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Awareness On Waste Management of Public Market Vendors From Brgy. Cupang Proper

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The key takeaways from the document are proper waste management practices and guidelines for handling different types of waste such as general refuse, chemical waste, and construction debris during construction and operation phases of development projects.

The main topics covered in the document include definitions of waste management, guidelines for storage, collection, and transport of different waste types, and waste management requirements during construction and operation phases of development projects.

The guidelines for proper waste management during construction and operation phases include storing different waste types separately, employing licensed waste collectors, following packaging and storage guidelines for chemical waste, and meeting criteria for sludge disposal at landfill sites.

Awareness on Waste Management of Public Market Vendors

from Brgy. Cupang Proper


A Project Based Learning

Presented to

Mrs. Dang Ligsanan

High School of Education

Bataan National High School



Princess Isip

God has been so good to the researchers through all the moments of hard work. To him
who made all things, they give honor and greatest thanks.

They would also like to express their sincere and heartfelt thanksgiving to the following
persons who became part for the realization of this study:

The Manager of the Public Market of Brgy. Cupang Proper for the approval to conduct
our study.

All their friends, for their untiring moral support and for being always there for us.
Especially to Brgy. Cupang Proper for allowing the researchers to use their computer for the
making of their papers to be submitted.

Most of all on their family, for the understanding and financial support. Thus, the
researchers offered this study to their family.

All those who are unnamed ones, who in one way or another had helped in bringing this
endeavor into accomplishment.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Chapter I The Problem


Statement of the Problem

Scope and Delimitations

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Chapter III


Research Design



Data Gathering Procedure

Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations






Documentation of the Clean-Up Drive

Letter of Permission
Chapter V

Waste Management

Storage, Collection and Transport of Waste

Construction and Demolition Material
Chemical Waste
Preparation Phase of the Development
A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, the people are suffering environmental dilemmas such as global warming,
flash floods and etc. One of the causes of these problems is the misbehavior of the people
towards waste management. Some people are reckless in throwing their garbage. They do not
think of the possible results of their actions on the environment as well as on health.

The song entitled “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson, simply implies that people need
to do something to help our sick world due to improper waste disposal, illegal logging, coastal
littering and etc. Thus, proper waste management is one way to make it possible.

What is Waste Management?

Waste Management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and

monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity,
and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or
aesthetics. It is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of
consumption of natural resources. All waste materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or
radioactive fall within the remit of waste management.

Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations, for urban
and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous
waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually is the responsibility of
local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial
waste is the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international controls.

Every individual should take the responsibility of managing their wastes properly. Public
awareness campaigns are essential tools for environment protection. Thus, there is really a need
to encourage the people to be part of this objective, protecting our environment through proper
waste management.

In regard of this, our study entitled “Waste management of the Public Market Vendors of Brgy.
Cupang Proper” aims to know how the public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper manage
their wastes as well as to identify the materials they are using in managing their waste.

Furthermore, this study is not just a study but it also helps the community through conducting
clean-up Drive in the said place.
B. Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents according to:

a. Age
b. Gender
2. How the Public Market Vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper manage their wastes?

3. What are the materials used of the public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper in
managing their wastes?
Scope and Delimitations

This study is delimited in knowing how the public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang
Proper manages their wastes.

Thus, it is also delimited in identifying the materials they are using in managing their wastes.
Significance of the Study

The results of this study would be of great help to the government, students, community,
readers and future research in the following ways:

The Government. This study would help the government to know what policies and regulations
they will implement when it comes to proper waste management.

The Students. This study would help them to know the ways of the public market vendors in
managing their wastes. In addition, it will give them an idea managing their own wastes.

The Community. This study would encourage every members of the community to take the
responsibility of their own wastes.

The Readers. This study would help the readers to know how the public market vendors of
Brgy. Cupang Proper manage their wastes. And also, it helps them to identify the materials used
of the said vendors.

The Future Readers. This study would help the future researchers as their basis of their study
and additional literature for their future investigations.
Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of this study, the following terms were defined conceptually
and operationally.

Waste – is any solid, liquid and gaseous wastes emitted by the people. It could either be
biodegradable or non-biodegradable wastes.

Waste Management – is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and

monitoring of waste materials.

Public Market – is a place where people buy their foods.

Vendors – is any person who sells in the public market.

Brgy. Cupang Proper – is one of the Baranggay of Balanga City.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the reviewed related literature that gave significant insights to this
present study.

Classification of Wastes

The classification of wastes varies and depends country by country. Waste can be divided into
many different types. The most common method of classification is by their physical, chemical,
and biological characteristics.

.1. Solid Waste. Solid waste is broadly defined as including non-hazardous industrial,
commercial land domestic refuse including household organic trash, street sweepings, hospital
and institutional garbage, and construction wastes; generally sludge and human waste are
regarded as a liquid waste problem outside the scope of MSW (Zerbock, 2003).These are waste
materials that contain less than 70% water. Example of this type of waste are the domestic or
household garbage, some industrial wastes, some mining wastes, and oil field wastes such as
drill cuttings.

2. Liquid Waste. These are usually wastewaters that contain less than 1%. This type of waste
may contain high concentration of dissolved salts and metals. Liquid wastes are often classified
into two broad types: sewage and toxic wastes. Generally, there are various types of liquid waste
generated in urban centers: human excreta, domestics wastes produced in households, hospital
wastes, industrial effluents, agricultural liquid wastes a n d n u c l e a r w a s t e s . W h e n
improperly handled and disposed of, liquid wastes pose a serious threat
to human health and the environment because of their ability to
e n t e r watersheds, pollute ground water and drinking water (US EPA, 2009).3. Sludge. It is a
class of waste between liquid and solid. They usually contain between 3%and 25% solid, while
the rest of the material is dissolved water.4. Hazardous Waste Hazardous wastes are wastes
which, by themselves or after coming into contact with other wastes, have characteristics, such
as chemical reactivity, toxicity, corrosiveness or a tendency to explode, that pose a risk to human
health or theenvironment. Hazardous wastes are generated from a wide range of industrial,
commercial, and agricultural.

Research Design extent, domestic activities. They may take the form of solids, liquids or
sludge’s, and can pose both acute and chronic public health and environmental risks by lining
and contouring the fill, compacting and planting the uppermost cover layer, diverting drainage,
and selecting proper soil in sites not subject to flooding or high groundwater levels. The best soil
for a landfill is clay because clay is less permeable than other types of soil.

Materials disposed of in a landfill can be further secured from leakage by solidifying them in
materials such as cement, fly ash from power plants, asphalt, or organic polymers(Bassis,
2005)Landfills can also be shifted to another use after their capacities have been reached. The
city of Evanston, Illinois, built a landfill up into a hill and the now-complete “Mt. Trashmore” is
a ski area. Golf courses built over landfillsites are also increasingly common (Montgomery,
2000).B ) R e c y c l i n g o r t h e 3 R ’ s A n o t h e r m e t h o d , w h i c h s e t s o f f b e f o r e
w a s t e d i s p o s a l i s w a s t e reduction through recycling or often coined as the 3
R’s: reuse, reduce, and recycle.On the local or regional level, reducing wastes is
accomplished through these methods by source separation and subsequent material recovery.
Currently, the United States recycles about 10% of its glass and 25%of its paper wastes; in
countries such as Switzerland and the Netherlands, the proportion in the glass recycled
approaches to 50% while Japan recycles 50%of its paper wastes (Montgomery, 2000).

Some countries, on the other hand, manage most of their solid waste through

Incinerators.Incineration, or the controlled burning of waste at high temperatures to produce

steam and ash, is another waste disposal option and an alternative to landfilling (US
Environmental Protection Agency, 2009).

Incinerators aredesigned for the destruction of wastes and are commonly employed in
developednations who could afford the costs of the burning facilities, plus its operation
andmaintenance (Mc Cracken, 2005).This type of waste disposal is the second largest disposal
method in mostdeveloped countries and ranks next to landfills in the United States and the
United Kingdom. In the UK, approximately 5% of household waste, 75 % of commercial waste
and 2% of industrial waste is disposed of through this method (Baker,2005)

A further benefit of incineration can be realized if the heat generated thereby is recovered. For
years, European cities have generated electricity using waste-disposal incinerators using
waste-disposal incinerators as sources of heat (Montgomer, 2000).There are negative
issues, however, in the use of this burning method and much of that circulate around its
safety for the environment and to the human health. It is argued that the
combustion process creates air pollution, ash, and waste water, all of which must be
properly managed using technical monitoring,containment, and treatment systems.
Harmful pollutants are released into the environment whenever these b y-products
are not controlled (US EPA, 2009).Operators of these facilities must be well -
trained and certified to ensure
proper management.(

Waste Prevention and Minimization

Prevention means eliminating or reducing the quantity of waste which is produced in the first
place, thus reducing the quantity of waste which must be managed. Prevention can take the form
of reducing the quantities of materials used in a process or reducing the quantity of harmful
materials which may be contained in a product.

Prevention can also include the reuse of products. Prevention is the most desirable waste
management option as it eliminates the need for handling, transporting, recycling or disposal of
waste. It provides the highest level of environmental protection by optimizing the use of
resources and by removing a potential source of pollution.Minimization includes any process or
activity that avoids, reduces or eliminates waste at its source or results in re-use or recycling. It
can be difficult to draw a clear distinction between the terms quot;Preventionquot; and
quot;Minimizationquot;.Waste prevention and minimization measures can be applied at all
stages in the life-cycle of a product including the production process, the marketing, distribution,
or utilization stages, up to discarding the product at the end- of life stage. By examining each
stage in the life cycle of a product, it may be possible that the quantities of waste produced at
each stage can be reduced.

During the design stage of a product, consideration can be given to the types of materials to be
used, the quantity of materials and the recyclability of the product once it reaches its end of life.
The use of efficient processes in terms of energy and material requirements during the
manufacture of a product are other important considerations. Consideration can also be given to
minimizing the packaging for the product.

Garbage Disposal System For Proper Waste Management

Actually, the solid wastes we throw in our garbage bins everyday can be classified into groups,
this is called segregation. If you want to reduce, reuse and recycle, then it would be better for
you to identify those wastes that can still be used from real garbage that needs to be thrown

Garbage are decomposable food wastes, these are excess foods, ingredients, etc., that are has no
use for human consumption anymore. If you have a lawn and garden, making a compost pit can
be a good way to make use of these wastes. This can be a good fertilizer for your garden
plants.Proper waste disposal is very important in making sure that your place and environment is
free from any waste that can cause health risks. If you want a clean and healthy environment,
then you have to constantly clean your area, and put some tools and equipments like a garbage
disposal to help you in keeping that area clean and free from harmful bacteria.

One place in our house that usually accumulates smelly wastes is our kitchen. Usually, garbage
from excess food ingredients, rotten food, etc., goes straight to your kitchen's wastes bins, but
this waste bins most of the time contains all things that cause bad odor in our kitchen. What is
bad about this waste bins are that its bad smell can spread all over your house, and that would be
really unsanitary.

Bad waste disposal in our kitchen can direct the waste straight into our plumbing system, causing
a bigger trouble for you and your family. If you want to keep your house free form the bad smell
of food waste and garbage, then it would be wise for you to have a proper garbage disposal.

Composting It is a natural process in which plant and other organic wastes are broken down
biologically to produce a nutrient-rich material. At home, put yard and kitchen waste such as
leaves, grass clippings, and fruit and vegetable scraps in a bin. This will
eventually decompose and produce a mixture that can be used for soil improvement in individual
gardens. Municipalities can treat waste in the same way. Recycling Recycling is one of the best
ways of waste management. It helps in reducing pollution, saving natural resources and
conserving energy. Recycling newspapers, plastics, glass and aluminum also helps in saving
money. Recycling other materials such as tires, batteries, asphalt, motor oil, etc. reduces
pollution (otherwise these would end up in landfill or incinerator). In order to reduce trash, it is
necessary to encourage and implement recycling at all levels of society.

Burning Waste

In cities that do not have enough land available for landfills, controlled burning of waste at high
temperatures to produce steam and ash is a preferred waste disposal technique. Combustion
reduces the volume of waste to be disposed significantly. Moreover, solid waste can provide for
a continuously available and alternative source for generating energy through combustion. This
energy can be channeled into useful purposes. (
Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, respondents, instrument and data gathering
procedure of the study.

Research Design

The researchers used Descriptive Design. The researchers described the ways of the
public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper.


The respondents of the study were the public market vendors of Brgy.Cupang Proper.

In this study, the researchers used observation in gathering data.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the conduct, the researchers mailed a permission letter from the Manager of the
Public Market of Brgy. Cupang Proper for the actual conduct of the study and clean-up Drive.
Upon approval, the researchers started to gather data through observation. After the data
gathering, they started their community service, Clean-up Drive at the same place. After the
conduct of the study and clean-up drive, the researchers analyze the data gathered. After the
analysis, the researchers submitted their papers to their adviser for correction.
Chapter IV

Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations.


The study aimed to seek answers to the following questions:

1. How the Public Market Vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper manage their wastes?

2. What are the materials used of the public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper in
managing their wastes?

It is delimited in knowing how the public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper manages their
wastes. It is also delimited in identifying the materials they are using in managing their wastes.
The researchers used Descriptive Design.

Thus, they also used Direct method of gathering data through observation. The
respondents of the study were the public market vendors of Brgy. Cupang Proper. The
researchers gathered data through observation and checklist.

Before the conduct, the researchers mailed a permission letter from the Manager of the Public
Market of Brgy. Cupang Proper for the actual conduct of the study and clean-up Drive. Upon
approval, the researchers started to gather data through observation using a checklist. After the
data gathering, they started their community service, Clean-up Drive at the same place. After the
conduct of the study and clean-up drive, the researchers analyze the data gathered. After the
analysis, the researchers submitted their papers to their adviser for correction.

Based on the observation conducted by the researchers, the Public Market Vendors of
Brgy. Cupang Proper used the following ways of waste management:

1. Segregation

2. Recycling

3. Composting

4. Burning biodegradable wastes

In addition, the researchers also observe that the vendors were using the following tools in waste

1. Trash cans

2. Sacks

3. Broom sticks

4. Dust pan

5. Drums

6. Plastic bags

Based on the data gathered of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Proper Waste Management depends on the people on how they dispose their wastes.

2. The community will have clean environment if they will do proper waste management.

3. Proper Waste Management plays a significant role in maintaining, preserving and protecting
our environment either our Mother Earth.

Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations were made:

1. The City Government of General Santos should take any and all necessary steps to educate
the public on segregating waste.

2. Promote reuse of materials and products by public education, and by establishing, enhancing,
and promoting these sales.

3. Create proper waste management workshops to train a new level of local expertise including
institution like Public Market.

4. The community should adopt a self-help approach to solve the problem and make sure that
they themselves adhere to proper waste disposal practices.

5. People should develop proper attitudes and perception towards waste handling, which should
be achieved through both formal and informal education.

6. Make proper waste management a policy or regulation to be followed by every Public Market

Chapter V

Waste Management

The Contractor is responsible for waste control within the construction site, removal of the waste
material produced from the site and to implement any mitigation measures to minimize waste or
redress problems arising from the waste from the site. The waste material is which will be
generated during construction phase of the development include the following:

· Excavated materials;
· Construction and demolition (C&D) materials (e.g. wood, scrap metal, concrete);
· Chemical wastes generated by general site practices (e.g. vehicle and plant
maintenance/servicing); and
· General refuse.

When handling the waste material, the following measures shall be undertaken:

Storage, Collection and Transport of Waste

Permitted waste hauliers should be used to collect and transport waste to the appropriate disposal
points. The following measures to minimize adverse impacts should be instigated:

· Handle and store waste in a manner which ensures that it is held securely without loss or
leakage, thereby minimizing the potential for pollution;
· Use waste hauliers authorized or licensed to collect specific categories of waste;
· Remove waste in a timely manner;
· Maintain and clean waste storage areas regularly;
· Minimize windblown litter and dust during transportation by either covering trucks or
transporting waste in enclosed containers;
· Obtain the necessary waste disposal permits from the appropriate authorities, if they are
required, in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354), Waste
Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap 354), the Land (Miscellaneous
Provision) Ordinance (Cap 28);
· Dispose of waste at licensed waste disposal facilities;
· Develop procedures such as a ticketing system to facilitate tracking of loads,
particularly for chemical waste, and to ensure that illegal disposal of waste does not
occur; and
· Maintain records of the quantities of waste generated, recycled and disposed.

Construction and Demolition Material

In order to minimise waste arisings and to keep environmental impacts within acceptable
levels, the environmental control measures described below should be adopted:
· Careful design, planning and good site management can minimize over-ordering
and generation of waste materials such as concrete, mortar and cement grouts. The
design of formwork should maximize the use of standard wooden panels so that high
reuse levels can be achieved. Alternatives such as steel formwork or plastic facing
should be considered to increase the potential for reuse.
· The contractor should recycle as much of the C&D material as possible on-site. Proper
segregation of waste types on site will increase the feasibility of certain components
of the waste stream by recycling contractors. For example, concrete and masonry can
be used as general fill and reinforcement can be taken to steel mills. Different areas of
the worksite should be designated for such segregation and storage wherever site
conditions permit.
· The handling and disposal of bentonite slurries, if any, should be undertaken in accordance
with ProPECC PN 1/94 on construction site drainage.
· To maximize landfill life, Government policy discourages the disposal of C&D wastes
with more than 30% inert material (by weight) at landfills. Inert C&D materials are
directed to reclamation areas, where they have the added benefit of offsetting the need
for removal of materials from borrow areas for reclamation purposes.
Chemical Waste
· Chemical waste that is produced, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal
(Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, should be handled in accordance with the
Code of Practice on the Packaging.

· Containers used for the storage of chemical waste should be suitable for the substance they
are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained in good condition, and securely closed;
· Containers should have a capacity of less than 450 litres unless the specifications have
been approved by the EPD; and display a label in English and Chinese in accordance
with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

Ÿ The storage area for chemical waste should:

Ÿ Be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste;
Ÿ Be enclosed on at least 3 sides;
Ÿ Have an impermeable floor and bunding, of capacity to accommodate 110% of the
volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste
stored in that area, whichever is the greatest;
Ÿ Have adequate ventilation;
Ÿ Be covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested
and disposed as chemical waste if necessary); and
Ÿ Be arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated.
Ÿ Disposal of chemical waste should:
Ÿ Be via a licensed waste collector; and
Ÿ Be a facility licensed to receive chemical waste, such as the Chemical Waste Treatment
Facility which also offers a chemical waste collection service and can supply
the necessary storage containers; or
Ÿ Be to a re-user of the waste, under approval from the EPD.
General Refuse
· General refuse should be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separate from C&D
material and chemical wastes.
· A reputable waste collector should be employed by the contractor to remove general
refuse from the site, separately from C&D material and chemical wastes, on a daily or
every second day basis to minimize odor, pest and litter impacts.
· The burning of refuse on construction sites is prohibited.

Operation Phase of the Development

· Municipal wastes should be stored in suitable containers, within a designated storage area
which is kept clean an tidy;
· Regular, daily collections are required by an approved waste collector; and
· Sludge material from the CEPT requiring landfill disposal must satisfy specific criteria
with respect to percentage solid content (in general 70% moisture content are
acceptable at Hong Kong’s strategic landfill sites).

In addition, the Contractor should ensure that the mitigation measures for the on-site
concrete batching plant in Appendix C4 are properly implemented throughout the
construction and operation period.

The Contractor is required to apply for permits/licences or follow instructions in handling

and disposal of wastes generated from the site under Hong Kong’s Ordinances. The
followings are the general guidelines for application of permits or licences under various
ordinances and government documents:

· Chemical Waste Permit or licences under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354);
· Public Dumpling Licence under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28);
· Marine Dumping Permit under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466);
· Effluent Discharge Licence under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358);
· Storage, handling and disposal of chemical waste refer to the Code of Practice on the
Package, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes published by EPD

During the site inspections and the document review procedures as mentioned in Sections
6.1 and 6.2 of this manual, the ET shall pay special attention to the issues relating to
waste management, and check whether the Contractor has followed the relevant contract
specifications and the procedures specified under the laws of Hong Kong.

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