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Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies

Impact assessment and restoration of quarry site in urban

Environment: the case of Augusta quarry

Thesis submitted to Addis Ababa university school of

Graduate studies as partial fulfillment of the requirements
for degree of Master of Science in Environmental science.

Submitted by:

Enatfenta Melaku

August 2007
Table of contents Page
Chapter One ........................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Back ground and Justification.................................................................................. 2
1.2 Description of the study area ................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Location and accessibility .................................................................................. 5
1.2.3.Geology .............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Objectives of the research ....................................................................................... 10
1.3.2 Specific objectives ........................................................................................... 10
1.4 Significance of the study ......................................................................................... 11

Chapter two ....................................................................................................................... 12

Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Geotechnical data collection and analytical measurement .................................... 12
2.2. Water sample collection and analysis .................................................................... 14
2.3 Sampling for social impact analysis ....................................................................... 14

Chapter Three.................................................................................................................... 16
Literature review ............................................................................................................... 16
3.1 The story of how quarry works ............................................................................... 16
3.1 Impact of quarry operation on environment ........................................................... 17
3.1.1 Impact on land scape and land stability ........................................................... 17
3.1.3 Impact on the atmosphere ................................................................................ 18
3.1.4 Impact on water resource ................................................................................. 19
3.1.5 Impacts on biodiversity .................................................................................... 20
3.1.6 Social impacts of quarry .................................................................................. 20
3.2 Rehabilitation of Abandoned quarry ....................................................................... 23
3.2.1 Land scape restoration ................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Case study of quarry rehabilitation .................................................................. 25
3.3. Legal consideration of quarry operation ................................................................ 28
3.3.1 Legal and policy context of Ethiopia ............................................................... 29

Chapter four ...................................................................................................................... 30

Result and discussion ........................................................................................................ 30
4.1 Rock mass classification and Rock slope stability analysis........................................ 30
4.1.1 Rock mass characterization ............................................................................. 31
4.1.2 Description of the Rock mass .......................................................................... 31
4.1.3 Strength of the rock material ........................................................................... 32
4.1.4 Rock Quality Designation (RQD) .................................................................... 34
4.1.5 Discontinuity Characteristics ........................................................................... 36
4.1.6 Rock Mass Classification ................................................................................. 39
4.1.7 Strength of the jointed rock mass .................................................................... 43
4.1.8 Slope Stability Studies ..................................................................................... 44
4.2 Impacts of Augusta quarry on adjacent river .......................................................... 55
4.3 Social impacts of Augusta Quarry .......................................................................... 57

Chapter Five ...................................................................................................................... 61
Rehabilitation of Abandoned Augusta quarry .................................................................. 61
5.1 Preamble ................................................................................................................. 61
5.2. Restoration mechanism of study area .................................................................... 62
5.2.1 Classification of the quarry area ...................................................................... 63
5.3 Back filled top soil rehabilitation ............................................................................ 70
5.4 Species selection for Rehabilitation of Augusta quarry ........................................... 70
5.5 Hydrochemistry of the river water for the beneficial use of rehabilitation.............. 71

Chapter six ........................................................................................................................ 74

Conclusion and recommendation...................................................................................... 74
6.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 74
6.2 Recommendation ..................................................................................................... 75
Reference: ......................................................................................................................... 78


I am very grateful to Dr.Worash Getaneh and Dr.Tarun K.Raghuvanshi for their full
guidance, timely advice and valuable suggestions in completing this thesis.

I am also appreciative to Dr.Hailu Worku and Ato Gizaw Ebissa, Tefera Arega, Tesfaye
Teshome and all members of Addis Ababa environmental protection Authority for their
Cooperation and support.

I am very much indebted to the ministry of water works design for their laboratory

I also express my sincere gratitude to Dawit director of Construction material…in Addis

Ababa road Authority for providing available document.

I specially mention my Friend Ato Frehiwot Zegeye for giving me all the company in my
field trips.

I am also very thankful for the following people, their advices and cooperation: Agerie
Genetu, Etsegentt Andarge, Fanta negate, Fanaye Molla, Kehulu Yilikal, Kongit Debela,
Negash Anteneh, Tefera Bereh, Simachew Ayalew, Nadew Abbdissa Wondweson
Lemmi and special thanks to Sosina Shimelis.

My deepest heartful gratitude goes to my mom, Amanitu Girma, and the whole family,
Adamitu, Seble, Getahun and Mezigebu for their encouragement and support which gave
me enough strength and successful accomplishment of my post graduate study.

Last but not least I would like to thank Ato Animut kinde and Miss Virginia Harday for
their support and dedication.

Enatfenta Melaku.

List of tables Page
Chapter two
Table 2.1 Geographical location of sampling site…………………………………….....13
Table 2.2 Sampling site of water………………………………………………………...14

Chapter four
Table 4.1 Location of selected site………………………………………………….…..31
Table 4.2 Average value of UCS at selected location in the study area……………..….34
Table 4.3 Average value of RQD at selected location in the study area………………..35
Table 4.4 Surface characteristics of the discontinuity planes as observed in the study
Table 4.5 RMR data location points along the critical slope sections in the study area...42
Table 4.6 RMR data collected from selected locations in the study area………………..42
Table 4.7 Input parameters for failure criteria……………………………………….…..44
Table 4.8 Major effective principal stress as determined by Hoakand Brown failure
Table 4.9 Comparison of shear strength parameters, cohesion and angle of internal
Table 4.10 Value of adjustment factors for different joint orientations……………...….48
Table 4.11 Values of adjustment factors for F4 for the method of excavation…………..49
Table 4.12 Various stability classes as per SMR values (Romana,1985)………………..49
Table 4.13 Suggested supports for various SMR classes………………………………..50
Table 4.14 Slope geometry, discontinuity orientation and F1,F2,F3 and F4 factors……...52
Table 4.16 Slope mass rating and stability condition of critical slopes…………………54
Table 4.17 Selected parameters physiochemical analysis result…………………...……55
Table 4.18 Local resident response to the extent and causes of quarry operation………57
Table 4.19 Alternative for the land use change of the abandoned quarry as suggested by
local residents………………………………………………………………...59

Chapter five
Table 5.1 Water quality of Akaki river at Augusta quarry………………………….…...72
Table 5.2 Wilixon water quality classification for irrigation……………………………72
Table 5.3 Sodicity hazard with respect to SAR (Richards,1954)………………….…….73

List of figures Page

Figure 1.1 Augusta quarry and surounding land use ……………………………….........5
Figure 1.2 Location map of study area………………………………………...…………2
Figure 1.3 The long term mean annual rainfall observed at Addis Ababa…………….....7
Figure 1.4 Mean monthly rain fall………………………………………………………..8
Figure 3.1 Former limestone quarry………………………………………………….....26
Figure 3.2 Rehbilitated limestone quarry……………………………………………... .26
Figure 4.1 Prefered orientation of discontinuity……………………………………… ..37
Figure 4.2 Characteristics of discontinuity………………………………………….......39
Figure 4.3 RMR data location points……………………………………………………41
Figure 4.4 Determination of shear strength parameters from hoak and brown failure
criteria ……………………………………………………………………….46
Figure 4.5 Location and representative geometry of slope section………………….....51
Figure 4.6 Prefered orientation of the discontinuity and slope inclination……………..54
Figure 5.1The geometry of slope face of the quarry……………………………………66
Figure 5.2 Classification map of quarry…………………………………………….......64

List of plates Page

Plate 1 Eastern part of slope face…………………………………………………………4
Plate 2 Unstable slope face……………………………………………………………….4
Plate 3 North-west parts of the quarry…………………………………………………...32
Plate 4 Western part of the quarry……………………………………………………….32
Plate 5 Slope face of the quarry………………………………………………………….66
Plate 6 West of the quarry floor………………………………………………………….67
Plate 7 Half part of the south-east quarry…………………………………………….….69


The thesis presents analysis of the environmental impact of Augusta quarry on land
stability, adjacent surface water and local resident. In addition potential rehabilitation of
the abandoned quarry is discussed. The study area is located in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia),
the most important production center of crushed aggregate.

An intensive field survey was made in order to characterize the rock mass of the quarry
slope stability. This was accomplished by classification of the area through visual
interpretation. Eight slope section sites were selected and discontinuity of the rock mass
was measured with Burton compass.

In addition, questioners were prepared both close and open ended type to deal the impact
of quarry on resident; more over water samples were taken upstream of the quarry, with
in the quarry and down stream of the quarry to analyses the impact and its beneficial use
for the rehabilitation of the quarry.

The land stability analysis result indicates the slope is unstable. The questioner survey
analyzed through frequency percentage and shows the impact becomes maximum during
is blasting operation.

The turbidity within the quarry indicates lower than the upstream of the quarry, this is
because currently blasting operation is inactive since one year, resulting the total solid
and total dissolved solid higher than the upstream surface water. The quality of the water
for the beneficial use of rehabilitation is analyzed based on its sodium percentage and
sodium absorption ratio. The value of sodium absorption ratio is found to be low.
Through the value of sodium percentage is in doubtful range.
Finally potential rehabilitation techniques discussed based on the result obtained from
land stability analysis, field survey and literatures.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Chapter One


Infrastructure, such as roads, airports and many other facilities, is vital to the growth of
any populated area. Much of the world infrastructures built during the 1950 and 1960’s
has deteriorated. In many areas of rapid population growth, the infrastructure is becoming
in adequate and new road, street and sewage systems must be built to meet the increased
needs. Maintenance and development of the infrastructure require large volumes of
quarry material. The successful integration of natural resource information into land-use
decisions is increasingly difficult as the competing needs for lands and resource become
more numerous, complex and urgent. To get that natural resource mining is the method to
extract (Dunn, 1983).

Mining is the technique by which we extract resources from the earth. Depending on the
type of location and nature of the resource, there are different types of mining. These can
generally be divided into surface and subsurface (underground) mining. The choice of
surface or subsurface mining method depends on different factors like economic,
geologic, engineering and other factors. Presently environmental factors are also involved
in the selection process.

One of the most widely used mineral resources is construction materials from surface
mining operation,and are extracted by quarrying method. A quarry is a type of open-pit
surface mining from which rock or minerals are extracted. Quarries are generally used for
extracting construction materials, such as dimension stone, ornamental stones, road
building and industrial raw materials. The demand of these quarry material is increasing
in alarming rate with increasing urbanization and urban dwellers.

Since all the activity in the urban center depends on materials from the earth, especially
quarry operations frequently are located near population centers and other market areas.
It is easy to demonstrate the importance of quarry in any conversation about
infrastructure and other engineering artifacts as mentioned before.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

From its very nature mining has a devastating effect on the environment. Environmental
damages are resulting from mineral resource development activities. The environmental
impacts are different in their scale depending on nature and stage of the resource
development activities (Langer, 1998).

In Addis Ababa, also wide range of extracting construction materials with various
method of practice is under way both legally and illegally. However, mostly no
environmental consideration is incorporated in their plan. Hence different problems
have occurred and become a set of environmental issue to which answer must be
found in order to make safe operation. There are number of publication done abroad
that focus in the impact and rehabilitation of abandoned quarry which is described in
chapter 2.

1.1. Back ground and Justification

Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is located in the central highlands of Ethiopia.
With an elevation ranging from 2000-2800masl, Being the highest capital in Africa.
Its topography is constituted by hills, rivers and streams. It is estimated that the total
area of the city covers 54000 hectares, of which about 22000 hectares of land is
designated for green frame. Out of the 22000hectar of land designated for green frame,
only about 7900ha is estimated to have been covered by trees. According to the
revised Master plan of Addis Ababa, 12500 hectares are to be covered with forests
(EPA, 2006).The study area is with in the green frame.

Addis Ababa comprises 10 sub-cities, each representing around 400,000 inhabitants

with an annual growth rate 3.79 percent (EPA, 2006). This increment in population is
mostly due to in-migration. The population increase the deforestation; mainly for
construction (new settlement), fuel wood and mining (specially quarrying).There is
high demand of construction material and hence quarrying operation is increasing with
in the center of the city. To operate all the activity there is a need of land which leads
to removal of vegetation, soil, other naturally occurring material and water
degradation. Ultimately results in degrading environment that could not support life.
Hence environmental degradation in Addis Ababa is increasing from time to time

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

through deforestation for settlement and quarrying in the green area and waste (solid
and liquid) disposal in all open places.

There are rich documents that Addis Ababa was once dominated by indigenous tree
(Juniperusprocera, Africana, Hygenia, Podocarpus falcatus, Acacia Abyssinica and
many others) species (AAUDF, 2004).These tree species that constitute the forest of
the city was mainly found on the upper catchments and is thought to be the lung of the
city. After finished it (the indigenous forest of the city), exotic tree species (varieties
of eucalyptus) had been imported from abroad to ameliorate the problem of wood
scarcity for energy, construction, household etc.
Presently extensive investment is under way in Addis Ababa most of which needs the
supply of construction materials. Thus numbers of quarry projects are distributed in six
sub-city: Bole, Akakikaliti, Yeka, Gulele, Kolfekeranio, and Nifassilk, the material
extracted is Igmbrite, Basalt, Scoria, Natural aggregates, and Brick soil (EPA, 2004).
One of the quarries supplying construction materials is, thus Augusta quarry which is
found in Kolfe-keranio sub-city, estimated area and excavated volume of 9ha and
13,500,000m3 respectively, however the estimated area during 1979 was 566,727m2

The quarry was previously owned by Elimi olindo and Co. plc., between 1960 and
1970. In 1970 the government started to own the quarry and consequently Addis
Ababa road authority took the control of the quarry. It was administered by board of
construction fabrics organization.

In 1979 the organization (the construction material fabrics organization) was given
the permission from the ministry of mining and energy. Presently, It is owned by
Addis Ababa road authority and is operating at the south western part of the quarry.

The quarry plays a significant roll in supplying construction material for building
roads, houses and other. In addition it creates job opportunity for the society.
However, the quarry operation has so many negative impacts to the natural

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

environment and the neabouring society (Construction materials fabrics organization


Augusta quarry brought various environmental impacts. The operation of land clearing
led to loss of vegetation cover, soil removal, spring eye spot extinction, scenic quality
loss, formation of ugly scenery, susceptible geomorphology for erosion, land stability
problem where the rock fall on the slop foot can be seen easily (plate 1 and 2) creation
of deep well and pond and land degradation.

The quarry operation has wide range of problem which needs conducting research on
the site (study area) to identify the degree of impacts and to take remedy measure. It is
difficult to take a sustainable mitigation measure with out detail investigation of the
impacts. More over the quarry is located within the urban center where there are
institutions such as residential houses, hospital, school and offices, which can
reinforce and diversify the problem. The process of blasting through explosion of
dynamites produces vibrations that run for long distance which in turn causes sound
pollution, air pollution, injury because of fly rocks, damage to buildings and other
house hold property, psychological problem on children, patient and aged people due
to explosives (Construction material fabrics organization , 2005).

Thus the project study is concerned on investigating the impact of the quarry on
natural environment and the society as well as issues of restoring the abandoned

Plate 1. Eastern part of slope face Plate 2. Shows unstable slope face

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

1.2 Description of the study area

The quarry property lies on kolfe keranio subcity adjacent to fistula hospital and yemane
brihan elementary school. It is 200m far from the ring road on the way to Ayertena and
downstream of the Bridge on the way to Betel hospital see Fig1.1

Augusta textile

School Fistula Hospital

Augusta quarry

Fig 1.1 Augusta quarry and surrounding residents (modified from Google earth 2007)

1.2.1 Location and accessibility

The study area is located in Addis Ababa. Geographically it is bounded 09°00’06.18” –

8° 59’30.67” Northing and 38°41’55.99”-38°45’36.98”Easting. The area is accessible
through the road to Ayertena ring road bending toward east 200m from the point of
bending. The 200m is dry weather road. Generally the study area has good accessibility

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Fig1. 2 Location Map of the study area

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

1.2.2 Climate

Monthly rainfall data for five rain gauge stations within the entoto catchment were
obtained from National Meteorology. The Addis Ababa Observatory rain gauge station
has the longest rainfall record (since the turn of the century) except between 1941 and
1945, and is the obvious choice for the study of long-term rainfall variations in the area
(Fig.1.3). The long term mean annual rainfall observed at Addis Ababa Observatory is

Fig1. 3 The long term mean annual rainfall observed at Addis Ababa Observatory (Berhanu, 2002).

Generally, the annual rainfall value is observed to decline with elevation. The effect of
altitude on rainfall distribution is more clearly visible in the magnitude of rainfall
recorded during the main rainy season than the annual values (Berhanu, 2002).
The temperature of the Addis Ababa area is moderated by elevation. The maximum
temperature varies on average between 20°C in the wet season and 25°C in dry season,
while the variation of minimum temperature falls in the range of 7°C to 12°C throughout
the year.

Annual rainfall, and the dry season which covers the period from October to May with a
minor rainy season in March and April (Belg) well known for its frequent failure (Fig. 4).
The Congo Basin and Indian Ocean; and easterly winds from the Indian Ocean Easterly

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

winds responsible for the main and short rain fall seasons, respectively. The climate in
Addis Ababa is classified as warm temperate climate (fig 1.4).

The relative humidity of Addis Ababa seems to be minimal in the dry season, 70% and maximum
in the rainy season, 90 % as expected (Fig. 1.10).
Wind speed is generally moderate in the area, taking average values in the range of 0.5 to 0.9 m/s.
Average daily sunshine hours as high as 9.5 hours are observed in November and December
(Bega or dry season), and this figure falls to 3 hours or lesFfffffffffffffffffs in July and August.
The climate of Addis Ababa area is typically characterized by two distinct seasonal weather
patterns: the wet season which extends from June to September, contributing about 70% of the
Fig 1.4. Mean monthly relative humidity of Addis
Ababa and climate classification map of Ethiopia

1.2.3. Geology

Addis Ababa generally lies in the western margin of the Ethiopian rift margin of the
Ethiopian rift and consists of different volcanic rocks that range from basic to acidic
composition, belonging to the trap series.
The geology of Addis Ababa and its surrounding has been studied by several researchers
both locally and at the regional scale. The sequence of the rock units reveals the Miocene
Pleistocene volcanic succession ranging from older Plateau volcanic to younger rift
volcanic where from bottom to top are: Alaji basalt, Entoto silicics, Addis Ababa basalts,
Nazareth group, and Bofa basalt.

The Alaji basalts are exposed at the crest of Entoto hills and across the sululta plains
(Haileselassie and Getaneh, 1989).They form high topography (ridges) and are the oldest
rocks belonging to Alaji cycle (Zenettin et al., 1974). These basalts show variations in
texture from porphyritic to aphanitic. The age limits of these basalt is with in the range of

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

20-28 M.Y (Morton et al., 1979) and this forms part of the Ethiopian flood basalt of

In the northern part, the Entoto mountain chains are composed of rhyolite and trachyte
with minor amount of obsidian rich tuffs which are called the Entoto silicics. They are
associated with Alaji formation and rest on older basalt. The rhyolites are porphyritic
with phenocrysts of quartz, sandstone and andesine-oligoclase and groundmass of
devitrified glass, iron oxide, plagioclase and quartz. The trachytes are composed of
phenocrysts of an orthoclase sanadine, oligoclase and magnetite and a ground mass of
plagioclase (Haile Selassie, 1989).

The available evidence for early Miocene silicic volcanism in the Addis Ababa region
suggests an isolated center at Entoto, with eruption thinning both rift ward and plateau
ward. This center was later strongly up faulted as NE-SW trending horst at the margin of
the developing rift ( Morton et al.,1979). The Alaji aphanitic basalt cropping out in the
north eastern part near entoto kidanemiheret church and the trachyte are separated by
paleosol indicating time gap.

Volcanic centers such as wachecha in south western, Furi in southern and Yerer in south
eastern part of Addis Ababa are mainly trachytic in composition (Kebede and Tadesse,
1990). The volcanic activity giving these trachytic hills is related to the Ethiopian rift and
they are the last stage of volcanism.

The AddisAbaba basalt outcrops is at the N and NW part of AddisAbaba extending from
the southern flank of Entoto ridge to Filwoha area. This basalt overlies the Entoto silicics
and is overlain by welded tuffs to the south of Filwha region. These subunits are
porphyritic in texture. The age of this alkali-olivine basalt unit is range from 6.4 to 7.3
M.Y .

The mode of eruption and the source of the Addis Ababa basalt are not known. It erupted
after a long period of eruption of the Alaji formation (Kebede and Tadesse, 1990). There

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

is ignimbrite which is overlain unconformable by the Addis Ababa basalt cropping out
north of Bole and around Lideta.The lower welded tuff is exposed mainly in the central
and south western part of Addis Ababa. It is strongly welded, composed of glass with
abundant fiamine. The age of this unit is 5-5.4ma (Morton et al., 1979). This age
corresponds to the wachaca volcanism dated to be 4.5ma (Miller and Mohr, 1996).

The study area is characterized by Basalts (Upper Miocene to Pliocene). In composition

they can be porphyritic olivine basalt, porphyritic feldspar basalt and aphanitic basalt
with usually individual flows are easily observed (Tsehayu and H/Mariam, 1990).The
vesicular texture are filled by calcite. The K-Ar age determination of Morton et al (1979),
in the tributary of Akaki River at the south western part of Addis Ababa indicates that the
basalt is 3.6 M.Y. The aphanitic Basalt show vertical curved columnar jointing together
with sub horizontal sheet jointing.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

1.3 Objectives of the research

1.3.1 General Objective

The purpose of this study is to investigate the general impact of the quarry
operation on the urban environment and to recommend the possible restoration

1.3.2 Specific objectives

¾ To study the impact on the natural environment (Landform change, extent of

erosion, etc).
¾ To study the land stability of the quarry area.
¾ To study the impact of quarry site on residents.
¾ To propose best environmentally friendly quarry operation practice.
¾ To propose measures for the rehabilitation of the degraded environment by
analyzing land slope stability and other environmental conditions.
¾ To create awareness for urban dwellers and quarry site owners that abandoned
quarry can be restored.

1.4 Significance of the study

The work will contribute to the understanding of quarry operation impact on natural
environment. In addition analysis of the rock mass provides information on mitigation
and possible decision of remedial measures. The analysis of the water also shows the
quarry effect on the adjacent surface water and quality of it for the usability of
restoration. The study will also help to create awareness on how a quarry can impact the
environment, especially when the quarry planted in urban centers. Thus, Planners and
decision makers can use the result for proper planning and management of abandoned
quarry and to return the quarry site to a safe and secure area. The study will also provide
a proper procedure for proper environmentally friendly quarrying practices.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Chapter two

To achieve the above objectives related literatures were collected, different maps and
figures are prepared by using ArcGis and Coral Draw software. In addition samples were
collected based on systematic and judgmental sampling. Based on the type of sample
material different laboratory analysis and in situ (field) testing was carried out. The type
of sample and various laboratory parameters and their method of analysis are described
below. In addition to achieve awareness creation the final thesis report will disseminate to
quarry owners, Environmental protection authority and relevant organization.

2.1. Geotechnical data collection and analytical measurement

Field investigation were done to identify the existing situation of the study area and
based on reconnaissance survey eight sampling sites were selected to determine slope
stability of the quarry. To measure the discontinuity dip, dip direction and strike
Burrton compass was used. In addition shimmidit hammer used to determine uniaxial
compressive strength of the selected area rock mass. Measuring tape was utilized to
measure the volumetric count of rock quality designation through Bieniwski (1989)
determination method.

To know the land stability condition of the quarry geotechnical investigation was carried
out. Eight representative sites were selected based on systematic and judgmental
description according to the characteristics of the rock mass visual description. The
location of the eight site described in table 2.1 Techniques of geomechanics classification
(rock mass rating system) by Bieniwski (1989) was applied to collect measurement data
from the field. Because this method is very simple to use and the classification
parameters are easily obtained through measurement. In addition the method is applicable
and adaptable to many different situation including, coal mining, hard rock mining, slope
stability, foundation stability and tunneling (Nicholson and Bieniawski 1986).
To determine the rock mass rating (RMR) the following six parameters were measured
uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), rock quality designation (RQD), spacing of

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

discontinuities, condition of discontinuities, groundwater condition and orientation of


UCS was determined in the field by using the Schmidt hammer following Barton and
Choubey (1977).The discontinuity data like dip, dip direction, strike and slope direction
measured in the field. Rock quality will be determined by using Palmstorm relation
method. RQD =115-3.3Jv is the total number of discontinuities more than 10cm long in
1*1 exposed rock surface.
Spacing is determined by simple measurement through measuring tape. Visualization,
condition of discontinuities, ground water condition and orientation of discontinuities
were determined by characteristics of the geological condition. The shear strength
parameters (cohesion and angle of internal friction) is determined based on the result of
rock mass rating by Beniwiski and Hoaks(1986). Moher diagram was carried out based
on Hoak failure criteria to analyse the shear strength parameters (cohesion and angle of
friction). To get these two parameters coral draw version 5 and 11 soft wares were
The slope stability studies for the quarry site was carried out by an empirical study, slop
mass rating; proposed by Roman (1985) and Anbalagan etal, (1991). This technique is
based on Biniawiski’s geomechanics classification analysis result.

Table 2.1 Geographical location of sampling site

Represent Location Coordinated (UTM) Elevation (m)
ative site Northing Easting
Site 1 09000΄03˝ 038044΄6˝ 2300
Site 2 09000΄11˝ 038042΄78˝ 2306
Site 3 09 00΄14˝ 038042΄76˝ 2300
Site 4 09 00΄18˝ 038042΄71˝ 2300
Site 5 09 00΄20˝ 038042΄76˝ 2305
Site 6 09 00΄22˝ 038042΄77˝ 2290
Site 7 09 00΄20˝ 038042΄45˝ 2304
Site 8 09 00΄06˝ 038042΄53˝ 2295

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

2.2. Water sample collection and analysis

Three sample sites from adjacent river Akaki were selected to represent the impact of
quarry to surface water and to determine the quality of the river for the beneficial use of
quarry rehabilitation. The number of sampling site was selected based on the activity of
the quarry operation and quarry location. Sampling were collected upstream of the
quarry, with in the quarry and down stream of the quarry. Sampling in the upstream is
intended to provide back ground status of the river. While sampling with in the quarry
and further down stream of the quarry is aim to explain the effect of the quarry on the
river hydrochemistry. In addition the aim of sampling of the river water is to know the
quality and to recommend for utilization of the water for restoration of the quarry.

The sampling site were located by using GPS (global positioning system, Garmin 12
channel GPS,USA), and were marked on the table2.2. The method was employed to
collect sample from the river. Samples were collected in 1L polyethylene vessels for
analytical parameters. The polyethylene vessels were washed with concentrated nitric
acid and rinsed with distilled water to avoid any contamination that might have present in
the container. Sample collection was done by direct immersion of the sample container
into the river.
Table 2.2: Sampling site of water
Sampling site Easting Northing Altitude(m) Remark
SS1 384241.34 090024.25 2297.5 Up stream of the quarry
SS2 384250.49 090008.11 2.279.6 Center of the quarry
SS3 384250.16 085955.62 2279 Down stream of quarry

Physio chemical analyses were done in water work design and supervision enterprise

2.3 Sampling for social impact analysis

Data gathering instruments were open ended and closed ended questionnaires (Runyon
and Haber 1990). The questioners were prepared for local resident and sectors
organizations, schools and hospital to identify the impact occurred to them by simple

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

random sampling. In the process of data analysis, collected data in the case of
questionnaires was presented using statistical tools such as frequency counts and
percentage. The data was analyzed through SPSS soft ware.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Chapter Three

Literature review

This chapter mainly deals with the story of how quarry works, environmental impact of
quarry operation and abandoned quarry rehabilitation.

3.1 The story of how quarry works

In the simplest term a rock quarry is a place where little size rocks are made from big
rocks. Although the basic process is the same, each quarry is different and some of the
thing in this paper may not apply to all operation. Before starting of quarry operation
many preparations must be made. First the geologist must find a place where there is a
large supply of rocks beneath the earth surface. Then the quarry can be igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. In order to get the rock beneath the surface of the
earth clearing of the land is the first operation step. Once the land cleared and prepared it
will be ready to begin mining the rock (Vulcan, 2006).

To get the rock out of the earth drilling and blasting is very important. To undergo
blasting first the hole are drilled in the earth and explosives are placed inside. The
explosive are detonated to provide energy for the most efficient blasting. The blasts that
occur when the explosive are set off free the stone from the quarry wall. The free stone
from the quarry wall load by large haul trucks to move the rocks they are crushed and
divided into different size. Trucks move back and forth between the pit and the
processing plant. Now the rocks are out of the ground and moved over to the processing
plant to turn big rocks into little rocks.

Depending on the size of the out put the rock may be put through different and smaller
sizes of crushers one or more times. As the rocks pass through the crushers, they are
moved around the processing plant on conveyor belts. After crushing, comes screening.
As the rocks are broken down to smaller sizes, screens are to separate the rocks into piles

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

that are the same size. Some screens are larger and then allow the bigger rocks to pass
through. The smaller screens let only the small rocks through (Poulin and others, 1994).
For rocks to get from one place to another at the plant, they travel on long continuously
moving conveyor belts. The conveyors help move rocks in an economical way saving
money and time (Bauer 1991). Beyond this phase the storing of the rocks depends on the
company. The stock piles can be huge piles of rock, sand, gravel and other materials.
Some of stockpiles can be as much as 30feet high and 300feetaround. Because they are
exposed to the weather, the company has to be carefully maintained so that heavy rain
does not wash them away. There have to be careful not to let other materials get mixed in
with them. These can be bulldozer and front end loader to keep the stock pile in place.
At last the materials loaded in to trucks for transportation to where they are needed for
use (Vulcan Materials Company, 2005)

3.1 Impact of quarry operation on environment

There are wide ranges of potential environmental impact caused by quarry operation.
Those impacts are land scape change, change to the visual scene, erosion, habitat loss,
loss of flora and fauna and stability problem, noise, vibration, dust, security problem,
effect on the amount and quality of water, high traffic and waste materials are the
common problem in the development of quarry operation. The descriptions of some of
the impacts are as follow.

3.1.1 Impact on land scape and land stability

A land scape comprises the visual feature of an area of land including physical elements
such as land form, living elements of flora and fauna, abstract elements such as lighting
and weather conditions and human elements (human activity) or the built environment
(Gerhard, 2003).

Gravel and stone quarry operations result in extensive manipulation of the landscape and
of the ecosystems of indigenous to their sites. Disturbance to the natural contour of the
topography has repercussions, not only for those communities in the immediate vicinity,
but also for those adjacent. Quarrying presents prime conditions for accelerated erosion

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

because the top soil environment required for establishment of stabilizing vegetation is
eliminated. Once quarry resources are exhausted or operations cease, the landscape has
often been degraded to an extent that recolonization by pre-disturbance communities is
difficult, if not impossible. The cultural perception of such degraded land is highly
unfavorable for several reasons, spanning range from safety, ecology to aesthetics’.

The primary natural landscape will be, little by little, lost. This is against the widely
accepted idea that “every untouched corner in the nature is beautiful”. Removing of a
rocky hill or an esker may open a new view. It is possible more unaesthetic than the
original one. In the worst case behind the primary formation may open up a view on a
waste tip! The most obvious environmental impact of quarry operation is the conversion
of land use. Hence the operation involves wide range of activity starting from land
clearing to excavation and making abandoned. All operation is in relation to the land and
it will damage the different landscape element that give scenic value, tranquility
(harmony and silence).

The natural condition of the land is changed because of excavation and extraction of the
material. This leads for unstable slope and land slide, rock fall, erosion. The slope will be
deteriorated and become un structure which result sliding, plane and wedge mode of
failures (OECD, 1998).

3.1.3 Impact on the atmosphere

The effect of air pollution on health and the environment is of growing concern
worldwide. Increasingly rigorous legislation, combined with powerful societal pressures,
is escalating our need for impartial and authoritative information on the quality of the air
we all breathe.

In quarry operation air discharges exhaust from a diesel generator and dust. The dust
associated with the operation of these non metallic minerals is generated through, drilling
/blasting, loading into haul trucks, and transported to processing site. Rock is processing
site (plant) transports and operates through feeder(s), crusher(s), screen(s), conveyor(s),

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

and bin(s). Processing equipment is powered with diesel (Aggregate Resources Mining
Roundtable, 1987).

This fugitive dust would degrade air quality in the surrounding area. Even with controls
in place, dust generated by the quarry operation would negatively impact the health and
wellbeing of area residents. Increased vehicular emissions associated with quarry
operations would also result in deterioration of air quality in the surrounding area and
negative effects to the health and wellbeing of nearby residents.

3.1.4 Impact on water resource

Both surface and ground water impact are associated with the quarry level of operation.
Impacts appear to be significant if the site lies completely with in the watershed protected
area. More over the geological material being extracted matter the degree of the impact
adjacent water quality (Richard, 1999). Surface water impacts

If the quarry operation is near a river, spring and wetland area the impact will be more
significant. The channel of river or spring eye can be changed and the quality will be
devastated based on the quarry property between the active pit and the production yard.
Run off from the quarry yard and dewatering of the pit can produce pollutant discharge to
the surface water: such as on total flow settleable solid, turbidity and total suspended
solids (Richard, 1999). These are leading measure to pollution of the surface water. The
pollution degree depends on the geology of the material extracted. Ground water impacts

Ground water impacts at the site depends on soils in the vicinity of the quarry, the
underlying geology, amount of rainfall, the depth of the pit, the proximity of the pit to
well and aquifer and blasting practice. If the ground water availability is generally good
in the quarry operation yard there will be amounts of water seeping in from zone
extending through out the full face of the quarry wall. Seeping of the side is resulting in a

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

flow. Seeps come from ground water migration through natural and blasting induced
fracture in the rock.

The fractures can be continuous or capable of providing a path way for significance water
leakage in to or out of the quarry. In light of the above condition extending quarry
operation near the ground water discharge area is expected to cause notable adverse
ground water impact.

A buffer between the excavated pit and the project property line is good in planning for
quarrying. Although installation of additional dewatering pumps and sedimentation ponds
are advisable as the amount of rainfall and seepage increase is potentially significance to
control the impacts. Ample land for treating additional runoff and pit water is advisable
to decrease run off and erosion.

3.1.5 Impacts on biodiversity

Biological resource impacts of the quarry operation related primarily to the loss of habitat
on vegetated lands, area of wetland, wooded habitat, and mixed habitat associated with
preparation and construction of the new road. The forested habitat can be covered with
pine and some hardwood trees (oak, poplar, ash, hickory, and sweet gum predominate).
Various small mammals and resident and migratory birds can use the habitat. When the
habitats are fragmented the useful wild life will be lost.

Land in the project area can be rated as wildlife habitat, a natural area, or prime forest.
This all will be eliminated due to operation. In general, environmental impacts associated
with habitat loss, sedimentation and erosion from construction activities can be expected.
Hence quarry operation can lead to loss of flora and fauna (Eberhards,1990)

3.1.6 Social impacts of quarry

Characterization of social, economic, and cultural impacts of quarry operation are

relatively straight forward and consists of an assessment of past and current impacts and
projected future effects of quarry operations at production levels. Past finding indicate

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

that due to the plantation of a quarry there is a change in land use and in economic
activity leads to increase in population change the habit, culture belief and value of the
local resident.

If the proposed quarry is in urban center where surrounded by residential and recreational
land of high scenic values, quarry operation will negatively impact on these values. The
quarry would be visible to homes, parks and open space. The quarry operations will
produce fugitive dust from blasting, vehicular emissions and other mining operation
which would deterioration of air quality. The dust will affect negatively the health and
the well being of residents.

The effect is the stronger the drier the weather, the heavier the wind and the more silt and
fine sand is including the extracted material. The dust effect is still worse near the open
quarries where rock aggregate is extracted by blasting and crushing. Dust from blasting
and aggregate production is fine and needle-sharp (Räisänen, 2004). Dust from crushed
rock seems to be both smearing and when breathing unhealthy. Past studies show that
increasing risk of lung cancer among those exposed to silicic rock dust (Guo, 2005).

Earth movement from blasting operation would increase the risk of rock fall which
damage to surrounding properties and cause injury to human life. The noise level rise and
fall through out the work day as activity ebbs and flows. The human ear has an extremely
large range of response to air pressure variations which in case of sound are represented
by air pressure waves that cause the eardrum to vibrate.

The smallest steady state air pressure that can be detected by the ear is three billionth of a
pound per square inch. The largest steady state pressure that can be perceived with out
pain is three-thousandths of a pound per square inch.

Decibel scales ranges between these two extremes with various frequency weighting
networks employed to better characterize the human response to sound. In general 70db
is the point at which noise begin to harm hearing (U.S geological survey 1997).

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Heavy truck of city traffic has 90db noise level and a very annoying
hearing damage (after 8 hours). Hence the quarry operation has more than these noise
levels which can lead to extreme effect to happen (U.S geological survey 1997).

For quarry stone producers, blasting is the primary crushing stages which produce
seismic amplitude and cause explosions. The effect of explosions that are used in quarry-
blasting practice varies greatly between mines and within mines and in-mine
instrumentation (Chan, 2005).

Generally on the creation of infrasound signal during blasting operation through

seismicity which cause psychological problem to the vicinity, damage of property
fracturing of the building like bridge, house or any man-made structure in the
surrounding area.

Air pressure vibrations from air blast can cause primarily from the transmission of
ground vibrations into the atmosphere and direct release of high-pressure explosion gases
and gas vibrations into the atmosphere (Hertzer, 2000). Air blast pressure also effect in
noises that are heard and concussion effects that can rattle windows.

The world health organization suggests that noise can affect human health and well being
in the following ways: creating feeling of annoyance, disturb sleep, interfere with
communication particular listening, interfere with learning, cause antisocial or aggressive
behavior and cause hearing loss (WHO,1992)

The decrease negative impact on resident through the operation of quarry activity can be
decreased by on determining a buffer zone between the resident and the quarry area. As
James 1998, suggested the minimum distance between workings and residents which has
been permitted or suggested varies considerable up to 400m for sand and gravel and 300-
900m for hard rock workings. The effectiveness of distance as a means of control varies
with topography and local environmental sensitivity. There is little or no benefit to either
operators or residents if the permitted distances are too small. The operators will find that

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

the pressures of cost and expediency encourage them to "chance it" in tight situations.
Residents will find that conditions are often at or over the borderline of acceptability and
that the operator is not very responsive to their complaints.
It is not possible to define a distance that is safe with regards to fly rock from blasting.
The focus therefore must be on preventing any fly rock from being generated (James

3.2 Rehabilitation of Abandoned quarry

Restoration is a process that begins with nature, but recognizes the realities of human
culture and intervention. It involves a continuum of interrelationships between natural
processes, the human environment, cultural history, planning, design and management,
and its practice and implementation is tied to be a partnership of community groups,
government agencies and the private sectors.

Quarrying is an interim land use that can be offset with successful quarry rehabilitation.
Quarry rehabilitation requires careful planning to minimize environmental damage to
land scape, wetlands and forests. Progressive rehabilitation occurs in phases as areas of a
quarry are extracted – hand in hand with operations. Ideally, quarry rehabilitation
emphasizes the creation of naturalized landscapes that are designed for biodiversity and
are compatible with surrounding lands. Since quarrying will be undertaken by use of an
open pit or open excavations, closure will be mainly concerned with physical stability of
the slopes in the quarry and waste rock (ANERA, 2002).

The objective in restoration may focus on diversifying existing conditions to enhance

biological resilience and sustainability in context with human uses and cultural features
such as park where continuous mown turf can be diversified with meadow and wood land
associations. In addition restoration objective reflect proactive ideas about how a
degraded site can be returned to an ecologically healthy condition in balance with human
uses and site history. The setting of objective establishes clear direction for what action
should be taken on the site of quarry. What should be done to protect significant feature,
what restoration may be necessary to return in to a healthy condition (i.e. natural

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

regeneration, managed succession, community planting) and what approach should be

taken to design, as well as future management.

Restoration consists of re-establishing biological diversity and resilience to land and its
life processes that have been seriously disturbed or destroyed, usually by human
intervention. The need for restoration is one of the most important environmental issues
of our day and is a consequence of many factors including a growing awareness of the
role of natural processes in urbanization, its connections to sustainability and the quality
of life, and community concerns and commitments to healing environmental ills of the
past. In its purest form, restoration means returning disturbed natural communities to their
original state. In practice, however, such goals cannot be achieved in environments that
have been infinitely complicated by human intervention.

3.2.1 Land scape restoration

Landscape restoration should reflect the natural and cultural character of a region-those
inherent qualities and conditions that make one place different from another. The
landscape has an important public interest role in the cultural, ecological, environmental
and social fields, and constitutes a resource favorable to economic activity and whose
protection, management and planning can contribute to job creation, contributes to the
formation of local cultures and is a basic component of the natural and cultural heritage,
contributing to human well-being and consolidation of the identity; is an important part
of the quality of life for people everywhere: in urban areas and in the countryside, in
degraded areas as well as in areas of high quality, in areas recognized as being of
outstanding beauty as well as everyday areas. Generally landscape is a key element of
individual and social well-being and its protection, management and planning entail
rights and responsibilities for everyone (Carlson, E. 2003).

This is fundamental to the restoration process, which is based on reintroducing features

indigenous to the local and regional landscape. It is important to have a thorough
understanding of a site's special nature, including not only plant communities, wildlife

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

and heritage features, but also geology, soils and microclimate. The latter ultimately
determine the diversity, quality and character of the former.

Detail examination of a site may reveal physical, biological or cultural features that are
locally or regionally significant. Restoration efforts should focus on protecting them.
An economic climate of dwindling budgets, restoration strategies need to focus on
ecologically self-sustaining solutions that minimize human intervention. Approaches that
mimic natural processes are, therefore, more likely to succeed than those that involve
high levels of human effort and financial resources. The natural regeneration of complex
biotic communities on disturbed sites provides important lessons for establishing natural
areas (ANERA, 2002). Most of the time to maintain biodiversity and to restore
abandoned quarry it is best to plant native species grown from local sources.

Restoration design must accommodate human uses where they are likely to occur. Trails,
boardwalks, viewing stations and activity areas can control uses and limit them to
appropriate locations. It is important to determine patterns of human activity early in the
planning process to avoid interference with restoration efforts.

3.2.2 Case study of quarry rehabilitation

Abandoned quarry can successfully rehabilitate. The following case study showed how
the abandoned quarry could be changed to other beneficial land use.

Milton quarry rehabilitation was found in watershed and greater Toronto area. The area
was wetland and environmentally sensitive area. The operation has negative impact in the
area. Hence rehabilitation is to mitigate the negative impact on natural areas and to
provide clean and secure area. The company plans to rehabilitate the quarry (Usher, A.J.,

The plan view point on quarry rehabilitation and expansion show how a balanced
approach can protect the natural environment and promote economically strong
community at the same time. Effective quarry rehabilitation projects can create critical
green space for rapidly expanding communities (fig.3.2)

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Fig3.1FormerMilton limestone
quarry (Usher, A.J., 1987).

Fig 2.2 Shows rehabilitated Milton limestone quarry

Fig 3.2. Rehabilitated Milton limestone quarry (Usher, A.J., 1987).

To rehabilitate the quarry and naturalize the site and make it compatible with the
conservation lands. The rehabilitation program goes well beyond the requirements of the
Ministry of Natural Resources for quarries under the quarry resources act. A lake was
built into the quarry floor that includes a wading, swimming and beach area along with a
shallow area with shoals for fish pawning. A wetland area was created where native
aquatic plants are colonizing the site to provide habitat for bird sand fish. The
rehabilitation project includes a large reforested area near the quarry walls.
Native trees and shrubs have been planted in clusters which, over time, will spread and
naturalize the remainder of the slopes. The species mix will extend the forest cover from
the existing mixed deciduous forest to the north on the Kelso Conservation Area

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

The rehabilitated quarry become for public parkland. The rehabilitation and dedication of
the restored quarry is a great example of effective quarry after use. In rehabilitation of
Milton watershed there are several excellent examples of rehabilitated quarries that
include cliff faces, lakes, wetlands and forest habitats. These areas are attracting wildlife
and providing recreational opportunities for watershed residents and beyond.

Past studies in France show, the law of 1993 and the regulations established by decrees
passed between 1994 and 1998 include quarries in the facilities listed for environmental
protection (ICPE). As a result, the country’s quarry operators are legally bound to
redevelop their sites as extraction progresses and have become specialists in ecological
engineering. Eurovia and the Quinipily quarry old alluvial quarries cover a wide area but
are not very deep since they are only worked for a short time. These are converted into
lakes or leisure centers. Rock quarries, on the other hand, are worked for a very long time
and are more difficult to rehabilitate. The Quinipily quarry in Brittany is a fine example
of restoration landscaping. Opened in the 1900s and operated until 2001, the site has been
remodeled and completely reforested with over 4,000 tree species. It also has a 4.5
hectare lake, 40 meters deep. The success of restoration projects requires the operator to
set up coordination and monitoring committees, inviting local nature conservation and
other community organizations to participate in them(OECD,1998)

Abandoned quarry, located in Brotonne rehabilitated by the quarry owner. Eventually, the
quarry is converted in to wetland fed with floodwaters from the River Seine, which will
add diversity and depth to the local flora and fauna.

Research undertaken by the Limestone Research Group, in the Peak District of the
U.K., during the mid-1980’s demonstrated that the manner in which quarry face
evolves once working has ceased is a function of natural processes (Geology and
geomorphology) and of the way in which the face was excavated, particularly the blast
design. Hence, it was argued that by manipulating the blast design it should be
possible to produce a specified sequence of landforms which would evolve in a
predictable manner. If the landforms could be engineered to replicate those in the

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

surrounding natural landscape then this would provide a potentially useful technique
for the reclamation of limestone quarries.

Department of the environment in the U.K. has for many years commissioned research
and studies of various rehabilitation techniques and has produced the largest volume
of published reports on rehabilitation in the world for problem created in quarry

The Ontario government develops a program aimed at rehabilitating abandoned pit

and quarries. Rehabilitation research completed to return 25 abandoned pit and
quarries back in to productive agricultural land, community recreational facilities and
for both terrestrial and aquatic species (Marshall, 1994).

As mentioned above there are research works that had been conducted in order to
understand the impacts and restore the abandoned quarry. But still no detail research
has been undertaken in Ethiopia. Thus, this study will try to investigate the problem.

3.3. Legal consideration of quarry operation

In the process of reviewing application for the conditional use permit of quarry, different
countries objected to the application on several grounds, including the proximity of the
quarry to a local school and to housing, the potential for adverse effects on the water
supply, and the potential for dust and noise pollution (Lawrence J.Drew, 2004).

3.3.1 Legal and policy context of Ethiopia

Ethiopia has Federal and Regional environmental bodies that are mandated by
proclamation provided for the establishment of environmental protection organs (proc.
no.295/2002) and environmental Impact Assessment proclamation (
and other relevant laws to oversee and facilitate the implementation or administration of
environmental issue for various project to be implemented. Thus Ethiopia also has laws
and regulations in relation to the environment such as Article 43, 44, and 92(Annex A)
which are the constituent of federal democratic republic of Ethiopia (FDRE). Authorities

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

of FEPA, REPA (Regional environmental protection authority) are legalized bodies who
are responsible for the implementation of those environmental laws and regulation
(FEPA, 2003).

In addition those authorities provide binding environmental impact assessment guide

lines for various projects. This is an important and crucial section that will have
importance in identifying, predicting and evaluation of impacts (both negative and
positive). However there is no guiding principle regarding to quarry development and
rehabilitation project by FEPA. Fortunately, Addis Ababa environmental protection
authority prepared environmental impact assessment guide lines in 2007 (Annex B),
however the guideline provided is not legally binding by laws and regulation and it is
difficult to implement. Hence the quarry operation can be done with different company
and they are not responsible for the environment and the consequence of the operation is

Generally the responsible body (FEPA) regarding to the development and rehabilitation
of quarry should advice proponents that help them best comply with EA requirements,
decisions are made without unnecessary delay and within the time frame stipulated in the
relevant laws and in a manner that improve effectiveness and efficiency, appropriate
support is made available to build capacity and create awareness on making
environmental impact assessment.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Chapter four

Result and discussion

Samples and data were collected for determination of quarry impact on land stability,
surface water and local residents the analysis and discussion is presented here under.

4.1 Rock mass classification and Rock slope stability analysis

Experience has shown that engineering classification of rocks is very useful for the
purpose of rock mass characterization and stability condition of the rock slopes. The rock
mass classification can provide the characteristic of the rock mass based on which initial
estimates of support requirements can be worked out. The rock mass classification also
provides the estimates of the strength and deformation properties of the rock mass. Rock
mass classification system also forms the important input for many empirical techniques,
which are followed for the ready assessment of stability condition of the rock slopes
(Johnson, 1991).

Various forces influence rock slope stability. Some of these forces induce instability
where other forces resist the tendency of the sliding. Rock failure is resulted when the
forces inducing the instability are more than the resisting forces. The rock slope stability
analysis involves assessment of these forces and their interrelationship. The forces which
induce sliding are mainly forces due to gravity and the water forces, whereas the resisting
forces are mainly component of weight of the rock mass and the shear strength
parameters mobilized along the discontinuities. The important factors which influence the
stability of the rock slopes are; Geometry of the slope – slope height, slope angle and
upper slope angle, structural discontinuities – their preferred orientation, shear strength
properties of discontinuities – cohesion ‘C’ and angle of internal friction ‘φ’, and water
saturation conditions (Hoek & Bray, 1997).

In the present study an attempt has been made to characterize the rock mass of the quarry
site by employing the Bieniawiski’s rock mass rating system and eight sites are selected,
their location is described in table 4.1. Further, the stability condition of the rock mass

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

has also been studied by Modified slope mass rating scheme. Based on the systematic
analysis for overall characterization of the rock mass certain recommendations are made.
Table 4.1 location of selected site
Data Location Coordinated (UTM) Elevation (m)
Location Northing Easting
Site 1 09000΄03˝ 038044΄6˝ 2300
Site 2 09000΄11˝ 038042΄78˝ 2306
Site 3 09 00΄14˝ 038042΄76˝ 2300
Site 4 09 00΄18˝ 038042΄71˝ 2300
Site 5 09 00΄20˝ 038042΄76˝ 2305
Site 6 09 00΄22˝ 038042΄77˝ 2290
Site 7 09 00΄20˝ 038042΄45˝ 2304
Site 8 09 00΄06˝ 038042΄53˝ 2295

4.1.1 Rock mass characterization

The rock mass is an assemblage of intact rock blocks separated by different types of
geological discontinuities. Rock mass classification needs to consider the characteristics
of both intact rock material and the discontinuities. An important issue in rock
classification is the selection of the parameters of greatest significance. There appears to
be no single parameter or index that carefully and quantitatively describes a joint rock
mass. For engineering purposes various parameters have different significance and only if
taken together can they describe a rock mass. The important parameters which
characterize the rock mass are uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the intact rock
blocks, Rock Quality Designation (RQD), spacing of the discontinuities, condition of the
discontinuities, ground water condition and the discontinuity surface characteristics. Each
of these parameters have an influence over the stability condition of the rock mass.
However, influence of these parameters will vary for different rock mass (Johnson,

4.1.2 Description of the Rock mass

The study area, Augusta quarry, comprises of mainly two basaltic rock units, olivine and
feldspar basalt which have aphenatic texture, respectively. These basalt rock units are
being excavated for the production of crushed aggregates, mainly for road construction

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

The rock in general, is fresh

with varied degree of alteration
along the discontinuity surface.
At places rock is moderately
weathered. Due to the
excavation of the rock the area
loose its natural slope and
changed land scape has evolved.
The joint spacing in general, are
wide and the joint openings are
filled with silty to clayey
Plate 3. North west Parts of the quarry site
material. Slopes are cut at steep angles (> 650) which has resulted into rock block
failures. Rock blocks of varied dimensions can be observed accumulated at the toe of the
rock slopes (Plate 1 and 2 ).

Plate 4.Western part of the quarry

4.1.3 Strength of the rock material

Strength is a fundamental quantitative engineering property of a rock specimen. Strength

of a rock is the amount of the applied stress at rock failure or rupture. The compressive
strength of the rock is the stress required to break a loaded sample of rock. Compressive
strength is not a single value for a given rock specimen but it is directly proportional to
the confining stress and stress application rate. The compressive strength may be

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

classified into two; (i) Unconfined compressive strength, also known as uniaxial
compressive strength and (ii) Confined compressive strength.

The compressive strength without confinement is the unconfined or uniaxial compressive

strength (UCS). The unconfined compressive strength of the rock is the stress required to
break a loaded sample that is unconfined at sides. If `P’ is the load tending to break the
sample, and `A’ is the cross sectional area of the sample. The UCS in kg/cm2 is defined


The compressive strength of rock depends on the direction of the acting compressive
stress with relation to bedding or foliation. The compressive strength is highest when the
compressive stress is applied normal to the bedding.

The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock material can be determined in the
laboratory on rock samples or at field in in-situ conditions. If cores are available UCS can
be determined in the laboratory by UCS testing machine. In field UCS of rock can be
determined by Point load Index method or by using Schmidt hammer.

The strength of the rock material constitutes the strength limit of the rock mass. The
uniaxial compressive strength of rock material can be determined in the field indirectly
by means of shimidit hammer (Franklin, 1970).

For the present study the strength of the rock material is determined by using Schmidt
hammer. The Schmidt hammer is a portable instrument used to determine uniaxial
compressive strength. The Schmidt hammer provides numeric rebound value, which can
be correlated to UCS by using Barton and Choubey (1977) relation, which is expressed

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

log10 (σc) = 0.00088‫ﻻ‬R +1.01

Where; ‘σc’ is the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) in Mpa, '‫ ' ﻻ‬is the dry rock
density in kN/m3 (for the present study material is basalt and density is taken as 26 kN/m3
is considered) and ‘R’ is the rebound number of Schmidt hammer.

The average UCS values, thus, determined at various sites in the study area are presented
in Table 4.2

Table 4.2 Average value of UCS at various locations in the study area

Location Rock Rock Schmidt Rebound Average Uniaxial compressive strength

Type Density Value (Range) (UCS) (Mpa)
Site 1 Basalt 26 50 112
Site 2 Basalt 26 42 93
Site 3 Basalt 26 37 60
Site 4 Basalt 26 30 43
Site 5 Basalt 26 38 75
Site 6 Basalt 26 38 75
Site 7 Basalt 26 38 75
Site 8 Basalt 26 50 112
Overall Average 80.6

Perusal of Table 4.2 indicates that the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock exposed
in the study area, in general, varies in the range of 43 to 112 Mpa with an average value
of 80.6 Mpa. According to classification proposed by Hoek and Bray (1997) such rock
falls in moderately strong rock category.

4.1.4 Rock Quality Designation (RQD)

The Rock Quality Designation is an important parameter to characterize the rock mass.
The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) was devised by Deere (Deere et al. 1967) to
provide quantitative estimate of rock mass quality from drill core logs. RQD is an
important parameter to describe the engineering properties of rock mass. RQD is defined
as the percentage of intact core pieces longer than 10 cm in the total run.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

∑ length of core pieces >10 cm long x100
Total length of core run

Often there is a problem of the availability of drill cores to work out RQD. There are two
empirical methods devised to utilise the RQD by simple field observations. These
methods are (i) Scan line method proposed by Priest and Hudson (1960) and (ii)
Palmstorm’s relation (Palmstorm, 1982). For the present study Palmstorm relation has
been utilised to workout RQD at several locations in the study area. Palmstorm relation,
also known, as volumetric count method, can be determined as;

RQD = 115 – 3.3 Jv

Where, Jv is the total number of discontinuities more than 10 cm long in 1 x 1 m exposed

rock face (Volumetric count).

Table 4.3 presents the average values of RQD, as determined by Palmstorm’s relation, at
various locations in the study area.

The results presented in Table 4.3 indicate that the Jv value varies from 7 to 12 and the
RQD value falls in a range of 75 to 91.2%. The average RQD for overall rock mass
exposed in the study area is 84 %. According to Deere’s classification rock mass with an
average value of 84 % RQD can be classified as ‘Good’ rock mass as far as stability
condition is concerned.

Table 4.3 Average value of RQD at various locations in the study area

Location Rock Type Jv Value RQD (%)

Site 1 Basalt 9 85.3
Site 2 Basalt 10 82
Site 3 Basalt 7 91.2
Site 4 Basalt 8 88.6
Site 5 Basalt 9 85.3
Site 6 Basalt 8 88.6
Site 7 Basalt 12 75
Site 8 Basalt 10 82
Overall Average 84.7

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

4.1.5 Discontinuity Characteristics

The important factors of discontinuity planes which influence the properties of the rock
mass are; (i) Orientation, (ii) Spacing, (iii) Continuity, (iv) Surface Characteristics, (v)
Separation of discontinuity Surface and vi) Thickness and nature of filling material
(Annex C).

Orientation: Orientation of the discontinuity planes play an important role in the

strength of the rock mass. The rock mass fail along one or more discontinuity planes. The
role of orientation of discontinuities becomes most important for rock slope stability if:
(a) discontinuity plane or plunge of line of intersection of two wedge forming planes day
light the slope at less than the slope angle. (b) Whether the dip of the joint plane or
plunge of the line of intersection exceed the angle of internal friction.
If these conditions are prevailing the slope is kinematically unstable. The orientation of
discontinuities also influences the strength of the rock mass. For the present study
discontinuity orientations data, mainly joints were collected from 8 locations. For this the
dip direction and Dip amount for each discontinuity were observed and recorded. Later
preferred orientation of these discontinuities was worked out by stereographical method
for each locality, separately. The preferred orientations of discontinuities as determined
for each locality is presented in Fig 4.1. The discontinuities in the study area does not
have specific direction.

Site 1 Site 2

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Site 3 Site 4

Site 5 Site 6

Site 7 Site 8
Fig.4.1 Preferred orientations of discontinuity planes as observed at different localities in the study

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Spacing: Spacing of discontinuity is the perpendicular distance between the two

discontinuities, which belongs to same discontinuity set (Fig4.2). The spacing of
discontinuity affects the overall strength of the rock mass. If the spacing is less the
strength will be less and if it is more strength will be more.

The average spacing of the discontinuity planes as observed in the study area at different
locations is presented in Table 4.4. The average spacing of the rock mass at various
locations is 60 cm and falls in a range of 10 to 600 cm.

Continuity: The continuity of discontinuity planes influence the stability of the rock
mass provided the orientation of discontinuity is kinematically critical. If the continuity
of the discontinuity planes is more the strength of the rock mass will be less in
comparison to case when continuity is less and there are bridges in between. In general,
in the study area continuity of the discontinuity falls in the range of 1 to 3m, with an
average continuity of 2 m (Table 4.3).

Surface Characteristics: Three factors are involved when the surface characteristics of
discontinuities are considered.

a) The waviness or undulation of the surface, which results in variations in orientation

or attitude along a given discontinuity.
b) The smaller scale roughness of the surface, which provides friction between two
adjacent blocks.
c) The physical properties of the in-filled material between the two surfaces of
discontinuity plane.

Waviness and roughness are first and second order irregularities based on their
relative magnitudes. The projections in a rough discontinuity surface are called asperities.
Waviness has the greatest influence on the rock mass strength than roughness. For two
adjacent blocks to move along a wavy surface there must be displacement normal to the
surface. The amount of displacement is controlled by roughness angle and the

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

wavelength of the wave. The waviness angle reduces the dip angle and thus tendency for
sliding is also reduced (Johnson, 1991).

Fig 4.2Characteristics of Discontinuities

Separation and Filling of Joints: The separation of joint surface and the presence of
filling material in between has a great influence on the strength of jointed rock mass. The
separation width affects the shear strength of the joint. If the joint is tight the asperities in
the joint surface will interlock and will improve the shear strength. If the separation is
wide the influence of the infilling material will reduce the shear strength. The surface
characteristics for various discontinuity planes as observed in the study area are presented
in table 4.3.

4.1.6 Rock Mass Classification

Rock mass classification is a widely used, economical and extremely useful basis for
determining engineering properties. Rock mass classification is the basis to make a
definitive decision on engineering projects involving rock, since rock mass classification
can represent the actual site conditions than intact rock classification does. The stability
and deformability of the rock slope is dependent on the strength and deformability of the

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

rock mass. Discontinuities such as bedding surfaces, faults, joints and foliations are the
most important characteristics of the rock mass. The presence of discontinuities reduces
the strength of the rock mass. Besides, discontinuities primarily control the mass strength
and deformability of the rock mass. Thus, the use of rock in maintaining stable slopes
involves determinations of properties of rock mass in which the presence of
discontinuities govern the engineering character.

Table 4.4 Surface Characteristics of the discontinuity planes as observed in the study area (annex E)

Spacings (cm)
Continuity Surface Characteristics (average)
Range Average Range Average

Roughness Weathering Opening Infilling


Site 1 60-200 127 1-3 2 Slightly rough Slightly weathered 1-5 Silt and clay
Site 2 10-100 32.6 1-5 4 Slightly rough Slightly weathered 0.1-1 Silt and clay
Site 3 200-600 240 1-3 1.5 Slightly rough Slightly weathered >5 Calcite and
Site 4 200-600 206 3-10 5 Slightly rough Moderately weathered 1-5 Clay and
Site 5 60-200 190 <1 0.5 Slightly rough Slightly weathered 10 Open
Site 6 200-600 270 1-3 2 smooth Moderately weathered 10 Open
Site 7 60-200 180 1-3 1.8 Slightly rough Slightly weathered 10 Silt and clay
Site 8 60-200 170 1-5 2 Slightly rough Slightly weathered 1-5 Open

Numerous methods have been developed to guide the judgments of rock qualities for
stability purposes. Using rock mass classification schemes it is possible to estimate
support requirement during excavation and estimate strength and deformation properties
of the rock mass. The rock mass strength and deformability are governed by the presence
of discontinuity planes joint, fault, and bedding planes, in addition the spacing and filling
material also has significant effects on the engineering properties of the rock mass.
Though numbers of rock mass classification schemes are available however,
classification system proposed by Bieniawiski is widely used.
Geomechanics classification or Bieniawski's rock mass rating (RMR) considers the
following six parameters to classify rock mass;
(i) Uniaxial compressive strength of rock (UCS) (iv) Condition of discontinuities
(ii) Rock Quality Designation (RQD) (v) Ground water condition
(iii) Spacing of discontinuities (vi) Orientation of discontinuities

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

For the present study the data pertaining to RMR has been collected from 8 locations
along the excavated rock slope face (Fig 4.3 and table 4.4) and based on the conditions
the ratings for each of the 6 parameters were assigned from the standard RMR table and
are added to get the RMR value.


Fig 4.3 RMR data location points in the study area

The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) has been determined by Palmstorm’s Volumetric
Count method (Palmstrom, 1982), already discussed in this chapter. For other parameters,
like; Spacing, Condition of discontinuities, Ground water condition, and Orientation of
discontinuities visual observations and measurements has been made and accordingly, the
ratings were assigned from the standard RMR table. The RMR data collected from
various locations is summarized in Table 4.6. The detailed RMR data is presented as
Annex C.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Perusal of Table 4.6 indicates that the rock mass in general fall in the class fair to good
class with average conditions represented as fair rock mass as far as stability conditions
are concerned.

Table 4.6 RMR data collected from various locations in the study area
RMR Parameters Ratings (Represents average values) RMR Rock Mass
Data UCS (Mpa) RQD Sp. Con GWC Ori Class
points SHV UCS Ra Jv RQD Ra Ra Ra.
Site 1 50 112 12 9 85.3 17 8 12 15 Fair 64 Good rock
Site 2 42 93 7 10 82.0 17 5 14 15 Fair 60 Fair rock
Site 3 37 60 7 7 91.2 17 10 13 15 Fair 64 Good rock
Site 4 30 43 4 8 88.6 17 10 10 15 Fair 56 Fair rock
Site 5 38 75 7 9 85.3 17 8 14 15 Fair 61 Good rock
Site 6 38 75 7 8 88.6 17 10 18 7 Fair 50 Fair rock
Site 7 38 75 7 12 75.0 12 8 16 7 Fair 51 Fair rock
Site 8 50 112 12 10 82.0 17 10 13 15 Favorable 59 Fair rock
UCS – Uniaxial compressive strength, SHV – Schmidt hammer Value, Ra – Rating, Jv- Volumetric
count, RQD – Rock quality designation, Sp. – Spacing of discontinuity, Con. – Condition of
discontinuity, GWC – ground water condition, Ori – Orientation of discontinuity, RMR – Rock
mass rating , the rating for all parameters are presented in Annex E.

4.1.7 Strength of the jointed rock mass

For the present study an attempt has been made to empirically estimate the strength of the
rock mass. For this purpose the Hoek and Brown (1980) empirical technique has been
utilized. Hoek and Brown (1980) developed an empirical approach to determine the
strength of the jointed rock mass and formulated a failure criterion for jointed rock mass.
Based on results of number of projects this criterion was modified by Hoek & Brown in
1988 and later by Hoek et al. (1992). For this empirical method Hoek and Brown utilized
Bieniawiski’s Rock Mass rating System (RMR) to work out the material constants.
The Hoek-Brown criterion for jointed rock mass is;
⎛ σ3 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
σ1 ’ = σ3’ + σc ⎜ mb σ + S ⎟
⎝ c ⎠
Where, `mb’ is the value of the constant ‘m’ for the rock mass, `s’ and `a’ are constant
which depend upon the characteristic of the rock mass, σc is the uniaxial compressive
strength of the intact rock pieces and σ1’ & σ3’ are the axial and confining effective
principal stresses, respectively.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

For the present study RMR data, collected from various locations (Table 4.5) in the study
area has been used as an input parameter for strength estimation.. The uniaxial
compressive strength has been determined by Schmidt hammer at all representative sites
from where RMR has been collected. The value of material constant ‘mi’ has been
directly adopted from the standard table (Hoek and Brown, 1980). The other material
constant ‘mb’, ‘S’ and ‘a’ are determined by using Geologic Strength Index (GSI) as;

mb ⎛ GSI − 100 ⎞ ⎛ GSI −100 ⎞

= exp ⎜ ⎟, S = exp ⎜ ⎟ , a = 0.5
mi ⎝ 28 ⎠ ⎝ 9 ⎠

The input parameter used for Hoek and Brown failure criteria are presented in Table 4.6.
The confining effective principal stresses (σ3’) considered for the determination of major
principal stresses (σ1’) and the corresponding computed major principal stresses (σ1’) are
shown in Table 3.6. Later the shear strength parameters were determined by utilizing the
Mohr-Coulom’s diagram (Fig 4.4). Table 4.8 presents the comparison of shear strength
parameters, cohesion ‘C’ and angle of internal friction ‘φ’ as determined by
Bieniawiski’s RMR system and Hoek and Brown Failure criteria.

Table 4.7 Input parameter for failure criteria

Location Average UCS Geologic Material Constants
RMR (Mpa) Strength Mi Mb S a
Value Index GSI
Site 1 64 112 64 17 4.7 0.018 0.5
Site 2 60 93 60 17 4.07 0.012 0.5
Site 3 64 60 64 17 4.7 0.018 0.5
Site 4 56 43 56 17 3.54 0.008 0.5
Site 5 61 75 61 17 4.22 0.013 0.5
Site 6 50 75 50 17 2.85 0.039 0.5
Site 7 51 75 51 17 2.95 0.005 0.5
Site 8 67 112 67 17 3.9 0.011 0.5

A perusal of Table 4.6 & 4.7 indicates that the cohesion ‘C’ of the rock mass varies in a
range of 3 to 4 Mpa as determined from Hoek and Brown Failure criteria whereas, this
range varies from 2.5 to 3.2 Mpa as determined from Bieniawiski’s relation using RMR
values. Also, angle of friction ‘φ’of the rock mass varies in a range of 35 to 400 as
determined from Hoek and Brown Failure criteria whereas, this range varies from 30 to
390 as determined from Bieniawiski’s relation using RMR values. The average value of

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Cohesion ‘C’ for the rock mass of the study area is 2.9 Mpa and the average angle of
friction for the rock mass is 34 0. This value of cohesion and angle of friction is used as
input parameter to determine the slope stability of quarry.

4.1.8 Slope Stability Studies

For evaluating the stability of the rock slopes, Romana (1985) proposed a classification
system called slope mass rating (SMR) system. For slope mass rating Romana utilized
Bieniawiski’s Rock Mass Rating System (RMR). Initialy Romana developed SMR to
account for only plane and toppling mode of failure, later this was modified by
Anbalagan, Sharma and Raghuvanshi (1991) to account for wedge mode of failure also.

Slope Mass Rating is defined as;

SMR = RMR + (F1 * F2 * F3) + F4

Where; RMR is evaluated according to Bieniawiski (1979, 1989) by adding the

Parameters of five parameters.

The F1, F2 and F3 are adjustment factors related to joint orientation with respect to slope
orientation and F4 is the correction factor for method of excavation.
F1 – depends upon parallelism between joints and slope face strikes.
(αj - αs) where, αj is joint strike and αs is slope strike.
F2 – refers to joint dip angle (βj) or plunge of line of intersection of two wedge
forming planes (βi).
F3 – depends upon relationship between joint dip or plunge of line of intersection of
two wedge forming planes and slope inclination.
(βj - βs) or (βi - βs) where, βs is the inclination of the slope.
F4 – Method of Excavation. It includes the natural slope, or the cut slope excavated by
pre splitting, smooth blasting, normal blasting, poor blasting and mechanical
Values of adjustment factors for different joint orientations are given in Table. 4.10 and
for F4 are given in table. 4.11

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Fig.4.4 Determination of Shear strength parameters from Hoek and Brown failure criteria

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Table 4.8 Major Effective Principal Stresses as determined by Hoek and Brown failure Criteria.
Location UCS (Mpa) Confining Major effective Axial Shear strength Parameter
effective stress(σ1) (Mpa) Cohesion (Mpa) Angle of friction (φ)
stress(σ3) (Mpa)
I 28 150
Site 1 112 II 10 105 4 40
III 3 46
I 23 118
Site 2 93 II 12 80 4 40
III 2 31
I 15 80
Site 3 60 II 7 52 3.5 39
III 2 27
I 11 21
Site 4 43 II 6 38 3.5 35
III 2 23
I 19 97
Site 5 75 II 10 67 3 38
III 2 29
I 19 83
Site 6 75 II 10 57 3 40
III 2 23
I 19 84
Site 7 75 II 10 57 3 35
III 2 24
I 28 139
Site 8 112 II 14 93 3.3 40
III 4 53
80.6 10.8 72.5 3.5 38

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Table 4.9 Comparison of shear strength parameters, cohesion ‘C’ and angle of internal friction ‘φ’ as
determined by Bieniawiski’s RMR system and Hoek and Brown Failure criteria.
Location Average Shear Strength Parameters from RMR (Range) Shear Strength
RMR Parameters from Hoek
Value and Brown Failure
Cohesion Specific Angle of Specific Cohesion Angle of
(C) Cohesion Friction (φ) Angle of (C) (Mpa) Friction (φ)
(C)* Friction (φ)**
Site 1 64 200-300 3.2 25-35 37 4.0 40
Site 2 60 200-300 3.0 25-35 35 4.0 40
Site 3 64 100-200 3.2 15-25 37 3.5 39
Site 4 56 100-200 2.8 15-25 33 3.5 35
Site 5 61 100-200 3.1 15-25 36 3.0 38
Site 6 50 200-300 2.5 25-35 30 3.0 40
Site 7 51 200-300 2.6 25-35 31 3.0 35
Site8 67 200-300 3.4 25-35 39 3.3 40
Average 59 162-262 2.9 21-31 35 3.5 38
C* is the specific value of Cohesion for a given RMR as determined using Eq. C* = 0.05 RMR
Φ** is the specific value of angle of friction for a given RMR as determined using Eq. Φ* = 0.5RMR + 5
The above equations were proposed by Bieniawiski, 1976. Slope Stability Classes and Supports

As per slope mass rating (SMR) Romana (1985) defined five stability classes. These are
described in Table 4.12. Further, based on these stability classes stability measures have
also been suggested which are shown in table 4.13. These classification systems can only
try to point out the normal techniques for each different class of supports. However, both
detailed study and good engineering sense are necessary to stabilize a slope.

Table. 4.10 Values of adjustment factors for different joint orientations

Case of slope Failure Very Favorable Fair Unfavorable Very Unfavorable
P (αj - αs) >30 o 30 - 20 o 20 - 10 o 10 - 5 o <5 o
T (αj - αs-180o)
W (αi - αs)
P F1 0.15 0.40 0.70 0.85 1.00
P (βj) <20 o 20 - 30 o 30 - 35o 35 - 45o >45o
W (βi)
P F2 0.15 0.40 0.70 0.85 1.00

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

T F2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

P (βj -βs) >10 o 10 - 0 o 0o 0 –(-10o) <-10 o
W (βi -βs)
T (βj +βs) <110 o 10 - 120 o >120 o >120 o -
P F3 0 -6 - 25 - 25 - 60

Table. 4.11 Values of adjustment factors for F4 for method of excavation

Method of Excavation
Natural Slope +15
Pre-splitting +10
Smooth blasting +8
Normal blasting or mechanical excavation 0
Poor blasting -8

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Table 4.12 Various stability classes as per SMR Values (Romana, 1985)
Class No. V IV III II I
SMR 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100
Rock Mass Very bad Bad Normal Good Very good
Stability Completely Unstable Partially Stable Completely
Unstable stable stable
Failures Big Planar Planar Planar Some No Failure
or Soil like or Big along Block
or Circular Wedges some failure
Probability 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
of Failure

For the present study modified SMR technique has been employed to workout the
stability condition of the excavated slopes in the study area. The stability analysis has
been carried out along 8 slope sections. Fig. 4.5 shows the location and geometry of these
slope sections. In order to apply Modified SMR technique systematic approach was
followed which includes;

Table 4.13 Suggested Supports for Various SMR Classes

SMR SMR Suggested Supports

Classes Values
Ia 91-100 None
Ib 81-90 None, scaling is required
IIa 71-80 (None Toe ditch or fence), spot bolting
IIb 61-70 (Toe ditch or fence nets) spot or systematic bolting
IIIa 51-60 (Toe ditch and or nets) spot or systematic bolting, spot
IIIb 41-50 shotcrete
(Toe ditch and or nets) systematic bolting/ anchors, systematic
IVa 31-40 shotcrete, toe wall and or dental concrete
Anchors, systematic shotcrete, toe wall and/or concrete (or-
IVb 21-30 excavation), drainage
Systematic reinforcement shotcrete, toe wall and/or concrete,
Va 11-20 re-excavation, deep drainage
Gravity or anchored wall, re-excavation

(i) Identification of potential unstable slopes in the study area. This was done by
taking a reconnaissance survey in which the field manifestation of instability of
slopes was observed. This includes orientation of discontinuities, Steepness of the
slope, traces of slope distress and rock block failures. Thus, based on the

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

reconnaissance survey a total of 8 critical slope sections were identified in the

study area. The details of these slope sections have already been presented in
Table 4.14.

(ii) Discontinuity orientations along each of the critical slope sections were recorded.
For this the dip direction and dip amount was recorded for each discontinuity and
later these were analyzed stereographically to work out the preferred orientation
of the discontinuity planes along each critical slope section. Detailed descriptions
on this have already been given in annex D.
(iii) Systematic RMR data has been collected at several locations along the critical
slope sections.

(iv) Stereo plots were prepared which included preferred orientations of the
discontinuities and slope inclinations (Fig. 4.6). Later these stereoplots were
utilized to workout factors F1, F2 and F3. Table 4.14 presents the discontinuity
orientation, slope geometry and factors F1, F2 , F3 and F4 for each of the critical
slope sections.

(v) Based on the SMR value the stability condition of each of the critical slope
section has been worked out and further appropriate support measures has been
suggested (Table 4.15).

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Fig 4.5 Location and representative geometry of slope section

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Table 4.14 Slope geometry, Discontinuity orientation and F1, F2 , F3 and F4 factors

Discontinuity orientation
Slope geometry Plunge of line of
Slope height (m)

Slope direction
F1 F2 F3 F4

J1 J2 J3 J4






Site1 20 800 N750 N60/ N107/ N207/ - 620 480 - - - 0.7 1 -25 -8
710 620 830
Site2 25 850 N420 N238/ N20/ N350/ - 620 700 - - - 1 1 -6 -8
760 860 820
Site3 35 750 N600 N50/ N30/ N205/ N135/ - 400 500 - - 1 1 -60 -8
800 520 720 830
Site4 45 800 N200 N20/ N5/ N300/ N45/ 600 490 400 580 1 1 -60 -8
860 650 600 500
Site5 20 650 N1860 N205/ N175/ N125/ - 510 350 - - 400 1 0.85 -25 -8
520 570 400
Site6 25 860 N2580 N058/ N191/ N90/ - 350 510 - - 650 1 1 -60 -8
506 720 750
Site7 35 700 N600 N045/ N98/ N340/ N140/ - 060/ - 068/ - 0.15 1 -60 -8
820 21 900 600 820 300
Site8 30 900 N1200 N70/ N40/ N350/ N165/ - - - - 022/ 1 1 -6 -8
900 250 300 200 240

An examination of results presented in Table 4.15 indicates that the slope mass rating
falls in a range from 0 to 53, which implies that the rock mass condition in general falls
in a class of Normal to Very bad and the stability condition is partially unstable to
completely unstable. The probability of failure for slope sections at Site 3, Site 4 and Site
6 is 0.9 and possible failure would be big planar.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Site 1 Site 2

Site 3 Site 4

Site 5 Site 6

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Site 7 Site 8
Green line is to show slope face and red line is for orientation of discontinuity.

Fig 4.6 Preferred orientations of the discontinuities and slope inclinations

Table 4-16 Slope mass rating and stability condition of critical slopes

Stability condition

Rock mass
SMR class


of failure
F1 F2 F3 F4

Site1 64 0.7 1 -25 -8 38.6 IV Bad Unstable Planar or big 0.6
Site2 60 1 1 -6 -8 25 IV Bad Unstable Planar or big 0.6
Site3 64 1 1 -60 -8 0 V Very bad Completely Big planar 0.9
Site4 56 0.7 1 -60 -8 6 V Very bad Completely Big planar 0.9
Site5 61 1 1 -25 -8 28 IV Bad Unstable Planar or big 0.6
Site6 50 1 1 -60 -8 0 V Very bad Completely Big planar 0.9
Site7 51 0.15 1 -60 -8 34 IV Bad Unstable Planar or big 0.6
Site8 67 1 1 -6 -8 53 III Normal Partially Planar along 0.4
unstable some joint

In general the stability analysis is made and all the 8 critical slope sections have a
potential for failure and needs immediate treatments. Only slope section 8 have rock mass
description is normal and it is partially unstable. Since, all these critical slope sections
forms a part in a quarry site therefore it would not be feasible to provide reinforcement in
the form of rock bolts, shotcrete or retaining structures. However, dressing of slope by
making the slopes gentler would be appropriate treatment for these slopes. Further, the

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

present approach followed in the present study does not account for seismic factor and is
meant for ready assessment of slope stability condition. It is strongly recommended
through this study that more elaborate systematic study would be required to design these
slopes for proper stability condition.

4.2 Impacts of Augusta quarry on adjacent river

The study conducted in this paper only deals the impacts of the quarry on adjacent
surface water and does not include the ground water impact. Three samples were taken
from the quarry upstream, with in the quarry and down stream of the quarry. The samples
were tested in water works design and supervision enterprise laboratory. The parameters
selected to teste are based on the chemical composition of the excavated rock type,
infilling, coated materials on the surface and expected pollution effect of the quarry.
Table 4.17 Selected parameters to physio-chemical analysis result.

Parameter Result

Upstream With in the Down stream of

quarry quarry
Turbidity(NTU) 150 97 97
Total solids 1050c(mg/l) 850 1008.0 1006.0
Total Dissolved solid 720 888 884.0
105 c(mg/l)
Electrical 1102 1362.0 1359.0
PH 7.45 7.31 7.29

Sodium 150.0 186.0 176.0

Potassium 13.9 14.0 13.0

Total Hardness(mg/l) 171.6 198.6 193.0
Magnesium(mg/l) 5.4 14.6 11.88

Total iron(mg/l) 0.08 0.18 0.15

Fluoride(mg/l) 0.19 0.89 0.79

Chloride(mg/l) 189.66 265.13 263.15

Nitrite(mg/l) 7.5 0.28 0.2

Nitrate(mg/l) 13.28 2.3 1.53
Bicarbonate(mg/l) 202.03 206.42 228.38
Phosphate (mg/l) 0.13 0.59 0.71
Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

The result of physio chemical analysis of the upstream of the quarry is as a reference site.
The turbidity of the upstream is higher than from the quarry site. It is because currently
the quarry blasting which cause large amount of fines is not in operation. The cutting
operations of quarry produce a large amount of dust that, in turn, cause a negative
environmental impact over local surface waters (Cengiz Kuzu, 2005). However the
blasting work with in the quarry stopped before one year that is why the turbidity is low
in relation to the upstream water.

Electric conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total solid (TS) all are relatively
greater with in the quarry and downstream of the quarry than the upstream. Because the
quarry material can easily be weathered and degree of weathering becomes high when the
size of the material is small. Hence in the quarry crushing is the main operation to have
small size aggregate that leads to decrease in size and it can enter to the adjacent surface
water and contribute for the level of TDS, TS and EC.

Sodium(Na), Magnesium(Mg), Fluoride(F), Total iron(Fe), Chloride and Bicarbonate are

higher with in the quarry and down stream of the quarry than the upstream reference, it is
because all of the materials mentioned within are the composition of the rock (basalt), the
basalt can be rich in sodium, magnesium, iron and calcium which contain feldispatoid
and phlogopite (A. Y. Ozerov,2000), In addition iron coating was easily observed during
field survey at the opening surface of discontinuity indicating increment of total iron in
the area. More over the fracture filling materials are found to be calcite.

Nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3) level is higher in the upstream reference than with in the
quarry and down stream of the quarry. The observed result of rise in the concentration of
this nitrogen containing species in the upstream may be due to the introduction of
nitrogenous organic and inorganic waste from urban wastes, lechate from solid waste
disposal and sanitary sites (Hassan et al., 2005). However the amount of nitrate and
nitrite with in the quarry is low because no organic and inorganic waste source is

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

In general the quarry can affect the surface water, depending on the composition and type
of local rocks and operation respectively.

4.3 Social impacts of Augusta Quarry

Analysis and interpretation were made based on the basic questions raised in
chapter one of this study. Runyon and Haber (1990) stated that two to four point
scales is mainly used in social science research using questions like Yes no
answer. The questioners are presented under in annex F.
Table 4.18 Local resident response to the extent and causes of quarry operation
Respondents ( N=60)
No Items
Frequency %
1 Does the quarry development has adverse effect on the resident
A. Yes 53 88.33
B. No 7 11.67
Total 60 100
2 If your response for question No “1” is “A” critical adverse problems are
mainly in
A. Fugitive dust 35 23.02
B. Noise 25 16.4
C. Psychological problem 16 10.52
D. security problem 10 6.59
E. Land stability problem 29 19.08
F. Destruction of material and fly rock 32 21.05
G. All 5 3.28
Total *152 100
3 Do you remember any death or injury accident on resident due to the
problem of the quarry
A. Yes 52 86.67
B. No
8 13.33

Total 60 100
* = Multiple response

As shown in the table 4.18, 53 (88.3%) respondent of the local resident indicates that the
adjacent Augusta quarry create problems to the neighboring society.
The resident have mentioned that operational problems are in activity during blasting
phase of operation is the maximum. In addition the announcing techniques for care did
not cover the entire local residents. The company was using red flag to tell please take
care the blasting is being to take place. So this method was not a good communication

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

technique to announce for all residents. The respondent added that the proximity to a
residential area and environmental impacts like noise, dust, traffic and lack of buffer zone
are the main causes of the problem. This signifies that management of quarry operation
systems are not well regulated with in the city. Thus regulating the permit and operation
functions is decisive for the environmental protection and healthy operation of quarry.

The respondent mainly explained the effect of dust fall out as they said it was impossible
to have clean cloth even after washing as well as all the material in home were dressed by
this fine particulate matter, the food and other sensitive materials. In addition they
indicate that the site is polluting the air we breathe with fine sand particles which could
have detrimental health impacts. The second problem as 30 (19.7%) respondent
explained is destruction of house hold material, cracking of house and building. This
problem clearly observed in the school house and resident building. As the administrative
of the school said there was a total damage of house takes place with in the school. As
Hertzer (2000) stated that the blasting operation of quarry can cause potential rock fall,
damage to surrounding properties and injury to human life is inevitable.

As they said other main problem of the quarry operation for them is noise. The most
nuisances were during blasting of the dynamite and they confirmed that it was difficult to
sleep well for the patient in fistula hospital. It is not appropriate to allow a hard rock
quarry that requires explosive blasting to operate in such close proximity to homes,
schools, retirement villages and nursing homes. The study area proximity is very close to
the resident, school and hospital is just with in the quarry with less than 5m distance.

The 86.67 % (52) respondent also explained that there was injury up to lose of their arms
due to fly rock. As they said student in near by school lose his arm due to the fly rock
during blasting at the schooling time in addition to injury of the flying rock. The
administrator of Yemaneh Brihan school said that the student have anxiety at any time
when they are in the boundary of the school. This cause psychological problem and it was
difficult to undergo functional use of the school. This finding shows that there should be
time consideration for blasting.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Table 4.19 Alternative for the land use change of the Abandoned quarry
residents ( N=60)
No Items
Frequency %
1 If you are required to relocate to another area, would you willing?
A. Yes 21 35
B. No 39 65
Total 60 100
2 What land use change do you prefer when the quarry operation is closed
A. Urban agriculture 12 20
B. Recreation and park 42 70
C. Industrial 0 0
D. Other 6 10
Total 60 100

Table 4.19 address interests of the resident for alternative land use change. The residents
35 (65%) do not have the willing to relocate if there would be the need to expand the
operation. Rather they want the quarry operation to be stopped and the area be changed to
other land use. Of course, the quarry operation is on the way to cease and to know the
local resident need for land use alternative of abandoned quarry survey was done. They
responded that they do not want to see pond, raged and undulating topography and un
healthy condition of the quarry. 70% of the respondent said that the quarry shall be
changed to recreation and park. If the quarry changed to recreation and park the land can
be rehabilitated as well as healthy and suitable environment can be created.

On the open end questionnaires the respondent said that all the destruction comes due to
the extraction of the material and the company benefited from this natural resource with
out considering the adverse effect on us, so it is mandatory to make the land suitable for
the resident and for the region. In addition they said the government of Addis Ababa
should take measure to close the quarry as well us to force the company for rehabilitation
of the degraded quarry area, the local residents have also responsibility to participate in
the restoration of this land through; labor, respect for the applied plantation or other.
Moreover one aged person of the local resident said that there should be a public
consultation and aware ness creation for any activity done for the land use change plan of

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

the quarry. As he said with out announcing what is going on the vicinity, it is difficult to
create a successful rehabilitation of the quarry.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Chapter Five

Rehabilitation of abandoned Augusta quarry

5.1 Preamble

As different scholars stated, the issue of abandoned quarry is important because it

represents many former quarry sites that continue to pose a real or potential threat to
human safety and health and/or environmental damage. In many areas this is considered a
negative legacy of the mining industry and is important because it both demonstrates a
lack of care and planning in past practice and adherence to regulations that were
inadequate because of the lack of detailed understanding (Andrews, John, and David,

Generally, abandoned quarries are sites where advanced exploration, mining or quarry
production ceased without rehabilitation having been implemented at all or completed.
They are found in virtually all regions with a history of mining (Andrews, John, and
David, 1990).

Historically, it was common practice to ‘abandon’ a quarry site when extraction was
completed. The land was left unvegetated and exposed, while waste materials were left in
piles or haphazardly dumped into mine cavities and pits. There was little concern for the
environment and no thought of how mining might adversely affect the surrounding
ecosystem for years to come. This can be compared with the current situation at many
operational mine sites, where the need for rehabilitation is now taken for granted and
companies and governments have established legal, financial and technical procedures
intended to ensure that mine sites are returned to a socially useful state after operations

The challenge of restoring the land to a viable habitat yielded results what were not only
beneficial to the local ecology, but to the area. Rehabilitating the study area with specific
intervention on local scales, contributes to the improvement of the quality and quantity of
green in peri-urban and urban zones and to the establishment of recreation poles for the

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

inhabitants of neighboring municipalities as well as for the region. It also leads to suitable
environment for wild life, residents and towns to enjoy fishing, swimming, and water-

5.2. Restoration mechanism of study area

Currently almost 80% of the study area became abandoned. However there is no proper
rehabilitation practice undergoing. Thus this quarry can provide special opportunities for
restoration. The often extreme conditions that result from the extraction process allow a
creative approach not possible on other site to a large extent the environment must be
created before restoration can take place. Topography, geology, drainage pattern, and soil
condition can be the techniques to classify the quarry for restoration

The restoration will have both environmental and economic impacts because it is very
close to urbanized area. According to public consultation of the local resident almost 70%
of the peoples want the area to be changed in to recreational use. In addition, during the
study all the near by area is assessed and no recreational facilities are available in the
vicinity where the resident or others to use. And also urban dwellers are the closest to the
selected quarries for rehabilitation where there is lack of recreation facilities like garden
with retail services and open space. Therefore, it is advisory to transform the abandoned
quarries to recreation facility and park administered by legal authority or NGOs.

The need for parks and recreation areas and facilities can be related to rapid urban
expansion. Social benefits of recreation activities are such as increased health of dweller
and the curtailment of social disorders have long been recognized. In addition, there are
many economic benefits from a public park and recreation system, such as making the
area served a more desirable place in which to live, and stjrnuiating the tourist, recreation
equipment and services industries. The rehabilitation of the quarry can contribute a lot for
environmental change problem. Moreover the land use change of abandoned quarry area
to recreational site can launch a region wide initiative to encourage healthful out door
physical activity.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Generally with steady trend toward greater urbanization, parks and recreation is essential
rehabilitation systems to provide the physical race and surroundings which will give
people opportunities for participating in the many types of active or passive recreation
activities which are not possible in the average home environment. In addition, public
parks and recreation areas provides the conservation of natural scenic areas, other
resources and economic important.

5.2.1 Classification of the quarry area

Mainly restoration of a quarry starts with a closure of ancillary structure from the quarry.
It is tied to the future land use of the quarry concession. The study area also has different
structure and construction equipment and it shall be dismantled and removed from the
area along with any concrete foundations. The access road and other roads will be left in
place in a condition of good repairs so that they can be used to further the revegetation,
recreation and monitoring of the site after which they will not be maintained and/or will
be closed or other wise made difficult to use. Demolition debris will be disposed
appropriately in an approved land fill or otherwise managed in accordance with
regulatory requirement and good management practices.

After removing of any ancillary structure the study area of the quarry can be classified
based on the topography slope stability and present condition of the quarry the quarry can
be classified in to four restoration alternative (fig 5.1).

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Fig 5.1 Classification map of the quarry; where Zone I is North quarry floor, Zone II
south east quarry floor, Zone III top part of the quarry slope, Zone IV southwest slope of
the quarry, Zone V is west floor, and Zone VI is the riparian zone ( no scale).

The quarry slope is characterized by slight to high degree of weathering and it has 65-90◦
slope angle. South west portion of the quarry area is having steep slope topography
highly weathered and fractured basalt. West and north quarry floor is characterized by
rock bed of undulating surface. South east quarry floor is basalt bed rock with spaced
fracture. Riparian zone is the river banks with in the quarry area. The river banks are also
characterized by rock bed.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment South west portion of study area

The first is the top part of the quarry area especially at the south west portion of the
quarry slope (fig.13). It has steep and deteriorated structure, the rock is highly fractured
and weathered. According to the result of slope stability condition it is not stable. To treat
its stability making the slope gentler is recommended as analyzed in section 4.1.
Stabilizing the slop is the first measure and continues with back filling of soil from other
source is the best alternative because the top soil is absent. Then the area will be leveled
and introduce erosion controlling structure.

It is possible to revegetate the slope. Slope vegetation could be used in the south west of
quarry since revegetation is preferred for restoring these damaged natural environments.
The primary purpose of slope vegetation is to protect and stabilize the top layer of the
sloped portions of bare ground. Revegetation protects cut slopes and creates a plant
community that harmonizes with the surrounding environment for the primary purpose of
restoring natural ecosystem, protecting the diversity of surrounding flora and fauna, and
harmonizing with the landscape (JSRT, 2004). This will be done along with the planting
of trees of indigenous species which result in the environmental up grading of the entire
area such as Acacia abysinica, Acacia albida, Ekebegia, etc (Annex D). Because native
plant species generally can create viable, self-sustaining communities in soils with low
nutrient levels. Hence the soil will be obtained from other source it may not feet the
normal nutrient requirement. Slope face of the quarry

The study area quarry slope face has 65-900 slope angles, blocks of rock fall easily
observed at the toe of the slope. As mentioned above in section of land stability analysis
it is important to have a good understanding of the geodynamics of stability and
geotechnical attribute of the area. Based on this understanding the analysis of land
stability condition of the slope face is poor and unstable. The recommended alternative
solution of quarry stability problem is making the slope gentler with maximum slope
angle with consideration of the average value cohesion 3.5 and angle of friction 38

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

result. In addition unstable block should be removed to improve stability, the waste rock
shall be placed in compacted layer to ensure slope stability, managing the volume of rock
heaps, the height of rock and slopes in the land surrounding the waste rock of the area can
be controlled.

After making the slope stable backfilling the slope with soil and then revegitation will
continue. However, revegetation of quarried faces is always a very thorny thing, and even
a world-class difficult problem, which is still resolved unsuccessfully so far. The main
reasons resulting in extreme difficulty for revegetation of this quarried faces are because:
the surface is almost no any soil or loose substrate on it, they are all quite steep, usually
and even perpendicular to the ground, most of them are quite high, and therefore, are
extremly difficult to carry out construction (plate 5 and fig 5.2).
Plate 5. The slope face pf the quarry

Fig 5.2 The geometry of slope face of the quarry.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment West and North quarry floor

The third part of the quarry is the low land or the floor. This area is characterized by
aphanitic and porpritic textural basalt. The porphritic basalt vertices are filled by calcite.
The bed rock shows fracture and undulating surface. Due to its undulating nature the
floor needs leveling. For the purpose of leveling it is possible to apply existing pile of
waste rock and soil. This should be compacted to create stability of the floor. The
compacted material should be covered by soil. Since no top soil had been stockpiled
during quarry operation it is necessary to obtain it from some other source. The purpose
of back filling of the soil is for plantation. The whole activity is for reintroducing
diversity and redressing site condition. Therefore matching the plant to the soil, creating a
hospitable home, is the first essential step in successful and beautiful rehabilitation. Soils
may look dead, but healthy soil is alive with literally millions of micro-organisms that
support plant life. In the forest or native plains, soil is kept healthy by nature’s own
processes of plant growth, death, and decay. In managed landscapes, there should be a
considered dead plant material unsightly, so there have to be a substitution of
management (Moffat, A.J, 2000).

Plate 6. West of the quarry floor. Riparian zone of the quarry component

A riparian zone is the interface between land and a flowing river (in this case Akaki river
which pass through the quarry, fig 5.1, zoneVI). Riparian zones may be natural or

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

engineered for soil stabilization or restoration. Hence the riparian plant communities
along the river margins are called riparian vegetation, characterized by hydrophilic
plants. When riparian zones are damaged by construction, mining and agricultural
activity restoration can take place, usually by human intervention in erosion control and
revegetation (Tang, 2004)

Thus here the river banks (riparian zone) lose its natural condition because of physical
destruction for quarry operation. The stability condition is good because it is gentler and
the bed rock is characterized by fresh basalt with some fracture. However no soil cover
along the banks since it needs restoration through soil replacement and plantation with
suitable species. There fore the assortment of riparian zone trees typically consists of
plants that are emergent aquatic plants or herbs, trees and shrubs that thrive in proximity
to water (Naksone.H, Kuroda, 2003).

Riparian zones restoration is crucial because they are significant in ecology,

environmental management and civil engineering due to their role in soil conservation,
their biodiversity and the influence they have on aquatic ecosystems. Riparian zones
occur in many forms including grassland, woodland, wetland or even non-vegetative
(Nakasome, 2003).

For the study area These zones are important natural biofilters, protecting aquatic
environments from excessive sedimentation, polluted surface runoff and erosion. They
supply shelter and food for many aquatic animals and shade that is an important part of
stream temperature regulation. Research shows that riparian zones are instrumental in
water quality improvement for both surface runoff and water flowing into streams
through subsurface or groundwater flow. Particularly the attenuation of nitrate or
denitrification of the nitrates from various sources in this buffer zone is important.
Riparian zones can play a role in lowering nitrate contamination in surface runoff from
agricultural fields, which runoff would otherwise damage ecosystems and human health.

Parkyn and Stephant (2004) found that some of the important functions of riparian zones

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

1. Dissipate stream energy: Meandering curves of a river, combined with vegetation

and root systems dissipate stream energy, resulting in less soil erosion and a
reduction in flood damage.
2. Trap sediment: Reduce suspended sediments creates less turbid water and
replenishes soils and build stream banks.
3. Filter pollutants from surface runoff and enhance water quality via biofiltration.
4. Provide wildlife habitat, increase biodiversity and forage for wildlife and
5. Provide wildlife corridors: enable aquatic and riparian organisms to move along
river systems avoiding isolated communities.
6. Provide native landscape irrigation by extending seasonal or perennial flows of
7. Contribute nutrients from terrestrial vegetation (e.g. leaf litter and insect drop) to
aquatic food webs
8. Shading water to mitigate water temperature changes
9. Contribute wood debris to streams which is important to maintaining

In general if the riparian zone of the quarry area is rehabilitated those the above result
will obtain South east of the quarry floor

This part of the area is proposed for creation of artificial lake. The geological material of
the bed is basalts of aphanitic texture. Fracturing of the rock can be easily observed in the
out crop of the bed. To use this as alternative for lake, grouting of the fractured rock is
recommended to control seepage of the reservoir. The lake can be used for fishing,
swimming and other recreational facilities.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Plate 7. Half part of the south east quarry.

5.3 Back filled top soil rehabilitation

The top soil with in the area was removed and not preserved. The quarry area is bare
ground so it needs ground preparation to restore disturbed bare land. Hence back filling
of the area from other source is mandatory. Commonly three problems may occur when
the soil is filled. These are soil compaction, soil fertility, and lack of organic matter.
These conditions often occur simultaneously. Soil compaction can result in reduced water
penetration and lack of oxygen. It creates adverse conditions for roots and seriously limits
plant growth. To rehabilitate the soil requires aeration or cracking of soil to improve its
physical structure. There can be aerators pull a solid plug object through the soil,
loosening compacted soil much more deeply and effectively (Hough, Gore, 1998). If
there is a deficiency in organic matter it can be improved by adding leaf compost to
enhance soil composition and structure.

Generally during replacement of soil check soil nutrient organic matter level, use the
method of minimizing soil compaction as preferable conventional methods. In addition
applying deep ripping to relieve compaction induced in placement operation and soil
loosening using an excavation is more effective. Moreover loose tipping is the best
method of ground preparation for after use for restoration on sites after derelictions on
quarry extraction (Moffat, A.J, 2000).

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

5.4 Species selection for Rehabilitation of Augusta quarry

In the open ended question the aged respondent said that the area was covered by forest
and it was the habitat for different wild life such as hyena, Rabbit and other flora. This
indicates that the land use change to quarry operation caused loss of flora and fauna of
diverse species in the area (Azene, 1993).

The tree planting shall in quarry focus on creating wind break, providing cover, and
improving microclimate, soil characteristics, and prefer species which have the
characteristics of nitrogen fixing which can ameliorate soil condition. Moreover selecting
native species that are tolerant to difficult growing condition is preferable.

Hence to rehabilitate the area it is necessary to select species suitable to the site. The
study did not conduct species selection. However the suitable species selected based on
agro-climatic zone of previous work in Ethiopia (Azene, 1993).

Useful tree and shrub species for the quarry area is selected based on which species could
potentially do well in an area through agro-climatic zone, rainfall altitude, and
environmental use (Azene, 1993). The use of the selected species (Annex D) is
diversified. However this paper focuses on the environmental use such as shading, scenic,
soil conservation, soil improvement, nitrogen fixation and wind break. Most of the
selected species are indigenous because native plant species can create viable, self-
sustaining communities in soils with low nutrient levels (Hosie, R.C 1979).

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

5.5 Hydrochemistry of the river water for the beneficial use of rehabilitation

The suitability of water for restoration depends on the effect of the chemical constituent
of the river water on plant and the soil (back fill). The most important characteristics of
restoration water are total concentration of soluble salts and proportion of sodium to other

The total soluble salts are commonly indexed by the electrical conductivity and TDS of
the water. The sodium hazard (when the concentration of sodium is far more grater than
the concentration of the major cations it will affect the structure of the soil by reducing its
permeability is expressed by the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). For the present study
three samples were taken with in the quarry of Akaki river and the analysis result of
chemical parameters is presented in table 4.17.The analysis for irrigation EC, sodium
absorption ratio and sodium percentage for irrigation purpose are presented in table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Water quality Akaki river at Augusta quarry Site

Sample taken SAR EC(uS/cm) %Na

Upstream of quarry 4.985 1360.5 66.73

5.742 1362.0
With in the quarry 68.01

Down stream of the 5.438 1359.0 66.83


The SAR and % Na are calculated as follows

Na +
(Ca + + + Mg + + ) / 2
% Na=100*(Na +K)/(Ca+Mg+Na+K)
Where the cations for SAR and sodium percentage are in units of meq/l.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Sodium concentration is important in the classification of water for the purpose

restoration because sodium react with soil to reduce its permeability (Todd, 2001).Wilcox
(1955) referred by Todd (1980) has classified quality of water for irrigation as indicated
in Table 5.2. and the standard of sodium absorption ratio described in table 5.3.

Table5.2 Wilcox water quality classification for irrigation

Water class %Na EC

Excellent <20 <250
Good 20-40 250-750
Permissible 40-60 750-2000
Doubtful 60-80 2000-3000
Unsuitable >80 >3000

Table 5.3. Sodicity hazard with respect to SAR.

SAR ( meq/l) Sodicity Class Sodicity hazard

< 10 S1 Low
10-18 S2 Medium
18-26 S3 High
>26 S4 Very high
(Source: Richards,1954)
Thus the salinity hazard of Akaki water for irrigation according to US salinity laboratory
staff described in table 5.3 (Richards,1954) falls into sodicity class with low salinity
hazard. However the sodium percentage water quality class for all sampling site is
doubtful as suggested by the Wilcox classification (Table5.2). The result indicates that
using the water for restoring the land through plantation is good with respect to salinity.
However the case of Na seems doubtful and hence further research and possible
corrective measures should be done before using the Akaki river water for rehabilitation

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Chapter six

Conclusion and recommendation

6.1 Conclusion

As mentioned in problem justification the study support that quarry operation has
different adverse effect for the environment and the adjacent resident. The impact on the
environment is due to land clearing and improper excavation. Information gathered from
the local resident revealed that the area under study was covered by forest and was the
habitat of various wild life such as hyenas, Rabbit and other.

The study focused on the impact of quarry on the land stability, adjacent surface water,
and on local residents. The stability analysis carried out based on the rock mass
characterization and analysis of the discontinuity and their orientation and relation to the
slope geometry revealed that the blasting application and other quarry operation resulted
the rock mass of the area to loose its natural slope and to change the land scape. The joint
spacing in general is wide and the joint openings are filled with silt to clay material. The
stability and deformability of the rock slope is dependent on the strength and
deformability of the rock mass.

The study area has discontinuity plane with various dip and dip direction. The presence
of discontinuity reduces the strength of the rock mass. The slopes are cut at steep angles
greater than 650 which have resulted into rock block failures. Rock blocks of varied
dimension can be observed accumulated at the toe of the rock slopes.

The slope stability study of the area in selected slope section by method of Romana
(1985) and to evaluate with slope mass rating system was performed. the resulting study
confirmed that the slope class of the study area to be rated as unstable.

The analysis result of quarry impact on surface water indicates that the quarry contribute
an increment of TDS, TS, Na, Cl, F and Mg in the adjacent river water.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

The social impact analysis carried out based on questionnaires revealed that the main
problem of the residents living around is due to: dust fall out and noise from the quarry
operation and household distraction due to blasting operation

Cracking is clearly observed in the residents building. Moreover it is difficult to undergo

schooling activity when blasting is in progress due to the noise and security problem from
fly rocks. Proximity of the quarry to the residential area is the main issue for the adverse
problem occurred to the resident.

Generally the quarry operation leads to destruction and degradation of the land. Thus the
land will need restoration when all of the activity is closed. Based on the topography, soil
condition and geographical location of the area the quarry area classified in to six so as
restoration simplification. The west, north floor and southwest and north slop top needs
soil for plant support. However the quarry does not have stock piled topsoil and hence the
soil f or restoration will be obtained from other source.

The result of water quality for irrigation use indicates that using the water for restoring
the land through plantation is good with respect to salinity. However the case of Na
percentage seems doubtful and hence further research and possible corrective measures
should be done before using the Akaki river water for rehabilitation purpose.

Plantation of the area mostly depends on indigenous species because indigenous species
has the capacity to tolerate destructed environment. Different Species are selected based
on beneficial use for the environment and their preferred agro climatic zone.

Generally the abandoned quarry should be rehabilitated to restore the quarry for
biological diversity of the area and to create clean and health environment for urban local
residents and the region.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

6.2 Recommendation
The study area need slope stabilization. The recommended measure is to smooth the
excavated area for eventual rehabilitation.

The water quality of the river is not within the recommended limit for plant and needs
treatment for the purpose of rehabilitation.

The back fill soil should be aerated to avoid compaction of the soil for plant support. In
addition if the soil is poor in nutrient there should be an application of leaf compost to
modify its fertility.

One way of protecting both the residents and operator is to designate a "buffer zone"
around the quarry. At the moment there is little information or guidance on these and so
agreement would have to be reached at the planning stage for the development of new
quarry site. The width of the buffer zone will be determined having regard to the potential
impact of the development of the quarry and the nature of the site or the existence of
physical features capable of reducing the impact of development or presence of sensitive
structure that needs special care.

In order to obtain relevant results, it is necessary to evaluate both the success of the
rehabilitation and the survival of the different species. Monitoring rodent damage may
indicate the need for remedial measures or additional planting.

Considering what went right and what went wrong during the rehabilitation of the quarry
and subsequent establishment phases should be amended for the betterment of the
environment and the local residents and the reasons for those results.

Densely planted areas restored by managed succession must be monitored to assess the
need for thinning. They require ongoing attention and periodic thinning. Invasive
introduced species should be monitored to determine whether to implement control
measures, and, when carried out, how effective they have been.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

The study area is within urban center the rehabilitation of tree plantation should be
monitored for safety. Dead or hazardous trees and large dead limbs should be removed
where they jeopardize the safe use of public walkways and open areas if the quarry
becomes recreation and park. Woodlands and other treed areas should be monitored
regularly to ensure that no hazardous situations develop.

The quarry developments need proper legal binding permit and regulation including
environmental impact statement document which mention the environmental concern,
proximity to the resident school and other organization.

The quarry development should have a buffer zone for sand and gravel extraction 400m
and for hard rock 300-900m is limited zone of operation. The effectiveness of distance as
a means of control varies with topography and local environmental sensitivity.

It is good to concern when there is quarry development, How is independent is the

environmental impact statement process? What are the realistic, acceptable end use
options for the quarry? Who will be responsible for rehabilitation costs for the quarry?
and others.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment


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Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Annex A. The concept of sustainable development and environmental rights are

enshrined in article 43, 44 and 92 of the Constitution of FDRE.

In Article 43: The Right to Development, where peoples' right to:

¾ improved living standards and to sustainable development,
¾ participate in national development and, in particular, to be consulted with
respect to policies and projects affecting their community, and
¾ the enhancement of their capacities for development and to meet their basic
needs, are boldly recognized.
Similarly, in article 44: Environmental Rights, all persons are entitled to:
¾ live in a clean and healthy environment,
¾ Compensation, including relocation with adequate state assistance.
Moreover, in article 92: Environmental objectives it is declared that,
¾ government shall ensure that all Ethiopians live in a clean and healthy
¾ programs and projects design shall not damage or destroy the environment,
¾ peoples have the right to full consultation and expression of views, and
¾ Government and citizens have the duty to protect the environment.

"Environmental Protection organs Establishment proclamation (" has

stipulated the need to establish a system that enables to foster coordinated but
differentiated responsibilities among environmental protection agencies at federal and
regional levels. The proclamation has also required the establishment of Sectoral and
Regional Environmental, Units and Agencies, respectively. This shows that
institutionalizing and mainstreaming environmental concerns has a legal foundation.

The Environmental Impact Assessment Proclamation (Proc. no. 299/2002) has made EA
to be a mandatory legal prerequisite for the implementation of major development
projects, programs and plans. This proclamation is a proactive tool and a backbone to
harmonizing and integrating environmental, economic, cultural, and social considerations
into a decision making process in a manner that promotes sustainable development.

The "Environmental Pollution Control Proclamation (Proc. no.300/2002)" is promulgated

with a view to eliminate or, when not possible to mitigate pollution as an undesirable
consequence of social and economic development activities. This proclamation is one of

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

the basic legal documents, which need to be observed as corresponding to effective EA

administration (EPA, 2003).

The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia (EPE, 1997), provides a number of guiding

principles that indicate and require a strong adherence to sustainable development. In
particular EA policies of EPE includes, among other things, the need to ensure that EA:

¾ considers impacts on human and natural environments,

¾ provides for an early consideration of environmental impacts in projects and
programs design,
¾ recognizes public consultation,
¾ includes mitigation plans and contingency plans,
¾ provides for auditing and monitoring,
¾ is a legally binding requirement,
¾ is institutionalize, etc

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Annex B: City Government of Addis Ababa Environmental Protection Authority

Scope/content of environmental impact Assessment Report of Quarrying projects

1. Introduction: the history, objective and benefits of the project

2. The location, geology, potential source, and lifespan of the project.
3. Scope of the project: area, manpower, machineries, production capacity, capital, etc.
4. Descriptions on the project site:
a. Landscape i.e. slope, creek, etc
b. Natural resources (river, forest land other vegetation) existing in and around the
project site and their distance from the quarry
c. The previous and existing land use of the quarry site and its surroundings:
Agriculture, residential, industrial and forest, etc.
5. Legal and administrative requirements related to mining/quarrying
6. Environmental Impacts of the project:
a. Positive impacts of the projects
b. land degradation, erosion, surface irregularity, pits, etc by quarrying
c. Dust created during crushing and transporting
d. Noise caused by mining (blasting, crushing, and transporting)
e. Vibration caused by explosion/blasting
f. Any other problem that could affect the neighborhoods and the surrounding
natural resource.
7. Mitigation measures to minimize the negative impacts
a. Options to minimize the negative impacts that could affect the neighborhoods
and the surrounding natural resource
b. Management plan to rehabilitate the degraded quarry site
i. physical activities scheduled monthly/annually
ii. Estimated cost for the rehabilitation activity (monthly/annually)
8. List of study team members name, qualification, experiences, etc.

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Annex C: Rock mass rating system (after bienwiske1989)

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Annex D. Useful tree and shrubs for abandoned quarry rehabilitation use of Augusta quarry
Species name Altitude Environmental use
nitrogen soil soil
(m) Shade ornamental fixation conservation improvement windbreak
Acacia abysinica 1500-3200 √ √ √ √ –
Acacia albida 1500-2300 √ – √ √ √ –
Acacia decurrents 1500-3200 √ √ √ √ √ √
Acacia lahai 1700-2600 √ – √ – –
Acacia mearnissii 1500-3200 – √ √ √ √ √
Acacia melanoxylon 1500-3200 √ √ – – – √
Albizia lophanta 1500-3200 √ √ √ √ √ –
Apodytes dimidiata 1350-2600 – √ – – – –
Caesalpinia decapetala 1600-2200 √ √ √ – – –
Cajanus cajan 1000-2400 – – – √ √ √
carissa edulis 1500-2500 – √ – – – –
cassia didymobotrya 1400-2400 – – – √ – –
Casuarina cunning 1500-2800 √ √ √ √ – √
Chamaecytisus 1700-3300 – – √ √ √ √
Cordia Africana 1000-2200 – – √ √ – –
Coroton lusitanica 1500-3200 – – – √ – –
Ekebegia capensis 1600-3000 √ √ – √ – –
Ficus sycomorus 500-2000 √ √ – √ √ –
Hgenia abyssinica 2300-3300 √ √ √ – – –
mimosifolia 1300-2400 √ √ – – – √
Juniperus procera 1300-2400 √ √ – – – √
Meliaazedarach 0-2400 √ √ – – – √
Morus alba 1500-2300 √ √ – √ – √
Phoenix reclinata 700-2600 √ – √ – –
thonningii √ √ √ – –
Podocarpus falcatus 1600-2500 √ √ – – – –
Prunus africanus 1500-2300 √ – – – – –
Schinus Molle 0-2400 √ √ – √ – √
Sesbania sesban √ √ √ √ –
amygdalina 1000-2700 √ – – √ –
Source, Azene Bekele and Birnie Technical hand book, 1993

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Annex E : RMR data collection at selected critical slope section

Rock qualtiy Spacing of G.W RMR
Location ucs designation (%) discontinuity(mm) condition of discontinuity
SR Ratin Mean Ratin rati condit Rati
site1 V MPA Rating Jv RQD g value g Length aperture infilling weathering roughness ng ion ng total basic
09°00′03"N 50 112 12 9 85.3 17 127 8 <1 1-5mm clay, silt slightly W slightly rough 12 Dry 15 59 64
continu o.1-
Site2 42 93 12 10 82 17 32.6 5 e 1mm silt slightly w slightly rough 14 dry 15 55 60
Site 3 37 60 7 7 91.2 17 240 10 <1 1-5mm silt, clay ly slight 13 dry 15 37 64

3.0- silt, moderate
Site4 30 43 7 8 88.6 17 206 10 10.0 >5 calcite ly slightly 10 dry 15 39 56

Site 5 38 75 7 9 85.3 17 190 8 <1 10 open highly smooth 14 dry 15 36 61

Site 6 38 75 7 8 88.6 20 270 10 1.0-3.0 10 open Slightly slightly 18 wet 7 45 50

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Annex F: Questionnaire to be filled by local residents to assess the impacts of

Augusta quarry operation

1 Do you Know Augusta quarry site? Yes  No 

2. For how many years do you know it?

3. Do you now the quarry area before 1970?

Yes  No

4. If you know this quarry, what was the land cover before 1970?

 All covered by forest  partially covered with forest  It was bare land

 other land cover (please State)

5. What was the land use of the area before 1970?

6. Do you know the current situation of the quarry area?

No  Yes 

7. If your answer is yes for question number 6, is there a benefit to the residents

 Agree  strongly agree  disagree  strongly disagree

8 What is the benefit?

 Economical  Employment  Supply of the construction material

9. Has any adverse impact been occurred on the environment including local residents?

 Yes  No
10. If you say yes, what are the main problems? (You may have more than one answer)

 Dust fall out  Noise  Psychological problem  Security problem

 Water pollution  Land stability problem  Visual impact  Vibration
 Destruction of house hold material

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

11. Had you take any measure to minimize the problem you mentioned above?

 Yes  No

12. If you say yes for the above question, what type of measure you take?

13. Did you incur cost for those measures?  Yes  No

14. If yes, how much you incurred?

15. Do you have information or observation of any disease due to the effect of dust?

 Yes  No

16. Do you remember any death or injury accident on local residents due to quarry
 Yes  No

17. If your answer for question number 11 is yes, how many



 I do not remember the exact number

18. Can you list other social and environmental impacts of the quarry?

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

19. What should be the optimum buffer Zone between the quarry area and the local
resident, highway and any infrastructure site?

 50-100  301- 400

 101-200  401-500
 200- 300  greater than 500m

20. If you are required to relocate to another area, would you be willing?

 yes  No

21. Any reason for your answer,

22. What will be the main problem of the area when the quarry become abandoned

23. What land use change do you prefer when the quarry operation is closed?

A. Urban agriculture
B. Recreation and park
C. Industrial
D. Other

24. What type of participations is expected for the future land use change of the
quarry area from?

Local resident,

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment

Adjacent offices:

Quarrying company


Environmental protection Authority

Teaching and research institutes,

Msc thesis on impact assessment and restoration of quarry site on urban environment


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