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New World Order Awareness

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The document discusses a weekly report that covers evidence of a new world order agenda. It also provides several examples from media where the term 'new world order' has been referenced.

The Global Watch Weekly Report discusses political and economic events from a perspective of an emerging new world order.

The term 'new world order' was initially popularized by George Bush Sr. in 1991 to refer to a post-Cold War international political system.

A Weekly Global Watch Media Publica on (www.globalreport2010.

com)                                           December 6th, 2013  

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report

In this edition of the Global Watch Weekly we will have some fun in looking at examples
within the media and video gaming industry where the term “new world order” has been
used. The term “new world order” was initially popularized by George Bush Snr in 1991.

Prior to the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American
countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily
fundamentalist Christians concerned with end-time emergence of the Antichrist.

New World Order sceptics, such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet, have observed that
right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order have now not only been
embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but have seeped into popular
culture, thereby inaugurating an unrivalled period of people actively preparing for
apocalyptic millenarian scenarios in the United States of the late 20th and early 21st

These political scientists are concerned that this mass hysteria could have what they
judge to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from widespread political
alienation to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.

However it doesn't matter what these sceptics say because the Bible makes it very clear
about the series of events which will transpire before the second coming of Christ and so
we are told throughout the new testament to watch and take note of the signs of the end of
the age regardless of whether the secular world demonizes those who take this command
very seriously.

Sit back and enjoy.

Rema Marketing Team


The new world order has been openly spoken

about by politicians, globalists and business
leaders for more than 20 years. Barack Obama,
Tony Blair, George Soros and George Bush
Senior have all spoken on record that a new
world order is coming.

What’s not well-known about the term new world

order is that it has been used in Movies, TV
Shows and in Video Games over the last 70
Bush Senior copied for his state of the union
years to significant effect.
speech where he was quoted as saying:
In a previous edition of the Global Watch Weekly
Out of these troubled times, our objective—a new
we had made mention about the card game
world order—can emerge. Today, that new world is
called “Illuminati” and its significance but in this
struggling to be born, a world quite different from the
edition we explore some examples within the
one we have known.
entertainment industry where the term “new world
order” has been used. DOUGH BOYS (1944 SHORT FILM)

DER FUEHRER’S FACE (1942 SHORT FILM) So, you’re Naki, Saki, and Waki, eh? You’re all wacky!
Grab them in ze name of ze New World Order! So you Rat-
We bring the world’s new order. Heil Hitler’s New zis want the world! Well TAKE it!
World Order. Everyone of foreign race Will love der
Fuehrer’s face When we bring to the world dis-order A classic short film from the
three stooges where they
Of the 15 new world are mistaken for Japanese
order quotes, this one soldiers. All attention in the
referenced from the 1940’s was focused on
movie Der Fuehrer’s world war two, so paranoia
Face is definitely the about the emerging
most unusual. German and Japanese empires was reflected in
this film.
Not only is it unusual
because the term is THE SHADOW (1994)
used in a film made for
children, it’s also There’s a new world order coming, Shadow, and I’m going
unusual because the phrase “new world order” to be a king! A KING!
wasn’t adopted by film makers and popularised
until the 1990′s. This movie was set in the
1930’s in New York City
The short film, a Walt Disney production that is and portrays the battles of
based on Donald Duck having a nightmare that good and evil against an
he is living in Germany slaving under the Nazi arch nemesis who is
regime, could have been the reference George building an atomic bomb.   4
HACKERS (1995)

You wanted to know who I am, Zero Cool? Well, let me

explain the New World Order. Governments and
corporations need people like you and me. We are
Samurai… the Keyboard Cowboys… and all those other
people who have no idea what’s going on are the cattle…

This movie perfectly reflects

the past situation of the
CopBlock founder who at
one point was facing 21
years jail on “wiretapping”
charges for filming police.

The movie is based around

a young boy who is arrested
by the US Secret Service
for writing a computer virus. Years later, he and
his friends discover a plot to unleash a
dangerous computer virus, but they must use I AM NUMBER FOUR (2011)
their computer skills to find the evidence while
being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil OK so i called you like you said. I mean it’s not my fault
computer genius behind the virus. they got. I mean we held up our end. We’re still in? The
whole new world order thing? Santa Fe, New Mexico. I
TOMORROW NEVER DIES (1997) know the drill, okay?

What you are about to witness, Ms. Lin, is not so much a

missile attack, but the launch of a new world order. In
precisely five minutes after your countrymen have attacked
the British fleet, I shall retaliate for dear old England by
sending this missile into Beijing, where General Chang has
just called an emergency meeting of the Chinese High

Tomorrow Never Dies is a James Bond movie

that revolves around James Bond trying to stop a
media mogul’s plan to induce war between China
and the UK in order to obtain exclusive global
media coverage.

Many argue that for the new world order to

become a reality, the world’s mainstream media
first needs to be centralized, making a global I am number four is a movie about Aliens and
media outlet that would be a perfect propaganda their Guardians who are hiding on Earth from
tool for the implementation of world government. intergalactic bounty hunters.   5
Maybe the bounty hunters are meant to be the The West Wing was a TV series about the lives
Globalists and the aliens are meant to represent of staffers in the west wing of the White House.
mankind? Just a thought! What a perfect setting to use the term ‘new world
order’. The Globalists at their best!
The New World Order? Black helicopters, underground
basses? Don’t you guys read the papers? I had hoped the new world order would allow a chap to
open his own correspondence.

Stargate SG-1 was a military science fiction Monarch of the Glen is loosely based on Sir
television series. Its not clear how the script Compton Mackenzie’s Highland Novels, which
writers slipped the term new world order into this are set in the same location but in the 1930s and
series. Could this be a sign of the next space 1940s. I wonder if the term new world order was
race between China and Russia? used in the original Highland Novel? If it was,
then that would be just creepy considering that
THE WEST WING - EPISODE: THE STORMY they were written between 1941 and 1947.
PRESENT (2004)

Mandy! I’m getting presents in the New World Order! Mrs.

Claus said so! It’s you and me against the world.

The Grim & Evil Show was an American

animated television series created by Maxwell
Atoms. The series, which debuted on Cartoon
Network, consisted of two segments which were
eventually spun off into their own series.

You start saddling up camels in every country in the

Middle East then you better be prepared to spend the next
50 years sifting through sand because this isn’t a quick run
on the beach, Jed. This is the new world order.   6

Well the first thing you’ve gotta realize brother is

that this right here is the future of wrestling. You
can call this the New World Order of wrestling


The process shall not take long. If it sounds unpleasant to

you, put your mind at ease, insect. You will not survive to
see my new world order. Don’t you like my new look?

System Shock 2 is a 1999 first-person action role

The Outsiders, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall, have -playing video game, designed by Ken Levine for
invaded WCW (world championship wrestling)! Microsoft Windows. The title is a sequel to the
They have promised a third member to their team 1994 PC game System Shock, and was co-
to challenge the best WCW has to offer. developed by Irrational Games and Looking
Glass Studios.
The term new world order was frequently used in
WCW and WWF wrestling. However, why they
chose that term new world order to describe a
change of guard is not clear.




One of the greatest games ever to grace the

Come, comrade-general. A new world order awaits. Yes.
video game industry is Super Mario. In version 64
My father follows the ways of our ancestors and there is of this game Mario has to land on four towers to
much wisdom in what he says cause the pyramid to open up.

Like the previous entries in the Red Alert series, The pyramid then opens allowing Mario to fight
the game is set in an alternate reality from World the pyramid boss. Immediately after opening the
War II, in which the Western Allies fought the pyramid, Mario gets to fight the owner of the
Soviet Union. pyramid who shows the hand and the eye.   7
references, such as Prometheus, a mythical
figure whose quest for godhood has special
meaning for the illuminus and is also a
"mysterious" character in the game.

USA Today’s review lays out the game’s scenario

in detail:

“The Conduit follows secret service agent Mr. Ford as he

investigates a series of attacks in Washington, D.C. by
GRAND THEFT AUTO aliens called The Drudge. After his government employer,
The Trust, betrays him during a downtown battle, Mr. Ford
A logo used in the game “Grand Theft Auto” is gets help from the mysterious Prometheus. Both characters
the one as below. Here we see the pyramid and work together to uncover The Trust’s connection to these
the “all seeing eye”. Notice the world “Self” - it is attacks.
people pre-occupied with the self. Notice how the
world “Self” is located where the pyramid Besides an impressive arsenal… Dr. Ford has access to the
sections off. All-Seeing Eye, or A.S.E. Players will use this to uncover
cloaked enemies and mines or hack into computers. Hidden
puzzles found with the A.S.E. reward players with special,
souped-up weapons, but it’s surprising more weren’t use as
a method for advancing through the game.”

There are many, numerous examples of video

games bearing such messages, including the
aptly-titled, ‘New World Order,’ also a first-person
shooter released in 2002.

Just a few other examples include:

The video game ‘BlackSite: Area 51′ features a

scenario where ‘the government is desperate,
struggling to contain secrets so terrible they can
no longer be kept’ and must rely upon a special-
forces hero.
The video ‘Black‘ includes a CIA black ops
Another example has emerged of video games character on a secret killing mission in Russia.
with embedded references to New World Order Throughout the game, one can stumble across a
or Illuminati symbolism. ‘The Conduit,’ a "first- destroyed safe at which point the screen reads
person shooter" for the Wii console, apparently "Destroyed video footage labeled Bohemian
includes a hidden message written on a wall Grove"
somewhere within the game that reads, "Fight
and Die for the NWO." ‘Crackdown,’ a violent video game about
provocated-anarchy and gang warfare, reportedly
The game, whose scenario involves a secret ends with the gangster realizing his success by
service investigation of alien attacks, also becoming "a New World Order agent."
features a "special weapon" known as the All-
Seeing Eye (or A.S.E.) along with other   8

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