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Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers - Spherical Coordinate System

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Electromagnetic Theory Questions and

Answers – Spherical Coordinate System

This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers focuses on “Spherical
Coordinate System”.

1. Convert the point (3,4,5) from Cartesian to spherical coordinates

a) (7.07,45⁰,53⁰)
b) (0.707,45⁰,53⁰)
c) (7.07,54⁰,63⁰)
d) (0.707,54⁰,63⁰)
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Answer: a
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = √50 = 7.07
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = cos-1(5/5√2) = 45⁰
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(4/3) = 53⁰.

2. Example of spherical system in the following is

a) Charge in space
b) Charge in box
c) Charge in dielectric
d) Uncharged system
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Answer: a
Explanation: From a point charge +Q, the electric field spreads in all 360 degrees. The
calculation of electric field in this case will be spherical system. Thus it is charge in the space.

3. Spherical systems are employed in waveguides. State True/False

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: There is no waveguide designed spherically to avoid absorption, rather than

4. Choose which of following condition is not required for a waveguide to exist.

a) The dimensions should be in accordance with desired frequency
b) Cut-off frequency should be minimum 6GHz
c) The shape should be spherical
d) No specific condition is required for waveguide design
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Answer: c
Explanation: A waveguide need not be spherical, it has to be rectangular or circular, as it violates
the propagation of the wave.

5. Find the spherical coordinates of A(2,3,-1)

a) (3.74, 105.5⁰, 56.13⁰)
b) (3.74, 105.5⁰, 56.31⁰)
c) (3.74, 106.5⁰, 56.13⁰)
d) (3.74, 106.5⁰, 56.31⁰)
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Answer: b
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = √14 = 3.74
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = cos-1(-1/3.74) = 105.5⁰
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(3/2) = 56.31⁰.

6. Find the Cartesian coordinates of B(4,25⁰,120⁰)

a) (0.845, 1.462, 3.625)
b) (-0.845, 1.462, 3.625)
c) (-8.45, 2.462, 6.325)
d) (8.45, 2.462, 6.325)
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Answer: b
Explanation: x = r sin θ cos φ = 4 sin25⁰ cos 120⁰ = -0.845
y = r sin θ sin φ = 4 sin 25⁰ sin 120⁰ = 1.462
z = r cos θ = 4 cos 25⁰ = 3.625.

7. The area of sphere can be computed from the sphere volume. State True/False.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: On double integrating the differential volume, the area can be computed for a

8. Given B= (10/r)i+( rcos θ) j+k in spherical coordinates. Find Cartesian points at (-3,4,0)
a) -2i + j
b) 2i + k
c) i + 2j
d) –i – 2k
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Answer: a
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = √25 = 5
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = 1
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(-4/3)
Thus, B = -2i + j.

9. The scalar factor of spherical coordinates is

a) 1, r, r sin θ
b) 1, r, r
c) r, r, 1
d) r, 1, r
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Answer: a
Explanation: The radius varies from unity to infinity, the plane angle from zero to 360 ⁰ and the z
plane from (-∞, ∞) .

10. Transform the vector (4,-2,-4) at (1,2,3) into spherical coordinates.

a) 3.197i – 2.393j + 4.472k
b) -3.197i + 2.393j – 4.472k
c) 3.197i + 2.393j + 4.472k
d) -3.197i – 2.393j – 4.472k
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Answer: b
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = 3.74
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = cos-1(3/3.74) = 36.7⁰
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(2/1) = 63.4⁰
A = (4 sin θ cos φ – 2 sin θ sin φ – 4cos θ)i + (4 cos θ cos φ – 2 cos θ sin φ + 4 sin θ)j + (-4 sin φ
– 2 cos φ)k
On substituting r, θ, φ, A = -3.197i + 2.393j – 4.472k.


THEORY Questions and Answers pdf
Electromagnetic Field Theory Questions and Answers pdf :-

1. When a wave is incident from the more dense into a less dense medium at an angle equal to or
exceeding the critical angle, the wave suffers total internal __________ .

A. reflection
B. refraction
C. transmission
D. none of the above
Answer: B

2. Radiation intensity in a given direction is the

A. energy radiated per square metre

B. power radiated per square metre
C. power radiated per unit solid angle in that direction
D. none of the above

Answer: C

3. Parabolic and lens antenna used at

A. microwave frequency
B. medium frequency
C. low frequency
D. high frequency

Answer: A

4. Which of the following statement regarding waveguides is incorrect?

A. At waveguide can be coupled to a coaxial cable

B. At frequencies below the cut off value the wave progresses across the waveguide after total
C. Waveguides are usually air filled hollow conducting metallic tubes for transmitting UHF and
D. Waveguides can handle large power at UHF and microwaves

Answer: A

5. The potential that appears at a point in space due to the current which caused it is called

A. accelerating
B. retardation
C. oscillating
D. lagging the current

Answer: B

6. The useful magnetic flux obtainable from any closed surface is

A. unity
B. constant
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above

Answer: D

7. It is best to use for coupling a coaxial line to a parallel wire transmission line.

A. directional Coupler
B. balun
C. slotted line
D. tee

Answer: B

8. In H-plane metal plate lens the travelling wave front is

A. totally retarded
B. retarded
C. accelerated
D. neither accelerated nor retarded

Answer: B

9. MUF is depend upon

A. electron density of the ionospheric layer

B. 11 year sun spot cycle
C. received frequency by receiver
D. height of ionospheric layer

Answer: C

10. In case of antenna the ratio of the power radiated in the desired direction to the power
radiated in the opposite direction is known as

A. transmission efficiency
B. front to back ratio
C. loss coefficient
D. none of the above

Answer: B

11. The radiation pattern of Hertzian dipole in the plane perpendicular to dipole is a

A. null
B. circle
C. figure of eight
D. none of the above

Answer: C

12. The transmitting antennas for lower frequencies (below 500 kHz) are generally

A. vertical grounded wire type

B. horizontal suspended wire type
C. parabolic reflector type
D. any of the above

Answer: A

13. A satellite that simply reflect back the signals from one region of the earth to the other region
is known as

A. orbiting satellite
B. geostationary satellite
C. active satellite
D. passive satellite

Answer: D

14. The critical frequency of ‘F’ layer is greater than 30 MHz.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

15. Which of the following will increase the antenna radiation efficiency?

A. Use of larger section of conductor

B. Providing insulation on conductor
C. Top loading of antenna
D. Any of the above

Answer: C

16. A waveguide operated below cut off frequency can be used as

A. phase shifter
B. an attenuator
C. an isolator
D. none
Answer: B

17. Which of the following impedance inversion is obtained?

A. Short-circuited stub
B. A quarter wave line
C. Balun transformer
D. A half wave line

Answer: B

18. In case of surface waves the field strength at a point is directly proportional to

A. antenna height
B. wave frequency
C. current of the antenna
D. distance of the point from the antenna

Answer: D

19. Which of the following statement is false?

A. Television signals are propagated as ground waves

B. Surface waves can propagate on piezoelectric substrates
C. The skip distance is the maximum distance upto which ionospheric reflection is possible
D. Tropospheric scatter propagation is always subjects to fading

Answer: C

20. Tropospheric scatter is used with frequencies in the


Answer: C

21. A Yagi antenna has a driven antenna

A. only
B. with a reflector
C. with one or more directors
D. with a reflector and one or more directors

Answer: D
22. The minimum height of outer atmosphere is

A. 100 km
B. 150 km
C. 200 km
D. 400 km

Answer: D

23. A square corner reflector is used in

A. radio astronomy
B. tv broadcast
C. point to point communication
D. all of the above

Answer: D

24. The wave in wave guide has

A. group velocity inversely proportional to wavelength

B. larger frequency than in the free space
C. diminishing wavelength than in the free space
D. larger wavelength than in the free space

Answer: D

25. The power gain of a half-wave dipole with respect to an isotropic radiator is

A. 2.15 db
B. 3 db
C. 4.15 db
D. 6 db

Answer: A


26. In an impedance smith chart, a clockwise movement along a constant resistance circle gives
rise to

A. decrease in the value of reactance

B. an increase in the value of reactance
C. no change in the reactance value
D. no change in the impedance value
Answer: B

27. When the phase velocity of an EM wave depends on frequency in any medium the
phenomenon is called

A. scattering
B. polarisation
C. absorption
D. dispersion

Answer: B

28. The main disadvantage of the two-hole directional coupler is

A. poor directivity
B. narrow bandwidth
C. high standing wave ratio
D. low directional coupling

Answer: B

29. The radiation pattern of a parabola antenna is

A. omnidirectional
B. a figure of directional
C. highly directional
D. none of the above

Answer: C

30. In microwave communication links, when fading due to rain attenuation occurs then
technique adopted for solving the problem would include

A. antenna replacement and feed correction

B. amplitude timing and phase correction
C. polarization shifting and code diversity
D. path diversity and frequency diversity

Answer: D

31. Due to which of the following reasons a lightning conductor on top of a building is made into
a pointed spike?

A. Dust particles may not accumulate

B. Charge per unit area becomes very high for lightening to discharge
C. Rain drops may not collect
D. None of the above

Answer: B

32. The virtual height of an ionospheric layer is __________ true height

A. equal to
B. less than
C. higher than
D. no relation

Answer: C

33. The divergence of a vector is a scalar, while the curl of a vector is another

A. scalar
B. vector
C. unit vector
D. none of the above

Answer: B

34. An open wire transmission line having a characteristic impedance of 600 ohms is terminated
by a resistive load of 900 O. The standing wave ratio will be

A. 1.5
B. 2.5
C. 3.5
D. 4.5

Answer: A

35. The skip distance is the maximum distance upto which ionospheric reflection is possible.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

36. Which antenna is a wideband antenna?

A. Hertz antenna
B. Marconi antenna
C. Folded dipole
D. None of the above
Answer: C

37. The radiation pattern of loop antenna is

A. circle
B. semicircle
C. elliptical
D. cardoid or Limacon

Answer: D

38. Tropospheric scatter propagation is not subject to any fading.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

39. The attenuation in waveguide above to cut off frequency

A. very high
B. very low
C. zero
D. infinite

Answer: B

40. When a current carrying conductor is brought into magnetic field, the force that moves the
conductor depends upon

A. the value of current

B. the weight of the conductor
C. the direction of the conductor
D. none of the above

Answer: A

41. A square corner reflector is used in which of the following?

A. TV broadcast
B. Point-to-point communication
C. Radio astronomy
D. All of the above

Answer: D
42. According to maximum power transfer theorem, the maximum power is absorbed by one
network from another network when

A. the impedance of one of the networks is half that of the other

B. the impedance of one is the complex conjugate of the other
C. the impedance of one is equal to that of the other
D. none of the above

Answer: B

43. The static electric field in a conductor is

A. zero
B. unity
C. infinity
D. none of the above

Answer: A

44. In a perfect conductor the incident and reflected wave combine to produce

A. a stronger incident wave

B. a stronger reflected wave
C. a standing wave which is not progressing
D. none of the above

Answer: C

45. MUF is highest in periods of greatest sunspot activity.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A

46. Which of the following is multiband HF receiving antenna?

A. Square loop
B. Log-periodic
C. Conical horn
D. Folded dipole

Answer: B

47. A rectangular waveguide is a

A. rectangular conducting wire to propagate electromagnetic waves
B. hollow rectangular walled room carrying electromagnetic wave
C. hollow rectangular conducting tube through which electromagnetic waves can be propagated
D. tube antenna to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves

Answer: C

48. If a and b are the dimensions of waveguide then

A. a = 3b
B. a = 2b
C. a = b
D. a = b/4

Answer: B

49. The frequency range for satellite communication is

A. 3 to 30 kHz
B. 300 to 3000 kHz
C. 3000 to 30000 MHz
D. 30000 to 300000 MHz

Answer: C

50. A loop antenna is a commonly used for

A. radar
B. direction finding
C. satellite communication
D. all of the above

Answer: B

1. ZL = 200 Ω and it is desired that Zi = 50 Ω The quarter wave transformer should have a
characteristic impedance of
100 Ω
B.40 Ω
C.10000 Ω

Answer: Option A

Z0 = Zi . ZL

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2. A broadside array consisting of 200 cm wavelength with 10 half-wave dipole spacing 10 cm.
And if each array element feeding with 1 amp. current and operating at same frequency then
find the half power beamwidth

Answer: Option B


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3. Refractive index of glass is 1.5. Find the wavelength of a beam of light with a frequency of
1014 Hz in glass. Assume velocity of light is 3 x 108 m/sec in vacuum.
4 μm
B.3 μm
C.2 μm
1 μm
Answer: Option C


Given, μ = 1.6, f = 1014 Hz, v = 3 x 108 m/sec.

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4. The function f(x - vot) represent which of the following?

A stationary wave
B.A wave motion in forward direction
C.A wave motion in reverse direction
None of the above
Answer: Option B


f(x - vot) represents in +ve direction while f(x + vot) represents a progressive wave in -ve

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5. A broadside array operating at 100 cm wavelength consist of 4 half-wave dipoles spaced 50
cm apart. Each element carries radio frequency current in the same phase and of magnitude
0.5 A. The radiated power will be
196 W
B.73 W
C.36.5 W
18.25 W
Answer: Option A


P = n . I2 . Rr, where Rr = 80p2 Ω.

n = 4.

This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Magnetostatic Properties”.
1. The magnetostatics highly relies on which property?
a) Resistance
b) Capacitance
c) Inductance
d) Moment
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Answer: c
Explanation: The magnetostatics highly relies on the inductance of the magnetic materials, which
decides its behavior in the influence of magnetic field.

2. The inductance is the measure of

a) Electric charges stored by the material
b) Emf generated by energising the coil
c) Magnetic field stored by the material
d) Magnetization of dipoles
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Answer: b
Explanation: The inductance is a property of an electric conductor/coil which measures the
amount of emf generated by passing current through the coil.

3. Find the total flux in a coil of magnetic flux density 12 units and area 7 units.
a) 0.84
b) 0.96
c) 8.4
d) 9.6
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Answer: a
Explanation: The total flux in a coil is defined by φ = BA, where B = 12 and A = 0.07. On
substituting these values, we get φ = 12 x 0.07 = 0.84 units.

4. Find the energy of a coil of inductance 18mH and current passing through it 1.25A.(in 10-3
a) 14.06
b) 61
c) 46.1
d) 28.12
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Answer: a
Explanation: The magnetic energy possessed by a coil is given by E = 0.5 x LI2. Put L = 18 x 10-3
and I = 1.25, thus we get E = 0.5 x 18 x 10-3 x 1.252 = 14.06 x 10-3 units.
5. Using Maxwell equation which of the following cannot be calculated directly?
a) B
b) D
c) A
d) H
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Maxwell equations can be used to compute E,H,D,B and J directly. It is not
possible to find the magnetic vector potential A directly.

6. Which of the following relation will hold good?

a) D = μ H
b) B = ε E
c) E = ε D
d) B = μ H
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Answer: d
Explanation: The magnetic flux density is the product the permeability and the magnetic field
intensity. This statement is always true for any material (permeability).

7. The permeability and permittivity of air or free space is unity. State true/false.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The permeability and permittivity of free space or air is always unity. This implies
that the air is always ready to store electric or magnetic charges subjected to it.

8. Choose the best relation.

a) A = -Div(V)
b) V = Curl(A)
c) H = -Grad(V)
d) V = Div(E)
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Answer: c
Explanation: For any magnetic field, the magnetic field intensity will be the negative gradient of
the potential of the field. This is given by H = -Grad(V).

9. Find the magnetic field when the magnetic vector potential is a unit vector.
a) 1
b) -1
c) 0
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that H = -Grad(V), where is a unit vector. The gradient of a constant/unit
vector will be zero. Thus the magnetic field intensity will be zero.

10. Find the force experienced by an electromagnetic wave in a conductor?

a) Electrostatic force
b) Magneto static force
c) Electro motive force
d) Lorentz force
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Answer: d
Explanation: The electromagnetic wave experiences Lorentz force which is the combination of
the electrostatic force and magneto static force. It is given by F = QE + Q(V X B).

1. The electric field intensity is defined as

a) Force per unit charge
b) Force on a test charge
c) Force per unit charge on a test charge
d) Product of force and charge
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Answer: c
Explanation: The electric field intensity is the force per unit charge on a test charge, i.e, q1 = 1C.
E = F/Q = Q/(4∏εr2).

2. Find the force on a charge 2C in a field 1V/m.

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: c
Explanation: Force is the product of charge and electric field.
F = q X E = 2 X 1 = 2 N.

3. Find the electric field intensity of two charges 2C and -1C separated by a distance 1m in air.
a) 18 X 109
b) 9 X 109
c) 36 X 109
d) -18 X 109
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Answer: b
Explanation: F = q1q2/(4∏εor2) = -2 X 9/(10-9 X 12) = -18 X 109
E = F/q = 18 X 109/2 = 9 X 109.

4. What is the electric field intensity at a distance of 20cm from a charge 2 X 10-6 C in vacuum?
a) 250,000
b) 350,000
c) 450,000
d) 550,000
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Answer: c
Explanation: E = Q/ (4∏εor2)
= (2 X 10-6)/(4∏ X εo X 0.22) = 450,000 V/m.

5. Determine the charge that produces an electric field strength of 40 V/cm at a distance of 30cm
in vacuum(in 10-8C)
a) 4
b) 2
c) 8
d) 6
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Answer: a
Explanation: E = Q/ (4∏εor2)
Q = (4000 X 0.32)/ (9 X 109) = 4 X 10-8 C.

6. The field intensity of a charge defines the impact of the charge on a test charge placed at a
distance. It is maximum at d = 0cm and minimises as d increases. State True/False
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a test charge +q is situated at a distance r from Q, the test charge will experience
a repulsive force directed radially outward from Q. Since electric field is inversely proportional
to distance, thus the statement is true.

7. Electric field of an infinitely long conductor of charge density λ, is given by E = λ/(2πεh).aN.

State True/False.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The electric field intensity of an infinitely long conductor is given by, E = λ/(4πεh).
(sin α2 – sin α1)i + (cos α2 + cos α1)j
For an infinitely long conductor, α = 0. E = λ/(4πεh).(cos 0 + cos 0) = λ/(2πεh).aN.

8. Electric field intensity due to infinite sheet of charge σ is

a) Zero
b) Unity
c) σ/ε
d) σ/2ε
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Answer: d
Explanation: E = σ/2ε.(1- cos α), where α = h/(√(h2+a2))
Here, h is the distance of the sheet from point P and a is the radius of the sheet. For infinite sheet,
α = 90. Thus E = σ/2ε.

9. For a test charge placed at infinity, the electric field will be

a) Unity
b) +∞
c) Zero
d) -∞
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Answer: c
Explanation: E = Q/ (4∏εor2)
When distance d is infinity, the electric field will be zero, E= 0.

10. In electromagnetic waves, the electric field will be perpendicular to which of the following?
a) Magnetic field intensity
b) Wave propagation
c) Both H and wave direction
d) It propagates independently
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Answer: c
Explanation: In an electromagnetic wave, the electric field and magnetic field will be
perpendicular to each other. Both of these fields will be perpendicular to the wave propagation.

This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Electric Field Density”.

1. The lines of force are said to be

a) Real
b) Imaginary
c) Drawn to trace the direction
d) Not significant
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Answer: c
Explanation: The lines drawn to trace the direction in which a positive test charge will
experience force due to the main charge are called lines of force. They are not real but drawn for
our interpretation.

2. Electric flux density in electric field is referred to as

a) Number of flux lines
b) Ratio of flux lines crossing a surface and the surface area
c) Direction of flux at a point
d) Flux lines per unit area
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric flux density is given by the ratio between number of flux lines crossing a
surface normal to the lines and the surface area. The direction of D at a point is the direction of
the flux lines at that point.

3. The electric flux density is the

a) Product of permittivity and electric field intensity
b) Product of number of flux lines and permittivity
c) Product of permeability and electric field intensity
d) Product of number of flux lines and permeability
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Answer: a
Explanation: D= εE, where ε=εoεr is the permittivity of electric field and E is the electric field
intensity. Thus electric flux density is the product of permittivity and electric field intensity.

4. Which of the following correctly states Gauss law?

a) Electric flux is equal to charge
b) Electric flux per unit volume is equal to charge
c) Electric field is equal to charge density
d) Electric flux per unit volume is equal to volume charge density
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Answer: d
Explanation: The electric flux passing through any closed surface is equal to the total charge
enclosed by that surface. In other words, electric flux per unit volume leaving a point (vanishing
small volume), is equal to the volume charge density.

5. The Gaussian surface is

a) Real boundary
b) Imaginary surface
c) Tangential
d) Normal
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is any physical or imaginary closed surface around a charge which satisfies the
following condition: D is everywhere either normal or tangential to the surface so that D.ds
becomes either Dds or 0 respectively.

6. Find the flux density of a sheet of charge density 25 units in air.

a) 25
b) 12.5
c) 6.25
d) 3.125
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric field intensity of infinite sheet of charge E = σ/2ε.
Thus D = εE = σ/2 = 25/2 = 12.5.

7. A uniform surface charge of σ = 2 μC/m2, is situated at z = 2 plane. What is the value of flux
density at P(1,1,1)m?
a) 10-6
b) -10-6
c) 106
d) -106
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flux density of any field is independent of the position (point). D = σ/2 = 2 X
10-6(-az)/2 = -10-6.

8. Find the flux density of line charge of radius (cylinder is the Gaussian surface) 2m and charge
density is 3.14 units?
a) 1
b) 0.75
c) 0.5
d) 0.25
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Answer: d
Explanation: The electric field of a line charge is given by, E = λ/(2περ), where ρ is the radius of
cylinder, which is the Gaussian surface and λ is the charge density. The density D = εE = λ/(2πρ)
= 3.14/(2π X 2) = 1/4 = 0.25.

9. If the radius of a sphere is 1/(4π)m and the electric flux density is 16π units, the total flux is
given by,
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total flux leaving the entire surface is, ψ = 4πr2D from Gauss law. Ψ = 4π(1/16π2)
X 16π = 4.

10. Find the electric field intensity of transformer oil (εr = 2 approx) with density 1/4π (in 109
a) 2.5
b) 3.5
c) 4.5
d) 5.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: D = εE. E = (1/4π)/(2Xεo) = 4.5 X 109 units.
Q.  Which form of Maxwell's equation specifies the fundamental relationship between the
electric and magnetic fields in time varying field?
- Published on 05 Oct 15

a. Point form
b. Integral form
c. Exponential form
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Point form

Q.  Maxwell's second equation of static field is a point form of _________
- Published on 05 Oct 15

a. Ampere's circuital law

b. Guass's law
c. Lenz law
d. Biot Savart law

ANSWER: Ampere's circuital law

Q.  Which parameter is much larger than the resistance at radio frequencies in RF
- Published on 05 Oct 15

a. Inductive reactance
b. Capacitive susceptance
c. Shunt conductance
d. Series admittance

ANSWER: Inductive reactance

Electromagnetic Theory Questions and
Answers – Maxwell Law
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Maxwell Law”.

1. The divergence of which quantity will be zero?

a) E
b) D
c) H
d) B
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Answer: d
Explanation: The divergence of the magnetic flux density is always zero. This is because of the
non existence of magnetic monopoles in a magnetic field.

2. Find the charge density when the electric flux density is given by 2x i + 3y j + 4z k.
a) 10
b) 9
c) 24
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The charge density is the divergence of the electric flux density by Maxwell’s
equation. Thus ρ = Div (D) and Div (D) = 2 + 3 + 4 = 9. We get ρ = 9 units.

3. Find the Maxwell equation derived from Faraday’s law.

a) Div(H) = J
b) Div(D) = I
c) Curl(E) = -dB/dt
d) Curl(B) = -dH/dt
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Answer: c
Explanation: From the Faraday’s law and Lenz law, using Stoke’s theorem, we get Curl(E) =
-dB/dt. This is the Maxwell’s first law of electromagnetics.

4. Find the Maxwell law derived from Ampere law.

a) Div(I) = H
b) Div(H) = J
c) Curl(H) = J
d) Curl(B) = D
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Answer: c
Explanation: From the current density definition and Ohm’s law, the Ampere circuital law
Curl(H) = J can be derived. This is Maxwell’s second law of electromagnetics.

5. The Faraday’s law states about which type of EMF?

a) Transformer EMF
b) Back EMF
c) Generator EMF
d) Secondary EMF
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Answer: a
Explanation: The stationary loop in a varying magnetic field results in an induced emf due to the
change in the flux linkage of the loop. This emf is called as induced or transformer EMF.

6. In which of the following forms can Maxwell’s equation not be represented?

a) Static
b) Differential
c) Integral
d) Harmonic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maxwell equations can be represented in differential/point form and integral form
alternatively. Sometimes, it can be represented by time varying fields called harmonic form.

7. The charge build up in the capacitor is due to which quantity?

a) Conduction current
b) Displacement current
c) Convection current
d) Direct current
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Answer: b
Explanation: The charge in the capacitor is due to displacement current. It is the current in the
presence of the dielectric placed between two parallel metal plates.

8. In metals which of the following equation will hold good?

a) Curl(H) = J
b) Curl(J) = dD/dt
c) Curl(H) = D
d) Curl(J) = dB/dt
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Answer: a
Explanation: Generally, the Curl(H) is the sum of two currents- conduction and displacement. In
case of metals, it constitutes conduction J and in case of dielectrics, it constitutes the
displacement current dD/dt.

9. Find the flux enclosed by a material of flux density 12 units in an area of 80cm.
a) 9.6
b) 12/80
c) 80/12
d) 12/0.8
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Answer: a
Explanation: The total flux in a material is the product of the flux density and the area. It is given
by flux = 12 x 0.8= 9.6 units.

10. Find the electric flux density of a material with charge density 16 units in unit volume.
a) 1/16
b) 16t
c) 16
d) 162
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Answer: c
Explanation: The electric flux density from Maxwell’s equation is given by D = ∫ ρ dv. On
substituting ρ = 16 and ∫dv = 1, we get D = 16 units

Electromagnetic Theory Questions and

Answers – Maxwell Law 2
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Maxwell Law 2”.

1. Maxwell second equation is based on which law?

a) Ampere law
b) Faraday law
c) Lenz law
d) Coulomb law
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Answer: a
Explanation: The second Maxwell equation is based on Ampere law. It states that the field
intensity of a system is same as the current enclosed by it, i.e, Curl(H) = J.
2. The Maxwell second equation that is valid in any conductor is
a) Curl(H) = Jc
b) Curl(E) = Jc
c) Curl(E) = Jd
d) Curl(H) = Jd
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Answer: a
Explanation: For conductors, the conductivity parameter σ is significant and only the conduction
current density exists. Thus the component J = Jc and Curl(H) = Jc.

3. In dielectric medium, the Maxwell second equation becomes

a) Curl(H) = Jd
b) Curl(H) = Jc
c) Curl(E) = Jd
d) Curl(E) = Jd
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Answer: a
Explanation: In dielectric medium conductivity σ will be zero. So the current density has only
the displacement current density. Thus the Maxwell equation will be Curl(H) = Jd.

4. Find the displacement current density of a material with flux density of 5sin t
a) 2.5cos t
b) 2.5sin t
c) 5cos t
d) 5sin t
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Answer: c
Explanation: The displacement current density is the derivative of the flux density. Thus Jd =
dD/dt. Put D = 5sin t in the equation, we get Jd = 5cos t units.

5. Find the conduction current density of a material with conductivity 200units and electric field
1.5 units.
a) 150
b) 30
c) 400/3
d) 300
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Answer: d
Explanation: The conduction current density is given by Jc = σE, where σ = 200 and E = 1.5.
Thus we get, Jc = 200 x 1.5 = 300 units.
6. Calculate the conduction density of a material with resistivity of 0.02 units and electric
intensity of 12 units.
a) 300
b) 600
c) 50
d) 120
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Answer: b
Explanation: The conduction density is given by Jc = σE, where σ is the inverse of resistivity and
it is 1/0.02 = 50. Thus we get, Jc = 50 x 12 = 600 units.

7. In the conversion of line integral of H into surface integral, which theorem is used?
a) Green theorem
b) Gauss theorem
c) Stokes theorem
d) It cannot be converted
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Answer: c
Explanation: To convert line integral to surface integral, i.e, in this case from line integral of H to
surface integral of J, we use the Stokes theorem. Thus the Maxwell second equation can be
written as ∫H.dl = ∫∫J.ds.

8. An implication of the continuity equation of conductors is given by

a) J = σ E
b) J = E/σ
c) J = σ/E
d) J = jwEσ
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Answer: a
Explanation: The continuity equation indicates the current density in conductors. This is the
product of the conductivity of the conductor and the electric field subjected to it. Thus J = σE is
the implication of the continuity equation for conductors.

9. Find the equation of displacement current density in frequency domain.

a) Jd = jwεE
b) Jd = jwεH
c) Jd = wεE/j
d) Jd = jεE/w
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Answer: a
Explanation: The displacement current density is Jd = dD/dt. Since D = εE and in frequency
domain d/dt = jw, thus we get Jd = jwεE.
10. The total current density is given as 0.5i + j – 1.5k units. Find the curl of the magnetic field
a) 0.5i – 0.5j + 0.5k
b) 0.5i + j -1.5k
c) i – j + k
d) i + j – k
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Answer: b
Explanation: By Maxwell second equation, the curl of H is same as the sum of conduction
current density and displacement current density. Thus Curl(H) = J = 0.5i + j – 1.5k units.

11. At dc field, the displacement current density will be

a) 0
b) 1
c) Jc
d) ∞
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Answer: a
Explanation: The DC field refers to zero frequency. The conduction current is independent of the
frequency, whereas the displacement current density is dependent on the frequency, i.e, Jd =
jwεE. Thus at DC field, the displacement current density will be zero.

12. Both the conduction and displacement current densities coexist in which medium?
a) Only conductors in air
b) Only dielectrics in air
c) Conductors placed in any dielectric medium
d) Both the densities can never coexist
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Answer: c
Explanation: Conduction density exists only for good conductors and displacement density is for
dielectrics in any medium at high frequency. Thus both coexist when a conductor is placed in a
dielectric medium.

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