
padlocked chest against the southern wall. nothing else of interest.

This room is the lair of 5 cursed humans, not fully transformed into
mole-men by Arumvel’s sinister magic. Any combat in this room will
draw the mogura-jin from location T-39, arriving in 1d4 rounds.

Cursed Humans (5): HD 1; HP 7, 2, 1, 5, 1; AC 7[12]; Atk 2

claws (1d4); Move 9; Save 17; AL C; CL/XP 1/15;
Special: Blinded by bright light.

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
T-42. The Holy Water Font
At the center of this room there is a pool of water, ringed with
New Monsters
a border of purple-painted stones. There is a large quantity of Demonic Remnant
shattered glass in the southern part of the room. Hit Dice: 3
Armor Class: 4 [15]
Attack: 1 hand (1d8)
If the characters sift through the broken glass, they will be able to find Special: Half damage from non-magical weapons, choking
three unbroken bottles. The pool in the room contains holy water, which ash cloud
is the reason why the demons have smashed all of the bottles. There is Move: 9
enough in the pool to fill ten bottles of holy water, and, although it is Saving Throw: 14
unlikely to be relevant, the pool produces another bottle’s worth of holy Alignment: Chaos
water each week. Number Encountered: Unique
Challenge Level/XP: 5/240
There might somewhere be other demonic remnants similar to
T-43. Lair of Arumvel the Wicked Arumvel, but each of them would have a different story, for the cause
of Arumvel’s condition was a unique set of circumstances and events.
As you turn the last curve in the spiral, you see a horrific sight. First, the imprisonment of a powerful demon; second, the fateful curiosity
There is a room in the middle of the corridor’s serpentine curve, of Arumvel the novice priest, who disobeyed the strictest instructions
and the creature in the chamber is obviously the source of the not to touch the green jar in which the demon had been cached. When
corruption that has overtaken the Elder Temple. A thing stands in Arumvel unintentionally set free the demon, Vuod’s power literally
the center of the room, once a human but now strangely eroded into burned parts of Arumvel’s body into ash, although the tortured vessel
a mix of flesh and ashes, as if it had been halfway burned through that had been Arumvel survived, living beyond the time when Vuod the
at some point and yet lived on. A cloud of ash surrounds it, but its demon abandoned the captured shell and returned to the infinite hells that
eyes glint clearly through the darkness, burning with a red and evil spawned him.
light. There are three man-sized demons in the room as well, their Arumvel is perpetually surrounded by a cloud of ash that blows from
faces marked with a smear of ashes in the shape of eight outward- the charred ruin of his own body. In addition to striking with his hand,
pointing arrows. Behind this array of supernatural foes, you can see Arumvel can direct his ash cloud toward any opponent within 50ft of his
the broken and toppled statue of a bearded man holding a sphere. own body, and the ash cloud attacks as a separate creature. When it hits,
Where the statue has broken open, you can see the glint of gold the victim must make a saving throw to avoid being choked by the cloud
and jewels. – if the saving throw fails, the victim begins automatically taking 1d4 hit
points of damage per round until Arumvel or the victim dies.
This room is the Court of Arumvel the Wicked, the pathetic but CURSED HUMANS OF THE ELDER TEMPLE
extremely powerful remnant of Arumvel’s body after it was possessed Hit Dice: 1
and then discarded by Vuod the Putrefactor. As the players may have Armor Class: 7 [12]
figured out by this point, the fall of the Elder Temple was caused when Attack: 2 claws (1d4)
the novice priest Arumvel became curious and touched the green jar in Special: Blinded by bright light
which the dreaded demon Vuod had been imprisoned by three paladins: Move: 9
the Knight of the White Phoenix, the Knight of the Grey Stallion, and the Saving Throw: 17
Knight of the Golden Dragon. When Arumvel touched the jar, it shattered Alignment: Chaos
and allowed Vuod to take possession of Arumvel, who, using the demon’s Number Encountered: 2d4 or 1d100
powers, first enslaved and later killed all those who had once lived in the Challenge Level/XP: 1/15
precincts of the temple.
For the last several years, Arumvel has been capturing humans from
Arumvel the Wicked: HD 3; HP 18; AC 4[15]; Atk 1 hand nearby settlements and villages – never quite enough to cause a major
(1d8); Move 9; Save 14; AL C; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Half search, for settlements near the wilderness are dangerous, and people
damage from non-magic weapons, choking ash cloud. do occasionally disappear. Once these victims are in Arumvel’s power,
he uses a combination of foul alchemy and demonic magic to slowly
Manes Demons (3): HD 1; HP 6, 7, 4; AC 5[14]; Atk 2 claws transform them into mogura-jin, the cannibal mole-men who serve him.
(1d2), 1 bite (1d4); Move 5; Save 18; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; The cursed humans are those that have not fully transformed – many of
Special: Half damage from non-magic weapons. them will never completely change into mole-men, although the curse is
carried in the blood, and will take hold in any descendants.
Treasure: The statue contains 820gp, 2,745sp, 4,309cp, 4 gems worth
25gp each, and a +1 longsword. Cursed Human: HD 1; AC 7[12]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 9;
Save 17; AL C; CL/XP 1/15; Special: Blinded by bright light.

Concluding the Adventure MOGURA-JIN

It is probably clear that the “Wilderness Encroachment” around the Cannibal Mole-men
village of Grimmsgate can be expanded to fill several gaming sessions or Hit Dice: 2
even to serve as a permanent “headquarters” for the characters to which Armor Class: 7 [12]
they return after their various adventures. If the characters succeed in Attack: 2 claws (1d4)
restoring the altar in the Elder Temple, or at least they manage to destroy Special: Blinded by bright light
Arumvel the Wicked, they will almost certainly be rewarded by the nearby Move: 9 (burrowing)
barons with a bit of money and – almost certainly – offers of employment Saving Throw: 16
as caravan guards, explorers, mercenaries, spies, or other interesting Alignment: Chaos
situations. Number Encountered: 2d4 or 1d100
Challenge Level/XP: 2/30

Mogura-Jin are a race of subterranean humanoids, descended from a

Grimmsgate: The elder temple
group of villagers who resorted to cannibalism during a particularly fierce
winter and were cursed by the Gods. They are squat beings, between 4
and 5 feet tall with pale skin, small beady red eyes, no body hair, and nails
overgrown to claws. Mogura-Jin are always hungry and need to consume
human flesh every so often to remain alive. Like their animal namesake
(the mole) they are proficient tunnelers and their preferred method of
attacking their victims is to tunnel under them and emerge from the
ground in a swarm attack to surprise them.
Mogura-Jin can see perfectly well even in total darkness; however their
over-sensitive eyes are easily blinded by bright lights.
— Author: edsan

Mogura-jin: HD 2; AC 7[12]; Atk 2 claws (1d4); Move 9

(burrowing); Save 16; AL C; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Blinded by
bright light.

legal appendix
Open Game Content including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
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ISBN 978-1-62283-175-3

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