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Introduction To Clinical Medicine MCQ Set A

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Paper – IX
[Introduction to Clinical Medicine]

Time: 30 minutes 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon

Date: 14 Nov 2017 (Tuesday) Full Marks: [30x1=30]

Instructions to candidates
All questions are compulsory. Each question carries one mark. Select single best answer and mark by √. No marks
will be awarded on marking more than one answer. Use blue or black ink. Do not use pencils.

Name -------------------------- Roll No----------------

Section 'A'
Multiple Choice Question's (MCQ)
1. All of the following conditions cause palpable kidneys, b. Auscultating carefully over entire chest
EXCEPT: c. By percussing over chest
a. Hydronephrosis d. By repeating the procedure after a gap of 5 minutes
b. Chronic glomerulonephrtis
c. Polycystic kidney disease 7. Which of the following is not a stigmata of chronic liver
d. Hypernephroma disease?
a. Bilateral parotid enlargement
2. 15 years young boy presented with h/o swelling of face, b. Palmar erythema
limbs and  passage of cola colour urine. Upon inquiry he c. testicular atrophy
mentioned he had sore throat 2 weeks ago. He was d. koilonychia
diagnosed to have acute glomerulonephritis. All of the
following are true regarding AGN, EXCEPT: 8. Which of the following is the correct statement in respect of
a. Dysmorphic RBC Pituitary disorders ?
b. RBC cast a. Growth hormone measurement is not
c. Isomorphic RBC practicable
d. Oliguria b. The replacement dose of hormones should be given
at bed time to minimize the side effects
3. Newly married female presented with dysuria and fever. c. Prolactin is the only hormone that is decreased
She was diagnosed to have Cystitis. All of the following are when pituitary stalk is compressed
true regarding the case EXCEPT: d. Glucose tolerance test is performed to stimulate the
a. E. coli is the commonest organism hypothalamic pituitary axis in suspected case of
b. Trimethoprim is used to treat hypopituitarism
c. Ultrasound is mandatory in case of 9. Chronic hepatitis can be caused by all except :
uncomplicated cystitis a. Hepatitis B virus
d. Urine culture sensitivity help in the management of b. Autoimmune hepatitis
the case c. Hepatitis A virus
d. Hepatitis C virus
4. Chronic Kidney disease is defined as all of the following
EXCEPT: 10. All of the following are the causes of hepatomegaly except:
a. Kidney damage more than 3 months a. Hemolytic anemia
b. Kidney damage less than 3 months b. cholelithiasis
c. GFR less than 60 ml/min/1.73 sqm  for more than 3 c. Leishmaniasis
months with or without kidney damage d. Thalassemia
d. Usually kidney size is less than 8 cm
11. Which of the following is not true in Addison’s disease ?
5. All of the following are functions of kidney, EXCEPT: a. Hypokalemia is a prominent biochemical
a. RBC production abnormality.
b. Calcium homeostasis b. Likely to be associated with hyper pigmentation
c. Gluconeogenesis c. Tuberculosis is a common cause in developing
d. Glycogenolysis countries
d. Mineralocorticoid supplementation is not required
in every case.
12. Which of the following disorders may be associated with
malena :
6. Silent gap while recording the blood pressure is best a. Rectal polyp
avoided by – b. Bleediing peptic ulcer
a. Palpating the radial pulse c. Haemorrhoids
d. Colon cancer a. Near vision
b. Color vision
13. An individual having BMI of 26 will be classified as : c. Field of vision
a. Normal weight d. Ocular movements
a. Underweight
b. Overweight 23. Which ligament is the strongest support of uterus ?
c. Morbidly obese a. Broad ligament
b. Mackendrot's ligament
14. Which one is an unlikely feature of acromegaly? c. Round ligament of uterus
a. Person bumps into pillars & other objects d. Uterosacral ligament
b. Friends cannot recognize him on phone
c. Wedding ring falls off the finger 24. What is the commonest cause of episatxis in a school going
d. Frequent cheek bite during chewing child?
a. Maggots in nose
15. Which of the following is not a feature of Cushing’s b. Acute rhinitis
disease ? c. Trauma to ‘little’s area’
a. buffalo hump d. Nasal polyp
b. truncal obesity
c. hypokalemia 25. Which of the following CSF finding is suggestive of
d. hypotension tuberculous meningitis ?
a. clear
16. All of the following statement about viral hepatitis mode of b. turbid
transmission are true except : c. clear with cob web formation
a. Hepatis A - faeco-oral route d. hemorrhagic
b. Hepatis B – Parenteral route
c. Hepatitis c – faeco-oral route 26. All of the following are the features of upper motor neurone
d. Hepatis E – faeco-oral route paralysis except :
17. Hepatic encephalopathy may be precipitated in a case of a. spasticity
cirrhosis of liver by all except: b. brisk reflexes
a. Hyperglycemia c. muscle wasting is a prominent feature
a. Diuretics d. Babinski sign
b. Infections
c. Constipation 27. All of the following are features of bronchial asthma except:
a. Breathlessness is paroxysmal in nature
18. Which of the following sign is suggestive of portal b. Wheeze is present during the acute attack
hypertension ? c. Hyperinflated Chest
a. flapping tremors d. Breathlessness is chiefly inspiratory in nature
b. spider naevi
c. splenomegaly 28. All features are true for collapsing pulse except:
d. hepatomegaly a. Peak of the pulse wave arrives early and is
followed by rapid descent
19. 19 . A patient has come with massive upper G.I bleeding .
b. Rapid fall imparts collapsing sensation
Which of the following will be most useful for assessment
c. Exaggerated by raising patient’s arm above the
of the blood loss ?
level of heart
a. hematocrit
d. Associated with a narrow pulse pressure
b. Hb estimation
c. RBC count 29. Most common cause of valvular heart disease in developing
d. pulse rate and B.P measurements countries is:
20. Which one is not a feature of cardiac chest pain? a. Congenital
a. substernal b. Intravenous drug users
b. sensation of heavy weight over chest c. Myocardial infarction
c. Radiates to neck, jaw shoulder & arms d. Rheumatic heart disease
d. Aggravated by coughing , sneezing and deep 30. Koilonychia is seen in:
breathing a. Hypoalbuminia
b. Chronic Iron deficiency
21. ” Autonomy" is based on principle that: c. Chronic liver disease
a. Patient has right to perform any self-medical d. Rheumatoid arthritis
treatment he wants
b. Patient has right to decide his/her own medical
c. Patient has right to do anything he wants
d. Doctor has the freedom to perform appropriate
treatment on the patient
22. Which of the following is tested by Ishihara’s chart?

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