AIESEC EP Application Form
AIESEC EP Application Form
AIESEC EP Application Form
Working Experience
Please enter any relevant work experience you have had:
Please select a maximum of 20 backgrounds you have which are Academic (A), Working (W) or Both (B).
Accounting Finance
Auditing Banking
Cost Accounting Financial planning & budgeting
Financial Accounting Insurance
Introductory Accounting International Financial Management
Managerial Accounting Introductory Finance
Social accounting Investment & Security Analysis
Social and ethical auditing and reporting
Taxation Human Resources
Advanced HR management
Business Administration Industrial relations
Corporate-community engagement International resource management
Event management Introductory HR Management
Hotel & Restaurant Management Organisational behaviour
Industrial Management Personnel evaluation
International Management Recruitment and allocation
Introductory Management/ Business Admin. Training and development
Law & Business Law
Organisational Management & Planning Information Technology
Project Management Database management
Tourism Network mgmt/data transmission
Transportation/Distribution Management Software development/programming
System Analysis and Design
Development Studies Web development and management
Advanced Development Studies
Introductory Development Studies Marketing
Advertising & Public Relations
Economics Consumer & Buyer Behaviour
Developmental Economics Import - Export
Economic Research & Forecasting International Marketing
Environmental Economics Introductory Marketing
International Trade & Balance of Payment Market Evaluation & Research
Introductory Economics Product Planning, Develop. & Control
Macroeconomics Retail & Sales Marketing
Monetary Economics & Public Finance Other Studies
Political Science Chemical Engineering
Statistics Civil Engineering
Ecology and Environmental Science*
Linguistics Education Electrical Engineering
Advanced Education Electronic Engineering
Introductory Education Industrial Engineering
Linguistics / Languages Introductory Engineering
Introductory Mathematics
Cultural Education Journalism
Introductory Education Mechanical Engineering
Advanced Education
Bilingual and Cross-Cultural Education Social Sciences
International Education Counselling and guidance*
Subjects Education Social Work*
Introductory Education Sociology*
Advanced Education
Section 4: Skills
Please select the skills you have.
*Check this ONLY if you are interested in a Language Teaching (Linguistics) internship and have the required preparation.
Microsoft Access
Personal Skills & Knowledge
Professional Skills
Programming Skills
People Soft
Siebel C#
3D Max Javascript
Auto-CAD JScript
Language Level
English Native Excellent Good Basic
Section 5: Preferences
Technical Traineeship For you with IT, Technical, engineering, biology, architecture background
who would apply for entities/companies which needs your skill, outside
Education Traineeship For you who is passionate in teaching language / subjects in schools, build
curriculum for schools or other educational institutions outside Indonesia.
Development Traineeship Internship which involved projects than is held by AIESEC outside Indonesia
which involve issue such as HIV AIDS, Children, Entrepreneur, Environment.
Inside the project usually involve cultural exchange from people across the
world, road show on the topics of the event, cultural tour and also involve
work with the NGO/ other organization on their CSR Program). It is open for
any person with any educational background.
For how long would you like to go for an internship? (between 2 months – 18 months)
2.5 month
Do you have financial problem to go for this internship (as for Management, Traineeship,
Educational Traineeship you will get salary paid. And for Development Traineeship, only food
and accomodation will be provided. But for all type of internship you have to pay the ticket and
visa application fee by yourself). Answer in a detailed way. Please mention your internship
No I don’t have
1. Please describe your motivation to apply for AIESEC. What do you expect to get from
I want to know everybody all around the world, Increase my skills especially
communication as my way to get my succes
2. How did you first hear about AIESEC and what was your first impression about AIESEC?
When orientation on my campus,I think AIESEC is good, because their will to
keep peace in the world and AIESEC is amazing because we can know
everybody whose have different culture all around the world
3. What are your personal values and how do you show these values in your actions?
I’m a kind person so I show its with development training such as HIV-AIDS
which AIESEC offer to me
4. Please describe a situation that you were in a totally different cultural environment
(Another country, first few days in a new school etc.). How did you feel and how did you
manage to get adapted to the new conditions?
Of course I will be nervous but I will ask all about them,and be friendly with
them so i will be not nervous and I can adapted with them
1. AIESEC Global Exchange Program is an internship program from AIESEC which run through
along the year in AIESEC. What do you expect to get from this program?
A leadership skills,Friend,and increase my knowledge about culture.
2. What is your goals for next five years and how you connect AIESEC Global Exchange Program
to your personal goals?
I want to be a good accounting,a success people. If we want to be success
people,we must study from other people whose have different culture with
us.AISEC Global Exchange Program give me that chance to know other people
and increase my knowledge about people such
3. Try to evaluate yourself (give score 1 to 5), Score “5” if you feel the statement below are
correct and are just like the way you are and score “1” of you feel the statement below are
not correct and not like you at all.
4. Please arrange the following criteria for choosing your internship from the most
important(1) to the least important (6)
a. (..1.) Job Description
b. (..6.) Company type/name
c. (..6.) Salary
d. (..6.) Duration
e. (..1.) Country/City
f. (..1.) Starting date
5. Have you ever worked / closely interact in a group with people from different countries
and / or cultures? Did you come across any problems? How did it influence your
performance in the team?
No I haven’t
6. Do you have any health problem? Do you have problem, if before you go for internship,
some countries might require healthy check?
No I don’t