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Bigger Pay for

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if you're The ending of the war lends a new and mighty impetus to
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You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
Publisht by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. (H, Gernsback, President; S. Gernsback. Treasurer; R. \V. DeMott, Sec'y;) 233 Fulton Street, New York.

Vol. VII. Whole No. 76 Contents for AUGUST, 1919 No. 4

From a painting by George Wall Bv Isabel M. Lewis, of the U. S. Naval Observatory
CAL EXPERIMENTER 296 By John J. Furia, M.A., Dept. of Physics, New York University
By H. Winfield Secor, E.E. GRAPH RECORDS 316
The work of Henry A. Cotton, M.D., How X-Rays of Teeth "BUILDING A MEDICAL COIL SET" 318
may Prevent Disease and Insanity. X-RAY EXPERIMENTS, by Ivan Crawford 319
By George Holmes
CLE, by Dr. Greenleaf Whittier Pickard 325
By Rogers D. Rusk, M.A., Late of the Meteorological Section, By Prof. Lloyd Knoll, A.M.
U. S. Army Signal Corps. TO WAR ON AN AMERICAN DESTROYER, by A. H. WHEDON.. 329


F you had read twenty years ago that it where the density of the air, and consequently the
was considered probable and very possible greater resistance to an airplane, is too high. In order
that in 1919 some one would fly across the to travel at 500 miles per hour, the future airplane must
Atlantic Ocean on canvas wings, propelled offer as little surface to the air as possible. It should
by a gas engine, at a speed of 100 miles have no struts, wires, or stays. It probably will fly at a
an hour, you naturally would have turned height of 5,000 feet or more, decreasing its speed as it
away impatiently at such childish nonsense. Moreover, approaches the earth. 1,000 miles an hour? Yes, man
you probably would have doubted the sanity of the will do it. It is not only possible, but very probable. It
writer but even Jules Verne with his most prolific and
will be accomplished in a machine which bears but little
prophetic mind never prophesied the 1919 trans-Atlantic resemblance to our present-day airplane. Moreover, it
flight in a heavier-than-air machine. will be absolutely necessary to rise at least to 25,000 feet
This naturally brings us face to face with the future. above the earth, as otherwise the dense air will tear the
Tho prophesying, as a -rule, is bad business, there are machine apart, unless it were constructed entirely of
certain scientific subjects that can be predicted safely, metal. But because very much less power is required
basing the prediction on mathematical as well as purely at the level of 25,000 feet, future express airplanes will
scientific grounds.
prefer the high altitudes.

The question before us is How fast is it possible for

We might mention, en passant, that if you were in a
machine flying at a steady speed of 1,039 miles per hour,
man to travel thru the air? Theoretically at least,
also supposing you had enough fuel to stay up 24 hours,
there is no limit to the speed at which a human being
the following historical event would take place. Start-
can travel.
ing at noon and flying due West along the equator, with
Airplanes already have covered over 200 miles an hour the sun above your head, the sun will not set for you on
without discomfort to the aviator. At this point we that memorable day. It will be directly overhead, as
venture to say that should the speed be increased over long as you keep on going, for you will now be flying at
300 miles per hour, the aviator will probably be very the rotational speed of the earth, which is 1,039 miles
uncomfortable, due to the terrific rush of air. Even at an hour. Looking down you will see the earth make one
100 miles per hour the air lashes the face of an aviator complete revolution you will have seen every point and

badly. Therefore, flying above 300 miles per hour, he every continent along the equator. But 1,000 miles per
will have to sit in a cabin surrounded by glass, where hour is very tame. The earth in its orbital motion
the rush of the air cannot be felt. Suppose we increase around the sun rushes thru space at the terrific rate of
the speed to 500 miles. What happens ? Nothing. This 65.533 miles an hour; Venus at 77,054 and Mercury at
speed is so probable that it will no doubt be reached be- 105,325 miles per hour. So let us be hopeful
fore 1925 possibly much sooner.
But we think such
speeds will not be reached near the surface of the earth H. Gernsback.

The ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER is publisht on the 15th of each month at 233 tions cannot be returned unless fullpostage has been Included. ALL accepted contribu-
Fulton Street, New York. There are 12 numbers per year. Subscription price is $2.00 a tions are paid for on publication. A special rate is paid for novel experiments; good
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well as U. S. stamps accepted (no foreign coins or stamps). Single copies, 20 cents each. ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER. Monthly. Entered as second-class matter at th»
A sample copy will be sent gratis on request. Checks and money orders should be drawn New York Post Office under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Title registered U. S-
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The ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER is for sale at all newsstands in tne United States
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ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER, 233 Fulton Street, New York. Unaccepted contribu- Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation.


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-'A i Ml S f&> tit

It contains the follow-
ing 44 chemicals:
Alum A1 2 (S04 ) 3 (NH 4 2 SO,

Antimony (powdered) (Sb)

Ammonium Aqua
(NH 3 +H 20)

m «^ JL

Ammonium Carbonate
(NH 4 2 COa

AmmoniumChloride ( NH 4 C1 "The Joy of Father and Boy."

Ammonium Sulphate
(NH 2 S04
Barium Chloride (BaCI 2 )
Boric Acid (H3BO3)
Brimstone (Sulphur) (S)
Calcium Chloride (CaCl 2 )
Calcium Oxide (CaO)
Calcium Sulphate
(CaS0 4 2 H 20)
Charcoal (Carbon) (C)
Chloride of Zinc (ZnClo)
Copper Sulphate (CuS6 4 )
Ferrous Sulphate (FeS0 4
Ferrous Sulphide (FeS)
Glycerol (Glycerine)
Chemical Laboratory
C3 H 5 (OH) 3
Hydrochloric Acid (HC1)
Wepresent herewith to our friends our new E. I. Co. Chemical Labora-
Iodine (1) tory which contains real chemicals and apparata to perform real chemical
Iron Chloride (FeCl 2 ) experiments. This outfit is not a toy, put up merely to amuse, but a
Iron Oxide (Fe 2 3 )
Lead Acetate Pb (C 2 H 3 O l ). practical laboratory set, with all the chemicals, apparata and reagents
Litmus Paper
Magnesium Carbonate necessary to perform real work and to teach the beginner all the secrets
<MgC03 ) of inorganic chemistry. With this outfit we give free a book containing
Manganese Dioxide (Mn0 2 )
Mercury (Quicksilver) (Hg) a Treatise in Elementary Chemistry, useful data and recipes, and 100
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Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Carbonate (Na 2 C0 3 )
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) The
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Sodium Sulphite (Na 2 S0 3 )
supplied (mostly one to two ounces) enough to make Atomic weights of the Elements; Measures of Weights.
Stannous Chloride (SnCl,) dozens of experiments with each. See list of Chemi- Volume, Capacity and Length; Per Cent solutions;
Sulphate of Nickel (NiS0 4 ) cals herewith. Conversion of Measure expressed in parts; Poisons
Sulphate of Zinc (ZnS0 4 ) The apparata furnished are all of the best obtainable and their antidotes; Technical and common name of
Sulphuric Acid (H 2 S0 4 ) make and of standard laboratory size and shape. A
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Zinc. (Metal) (Zn) outfit is printed also herewith.
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You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to adi'ertisers.
A IRPLANES, plus radio-telephone aviator, has b^een employed to operate the
/\ equipment, have found a brand- machine. His duties are to carry the ranch
/ \ new peace-time —
utility watching manager from one part of the 250-mile,
•r- for forest fires in the vast govern-
ment timber preserves, and also
Used to Wsvttclh Gir<s^t 100,000-acre wheat ranch to other fields.
A wireless telephone in the airplane enables
for supervising the operation of large Fosrestts dirndl IRgiii&cIhies the manager to keep in constant communi-
ranches, such as those embracing thousands cation with the ranch headquarters.
of acres and found frequently in the great The airplane as part of a farm equip- Not only can the manager or superin-
Western farming regions. Some of these ment is now a reality. It makes its appear- tendent immediately report back to the
farms and ranches are so large that it ance at Hardin, Mont., on the wheat ranch ranch headquarters, by radio-telephone, but
takes a superintendent all day to make an owned and controlled by John Pierpont he can give local orders to gang or section
inspection trip across the ranch, even with Morgan and other New York capitalists. foremen by means of small radio receiving
a high-powered automobile. Erhardt Schmitt, former American army {Continued on page 364)






Copyright. 1919. by E. P. Co,

Two New and Important Peace-time Uses for Radio-equipt Airplanes — Watching for Forest Fires and Inspecting Large Farms and Ranches.



Types of Uosimlbs asset Mow to If airsdlle Tlbvesna.

O mention of
his name,
the thought of bombs,

Bureau of Combustibles,
There are two oppo-
nents, a

with me.
bomb and
Eagan, but Dame Ex-
perience is


anarchistic plots and nation has been brok-
(explosives flood the If you should receive what you be- en down and then the
TOUCH OUTWIT ANARCHISTS mind. Seated at his lieve to be a bomb or infernal ma- "guests" are called
chine thru the mails or by messenger
YVHe fans afcA detectives in
deverdsovisesaaveSt Patrick's
desk, I found a man 1. LEAVE IT ALONE, and there on the
Cathedral han destruction by of sixty years, of 2. DO NOT PLACE IT IN WATER, table before them in
A/vvchistt'bornbs-New York medium height and 3. CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, various groups are
massive proportions OR IF IT IS NOT CONVENIENT, explosives, timing de-
head covered with OFFICER, WHO WILL AT ONCE vices, detonators, ig-
curly gray locks. His NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPART- nition mixtures, acids,
pouacxnwrr anarchists MENT, AND HAVE THE EXPERT vials, batteries, wires,
WWe fuses sizzle, detectives in COME TO INSPECT THE SUS- fuses and the "bomb-
cievaralacMsesssveStPatrick's PACKAGE IMMEDI-
Cathedral tram destruction by
Section of a Film ATELY. maker's camouflage".
Anarchists' bombs-New York
Oty. Story of Mr. Owen It is a common but fallacious rule Now the wheels of-
Eagan's Exploits in
among the general public, that in Justice are set in mo-
order to be safe with a bomb or in-
"Bombland." For fernal machine, it should at once be tion and the search
Years Inspector Eagan placed in a pail of water. If the bomb for the bomb-maker
POUCE OUTWIT ANARCHISTS or infernal machine has a fuse at-
While fuses sizzle, detectives in
Has Inspected Infernal
tached to it, and the fuse may be seen
cieverdisguisesseveSt Patrick's Machines by the Hun- burning or sputtering, then drop the Since the discovery
Cathedral from destruction by dred and Still Lives to bomb in water, which method usually and use of gunpow-
Anarchists' bombs-New York
is efficacious in making it harmless,
Tell the Tale. der, bombs of vari-
as the lighted fuse is at once extin-
guished, but the best advice is to ous types have been
leave the house. used.
However, when this lighted fuse is
POLICE tt}rw"ANARCHISTS eyes are of piercing NOT PLAINLY EVIDENT on the The First New York
While fuses sizzle, detectives
clever disguises saveSt Patrick's
un steelgray and he has bomb or infernal machine, IT
Bomb Outrages.
an ever-ready smil-
Cathedral from destruction by
Anarchists' bombs—New York ing countenance. A WATER, as many of these hellish The first ofseries
devices are chemically or electrically
firm hand clasp told operated. Another possibility likely bomb outrages
of a man of power, to occur, if the suspected bomb or New York, from 1902
youthful in spirit, a package is placed in water, is that to 1910, known as
some of them are made up in part of the "Blackhand
POUCE 0uw"aWRCH6TS believer in the great certain chemicals which will explode
While fuses sizzle, detectives in
out-doors, a staunch as soon as the water reaches them. Bombs," occurred in
clever disguisessa veSt Patrick's
American who cher- There is an added probability that if the Italian section,
Cathedral from destruction by
the package or bomb is immersed in and these were chief-
Anarchists' bombs-New York ishes a long and last- water, the reaction between the water
ing friendship with and the chemical may give rise to a ly of the nitro-glycer-
violent and persistent combustion, in group, manually
that Great American,
r it i

ifl Theodore Roosevelt.

the flames of which will set fire to ignited. Dynamite
the house. In some of these con-
trivances there is a second compart- was placed in olive
Mr. Eagan Classifies ment containing a high explosive, oil cans and ignited
the Bombs. which can be ignited by heat, and by a time fuse which
where such a condition as outlined
We will now let may occur, it is at once apparent the "dynamiter"
Mr. Eagan tell of that the heat due to the combustion lighted and walked
of the initial chemical may generate away to await devel-
h,is bombs. Among sufficient heat to detonate the explo-
other things. Mr. sive, with possibly fatal results. opments.
Eagan said : A large number of
Bombs may be Pill
bombs of the alka-
classified into four lin metallic nitrat
types, according to group were made dur-
the explosives used Every bomb presents a new problem as
Nitro-cellulose, Ni- regards its envelope, contents and con-
struction, and the best means of opening
tro-glycerin, i t r o- N it without causing it to explode and send
Another view of the
benzol, Alkalin me- "Animated Weekly"
tallic nitrat mix- me "West." Everything is filled with un- Film Story of Inspec-
certainty at this stage. The task requires tor Eagan's Great
ingenuity, nerve, precision and firmness Work —that of Official
These explosives Bomb Opener to the
permit of many com- of hand, which is essential to a surgeon City of New
in performing a very delicate operation. His is the Only Job
binations and varied that 'Has no "Waiting
In both cases, a life is in the balance.
means of igniting List" of Future Aspir-
them. Bombs may These qualities cannot be gained by study, ants.
but must be secured by experience cover-
be further classified
ing many years.
according to the
method of ignition We now enter the second phase of the
used Manual, Me-
work. now necessary for me to class-
It is ing this period. These
chanical Electrical, ify and analyze the layout, materials, consisted of various
Chemical. methods and plan of the bomb maker. nitrats and chlorats
The container or What's in the vial? Why
the wire? and were exploded bv
envelope of a bomb Where is it attached? W'hat's this pow- time fuses manually
maybe anything from der? Is it a mixture of several chemical ignited. Some were
a newspaper wrapt substances? Why
this and why that? Two, of the grenade type
around the explo- four, seven compartments, everything in- and were hurled at
sives to ironpipes, terlocking! Can't see the battery, detonat- the victims.
ice cream freezers, ing cap Can't pull its "teeth"
! ! Most of the bombs
violin cases, cigar The scene is set in someone's home or
of this period were
boxes, bottles filled office,sometimes it is my laboratory; every of a crude design
with concrete and all one has gone the windows have been
and were made from
imaginable kinds of raised, doors opened to relieve the com- articles of every day
wrappers. pression in the event of an explosion. (Cont. on page 341)

(Exclusive Story of Mr. Eaoan's Bomb Exploits on Opposite Page.) Copyright 1919 by B. P. Co.

CIENCE moves in mysterious ways, ties it is difficult to build even small rail- dise as by multiplying its everyday utilities,

her wonders to perform" to para- roads, and it doesn't pay to build any ex- the practical development of aircraft is
well-known biblical tensive trackage for such log railroads, as bound to result. This country, as well as
"S' phrase the
passage, and never was this demon- they are not apt to be used for any great every other power, is keen, of course, to
strated more pertinently than at length of time. Therefore, the tank tractors develop aircraft to the highest pinnacle
the present time, when we find many of the should prove very useful, as they can travel of practicability. The U. S. Army, as
great World War's deadly inventions being over practically any kind of ground, in- well as the Navy Department, has only
converted to peacetime uses. Everybody cluding ditches and even over logs. It will recently put up a stiff fight for many mil-
is being benefited by the industrial applica- be remembered that; during operations in lions of dollars with which to carry on
tion of some of the greatest inventions yet the World War the tanks could crawl over much-needed airplane developments. One
perfected by man, and many thousands more great shell holes, trenches and brooks. of the best ways to train fliers, especially
will live to reap the benefits accruing from This application should provide some fine in this country, where a large standing
the as yet undreamt-of applications for chances for those of our Tanks Corps army or navy personnel is never maintained,
both business and pleasure, of airplanes, soldiers who are aching for army life will be without a doubt to encourage in
tanks, wireless devices, submarines, and a and the ups and downs met with in the every way possible the commercial applica-
thousand and one other attainments of the everyday career of a "tank rider." These tion of flying machines of all types. Already
world's master scientific minds. tanks can haul tremendously heavy loads in England a piano has been transported
and resemble in their operating character- across the English Channel by airplane, and
A semi-humorous application of the istics the work of the famous elephants of airplanes are at present available which can
Meissner airfone, described elsewhere in India, who pick up with their trunks giant lift very heavy loads, and, morever, they
this number, is shown in Fig. 1. This de- timbers 30 to 40 feet long and measuring are daily becoming more reliable and less
vice, which is very simple in construction, 8 to 10 inches square. liable to accident, should any part of the
resembles a speaking tube in form, but in-
corporates several novel and distinct im-
Airplanes —oodles of them —will soon be
machinery fail while in the air. Hun-
dreds of people of course take one look
flying over our heads every day allover
provements, among others, an acoustic am- at an airplane, especially when it is ascend-
plifier, making the device very efficacious ing or descending in flight, and are satis-
for carrying on conversation between the fied keep both feet on old terra firma.
pilot and observer in an airplane, where it However, some of the latest types of air-
is extremely difficult to hear under ordinary planes are guaranteed to right themselves
conditions, due to the great noise of the and land safely, even if the engine stops
engine. A new application of this device is H^simlbes 3
of ilhe in mid air and the control cables become
here suggested, namely, to muffle the ever-
present and detestable "movie pest." Not
Electrical tied or ruptured. See Fig. 4.

only do we find these miserable atoms of E-xqp ©Ti mm <e m t ei3 Liquid Fire, as shown in Fig. 5, should
prove efficacious for several industrial
humanity in the dark quiet of the movie Sir William Crookes' Psychical Re- uses, such as burning off paint from iron
theater, but also in all of the regular and
searches, by Hereward Carrington, steel structures, vessels, etc., and, ac-
theaters. These brilliant insects must have cording to H. Gernsback, also for blazing
Ph.D., Scientific Proof of the Exist-
seen some of the shows which we hap- a path or hole thru ice jams, which fre-
pened to frequent, about 999 times, so re- — ence of Psychic Force, as inves-
tigated by one of the world's fore-
quently prove extremely dangerous during
plete is their knowledge of the "star" and the American winters, when they clog
"staress" and all the lesser satellites appear- most scientists.
rivers and streams, as well as dams. Under
ing in the play. They will tell you loudly Paris Letter — the Latest Electrical certain conditions it might also be used to
the climax half an hour before it comes and Scientific News from French blaze paths thru jungle brush.
off and so on. So, thanks to the Meissner Laboratories, Jacques
Scientific by The Geophone is a remarkable physical
airfone, it should not be so very long be- Boyer. instrument greatly improved and perfected
fore "us ordinary mortals" shall be able to
Practical Experiments in Chemis- during the war by the engineers connected
go to the theater and enjoy a performance
without having one of these human dra- try, by Albert IV. U'ilsdon —An every- with the Allied technical staffs, and used
matic compendiums racing along two knots day plain English talk on the cleans- with great success for the purpose of lo-
cating enemy artillery and other military
ahead of us, all the way thru the play ing of clothes.
and telling his sweetheart every move just operations. Now it has found a distinct
Thcrmo-Electricity, by Thomas W. peacetime use. See Fig. 6. The saving
before it happens. Some of you may like
Benson. of many miners' lives has been made pos-
your entertainments served up that way
The Mystery of Atmospheric Elec- sible, thanks to the Geophone, which can
as for us, we object
detect sound vibrations thru the earth at
by Rogers D. Rusk, MA.
A very good use for the Boche's far- surprisingly long distances. It has been
famed Poison Gas is shown in Fig. 2. What How to Make a Machine for Tel- used successfully in some Government mine
better application than to annihilate the rats egraphing Pictures, zvritten especial- tests to pick up the sound of a pick-axe

by asphyxiation "sauce for the goose is ly for our young readers by Ameri- at a distance of about one-quarter mile.
sauce for the gander." The Germans ca's greatest tele-photographic ex- There is nothing electrical about the Geo-
thought they had something brand new in pert,Leroy J. Leishman. phone. It is purely mechanical and acoustic
strictly war inventions when they tried
Experiments in Physics Illusions, — in its function. It operates on the principle
poison gas on the Allies, but among other that the inertia of a small lead weight
by John J. Furia, M.A.
recent applications of this invention to within the instrument, and which is se-
peacetime utilities and requirements was New American Salvage Device for cured to a set of diaframs, will tend to
that of killing rats. Of course it goes with- Raising Sunken Ships A most timely — hold its initial position whenever an earth-
out saying that before injecting a few and important article, by Joseph H. borne sound vibration, for instance, hap-
dozen cubic feet of mustard or chlorin gas Kraus. pens to affect it. The other part of the
into a rat hole, that you had best pro- Latest Amateur Radio Receiving instrument moves and the lead weight tends
vide yourself with a guaranteed gas mask Apparatus, by Charles IV. Noller. to remain stationary in the same manner
and also buy a few dozen corks with which
to plug up the other openings in the walls

Light Houses How They Signal,
as your body sways forward due to its
inertia when a car suddenly stops. The
or floor boards. Give it a trial, ladies and by A. H. Whedon. relative movement of the diafram to which

gents it's the "kaiser" of all rat killers. Electrical Detective to Register the weight is attached with respect to the
Your Chauffeur s Joy Rides, by movement of the casing sets up an air
Embryonic Tanks were already in use for
agricultural and other purposes long be-
Thomas Reed. wave, and this is transmitted to the ears
Latest Developments in Flying. thru a rubber tube, in the same way as a
fore the World War, and in fact the first
tanks used by the British Army on the
physician's stethoscope works. By means
of this wonderful instrument, therefore, it
battlefields of France were reconstructed Hlllllllllll
is now possible to actually locate entombed
agricultural tractors, built in United
miners at considerable distances. Commu-
States. These tractors were armed with America. Many
people have an idea that
nication with them is also possible by
steel plates and fitted with rapid-firing guns. the airplane is a peacetime luxury, not to
The illustration, Fig. 3, shows another ap- this means. Knowing the location of the
mention a wartime necessity. But such
entrapt men, it becomes much more ex-
plication besides that of the usual plow- is not the case. If for no other reason
peditious to carry on rescuing and ex-
ing and cultivating operations that of — the airplane has come to stay in its every-
cavating operations in order to save them.
hauling large logs in the lumbering dis- day application to the transportation of
tricts of the great West. In these locali- mail and the lighter classes of merchan- {Continued on page 365)




Full description on opposite page. Copyright, 1919. by E. P. Co.

THE World War has, if nothing else,

brought to light the great flexibility
and usefulness of explosives such as
[ow lOeeiiPlcIt^ Plkas ated by a hand-operated
magneto type. The dynamo is placed in a
substantial cabinet to stand hard usage such
of the

dynamite, not for the purpose of an- as is encountered in blasting work, with a
nihilating men and cities, but for the handle protruding from the top of the box
more human, utilitarian purpose of level- containing it. This handle is attached to a
ing uneven and rocky ground, blasting out gear rack and pinion, the pinion being se-
stumps from previously wooded ground. cured to the shaft of the dynamo, so that


Properly placed block- hole blast.
note location
A SMALL DITCH of explosive
LINE OF HOLES LOAD- cap. tight


c "



a well locateq muocap

the covering of muo sh0u10
be at least 6 inches deep
And free from stones.





Illustrating a Few of the Wonders Which Dynamite Plus Electricity Accomplish Every Day All Over America. Stumps Are Cleared Out
Boulders Shattered — Ditches Constructed and Even the Courses of Rivers and Streams Altered. Verily the Face of Nature is Changed
By Man.
and breaking up rock. Again, brooks and discussion, the practical application of
is when the handle is drawn up and then
irrigating streams are rapidly "dug" in a explosives to the everyday requirements of quickly deprest, the armature of the dy-
single day by the use of dynamite plus elec- the tiller of the soil and those who are namo will be spun rapidly, thus generating
tricity, under the highly developed methods interested in improving wooded or rock a current of fairly high potential.
now available for applying explosives, and strewn property. The electric detonator used in blasting,
even the course of a river has been changed The Electrical Detonator. comprises a small copper shell, in which an
in the twinkling of an eye. In "blasting by electricity," use is made explosive charge is placed. Two insulated
What we are interested in, in the present of a slight electric current usually gener- {Continued on page 351)

>st Omrse—= Iimfecttedl Ted

The WoA of HEH1RY A.
medical director new jersey state hospital, trenton,
n. j.

How X^lFLs^s oif Teeftlhv Ms^ Pireveiratt Disease siimcril Ijmsairiin^

INVESTIGATIONS in the last few infected roots, when to casual inspection thy of saving! Naturally, these should
years, by both dentists and physicians, the teeth may seem to be healthy and wor- immediately be extracted.
have shown conclusively "Each individual should know
that the greatest menace to AILMENTS FREQUENTLY whether or not he is harboring
the health of the human CAUSED BY INFECTED dangerous infection, which may
race today is to be found in the
not only undermine his general
bad condition of the teeth of a ABCESS UNDER TOOTH health but may endanger his
large majority of the populace. UNDER TOOTH
The instinct of the individual is APPARENTLY LOOK SOUND
With this knowledge
of the
directed toward saving the danger of infected teeth, all per-
teeth, and, unfortunately, a sons should insist upon a thoro
large proportion of the dentists IF TOOTH IS CAPPED examination of their teeth by
foster this instinct, and in con- DISCHARGE MUSTFINO means of the X-ray and not take
sequence, teeth are capt and OUTLET. AND FILTERS the word of a dentist who mere-
otherwise repaired by expensive TISSUE TILL IT FINDS ly inspects the teeth and pro-
bridgezvork in order to save A WEAK SPOT, USUALLY nounces them all right. The
the teeth, when from the stand- AN ORGAN GLAND. failure of the dentist to recog-
point of the patient's subse- A SECONDARY FOCUS nize the existence of root infec-
quent ill-health, these teeth OF INFECTION IS tion and the practise of putting
should be extracted. Happily, in pivots, gold crowns and

greatest danger, the big-
curse of humanity today,
Dr. Cotton proves to us that it is
wrong to cap or crown devitalized
are infected teeth. Millions of teeth as they will positively make
people are dying of all sorts of dis- serious trouble sooner or later. Such
eases, caused directly by infected teeth should all be extracted imme-
teeth. Inflammatory rheumatism, in- diately; they are the seat of nine-
sanity, chronic stomach diseases, tenths of all our modern diseases.
Bright's disease, nervous diseases, This article is one of the most
all these are now attributed to in- important we have publisht for a
fected teeth. The work of Henry A. very long time, and we urge every
Cotton, Medical Director of the reader not only to carefully read it,
State Hospital of Trenton, N. J., is but to spread its gospel among
of such epoch-making and tremen- friends. It will save thousands upon
dous importance that every human thousands of Jives.
being ought to know of it. —EDITOR.

the best dentists have realized bridge work, without first tak-
for some years that serious re- ing radiographs of these teeth
sults frequently follow such to be sure that there are no in-
procedures and have warned fected roots, has sounded the
the profession against this dan- death knell of many people, for
ger. This subject has received when the infection has invaded
special attention by Dr. Henry other organs it is often too late
A. Cotton, Medical Director for extraction of the teeth to
New Jersey State Hospital, be of any benefit. No matter if
Trenton, N. J., who in a recent the teeth give no trouble or if
statement on the importance of one feels perfectly healthy at
X-raying the teeth, has the fol- the present time, if he has had
lowing to say any dental work done at any
"Unfortunately for the pa- time, lie should insist upon his
tient, infected teeth may not dentist radiographing his teeth
and often do not cause any so that he will not be the victim
symptoms which would lead one of a false security and finally
to believe that anything is wrong succumb to a fatal disease, which
with his teeth. This type might have been prevented
of infection is what is if he had taken the precau-
known as chronic in con- tion mentioned.
tradistinction to an acute
infection, and does not The Cause of Infected Teeth
cause pain, pus or swelling, "The public naturally in-
and frequently no rise in quires : 'Why do we have
temperature. Hence, there such bad teeth today when
are no symptoms which di- our parents and grandpar-
rect the patient's attention ents did not have these con-
to this condition, and often ditions, or, at least, did not
they are amazed when they have these fatal diseases?'
are told that they have in- There are several reasons
fected teeth and that they for this. In the first place,
must have a certain number our forefathers did not
extracted if they wish to bother with dentists ex-
recover from their particu- cept to have an offending
lar illness. The question tooth extracted. In the sec-
is often asked, 'How are we ond place, modern dentistry
to know that teeth which had not developed to the
give no evidence to the pa- point of expensive repair
tient of serious and often and preservation of the
dangerous infection, and teeth as we know it today,
externally give no evidence lit has been estimated that
to the dentist of such con- 80 per cent, of the people
dition, are infected'? The who have had repair work
answer to this is the X-ray, done, even in the most ex-
and a more general use of pensive and latest manner,
this very simple and harm- have infected teeth which
less procedure will reveal may become a menace to
to the dentist as well as to their health at any time.
Taking X-Ray Photos of the Teeth at New Jersey State Hospital Laboratory.
the patient the existence of Arrow Indicates the Small Plate Holder About to Be Placed in the Mouth. {Continued on page 345)

Fig. 5. This Illustrates the Propulsion of the Wheelless Gliding Train. The Two Hydraulic Shoes Glide On a Film of Comprest Water Squirt-
ing from Underneath the Shoes. The water is Recovered by Suction from the Same Shoe So None is Lost. (See Fig. 3.) The Train Itself
is Kept Upright On a Single Track by Means of a Gyroscope, While the Cars Are Propelled by Powerful Electro-magnets, the Contacts of
Which Are Closed Automatically by the Train as It Moves Along. These Gliding Railroads, Having No Friction, Work So Easily that a
Child Can Push Along a Car With Its Passengers.

of the steam locomo- At that
SINCE thetheadvent
tive in of the
50's Cen-
been perfected
time, however,
a small way.
technical obstacles
tury, noprogress whatsoever has AetUa^ll^ E>xdst©dl made the project impossible, but all of
been made as far as speed of our these objections have now been overcome
railways is concerned. We are to- lira IFV^saee by new inventions and methods which we
day not riding faster either in our electric will discuss more fully.
or steam railways than our grandfathers they run now without encouraging acci-
did 60 years ago. It is true that we have dents such as collisions, derailments, etc. Principle of Gliding Railroads.
greatly improved everything else as far as As far as the present day railroad is con- Let us turn to Fig. 1 which gives us the
comfort, safety, etc. is concerned, but the cerned, it is not possible to increase its principle of the gliding railroad. Take two
speed has not been in- smooth pieces of glass, such
creased whatsoever. Sixty ^™ as are used for photographic
miles an hour was an every- plates. Boil them in water,
day occurrence sixty years
ago, and was attained by
THIS is the story of a most extraordinary railway which at one time
existed in France. Its inventor was killed by the invading Germans
until the gelatin comes off
and clean thoroly. Use one
many trains. Today, the in 1870. A railroad that is practical and which has demonstrated large plate and one small
average speed of the steam its successful operation. It is practically frictionless and can move plate as shown in illustra-
or electrical railways does SAFELY with a speed of one hundred miles an hour. It will be in use tion. Dip the two plates
not approach more than 50 thruout the world. into water, and place the
miles. small plate on top of the
Present Disgraceful Con- 1 larger. be seen that
It will
ditions. the small plate will glide
What are we to do? In our big cities we speed at all. There is, however, one solu- with remarkable ease over the large plate.
are running street-cars on the surface, tion, an invention which dates back to 1852. The important thing to note is that the
trains on elevated railroads and down in we refer to the Gliding Railroad which ac- two plates do not touch. They are sup-
the subways. The more roads we build, tually had been tried in France, and had ported by a thin film of water, hence the
the more acute becomes the shortage of top plate glides on an exceedingly thin
transportation as far as passengers are con- water film. As we move the plates back
cerned, and in any big city transportation and forth we squeeze out the water little
facilities are always woefully behind the by little, and as soon as the plates touch,
actual demand. In the morning everyone the free movement will stop. Were we to
goes to business about the same time and drill a hole in the top plate and attach a
in the evening everyone must ride home small tube to it containing water under
our so-called rush-hours. The density of pressure, we could then for a long time
travel thus become enormous, particularly move the plate back and forward with very
in cities like New York or Chicago, where considerable ease ; we would then always
conditions, as is well known, are intolerable, maintain a good water film on which our
and in many cities, disgraceful. If it were top plate could glide.
possible to operate our railroads with Exactly this is the principle of the glid-
safety only two or three times as fast as ing railroads, first invented by L. D. Gir-
they are running now, it stands to reason Fig. The Principle of the Gliding Railway.
1. ard, a great French engineer. Already in
that everybody would have a seat, an im- Two Glass Plates Are Dipt Into Water. The 1852 M. Girard proposed to replace the
possible condition now. Upper Plate Will Glide With Astonishing ordinary railways by means of hydraulic
Ease. The Two Plates Do Not Touch. A
We cannot run our trains faster than Thin Water Film Separates Them. propulsion. He was quite successful with

his firstmodels and in 1854 he shown in Fig. 2. Running near

conceived the idea to replace the Hnoier
Water Sue /ion iVoler pressure Suord roil Sleeper the edge of the hydraulic shoe
wheels' by means of hydraulic will be found an annular suc-
skates gliding over flat rails. By Hoil
tion chamber which is con-
means of this method, he did RAIL nected to a suction tube. It
away entirely with all friction will be realized that as quickly
for the reason that he inter- as the water is prest out
posed between the skate and the Top View of Hydroulic Shoe from under the shoe, it must
track a film of water under .Body of cor pass the suction chamber, and
pressure. At first M. Girard here it is sucked back to the
was using comprest air, but water reservoir of the train to
he found that it was necessary Water pressure Suction tube
be used all over again. With
to use water under pressure be- this ingenious arrangement, it

cause air did not give satisfac- will be readily seen that practi-
tory results. cally no water is lost except a
minute quantity used in wetting
Railroad was Actually in Use. the rail, and this loss per train
Water-' Suction chamber '

He actually constructed on his Cross Section of Length
amounts to only a gallon or two
Cross Section at Width
property de la Jonchere, near per mile, even for a heavy train.
Paris, such a wheelless railroad Fig. 2. Showing the Construction of the Hydraulic Shoe in Several
A very important, and as a
which had no locomotive, the matter of fact, the most im-
Views. The Water Is Pumped Into the Shoe Under High Pressure.
cars of the train gliding on a portant part of this railway is,
As the Water Leaves the Shoe, It Is Sucked Back Thru the Suction
film of water. The propulsion Chambers. that as the cars glide on water
The Hydraulic Shoe Cannot Leave the Track On
of the train itself was affected they can be made to run with
Account of the Guard Rails. (See Upper Right Hand Detail Sketch.)
by a sort of turbine arrange- marvelous case.
ment whereby a stationary water
jet was hurled against stationary vanes No Water Is Lost. Child Can Pull Train.
mounted under the cars. In other words, the However, another French M. Girard already demonstrated that
train acted as the stationary part of a tur-
engineer, M. a six year old child could move a stand-
Barre had the happy idea to recover nearly
bine, while water jets placed alongside the ard railway car rapidly over a track, so
all the water, and this arrangement is also
road, and operating automatically, pushed easily does such a railway operate. The
the train along. This railroad worked very reason is of course that no metal of the
well and actually transported passengers in train touches the track, therefore nearly all
a limited degree. In 1869 M. Girard ob- friction is supprest. By actual experiments
tained a concession from the French Gov- it has been shown that M. Girard's cars
ernment to run a wheelless railroad line could be moved with a weight one half of
from Paris to Argenteuil. Unfortunately, one thousandth of the weight of the car.
the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 then In other words, a railroad car weighing
broke out and his experimental railroad at several tons can be pushed along rapidly
de la Jonchere was ruined by the Germans with an expenditure of a few pounds of
and Girard himself was killed. Neverthe- energy. The water film itself is of course
less, the principle had been proven sound exceedingly thin, measuring only from one-
by actual practise. There is no reason why half to three-quarters of a millimeter. In
with modern methods and improvements it other words, not much thicker than six
cannot be made a huge success. sheets of paper on which this story is
In our Fig. 2 is shown one of Girard's printed. Nor was the water pressure as
hydraulic skates or shoes and its operation. high as one might think at first 10 lbs. :

M. Girard's train had two fiat rails, and per square centimeter.
each car had four hydraulic skates or shoes M. Girard found his greatest trouble in
which replaced the usual wheels. Fig. 2 two points. First, he had trouble with his
shows three views of the shoe. It will be rails at the point where the latter con-
noted that water pressure is supplied to the nected. It is of course necessary that a
shoe which fills the interior fully. As soon railway of this kind should have an ex-
as the pressure becomes high enough, it is ceedingly smooth metal rail which must
obvious that the water must escape by rais- Suction chamber Wafer pressure chamber u not have any uneveness whatsoever. Also
ing the shoe clear from the rail, providing where the rails join, it was found neces-
enough pressure is used. While the water Fig. 3. A Modified Form of the Hydraulic sary to interpose pieces of leather or soft
Shoe. It Works Similarly to the One In Fig.
escapes, it will be readily understood that 2. Note the Piston Arrangement Which rubber, otherwise the water would squirt
the shoe itself can nowhere touch the rail Gives the Train a Feathering, Cushion Effect. out between the rails. Of course, we
proper. In other would not have this
words, the shoe difficulty today be-
floats on a thin film cause we would
of water. If no simply weld the
other means were rails together, mak-
provided, it can be ing them a uniform
seen that an enor- piece of metal. This
mous quantity of source of trouble,
and it was M. Gir-
ard's greatest one,
would be unknown
today. The other
Fig. 4. Showing the great difficulty was
Propulsion Used in
the early French to propel the train.
Gliding Wheelless How to Propel
Trains. A revolving Wheelless Trains.
Pinion Engages with
a Rail Rack, Thus There was used
Pushing the Train in Paris at one time
Along. Illustration an arrangement as
Also Shows the
shown in Fig. 4. In-
Method of Hydraulic
Shoe with Comprest asmuch as no wheels
Water, and How the are used, and be-
Lost Water is Sucked
Back. cause the hydraulic
shoes have no trac-
tive effect them-
selves, entirely new
means must be pro-
water would be vided to move the
needed to supply train. The old
the hydraulic shoes, French idea is
while the train was shown in this illus-
moving, or
standing still.
The Suction pipe '

ttydraufic sitae ^ rail shoe P/nion £a//roc/t-/ Hydraulic shoe

tration where a rail
rack was run all
water would squirt along between the
out incessantly. (Cont. on page 336)

The wonderfully precise measuring ma-

chine here illustrated measures down to
1-5,000,000 of an inch. It was invented by
Prof. G. Alichelson. Prof. Michielson's
grating (on the stand to the left) contains
50,000 parallel, equally spaced lines to the
Precision to the l/l,000,000th part of an
inch has until recently seemed only to be
within the realm of ultra-science, as we
might say. However, during the war, me-
chanical precision instruments were im-
proved so markedly that it was quite com-
mon, especially in Government ordnance
specifications and requirements which called
for an accuracy of 1/ 1 ,000,000th of an inch.
The photo at left shows Prof. Michel-
son's Harmonic Analyzer, for analyzing
spectral lines into their constituent parts.
By means of this device an assistant can
do in a few minutes what would require
many weeks for a skilled computer.

Farmers Drive Machinery from Automobile

Herewith is illustrated the latest in auto-
mobile power transmitters for driving Nil

farm or other machinery. A recent inven-

tion of the proprietor of a Colorado machine Here's How to Put
Your Henry Ford to
shop promises to become very popular with Work and Make It

farmers who own autos. The invention is Drive Farm or Other

an apparatus for transmitting power from

Machinery —even Down
to Cutting Up Fire
an automobile to run the machinery of the Wood. The Inventor of
the Automobile Power
farm, but unlike most contrivances of its Transmission Scheme
kind, nothing is removed from the auto, Here Illustrated, Claims
and the auto can be driven off within a to Develop Half the
Rated Horsepower of an
minute of the time it is used on this new Automobile Engine on
invention. the Belt of the Machine,
Which Is a Very Good
The device consists of two four-inch Efficiency Indeed, Con-
rollers set parallel to each other in a frame sidering That the Power
Is Transmitted by Fric-
and long enough to run the automobile
tion With a Consequent
onto them. These rollers are connected by Considerable Loss, Due
a chain belt, and on one of them is a pulley to Slippage. The De-
to run a belt to the machinery. The roller-* vice Comprises Two
Four- Inch Diameter
are locked against turning while placing the Rollers, Set Parallel to
auto on the machine, by putting an iron pin Each Other. In : Frame
Long Enough ic Per-
thru the links of the drive chain. When mit the Rear Wheels
the rear wheels of the auto are resting of the Automobile to
Rotate In Contact With
squarely on the rollers, pin is removed and Them.
the engine started. This turns the rollers
as the wheels revolve, and the belt runs Ullllllllllll!lllll!llllllllllllllll!llll!llllllllllli

the machinery, the same as any other power

would do. gine on the belt of the machine, which a consequent loss by slippage. The device
The inventor claims to develop half the is very good indeed, considering that the should find wide favor among farmers
rated horsepower of any automobile en- power is transmitted by friction only, with everywhere.

9 9
.©vie OFJ ,or<
One of the lastest and cleverest adver-
This Picture is tising devices is that covered in a patent
not Quite so "In-
fantile" as it Might recently granted to Richard M. Craig of
Seem At First
Glance, Altho the San Antonio, Texas. The inventor ar-
Subject Illustrated ranges two figure positions on the sign, one
Happens to Be. By
Painting Two Ob- position of the figure for illumination by
jects Such as a
Hobby - Horse as red lights and the other by green lights.
Here Shown, in Next he arranges red and green lights for
Two Different
Colors, Say Red illuminating the display with a device for
and Green, a San
WHY SEE SAW — SEE OUR TOY Antonio, Texas,
Inventor, Richard
alternately switching the current from one
M. Craig, Has set of lamps to the other, the switching de-
Found That When vice being motor-driven. In the present
a Set ofRed Lights
Are Flashed on the illustration, we at once perceive that the
Sign by a Special subject is painted twice in two extreme
Electric Flasher
Switch, the Red positions, each position being painted in a
Image Stands Out different color, such as red for the extreme
Plainly: and When
the Green Lights position and green for the second extreme
Are Lighted and
the Red Extin- position. These two positions in red and
guished, the Green green under ordinary daylight conditions
Image Stands Out.
By Rapidly Switch- show plainly, but when they are lighted
ins the Lights On alternately with red and green lights, then
and Off a "Movie"
Effect Is Obtained. the sign becomes alive and animated, giving
.minium a very near approach to a moving object.

Two Views in Paris, Showing the Famous "Camelots" or Street Fakirs, Who Have Here Elected to Tell the Good French People
Their "Past, Present and Future" by Wireless. Only it Isn't Wireless!


T HE Parisian "camelot'' is more than

a street peddler, he is a business man
and an
acrobat, but always
talker and a humor-
actor, sometimes even an
he is a marvelous
given it the name of Opacimeter, makes it
easy to count rapidly the microbes in an
emulsion prepared for vaccination purposes.
It is composed principally of a photom-
The shell
locating apparatus here illus-
trated was invented by M. Gutton, Profes-
sor of Physics at Nancy, and is akin to one
ous entertainer. used by surgeons for locating bullets in the
A good "camelot" bod}-. It consists of two wooden rings each
will sell anything on fitted with a pair of electric coils, one tra-
the asphalt the of versed by a variable current and the other
good town of Paris, connected with a telephone. If there is a
be it an old sponge, a metal object under the soil in fairly close
pocket-book, a collar proximity to the apparatus, the telephone
button, or ice-cream. signals the fact if not, it remains silent.

We have no intention Unexploded hand-grenades are more dan-

to give in the follow- gerous than shells, as they are nearer the
ing, a history of this surface, and liable to burst at the least
so interesting speci- touch. This apparatus operates on the prin-
men of human being, ciple of the Hughes Induction Balance.
but we will show, The Hughes induction balance is com-
with the help of the posed of four coils, two in the primary
photographs here- and two in the secondary circuit. When
with, that the renown the relative positions of the coils are ad-
of "camelots" is
the justed correctly, the inductances neutralize
by no means exag- each other and no current flows in the
gerated and that they secondary circuit. If, however, the slightest
keep abreast with the change is made in any of the coils, such as
developments of sci- by the insertion of any metal object, the
ence and are not at mutual induction is unbalanced and a sound
all indifferent to the is made in the telephone receiver. de- A
particular trend of New French Instrume nt for Rapidly Counting the Microbes in an tailed description of this device appeared
public attractions. Emulsion "t is Called an "Opacimeter." in the February, 1918, issue of this Journal,
These peculiar ped- where a diagram is given of the coil con-
dlers, instead of meddling with ordinary eter made up of two parallel light circuits, nections. The secondary-
merchandise have put the fairy Electricity coming from one source, the one traversing coils may be connected
at work to attract their clients. the phial containing the emulsion, the other in series with a galvano-
Here for instance, one of them detects subject to a system of dimmers, capable of meter or 'phones. An
your thoughts by means of the "Tele- modifying the intensity of light, after a de- experimenter who has no
radio"; the other one uses the "Radio- termined law. The two circuits produce, in galvanometer can
graph" to discover the past, present and the field of an eye piece, two light-spots op- purchase an inex-
future. posite each other and the other realizes their pensive Weston
Of course we don't need to tell you that equal value by adjusting the dimmer system. ammeter. When
the instruments which they exhibit have A
very ingenious system of gauges, the shunt has been
only a very vague resemblance to the lenses and microscopes, the detailed de- removed, this will
ones attributed to Tesla, Marconi or Branly. scription of which it is not possible to give serve as an excel-
Most of the time these apparatus consist in this limited space permits the observer lent galvanometer.
solely of a bell connected to a few dry bat- to establish with the aid of Spectrophoto- Some form of in-
teries and other formidable appearing scien- Metric Measures the actual number of terrupted primary
tific apparatus. The answer to the question microbes contained in the emulsion. The circuit is necessary
concerning the past, etc., of the victim, is laboratories of the French Army are using to induce currents
printed in advance, of course, and glides the Opacimeter to determinate rapidly and in the secondary. An
out of a box by means of a clockwork. accurately the dose of bacteria to be con- interrupter, mounted
The rest is camouflage. Scientific camou- tained in a vaccinating emulsion. on the armature of a
flage. But some one always falls for the buzzer, serves
fakes. P. T. Barnum was right. The pub- the purpose.
The Fields of France
lic wants to be fooled— and gladly pays for Are Strewn with "Dud"
it. Shells. To locate them
Before Plowing, the
New Electrical Apparatus Count the Microbes. Electrical Instrument
to Here Illustrated Has
Been Perfected to De-
The Opacimeter. tect Their Presence.
Even When Buried
This new instrument invented by Messrs. Several Feet.
Lambert, Vies, and de Watteville, who have

TWO important and novel war inven-

tions are here illustrated and de-

scribed the torpedo-carrying sea-
tle if
is so swift that the enemy has
any chance of training a gun on the
assailant. The "smoke cloud" produced by

plane or dirigible, and the micro- modern war planes is excellent for this
phonic submarine locater, both of purpose. In one of these attacks a British
these naval warfare improvements being 150 to 200 miles an hour, levels out at 50 airman torpedoed and sank a Turkish troop-
the inventions of an American naval officer, feet above the surface, discharges a tor- ship containing 3,000 troops.
Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske. pedo directly at the enemy ship at the right When the idea was first conceived of
having an airplane to carry an ordinary
torpedo such as is used on the submarine,
technical difficulties almost defeated the
project, until an American designing firm
got hard at work in conjunction with the
Air Ministry. The difficulty was not so
much of lifting a torpedo as of ensuring
that the action of discharging the torpedo be
carried out with accuracy of aim and with
safety to the pilot. Experiments were carried
out in the face of great difficulties and perils.
On the occasion when the initial experi-
ment of discharging a torpedo from an
airplane was made, the lightening of the
airplane had such a serious effect on the
latter that the wings collapsed and the pilot
was hurled to sudden death. In another
case when the torpedo had been discharged,
it hit the water at an awkward angle, and
ricocheting over the surface, rose and de-
molished the airplane, which had not risen
out of the way. This discharging of a tor-
pedo was no light risk when the torpedo
was of full size, weighing anything up to a

ton three times the weight of the machine
in which Bleriot first crost the English
These wonderful planes can ascend from
land or from the deck of a ship, and can
descend on the sea and float until help is
brought by wireless. When the German
fleet surrendered, a seaplane "mothership"
with 20 of these machines in its bosom met
the Germans 50 miles out at sea, and had
The Naval Engagement of the Future as Rear Admiral Fiske, U. S. N., Sees It. His any tricks been tried, it would have been
Powerful "Torpedoplanes" Will Provide New Ways to Repulse Landing Parties and Attack
Warships That Are Worrying Naval Experts of Foreign Powers. simple work for a score of "mystery air-
planes" to have leapt into the air and tor-
The torpedo-airplane or "torpedoplane" moment, after which the pilot pulls back pedoed the major part of the enemy fleet.
as it is development of the tor-
called, is a his control stick and disappears into the This mystery or "cuckoo" airplane so —
pedo-carriers, which were first successfully clouds as suddenly as he appeared. The (Continued on page 348)
employed in action by the R. N. A. S. at the
Dardanelles in 1915, and were subsequently
used against us by the Germans in 1917,
when they were thus enabled to sink three
of our merchant ships off the Southeast
Coast. The torpedo carried by the torpedo-
planes is of a small size as modern tor-
pedoes go, and weighs about half a ton.
The Mystery Plane or "Torpedoplane"
The "mystery airplane" was designed to
perform from the air more effectively and
more swiftly the work formerly allotted to
our torpedo-boats. The enemy had devised
such successful protection of harbors and
ships against our torpedo-boats and sub-
marines that it was only with the gravest
risk that we could approach within 30 miles
of Kiel and other German fortified ports.
But for the newest peril, the torpedoplane,
the enemy had no reply.
The news of our discovery of a means
of attack that was immune from mine dan-
gers and too swift in its operation to be
held off by gunfire reached the ears of the
enemy, and is believed, in one quarter at
least, to have hastened the Germans in their
decision to accept the surrender terms.
Had not hostilities ceased so suddenly
these machines would have operated effec-
tively against Kiel harbor and the German
warships an their very lair. The efficacy of
the weapons will be realized when their
operation is explained. One of these mys-
tery airplanes, espying its target, makes a The "Fiske" Submarine Spotter. The "Sub,' Once It Is Picked Up by Sound Waves 1m-
pinging on a Microphone, Is Trailed Along From Square to Square. The Aircraft Can
sudden dive from the clouds, at a speed of Attack It With Depth Charges or Signal Instructions to Destroyers.

Late of the Meteorological Section, U. S. Army Signal Corps.

ONE the
hundred and fifty years ago
famous Voltaire said "There
are some great lords whom we
Tlhie Flhiysics off TIhmim«
dies- airadl ILajgphftimfiir&gl
but this is not necessarily the case. Quite
frequently discharges as long as a mile in
length will take place in the interior of a
should always approach with ex- single cloud itself. For these reasons it
treme precaution, and lightning is must be explained just what a thunder-
one of them." This is perhaps one rea- cloud is, and how it differs from other
How Thunder-Clouds Form.
In a thunder-cloud the almost incon-
ceivably large charges of electricity are
often generated in a very short space of
time, and sometimes a complete reversal of
sign from positive to negative, or vice
versa, may occur in a thousandth of a sec-

If you are out of doors in a very severe
electrical storm, it is well to observe the
following rules for your own protection:
1. Keep away from wire fences. They
may carry a dangerous electrical charge
long distances. Cattle in pastures are
frequently killed thru the neglect of farm- /.ft* :


ers to ground the wire of the fence.

2. Keep away from hedges, ponds and Fig. 2. How a Thunder-Cloud Grows. The
Flg. 1. Showing How a Cloud Is Charged by streams. Larger Cloud Is the Result of Intense Local
Electro-Static Induction. The Negative 3. Keep away from isolated trees. Heating and a Strong Up-Rushing Current of
Charge on the Earth Induces an Opposite Oak trees are frequently struck; beech Air. Its Height May Be a Mile or More from
Charge in the Cloud. are seldom struck. It is safe in a dense Base to Top. The Smaller Cloud May Meas-
forest. ure Only a Few Hundred Feet in Height.
4. Keep away from herds of cattle
son why we know so little about lightning and crowds of people.
at the present time, for it certainly is not 5. Do not hold an umbrella over you. clouds which seldom carry charges of elec-
6. It is safer to sit or lie down in an tricity of any great magnitude, or act in
a very safe subject for close laboratory in-
open field than to stand. the capacity of electric generators.
vestigation. For a long time after the 7. Drivers should dismount and not
electrical nature of lightning was demon- stay close to their horses. Everyone is familiar with the huge roll-
8. Do not work with any large metal ing, billowy clouds (cumulis) so common
strated by Benjamin Franklin, very little
more of any scientific importance was dis-
tool or implement. on a warm day, but not everyone knows
If you are indoors:
covered about it, and only today are we 1. Keep away from the stove and how they are formed. In reality each cloud
learning how the great charges of atmo- chimney. The hot gases from the chim- represents a column of heated air which
ney may conduct the lightning to and has risen by convection from the earth's
spheric electricity are generated in a thun- down the chimney.
Do not take a position between surface, due to the heating effect of the
der-storm. It is a significant fact when we 2.
think that a thunder-cloud is the most stu- two bodies of metal, as the stove and sun, and has carried moisture up with it.
pendous and powerful generator of elec-
waterpipe, for example. An exception to
being near metals is the case of an iron
When the top of this column has risen to
such a height that it begins to cool, and
tricity of which we know. A
single light- bed. One of the safest places is on a
mattress in an iron bed, provided you do the moisture to condense, the cloud is
ning flash may carry twenty thousand or _

more amperes at a pressure of millions of

NOT touch the metal. The metal sur- formed. This may seem unimportant but
rounding you makes a safe cage, which
in reality it is the beginning from which
volts. Moreover it is Nature's own method, will prevent the lightning from reaching
the simplicity of which makes it the more a person inside. a thunder-storm may develop, if conditions
3. Do not stand on a wet floor nor are just right. As moisture in the air does
wonderful, for it involves no intricate and draw water from the well or faucet.
complicated machinery. It is not too much 4. Do not stand directly under a not condense in the form of drops unless
to think that the future will sometime see chandelier, near a radiator, nor on a reg- there are dust particles or electrically
Man harnessing and making use of this tre- ister. charged particles (ions) in the air to act
5. Do not use the telephone in subur-
as centers of condensation, the cloud may
mendous source of energy and bidding it ban districts. In cities there is practi-
do his will instead of holding it in awe, as callyno danger, as the wires are placed already have received a charge from these
underground. ions, providing there was a majority of
he so long has done in the past.
ions of one sign present.
During the war lightning and thunder-
storms proved a serious menace to balloon- ond or less. It is usually thought thai
How Clouds Receive Charge.
ists and aviators, and on this account they
were made the subject of special study by
lightning discharges occur from one cloud A cloud may also become charged by
to another or from a cloud to the earth, induction. If a cloud which has approached
the Meteorological Section of the Signal the earth as shown in Fig. 1, is of a form
Corps. Their results, in connection with the which may divide into two parts, the
latest discoveries of scientists in general, charge of the opposite sign which has been
are now beginning to throw light on the attracted to that portion nearest the earth
long hidden mysteries of thunder-storm may be carried away by it at the time of
division, and the other portion of the cloud
In recent years many theories have been may carry away a charge of the same sign
advanced to explain the cause and nature as the earth. Neither of these two ways
of lightning, but all of them have been in which a cloud may become charged, ex-
more or less vague and indefinite and for plains however the production of the enor-
the most part they have been unsatisfac- mous charges which are present in a thun-
tory one way or another. Electricity is der-cloud. These are produced in another
now recognized as being one of the import- way, due to the forces at work when a
ant factors in the determination of weather thunder-cloud is formed.
conditions, and conversely, weather condi- If the heating is intense and there is
tions are very definitely known to deter- much moisture present, when the billowy
mine the electrical state of the atmosphere" clouds mentioned above are formed, the
at any particular time. Sometimes rain result is a thunder-cloud. The process is
produces electricity, and sometimes electri- shown in Fig. 2, where the smaller cloud
cal phenomena cause rain. The place where is the common type visible on most any
the two, rain and electricity, are most close- warm summer day. The larger cloud is
ly related is in the thunder-storm. Here the result of intense local heating and a
the rain drops condense primarily about strong up-rushing current of air, and its
small electrically charged particles called
Fig. 3. How a Large Highly Charged height may be a mile or more from base to
ions, and then again the motions of these Thunder-Cloud Forms by a Continual Shift- top, while the smaller type may be only a
particles cause the growth of the lightning ing of the Oppositely Charged Particles Com- few hundred fect in height. The bulging
charges in a manner to be explained more posing It. The Negative Charges Tend to
Move Toward the Top, and the Positive tops of the larger clouds are the common-
in detail. Charges Toward the Bottom of the Cloud. (Continued on page 376)

—The Meissner "Airfone" for Talking Between Pilot and
as Well as Localizes the Speech Waves.
At Left:— The Amplifies
Ruggles "Orientator". Electrically Operated
It Is
and Gives All the Thrills of Real Flying.

This machine used to familiarize the student aviator with

The airfone
Pilot mind ©Ibsesrv©!
is a form of speaking tube designed
especially for
the various loops, turns, cuts and dives that every flier must service as inter-communication device between pilot and observer,
know. One can loop the loop, take a nose dive, make a tail spin instructor and student, or any airplane occupants, during full
and execute the '"falling leaf" by simply operating the various power flight. It consists essentially of a flexible speaking tube
electric controls. The invention is now being used with greatest provided with a mouthpiece and a neck band, and of a helmet to
success by the young army officers learning the elements of the which two earpieces are attached, suitable connections between
flying art at the Army's flying school at Washington, D. C. The the speaking tube and the earpieces being provided. For two-
Orientator may be controlled by a switch-board at the side but way conversation, two such head gears and tubes are used. Its
on the floor, so that when desired the instructor may put the present design is based on a very close and detailed study of
student thru various flying maneuvers at unexpected moments. aircraft noise conditions and in the application of acoustics.

lecfric aamo
We are all more or less familiar ous shock from this unique device.
with the various faradic electric ap- A New York physician, Dr. H.
pliances such as massage rollers, J. Lowbringer, expresses his opin-
brushes, et cetera, which can be ion on the electric brush as follows
used in connection with medical "This little dynamo is therefore
coils and the like, but one of the more than a scientific curiosity, be-
most interesting and withal ex- cause it generates currents of very-
tremely efficient electric devices re- high voltage with an amperage of
cently brought out is the Electro- infinitesimally low strength conse- ;

dynamo Brush shown in the accom- quently the results of application

panying illustrations. It is claimed are similar to one of high frequency
for this brush that it will rejuve- current, and thoroly superior to the
nate the hair, and the makers cite ordinary faradic battery or the gal-
the testimony of experts that it will vanic current, in instances where
in many
instances help the scalp either diathermic or catalytic re-
and also aid in the treatment of a sults are intended." With this elec-
great many ailments. In treating tric brush and the attachments fur-
other parts of the body than the nished with it, it is possible to give
scalp, use is made of a flexible con- an excellent face massage, the cur-
ductor and various electrodes which rent passing thru the hand of the
can be quickly attached to the massager. Also electric foot baths
brush. No batteries are required may be taken, or the current, in
and a powerful current is generated fact, past thru any part of the
as soon as the projecting finger body, such as in the treatment of
lever is gently prest. This brush rheumatism, nerve disorders, etc.
was tested by one of the leading There is nothing in the device to
New York electrical testing labora- wear out. The strength of the cur-
tories, and their report states that rent may be varied by a regulator
it develops an average potential of on the back of the brush, and it is
about 50 volts, and a peak value of also controlled by the rapidity with
f rom_ 100 to 200 volts. It is there- which the finger lever is prest and
fore impossible to receive an injuri- released. The device is well built.

Young Lady Using the Newest Application to the Scalp With This
Electric Hair Brush. On the Back Electric Hair Brush Is Said to Re-
of This Brush Is Mounted a Tiny vitalize the Hair Roots and Tone
Dynamo Operated by Pushing the up the System.


OWING to the extent

ner in which it
and the man-
was used by the
©e&gials ©if Msiclhiainies ,,
5^ tain
a regular submarine patrol off the
reef (Denmark), by two or three
Germans to attack commerce, the submarines. By that time, the range of
submarine emerged from the war a wireless equipment in the British subma-
rather discredited weapon. This rines had been increased from 50 miles to
is not to say that was discounted as a
it 300-400 miles. "It was a vital matter," says
legitimate fighting instrument, and the the commander-in-chief, "to install efficient
question is being discust in Allied naval Allies during the war. Altho this was not wireless apparatus in the only class of ves-
circles as to whether, and to what degree, known until information had been obtained sel that could carry out a watching patrol
the type will be included in the plans of from German sources after the surrender. in the vicinity of German bases."
naval constructors for the fleets of the He also says that the grand fleet, when While, therefore, there are many strong
future. cruising in the North Sea, was surrounded reasons for desiring the abandonment of
An answer tothe question has its im- by a screen of destroyers so intimately submarines as they were used by the Ger-
portance because of the possibility of the placed that it would have been suicidal for mans, yet equally strong is the professional
peace conference being asked to consider any submarine to attempt to penetrate it. opinion that under-water craft have not

Photos (g) by Underwood & Underwood

the desirability of abolishing submarines When such a screen was out, a submarine been rendered entirely useless by the inven-
altogether. Even if the conference did not had to go down and stay down on penalty tions directed against them in the war, and
touch the matter, it was expected to be of being "depth-charged." that in any case they form a nccessary
one of the first plans for the general re- Altho the German high command to the adjunct to any complete naval organization
duction of armaments which, in accordance end protest faith in the submarine war on of the future.
with schedule 111 of the League of Na- merchantmen, Captain Persius has declared What the inside of a German U-boat
tions covenant, the council would suggest since the armistice that this faith was built looked like was a complete mystery to the
up on "lies" spread about by the naval layman until quite recently when several
to the member states concerned.
chiefs, as to the powers of the U-boats. of the Ex-Kaiser's untersccboote "visited"
Professional opinion, in all the nations this country under the guidance of Ameri-
engaged in the war on the side of the can crews. These sub-sea craft were piloted
Submarines Have Advantages, Say Naval
Allies, so far as it is confined to the men
Experts. 3,000 miles across the Atlantic to aid in
concerned in the actual fighting, inclines putting over the Fifth Liberty Loan. The
to the view that the submarine was beaten. On the other hand a significant indica- first captured U-boat to reach these waters,
There_ have been clear expressions on this tion of the utility of submarines for scout- flying the American flag, was the U-lll.
point in Britain, America, France, Italy and
Japan. Admiral Sims, for instance, de-
ing duty has been afforded by Lord Jelli- A few days later the mother ship "Bushnell"
coe's recent book. He shows therein that arrived at New York with several other
clares that 205 U-boats were sunk by the not until June, 1916, was it possible to main- {Continued on page 359)

THE photograph herewith of the large guns, dynamos, motors, gasoline engines, alone. This new form of locater the —
Paraboloid reflector with two soldiers et cetera. The searchlight is mounted on —
Paraboloid has several novel improve-
standing at either side, and equipt with light wheels, similar to small auto wheels, ments over previous apparatus of this type,
special head phones, which are connected fitted with rubber tires. It can be hauled one of the best features being that it can
with the sound detecting apparatus mounted to any desired spot in a short time. readily detect the hostile aircraft at great
in the central focus of the reflector, is em- During the period of the war, many distances, especially valuable when the en-
emy tries to make a surprise attack at night.
Spotting the Enemy.
Imagine a peaceful village, such as are
numerous in the sparsely settled sections on
the coast of England, seemingly defense-
less. Yet there seems to be an air of mys-

tery about some of these places and there
is, for thru underhand means, the enemy
"spies" learn that secret research work
is being carried on in this unassuming little
hamlet. It would be suicide upon the part
of these "spies" to personally attempt to
carry out any large exploitation or even
to think of attempting to blow up the
place with any hope of success. The near-
est recourse that they could have would be
to get in touch with a squadron of enemy
planes, and notify them where these opera-
tions are taking place. On a dark night,
these enemy planes issue forth and swoop
down, like a nest of hornets, upon this de-
fenseless little village. But one thing they
have overlooked. Altho they have come
unheralded, it is true, the watchful elec-
trical eyes and ears of the engineer corps
are prepared for any such surprise, thanks
to the fact that they have this marvelous
invention on hand, whereby it is possible,
no matter how dark the night, to quickly
and positively locate the approach of
enemy aircraft. To their sensitive ears
comes the hum of the engines. Word is
flashed to every little town, fort and ham-

Here Is the "Paraboloid" the Clever Sound Focusing and Detecting Device Used by let within the vicinity, and especially
the Allied Armies in Locating Enemy Aircraft While They Were Yet Several Miles
Away. The Sound of the Airplane Engine Carried Far, and by Carefully Focusing the planned advance action is arranged. Ere
Collected Sounds and Concentrating Them onto a Sensitive Microphone, the Trick was the fliers have reached their destination,
the heavens are being explored by gigantic
ployed for locating the direction of ap- novel and startling inventions have come searchlights for the enemy marauders.
proaching hostile aircraft at night. The re- to the fore, especially means for locating Trained gunners, using the very latest
flector is balanced and pivoted so that it hostile airplanes and dirigibles. The ma- types of anti-aircraft guns, are soon pop-
can be rapidly swung to any angle desired. jority of these operate on the simple sound ping away at the enemy, and what was
When the approximate location of the ap- wave principle, the waves being transmit- hoped to be a great surprise and success
proaching aircraft is determined by means ted thru the medium of the air from the on the part of the enemy, turns out to be
of this sound wave catcher, then powerful propellers of the hostile aircraft. Some of one grand fizzle, much to his discomfiture.
searchlights are suddenly flashed on, and these devices have been made in the form These powerful searchlights, besides be-
their beams pointed in the direction previ- of large tubes, provided with a simple mi- ing available for enemy spotting, are also
ously indicated by the sound detector. The crophone method of detection, but they much used as a means of signaling. This
range of this sound detector, owing to its were rather unwieldy, and to a certain ex- is one branch of the signal corps work
efficient design, is said to be about 3^4 times tent never gave full satisfaction, due to which has proven one of the big factors in
that of the unaided ear. It is extremely the fact that too great a dependence was helping to win the war. Searchlights of
light and portable, and can be rapidly trans- placed on the amplifying of the hum of the this type mounted on warships helped to
ported to any place desired. airplane engine by means of microphones protect the American sea coasts.

Five-Foot Searchlight Added to Terror of Night

The accompanying photograph illustrates
one of the remarkably yet extremely
powerful, electric searchlights developed for
use in the war. Searchlights of this type
were built by the thousand by all of the
leading powers, and both sides used them
for various purposes, including night bat-
tles, the discovery of hostile aircraft, trail-
ing the movements of enemy troops and
freight trains, and automobile freight lines.
The searchlight here shown requires
about 15 K. W. or 20 H. P. to light it to
full brilliancy, and its powerful light will
carry from 10 to miles easily.
15 The
searchlights that we are usually accustomed
to seeing on vessels and in the neighbor-
hood of forts are usually cumbersome af-
fairs, but the exigencies of wartime, where
such vast amounts of paraphernalia had to
be hauled over by train, horse, or auto-
truck, called for the very lightest weight
in all such apparatus as these, where there
Photos by Press Illustrating- Service
was no real necessity for making such an Gigantic Electric Searchlights of the Portable Type Were Used to Expose the Enemy
apparatus of great weight, as is the case Flier as Soon as the "Paraboloid" Had Succeeded in Spotting Him. The Anti-Aircratt
with many pieces of machinery, such as Guns Then "Saluted" Him—and the Allied Planes Finished the Rest.

eweled Porto! Welcomes N 8 Y Ffi^Ihtters

openly boast
nothing new under the sun,"
painted and embroidered banners the mod-
ern jewels have been substituted and the
dawn or sunset, by illuminating it with arc
had an agreeable surprise in the whole portal has been given a most modern The obelisks stand at either side of the
"jeweled portal" of electric lights erected in
Fifth Avenue at Sixtieth Street, on the oc-
casion of the grand review of the Twenty-
seventh Division returning warriors. It was
designed and erected under the direction of
Walter D'A. Ryan, lighting expert.
So magnificent was the illuminated arch
that it drew forth the unstinted praise and
commendation of everyone who saw it.
Frank L. Dowling, President of the
Borough of Manhattan, when he first saw
the beautiful spectacle, exclaimed: "Like
the entrance to Heaven !" And no better
description could be given of this handsome
testimonial to the bravery, sacrifices and
triumph of the sons of the Empire state.
The details of the "portal" were worked
out by Captain J. W. Gosling, under the di-
rection of Mr. Ryan, who was chief of the
department of illumination of the Panama-
Pacific International Exposition which took
place in San Francisco in 1915, and the suc-
cess of which became one of the wonders
of the world.
Mr. Ryan carried the same style of deco-
ration here as was used at the Panama-
Pacific Exposition. The same jewels, to the
number of 31,000, were used in this jeweled
portal as were used at the Panama exposi-
tion. This is really the first time the people
of New York had an opportunity to see
something that was really new, and it was
the second time these jewels were used, the
same ones that hung on the tower at San
Francisco for one year.
The "Jeweled Portal" is really a gigantic One of the Most Handsome and Bewitching Electrical Decorations New York Presented to

curtain of jewels draped between two obe- Its Home-Coming Troops. The "Jeweled Portal" a Mass of Shimmering Cut-Glass Jewels,
Illumined by Reflected Spot Lights.
lisk forms, and spans the street at a height
of twenty-five feet at its lowest point, and
fifty feet at its highest. touch by bringing out upon it the delicate roadway and are flanked by Roman altars,
The architecture is simple, bold Roman, flashings of thousands of points of true each of which is twenty-six feet high. The
^nd is the kind of thing which might have light, not the color of pigment but the pure jeweled curtain is draped from altar to obe-
been built on a street in Rome on the return colors of the spectrum, the colors only seen lisk across the avenue and down to the
of their victorious legions, but instead of in the rainbow, a bubble or in the sky at (Continued on page 377)

The accompanying illustration shows a which had been sent from Mexico, and placed in the soil of the flower pot, while
clever scheme devised by a Connecticut which seemed to pine away rapidly. The the negative pole was secured delicately
flower grower for reviving almost lifeless cactus was about dead when the experi- around the upper branch. The cactus
plants, by the application of low-voltage ment of applying electric current . t was
brightened up very sprightly after one
direct current, such as that supplied from first tried. Two cells of dry battery were week of this treatment, and in two weeks
a dry or other battery. One of the experi- connected up with some fine copper wire, it was plump, green, and growing nicely.
ments was tried on a small cactus plant the positive pole being connected to a nail Further experiments were tried on a rose
bush and a fuchsia with good results, care
being taken to see that the positive wire
Reviving Weak or Stunted Plants with from the battery is applied to the root of
the Small Current from a Few Cells of the plant and the negative pole to the foli-
Battery Is the Latest in Science. Any- age, so as to promote the flow of sap up-
one Can Do It. The Apparatus Is Sim- ward.
ple, and the Only Thing Necessary to It may be thought at that the battery

Watch Closely Is That the Polarity Is would soon be exhausted, but the resist-
Correct. The Positive Pole of the Bat- ance of the plant is of considerable value,
tery Is Always to Be Connected to the so that the flow of current is but a small
Root of the Plant and the Negative to fraction of the ampere, and the cells will
the Foliage. thus give quite a lengthy treatment before
being entirely exhausted. Those having ac-
cess to a storage battery will find it very
useful for the purpose. The current in
this case should be regulated by means of
a small rheostat, such as the rotary, porce-
lain base 10-ohm rheostats available on
the market. Several other interesting ex-
periments were tried by the Connecticut
florist, notably on a small plum tree, which
was electrically treated with 6 cells, with
the result that it blossomed out fully, sev-
eral days ahead of the other adjacent trees.
Another experiment was that conducted on
an ever-bearing strawberry plant, which
was treated with 2 dry cells. This plant
was left in the same row with other berry
plants, and its increased size and fruit pro-
duction was very striking.

Of the U. S. Naval Observatory

TIbe ©f C©srm©&«
COMETS, along with shooting stars
and meteors, are to be clast as
scopically even when comparatively near to
the earth. Halley's comet is the only one
part of the debris of the solar of this class that lays any pretensions to
system. According to prevailing remarkable size or brilliancy and it also is
theories they may have been orig- showing the effects of disintegration re-
inally tenuous outer portions of the primi- sulting from too frequent visits to the sun.
tive solar nebula that escaped being swept Comets are bodies of great bulk or vol-
up by the nuclei of the planets and their ume and small total mass. Their tails,
moons owing to the fact that they did not which only develop in the vicinity of the
share in the general rotation of the system, sun, are formed of the rarest gases and
or they may, possibly, have been the lighter the best vacuum that man can produce
gases ejected from one or the other of two would not be in as tenuous a state as the
closely approaching suns that furnished, by material existing in the tails of comets.
the disintegration resulting from their close There are many proofs of the extreme
approach, the material wherefrom our pres- tenuity of comets. The earth has' on a :

ent solar system was formed. number of occasions past directly thru'
The orbits of comets are inclined at all the tails of comets without experiencing
angles to each other and to the orbits of the slightest visible effects. Stars shine un-
the planets which, on the other hand, lie dimmed in lustre even thru the heads of
very nearly in the same plane. comets. If the earth should encounter a 1

The larger members of the sun's family, comet "head on" it is doubtful if it would
the planets and their satelites, revolve experience anything more serious than a
from west to cast around the sun. Comets shower of meteors which would be con-
on the contrary frequently retrograde or sumed by friction with the earth's atmos-
Giacobini's Comet, December 29, 1915, Photo-
back around the sun in the opposite direc- graphed with 10" Bruce Telescope, Yerkes
phere. It is possible, however, that mat-
tion, from east to west. Observatory, by E. E. Barnard. Note the ter in the nucleus, the star-like condensa-
The paths that these erratic visitors fol- Unique Sharply Defined Tail With Convex tion in the head of a comet, may consist of
low in their journeys around the sun bear Edges. The White Dashes Are Stars Leav- individual particles weighing in some in-
ing a White Trail on the Photographic Plate
not the slightest resemblance to the paths as the Telescope Followed the Comet During stances a number of tons surrounded by a
of the planets, which are almost perfect Its Exposure of Several Hours. gaseous envelope and held together by the
circles. The cometary orbits are ellipses loose bonds of their mutual attraction.
of such high eccentricity that it is cus- sands of years. Awonderful study, indeed. Since the total mass of a comet is so
tomary in computing a preliminary orbit Donati's comet of 1858, one of the great- small a close approach to one of the
of a comet to assume that its eccentricity est comets of the nineteenth century, had planets, especially Jupiter, produces great
is unity, i.e., that it is travelling in a para- a period of more than two thousand years changes in the form of the comet's orbit
bola. If the eccentricity is less than unity and its aphelion (the point in its orbit tho the motion of the planet is not dis-
the orbit is a closed curve or ellipse, and farthest away from the sun) was five times turbed in the slightest degree by the en-
if it is greater than unity the orbit is an more distant than the orbit of Neptune. counter.
hyperbola. In the latter case the comet There is, however, a class of comets The majority of all the periodic comets
would make one and only one visit to the known as periodic comets that are char- have been "captured" by Jupiter, that is,
sun, coming from interstellar space and acterized by extremely short periods of the original orbits have been so changed by
returning thereto after a brief sojourn revolution around the sun. To this class the perturbations produced by close ap-
within our solar system. Since no comet- belongs Halley's comet whose period of proaches to the giant planet that their
ary orbit has ever been found to be hyper- seventy-five years exceeds that of any other aphelia lie in the vicinity of Jupiter's orbit.
bolic in form it has been assumed that the periodic comet. Encke's comet, on the Several of the other planets have also
eccentricity of the orbit is less than unity other hand, has a period of three and a "captured" comets in this sense, and the
in all cases and that the comets are all third years which is the shortest cometary fact that the aphelia of a number of comets
travelling in elliptical orbits and therefore period known. Most of the periodic comets are grouped at certain definite intervals
are permanent members of the solar sys- are inconspicuous and only visible tele- beyond the orbit of Neptune has been con-
tem. The nearer the sidered by some as-
eccentricity of the tronomers to be an
orbit of a comet ap- indication that there
proaches to unity are two or more ad-
the greater is the ditional planets in
path described and the solar system re-
the less frequent the volving around the
comets return to the sun at these dis-
sun. Since it is very tances.
unlikely that the ec- The most inter-
centricity of an or- esting feature of a
bit is exactly unity comet is its charac-
there are probably teristic tail which
no comets that have develops and in-
parabolic orbits tho, creases in size and
for the preliminary brilliancy as the
computation of the comet approaches
orbit of a newly dis- the sun. As the
covered comet the tail isalways turned
unknown eccentrici- away from the sun
ty is assumed to be it follows the comet

unity. This is gen- as it draws near the

erally a safe as- sun and precedes as
sumption for the it departs. Its ori-
majority of all com- gin is due, it is be-
ets travel in ellipses lieved, both to elec-
whose eccentricities trical repulsion and
approach closely to light pressure acting
unity and their peri- upon minute parti-
ods of revolution cles of matter in the
around the sun con- coma or head of the
sequently run into comet.
the hundreds or It is believed that
Halley's Comet, June6, 1910, Photographed at the Yerkes Observatory by E. E. Barnard, Taken the curvature of the
thousands or even With 10" Bruce Telescope, Exposure Two Hours. The Most Remarkable Part About This
hundreds of thou- Comet Is That It Disintegrated. Photograph Shows Upper Part Leaving Main Section tail depends upon

the nature of the second and carried

gases of whicli it is it thru one hundred
composed. and eighty degrees
Long, straight of its orbit in less
tails consist chiefly than three hours.
of hydrogen, it has Some comets ap-
been found, curved proach much closer
tails of hydrocar- to the sun than oth-
bons and short, ers. The majority
bushy tails of mix- of all comets ob-
tures of iron, sodi- served have come
um and other metal- within the earth's
lic vapors. At times orbit and no known
the same comet will comet has its peri-
have two or more helion distance be-
tails of different yond the orbit of
types. Jupiter. It is, of
Since the mate- course, possible that
rial driven off from there may be a num-
the nucleus or head ber of comets that
of a comet by elec- never come within
trical repulsion and the orbit of Jupiter,
light pressure is but it is very unlike-
never recovered, it ly that any such
is evident that com- comet would ever
ets are continually be discovered. The
disintegrating. Also, majority of comets
comets that have are simply small,
past close to the fuzzy points of light
sun at perihelion that are only visible
passage have fre- telescopically and
quently been so dis- the greater the per-
rupted by tidal Daniel's Comet, August 6, Photograph Yerkes Observatory by E. E. Barnard.
1907, This ihelion distance of
forces that one nu- Photograph Shows the Full Length of Tail About 12°, Taken With 3" Lens. the comet the less
cleus has separated likely is it to be
into several parts and the newly formed etary masses, but offer sensible resistance seen with the naked eye.
nuclei have pursued paths parallel to the to the passage of the tenuous gases of Since comets as well as planets obey
original orbit, each nucleus developing a which the tails of comets are composed. Kepler's first law, known as the law of
tail of its own. The fact that the earth daily encounters areas, and sweep over equal areas in equal
Many periodic comets, it is now known, meteoric dust, meteorites and fire balls also times it is evident that when a comet is
have gradually been broken up and dis- at perihelion or nearest to the sun it is
sipated into periodic swarms of meteors
moving at maximum speed and when it is
as a result of the disruptive effect pro-
at aphelion or farthest from the sun it is
duced by too frequent returns to the vi-
cinity of the sun. moving at minimum speed. Moreover, its
The luminosity of comets is due not only speed at these two points in its orbit varies
to reflected sunlight, but to certain un- tremendously since the orbits of comets
known causes that produce sudden and are ellipses of very high eccentricity. The
erratic increases or decreases of brilliancy. speed with which the planets are travelling
The causes of these sudden changes in is, on the other hand, remarkably uniform
luminosity are unknown, possibly electrical since their orbits are nearly circular.
discharges or chance collisions between The leisurely speed with which a comet
fragments of considerable size may ac- travels thru the frigid outer regions of the
count for some of these sudden flashes of
solar system is gradually accelerated as the
comet draws nearer and nearer to the sun
The peculiar behavior of the tails of
Different Types of Tails of Comets. A until it has acquired near the time of
comets at certain times has frequently been
noted and suggests the existence of quan-
Hydrogen; —
B Hydrocarbon Gas; C Iron— perihelion passage a velocity that occa-
and Other Metallic Vapors. The Majority sionally exceeds two hundred miles a sec-
tities of finely-divided meteoric or gaseous of the Tails of Comets Belong to Type B and
matter within the solar system that have Are Therefore Chiefly Composed of Hydro- ond. Here, also, the great increase in light
carbons. and heat and the strong magnetic field of
no appreciable effect upon the huge plan-
the sun produce complex changes in the
r indicates that meteoric matter exists in gaseous and meteoric substances of which
considerable quantities within our solar sys- the comet is composed until the character-
tem. Tails of comets appear at times to (Continucd on page 350)
be twisted or brushed aside as if they had
encountered some unknown force or some r
resisting medium.
Up to the present time several hundred fill
1 \l
comets have been discovered. Nearly three-
fourths of this number travel in orbits that

, o .
V are sensibly parabolic with eccentricities
C jh approaching closely to unity. Of the re-
maining number there are about forty that
TS 1 have been "captured" by the major planets,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, tho
Jupiter possesses the lion's share of these
captured comets. Scarcely a year passes by
that several comets are not discovered.

/ 'Most of these are telescopic, however, even

when they are near the sun and at their
greatest brilliancy. Naked-eye comets of
great splendor and brilliancy are compara- 'M
tively rare and there has been a particular
Fig.l dearth of such unusual comets during the 1
past thirty years or so. - .._„
This Diagram Shows a Typical Cometary The last spectacular comet, unless we
Orbit of Short Period. A Marks the Peri- make an exception of Halley's comet, which
helion, or Closest Approach to the Sun, and made its return according to prediction in Fig.3
B the Aphelion, or Point Most Distant From 1910, was the great comet of 1882 which
the Sun. The Great Difficulty of Determin-
ing Whether a Comet of Long Period Is was visible in broad daylight close to the How Comet Behaves at Perihelion (Closest
Moving in an Ellipse, Parabola or Hyperbola sun and at its perihelion passage swept Approach to Sun). The Tail of a Comet Is
Is Evident When One Considers How Closely
the Three Curves Coincide in the Vicinity of thru the solar corona with a velocity that Invariably Directed Away From the Sun, No
the Sun. exceeded two hundred and fifty miles a Matter What Its Position in the Heavens.

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Can you write as fast as you can think? he has given to the scientific world, pos- a phonograph, but I have not always a pho-
If you cannot, then jour efficiency is im- sesses no "neck in the bottle" when it comes nograph with me.
paired and the difficulty of putting down
; to jotting down the results of his researches "I learned this shorthand while I was in
your thoughts at the proper speed consti- in his wonderful laboratory at Schenectady. high school in Europe, and took all of my
tutes a real stumbling block in your on- In a recent interview upon this subject he notes while in college in shorthand. All of
ward march toward your goal. said: ,
these notes I have preserved and had
Dr. Steinmetz, one of the greatest au- "Withthis shorthand I can write as fast bound, and I can read them as well after
thorities on matters electrical that the as can think.
I The only other way in thirty-five years as I could thirty-five min-
world has known, and who is an author of which I could put down my thoughts as utes after taking the notes down.
many volumes of useful knowledge which fast as I could think would be to dictate to {Continued on page 373)

talking machine elimi-

'This aluminum, heavily gold plated,
nates the usual tone-arm, as is the tube thru which the
sound-box, and horn. Instead wire runs from the needle to
of these we have a large cone- the diafram as well as the
shaped diafram of parchment other metal parts of the at-
fitted a large circular
into tachments. The simple twist
aluminum frame. The center of the needle holder permits
of the diafram is connected by the playing of either hill and
a wire, under tension, with the dale or lateral cut records on
needle holder. The sound as it the same machine, and it there-
comes from the record sets up fore makes the new reproducer
vibration in the wire, and the practically universal in its ap-
vibrations are released in the plication. It is claimed for the
form of recognizable sound di- Pathe "Actuell" that, inasmuch
rectly from the diafram. The as the sound comes in its full
volume of sound is controlled volume direct from the repro-
by a special attachment on the ducer to the ear, it does not
arm protecting the wire, for suffer from the overtones or
those who desire this method, conflicting vibrations that
but is more readily controlled sometimes devlop when the
by the opening and closing of sound is carried thru an am-
the doors of the cabinet. There plifying chamber and likewise
are two doors in front, each of by reducing the number of fac-
which may be closed separate- tors incident to tone reproduc-
ly, and a large door on the side tion.
which also gives control to the Thru the use of this large
tonal volume. diafram surface, noise, if not
'The circular frame holding entirely eliminated, is reduced to
the diafram is constructed of
The Newest in Talking Machines —
No Horn, Just a Large Vibrating Dia-
fram That Radiates the Sound in All Directions Equarly. a point where it is not audible.


Wl Li THIS WORK ? adds that his machine

will evolve more
power than is re-
quired to run it. The
efficiency of such a
BELT machine would there-
MOTOR fore be greater than
DRIVING 100 per cent! Per-
DYNAMO petual motion ma-
chines fall naturally
into two classes the —
CONNECTING absurd class and the
WIR frauds. The second
of these classes hold
Fig. 5. The Electrical Student's Dream: Belt a Dynamo and a no interest for us
Motor Together. —
Connect Their Windings Electrically and Presto! scientifically. In gen-
You Have Perpetual Motion! But Do You? Read On, Macbeth, eral a perpetual mo-
Read On!! tion machine would
be invented (the in- The Static Electric Motor. A Metal Wire
Cross with Pointed Ends Pivoted on an In-
is known fact that more Time,
a well ventor being backed up
publicity by sulated Upright. Connect It to a Static Ma-
ITand wasted
Energy and Money have been spent
in searches for a machine
specialists). A
glowing account of the op-
eration of the machine before a distin-
chine, Fig. 6, and You Have Perpetual Mo-
tion — Perhaps?
capable of producing Perpetual Mo- guished audience from "Podunk" would ap-
tion than for all other scientific pur- pear, together with front page photographs motion machines and still more time
suits combined. The impossibility of per- of the machine and of the handsome and in trying to fathom the reason why
petual motion can be demonstrated by the distinguished looking inventor who always — our schemes would not work. Which
one of us has not at some time or other
simple elementary laws of Mathematics and spent a life-time and several fortunes in
Mechanics, and consequently the truly hooked up a small toy dynamo and motor
scientific mind wastes no time in such a
with the intention of causing the dynamo
search. Perpetual motion is a direct viola- to supply current to run the motor and
tion of that fundamental law of Physics, —
some lights, bells, trains, etc. while the
the law of conservation of energy; hence in motor in turn, belted to the dynamo, drives
order not to waste time in argument with a the latter machine. See Fig. 5. What a
perpetual motion inventor, to show him the great disappointment it was to find that the
fallacy in his reasoning (?) one has but to scheme wouldn't work. To be sure, on con-
say "it contradicts the law of conservation necting the hand drive to the dynamo, we
of energy." The U. S. Patent Office has a get enough "juice" from it to run our
sure-fire means of disposing of these motor and our lights and other things.

would-be inventors it asks them to pro- Also we can run our motor from some cells
and by belting cause the dynamo to run.
duce a working model That settles it, for

if the inventor cannot make the proposed

Why then does our perpetual motion ma-
scheme work, who can? chine fail us? The answer is simple the —
law of conservation of energy. Let us as-
Perpetual motion and perpetual motion sume that our motor and dynamo were
machines are defined in many ways, all the identically made and practically frictionless.
definitions conveying the idea of getting
The machines of Fig. 5 are of this type.
something for nothing, indefinitely. The A current of 1/10 ampere is used by each
getting something for nothing idea, of when acting as a motor, at a potential of
course, will appeal to the general public
10 volts therefore, 1 watt of power is con-
ignorant of science, and the natural con- It Should Go on Forever, They Say This — ;

sumed. Since the efficiency would have to

sequence is "swindling schemes." One defi- Hydrostatic Marvel. The Atmospheric Pres-
sure of 15 lbs. per sq. Inch on the Water in be less than 100 per cent., due to friction

nition is a perpetual motion machine is Bowl Forces It UP Thru the Revolving Arms. and eddy current losses, etc., then when act-
one which will go on moving without as- The Water Shoots from the Nozzles Back
sistance from any external force, except —
Into the Bowl Ad Nauseam.
ing as a dynamo less than one watt power
is given off. Hence one of the machines
possibly gravity, until the parts of which it can never be made to run the other, let
perfecting the ninth wonder. The inventor
is made wear out The inventor usually
having spent all his money and all he could alone do other work besides!
borrow would therefore be willing to sacri- Another electrical type of perpetual mo-
fice a major share in his invention for a tion machine familiar to most of us de-
few thousand dollars, and some fortunate pends for its operation (or rather for its
young heir or widow would perchance ac- failure to operate) on the action of points.
quire an expensive education. Nowadays, (Continued on page 377)
if an account of a
perpetual motion ma-
chine should appear
in the papers, some
secret service men
would keep touch
with the "benefactor
to mankind" and in a
short time, or as soon
as his "gilt edge
stock" began to sell,
said benefactor would static norc
shortly rest behind DRIVING 5TAT
prison bars. GENERATOR
.The first class of
machines is of con-
siderable interest.
Most of us have at
See the Little Balls in the Hollow Spokes of
This Wheel? Their Constantly Changing
some time or other
spent much time in Fig. 6. An Electro-Static Nightmare! The Static Machine Charges
Center of Gravity Was
Wheel Revolving —Supposed
to Keep
thinking up perpetual
the Motor — the Motor, Thru Its Belt, Drives the Generator! Quick,
Watson, the Needle.

NOT so long ago we ran a "Burnt-

out Lamp Contest" giving prizes
for the best ideas what to do with
These prizes will be paid by the publish-
ers of the Electrical Experimenter for
the best useful ideas what to do with old
the old burnt-out lamp globes.
Thousands of suggestions were re- $50.00 IN PRIZES phonograph records.
The two important conditions are that the
ceived from every part of the world, and idea must be a useful and original one. It
we all had a lot of fun. We
publisht the 1st Prize is not necessary that the record or records
best ideas and we know that many of them
are now actually being used daily.
$25.00 in Gold be used with electrical devices, any use is
satisfactory as long as the resulting device
Your average experimenter is happy only is useful and, of course, therefore prac-
when he can take a lot of antiquated old 2nd Prize tical.
"junk" and put it to a new use he'd
take an Egyptian mummy and convert it
$15.00 in Gold Any amount of records, and any and all
into a rotary spark plug, if it were possible !
sizes can be used. Records can be sand-
3rd Prize
$10.00 in Gold
spark gap using two 7" records shellacked direct:
together with zinc plugs screwed to the
face of the records but really all such
stunts are commonplace.
Bank of "Morn Of course you can do much better than
phonograph disc
records shellacked
this. Somewhere there is a "bug" who will
together turn in a really good idea. And we're
out to find that "bug." Yes it will cost
us $25.00 for that prize idea, but we think
Want a Small Belt Pulley? Procure a it will be cheap at that.
Two Old Phonograph Records Make a
Few Old Phonograph Records, Shellac Good Static Machine, When Drest Up a
Them, Place in a Vise Until Set, and Now, then, boys, let's see how much in- Little With Some Tinfoil Sectors, and
You Have a Fine Pulley. genuity there is around. I promise you Then Rotated In Opposite Directions.
lots of fun and your fellow-bugs will bless
you for generations, because your ideas will
So the other evening when we stumbled be of tremendous value to them. papered, turned down, bent in hot water,
over a lot of old phonograph records that Now listen etc., it matters not, as long as they are
had been played so long that they would
"phono" no longer, we said Ah, what can — actually used. The final shape does not
we do with them? Too good to throw
away So we thunk awhile and ended by
Tno phonograph dnc
records shellacked
Weshall try and award the prizes to
making a fine Wimshurst static machine, *rt% together those who actually have built or made the
using two plates to generate the juice. Of device which they describe. Therefore
course that's old stuff, every "bug" knows those contestants sending actual photo-
that trick. graphs of the ideas stand a better chance
But we felt we had stumbled into a veri- to win a prize.
table gold mine. Now
we admit that our
limited to 200 words. Use
Description is
editorial think-tank becomes clogged up
one side of paper only. Use ink or type-
once in a while, so we thought we'd put it
up to Experimenter readers they have us — writer. No pencilled matter considered.
Sketches must be on separate sheets of
beat forty different ways as a rule. True,
in our younger days ye Editor once made
a very serviceable pulley by shellacking Rotary Spark Gaps Are Quickly Made 1 Contest closes in New York, September
eight, old, cracked 7" disks together which From Old Phonograph Record Discs. § 15th. Prize winners will be announced in
made a pulley about one inch thick, and
our November issue.
which did gallant work. True, that he also
once made a rotary variable condenser from
OLD PHONOGRAPH RECORD Address photographs, to
a dozen 10 cent records (tin foil shellacked
CONTEST. all letters, etc.,

This contest is open to every reader Editor : "Old Phonograph Record Con-
to one side of the records). True, also, that
he once constructed an emergency rotary hether subscriber or not. test."

Lieutenant Jean of the French

Ors, above 1,000 feet, and swinging in a giant
Army, demonstrated the usefulness of his circlemade two trips around the airport.
"aerial life preserver" recently at Atlantic In August "Radio Am- Then, dipping down to about 500 feet, Stin-
son ran his machine southeast, directly
City. This device is an adaptation of the
parachute to airplane use, and toward the ateur News** into the wind, so that the parachutist could
end of the war was widely employed by the Radio-telephoning from Your Auto gage his distance. As Stinson shot in a
Allied armies, greatly reducing the mor- By A. H. Grebe 200-yard spurt at eighty-mile speed, the
tality when machines were shot or caught A 15,000 Cycle Radio Frequency Al- watchers saw the lieutenant crawl cauti-
fire. The test of the device was before a ternator for Radio-Telephone Work ously over the cowl of the machine, poise
committee of American and foreign ex- there a second, and raise an arm as he ript
Construction of An Audion Control
perts, and after Lieutenant Ors had proved the fastenings of the parachute, and then
the worth of the life preserver, he received plunged earthward from the streaking air-
Multiple Conical Loose Coupler plane.
a special prize of $500.
By John G. Merne For the fraction of a second he was
The aerial contained in an oil-
Loop Antenna and Direction Finders enveloped in the smoke of the exhaust.
cloth packet, is only fifty inches in diam-
for Amateur Use Then he came hurtling at the field. Quick
eter and four inches thick. It weighs about
By David S. Brown as a flash the life preserver opened, the
fourteen pounds. For the test it was
affixt to the underbody of the airplane Low Potential Radio Frequency Arc fall of the Frenchman being checked
with a rope running into the cowl, so that By Charles W. Noller without perceptible shock within fifty feet
the lieutenant could make the release at Is the Antenna Doomed? after he made the jump. Slowly the wide-
the proper moment. When it was in place By E. T. Jones spreading white silk umbrella, with the
"Eddie" Stinson, America's leading fancy Developments in U 7 ireless Telephony army officer dangling at the end of the
tuned up his craft and he and the ropes, swung to earth, the landing being as
flier, By Dr. F. B. Jewett
Frenchman hopped in. gentle as the arrival of a raindrop.
Stinson and his passenger rose well descent was made in forty-six seconds.


evolved one made in the following The microscope is then placed in position,
being one of the subjects
became interested, and hav-
in finally
manner: the hood drawn around the eye-piece and
The camera was made in two parts "A," fastened with a hook and eye. The shutter
ing fitted up a small laboratory, I ;

found that I required a photographic the plate holder, is a shallow box 6" long, is now opened and the exposure made.
attachment which could be used in 4" wide and 1" deep. The top of the box The length of exposure will vary with the
hinged and the interior of the plate degree of transparency of the object and
connection with a small microscope. So I is
holder has a depression of a size to take the depth of staining. Thin clear objects
a No. 320 Premo film-pack. It is modeled or objects stained with methyl-violet or blue
after the plate holder of a Premo camera. (Continued on page 356)
The camera box is 5" deep, 3" wide and
Ayi" from front to back. The camera has
a strip y2 " wide around it, }4" from the
top, forming a shoulder upon which the
plate holder rests when in place ; both the
edges of the plate holder opening and the
rim above the shoulder are covered with
black velvet, forming a light-proof joint.
In the center of the opposite end is an
opening in diameter closed by a simple
sliding shutter made of sheet metal. Both
the plate holder and the camera box are
covered with imitation leather and are con-
structed of light wood. The hood "C" is
of black cloth and serves merely to confine
the draw-tube and prevent leakage of
light between the eye-piece and the open-
ing in "B." At the base of the upright is
a wooden form eXdCth of the same shape
as the foot of the microscope. This form is
so placed that it acts as a guide to keep the
microscope in position with the eye-piece.
The Apparatus Used in Making Photo-Micro- When photographing, the slide is placed Drawing Showing Sectional View Thru Cam-
graphs, Comprising a Home-made Camera era and the Arrangement for Holding the
for Holding Plate Holder or Film Pack in on the stage in the usual way and focust Film Pack or Plate Holder, in Position Over
Proximity to Microscope Eye-piece so that all details are brought out sharp. the Microscope Eye-piece

Fig. 1, Microphotograph Showing the Wonderful Wing Structure of the Moth from the Grape-vine Cut-Worm. —
2 Parenchyma of Sun
Flower Leaf. This Specimen Was Obtained by Stripping a Small Piece of the Epidermis from the Upper Part of the Leaf. The Large Pointed
— — —
Objects Are Hairs. 3 The Magnified Surface of the Underwing of the Squash Bug; the Dark Line Is Part of the Vein. 4 Nitrogen Fix-
ing Organisms from a Nodule on the Root of a Pea, Which Possesses the Property of Fixing Nitrogen from the Air. 5 Tip of Antenna of

a May Beetle. The Short Sharp Bristles Are the Sensory Organs of Smell. 6 Micrograph of a Wing Tip from a Crane Fly, Showing Cov-
ering of the Wings.

Sequel to "Building a Medical Coil Set."

iN extensive article accompanied by of an unsymmetrical alternating current.* growths and enlarged glands. In this treat-
/% working drawings and photographs Where much of this work is being done, ment arrange the poles, if possible, the
/ % appeared in the June issue of this it is always best to invest in a sensitive positive above the negative: while in de-
-^-journal, covering the construction milli-ampere meter which can be connected bility, numbness, inaction, tendency to de-
of a high grade electro-medical or in series with one of the handle cords, so composition, treatment is given with the
faradic coil. Methods were there explained that the current strength in milli-amperes negative pole. The rule of the positive


Illustrating Several Interesting Applications of the Faradic Current. The Apparatus for Producing This Current Was Described In Complete
Detail in the June Issue of This Journal.

for testing out the polarity of the coil, and being administered, can be regulated. The above the negative cannot always be fol-
thus it becomes easy for even the novice to proper current strengths for different ail- lowed in this treatment.
properly apply the positive and negative ments is given in any of the works on The primary current starts at the dry
electrodes as required in the following Electro-therapeutics, which may be con- cell, passes thru one coil of wire (primary
directions for the treatment of various sulted at almost every library. coil) thence thru the circuit-breaker thru
ordinary ills, such as, headache, nervous- the patient. The secondary is the induced
General Considerations.
ness, rheumatism, etc. current in the finer wire of the coil and is
The accompanying illustrations show how In treating diseases of an inflammatory of much greater tension (voltage) than the
several people may join hands so as to nature and fevers the positive pole is gen- primary, but not of so much volume (am-
form a scries connection to the medical or erally utilized. This includes such ailments perage). The primary current is used
shocking coil, and as many as eight or ten as swellings, bruises, sprains, extraneous particularly in the treatment of scrofula

people or more, may thus join hands in a
* For further details on the action of induction
ulcers, cancers, extraneous growths, en-
circle, evolving a great deal of amusement larged tonsils, enlarged joints, granulated
coils,including the wave form of the secondary or
at parties and social gatherings. One of induced current, as well as the primary current, eyelids, enlarged glands, strictures, etc.*
the illustrations shows how a second person reference may be made to several works on in- The secondary current is applied in the
may apply the faradic current for facial or duction coils including the following: "How To cure of nervous and inflammatory diseases
Make Induction Coils and Transformers," by H.
other massage with the hand. There are W. Secor, and a later revised edition by J. S. and acts as a tonic upon the system. There
two ways of giving this massage, and one Curtis, "Induction Coils in Theory and Practise," are two methods of applying electrical cur-
of the accompanying diagrams shows the by Prof. F. E. Austin, "Induction Coils," by H. S. rents to the body viz 1.
: General Electri-
Norrie, "Induction Coils," by Armagnat, also
second method, whereby the person apply- several other works including those by A. Fred- zation 2. Localized Electrization.

ing the currents forms a shunt circuit to erick Collins, Allsop, and Trevert. By the first method the current is past
the patient. Where a thru the entire body
mild current is de- or part of it. By the
sired, the shunt meth- second method, the
od is preferable, object is to influence
while the scries con- special nerves, mus-
nection gives a harsh- cles or organs, limit-
er or stronger cur- ing the action of cur-
rent. For the pur- rents to these parts,
pose of giving mas- or, instead of trying
sage treatments, there to influence a muscle,
is available on the we may stimulate the
market special wrist nerve supplying it,

electrodes, which thus reaching the

have a binding-post same indirectly.
terminal on them, to When the refreshing
which one of the sec- effects of the current
ondary wires from are desired to relieve
the apparatus may be fatigue or ward off
connected. Many oth- approaching paralysis
er forms of elec- some suitable exer-
trodes, cise of the muscles
foot-plates, should be combined
electrodes, hair with the galvanic cur-
brushes, massage rol- rent. Short sittings
lers, et cetera, are are better than long
shown in one of the ones. In ordinary
accompanying illus- cases from two to
trations. The faradic
secondary current *See Electro-Therapeu-
ticsHandbook, by Trevert.
produced by medical Also Handbook of Elec-
induction coils is, as trotherapeutics by Dr.
explained in text- Apparatus Used in Faradic Current Treatment, Including Sponge Electrodes, Massage
books, in the form Roller, Wrist Electrode, Foot Plate, Hair-brush, Bust Cuppe r, Et Cetera. (Cont. on page 366)


THE average electrical reader is not

ignorant as to the general nature of
X-rays, or more properly Rontgen
of wood or a thin sheet of aluminum cast
only a partial shadow, showing that the rays
producing the phosphorescence could pene-
they consist of extremely short ether "waves,
similar in many ways to light. The chief
points of difference lie in the facts that the
rays, but he usually knows compara- trate more or less easily objects opaque to objects which reflect or at least refract or-
tively little about them. Considering ordinary light, but that the amount of pene- dinary light are transparent to X-rays,
the ever broadening field of usefulness of tration varied inversely as the density. This neither are they subject to polarization.
may be further illustrated by interposing This evidence is, however, not so conclu-
the hand between the tube and the screen.
The flesh being less dense than the bones
cast only a light shadow while the latter are
distinctly outlined. The rays were also
found to possess the property of affecting
a photographic plate.
course, an ordinary vacuum tube such
as the one with which Rontgen first re-
marked the phenomena, does not produce
X-rays in any great quantity. Many differ-
ent forms of bulbs have been evolved but
they may
be divided into two general
classes, namely, those 6perated on spark
coils and those operated on high frequency
currents such as those from a Tesla coil.
As the spark coil exciter is more within the
reach of the average experimenter, it has Experiment Demonstrating the Ionizing Prop-
been selected for description in this article. erty of X-Rays. A Charged Electroscope Is
Quickly Discharged When X-Rays are Past
Those who are interested, however, in the Across the Gap Between the Electroscope
operation of high frequency X-ray tubes and a Grounded Metal Plate.
Simple Form of Vacuum Bulb for the Produc- are referred to a most complete article on
tion of X-Rays. When the Cathode Particles sive as it might seem at first sight. It has
Strike the Target, B, They Set Up Etheric been known for some time that X-rays con-
— —
Vibrations X-Rays Radiating in the Direc-
tion Shown by the Dotted Lines. sist of vibrations about 10 cm. in length.
It is impossible to conceive of a defraction
grating of suitable spacing to intercept these
these remarkable rays, behooves the ex-
it waves. On the other hand, they have many
perimenter who wishes to keep abreast of similar characteristics. They move in
the times to make himself better acquainted straight lines, cast definite shadows, affect
with them and their properties. It is the a photographic plate, and Brandes and Dorn
author's intention in the following article have shown that they even produce a slight
to briefly outline the latest advances in this but sensible effect on the retina. Prof.
branch of science and to give some experi- Marx, by a series of complicated experi-
ments, using apparatus within the reach of ments snowed that they traveled at the
every experimenter. speed of light. His results, however, have
Rontgen, while experimenting with a vac- not been generally accepted and his meth-
uum tube, noticed that the sides of the tube ods severely criticized. I have stated above
exposed to the discharge were brightly that Rontgen rays are not subject to polari-
Fig. 4. How the X-Ray Tube, Hand to Be
phosphorescent, and that if a screen of Radiographed, and Covered Photographic (Continued on page 375)
some phosphorescent substance such as po- Plate Are Arranged.
tassium platinocyanid was brought into its
vicinity it would become luminous. He also the subject by Dr. Frederick F. Strong, in
noticed that if a thick piece of metal were the September, 1917, issue of this maga-
interposed a shadow was cast, while a piece zine.
A simple tube for the production of
Rontgen rays is shown in Fig. 1A. The
cathode A is generally of aluminum and
made in the form of a reflector. The anode
B isfaced with platinum or tungsten and
inclined at an angle of 45 deg. to the
cathode. Sometimes a third electrode (C,
Fig. IB) is added. This, however, is not
necessary in small tubes. The pressure in
the bulb must be extremely low. After ex-
tended use this tends to become even lower.
This, altho producing more penetrating X Roys produce
rays, decreases the supply of electrons, Ionization
making it difficult for the discharge to pass. causing conden-
To remedy this some bulbs are equipt with sation cloud
a small platinum tube fused into the glass. to form oround
When this is heated it allows the hydrogen ions 05 nuclei.
to pass. If the bulb is not provided with
any means of increasing the pressure it may
be done by gently heating it in an oven.
When the vacuum is high the bulb is said
to be "hard"; as the pressure increases it
is said to become "soft." For general work
the bulb should be rather "hard." 5_-_=>_-l"L Rubber bulb
The nature and properties of the rays
will now be discust. When the cathode
particles strike the target they set up etheric
vibrations which radiate in the direction of
the dotted lines in Fig. 1A. The nature of
these vibrations has been the field of con- An Intensely Interesting X-Ray Experiment,
Pig. 5. Skiagraph Taken by the Author, Showing How Rain (Aqueous Vapor) Is
Showing Bones of the Hand and Finger-Ring. siderable discussion but has now been prac-
Formed by Condensation Set Up on Nuclei
X-Ray Tube Excited on Two-inch Spark Coil. tically settled. It is the general belief that Created by X-Ray Ionization.


Dept. of Physics, New York University.

THE question often arises, "why is

the hot air engine not used?" Air GasoMim© — Steam boiler
The steam
(any kind of
fuel can be used).
led into the cylinder thru the
certainly is cheaper than gasoline.
It takes less fuel to heat air than to
©t Air inlet valve. In the type illustrated below
there are two inlets to the cylinder, one on
convert water into steam. However, each side. A slide valve operated by the fly-
it does not follow that the hot air engine themoving fly-wheel causes the piston to
move inward (cycle 2). The inlet and ex-
haust valves are both closed during this
cycle, and the explosive mixture is com-
prest, rendering it capable of delivering
greater power when it is exploded. As
dead center is again reached, and the mix-
ture is comprest to a maximum, the mix-
ture is ignited by means of an electric
spark properly timed. The mixture dis-
integrates as a result of combustion and
forms a gas of tremendous pressure, this
pressure causing the piston to move out-
ward. This is the third cycle or power cycle.
(Both valves are closed.) On again reach-
ing dead center, the inertia of the fly-wheel
causes the piston to move inward; the ex-
haust valve is automatically opened and
the spent gases are expelled. (The inlet
valve is, of course, closed during this
cycle.) The four cycles are then repeated
over and over again.
It is to be noted that during the whole
four cycles, only one power stroke is
secured ;and that this power stroke is
secured as a result of chemical action due
to the combustion of the fuel mixture.
The four cycles occur during two revolu-
tions of the fly-wheel. It is therefore neces-
sary to have a fly-wheel with a large mo-
ment of inertia in order to cause a steady
running of the engine. Smoothness is ob-
tained by using several cylinders instead The Stirling "Hot Air" Engine. It Only
Illustration of Four Cycle Operation in the
Gasoline Engine. First the Gas Mixture Is of one, thus securing more power strokes Consumes 2 lb. Coal per H.P. Hour, Being
Drawn In. Second, Compression Takes per revolution of the fly-wheel. The high Therefore More Efficient Than the Steam
Place. Third Comes the Explosion; and Engine. These Engines Have Been Built
price of gasoline together with the com- to Develop Several Horsepower.
Fourth, the Expulsion of the Burnt Gases
Takes Place. plications arising in the devices for secur-
ing the proper mixture and the right kind wheel moves in opposition to the piston,
is the cheapest to run and at the same time of spark at the right time are points against alternately admitting steam to the left and
obtain the necessary power. A
little review the gasoline engine. Because of the high to the right of the piston, thus causing it
of the gasoline and steam engines together temperatures developed as a result of the to move back and forth. It is therefore
with the principles of operation of the hot chemical action, the cylinders must be apparent that there are two power strokes
air engine will answer our question, why cooled by some means, usually water cir- for each revolution of the fly-wheel or four
this type of engine is not used. culation (another complication). times as many as in the four cycle gasoline
The Gasoline Engine. engine. The spent steam is usually ex-
Steam Engines. hausted into the atmosphere. In the more
Thegasoline engine (internal combus-
tion) has attained great popularity by its The steam engine is still very much used modern steam engine the spent steam is
use in the automobile industry. It is flexi- in spite of its low efficiency (usually condensed and brought back to the boiler,
ble, capable of delivering a large amount of ranging from 10 to 12 per cent). It pos- thereby requiring water to be added to the
power, it develops high speed and power al- sesses the disadvantage of not being cap- boiler much less frequently besides saving
most instantaneously. It also has an effi- able of immediate starting; perhaps this is fuel. Because of the high price of gaso-
line, several automobile concerns have ex-
ciency of about 25 per cent. The engine the chief reason for its not being used in
and the fuel used are light in weight com- automobile propulsion except in one or two pended a great deal of time and money in
pared with other kinds of engines of simi- special instances. Its bulk is, of necessity,
research and development on automobile
lar power. The four cycle engine is typical. very large comparatively as is the bulk of steam engines, and their "selling points"
Figure 1 is a sketch showing the conditions the fuel used. (A one horsepower engine are extremely good ones. Getting up steam
is reduced to a matter of only a few min-
at each of the four cycles. The first cycle requires about lbs. of coal per hour.)
is started by turning over the flywheel On the other hand it is simple in operation {Continucd on page 373)
(cranking the engine). This causes a suc- arid control. Once steam is "gotten up,"
tion in the cylinder. The inlet valve is the movement of one throttle is all that is
either opened automatically or by the suc- necessary to cause a change in speed and
tion. The properly mixed fuel (gasoline power. No fuel mixing device is used nor
and air enters thru the inlet. ( During this
) any electrical system. Figure 2 shows the
cycle the exhaust valve remains closed.) main parts of a typical steam engine. Steam
After passing dead center, the inertia of is raised by heating water contained in a


Inlet, Right: — Ideal

Comprising a Cylinder, Piston,
"Hot Air" Engine,
Slid* va/ve
j! Connecting Rod and Flywheel.
Heat Is Applied to Bottom of
Cylinder, Driving Piston Up-

Left: —
Principle of Simple Steam
Engine, Showing Slide Valve
Actuated by Cam Shaft from
Flywheel Shaft. The Steam Is
Successively Admitted and Ex-
hausted from Alternate Sides of
the Piston, Causing Rotation of
Piston^y/Mer ^-frfiaust Fig. 2 the Flywheel.


REGARDING REAMERS. From D to C the taper is reversed, the signed mainly for machine work. The taper
diameter decreasing about .0002 inch per begins at the cutting end, and the diameter
the last lesson we completed the dis-
inch of length towards C. The part be- decreases toward the opposite end in about
INThe reader
cussion on the subject of "Twist Drills."
is undoubtedly aware by this
tween A and B is usually made about the same ratio as the reamers previously
.001 inch smaller than the largest diameter described.
time that quite impossible to drill
it is
any size hole he desires with rigid ac-
at D. When the cutting edges are worn When these reamers wear .0003 inch to
to such an extent that the blank part, .001 inch below standard size, it is neces-
curacy thru the use of drills in commercial
when free from bruises, will not pass thru sary to reset or regrind them to a smaller
the reamed hole, the reamer is too small
for standard use.
As will be seen, the hand reamer has a
square end, upon which a wrench is used
to turn it. This is the main distinguish-
ing feature between the above mentioned
and the machine reamer of the fluted type.
The latter is made with taper and parallel
shanks the same as a drill. It may also
have a shank of any special shape to fit
Standard Form of Hand Reamer. The Reamer a certain holder. The machine reamer is
Is Used to Accurately Clean Out Drilled or Typical Rose Reamer. This Is Used Con-
Cast Holes, Especially Journal Boxes and generally, tho not always, made straight siderably for Roughing and Finishing Work,
Shaft Bearings of All Types. or parallel, from E to D, Fig. 2. but One Reamer Should Not Be Utilized for
A reamer having a flute parallel with its Both Purposes, as Inaccuracy Is Bound to
practise. For example, it is desired to Result.
axis has a slight tendency to draw in. To
place a pin into a drilled hole to have a overcome this, some mechanics prefer the size. Resetting consists in enlarging the
driving or a sliding fit. The reader will flutes of both hand and machine reamers, diameter of the reamer by hammer blows
find that nine times out of ten he will be made in the form of a left-hand spiral. in connection with a form of set or calking
unable to obtain the proper size drill to The angle of the spiral or helix may be
do the work. In this instance another form
tool. The latter, which may be made by
from 4 to 8 degrees. grinding a common chisel flat on the end,
of tool is at hand, namely, the reamer. Another form is the so-called rose is held against the front of the cutting
This tool is used whenever a hole is to be reamer. Its name is derived from the fact edges for this purpose. It is necessary to
enlarged just a few thousandths more than that its cutting end resembles a rose. It anneal the reamer for resetting, and each
the original. Sometimes the reamer is used
is essentially an end-cutting tool and is cutting edge must be treated until the
when a smooth hole is required, in which rarely used for other than machine work. diameter is about 1/64 inch larger than the
case the hole being first drilled is made The rose reamer has chip and oil grooves
smaller, in order to obtain the finally re-
standard. Having completed this work,
on the sides and is made with any shank the reamer is now retempered and brought
quired size after reaming. required in machine work. This reamer to final size by grinding. This is usually
As in the case of twist drills, there are has the larger diameter at its cutting end, accomplisht by placing the reamer in a
a large variety of reamers, varying in size, and tapers back at about the same rate Universal precision grinding machine.
and each is suited for a definite purpose. as the hand-fluted reamer, viz. .0002 inch
Properly speaking, the reamer may be de-
Before grinding the reamer, its center
per inch of length. should be carefully cleaned of any dirt
fined as a tool for perfecting holes previ-
The object of the taper on the fluted or other foreign matter that may have
ously drilled or bored. Fig. 1 shows a reamer is to counteract the tendency of
standard hand reamer. The reamer should adhered to it. A point scraper made from
all such reamers to produce a hole larger a three-cornered file answers well for this
never be used to remove any considerable The rose reamer as
at the outer end. purpose. After scraping the centers it is
quantity of stock, but merely to eliminate
well as the twist drill have the taper for usually necessary to lap them. For this
minute imperfections left by other tools. the same reason, viz for clearance.
In some cases the hole may be mad# to
process we chuck a short brass rod in the
As compared with the fluted reamer, lathe and turn the end to the shape of
within .001 inch before the reamer is ap-
the rose reamer has one advantage, in that the lathe centers. Having smeared this
plied, but generally the allowance of .002
when new it will make holes more uniform conical end with fine emery and oil, the
inch to .010, according to the diameter of
in size and shape, but has the disadvantage reamer is placed on the center of the lathe
the hole, may be left for the standard
that when the cutting lips are worn, it will and started at the greatest speed attain-
reamer to cut. If given too much material bind on the sides and roughen the hole.
•to remove, the cutting edges of the reamer
able. The reamer center is lapt by alter-
If the fluted reamer becomes slightly worn nately forcing it against and releasing it
will wear too fast, and its reliability as a
at the end, it will still cut on the sides, from the revolving brass. This is done
sizer will be quickly destroyed.
but because of its cutting on the sides, it by light pressure with the tail spindle, and
Reamers may be divided into two gen- is more likely to be deflected by imper-
eral classes: the side-cutting or fluted and for each time that the reamer is prest
fections of the hole, or to cut larger than against the brass it should be revolved
the end-cutting or bits* Each of these fixt size.
classes are subdivided into solid and ad-
its slightly. By thus revolving it, we dis-
As above stated, the standard fluted tribute the emery and counteract the tend-
justable reamers.
reamer should be used for finishing cuts ency of the lap to scratch rings in the
The first well-known reamer is called only. However, the rose reamer can be center. It is sometimes necessary to re-
the solid fluted reamer, and is made with utilized for roughing or finishing cuts.
slight modifications to suit two different turn the lap before finishing one reamer
cases, namely, hand and machine use. Fig.
When the same reamer is used for both but a skillful workman can do this in ten
purposes, it becomes unreliable as a stand- minutes or less. Instead of having to
2 illustrates a hand reamer which belongs ard finishing tool. A good illustration of
to the short set. Reamers of the same chuck the lap each time it is used, it would
the rose reamer is shown in Fig. 3. be better to make one to fit the hole in
general design are also made longer in
Another type is the shell reamer, which the lathe spindle directly.
regular sets. The cutting edges of fluted is identical in construction to the fluted
reamers taper in diameter for about one- [In the next installment the subject of
and rose reamers, with regard to cutting adjustable reamers and grinding of reamers
from E to D being
inch smaller at E than at D.
edges, but differs in that the reamer proper will be discust — Editor.]
is placed upon an arbor, thus saving in
cost of material. It will be seen, how-
ever, that when the reamer becomes worn
to such an extent that its accuracy is de-
stroyed, it should be replaced by a new
one, which occupies the same position on
the arbor. Fig. 4 illustrates a typical shell
reamer. The arbor drives the shell thru
the engagement of its key with a rec- Fig. 4
tangular slot cut across the rectangular
shell. These reamers are made with either
Illustration Showing a Hand Reamer of the straight or spiral flutes. A Shell Reamer. An Arbor or Shaft Sup-
Solid Fluted Type for Hand Use. The Let- ports theReamer When in Use. They Are
ters Refer to Different Tapered Sections The shells as ordinarily made are rather Held by a Key on the Shaft and Are Made
Described in the Text. short for hand reaming. They are de- With Straight or Spiral Flutes.
) !


This department will award the following monthly prizes: First Prize, $3.00; Second Prize, $2.00; Third Prize, $1.00.
The purpose of this department is to stimulate experimenters towards accomplishing new things with old apparatus or old material,
and for the most useful, practical and original idea submitted to the Editors of this department, a monthly series of prizes will be awarded.
For the best idea submitted a prize of $3.00 is awarded; for the second best idea a $2.00 prize, and for the third best prize of $1.00. The
article need not be very elaborate, and rough sketches are sufficient. We will make the mechanical drawings. Use only one side of sheet.
Make sketches on separate sheets.


After having experienced considerable circuiting the device. The materials required with a 10 per cent, solution of sulfuric acid.
trouble in devising a satisfactory electrolytic outside of the battery jar and wooden top, The action of this interrupter is as fol-
which must be boiled in paraffin to render it lows As the rod is worn away by the

impervious to moisture, are: One-half action of the solution, it is impelled down-

pound of lead, about five inches of glass ward by the weight on top, the porcelain cup
tubing, having an internal diameter of one- preventing it from going too far. In case it
sixteenth inch, three binding posts, a small
strip of brass and ,a small porcelain cup Out Cold waterm/et
(used for mixing water colors).
The lead electrode is cast in the shape o
shown in Fig. 2. A
hole somewhat smaller
than the cup is bored in the large end. A
rabbet, H
is cut around the edge of this

hole so that the cup will fit into it. The lead I
electrode is now completed and fastened to
the top with a machine screw and binding
post. The top has a cup-shaped cavity
reamed out as shown at C, Fig. 1, which is
as deep as one-half the thickness of the
top. A hole is bored in the center to receive
the end of the glass tube, which should fit
ofcoot/ng. tight. The bottom of the tube is about
trorm three-sixteenths of an inch above the porce-
lain cup. The. cavity also has a small
n /
hole G, Fig. 1, in one side to furnish an ^Leacf pipe
outlet for the solution which rises in the Cooling worm n
tube. A
brass strip about one-quarter of
an inch wide is fastened across the top of Detail of Lead Electrode and Lead Cooling
the cavity with a wood screw, binding post
Worm for Home-made Electrolytic Inter-
A Really Good Design of Home-made Elec- and a small screw. This strip has a small hole-
trolytic Interrupter.
in the center for the rod electrode to pass is desired to operate this interrupter con-
thru. The rod is best made of phosphor tinually for any length of time, it may be
interrupter,I succeeded in constructing the bronze, and should fit the tube loosely. It cooled by immersing in a large jar of water,
one described herewith in which most of has a binding post on top to serve as a or else by inserting a cold wate,r cooling
the faults of its predecessors are eliminated. weight and for connections. The inter- worm in the solution, after the design here
The greatest of these faults was the rupter is now complete, and should be filled pictured.
dropping of the rod electrode, thus short- to within an inch and a half of the top Contributed by E.SCOTT VANCE.

(Glebes M^sMapIl® Swaticlhi

'Collar B^U<s>m DS>
Ptmslk Bmit©s&
I submit herewith an idea for using a Here is a push button designed to use up
motor commutatoras a rotary multiple
Send us some of your good ideas. pay We |
allyour waste material and make you buy
for all articles publisht. Address the Editor \
point switch. This sort of switch is useful How-To-Make-It Dept. more collar buttons. Bore the holes as
where it is desirable to economize on space, shown in a two by one-half inch block of
as on the secondary of a loose coupler. THE PHONOGRAPH AS A wood, screw on the metal plate D, with the
Thisswitch is, moreover, thoroly dust TEACHER. brass spring C insulated from it by the
proof, as it is always on the inside of the Many amateurs object to the use of a wood or fiber E, slip in your collar button
cabinet. B, glue on the thin piece of wood F, and
phonograph for learning wireless teleg-
Contributed by R. C. SMOLLEN. raphy because of the fact that the sound Eureka there you have it

coming from the phonograph is in no way I know myfriends will surely bless me
similar to the actual wireless message. for this valuable contribution to Science in
Commutator is fixed the Home. Pa can rest his mind hereafter
Close the doors of the machine and place
/ a telephone transmitter on the inside. Or, — when the shirt button drops, he will know
it's gone to help the cause of true Science.
better still, place the transmitter directly on
t spring ~ the end of the tone arm. This latter method Contributed by RAY BILLINGTON.
can-be used with any make of phonograph.
Then connect a telephone receiver (or a
number of telephone receivers in parallel
in series with the transmitter and a few
This method overcomes all objections to
the phonograph method and is much better
than the omnigraph method since the phono-
graph records can be made to represent two
stations of a different pitch sending at the etc. To coupler same time, interference, etc. When you tire
A' to aerial
of listening to radio signals put on an ordi-
nary record and have a "wireless" concert. At Last! The "Collar Button" Push Button.
This Classy Multiple Point Coupler and Bat- Papa Will Never Find His Collar Buttons
tery Switch Is Constructed From a Small What? Now, When They Roll Away Under the Bed..
Commutator. Contributed by PAUL G. EDWARDS Little "Willie" Will See to That!




TELL-TALE FOR REFRIGERATOR Bunsen burners occasionally get blocked the two slates to some-one (it does not
DRIP PAN. by some molten substance falling into the matter whom) to tie with a string or seal
This tell-tale for an ice box drip-pan con- inner tube. They may be cleaned by wash- allaround with sealing-wax. After a few
sists of a piece of hard wood or fiber cut ing with water. After washing blow thru minutes or so, the slates are taken apart
into the form (A). A piece of No. 14 cop- the burner to remove any drop of water and Presto! there is found a message from
per wire is bent into the form (C). This which may clog the exit. The revolving the "spirit world" written with the chalk,
form is allowed to turn on pivot (E), tube or ring should be frequently turned, which was placed in there by the
which is a current carrying part of the cir- so as to keep it in order ;otherwise they "Medium."
cuit. When the pan is full of water, the get jammed and it is impossible to change The way it's done is this:
form (C) floats up by means of a piece of quickly from a yellow to a blue flame. The chalk is of special formation; it is
wood (cork is good) attached to the end. Balances should turn with much less than made of chalk dust mixed with iron-filings
The copper wire makes contact with (D), a centigram. Balances with steel knife- and a little glue. A strong (need not be
and the bell rings, indicating that the pan edges, if protected from the air of the lab- very big) magnet is used to make the chalk
is full. The notch (B) makes it possible to oratory, will remain serviceable for years. move and write the message. The
take the device off when emptving the pan. Those with agate edges set in steel are "Medium" located the chalk by tipping the
Contributed by EDWARD KENNEDY. more durable, but are more expensive. slates to one corner and placing the mag-
Weights less than a centigram are needless, net under it.
and cause trouble to beginners. More ex-
act weighing can always be done by watch-
ing the pointer, if the weights are accurate.
Management of mercury. Mercury is
difficult to manage, on account of its weight
and the ease with which it picks up impuri-
ties. Stone-ware mortars are better for
holding mercury than glass beakers, which
easily crack when set down. All opera-
tions with mercury should be conducted
over a tray or on a table with a groove
around the edge.
Dust on the surface of mercury may be
removed by allowing the mercury to run
thru a dry filter paper in which a few pin
holes have been made. Or the mercury
may be washed in a current of water, and "Spirit" Slate Writing May Be Performed
With This Simple Apparatus. The Chalk
then past thru a separating funnel. The Container Could Very Well Be a Small Perfo-
little moisture on the surface may be re- rated Ball billed With Powdered Chalk.
moved with a blotting paper. Many metals The Slates Should Bo Held Horizontally.
Simplicity Is Stamped All Over This Home-
made Refrigerator Drip-pan Alarm. It Costs easily dissolve in mercury; and a very little
This works better in the dark for the
But a Few Cents to Make and Will Save tin or zinc will spoil its fluidity. They are
Your Carpets and Hard-wood Floors. simple reason that the people will not notice
best removed by shaking the mercury in a
the magnet and its use. The darker the
bottle with a little nitric acid; the tin or
HINTS ON LABORATORY zinc will then dissolve, leaving the mercury
Contributed by GEORGE PASTC.
By Eugene McGowan A few words of caution concerning the
To most experimenters chemistry un- care of reagent bottles are in place here. A
doubtedly proves a most interesting study. good reagent bottle must have its stopper SPACE.
However the chief
fault lies in the fact ground to fit it, and this stopper will not fit It is most discouraging
to have to
that things mess up so easily. The follow- any other bottle you may have. Conse- spend half-an-hour finding tools and
ing is intended to overcome this difficulty. quently the stoppers should never be inter- impedimenta before starting an hour's
First of all the laboratory should be ar- changed. Again, the stoppers of all rea- work in the evening. The remedy is to
ranged so that the one who uses the room gent bottles, excepting sulfuric acid, should have a place for everything, and keep
may be able to find everything he wants. be paraffined, otherwise they are apt to everything in its place. Also, keep them as
A gross of empty wooden boxes, 12 stick.
compactly as possible. A good deal of
inches x 8 inches x 4 inches, will be found Do not lay down the cork of a reagent extra room can be got out of an ordinary
convenient for keeping dry reagents in. bottle while pouring out a solution, as the cupboard by the exercise of a little inge-
Labels should be used freely, and all un- stoppers may become changed. Again, no nuity. Things not often required should be
labelled bottles washed out. Paper labels solution but the one corresponding to the kept on the top shelf. Perhaps there is
on bottles may be protected by a coating of name on the bottle should ever be placed in still some space to spare. Then tack a
paraffin wax varnish or shellac. But most the bottle. piece of cloth or a large handkerchief in-
bottles should have some label in the sub- Another important item is' that each bot- side the top of the cupboard, and screw in
stance of the glass. These are made in two tle shall have its own particular place on
a couple of brass .crew hooks a few inches
forms. Enamel labels are melted on the the shelf, and always be put in its place from the ends. Sew a brass ring to eacn
glass. They last well, but white enamel is thus the amateur chemist will know exactly of the free corners of the cloth and you
not always distinct when white crystals are where to find the proper reagent, just as a have a sort of cradle in which many odd
in the bottle. Sand-blast labels are made printer knows where to find the letters in things may be suspended by slipping the
by roughening the surface of the glass with his case, by prearrangement. rings over the hooks.
a jet of sand driven by a blast of air. They A dozen wooden soap or sugar boxes,
ere apt to be indistinct when wet, if not USE FOR AN ATOMIZER. stood one above another in a corner of the
made with a really rough surface. They An atomizer is a handy appliance to fur- room, preferably in a recess, will do duty
can be made more distinct by rubbing over nish a draft of air when drying precipitates for a cupboard. Capital shelves can be
with crayon or chalk. Sand blast labels or evaporating solvents like ether or chloro- made inside the boxes, using wood from
cost only about half as much as enamel form. The drying of precipitates and cry- the lids, while the whole structure can be
labels. stals can best be carried out when same is effectually disguised during the daytime by
Retort stands should be firm and sub- placed on a blotter to help absorb the covering it with a piece of dark colored
stantial. The sliding collars for the rings liquid. material. Extra room can be made by fix-
should be slotted at the sides, so as to move ing hooks to the outside edges of the boxes
easily and a good clamp should be chosen
; "SPIRIT" SLATE-WRITING. for things that can be hung up, while other
with well-made screw threads. Two thin slates are brought forth and odds and ends can be dropt into cocoa
Deflagrating spoons can be cleaned by offered examination by the audience.
for tins and the like tacked to the sides of
holding the cup in the Bunsen flame for a The operator then places in between the the boxes.
few seconds. two plates a small piece of chalk and hands Contributed by H. J. GRAY.

ONE of the most important
parts of the antenna sys-
tem in connection with air-
of the fuselage on the right-hand
side of the plane, as here shown.
It is attached to two vertical pieces
plane radio work is the lirplwBody of wood which are lashed to the
antenna reel. Electrically, upper main and seat longerons.
the antenna system of a radio trans- These pieces contain holes corre-
mitter consists of a single trailing sponding to the four attachment legs
wire and a counterpoise. The an- of the reels, and thru which these
tenna wire is lowered from the air- legs extend to the inside of the
plane during flight by a hand reel fuselage. The circular bakelite nuts,
and trails out to a distance of about as shown in figure, secure the reel
300 feet, at an angle of 20 degrees posts to these uprights. The copper
\ vent woe
to the fuselage. \roppprfuiefi i ten'oncomjuctor guide tube thru which the antenna
The antenna reel, as illustrated in cable slides after leaving the reel is
Fig. 1, is so designed in order to supported beneath and rearward
stand all mechanical and electrical from the antenna reel at an angle
stresses under difficult service con- of about 20 degrees to the fuselage.
ditions. It extends 6 inches beneath the
It constructed entirely of the
is Antenna }ht w fuselage, and is separated by in-
highest grade insulating material sulators.
and will therefore stand the high QuiHe tune for Antenna Wire
SparKGjp The connection between the an-
antenna voltages which are devel- tenna helix on the set and the an-
oped by the high power of the trans- Arrangement of Airplane Antenna Reel On Outside of Cockpit. tenna guide tube is as follows The :

mitter without leakage and danger The Reel Is Self-locking and Also Indicates At a Glance How antenna helix is connected to the
to the operator. Many Feet of Aerial Cable the Aviator Has Let Out. The lower end of the cowl insulator as
Cable Runs Thru a Guide Tube As Shown. Thousands of
The drum of the reel will hold Sets Like Those Shown Were Used During the War. shown in figure by rubber-covered
600 feet of stranded phosfor bronze cable. The cowl insulator is con-
or other antenna cable, i.e., if one antenna ning of the weight during flight. The nected with the antenna guide tube by means
of 300 feet of wire is lost, an additional weight is of lead, and weighs pounds. of a six-foot length of 0.180-inch copper
antenna of 300 feet is still available. It is It is of stream-line form to reduce wind tubing. The antenna wire is connected to
provided with a revolution counter as resistance to a minimum. the antenna reel by means of a hole thru
shown in figure which indicates the number The insulators used are of trapezoidal the bakelite shaft on which the handle is
of turns or feet of antenna wire in use. shape and serve the purpose of insulating fastened.
It is also fitted with a brake or locking the guide tube from the airplane. The When properly installed, the antenna
device, which is used to lock the drum flattened end of the trapezoid is made fast system should cause no trouble. The an-
when the reel is not in use. This brake to the copper tube the opposite base is
; tenna reel may safely be operated while
may also be used to control the speed of made fast to the airplane fuselage. sending and is without doubt one of the
the unwinding. The antenna wire is of To prevent sparking or grounding of the most ingenious and novel features devel-
tinned copper, and has a breaking strength antenna to the cowl a cowl insulator is oped in airplane radio transmitters. This
of 400 pounds. used. It is made of bakelized canvas, six type of antenna reel is used in conjunction
To prevent chafing and breakage of the inches in diameter, with holes near its with the airplane transmitter described in
antenna wire near the weight when the perifery for lashing to the cowl. the July issue of the Radio Amateur News.
antenna is reeled in, due to the swinging When installing the antenna system on a The modern practise in airplane radio-
of the weight, a stiff phosfor bronze wire 'plane, great care must be taken to provide telegraphy and telephony calls for the use
is connected between the antenna wire and sufficient insulation against the high volt- of two antenna cables, let out from either
the swivel hook. A
swivel hook is placed ages developed by the transmitter. As a side of the airplane. These cables have
at the end of the tail wire to prevent tpin- rule, the antenna reel is mounted outside weights as usual.

View Of Indicator Panel of Antenna Reel Device Fitted On Airplanes. Two Sizes of Airplane Antenna Reels Are Here Illustrated. Note the
The Length of Aerial Let Out Is Read Off Directly. Heavy Insulating Support Studs by Which the Device Is Supported.

irweimtedl tfine Cry^tell Detector


1874 Prof. Ferdinand Braun dis- to which such a device as the coherer could
IN number
unilateral conductivity in a
the natural metallic sulfids,
alone respond. In common with the other
workers at that time, I held the same view
such as pyrite, galena and ehalcopy- of radio reception, and spent much time in
rite His observations were limited attempts to improve the coherer as to regu-
to the application of battery current to larity of action.
metallic contacts on the minerals, and he
The Microphone Detector.
noted that a materially larger current
would flow in one direction than in the Much of the trouble in coherer working
other. Five years later, in 1879, Prof. D. arose from the adjustments of the coherer
E. Hughes, while experimenting with a adjuncts, the relay-tappcr-recorder trio.
carbon microphone, discovered that it was Realizing this, in the latter part of 1899
affected by a distant spark discharge, altho I began experiments with a single contact
there was no wire connection between the coherer, in series with a battery and tele-
circuits. Altho Prof. Hughes did not pub- phone receiver. I soon found, as several
lish an account of his experiments until others did at about the same time, that a
1899, he exhibited his apparatus in opera- simple carbon steel microphone consisting
tion, over distances as great as 1,500 feet, of a sewing needle resting lightly ag'iinst
to many of the prominent English phy- a carbon block, in series with a cell or two
sicists, including Preece, Crookes, Stokes of dry battery and a telephone receiver,
and Dewar. A
glance at the circuit em- formed a most effective detector, exceeding
ployed by Prof. Hughes in 1879 will show the coherer in sensitiveness, speed of work-
that he had the principal elements of the ing and reliability. And, best of all, I
found that this combination permitted a

Dr. Greenleaf Whittier Pickard, Inventor of

the Crystal Rectifying Detector. He is Well-
known as an Electrical, Telephone, and Radio
Engineer and Has Taken Out Numerous
Wireless and Other Patents. He Has Tested
31,250 Crystal Detector Combinations.

phone receiver, and without local battery.

It is the germ of the crystal detector.

The Coherer
In when my work in Radio-com-
munication began, there was but one detec- The "Silicon" Detector — A Good Old Stand-
Hughes 1879 Detector System. B Is the
Transmitting Battery, C an Inductance Coil,
tor —the coherer. To the early workers in by of All Radio Operators. Invented by Dr.
Pickard at an Early Date. It Involved a
1 a Mechanically Operated Interrupter and E this field, the coherer was the bete noir of
Sharp Metal Point in Spring Contact With
a Ground Connection. is the WReceiving
Aerial, M a Carbon Microphone, T a Tele-
radio-telegraphy ; the principal obstacle to a Piece of Fused Silicon.
phone Receiver and E a Ground Connection.

Hughes Discovered that the Carbon Micro- considerable degree of discrimination be-
phone Was Affected by a Distant Spark tween Morse signals and static, which was
Discharge. Fig. 1. FEW inventions
which proved of
in have been made
such tremendous importance not possest at all by the coherer-relay-
to the young art than the Crystal Detector, tapper-recorder combination. All was fish
system re-discovered by Marconi in 1895. invented by Dr. Greenleaf Whittier Pickard. In
Undoubtedly, if Prof. Hughes had had that came to the coherer net, and the
the olden days of the coherer, when we were
proper encouragement at the time, he would still groping in the dark, only comparatively recorder wrote down dot and dash com-
not only have anticipated Hertz in the
small distances could be bridged. The invention binations quite impartially for legitimate
of the Crystal Detector may be said to have
discovery of electric waves, but also Mar- signals, static disturbances, a slipping
opened up an entirely new
era in radio, for
coni, in their wonderful with the coming of this detector great distances trolley several blocks away and even the
application to
were easily bridged and almost perfect com- turning on and off of electric lights in
Radio-telegraphy, and so have altered con- munication was possible at all times. "Wireless"
siderably the course of scientific history. had arrived. the building. Translation of the tape fre-
Our immediate interest in Prof. Hughes' But you will want'to read the story of how Dr. quently required a brilliant "imagination!"
Pickard invented the Crystal Detector yourself. Altho the microphone detector was a
work is, however, his detector. As my il- It is a historical classic We promise you
lustration shows, it consists of a micro- twenty minutes of most unusual as well as in- {Continued on page 360)
phonic contact, directly connected to a tele- structive reading. — EDITOR.

assured and speedy communication with-

out wires. Despite its unpleasant idiosyn-
crasies, the coherer had our deep respect,
first because it was the only thing then
known which worked, and second because
of its supposed extreme sensitiveness to
electrical oscillations. In the absence of
any quantitative measurements, it was gen-
erally assumed that the received energy in
radio-communication was so infinitesimal
as to absolutely preclude its measurement
or even detection by ordinary means, such
as galvanometers or telephones, even if
by some means it could be converted «nto
a form suitable for these instruments.
Altho in some of the early laboratory work Cryslal cup
with electrical waves various forms of
thermo-couples and bolometers were used,
the practical workers never considered
these as possibilities in actual radio-tele- Dr. Pickard's "Micrometer Adjustment" De-
Early "Carbon-Steel" Microphone Detector tector. Can be Used With Any Crystal and
Used by the Author in 1902 at the Cape May, graphy, because of the supposed extremely Cup Adjusted With
the Precision in Any
N. J., Wireless Station. minute character of the received currents, Direction While in Use.

RADIO-TELEPHONY has been be- a local power company and brought b3' set installed on a battleship was placed ori
fore the public so frequently of late underground cable to the station. the U. S. S. New
Hampshire. This set dif-
that an article describing the mod- Alternating current was used for heat- fered from the one in Arlington only in
- ern scientific apparatus that has ing the filament and any possibility of the size. The set was installed on the lower
made it possible would not go amiss, superposition of a 60 or 120 cycle note, due bridge deck, and the telephone transmitter
it is believed. No one man can claim the to the frequency of this current, was eli- and receiver were mounted on the bridge
credit for discovering "radio-telephony," minated by the use of a special scheme of itself. This allowed the captain, while on
but electromagnetic waves of so-called connections. Between the plate and the the bridge, to converse without leaving his
"radio" frequency were first intentionally filament of the power tube a constant volt- post.
produced and studied by Hertz who was age of about 500 volts was imprest. It
After many successful trials, it was de-
guided by the electromagnetic equations de- was obtained from one of the motor gen- cided to install two experimental sets on
duced by Maxwell, constructed some erators used by the Navy in operating the other battleships and give the operating-
twenty years earlier. The first radio large Poulsen arc, with which they were staff an opportunity to investigate and cri-
ticize These sets were installed on
the Arkansas and Florida at
Guantanamo, Cuba, the first part of Feb-
ruary, 1916. It was found entirely prac-
ticable to hold a two-way conversation be-
tween vessels over 30 miles apart. There
is no reason to think that this was the limit
of communication as some of these con-
versations were overheard in Jamaica, a
distance of 175 miles. No attempt was
made for range as that was not the object
in building these sets.
Each set consisted of a transmitting and
receiving set complete with motor-gene-
rators. An
extension circuit was provided
so as to allow placing a hand set in the
captain's cabin. The normal position of
the antennae was connected to the receiv-
ing set in order to hear incoming signals.
When it was desired to talk, a push but-
ton operated a solenoid switch which con-
nected the antennae to the transmitting set
and started the motor-generator. This
operation consumed only a fraction of a
second. The wave length range of this set
was from 600 to 1,200 meters. The com-
plete circuit is shown in Fig. 3.
Battleship Radio-telephone Set
tor Circuit, Talking Key,
— Schematic
Note How
Circuit Diagram. Showing Microphone Modula-
the Vacuum Bulbs are Connected on Parallel.
The greatest success with radio-tele-
etc. phony has been accomplisht in connection
with military work in the air. On May
telegraphic outfit was produced by Hertz, then transmitting to Darien and other re- 22, 1917, Major General Squier, Chief Sig-
nal Officer of the Army, called a confer-
and improved by the discovery of the mote points.
ence at Washington to consider the feasi-
coherer by Brown, and of the invention of The immense racks containing the power
form of antennae bility of intercommunication between air-
the present first by Tesla. tubes are shown in Fig. 2. At the left in
followed by Marconi, which allows the remote control for oper- planes while in flight by means of radio-
this figure is the
telephony. There were present at this con-
radiation of large power by long waves. ating the motor generator set in the main
ference, besides General Squier, Colonel
At an early date it was realized that a Navy radio station at Arlington, and also
Rees, of the Royal Flying Crops of Great
crystal detector in combination with a tele- for metering the currents used for lighting
Britain, Captain, now Colonel, C. C. Culver,
phone would produce in the telephone, cur- the plant and other such auxiliary purposes.
of the Signal Corps, and Major, later Lieut.
rents whose amplitudes varied approxi- The first opportunity to demonstrate the Colonel, F. B. Jewett, and Captain, later
mately as the amplitudes of the received use of wireless telephony in war was pre- Major, E. B. Craft, who had been assigned
high frequency wave, and consequently if sented early in 1916. After several trials
the amplitude of this wave could be varied and experiments, the first radio telephone (Continued on page 369)
at the transmitting station in accordance
with speech, radio telephony would be
The receiving apparatus was therefore in
existence and all that was necessary was a AMPLIFIER
means of varying the amplitude of the
transmitting wave. In regular wire
telephony, the amplitude is so varied by
microphones, and of course this device was
at once applied to radio-telephony. The
great trouble lay, however, in the fact that
microphones, even when especially designed,
cannot easily be made to carry large cur- f LF.CH0KF
rents and still function properly. Because K.F CHOKE

of this handicap, numerous voice-operated

resistance-varying devices appeared. Using lf. Choke
methods of this kind, considerable success
was obtained, and in 1912 Vanni succeeded
in telephoning 1,000 kilometers.
During the years of 1912 to 1914, a great -f77/77WvW-
deal of research work was carried on in WIND DRIVEN
connection with the use of the audion in
radio-telephony, and in 1914 it was decided
that the apparatus was sufficiently de-
veloped to warrant an attempt at long range
wireless telephony. These tests were so rig. 7
successful, that the Navy Department
erected an experimental station at Arling-
ton, Va. The type of power bulb used —
is shown in Fig. 1. The current, by which —
Schematic Circuit Airplane Wireless Telephone Set, U. S. Signal Corps Type SCR-68.
Transmitting and Receiving Circuits Are Shown. "X" Indicates the Clever Vacuum Bulb
the filaments were heated, was supplied b" Regulator for Maintaining the Dynamo Voltage Constant.

Americans RadSo-TelepIhoiiie Appairaitas

Fig. 1 —Type of —
Vacuum Tube Oscillator Used in Long Distance Radio Telephone Work. Fig 2 Remarkable View Showing the Vacuum
Tube Rack in the Radio Experimental Station at Arlington, Va. Note the Large Number of Rheostat Regulators for Controlling the Filament
Currents of the Various Tubes. Several Hundred Tubes Were Available in This Laboratory, Any One or All of Which Could Be Used at

One Time. Fig. 4 Front View of Transmitting and Receiving Set Used for Wireless Telephony by the U. S. Signal Corps. The Vacuum
Tubes Are Safely Enclosed Within the Cabinet, and Their Degree of Luminosity Is Visible Thru the Oval Glass Windows in the Upper

Right Hand Corner in the Panel. Fig. 5 This Shows the Complete Radio Telephone Equipment for Two-Place Airplane Service.
the Two Helmets Fitted With Wireless Receivers and the Breast-Plate Transmitters, Specially Designed to Shut Out Noises From the
Engine. The Wind-Driven Generator Is Shown at the Left. —
Fig. 6 View of Wind-Driven Radio-Telephone Generator with Stream-line

— —
Cover Removed, Showing Vacuum Tube Which Regulates the Voltage and Keeps It Constant at All Speeds, an Extremely Clever Invention
Due to an American Engineer. Fig. 8 An Assembled View of Various Apparata That Go to Make Up a Standard "Submarine Chaser"

Radiophone Equipment. A Loud-Speaking Receiver Is Connected to a Three-Stage Vacuum Tube Amplifier. Fig. 9 This View Shows
the "Submarine Chaser" Type of Transmitting and Receiving Set for Radiophony. —
Fig. 10 Shows One of the Gigantic Antenna Tuning
Transformers at the Radio Experimental Station, Arlington, Va. The Secondary of the Tuning Transformer Is Moved In and Out of the
Primary, by Means of Cables Which Run to Control Wheels in the Apparata Room. Some of the Most Important Radio-Telephone and
Telegraph Researches Carried Out During the War Were Performed at This High Power Government Wireless Station.

5^ W>roL Ooydl M„ Knoll, Ac M,

SEVERAL freaks and dreams of
radio experimenters before the war
to contend with. It is no longer necessary
to put poles on some high building, string
point along a line 210°
if the end of the loop
from North, then
connected to the
have been realized in a device de- aerials over large areas of ground nor
veloped by the writer, in connection even to tap an old 'phone line. The dream
with the 4th Naval District. Not of the experimenter that some day he
only does the device eliminate a large might put a nail in a flower pot for a
amount of interference from other sta- ground and run a wire to a nail on the
tions of the same wave length, but like the wall of his room is eclipsed and now the
Rogers underground system, eliminates camper or tourist can pack a grip and be
sure of always being in radio touch with
the world.
Many operators will recall how it was
easier to get certain stations when the
aerial was disconnected from the set.
This freak (?) set the writer and his
friend, Mr. T. Appleby, to work to solve
the problem of receiving regularly without
an aerial and their results were put at the
disposal of the government with the de-
claration of hostilities, and is only now
being made public. Mr. (now Lieut.) Ap-
pleby discovered that the device had a
strong directional effect. Later the writer
concentrated the apparatus and discovered
the way to eliminate static as well.
The extreme simplicity of the outfit is
one of its most striking features. In fact
the amateur has all the parts needed and
early systems employed very much the
same features but on a large scale. A
of wire of proper proportions, a detector
(a vacuum tube is most sensitive but not
necessary), a pair of 'phones, the proper
connections, and there you are. In the
photograph may be seen a set in operation
receiving on 2,500 meters wave length.
Fig. 2 shows the receiving hook-up em- Some of the Author's Loop Antennae. A
The Author and One of His Loop Aerial Small Aerial of This Type Has Picked Up
Radio Receiving Sets. ployed. As stated before there is a decid- Messages From Stations 200 Miles Away.
ed directional effect and if the loop is
static as well, and being in a highly con- mounted in a vertical plane and rotated
centrated form it brings the outfit within around a vertical axis, a remarkable fact grid of the audion or v. t. moves from A
the reach of the Radio Amateur. It is is noticed. For example, suppose Fig. 5 to B, there will be an increase and then
specially useful for the city wireless "Bug" to be taken as the circle described by the a decrease in the intensity of the signal;
who has limited space or a fussy landlord loop. Now if the signal is coming from a (Continued on page 362)

Loop Loop

h'g.i Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig. 4

210/ 160 8 210 1 iso

/ Fig. 6 Fig. 8 ft

Various Hook-ups of Prof. Knoll's Radio Receiving Apparatus Involving Loop Antennae. The Lower Circle Diagrams Show the Relative
Activities of the Loop Antennae.


TO begin with, let it be known that
the author spent sixteen long,
A IRsvdao Operator's The English are not renowned for their
quick perception. We found that fact out
weary months with the United to our sorrow. Altho "playing flats" (un-
States Destroyer flotilla based ill authorized conversation) is not permitted
SsraM ttlbe TLJ«=r
Queenstown, Ireland, and therefore in either Navy, there are times when it is
feels competent to write the following few necessary to talk to the other fellow about
remarks. varied from twenty-seven to thirty-four, a message, or on similar subjects. Of
The American destroyers arrived in and to come down to sweet sixteen, once .course, such conversation must necessarily
Queenstown, Ireland, on the fourth day of again meant hard work be as short as possible. In the U. S. Navy
'May, 1917, after a ten-day trip across the But gradually, as we operated with them, every word is abbreviated in this unofficial
Atlantic, during which time our radio trans- their receiving speed increased, and like- conversation. For instance, one operator
mitting apparatus was not used more than wise did their transmitting speed, and again wants to ask another "What is the check
three or four times. You see, when we left our troubles were increased. Very few of on message number one?" It would be
the States we had no idea of what we were you, probably, have ever heard a "Limy" transmitted: "Wht ck msg one." After the
going into. Our idea of the German sub- spark in action, but most of you are fairly answer would come "Tks" for "Thanks."
marine question had been entirely derived familiar with the sound of a low frequency There was an occasion when my ship,
from reading the newspapers. Conse- buzz-saw, and believe one who knows, there the U. S. S. Conyngham was in company
quently, we imagined that we would see a is not enough difference between them to with the H. M. S. Snowdrop, a boat of the
dozen or so a day, and that when a mer- be happy about. And then, when they "sloop" type, developed during the war.

A "Lime-Juicer" (English Sailor) Radio Don't Look at this Scene too Long or You'll The Radio Room on the "Destroyer" Had a
Operator Trying to Decipher What the Get Seasick. It Represents What the Radio Leaky Ventilator in the Roof. What Didn't
Blankty- Blank the Yank's Code Message Room on a "Destroyer" Looks Like In a Happen in Those Two Awful Days Off Brest,
Means. Heavy Sea. France, — COULDN'T.
chantship used her radio, several sub- started to speed up on a spark like that — My sending set wasn't working any too
marines got her position by a direction- can you imagine it? well, but as I had a long message to send
finder, and forth to attack her.
sallied Another trifling (?) detail (?) that him, I decided to make a try at it. So I
Naturally, we were very quiet with our own bothered us was the fact that everybody opened up and started. Very shortly I
radio instruments, and were terribly dis- and everything dashed off on the one wave began to miss sparks, so I signalled over
appointed when we reached port without —
length 600 meters. And altho there was "ST BI 5 TRANS BRKN DWN," mean-
seeing a single "sub." an order out to the effect that radio work My
ing "Stand by for five minutes. trans-
When we reached Queenstown, the was to be reduced to a minimum, very mitter is broken down." There was com-
British Admiralty Authorities came aboard few people ever took any notice of it. plete silence for a few seconds, while he
to look us over and to hold a conference Consequently, in the Irish Sea there was tried to puzzle it out. Then he came back
with our officers. One of the results of an awful mixup, for on the English coast with a great big question mark. I thought
the conference was the determination to there are Liverpool, Fishguard and Land's it possible that I had been a trifle speedy
use the British method of radio-communi- End. Opposite them, a few miles away on for him, so I made a hasty connection
cation. They called it W/T
(Wireless the Irish coast, there are Belfast, Dublin and sent it again, more slowly. More
Telegraph). Of course, the code was the and Queenstown, and when all of these silence. Then more question marks. By
same, but there the resemblance between stations are trying to work on the same that time I had fixt my set up, and was
the two systems ended. And perhaps you wave length, to say nothing of all the ships just about to start in on friend "lime-
think it was easy to forget, after years in the Irish Sea, there is, to say the least, juicer" with the message, when he came
of thoro training, the things that came as a little interference. But as the English across with the conventional signal for
second nature to us and to substitute ab- boats are not equipt with an efficient wave "Your Morse is unreadable. Put a com-

solutely new stuff it was not very simple. changer, as are all our boats, nothing was petent W/T operator on watch." That was
And when it came to working with the ever done about it. Gradually the problem all the thanks I got for trying to tell him
"Limy" (British) —
ships and stations my, resolved itself into the equation: "The guy to wait a minute.
my! They sent iat the terrific speed of six- with the most power wins," for nobody There may be some of you who think
teen to twenty words per minute. Twenty would ever keep quiet long enough to let that radio in the Navy is a soft job. Well,
words was their high speed limit. The the other fellow work. There was a time it —
is on a decent sized ship that knows
American operators who first went over when I, personally, had a message to send enough not to roll and pitch all the time.
there were all picked men, and their speed to Liverpool. It took 5 K. W. for 100 miles. {Continued on page 367)

(Author of "How to Finance and Manufacture a Patent")

a FTER many years of careful re- constructive investigation and analyzation the simplest possible form. Simplicity in
/\ searchthe mysteries of the
into will develop this inventive ability and in invention is the secret of patent success.
/-% human mind psychologists have time make it both perfect and prolific. But There are five distinct ways in which
1 \
concluded that every normal person there are certain proven ways that help the mind receives inventive ideas, namely
is an inventor by nature, having this development more than others. Idle thru the five human or physical senses;
inventive faculties to a certain degree. curiosity over things will not promote the sight, taste, smell, feeling and hearing. A
inventive training and is not constructive
CLEAN KNIFE. FORK AND SPOON DISPENSER observation or investigation. Investigation,
observation and analyzation must be done
systematically and with a sincere aim in
view. There must be a serious desire for
betterment and improvement in mind to
find that improvement or invention worth
The great revolutionary inventions are
few and far between, but when they do
appear it is evident that some sincere mind
has striven to create a working device of
his mental picture which was undoubtedly
conceived by a fervent desire to produce
an improvement over unsatisfactory con-
ditions as they were in the time of the
conception. Or probably it was the aspira-
tion to give the world a device that would
save unnecessary labor, prolong life, or im-
prove commercial intercourse for big busi- DOOR H,
ness. However, it is establisht that to OPERATED
originate or create improvements of value,
one must train his mind and imagination
Why Not Invent a Simple and Reliable
The Automatic Restaurant Is a Clean Place Garage Door Opener? Thousands of Auto-
To Eat, Isn't It? But Why Must We Allow to picture things as they should be and ists Everywhere Will Not Only Bless You for
People With Dirty Hands To Fumble Around then stick to his mental idea until it suc- It, But Will Buy Them by the Hundred. But
In the Spoon, Knife and Fork Receptacle? It Must Be Cheap in First Cost and Mainte-
cessfully matures into a practical device of
Why Not Invent a "Dispenser" for the "Eat- nance.
ing Tools?" certain operation.
person may see an improvement and patent
There are numerous examples of inven-
it, or taste a flavor and create a better one,
Many have developed these talents tive development but for illustration we
or smell an odor and design a device to
further than others, but the fact that we will consider only a few. Elias Howe first
eradicate it, or hear a situation and replace
are all inventors naturally is of great im- observed the pressing need for a machine
it with a different one.
portance to every one aspiring to create to do the tedious labor of sewing that in
All inventions have entered the inventor's
something of value to mankind and them- his day was entirely done by hand. After
mind thru one or more of these five ideas-
selves. While we are assured that each observation came investigation of his idea,
carrying channels before materializing into
individual is capable of creating, improv- then a mental picture or imagination of a
completed form. The mind is the oven or
ing and originating new and useful things, machine capable of producing the desired
incubator for hatching these inventive
yet most of us find considerable difficulty result, then came analyzation of mechanical
germs and forming them into practical
in deciding upon the best and surest course movements necessary to replace the human articles for earthly use. Therefore to de-
to pursue in order to develop our inven- hand, and finally after years of discourag-
velop one's inventive faculties it is neces-
tive qualities to a point of efficiency neces- ing effort he succeeded in designing and
sary to develop both the five human senses
sary to cash our ideas for their full worth. perfecting a model that not only did what
and also the mind, that controls them.
the human hand would do but did it in one-
Inventive ability is simply the power of For the purpose of suggesting an effec-
fifth the time. It took Howe years to per-
close observation, scrutiny, imagination and tive method of development I will now ask
fect his first machine mainly because in
analyzation of material things as they exist the reader to join me on a little inven-
those days the art of mechanics was only
with the way they might be made to exist, tive expedition up among the clouds of
in its infancy, which necessitated his work-
if constructed in a different form. All creation.
things have at some time or other been the ing out of every mechanical detail. Today
Our imaginative stop will be in the
result of some dreamer's or some thinker's it is far easier for the inventor. He can office of amodern business man who is

imagination and observation crystallized conceive the idea, sketch plain plans and
drawings and secure assistance to perfect
branch manager for a large eastern cor-
into a mental picture, then developed until poration. It is noon time and our friend
it has merged into actual form, a complete,
the mechanical details. There are more decides to go out to lunch. We follow him
improved article of practical worth. and greater opportunities to become in- down the avenue to a cafeteria. He en-
ventors today than ever. There is more
The practise of observation, imagination.
money to be made and quicker. Elias (Continued on page 338)
Howe did not labor in vain as his invention
DISAPPEARING CLOTHES made nearly two million dollars in royal-
The incident of the hair pin and how
its inventor observed his wife bending a
straight hair pin to prevent it from coming
out of the hair is a much hackneyed ex-
perience. But only recently an alert young
man in Chicago conceived the idea of plac-
ing a hump in the neck of the old-fash-
ioned hair pin to prevent it from coming
out of the hair. A
patent was obtained
upon this extremely simple idea, they were
offered to the feminine public in attractive
packages and now sell by the millions. To
date inventor has made hundreds of
thousands out of his simple little improve-
ment, which only goes to prove that noth-
ing is too small or too simple for our
consideration and observation, if we would
become successful inventors.
The simple ideas are, as a rule, more Can You Identify Yourself In a Strange City?
Why Can't We Go to the Theatre and Find a prolific and prevent infringement to a You Could Do So With the Simple Pocket
Clothes Compartment in the Back of the Seat Case Here Shown, Containing Your Photo,
That Disappears Into the Basement When greater degree. After an idea is received Signature and a Cancelled Check Endorsed
You Sit Down? Nobody Ever Thought of It! the inventor should strive to picture it in By You.
) )


Magnetic Razor. same is placed in contact with the Electric Whistle for Toy Railroads. Telephone Call Recorder.
(No. 1,299,096, issued to Butler work to be united by this clever (No. 1,303,1 17, issued to William (No. 1,299,154, issued to Arthur
Ames.) arrangement. A relay serves to C. Roe.)
very ingenious idea is this mag- open and close the primary circuit This invention covers a design for
of the transformer in the manner a small electric whistle simulator, This invention relates to an elec-
netic razor, which makes the clean- tromechanical device comprising a
ing of safety razors a very simple spring motor which will unreel a
paper tape, and at the same time,
Raising Submarine Vessels. by means of an electromagnet, cause
(No. 1,303,912, issued to Hideo to be recorded on the tape any tele-
Katayama.) phone numbers of parties which may
A clever idea for raising sunken have called while the owner was
absent. This device would seem to

for electric toy railroads. special A

circuit controller in the form of an
auxiliary track member is provided,
in the design here illustrated and
described, so that as the lpcomotive
and train pass over this auxiliary
contact placed between the rails the
whistle simulator circuit will be
closed and the device actuated. The
instrument is constructed in the
form of a buzzer so as to give a
high, shrill note, similar to a

Electric Gas Detector.

(No. 1,304,208, issued to Gilbert A.
The definite rate of loss of heat
from a body exposed to the gaseous
mixture is employed as the detecting
process, as the retaining cap over and measuring agency. A Wheat-
the razor blade may be instantly stone bridge circuit is utilized, in-
removed by pulling it off the magnet cluding a pair of electrically heated
cores. The cap and blade members
of the razor are adapted to be held
in position by a guard member, by
magnetic flux passing from one pole
of the bi-polar magnet to the other
pole, thru the blade and cap, which
members are made of steel or other vessels by means of aircraft of the
magnetic material. balloon or other type. In the first have considerable promise, and if
place, the surface of the upper deck taken up by the telephone com-
portion of the sunken vessel is cov- panies should prove of great value
Tidal-Power Motor. ered with a wedge of special pyra- as a time saver. The spring motor
No. 1,304,238, issued to Judson E. midal structure, so that when the and electromagnetic recording de-
Wright.) balloon or other aircraft is con- vice is controlled from the telephone
In this tide-motor the inventor nected with the wreck, as by means exchange by "Central." Many
makes use of one or more floats, of slings, the buoyancy of the bal- times people call a_ party, only to
loon may be utilized to greatest find "that the line is busy" or else
advantage. The slanting roof struc- that "they do not answer," all of
ture reduces the resistance of the which wastes a good deal of time in
body as it is lifted up thru the the busy man's day. If the number
water. calling was recorded in the office of
the absent party, then upon their
return they could call back the num-
Electric Semaphore for Autos. ber in question.
(No. 1,299,361, issued to Hyman
An electromagnetically operated Magneto Pocket Lamp.
semaphore for automobile signaling, (No. 1,301,595, issued to Marc A.
two of which may be used on the Pattay and Eugene Jaquemont.
which rise and fall with the tide. car, one on the right and left, re-
wires, one of which is surrounded This is a clever
The alternate up-and-down move- spectively. The device works by by the gas to be tested, while the
ments are made use of thru a pair idea in magneto
other is surrounded either by air or electric pocket
of gear racks, acting alternately on by any other gas, which can serve as
Lazy tangs-^ lamps, and rep-
a pinion or gear wheel as shown. a "standard" for comparison. A resents several
One of the racks acts on the "up- i

galvanometer is used to adjust the improveme nts

ward" motion and the other on the Wheatstone circuits to a state of
"downward" motion, thus preserv- over those here-
balance. tofore proposed.
ing a continuous rotary motion in
the power wheel. When the action Zigzag Carbon Resister. Not only is it
of the tide is low or nil, the power (No. provided with a
1,298,421, issued to John mechanism for
is maintained by a series of spheri- Thomson.)
cal weights acting on a bucket wheel The present device ren-
spinning the
connected with an auxiliary power ders the carbon element of the armature of a
member. These weights are carried resister immune to oxidization, thus small magneto
to a higher level by the regular tidal restoring the slotted member so as generator, which
motor thru a bucket conveyor. to maintain its original resistance at develops the
all times. To do this the slots of necessary c u r -
Electric Soldering Device. the resister are filled with a mate- rent for lighting
(No. 1,304,545, issued to Frederick rial having coefficient of expansion the lamp, by
A. Costello.) and contraction nearly identical to means of a re-
Thi9 soldering device comprises a that of the carbon forming the re- ciprocating rock-
tubular holder resembling a pencil sister. Fuzed aluminum oxid and er arm, but it is
or pen holder, thru which the wire silicon carbid in its crystalline form also provided
or solder is applied to the
strip have proven useful for the purpose. with a continu-
work be united.
to This holder ous circular
also carries a circuit-closing switch
for the primary of a step-down
transformer, as shown, and also
means of a lazy-tongs arrangement
connected up
to an electromagnet or
The driver has simply to
JL.JJL.iL. hi movement crank
close the electromagnet circuit with sired by means of a change-over at-
a foot-controlled push-button, when tachment. The device is ingeniously
the electromagnet, becoming ex-
cited, causes the lazy-tongs to act,
thus projecting the hand about two
feet. At night the hand may be "1
Ij] :

mBr worked out, so that for ordinary
lighting purposes it is but necessary
to squeeze on the flexible casing of
the pocket lamp, which causes the

knurled "solder feeding" wheels.

illuminated by an electric lamp in
the palm, which can be seen from
either front or rear, and also the
fingers can be illuminated by a

il 1 Ij

tic armature of the dynamo to be spun

rapidly. No batteries are necessary,
and by the arrangement of the mech-
anism in this lamp it would appear
The electricity is used only in actu- small electric light placed on each that the light should be practically
ally heating the solder when the finger. continuous.

Our Amateur Laboratory Contest is open to all readers, whether subscribers or not. The photos are judged for best arrangement and efficiency of the appa-
ratus. To increase the interest of this department we make it a rule not to publish photos of apparatus unaccompanied by that of the owner. Dark photos pre-
ferred to light-toned ones. We pay $3.00 each month for the best photos. Address the Editor, "With the Amateurs" Dept.

A±zmmt(smT Electrical ILalboiratory 59 Contest
1 PRESENT herewith two photos of my laboratory and one of mental and research work in chemistry, electricity, high frequency
myself. My chemical laboratory has over 150 solid chemicals and wireless. This laboratory was started in 1917, and it is still
and about 100 different solutions. The glassware consists of growing very rapidly.
beakers, Erhlenmeyer flasks, funnels, condensers, burettes, hydro-
One of the photos (left) shows Robert Niessner, and the other
meters, evaporating dishes, crucibles, graduates and retorts. It
fright) shows myself. Another shows a corner of our "office,"
also includes a "French" microscope, a balance, and many other
where we do all the figuring and correspondence. One of the
apparata too numerous to mention here. My "Electrical Labora- views illustrates our electrical testing bench and switchboard, and
tory" consists of various motors, generators, condensers, wireless part of our chemical bench. We possess a large screw-cutting
transmitting and receiving apparata now in construction, also a
K.W. transformer coil and a
lathe on which we do all kinds of machine work. Wehave had
switchboard under construction, /
this lathe only a short time and it has turned out quite a few
two-inch spark coil. Unfortunately all of my "Electrical Labora- dollars worth of work for us.
tory" did not get into the picture. —
H. C. Smith, 3816 S. Honore
These photographs show only a small part of our equipment.
St., Chicago, 111.
We have all kinds of electrical motors, dynamos, generators, gaso-
HONORABLE MENTION (One Year's Subscription to line engines, steam engines, electrical testing apparata and a
complete set of wood and metal working tools.
Among the magazines that we have in our "office" there is the
NIESSNER and ROBERT BOHATY Electrical Experimenter, which is of great value to us in our
EREWITH We also have many books pertaining to chemistry, elec-
H are several flash-light photographs of the electrical
laboratory and experimental machine shop of Robert Niessner
and myself. In this laboratory we do all kinds of experi-

tricity, steam and gasoline engines, et cetera.
East 77th St., New York City, N. Y.
Robert Bohaty, 434


''•"TT was an Italian car,
the chauffeur was an
Wlhsvtt Males (tlhe hydrogen collected at the negative plate
and with the plate itself, and the hydrogen
Italian, and he was de- uniting with the oxygen of the oxide of
long accented
livering- lead at the positive plate, causes a cur-
discourses in galloping rent to flow in the circuit that is closed.
Italian. To be concise, That is the simple explanation of the oper-
the ignition system had "Until I860, when Gaston (without the ation. There are minor and subsequent ac-
gone on the "fritz'' and assistance of dear Alfonso) Plante threw tions and reactions that take place, but
the wop was "cussin" a bunch of coiled lead plates together into the only one that makes any difference
over the layout. Jazz a jar of solution, the old-timers never is the white insoluble sulphate formed by

Stokes and party, we, sat in the tonneau had the pleasure of seeing a real secondary the red or yellow sulphates with the
while the driver fingered and swore and cell. Gaston, with his plates of lead, lead litharge. This formation is a non-con-
smoked Turkish cigarettes. peroxide and spongy lead, and finally lead ductor and otherwise bothersome and
"The name 'storage battery' is a mis- sulphate in the sulphuric acid electrolyte, harmful. It is the root of sulphation.'
no m e r," corn- was able to run his battery down to where "G e n e r a 1

men t e d Jazz. she took the count and then give her a speaking, th
"The juice is not shot of electric hop and watch her hump cells are divide
stored as com- again. Metzger, Brush and some of the into two classes
monly conceded, other highbrows boosted the Plante idea those in whic
but is generated along until they had a fairly decent bat- the active mate
or caused to cir- tery out of it."
c u1a t e by the "What do you mean by lead, lead per-
chemical action oxide and spongy lead, and finally lead
set up in the sulphate?" inquired Fred Cochran.
plates of the "To begin with, the plates are lead, un-
cell." less the makers build up the plates from
"How did lead oxide and sulphates. The charging
the storage current turns the positive plate to per-
battery or oxide of lead. The negative plate of lead
secondary sulphate is converted to spongy lead. The
electrolyte is about 23 per cent, sulphuric
acid in water. When I said that 'finally
lead sulphate,' I was referring to the state
that means curtains for the cell. A Monsieur Gaston Plante, the Original Good-
sulphated cell is like a car without gas or ness-to- Honest Storage Battery Kid.
a ship on the rocks. Get the idea?"
rial is formed by chemical or electro-
Camille Alphonse Faure, Who Pasted Us a "What chemical action goes on in the chemical action, and those in which some
Hot One When He Handed Us the First and cell during charge and discharge?" asked
Original Pasted Gridplate. easily reducible salt of lead is applied me-
chanically. Plante types are examples of
"It is like this," returned Stokes. "When
cellcome about?" asked "Rat" Morehouse, the former and Faure types of the latter.
the bow-legged boy from Berkeley, Cali- the juice is sent through the cell, enter-
The Gould batteries are made from the
ing at the positive plate, the water is
fornia. slow former process. The Willard bat-
"Volta and Galvani started the ball in changed to its components, hydrogen and
teries are also of the Plante type, while the
that direction when they got to monkey- oxygen. The oxygen combines with the Exide cells are of the Faure. The Faure
ing around in the dynamic field, but the positive plate, forming lead oxide or
type has a little better output for the
original storage cell was developed by a peroxide. The hydrogen forms at the neg-
weight, but the other has it over on them
bird by the name of Plante. Gautherot got ative plate.
in sturdiness.
to shooting juice thru platinum wires in "On disconnecting the source and again "Tommy Edison stept off the lead
water and other electrolytes and observed closing the circuit, the water is again de-
and sulphuric solution train of thought
that the little contraption was capable of composed. The oxygen uniting with the and handed us a new one with nickel and
kicking back a light current when the juice steel and iron plates and a twenty per
was cut off. The fact of the case was cent, solution of caustic potash (omiting
that he stumbled onto the accumulator idea Perlmutter) for the electrolyte. The elec-
when he was only trying to jerk the hLO tromotive force is not as great as the lead
into Oand a couple of packages of H. type, but the ampere hours per pound is
Electrolysis, that was his game. You re- —
about half the bulk being the same, prac-
member, a lot of the scientists thought that tically, as the old line of cells. Upon dis-
ions was as far down as matter could be charging, the Edison cell shoves as high

boiled electrolysis did that. Like a lot as three volts and higher onto the line,
of other things, the secondary .cell was but decreases after the load sits on her.
a secondary discovery the inventor was — You are aware of the fact that the old
not fishing for the cell. lead accumulator gives out about two and
"Two years after Gautherot's stunt, in four-tenths volts at the beginning of the
1803, Ritter constructed a secondary pile —
discharge if you did not know of it be-
much like Volta's. By charging for a few fore, you do now. The old heavy type has
moments with a strong galvanic current it over on the Edison for constancy of
the pile would give quite a kick. The current, but the selling point for the Edison
plates were copper disks separated by is the lightness and mechanical robustness.
cloths moistened in sal ammoniac. "There are other secondary cells that em-
"Count Volta, Bequerel and a stack of ploy plates of bimetallical composition. The
other researchers became aware of the fact most satisfactory are the sine-lead, coffer-
that gold, silver and platinum and some lead, and the coffer-zinc, besides the Edi-
other nice metals would give secondary son nickel-iron cell.
currents when subjected to electrolytic ac- "Sacramento ! Puerco! Blankcty Blanko!"
tion in certain solutions. And a string of other stuff ending up with
"In 1842 Grove slipt us his celebrated the statement that the "automobile no bono"
gas (no, not mustard) battery. The big and "a infierno con todos!" The wop
idea was the difference in polarity in the —
broke in on our discussion of Jazz's.
two gases, oxygen and hydrogen. "I guess I will see what is the matter
"Mike Faraday had the idea in his hand with the motor," said Stokes as he walked
but did not close up on it when he found around the hood. "I've got a date with a
that peroxide of lead at the negative pole blind man for a game of craps to-night."
had a relative high conductivity. The old In less than five minutes the Italian was
boy makes note of the fact in his Re- Tommy Edison Stept Off the Lead and Sul-
saying "gracias, signor" and we were leav-
phuric Trail and Handed Us the Nickel-Iron
searches. Storage Battery. ing a cloud of dust behind us.
: : — :


The "Oracle" is for the sole benefit of all electrical experimenters.
answered here for the benefit of all, but only matter of sufficient interestQuestions will be
will be publisht
Rules under which questions will be answered:
1. Only three questions can be submitted to be answered.
2. Only one side of sheet to be written on; matter must be typewritten or else written
in ink, no penciled matter considered.
3. Sketches, diagrams, etc., must be on separate sheets Questions addrest to this
department cannot be answered by mail free of charge.
4. If a qu ick answer is desired by mail, a nominal charge of 25 cents is made for each question. If the questions entail considerable
research work or intricate calculations a special rate will be charged. Correspondents will be informed as to the fee before such questions
are answered.

MAKING HIGH TENSION MAG- would advise that water for storage bat-
NETO FROM LOW TENSION teries should be distilled and kept in glass
TYPE. containers, as no matter what form of
(1016) G. Whitfield, Goldsboro, N. C., metal you might use, it is only natural that
inquires Fs^neimdls minute particles of the container will mix
Q. 1. How
can I change a low tension with the water. It is absolutely necessary
magneto into a high tension type? Do you one day passes
realize that not for storage batteries, to secure perfect sat-
when we do not receive from 150 to 250 isfaction from the same, to use pure dis-
A. 1. It is rather difficult to change a letters addrest to "The Oracle"? If we
low tension magneto of the ordinary type were to publish all the questions and their tilled water absolutely free from any ele-
into a high tension magneto unless you are answers we would require a monthly mag- ments which might contain iron or any
azine five or six times the size of the other metals.
quite familiar with the make-up and appa- ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER, with no
other matter but questions and answers. The difference between the current and
Of late the influx of letters has become voltage for static machines and high-ten-
so heavy that several of our associates
have been forced to discontinue important sion transformers does not vary very
editorial work, in order to answer the greatly, the designs of the machines and
Mogneto frame mail. This we are certain you do not transformers having much to do with their
wish. You do not want your magazine outputs, tho the currents are about prac-
to lower its present high standard. You
want the best, the very best, and you tically the same.
know we never have failed you yet.
It is unnecessary to insulate the con-
Prim & sec. nound Moreover the multitude of letters are ductors of a rotor in a squirrel cage induc-
armature wholly unnecessary. Most of the ques- tion rotor. In the usual cases bare solid
tions Readers ask every day have been
answered before in "The Oracle." There- conductors are merely wedged in the slots
fore, ere you sit down to write us, look of the rotor.
over your back numbers, and nine times
out of ten you will find the answer.

Tosph plug. We strive hard to publish only such

matter as has not appeared before in our RINGING ALARM BELL FROM
columns, and for that reason, only a small
fraction of the queries received by us
are actually publisht. (1019) Theodore Mucha, Terlingua,
Ground on engine
Your magazine steadily coming to
is Tex., writes
the fore as the greatest publication in the Q. 1. How can I hook up an alarm bell
scientific world. To keep up its present to a regular telephone circuit?
breaker box Prim. and. tinfoil high standard and to make it a better and

HP 'and paper bigger magazine requires a tremendous

amount of untiring effort on the part of
the Editors. Therefore, in the future, we
CANNOT in your own
questions by mail, free of charge.
interest, answer
A. 1. With reference to an
alarm device
waking up a sleeping person, and to
be connected to a telephone circuit, would
say that several years ago the Editor in-
How a "Low Tension" Magneto May Be stalled a very successful form of alarm
Converted into a "High Tension" Type. For questions requiring an immediate which will wake the dead.
answer our fee is 25 cents for the first
ratus of the latest type machine. are We three ordinary questions, and 25 cents for In order to work
this alarm, as the ac-
pleased to give you herewith diagram show- each additional question. We will gladly companying diagram shows, you will re-
advise fee for special questions entailing quire a telephone relay. This can be pro-
ing how most of these high tension mag- considerable research work or calcula-
netos operate. tions.
In one of the modern high tension mag-
Stamped and addrest envelope should
netos there are no revolving coils or com- be enclosed with the queries, and more-
mutators of any kind, but simply a rotat- over, any sketches accompanying them -llll
ing mass of iron, which is so formed as to should be drawn in ink on separate sheets. Dry or wet cells
Write plain and, PLEASE, PLEASE BE
cut the magnetic flux in the field many BRIEF. J'
times per second. In this machine the pri- Editor of "The Oracle." To telephone ^Telephone
circuit relay
mary and secondary windings are station-
ary, and undoubtedly you can obtain some
information on this machine, as well as
other high tension types, which may be of terpose a variable condenser in your ground
interest to you, by communicating with the circuit.
various high tension magneto manufactur- About the best thing for an all-around
ers. set, a small coupler and audion,
we advise Scheme for Ringing Extension Call Bell
adapted to a great many ranges of wave from Telephone Station by Means of a Tele-
phone Relay. The Latter Instrument Can Be
RADIO ANTENNA QUERY. lengths. Unless you intend to build a set Obtained from Your Local Telephone Ex-
(1017) Rolf Carbo, Minneapolis, Minn., to receive only undamped wave stations, we change or Supply House.
asks would suggest a very large loose coupler.
Q. 1. For data on a radio antenna for We refer to our September, 1915, issue cured from any supply house at a cost of
amateur requirements. of the Electrical Experimenter for excel- about $1.00.
A. 1. Regarding the type of receiving lent data on loose couplers. The telephone relay is connected directly
aerial which would be best, should be about across the telephone line so that when the
125 feet long, 75 feet high, and at least 4 current is sent over the circuit, the relay
to 6 wires spaced about three feet apart, STORAGE BATTERY QUERY. will close the secondary circuit, in which
which will prove very satisfactory for aver- (1018) B. W. Dresser, Homedale, Idaho, you can connect batteries, electric horn or
age long-distance reception and commercial asks : alarm bell, etc. You can also obtain, if you
wave lengths. Q. 1. Several queries on storage bat- so desire, a large 6- to 8-inch telephone ex-
If you intend receiving amateur wave teries, etc. tension bell, which may be connected across
lengths it will be necessary for you to in- A. 1. Answering your first question, the telephone line.
! — !


Copyriyhl 1913
by Ft. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.

SAY,what a trick you'll turn for your tongue your tongue at any stage! Bite and parch are cut
and taste and temper when you finally get down out by our patented process. Want you to know
to bed-rock smokes and let some of that topjoy right here, and now, that Prince Albert will be as
Prince Albert float into your system! Just will gentle with your tongue as a toy purr-kitty is with a
put the quiz into your thinktank as to how much stuffed mouse! You can rip champeen-smokespeed-
pipe or cigarette-rolling fun you've gone shy on
records right up the back with P. A. for packing
and, you'll work in a lot of double headers for
You don't need a percentage table to figure out
quite a spell to get all-square!
what Prince Albert's quality and flavor and fra-
What's the idea kidding yourself when you know grance will do for your happiness every time the
what P. A. will do for your smokespot; when you clock ticks! You'll get the answer quick! And,
know what it is doing for men all over the civilized now it's your draw! Prince Albert is sold in
world You can't hit a happier job than to stock a
! toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and
supply of Prince Albert, jam that joy'us jimmy half pound tin humidors, and, in that classy, prac-
pipe chuck-full and blaze away! Why, tical pound crystal glass humidor with
it's like falling into feathers when sponge-moistener top that keeps the
you've been batting-it -out-on-a-board tobacco in such perfect condition!

Prince Albert just can't help doing R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.

you a clever turn because it won't bite Winston-Salem, N. C.

PRlNGSfALBERT the national ^^BBsIBiBmP joy smoke

KOU benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
! :


(Continued fro m page 303)

two main tracks, while a revolving pinion New Ideas by Mr. Gernsback.
engaged with this rail rack. The train de- Wehave today a means for propelling
rived its energy from an electric third rail the gliding railroad, which is as simple as
and shoe which operated the electric mo- itis efficient. Our cover illustration as
tor this in turn worked the pinion.
; well as Fig. 5 show the means proposed.
In Fig. 3 is shown a later type of hy- Fig. 6 also depicts the various methods
draulic shoe also operated under the water used. The writer proposes the use of a
pressure and water suction plan. With this single track, each car having two hydraulic
shoe very little water is lost. shoes of the kind shown in Fig. 3. The car

100 Miles Per Hour —Safely. is held upright by means of the gyroscope
shown. This gyroscope is to be driven by
From what has appeared, it will be seen
an electric motor and the energy is to be
life of your that being that there is no friction, enor-
taken from a third rail running alongside
mous speeds can be obtained with such rail-
phonograph records the track. This also furnishes the power
ways. As a matter of fact one hundred
for the electric lighting system of the train
Having parallel sides miles an hour is a conservative figure. Nor
and for the motors which drive the com-
(not tapered these new ) is it dangerous to run such wheelless glid-
pressors as well as supply the power for
Sonora Needles always fit ing trains at such speeds for two reasons.
the suction pipes. The propulsion of the
the record groove perfect- One is that there is no friction. There is train is accomplisht as follows
ly. They play 50 to 100 no wear and tear of material, and if the
times and are for use on flat rail with its guard rails (see Fig. 2) is Electro-Magnets Pull Trains.
ALL MAKES of steel constructed right, it will be impossible for The entire track must be supplied with
needle records. the shoes to jump the track. And now we power (tractive) electro-magnets sunk or
come to the most important point as far as led into the rail which latter should be of
the speed is concerned. some non-magnetic material such as brass
These trains it was found could be stopt or bronze. The power electro-magnets are

Semi -Permanent Silvered

are more convenient and
economical and save con-
stant needle changing.
They mellow the tone, add
to the life of your records
and give a maximum of
service and satisfaction.
30c Per Card of Fioc
40c in Canada

FRFFt To demonstrate the

1 extraordinary advan-
tages of the Sonora Needle we
are glad to mail you a sample

§»muira Phonograph g»alcS

(Eottiuang 3nr..
279 Broadway, Dept. G, N. Y. Fig. 6. Showing Mr. Gernsback's Arrangement for Propelling the Train by Means of Electro-
Toronto: Ryrie Building Magnets. As the Train Moves One Electro- Magnet Is Energized at a Time, Which Exerts Its
Traction on One of the Shoes, Thus Pulling the Train Along. Insert Shows Method of Making
CAUTION! Beware of similarly con- Contact with Power- Magnets.
structed needles of Inferior quality

almost instantly, and very simply by cutting placed about six inches or so apart and run
off the water pressure. This maneuver thru the entire length of the track.
brings the hydraulic shoe in direct contact Normally these electro-magnets are not

Send Only 12c (Stamps or Coin)

with the rail and an enormous friction sets
in. No brakes are needed to stop such a
train. The train is its own brake. Nor is
energized as will be seen by referring to
Fig. 6. When it is desired to start the
train, the conductor moves his magnet-con-
that all. Such trains can be stopt where trol lever inside of the car. This lever at
And I will send you a copy of my valuable
booklet. the rails dip at an incline of 40%, a thing the lower end has a contact shoe, which
unheard of on regular railways with wheels. when sliding over the contacts as shown,
"Hints to Music Loving You see in a train of this kind there is energizes its particular electro-magnet. In
Owners of Talking Machines" nothing to roll and the minute the water Fig. 6 it will be seen that two of these con-
pressure is taken off, the train must stop tact shoes are used. This is done so as
Tells you how to take care of your machine and
records, preserve the life of both, and gives many at once even at the worst incline. Inversely not to have any dead points, as otherwise
pointers to improve the tone of your instrument and if the right tractive method is used to the train could not start. In this figure it
increaso your enjoyment of it. Instructs on the care
propel the train, it will run up almost im- will be seen that the rear magnet contact
of the motor, cleaning, speed adjusment, care of the

needles in fact every thing you should know. Send possible inclines at angles no regular rail- shoe has just closed its contacts, and the
12o today and the booklet will come by return mall. road would ever think of attaining. Fur- rear hydraulic shoe comes now under the
J. H. ELLIS, Box 882, Milwaukee, Wis. thermore, in view of what has appeared, it influence of the energized magnet. This
Patentee & Manufacturer. Ellis Harmonious Reproducer will be realized that the cars do not have will tend to pull the rear shoe over the
to be of such ponderous weight as are the energized magnet. But the instant the pull
present day ones. They can be constructed starts, the train moves along as well and
of aluminum alloy and could weigh one- the contact is broken.
quarter of the weight of the ordinary car The momentum of the train, however, is
and still be safe. sufficient to carry it along, and by this time
the forward contact shoe will have ener-
Former Disadvantages. gized the electro-magnet at the extreme
Violin, Hawaiian Guitar
There was only one real disadvantage on right, shown at Fig. 6. The forward hy-
Ukulele, Guitar, Mandolin, Cornet or Banjo
a railway of this sort. During the winter draulic shoe now comes under the influence
Wonderful new system of teaching note music by mail. To firrt the formation of ice and snow on the rails of the energized electro-magnet and the
pupils in each locality, we'll give a $20 superb Violin. Mandolin,
Ukulele, Guitar, Hawaiian Guitar, Cornet or Banjo absolutely free. tended to put the entire road out of busi- train is pulled forward again. This play
Very small charge for lessons only expense. We guarantee succesi ness because no means could be found to is repeated constantly and of course very

or no charge. Complete outfit free. Write at once no obligation.
do away with the forming ice and its con- quickly; within a few seconds the train

sequent unevenness or roughness of the has obtained a terrific speed. This speed
track. This, however, would not worry our increase can be regulated simply by an ar-
f^^^R The
Highest Paid Profession taught thoroughly
present day engineers for the simple reason
that our trains would probably earn' some
rangement which lifts the electric contact
shoe away from the contact rail, and by
IN *f'l In a few months of home study by new sysfeni
mMMM CDCC O0OK electric heater in front of it, each train this means the speed of the train can be
WWn 39H. Accountants

[> e pt.
Ave. O"taeo
2626 S. Mich. thus melting the ice as fast as it formed. (Continued on page 338)
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

determined to make 1919 the
banner year in the Watch Sales of my
Company. To do this I must distribute

LISTEN 5,0(10
"Santa Fe Specials" to 5,1100 men in dif-
communities this year. I must do this
have Cut the Price of these 5,000 Watches


that if you act at once you can get one of these
Guaranteed Watches on this CUT- PROFIT
PLAN, and pay for it in small monthly install-
ments. MY
I know that every Watch

sold on this Cut-Profit Plan will sell at least

one more at the regular price, so I make this
who will tell their friends of this remarkable
Watch Value, if they find the Watches all and
more than I claim for them.

Pres. Santa Fe Watch Co.

Unless you already own
a Watch that you are sure
is just as good as they make
them, this is a money-saving op-
portunity you positively cannot af-
ford to miss. It is a Bargain such as
you do not meet every day. For that rea-
son you will have to act promptly or this
allotment of 5,000 Watches may all he
gone before you get yours. To make
sure you get one, suppose you write me
personally, care Santa Fe Watch Co.,
right NOW before you forget it. I want
you to join my "5,000 Watch Club" and
carry one of these beautiful Standard
"Santa Fe Special" watches.

"Santa Fe Specials" are Standard Rail-
road Watches, Guaranteed to Last a Life-
time and Give Satisfactory Service. Are
found in the pockets of men in service on the DESIGNS
important railroads of this country. Sena- I to see the new-
want you
tors, Congressmen and Governors keep their est designs in Cases used on
official appointments by "Santa Fe Special" these "Santa Fe Special"
time. Army Officers and Privates carried Watches, so that you will
fully realize their beauty
them all through the Greatest War in history
— thousands Watches are
of these splendid
and up-to-dateness, as well
as the value of the Bargain
in use all over the World. If you want one I am offering you. I want you
on my liberal CUT-PROFIT PLAN you had to see the 3 -color inlay work
better write for my Free Watch Book today — nothing more refined. Then
think how distinctive and
and make your selection without delay. I personal your Watch would
will send the Watch for you to see WITHOUT be with your own name,
ONE PENNY DOWN—I will even allow you monogram or some appro-
to wear the Watch 30 days FREE then sell
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— priate emblem engraved in
the Case, just to suit your
own ideas. You will also

want to see the new French
Art designs in engraved
Standard Watch at a Saving of Y3 to Vz —
Cases all shown in My
New Watch Book, printed
Your Money. That is exactly what this
of in beautiful colors. Write
wonderful offer means, and it is exactly for it today, it will be sent
what you get, if you are so fortunate as to FREE.
get your order in in time to get one of these 5,000 "Santa
Fe Specials" on my Special Distribution Cut-Profit Plan.
The coupon, a letter or your name and address on a postal letter, post card or this coupon will bring you my
will bring my Free Watch Book right back to you. Don't Free Watch Book

delay write today.
SANTA FE WATCH CO., 880 Thomas Building. Topeka, Kan.
Please send me your New Watch Book with the understand-
ing that this request does not obligate me in any way.

Address State

Tropical Climates Make No Differ- Likes It Better Than a Watch that A Watch to be Proud of.
ence with the "Santa Fe Special" Costs $85.00.
Received "Santa Fe Special" watch
Four Seconds in Five Months. I find my watch to be the best timepiece I today, and am more than pleased with it. I
ever owned. I owned an $85 watch before,
1 feel it my duty to let you know how my
must say that the engraving is the best work-
which was stolen from me, and to tell you manship I ever saw, and I know I have a
"Santa Fe Special" is standing the tropics. the truth, I can see no difference, so far as
It is the best watch I have ever carried, with
watch now that I can be proud of.
keeping good time is concerned, between it
no exception. It has not lost over four sec- J. C. FAHNING, U. S. S. Washington.
and my "Santa Fe Special." The "Santa Fe
onds since I received it, about six months Special" comes up to the mark of efficiency
ago, comparing it with Naval time. I in every respect. I put her through some Says It's Worth Sixty Dollars.
wouldn't sell it for $50.00 and take chances severe tests this winter, and she hasn't lost
of buying another make half as good. or gained a second yet, as far as I know. I want to say that the watch which you
B. H. GABBARD, Tutuila, Samoa. If anyone knows the value of a good time- sent me is far above what I expected for the
keeper, it is we people here in the Coast Ar- money. A friend of mine with a $50.00
I received the watch and think it is one of Hamilton, almost new, offered me his watch
tillery Service. The watch is worth more
the finest pieces of work I have ever had. I
than you ask for it in my estimation.
and $10.00 for my "Santa Fe Special." A
am pleased very much with it.
FRANOIR L. WALLOW, local jeweler tells me that my watch ought
A. RATHOFF, Cpl. First Company, C. A. C, to have cost me $60.00.
U. S. S. Jupiter, Atlantic Squadron. Fort McKinley, Maine. T. E. DAVIS, Hurlburt, N. Mex.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


van®, tihe Trsiim©'p©rtsitii©n

Sw KL Gr<8s3 inislbs\.<£l
{Continued fr out page 336)
regulated to a nicety. In order to over- quite practical with such a railroad for the
Strength, Unlimited Vitality
Improved Ihrsonal 3%ppearance
& come the difficulty of starting the train with
a bad jerk, it is in the power of the con-
following reasons Firstly, the single track

will take away practically no light where it

ductor to move the contact shoe forward crosses over the streets. The track can be
or back, for a few inches. Thus the hy- very light because the cars themselves are
STERLING draulic shoes can be brought under the light. Also, there is but a single track,
HIGH FREQUENCY gradual pull of the electro-magnets by being and consequently the structure that carries
VIOLET RAY a greater distance away from the ener- it can be exceedingly light. Secondly, there
The Sterling Violet Ray gized magnets as shown in Fig. 6. For, the is no noise whatsoever. You cannot hear
is invaluable in the further the hydraulic shoe is away from the coming or going of the gliding wheelless
treatment of diseases of
the skin, mouth, throat
the electro-magnet, the less the tractive ef- trains. They make absolutely no noise and
and lungs, derangements fect will be. there is moreover no vibration. The pillars
of the liver, kidneys, stom- In the writer's system, the train supporting the track can be placed on two
ach and intestines
in muscles
and joints tired the same as by the French method, simply
is stopt
adjoining house walls as shown in our
or "sick" brains or lack of
"nerve tone." It strengthens by withdrawing the water pressure. The cover illustration therefore no foundations

heart action —
cleanses the blood
— —
brings the flush hydraulic shoe then comes into contact with are required. Stations can be located on
of youth to the skin enlivens the hair
"spring in your step" and creates a clear eye
puts a — the track and the train stops almost im- the roof tops if desired, where they will
and brain.
Specially designed for home use —— fitted to
System Not Expensive
not be as unsightly as at present. Eleva-
work from lamp socket easy tors will take the passengers up and down.
manipulate — underordinary
control at all times.

It will be argued that this magnet ar- Being that these railroads can be run
VALUABLE BOOK FREE rangement is a very expensive method, but safely at a speed double or triple the pres-
Read how you can treat innumerable diseases
and ailments, improve your personal charm, add this is not the case. These railroads are ent day ones, it should be possible to pro-
strength and vitality and help yourself in hun-
dreds of ways. Just mail the coupon or drop a not intended for great distances, but will vide a seat foe everyone, no matter what
Do it now, this minute, before you forget be mostly used in cities where first cost the increase of the population will be. We
The Sterling Electrical Corporation is of no consequence. Witness for instance cannot transport in the future many more
1278 West 3rd St. Cleveland, Ohi<
the truly enormous cost of subway con- people than our present day transportation
struction where the cost per mile frequently facilities provide. Airplanes are out of the
runs into millions of dollars. In the elec- question for obvious reasons and so are
tro-magnet tractive scheme, like in all other airships for the reason that they cannot be
FREE railroads, it is only the first cost that operated quickly enough, and also they can-
counts, and it is very much doubted if the not carry enough passengers no matter
THE what their size. Take for instance a New
STERLING 1278 idea advanced here will make this railroad
ELECTRICAL West 3rd Street cost even one-quarter as much per mile as York Subway car when packed full will
CORPORATION Cleveland, Ohio an ordinary elevated railway. accommodate often as many as two hun-
Gentlemen:— As per your Experin
offer in Electrical
please mail me at once, free and postpaid, your bo nd Another important plan which the writer dred passengers, while a ten car train
full information atiuul the Sterling Violet Hay (iene
advances, and which is shown impressively carries two thousand souls. From this it
NAME on our cover illustration, is that this rail- can be seen that neither the airplanes nor
way is not intended to run thru the streets, the airship can ever hope to compete with
ADDRESS but rather over the house tops. This is the wheelless trains as outlined above.

Nothing like it on the market. (Continued fro m page 330)
Will make an old transmitter
better than new. Adjusted in ters,steps in line, picks up his tray and the suggestion. They leave for the show
a jiffy. Supersensitive. Talks proceeds to obtain his knife, fork, spoon about seven-thirty.
at all angles.
and paper napkin. Directly ahead of him Arriving at the theater thirty minutes
Price $1.00 each. Discount in quantities
is a man with dirty face and hands who later they enter, taking their wraps with
Send Ms One whirh toe will mail
Ttnllar. far One
button prepaid wider our money-back guarantee. also fumbles around among the silverware them to their seats. Past experience with
Booklet No. 3 free for the asking probably touching our friend's knife and the check room service has convinced
fork as well as his own. Our friend no- them of this wisdom. The theater is
SPECIAL NOTICE tices this and frowns, but sees nothing of crowded, every seat is occupied. There is
To clear up any misunderstandings that importance about it other than the unsani- no empty seat near them to lay their hot
might arise in connection with our offer of tary annoyance for the time being. wraps on. Our friend must hold the collec-
last month to pay for suggestions as to uses
to which the Skinderviken Button may be
At five-thirty P. M. we return to our tion upon his lap which doesn't add to
put (see our July ad), we wish to announce friend's office and find him all prepared to his comfort. Along about the third act
the following rules drive home in his eight cylinder flyer so ; when the exciting part of the play makes
The offer extends only until August 30
1. feeling the need of fresh air we invite our- everyone sit rigid with expectation, our
and will close on that date.
2. The first prize of $10 will remain as selves to go along. We
haven't gone far friend is simply sweltering under the many
announced. But instead of paying for all until it begins to rain in torrents, but we woolen garments over his knees but he
accepted suggestions in proportion to their don't bother as the top is up. Arriving just sits there and suffers without one
value, we will pay $1 for every suggestion
we accept. home our friend turns into the driveway idea concerning the uncomfortable situa-
3. By the words "best idea" we mean the and as he nears the garage observes both tion.
most practical and the one having the most doors tightly closed which means that he Returning home
after the show our
commercial value.
4. Anyone can compete whether you have must get out into the wet to open them friend findstelegram waiting for him.
purchased a button or not. Borrow your and that's no joke. He simply jumps out, It is from headquarters instructing him to

try it out —
and send in your sug- gets wet and mutters things we can't re- make a special business trip up-state- to a
cord here. city that he has never visited before. He
Our friend's wife meets him at the door prepares for the trip and leaves the fol-
Skinderviken Telephone Equipment Co. with the usual welcome and he feels great- lowing morning. But before leaving he
For your convenience in writing us, address ly relieved amid the comforts of his cozy acknowledges the company's wire and at the
STECO, 2134 N. Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL.
335 Broadway, NEW
YORK CITY little home. Supper is served with our same time requests them to send him an
friend enjoying a good meal. During des- expense check.
Ymu can be quickly cured, if you sert his wife expresses her great desire to While en route to his destination he

ySend 10 cents coin or stamps for70-page book on Stam-
mering and Stuttering, "Its Came and Cure." It tells howl
cored myself after stammering for 20 years.
see a certain good play at the opera. Hus-
band frowns inwardly for it is his prefer-
ence to keep within the shelter of his home
this wet evening. But observing his wife's
earnest desire for additional amusement
the hotel

to this hotel
Library and selects what appears to
be the best hotel in the city. He proceeds
and registers as usual.
following day the company's check arrives
from the Pull-

Benjamin N. Bogue, 757 Bogne Building, Indianapolis he strives to show some enthusiasm over (Continued on page 340)
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



made to meet
your taste!

CAMELS are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of

the ordinary a flavor and smoothness never before
attained. To best realize their quality compare Camels
with any cigarette in the world at any price!

Camels flavor is so refreshing, pleasant cigaretty odor. And,

so enticing, win you at
it will you'll be delighted to discover

once it is so new and unusual. that you can smoke Camels lib-
That's what Camels expert erally without tiring your taste!
blend of choice Turkish and
Take Camels at any angle
choice Domestic tobacco gives
they surely supply cigarette con-
you! You'll prefer this blend to
tentment beyond anything you
either kind of tobacco smoked
ever experienced. They're a
cigarette revelation! You do
As you smoke Camels, you'll not miss coupons, premiums or
note absence of any unpleasant gifts. You'll prefer Camels
cigaretty aftertaste or any un- quality!

Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically

sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or ten packages
{200 cigarettes) in a glassine-paper-covered carton.
We strongly recommend this carton for the home
or office supply or when you travel.
mm R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem. N. C.

Rot ft


benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

$100 Mow foo> E>©^@]

irN E(PENsiyE6DKXRl£Pow£Rr- Ability
The wonder of the twentieth century inexpensive electric power, this is possible with our new
electric power system, a new idea in electricity. With the aid of our instruction and chemicals G. Ho bson
By Jay
you can make and install a power battery as shown in the illustration, absolutely safe and sim-
ple. Stop wasting money on buying batteries, install the new electric power battery. It is not (Continued from page 338)
an acid or dry battery, it is a new combination of wet and dry elements which produce electric-
ity. These batteries are powerful and cheap to operate, they produce a direct current of more
than 10 volts, cheaper than any other form of battery. They are wonderful for operating all as_ requested. Being a total stranger in
kinds of experimental work, for lighting purposes and for many other uses where electric
current is needed. Any user of batteries knows the value of an inexpensive high voltage the city he asks the hotel manager to
electric current. These batteries should be in every home, office, shop and factory, no kindly cash said check, explaining who he
matter how small a current is needed; to reduce or raise the current of the battery, simply is and the integrity of his superiors.
move the volt regulator on the switch board. The beauty of these power batteries is, that
they do not evaporate or lose current when not in use, therefore, with every day use recharg- The manager very diplomatically ex-
ing the battery is necessary about every can be recharged at home in a few plains that he has often heard of his fine
minutes, no electricity or machinery is required for this operation, recharging material can
usually be obtained around your home or can be bought for a few cents. These batteries when
company and would be pleased to accom-
charged weigh about 34 paund* and if properly installed will last for years. Each battery modate him if he will just have some one
making outfit consists of a completely wired switch board, battery connectors, wire, instruc- identify him so that he can be sure our
tions and plan for making, installing and recharging the battery and complete chemicals.
friend is the proper person. For it is pos-
Special introductory price, $1.C0, prepaid. Outside the U. S., $1/25.


The most useful and inexpensive wall telephones yet developed. Good use can be found for a set

of these telephones in many homes, and in office, store or shop, iudoors and outdoors; they save
!^ sible, from the manager's point of view,
that our friend could
check —that
have found the
had happened before! Of
course, the hotel does not mean to doubt
our friend's honesty for one moment!
Turning around he rams the check
many steps and much time. You can easily install these new model telephones and have
yourown private line with no operators to bother or listen to your conversation. They are thor- deep into his pocket with a vow, to him-
oughly practical and serviceable all around telephones. Their construction is simple and neat, self, that he will get that check cashed by
nothing to break or to get out of order, a child can operate them with the first bank he comes to.
ease, they will give satisfactory service at any distance up to 1500 feet,
and even at that distance the voice will be perfectly plain and under- Walking slowly down the main business
standable as with the regular commercial telephone. These new street he runs into a friendly looking bank
model telephones are electrically operated, two batteries will operate a set of phones for a long and he decides to try his luck in there.
time, the cabinets are made of polished oak and 6nished with a durable varnish and fitted with
excellent receivers and transmitters, fine workmanship and construction throughout, guaran- Approaching the cashier's window deliber-
teed to operate under all conditions. We are offering the New ModeL Telephones at an excep- ately he shoves the check for a hundred
tionally low price. Each telephone set consists of two New Model Telephones, calling system,
wire, instructions and diagram for installing. Special price to introduce $2.00, prepaid. Outside
toward the cashier with the remark that
the U. S. $2.25. FREE — Wewant every reader to own a New Model Telephone set, so we are he would appreciate the favor. The cash-
going to give away a 2-cell battery FREE to every purchaser of a New Model Telephone Set. ier excuses himself for a minute and re-
tires to one of the financial reference
books for information about the company.
ELECTRIC LIGHT inyourhoMe i°=°
Promptly returning to his money cage
the cashier politely informs our friend
that he would be pleased to favor him if
The latest electric light, no batteries to buy or electric bills to pay. Anyone can install and he obtain additional identifications.
maintain this midget electric light. Safe, simple a and inexpensive. No more smoke
and smell, no wicks or oil, no chimney? to clean ,y .
or break, just as safe in the Our friend is almost desperate by this time
barn, garage and clothes closet as in any open yyW^^^^^ room, always ready for use, and requests the cashier to take him to
day or night. A touch on the switch and you instantly have a bright the president of the bank. The president
electric light. No matter where you live this fight can be instaTle< It is not affected by heat or
cold. Many homes have installed this electric light in their halls, closet pantries, barns, sheds, is courteous but assumes the same stand
cellars, garages, etc., with good results. It is an extremely useful light which no household should be about further identification as the others.
without. The reason for this bright electric light is that the lighting bulb is fitted with a
drawn Tungsten filament wire which is much more efficient and durable, besides giving a 300% in-
Our friend's spirits dropt very low from
crease in light as compared with the ordinary" carbon lamp. The power system furnished with this lighting this last retort. Butglancing down on the
outfit is somewhat similar to the electric power battery described above. Each electric light outfit includes expensive mahogany desk of the presi-
the following: Complete directions and plans, copper wire, insulated wire holders, knife switch, drop light
fixture with socket, friction tape, battery protector, maroon shade, national mazda globe. Our dry battery
dent he accidentally observed the national
compound, which assists in renewing and supplying the current and our current renewing system with which emblem of an organization to which both
you can renew the current at home without expense. With every day use one recharge usually lasts two to he and the president belong and quickly
three weeks. This electric lighting outfit is undoubtedly the most practical and durable electric light of low
cost and long service ever devised. Special price to introduce these electric lighting outfits $1.00. prepaid.
makes this known. The president's face
Outside the U. S. $1/25. softened and after a few hand shakes
the cashier is summoned with instructions

QDtUT (bltUrtUttrr It 1S our intention that every article described above will reach you exactly as described, that to honor our friend's check which was ac-
it will satisfy you perfectly, that it represents full value for the money you paid or we will refund your money.
complished among expressions of appre-
Just to introduce our new line of goods we are offering them at these greatly reduced p/ices. We only have a limited ciation.
number of the above described goods at these prices. Order now, direct from this ad. We guarantee safe delivery
anywhere for additional 10 cents on each item. Now shifting our minds into reverse
we will return to our iriend's first exper-
ience in the cafeteria and see what, it
any, improvement was suggested by things
that transpired. This simple little test of
YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE observation will help to show how far
your inventive abilities have been devel-
BUT YOUR NOSE ? oped. The more observing mind would
have received an idea of value after seeing
that man with dirty hands mussing over
the silverware. A
mental picture of a
sanitary dispensing machine for knives,
forks and spoons would have appeared.
A machine with levers to operate the dis-
pensing of the silverware so that only
one pair of hands would touch the silver-
ware to be used by them. This would be
an improvement of worth.
The incident at the garage should have
BEFORE AFTER suggested a device to automatically open
THIS DAT and AGE attention to your appearance Permit no one to see you looking otherwise; it will
IXis injure your welfare! Upon the impression you constant- the doors as soon as the automobile came
an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most Which
ly make rests the failure or success of your life. near enough to put it into motion. Possi-
outoflife. Not only should you wish to appear asattrac- is to be your ultimate destiny? My new Nose-Shaper,
tive as possible, for your own self-satisfaction, which is "Trados" (Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses bly a small electric motor attached to the
alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world without operation, quickly, safely and permanently. Is
in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your pleasant and does not interfere with one's daily occu- doors with a bumper switch to come into
"looks,'* therefore it pays to "look your best" at all times. pation, being worn at night. contact with the front tires of the auto.
Wrile today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct ill-shaped noses without cost if not satisfactory
After the small motor had propelled the
M. TRILETY, Face Specialist 1162 Ackerman Bldg., Binghamton. N. Y. doors sufficiently to allow the auto to en-
ter, there would be a cut-off switch on the
end of the door that would stop the motor.
Comics, Cartoons, Commer- HEAD/T^x NEU- Then at the theater our friend's discom-
cial. Newspaper and Maga-
zine illustrating. Pastel, fort should have suggested an improve-
Crayon portraits, Poster
ment in seats. One with a clothes com-
and Fashions. Earn Big Money.
Taught by Mail or Local Classes.
Write for illustrated booklet,
terras and list of successful pupils

partment in the back that would open
when the seat was bent forward and close
I3A Flatlron Bldg.. N. Y.
ASK FOR TABLETS A-K and disappear thru the floor when the seat
was pushed backward.
Yon benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Being check-bound away from home in

a strange city without anyone to identify
you is no joke, for I speak from experi-
Why Not Earn*35.00 to$100 A Week
The trained observer's mind would have
pictured a device in the form of a small
pocket case with his picture in one side and
across the picture would be signed his offi-
As A Mechanical Draftsman?
cial signature. In the other side would be
secured a cancelled company's check bear-
"Get into the profession of big uay and Rapid Advancement with the help of
ing his signature, the stamps of the differ-
the school that has started hundreds on the Road to Success. I am ready to
ent banks and clearing houses it has past
thru on its way back to the company and ;
help you." Roy C.
Claflin, President, Co-
on its face it is marked PAID. This old
check would be compared to the new one. lumbia School of
The signature on the picture and on the old
check and on the hotel register would
be compared together, which would be
all the identity necessary to obtain the
money needed.
A few months ago I was visiting friends
in the evening. They owned a popular
phonograph that they played for hours
each evening and fully enjoyed every mo-
ment of it. This particular evening that
I called they refrained from playing even
as much as one short record, and I could
t Learn At
not quite understand the unusual situation.
Home In Spare
Being by nature somewhat nosey about Time
unusual conditions I inquired of the cause
for their abstinence. The husband frankly You don't have to stop
confest that he had neglected to stop by work or leave home in or-
the music store for a very important ac- der to become a trained Drafts-
cessory necessary for proper playing of man. Through our practical
their instrument. This explained, I ex- home study Training we will
prest my regret but immediately an idea teach you Right in Your Own
flashed thru my mind that there was a Home so that you will soon be
great need for a small device to make able to qualify for a good posi-
this important accessory.
tion at Big Pay. We
will continue to

For weeks I kept turning that spark of instruct and help you until we know We Will Help You Secure a
an idea over in my mind trying to picture you have the knowledge necessary to
a machine that would be satisfactory for
the purpose desired. Finally I pictured as soon as you complete our course.
it in detail and soon constructed a work- No Previous Training We have already placed hundreds of
ing model that proved efficient. Then I Necessary our graduates in good paying positions
applied for broad patents both in the U. and are constantly in touch with vacan-
S. A. and foreign countries. It is about Right now — TODAY— there are open- cies for which Draftsmen are Urgently
ready for the market now, but in justice ings forthousands of Draftsmen in Needed. Government Departments
to the manufacturers it isn't possible to the Government Departments, indus- and Private Concerns are continually
explain definitely all about the construction trial concerns, and the big engineering calling upon us for our graduates be-
and origination until ready for public an- offices. One department alone recently cause they know that our instruction
nouncement. However in a later article I called for 1,800 draftsmen. With this produces draftsmen of the caliber
shall show several drawings and give a tremendous demand has come a big they need.
complete explanation of the invention. increase in salaries.
Copyrighted 1919 by Jay G. Hobson
Thousands of Men Wanted
Draftsmen Are Getting $35
to $100 a Week
Right Now
Drawing As soon as you en-
(Continued from page 296) with big chances for even better pay
Outfit roll you will be sent
as the demand grows. By enrolling our special drawing
NOW for our practical Home Study FREE outfit FREE so that
use among the Italians. These bombs Course in Drafting you can quickly
were made by Italians who had been em- you
be sure to
qualify for a as Draftsman
position have it to work with while taking the
ployed in fireworks factories in Italy and and by properly applying the principles course. This set will be yours to keep.
in America. The cause for the placing we teach. You are not asked to return it after
of the bombs was feuds among the Ital- completing the course.
ians. A
section of the city became known
You Have a Chance to Be-
as the "bomb centre."
While walking in a section of the east- come a Chief Draftsman Illustrated Book of Partic-
side on a fair May
day, in the neighbor-
and get to the very top in this fasci- ulars Sent Free
hood of East 11th and 12th Streets, I was
nating profession. Our course will
stopped by a policeman from the East
5th Street Police Station House. "I was
give you just the knowledge you need Fill
the coupon below
in —
send it to us and
send you FREE a copy of our illus-
to make good as chief draftsman when book telling all about our practical
just up to the station house and sent a
your chance comes. Home Study Course and how you may secure
call for you," he said. "Why?" I queried. our instruction at once on Easy Terms so
He answered, "We have located a big as to quickly qualify for one of the Big
package down in 11th Street, which looks Peace Calls For More Positions Now Open.
like a bomb, and the people in the house
have left their apartments, fearing it will
Draftsmen Mail This Coupon To-day
explode." With the problems of reconstruction
Upon arriving, I ordered all the chil- facing the nation the demand for Columbia School of Drafting
Dept. 1050, 14th and T Sts., N. W.
dren away from the place, and then start- draftsmen is even Greater Than Dur- Washington. D. C.
ed to operate upon the bundle. To my ing the War. All big engineering, con-
great surprise I came upon two fulminate struction and manufacturing projects Without obligation to me. please send' me
must first go through the drafting your illustrated book telling how I can secure
of mercury caps attached to two fuses, and
your complete Home Study Course, the
twelve sticks of 40 per cent, dynamite put room before the workmen can com- FREE DRAWING OUTFIT, and your help
up in two separate packages! To each six mence. You can help in the work of in securing a position as Draftsman.
sticks of dynamite, a fulminate cap was reconstruction and secure a Big Salary
attached. The bundle was surrounded on with excellent opportunities for ad- Name
all sides with heavy pieces of iron, bolts vancement. Prepare now and be ready Address
and small pieces of slugs. It was then when the demand reaches its height.
covered with burlap, which in turn was City ... . State
covered with newspaper and bound with

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


a heavy wire. In all, the bomb weighed

about thirty pounds.
With the development and common

knowledge of explosives of the nitro-cellu-

INN lose group, chlorat and nitrat mixtures


disappeared and the number of composite

nitro-cellulose and nitro-glycerin bombs has
increased and many ingenious combinations
of the above mentioned methods of igni-

tion have been devised, showing that much
keener minds and men well trained in
chemistry and the use of explosives have
made these later type bombs.
OCATED directly on the Speaking of Large Bombs.
The first bomb of this type, the "Cunard
beach, 50 miles from New Bomb," discovered in 1902, was the largest
bomb I ever handled. This type was very
rare then, but it is now "the usual garden
York and 2 miles from Asbury variety." The Cunard bomb was of the
nitro-glycerin mechanically detonat-
ed. The bomb consisted of 100 lbs. of 60
Park. per cent, dynamite, placed in two boxes,
each containing 50 pounds. These boxes
were set inside a larger box within which
Surrounded by spacious piazzas was set a timing device which would set
off the fulminating caps and detonate the
The timing device was set
and extensive grounds, its acces- explosives.
to explode when the ship had proceeded
two hundred miles from the coast. The
sibility to the beach makes it man who made the bomb was discovered
in a tenement and was found to be insane.

particularly desirable for families The O. K. Bottling Works Bomb was of

the nitro-cellulose type, mechanically and
electrically operated, as was evident from
with children. the circumstances, weight and size of con-
tainer, the express charge and the debris.
On the morning of December 12th, 1913,
DANCING BATHING BOATING a small pasteboard box was delivered by
the Adams Express Company and was re-

TENNIS GOLF FISHING ceived by the stenographer, Miss Anna

Amusewitz, who laid it aside until she
had opened the mail. The bookkeeper who
Write for Booklet and Information was in the office when the bomb exploded
and who survived his injuries, stated that
Miss Amusewitz cut the string, thereupon
AVON INN HOTEL COMPANY an explosion occurred. The office was
wrecked, Miss Amusewitz was hurled into
the corner and died within ten minutes.
PROPRIETORS The perpetrator was never discovered.
S. THOMAS PENNA, Manager The Herrara Bomb was of the nitro-
glycerin group, chemically ignited. The
circumstances were similar to those of the
O. K. Bottling Works Bomb, which killed
Miss Amusewitz. Mrs. Herrara was killed

Motors and Electrical outright and her husband

was totally

KNAPR Specialties Are Best The Taylor Bomb, the second manufac-
tured by Klotz, was of the same type and
made by the same person. This bomb
Knapp Goods have stood the test for 29 years. No detail In killed Mrs. Taylor under the same atten-
construction lias been spared to make them the best that money dant circumstances as noted above.
can buy. The complete Knapp line includes Toy and Power
Motors, Gen-
My own fingers were blown off by a
e r a to rs and KNAPP "LEARNELECTRICS" bomb of the same description and manu-
Dynamos, Spe- A complete Electrical Laboratory, including a very factured by the same man who sent it to
valuable instruction book by H. P. Gorman.
c i a lties and A.I.E.E. Covers all subjects clearly and concisely. a prominent man in New York City,
Novelties (Judge Rosalsky), related Inspector
amuse and in- Eagan.
struct. Fans.
Rheostats, Shortly after the third bomb, Herman
Compasses, etc. Klotz, a draftsman and former employee
And Knapp of the City of New York, was mortally
prices are al- injured by a bomb he was making. Klotz
ways lowest.
confest to these outrages before his death
Always insist
on Knapp in the Fordham Hospital.
Goods. Since the beginning of the European
War, bombs have been of an improved
KNAPP DYNAMO MOTOR type and are modelled along the lines of
munitions used by the European Belliger-
Will electroplate, charge storage batteries, run lamps,
motors, train of cars, induction coils. —
in fact, the number ents.
of experiments it can be used for is unlimited,
4 to 6 Volts or can be connected to run on 110 Volts
Runs on The Fay Bomb manufactured by Lieu-
through a transformer. tenant Commander Fay, of the German
Imperial Navy, was of the alkaline me-
Price, Complete, $7.00 Price, Complete, $3.50 tallic nitrat and chlorat type, mechanically
Order to-day. Or your dealer can secure them for you. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR and detonated. The bomb case was of steel
CATALOG of 'celebrated KNAPP MOTORS and Electrical Specialties from 10c tip mailed plates welded together by 100 rivets, and a
FREE on request. riveted cover with a water-tight gasket.
KNAPP ELECTRIC & NOVELTY CO., 523 West 51st Street, New York City The interior was filled with a chlorat,
nitrat, sulfur and antimony mixture.
There were two detonating devices, one
TAMPS TYPEWRITERS within the steel case and the other one
the exterior. The exterior mechanism was

s 50 din". Belgium (large bi -color). China, .lama tea,

Portugal, Venezuela, etc.. 10c; 100 diff., nice
packet. 20c; 1.000 well mixed. 40c: 100 var.
U. S.. 50c: 1.000 hinges. 10c: Agts. wanted. B0«T5-
List free. I buy stamps. L. B. Dover, Overland, Mo.
$ 10 AND UP. ALL MAKES. SAVE S2S TO $50 on
rebuilt at the factory by the well-known" Young Process. "
Sold for low cash— installment or rented. Rental applies
on purchase price. Write for full details and guarantee.
Free trial. YOUNG TYPEWRITER CO., Dept. 821, Chicago
attached to the propeller shaft of the
steamship and the rotation of the shaft
tightened the spring on the interior me-

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
— — — —


chanism that when the spring auto-

matically released, it tript the firing pin
which exploded the percussion cap, thus
detonating the chemical mixture.
Try This Interesting
The Recent "Gimbel
Bros." Bomb.
nation-wide. Post-Office Bombs
were composite bombs of the nitro-giy-
cerin, alkalin, metallic, chlorat type, man-
ually, mechanically and chemically ignited, It is something everybody can They cause hand-to-mouth convenient,
and were the work of a trained, experi- do. living —and destitute old age.
enced expert, who knew chemistry, ex- It is something you must do, The Budget System corrects
plosives and the psychology of his vic-
You'll be proud to show it to
if you would ever be more this evil.
your friends.
tims. These nineteen bombs were simi- than a drudge. But learn the Budget System But prouder still to enjoy the
lar in composition, but not in operation,
bring you freedom correctly at the start.
to the bomb which killed Governor Steunen- It will advantages it brings to you
berg of Idaho. See photo of bomb. from worry. It's so simple. and those dear to you.
The latest bomb outrages known as the It will make you happy, and An accountant named Palmer You won't be without this
"Anarchist Fighter's Bombs" were of the independent. devised a wonderful Budget wealth-creating book if you
high explosive type. The details cannot see
be divulged at this time, but the destruc-
It is wonderful insurance. Book- it.

tion surrounding the residences where the It puts you where you can based on seven years' actual We want to send it to you at
experience in the home.
our expense.
bombs were set off tells the tale all too grasp opportunity when it
well. comes along. It tells you all about starting
You don't even need to send
There are many foolish bomb scares
from diamond studded wrist watches, sent
It gives you a vacation when a —
Budget and how to keep postage.
you need it. it up. Merely mail the coupon.
without notice, to one of the Four Hun-
dred's latest debutantes, to a piece of cop-
Itmeans more advantages for Then there are pages to last We send the book— all charges
per ore sent to a mining engineer or a
your children. you two years. prepaid.

new kind of cheese sent to a prominent It denotes character and sta- By Palmer's System it only You keep it five days.
patron of the Waldorf-Astoria, who is a bility. takes you a few moments Quickly you will see that it
connoisseur of famous cheeses, or it mav It puts you out of debt.
each day. will pay for itself several hun-
It is the beginning of Success. A grammar school child can dred times.
do it.
You will see why users
Try it. are
It is all in one handy volume so enthusiastic about it.
one of the most unique positions in the world. well bound, You will want to keep it.
It isnow made easy by a new
Mr. Eagan is the official bomb opener in New No
system, and interesting. matter whether your in-
York City, where during the last decade more bomb come is steady or variable.
Almost as fascinating as a Users Are Enthusiastic
outrages have been perpetrated than in any other
community in the world. Mr. Eagan has con- game. I
wild about this book, the
should have hud long agu.
No matter what season of the
sented to publish some of his experiences in the It is the Budget System of year.
T. B., Watertown, Fla.
columns of the ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER, Saving and Making Money. You
I kept tab on house expense for will never be without
and we feel certain that every reader will 6 years, when I lold my follcs it
You have read
about it in averaged $40.1)0 a week the) jusl
Palmer's Household Money
be intensely interested in Mr. Lagan's experi- Maker
the magazine and newspapers. laughed at nie. are 10 in the We if you see it.
ences. Inspector Eagan has opened thousands of family. Taking the book home I
bombs in his past career, only once being injured, All authorities endorse it. told one of my daughters to put That's why we make such a
everything down from January 1st
when he lost a finger of his left hand due to the to date, when we dosed the month liberal offer.
It stops you from slipshod
of January it amounted to $174,711
premature explosion of a bomb. spending. It surprised them all. I am .sure Keep it rive days.
I can save what I paid for the
It saves the money that now hook in a week; don't need to Then send us the purchase
wait two years as it is an eye-
slips through your fingers opener to the folks at home. Be
sure and send me another book
puts it where it will do you December, 1920. only three dollars.
be a box of coals containing a ticking in
some good when you need it. H. K.. Odebolt. Ia. Think what
alarm clock which has been sent to the a trifling sum
Italian barber in the corner barber shop. Thousands of happy, success- I am very much
pleased with same. this is.
Enclosed please And money order
These jokes cause much worry and ex- ful families use it today. to pay for two copies of this great It is less than half a cent a
citement and should never be perpetrated. book, kindly send me another copy
It is fast becoming universal by parcel post as I desire to turn day, as the book lasts two
In one case I found a woman in a serious among worth-while people. same over to a close friend. years.
condition, due to the receipt by messenger D. O. B. Frankfort. Ky.
A business principle applied

Read the letters in this ad.

of a package the inner wrapper of which
was decorated by skull and bones and a
to the home — that's what the Will you please accept this check
and forward one copy of this They are pouring into our
Budget System is. book? I have seen a copy of tins
warning of death. Arriving there and re- book and it is just the arlicie I've office every day.
moving this cover, I extracted a bottle of It shows you in advance the been looking for for the oast year
You, yourself,
or so. likely to are
plain "Pluto Water" minimum amount you can write us
W. L. F., Alexandria, La. a
that will letter
The latest bombs were not the only save.
appear on this very page.
I gave the book to a friend of
ones sent to prominent persons. A Chicago family beat their mine for a wedding present ami
But the first step is to send
Carnegie Mansion at Ninety-first Street Budget by $65.00 last Janu-
if I am not mistaken it will prove
the most valuable present I could the coupon.
and 5th Avenue was the scene of a bomb ary. have given hint. Kindly send me
another of these books for my own
discovery. Another bomb was discovered
That's getting ahead. use.
outside the offices of the Italian Consul W. G.
You can do the same. V.. Kansas City. Mo. The quicker you get Palmer's
at 212 Lafayette Street. These were of book the quicker it begins to
Attached herewith you will nud
the nitro-glycerin class, manually ignited You have always intended to check in payment of your account save you money.
by the application of a match to the fuse. save more. against me. and for die balance
request that you mail your House-
The late Honorable Mayor Gaynor was You have worried about the hold Money Saver to the following ACT NOW!
the recipient of a similar bomb which was high cost of living.
four parties.
KRIEBEL & CO., 643 Home
A. E. K.. Cleveland. O.
discovered outside his office window with Insurance Bldg., Chicago.
three burnt matches, and a piece of Chinese You have wondered where all

lighting punk which showed evidence of your money went to.

having been ignited. Take that last $50.00 you

The wealthy and prominent persons of spent. KRIEBEL & CO., 643 Home Insurance Bldg.. Chicago.
our city are not the only victims to have What have you got to show You may send me Mr. Palmer's Within five days after
book, prepaid.
these unreliable and unexpected packages for it?
sent to them. Two bombs were placed in receiving it I will send you $3. Of mail the book back to you.
churches in this city. Two bombs were How much of it can you ac-
placed in moving picture houses on the count for?
East Side. One bomb tore away the stair- Can't you account for all of
way and gallery. Even tenements suffer it?
as much as mansions and private resi-
Then you are a reckless
For the convenience of those who wisli to remit cash with order, we
Bomb-Making An Unhealthy Vocation. spender.
iiHow a cash discount of 2!j cents, making the price of the book $2.75.
The "bomb maker" is not particular Just such methods keep mil- If you remit cash with order you may keep the book five days, then
where he manufactures his infernal ma- lions poor. return it if you do not want it. and we will refund your money.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
: :


chine. A
cellar in an East Side tenement,
the laboratory of a prominent hospital, an
abandoned shack in the marshy sections
of the suburbs, the servant's room of the
mansion, a suite in the most modern
apartment house, perhaps in the next
apartment wherever you may be living.
Bombs, strange as it may seem, have been
made by many types of men, in all de-
Lightning Racer Experi-
grees of education, wealth and state of mental Model. This is
not a toy. It is a prac-
life. tical, scientific flying
In the bomb
factory in the rear of a model, guaranteed to fly
hundreds of feet; designed and built from the finest
quiet and prosperous barber shop, the pro- selected materials, by Model Experts. This machine
and our famous "Montauk Flyer" are the only Com-
prietor was killed by an explosion and plete Model Aeroplanes guaranteed to fly 500 ft. sell-
Adventures of the upon the examination of his body, a little ing for less than $5.00. This model, shipped with
oAuto-\tfhee\ Coas\er Club carelessness in placing a too highly reac-
monoplanes detached, ready and guaranteed to fly,
$3.75 prepaid. Send stamps for circular describing
this wonderful model.
HOW THE AUTO-WHEEL HELPS AT CAMP. tive chemical in his pocket was found to
Blueprints of the following models 1-2 actual size 60 cents post-
First the long hike, -with the Auto-Wheels have caused the end of his career. This paid in U. S.
carrying the heavy loads —
tents, and chow, and
rear room contained enough chemicals to
Blerlot Racer, files 600 ft. Manhattan Racer, flies 2000
ft. Montauk Flyer, flies 500 ft. 3 ft. Curtiss or De
fishing tackle, and all the rest
stock a small drug store, sufficient dyna- Havlland Biplane, 75 cents each, postpaid.
And when we pitched camp the Auto-Wheels HEC Flying Boat guaranteed to rise from the water and
did a man-sized job hauling away rubbish from the mite to clear Long Island of tree stumps fly 500 ft. Two sheets blueprint $1.00 postpaid U. S.
camp area, and bringing up firewood. Jim, the
Club Captain, bossed the job, and camp was ready and enough modern fire arms and ammu- HEC AEROPLANE CO., 300 E. 49th St.. N. Y. C.
in forty minutes.
nition to make envious a "would-be" Jesse

We all wore our Club caps the kind all Auto-
Wheel Club members get free by writing to the James.
Buffalo Sled Company for details.
BOYS: If you want to share the fun of the
Auto-Wheel Coaster Club, write for booklet
The making or
a safe and
setting of bombs is not
lucrative occupation or hobby,
DAYS FREEprepaid
TRIAL and freight on any
showing Auto-Wheel Coaster and Auto-Wheel as many of these men meet destruction by "RANGER" bicycle. Write at once
Convertible Roadster. A. Free Felt Pennant for our h ig catalog and special offers.
goea with thia handsome booklet. their own bombs. The greatest death toll Select from 44 styles, colors and sizes
in the "RANGER" line.
THE BUFFALO SLED CO.. 163 Schenck Street,
paid by bomb makers occurred in the top EASY PAYMENTS if desired, at a
floor of a six-story apartment house on small advance over our Regular Fac-
In Canada: Preston, Ont. N. Tonawanda, N. Y. tory-to-Rider cash prices.
Lexington Avenue, between 102nd and You cannot afford to buy withont
103rd Street. Three anarchists, Hansen, getting our latest propositions and

Factory-to-Rider prices.
Carron and Berg were killed. A brother Boys, be a "Rider Agent" and
make big money taking orders
of Louis Berger, who used a fictitious for bicycles and supplies. Get our
name "Murphy," escaped death with se- liberal term* on a sample to intro-
duce the new "RANGER".
vere injuries. The force of the explosion Tires, equipment, sundries and
destroyed the three upper stories of this Ranger everything in the bicycle line at
Electric half usual prices. Write today.
building. Lighted ' CYCLE COMPANY
During the war was kept busy with
I Motorbike^ MEAD Dept. F.107, Chicago
the routine work of the Fire Department
cooperating with the Police, Federal au-
thorities, Defense authorities and in the Chemical Tricks^
instruction of agents who were assigned
to the investigation of various enemy ac-
or Boys
tivities. The signing of the armistice /Turzle your friends wilti mysterious, fcarmless
Chemical (rkks Pour fed. wbile iind blue from a
brought its train of trouble with shells, pla=s ..f u„i.r, wriu- :t\rtrl Ittteii
wnit with water and have it turn blue, make your
with invinblt ink,

Build And Fly This Model of the Famous rifle and hand grenades, fuses and every own blue ink or ink powder You can have lots of

DE HAVILLAND real fun doing these (ricks with "CHEMCRAFT

Here's a new
IDEAL Model Aeroplane — a faithtul
duplicate of the war-famous Battle Plane that downed
the enemy over the battlefields of Fiance. This new
IDEAL Model is in every detail a practical, 3-ft. copy
Den 4 imaginable war
plosives. Many
which contained ex-
were torn off by
grenades exploding in the hands of chil-
dren." j
Junior, ce.mpMt ou , n

all Cher
shown at left. Send foi

Amateur Chemist's Catalogue

and Hand Book

ay and get a Free copy of "'The

interesting magazine for

of the original. Has oval aluminum radiator, veneer Mr. Eagan Only "Official Bomb Opener."
cockpit and fuselage, aluminum top and bottom engine
cowling, hand carved propeller, ball-bearing propeller
shaft and rubber-tired disc wheels. Guaranteed to At this point we ventured the question al Co.
fly from the ground. Miniature gun mount and guns "How many men are engaged in this kind m, MA.
can be made and mounted on the rear cockpit. Build .

one; it's easy IIDEAL Accurate Scale Drawings, in- of work, Mr. Eagan?"
eluding building and flying instructions, show any Mr. Eagan's answer is illuminating:
bright boy how to do it.
PLANS AND INSTRUCTIONS "The only official bomb opener other than 7 TP V IP
Zjir— ZrflJT Sept. 3rd. 1918

for any of these 'planes sent postpaid my own unique position, was the Imperial The Greatest 60 Ct. Article on the Market,
Chief Inspector of the late Czar of Rus-
shipped right from the factory the same
ay we receive your order. The Prong is
Curtiss Military Tractor 25c ade of beautiful metal ; never break or
Blcriot Monoplane
Kieuport Monoplane
sia, who held an exalted place in court _ar out scientifically made and

best workmanship. The rt;"- L

Taube Monoplane 25c circles and received a fabulous salary. I e elastic and lasting, \ ___
nty of pep and force. Zip-
Cecil Peoli Bacer
NC-4 (ready August 15th)
am one of the hard working, loyal Ameri- v complete, only 50c pre-

paid. Be sure the name Zip-

Advance Orders now booked for NC-4 Plans can citizens in the Civil Service of this Zip and our address appear
IDEAL Model Aeroplane Construction Outfits contain- on the article you buy. Order
ing all parts and materials needed to build these Model City, accepting an humble salary and have from us or any Sporting Goods
Store in your city. SendStamps,
Aeroplanes are sold by Leading Toy, Sporting Goods and secured my position by long and trying Coin or Money Order.
Department Stores. Ask for t'licm at your store. AUTOMATIC RUBBER CO.
IDEAL Model Aeroplane Catalog, 48 pages, 5c Postpaid experience, constant study and research." COLUMBIA, S. C.
IDEAL AIRPLANE & SUPPLY COMPANY To the question "How did you engage
159-161 Wooster St., cor. W. Houston St.. N. Y. City Boys, Build This Car. This nifty
in this mysterious and dangerous work?" little ca r driven by gasoline motor,
can be built by any toy. Parts are
Eagan's answer is to be found in the in- 35 Miles furnished by us and are very
cheap. Send 26c for building
domitable spirit of his race. plans and price list of parts show.

* $5.00 "As a boy, my Mother would relate to per hour

me the mysteries of Cleena, the Fairy
Queen of County Cork, Ireland, whose Is Record
Noiseless Target Practice invisible palace was on my great grand-
Fit vour .22 with a Silencer and get
Maxim father's estate near Fermoy. The spirit of this
no end of fun this summer practicing in your
back yard and on your vacation. of delving into the occult and mysterious Car
156 Warren Street
% ^
was early developed and not lacking the TOLEDO. OHIO.
necessary nerve and grit, I went to it."
iJlJLllI A MAKES YOU The telephone bell rang. "Another
I M% WkW* A BETTER MARKSMAN bomb," laconically said the inspector.
Jol "Here's my card. Ring, if you get a Airplane Workchest, containing aircraft work table with
It eliminates recoil and all noise of mitre cutting board and length gauge, steel drill, steel
the report, and steadies your aim. package," were his last words as he dived hammer. Model Maker's steel square, screwdriver, sand-
Direct from Dealer or Factory $5.00. paper block, 10" scroll saw, together with finest quality
Write for Free Book of Stories. t*; into the express elevator. I looked at his reed and bass wood, aluminum, silk, para rubber, full
set of blueprints, directions, and all fittings for building
card. This is what it says
MAXIM SILENCER CO. one 36" Bleriot Model flying Monoplane. Price $10.00.
Other UmakeM Outfits 50c to $50.
89 Homestead Ave., Hartford, Conn. W. R. PRICE. Inc.
No. 2 UmakeM Building, 127 Fifth Avenue, New York

Don't Send Stamps
book, "How To Stop Stammering."
_ Put toeether a 'JIFFY;
In 100 feet.
Fire Headquarters. Worth 4100. Kill the fear of stammering.
Next contest Model Aero- Fleet, next Sept.
3 NIFTY NOVELTY & TOY CO., Newark, N.J. The
Re education the
Hatfield Institute, 109 N, Dearborn
St., Chicago, III.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


The U. S. super-dreadnaught Tennessee
is a sister ship of the California, now being
built at the navy yard, Mare Island, Cal.,
and which is to lie launched in the fall. The
Tennessee is 624 feet long, 97 feet
inches in width, and has a draft of 30 feet
6 inches. She displaces 32,600 tons and has
a speed of 21 knots. She has eight water
tube boilers and a fuel capacity of 1,900
tons. Her armament will consist of twelve
14-inch guns, fourteen 5-inch guns, four
6-pounders, four anti-aircraft guns, and
two torpedo tubes. She will be manned
by a crew of 58 officers and 1,024 men. Great
She will burn oil exclusively and will be demand
cquipt with electric drive.
for drafts-
men now. Still
greater demand in
prospect. War over,
building is to be resumed
and manufacturing to
C expand to meet home and
J Li

Irafec tt©dl Te< foreign needs— which means

plenty of good positions for
(Continu cd from page 301) draftsmen. Take up this paying pro-
fession. The Chicago "Tech" method ^1
is the quickest, easiest way to become a
draftsman in spare time while you hold
"Tooth infection is undoubtedly trans- your present position. That proved before
mitted from person to person in the same you pay a penny. (See free lesson offer below.)
family, from parents to children, by means Send coupon. Learn how to earn
of kissing, the use of common drink-
ing and eating utensils, and many other
ways. So, if one has infected teeth,
he is not only dangerous to himself, but
may transmit this infection to other mem-
$25 to noo
bers of his family, especially his children,
and produce serious conditions which are
difficult to explain. One is appalled at the
condition of the first teeth of children,
a Week or More
at interesting work with opportunities to rise to superintendent, manager,
many of whom have to have their first or other executive positions. Let the Chicago' 'Tech 'engineers train you '

teeth filled. Often the second teeth become —^ . /\ At least get the free lesson and information.
infected from the first set and the child
carries thru life the result of the neglect
Drawing Outfit Easy payments
of the teeth, on the one hand, and the (No "Tech" courses are very moderate— and
The fees for Chicago
transmission of the parent's infection, in Extra SOU can pay on easy terms. And also— you can obtain in a few
addition. Charge) months what it would take several years to acquire by ordinary
methods. You can getan early start. You are soon ready to take
"Consequently, we in ad-
feel justified
a paying position and to quickly get back the cost of your course.
vocating radical measures
eliminating in
the infection from children as well as

adults, and that means extracting all in-
fected teeth, whether in children or adults,
as soon as there is evidence of infection.

Conditions Resulting from Infected Teeth.

"As we give further attention to the

in Draftsmanship receives this draw-
ing outfit— set of instruments in case,
drawing board.Tsquare.trianglee.scale,
curve, drawing paper, pencils, etc., or
a cash credit in case he already has an
FREEOther institutions ask you

to pay first and then to find
subject of chronic infection of the teeth, outnt. You use them while learning.— then \ out later how well qualified
take them right into your .practical work. you are for this profession
We are finding more and more conditions
resulting therefrom. At first, the relation NOTF
1 *
• Enrolled with Chicago "Tech"
• you have the personal direc-
We send the free lesson first
and place you under no obli-
tion of practical engineers, builders and
of infected teeth to rheumatism was dem- architects who teach you the methods they
gation at all. Discover your
use in their own work. No useless theories, Qualifications before you
onstrated by Hastings in 1914. This was no time wasted. You are prepared to stand pay anything. And see for
a very important discovery, for this disease beside old, experienced men. Big advant- yourself just whatChicago
age to learn from a stafl like this— every "Tech" offers you in train-
had baffled physicians who could find no man a specialist.
ing' which will bring a
definite cause for it and many fanciful ready* market for your
theories were put forward to explain the Come To the College or services and open oppor-
cause. Not only can rheumatism be pre-
vented by intelligent care of the teeth, as TRAIN at HOME
Wherever you are you can have this Chicago
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to the untrained
The coupon will bring
outlined above, but in many cases it can be Tech" training. Complete instruction by mail.
Exercises, lessons, personal direction of our ex-
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ailment of people in general today is Mark with X the branch

summed' up in the general term 'stomach
trouble,' and often this, condition resists
Auto and Gas you are interested in--or
if in doubt about which
course to take, writea let-

all attempts at eradication by the ordinary

Engine Course terstating facts about yourself and
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Mall either the coupon or the letter today.
All about automobile mechanism— its
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taught by mail. You train directly under
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tence. In the majority of cases, infected Splendid opportunities open now.
845 Chicago "Tech" Building. Chicago
teeth are at the root of the trouble, and Learn All This in Spare Time Without obligation upon me, send your Catalog on subject indicated
All aboutthe Principles of the Auto- below. Also FREE Lesson if inquiry is on Drafting or Plan Reading.
if the condition has not progrest too far,
mobile. Mark X opposite work in which you are especially interested.
extraction of those teeth, so fondly cher- All about Gasoline Engines.
Architectural Drafting Plan-Reading— Buildings
All about Power Plants and Trans-
ished for years, may clear up the chronic missions. Machine Drafting Plan-Reading— Shop Men
stomach trouble. All about Carburetors and Fuel Sup- Electrical Drafting Estimating
ply Systems. Structural Drafting O Surveying
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infection of the teeth, after years, may All about Magneto Ignition.
Builders' Course Autos and Gas Engines
spread to other organs of the body and All about Starting and Lighting
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cause disease in these remote regions, which ,

disease has apparently no relation to the

Know How To Fix Troubles
Most complete instruction in auto Address
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VV rllC alog and all information now.
{Continued on page 347) College or Home Study? State which

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
— H



5^"—h I
k— 3" —
WE have in the past held many extraordinary sales, but we be-
lieve that the present one eclipses all by the wonderful values
we are offering. The goods which we offer on this page are all | RUSH j
We have bought a large block of these goods and have a larga
quantity of every item on hand. Immediate shipment can be mads
on all of the goods in practically any quantity within reason.
standard telephone apparatus. Every piece we are offering is equip- : Cut out and attach I
ment that for one reason or another was discontinued by the tele- Shipment within twenty-four hours will be made if you use the
• to your order. It adjoining coupon. This coupon saves you several days and your
phone companies. If you wanted to buy any of the pieces which we
offer herewith, from the manufacturers, the price would at least be
Z will leave us within Z order will then be considered a rush order. We guarantee every
ten times what we are asking for it. You can readily ascertain this ; 24 Hours. : piece to be as represented, and we will refund the money if goods
for yourself by looking over our wonderful prices. are not exactly as claimed by us.

No. I TELEPHONE RELAY, 1500 ohms—has two NO. 5 REPEATING COIL (Transformer). This is telephone work, and you will even find it sensitive
silver-contact springs and is very sensitive. Can be a standard small repeating coil and is used by all enough for short distance wireless work.
used wherever a sensitive relay is needed. It is ad-
justable and can be used for a variety of purposes.
telephone companies. It has 4 different windings and
eight contacts. The re-
No. 7 Bell Telephone Receiver ship-
ping weight. 3 lbs. Price «pU»OU
— fl»A OA
Entirely enclosed in iron.

No. 1 Belay shipping weight, 2 lbs.
$1.50 sistance being respectively 72 and 120 ohms, and 90 NO. 8 STANDARD TELEPHONE RECEIVER with
and 100 ohms. Diagram is furnished. Can be used Metal Head. This receiver is made by Stromberg
for wireless, for boosting signals, etc. Carlson Co., with genuine hard rubber handle and
NO. 2 STANDARD TELEPHONE Induction Coil, —
No. 5 Repeating Coil shipping weight, <fcfi Cfi
«pU.OU ear cap. A very good fool-proof a3 well as sensitive
primary 1 ohm, secondary 55 ohms. Used wher- 2 lbs. Price receiver that cannot be put out of order if you try.
ever you need a good induction coil. Has primary Used for the same purpose as No, 7 Telephone Re-
and secondary and iron wire core fibre heads. :
NO. 6 Vz M.F. CON DENSER. This is a standard ceiver.


telephone condenser and has Vz microfarads. Con-

No. 2 Induction Coil as described
shipping weight, 2 lbs. Price .$0.50 denser comes in neat metal casing. This condenser
No. 8 Standard Telephone Receiver d*n
shipping weight, 3 lbs. Price
is used in connection with spark coils to absorb the
vibrator spark. Invaluable for test buzzers to absorb No. 9 IMPEDANCE COIL (Close Core Trans,
NO. 3 STANDARD RESISTANCE wound with spark and make the sound of buzzer more steady. Is former). This is a very fine little transformer and is
German silver wire —
4,500 ohms, can be used as a
choke or plain resistance, and has many other uses
also used by every experimenter in connection with used extensively in connection with telephone work.
wireless where a fixed capacity is needed. Several of It is in reality an A.C. transformer for which you
that readily suggest themselves to the experimenter. these condensers should be in every experimenter's would pay $5.00 if you had it made to order. Th&
No. 3 Standard Resistance as de- Of| A(\ primary has 0.15 ohms, secondary 2000 ohms.

ecribed shipping weight, 4 oz. Price *pu.*tU laboratory.
No. 6 Condenser, y2 M.F. —shipping <tft Cft can be used for a variety of purposes that will sug-

weight, 1 lb. Price «pU.ail gest themselves to every experimenter. Can be used
NO. 4 HORSESHOE MAGNET, size 3% inches successfully to boost wireless signals. Also in con-
wide x 5 inches high. Wijl lift about 1 lb. Quality NO. 7 DOUBLE POLE BELL TELEPHONE RE- nection with audions, etc. An A-l instrument. Size
such as used nn magnetos, which means the best. CEIVER —hard rubber casing with 4 ft. cord and 3x3 inches.
No. 4 Horseshoe Magnet shipping — tips. —
Standard 75 ohms very powerful magnets. This No. 9 Impedance Coil —shipping weight, $A fiC
weight, 2 lbs. Price .$0.30 receiver can be used in connection with any ordinary 2 lbs. Price $U.OD

NO. 10 MICROPHONE AND BRACKET. An A-l NO. 12 POLARIZED RINGER with Bell3. The polarized and has a powerful magnet. It works on
sensitive microphone of the carbon grain type. Has resistanceof the two coils is 1250 ohms each. The 66.6 cycles and any magneto will operate it if run at
hard rubber mouthpiece and enamel steel bracket, the armature is perfectly adjustable. Bell will work on a certain speed. A very finely built instrument. Re-
instrument being 10 inches long. This microphone, in any magneto. We also furnish blue print with ringer sistance of each coil being 200 ohms. Can be con-
connection with our No. 7 or 8 Receiver, will con- showing how a first class polarized relay can be made verted into a polarized relay by substituting a very
stitute a complete telephone outfit, good to speak 50
miles or more, at a remarkably low price.
by anyone using only a few pieces of metal and fine leaf spring instead of the heavy one furnished. A
screws. most interesting instrument with which to experiment.
No. 10 Microphone and Bracket ship- —
AA No. 12 Polarized Ringer with Bells — dM CA No. 14 Harmonic Ringer snipping —djl
ping weight, 5 lbs. Price shipping weight, 2 lbs. Price V ""*
1 weight, 4 lbs. Price
NO. 15 RINGER without Bells—630 ohms. Thi3
(Transformer). A NO. 13 POLARIZED RINGER with Bells This is also is a polarized ringer and has an adjustable
standard repeating coil used for telephonic work. the same kind of ringer as the No. 12, except that it armature. The adjustment is done by means of the
is not adjustable and that the resistance is less.
The coil windings are encased in an iron tube 2*4 top screw. A beautiful little instrument. With this
inches in diameter. There are eight terminals for First class in all respects. Blue print furnished with instrument, too. we furnish a blue print showing how
the four windings to connect to and the instrument is this to make polarized relay same as with No. 12.
a polarized relay can be built. You should have
Invaluable in connection with radio work to boost up Solenoids on this ringer are worth more than the several of these beautiful little instruments.
price we ask for the entire ringer, and do not forget
signals, audion work. etc. Many interesting uses will are worth their weight in gold; the powerful magnet
be found for this coil. Resistances are: 100. 120, a powerful magnet that goes with it. alone being worth more than the price we ask for
145, 175 ohms. No. 13 Polarized Ringer with Bells 4*1 — AA
«pl.W the entire instrument.

No. 11 Repeating Coil shipping weight,
shipping weight, 2 lbs. Price No. 15 Ringer— shipping weight, 2 lbs. <j>Q
8 lbs. Price NO. 14 HARMONIC RINGER. This ringer is also

No. 55 5-bar magneto, 110 Complete

Volt A. C. Generator Wall Set
This one of the most powerful magnetos ever
built, when manufacturers could afford to put This is a complete com>
good into them ; equipt with transmission,
make and break, etc. Transmission wheels are telephone station.
all brass, crank handle furnished. This magneto, The cabinet is of polished
as well as the other ones listed below, will light oak, piano finish, within
a, 110-volt lamp merely by turning the crank which is contained the pow-
magneto gives alter-
handle slowly. While this erful magneto, the 380
nating current only, it can be rewound so it will Ohm polarized ringer, and
light up a number of four, six and 10-volt lamps, induction coil. The mag-
all depending upon the thickness of the wire you neto is exceptionally effi-
wind on the armature. As we furnish these mag- cient, being of the two
netos, they will give a powerful alternating cur-
rent and you will not be able to stand the current
bar type with brass
when grasping hold of the terminals. This makes gear transmission. Tha
an ideal shocking machine. All our generators extra sensitive microphone,
can be transformed into a direct current machine mouthpiece and two gongs
by equipping it with a home-made commutator. are mounted on the front of
Machines are A-l in all respects and every experimenter should have one of them in his shop. the cabinet, giving the
Many other experiments which can be performed with this machine will readily suggest themselves

entire instrument that de-

to any experimenter. The magnets furnished with these generators are very powerful, each one No. 26 sirable appearance of com-
being able to lift one pound easily.
NO. 55 5-BAR MAGNETO GENERATOR as described— shipping weight, 25 lbs.
pactness and efficiency.
Price $4.00 Guaranteed to work over
The telephone receiver is a
NO. 33 3-BAR GENERATOR, same 20 miles.
as described above except that it has only 3 bars, and is double poled one. and has a hard rubber
somewhat smaller.

No. 33 3-bar Generator shipping weight, 10 lbs. Price $2.00 case. Seven binding posts are provided
for connections. The instrument is one
NO. 44 4-BAR GENERATOR, same as No. 55 except that it has 4 bars, and is somewhat
smaller. tfjo nn
which we can offer with pride to our
No. 44 4-bar Generator — shipping weight, 15 lbs. Price «p«J.UU patrons at a ridiculously low price. It
is unobtainable anywhere else at less than $15.00 and is an
NO. 66 6-BAR GENERATOR, same as No. 55 except that it has one more magnet and the instrument unequaled in value for the price we ask. Size
armature is somewhat larger and more powerful. This is the biggest type made and is extremely 11" x 10" Shipping
powerful. CA CA over all x 8". weight, 15 lbs.
No. 66 6-bar Generator —shipping weight. 30 lbs. Price «p"±.«W No. 2f Long Distance Telephone Set $O.UU
CARBON GRAIN "The Livest Catalog in America"
Our big. new electrical cyclopedia No. 20 is waiting for you. Posi- ELECTRO IMPORTING COMPANY
A special design of tively the most complete Wireless and electrical catalog in print today.
231 Fulton New York City
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Big "Treatise on Wireles. Telegraphy." 20 FREE coupons for our 160- I enclose herewith 6 cents in stamps or coin, to
on wireless telephone
where a steady page FREE Wireless Course in 20 lessons. FREE Cyclopedia No. 20 cover postage, for which please send me your latest
measure 7x5%". Weight Yz lb. Beautiful stiff covers. Cyclopedia Catalog No. 20 as described.
current of % to 1
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ping weight. 3 lbs No. 6080 Carbon tfl
1,vv V
Grain Transmitter as described
STATE E. E. 8-19

You benefit Ijy mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
— , ———


(Continued from page 345)

at the roots of infected teeth must have an effect in lowering the vitality and allowing
outlet, especially if the tooth has been a latent infection to become active.
crowned and all means of drainage from "By recognizing the fact that mental dis-
the upper part of the tooth is thereby cut eases may be the result of infection and
off. Then the bacteria filter thru the bone the toxemia or poisoning due to this infec-
in which the teeth are embedded, -which tion, we have been able to restore many
bone is microscopically porous, and from patients, who with our former methods of
the organisms or bacteria gain access to the treatment, became chronic patients and re-
lymphatic system and migrate to other mained in the hospital until the time of
organs and set up a secondary focus of in- their death. Thus we have been able to
fection. When this condition occurs, it is discharge 8/ per cent, of the patients ad-
easy to understand that the mere extrac- mitted to the hospital in the last nine
tion of the offending tooth will not clear months, whereas for a period of ten years,
up the condition but the infection must
then be eradicated from this new focus.
the proportion of discharges to admissions
was only 43 per cent. In other words, we
Find Out What
"We have doubled the number of patients who
have various methods of locating
these secondary foci of infection. If the
tonsils are infected as a result of infected
leave the hospital as a direct result of our
teeth, the teeth should first be extracted
and then the tonsils removed. If the stom-
"As a prevention of mental diseases, then,
it would seem that the proper care of the
Means to YOU
ach is infected, an examination of the con- teeth is of the utmost importance, and we
tents will show the presence of this infec-
tion and it can be treated by means of
would emphasize the fact that the proper
care is entirely different from what the
What It
Intensive train-
has qualified
nas vone >nB
men like You for
vaccines, but always after the infected usual dental examination reveals, and that — given
the positions they wanted
teeth are extracted. In the more serious only by refusing to have devitalized teeth them steady employment — made
conditions the intestinal tract may be the (teeth in which the nerve has been de- them sought after by employers-
multiplied their earning power
seat of the secondary infection and, by stroyed), crowned, or otherwise preserved
made them leaders in their chosen
lines. For thousands, it has changed
the drudgery of "getting by" into
the joy of GETTING ON. Do you
realize that the same intensive train-
ing can do the same for you?
Doing things better Why it
than the other fellow—
thinking and acting for
w,e * it ^
— —
yourself having a grip on yourtask

the expert touch the trick of
KNOWING HOW-that is why you
succeed intensive training.
That is does for you. Train-
what it
ing clears away the cobwebs, throws
the spotlight on the things you don't
know about your work, and makes
you the master of any emergency.

Three X-Ray Views of Infected Teeth. The Two Right-hand Radiographs

Don't Fool
Show Abscesses Indicated by Arrows: The Dark Patches In the Left-hand
Radiograph Indicate Abscesses. This Photo Was Taken Down Thru the Top
of the Mouth, the Patient Holding the Plate in the Mouth Between the Teeth.
Don't be fooled into thinking
that "luck" or "pull" will make you
a winner. The man without train-
means of the X-ray certain things relating and insisting upon having these teeth ex- ing just scrambles through life
to thefunction of the intestines may be tracted, can we hope for better teeth and never a money-maker never sure —
found and intelligent surgical aid may have prevent infection, which later will have —
of his job never holding a responsi-
ble position. As long as you refuse
to be invoked. serious consequences. This is a master to train you must pass up oppor-
"There can be no doubt that many unex- which can be controlled by the individual tunities and make way for the man
plained diseases have their origin in in- and it is the public in general who can who does. Face the facts and then
let the American School help you
fected teeth. Thus Barker, at the Johns firing about a better state of affairs by into a better position the one you —
Hopkins Hospital, has shown that many insisting upon good dentistry, in the sense want— as it has helped its thousands
cases of pernicious anemia have recovered we have explained, and by not allowing of students.
when the infected teeth are extracted. It the kind of dental work which preserves
has also been shown that serious heart con-
ditions, diseases of the kidneys —
the teeth to the detriment of the patient's
health. Such results as we are trying to
You Take Ho
known as 'Bright's Disease' diseases of obtain can only be brought about by edu- Risk
the ,gall bladder and many other diseases cating the public in these matters, as well The American School's guarantee
may be the result, directly or indirectly, as the medical and dental profession. For above means that you can test what
this reason we believe that the widest pub- training will do for you without risk-
of a focus of infection originating in the
ing one cent of your money. We've
teeth. licity should be given to these facts and got to make good with you, so
their importance emphasized both from the check and mail the Coupon
Nervous and Mental Diseases Due to Infection
standpoint of prevention and cure. NOW — for Free BuUetin.
"Finally, the most serious result of in- AMERICAN SCHOOL of
fected teeth is to be found in the relation
CONCLUSIONS. Correspondence
of this infection to nervous and mental "We feel justified in summing up the results Dept.CC26
of modern scientific medical and dental investi- CHICAGO
conditions. We
have been for years grop- gations as follows:
ing in the dark, trying to find a cause 1. That bad or infected teeth are extremely TRAINING THE KE1 TO SUCCESS
prevalent and because they cause no symptoms
for these unexplainable conditions. We to the patient are often unrecognized. ,e eend me bookletand tell me how
myself for position marked X
have considered mental diseases as some- 2. That these same infected teeth may be
the source of many serious and often fatal dis- Western Union Course ..Accountant and Auditor
thing apart from general diseases where Telephone Engineer ..Steam Engineer
eases, including nervous and mental diseases.
such things as worry, grief, fear, overwork, 3. That the only known prevention of the Draftsman and Designer .Lawyer
Automobile Engineer ..Business Manager
and many other elements are usually given effects of this infection is to have all devitalized ..Automobile Repairman .Certified Pub. Accountant
as the cause of disease of the mind. Since teeth removed as well as the teeth known to be ..Airplane Mechanic ..Bookkeeper
infected. ..High School Course ..Stenographer
we have found at the State Hospital at 4. That one should not allow devitalized ..Fire Insur. Adjuster ..General Education Course
Sanitary Engineer .Com. School Branches
Trenton that many of the patients suffering teeth to be capt or crowned nor pivot teeth to ..Heating and Ventilating ..ElectricalEngineer
from mental disease had also very serious be placed on old roots but insist that these teeth Engineer ...Electric Light and Power
be extracted. Master Plumber Superintendent
chronic infections of the teeth, tonsils, and ..Civil Engineer ..Hydroelectric Engineer
5. That all persons should keep in mind the ..Structural Engineer ..Wireless Operator
gastro-intestinal tract, and that by elimin- danger of transmitting this infection to other ..Mechanical Engineer ..Architect
ating these infections our patients recov- members of their families, especially children, ..Shop Superintendent ..Building Contractor
ered, we are justified in concluding that and thus prevent serious trouble in after years.
6. That while the infection may originate in
these chronic infections play a very impor- the teeth, in the course of years this infection Name ....

tant role in the causation of the menta' will travel thru the lymphatic system and invade
condition. Of course, other factors, such other organs, and eventually set up secondary
foci of infection, which become more dangerous Address .

as we have mentioned, have a profound than the original focus in the teeth."
Y ou benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" xvhen writing to advertisers.

66 BS)
T<D2= p©dl©©
and ^Ikalb 00 Spotted
By George Holmes
(Continued from page 306)

called because of its weakness for laying

eggs in other people's nests is one fur- —
ther testimony to British engineering abil-
ity and the resourcefulness of our navy.
Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, U. S. N.,
Be conceived the idea of a torpedo-carrying

a TIRE airplane in the winter of 1910-1911 as a

means of defending the Philippine Islands,
Make $2,500 to $4,000 Per Year
and discust the idea with the General Board
of the Navy. In April, 1912, he applied
for patent on the torpedoplane, which was
Giving New Life to Old Tires granted in July, 1912, by the U. S. Patent
A Haywood Tire Sur- Office.
The Italians were the first to make ex-
geon can do more with old
periments in dropping weights from an
tires than was even dream- airplane, with a view to evolving a method
ed before the war. By the of launching torpedoes. Captain Alessandro
Haywood Method a Haywood Guidoni, Royal Italian Navy, using a 1910
Tire Surgeon can give 4,000 Farman biplane equipt with floats, made a
to 5,000 more miles of new life number of experiments at an Italian naval
to a tire that two years ago would base in 1912-1915.
have been thrown on the junk pile. Captain M. F. Sueter, who was then
And it's easy to learn. director of the air department of the Brit-
ish Admiralty, appreciated the value of the
Stations are Needed idea and in conformity with the practise
of the British Navy, which provides that
Everywhere the name of the commanding officer shall
20,000,000 tires wearing By Tire Surgery you
down every day. appear on a patent application with the
can quickly repair, rebuild and give new life to tires seemingly all worn out. name of the author of the invention,/ a
Cuts, gashes, tears, bruises, broken fabric, every kind of an accident that patent application was made in the joint
can happen to any tire, inside or out, you can repair and save for long names of Captain Sueter and Lieutenant
service. The chance to make money is simply wonderful. Hyde Thomson, in March, 1914.
The sinking of a Turkish troopship while
$2,500 to $4,000 a Year is Possible, at anchor in the Sea of Marmora, in 1915,
by a British torpedoplane, created a little
Ifwe told you all the truth you" wouldn't believe it. You would
say, "it is too good to be true." But you can see what a great field there is more interest in the experiment, but no
for Haywood Tire Surgery Statlons-for this better way. greater support was given to the work and
the experiments were superficial in nature
Send Today for My Free Book
and dragged on slowly, due to lack of offi-

Ihave ready to mail you the day cial interest.

ITE TODAY Iget your request.afascinating

k book— all about tires— how
torepairthemby theHay-
In May, 1917, those who believed in the
potentiality of the torpedoplane and hoped
*w wood Method— how to
that the Allies would put this device into
M. HAYWOOD, President ^O business-how
1210 Capitol Ave.
Indianapolis, Ind.
CO. ^+
start in
to build up trade-
'what to charge. In 48
effect against the German Navy before
Germany could build torpedoplanes, were
DEAR oir;
ycniK SIR: Please sena me by^return
rieabe send Dy return mail your whole p
the whole^proposition riuht made heartsick by the report that the Brit-
free book on the new Haywood Tire Surgery Method in frontt of you. Use
and the your free school of ish steamship Gcna had been torpedoed by
details of tire repairing. \|k coupon at
i the left.

T*. M. Haywood,
I!a Pres. a Germantorpedoplane.
& In connection with the above, it is stated
. , ,
" "

1210 Capitol Ave.

Co. by the Admiralty that this method of at-
tack was first practised successfully inAu-
Indianapolis gust, 1915, by R. N. A. S. pilots, who sank
T*. Indiana several ships in the Dardanelles by torpe-
does from seaplanes.
How the Torpedoes Are Carried.

r Asketch of one of the German seaplanes


means vitality and long life to your battery and anyone can do it with the
that participated in the attack against the
Gena, showing the pontoon arrangement
for holding the torpedo in the German sea-
plane, is exactly like the arrangement on
NEW F-F BANTAM BATTERY BOOSTER Admiral Fiske's torpedoplane. The torpedo
is held between the two pontoons of the
which charge any 6 volt storage battery eF-Ficiently from 100 to 130 volt
will fully
seaplane with a bracing to keep the torpedo
60 cycle alternating current lamp socket.
from moving while the seaplane is flying.
This is a new size of F-F Rectifier and similar to our standard F-F
Magnetic Rectifier which has been on the market for over 3 years. Some years ago I had occasion to discuss,
Thousands in use giving satisfactory service. Simple, safe, sure acting. first with Admiral Fiske and then with
Copper and carbon electrodes rectify the current. Capacity 6 volts 8 Allied officers, the advisability of using
amperes. Shipping weight 10 pounds. Price complete with Ammeter
and Battery Clips $15.
automatic brakes to check the velocity or
Send check for prompt shipment via express or if via parcel post add fall of the torpedo. This discussion led to
sufficient for postage and insurance. Bulletin 12 on request. considering a number of methods, such as
THE FRANCE MANUFACTURING CO., Cleveland/Ohio lowering the torpedo by means of a cable.
But it was realized that while it would be
feasible to lower the torpedo several hun-
Says the Master Mechanic. The Greb dred feet by means of a cable, and its direc-
Automatic Grip Puller is a One-Man tion could be maintained by means of vanes,
Puller —
Quick-acting, strong and sim-
ple in the extreme. May be locked in
any desired position. A combination
of two or three arms. Heavy Duty

Size capacity 1" to 18" Junior size
and the possible swerving of the torpedo
might also be checked by means of vanes,
which would hold the torpedo steady ex-
capacity 1" to 7". Two sets of jaws
furnished with each size. ARE GOOD— TRY ONE cepting in case of sudden turns, the advan-
Ten Days' Trial »
al J»»r Paul M. Marko & Co., Inc. tages to be gained were not readily ap-
jobber does not have them we will send you parent. The giant naval seaplane NC-4,
one. Try it ten days. If not satisfactory, 1402-1412 Atlantic Ave.
return to us and we will refund your money.
Biooklyn, N. Y.
which crost the Atlantic, could easilj' carry
We also make the GREB RIM TNOl.
THE GREB CO., 230 Stale Slreet, BOSTON two full-size torpedoes.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
— —


One Hundred Miles an Hour Torpedo Boat!

Some of transatlantic planes being
designed present are capable of cover-
ing 3,000 miles without stopping. These
machines can be converted into torpedo-
planes by merely attaching the torpedoes
under their planes or at some other con-
venient place. And then they become flying
torpedo boats, capable of cruising at a
speed of 100 to 125 miles an hour or more.
A crew of half a dozen men will be suffi- AMONG our laws for the protection
all of
cient to operate such a torpedoplane. Im- women and children there not one is to pre-
agine this marvellous combination of speed, vent a weak, sickly, anemic man —a creature who
potentiality and mobility What better

weapon can we find for the defense of our

is a man in name only from — marrying some
pure, wholesome girl and making her the mother
coasts and island possessions? An enemy of children destined before their birth to be a
fleet bent on attack or carrying an invading source of grief and anguish to her as long as she
force would have to contend with large lives.
torpedoplanes before it could come within Men of America, what are you going to do about it?
1,000 miles of our shores and with smaller How are you going to protect your sisters and your
daughters? How are YOU, who read this, going to pro-
torpedoplanes launched from aerodrome tect your future wife and do your part to breed a race of
ships, such as are recommended by Ad- strong, sturdy children that will be a credit to America,
miral Rodman. instead of poor, sickly, watery-blooded little creatures who
have no chance in life, and who, when they grow up, will
inevitably help to fill our insane asylums and our jails?
Admiral Fiske's "Sub" Spotter.
Apatent was recently issued to Admiral
Fiske on a clever submarine localizer.
Men of America, Wake Up!
It's up to YOU, to every individual one of you, to make
As the illustration shows the aircraft, YOURSELF fit, first of all. It's a living condition that
plane or dirigible tows a super-sensitive confronts you, not an academic theory. It's a condition
sub-sea microphone thru the water by based on the immutable laws of heredity, which have
operated ever since the world began. It's a condition
means of a float or else an armed boat, recognized by every breeder of live stock, and taken ad-
which may serve to give battle to the vantage of to improve the qualities of the cattle, horses or
enemy, should be arise to the surface. Sus- dogs he raises. It's the great inexorable Law of Nature
that Like Breeds Like; that the progeny will inherit the
pended from the boat is a sound-detecting qualities of the sire in an intensified degree.
microphone connected by circuit wires car- Read those last two words again, and think
think hard. —
ried by a cable to a battery and telephone What will YOLIR
children be? If are weak and YOU
sickly; poisoned byconstipation, green with biliousness,
receiver in the car of the airship. tortured by indigeston. wrecked by nervous headaches,
The operation is as follows When a
: with vitality barely sufficient to carry you through your
submarine is under water, power is supplied daily work what kind of children can you beget.'
from her storage battery to an electric
motor, whereby the submarine is driven. ' Fit Yourself to Be a Father
The continuous whirring sound made by You don't want to deceive the girl who loves and trusts
the motor while in operation transmitted you and wreck her life by making her the mother of chil-
dren who will cause her to curse the day she married you.
thru the water affects the microphone so
You want her to bear happy, healthy, laughing children,
that this sound is heard and recognized in who will grow up into strong, virile men and women, a
the telephone receiver by an observer in source of joy and comfort to you both in your old age.
the airship car, listening thereat. FIT YOURSELF to beget such little ones, and at the
same time to take the place among men in the world to
Being thus apprised of the location of the which you are rightfully entitled. YOU CAN DO IT
submarine, the observer may transmit that there isn't any question about it IF YOU MAKE UP —
information to a station ashore, or to a ves- YOUR MIND TO DO IT. You can get rid of the
hampering ailments that are preventing you from being
sel afloat, by any known means as, for— quick, efficient in your work and keeping you from getting
example, by visible signals or by radio- a better job or higher position at bigger pay; you can
telegraphy. break off any evil habits that are giving you a hang-dog
LIONEL STRONGFORT feeling and making you ashamed to look your fellow men
In order to enable the observer to con- and women in the face; you can build up your flabby
Sargent, of Harvard,
vey information as to the speed and di- declared that Strongfort is muscles, strengthen all your vital organs, make your blood
unquestionably the finest rich and red and fill yourself with the punch and power
rection of the submarine, the sea area to specimen of physical develop- of a REAL MAN, if you will stop "putting it off until
be protected may be mapt in divisions of ment ever seen." tomorrow," take hold of yourself and go about it the right
predetermined area, as 1, 2, 3, etc., of the
detail drawing reproduced herewith. The
observer knowing, for example, that he is
over division 7 and hearing the submarine
Strongfortism Will Enable You to Do It
Strongfortism has lifted thousands of weak, ailing, impotent, discouraged men out of the bog of
noise in his telephone, signals that fact to hopelessness and despair and placed them on the broad, straight road to health, happiness and pros-
?n observer at some central station. After- perity. Strongfortism has restored the manhood they had destroyed and thought they had lost forever and
given them renewed vitality, ambition and the power to DO THINGS in ihe world. Strongfortism has
ward, being over division 5, if he still enabled them to beget children who will make Americans of whom both they and their country will be
hears the sound, he communicates that proud.
further fact. The central station observer Strongfortism will do for YOU what it has done for them. It is simply Nature's way of living life;
the wav that has no drugs or medicines about it; the way that makes tor health and power and potency;
thus becomes informed that the position the way that gets the most enjoyment out of life. I KNOW
whereof I speak. My lifetime has been
spent in studying the human organism; in learn-
of the submarine is first in division 7, for ing Nature's way of building up and strength-
example, and that its course is to a second ening the tissues of the muscles, the vital or-
gans and the brain. I GUARANTEE results;
position as in division 5, and, therefore, I guarantee to improve you 100 per cent, physi-
northeasterly, while the time elapsing be- cally and mentally, if you will follow my
directions, and it makes no difference where
tween the signals will show approximately you live, what your present condition is or FREE CONSULTATION COUPON
whether your youthful follies brought you to
the speed of the submarine in going from You can follow out my course without
the first to the second position.
interfering in any way with your present oc-
Mr. Lionel Strongfort, Newark, N. J. — Please
send me vour book, "PROMOTION ANDCONSER-
cupation, in the privacy of your own bed-
The boat may be simply a float in boat chamber if you like.
TAL ENERGY," for postage of which I enclose
shape, or it may be an armed motor-boat —
DON'T DELAY tomorrow never comes to three 2-cent stamps. I have marked (X) before
those who put things off. Take the first step the subject in which I am interested. (1011)
with crew on board. In the latter case, as NOW. Send for my FREE BOOK, "Promo- Colds .Insomnia Vital Losses
soon as the observer in the airship signals tion and Conservation of Health, Strength and/ .Catarrh .Short Wind . Impotency
the crew of the detection of a submarine Mental Energy." It will show you how to make I .Asthma .Flat Feet .Gastritis
a MAN of yourself. There's no charge for it; Obesity .Stomach . Heartweakness
sound, the cable may be detached from the I ask you only to enclose 3 -2c stamps to pay . Headache Disorders . Poor Circulation
.Thinness .Constipation .Skin Disorders
boat, leaving the microphone suspended for packing and postage. Fill out the coupon
Rupture .Biliousness Despondency
and send it in TODAY. You'll hear from me .

Lumbago Round Shoulders

from the cable, and the boat free to watch by return mail with something you wouldn't .

.Torpid Liver

. Lung Troubles
for and attack the submarine, or to give miss for any money. . Neuralgia . Nervousness Increased Height

Flat Chest Poor Memory .Stoop Shoulders

warning to other vessels in the vicinity. . Deformity

.Rheumatism .Muscular
Any suitable means of release may be pro- (describe) .Youthful Errors Development
By noting where the sounds in the tele-
phone become louder or Physical and Health Specialist
and by-
steering in such a direction that the sounds 1011 Strongfort Institute Newark, N. J. City State.
become louder or remain in the same in- Write Plainly
tensity,the observer in the airship can
move in a direction and at a speed approxi-
mately that of the submarine.
fliffiffi^ m nium
i mmmm m
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



By Isabel M. Lewis
(Continued from page 313

and peculiar cometary features are

istic tail
fully developed. As the comet again re-
cedes from the sun after perihelion pas-
Be Art sage its speed slackens once more. It soon
parts with all its spectacular features and
ELECTROTECHNICIAN fades rapidly away into oblivion. THE
Study to enter the field of electricity as a
high-salaried Industrial Specialist.
Qualify as a Power Plant Superintendent,
City Technician, Salesman of Electrical Equip-
ment, Supervisor of Electrical Equipment
EDUCATION you can take up this study at
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cation sooner you finish. That's all. Com-
bination of work-shop, laboratory, drafting
room and recitation room instruction quickly
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"Earn While You Learn" if you like.
There is no time for delay if you wish a place
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Clip and mail the coupon today. It may mean a
life-time of suceebs for you. DO
School of Engineering of Milwaukee
104-373 Broadway Milwaukee, Wis.
School of Engineering of Milwaukee
104-373 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis.

Gentlemen: Without obligation, send me catalog,
Photo-Story and full particulars regarding the
Electrotechnician Course.

This Diagram Shows How the Planet Jupiter*
Captures the Large Majority of the Comets.
It Will Be Noted That Most of the Comets
Are Grouped Around Jupiter's Orbit.
This Book

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Cost $34,000
School of Engineering of Milwaukee
1200 Authors Contributed
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"Electrical Experimenter" magazine —
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1,908 illustrations, 369 questions and
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M EN be surprised at what we
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mer Hosiery Showing.
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Navy Grey Cor-
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Write today for Catalog No. 100X and get ac- however, that planets revolve around a cen- Positively the Greatest Electrical book bargain in
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and heat that they do not possess them-
The Bertex Distributing Co. selves, while the stars, however small they EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc.
124 W. 18th St., N. Y. City chance to be, shine by their own light and Book Department
move thru space as independent bodies. 233 Fulton Street - New York, N. Y.
Not only is the distinction between stars —
— - — — - - Fill in— Tear out—and Mail — ————— —
NATIONAL DENT A L and planets one of physical condition and, 8-19

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Please send at once your Volume No. 6 as adver-
506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III.
planets are all comparatively close tised, forwhich I enclose herewith $
A raying professional trade: You will be a trained dental to the earth. All are companion satellites I also enclose $ extra for postage.
mechanic and receive our diploma when competent. Stu- of the same sun. The nearest Venus comes
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Highest references. Especially attractive proposition to those
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Cleveland, Ohio, or that portion equipt
with wireless receiving instruments, heard
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night of April 17th. And it is to become
a permanent institution.
DO Your Own PLUMBING Every Thursday night between 8 and 10
AND HEATING at low cost o'clock the radio amateur or professional
Send for our big Instructive who "tunes" his instrument to receive wave
256 page well-bound Handy- lengths of 375 meters will be able to listen
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Home Owner, Contractor, interspersed with baseball scores and the
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Cut-to-fit-Method The wireless transmission of music is ac-
Learn at Home
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This wonderful book helps you select and install the
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Catalog it lias many practical
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aid of this
Big Handy -Man Book horn. The baseball news and were
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We have spared no announced by voice, so that no knowledge
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great expense to compile giving men and women just the training
this valuable book. With
economy still a national they need for success in mechanical engi-
necessity, it would be un-
patriotic to send this ex- neering and more than 200 other subjects.
pensive book broadcast
to non -interested parties. Hundreds of thousands have stepped into
Thereforo, wo request a
temporary deposit for each
Fss.c© good positions through I. C. S. help, but
copy of 25c which we re-
fund, on first order, or (Continued from page 300) never were opportunities so great as now.
we send our Bargain Bul-
letin Free. Address Today Let the I. C. S. help you. Choose the work you
copper wires extend from the blasting ma-
like best in the coupon below, then mark and mail
it today. This doesn't obligate you in the least
chine to one or more of the detonators. and it will bring you information that will start
4510-20 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago
$500,000 plants behind our guarantee The ends of the two insulated wires inside you on a successful career. This is your chance.
the cap of the detonator are bridged by a Don't let it slip by. Mark and mail this coupon now.
very fine wire, which is soldered to the TEAR OUT HERE-
ends of the feed wires, and it is the heating INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS
of this fine bridge wire in the midst of the
explosive charge, due to the passage thru
Explain, without obligating me, how I can qualify for tj»*
it of the electric current transmitted from position, or in the subject, betore which I mark X.
the dynamo, which ignites the cap explo- ELECTRI0AL ENGINEER CHEMICAL ENGINEER
sive and in turn the main dynamite blasting Electrician B SALESMANSHIP
Electric blasting caps are made
charge. Electric Lighting
Electric Car Running B Window Trimmer
Show Card Writer
practically air-tight and water-tight, and Heavy Electric Traction ZJ Outdoor Sign Painter
are therefore safer to handle than the Electrical Draftsman RAILROADER
Electric Machine Designer ILLUSTRATOR
ordinary open-end blasting cap. It re- Telegraph Expert DESIGNER
quires about \ l/2 to 2 amperes to melt the Telephony
MEOHANICAL ENGINEER Stenographer and Typist
fine platinum bridge wire in the cap Mechanical Draftsman "3 Cert. Pub. Accountant
Ship Draftsman Traffic Management
Connecting Wires Machine Shop Practice 3 Commercial Law
Owing to the small amount of current Gas Engineer STATIONARY ENGINEER
required, about 2 amperes, to melt the fuses Surveying and Mapping Railway Mail Clerk
in the electric detonators, and as these are MINE FORE&TN ORENG'H Textile Overseer or Sunt.
invariably connected in series, a fairly small Architectural Draftsman L Navigator Spanish
RADIO FREQUENCY AMMETER wire can be used to carry the current from PLUMBING AND HEATING
Sheet Metal Worker
C PonltryRatslngr
! French
its source to the location of the blast, as
4 inch Face well between the various charges, as
O to 3, O to 5 or to 10 Amperes. shown accompanying diagram. No.
in the Present
Specify Reading Required. 20 insulated copper wire is usually em- Occupation^

$11.00 Net ployed for connection between the dyna- Street

and No
mite charges in the holes. For the feed
The Jewell Electrical Instrument Co. is wires between the charges and the dynamo, Clty_ _State_
prepared to the instrument needs of
fill a larger wire, such as No. 14 rubber cov-
training again open to
the amateur experimenter in radio and
general electrical work, as well as those
ered copper conductor,
ways of connecting the charges
is used.
in a
men trained for elec-
industries in experience of more than a quarter
Over 3000

who desire more precise and accurate as for instance in blasting a "ditch" or of a century. For men of ambition and limited time.
measurements of electrical quantities. Condensed course in Electrical
"brook," are illustrated in the accompany-
We show above our high frequency
ammeter, of the thermo couple type,
ing diagrams, A, B, C, D. As will be seen,
the various charges are connected in
secure good posi'ions and promotions. Theoretical and
However, under some conditions Practical Electricity. Mathematics. Steam and Gas En-
especially desirable for medium sized series.
gines. Mechanical Drawing. Students construct dynamos.
the charges are connected in parallel. -
For receiving panels, we are supplying The series connection here shown is in-

wiring and
Course with
ma- I Ski
I 1^ flMEi
W V% mm Vli AD
small D. C. instruments for plate volt- variably used when a hand-operated diploma, complete.
Thoroughly equipped fireproof dormi-
age and filament current, at a very blasting machine is employed to explode tories,dining hall, laboratories, shops.
reasonable price. the charges. Parallel or series-parallel ar- Write for catalog. 27tli year opens
rangements are used with dry or storage October 1, 1919.
Write (or our special radio instrument
bulletin. cells, or else an electric generator driven BLISS ELECTRICAL SCHOOL
by a gasoline engine is used as the source
JEWELL ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. of electricity for firing the blast. The WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO?
1640 Walnut St. Chicago standard blasting machines, fitted with TO BE HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL?
magneto generators are designed in TO FEEL THE THRILL OF NEW POWERS?
different sizes to fire from 1 to 200 TO HAVE A WINNING PERSONALITY?
Our system of Personal Development has shown thousands.
READ THE CLASSIFIED charges, depending upon the type and
size. The amount of current produced is
It can show YOU. First lesson in SUCCESS, and your
Personality Sketch for 10c and birthdate.

ADS. ON PAGES 380—382 about 3 amperes with this machine, while Dept.
Chronicle San Francisco.
Bldg., Cal.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

ICan Make the
larger machines develop
In some cases electric light or power cir-
several hun-
"It is
one of

cuits are tapt inorder to furnish the neces- my favorite
sary current for firing the charges. For ex- magazines. I
ample if a circuit is supplying 250 volts
enjoy reading
I can show you how to develop and 10 amperes to a light or motor load it every
every bit of strength that a real beyond the point where the line is tapt, then month."
man should have. 1 can give you this can be safely short-circuited and relied
an abundance of vitality and a upon to fire 125 detonators in one series or
highly developed body and mind. five series of 625 detonators each. Such " 7"UST to
The Man who wishes to succeed use of this current will not interfere with get ac-
in business must be endowed with the operation of the motor or the lights,
an unusual amount of strength, as connection is made for too short a time.
Dry cells can be used for exploding elec- send a dollar
endurance and vitality. I have
found the way to develop these tric blasting caps, but their rapid deterio- and receive

qualities in the
shortest possible ration makes them unreliable. storage A the next four
have done it myself, with battery will prove much more trustworthy.
time. I numbers of
my own body, and I have done it
for many other of the world's How to Prepare the Blasting Charge. The PHOTO-PLAY WORLD
strongest men Contributions by leading authors
The accom-
preparation of the load Beautifully illustrated, handsomely printed
ways and depends
plisht in several different
By the year $3.50 35 cents a copy -—
upon natural conditions where the blasting Trial Offer: 4 numbers for $1
is to take place. Where ordinary wet (Foreign postage 50 cents extra)

ground such as in meadows or near a THE DOWNS PUB. CO., Bulletin Bldg., Phila., Pa.
brook is to be blasted, in order to form
another ditch or stream, it frequently hap-
pens that the necessary blasting holes may
be drilled with a crow-bar. After the dy-
namite cartridge has been placed in the
bottom of this hole with the electric de-
tonating wires attached, the hole will in
most cases fill with water, and this provides
a satisfactory substitute for tamping, and
will give very high efficiency when the blast
takes place. It is interesting to mention in
this particular instance, that in actual coal
mining operations the drill hole is com-
monly filled with water instead of being The Electric Safety razor makes shaving a
tamped with coal dust, etc. Water being pleasure. Blade vibrating 7,200 times a minute
practically incompressible and possessing cuts the beard smoothly and without slightest
pull or irritation— feels like a gentle massage.
considerable inertia under the sudden burst- Can be used with or without electric current.
ing pressure of the charge, results in very
high efficiency of the blast. Where a hole AD users of (be Lek-Tro-Shav speak weO of it

has been drilled in rock, or wherever it has —

A barber says "Have shaved for years and have
been tamped or filled up with loam, the —
never used any shaving device near its equal."
A home user says "The most pleasing shave I've
following proceeding is to be noted To :
ever had in my life. Shaves my face closer than I
used to shave, but there is no after irritation or ill
guard against danger of a prematurely de- effects as I 'Usually get from another razor."
tonating charge, the first five to eight inches No. I Made for use from Light Socket.
No. 2 Made for use from Dry Battery.
EARLE LIEDERMAN of tamping over the dynamite cartridge Write for illustrated circular describing Lek-Tro-
Shav Safety Kazor fully.
should be gently packed by means of a
The Acme of Physical Perfection tamping stick. When this amount of lightly VIBRATING ELECTRIC RAZOR CO.
Letme take you in hand and make a tamped material has been placed, the rest Dept. 122. Omaha, Nebr.
real man of you. You will always bless of the tamping should be made as hard as
the day that first you sent for my book.
I can put pep into your actions, vigor possible, using a wooden tamping stick for
into your step,
clear and alert
and make your mind so
that you simply must
the purpose. Moist clay free from gravel
and clods makes good tamping material.
Use HB Ball Bearing
go ahead in business and social life.
There is no reason why you should go Free running sand or moist loam is also Electric Motors
on through life all fagged out. more effective. As pointed out in instruction Big Saving in Power Bills Every Month—HB Ball-
dead than alive. Let me change all books on the handling of explosives, it is Bearing Mutors furnish ideal power at lowest cost for
this —
let me make life worth living.
not necessary to use any loam to tamp the
factory,machine shop or garage. All power waste
Give me a chance to show you what 1 eliminated. Amply designed, absolutely trouble proof,
can do for you. drill where the blasting is done in
holes, economical and reliable. Highest efficiency in daily
service. Bearings need refilling only once in three
watery ground, or wherever the water will months, require almost no attention.
$20 Brines You Any HB Motor. Bal-
the hole to a depth of a foot or more.
till ance on Easy Terms. Sizes 1 to 15
Send To-day for It good practise, especially where heavy
h. p. --Choose to Suit Your Needs.
If in doubt about requirements, write

MY NEW BOOK charges are used, to place two inches of

paper or dried leaves immediately over the
priming charge, so that they can be used as
our service department. Get their ex-
pert advice— F REE. Simply state
what machinery to be run and type of
current available. We plan your power
systen for best results at least cost.
"Muscular Development" Pin this ad to your letterhead and mail
TODAY for full information. Ask also
a safety marker, if the tamping has to about.HB Battery Chargers, Genera-
It tellshow I can help you. I will send this tors, etc.
valuable book to you by return mail on receipt of be removed for any cause. HOBART BROTHERS COMPANY
only 10c to cover cost of mailing and wrapping. IBox 82E Troy, Ohio
Use the coupon below. Successful Manufacturers Since 1893
The book contains full
particulars of my splendid offer, and is pro- Purposes of Blasting.
fusely illustrated with pictures of many of the
world's strongest men whom I have trained.
Don't pass this by. Sit right down and fill in The accompanying illustration shows
the coupon.
on your mind.
Do it now. this minute, while it is
three distinct purposes for the blasting op- Telegraph Pictures
erations carried on by agriculturists, and BY ELECTRICITY
EARLE E. LIEDERMAN those desirous of cleaning up stump-strewn Complete sets of two machines of this
marvelous equipment at ridiculously
Dept. 211, 203 Broadway, New York and rock-covered property. The method low prices. Instructive, mystifying
of using one, two or three lines of holes for and useful. This picture of President
Wilson was telegraphed by these ma-
blasting various widths jof ditches is shown chines. Will transmit pictures, maps,
drawings and hand writing. Picture
Earle E. Liederman in the left-hand illustration. It is indeed telegraphing is the coming science.
surprising to learn that these ditches, in ac- Write today.
Dept. 211, 203 B'way, N. Y. C.
tual tests carried on before Government ex- J. LEISHMAN CO., Dept.T Ogden, Utah
Enclosed rind 1 ftc for which you are to send
perts, have been blasted out with dynamite
me at once your new-, illustrated book, "Muscular
Development." in the manner here shown. The bottom
level of the ditch, when finished, was so
nearly perfect that not a shovel had to be
How to Get Rid of Moles
touched to it. In some cases, where spe-
A simple, safe home treatment 15 —
vears' success in my practice.
cially deep ditches are desired, it sometimes Moles (also BIG growths) Dry Up.
becomes necessary to place another row of Ask for Free Booklet of Full Particulars
holes along the bottom of the first ditch
blasted out, and then to blast this out. WM. DAVIS, M.D.
4 40 State Street Perth Amboy, N.J.
The experts in charge of the blasting 1

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


usually drill a few holes and try several

shots to ascertain the best depth and

Learn Electricity
. spacing for the holes. For ditches of three
or three and one-half feet width, the depth
of the holes will usually be 24 to 30 inches,
and the spacing between the holes from
18 to 24 inches, altho it may be necessary to
increase the depth and decrease the spacing
in some cases. The test is usually begun
with holes two feet deep and 18 inches
apart. These are placed in lines and about
10 of them loaded with one dynamite cart-
ridge each.
This loading, say the experts, should lift
the soil at least 200 feet into the air and
scatter it over the adjoining swamp for a
distance of 150 feet, leaving a clean ditch.
If such is not the case, then a different
loading layout should be tried.

Blasting Stumps.
One of the principaluses of dynamite I
In the Great Shops of I

as utilized by agriculturists and by engi-

neers in clearing up large areas containing
obstructions is that of blasting out stumps.
The lower illustration in the accompanying
view shows how a large lateral stump is
drilled, and how the electric blasting caps
and dynamite cartridges are placed. The
terminals of the blasting caps are connected
in series, and the two wires run to the
blasting machine which should be situated
250 to 300 feet away from the stump at
A new innovation in drilling the holes Thousands
of Electrical experts are needed now. Come 1

for stump blasting is the use of a portable

electric drill or auger. One or more of to the great shops of Coyne and let us train you quickly by
these electric drills, as may be required, can our sure practical way backed by 20 years of success.
be operated from a portable gasoline engine
and dynamo outfit or else from electric Earn $125 to $300 a Month LEARN DRAFTING
feed wires supplied by the local light and The country needs hundreds of skilled Drafts-
power company. Comprest air drills have Come
to Coyn.e where experts train men in all lines at big salaries.
you on the actual apparatus. You work Coyne the only school in the country that
also been used to some extent for this work gives you the advantages of big shops full of con-
and have proved very satisfactory. In all on everything from the simple bell to struction and machinery. This makes our drafting
stump blasting it should be noted that the the mighty Generators, Electrical Loco- courses practical, just like the job you'll have when
motives and Power Plants. Everything you graduate. You can't get this in any other school.
depth of the holes should reach to the
sub-soil, not close up to or in contact with to make you a Master Electrician. WE TEACH ELECTRICITY, DRAFTING,
the wood. The best tools for making the Look at the picture taken from life in We teach all these professions in such a thorough,
holes are the crow-bar and the sub-soil our shops. practical way that when you finish you can step
right into a position of responsibility and big pay.
Become an Expert in V/i Months Fillout the coupon now and send it for our big
free book of information. It tells what others are
Breaking Boulders. No 1 to 4 years to be-
need of taking doing and have done, what you can do.
There are three general forms of blast- come an expert. We
have proved this Be sure and check the trade that interests you. Do it now.

ing applied to rocks, particularly those of in thousands of cases. We

are the only school
the boulder class. Blockholing requires teaching by the original Coyne methods, which COYNE SCHOOLS
the smallest amount of explosives, altho —
means no books, no classes all practical training. Dept. 28, 39-51 E.
Illinois St.

more labor is involved with the drilling of Our employment department will
a hole or series of holes directly into the
Earn Your Way. help every ambitious man to earn Please send me that big free book.
expenses -without charge. I'm interested in:
boulder, as shown at the top of the right- a part or all his

hand illustration herewith. Bennett W. Cooke, Director [] Electricity [] Drafting [] Plumbing

Mudcapping, as depicted at the bottom of COYNE TRADE AND ENGINEERING SCHOOLS |
[] Motion Picture Operating.
the right-hand illustration, requires the Dept. 28, 39-51 E. Illinois Street Name .

smallest amount of labor, but a consider- CHICAGO, ILL.

ably larger amount of explosives, while .1 Address
snakeholing is intermediate with respect to
both labor and amount of explosives re- M THERE'S MONEY IN IT*?
quired. Each method has its own particular
and special use.
Blockholing consists of drilling a hole
into the boulder and charging it with a
small amount of dynamite. It is the best
and simplest method for breaking very hard
or very large boulders, especially those of
the "niggerhead" type, which are very dif-
ficult to break by other methods. In half the usual time, at trifling cost, with the
wonderful Automatic Transmitter. THE OMNIGRAPH*
Snakeholing consists of punching a hole Sends unlimited Morse or Continental messages, at
underneath but immediately against the bot- any speed, just as an expert operator would.
tom of the boulder, and placing a charge
Adopted by U. S. Gov't. 4 styles* Catalogue fresi
of explosives in as compact shape as the
boulder will permit. A boulder
size of the
which has been snakeholed out of its rest- OMNIGRAPH MFG. CO.
ing place is shown
in the accompanying 39L Cortlandt St. New York
right-hand illustration. As
will be seen, the
explosive, being confined on the under side
of the boulder by the earth, can exert a
powerful blow on the boulder and will
force it out of its position or roll it out. If
a sufficient charge is used, the boulder will
be broken into fragments. The boulders
should always be either pried out or snake-
Model AirpisuiKEs
holed out of their resting places to the top Send5<t for catalog q^^fe^rtgT^a^pprcTVnocked — down scale
of the ground, before attempting to break models of new machines, pa t»t sTpfiMjags.and supplies.
them by blockholing or a shattering blast
of the type described above.
fe><dlflir&ff River Mtf§. Cat. CO
Broadlwciy, Broofciyim, N.lfc
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
—— —— —


How to Sell Your Mudcapping

fantastic and
is known by
expressive such as
"Bulldozing", "Blistering", "Poulticing" and
a variety of
Brilliant Electric Lights
Profits in Battery Charging with
and Big

Real Estate "Adobe Shooting", and is made possible by

the fast, shattering action of the higher
Lighting & Charging Set
sturdy, dependable HB
Any Kind grades of dynamite. In practise it con-
outfit, you can make your own elec-
and charge
tric light at lowest cost,
Anywhere sists of removing the dynamite from the
batteries same time.
and make BIG
shell and packing it in a compact conical PROFITS. Outfit runs from line
I got cash for my shaft or engine. No wear out,
property in less than heap on the boulder, and after inserting a trouble proof, economical

two weeks. Made sale cap and fuse covering it with several inches Small Payment Puts
Money- Maker In Your
myself so had no commis- of thick, heavy mud.
Balance oneasy terms. Pro-
sion to pay. You can do The explosive should be placed on the fits
pay for outfit. Abso-
the same with The Simplex
boulder at the place where it would be Ask our Service Department
Plans for Selling Real about proper size for your
Estate. No matter where struck with a hammer were it small enough needs. Pin this ad to your
letterhead and mail today
located, these practical, scientific plans will show to break in that way. This may be on the for information.
you how to sell your top or side. If the boulder is embedded in HOBART BROTHERS CO.
property quickly and for Box 83E,
cash —
without employing
Quick Results the ground, a snakehole shot to roll it out
Troy, Ohio.
Successful Mfrs. since 189S.
"Sold for cash in
agents or paying commis-
10 days. Recommend on the surface should first be made, because
sions. Investigate at once.
your methods." Win. the confining dirt makes it much harder to
Learn how easily you can
use The Simplex Plans,
just as I did, to sell your
H. Cartland,
"Your method sold
break with a mndcap shot. The mudcover-
ing should be as thick and heavy as it is
real Write today farm for cash." Mrs.
<a postal will do) to L. A. Chi Ids, Minn.
"Sold my property.
convenient to make it, not less than 5 or 6 Only $5.00
inches, and should be free from stones, as
THE SIMPLEX CO. ¥our plan quickest I the blast will throw them as tho they were Holtzer-Cabot hand gener-
Dept. 62, 1123 B'way, New York °ver saw." Johnson
String, N.J. "Sold my bullets. Never lay a stone on top of the ators, while they last, $5.00
They send you full
without cost hotel for $5,375."
F. Stewart,
— G. mud for the same reason. Order from this ad.
or obligation. 111.
The explosives used are 40 per cent dyna- House - Lighting Plants
THE MIDGET SLIDE RULE mite for easily broken rock and 50 per cent
will solve any problem in addi- strength for hard "niggerhead" boulders. $225.00 to $2,100.00. Battery "
tion, subtraction, multiplication,
division and proportion. A Log-
\Log Scale gives any root or power

Scam Blasting: Frequently ledges and
chargers and Motor-Generator
Sets, $25.00 to $120.00. Dyna-
?\ot any quantity. Gives Logarithms, boulders have seams from which the mud mos, Motors, all sizes.
USines, Tangents, Cosines, Cotan-
Mgents and the decimal equivalents
or stone chips can be removed to a con- WATSON ELECTRIC CO.. Dept. 18 Gas Biding. Chicago
Wof fractions to six figures. It is siderable depth. When such a seam is as
/grease and water proof and will
much as one-half inch wide, successful
give years of service. This rule is
not to be compared with the paper
utility rules which sell for $1.00
blasts can be made by packing a reasonable AMATEURS
and are put together with paper amount of 40 per cent or stronger dyna-
fasteners. It is accurate, simple mite into the crack and tamping it securely
o operate and comparison shows that undoubtedly the
a ," d '"? st complete le made ™ it is
with moist clay. This method will require and allows you to
ii!?^ 0ur refund guaran-
tee protects you from Iobs or disapDO ntment.
pages 12 Illustrations, is sent with each rule An

instruction hook lfi

Diamete? of? r„h? Aill
ela M et?.' <»hite coated steel).
about the same amount of dynamite as WORK UP YOUR OWN IDEAS

V, S™', ; v $1.00; White Cel- snakeholing, but is more satisfactory for KAUFMAN MACHINE COMPANY
if youare notsatisiied. Mson Slide Rule Co., Niles, Mich. badly-seamed boulders or ledges. The great- 1357 Odell St. New York City
tngmeers Expert Instrument-Makers Designers
est care must be exercised in placing and
Build Your Own PHONOGRAPH, tamping the charge to prevent the expand-
it's Easy With Our Help
A few hours Interesting work
saves many dollars and gives
you a machine exactly
your ideals. We furnish motors,
to suit
ing gases from escaping thru the cracks.

No. of Cartridges Required

— Sc ience, Electricity and Invention
tone arms, case material, blue Diameter of
prints and full instructions. 256 Pp., by P. Edelman, $1.50 Ppd.
Plays any record. You can make Boulder Mud- Snake- Block-
fine profit building phonographs in Feet capping holing holing Here is the big illustrated
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Wrile Todav for Our Free v/2 2 1 Va stunts, home laboratory wonders, models, etc.

Blue Print Offer. Agents 2 3 1


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Edelman Publishers. 1802 Hague Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Choral eons. 3 4
4 Don't 4
Choraleon Phonograph Co.
708 Monger Bldg.. Elkhart, lnd. attempt
Fun, Magic and Mystery !
56 Feats in Magic, 250 New Jokes, 21 Puzzles, 1
Don't Fortune Telling Tablet, 52 Money-Making Secrets,
attempt 15 Card Tricks, 71 Toasts, 58 Verses in Comic
Poetry, 10 Funny Readings, 41 Epitaphs, and 11
This is based on the use of dynamite of Parlor Pastimes. You get all the above-mentioned
and our big illustrated Catalog of 125 Magic Tricks
50 per cent strength. If 40 per cent dyna- tor only 10 cents. Write today.
Springfield-Remington mite is used, increase the amounts by half, MYSTIC MFG. CO.,
Single shot rifle altered and refinishsd. Shoots and if Red Cross Farm Powder is used for 909 Springwells Ave., Detroit, Mich.
cal. 30, 1906 army cartridge.
model Weight ty2 snakeholing or blockholing, the amounts
lbs.,total length 39 inches, U. S. Barrel inches ^POPULARITY FOLLOWS THEf
Remington breech action, blued finish U. S. graduated
sight. Price $7.77 plus war tax 78 cents. Cartridges t3.50
per 100 war tax 35 cents, packing charge 45 cents.
should be doubled.

Scrapping Old Machinery.

If you play quaint, dreamy Hawaiia
FRANCIS BANNERMAN SONS SOI BROADWAY. N.T. or latest songs on the Ukulele you
wanted everywhere. We teach by
Breaking up old machinery, such as heavy simple lessons; t'ive you free a gen u
Hawaiian Ukulele, music, everything-
Write today castings or steam boilers, can be readily noextras. Ask us to send the story
Free Book! for the
tells done with dynamite.
of Hawaiian music. You will love it.
No obligation— absolutely free.
about the greatest of industries

demand for

trained men. Pas-

For scrapping a
cent or
boiler use only 40 per
stronger explosives. Remove the
The Hawaiian Institute of
1400 Broadway, Suite 1108,NewYork

senger and mail service soon to all

dynamite from the shell and distribute in a
cities. Write FREE book.
for this
Which tells ambitious young men how continuous cord about half an inch in diam-
to pet a start and win. Don't delay.
Write TODAY. Address eter all the way around the boiler, and I teach yon pen. <

NATIONAL AERO INSTITUTE St-nally, by mail, in a short

secure it with a heavy mudcap. This can be time. Oldest and largest School.

744Y, 916 So, Michigan Ave Chicago,

placed along one of the seams more easily
pt. III. |
'"Big field, work interesting. You can

than on the smooth plates. When detonated EARN $18 TO $45 A WEEK
Fritzner, Minn., wrote. "Did job after first les-\
such a charge will cut the plates almost as got $10, profit J7.05." C
Bon. 4 got_$10

LEARN WATCH REPAIRING neatly as a shearing machine, and will re-

TLarned $200.00 while tafcing_course."
literature, earn plea, guarantee; all FREE.
You can learn by our modern and orig- duce the cumbersome boiler to a size that 688 D. S. of L. Bldg.. DETROIT, MICH.
Established 1899.
inal system of instruction every part

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as good or better than at a shop. You For breaking heavy castings mudcapping
can earn money while learning and secure a
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completing our course of instruction. Good
watch repairers are always In demand and earn
is practised the same as on boulders. Some-
times a hole in the casting can be used for
from $20 to $36 per week. For particulars
apply to the a block hole and loaded as described pre- Devoted to the Art of Picture Taking and
Milwaukee School of Watchmaking 166 Mason St., Milwaukee, Wis-
viously. Nature Work with the Camera.
Large vessels and even boilers can be Four Competitions with Valuable Cash Prizes
lad"Vulcan" Ink Pencils broken up by first filling them with water, Leading to a Fifth.
Two The ONLY perfect, non-leakable openings. The Send 10c for three months' trial subscription.
and, if possible, closing all
Sizes k pencils at moderateprice: Photo Craft Magazine, Ann Arbor, Mich.
4V* and 5% dynamite is primed and suspended in the

Size 8 inches (black
only) $1.50. Your nam
gold inlay— $.35. FREE—Lib
water near the bottom or the thickest metal,
but must not be in actual contact with EARN MONEY
eral supply of inkwith retail orders the metal. The explosion of such a charge Stamping Names on Key Tags. $£ft
Either sex. Spare time. Some make «lv
Agents wanted. Big profits. transmits a powerful blow to all sides and 3 25c for Tag with your name on and instruc-
J. R. ULLRICH&C0..27 Thames St. New Yor
Exp. Key Tag Co., Cohoes, N.Y.
shatters them. tions. Returned if required.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

<-"-=i=— THIS FORM-*
Don't Lose Your Rights
Before disclosing your invention to any-
one send for blank form "Evidence of
Conception" to be signed and witnessed.
In this Department we publish such matter as is of interest to inventors and particularly to A sample form together with printed in-
those who are in doubt as to certain Patent Phases. Regular inquiries addrest to "Patent Advice" structions will show you just how to work
cannot be answered by mail free of charge. Such inquiries are publisht here for the benefit of all up your evidence and establish your rights
readers. If the idea is thought to be of importance, we make it a rule not to divulge all details, in before filing application for patent. As
order to protect the inventor as far as it is possible to do so. registered patent attorneys we represent
hundreds of inventors all over the U. S.
Should advice be desired by mail a nominal charge of $1.00 is made for each question. Sketches and Canada in the advancement of inven-
and descriptions must be clear and explicit. Only one side of sheet should be written on. tions. Our schedule of fees will be found
reasonable. The form "Evidence of Con-
ception" sample, instructions relating to
obtaining of patent and schedule of fees
Automatic Cut-Out Switch. a reasonable price (please give me some idea as to
the price) and if I could find a ready market for
sent upon request. Ask for them, a post —
(334) Ben Waigand, Nampa, Idaho, states: "I card will do.
am enclosing a print of a patent my brother and same."
I took out some time ago. I would very much like
A. A very clever idea, and it seems it has the

to hear from you as to its worth in the electrical

germ of a possible great future. Our present
typewriters are operated on a very antiquated
field. Also what we shall do with the patent.
A. The invention relates to an automobile cut- plan, and have not been improved since Remington LANCASTER & ALLWINE
out switch which is to produce a mechanically built his first machine. What we refer to is the
operated means, whereby, when a fuse in a three- muscular energy it takes in operating a type-
phase circuit is blown, the switch connecting the writer. It is rank foolishness in this age of in- 255 OURAY BLDG.,
vention and electricity to ask people to wear them-
circuits will be automatically thrown out of opera-
tion from the circuit. In three-phase circuits, one selves out by pounding the keys. Electricity
of the fuses may be blown, but this does not en-
should be the mover. Mr. Turner in his invention
tirely break the circuit since it will continue to
has shown a very simple way of doing it. He
operate on a one-phase circuit, tending to over- uses the keys to establish the contact. Even the
By means slightest touch will close the circuit. Then elec-
heat the motor or diminish the lights.
of this invention, however, upon any of the fuses
tricity, plus electromagnets, will do the rest.
being blown, the switch is thrown open auto- Each electromagnet will pull down its key. It
matically. This seems to be a very good idea ex- thus should be possible to operate a typewriter
cept for the fact that the fuse links which work with the very slightest touch, and each typewriter
this switch are exposed all around, which we be-
lieve is against the Fire Underwriter's ruling.
Some device should be attachable whereby this
could be plugged into a light socket or otherwise,
a battery or storage battery without any trouble
whatever. Of course, the details will have to be
objection is overcome. Otherwise, we think the worked out to make the device practical, but we Our facilities for securing
patent is a good one. How successful it will be certainly think that it is a coming thing. We patents enable
commercial we have no means believe also that such a typewriter could be mar- us to give
from a standpoint
of knowing. It all depends upon the owners of
keted at a cost only slightly higher than the pres- prompt and reliable service at
the patent who wish exploit ent-day machine.
to it. reasonable rates. Inventors
We think a patent can be obtained on this
invention without much trouble, and we would are invited to write to us re-
Mechanical Converter. advise our correspondent to get in touch with a garding questions appertain-
(335) Herbert M. Hubs, Indianapolis, Ind., patent attorney at once.
wishes to know if he could obtain a patent on a ing to securing patent protec-
mechanical current converter which he designed.
Auto Tail Lamp. tion. All matters receive
He claims that it will work with an efficiency of prompt attention. Send sketch
80%. (337) G. R. Smathers, Charlotte, N. C, says: "I
A. It is impossible to say off-hand if a patent have invented a combination auto tail lamp. It is a for preliminary examination.
can be obtained on the idea as we do not know combination affair of two lamps in one, one being
Books free on request
what it is about. We do not know the technical red, the other white. Either red or white bulbs can
details; for that reason we cannot give any intelli- be used, or instead use red or white lens. It is
gent advice. electrically operated and is provided with extra
"push" for white light, which is to be used in back-
A. M. BUCK & CO.
ing out of garage or "turning around" at night, in
Electric Typewriter. order to avoid "backing" into obstacles such as Patent Attorneys
fences, ditches, etc. The white light, which is
205 Second National Bank BUg.,
larger and brighter than the red one, serves the
same purpose as do the front headlights. This de- Washington, D. C.
vice is also 'provided with the well-known license-
plate bracket. The red light throws a white light
on plate from under side."
A. From the description and drawings which we
have inspected, we do not see anything fundamen-
tally new in the device, and we doubt very much
that a patent can be obtained on the combination.
There are many similar devices on the market now. TO INVENTION
Write today for "Record of Invention," which contains
Adjustable Book-Mark. forms to establish evidence of conception. Prompt per-
(338) N. Alpert, Sedalia, Mo., submits descrip- sonal service. Preliminary advice without charge.
tion and model of a new article of manufacture. In J. REANEY KELLY
part he says: "Please advise me whether I can ob-
tain a patent on an adjustable book-mark.
732-P Woodward Bldg. Washington, D. C.
It is to

(336) Lucius M. Turner, Royston, Ga., writes
as follows: "I
tirely original
have an idea which I think is en-
concerning a typewriter that will
Before disclosing an invention, the inventor should write for
Work with electromagnets. My idea is as fol-
lows: Have each key used as a switch or, in other our blank form "EVIDENCE ON CONCEPTION." This should be
words, used like a telegraph key. As you are signed and witnessed and if returned to us together with model or
aware, each arm on which the letter is attached is
shaped somewhat as shown in diagram. When sketch and description of the invention we will give our opinion as
the key is pressed the circuit of that particular
magnet is closed. For instance, take the letter to its patentable nature.
'K.' P'ress the letter K and that closes the cir-
cuit of that certain magnet and the letter K is
made. Magnets are located under each letter, as
Our illustrated Guide Book, "HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT,"
shown in illustration. IN THIS WAY ALL LET- sent Free on request.
TERS WILL BE HIT WITH EQUAL FORCE. Electrical Cases a Specialty Highest References Prompt Attention Reasonable Terms
In reading letters and typewritten matter you
often see some letters less plain or dimmer than
others. This would be absolutely avoided.
magnets would be very small and therefore con-
The COUPON VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Patent Attorneys
sume very little current. The current could be New York Offices: Pittsburgh Offi ces: Philadelphia Offices:
supplied with a few batteries located under the 1001 to 1007 Woolworth Bldg. 514 Empire BIdg. 135 S. Broad St.
table or in the drawer, or in any other convenient Main Offices: 779 Ninth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
place that is not needed. Please advise me as to
whether it could be patented, and if it would be Name .... Address
practicable. Also if it could be manufactured at

Yoa benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


be made of two strips of steel. The adjustable strip

so fastened that it is able to slide up and down

m is
or sideways. The stationary strip can move side-
ways in either direction. Near the end of this strip
and on the underside, a clip is attached, by which
the whole thing may be fastened to a page. I am
Competent Patent Service
By a Former Examining
of the U. S. Patent Office

sending a rough model with this letter. It will give

you an idea of how the device will work.
A. This is a very clever idea, and we think there Norman T. Whitaker
ought to be a market for it. It could possibly re-
tail for five or ten cents, and for this reason five- Lawyer and Engineer
AN IDEA and-ten-cent stores would probably be a good mar-
ket to exploit the idea. We think a patent could be 480 Whitaker Bldg. Washington, D. C.
offer a comprehensive, ex-
I obtained. Branch Office. 87 Nassau St.. New York City.
perienced, efficient service for
his prompt, legal protection and
the development of his proposi- (339) Thomas Sheehan, Duluth, Minn., wishes
tion. to have our opinion on an improved fuse-plug
Send sketch, or model and descrip-
which works on the thermo-electric principle, sim-
tion, for advice as to cost, search
through prior United States patents,
etc. Preliminary advice gladly fur-
nished without charge.
ilar to the blinker contact arrangements, that blink
electric lights. This fuse is made similar to the
regular fuse, except that in. the interior it has a
steel wire, which has a tendency to contract when
a certain number of volts and amperes pass thru it.
Inventors Invited to Write for Information
My experience and familiarity with Naturally the wire must be of the gage that will not
and Particulars
various arts frequently enable me to Highest References. Best Results.
contract unless the voltage is over 110 volts. Our
accurately advise clients as to prob-
advice is asked on this invention.
Promptness Assured.
able patentability before they go to
any expense.
A. While this is a very clever idea, and while no
doubt it works and perhaps a patent can be obtained
Booklet of valuable information
upon it, we doubt very much whether it would Patent Lawyer
and form for properly disclosing prove a success from a practical standpoint. We 624 F Street N. W. Washington, D. C.
your idea, free on request. Write think the Fire Underwriters would not allow such
a fuse plug to be put in use, for the reason that
RICHARD B. OWEN, Patent Lawyer there probably would be bad arcing at times, and C. L. PARKER
Formerly Member Ex-
164 Owen Building, Washington, D. C. the heating effect therefrom would endanger fix- amining Corps. U. S.
2276-8 Woolworth Bldg., New York City tures, etc.

gold palladium alloy which makes an
PATENTS Patent Office.
D. C.
acceptable substitute for the more expensive
Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights, Patent Litigation
platinum iridium alloy used in chemists'

PATENTS utensils has been developed by metallurgists

in California.


Handbook for
and Selling Inventions,'
Inventors, "Protecting, Exploiting
sent upon request.

LACEY & LACEY The story entitled "The Autograph of an

Attorneys-at-Law — Patent Practice Exclusively Oyster," publisht in the July issue of the
Electrical Experimenter, should have been
Solicitors of
credited to the courtesy of the "New York
Swine 4 in., 11 in, between centers, 17 in.
U. S. and Foreign Patents Sunday American" instead of the Star total length. Shipping weight 13 lbs. Bed
Company, who are the publishers. of lathe is machined. \Vorkmanehip first-
Trade-Marks, Copyrights class. Equipped with wood turning chuck.
Can be fitted with 3 in. face plate and dnir chuck as -
special equipment. Order one today, Price $5.00 cash 1
659 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. „rdir. SVPHEB MFQ. CO., DEPT. C TOLEDO, OHIol
Write Us for Our Free Intfentors' Book KIow to M^.M©
Established 1869 (Continued from page 317) Perfected Gasoline Engines
1 and 1% h. p.— for Farm
and Shop use. Price. $27.50
and up. Also,

PATENTS will require a shorter exposure than dense

objects or objects stained with carmine or
picric acid. The experimenter should use
his own judgment in regard to the length
We ship on trial. Send for
Booklet and Special Offer.
1401— 19th St.. Racine. Wis.

W INVENTORS: Send us sketches or a

model of your invention and a de-
of exposure some idea of the length of

exposure may be obtained by examination


scription of the device for advice of the photo-micrographs here shown. BUILD A $100
in regard to the best way of ob- No. 1. Scales from the wing of the moth PHONOGRAPH
taining patent protection. Our practical of the grape-vine cut-worm, and are a good Assemble yonr own Phonograph
Do it yourself easily.
experience covers a period of twenty years. Our example of the scales which cover the Have the finest machine.
hand-book on patents is sent free on request. AH wings of all moths and butterflies. This is Astounding saving. Wo
give you the phonograph
communications strictly confidential. Write us today. the "dust" which comes off on the fingers secrets. Complete instruc-

TALBERT & TALBERT when holding a butterfly or moth by the

wings. Different shaped scales will be ELECTRO MECHANICAL PARTS CO.
tions 10 cents.

Patent Lawyers found on the same insect by taking scales 160 N. Wells St. CHICAGO
4287 Talbert Bldg. Washington, D. C. from the various parts of it.
No. 2. Parenchyma of sunflower leaf
the specimen was obtained by stripping a
small piece of the epidermis from the up- Adds and mul- ounce. Made
per part of the leaf. The large pointed tiplies with of metal and
speed of expen- celluloid. The
Hand Bool« on Patents. Trade Marks, etc., ;ent objects are hairs, the thin jagged lines sive machines. Ideal pocket,
free. Our 70 years of experience, efficient service, Seven columns capacity. Re- desk home machine,
and fair dealing, assure fullest value and protec- mark the cell walls; the small objects markably simple in con- Order today. The best
tion to the applicant. The Scientific American struction. Nothing to get way not to forget is to do
should be read by all inventors. shaped somewhat like coffee grains are the out of order. Weight one it now.
MUNN & CO., stomata by means of which the plant takes
622 Woolworth Bldg., N. Y.
in CO2, its principal food, from the air.
L.J. LEISHMAN CO., Dept. 142, Ogden, Utah
Washington Office, 622 F St., Washington, D. C.
No. 3. Part of the surface of the under
wing of the squash bug. The photo shows
cells and the opening of glands which exude
$3 ^£$4 WILL BUY
Patents Promptly Procured A Beautifully Reconstructed
moisture, keeping the wing from becoming
Send sketch or model for actual search
of U. S. Patents. Highest references.
brittle. The dark line is part of a vein.
No. 4. Is a micro-photograph of the
With Every Modern Writing
Personal service. Moderate fees. Write nitrogen fixing organisms from a nodule Convenience
for Free Patent Book. on the root of a pea. These micro-organ- WHITE TODAY FOR ILLUSTRATED CLRCULAR
Explaming Try-Before-You-Buy Plan
GEORGE P. KIMMEL, Patent Lawyer isms have the property of fixing nitrogen
HARRY A. SMITH, 738-218 North Wells St., Chicago, 111.
99-W Loan & Trust Bldg. Washington, D. C. from the air.
No. 5. Tip of antenna of May beetle;

ATENTS If you have an invention and desire to secure a
patent, send for our Free Guide Book, HOW TO
the short sharp bristles are the sensory
organs, probably the sense of smell.
No. 6. Tip of the wing of the crane fly,
showing covering of fine hairs.
Learn Easily
K. I.
Shorthand; quickly
Yon attain apeed easily.
Great saying in time and expense.
Guarantee and SO days' trial given.

GET YOUR PATENT. Tells our Terms. Methods, For the average experimenter a micro- Home study. Many endorsements.
etc. Send model or sketch and description for our opinion Used in Government service, in cor*
of its patentable nature. scope having a magnification from 15 to schools, prof eisional and
RANDOLPH & CO. 250 times is sufficient, and with
graphs of pollen, mould, mildew,
it photo-
et cetera, "Talk as fast as too like.
siness offices, private use, etc.
Brochure and specimen lesson FREE,
Dept. 172 Washington, D. C. , wn
Station F. New York. N. Y.
can readily be made. K.Ts h%Jd.-° *"

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

By Isabel M. Lewis
(Continued from page 350)

of the stars
is twenty-six trillion miles
away. An
inconceivable great abyss sepa-
rates the sun and his planet family from
the stars.
It is because they are so near that planets
appear disk-like in the telescope, just as the
sun and moon appear disk-like without the
telescope. Even in the most powerful tele-
scope in existence the stars appear as
points of light simply because they are so
Since the planets are so near, they appear
to wander thru the sky from day to day
and from year to year, the result of the
earth's motion around the sun as well as
their own motion. As a result of these two
motions their apparent motion thru the
sky 'is very complicated and the nearer the
planet is to the earth the greater the rate
at which it appears to move thru the sky
from day to day. The stars, on the con-
trary, are apparently immovable for many
Choose Your Blade to Fit Your Work
hundreds of years, tho in reality they are If you've been cutting 3" round machine steel with i heavy gage, coarse
in rapid motion thru space. blade and rind your next job is on structural beams 7" I beams, for instance —
The continual change of position of the — it's cheaper to change to a blade designed for that

rlanets is confusing to the beginner who

desires to learn to know the grouping of
class of work than to keep on with the coarse blade
you used on round stock.
#s rettS
the stars into constellations. It is quite dis- The smaller the cross-sec- That's one reason why the
concerting to find an unknown bright star tional area to be cut, means Starrett Hack Saw Chart
fewer teeth engaged at any recommends different blades
where none is indicated on the map. Per- single instant and a corre-
for different kinds and shapes
chance the observer may think he has dis- sponding increase in wear on
of metal. In this case, our
covered a brilliant Nova, but Novae, espe- the blade at that point. Also,
tests show that a blade with
the fewer teeth used the
cially brilliant ones, are extremely rare. sooner they will dull and the more teeth to the inch should
Gradually the fact is brought home that greater likelihood of strip- be used on structural steel
the unknown object is simply one of the ping. than on round stock.
five planets visible to the naked eye. Write for Starrctt Hack Sax Chart No. LE.
Uranus at the limit of visibility and Nep-
tune far beyond it we need not consider. THE L. S. STARRETT CO., Athol, Mass.
Venus and Jupiter one soon learns to The World's Greatest Toolmakers. THE L S. STARRETT CO., Aihol. Hass. U. S. A.

recognize by their unusual brilliancy which Manufacturers of Hack Saws Unexcelled. 42-933
far surpasses that of the brightest stars.
They are distinguished from each other by
their distinctive colors and relative bright-

Venus is always a clear sparkling
white and considerably brighter than Jupi-
who glows unflickeringly with a slight-
ly yellowish tinge .
Starrett Hack Saws
Mercury, "The Elusive One," as the an-
cients called him, is rarely seen as he is al-
ways so near the sun. When it is possible
to catch a glimpse of him in spring or fall
when the ecliptic rises most sharply from
the horizon, one marvels at his beauty and
brilliancy as he twinkles in the twilight with
the splendor of a first magnitude star.
Mars, "The Ruddy One," always glows Canceled Government Contracts
with a deep red tinge but changes very We have secured a large quantity of Small Motors, Generators and Charging Outfits.
This material is new, still in original cases and carries the full factory guarantee.
greatly in brightness. When
far away
from us Mars is very like Antares, the deep This is Your Opportunity to buy new, guaranteed
red star glowing in the heart of the Scor-
pion low in the southern, summer sky. Electrical Apparatus of Standard Manufacture
When comparatively near to the earth,
however, Mars is one of the most striking-
HO • Jr.
110 or 220 volts, A. C.
ly beautiful objects in the sky and sur- 60 cycle, single phase,
passes all stars in brilliancy. 1750 R. P. M.
Saturn, never particularly interesting try ALL MOTORS COMPLETE AS CUT
without the telescope, is dull leaden colored
and, in brightness, resembles a number of
For i e on 110 A. C
cycle single phase current i
PIA. C, 60

10 volts

first magnitude stars. It therefore, more ivatts. S volt!

easily mistaken for a star than any of the
10 amperes . $48- 50
u nits. SO volt:
other planets. It is easy to keep track of $68- 50 Mail $5.00 cash or
this planet when once found, however, Money Order. We
it is
$68- 50 will send C. O. D.
as it takes nearly thirty years to make one natts, 30 volt!
subject to full ex-

trip around the sun and therefore moves 10 amperes . $94- 5 » amination.
eastward among the stars about twelve de- outfits complete w
board as cut she
grees a year.
Venus will attract the attention of even iSS POLYPHASE MOTORS R.PM.
:omj>l»i* wltb pulley.
chance observers of the heavens. It will 60 cycl-. 9 or 3 phal C«mpl«t*. pulley And bil«
1 H. P. $59.50 3 H. P. $ 84 50 1 Hp. $67
be ^'Evening Star" during these months, 2 H. P. $72 50 6 H. P. $102.50

as it has been during the spring and early MANUFACTURERS' DISTRIBUTER

summer and will reach its greatest bril- JOHNSTON West End PITTSBURGH, PA.
liancy on August seventh. After that date
CHAS. H. - -

it will draw rapidly nearer the sun.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
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adle a oat
(Continued from page 309) Fit Yourself^ Big Job
Don't hesitate any longer. There is a greater
captured enemy craft, U-117, ducing the visible portion and its accom- demand for trained men now than
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UB-148, UB-88 and the UC-97. The views
panying "wake" to the smallest possible — greater — bigger pay
opportunities — more
rapid advancement. training that counts
here reproduced were taken on board the dimensions. This is highly important as now — accurate knowledge — a complete grasp
surrendered submarine U-105, and the ma- the "wake", if very broad, can be easily of your trade.
chinery shown is typical of the other Ger- seen by a sharp enemy look-out. Aiming
man craft of this type. at the head of this wake, the eagle-eyed
T\ 1 ' Practical T) 1

Under a U-boat's Deck.

gunner can make things highly unpleasant
for the submersible.
Drake s Books
The submarine UC-97 was a smaller
In the forward part of the submersible For Home Study
are located the officers' quarters and the
craft than some of the others, but proved radio operating room, as well as the sub-
to be one of the most troublesome craft Pave the way to the
sea telephone apparatus, by means of which fat p a y envelope.
possest by the enemy during the war. This
the sounds of the propellers and engines Written in non-tech-
boat was designed to serve as a mine layer, nical language that
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pedoes, and provided with a 4.1 inch deck The Under-water "Ears" of the U-boat.
Send the price of any
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Diesel engines, each rated at 300 h.p. for No wonder the surreptitious U-boats postpaid —
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companying photographs shows these depth four in number at the bow, while two are er, German With-
gages. out a Teacher.
provided at the stern. At the bow of the SPANISH By Professor
Collapsible Motor-Operated Periscope. U-boat the Germans mounted a cleverly "WithbutaTeaclier Philip Schuyler
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Gr© to dhirarclhi h>y Teleplhosne 1009
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Enclosed find ($ ), for which please

Holding church services by telephone was pany management, the telephones of all sub- send me prepaid the books checked in this
adv. (or list attached). It is agreed that I
one result of the influenza epidemic. This scribers who wished should be connected may return same in 5 days if not entirely
was done by one church in Muncie, Ind., with the telephone in the church, to which satisfied, and money will be refunded in full.
a special microphone was attached. The Name
which arranged that at 10:30 o'clock, thru church organist also played a few numbers,
the cooperation of the local telephone com- Address
which were thoroly enjoyed by the listeners.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to adi'ertisers.
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No. 55 great improvement over the

(Continued from page 325)
coherer, I a large quantity of magnetite (FeO.FeaOa)
soon found that it, also, had defects. crystals, which had been procured as a pos-
Severe static or nearby sending would sible material for loading coil cores. I
usually cause a partial or complete broke one of these crystals apart, exposing
paralysis of the contact, curable only by a fresh fracture face, made a small area
the hit-or-miss process of repeatedly jar- contact thereon with a brass point, and
ring the detector so that new contact points found that this crystal, like the carbon steel
were formed, or the old ones unwelded. detector, operated well without local bat-
Even in the absence of severe electrical tery, but, unlike the carbon-steel contact,
disturbances, the contacts gradually became, did not require a light or microphonic con-
as it were, fatigued, and the signals weak- tact for best operation. In the period 1902
ened toward inaudibility, unless periodi- to 1906, I tested many different minerals
cally restored by jars. Then, also, the and combinations, including magnetite,
microphone detector lived up to its name pyrite, galena, molybdenite, silicon and zin-
by acting as a microphone, picking up any cite. Much development was also required
slight sound or vibration in a most annoy- on holders for these minerals. Perhaps one
ing way. Finally, even if the detector was of the greatest early stumbling blocks in
screened from sounds and jars, it was such development was the old coherer idea
prone to develop a hissing or frying sound, that extremely light pressure contacts were
which overlaid faint signals to their ob- necessary. With the carbon-steel micro-
literation. phone, this was still true, but I can re-
member my surprise when I found that
IT CAN BE PROVED The Contact Detector Is Invented.
In the first part of the year 1902, the
many of the minerals worked best with
that our *p h o n e s are good American Wireless Telegraph and Tele- quite high pressure contacts.
enough for ANY
radio service. phone Company erected stations at Atlantic 31,250 Crystal Detectors Invented.

Order a set NOW. Use them. City and Cape May, N. J., about 40 miles A of the several thousand materials

apart, and also equipt the schooner I tested would make dry reading.
Test them. Compare them. Pleiades as a floating experimental sta- Suffice it to say that I have found some
DECIDE. If after a thorough tion. On May 29, 1902, I was in the Cape tzvo hundred and fifty minerals and furnace
trial you find that they do not May station, experimenting with a new sys- products which make operative detectors,
PROVE as good as you want, tem of tuning, and receiving signals from cither against metallic contacts, or in com-
bination with other minerals. The possible
the Pleiades, then about two miles off Cape
send them back and get the combinations of these two hundred and
May. The detector I was using consisted
money. WE WANT YOU TO of several fine sewing needles, laid lightly fifty substances amounting to some 31,250

PROVE OUR POINT— FOR across a pair of carbon blocks, and in pairs, have all been tested by me, or by my
assistants, and many hundred useful pairs
EVERY SATISFIED USER series with three cells of dry battery and a
'BOOSTS" MURDOCK telephone receiver. Becoming annoyed at
the microphonic "fry" of my detector, I
have been found.
Oscillating Crystal Detectors.
"PHONES. attempted to check this by, as I thought, The word on crystal detectors and

3,000 Ohm cutting out of circuit two of the three dry their uses has yet to be written. For ex-
2,000 Ohm cells. The frying ceased, and the signals, ample, it may be of interest to know that
Double Set Double Set tho much weakened, became materially they can be made to OSCILLATE,
clearer thru being freed of their former under proper circuit conditions, and I
$400 $500 background of microphonic noise. Glanc-
ing over the circuit, I discovered to my
have found it possible to receive intelli-
gible signals from UNDAMPED
great surprise that instead of cutting out stations across the Atlantic, on a simple
INTERESTED IN GOOD RADIO two of the three cells, I had cut out all contact between a fragment of galena
APPARATUS? ASK FOR three, so, therefore, the telephone diafram and a fine wire.
BULLETIN No. 19 was being operated solely by the energy of
the receiver signals. A
contact detector, MOTHER SHIPTON TOLD OF
operating without local battery, seemed to AVIATIONIN 1488.
me so extraordinary, so contrary to all my
WM. J. MURDOCK CO. previous experience, that altho I did not
The following, which is known as
"Mother Shipton's Prophecy," was first
55 Carter St. then know the reasons for its operation, I published in 1488,- republished in 1641 and
appreciated its possible great value to the again in 1875. It will be noticed that all
Chelsea, Mass. art, and resolved at once to thoroly inves-
tigate the phenomenon at the earliest pos-
the events predicted in it except the last
two lines have come to pass
Pacific Coast Representatives sible moment. This entirely accidental dis- Carriages without horses shall go
KEELER WHITE CO. covery was the foundation of my invention And accidents fill the world with woe.
221 Second St., San Francisco. of the crystal detector. Around the world thoughts shall fly,
Silicon and Other Detectors Invented. In the twinkling of an eye
During the summer of 1902, I was con- Water shall yet more wonders do
How strange, yet shall be true.

have been fortunate in securing thru
cerned with the development of a system
of radio-telephony, conducting this work
in the Boston laboratory of the American
The world upside down shall be,
And gold be found at root of tree.
(Bell) Telephone and Telegraph Company. Through hills men shall ride,
auction several tons of guaranteed pure, And no horse or ass be at his side.
double annealed Norway Iron Core Wire As one of the essential elements of this
system was a detector which would respond Under water men shall walk,
and are selling this wire to "Experimenter" Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk.
quantitatively to telephonically modulated
electrical waves, I at once began a series In the air men shall be seen,
At Pre-war Prices, 20cts. lb. of tests, first with the form of the carbon- In white, in black, in green.
This wire is just the thing for spark coils, steel microphone I had used at Cape May, Iron in water shall float
transformers, etc., and it is, of course, a and then with other contact materials. Dis- As easy as a wooden boat.
very much more superior product than the covering that such detectors responded Gold shall be found, and shown
usual iron wire. quantitatively to musical spark signals- up In a land that is not known.
We have only one size left to at least 2000 sparks per second, and Fire and water shall wonders do,
24 INCHES LONG. were therefore capable of receiving speech, England admit a Jew.
shall at last
Thickness about No. 21 B and S
I devoted my energies for the time to the
The world an end shall come
If this size should be too long -we advise cut-
transmitting end of the system, finally dis- In eighteen hundred and eighty-one.
ting the wire down yourself by means of shears.
As long as the supply lasts we offer this wire covering, in the fall of 1902, an effective (It is curious to note that only the last
as described above to our customers at the very
low price of 20c a pound.. Add postage or we
means of telephonically modulating a two lines— WHICH DO NOT RHYME—
will ship express collect. Order at once.
stream of electrical waves. Returning to have failed to come true. All the others
the detector development, I found that the that do rhyme did come about as proph-
Electro Importing Co., 231 Fulton St., N.Y.C.
Telephone Company had in their laboratory esied ! —Editor. )

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


Agreements recently effected have made
vacuum tubes available for experimental
use. The Marconi V. T. the only vacuum
tube, or audion, which may be sold to
amateurs, laboratories, schools of instruc-
tion and experimenters.

Fleming Pat. No. 803684
Forest Pat.Nos. 841387-879532
$7=22 each
Standardized base $1.50 additional

A highly developed, all-around tube for use as a detector and amplifier in wireless com-
munication. It has practically the same electrical constants as the tube used by the Allied
armies and navies throughout the war in continuous wave transmission and reception.
The terminals of the elements of the tube are brought out to a 4-prong standardized
base, fitting into the standard four-contact bayonet sockets.

Filament current, 0.7 ampere. Filament potential, 4 to 6 volts.

Plate potential, 20 to 60 volts for reception.

For lighting filaments a lead storage battery is preferable because of its constancy of voltage. Ordinary
dry cells or flashlight batteries may be used to provide the plate voltage.

The approximate operating life of

the MARCONI V. T. is 1,500 hours.

Delivered postpaid in special container insured against

breakage to any address upon receipt of purchase price.

Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America
Sole distributors for Dc Forest Radio Telephone & Telegraph Co.

Woolworth Building, 235 Broadway, New York

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter' when writing to advertisers.


die molded panel. 5" by 9" Y% thick. At the May meeting of the Institute of than it would in land telegraphy to repro-
A beautiful permanent glossy black. Wires Radio Engineers held in New York City, duce speech from the dots and dashes of
and all connections molded right into the May 7th, E. F. W. Alexanderson, consult- the Morse code. But with the sustained
panel, entirely concealed, impossible to cor- ing engineer of the General Electric Com- energy of the continuous wave, it has be-
rode or become loosened. Switches all of pany, was awarded the gold medal of the come possible to put a dynamo electric
the bearing type, large shafts to prevent institute in recognition of his original machine behind the wave and vary the
wear. research and inventions in the radio field. flow of power in correspondence with the
All metal parts nickeled. Connections In accepting the gold medal, Mr. Alex- modulations of the human voice, thus mak-
arranged for damped spark, undamped anderson said
arc, regenerative and connections.
ultra Such great strides have been made in
There is nothing like this panel on the all fields of science and engineering dur-
market. It is a quality article thruout. ing the emergency of our late war that
Other manufacturers ask more for wood I feel it a specially high honor to receive
and thin sheet panels. the Radio institute medal at this time.
The Halcun panel is Y&" thick with a "The radio art has drawn its talents from
beveled edge provided with supporting almost every profession. Broadly speak-
brackets. Price, less bulb, prepaid $12.50 ing, radio men may be classified as radio
physicists, radio engineers and radio ama-
Our big full-line catalogue 6c.
teurs. In a sense we are all amateurs and
we shall never know who was the first
HALCUN RADIO CO. ^SSSSgia. amateur. We do know, however, that the
first physicist was Hertz who dis-
covered and determined in his laboratory
THE BARR the laws of electromagnetic radiation. We
MERCURY-CUP WIRELESS DETECTOR also know that the first radio engineer
The most effici- was Marconi, who made the first use of
ent Detector on electromagnetic waves for practical com-
the market. munication and developed the wonderful
Tested by the system which for the last 20 years has
United States made the high seas safe for navigation.
Gov ern men t "Fessenden conceived the possibility of
and Marconi bringing radio engineering within the realm
THE BARR MEPCUPr Wireless Tele-
of power engineering, and it was my priv-
graph Co. ilege, due to connection with the General
Increases the efficiency of every wireless re-
ceiving set by making the signals clear, sharp Electric Company, to develop the first radio
and distinct. frequency alternator. Indeed it was thru
Instantly constant pressure.
adjustable at a the work which Company was request-
For full information and price write — ed to do for Fessenden that
my interest E. F. W. Alexanderson, Well-known Radio
THE BARR MERCURY-CUP DETECTOR and Electrical Engineer, Awarded the
169 Columbia Heights Brooklyn, N. Y. in radio communication was first excited,
"I. R. E." Gold Medal.
and this has resulted in the contributions
which I have had the opportunity to make ing long distance radio telephony possible.
to the radio communication of today. "Mr. President and members of the insti-
Loose Couplers
Combination Loose Coup-
"Radio telephony is a by-product of the tute, it has been a privilege to be connected
and accessories.
ler Parts development of sustained radio waves as a with the great development in radio in
the last years and I wish to express my
Arnold ma
Send 3c stamp for lit-
erature which is sure
to interest you.
method of alternating current power trans-
mission. With the previous system of spark
telegraphy it was no more possible to trans-
deeply felt appreciation of the recognition
represented by this beautiful medal. I
2082 Lexington Av.N.Y. mit the modulation of the human voice thank you."
J. F. ARNOLD Established 1910

CoimceiMrsittedi or Loop Aeri<
"I (Continued from page 328)
pleased with my
Colby tuner.
Richard F. Morse, from B to D no sound, and then from D 22 S. C. C. and with a 43 plate variable
18 Julia St.. Jack-
sonville. Fla."
toC another riseand fall of intensity, the condenser has a range of from 2,000 to
Send 3-cent stamp maximum in each case occurring when the over 3,000 meters. Larger loops can be
for bulletin. plane of the loop is along 30-210° line but made if it is that the same
B sector are about twice length of wire required. The inductance
as loud as in C sectorD this gives the
; is determined by the area turns, and hence
direction of signal in direction of arrow. a small loop will act about as well as a
VACUUM TUBES If however the connections of Fig. 4, are
used then the result will be as shown in
large one. If several loops are operated
simultaneously from known points, but
In Wireless Communication Fig. 6. The signals will be much louder separated some distance, the exact location
The only book on the subject. Written and will be heard only in the B sector, A of the sending station can quickly be de-
by E. E. Bucher, author of "Practical thus making it strictly undirectional. If termined. And further if the circuit of
Wireless Telegraphy". Price $1.75. the loop be grounded on the grid side, then Fig. 4, is used a very large- amount of inter-
Wireless Press, Inc. 233 B'way, N. Y. Fig. 7 shows the result, i. e., loud signals ference on the same wave length can be
but NO directional effect whatever. eliminated, since only such stations as lie
Fig. 3 shows the connections when it in the region from 150° to 270° will be
AMERICAN ELECTRO TECHNICAL APPL CO. is desired to receive on other than the heard at all, while receiving from 210°
235 Fulton St., N. Y. City Cort. 3153
wave length of the loop. In practice it and as the outfit tunes sharp much of this
will be found to be simpler to have sev- is cut out. By carefully adjusting the ap-
Batteries,-special type for Audions eral loops of proper wave lengths rather paratus as good receiving can be done on
the loop as with the ordinary aerral, and
—— —
Switch Points Binding Posts, Knobs than be bothered with a tuner.

Levers Rods Sliders, Etc. As many navy and army operators know, all other features will be additional. Sta-
All parts for the Amateur the loop eliminates a lot of interference tions 200 miles away can be located to a
Actual make his own Apparatus.
and also static. However, if it is desired pin point on the map. Thus the Radio
to eliminate static more effectively, then Amateur has opened to him a wide field
TRANSMITTING STATIONS it is necessary to take the loop and outfit that will make possible better work with
into the cellar or under ground. Signals less bother.
flnt learning to send and receive radio MSGS.
WILGO WIRELESS PRACTICE SET will be found to come in just as loud as
The need of every amateur. Bightone
, buzzer and key for learning code. Also for
tho an elevated aerial were used, but the
static will be absent, even in the midst of
'test buzzer and four other purposes.
wiring diagrams and instructions. a thunder-storm when an ordinary aerial
E ?
Sll Ofl extra
1"* 8 ° ur new cat "E" o f electrical and wireless
"spits fire." Wireless telephone communication is
apparatus and code chart sent for 3c stamp.
The loop shown in the photo and dia- maintained between Rome and Tripoli, 600
THE WILCOX LABORATORIES ffi gram Fig. 8, consists of 240 turns of No. miles apart, mainly over water.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Calls Coming In Steadily, For National Radio Institute

Graduates, From All Parts of the Country.
Commercial Radio has arrived and thousands of positions are now
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We are now receiving requests for more National Radio Institute
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Salaries Up to $250 A However, you are not obliged to travel, but
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With exceptional opportunity for promo-
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a good position at big pay. Many of our following payments, often enables our stu-
students secure positions before completing
dents to earn the cost of their tuition while
the course, because it is based on actual
actually learning to be a wireless operator.
practice and teaches what is needed to make
a big success of Wireless work.
Free Instruments to Every
Get Your Instructions from Student
the Nation's Capital In addition to 5 text books —
35 Special Les-
(Our Course is Endorsed by the U.S. Government Officials) sons, and Personal Examinations we
The National Radio Institute headed by send you, while taking our course a Stand-
authorities who have been closely allied ard Automatic Wireless Transmitting and
with government training of students, was Receiving Set for sending and receiving
established in 1914 and is the first school in messages. These fine instruments are Free
America to successfully teach Wireless by only to National Radio Institute Students.
Mail. The work is under the direction of
J. E. Smith, E.E., director of the Radio Oldest Wireless School in
Department Howard University, and E. R.
Haas, formerly of the Radio Division America
of Yale University.
In addition to being the oldest and largest
We now have students throughout the Wireless School in America our location
world. Our location in the Nation's in the Nation's Capital enables our Students
Capital together with the standing of Employment Department to keep in close
our officers and their wide acquain-
touch with the best openings for our gradu-
tance among government officials con- ates.A Post Graduate Course is given Free
nected with Wireless activities place us to every graduate. Special discounts are
in position to give our students the
allowed to discharged soldiers, sailors, and
best instruction obtainable and to be marines with former wireless experience
of the utmost help in assisting them and to Radio amateurs.
to secure good paying positions.

Travel and See the World FREE

Our booklet "Wireless the Opportunity of Today
If you want to travel and see the world gives you complete information in regard to our
— go to foreign countries, and increase course, the quick and easy methods by which you
can master wireless, and other important facts you
your knowledge of world affairs Wire-
should know.

It is free. Just mail the coupon
less offers you the chance of a lifetime. No obligation whatever on your part.

r Mail This Coupon Today

National Radio Institute

Department 90
Washington, D. C.
Send me free of charge, your booklet, "Wireless the
Opportunity of Today," with full particulars regard-
ing your famous 10 weeks Home Study Course, and

Town State.

You benefit by mentioninr the "Rlectrical Rxferimenter" when writing to advertisers.

W^tclht Forests
Wireless Receiving Ban Raised
{Continued from page 295)

MESCO WIRELESS PRACTICE SET stations erected about the ranch. The in^
The Practice Set comprises a regular telegraph stallation and maintenance cost of these
key, without circuit breaker, a special high pitch
buzzer, one cell Red Seal Dry Battery, and four feet stations is relatively small in any case.
of green silk covered flexible cord. They have also been so greatly simplified
The key and buzzer are mounted on a highly fin- during the war that practically anyone can
ished wood base, and three nickel plated binding
posts are so connected that the set may be used for be instructed in handling the talking and
five different purposes. receiving apparatus in a short time. Some
List No. Price of these sets work as simply as the ordi-
342 Telegraph Practice Set, with Battery and
Cord $3.24
nary telephone.
Weighs 4 lbs. packed.
Price does not include postage. Airplanes and Radio Serve to Protect
Nation's Forests.

MESCO Combination Practice Set for Learning the Morse and Continental
Visual and Audible Codes
This outfit is the only reliable instrument which will
Recently the use of airplanes to patrol
the forests and watch for incipient forest
enable students to become proficient operators in the fires was extended by the Government and
U. S. Naval Service, because it is equipped with a now the wireless telephone has been in-
buzzer and miniature lamp enabling the user to master stalled for an experimental trial. If found
both the visual and audible signals quickly. to be practicable the wireless will be ex-
tended to cover the great woods with an
List No. 52 — Practice Set with Red Seal Battery
invisible net pf communication.
and Cord $4.05
The wireless is expected to be an im-
Weighs 4 lbs. packed. Price does not include postage. provement upon wires or cables for one
very important reason. In the past great
MESCO RADIO BUZZER difficulty has been experienced in maintain-
ing wire communication in the forests be-
This buzzer maintains a constant note and is recommended as
an exciter for checking wavemeters where pure note and ample
cause of the interruption to the service
energy are required. caused by falling timber, especially in the
It consists of practically a closed circuit field of low reluct- stormy season. Snowslides have been an-
ance, having a steel armature to which is riveted a strap
supporting a movable contact. The armature tension is adjust-
other source of destruction to the wires.
able by means of a screw with a milled head large enough to be The use of wireless, of course, obviates all
easily and permanently adjusted with the fingers. The stationary such difficulties.
contact is adjusted by means of a similar screw. The magnet
coils are connected in series with a total D. C. resistance of 3.9 For the purposes of the present experi-
ohms. Shunted across these coils is a resistance having a D. C. ment the Signal Corps of the Army has
value of 3 ohms. This shunt eliminates all sparking such as lent to the Forest Service four combination
occurs at the break on ordinary radio buzzers and the energy
saved thereby is transferred into any oscillating circuit con- sets of transmitting and receiving appa-
nected to it, the result being that this buzzer as constructed ratus. One set of the equipment is to be
radiates five times more energy than any other existing type. All connecting wires liable to be installed on Mount Hood at an elevation
broken are eliminated. Contacts are of genuine platinum, which is essential in order to maintain a
constant note. The parts are mounted on a Condensate base to insure constancy in operation. of about 13,000 feet, and another at the
Diameter 2 in., height 1% in- The cap is attached to the base by a bayonet joint. nearest forest ranger station, about twelve
List No. Price miles away. Two other sets are to be
55 Mesco Radio Buzzer $2.05 placed in the Clearwater Forest region of
Idaho, which is a very heavy wilderness
We carry a Large and Complete Line of Standard Wireless Material Recognized country.
by Experts as such with Competent Experienced Wireless Attendants in Charge All of the wireless stations will be estab-
lisht at look-out points, where watch is
Send for the New Edition of Our Catalog W28 kept for forest fires, and will supplement
pocket size, contains 264 pages, with over 1,000 illustrations, and describes in plain, clear
It is the regular service, which not so long ago
language all about Bells, Push Buttons, Batteries, Telephone and Wireless Telegraph Material, Elec- was augmented by the addition of air-
tric Toys, Burglar and Fire Alarm Contrivances, Electric Call Bells, Electric Alarm Clocks, Medical planes for patrol. Now
two additional
Batteries, Motor Boat Horns, Electrically Heated Apparatus, Battery Connectors, Switches, Bat- airplane routes for that purpose have been
tery Gauges, Wireless Telegraph Instruments, Ignition Supplies, etc. mapt both operated from Mather
Field, near Sacramento, Cal. The other
two routes of the airplane service are op-
Manhattan Electrical Supply Co., Inc. erated from March Field, near Riverside,
17 Park Place,New York, N. Y. The first route from Mather Field will
CHICAGO ST. LOUIS cover the northern parts of the Eldorado
114 S. Wells St. 1106 Pine St. and Tahoe forests on the valley side of
SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE: 604 Mission St. the Sierras. The planes will start from
Mather Field each morning and proceed to
Oroville by way of Placerville, Colfax,
INSTALL A NEW Nevada City and Strawberry Valley.
landing will be made at Oroville, where a
GREBE REGENERATIVE RECEIVER suitable field has been provided. The re-
turn trip will be made in the afternoon.
In Your Radio Station The second route from Mather Field will
cover the southern parts of the Eldorado
^^^^ This Receiver is intended for and Stanislaus forests. Starting from
long distance relay work on Mather Field, the route runs to Placerville,
wave-lengths between 170 and Grizzly Flat, Big Trees, and to a landing
580 meters and embodies a high- near Sonora or Tuolumne. In this case
also the return trip will be made in the
ly developed circuit employing
afternoon. Each of the Mather Field routes
continuously variable induct- has a round-trip length of about 150 miles.
ances of the variometer type as Forest Service reports tell of a successful
well as a number of new mechan- trial patrolundertaken recently under test
ical features. conditions. No difficulty was experienced
in detecting fires in heavy timber at eleva-
Short-Wave Regenerative Receiver Type CR-2 Various models designed to operate
tions of from 6,000 to 10,000 feet.
on wave length ranges from 1/0 to Peculiar interest attaches to the move-
20,000 meters are described in our bulletin sent free upon request.
ment for conservation as affecting North
A. H. GREBE & CO., Richmond Hill, New York Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky because
of the potentialities involved.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


The question of substitutes for platinum
has received almost world-wide attention,
many nations having been obliged to devise
something. Most of the platinum came
from Russia before the war. Germany was
no exception. Some of the recent sub-
stitutes are enumerated in a German paper.
The most important seems to be that sug-
gested by Gotthold Fuchs, of Berlin, con-
sisting of a wolfram-gold-nickel alloy
which can be cast, forged and rolled, is of
light color and polishes brightly, which
platinum does not. Another substitute is
an alloy of silver, wolfram and nickel.
Both these alloys are stated to be acid re- Score 100'' efficiency in actual use
sisting. A nickel-iron alloy, known as
"Superior" Set
platinit, is said to be serviceable as a sub-
stitute for platinum in glow lamps, its co-
efficient of extension being similar to that
of glass. For laboratory purposes an alloy TONE WEIGHT SERVICE
of nickel and chromium affords a platinum
substitute for wire and sheets, but cobalt al- Sharp, unblurred, readable signals
loys, such as cobalt-iron and cobalt-chro-
mium are as serviceable, especially for acid- assured by
resisting purposes.
We achieve this by perfectly matching the tone of both receivers in each
set. This eliminates all confusion to the ear due to unmatched harmonics.
By H. W infield Secor Used by many U. and experts abroad, by colleges and
S. Gov't experts,
(Continued from page 298) technical schools, and by professionals and amateurs everywhere.
TRIAL OFFER—Brandes Wireless Headset sent to you on trial for 10
The illustration in Fig. 7 shows two ap- days. Test it; compare it with others, for sensitiveness, clearness, dis-
plications out of many for the once busy tance. Prove for yourself the fine quality, the "matched tone". The two
U-boats. America and the other Allied diaphrams, toned exactly alike, strengthen the signals and prevent blurring.
countries can make use of all the super- If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied, your money back without a

fluous U-boats without a doubt. For ex- question.

ploring the flora and fauna of the undersea Send 4c for catalogue E
regions they are ideal. They can be fitted
with powerful electric projectors, observa-
tions lenses and windows, when not only
can visual observations of the deep sea Room 814
life be studied, but even motion pictures 32 Union Square New York City
can be taken. And for pleasure trips at

the seaside resorts I would hate to have
the job of figuring up how many five dol-
lar bills one could rake in, in a single
Saturday afternoon, with one of these
pleasure submarines at Coney Island, not
to mention the Beach at Coronado, Calif.,
and who would not like to explore the RADIO
secrets of the Great Lakes? We
heard of the chap who endeavored to dash
over Niagara Falls in a rowboat, and no
doubt we shall soon hear of the enterpris-
ing fun-promoter, who will, for a con- It is the policy of
sideration of $25.00 or so, invite you for a
trip over Niagara in one of the former this company never
Kaiser's plush upholstered U-boats. Plush to consider a sale
upholstered is right, and we would like
to have it about nine feet thick. completed until the
In order to attract the sea and lake fishes customer is thor-
for the edification of the passengers aboard,
we can imagine that some genius will roll o u g h1y satisfied.
up his sleeves and get busy developing a Incidentally our in-
"food gun" which can be attached to the
torpedo tube. Presto ! Push the button
struments seldom
and out flies a perfect barrage of fishsome fail to satisfy, be-
dainties for our piscatorial neighbors, when
they will come bounding forward in great
cause they are
flocks, much to the delight of the sub- scientifically de-
marine's guests, snapping their teeth gladly
and otherwise showing how delighted they signed and built on
are. Type UL-5 Receiver honor. If you are
The Submarine Detector, which is shown interested in radio apparatus of the highest grade at. fair prices,
in Fig. 8,and which was wonderfully per-
fected during the World War, should find enclose a 2-cent stamp for our catalogue.
many peacetime applications, particularly on Type UL-5 Receiver.
all ocean-going and inland lake vessels This a complete receiver for undamped waves up to 1 7,000
for the purpose of locating other vessels
in a fog or at night, and also for ac-
meters. No external coils, couplers or condensers are needed, since
curately locating the presence of icebergs it is entirely self-contained. Sizes 8" x 12 " x 7" approximately.
and reefs. The submarine detector, of We control the patent rights for the Mignon System and can
which several different types were developt supply these instruments.
during the war, operates on one general
principle, that of sound wave transmission
thru the water. The sound produced by
the propeller and driving motors or en- Dept. W Elmira, N. Y.
(Continued on page 378)
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Fms mediae
C^fl23 ir ©imts
> —
(Continued from page 318)

eight minutes or at the outside fifteen

minutes is long enough for a treatment.
The exceptions to this rule are in the
treatment of some chronic diseases, as
chronic articular rheumatism, etc., and in
general electrizations, where a little longer
time might be allowed.
No definite rule holds as to the frequency
of sitting, as much depends upon the nature
of the disease, the sex, age and habits of
the patient. Some acute cases require daily-
sittings, seldom more than that. In chronic
cases from two to four times a week may
be enough.

ANY YOUNG MAN Connect the rectum electrode to the neg-

ative pole of the battery and place it in the
earning less than $200 per month anus. At the same time the positive over
the stomach, liver and bowels. Use the
will findit to his interest to enter
secondary current. A small internal dose
the wireless field as a vocation. of cascara sagrada will sometimes prove
beneficial. However, the use of cathartics,
We prepare you in 20 weeks, as a rule, isnot advisable, and the above
through our correspondence treatment is much better without them.
course, for splendid positions Eat good plain digestible food. dish of A
oatmeal and milk eaten in the morning will
and obtain same for you im- help to regulate the bowels.
mediately on graduation.
We also pay back a considerable Place the foot upon the foot plate, it
portion of the tuition fee after being attached to the negative pole of the
battery and apply the positive pole directly
the student has completed the
to the corn, using a small piece of sponge
course. fastened to the ear electrode. Treatment
should last about ten minutes daily. Use
Write for Booklet and Details the primary current.


Largest Radio School in the World This caused by indigestion. Let the

Dept E, 90C2 Pa. Ave. Washington, D. C patient live upon a light milk diet for a
few days. Thoroly wash the mouth and
throat frequently with borax or boracic
acid diluted with water. Electrical treat-
ment: Place the positive at the nape of the
neck on the spine and apply the negative
to the stomach. This treatment should last
about ten minutes. Use secondary current.
Another treatment is to place the tongue
electrode in the mouth having previously
attached it to the positive pole of the bat-
tery and apply the negative to the neck and
throat. Use primary current. general A
tonic treatment two or three times a week
will be beneficial.
Diabetes seems to be a nervous disease,
and for that reason we recommend what is
called Central Faradisation. The object is
to bring the whole central nervous system
under the influence of the primary current.
Place the negative pole at the pit of the
stomach and pass the positive over the head
and forehead, down the back of the neck
and along the whole length of the spine.
Use a very light current about the head and
increase gradually. Do not apply the cur-
PROGRESSIVE RADIO APPARATUS rent to the head more than one or two min-
To what reasons can the popularity of De Forest Radio Apparatus be utes at a time. The spine will stand a much
attributed? stronger current than the head. The back
Is because of its consistent performance, excellent workmanship.
materials, low prices? may be treated about five or six minutes.
These would account for it partly. The real reason must lie in the
fact that we have always been in the van. Design and system em- After this give tonic or general treatment
ployed have been so far in advance of others as to overshadow our for ten minutes, with the secondary current.

The De Forest Company is one of the recognized successes in the radio
field. —
Our success has been progressive more than merely financial, Death- — Apparent.
~~S-^i— WIRELESS "X-StL. — —
because we give better service mere for your dollars most modern
People who have to all appearances been

apparatus than you can obtain elsewhere.

We do not aim to sell the most radio apparatus only tlie best.
SYSTEM ^"S- dead, have been restored to life by elec-
Quantity is a secondary consideration.
We were the first to produce the audion amplifier and the oscillion tricity. The test is as follows Place the :

undamped wave transmitter, and its popularity is attested by its wide sponge electrode (positive pole) to the
Our latest productions, the Honey Comb Coils, Unit Set, Coil Mount- back of the neck, and apply the negative
ings, Two Step Amplifier and Audion Control Box have been greeted
with enthusiastic demand far exceeding our expectations. to the body over the lungs and heart. A
The Unit Receiver fills the demand for a really efficient receiver for mild secondary current is first used, gradu-
any and all wave lengths of any preferred circuit and design without
the usual costly cabinet and expensive assembly. ally increasing it until the patient shows
We have been literally swampsd with orders, so do not feel surprised when your dealer tells you it will be signs of life. Keep this treatment up for
necessary to wait a tew weeks before ynu can get delivery.
By placing your order now you will avoid the greater congestion in our factory when the purchasers of about five minutes, also apply the negatize
this meritorious apparatus of novel design begin enthusiastically recommending it to their friends.
electrode to the arms, wrists and hands.
DE FOREST RADIO TEL. & TEL. CO., 1415 Sedgwick Ave., New York City Now sponge the whole body with the nega-
(Continned on page 371)
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



Seven links in the chain of naval de-
stroyers stretched across the Atlantic hy
the United States Navy for its trans-
oceanic flight reached their Newfoundland
base after traveling from New York en-
veloped in fog from Fire Island to Tre-
passey Bay, thus navigating 1,100 miles
entirely by directional wireless, with which
the Transatlantic seaplanes were equipt.
The trip was said by Captain Arthur Cren-
shaw, base commander, to have been one of
the severest tests this means of navigation
ever had. The destroyer Philip became
separated from the flotilla in the fog, but
she entered the harbor soon after her com-


(Continued from page 329) Where ELECTRICITY Is Taught Quickly And Thoroughly

Of course, a certain amount of roll and Become an Electrician in One Year

pitch is to be expected but a destroyer of or learn an electrical trade in six months. Greatest of all professions open to you.
will lie invested in Electricity in next five years," says Edison. Salaries are high.
"Forty billions
Demand for
a very nervous disposition just can't be TRAINED electricians ENORMOUS. Think of electric lighting, electric street cars, electric railway
still at all! trains, electric telephone and telegraph, electric motors, electric automobiles, electric cooking and
The largest roll that we made while I heating. Electricity in the air and under the sea. Is it not dazzling?

was on the Conyngham was seventy-two de- Field Limitless — INew- -Uncrowded —
Our forty professors of the three departments Clip Here

grees to starboard and sixty-eight to port. tench the laws ami principles of electricity.
That is in the ship's log, and signed by Actual training in laboratories: lectures and MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY— RIGHT NOW
problems. No special schooling required to enter
the Captain. And, friends and fellow citi- our practical electrical, electrotechnician and SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING OF MILWAUKEE
trade courses. 102-373 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis.
zens, I maintain that that was sure some "Earn While You Learn" if you wish. We Without obligating me, plea furnish details of course
roll. Try it once and see. A destroyer is arrange half-time employment that will help you ( or courses ) marked below.
defray expenses. Athletics, Glee Club. Lakeside
always rolling at sea, and in a storm she is Advantages. Board and Boom at Students' Fra-
Electrician, year
I One Year Drafting Course
Electrotechnician, Six Months Trade Courses
one grsat "dance artist." ternity House at cost.
I to 3 years
Catalog explains in full. Send for it.
Electrical Engineer Extension or
The radio shack is mounted either way (3 years) B.S. Degree Home Study Courses
forward or way aft, in the place most cal-
culated to get the benefit of the rolling and

pitching. Of course, it is superfluous to

of MILWAUKEE Address
City State
102-373 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis.
mention the fact that everybody from the I Age Education
oldest salt down to the newest rookie gets
sea-sick on the first trip to sea on a de-
stroyer. The rookies come aboard expect-
ing to be sick. But when a "gob" wise
in the ways of ships (big ones) comes
aboard, he proclaims for all to hear that
he has been going to sea too long to get
sea-sick. The day comes when we go to
sea. The next day friend "gob" fails to Used the world over. Insist on the genuine, built by its

rise for breakfast — not that he is sea-sick

sign. We
Substitutes are expensive, irrespective of de-
absolutely guarantee our tuners to give the max-
or anything like that, y' understand, but 1 imum signal volume. Delicate refinement, uninterrupted
simply that last night's chow must have dis- «P service and high class workmanship
unite to make TRACO tuners the stand-
agreed with him. By noon time he joins ard whereby all others are judged. If
the rest of the gang at the lee rail, actively your Dealer
does not
engaged in the sport technically known as handle them, order direct
from us.
"feeding the fishes." Yea, verily, 'tis a
great life until you get used to it. And LIBERTY DETECTOR
nine-tenths of the sailors get so that the PLIFYING PHONES, type
more she rolls, the better they like it. used by the UNITED
But now consider the case of the poor
radio man, who is forced to sit for at
MENTS, now in stock, for
least four hours before his set, never get- sale.

ting up from his chair and never taking his Send stamps for

receivers off. Every time the ship takes

The Famous 5A and 5C Models bulletins.

a big roll he rolls with it, unless his chair

is screwed to the deck —
but they never are
THE RADIO APPARATUS CO., Pottstown, Penna., U. S. A.
and there is a wild scramble to hold on to
pencils, pads, code books, and other loose
articles that have a tendency to hide under
power transformers, switchboards, or any
other place where it is deuced hard to re-
cover them.
At the first calm spot, the "op" nervously
UKJKsX\. O BIG 300 PP.
Wireless & Electrical
attempts to readjust his detector, and suc-
ceeds in making things worse. So he shifts Catalog is now as it always has been, the largest and most
over to the audion and thinks his troubles complete and dependable Wireless Catalog published. Mailed
are over. So they are until he discovers for 12c in stamps or coin which may be deducted on first order
that the filament battery is run down and of one dollar. Catalog not sent otherwise. This catalog costs us
needs recharging. Then follows a choice twice the price of other catalogs.
line of briny "cuss" words. About this
— .'erything in wireless worth white is listed in this catalog. The experienced amateur will tell
time the boat decides to take another roll, you— " see
- our catalog
'to before buying.- You are thereby insured against an unwise purchase. It
. .

and the show starts all over again. the Beacon Light ,

to guide you right in the selection of your wireless apparatus. No bigger or

In between times, the "op," if he is new be tter values are obtainable elsewhere. Send for revised pric list. It is yours for the asking

on a destroyer, realizes that he really isn't

why he ever
well. Then he begins to wonder
joined the Navy anyway.
THE WILLIAM B. DUCK CO., 230-232 Superior St., Toledo, Ohio
Of course, he can't leave his post to join

Yva benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
; ! ! ! —


his friends at the lee rail, but he must do

something quickly — grabs some-
! ! Ah—he
AMPLIFY Iour RADIO SIGNALS body's tin pail that
is used to wash in.
is lying around, which
But friend "op" is not
standing on ceremony, he wants action, and
With the new DETECTAGRAPH-TRANS- the amplifying process is attained is by attach-
MITTER, the amateur can amplify radio sig- ing with tape the DETECTAGRAPH-TRANS- —
quick action and he gets it
nals to such an intensity that he can hear the MITTER to the regular wireless receiver.
signals about his station without the need of Not only is this instrument applicable for The radio shack on
he C onyngham was
the telephone head set. amplifying radio signals, but it can be used an inside room, and had no port-holes or
By the addition of a loud talking telephone with equal satisfaction for magnifying other other openings on deck. In order to pro-
he is able to hear the messages many feet sounds. Phonograph music can be transmitted
away from the instrument. from one place to another by means of this in- vide for good ventilation, a small air vent
The super - sensitive DETECT
AGRAPH- strument, and those who are afflicted with deaf- was installed in the overhead of the radio
TRANSMITTER herewith shown is two and ness will find enormous benefit by using this room, leading out on deck. It was put in
three-eighths inches in diameter, five-eighths of transmitter. It is the greatest device for build-
an inch thick and weighs ing your own loud talking hastily, and was far from being water-
less than three ounces. It telephone, detectagraph tight. When we hit a storm and the waves
is the most sensitive and other devices. Can broke over the deck, lo much "moisture" !
sound detecting device be used for any purpose
ever brought before the where a sensitive detect- used to descend into the radio shack. In
public. ing instrument is re- vain I pleaded with the ship's carpenter,
The manner in which quired. and with tears in my eyes I begged him to
fix that "gadget." But he was always doing
something else. So I tried to see what I
could do to it. When I got thru, it didn't
leak, it poured! I had completely broken
it. But I was triumphant. Now it would
have to be fixt.
But we put to sea with the blame thing
still busticated. It was the middle of De-
cember, 1917, and, for a change, the sea
was unusually calm. Everything was all
Detectagraph Rheostat, ski for two days, till we met the U. S. S.
especially made for am-
Our Super-Sensitive De- Our Special No. 25 Loud plifying circuits. Price, George Washington and the U. S. S. Huron
tectagraph Transmitter. Talking $2.00 Complete
Price, $7.00 Complete
Receiver. Price,
to be convoyed into Brest. (This was be-
$4.00 Complete No.
40 Receivers to be fore the George Washington became the
used In connection
with Detectagraph- Presidential ferryboat. Then, suddenly,
I ransm ltters,
Model "B" $10.00 all the furies of the sea and heavens
Horn. with turned loose. Everyone who was at sea in
Loud Talking Model "C" Horn,
Receiver, Cord with loud talking that part of the ocean will remember that
Plugs and Receiver. Cord Plugs
Desk Stand and Wall Base. storm to their dying day. For two days
Base. Price, Price, $10.00 Com- and nights we headed into it and gained
$10.00 Cou- plete
plet) but forty miles Ordinarily the destroyers

The Detectagraph would have ridden it out with the storm

Junior Deaf-Phone
$15 Detectagraph $15 instead of against it. But we had fifteen
Equal to any $35 in- Order direct from ad. This detecting instru- thousand U. S. soldiers to guard, and we
strument made. Out- ment marvelous
fit consists of Super-
Sensitive Transmitter
Or write for free descriptive circular.
used for
can be
stuck — At last, even the troop-ships could

with cord connector secret conversations.

stand it no longer, and we got a signal
Piece with small
consists of
from the George Washington to "counter-
black cord Black Black march." That is, turn around and go with


Receiver, the storm. All that night we just drifted,
Black Case and Two Makers of Super-Sensitive Microphone Devices Headband, Case and
Batteries. Battery. taking things easy, and the next morning
the storm had subsided enough for us to
try to make port. There' were times dur-
ing those awful two days and nights when

Radio Electrical Apparatus even the captain on the bridge remarked

that we would never live thru it. And
Our new Bulletin Y offers a distinctive
in the face of his belief, he refused to
leave the troop-ships to the tender mercies
line Radio and Laboratory apparatus
of of a stray submarine, for while no "sub"
could work during the storm, there was
including Transformers, Spark Gaps, Os- bound to be a calm spell afterward when
cillation Transformers, Variometers, Vari- we would be needed. So we stuck —
able Condensers, most etc., in fact, the We reached port, but what a mess
our division was Of course, everything

complete line built by any single manufac- was absolutely swept clear of the decks.
turer in America. One destroyer even had a smoke-stack car-
ried away, and another one had her main
Bulletin R describes the Cambridge mast broken off. The George Washington
alternating Current Rectifier for had lost most of her life boats, and eight
Type 800 men had been washed overboard. The
Balanced Variable
C o n d. Supplied in
STORAGE BATTERY CHARGING Conyngham escaped with very
age. All our compartments were flooded,
little dam-

three sizes. Unmount- Send 3c stamp for both bulletins and of course there was nothing left on
ed or mounted in our deck in the way of sea chests, the
nickeled brass case for
use with oil or other
CLAPP-EASTHAM CO. carpenter's bench, etc. the radio
shack! Just drift back a few lines to where
liquid dielectrics 131 Main Street Cambridge, Mass. I mentioned the broken ventilator and then
on down further where I mentioned the
storm. Two and two never made six
so you can imagine what our radio shack
looked like. I had a young Atlantic Ocean
You Need These Remarkable Books in there —
six inches of water rushing all
No. Wireless Construction
5. drawings how to build wireless over the deck and having a fine time play-
and Installation for Beginners apparatus, how to erect the aerial, ing with the power transformers and the
Describes in detail with working connect and operate. 86 pages — 93 Leyden jars, with ye scribe perched up on
drawings how any handy boy can illustrations.
the desk, soaking wet and wondering who
make his own apparatus at lowest
possible cost. Describes simpler started this war.
No. 3. Lessons in Wireless
and cheaper apparatus than No. 6
Book. 73 pages —
67 illustrations. Telegraphy
And so it goes as someone once re-
— —
marked "If we had some ham, we'd have
No. 6. Experimental Wireless Explains in detail the principles some ham and eggs if we had the eggs, —
Construction and apparatus for wireless from etc." For those that like it the Navy
Explains in detail with working aerials to end losses and Audions.
is sure a fine playground, but personally I
Price, 25 cents each, Postpaid, Anywhere COLE 1 MOR am better satisfied to sit here writing this
short reminiscence in order to win a few
COLE & MORGAN, Inc., Publishers, P. 0. Box 473 C. H. Sta., New York City extra pennies for a new pair of shoes for
the baby

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when •writing to advertisers.

. Review of
(Continued from page 326)

Terminated War Contracts

COMMERCIAL from the Western Electric Company En-
gineering Organization to engage in this
work. At this time plans were in the mak-
Enable Us to Offer at Less
Than Cost a Large Stock of
Splendid opportunities now in the MER-
ing for the tremendous aircraft program
which was later undertaken by the Army,
and it was clear to all that a successful
Fabricated Parts and Raw
CHANT MARINE for Wireless Operators. means of communication between battle
Salaries now being paid Junior Oper- — planes when flying in squadrons would be
ators, $85 per month; Chief Operators,
$110; food and quarters included. Equiv-
of inestimable value and would greatly in- SHEET ALUMINUM,
crease the efficiency with which these squad-
alent ashore from $35 to $40 per week.
Interesting and fascinating work. Our rons could be maneuvered. The early work
graduates in all parts of the world as
operators, instructors, inspectors, etc.,
had shown such promise that there was TRANSFORMER STEEL
justification for assuring the Signal Corps
etc. Students from all over the country.
If you are interested in Commercial Radio that this means of communication could be
let the EASTERN RADIO INSTITUTE worked out successfully and applied to air- FIBRE, BAKELITE, DILECTO
train you. Endorsed by Marconi and As
Government officials.
craft of various types. a result of this MICANITE, CELLULAR
conference, orders were issued by the Sig-
start any Monday. Send for prospectus. nal Corps for the Western Electric Com-
pany to undertake the development of a
EASTERN RADIO INSTITUTE wireless telephone system for the purpose.
899B Boylston St. Boston, Mass. The problem now was to produce sets of IN ASSORTED SIZES
minimum size and weight, physical struc-
tures which would withstand the extreme
vibrations and jars encountered in flying, Also Completed
especially in landing, the most convenient
disposition of control elements, suitable CONDENSERS
sources of power for both high and low TRANSFORMERS
voltage, and a form of antenna which SPARK GAP UNITS
would not interfere with the evolutions of REACTANCES
a plane in squadron formation.
It was realized that the solution of the
last mentioned problem would consume Call At Our Stock Rooms
more time than was at our disposal, and 57 New Chambers St., N. Y.
while work was immediately started in the
Wireless! field on antenna measurements and study,
the design of the sets proceeded on the
LEVER—Mounted on brass
basis of using a trailing wire antenna.
bearing and shaft, threaded The working out of a practical helmet
6-32, two inches long. design proved to be more difficult than the
Lever securely fastened to
knob. Each 40 cents, post- success of the earlier experiments indicated.
age 4 cents. It was found that the degree of interfer-

KNOBS as illustrated above as

ence experienced changed very rapidly with
used on Switch l%x% with slight imperfections in fit. The problem
hole for mounting, each 20c was also complicated by the necessity of
screw for mounting.
7/32x7/32 Brass with
Postpaid 25c per doz.
providing means for using oxygen at high
altitudes, and of providing for the comfort
of the wearer over a period of several
Q. S. T.
Bakelite-Dilecto panels, about hours. It was found that a very slight
9Vi x 19 x y4 Black XX $4.00 amount of pressure on certain portions of "All men having commercial
19 x 19 x Vi Black XX 8.00 the ear caused excessive pains and head- licenses should report for jobs
9% x 19 x 3/16 Black XX 3.00
aches after a very short period, and the
19 x 19 x 3/16 Black XX 6.00 at once."
final design was a compromise between
comfort and efficiency as to sound in- Big shortage of operators!
A. H. CORWIN & CO. sulation. Every student completing the
924 Kinney Building Newark, N. J. The problem of power supply was an course secures a berth immediately
interesting one.It was required that the
weight should be reduced to a minimum,

paying $85 $130 per month and
which precluded the possibility of employ-
ing storage batteries. There are obvious Short thoro course — excellent
objections, also, to attaching any form of laboratories.
GET OUR PRICES generating device to the propelling engine. Dormitories — swimming pools.
on the Wireless Apparatus you need. Consideration of all the factors led to the
We handle New and Second-Hand adoption of a wind-driven generator for Call or write for illustrated booklet.

instruments on which we can save the purpose. This generator of about 100
you money. watts direct current output was required
A 1 1 Second-Hand instruments to produce a potential of 300 volts for the
plate circuits of the vacuum tubes, and a
Y. M. C. A.
guaranteed to be in perfect working potential of 25 volts for the filament cir-
order. What do U need?
Send us your list now
cuits. It is necessary, to insure most effi- R ADIO SCHOOL
cient operation, that the filament current

RADIO EQUIPMENT be kept constant, and the fact that the NEW YORK CITY
specifications called for operation with air-
COMPANY plane speeds varying from 40 to 160 miles
per hour made the problem of voltage reg-
Manhattan Branch:
154 East 86th St.
Brooklyn Branch:
Maroy Ave. Near B'way
630 Wash'n St. Boston, Mass. ulation loom large. Ordinary forms of Tel. Lenox 6051 Tel. W'msburg 3800

electro-mechanical regulating devices did

not prove to be successful, and while it
was probable that something of this type

Both wire and wireless, and Station Agency taught
would eventually have been developed, the
problem was solved by a very ingenious
arrangement proposed by Mr. H. M. Stol-
YY « «*
/»* / J**CQ
dLt Li}J
Materials, Magnet
wires, motors, experimenters' needs, novelties
thoroughly and quickly, BIG WAGES PAID,
some of our recent graduates procuring $138.00 per month
NOW ler, in which the vacuum tube is the essen- listed in our Catalogue C-3. Assure yourself
to" -tart. Great opportunities for advancement. Our school tial element. The voltage of the generator of prompt service and right prices by buying
the oldest and largest —
annual enrollment 600 students,
endorsed by railway, telegraph, wireless and government offi- is held approximately constant by means from this world famed, reliable, experi-
cials. Expenses low — chance to earn part. Catalog free. Write. of a vacuum tube regulator, which controls menters' Supply House.
DODGE INSTITUTE, 22nd St., Valparaiso, Ind. the field flux. Two field windings are pro- The Newman-Stern Co., Cleveland, O.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


r~ vided, the main field, which is in series with

AUDIOTRON the filament of the regulator tube, and a

differential field which is in series with the
plate circuit. At minimum speed the dif-

VACUUM TUBE PANELS ferential field is inactive and the generator

behaves like an ordinary shunt machine,
except that the main field has a small re-
PARTS AND ACCESSORIES sistance in series due to the regulator
tube filament. This filament is so designed
Panel full XX Grade Conti- that the main field current heats
temperature which gives a small electron
it to a

nental Bakelite Dielecto Steel current. This current flows thru the dif-
cut and whitened engraving. ferential field and reduces the resultant
All metal parts heavily nick-
flux. At minimum speed, the differential
current is small, but as the speed increases,
eled. Switches for double fila- the main field current, tends to rise (as in
ment tubes and arc or spark any shunt generator) and this increases the
temperature of the regulator tube filament.
reception. New type Back The electron current is, therefore, con-
mounted smooth running siderably increased, which current, flowing
rheostat. Panel also furnished thru the differential field, reduces the
generator flux and thus restricts the rise
in maple with imitation black in voltage. Due to the fact that the elec-
bakelite finish. tron current of the regulator tube in-
creases very rapidly with increase in fila-
No. 8B. Full Bakelite panel assembled $15.00 ment current, the voltage is held practically
No. 8BP. Complete set of parts 12.00 qonstant between 4,000 and 12,000 revolu-
No. 8W. Wood panel complete 12.50 tions per minute. The 1.5-ohm resistance
units are provided so that the regulator
No. 8WP. Complete set of parts 10.00
may be set to give different voltages by
Send for free bulletins on panels, couplers, detectors, parts, etc. cutting them in or out of the main field.
The 100 ohms shunt resistance is used to
Send cash with order and save all delivery charges. Dealers: write for proposition. prevent hunting.
Upon the completion of the next set of
AUDIOTRON SALES CO., 311 Lick Bldg., San Francisco models, field tests were resumed and on
August 20th the first two-way telephone
conversation between two planes in the air
was successfully accomplish.!. After this
first trial, Major Bartholf and Lieutenant

ConSoltbatetr 2&abto Call Pook Stevens, of the Signal Corps, held two-
way conversation between planes with very
satisfactory results.
QTfjr "Celepljonc Mvtttovp" of tyt &ta Late in1917, the type of airplane set
This book contains a list of high power Radio Stations shown Figs. 4 and 5 was installed on

of the world with wave lengths they transmit on a list of — our airplanes. The various parts are ar-
ranged so that they can be mounted in
stations sending press — —
time Q signals tables for finding — any available space in the machine. The

charges on radiograms data on American, British, Cana-
switch box shown in the diagram is to pro-
vide for communication between pilot and
observer by means of the same micro-
dian, and French Radio Compass Stations, in addition to the
phones and helmets used in radio-teleg-
Wireless Calls of Over 9000 Ships and raphy. The transmitting and receiving set
proper is shown in Fig. 4. This set is
Shore Stations 17x10x7 inches and weighs but twenty-one
pounds. The generator is of the wind-
In fact this publication is so complete and up to date that large radio companies have con-
tracted for copies for their ships. Since our advertisement in the last issue we have received driven type, and is shown in Fig. 6 with
and tabulated so many additional Radio calls that it has been necessary to raise the price the tail cover removed giving a view of
of the book. Price, $1.00. the vacuum tube regulating device. The
Orders postmarked prior to August 1st will be accepted at the old price of 75c. complete weight of the entire outfit is about
fifty-eight pounds. Fig. 7 shows a sim-
CONSOLIDATED RADIO CALL BOOK COMPANY, INC. plified form of the circuits.

41 Park Row, New YorkXity The last distinctive type of radio-tele-

Send your order to the above address if you are unable to obtain it from your local dealer
phone outfit is the short wave set installed
in Radio Supplies. Orders have already been received from the following dealers: on submarine chasers and destroyers dur-
Haller-Cunningham Electric Co., San Francisco, Cal. ing the war. These sets are shown in
L. Bamberger & Co., Newark, New Jersey. Figs. 9 and 10. The circuits of these sets
Smith Novotoy Electric, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. are practically the same as for the airplane
Radio Equipment Co., Boston, Mass. sets, except that the power for them is

Electro Importing Co., New York City. obtained from small dynamotors run on a
30-volt storage battery. The complete
transmitter and receiver, togetner with the
amplifier and extension set, are shown in
Fig. 8 and the transmitter receiver itself
shown in Fig. 9.

The set is installed in the

with the amplifier for the loud-talker. An
extension set consisting of a telephone
radio room

25,000 Volt transmitter and receiver, together with the

loud speaker, is mounted in the pilot house.
By means of a switch in the radio room,
WIRELESS the operator can cut in the extension set
while the conversation is being carried on
by the captain. It is also possible to use

TRANSFORMERS either the head receivers or the loud-

speaker for receiving.
This equipment has an effective range of
from 5 to 10 miles and can be used in
For further information write four wave lengths ranging from 250 to
600 meters. From a paper by E. B. Craft
Thord arson Electric Mfg. Co. and E. H. Colpitts, entitled ' Radio-Teleph-
ony," read before the American Institute
501 S. Jefferson St. Chicago, 111.
of Electrical Engineers, Feb. 21, 1919.
Photos courtesy Western Electric Co.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when ivritin.
\g to advertisers.

How T© AppE^ TTlh«

(Continued from page 366)
DETROIT The. Auto Center is the
.Logical 1
men are needed
y where U> teat,
tive while the positive electrode is at the epalr d give expert ad-
base of the spine. The room should be well To care and handling of
vice on
trucks and tractors.
aired, and the patient's feet and hands Big money for M. S. A. 6. -Detroit
ained men. Good jobs or Independent busi-
should be kept warm with hot water and^ nesses await our graduates. Opportunities un-
bags. limited.
The treatment of headaches depends up-
Earn $100 to
Course will teach you how in a few short weeks. Most complete,
$400 Monthly
Training for comprehensive and up-to-date Course known. Wholly practical.
on the cause. caused by disordered
job too hard for our graduates. Every phase of work covered. Actual ex-
stomach or bowels, what is called a sick perience given on dozens of different cars. Entire equipment best obtainable,
traction includes complete Tractor Course. Brazing, Welding and Tire He-
headache, place the positive electrode at pairing taught separately.
the base of the brain and apply the negative
over the stomach, liver and bowels, using a
Learn in Detroit — Start Any Time — Our
mild secondary current. General tonic
UraaUaieS in
111 Dpm^nrf
liemanU Here y° ubiggest
e th0 eo-opera-
They know tion of
et benefit of finest
factories. the
helD our Rtudentn
oroughneas of our Course ami Klailly every way in possible. Almost daily
treatment of the whole body with sec- We have calls for graduates to fill responsible positions. School open all year. Enter classes any
ondary current will cure or help some pa- time. No need tojvaste or lose a moment.

(as de- Money- Big Factories Endorse Our School

tients, while central faradization a position as chaurietir, t:r, demonstrator, They know what wo do--h..w we tearh, and the typo of grad-
aato electrician, iraraiTO man or tractor me- uates we turn out and give our sttidentH unusual asHi.staiu-c
scribed in treatment of diabetes) will help chanicand operator, paying f i
$100 to $4 00 Monthly, or refund Every instructor an experienced man—one who knows and ia
your money. able to teach others.
others. I

Place the positive at the back of the neck Tells all about "The Old Re- HE HEART OF THE AUTO IIDUSTKT
liable School" located in "the
and sponge the region of the stomach and nimmrT.u.e.A.
Heart of the Auto Industry."
bowels with the negative. Another meth- HtN4t C VJt M Or. better still, jump on the train
and come to Detroit as hundreds
od is to place the positive electrode on the do. Your fare refunded if every-
thing not as represented.
Replying to a recent Ii-ttor addressed to Mr. ArtemasWard
tongue and the negative at the pit of the making inquiry as to the reputation of the Michigan State
stomach. Use secondary current. If the Auto School, will aay that as far as I know all Detroit Auto-
mobile manufacturers endorse the work th.-y are doing.
patient is debilitated give general tonic It is managed very efficiently and they have been turning
out some pretty good men fur the automobile industry and
cannot see any renn<in why you should hesitate about tak-
treatment of the whole body. ing a course with this institution. ZELLER,
A. G. Pres.
Yours very truly, 668 Auto Blda., Woodward Ave.
If properly treated, neuralgia is one of
the diseases that yield most readily to elec-
trization. There is one difficulty in the Here's
treatment of neuralgia by electricity and
County Agents Your
Models are BIG VALUES
that is the intensity of the pain. Often the
first few treatments aggravate the pain, THE
especially if the current is too strong or
the treatment is continued too long.
over one treatment a day should be given.

Give a general tonic treatment of the whole

body every other day. For local treatment,
5-Pass. 4-cyl. Touring
5-Pass. 6-cyl. Touring
where there is no swelling, apply the nega-
tive to the painful parts, and the positive For nearly five years
at the hands or feet. If there is swelling the Bush Car has
apply the positive to the disease, and the been doinr* heavy duty The Bush Car for 1919. both in theLight Fourand Light Six. aretmequal-
ed In value anywhere this year. Think of a car with all the modern re-
negative at the hands or feet, using a sec- all over this country. finements which includes in its equipment the Boyce Motor Meter at
prices modest in the extreme. The Bush method of marketing the Bush Car not only
ondary current. It'ssold through County gives the County Agent a better profit than he usually gets but the Bush method of

Rheumatism — Inflammatory and Acute. Agents only we do not — aalee gives the user the benefit ot high quality at low price. We list below some of
the big things— the high grade features—that go into the Bush Car for 1919. These
are the things that make a real car.
Either of the above kinds of rheumatism
have distributors. Fall Floating Rear Axle 37 H. P. 4-eyl. Lycoming Motor
Two Universal Joint Drl?a 40 H. P. 6-cyl. Red Seal Continents?
may be treated with the positive electrode. County Agent's Propo- 116-Inch Wheel Base Refinement in Body Finish
sition is liberal beyond topper Radiator Plate Glass Rear Windows In Top
If the trouble is about the head, neck, arms Electric Lighting and Starting (2 unit) Deep French Pleat Epholsterlog
or shoulders, hold the negative in the hands your expectations. ,
Willard Balterloi, Extra Leg Room In Body
Tlmken Bearings Throughout Light Weight— 2480 lbs.
and apply the positive to the painful parts. Get all tlhle information The Bush Car is not a twelve months or less proposition. It's not rendy for the scrap
If the pain is below the arms, apply the Quick. Write at once to J. H. heap after a year's use. The best material obtainable— the very highest quality
construction coupled with what every one knows to be good equipment, such ae
Bush, Pres., Dept.H-15 Willard Batteries and Tlmken Bearings, insures a long life to the Bush Car even
negative electrode to the feet and the posi-
Drink freely of
tive to the affected parts.
BUSH MOTOR CO. under unusually hard service.
There is a Money Back Guarantee Goes with Every Bush Automobile to show
you we mean just what we say about the quality of this car and to prove to you that
lemonade. Avoid alcoholic liquors, meats
9 Bush Temple, Chicago your confidence in us will not be abused. Our Guarantee is in writing.

and fatty food. A rigid diet for a few

days is to be recommended.
Rheumatism—Chronic. Whatever is worth doing,
Chronic rheumatism much more obsti-
nate and resists a
cure more than the
acute Is worth doing well
kind. Very often the general tonic treat-
ment- will give relief. For local treatment,
treat with the negative electrode instead of
the positive as in the acute form.
use the primary and secondary currents
Also Use Bunnell Parts
alternately. If the joints are enlarged treat
with the positive electrode, using the pri-
mary current. Keep the body warm and
4 Sold by all Dealers
the feet warm and dry. Do not allow the
patient to expose himself to any dampness. Catalog No. 40 E now ready
The electric bath is to be recommended.
32 Park Place New York City, N. Y.
In most cases of sunstroke, electricity is
a valuable agent in restoring persons who
have been overcome with the heat. Gen-
eral tonic treatment should be given, also
central galvanization as described in the
treatment of diabetes. Local treatment to
the head may be given and a very light sec-
What 15 c & You &
Washington, the home of the Pathfinder, is the The little matter of 15c in stamps or coin will bring- you
nerve center of civilization; history is being
made at this world capital. The Pathfinder's
the Pathfinder
13 weeks on trial. The Pathfinder is an illustrated weekly, published at
the Nation's center, for the Nation a paper that prints all the news of the
world and tellsthe truth and only the truth no vv in its 26th year. This pa-
illustrated weekly review gives you a clear, im- ;

ondary current should be used, positive partial and correct diagnosis of public affairs
per fills the bill without emptying the purse; it costs but $1 a year. If you
want to keep posted on what is going on in the world, at the least expense
electrode at the head and negative at the during these strenuous, epoch - making days.
of time or money, this is your means. If you want a paperin your home
base of the spine. In all cases have the which is sincere, reliable, entertaining, wholeso; e, the Pathfinder is yours. If you would appreciate a paper which puts everything
clearly, tairly, brieflv— here it is. Send 15c to sho' that you might like such 4 paper, and we will send the Pathfinder on probation IS
attention of a good physician. weeks. The 15c does not repay us, but we are glad to invest in new friends. The Pathfinder, Box S7&, Washington, D.C.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertiser*.



Not Toys But Real Apparatus PEACE TREATY.
the same as used by all operating companies. PREDICTS MARCONI OFFICIAL.
You had better send us your order immediately Wireless During a period of three

to insure prompt delivery, as this equipment months after the peace German high power Godfrey Issacs says the English Mar-
will not last long at these prices. wireless stations at Nauen, Hanover, and coni company, of which he is managing di-
110 Volt Hand Generators 3 bars, each $3.00
Berlin will not be permitted to send any rector, expects to have a commercial ser-
4 bars, each 4.00
5 or 6 bars, each 5.00 messages except for commercial purposes, vice of wireless telephones in operation in
Telephone transmitters with arms, each.. .75 and under supervision of the allied and New York and London early next year.
Good ringers complete with bells, each 50
Telephone receivers, each 75
associated Governments, nor may any more The company hopes to make arrange-
Condensers, y2 to 2 M.F., each 50 be constructed. ments with New York and London tele-
Induction coils, each 50 Cables Germany renounces all title to
phone companies so that eventually the
Relays, each 1.50
specified cables, the value of such as were British and American wireless 'phone sub-
Repeating coils, each 2.00
Real complete C.B. wall type telephone... 4.50 privately owned being credited to her scribers will be able to sit at their desks
Skinderviken Transmitter Button 1.00 against reparation indebtedness. and "Hello, London" or "Hello, New
Please send money-order or cash with your order Germany will be allowed to repair Ger- York."
ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY COMPANY man submarine cables which have been
Dept. E, 48-50 So. Front St., Columbus, Ohio Isaacs foresees the day, not far distant,
Dept. E, 128 So. 11th St.,Philadelphia, Pa.
cut, but are not being utilized by the al- when pocket wireless telephones will be
lied powers, and also portions of cables in wide use. A
business man's secretary,
which, after having been cut, have been walking along the street, Isaacs says, will
"The Livest Catalog in America" removed, or are at any rate not being uti- hear a bell ring in his pocket, will put a
Our big, new electrical cyclopedia lized by anyone of the allied and associ- receiver to his ear and hear "his master's
No. 20 waiting for you. fosi-
is t
ated powers. In such cases the cables, or voice" give him instructions, probably from
tively the most complete Wire- A portions of cables, removed or utilized re-
less and electrical catalog in * Am an airplane hundreds of miles away.
print todav. 180 Bin Pages main the property of the allied and as-
500 illustrations. 300 in- The Daily Mail says that the British
struments and appara- sociated powers, and accordingly fourteen
tus, etc. Big "Treatise government probably will compel all com-
on Wireless Teleg- cables, or parts of cables, are specified
mercial airplanes and airships carry to
raphy." FREE
coupons fur our
'^fflLWjM^" i„ i™ which will not be restored to Germany. wireless telephone or telegraph equipment.
- page ^^KmjTT^kJ^^' c
Air The armed forces of Germany Larger machines of both types may be com-
-^mmF^tb. *F Jmt

it w C y c 1 o p e-
must not include any military or naval air

measures 7x5% pelled to carry both.

Weight y2 lb. Beau-

forces except for not over 100 unarmed

tiful stiff covers. seaplanes to be retained till Oct. 1 to
Send 6 cents in stamps or search for sumbarine mines. No dirigible
coin for which we will send The entire air personnel is
shall be kept.
)ur latest
No. 20 as described.
Cyclopedia Catalog
to be demobilized within two months, ex-
mr r '
ELECTRO IMPORTING COMPANY cept for 1,000 officers and men retained till DIRECTOR.
Y 231 Fulton St., New York City October. No aviation grounds or dirigible
sheds are to be allowed within 150 kilo- Navyorders were issued April 9th, re-
meters of the Rhine, or the eastern or appointing Rear Admiral William H. G.
Bullard as Director of Naval Communica-
110 V. TRANSFORMERS "SK* southern frontiers, existing installations
within these limits to be destroyed. The tions, a position he held at the time the
ordinary meter.
so little current will not
Ai> -j
move <g4 SO manufacture of aircraft and parts of air- United States entered the world war, but
Ideal for experimental work— NO MOV- 'Postpaid
craft is forbidden for six months. All mil- from which he was detached for service
ING parts. Cannot get out of order; with cord and plug
J2.00. Transformer No. 12
Volts — —
Heavier Output. 6, 12, 18
$2.50 with cord and plug. Older from this ad.
itary and naval aeronautical material under overseas.
a most exhaustive definition must be sur- Rear Admiral Bullard is an honorary
Dept. 17, 3124 North California Ave., Chicago. III.
rendered within three months, except for member in the Radio League of America,
the 100 seaplanes already specified. as our readers will remember.


VALUES-$ $i8.§5 $22 °P
Remarkably efficient and handsome audion control panels within the price limit of EVERY
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS, ALL MODELS: Beautifully engraved and grained
genuine bakelite panels; 4 prong heavy nickeled tube receptacles; smooth running,
positive acting, adjustable rheostats; impregnated efficient mica stopping condensers;
adjustable or fixed grid leaks with polished nickel covers;
bakelite covered binding posts with new slotted positive
connecting feature; positive segmentally connected nickel
plated switches; 40 volt B battery of two 20 volt type
units cast en block with operating life of 6 to 12 months
a remarkable advance in B batteries; handsome quartered
oak cabinets, round corners, standard de Forest "Early
English" finish; perfect workmanship and expensive design
Type P-400 Audion Panel Consists of tube receptacle,
grid leak and condenser, rheostat and binding post for

connection to tuner, A and B batteries on bakelite panel
7y2 " x 7V2 " without cabinet and B batteries $9.50
Type P-401 Audion Panel Same as above with cabinet,

Type P-402 Audion Panel Larger panel with 40 volt B
battery in cabinet $18.85

Type P-500 Audion-Ultraudion Panel— Type P-402, Panel
P500 $22.00 — with two switches for audion-ultraudion
either 20 or 40 volt B battery in cabinet
connection and
$22.00 P401 $11.75 TYPE —
NOTE: All de Forest audion apparatus is sold without the tubes. Audion detector osciflator or amplifier tubes, $7.00 each additional.
Catalog sent on receipt of 10c in stamps to cover postage.

DE FOREST RADIO TEL. & TEL. CO. 1415 Sedgwick Avenue, New York City

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Become An
{Continued from page 320)
fresh charge being occasionally admited to
Electrical Engineer
utes at the beginning of the day and the
steam pressure is controlled automatically. compensate for leakage). The second typi-
Kerosene is used as the fuel which is con- fies the open cycle in which a new charge Bachelor
siderably less expensive than gasoline. No of air is admitted and exhausted at each of
shifting of gears is necessary. A turn of stroke. The closed cycle engine is analo-
the throttle will give enough steam to climb gous to the new type of steam engine em- Science
any hill or to slow down to a crawl. No ploying a condenser for the spent steam, Degree
fussing with carburetor or ignition systems. while the open cycle is analogous to the
The spent steam is condensed and led back old type non-condensing steam engine. § in
to the boiler so that a much smaller water Therefore it is readily seen that the closed 3 Years
supply tank is used. No cooling system is cycle engine is more efficient than the open
necessary. A pilot light using up a negli- cycle, none of the fuel being wasted on the Study Here. Re-
exhausted air. In all types of hot air en- ceive a good
gible amount of fuel keeps enough steam
training. Our de-
pressure all day, so that one can make an gines, the power is secured by the pressure
gree equals the
immediate start. All gages operating on of the air produced by heat transferred by i

University but is
the fuel and steam are automatic, thus a separating metal wall. The air is ad- given for three
eliminating all danger. Why is it then mitted to the cylinder at a high temperature years of inten-
and pressure, it is allowed to do mechani- sive work twelve
that we do not see many of these steam
cars. Two reasons — it takes a long time to cal work on the piston as a result of which
month-; of the

educate the public steam cars cannot be the pressure and temperature fall off.

kept in the present public garages, since There are two heating systems employed There is unlimited demand for well-trained

the open flame of the pilot light is liable in hot air engines —
the regenerative and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS.
try is using them in
A great indus-
vast numbers here and
to ignite the gasoline vapors present in all the non-regenerative. A
regenerative sys- abroad.
garages and cause fire. No doubt the steam tem is one which uses a device for absorb- Our forty professors are experts. Men of standing'
in the profession. They will guide you surely and
car has a great future (provided the oil ing the heat from the air as it passes in carefully to eertain SUCCESS.
companies do not boost the price of kero- one direction and supplying it again on Shop practice, laboratory, drafting room and reci-
tation room prepare you fully to enter the Electrical
sene). passing in the opposite direction. non- A Engineering profession.
The Hot Air Engine. regenerative system does not employ such Full provision for making up deficient high school
a device. One of the best of the hot air "Earn While You Learn" if you wish.
The hot air engine uses neither gasoline engines is the Stirling engine which has Clip the coupon. Do it TODAY.
nor steam but plain ordinary air and that is been actually used commercially, tho with- School of Engineering of Milwaukee
pretty cheap. Let us ex'amine the principles out much success. It is of the closed cycle College of Electrical Engineering
103-373 Broadway Milwaukee, Wis.
of its operation. Figure 3 shows an ideal type working with a constant volume of
engine consisting of a cylinder, piston, con- air, and requires about 2 lbs. of coal per
School of Engineering of Milwaukee
necting rod, and fly-wheel. Heat is applied hour horsepower i. e., more efficient than
Milwaukee, Wis.
to the lower end of the cylinder as in A, the steam engine). Its chief objection was —
Gentlemen: Without obligation, send me catalog,
the cylinder being composed of non-con- that the heating plate, which takes the place Photo-Story hook and particulars concerning your 11-
Year Electrical Engineering Course with B.S. Degree.
ducting material, except the bottom which of the boiler of the steam engine, burned
is a good conductor. The heat will cause out rapidly. Figure 4 is a sketch of the
essential parts of the Stirling engine. C is

the air in the cylinder under the piston to

develop great pressure and eventually to the brick foundation of the engine, B the City State

expand, forcing the piston upward. If the fire box, A

the draft, H
is the working cyl- Age Education
heat is suddenly removed and replaced inder, E the displacer acting in opposition SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING OF MILWAUKEE
by cold, when the piston reaches the top of to the working piston, D the air-box, F 103-373 Broadway Milwaukee, Wis.

its upward motion, then the air under the metal gauze, and G coils of pipe thru which
piston will contract and the piston will cold water flows. The total volume of the s
move downward, due to two causes: (1)
the suction under the piston and (2) the
air contained in the air-box, the working
cylinder and the connecting pipe remains
2427?h1 "PREST0-UP';
pressure from above the piston, since the constant. The lower end of D is a plate
air above the piston was comprest when pierced with holes, thru which the air Bolt -Together House
the piston moved up. This then would con- flows when the displacer E moves' down-
stitute the complete cycle and if repeated in- ward. The upper part of D, thru which
definitely our engine would continue to run. the coils G pass, is known as the refrigera-
Let us look at Fig. 2 again. If the inlet tor. The fire heats the air in the air box
were connected to a tank of air and the D. As the engine is started the displacer E
air heated, the air would expand, enter the moves downward, forcing the hot air thru
cylinder and move the piston if then new
; the regenerator gauze F. Heat is absorbed
air were admitted and heated, this on ex- by F and the air cooled. It is further
panding and entering the cylinder from the cooled by the refrigerating pipes G. The
other side, because of the action of the pressure in Htherefore diminished and
The Wonder Buildings of the Age
slide valve, would cause the piston to move the piston moves downward. This forces
back again, giving us a motion similar to
that of the steam engine.
the air back thru F into D, gaining heat
from F and forcing the displacer upward.
Purchased after most rigid inspection by some
The ideal hot air engine described above The heat gained from F, in addition to that of the largest Steel, Coal and Industrial Cor-
porations in the United States. You are not
and this steam engine operated as a hot gained from the fire, causes the air to experimenting. "PRESTO-UP" Bolt-Together
air engine, illustrate the two types of hot expand, raising the piston in H. This com- Houses are patented, manufactured exclusively
air engines in existence. The first typifies pletes the cycle. The inertia of the fly-wheel by us and sold at money saving prices.
Seven different types of walls to choose from.
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tinuously with the same mass of air (a placer E and the cycle is repeated. side and out. Extremely simple to bolt to-
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oirujnisiinicnj Fifteen Year Guaranteed Slate Coated Roofing.
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With his own hand, Dr. Steinmetz has Canvas Houses
The system of shorthand that Dr. Stein- written down the rules, or it might be
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the "Arends" system of stenography as
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ing in a translation of his reports and vari-
ous articles.
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(Continued fro m page 319)

zation. This statement is not altogether etrating power, but the reader should ex-
accurate. Barkla has observed that when perience no difficulty in seeing thru the
a pencil of rays enter an object which scat- thick part of the arm. An X-ray picture
ters them, the scattering is more marked taken with such apparatus is reproduced
in a direction parallel to the stream of herewith. See figure. As was said above,
cathode particles. The greatest objection the amount of penetration is proportional
has been advanced by Bragg. He reasons to the density, decreasing as the density
as follows: If a stream of cathode rays increases. Use has been made of this fact
striking a target set up some sort of rays in determining the atomic weight of un-
which it has been found instigate new ca- known elements by measuring their trans-
thode particles when they enter some body,
it is reasonable to suppose that these rays

merely serve as a means of transferring

parency to X-rays. Benoist determined the
atomic weight of indium by this process.
Another important property, and the one
energy from one electron to another. He
suggested that they might consist of neu-
which gives us the readiest means of meas-
uring their intensity, is their ionizing power. COURSE IN
tral doublets made up of a positive and
negative charge, which is broken up when
the rays strike some object. This theory
might explain why only a few and not all
of the molecules in a gas are ionized, for
This may be easily illustrated by hang-
ing a grounded plate above an electro-
scope of the ordinary flask type. The ar-
rangement is shown in Fig. 2. // the in-
tervening air is exposed to x-rays the
as the doublet moved thru the gas only a electroscope will be discliarged. YOU ARE BADLY if you lack
High School
few of the molecules would come into con-
tact with it and be charged. Later, how-
Another interesting experiment is to take
an ordinary hydrometer and remove the
•*r«ar m^mt^mr w training.
ever, this theory was disproved. float. Fill the bulb and about a third of
You cannot attain business or social
The most important property of the rays the tube with water. Put your finger over
prominence. You are barred from
a successful business career, from
is their power of making objects trans- the end to prevent the air from escaping
the leading professions, from well-
parent and affecting a photographic plate. and squeeze the bulb. It will be noticed paid civil service jobs, from teaching
Procure about a 5 x 7 plate and care- that a cloud is formed. This is due to
and college entrance. In fact, em-
fully wrap it in black paper. Care should the moisture condensing around the dust
ployers of practically all worth-while
be taken that the film side is placed upzvard particles in the air. After this has been
positions demand High School train-
as the glass cuts off a good deal of the repeated several times all the dust particles
ing. You can't hope to succeed in
radiations. The bulb should be placed about will be drawn down into the water and no
the face of this handicap. But you
six inches above the plate and the objects cloud will form. Now, if when this con- can remove it. Let the American
to be photographed laid directly upon it. dition has been reached, the apparatus is School help you.
The arrangement is clearly shown in one exposed to X-rays, a dense cloud will be
of the accompanying illustrations. Fig. 4.
The bulb may be procured from several
formed. This is caused by the moisture
condensing around the ions, due to the
leading supply houses. The one shown is X-rays. This phenomenon forms the basis BIG FU7SKRE which has been
not provided with a third electrode. The of the rain-making apparatus described prepared by some of America's leading pro-
coil is connected direct to the bulb, no con- in the February, 1919, issue of this journal fessors, will broaden your mind, and make
you keen, alert and capable. It is complete,
denser or spark gap being used. When the as developed and patented by the Australian simplified and up-to-date. It covers all sub-
connections are properly made the lower inventor and engineer, Balsillie. jects given in a resident school and meets all
half of the bulb ivill glow a bright green. Rontgen rays also possess the remark- requirements of a High School training.
From the first lesson to the last you are
If the polarity of the current is wrong, only able property of exciting secondary rays in carefully examined and coached.
a ring of light will show. The polarity may substances which they strike. As this is
be corrected by a pole-changer in the pri- a rather complicated phenomenon and as USE SPARE TINE ONLY
mary circuit of the coil. there are no experiments in connection with Most people idle away fifty hours a week.
Radiographs, while once a comparative it which the average reader may repeat, it Probably you do. Use only one-fifth of your

novelty, are now fairly common especially will not be discust here, except to mention wasted hours for study and you can remove
your present handicap within two years. You
since the war. Many interesting skiagrams that the secondary rays resemble the orig- will enjoy the lessons and the knowledge
have been returned from the front show- inal cathode rays, only they travel at a you will gain will well repay the time spent
ing the invaluable work X-rays have ac- slightly slower speed, which is dependent in study.
complisht. The Customs House has made on the hardness of the primary rays. Re-
a novel use of their penetrating power. In cently X-rays have found a new applica-
order to anything such as bombs
see if tion in the analysis of crystal structure. So that you may see for
were concealed of cotton or other
in bales It wasfound that X-rays might be de- yourself how thorough
apparently innocent objects, the bale would tracted by the cleavage surface of crystals. and complete our train-
ing is. We invite you to
be placed before a powerful X-ray bulb Using X-rays, it has not only been possible take ten lessons in the High School Course
and a man standing on the other side to determine the exact shapes of crystals, or any Course of specialized training in the
would examine it with a fluoroscope. Of but also to actually show the arrange-

Coupon below before deciding whether
you wish to continue. If you are not then
course a small bulb operating on about a ment of the" atoms as well as the distance satisfied you are not out one cent. We abso-
2-inch coil does not possess very great pen- between them. lutely guarantee satisfaction. On that basis
you owe it to yourself to make this test.
Check and mail the coupon NOW for full
and Free Bulletin.

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The body of the machine will be 14 feet the builders. Address.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter'" when writing to advertisers.


4 Famous Books By Rogers D. Rusk, M. A.

{Continued from page 307)

EACH ONE ly called thunder-caps, or thunder-heads,

and often the clouds will grow so thickly
together that to an observer on the earth
A they appear as a huge dark rolling-cloud
extending across the sky, the tops being
obscured except to aerial observers several
thousand feet in the air. It is while such
BIG clouds as these are forming that the elec-
tricalforces are at work which build up
enormous charges in a manner which will
now be described.
SUCCESS! How Rain-Drops Form.
Experiments show that ions are nearly
always present in the air. Sometimes these
are charged dust particles, sometimes they
are charged atoms of the gases of which
the air is composed. Experiment further
shows that rain-drops condense about nega-
THE tive ions much more quickly and easily
than about positive ions. The earth itself
BOOKS is a very highly charged negative body, its
charge being estimated at 600,000,000 volts,
YOU but the rain that falls is positively charged
almost as often as it is negatively, which
MUST may be accounted for by the fact that the
positive drops, forming more slowly, are
HAVE larger and heavier and are not retarded so
much at times by upward currents of air.
It is these upward currents of air in the
clouds themselves that produce the charges
within the clouds. The negatively charged
drops being smaller and lighter are carried
to the top of the cloud, very often forming
a heavy negative charge. In a similar man-
ner the heavier positively charged drops
will fall to the bottom of the cloud form-
ing a strong positive charge. In addition

Wireless Course in 20 Experimental Elec- No. 1.How to Make Wire- the wind may break up the drops into
less Sending Apparatus smaller droplets and when this is the case,
Lessons tricity Course in 20 is found that the smaller droplets are
Gernsback, A. Lescarboura and Lessons No. 2.How to Make Wire- it
By S.
less Receiving Apparatus nearly always negatively charged. By these
H. W. Secor. E. E.
A course that tells you everything ByS. Gernsback and H. W. Secor, E E.
By 20 Radio Experts. processes of division and formation of
vou can possibly want tu know about A Course of the theory and prac- Two Remarkable Books charged drops and their separation in the
"••Wireless" starting off in lesson Ivo. tice of Electricity for the Experi-
1 by explaining the Principles ot menters. This is undoubtedly one
Book No. 1 contains 100 pages, cloud, enormous charges are generated, and
Electricity. The second and third size 7 x 5 in. and 88 illustrations,
of the most complete and com- paper bound. the thunder-cloud is seen to be really a huge
lessons are devoted to magnetism,
And prehensive treatises of this special Book No. 2 contains 100 pages,
motors, generators and wiring. subject ever published. The book electrical generator as shown in Fig. 3.
then, by simple, easy stages, this size 7 x 5 in. and iJO illustrations,
is written by the same authors as
wonderful Course takes you into
the famous "Wireless Course in
paper bound. And when the charges become sufficiently
"Wireless". The mysteries of "Wire- These two books have been written
less" are unfolded to you by the
20 Lessons". and published entirely for the wire- great the lightning discharge results. This
use of such simple language so skill- Every phase of experimental elec-
less enthusiast who wants to make
own They
may take place from top to base of cloud
fully used that of necessity you must tricity is treated his radio apparata.
understand every word. The subject in plain English. It is a book not contain more information on how which is usually a distance of about a mile,
is not treated superficially, however, only for the beginner but for every to make itthan any other books
or it frequently takes place between the
for there is a whole lesson devoted experimenter and student of Elec- we know of. Only strictly modern
to the Theory and Mathematics of tricity. New Experiments are de- radio apparata are described in base of the cloud and the earth which is
this epoch marking subject. To lend scribed and explained and nearly these books and the illustrations
charm to the Course, the last lesson every application of Electricity in and descriptions are so clear and often a much shorter distance. From cloud
(No. 20) is devoted to a history of modern life is given in simple simple that no trouble will be ex- to cloud the lightning may flash a distance
Wireless and the men who developed language. perienced in making; the instru-
it. The book contains 160 pages and ments. of ten or twenty miles, and at such a time
Size of book Is 7 x IO'/4 In. 160 more than 400 Illustrations Book No. — How to make

Sending Apparatus
Wireless the discharge exercises a powerful inductive
pages, 350 Illustrations. 30 tables. 25c
Postpaid Flexible cloth cover. ... per copy $.50 Book No. 2 — How to make Wireless effect on all nearby clouds, which may
Stiff cloth cover per copy 1.00 Receiving Apparatus
Flexible cloth cover per copy $.50 25c
Stiff cloth cover per copy 1.00 Postpaid Postpaid cause flashes to occur in rapid succession.
When a negatively charged cloud ap-
THE EXPERIMENTER PUBL. CO. Book Dept., 233 Fulton St., New York proaches the earth, the inductive effect
of the earth's charge may cause it to sud-
denly reverse its charge to positive, and
the potential become so great that a dis-

(Radium Mineral.) The American Pitchblende found in Colorado,
charge to the earth follows. Sixty per
cent of these discharges to the earth carry
negative electricity to the earth, while the
remaining forty per cent carry positive
from which Radium is extracted. electricity. This shows that sixty per cent
A generous piece,, enough to conduct experiments, such as affecting of the discharges were from clouds which
photographic plates thru opaque material (similar to X-Ray pictures), had built up a higher negative charge than
the earth itself.
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actly the same combination of causes. One
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One box of Ccrnotitc and one vial of Uranium Ore as described ab6ve spheric conditions are so variable and in
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You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


ExqperiinnieiM© fiim Flhysics

By Jolhia Jo F^arnsx
(Continued from page 315)

See Fig. 6. In Electrostatics we learn that tate due to the reaction; it would require

the sharper the point of a conductor, the still moreforce if the sprinkler had to in
greater the density of the charge present. addition do the work of lifting the water
Because of the great density, the charge up the cylinder. The reaction due to the
leaves the conductor at the sharp points. water coming out from the level of the
If by some means we continually charge a sprinkler with no force behind it is very
conductor having a shape like that in Fig. small, and not ever sufficient to cause the
1, then the reaction will cause it to move sprinkler to budge. See Fig. 2.
as indicated by the arrows. The source of Fig. 3 represents the cross-section of a
the charging can be a static machine cylinder containing grooved curved spokes.
(Whimshurst or other type). Why
not belt Marbles or lead balls rest in the grooves.
the conductor so as to run our static ma- It will be seen that the marbles at the left
chine and sidetrack some of the electricity
are further from the center than those at
from the machine to be used for other pur- the right. Consequently because the rota-
tional moment on the left is greater than
poses? One has but to look at the small
weight of the conductor and the slow speed that on the right (the marble being of the
Be a Doctor of
same size and weight) not only will the
machine move perpetually and do work, but
it will even start itself? By putting a belt
Build a successful career in this great profes-
around the cylinder, machinery can be sion—Chiropractic, the advanced scienceor treat-
ing disease through spinal adjustment. The de-
driven continually, perhaps ?!X! It is true mand for Chiropractors is constantly increasing.
that the moment on the left is greater than In larger numbers than ever before intelligent,
thinking people are becoming convinced that it is
that on the right and therefore there is thecommon sense and really scientific way to re-
lieve pain and disease.
apparently a tendency to cause rotation op- We teach you by mail or in class
I A9«*m
posite to the rotation of the hands of a Instruction under the personal
clock, but if rotation is to take place the H i\ma
re. I
direction of a faculty of compe-
tent, practical Chiropractors.
top marbles near the center vertical axis You can master this good paying profession and
graduate with the degree of Doctor of Chiroprac-
will have to be raised over the bend in the tic while holdingyour present position. No special
preliminary study and no more than a common
spoke, and the machine having no means school education are required. The coBt is Bmall
of doing this, the scheme fails miserably. —termB easy.
The following is a good example of per-
petual motion proposed by one ignorant of *3000to*5000aYear
the simplest fundamentals of hydrostatics. The success of many Chiropractors has come so
"Perpetual Motion" de Luxe. The Atmos- ?uickly as to be almost startling. Incomes of
pheric Pressure on the Water in the Bowl If a pipe having a very large bowl is con- —
rom $3000 to $5000 are not rare some, upwards
Will (Theoretically) Force the Water Up nected to a piece of tubing of small diam- of $10,000 a year. Dr. M. D. Moore, of Kentucky
reports $9000 a year; Dr. L. H. Roche, New Jersey,
Thru the Circular Pipe and Out of Its Open eter, and curled in the shape shown in Fig. $5000; Dr. Hanna, of Florida, over $5000. You will
End. Thus the Water Will Circulate Around receive the same kind of instruction which these
and Around—Yes It Will— NOT!!! 4, when water is placed in the bowl, it Chiropractors received. Your propects will be as
should come out from the end of the tub- bright as theirs. There is no reason why you
should not do as well or better.

at which it runs and compare it with the

ing, thus filling the pipe bowl again and the rppr
Lithographed and printed
in colors. Actual value,
passage of water from the pipe bowl out
large heavy static machine and the large thru the stem and tubing back to the pipe 22 pL ^ them
$31.50. On this offer you get
all free. Send coupon
force required co cause it to give a spark, again will be continuous? This will operate for facts about this free offer— also 72-
page Free Book which tells all about Chiropractic
in order to perceive at once the folly of as long as the amount of water in the bowl and its wonderful possibilities. This is your big
such an absurd scheme. opportunity to enter a dignified profession, be
is large compared with that in the stem and your own boss, be occupied in pleasant, profitable
Another idea along somewhat similar tubing, for then the weight in the bowl work and become independent. Mail coupon today.
lines is the following: A
screw fits tightly will be greater than that in the stem and I- AMERICAN UNIVERSITY "1
in a cylinder at the top of which is an or- tubing, and the weight in the bowl will Manierre Bldg., Dept. 523 Chicago, 111. I
dinary rotary lawn sprinkler. As the screw force the water thru the stem and tubing, Without cost or obligation send me by mail, '
is turned the right way, the water rises in said early philosophers. your new W. istrated 72-page book and your Free I
This explanation, Charts Offer.
the cylinder. When the water reaches the of course, ignores the fact that it is the
level of the sprinkler, it comes out from the pressure in the liquid that counts and not
nozzles and the reaction causes the sprink- its weight, and since both ends (the bowl
ler to turn. Once this machine is started and the tubing) are exposed to the atmos-
it should operate forever, for as it turns, phere, they are at atmospheric pressure and

water rises to the sprinkler while as the hence the liquid will stay at the same level
sprinkler operates, it turns and causes in both.
water to rise in the cylinder. It takes con- (NEXT ARTICLE— STAGE TRICKS
siderable force to cause the sprinkler to ro- AND ILLUSIONS) WANTED
(Continued from page 311)
altar on the farther side, making
width of 110 feet. The bejeweled obelisks
a total the portal and the tower tops sparkle in ^$1100 first year^
veritable glory above. Examinations
rise to a height of eighty feet and are sur- ,^Vr^\~lZtiZtl,
While the Victory Arch, and the Court everywhere ^ Dept. H-101,
rounded by great jeweled forms in the Aug. 23, 1919 Rochester, N. Y.
of Heroic Dead attracted many thousands
shape of sunbursts which are each twelve of persons, the dazzling effect of the "Jew- _ „CV Sirs: — Send me at once, free of
feet wide and twenty feet in length. Common .<? charge, sample of Aug. 2 3 Kailway
eled Portal" set the vast crowds astirring, education -Cj Mail Examination questions, list of
Lighting of the portal was effected by sufficient other U. S. Government positions now
two banks of twelve 18-inch searchlights at
backward and forward in order to obtain S open and free book describing them.
a better or different view of the wonderful Life
Fifty-eighth Street and Sixty-second Street, Job. lsame
respectively, which threw shafts both up f Address
and down town. This effect of more than The "Jeweled Portal" cost $40,000 to
erect, and after being lighted for the first
a million candlepower reflected by the 31,-
000 jewels, defies description, and New time was acclaimed the greatest thing New fSend To 'day for the*\
York held its breath and watched the fairy York had ever seen.
spectacle. Architecturally, the portal is an achieve-
"Electrical Workers Friend"
An electrical book of 66 motor *
Cut glass jewels, cut scientifically to imi-
tate diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sap-
phires, are mounted in such a manner as to
ment and an innovation praised without
stint by the architects of New York, and
reflecting great credit upon Mr. Ryan and
drawings with complete instruc-
tions for rewinding and reconnect-
ing A.C. motors.
Or write for full particulars
Special at
of this
valuable book.
be kept in motion by the breeze. All the Captain Gosling, in whose minds the entire
colors of the spectrum gleam from these scheme was born. Photo Courtesy General SMITH & SMITH PUBLISHING CO.
jewels as the screened lights search out Electric Co.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
3 —


The Hamilton KON-VER-TER

Earn ? SIOO.WEEKLY cetime \LJs©s slide rule has over 8000 graduations
and over 1800 characters on
handle anything
in Arithmetic, Alge-

You can make $35.00 as* EEW<sim(tn©ffiy bra.

is in
Geometry or Tr ig. ThisBlida rule
use In all parts of the world and is
to $100.00 a week. much simpler to operate than others of
I want hustlers, By H. Win field Secor similar lines. Does not require a wiz-
money-makers, to work ard to use it.
with ine,to advertise, sell (Continued from page 365) Eventually you will get this rule,
get it now and save the extra bother
and appoint agents. Big- and expense. Utility rules $1.00.
gest thing in years. City Special I)o Luxe, white ivory celluloid
conveniences without $2.50, instructions free. Leatherette
case 60c extra.
plumbing. Used in any room. gines of the distant vessel is picked up J. C. HAMILTON % CO.,
ills on sight, Demonstrating Dept. B 7 Water St. , Boston. U.S. A

tub furnished. Folds small, self-empty- by a sound-sensitive electrical instrument,

ing, non-leakaWo. Guaranteed 10 years. known as a microphone. By turning the
AGENTS MAKE SALES EASILY microphone in different directions, and not- MATHEMATICS MADE EASY
Two sales daily means?60.00a week. Leggetfc, Ohio, "Worked ing carefully the position where the max- —
The Arcascope the Combination Triangle
two hours, took two orders, profit $10.00.'' Hayhurst, Ncbr.,

•'Took 11 orders in 4Jg days profit $55.00, ordered 12 more imum sound is heard in the receivers, the —
with a Brain will multiply, divide, figure
percentage and proportion, solve all problems
tubs.'* Manning, Iowa, "Sold 10 tubs in one day— profit in trigonometry and geometry, draw symmetri-
$50.00." DeHut, Ncbr., "Sold 12 tubs in three days— profit spot from which the sound originally cal figures, plot arcs, etc. Superior to any slide
JGO.OQ.'* AnJ hundreds of othera making big money. 7U percent of emanated can readily be determined even to rule. Simple to operate. Also includes a
homes have no bath tuba. Experience an 1 capital unnecessary. Credit
given to the right man. Get full particulars and "Rpecinl plan;" all Fees, within a fraction of a degree, it is claimed. TRANSPARENT TRIANGLE, PROTRACTOR and
THREE RULES. Used at Columbia University,
H.S. Robinson, Pres., THE BOBINSON CABINET MFG. GO. For locating icebergs or other obstructions, West Point, U. S. Aeronautic Schools, etc. Only
5013 Factories Building TOLEDO. OHIO cents Postpaid. Order today before you forget.
which of course do not produce any sound Dept. J. L. J. LEISH MAN CO., Ogden, Utah
themselves, there is required a sound pro-
ducer such as an under-water electric bell
SLIGHTLY USED "Hang Your Own Lighting Fixtures"
STANDARD MAKE TIRES or siren. The sound waves radiate from
this device, mounted between two micro- One Light Bracket $1.05 i Light Shower $6.15
Size New Tube Price Size NewTube Price phones on a rotatable arm secured to the —
Semi-Bowls $5.85 Plate & Ball 85c, complete
30x3 $1.85. $ 4 50 35x4%.. $3.00.. $10.25 vessel, as the illustration shows, travel out- with glassware, Wired, Fine finishes. Send for
30x3%. 2.00. 5 00 38x4%. 3.50. 10.50
. .
Photos complete line.
31x3%. 5.50 M5x5 3.75. 11.00 ward until they impinge against the ice-
32x3%. 2.25! 6. no 311x5 11.50 ERIE FIXTURE SUPPLY CO.
31x4 . 2.75. 6.50 37x5 4.00. 12.00 berg or other impediment, when they are
32x4 2.40. 7.50 reflected as the arrows show. These re- Sta. C, Erie, Pa.
— Brand

34x4 . 2.70. 8.50 Special New

34x4%. 2.85. 10.00 32x3%, Cord.. 12 25 flections, or the "echoes," are listened for
Order now. Shipment made the same day. by the aid of microphones and sensitive

balance C.
deposit required with each tire order,
O. D., subject to your examination.
telephone receivers connected with them.
By swinging the bar supporting the micro-
whether you desire to have clincher or
side tire.

Special cash discount of 5 per cent if full amount

phones and siren in different directions,
the position of the obstruction is at once
determined. Its distance can also be ascer-
pi I Bou cam
j i n
IUuaao Wit tfui <\txM^
accompanies order. In Your Home. Write today for our booklet. It tella
tained with some of the more highly de- how to learn to play Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin,
Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced pupils.
CENTRAL TIRE & VULCANIZING CO., veloped apparatus of this class, by direct
American School of Music, 57 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago
2309 S. STATE ST., Dept. E. E. CHICAGO reading instruments, or else by the relative

Buill for the Owner $990 00

strength of the sound heard in the re-
ceivers. SAVE 25% to
on slightly used
Ihe Radio Compass, as it is called, has GRAFLEX-KODAKS
come greatly to the fore in the past three Cameras and Lenses of every description.
Simple years. Prior to the World War it ex- Equal to new. Save money. Write now for
Sturdy construction "ree Bargain Book and Catalog
Low cost of up-l isted mostly in the laboratorial stage. But listing hundreds of money-saving: bargains in
slightly used and new cameras and supplies. AM
and operation. Can- at the close of the war radio compass goods sold on lO days' Free Trial. Money back
tilever springs in rear. if not satisfied. You take no chances dealing
Comfortable E-Z riding stations were to be found not only in the with us. We have been in the photographic
business over 16 years. Write now.
Wanted }g{$*J£?*{L
ei[ series. Fifth __.
... jc.i. ..... eased output. Liberal
a.iverfsmtf in dealers' territory. Won.ierful opportunities.
principal coastal regions in the vicinity of CENTRAL CAMERA CO.. Dept. 178 124 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago
Write or Wire NOW. shipping activities, but they were also to be A NEW AND EASY WAY TO PAINT
THE SENECA MOTORCAR CO., 48 Seneca Factory, F0ST0RIA, OHIO found on the great battlefields of Europe,
where they were used for the purpose of SIGNS and
Learn Autos and Tractors accurately locating "enemy" radio stations. No experience required. Anyone can jiaint all kinds of
signs, banners, cards, etc., on any surface with our new
Wonderful opportunities constant- The radio compass should, we might almost and easy system of lettering. Complete outfit containing
ly offered trained men; we train say, find even a greater field of useful ap- eight alphabets of letters, assorted styles and sizes from
you thoroughly to start your own two to twelve inches high, also four sets of figures, etc..
business or make good money as plication in peacetime than it did during not printed but life osize patterns cut out of durable tag
motor expert, driver, shop fore- board which can be used over and over again for years,
the war. It promises to become one of
man, etc.
the most important scientific developments
also brushes, colors and book of instructions.
Satisfaction guaranteed. PREPAID
«P /•<-"-»
5000 Graduates making ACME SALES
"v^^ ^sjyii^y^ good. Catalog Free.
CIevelandAutomobileSchool,1807E.24thSt. Cleveland, 0. f
in wireless telegraphy, particularly for the
navigation of aircraft. We were recently
informed by a naval radio expert that the
*J Exercise
CO., Empire Bldg., Denver, Colo .

Course. Result9 GUARANTEED


English Navy had the radio compass I

NO PAY. Write for full particulars.
or I

scheme worked out to wonderful perfec- SUTHERLAND COURSE, j

Educational Bldg., 70 Fifth Ave., New York. I

BIG MONEY SAVINGS FOR YOU tion, and that during the war they were

Used nud rebuilt motorcycles, single and twins.
*26 to $100. Used bicvclee, $6.00; tan-
actually able to steer vessels up the en- Want to Make Money? July and August
for our big

ms, $10. AH machines gTiaranteed trance to the Liverpool Harbor, one of the Sale By Mail. You'll save many dollars on your summer
la good working order. New bi- purchases of Cameras, Jewelry, Auto Supplies and Travel-
cycles arid motorcycles at Fac-
tory prices. You save dealers'
most treacherous harbor entrances in the ing Goods.
ironts. Motorcycle and auto- world, on the darkest and most foggy DAVID STERN COMPANY
oblle tires too. $3.00. Complete. Madison CHICAGO,
I027K St., U. S. A.
_ ie of parts ana supplies,
eninger Cycle Co. , Rochester.N.Y.
nights, without ever having a collision. See
DO YOU NEED Out of work? Got slot of snare time? Wa
mmmmmMmrnmtsm Fig. 9. To do this, a series of radio com-
pass stations were situated on either shore
__ _
M\_ _
I vl
want M.N or woMt:N in every city to do
T%T Vj* %/ special local advertising. No experience
" W W
ill not interfere with your

regular work or household dutieB Hun-

at short intervals, and these stations sent dreds are now making $15 to S35 weekly. Write me for particulars
out predetermined radio signals at success- \LBERT MILLS, Mgr. 1188 American Bldg., Cincinnati, 0.
SECURE A MOTOR-CYCLE AT ive intervals. This expert also mentioned
Genuine Foreign Stamps Mexican War
Issues. Venezuela, Salvador and In-lftf

LOW COST that it was very easy for any Allied war
vessel to instantly obtain her location and
dia Service. Guatemala, China, etc., only
100 all diff., fine, 15c: 200 all diff., 25c. FINEST
MOTOB on your wheel. Easy to bearings if she was anywhere about the WANTED. Bie 72-oaRe Lists FRRE! We Buy Stamps.
attach. Costs less to run than an Est. 25ye,rs. C. E. HUSSMAN STAMP CO. Dept. 67
expensive motorcycle. Write at once coast of England or Ireland, utilizing the ST. LOUIS, MO.
and secure low factory prices. service of the radio compass stations which
STEFFEY MFG. CO. dot these coasts. If the vessel wished to
Dept. E, 5025

Brown St., Philadelphia, Pa.
know her location, the radio code signal
for interrogative "L" was sent out twenty
times. This was the official notice to near-
Handy Binder
$4.00 to $200.00 Retail
Needles 45o per thousand in lots of 500.00(1 by radio compass stations that the ship call-
Motors $1.35 to $14.75 each. Tone Arms and Holds and preserves 12 issues, each of
Reproducers $1.30 to $5.75 rer set. Main ing wished to know her location. At least
Springs 20c to 90c each. Records. Needles. which can be inserted or removed at will,
Sapphire Points and Parts at reasonable
two land compass stations then took read-
without tools. Will keep your magazines
prices. ings of her signals, and by triangulation
Write for our 84 page catalogue, the only one perfectly for all time or just preserve them
of its kind in America, illustrating 33 differ- and by means of wire or wireless com-
ent styles of Talking Machines and over 500
permanently. Made of heavy material,
munication between the two stations which
different Phonographic Parts. extra strongly reinforced at the back
LUCKY PHONOGRAPH COMPANY had a fixt base line, the triangle was solved
Export Dept. 4613 E. 12th St.. N. Y., U.S.A. in a few minutes, and the exact location
and covered with handsome
green cloth, suitably lettered

of the ship was transmitted to her radio
Learn Watchwork, Jewelrywork and officer from one of the land stations. The
in gold. XJ%jK*
Fnffravinff A
fine trade commanding a good sal- ship received her location figures in lati- Add postage for 2 lbs.
*-""£>' *»»'"5 ary, and your services are always
in demand. Address HOROLOGICAL
Department, tude and longitude about five minutes after Experimenter Pub. Co., Inc.
Bradley Institute, Peoria, 111., for our latest catalog. sending out the call letter aforementioned.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

11 Airplane Photography was pre-eminently

one of the most highly developed sciences

brought out by conditions imposed by the
MakeThis World War. Complete sections of the bat-
FLASHLIGHT tlefront often had to be photographed in a
BATTERY single day's time, and by means of camera
guns, and other extremely rapid photo-
Yourself graphic devices, thousands of pictures could
Easily in
be taken within a few hours in such a
manner that when the films were devel-
opt and prints made, which took a short
MmceVROwnBmteries time with the perfected apparatus used by
the Army in the field, these prints could
NOW you can have a FRESH FLASHLIGHT BATTERY be matched up by map experts so as to
when you need it. Make it yourself in a few minutes. So
simple a child can make it! With the MAKE-UR-OWN give a true composite photograph of an
Flashlight Scrviie Outfit you can now have entire region. The work done by the Pho-
A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF BATTER. tographic Department of the Army in this
ready to use as soon as made. Nc respect was nothing short of miraculous.
Lasts longer.
Better light.
cheaper, and your flash-
At a recent exhibit of this Department's
light always ready when you work, one of the composite aerial photo-
want it. ABSOLUTELY graphs showed the entire city of Washing-
BACK. 400 per cent more ton, D. C, and environs. The airplane flew
flashlight service for less
money. Get outfit now for your over Washington in a certain prescribed
outing, use around house, ga-
course and took all of the photographs
rage, car, anywhere.
Batteries will fit any
standard flashlight case
of corresponding size.
which composed the composite view in a
little over two hours! The individual
Learn Drafting
prints making up the composite view usually Employers everywhere are looking lor skilled
Send coupon with remit-
tance. Amount enclosed measured about three inches square. Imag- draftsmen. They are offering good salaries to
will tell us which outfit start with splendid chances for advancement
you want. Sent prepaid, ine how easy it now becomes to obtain
DESCRIPTION and PRICES Drafting offers exceptional opportunities to a
securely packed on re-
Stuart Flashlight Service Outfit
actual physical maps of such regions as
ceipt of crice. young man because drafting itself not only com-
consisting of nashfiehtcase. 1 1-2X61-2. the Rocky Mountains and other inaccessible
AGENTS WANTED. fibre, heavily nickeled brass parts, equip- mands good pay, but it is the first step toward
ped with Mazda 2.7 volt lanip.earts to
make 6 cells, or three MAKK-UH-OWN
and treacherous localities so that our ge- success in Mechanical or Structural Engineering
Serviceable Battery Co., 2-cell or two fS-ecll Latteries.
No. 240 Complete Outfit . . . .$2.35
ographies of tomorrow may indeed prove or Architecture. And drafting is just the kind of
2415 Indiana Ave., Make-Ur-Own Battery Outfit a marvelous revelation to the school stu- work a boy likes to do. There is an easy delightful
consisting of parts to make six cells, or
Dept. E, three 2- cell or two 3-cell batteries. Ab- dents of today. Airplane photography in way in which you can learn right at home in spare
solutely harmless. Every boy will want time. For 28 years the International Correspond-
its modern aspect and with the high speed
Chicago, III. No. 6404 Renewal Battery Outfit, $1 ence Schools have been giving boys just the train-
available should lend itself well to the
MAIL COUPON NOW requirements of mapping real estate, large ing they need for success in Drafting and more
SERVICEABLE BATTERY CO.. than 200 other subjects. Thousands of boys have
2415 Indiana Ave., Dept. E, Chicago, III. farms, railroad sites and hundreds of other stepped into good positions through I. C. S. help,
Please send me Complete Outfit No. 240. for which find
enclosed $2.35. Renewal Battery Outfit No. 6404, $1.00.
localities for many kindred purposes. See but never were opportunities so great as now.
(Cross out the one yon don't want) Fig. 10.
Let the I. C. S. help you. Choose the work you
It is understood you guarantee these goods and will re-
fund money if not satisfactory.
Gas Masks, as well as Gas Detectors, find like best in the coupon, then mark and mail it.
many uses in our everyday life. The gas This doesn't obligate you in the least and will bring
Name you information that may start you on a success-
Address masks are useful to firemen and rescue ful career. This is your chance. Don't let it slip
City St.te squads and prove particularly efficacious by. Mark and mail this coupon now.
Stato make of battery you now t-
for use in entering gas-filled mines and
other subterranean passages. Gas de-
tectors are not so well known to the gen- INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS
eral public, as these proved one of the ex- BOX 6196, SCRANTON, PA.
Big Profits forYou tremely valuable keys to the success of the Explain, without obligating me, how I can qualify for the
position, or In the subject, be/ore which I mark X.
inHB Battery Charging Allied soldiers. One ingenious form of
electrical gas detector is illustrated in Fig. . STRUCTURAL DRAFTING ADVERTISING
NEW LOWER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 11. This detector, which also permits of _ SHIP DRAFTING Show Card Writer
Make $100 to $200 Clear Profit Each Month _ ELECTRICAL DRAFTING Sign Painter
Lower cost smaller cash payment BIGGER — the measurement of the amount and _ ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING ILLUSTRATING
PROFITS, NOW to build big money- SHEET METAL DRAFTING Cartooning
strength of the gas present, comprises a BOILERMAKER DRAFTING BOOKKEEPER
making business charging auto batteries. No ex-
perience or electrical knowledge necessary. This pair of sensitive detecting wires, also a BRIDGE DRAFTING Stenographer and Trplft
HB 500 watt Charger recharges 1 to MACHINE DESIGN Cert. Public Accountant
7 6-volt batteries at once for 10c to
pair of resistance coils and a galvanometer, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER TRAFFIC MANAGER
15o each. Owner pays 75c to $1.50; forming a Wheatstone bridge system, as JEleotrlo Lighting and Stall ways Railway Accountant
figure those profits. Electric Wiring
~ Telegraph Engineer
Small Payment at New Lower Price the diagram shows. At the bottom of the Teacher
Telephone Work Common School Sableot*
Puts this Charger In Your Shop
Balance on easy monthly terms. Pro-
apparatus is shown a metal block in which MECHANICAL ENGINEER Mathematics
easily pay for outfit. No burn-
fits will there are two cavities, each containing a Machine Shop Practice CIVIL SERVICE
outs, no expensive renewals— steady Gas Engine Operating Railway Mail Clerk
24 hours a day service with BIG PRO- gas detecting wire, and the gas reaches CIVIL ENGINEER AUTOMOBILE OPERAT'O
FITS Absolute Money-Bark Guaran-

tee. Tear out this ad and mail lODAY one of these wires thru a series of per- J Surveying and Mapping Auto Repairing
HO BART BROTHERS COMPANY forations placed in the external wall of J Marine Engineer _ Textile Overseer or Snpt.
Box 81 E Troy, Ohio the block. This clever patent has been . Contractor and Builder, Navigation IDSpanlih
Successful Manufacturers Since 1893
granted to Gilbert A. Shakespear of Bir- Concrete Builder AGRICULTCRElQ French
Structural Engineer PooltrjRalslnelQItallan
mingham, England (U. S. patent number

TIRES at WHOLESALE 1,304,208).

Depth Bombs apparently seem to be one
^ Not Seconds— Fully Guaranteed Occupation,
Genuine "Capitol" or the new
"Rib-Skid" Beacon Tires $13.60

of those peculiar inventions which follow
the old adage "killing two birds with one
and No
up. Red Tubes or "Inside Armor*' stone." Not only did they prove the un-
$2.90 up. Write at once for full City.
description, samples of material, doing of the career of many U-boats, but
and Direet-To-You" wholesale
prices on these absolutely First
Quality Fully Guaranteed 5000
mile Tires, Tubes, Armor, etc.
they likewise show great promise of per-
forming many useful peacetime tricks as
well. Among other things, the depth bomb
Avoid tire trouble, and save one-
third your Tire expense by
sending size of your tires and
name of car today.
should prove uniquely successful in blast-
ing ice jams in river gorges, etc. And
on a small salary. Be independent. Go
Don't ba
content to
plod along:
in the tire re-
MODERN TIRE CO. as one of our naval officer friends recently pairing business.
One man says "I made
$60.00 the first
Others average $200 to $500 a month. Very little
659 7th St., Racine, Wis. told us, thousands of fish are stunned and capital needed. Jobs plentiful. Every motorist a pos-
killed every time a depth bomb is de-
sible customer. No experience needed. We teach you.
Get up-to-di»te In House Wir-
ing Save Time, Money. tonated on the water. See Fig. 12. There- Tire Repair Outfit
Elect ricians 1

I abor and Material by using

__ 98 Genuine Blue Print
Drawings, containing all the
fore, why fish with nets in the ocean, when
Improved Wrapped Tread Method
latest diagrams and connections known In house wiring— every diagram
and connection up-to-the-minute as used by first class electricians
by means of a few depth bombs detonated Used by Tire Manufacturer*
for wiring Bells, Burglar Alarms, Lights. Annunciators, Fire thirty to forty feet below the water you
Alarms and Electric Gas Lighting. These drawings are bound in the Does as good work as the big high
form of a flexible book [9x12] for convenience In using on the job. can stun or kill thousands of fish? Then priced vulcanizing outfits. A boy
Send for them, and if they don't make you more efficient as a wireman can use it. It's the only vulcanizer
and save you many times their cost as a contractor, return them and by a simple suction arrangement pull them
money will be refunded — you can't afford to be without them. One that has Automatic Heat Control, and
Dollar postpaid. Send for circulars on other sets of drawings. into the fishing smack so fast that it would can't undercure or overcure a tire.
PATENT SPECIALTY COMPANY take seventeen bookkeepers and three add-
Requires no watching or regulating.
P. O. Box No. 583 Cal. San Francisco,
ing machines to keep account of the catch. FREE Book
"How to Open
Another practical use for depth bombs is a Tire Repair Shop."
It tells how to make big money.
for Auto Tires. Double mfle&gO. prevent blow- the clearing away of derelicts or other Don't delay. Write quick.
outs and punctures. Easily applied tn any tire.
Thousands sold. Details free. Agents wanted.
A mer. Accessories Co.,DeptS3.Clnclnnatl
obstructions in harbors, lakes or on the C. A. SHALER CO.
ocean. 2207 Fourth St. Waupun, Wisconsin

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Opportunity Ad-lets
YOU will find many remarkable
opportunities and real bargains in these columns. It will pay you to read and investigate the offerings
made every month by reliable firms, dealers and amateurs from all over the country. No matter what you may be seeking, whether sup-
plies, automobile accessories, the opportunity to make money, or anything else, you will find listed here the best and most attractive specials
of the month.
Advertisements in this section seven cents a word for each insertion. No advertisement for less than 50c accepted. Name and address must
be included at the above rate. Cash should accompany all classified advertisements unless placed by an accredited advertising agency.
Ten per cent discount for 6 issues, 20 per cent discount for 12 issues. Objectionable or misleading advertisements not accepted. Ad-
vertisements for the September issue must reach us not later than July 22.

The Circulation of the Experimenter is over 115,000 and climbing every month
EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING CO., INC., 233 Fulton Street, New York, N. Y.

Automobile Accessories. Postcards. Exchange Ads Cont'd —

Five Prettiest Women Cards, hand colored, For Sale— 2 K.W., D.C. no V. Dynamo. Marble
Battery Charging Pays Big Profits. City cur- slab with 0-150 V. Meter field rheostat and
rent or gas engine operates. Easy terms. Hobart 25c. Chas. Durso, Dept. 41, 25 Mulberry St.,
New York City.
switch attached. Price $100. Or part in wireless
Brothers, Troy, Ohio. receiving apparatus. S. R. McClure, Helm, Ky.
Lubricant Carbon Remover. Cleans your en-
gine and keeps it clean. Results guaranteed, $i. Stammering.

Wanted Everything. Motor- wheels, cycle-
cars, anything. R. Place, Sprague, Fall River,
Circular. Lewis Gilbert, Skaneateles, N. Y. St-Stu-t-t-tering and Stammering cured at Mass.
Fords run 34 miles per gallon with our 1919 home. Instructive booklet free. Walter McDon- Attention, Experimenter — Brand new books,
carburetors. LTse cheapest gasoline or half nell, 105 Potomac Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C. "Radio Telephony," by Alfred Goldsmith, $1.25
kerosene. Start easy any weather. Increased (sells for $2.00). "Practical Wireless Telegraphy,"
power. Styles for all motors. Runs slow high piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
by E. E. Bucher, $1.25. Arthur E. Reider, 348 E.
gear. Attach yourself. Big profits for agents.
Money back guarantee, 30 days' trial. Air-Fric- BUFFALO SHOE COMPANY 15th St., N. Y. C.

tion Carburetor Co., 270 Madison St., Dayton, Q. OUTDOOR FOOTWEAR Your Opportunity to Save Money. I have
Printing Outfit; cost $150; is almost new; will
Auto Motors and
Supplies. Buick, Hupp, Seneca and Ellicott Streets sell for -$ioo cash. Have lots of Electrical Wiring
Franklin, Michigan, Everett, Hudson, Chalmers. sell at my cost (wholesale prices).
Both water and air cooled motors, $40 each ( BUFFALO, NEW YORK, U. S. A. Supplies; will
Paid $80 for Smith Motor Wheel; very good con-
and up.
Bosch Magnetos, $15 each and up.
Tanks, $5. Coils, Carburetors, Head
1 12 Oxford Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. H dition; will sell for $45 cash. Above statements
and your complete satisfaction fully guaranteed.
Lamps, Horns, Air Compressors, Generators, == The Experimenter Pub. Co., Privilege to return within 10 days. H. L. Baer,
Starters. Write for bargain bulletin second-hand
auto accessories. Johnston, West End, Pitts-
m 233 Fulton St., New York City. Van Wert, Ohio.
burgh, Pa. gl Dear Sirs: —
Bargain 1,200-mile Receiving set, includes
Power Increased; Carbon Eliminated; results H Find inclosed a bill for 98c and also
money for same. Kindly send receipt.

loose coupler, loading coil, condenser, silicon
detector, buzzer code. Mounted; for $7. Money
guaranteed; write for booklet. No-Leak-O Piston g§
Ring Co., Baltimore, Md. =i
Please pardon me for not sending it
^ Order. Merle Doan, Vera, Oklahoma.
For Sale or Exchange: Six copies of Hawkin's
= It was the best ad I ever had and if
Guides, $3.90; 1 400-day clock in first class con-
11 K.W. Thordarson Transformer,
Agents Wanted.
= I ever have any other instrument to dis-
pose of I will advertise in your columns.
dition, $5:
$18.90; 1 V4 " Spark Coil, $1; 1 i-K.W. Tesla Coil,
Beginners. Complete "Mail Order System." 1= $15; 1 Crystaloi D'etector, Type AA, $5; 1 E. I.
I received 24 answers inside of 4 days.
C, Box 1005, Atlantic City. §| Co. loose coupler, $2; 1 Navy Type loose coupler,
si Yours for success, $4. All in first class condition. Address Walter
Agents Wanted to sell these rubless washing
Save soap and money. Agents making (Address) J. Rife Barbusser, B Franseen, Woodhull, 111.
For Sale— $40 Cabinet Set. Receives any 1 K.W.
good. Le Hunt, 756 23rd St.. Newport News. Va.
Big Money Made every day selling our auto-
set in States. Uses bulb detector. Two loading
mobile accessories. Every autoist a customer.
coils free. $20. $35 Rotospeed Duplicator and
Most remarkable inventions in the accessory Exchange Ads. equipment, $20. No. 3 Box Brownie, $2. Any
line. Demonstration proves every claim. Par- For Sale — Electro Importing Co. Loose Coupler article C. O. D. upon 25% payment. No trades.
Never used. James Walker, Pontiac, Mich. J. C. Gilliland, Munhall, Pa.
ticulars free. Exclusive territory if you act $6.
quick. The Embee Co., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Sacrifice: Large Camera, large Scientific book. —
For Sale K' K.W. Wireless Transformer com-
plete with rotary motor gap and one battery
$10 Daily reiinishing chandeliers, brass beds, Want: Wireless Apparatus. Stamp for list. charging outfit; will charge 3 six-volt batteries
automobiles by new method, without capital or Weniger, Brownsdale, Minn.
at once. Will sell all of above for $75. A good
experience. Free particulars and proofs. Write Exchange, Buy, Sell. Wireless, electrical bargain for someone. E. L. Forslund, Madrid,
today. Gunmetal Co., Ave. D, Decatur, 111. goods, etc. Large list 6c. State what you have Iowa.
Signs for store and office windows. $50 a week and want. Zi hrbach. Box 600, Hiram, O. Sell — 3 i-qt. size Wet batteries, 75c each; 2-
easily made. Chicago Sign Svstem, G 326 River
' Boys' Books for chemical or electrical appa- plunge batteries, 75c; telegraph outfit, $1.00;
St., Chicago. ratus. Stamp for list. Homer Votaw, Raymond, Selenium cell outfit, $1.00; loose coupler, $3.00;
Wonderful Chance — Men's shirts and furnish- Wash. 6 bar magneto no volt generator, $4.00; telephone
ings at wholesale rates, or make $10 daily start- —
For Sale One new bicycle motor. Makes your set, $3.00; Structo Auto Builder, $4.50. Raymond
ing real business. Goodell Co., Duratex Bldg., bicycle a motorcycle. Walter Van Schaick, Lake Fiedler, 70 Sargent Street, Lawrence, Mass.
New York. Benton, Minn. —
Sale 1" coil, $2.50; O. K. motor, $1.00; step-
10 to $25 a day profit. Biggest summer seller. For Sale — One pair Murdock phones with cord, down Thordarson, $3.50; 54 K.W. transformer,
Concentrated fruit drinks. Just add water. De- "Regular" Headband, two thousand ohms. Sec- $5.00. Also wire, silicon steel, etc. R. P. Hanger,
licious drink in a jifly. Six popular flavors. ond-hand, but very sensitive. Twelve "Elec- Sherwood Ave., Staunton, Va.
Bestever Products Co., 2426-SE-8 Polk St., trose" New Six "Electrose"
Ball insulators. Motor Winders. See ad under "Blueprints."
Chicago. strain insulators. New
one six hundred volt Charles Chittenden.
Agents. Big returns, fast office sellers; par- ground switch, new. Thirty feet high ten-
6 lbs., Motor Generator for Sale. 220 volt, 60 cycle,
ticulars and samples free. One Dip Pen Co., 12 sion cable 7/16 inch diameter, twenty thousand single phase motor, 30 ampere, 36 volt generator.
Daily Record Bldg., Baltimore, Md. volts discharge. New six lbs. Copper Clad Wire, Specially wound for battery charging; 1 to 24
Insyde Tyres, inner armor for automobile tires, 510 feet. Best and latest Wire, new. Cash. batteries charged at one time. Used very short
double mileage and prevent punctures and blow- Twenty Dollars, or make offer on part of equip- time; good as new. Price, including switchboard
out. Quickly applied. Costs little. Demand ment. H. K. Tryon, Berlin. New York. and 4 charging rheostats, $230. Earl Hotchkiss,
tremendous. Profits unlimited. Details free. $5 Electrical Water Purifier; want Film Forestville. Conn.
American Automobile Accessories Co., Dept. 54, camera. Prints or offers. —
Clarence Skinner, For Sale — High grade regenerative receiver
Cincinnati, O. Topeka, Kansas. with phones. Will sell parts separately. Also
For Sale — Wireless and electrical apparatus, have key, large oil condenser, half-inch coil,
Help Wanted. also other articles. Cheap. List free. Write motor, etc. Write for prices and description.
quick. Atley Maurek, Box 157, Austin, Minn. E. H. Hartnell, Salem, Wis.
Auto Experts Wanted. $35 week. Learn easily — For Sale $8 Loose Coupler, $6; 2,000 Ohm re-
while earning. Write immediately. Franklin Cheap Twenty-three dollar Omnigraph. Arnold —
and Murdock Couplers. Load. Detectors. Meeker, ceivers, $4; $4.50 Variable Condenser, $3.50; $3-5°
Institute, Dept. H
Rochester, X. Y.
1632 University Ave., N. Y. Variable Condenser, $3; $1 Fixed Condenser, 60c;
Detectives make big money. Travel; be your $4.50 Detector, $3; $2.25 Transformer Key, $1.50.
own boss. Either sex. We instruct, small cost. Exchange pair 1,500 receivers, headband, 100 2" Spark Coil, $6; Gerns-
Amp. switch, 9-4" insulators, fixed condenser, All Murdock goods.
Write Johnson's Detective School, 232 Sheldon back Interrupter, $1.85; 2 J^-pt. Leyden Jars, $2;
2 lbs. aluminum wire No. 14, spark gap, 15 ft.
Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.. Dept. A.
ground wire; for folding camera like Kodak, $5 Vacuum Bulb, $3; 6 Volts 6 Amp. Dynamo, $1.
U. S. Government wants Railway Mail Clerks. value $10 (2 I4x3;4)- Maron, 390 Highland Ave., Guaranteed all new. Send money order. K. Jen-
Hundreds needed. $i,ioo-$i,6oo year. Examina- Maiden. Mass. nin gs, 106 Blue Hill Ave., Mattapan, Mass.
tions everywhere, Aug. 23. Sample questions For Sale— One I. C. S. Heavy Electric Fraction
free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, —
For Sale Complete unused analytical and in- Course without bound volumes. Highest cash
Dept. H 26, Rochester, N. Y. dustrial I. C. S. Chemistry Course. First $20
price takes. Elwood Little, Decatur, 111.
takes it. Nicholas Michel, 217 South 4th St.,
Agents 200 f Profit. Wonderful little article. St. Charles, Mo. Wanted— Wireless goods for 3J4m!4 Premo _

Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right Camera. G. Kostka, 2215 St. Louis Ave., Chicago.
in pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert 5 H.P. 2 cycle single cylinder air cooled engine.
Coil ignition. New piston rings and spark plug, Will trade I. C. S. Mechanical Engineering
Mills, Mgr., 1287 American Bldg., Cincinnati,
Ohio. good carburetor. Guaranteed A-i. $25. Money Course for Chemical Laboratory. Herbert Lang-
with letter. James E. Walker, Box 63, Marfa, l ois, 2414 Cleveland Ave., Everett, Wash.
Tex. For Sale— Steel Radio Tower, 115 ft. high. A
Fish ing. —
For Sale "Ranger Arch-Frame" bicycle; 22- bargain. W. Turnor Lewis, Racine, Wis.
Julian's Liquid Fishing Lure. Doubles your inch, three-speed, clincher tires, nearly new, $43. Sell. Set of Ford Spark Coils, $7.50. Extension
catch. By mail One Dollar. Circular for stamp. Stamp for answer. Gerald Willard, Heron Lake, Desk Phone, $6. 2000 ohm Receivers, $2. Phillip
George Julian, Albany Bldg., Boston, Mass. Minn. Stout, 1621 Riverside Drive, Knoxville, Tenn.

Yon benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

uiirrrrii ntfrif ri rrnn rrrcri f rrcriirrrrrrrirxrrrrtrirxxnirTif ri u irfni!Frnti[riiiiirirnrirrTTrnrTrriMti'riiim!i:itirHfriiiririi!i t ' 1 1 :

' : . :
. 1 ! 1 1 1 .11 i : 111,; .11 -
, 1 : 11: r 1 1 1 1 .
1 1 1 1 : .
1 1 ' r 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 : : 1 1 . i 1 . .

Business Opportunities. Motors, Engines & Dynamos. Cameras, Supplies — Photo Developing.
Start Profitable aBusiness manufacturing Gas Engines. Marine, stationary and cycle Clean, Neat, PerfectKodak Finishing at the
"Puffed Crisp." Delicious confection. Whirl- motors for bicycle attachment, rebuilt and lowest prices. Work returned the same day re-
wind money-maker. Machine, Instructions com- guaranteed. Don't fail to get our price list be- ceived. Send
sample print and copy of
film for
plete $6.50. Bestever Products Co.,
Samples 10c. fore buying. Prices 50% lower than others. catalogue on developing, printing, enlarging and
2426-PE-8 Polk St., Chicago. Write. United Motor Repair & Supply Company, hand coloring, also copy of Photo Craft Maga-
Week. Evenings made it with a small 305-309 Broadway, New York. zine, which will help you make better pictures.
$30 a I
Mail Order Business; continued my regular job Small Motors and Generators from bankruptcy Photo Craft Co., Box 69, An n Arbor, Mich
daytime. Free Booklet Tells How, 2c postage. and receivers' sales. Motors for all phases of For 15c we will develop and furnish prints
Albert W. Scott, Cohoes, N. V. current. Immediate delivery. Less than one- from one, six or eight exposure film or enlarge-
Enter a New Business. Earn $3,000 to $6,000 half regular prices. See display ad on page 2J9. ment 8x10, your favorite negative, 20c to show
yearly in professional fees making and fitting a Johnston. West End, Pittsburgh, Pa. quality and service. Associated Photo Company,
foot specialty, openings everywhere with all the Gasoline Engine, marine or stationary, 24 Sta. A 12, Cincinnati, Ohio.
trade you can attend to; easily learned by any- horse. Castings, $8. Speed Lathe complete, Mail us 15c with any size film for development
one at home in a few weeks at small expense; $2.75. Send 12c for blueprints. M. & J. Specialty and six velvet prints. Or send six negatives,
no further capital required; no goods to buy; Co., 252 Parke St., Pontiac, Mich. any size, and 15c for six prints. Or send 35c for
job hunting, soliciting or agency. Address ipiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii^
one 8 x 10 mounted enlargement. Prompt, per-
Stephenson Laboratory, 18 Back Bay, Boston, fect service. Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., 255
Mass. Miscellaneous Bell Ave., Roanoke, Va.
Anyone Interested in making $100.00 month in
spare time at home? Send 25c. (coin). L. Stutz, For Sale.
Choice Silver Black breeding foxes.
Middletown, Md. Reid Bros., Bothwcll, Out., Canada.
$1 Bank references furnished. Inves-
Wanted. Small gasoline and steam engines,
tigate us thoroughly, that's all we ask. Results small lathes, drill presses and other light ma- Cigarette, chewing habit conquered.
pipe or
count. Our plan $1 down, $2 monthly few months chinery. Will pay high cash prices for good ma- Nature's method. Guaranteed. Write for free
gives you Warranty Deed to land. May pay terial. Johnston, West End, Pittsburgh, Pa. brochure. Edw. J. Woods, TA-300, Station F,
profits $200 or more monthly. Maps, reports, Here, Boys! Jersey Skeeter, flies 100 feet; New York.
established facts free. Address Sourlake Texas see our ad page 344. Nifty Novelty & Toy Co.,
Tobacco or Snuff Habit Cured or no pay; $1
De Menil, St. Louis, Mo.
Oil Co., 867 Newark, N. J. if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Superba Co ,

Build Up an Income in Oil. Others are doing Mansfield's Automatic water and oil finder a SA, Baltimore. Md.
it— Why not you? Today is the opportunity. proved success, silver medal awarded. Particu-
Tobacco, Cigarette
Join our easy monthly payment plan now— it lars from Edwin A. Mansfield & Co., 94 Victoria Habit Quickly Overcome.
Road, New Brighton, England. Eniram Remedy Co., Anderson, Ind.
may mean hundreds in profits. Write for in-
formation. National Oil Drilling Co., Dept. K, Let me se,nd you a harmless and agreeable Pyorrhea. H. E. Kelty, D.D.S., M.D., pyor-
Houston, Texas. recipe to stop tne odor and relieve your sore rhea specialist for 15 years, has developed a suc-
Dollars Yearly in Your Back Yard. No gin- feet for one dollar. Guaranteed or money re- cessful home treatemnt for pyorrhea. Purifying,
seng, mushroom dope. New ideas. Investigate. funded. Louis Burchard, 119 East Vermijo St., healing, preventative. Full month's treatment
Particulars free. Metz, 313 East 89, New York. Colorado Springs, Colo. and booklet $1. Circular free. Dr. H. E. Kelty,
Breed Canaries. Profitable pastime. Particu-
106 Gladwin Ave., Leonia, N.
Manufacturers of Electric Vibrators and Hair- J.
dryers ar« requested to send us price lists at lars free. Bird Farm, Lynnhaven, Virginia. iinuTiiiiriiauiiiiiiiiiJiiiniiiJLiniinoiiiiiiiiiujJTrTTiiijftiiTiiiiiiiriiiJiiiiiLiUfiiJitriJifitJiiiJtiiTiJllLUJti

once and conditions of payment and delivery. I. Iiiii 'hi;.ji!Hi:m'|i 'in Hi:!!i :ii iiiihi: ill H; il::iiiir il

,1: :i !':, I


Calvete, Ltd., 46, Newman Street, Oxford Street,

London, W. I. England. Motion Pictures.
Chemicals in Sets, $13.50 to $54.25. Apparatus
We Write Ads. that pull. Send outline for Electric Arc Generator halves expense. Your in sets, $11.75 to $55. Write frr particulars.
advice. Sales Letter $2. Jacobus Advertising engine operates. Easy terms. Hobart Brothers,
Service, 1073 Sanford Ave., Irvington, N. J.
Ziegler Experimental Laboratory, R ochester, N.Y.
Troy. Ohio.
Victory. Mechanical Toy Soldier window at- Chemicals. Special, 35 different chemicals, one
Photoplays Wanted. Big prices paid. You can ounce of each, including mercury, acids, etc.
traction. 30 inches high. Salutes, turns head, write them. show you how. Free particu- We
Well made, Sent express prepaid $2.50. Jos. Simpson, 3880
points with finger, etc., as set. lars. Rex Publishers, Box 175, E14, Chicago.
nicely dressed officers, privates, Uncle Sam, etc. :
Windsor Place, St. Louis, Mo.
.iii mi -11 11, 'h 'ii 'ii: 11:. ill

i"; :ii: iiHil

Does some stunt every 'i; 'ii ill ii' ii: ;i ,1: 11

Amateurs and Experimenters — We can supply

1 : ii :i

Electrically operated.
half minute or oftener as set and will salute News Correspondents. you with any chemicals and apparatus at the
soldier and pay no attention to other if de- lowest prices. Write for our price list. Jos.
sired. Representative wanted in each city and Earn $25 Weekly, spare time, writing for news- Simpson, 3880 Windsor PI., St. Louis, Mo.
town. for prices. The John M. Biggs Co.,
Write papers, magazines. Experience unnecessary; de-
Box Chattanooga, Tenn. Chemists. Send 75c for a complete set of 150
324, tails free. Press Syndicate, 566 St. Louis, Mo. labels for your chemicals.
We will start you in the cleaning and dyeing Reginald Pitts, 103
Third St.. Hanover, Pa.
business; little capital needed; big profits. Write
for booklet. The Ben-Vonde System, Dept. H, Song Poems Wanted. Standard Chemicals and laboratory apparatus,
Charlotte, N. C. cheap and reliable. July list and 10 formulae 6c.
Write the Words for a Song. We write music 1'rane, Eureka, 111.
Open for proposition. R. A. Holmes, 1934 and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Submit
Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. poems on war, love or any subject. Chester Potassium Sulphocyanide C. P. at 50c per oz.,
Break Into the Newspaper Game as corre- Music Co., 920 So. Michigan Ave., Room 265, postpaid. Ziegler Experimental Laboratory,
spondent or city reporter. Our correspondence Chicago, 111.
Rochester, N. Y.
course indorsed by leading editors. We give Write the Words for a Song. We revise poems, aiMuuiuircmiMmiiiiiiiniiiiiiM
instruction and actual experience in gathering
and writing news. Write for details. American
write music and guarantee to secure publica-
tion. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway
Electrical Supplies & Appliances.
Institute of Journalism. "A Newspaper School Studios, 197C Fitzgerald Bldg., New York.
Run by Newspapermen." Dept. E, 22 Hawley Castings, Blueprints, Engines— Gas and Steam,
St., Bos ton. linilll!!IIUIII!l![l!ll[nill!ll!!!ll[|l!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINU
Ms H.P. up. Gears, Pulleys, Pumps, Fittings,
Small Boilers. Complete
Your Money Back within ten days if not satis- Stam ps & Coins. Latest models. Universal Gas Motor Co., 364
circulars for stamp.
fied. Only one dollar per share for undivided Monadnock Block, Chicago.
interest in Sinking Ship Saver Patent. Two full Stamps — 12 different from warring nations, 10c;
pages illustrated description on second and third 10 different foreign coins, 15c; 10 Uruguay Obtain a Vial of Radium to complete your out-
pages, news section, in 1918 June issue Illustrated stamps, ioc. Lists free. Toledo Stamp Co., fit. Used for illuminating light bulbs, keyholes,
World and first full page July, 1918, Popular Toledo. O. watch dials, etc. Price 1.00. Address G. Ray-
Mechanics Magazine. Send $10, $25, $50, $100, or California Gold. Quarter size, 27c; Half dollar
mond Laboratories, 298 Br oadway, N. Y. C.
$1000 for as many shares and copy of patent. size, 53c; dollar size, $1.10; large cent, 1820, and Motor Connections. See ad under "Blue-
Inspect them and if not satisfied return to me catalogue, ioc. Norman Shultz, Kings City, Mo. prints." Charles Chittenden.
within ten days and get your money back. C. 1844 cent, Wc. 727 McClellan Ave., Detroit, Magnets:
Large Horseshoe Magnets. Will
Stewart Henslee, Inventor and Patentee, Chatta- Mich.
nooga, Tenn. lift Mail $1, stamps or Money Order.
12 lbs.
Stamps —61 Postage, 3c. All Different Free. Parcel Post
Prepaid to all parts of U. S. or
Money-Making Farms. 19 States. $10 to $100 Mention paper. Quaker Stamp Co.. Toledo, O. Canada. West Side Novelty Co., Drawer No. 8
acre. Stock, tools, crops, often included to settle Wabash P. P., Pittsburgh, Pa.
100 Different Stamps 12c; 200 27c. Michaels,
quickly. Write for big illustrated catalog. E. A. ,

Strout Farm Agency, 150 E C Nassau St., New 5600 Prairie, Chicago. Battery Charging pays big profits with HB
York. Lusitania Medals. Exact duplicates of German Equipment. Electric Light Generators and
medal celebrating murder of innocents. Ever- Motors can also be furnished on easy payments.
The Enricht Chemical Technical Laboratories lasting proof of Hun's damnable duplicity. 50c Full information free. Hobart Brothers, Troy,
at Farmingdale, N. Y., offer their services to each; three for $1.00; $3.00 per dozen. C. E. Ohio.
Manufacturers in Research work to improve and Mahood, Warren, Pa.
cheapen their output. Terms moderate. Corre- Storage Batteries charged by alternating cur-
spondence solicited. Results guaranteed or no Best One Cent Approvals in America. F. P. rent. Inexpensive, Simple and Efficient; In-
charge. Hand, n 17 So. 60th St., Philadelphia, Pa. structions and Print $1. K. & S. Engineering,
Rare Coin Over 100 Years Old, 12c. Bohn, Box 124, Sewickley, Pa.
"Quick-Action Advertising— How It Is Building
Business for the Progressive Advertisers of Crafton, Pa. Electrical Workers and all others who are in-
America"; A little story of results told by the Approval Applicants, 65 different stamps Free. terested in Electrical Work in the Reconstruc-
advertisers themselves — not the publishers. You Reference 5 cents. Harfand Burgett, 419 Spring — tion that is taking place. To send us their name
will be interested in reading this little booklet St., Lima, Ohio. and receive descriptive literature of our Modern
which we have prepared for prospective adver- mrnmniumiimraaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiM
Blue Print Chart Method of Electrical Wiring.
tisers, a copy of which will be gladly mailed to Souvenir information card included. Electrical
you upon request. It tells you how to talk Old Money Wanted. Wiring Diagram Co., Box C. 173, Altoona, Pa.
business with 1,000,000 intelligent, interested and "Danditoy" Transformers, 2 I^-27 T4 volts, $2.98.
responsive Americans every month — men who We
Buy and Sell Old Coins. $2 to $500 each Description sent. Eagleco, Darien, Co nn.
know what they want and who have the money paid. Keep All Old Money; you may have valu-
to buy it. Write for particulars and rates today. able coins. Send ioc. for New Illustrated Coin For Sale —2,000
Standard Signal Corps Audion
Douglas Wakefield Coutlee, 225 W. 39th St., Value Book, Guaranteed prices. Get 4x6. B. Batteries, Type BA-2, each 22 volts, 50c each
New York. posted. Clarke Coin Co., Box no, Le Roy, N. Y. while they last, postage extra, lb. Herman 1


Blue Prints Telegraphy. Lava Insulation is not molded but individually

sawn, lathe turned, milled, drilled, threaded. No
236 A. C. Motor Connections, 2 to 12 poles, Telegraphy (both Morse and wireless) and limitation on form, only on size. Kilned at two
contains 54 single, 42 two phase, 50 three phase Railway Accounting taught thoroughly and thousand degrees. Hard, strong, accurate, fire,
Star, 40 Delta, 12 Star-Delta. Appendix 38, quickly. Big salaries now paid. Great oppor- acid proof. Ask for book. American Lava Insu-
changes o9 voltage, phases, speed, cycles, etc. tunities. Oldest and Largest School est. 45 — lator Company, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Particulars and sample free. Charles L. Chitten- years. Catalog free. Dodges Institute, 7th St., IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH

den, 811 West 18th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. I Valparaiso, Ind. Continued on page 382
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii limilI[!ll!llll!llllll!limil!lll!l!!llll!!!IOI»!n IIIUIIIIIIIIIjlllNIIIIII Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiimij

For Inventors. Patents for Sale. Books.

Inventors join National Institute of Inventors, My Patent, Window-Shades-Operating-Levers, Twelve Easy Wireless Lessons, $.50. Order
1 18 Fulton St., New York City; membership so- for sale outright. Operates window shades elec- yours Now. Stratton Electric, 215 Federal
ciety 1,900 strong; will help protect, develop, trically. William Lee, 3327 Ave. L, Galveston, Greenfield, Mass.
finance and market your invention. Absolutely Texas. Books. Osteopathic, Chiropractic, Sex, etc.
no ch arge. Write for booklet. UlllfilliinjlllllllllllilllllllillliP For practitioners. Circulars sent. Murray Pub-
"Sell or Finance Inventions." Read Money Personal.
lishers, Elgi n, 111.
Talks Magazine. Send for free sample copy. Dear Reader. If Occult, New-Thought and Scl-
70-B Park Place, Newark, New Jersey. Get Vital Strength. Retain youthful vigor. entitic books appeal to you, send for my catalog,
Inventors write me about patents. My fees Wonderful results. Intensely interesting booklet it's free. I have books on Personal Magnetism,
payable monthly. Booklet free. Frank Fuller, free. Winslow H. Chase, Washington, D. C. Concentration, Spiritualism, Clairvoyance, Seer-
Washington, D. C. MiiiiOiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiy
ship, Will, Mind, Hypnotism, Messmerism, Char-
acter Reading, Healing, Mysticism Success,
Inventors. Protect yourselves. Record your Salesmanship, Mechanics, Entertainment, etc.
idea before exposing it to anyone, even to me.
Tricks, Puzzles and Games.
A. W. Martens, J-49, Burlington Iowa.
Paul Klein, M.E., Consulting Engineer, Regis- ,

tered Patent Attorney, 21 Park Row, New York. Tricks, Puzzles, Jokes, toys, games, novelties, Crucified Anne Cath. Emmerich and visions,
doll and cane racks, plays, wigs, stage sup- nativity, Egypt, Cana; 4 books, 20c. Klein Co.,
We manufacture Patents, Stampings, Arma- plies, escapes and illusions. Large 1917 cata- Brandon, Minn .
ture Discs. Write us. C. C. Elsener Mfg. Co., logue free. Oakes Magical Co. Dept. 549, Osh-
Harvey, 111. World-Romic System. Mastcrkey to all lan-
kosh. Wis. guages. Six textbooks, $1.44; French chart, 37c;
600 Mechanical Movements, also illustrations Magic. Entertain at home. Tricks, puzzles, Spanish, 37c; aviation dictionary, $1.50; French-
and explanations of 50 perpetual motions. My novelties. Big Catalogue A, 25c. Martinka & English aviation dictionary, 61c. Languages,
book, Inventors' Universal Educator, 4th edition, Co., Inc.,Harry Houdini, President, 493 Sixth 143 W. 47th St., New York.
tells how to procure and sell a patent for your Avenue, New York City.
new invention. Government and other costs. "Chicago Mysteries" Illustrated Book, 25c.
Black Art Hindoo experiments. 1919 edition,
Covers the matter from A to Z. 140 pages ele- Invisible ink. Free trick. Catalogue each
Catalogue, 2c. Paul Duff, 2713 Mozart, Chicago,
gantly bound. Contains noted Court decisions
order. Lindhorst Magic X Shop, St. Louis.
on Patent cases. Mechanical Movements greatly Nature Laws every married and engaged per-
assist inventors suggest new ideas that might — —
Magic Card Tricks. Sensational escapes, jokes, son should know. Two volumes complete, 50c.
prove of great aid in perfecting inventions. Tells novelties. Everything in the amusement line. (No stamps.) Central Company, 599 Ninth Ave.,
how to select an attorney. Has valuable informa- Large illustrated catalogue of a thousand tricks New York. '

tion regarding Patent Sharks, Selling Agents free. Write today. Largest amusement goods To Get Better Pictures. Read the amateur
and Brokers. Price $1. Postage free. Fred G. manufacturers in the world. Heaney Magic Co., photographers' weekly; illustrated; weekly prize
Dieterich, 603 Ouray Bldg Washington, D. C. .,
Desk 204, Berlin, Wis. competitions; print criticisms; many unique fea-
Patent Drawings $2.00 the sheet. Applications Stage Tricks with 500 Illustrations. Catalog tures; $1.50 per year; three months' trial sub-
$10.00. 12-16 inch tracings $3.00. Edw. F. Dowis, 15c. Small catalog free. Hornmann Magic Com- scription 25c. Abel Publishing Company, 401
Huntington, W. Va. pany, 304 West 34th St., New York. Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, O.
LtiNiiiiNLL :mi. iiv .
' 1
' : 1 ; in. : m:: mm: i: .iiim . im: .:h:. '!l .::n All Magicians are reading the leading magical Old E. E. Back Numbers. We have some valu-
magazine. You'll like it, too! Send 25c. for able old E. E. back numbers on hand as follows:
Patent Attorneys. three months' trial. Sample copy, 10c; one year 1915 — Jan-, Feb., March, April, May, June, July,
$1. The Eagle Magician, Dept. EE, Minneapolis, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, price each 35c. 1916
Inventors. Send sketch of your invention for Minn. —Jan., Feb., March, May, June, Nov., Dec, price
advice regarding patent protection. Twenty iiiiiiju luiiimiiiruiiiiiiiiniirniiD jiiJiLrnimn 1 1 iiiiiixihitiii iiiii iiui iiiuiiniui nun m iihm 11 1 iiiiu 1 1 ittu 1 1 1 iikliiii —
each 35c. 1917 Jan., April, May, June, Aug., Nov.,
years' experience. Handbook on patents sent Dec, each 35c. 1918— March, May, June, July,
Talbert & Talbert, Patent Lawyers, 4822
Talbert Bldg., Washington, D. C.
Instruction Aug-, 35c; Sept., Oct., Dec, each 20c. 1919 Jan.,
Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, 20c. We can

Patents Procured, Trade Marks Registered. A Wellington Laboratories announce Radio Ser- fill orders at once upon receipt of your remit-
comprehensive, experienced, prompt service for vice Department. All Wireless questions thor- tance and if you have not these numbers already,
the protection and development of your ideas. oughly considered and answered: 25 cents and now is your chance to get them, as they prob-
Preliminary advice gladly furnished without postage each. Radio formulas and diagrams: 50 ably will be snapped up very quickly. Experi-
charge. Booklet of information and form for cents upward. 194 Verona Avenue, Newark, New menter Publishing Co., 233 Fulton St., New York
disclosing idea free on request. Richard B. Owen Jersey. City.
130 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C, or 2278-T Make Patent Drawings. Big demand; big pay. II!!III!!1I!IIIIIIIIIIU!IIIIIIIIIIIII]IIIIII!IIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII^

Woolworth Bldg., New York. Complete instruction book only $1. Patent
Drafting Syndicate, Post Box 858, Schenectady, Formulas.
John M. McLachlen, Atty. at Law, Patents,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, 410 McLachlen Bldg., N. Y.
Worth-while Formulas— Egg Substitute, Or-
Washington, D. C. Make Dry Batteries. Simple, practical instruc- angeade Powder, Mechanics' Soap. Entire collec-
M. F. Miller, Ouray Building, Washington, tions, with blue print, 55c. Derigo Sales Com- tion ioc. Norman M. Ovri, Dept. 3, Hemet, Cali-
D. C, Patent Attorney, Mechanical and Elec- pany, Bath, Maine. fornia.
trical Expert. Best quality of work and results. Stuck? What is it? A question, problem or 500 Formulas — Resilvering Mirrors, Renewing
Moderate charges. Advice fr ee. experiment in physics, chemistry, biology, elec- Dry Batteries, Luminous Paint, Mechanics'
Patents promptly procured by personal expert tricity, mathematics, radio, X-Ray, etc. Prompt Soap, Catalogue 25c. 2c. Ideal, 5501-E North
service. Information on request. James D. and accurate information furnished by us. En- Robey, Chicago.
Lyles. Washington, D. C. close 25c to cover expenses. Address Associa-
tion Amateur Scientists Bureau of Technical In-
Money Making Secrets, 5c each. Book of
Patent Attorney. Electrical engineer, mechani- formation, 225 Lynch Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. twenty, price reduced to 25c E. Forrest, 302
cal expert; thorough personal service. Frank Millman St., Peoria, 111.
Ledermann, 21 Park Row, New York. Attention! Improve your handwriting! Easy
mail lessons. Write today. C. G. Prince, 130 W.
500 Successful money-making formulas and
Patent Your Own Inventions. Save attorney's 104th St., New York.
trade secrets. Postpaid 25c. Charles Dynes,
fees; we prepare applications; furnish full in- Winchester, Ind.
iru iinxuxuti n 1 1 [tu iutilllij uiuilujilii ititniiiiiniiiEttdiiiuiiiuimiiiiiiniiiiinjiiiuiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLUiiiiiiirn
structions and give satisfaction. Free informa- Li
KXHJLLJJI1UXUIU JI11M I JII1I 111 IIIII I II IUI I II I IUI 1 1 IJH 1 1111 II IMI 1 1 JI1 ! I] I IITTI1 1111 Jin I J JUI L1XI1 tlllllllll 1 1 IHIIII 1 1 II Mini

tion. Carl Larsen Co., Park Row Bldg., New W ireless.

York City. For Men.
Patents — My fee payable in monthly install- Wireless Coils Transformer and Spark Coil — Detectives Earn Big Money. Travel. Great
ments. Send sketch for advice. Booklet free.
Frank Fuller, Washington, P. C.
Secondaries, Induction, Tuning and Loose demand. Experience unnecessary. We train
Coupler Coils wound to order by machinery. you. Write for free particulars. American De-
Inventors' Adviser. Sent free on request. Wm. Also Model Building for inventors. R. D. Wylie, tective System, 1968 Broadway, N. Y.
C. Linton, 918 F St., N.W., Washington, D. C, No. 7 Oregon Yacht Club, Milwaukie, Oregon. Send us your dull razor blades. We re-edge
363 University St, Montreal, Canada. Amateurs! Receiving instruments made to them Good as New, any kind, 2}^c each. Prompt
Millions Spent Annually for Ideas! Hundreds order. Loading Inductances, Loose Couplers and service and satisfaction guaranteed. Dealers
now wanted! Patent yours and profit! W rite T
Tuners a specialty. Southern Wireless Co., 801 wanted. Keenedge Company, Inc., 184 Washing-
today for free books — tell how to protect your- Silver Ave., Greensboro, N. C. ton St., Chicago, 111.
self, how to invent, ideas wanted, how we help Dredge's Necktie Valet removes wrinkles (with-
Radio Apparatus of Quality. Manufactured to
you etc.
sell, 212 Patent Dept., American In- your own specifications. Radio Engineering out ironing) from neckties. Sample 25c. Dept. E,
dustries, Inc., Washington, D. C. Company, Baltimore, Md. 190 Pilgrim, Highland Park, Mich.
Primaries and Secondaries for loose couplers nnramunnim^
Printing. $2.50per Complete instrument $4.50.
set. Coil For the Hair.
for tuner $1.50. Complete $2.50. Goods prepaid.
Printing? We do it right and at reasonable Leon Pennell, 75 Ellsworth St., Brockton, Mass. I Was Obtained hair growth by an In-
prices. Write for quotation and samples. Parcel Men — Learn Wireless in Ten Weeks. Thou- dian's ointment containing genuine bear oil and
Post Printery, Dept. A. Kinmundy, 111. sands of positions now opening for men and rare plant juices. Many others have good hair-
100 Bond Letterheads and Envelopes, $1.25 boys qualified as radio operators, electricians, growmg results. Will send box, postpaid, with
Postpaid. Garland Miller. Trimble, Ohio. mechanics, inspectors and draftsmen. Beginner recipe, 10c. John Hart Brittain, 150 E. 32nd St.,
100 Engraved style visiting cards, 50c; 100 operators now averaging $150 per month; no BA-300, New York.
emblem cards, 70c. H. Gregory, Warwick, N. Y. previous experience or wireless education neces-
sary to enter. Opportunity to travel and see the
nnnnn»i» M^
world. Oldest and largest radio school in Amer- For Advertisers.
Phonographs and Supplies. ica; established 1914. We train you through our We Write Ads. that
pull. Send outline for
correspondence course or at our local school to
qualify for official license and help you secure a advice. Sales letters $2. Jacobus Advertising
Don't destroy worn Phonograph records. Send Service, 1073 Sanford Ave., Irvington, N. J.
$1 for bottle of Record Renewer. Treats 50 rec- position on land, sea or aerial mail. Wireless
ords. Reduces scratching, revives tone. Cleans outfit free for home practice. Free catalogue on Free Advertising. Send dime for sample copy
polishes and preserves record. Record Chemical request. National Radio Institute, Dept. 89, of The Trading Post, and details of free adver-
Co., West Mansfield. Ohio. 14th and You Sts., Washington, D. C. tising. Trading Post, Box 24, Hiram, Ohio.
Build Your Phonograph. "Perfection" high- Experimenters — Special gray seamless card- "Quick-Action Advertising How it is Building —
quality spring and electric motors, tone arms, board tubing, 5" and 5M" diameter, 25c per foot. Business for the Progressive Advertisers of
reproducers. Wonderful results. Big saving. Postage extra. Send stamp for complete price America"; A little story of results told by the
New catalog and building instructions mailed list. Maier & Co., 335 East 93rd St., New York. advertisers themselves — not the publisher. You
for ten cents. Indiana Phonograph Supply Co., will be interested in reading this little booklet
Sale of Multi-Audi-Fone radio telephone trans- which we have prepared for prospective adver-
Indianapolis, Ind. mitters. 3 ampere, $6.00; 2 ampere, $4.00. Limited
tisers, a copy of which will be gladly mailed to
Make Your Own Phonograph. Particulars free. quantity. Order now. Satisfaction guaranteed. you upon request. It tells you how to talk
DeSelO-PhonE, P. O. Box -20, Attica, Indiana. Modern Radio Equipment Company, Elizabeth, business with 1,000,000 intelligent, interested and
Build Your Own Phonograph and manufacture N. J. responsive Americans every month men who —
them for profit. Drawing instructions, parts, Switch Points. Binding posts, switch levers, know what they want and who have the money
price list, blueprints, etc., complete, sent free and small parts, send 2C for catalogue describing to buy it. Write for particulars and rates today.
upon request. Write today. Associated Phono- these and other goods. A. W. Bowman & Co., 23 Douglas Wakefield Coutlee, 225 West 39th St.,
graph Co., Dept. E-i, Cincinnati, Ohio. Church St. (Harvard Square), Cambridge, Mass. New York.
Vou benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
. . ^ 1 "


Boys, you oan have Movies at your own homo with this latest model
Use* Standard e aa the larger machine!. Very easily managed. Maasuret but
Simply turn the handle. Good Variety of Films always obtainable 41
Inches >on|
gere a model of
ncle Som'aJlarhting:
monsters. Eight
biff aruna* each
of which flashes, at
oW $2.65 Postage 15c. extra
Includlr.g FHm._* »
Catra Films, I So each postpaid


from twelve
twenty times. Extra
ammunition always
obtainable. Abso-
lutely harmless. Can be operated indoors or out

EM and the motion pictures are
The Moving Picture Machine
Is finely constructed, onf
carefuily put together by skilled workmen. It Is made
or Russian Metal, has a beautiful finish, and la oper-
ated by a finely constructed mechanism. The project-
ing lenses are carefully ground and adjusted, triple Tahtt reau'ar
clear, sharp and distinct

hnnl vnur chuooo to HOO » onttlosliip in actloo. 00'

thi bl-t °t 1 I.T00 cno the ahlp nnd command .be Grin
OWN polished, standard double extra reflector, throwing a 22 cahbrs
voursolfl Uy having two or more UuttlenMps, you con nrrang ray of light many feet, and enlarging t he pict ure on o art rid go •
fexOITlNa NAVAL BATTLES In -our own home. Prlc* <
the screen up to three or four feet In area. The The new Baby Doubt* Actios HsmmsrlSSS Ravolvsr tisa be>
Warship and Ammunition, 15c, three for Aoc. or a fleet of 1 light la produced by a safety carbide generator,
ehlpe lor 91-50 poetpald. Cxtr- ammunition. S cents nor ok,

Hl.l^nh'ih.. .,:„,.T.M.,i u ' etilei.n'cy aVi' 1

1 '
' 1
1 'i

such as la used on tho largest automobiles. Th.9 mo, yet In ju..( an HUtIivo nr.. b.ti ul.l.- o„ th.i tr- J


MysteriousGhost throws a dazzling white light on the screen. n buy. Evi-ry lady ol.oul.1 h.iv.. n r.-v.,li,...r nn<J eh'.ul.J

This In rot a pretty object. It Is a solidly constructed and durable Moving poor tin agnlnut
B*e? 10 use ii urnl ladi.'i an idea of lis appearance.
. iii... Picture Machine. Tho mechanism Is exceedingly Hfhlv appreciated. Tl,., onmgrnlion i

JH ..|
jokes. The Ghost
simple and Is readily operated by the most Inex- rfrl'ltio i.l.'L-in.iil.ln (,r. t u. or you n
displayed In .. a perfcctl
_ perienced. Tho pictures shown by this marvelous
dark place. glows with «
i/k place,
1; Slops theTootb lastly eofd bluish radi Moving Picture Machine are not tho common, eroe^y ra[jld and absolute . . .

u«c%e little In hollow crude and lifeless Magic Lantern variety, but are S" 5

at tooth; Uto «ch* Slops Instantlyi llfe-llko photographic reproductions of actual Is only $6,90, ssnt by mall postpaid to eny *
i col*
the pasto hardens, forming in anti- Rcenes. places, and people which never tire Us
septic Filling. Absolutely harmtces. thoai
audiences. This Movlnff Picture Machine has
Have It ready for tho next bad at*
tack. 2Bo per tub*, postpaid, jam
Price only IS c
caused a rousing enthusiasm wherever It was used.
The most wonderful and
"SAFETY 1st" WHS E 3224 N. HALSTED CHICAGO Oenloua Camera made

1NKLESS PEN Dept. 10 ST.

ANARCHIST BOMBS ITCHING POWDER It but little larger than E

-atch. which It closely re*
eembles. You can carry
WRITES with WATER ".Jffl -* aSN Conalets of a
contaiDing In liquid
little tdaflfi
the Capo obout in your
you dip. Makes its own Ink. Writ, vial, pocket and take pic-
fashionable vii.lct rotor. Better or ."-—PA form a chemical which will tures without any oae
produce a most horrible being the wiser.
odor. One dropped in a
room full of people will One Cent a Picture
vcraiblo Holder 10 CENTS, 3 (or £tk cause more consternation Tho Expo loods ^n daylight
than a llmburgor cheese.
SIMPLEX ThoemeU will entirely dis-
vigorous scratch, then
appear In a short time._ 3 Boxes for.2i~ M
shipped by express " th a Dollar's Gifn\"only"b"yTxpr"H9. ?M.^t order at
TYPEWRITER i of other merchandise. Dollar's worth of other mcrchaouieo.)

the Rapid I

Cheap But Good. Tho moot confide Writing written with this re- located.
be ealarged to any size.
So Simple a Child markable vanishes en-
Can Use It. tirely in a few weeks (sooner
We Guarantee the if desired), leaving the paper
QUITE BLANK. I5c p. pd.
Endorsed by amateurs and professionals the world
printing and developing of films just the name as ordini
Writing. the police, newspaper reporters, detectives, and t""
Though so marvelousl? Writl rut beats have been secured with the Watch Comer
tssBSBEssassa?,"OOM; ONLV II

Expo Watch Camera A c ft F1LM1 10 Eidsturu 15c, 25 EiDDiurH, 25l


child )u*t able Poslago 10c ArifsKini tftCaWV Ulthir PocVel Carrying Cats. 350

MULTIPLYING BILLIARD BALLS c°OD tuC K RING Johnson Smith &. Co., Dept. El t 3224 N.
HaUted St.. Chicago
l> Practical Typowril The Best Feat of Its Kind
ly deserves Us name jait l
4?i.*"Tr.e'leIlcra ot tho alphabet, thi
re so grouped thai tho letters tn "|91 u
rritingand a? tho end of each fine a a
rhkh makes a click and forcea tho pi fingers and a second hall mil
Ut, ao that the lines are all an equal
sttof writing. Each typewriter gacke
tenously appears. These ai
held in full view of the aud
«-nco by the tips of tho finger
even while being placed In poi
of tho left r. .
lohnson Smith & Co., Dept. E 10,3224 N. Hatsted St., Chicago "^imT" you like
JIRT Wonderful X-Ray Tube to earn
THE "LITTLE GIANT TYPEWRITER these magnificentBi cy-
» O d«-.n- CI S«s. M A First Class
Writing cles absolutely without
Sor SI. 25 costing you one cent? FREE!
We have :ccured an Tnormous quantity of very beautiful colored pictures, con-
and are poinR tr. sell them a'
sisting of art, floral, landscape, religious, patriotic, etc*,
less than hall their value. Many stores would charge from 25 to 50 cents eadl Utt
ihem, but a very fortunate purchase permits us lo sell them at the astonishingly low
e of a or seventy-nvo dollar macnloS.
price of 10 cents each, at which price they are irresistible, and will certainly go fasl
nfidently recommend our Little CLmt. It is etrongl,
nple in construction, so that any one can quickly learn Now all you have to do is to send us your name and address and we will sen.)

nnd write as rapidly as ihey would with pen and Inn. 1 you 2S of these beautiful pictures, without any charge whatsoever These pictures
the alphabet moat frequent y used being eo grouped as you are to sell at 10 cents each. When sold, send us (he money, and we will send
e to write rapidly, the numerals. 1 to 10. and the p> OWN
iri-s beinir together. With thi9 machine you con Bend you poods OF YOUR SELECTION from our 300 page catalog to the value
rl tvpewri ten love letters, address envelopes, make out of $2.50, Remember, you get these goods as a premium for selling the pictures and
Johnson Smith A Co., Dept. C | [
almost any kind of word not requiring a lariro expensivi
ith each tvnewriter we send a tube of ink nnd full print.
sending us (he money. You don't have to pay a cent for them Many of our agenis
have sold the whole 2S pictures in one day. some have sold them in the evening.
. Price cornptete by n IUS One agent sold sit on the way home from the post office, another sold some before
%> fneeis without know,,
Why- Itli most amusing
Jointed flgrrrft of a atteletot*
he got out of the post office. Another agent sold the entire loi in one house People
are wild to get these pictures cn-re they sec them, and you will have no difficulty in
disposing of them if you will only show them.
•Asrki Each box contains 12 Egrgrs. 14 Inches in height, will donca Remember, you have our entire catalog lo select your premiums from, and there
these bills at the proper time and peel-
which are no larger that) to music and perform various
are hundreds of presents such as Air Rjfles, Guns, Moving Picture Machines, Musical
ing off a genuine bill or two from the a grain of oats. the operator may bo any Ata. Instruments. Cameras, Printing Presses, Typewriters, Books, Puzzles, Games, Tricks.
outside of the roll, the effect created When Ut with a tan ce from it. The figure Toys and Novelties, rubber stamps, household labor-saving devices, etc., and we are
Iff where there ! a gathering of 'people, will be found to be all that can be de match, however, be examined by the spectators. sure you would like to gel many of them, especially if you can do so without hav-
ft Is the gr«sf««t Johs out. Pric* 12a or 3 aired. Prices, psatpsld: 18 Bills lOc, When handed back to tho
each one gradu- ing lo pay any money for them.
ftr JOo, Express OnlyBy 50 Bill! 25c, 125 for 50c. or 53.60 thousand Operator it ia pimply placed on

ally hatches itself into a Snake several
feet long, which curls and twists about
in a most lifelike manner. Price per
box I0o» postpaid* a •Jetweeo Smith 4 Co.
eeemiiurlv^ become endowed
down, stand up. dance, etc. W
with each Skeleton, hy the Old
By continuing the sale of our pictures you can earn the magnificent Bicycle illus-
trated. We will give you presents of equal value to the pictures you sell. Send in
your application at once, and we will send you (he first loi of pictures immediately,
accompanied by our big catalog of over a thousand different articles to select your
Hgw Knots Are Made and What They Are Used
pifTerent ce»4iJj tuafce itportwrn. aop os»tpsi<i. premiums from. You don't have to send any money. We trust you absolutely
Knots to Use and Knott to Avoid, JOHNSON SMITH & CO Ptpt. % 10, N, Halsted St., CHICAGO
A most practical bandbooH giving complete end CIGARETTE, ROLLER MIDGET ILLUSTRATED BIBLE

simple direction for auaklrrg all tbe most useful t

knots, hitches, rigging, splices, etc. Over 100 illus*

and hand;,
A firtat Curiosity
All about wire rope attachments, lashing, j The Smallest
blocks, tackles, etc. 37 Her&Tdlc Knots SI lustra ted.
Of great ralue to mechanics, tlfSW. C&mD$rB. trOtU-
Weighs less
than a quarter
of an ounce.
01bl« lo tba World

Tbe Midget Bible la

meD. Pries 20o p. pit. —~ ,*/ It makes bet. a perfect gem, and a
Johnson Smith « Co?Vept. Erfy CHICAGO jter cigarettes
than yon can
of «r
Of . I
LUMINOUS PAINT them easily and qnlcVly*.
just the tobacco you prefer
and makes
You can use
PAGES of the NEW TESTAMENT, profusely IIIub Persons liaving"
and thus have trsted. This little Bible is a wonder, it Is said tr
, ...



of our new VAMPING CARD (placing the cord upnght over the piano keys).
\ f
Ginipls Systat*
neglected their Musical Education need not despair, for with th*
H» Taachsr n—4%4
tfnrprlslruj ly

Make Your Watches, Clocks, Etc., uicer "smokes'* than ready made, and bring good IqcJc to the owner. Must bo aeen to be aid voTi ran nt once Vamp away to thousande of Songs. Ballads, Waltres, Rag Time,
more of them besides saving about half of appreciated. Pries, only 12 cants, three Bible* foi ete.rete.. equal to a Professional Musician. No"Uowledge of musicJsf reouir-
y' sib !« by Night Z3.„S«7 .Wi!SKK.%i.'
ercept st mn eiorbitant price, we have at las
your money. Just try one and make your SO castas en* dozen Biotas for S1.00 or lOO for After using it a few times you will be able to dispense wuB the ai<J ut ths Vox
ciparettes inst to your own likinp;. Price S0.OO, Good money coo be made selling these Midget lag Card entirely. Only 15 ctt, p.pd- JohnjOn Smllh&Co, p8flt El ,

roceeeded In producing this remarkable LUMINOUS PAINT, which, applied t

Jjr sny article, emit* ran
- use. Anyone-yoo can do It.
s <of wtrits

watch c clock will ensble yoa to tell thetimelittle

llg*>fc renderins
._ Ilsht, rendering It , «lslbr
„...„ applied to tho dial of your
only 10c or 3 for 25c postpaid, with full Bibles amongst friends, church acquaintances, San dm
instructions for use. JOHIBOH SMITH 4 CO. Wlioals, bsMsrs, etc. Send for a few and try It* - - SHARPEN M ALL STROPPER
buttons r switch
»UWT srtieiss

-«_nsodT1 El
pistes of your electric lights, match
article. ; make your own' Luminous Cruelflses. Luminous
romclent to cost Beveral email artipJos
light. You can eoat tbe push
by night.

Johns©* Emit* ty C«h, Ds*t. fi|

"i boxes, and innumerable
Uminoi Rosaries,
Z&t,V. Xisrcer JM«
^ •
tossrstaa and Dlnxllnt for a Number at Mysttrloat Trlek*
Sharpens the Gillette and Durham Duplex both edges at one time

MUSICAL KAZOO MAGIC FLUTE CoM(b lor an Entire Evening'* Enlertilajanl . eOe
With tho Musical Kssso ., . , .
ran can, without previa ;I iM f ft Is (Treat fan mystifying your friends. Get this Conjurer's Call*
|f| Wonderful., Sweet Inet. and you will be the cleverest fellow in your district. It con-
ouM>rsclice wbst \:

tains tbe apparatus for seven first-rate tricks, including The Disap-
< >

Toned and Musical pearing Rose, that, when placed on Ihe lapel of your coat, vanishes
tups right.
btf.lmlUte * from sight at will; the Magic Vaso and Ball Trick (a Wooden Ball is
say bird placed tnsido, and upon replacing the lid has disappeared and is
or anhnsl, found in someone else's pocket): The Magic Na<l with which yo<i can
cut oar finger almost in two; the Wonderful Card Tri
" " " '^^^^^•^^'^^a**
tistrpipe, an;
No holes to ftng«. . . ...... placed ^ In an envelopo, and when opened an entirely differ-
fitc. •Itogctheria found);.The Disappearing Coin Box (a coin is pTaeed In the little wooden barreT. tUld,
tself. Produces excellent music.
pot blow Into It. but aing speak, laugh or ned ncnin. Is found lo have vomshed entirely, or can be man., tn rhmnirr. intn n rnin nf nnnihnr Hi>
make any desired imitation. (Joed with Mesmerised Penny defies the .

strains of le, cheek, wall, clothing, etc.) ; The Gla>
^lass Goble- in is drop^ed
aotoniohinr results st society meetings,
nome, club or etaurch entertainments, church hymn— in foci any class of
scribed above wo send full print
dances, serenades, picnics, outings. ex- 'c can be played ui the Humana.
1 ructions for performing each trick7 so that
cursions. Just the thing for choruses and without practice, It is almost i form all the tricks to the great £ iffflS"
eat of their friends or tbe public. Any boy of ordinary intelli D _.__
shows, bicycle and marching clubs, etc. self-ploying inacrumcr When ptayet with this Cabinet of Tricks in hi JOHNSON SMITH & CO- DEFT •'101224 N. HALSTED STREET CHICAGO
magicinns. Besides the trii
Excellent for vocal or instrumental ac- with a piano Instrument,
accompanir "
d in the Cabinet, fSsre are l^er^^fivo other f cabs and fifnafoBB falii
COjnpsniments, either witb_ or without other musical explained with fol" printed inatructin • for which yon can easily make or procure the neceosary apparatus
Stops m

charming. Full printed Ini .... 1 are The Mouse in a P k of Cards. The Drawn Card, The Hat Trick, To Knock a Tumblei
or musical fnstranients. rrlcf 15co. nd, playing sent with each Instrument, Through a
'i ible. One Cent Rubbed i..™ Two,
. -
) send the Bocrct of performing thl
To Find tho Number Thought of. Mysterious Wedding Ring leak in #
Inga Woma i, Walking on
_ •onderful stoge t
the Ceiling of a Room, and the Di
follows; Tho Act of C re mat minute
All the Latest Surprising and Joke Novelties and valuable bints to amateur OTWarera, PRICE COMPLETE OHLV SO CENTS.
with an article, pi
The finest repairer for Ironware, Agatewars,
X Ray Novel
Trlek Pencil ,
JOHNSON SMITH & CO.. Dept. E 1 0, 3224 N. Halst ed Street, CHICAGO) Enamel ware, etc. Good for kettles, pots, pans,
boilers, and every kind of ironware, also far
Robber Tacks (i tin, copper, oluminum. Ice boxes, iron pipes,

— fUror (very forrnldabte) tOv

Bobber Dagger (sensatJonoiJ

window Smashers (great Joke) . 2&a
Mesmerized Pei
^T^-T^^^ Tfce Mewest Hovelfy Aerial Baffoon
Files gracefully Id _
jutdoors. This is the LATEST
A brightly colored balloon that
VERY burn, bake or boil out. THE
cracks in stoves, broken china, porcelain,
bric-a-brac, bisque, crockery, woodenware, marble, etc. Will not chip. Try,
Could not be simpler; just mix the powder with water. HARDENS LJKE IRON.
Magic Mirror (take B inehca loni Fire-proof, Water-proof. You can fill a big holeorosmall crack. Mended plae;
Lookbackroscope (see behind yoa> 16c Magic Plate Lifter ^ArMNd
Crest Hind Reading Mystery Cda. 10c PWAUD, the 3W-inch propeller SPINNING AROUND AT A stronger than new. Replaces chipped enamel. Anyone can do It; FAILURE 19
Imitation GoldTeel IMPOSSIBLE. Better and oaaier than solder. Three siies, IS cents, 25 cent*
fftiuraton's MysterTooa. Trick Cda. 10c a graceful tiler that makes the youngsters WILD WITH JOY.

and SO cents.
fWbsJng Boosters, pair , lOe. £2 different, fl An immensely interesting toy. i*ric« TOc oacn, 3 lor 29o ppd.
JOHNSON SMITH A CO., Oepl, E(0, 3224, N. Halttcd St. CHICAGO JOHNSON SMITH & CO.. Dept. EfQ, 3224 N. Halsied Street. CHICAGO .Johnson Smith & Co., Dept. E 103224 N. Halsted Pt.,Chicaco

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Copyright, 1919, B. E. Co.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

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