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(MLS BLOG) What's Your Birthstone Part 2

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What’s Your Birthstone?

Find Out Which Birthstone Belongs To Your

Month! Part 2

We are continuing our series of blogs to help you uncover the mythical benefits and
astrological facts of birthstones, and which one is right for you! So without further ado, here
is part 2 of a series of blogs, helping you find out which birthstone belongs to your month!

April - Diamond

Diamond known as ‘Heera’, unifies the mind and body to create energies that intensify
emotions with it's purifying and illuminating effects of the wearer's aura. Known as a stone
embodying grace, beauty, love and trust all over the world, this stands as one of the major
reasons why most prefer a diamond wedding ring over any other.

Diamonds which are found in various colours including transparent white, yellowish, brown
and in rarer cases, can be found in a blue, pink or purple. A fun fact is that it was an ancient
belief among the Romans and Greeks that diamonds were tears of gods.

Scientific Facts

Chemical Name Carbon

Chemical Compound Metastable

allotrope of

Cosmic Colour Indigo

Mohs Hardness Scale 10

Origin India, Africa,

Australia, and
Astrological Facts
Diamond gives the wearer clarity of thought. With an unparalleled hardness, it is also
associated with ‘invincibility’ making it the strongest gemstone to heal physical, emotional
and spiritual ailments.

Astrological Planet: Venus

The astrological planet Venus is governed by diamond energy. Wearing a diamond helps to
balance Venus and increase wealth, romance, glamour, happiness, luxury and also the
chances of a long-lasting loving marriage.

Affected Chakra: Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is one of the most important Chakras since it connects us to our
innermost beliefs and patterns. With the help of Diamonds, this chakra can be balanced and
we become harmonious with the world.

Birthstone: Virgo and Libra

Believed to bestow good luck and prosperity on the wearer, diamond is most recommended
for Virgo and Libra. It can also be worn by Capricorns, Aquarians or Sagittarius under strict
astrological conditions.

Promise an improvement in health and intellect, beauty, mental peace. They also bring in
good luck, wealth, success and prosperity, Favourable in matters of love and romance,
marriage. They ensure a happy marital life. Very supportive of the sexual strength and
stamina of the wearer. Diamond can deal with problems related to the throat, nose, eyes and
sexual organs. They also make the digestive system more efficient. Are extremely effective
in fighting fears of supernatural beings or powers and helps in defeating enemies and

May - Emerald
Considered to be a symbol of rebirth and love, it is popularly used to boost memory and
intuition while ensuring tremendous health benefits. Carrying the rich green colour of Spring
this stone radiates a beautiful vivid tone. Fun fact, Emerald’s valuation is dependant on their
green colour, meaning the darker their green is, the more valuable they are.

Scientific Facts

Chemical Name Beryllium


Chemical Compound Be3Al2SiO6

Cosmic Colour Green

Mohs Hardness Scale 7.5 to 8.5

Origin Colombia,
and Zambia

Astrological Facts
Astrologists and pundits will study your birth date, astrological charts and more before
recommending the emerald stone benefits.

Astrological Planet: Mercury

Mercury is the planet of communication. Emerald balances the expression, rationalization
and awareness, enhancing a person’s communication skills.

Affected Chakra: Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Emerald directly influences the Anahata Chakra. Emerald helps to balance and manage
extreme reactions and stabilize emotions.

Birthstone: Gemini and Virgo

Emerald rules the houses of Gemini and Virgo, which are associated with good fortune and
support health and happiness. Under certain conditions, other zodiac signs can also use
emerald, only after a solid astrological consultation.

Emerald is for those who desire substantial improvements in business and studies.
Intellectuals and seekers benefit the most by wearing this gemstone. It encourages
compassion and love. The energies of emerald also assist in curing various physical
ailments like breathing problems, cancer, hypertension, paralysis etc. Other prominent
benefits of the stone are increasing the power of reasoning, clarity of speech, avoiding fickle-
mindedness and directing focus where it is needed the most, increasing a spiritual
connection, and lessening the negativity caused by nightmares & evil spirits.

June - Pearl
Pearls are known for balancing our energies by calming the mind and driving away
indecision. Pearl is associated with charm, confidence, and concentration. Thus it is helpful
for personal development.

The pearl also boosts the wearer’s memory, thus acting as a protective shield and a healing
gemstone. Humanitarian activities see quite a lot of positive development if the wearer is so
inclined. Fun fact, it was ancient Chinese legend claimed the moon held the power to create
pearls, instilling them with its celestial glow and mystery.

Scientific Facts

Chemical Name Calcium


Chemical Compound CaCO3

Cosmic Colour Orange

Mohs Hardness Scale 2.5

Origin China, Japan,


Astrological Facts
The Pearl or Moti is an embodiment of a balanced and calm mind; it is quite often used to
ward off negative tendencies like aggression or fear.

Astrological Planet: Moon

Similar to the tides on earth, the moon’s gravity pull has quite an effect on human beings,
since 70% of our body is made of water. Pearls help in stimulating the balancing energies of
the moon by countering inner dryness.

Affected Chakra: Sacral Chakra

Pearl is the gemstone of mind, emotions and the soul. So it is only natural that pearls affect
our Sacral Chakra. Also known as Swadhisthana, this is the Chakraresponsible for creativity,
wellness, pleasure and abundance.

Birthstone: Cancer
Pearl - the moonstone, is recommended to the Cancer sign since positive developments are
strongly hinted in astrology. Other zodiac signs can use the gemstone, but only after a sound
astrological consultation is taken.

There are various astrological Moti or Pearl stone benefits which the wearer can experience.,
which includes reduces anxiety and panic attacks, calming down the wearer. Pearls also
benefits those who suffer from indecisiveness and depression, thus helping them work
towards their goal with a clear mind. If the wearer requires anger control, this gemstone
balances their aggressive emotions. The pearl stone benefits the wearer by helping them
sleep peacefully at night without any nightmares. It enhances the memory power of
individuals suffering from short-term memory loss. The pearl stone is known to get rid of
throat and eye infections if occurring from the effect of the Moon.

That concludes part 2. If you’re enjoying these blogs, do leave a comment and share with
your friends. Expect part 3 in a speedy fashion, as we will be covering months from July to

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