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Esau Is Rome

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Hegelian Dialectics as Strategy83.

Step-1: Identify an end-goal objective; Fabricate a problem with a proscribed solution which will
lead to the desired objective.

Step-2: Create Tension in Society by Diversifying the population base into extreme groups.
Identify another group as the main-catalyst and scapegoat, for the fabricated diversity under the
guise of all conceivable factors; Income Inequality, Sexuality, Race and Appropriations.

Step-3: Raise the level of tension between these groups and mostly between them and the main-
catalyst group (White Males). Continue until these groups frustrated, lost and demoralized into such
a state of defeat, so as to create conflict. Fuel the conflict to create levels of over-flowing civil
disobedience and violence.

Step-4: Present the desired solution to achieve the objective.

Barack Obama, a protégé of the Marxist Saul Alinsky, started teaching these principals at the University of Chicago
Law School and eventually” ACORN” and his Deep State Power Politics Team. A Team that is still influencing its
power throughout US and Global Politics today92.

There are some, who hereby identify Obama as the “Anti-Christ” or even as “Gog” of the “War of Gog and Magog
a.k.a. Armageddon”. It seems more likely however that his role was more-so as a false prophet to lead the weak
astray1. Preeminent Rabbinic scholars, Rabbi’s Mendel Kessin and Rabbi Glazerson, individually identified sections
within chapters 30 and 31 of The Book of Numbers linking Obama and the United Nations209 as enemies of Israel.
Obama’s abstention from voting on the U’N’s resolution 2334, assisted in solidifying the divisionary lines between
the G-D and Anti-G-D factions. Though he was well learned by his mentor, in the Art of Radicalization; It was his
relationship with George Soros, a member of The Club of Rome, that facilitated the ease to which divisions and
tensions were allowed to spread on the global theater.

“The Club of Rome84” is the parent organization of such entities as The Club of Madrid, the Club of Budapest, and the
Bilderberg Group. Members of these groups are Political, Industrial and Philanthropic leaders, such as Bill Clinton,
George W Bush, Al Gore and Mikhael Gorbachev; George Soros, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and the
leaders of Google, Twitter and other media giants. The common link between these member groups is that they
believe in their superiority to others, and are vehemently against Religious Doctrine. In these ends, they exert means
of divisionism to create escalating tensions so that the solutions to their defined problems become resolved through
the systematic removal of the rights, liberties and freedoms so hard wrought by our forefathers, and now ourselves.

The Club of Rome, on their website states their own position in an introduction to one of the reports. Produced by
their leadership in a report entitled “In the First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome,
1991”85, they state the following:

“President Emeritus of the Club of Rome Alexander King and Secretary General Bertrand
Schneider offer both a warning and an approach to a possible solution to world problems. Topics
covered by this book include the need for the world to convert from a military to a civil economy,
the recognition of the disastrous short-term effects of exploitation by First World countries of Third
World poverty and need, and the containment of global warming: the need to reduce global
emissions of carbon dioxide, to encourage reforestation, to conserve traditional forms of energy and
develop alternatives.”

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of
global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill … But in designating them
as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused
by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be
overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself”86

“The Club of Rome87 is an organization of individuals who share a common concern for the future
of humanity and strive to make a difference. Our members are notable scientists, economists,
businessmen and businesswomen, high level civil servants and former heads of state from around
the world. Their efforts are supported by the Secretariat in Winterthur, Switzerland, the European
Research Centre registered in Constance, Germany and National Associations in more than 30
“The Club of Rome conducts research and hosts debates, conferences, lectures, high-level meetings
and events. The Club also publishes a limited number of peer-reviewed “Reports to the Club of
Rome”, the most famous of which is “The Limits to Growth “.

The Club of Rome’s mission is to promote understanding of the global challenges facing humanity
and to propose solutions through scientific analysis, communication and advocacy. Recognizing
the interconnectedness of today’s global challenges, our distinct perspective is holistic, systemic
and long-term.”

The Club of Rome adheres to a Malthusian88 perspective to addressing these matters. Thomas Robert Malthus, a
founding member of the “Political Economic Club” was an early influencer to the Club of Rome. In his “An Essay on
the Principal of Population”, Malthus posited:

“that two types of checks hold population within resource limits: positive checks, which raise
the death rate281; and preventive ones, which lower the birth rate. The positive checks include
hunger, disease and war271; the preventive checks: birth control, postponement of marriage
and celibacy”

These “Positive” and “Prevent” checks are cornerstones in the Club of Rome’s venues of influence, modernized for
today’s societies.

Augmentations to the positive checks are the Death Panels and Socialization of Obamacare, the
implosion of illegal immigration and their unfettered crime, and the genocide of African Christians
by Islamic Jihadists groups143.

Augmentations to the preventive checks are the activist supports and proliferation of Planned
Parenthood’s Abortion117,273 program in Non-White neighborhoods; Feminists movements which
concealed behind a veil of empowerment for women strives to keep women in the work-place and
not raising families; The push by the LGTBQ 148 groups including Transvestite Library Readings to
push celibacy and disease. Global Warming which has been debunked as fraudulent as been
repackaged as “Climate Change” 272 and with their Agenda-21 programs seek to control populations
based upon the regulation of environmental resources.


The Club of Rome is a body of Influence centuries in the making. Their moral-compass is their own-for-their-own-
sake, and they have grouped amongst themselves. Like minded individuals whose faith is of their own making to the
extent that they no longer have room within themselves for anything else. There is no room for G-dliness to inhabit
their vessel, as they are their own g-ds.

The Club of Rome is the apex of their society, and rules over the rest through a diversification of efforts by
differentiation of skills that influence. The Club of Rome is the primary influencer to the United Nations. To assists
the UN to achieve its objectives, it utilizes its daughter clubs, The Club of Madrid, The Club of Budapest and The
Bilderberg Group. The latter may simply be a adjunct think tank, but the Clubs of Madrid and Budapest have specific
roles, responsibilities and key players.


The Club of Rome develops scenarios to achieve its objectives. It has an End-Agenda. To achieve this objective, they
create a solution to a problem which once fully implemented produces the stated end objective. In brief, the Cub of
Rome functions within the following parameters:

Mission Statement161
To Provide the United Nations with guidance based upon scientific analysis in the realms of:

Environment and Resources187

Climate Change Environmentalism. Push New Green Deals130,131,132.

Stressing rising inequalities and imbalances stemming from current world economic and financial
systems. Stress divisionism of minority groups from Feminist, Transgenders, Migrants and others.
World Development157,193
Sustainable Development, Demographic growth, Poverty and associated stresses on the
environment. Create divisionism through fabricated claims of White Privilege, White Nationalism
and the White Male Syndrome. Solve the problem by empowering non-white groups through
activism. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, Equal-Pay-for-equal-work, and demands
for unsustainable minimum wage increases.

Social Transformation140,180,197
Personal values and behavior modification to facilitate tightening human and environmental limits.
Force the proliferation of diverse anti-Judeo-Christian sexual orientations and behavior’s such as
the LBGTQ, Pro-Choice, #MeToo and Abortion Movements to create divisionism within society.
Solve the problem by removing public displays of Judeo-Christian principals and freedoms.

Peace and Security175,203

Peace maintained by One Global and Unitary military presence. Force unvetted illegal immigration
from third world countries into first world western nations to create stress and disruption. Solve the
problem through population disarmament and new rules of conduct.


The Club of Budapest is the secondary force to achieving these objectives. They are the working arm of the Club of

New World Order through Social & Cultural Aspects119,134,214

This group supports the Club of Rome missions by promoting Writers, Artists and Peoples of
Transcendental Spiritual Qualifications to discuss global problems and offer solutions in alignment
with Rome’s agenda(s).

Governance of Nations170,195
The United Nations and The European Commission. Current and prior members of these groups are
members of the Club of Budapest, and present Reports and Formulae towards achieving Rome’s

Education for Wisdom196,198

New Age Spiritual Leaders of such forms as Eco-Spirituality, Global Consciousness and Global

Reverence for Nature

Climate Change Environmentalism at its purest.

Public Health Policy202,204,208,212

Modifications to Western Education in support of Islam, Homosexuality & Promiscuity and

Approaching a Modern Subsistence Economy201

Advocating and Educating on Regionalism, Globalism and the Global Marshall Plan

Ethics of Planetary Freedom213

Global Ethics


The activities of The Club of Budapest require validation from prior World Leaders, whom people can trust. These
are the figure heads whom led credence to the proposed programs of governance.

Climate activism for instance has ex-Vice President Al Gore promoting Climate Change where he
once promoted Global Warming. Both proven to be inaccurate and geared to imposing drastic new
laws upon various populations. Greta Thornburg, the young voice of her activist Father is supported
by the Club of Rome to emotionally influence their agenda.
Facebook removed a political advertisement of the GOP Party (Trump) for violating an ambiguous
rule that without standing. The individual who developed this rule for Facebook is Vanita Gupta.
An Obama appointee and member of George Soros’ Open Society89,90,91.


Every Socio-Political Group requires its feet-in-the-streets. A group that can facilitate the application of prescribed
directives. In the words of CBS President Richard Salant (1961-64, 1966-1979) “Our job is to give people not what they
want, but what we decide they ought to have”263.

Members of Bilderberg are the owners and operators of todays world-wide technological and media firms269,270, Social
and Cultural establishments such as Museums, and Non-Profit Foundations. From Google & Alphabet, to Apple,
Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Snap, Netflix, Amazon, and The Ford Foundation. These firms regulate our speech,
from that of free-will based upon our constitutional rights to those which fit within their accepted parameters of
tolerance (read complacency), and their selected path of guidance.

Print Media is grossly comprised of nine-firms such as Berkshire Hathaway, Gannett, Advance
Publishing and others. These print media firm have monthly (26 million) and daily (15 million)

Broadcast Radio is comprised of 20 conglomerates. Cox Enterprises, iHeartMedia, Univision

amongst others having a reach through 2900 radio stations covering nearly 750 regional markets.

Pay Tv Networks are covered through 11 major players from Comcast, Disney and Time Warner
with 184 sub-networks between 60% to 87% of all pay network households. This does not take into
consideration CNN who pays world-wide airports to broadcast their programming.

Standard Broadcast Television, through 1059 stations in 640 different markets reach an average of
30% of the total US Market and International affiliates.

Given the extent of their reach over the Media, whether it be via Print, Radio, Television, Movie Production or
Advertising; At what point does the content become questionable. At what point does the information become biased
towards another’s agenda rather than pure information?

“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine
the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a
fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are
being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to
greater danger.”
— Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, Museums, Conservation Groups, Non-Profit
Foundations and major Corporations, are some of the other “Boots-on-the-Ground” 275 apparati to activate their group
agenda. It’s interesting that the Tri-Lateral Commission when headed by Zbigniew Brzezinski (the Father of Mika
Brzezinski of MSNBC), took under his wing for mentorship Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter (in 1973). Upon his
Presidency in 1977, Carter subsequent filled his cabinet with 284 members of Bilderberg and other Club of Rome
members. A continuing practice up through the Obama Administration.

"The Trilateralist Commission is international...(and) intended to

be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and
banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the
United States. The Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful,
coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of
power - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical." 267,268

The Clubs of Rome, Budapest and Madrid, along with the Bilderberg Group are well-organized, Anti-Theocratical to
organizations to Freedom and Liberty. Their reach is global and authoritarian 120. Though some Nations are returning
to the protection of their citizenry, others are in the midst of battle. Understanding why the battles are being wrought
is the first step in surviving. Yes, surviving because all of us are very far from vanquishing these forces that seek to
remove our Freedom of Faith. Replacing it with their own vision may be their freedom to conduct their lives without
moral repercussion276, but it will become our slavery and death277.
Turkey, who has blackmailed280 the Western Nations for additional funding to maintain the Islamic forces which he
himself invited in, has, upon not receiving his demands; Commenced his claims to the Caliphate o the 12 th Imam, and
unleashed over 23,000 Islamic Jihadists migrants and criminals to the Greek Border 99,118,183. Sweden129,141 has past the
milestone of now having 20% of its population being Foreign Born and jeopardizing the safety of its young Women 278.
England, and predominately its capital London, has seen the implementation of a new “Thought Police” 279 attempting
to criminalize Islamophobia and comments which fall contrary to governmental policies 100,101.

Just recently, The Museum of The Bible in Washington DC, had its exhibit of Dead Sea Scrolls investigated as
possibly fraudulent. The third-party investigation determined that they were not actual specimens. Contrary to past
policy of making inquiries and silently removing the artifacts in question; “The museum is now reevaluating other
artifacts in its collection and plans to reorganize its Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit to show how its scroll fragments were
proven to be forgeries”294 and “has opted to be as transparent as possible with its collection of Dead Sea Scrolls – from
the interim gallery labels, to the public announcement of the results of the research and the subsequent release of all
of the associated research materials.” The Museum Directorship is comprised of members of the Bilderberg Group,
who actualize the directives of the Club of Rome to create doubt and remove Judeo-Christianity from Society.

Times are moving quickly, as again, just recently, The EU, who is a proxy group for the Club of Rome, has called for
the borders to remain open during the Coronavirus Pandemic298. This is in direct contradiction to all medical experts
and the direction of most other countries. We can only assume the worse, that they are hoping to facilitate the spread
and deadly outcome.

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