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Tasks: Task 1: Lesson Plan With Summative Assessment

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Task 1: lesson plan with summative assessment.

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Mariam Topic or Theme: letter T

Class: KG/ pink Date & Duration: 10:50 – 11:25

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Identify the letter T and recognize if the letter T is in the word or not.

Resources/equipment needed




Siceros and glues

Introduction :
& Time

3 min
Students will: Teacher will:

Listen to a song
about the letter Play a song for the
T students.

Main activities
& Time
3 min Students will: Teacher will:
Students will raise the
stick if they heard the Show the students a pictures
sound of letter T that starts or contains the
letter T

Differentiation activities / 10 – 15 min.

Circle the picture that started with the letter T.

Trace the letter T

Color picture with letter T

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

10 min
Students will Teacher will

Create their trees using Give students capital T to

letter T and draw apples create a tree.
to decorate it.

Summative assessment:
I will create small exam to my students by asking the students one by one to walk around
the school and write any word that contain the letter T.

Task 2: One Peer Observation and Report.

Please ensure that the observer /‘critical friend’ has a copy of the lesson plan.
Date/Time: 11.11.2019 Name of Student Teacher to be observed: Jawaher

Setting: Grade: 3\A

Name of Observer/Critical Friend: Mariam

Topic for the lesson & Learning Outcomes:

 four times table multiplication

 The students will be able to solve different questions about four times table multiplication they
it using objects to support their learning.

Please tick the boxes using the scale with 5 indicating the best possible performance
Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
 

Displays a high standard of professional behaviour, which includes punctuality  

and readiness for the session.

Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session. 

1 2 3 4 5
 
Planning for Learning
Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required information and has clear 
and explicit learning outcomes.

The activities are well sequenced to scaffold student learning towards the 
learning objectives.
Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning and/or learning styles. 
Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and appropriate to the 
level of the learner.

Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. 

Comments or reasons for scoring above:
Jawaher create a great lesson plan which meet her student`s need. Her activities are different which each level group had a special
activity for them. All the materials and resources were suitable for the students. The students were quiet and listening to the

1 2 3 4 5
 
Implementing and Managing Learning
Uses accurate and appropriate language. 
Maintaining engagement – independence 
Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are clear, accurate & constructive. 
Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, rephrase, redirect) 

Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & routines, and utilises a 
variety of positive reinforcement strategies to ensure that they are followed.

Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and motivate the students. 

Uses a range of teaching strategies. 
Manages lesson time effectively. 
Comments or reasons for scoring above:

She always talking in English and ask them different questions to keep them focus and engaging. Jawaher start her lesson with
asking the students to read the classroom`s rules together. Finally, she checks the time often.

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

 
Monitors student progress effectively during the session. 
Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning during the session. 
Uses formative and summative assessment instruments such as checklists, 
grading scales, rubrics, tests and projects etc. to evaluate students’ performance.

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Jawaher did a great job by observing the students around while they are answering the questions and finishing their activities. She
always praises her students by clapping hands, saying good job and give them points
Task 3: lesson plan reflections
Task 4: using the 5Es to plan an inquiry lesson

Create a lesson plan showing Differentiated Learning

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Mariam Topic or Theme: Giraffe can`t dance

Class: KG/ pink Date & Duration: 10:50 – 11:25

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Identify shapes, colors and number 9

Create a giraffe mask

Create their own shape person

Resources/equipment needed


White board

Plastic bags

Scissors and glues

Small objects for decorations

Introduction :
& Time
3 min Students will: Teacher will:

Listen to the
story about a Play a story for the
giraffe who can`t students.

Main activities
& Time

3 min Students will: Teacher will:

Participate by answering Ask some oral questions

the questions about the characters, setting
and events

Differentiation activities / 10 – 15 min.

Blue and green group will create the giraffe mask using papers and plastic bag.

Yellow and red group will have a giraffe template and they will Color it with orange and scot out 9 small
circles and put it on their giraffe.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

10 min
Students will Teacher will
Create their favorite Give students a different
shape person shape and they have to
Circle, tringle or square choose one.

Create a lesson plan about Inquiry-Based Learning. 

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Mariam Topic or Theme: Positions

Class: KG 2 Date & Duration: 10:50 – 11:25

Trainee Personal Goal(s)

I am working on:
Making the students to choose the right positional word when they describe something

Lesson Focus

Understanding the positional words

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Complete a positional workbook.

Sort 'in front', 'behind' pictures.
Figure out the right positions by mapping the room`s decorations.
Write and label some of the positional words

Links to Prior Learning

Most of the Students knew some of the positional words such as: under, behind and in front

Key vocabulary

On top of




In front



Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Students may mix between some of Show them a song that explain the positional words and
positional words and get confused, teacher will repeat the words until they get it right.

Resources/equipment needed


small boxes




& Time

5 min.
Students will: Teacher will:

Play a song
about positional
Describe what
are these words.
Listen carefully to
the song that
explain the
positional words.

Main activities
& Time

5 min.
Students will: Teacher will:

Listen to the Demonstrate the

teacher carefully activities to the
when she gives the students
instructions to start
the activities.

Differentiation activities (blue group): 7 min

Students will try to write the right positions words next to each picture.

Extension: positional book

Differentiation activities (green group): 7 min

Students will use a small box with small toy, and they will have instructions to put the toy.

Extension: positional book

Differentiation activities (Yellow group): 7 min

Students will sort the pictures if it in front of the garden or at the back.

Extension: positional book

Differentiation activities (red group): 7 min

Each student will have a worksheet ''map your room'', and they must try to say the right position word
when they decorate the room.

Extension: positional book.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will: Teacher will:

10 min
Listen to the teacher`s Split the class into 2 teams,
instructions to play the then she will bring a chair
game. and box. The teacher will
starts giving the instructions
to the students, they must
put the box under, on,
beside or behind the chair.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


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