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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answers March 2020 Part 2 PDF

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)

Most Important One Liner Questions and Answers, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q1. World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated globally Q14. The Central Government has nominated
on- __________________ as a Director on the Central Board
Answer: 15th March of Reserve Bank of India.
Answer: Debasish Panda
Q2. Which country has become the world’s first whole
country recognised as a ‘Dark Sky Place’ by the Q15. Which company has launched a web portal to track
International Dark-Sky Association’s (IDA)? the spread of COVID-19 worldwide recently?
Answer: Niue Answer: Microsoft
Q3. The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Q16. What is the ranked of India in the world as per
Narendra Modi approved a _______________ percent study titled ‘Women On Board 2020’?
hike in Dearness Allowance (DA) for central Answer: 12th
government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) Q17. Who has been appointed as non-executive
to pensioners with effect from January 1, 2020. chairman of YES Bank recently?
Answer: 4% Answer: Sunil Mehta
Q4. India observes National Q18. Which country was topped in the world as per
Vaccination/Immunization Day every year on- study titled ‘Women On Board 2020’?
Answer: 16th March Answer: Norway
Q5. The Union Cabinet has approved the increase in Q19. The Mumbai Central station is going to be renamed
dearness allowances (DA) for government as ______________________ Mumbai Central railway
employees and pensioners to _____________ percent. station.
Answer: 21% Answer: Nana Shankarseth
Q6. What is the theme of World Consumer Rights Day Q20. Which country has pledged USD 10 million toward
2020? a Covid-19 emergency fund and putting together a
Answer: The Sustainable Consumer rapid response team of doctors and specialists for
Q7. What is the theme of World Immunization Week South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
2020? (SAARC) nations?
Answer: VaccinesWork for All Answer: India

Q8. What is the capital city of Niue? Q21. RBI has lowered the single borrower exposure
Answer: Alofi limit for urban cooperative banks (UCBs) to
____________ of tier I capital.
Q9. ________________ Chief Minister N Biren Singh has Answer: 15%
announced the biggest ever scheme for the welfare
of sportspersons and artists of the State. Q22. Name the e-commerce giant, which tied up with
Aegon Life Insurance to sell comprehensive
Answer: Manipur
insurance solutions for customers.
Q10. Who has won the ITTF Challenger Plus Oman Open Answer: Flipkart
men’s singles title recently?
Answer: Achanta Sharath Kamal
Q11. In which state, traditional harvest festival “Phool
Dei” has celebrated recently?
Answer: Uttarakhand
Q12. Who has been appointed as Chief Executive and
Managing Director of the Yes Bank?
Answer: Prashant Kumar
Q13. Viktor Axelsen of ____________ and Tai Tzu Ying of
______________ Taipei have won the men’s and
women’s singles title respectively at All England
Answer: Denmark, Chinese

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q23. Which company has inked the Crude Oil Sales Q36. The top tech giants of the world will jointly fight
Agreement (COSA) with Numaligarh Refinery? against the fake news and misinformation related
Answer: Oil India Limited to COVID-19 on their platforms. Which of the
Q24. Veteran poet and _________________ scholar following tech giant is not them?
Puthussery Ramachandran passed away. Answer: Dell
Answer: Malayalam Q37. Name the Bollywood actor, who was passed away
Q25. RBI has decided to increase the Priority Sector recently.
Lending (PSL) target for UCBs from 40% to Answer: Imtiaz Khan
___________ of the Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC), Q38. Who has appointed as Chairman and Managing
or Credit Equivalent Amount of Off-Balance Sheet Director of Power Finance Corporation (PFC)?
Exposure (CEOBSE). Answer: Ravinder Singh Dhillon
Answer: 75%
Q39. Which team won the ISL (Indian Super League)
Q26. “An Extraordinary Life: A biography of Manohar trophy for the 3rd time at the Fatorda Stadium in
Parrikar” is a book on the life of the former defence Goa?
minister and Goa chief minister Manohar Parrikar.
Answer: ATK Football Club
The book is co-authored by-
Answer: Sadguru Patil and Mayabhushan Q40. Power Finance Corporation Limited is an Indian
Nagvenkar financial institution. Power Finance Corporation
Limited based in-
Q27. Veteran journalist and former Rajya Sabha
Answer: New Delhi
member _______________ passed away.
Answer: Patil Puttappa Q41. Noted ______________ Actor Jairam Kulkarani was
Q28. RBI has lowered the group of borrowers exposure passed away recently.
limit for urban cooperative banks (UCBs) to Answer: Marathi
___________ of tier-I capital. Q42. Which country has begun phase one of the clinical
Answer: 25% Human trial of an investigational vaccine designed
Q29. Who has appointed as the Chief Electoral Officer to protect against the coronavirus disease which
(CEO) of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory has claimed the lives of over 7,000 people globally?
recently? Answer: USA
Answer: Hirdesh Kumar Q43. Innovate for Accessible India campaign has been
Q30. Union Minister of State for Shipping Mansukh launched jointly by ______________ India and
Mandaviya was launched ‘Ropax’ passenger ferry NASSCOM Foundation to empower people with
service between ___________________ in Maharashtra. disabilities.
Answer: Mumbai and Mandwa Answer: Microsoft
Q31. Who have been jointly awarded Chameli Devi Jain Q44. Which state has launched a mass handwashing
Award for outstanding woman journalist recently? campaign named ‘break the chain’ to combat
Answer: Arfa Khanum Sherwani and Rohini coronavirus?
Mohan Answer: Kerala
Q32. Who has become the first country of the world to Q45. COVID-19 cases were first identified in December
suspend all financial markets? 2019 in which country?
Answer: Phillipines Answer: China
Q33. ________________ has inked a deal with a disability Q46. A starch-based ‘hemostat’ material has been
support NGO Aditya Mehta Foundation to enable developed by the Institute of Nano Science and
the ‘Divyang Warriors’? Technology (INST). The Institute of Nano Science
Answer: CRPF and Technology (INST) is an autonomous institute
Q34. Who is present Director General (DG) of the under-
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)? Answer: Department of Science & Technology
Answer: AP Maheshwari
Q47. The Ordnance Factories’ Day is observed on the
Q35. Manila is the capital city of- ____________ of March every year.
Answer: Philippines Answer: 18th March

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q48. Who has been reappointed as MD & CEO of Bajaj Q62. Who has been appointed as the next High
Auto? Commissioner of India to the Republic of Uganda?
Answer: Rajiv Bajaj Answer: A. Ajay Kumar
Q49. Which payment bank has partnered with Visa to Q63. The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has
issue Visa debit cards? approved the procurement of indigenous Tejas
Answer: Paytm Payments Bank Ltd fighter aircraft for?
Q50. Ordnance Factory Board consisting of the Indian Answer: Indian Air Force
Ordnance Factories. It is based in- Q64. Who has resigned from Crisil board as the
Answer: Kolkata independent director of the Crisil?
Q51. World’s first commercial flying car named ‘PAL-V Answer: Arundhati Bhattacharya
Liberty’ will be developed in-
Q65. The book titled “My Encounters in Parliament” has
Answer: Gujarat
been released recently. Who is the author of the
Q52. Manikaran Power Ltd (MPL) has become the book?
________ member of India’s first gas trading platform Answer: Bhalchandra Mungekar
which is called the Indian Gas Exchange (IGX).
Q66. President of the United States, Donald Trump has
Answer: first
signed a _______ emergency aid package to ensure
Q53. S&P Global Ratings has reduced India’s economic sick leave to American workers who fall ill from
growth forecast to _________ for financial year 2020. the new coronavirus.
Answer: 5.2% Answer: $100-billion
Q54. The French Open ______________- tournament has Q67. On which day the Global Recycling Day is being
been postponed by the French _______________ observed globally to raise awareness of the
Federation due to the coronavirus pandemic. importance of recycling?
Answer: tennis, tennis Answer: 18th March
Q55. Standard & Poor's Financial Services is based in-
Q68. The 7th World Cities Summit (WCS) will be held in
Answer: New York
Singapore with the theme of?
Q56. The Supreme Court of India bench headed by Answer: Livable and Sustainable Cities: Adapting
_________ has cleared the permanent commission for to a Disrupted World
women officers in the Indian Navy.
Q69. Who will join as a Chairperson and CEO for the
Answer: Justice D Y Chandrachud
India operations of Salesforce, USA?
Q57. The 7th World Cities Summit (WCS) will be held Answer: Arundhati Bhattacharya
from 5 to 9 July 2020 in?
Answer: Singapore Q70. Global Recycling Day 2020 was observed with the
theme of?
Q58. Which institution has collaborated with L&T Answer: Recycling Heroes
Technology Services to carry out joint research in
industrial and infrastructure cyber security?
Answer: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Q59. Who has been appointed as the new prime
minister of Iraq?
Answer: Adnan al-Zurfi
Q60. Name the author who has authored the book titled
“Invincible: A Tribute to Manohar Parrikar”.
Answer: Tarun Vijay
Q61. Indian Navy has established a Quarantine Camp at
____________ in Eastern Naval Command to augment
India’s fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Answer: INS Vishwakarma

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q71. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Q83. Former world champion _______________ Roger
Development (OECD) has reduced growth Mayweather was passed away.
projections for India. OECD has lowered growth Answer: boxer
projections for India for financial year 2020
Q84. Name the Indian, who have/has been named in the
International Panel of ICC Development Umpires
Answer: 5.1%
Q72. Government of India has decided to set up a Answer: Janani Narayanan and Vrinda Rathi
COVID-19 Economic Response Task Force. This
task force will be headed by-? Q85. Who has resigned as the Chief Minister of Madhya
Answer: Finance Minister of India Pradesh on 20th March 2020?
Answer: Kamal Nath
Q73. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appeals “Janta
Curfew” on ________________ within the wake of Q86. International Day of Forests is celebrated every
COVID 19 outbreak. year on-
Answer: 22nd March Answer: 21st March
Q74. Moody’s has lowered growth projections for India Q87. Which bank has teamed-up with Bharti AXA to
for financial year 2020 to__________. launch a complimentary insurance plan which will
Answer: 5.3% cover all medical conditions, including Covid-19?
Answer: DBS Bank India
Q75. Name the former Chief Justice of India, who took
oath as a nominated member of Rajya Sabha Q88. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial
recently. Discrimination is observed globally on-?
Answer: Ranjan Gogoi Answer: 21st March
Q76. The Ministry of Defence has signed the capital Q89. What is the theme for International Day of Forests
acquisition contract with ____________ Weapons 2020?
Industries for the procurement of Light Machine Answer: Forests and Biodiversity
Gun (LMGs).
Q90. “WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub” has
Answer: Israel
been launched globally by WhatsApp. The
Q77. International Day of Happiness is celebrated Information Hub has been launched by WhatsApp
globally on- in partnership with-?
Answer: 20th March Answer: UNICEF, WHO and UNDP
Q78. The Olympic Flame was handed over to Q91. World Down Syndrome Day is observed every year
_______________ 2020 organizers after the Greece leg on-?
of torch relay suspended due to the COVID-19 Answer: 21st March
Q92. Along the launch of WhatsApp Coronavirus
Answer: Tokyo
Information Hub, WhatsApp has also announced
Q79. The Government of India has approved the the donation of _________ million to the International
proposal of setting up of National Technical Fact-Checking Network for coronavirus facts
Textiles Mission with an outlay of-? alliance.
Answer: Rs. 1480 crores Answer: dollar 1 million
Q80. Indian Railways has planned to electrify a total of Q93. DBS Bank is a multinational banking and financial
_____________ km of broad gauge route by December services based in-
2023. Answer: Singapore
Answer: 28,810 km
Q94. What is the theme of World Down Syndrome Day
Q81. What is the theme of International Day of 2020?
Happiness campaign 2020? Answer: We Decide
Answer: Happiness For All, Together
Q95. The APEDA and SFAC has signed an MoU for the
Q82. The National Technical Textiles Mission would be development of agriculture and allied sectors
set up for a period of how many years? recently. What is the full form of SFAC?
Answer: four Answer: Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q96. World Poetry Day is observed globally on- Q110. Legendary Indian _______________ PK Banerjee has
Answer: 21st March passed away.
Q97. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Answer: footballer
Development Authority (APEDA) is an apex body Q111. The world’s largest streaming media service
under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. ________________ has announced the formation of
APEDA based in- $100 million fund for film and TV workers.
Answer: New Delhi Answer: Netflix
Q98. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will infuse Q112. India celebrates “Shaheed Diwas” annually on
liquidity of _________________ crore to maintain
_____________ March to pay tribute to martyrs Bhagat
financial stability in the Indian economy.
Singh, Sukhdev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru.
Answer: Rs 30,000 crore
Answer: 23rd March
Q99. International Nowruz Day is being celebrated
Q113. Which bank has decided to launch a special train
globally on-
Answer: 21st March ‘Swavalamban Express’ on 5th June 2020 to
empower budding entrepreneurs under its
Q100. Which country is the world's happiest nation for mission Swavalamban?
the third year running? Answer: SIDBI
Answer: Finland
Q114. The Union Cabinet has approved Production
Q101. World Water Day observed globally on-
Incentive Scheme for Large Scale Electronics
Answer: 22nd March
Manufacturing. The government will invest Rs
Q102. The United Nations has released World Happiness _________ lakh crore in this sector to provide
Report 2020 recently. What is the rank of India in employment to 25 lakh people in next 5 years.
World Happiness Report 2020? Answer: Rs 20 lakh crore
Answer: 144th
Q115. Name the private sector non-life insurance
Q103. Name the Bollywood actress, who works jointly company, which has launched a 1 year-long
with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to “COVID-19 Protection Cover”?
spread awareness over COVID-19? Answer: ICICI Lombard
Answer: Priyanka Chopra
Q116. EMCs 2.0 scheme will help India to become the
Q104. What is the theme of World Water Day 2020?
mobile manufacturing hub in the world. What is
Answer: Water and Climate Change
the full form of EMCs?
Q105. World Meteorological Day observed globally on-? Answer: Electronics Manufacturing Clusters
Answer: 23rd March
Q117. The Swavalamban Express train will visit
Q106. The World Happiness Report 2020 covers the ______________ cities in 15 days and will cover a 7000
period of 2017-2019 and analyses the countries on km journey.
6 variables. Which of the following variable is not Answer: 11
Answer: Corona
Q107. What is the theme of World Meteorological Day
Answer: Water and Climate Change
Q108. ________________ music singer Kenny Rogers who was
known around the world for his global hits such as
“The Gambler”, “Lady”, “Lucille” and “Islands in the
Stream”, has passed away.
Answer: American
Q109. Which state has abolished reservation in
promotion in the state government jobs?
Answer: Uttarakhand

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q118. Three Indian freedom fighters namely Bhagat Q131. Which of the following statement is/are true
Singh, Sukhdev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru regarding Abel Prize Laureates 2020?
were hanged by the British rulers in Lahore jail on. 1. Hillel Furstenberg from Hebrew University of
Answer: 23rd March 1931 Jerusalem, Israel won the Abel Prize Laureates
Q119. Veteran director Meenakshisundaram Ramasamy 2020
Viswanthan, popularly known as Visu in the Tamil 2. Gregory Margulis from Yale University, the USA
film industry has passed away. He was a/an-? won the Abel Prize Laureates 2020
Answer: actor, director and writer 3. The amount of the Abel Prize 2020 is
Norwegian Krone 7.5 Million (USD 8.3400).
Q120. Which bank has launched an additional liquidity
4. Hillel Furstenberg hails from New York.
facility “Covid-19 Emergency Credit Line (CECL)”?
Answer: only 1, 2 and 3 are true
Answer: State Bank of India
Q132. Which bank has launched India’s 1st pre-paid card
Q121. Fitch Ratings has reduced India’s GDP growth rate
to ______________ for the fiscal year 2020-21. Enkasu (My cash in Tamil) recently?
Answer: 5.1% Answer: Karur Vysya Bank

Q122. A book entitled ‘Messiah Modi: A Great Tale of Q133. Which country has become the first country in the
Expectations’ penned by senior journalist & author world to withdraw from Tokyo 2020 Olympics?
_______________ has been released. Answer: Canada
Answer: Tavleen Singh Q134. The purpose of the Abel Prize for outstanding
Q123. Covid-19 Emergency Credit Line (CECL) will scientific work in the field of-?
facilitate funds up to Rs 200 crore which will be Answer: Mathematics
available till-?
Q135. Which country will host the 2020 Summer
Answer: 30th June 2020
Q124. Who is likely to be sworn in as Chief Minister of Answer: Japan
Madhya Pradesh?
Answer: Shivraj Singh Chouhan Q136. What is the theme of World TB Day 2020?
Answer: It’s time
Q125. Reserve Bank of India will conduct fine-tuning
variable rate Repo auctions for _______________ Q137. Which company has set up India’s first COVID-19
crores in two tranches. dedicated hospital in Mumbai?
Answer: Rs 1,00,000 crores Answer: Reliance Industries Limited
Q126. Which state has become the first state in India to Q138. Which country has been confirmed as the first co-
impose a curfew across the state to amid COVID- chair of the Governing Council of Coalition for
19? Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)?
Answer: Punjab Answer: UK
Q127. Indian mountaineer __________________ has entered Q139. “Mylab PathoDetect COVID-19 Qualitative PCR kit”
‘Limca Book of Records’ (LBR) for his has become the first ‘Made in India’ COVID19 Test
extraordinary achievements, as the first Indian to Kit to get the CDSCO approval. Which of the
climb the highest volcanoes of each of the 7 following statement is/are true regarding this?
continents. 1. CDSCO has given the commercial approval to
Answer: Satyarup Siddhanta the COVID-19 diagnostic test kit made by Mylab
Q128. Shivraj Singh Chouhan was sworn in as Chief Discovery Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He took oath for the 2. Mylab Discovery Solutions Pvt Ltd is a Pune-
______________ time as Chief Minister. based molecular diagnostics company.
Answer: fourth 3. The molecular diagnostics company has
developed the COVID-19 test kit as per
Q129. World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is observed globally
WHO/CDC guidelines.
Answer: 24th March Answer: All statements are true

Q130. Which state is now equipped with taser guns as a Q140. The Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
part of their modernization drive to ensure public is an international coalition of countries. It is based
safety and security? in-
Answer: Gujarat Answer: New Delhi

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q141. Award-winning businesswoman ________________ has Q151. International Day of Remembrance of the Victims
launched her first novel titled ‘Legacy of Learning’. of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is
Answer: Savita Chhabra observed annually on-?
Answer: 25th March
Q142. Which company has become 1st company to begin
supply of BS-VI fuel across its 28,000 petrol Q152. Who is the winner of the 2020 PEN/Hemingway
pumps? Award for Debut Novel, for “A Prayer for
Answer: Indian Oil Corporation Limited Travelers”?
Q143. The government has decied to extend the deadline Answer: Ruchika Tomar
for belated Income Tax Return (ITR). Which of the Q153. Telugu New Year day ______________ being celebrated
following statement is/are true regarding ITR? on 25th March 2020.
1. GoI extend the deadline for belated Income Tax Answer: Ugadi
Return (ITR) from 31st March to 30th June
2020. Q154. The International Day of Solidarity with Detained
2. The government has also extended deadline for and Missing Staff Members is observed annually
PAN-Aadhaar linking from 31st March 31 to on-
30th June 2020. Answer: 25th March
3. Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to extend Q155. Ruchika Tomar is a writer from which country?
these deadlines because of the lockdowns Answer: USA
across various states.
Answer: All statements are true Q156. Which IIT is organising India’s first Global
Hyperloop Pod Competition named as ‘Indian
Q144. Charges on cash withdrawal from other bank Hyperloop Pod Competition’ to increase awareness
ATMs and penalties for non-maintenance of and enthusiasm about Hyperloop in India?
minimum balance in bank savings accounts have
Answer: IIT, Madras
been waived for _____________ months.
Answer: three Q157. Who has been appointed as the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of Walmart India?
Q145. Karur Vysya Bank is based in-?
Answer: Sameer Aggarwal
Answer: Tamil Nadu
Q158. ___________ owned video streaming giant “YouTube”
Q146. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
has decided to reduce streaming quality for users
announced the complete lockdown of the entire
in India until 31st March 2020.
nation. This lockdown will be in place for _________
Answer: Google
Answer: 21 days Q159. Who has chosen for FIFA-WHO campaign against
Q147. International Day for the Right to the Truth Covid-19?
Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for Answer: Sunil Chhetri
the Dignity of Victims is observed annually on- Q160. Where is the headquarters of FIFA?
Answer: 24th March Answer: Zurich, Switzerland
Q148. The International Olympic Committee and Tokyo
Olympic organizers agreed to move the Tokyo
Games to-?
Answer: 2021
Q149. The Election Commission of India has deferred the
Rajya Sabha elections amid rising risk of rapidly
spreading coronavirus pandemic. Elections to
_________ seats of Rajya Sabha were scheduled to be
held on 26 March 2020.
Answer: 18 seats
Q150. The International Olympic Committee is a non-
governmental sports organisation based in-?
Answer: Lausanne, Switzerland

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q161. US Marines and UAE Emirati forces conducted the Q173. Which state has launched 'Mo Jeeban programme'
biennial exercise, named Native Fury in- for the containment of COVID-19 pandemic?
Answer: Abu Dhabi Answer: Odisha
Q162. King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will chair the Q174. Which organisation has launched “The Invest India
Extraordinary Virtual G20 leaders’ Summit. King Business Immunity Platform“recently?
Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is present Prime Answer: Invest India
Minister of-
Answer: Saudi Arabia Q175. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has
announced a mega relief package of
Q163. Former Indian ____________ Abdul Latif passed away.
_____________________ for the migrant workers and
Answer: Footballer
poor people affected by the lockdown amid COVID-
Q164. Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) has designated 285 19 outbreak.
beds for isolation wards in handling Coronavirus Answer: 1.70 lakh crore rupees
(COVID-19) cases. Where is the headquarters of
OFB? Q176. Invest India has teamed up with __________________
Answer: Kolkata for responding and resolving queries for MSMEs.
Answer: SIDBI
Q165. Which publication has launched an initiative
#StayHomeIndiaWithBooks to encourage people Q177. The government provides insurance cover worth
to read books during their stay at home? _______________ for sanitation workers, ASHA
Answer: National Book Trust workers, doctors, nurses, paramedics just in case
Q166. Government of India banned the export of anti- they have it as they’re on the frontlines of the
malarial drug ___________________________ and corona battle.
formulations made up of it within the wake of Answer: Rs 50 lakh
COVID-19 outbreak.
Q178. Which international organisation has launched a
Answer: Hydroxychloroquine
“Tracker of Policies Governments are Taking in
Q167. Name the veteran Bollywood star of 1950s and Response to COVID-19”?
’60s Hindi movies, who passed away recently. Answer: International Monetary Fund
Answer: Nimmi
Q179. The wages of MGNREGA workers has been
Q168. Which hospital will start Tele-Consultation facility increased from Rs. 182 to Rs. _____________ per day.
for the non-Covid19 patients? Answer: Rs. 202
Answer: AIIMS
Q180. Under the Deen Dayal National Livelihood Mission,
Q169. Senior Journalist Chander Suta Dogra has launched
the collateral-free loan will be given to Women Self
a book titled “Missing in Action: The Prisoners
Who Never Came Back”. It is published by-? Help Groups up to ___________ from Rs 10 lakh
Answer: HarperCollins earlier.
Answer: Rs 20 lakh
Q170. Which medical research bodies had recommended
the utilization of hydroxychloroquine for treating Q181. The Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister
healthcare workers handling suspected or Niramla Sitharaman has announced the relief
confirmed coronavirus cases and also the package under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan
asymptomatic household contacts of the lab- Yojana. The scheme will benefit the poors by
confirmed cases? providing an ex-gratia of ___________ per month.
Answer: Indian Council of Medical Research Answer: Rs 500 per month
Q171. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Q182. World Theatre Day is observed globally on-?
(CDC) has introduced an AI bot called ____________ to Answer: 27th March
help people assess potential symptoms of COVID-
19. Q183. Veteran photographer & Padma Shri awardee
Answer: Clara _____________ passed away.
Answer: Nemai Ghosh
Q172. The co-creator of the “Asterix and Obelix” comics,
Albert Uderzo passed away. He was _____________ Q184. Which city has deployed drones to sanitize city
comic book artist. areas against the coronavirus scare?
Answer: French Answer: Indore

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q185. World Theatre Day was initiated in _______________ Q197. The ________________ Space Force has launched an
by the International Theatre Institute (ITI), France. Advanced Extremely High-Frequency satellite
Answer: 1961 (AEHF-6) for its military communications.
Answer: United States
Q186. Which department has set up a COVID-19 Task
Force for mapping of technologies from Research Q198. The Confederation of Indian Industry or CII has set
up a CII COVID Rehabilitation and Relief Fund
and Development labs, academic institutions, start-
(CRR) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
ups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises? (MSME) to tackle Covid-19. Where is the
Answer: Department of Science and Technology headquarters of CII?
Q187. Reserve Bank of India’s has released the Answer: New Delhi
_____________ Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement Q199. Name the Bollywood actress, who partners with
for 2019-20 on 27th March 2020. Government of India for “Fit India Movement”
Answer: 7th recently.
Answer: Shilpa Shetty
Q188. Which state government has planned to set up two
of the largest Covid-19 hospitals that will have a Q200. Which bank has rolled out a Unified Payments
combined capacity of 1,000 beds and will be Interface (UPI) QR-based loan installment payment
facility along with National Payment Corporation
functional within a fortnight.
of India (NPCI) for its customers?
Answer: Odisha Answer: Jana Small Finance Bank
Q189. RBI has reduced the repo rate by ___________ basis Q201. The Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
points to 4.40% under the liquidity adjustment has launched _____________ to engage students in
facility (LAF). creative projects during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Answer: 75 bps Answer: Project Isaac
Q190. Indian-born international ____________ Floyd Cardoz Q202. Moody’s Investors Service reduced India’s GDP
passed away at 59 in the USA. growth in 2020 to ______________ from the earlier
Answer: Chef estimate of 5.3 percent.
Answer: 2.5%
Q191. The reverse repo rate under the LAF has been
Q203. Army Chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane has
reduced by __________ basis points to 4.00%.
launched __________________ to extend assistance to
Answer: 90 bps the govt in containing the spread of coronavirus
Q192. Which Ministry has issued the Standard Operating and insulate the force from the pandemic.
Procedure (SOPs) to maintain the supply of Answer: Operation Namaste
essential goods? Q204. The Sawai Man Singh Government Hospital is
Answer: Ministry for Home Affairs conducting the series of trials on a humanoid robot
to provide services to the COVID-19 patients. In
Q193. Padma Vibhushan award winning artist, architect, which city Sawai Man Singh Government Hospital
sculptor and writer ________________ passed away. is located?
Answer: Satish Gujral Answer: Jaipur
Q194. RBI has decided to reduce the Cash reserve Ratio
of all banks by 100 basis points from 4.00% to
____________ of Net Demand and Time Liabilities.
Answer: 3.00%
Q195. Rajyogini Dadi Janki was passed away recently. She
was chief of-?
Answer: Brahmakumaris Sansthan
Q196. Who has been honoured with IIFTC Tourism
Impact Award 2020 for her outstanding
contribution to world tourism through her
Answer: Zoya Akhtar

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q205. Moody’s expected the real GDP in the global Q217. Which publication will launch a publishing series
economy to contract by _________ in 2020. titled ‘Corona Studies Series’ to document and to
Answer: 0.5% provide relevant reading materials for all age-
groups for the post-Corona readership needs?
Q206. Where is the headquarters of Moody’s? Answer: National Book Trust
Answer: New York
Q218. Union Health and Family Welfare Minister _________
Q207. Which international organisation has launched a launched the 24×7 National Teleconsultation
dollar 2 billion coordinated global humanitarian Centre to answer COVID-19 related queries.
response plan to fight COVID-19 in 51 countries Answer: Harsh Vardhan
across South America, Africa, the Middle East and
Asia? Q219. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
Answer: United Nations announced a big consolidation of public sector
banks in 2019. As per the scheme of amalgamation
Q208. CRISIL has reduced India’s gross domestic product 10 public sector banks are to be merged into
(GDP) growth forecast for fiscal 2021 to __________ __________ banks.
from 5.2 per cent expected earlier. Answer: four
Answer: 3.5%
Q220. The National Book Trust was established by the
Q209. Abbott Laboratories is unveiling a coronavirus test Government of India in which year?
which will tell if someone is infected within 5 Answer: 1957
minutes. Abbott Laboratories based in which Q221. The Reserve Bank of India has notified with a
country? circular that the mega merger of 10 PSBs will be
Answer: USA effective from-?
Q210. Who is the Secretary-General of the United Answer: 1st April 2020
Nations? Q222. Which state has set up “Team-11” comprising of as
Answer: Antonio Guterres many inter-departmental committees to fight the
Q211. Where is the headquarters of CRISIL? coronavirus spread?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Mumbai
Q223. The Government of India has set up ____________
Q212. Which company has concluded the acquisition of
empowered groups to deal with COVID-19.
Centre’s entire stake in two hydropower
Answer: 11
generating firms, Tehri Hydro Power Complex
(THDC) India and North Eastern Electric Power Q224. Name the veteran US civil rights leader, who was
Corporation (NEEPCO), at Rs 11,500 crore? passed away recently.
Answer: NTPC Limited Answer: Joseph Lowery

Q213. Who has appointed as members of the Central Q225. Name the Indian shot-putter, who was suspended
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) Board recently? for four years by World athletics body’s (formerly
Answer: Krishan Mohan Prasad and Satish Kumar known as International Association of Athletics
Gupta Federations-IAAF) recently.
Answer: Navin Chikara
Q214. Which state becomes the first Indian state to
Q226. All branches of Oriental Bank of Commerce and
launch a self-assessment tool for COVID-19?
United Bank of India will operate as branches of-?
Answer: Goa
Answer: Punjab National Bank
Q215. Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) is the apex
Q227. Name the retired Air Vice Marshal, who was
policy-making body of the Direct Tax department.
passed away recently.
Income-tax Act, 1961 came into existence from-?
Answer: Chandan Singh Rathore
Answer: 1st April 1962
Q228. The first prototype of hospital isolation coach have
Q216. Chief Minister _____________ has launched the Self been created successfully by the ______________
Declaration COVID19 Nagaland App at Kohima. Railways.
Answer: Neiphiu Rio Answer: Northern

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Most Important One Liner Questions and Answer, March 2020 (Part-II)
Q229. Which bank has rolled out the banking services on Q234. Which bank has unveiled a new logo before its
WhatsApp recently? merger with the Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC)
Answer: ICICI Bank and the United Bank of India (UBI)?
Answer: Punjab National Bank
Q230. Former Union Minister _________________ was passed
Q235. All branches of Syndicate Bank will operate as
away recently. branches of-?
Answer: Beni Prasad Verma Answer: Canara Bank
Q231. All branches of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank
will operate as branches of-?
Answer: Union Bank of India
Q232. The Government of India has launched a
coronavirus risk-tracking app called ‘Corona
Answer: Kavach
Q233. A new space capsule from _______________ has been
picked up by National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) to ferry cargo and supplies
to the agency’s planned lunar space station.
Answer: SpaceX

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