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The Problem and Its Background

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Chapter I



Everyone likes to be neat and clean. Just like we, our surroundings has also to

be neat and clean. Many of us especially people from developing and under developed

countries are suffering from problem of solid waste management. This problem has

become major headache to many policy makers and state authorities. In spite of

spending huge amount of their budget in disposing waste they aren’t getting fruitful

results. This problem has been skyrocketed because of our own behavior. Waste

should be shorted in place of generation. Continuous awareness is needed for

educating people about it. More than 70% of the total waste of the city is found to be

organic which can be turned into manure and can be converted into gas. This will cut

the load of waste that directly goes to the landfill site. This single act of separating

waste into organic and inorganic part can solve more than 50% of the problem of waste

management. Citizens also have to come in front and help government by obeying the

rules and regulation related to waste management.

Plastic recycling or reprocessing is usually referred to as the process by which

plastic waste material that would otherwise become solid waste are collected,

separated, processed and returned to use. Waste plastic shredder is a machine that

reduces used plastic to smaller particle sizes to enhance its portability, easiness and

readiness for use into another new product. 


As of 2012, the Philippine waste generation continues to rise with the increase of

living standard, rapid economic growth, and industrialization, especially in the urban

areas. The national solid waste management commission (NSWMC) calculated that

from 37,427.46 tons per day in 2012, the country’s waste generation steadily increases

to 40,087.45 tons in 2016 with an estimated average per capita waste generation of

0.40 kilograms per day for both urban and rural. In addition, under RA. 9003, collection,

transport disposal of solid wastes is the responsibilities of the local government unit

(LGU’S). At present, most LGU’S administer their own collection system or contract out

this service to private contractor.

Research has generated evidence that plastic waste cause direct problems in the

environment, like; air pollution, climate change, soil and water contamination, it directly

affects many ecosystem and species.

In Metro Manila, the common types of collections vehicles are open dump trucks

and compactor trucks, the poor areas of cities, municipalities, and rural barangays are

typically unserved or under-served. Uncollected waste end’s up mostly in rivers, esteros

and other water bodies and clogging the drainage system, which results to flooding

during heavy rains. More than fifteen years the passage of RA. 9003, enforcement with

the law remains a daunting task due to technical, political and financial limitations of

concerned agencies and LGU’S have yet to comply with the provision of RA. 9003.

Enormous amount of waste is generated throughout the world and most crucially

posed question is how to manage these wastes in effective and efficient manner. The

process of plastic recycling starts with the shredder, grinder, and agglomerators, it

reduces large volume of plastic to smaller volume.

Plastics are produce from oil which is a carbon-rich material. Many things are

made of plastics, usually because the material can easily change its shape. In our

modern world, the developments in industry, rising population, and increase in demand

of food and essentials have cause the increase in production of plastic. These low value

plastic wastes such as Commingled Waste Plastics have proven to be a serious

environmental issue, as plastic waste is increasing day by day due to the lack of

knowledge, awareness and the need for proper collection and disposal systems.


Major inorganic portion of waste is occupied by papers and plastics. Papers can

be recycled to make other paper products. Plastics are the cause of blocking of drains

in waterways in cities, and barangays. Plastics are generally non-biodegradable; hence,

they may take centuries to decay. Burning them in the open air can release harmful

chemicals which when inhaled by humans and animals can affect their health which

then lead to respiratory problems. If plastics are burn in close space can release

energy. That energy can be converted as electricity. So this way of waste treatment can

in one hand clean environment and in another hand address the hunger for power to

some extent. If possible we can recycle plastic if not at least we can burn them in

controlled environment to get energy. It is foolish to dump them uselessly in landfill site

waiting for hundreds of years to get rotten and degraded. Chlorinated plastic can

release leachate which will seep through the soil and surrounding water sources. This

can cause serious harm to the plants in their growth and to the species that drink the

water. It is true that in practice it is difficult to do as stated above because of

underdeveloped economy and illiteracy of many people. Even of this bitter reality we

cannot divert away from this problem. Among many of us one has surely to come in

front and take initiative to solve this. We always have to keep in mind that if we want to

live in clean and green environment then it is us who has to act and work. Unnecessary

hoarding of goods, excessive eating habit and availability of cheap materials has

increased the amount of waste. If we can reduce the waste production at early stage,

then it is the best option than reuse and recycling. The research sought to answer the

following questions:

1. How efficient is the performance of plastic shredder?

2. How many kilos can the plastic shredder take in one operation?

3. Will the speed of the motor affects the efficiency of plastic shredder?

4. Are the number of blades of a plastic shredder affect its performance?


The objectives of this study are to be able to design of plastic shredder. Specifically,

the following specific objectives are to:

1. Create a design for a plastic shredder,

2. Simulate the design of the shredding machine,

3. Adjustments of the shredding machine for enhancement of blades,

4. Determine the total cost of the shredding apparatus.


The problem of waste and the impact it has created in different countries should

be paid attention in some ways to boost their economy and improve the living standard

of their people. Waste has been dealt with different ways in developed countries and

underdeveloped countries. These developed countries recover valuable resources from

it. Many underdeveloped countries have been gifted with natural beauty by major but

people have degraded that beauty with their poor management of waste.

The study will be a significant endeavor to help to recover the production waste.

It offers numerous benefits in addition to size reduction. This study aims to give

information about the importance of the plastic shredder through recycling and produce

plastic products rather than incinerated method.

This study will serve as a basis of knowledge, to better comprehend its goal. This

is study is significant to the following:

Researchers: This study will help researchers to be more enlightened to the usage

of plastics in their local area. This study shall inspire them to join in helping our

environment. It is to campaign awareness in their environment by giving information

to people and also help them increase their knowledge about the issues concerning

with plastics.

Government: This is study will help local authorities to be well informed on what is

the condition of their municipality in relation to the body effects of plastic to our life.

The study will give information to environmental NGO's for proper action to be done

on this research. The study will have great benefits to the environment for it helps us

gain more insight and consciousness about our usage of plastics. Knowing or

dumpsite cannot handle our waste properly.

Industry sector: The study will show them how the device help by giving them

highest quality products and recycling industries is useful packaging and plastic



This study focuses on the performance of the plastic shredder. Plastic shredder

is applicable to any plastics but depending on the size of the shredder. In the shredder,

plastics turn into smaller chip and converts large volume into smaller volume then it

becomes floppier to shatter its molecule in order to lessen its lifespan to decompose

faster than usual. The researchers will be conducting research questionnaires to the

respondents that have knowledge about the topic but not all the respondents could

respond to the questionnaires due to their lack of knowledge regarding the design of

plastic shredder.



Design of Plastic
Shredder Design of Plastic
Supplies and Shredder

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The figure shown above (Fig.1) is the input, process, and the output of the

designing of plastic shredder for the solid waste management facility to be conducted at

Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya.

The input of the study includes the design of plastic shredder which will be decided

and discussed by the researchers. The supplies and equipment are materials and tools

to be use in the research for designing the shredding apparatus. During the process, we

have planned the parts, we have designed the body frame, shredding unit, specifically

the blades, and simulate the plastic shredder. After simulating, we have made

adjustments for the error which can possibly occur. The output will be the design of

plastic shredder.


Agglomeration. It refers to the particles stick together and form groups which are

loosely attached. It arises from interaction between particles, as a result of

which they adhere to one another to form clusters (Collins English

Dictionary). In this research, it refers to a particle size enlargement

process in which fine particles are joined in an assembly.

Chlorinated Plastic. It refers to the thermoplastic produced by chlorination of polyvinyl

chloride (PVC) resin, which is significantly more flexible and can withstand

higher temperatures than standard PVC.


Commingled Material. It is a waste industry which refers to a 'mixed recyclable

stream'. 'Commingled' waste resource refers to mingled or mixture of just

some specific resources: dry mixed recyclable items.


Contaminants. It usually refers to the introduction of harmful human-made substances.

These are any potentially undesirable substance (physical, chemical or

biological). (

Leachate. It usually refers to the environmental sciences where it has the specific

meaning of a liquid that has dissolved or entrained environmentally harmful

substances that may then enter the environment. It is most commonly used

in the context of land-filling of putrescible or industrial waste.

( In the research, it refers to the

liquid that contains harmful chemicals that is contained in dissolve and

suspended plastic wastes.

Recycling. It is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and

objects. Recycling of post-consumer plastics involves the process of

collection, cleaning, separation, and then processing them into various

products (

Shredding. It is a piece cut or torn off, especially in a narrow strip. In the

paper, it refers to the process of reducing the size. It can be used to obtain

fluffier texture of plastic the makes it easier to decompose.


Rubble. It refers to the waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete,

etc., especially as the debris from the demolition of buildings.


Chapter II


This focuses on the different methods of waste handling, ecological and

economic perspective. They said that plastic waste recycling is essential from an

ecological point of view. A worldwide outlook of plastic is provided with analysis of

additional worldwide markets. Encompassing highly developed, past developing, and

less developing countries. Niaonakis M. (2017), his study the management of marine

plastic debris, he presented the global problems of marine plastic debris, covering every

aspect of its management from tracking, collecting, treating, and commercial

exploitation for handing the Anthropogenic waste. He aims to reduce the impact of

plastic waste in the oceans, and he also presented the all available processes and

techniques for the recovering, cleaning, and recycling marine plastic debris. (Rudolph N.

& Kiesel R., 2017)

The study of solid and hazardous waste management offers universal coverage

of the technologies used for management and disposal waste products, such as, plastic

waste, bio-waste, hazardous waste, and e-waste. They provided the methods for safe

disposal. Untha Shredding Technologies developed the shredding machine and

achieved the simple and efficient plastic shredder that can shred any kind of plastic

material. Fadlalla N. (2010), The general waste management in Khartoom State and

effectively manage the Pet Plastic Bottles, he introduces the recycling as Cleaner

production tool to achieve sustainable development, During July 2010. Through

questionnaires, interviews, meetings and visit to the sites. (Rao M. & Sulatana R., 2016)

A detailed investigation was made regarding the methods of practices associated

with sources, quantity generated, collection, transportation, storage, treatment and

disposal of Municipal solid waste in Mysore City. The data concerning to SWM in

Mysore was obtained through questionnaire, individual field visit, interacting with people

and authentic record of municipal corporation. Photographic evidences were also made

about generation, storage, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of MSW.

This study reveals that the present system of MSWM in Mysore City is not satisfactory

based on Municipal Solid Waste Management & Handling Rules 2000. (Chandra, et al.,


Another case study across North America conducted by Whoilistic Environmental

Consulting (WEC, 2007), yard and food waste make up over a quarter of all the ordinary

garbage we throw away. That's 25% by weight. In the U.S., that 25% is almost equally

divided between yard waste (32.6 million tons, or 12.8% of all MSW) and food scraps

(31.7 million tons, or 12.5%). And then there's all the other organic stuff that could be

composted: all the clothing, towels, and bedding made of organic fibers, plus wood, old

furniture and sawdust. Then there's paper, which at 83 million tons accounts for another

30% of municipal solid waste. As of 2006, the latest year for which figures are available,

over 64% of the yard waste we throw away was recovered and composted, as was

54.5% of the paper and cardboard. Only 2.6% of food waste reached a compost heap.

The experiences and practices of household waste management of people in a

barangay (village) in Manila, Philippines are documented. The data were gathered

through an interview with household members using open-ended questions. Interviews

were also conducted with garbage collectors as well as scavengers. Results showed

that the households generated an average of 3.2 kg of solid waste per day, or 0.50

kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly generated are food/kitchen wastes,

papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles,

cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes. The respondents segregate their wastes

into PET bottles, glass bottles, and other waste (mixed wastes). No respondents

perform composting. It is worth noting, however, that burning of waste is not done by

the respondents. The households rely on garbage collection by the government.

Collection is done twice daily, except Sundays, and household members bring their

garbage when the garbage truck arrives. However, there are those who dump their

garbage in non-designated pick-up points, usually in a corner of the street. The dumped

garbage becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms. Some household

respondents said that it is possible that the dumping in certain areas caused the dengue

fever suffered by some of their family members. Mothers and household helpers are

responsible for household waste management. Scavengers generally look for recyclable

items in the dumped garbage. All of them said that it is their only source of income,

which is generally not enough for their meals. Most of the respondents said that

garbage collection and disposal is the responsibility of the government. The results of

the study showed that RA 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000, is not fully implemented in Metro Manila. (Bernardo, 2008)

This study highlights the results of the study that was conducted to analyze the

solid waste management practices of the waste generators, and the extent of their

compliance with the Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000. The study was conducted in Bacolod City, Philippines in

2007. The findings of this study served as basis in developing a handbook on solid

waste management. (Ballados, 2010)

The Motiong town government in Samar has vowed to intensify the

implementation of its Solid Waste Management Program after barangay chairmen here

took at one-day seminar-workshop on the program. The activity was held at the

Legislative Building here last Wednesday, August 29. Motiong Mayor Francisco M.

Langi Sr. said 30 barangay chairmen of his municipality attended said seminar-

workshop sponsored by the town government conducted Municipal Planning and

Development Officer, Engr. Nicasio Permejo. Langi said all the barangay chairmen were

educated on the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act of 2003 so that they

would be acquainted with and help implement the law in their respective barangays and

propagate environmental preservation. He said the town government will strictly

implement the “no segregation, no collection policy” in all of Motiong’s barangays and

urged the barangay officials to put up a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where they

can segregate bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste materials. Such materials

can be turned into a livelihood as, according to Langi, “there is money in junk”.

(Abrematea, 2012)

Solid waste management In technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to

include all non-liquid wastes generated by human activity and a range of solid waste

material resulting from the disaster, such as general domestic garbage such as food

waste, ash and packaging materials; human feces disposed of in garbage; emergency

waste such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other emergency supplies;

rubble resulting from the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and

Allen trees and rocks obstructing transport and communications. Other specialist

wastes, such as medical waste from hospitals and toxic waste from industry, will also

need to be dealt with urgently, but they are not covered by this technical note. (World

Health Organization, 2011)

The Municipal Council enacted an ordinance establishing solid waste

management also known as “Perkash Fashura Ordinance Na Isadanga.”The ordinance

prohibits dumping of garbage anywhere other than those recognized and established

garbage facilities; dumping of unclean and unsegregated waste at the redemption

center/facility; discharging of human feces along the creeks and rivers; throwing of

wastes in creeks, rivers, public places such as roads, sidewalks and establishments;

and burning of garbage particularly non-biodegradable wastes. It also requires residents

to practice segregation of wastes at source. Reusable solid wastes such as bottles,

plastics, cellophanes and papers shall be brought to the barangay material recovery

facility duly segregated or directly to the agent-buyers. Non-recyclable materials and

special solid wastes will be brought to the material recovery facility, while hazardous

wastes or chemicals will be disposed in coordination with concerned government

agencies according to prescribed methods. The local government is responsible for

collecting reusable, recyclable and non-biodegradable waste materials from the material

recovery facilities; and transporting them to the recycling centers and or to the municipal

material recovery facility. Collection of segregated solid wastes is scheduled per

barangay. (Saley, 2012)

3R’s (Reduce Reuse Recycle) The Environmental Protection Agency has

determined a three tiered approach for managing solid waste. Each of these should be

practiced to reduce the amount material headed for final disposal. They are in order of

importance: REDUCE, the best way to manage solid waste. Don't create waste in the

first place! Buy only what you need. Use all that you buy. Avoid heavily packaged

products. Avoid disposable items like paper plates and plastic silverware. Buy the

largest size package for those items that you use are often. REUSE is the better way to

manage solid waste. Reuse items use them over and over until they are completely

worn out. RECYCLE, the good way to manage solid waste. Recycle means taking

something old and making it into something new. In Seminole County, all residents who

live in a single family home can recycle right in front of their house. Those residents who

live in apartments or condominiums can drop off their recyclables at several different

locations. Old newspapers, #1 and #2 plastic bottles, green, clear and brown glass

bottles and jars, aluminum and steel cans can all be recycled at the curb. Simply rinse

out containers and remove lids. That's it; it's very simple and very worthwhile. Not only

does it keep items out of the landfill, recycling conserves natural resources. (Seminole

County Government, 2012)

Australia may be a large country, but we live in a throw-away society that is

rapidly filling it with our waste. Our insatiable desire to constantly upgrade disposable

technology and consume over-packaged products has continued unabated for decades.

At the same time however, there has been a trend away from both burning waste in

incinerators and burying it in landfills. Waste management policies now seek to

minimize waste disposal by reducing its generation and by reusing and recycling. This

book reveals the extent of our growing waste problem and examines the waste and

recycling practices of households, and includes many tips on how to reduce, reuse and

recycle. Topics include green waste, plastics, glass, paper, metal and electronic waste.

(Healey, 2010)

This study discussed the improper handling of solid waste and indiscriminate

disposal in open spaces, road margins, tank beds etc. that gives rise to numerous

potential risks to the environment and to human health. They also discussed the direct

health risks mainly concern those working in the field without using proper gloves,

uniforms, etc. and high percentage of waste workers and individual who live near or on

disposal al site are infected with gastrointestinal parasites, worms and related

organisms. (Hand in Hand, 2007)

The growing issue of the country is the solid waste management. Composition

and quantity of the solid waste is determined by the level of socio economic

development of the people. Higher socio economic status higher the generation of

waste, also the amount of non-bio degradable waste increases with increase in socio

economic status. (Stapit, 2010)

The focused on the ASEAN countries that has been practicing open dumping as

major management option for municipal solid wastes in contrast to European countries

where recycling and composting is major practice. Except some highly developed

countries of Asia like Japan still in many countries open dumping and uncontrolled

burning is utilized as waste management technique. (Ngoc & Schniizer, 2008)

Briquetting is the process that increases volumetric calorific value of fuel and

makes it easier to transfer in remote areas. As the country’s living standard improves,

the consumption trend is inclined towards to processed foods and more plastic derived

materials. The urban growth in Nepal shows similar pattern of waste composition.

Heejon, (2006) focuses on the study about similar trend of composition that is seen in

other growing cities. Plastic waste mainly polyethylene bags in MSW have high energy

content, as much as kerosene. Such a high energy content which is imported from

foreign countries should not be dumped in landfill. (SWMRMC, 2008)

This study analyzed that briquetting technology is one of the simple technologies

practiced for making biomass based fuels including wastes like milled paper, plastic and

other combustible wastes. In this light waste to energy conversion would be an

economical and eco-friendly way for addressing both the issue of waste management

and energy shortage, both at the same time. Utilization of plastics in briquettes

improves fuel efficiency and this makes briquetting option a better option as fuel in

industrial boiler, and brick kilns with appropriate control measure. This waste to energy

conversion option not only extends the life of landfill but also provides an alternative

energy resource by utilizing wastes. (Shrestha & Singh, 2011)

The study focuses about rapid population growth and urbanization in developing

countries that have led to the generation of large quantities of solid wastes and

consequential environmental degradation. 90-95% of all waste in the world is landfilled

or disposed in open dumps, creating considerable nuisance and environmental

problems. Often lack of technical knowledge, finance and human resources coupled

with existing policies limit the extent to which landfills can be built, operated and

maintained at minimum standards of sanitary practice. (AIT)

This study shows that rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, lack of public

awareness, and poor management by municipalities have intensified environmental

problems in towns including unsanitary waste management and disposal. The analysis

of household waste composition indicated that the highest waste category was organic

waste with 66% followed by plastics with 12%, paper and paper products with 9%. The

composition analysis of institutional waste revealed 45% paper and paper products 22%

organic wastes and 21% plastics. The study found that commercial waste comprised

43% organic waste 23%paper and 22% plastics. In aggregate, MSW is composed of

56% organic waste, 16% plastics and 16% paper and paper products. This indicates

great potential for producing compost from organic waste and reusing and recycling

other materials, with only about 10% going to final disposal if resource recovery is

maximized. (ADB)

This paper describes the design of various components of a plastic shredder.

This machine is widely used in industries and recycling plants. The introduction of

plastic shredder machine will promote reduction of post-consumer plastic waste

accumulation and serves as a system for wealth creation and empowerment through

conversion of waste into economically viable products. In this design research, a 10 kW

electric motor with a rotational speed of 500 rpm was chosen to drive the shredder. A

pulley size of 400 mm is mounted on the electric motor at a distance of 1000 mm away

from the shredder pulley. The shredder rotational speed is 300 rpm. (Olukunle, 2016)

This research first provides a theoretical framework on the aforementioned topics

by discussing relevant materials. Then it moves on to the empirical part where a

qualitative approach had been undertaken. The qualitative study is based on three

expert interviews. After that, by comparing the theoretical framework with expert

opinions the research results were drawn, where a list of observations and

recommendations were presented. As for limitations, the small interview size could be

mentioned, since the research area was the plastics waste management of whole

Bangladesh the three interviews is too narrow for a broad conclusion. Finally, this

research can serve basic guide for waste managers to better manage the plastic

scraps. (Shimo, 2014)

This paper, prepared for RenoSam and the shredder companies of Denmark,

identified and researched alternative treatments of shredder residue, resulting primarily

from the shredding of end-of-life vehicles, in order to help Denmark meet strict

European Union recycling targets that will be implemented in 2015. Danish shredder

companies are also motivated to reduce the amount of landfilled waste due to a two-

phase landfill tax increase to be implemented in 2012 and 2015. Through extensive

literature research, interviews with Danish shredder companies and landfills, and

analyses of environmental and economic factors, the team investigated the

implementation of alternative shredder waste processing methods and recommended

several auto shredder residue treatment options to RenoSam and the shredder

companies: co-incineration of shredder waste with municipal solid waste, construction of

a joint plant implementing an independent shredder residue processing technology, and

exporting of the shredder residue for processing at established shredder waste

treatment facilities. Each shredder company will have to perform an economic analysis

to determine which option is most viable. The analysis and recommendations presented

in this report will aid Danish shredder companies in reaching the 2015 EU end-of-life

vehicle recycling quota. (J. Moakley, M. Weller, M. Zelic, 2010)

Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials, which can readily be

molded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of applications. Recycling

is one of the most important actions currently available to reduce these impacts and

represents one of the most dynamic areas in the plastics industry today.

The present work encompasses (design and fabrication shredder/crusher and

extruder of plastic machines) the shredder/crusher of plastic machine is consisting of

the four main parts; they are system drive, box, hopper and three blade rotating cutter.

Crushing is the process waste into smaller size approximately 0.5 –1cm. The size can

be varied depending upon the blade placement with in the crusher. The plastic wastes

after segregation fed into the crusher through a Hooper undergo crushing between the

stator and rotor. The rotor is driven by an l/2 HP electric motor. The crushed particles

there after moves into the extruder of breaking down the plastic.

The extruder of plastic machine is consisting of the five main parts; they are

hopper, drive of screw, barrel, and nozzle (die), heaters and control system. Extruder is

the prime part of the machine where in the crushed particles gets drawn into wires

through a die. Screw is the heart of the extruder, which employs heating element

through its length. The heat for melting the Crushed plastics is controlled using a

heating control unit. The Screw, which is motor driven conveys the molten plastic to the

opening of the die. (Jaff, Abdulrahman, Ali, Hassan, 2016)

Chapter III



Plastic recycling or reprocessing is usually referred to as the process by which

plastic waste material that would otherwise become solid waste are collected,

separated, processed and returned to use. Waste plastic shredder is a machine that

reduces used plastic waste to smaller particle sizes to enhance its portability, easiness

and readiness for use into another new product. The design principle of this machine

was got from the ancient tradition method of using scissors to cut materials into reduced

form and scratching used by rabbits when digging or tearing. These two traditional

methods were applied in the design of the machine by fabricating cutting blades to cut

the waste plastic while some of the cutting blades have sharp curved edges to draw-in

the plastic into the cutting blades teeth. The waste plastic shredder comprises of four

major components, namely; the feeding unit, the shredding unit, the power unit and the

machine frame. The machine can be powered by electric motor of 2.2 KW.


The research study is a design research approach for it aims to design and

enhance a plastic shredder. This study was conducted to know about the effective ways

of waste management in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. As this study area and the subject

matter is also somehow related to our own society therefore the study will be social in


Some of the factors considered in the design of the recycled plastic waste

shredding machine are safety, power requirement, compactness, and ease of


The design of the shredder mechanism has four main components; the feeding

unit, the shredding unit, the power unit and the machine frame. The feeding unit is made

of 16 gauge galvanized mild steel sheet of 2 mm thick plate and a dimension of 393 mm

× 370 mm through which the waste plastics are fed into the shredding unit. The

shredding unit is where the waste plastics are being cut into smaller sizes. The unit

consists of a shaft, 393 mm length made up of 19 mm mild steel rod. Attached to the

shaft are cutters made of 12.75 mm mild steel. The cylinder equally has same cutters

with sharp edges to shred the waste plastic. Underneath the shredding unit is the outlet

made of 16 gauge galvanized mild steel of 160 mm × 160 mm dimension. The shredded

waste plastic discharge freely from the shredding unit through the outlet. The machine

is powered by 2.2 KW electric motor.


In the figure (Fig.2) shown is the series of action, plan and process in conducting

this study.

First is the gathering data in which we conducted some related researches and

related studies from different factors needed in our mechanism such as formulas,

different types of plastic shredder, number of blades, number of shafts and which motor

is exactly to be used.

The design is made in the application (auto cad, solid works, pro-e) wherein we

planned, discussed and raised some suggestions before finalizing the design in making

plastic shredder. The materials needed in building the plastic shredder will be found and

bought in hardware shops available here in the Philippines, particularly in Nueva

Vizcaya and Santiago City. The data and result depends on the size and effectivity of

shredder mechanism.


Gathering data and information about the plastic shredder

Designing of the Shredder Mechanism


Working NO

Data and Results Analysis

Summary and Conclusion

Figure 2. Flowchart of Methodology


Bambang is one of the municipalities of Nueva Vizcaya and it is the most densely

populated municipality of the province. It is like a melting pot where people from various

parts of the province come to seek future and make their life better. This is one of the

reasons why the researcher conducted this project to become part of the solution. The

rate of waste generation is increasing daily with increasing number of citizen so

necessary steps has to be taken in advance to solve this skyrocketing problem.

The municipality is overpopulated and there is lack of scientific waste

management system. So this study was carried out hoping that it will be aid in the waste

management of the municipality. If waste management can be effectively done in

Bambang, then that successful model can be launched in other municipalities of Nueva

Vizcaya and even other provinces in our country could also adapt to the solution that

the researchers were conducting. The researcher has selected this municipality

because it is the same area where they were born, studied and become familiar with

this very problem. The problem with the wastes were very extreme because of the lack

of sanitary landfills. Every year, number of wastes expands as the number of population

increases. This particular problem is almost same for other underdeveloped countries of

the world.


Respondents of this study are the students presently enrolled in the College of

Engineering programs namely; Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering,

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electronics

Engineering, and the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at Nueva Vizcaya

State University Bambang Campus during the first semester, A.Y 2018 - 2019.


The following formulas are used to measure the parameters of the waste plastic


1. Length Determination of the Belt

π (D−d)2
L= (D + d) + 2C +
2 4C


L = Length of the belt

D= Diameter of the bigger pulley

d = Diameter of the smaller pulley

C = center distance of the two pulley

2. Determination of the Shaft Speed

D1 N 2
D2 N 1


N1 = Angular speed of the small pulley

N2 = Angular speed of the big pulley

D1 = Diameter of the small pulley

D2 = Diameter of the big pulley

3. Torque Transmitted by Shaft

P X 60 X 1000
T= 2 πN


P = Power transmitted by electric motor

N = Revolution of the shaft in rpm

P=2 πNT


P= Power rating of the motor͵ KW

N= Angular Speed of the Shaft͵ rpm

T= Torque transmitted by the shaft͵ N-mm

Data Gathering Tools

Survey is the best instrument used for collecting data in survey research. They

usually include a set of standardized questions that explore a specific topic and collect

information about efficiency, speed, size of shredded plastics, limitations of the

machine, and other needed data. The following questions are to be evaluated:

5 = Strongly Agree

4 = Agree

3 = Slightly Agree

3 = Slightly Disagree

2 = Disagree

1 = Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Is the shredder safe to use?
2. Does the number of blades affect the time of

3. Is the shredded plastics are going to be

4. Does shredding plastics can really help reduce

5. Is there a required thickness of plastic to be

6. Is plastic shredder able to produce high quality

of plastic products?
7. In producing high quality products can we
assure the durability and the high performance of

plastic shredder?
8. Does size and shape of plastic matter in

producing scrap materials into valuable

9. Does shredding helps reduce the cost of

recycling for several industries?

10. Is it advisable to promote these machines to

be able to save the environment?

In designing the waste plastic shredder, the following are parts which will

complete the plastic shredder:

1. An electric motor

AC motor with 2.2 kW power is used in the

machine. Motor produces power and the

power produced is given to the shaft.

2. Belt and Pulley

To transmit power from motor to the

intermediate shaft pulley is used which is

powered through the belt drive to reduce the

speed of the shaft and to increase torque.

3. Bearing

Bearing used to permit constrained

relative motion between parts. There are

4 ball bearings are used. Two bearing on

intermediate shaft and two bearing on

cutting shaft are used.

4. Hopper

Hopper is the upper part of the machine

through which the plastic wastes are feeded

in the cutting space.

5. Shredder box

Shredder box is the box made up of thick

plates. All the assembly like cutter shaft

intermediate shaft is under the shredder box.

Material used for the shredder is cast iron.

6. Gears

There are two spur gears are used. Smaller

gear on the intermediate shaft and the bigger is

on the cutting shaft. Due to which speed is

again reduced on the main shaft.

7. Blades and Shafts

Blades can be rotated and used on four

edges before replacement. Concave ground

square blades improve output. A rotating or

oscillating round, straight bar for transmitting

motion and torque.

Data treatment

Misleading data can arise from poor experimental design or inaccurate

measurements of the needed data, researchers have developed and have continually

improved method and tools design to maintain the integrity of the research. Some of the

methods used in this research are statistical test of significance and proper phrasing of

related question for survey.

In data treatment we can apply the mathematical analysis. The mathematical

analysis used to determine the torque transmitted by the shaft.

Mathematical Analysis

T= 2 π N

2.2 kw
T= 2 π (50 rpm) =7 N-m

T= 2 π (80 rpm)

T=4.3768 N-m


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