Grain Size
Grain Size
Grain Size
Decreasing the grain size increases the toughness of a steel, i.e. decreases the ductile-brittle transition
temperature (DBTT), as can be seen in the diagram below for predominantly ferritic steels.
In fact decreasing the grain size is the only mechanism by which both the strength and the toughness of a steel is
increased. Other mechanisms of increasing strength lead to a decrease in toughness.
To control the ferrite grain size two different approaches can be used (separately or in combination)
The effect of microstructure on toughness is linked to the effect of composition since generally the composition
alters the microstructure, however, there are some compositional changes that have only minor effects on the
microstructure and yet affect toughness, and these are dealt with separately under compositional effects.
For example increasing the amount of pearlite in a ferritic steel will change the strength and toughness of the
Select a carbon level from the drop-down list to see how changing the amount of pearlite affects the ductile-brittle
transition (DBTT) curve of a ferrite-pearlite steel.
This effect, along with other compositional changes, can be related to the DBTT by the equation below for ferrite
and pearlite steels:
- Where d is the grain size in mm and Nf is the free nitrogen content in the steel.
Alloying elements, which do not have a significant effect on microstructure, can have an effect on toughness:
Ni additions decrease the Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT). Small additions can be made
to an alloy to increase toughness to meet customer specifications. Unfortunately Ni is expensive so
there is a cost penalty.
Nb, V, Ti additions tend to increase the DBTT - they increase the strength of the alloy by precipitate
strengthening but decrease the toughness.
Si, Mn additions tend to increase the DBTT - they strengthen the alloy by solid solution strengthening
but decrease the toughness.
Alloying additions of fine precipitate forming elements can be used to refine the grain size of a steel. A fine
precipitate distribution in a steel will restrict the growth of austenite grains at high temperature and will retard
recrystallization of deformed austenite grains. If the combination of precipitates and rolling schedule is used then
a 'pancake' structure of deformed austenite grains is created during rolling. These deformed grains provide
many nucleation sites for subsequent ferrite formation resulting in a fine grained ferritic structure in the final steel
product. The choice of alloying elements is important as the precipitates must be stable at the high temperatures
of processing in order to pin the grain boundaries. The typical alloying additions used in High Strength Low Alloy
steels (HSLA) are Nb, Al, Ti and / or V. They can be added in isolation or in combination with one another.
Using the diagram above which alloying element gives you the most thermodynamically stable precipitate at