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Fix Your Period Cleanse Prep PDF

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Cleansing is totally possible for everyone, it just requires a bit of planning.
Don’t feel discouraged if you are super busy. I’ve got you covered!

1) Read through all the recipe options. Mark the ones that appeal to
you and will work for your body and lifestyle.The more you prepare, the
more you think about which recipes work for you, the less stress you will
feel about when and what you eat. THIS IS CRUCIAL WHEN CLEANSING!

2) Use the Meal Planner associated with each day as a guide. Post
a copy on your fridge and put a copy in your purse. This way, you’ll know
exactly what you need to eat and when. You can follow our guide or sub-
stitute recipes, it’s up to you. When you are not nourished during a detox,
you can get moody and annoyed with everyone around you! I know how
much that sucks, so always eat when you are hungry.

3) If you want to further personalize your cleanse use the Blank

Meal Planner. Fill in the recipes you chose from the Recipe Options. Feel
free to exchange ANY of the fruits and veggies that you do not like and
play around with the recipes to make them work for you. This is your
cleanse and you should love every minute of it!

4) Use the Shopping List to mark off the ingredients you will need.
This will make grocery shopping quick and effortless.

5) PRE-PLAN. Plan one day to prepare your foods at the start of

the cleanse and mid-way through the cleanse so they are more easily
available. Grains and beans are great to cook in a big batch since they
will keep for 2-3 days in the fridge and even longer if you freeze them.
You may also want to make some veggie soup, bake some sweet potatoes
or chop veggies.
Eating during a Detox Program and eating healthy in life is about being 2
prepared, so take this week to really think about what you are going to
eat. Trust me – you CAN DO THIS! I believe in YOU! No matter how
busy you are, if you plan ahead, all will be well! :-)



These supplements are completely optional. One goal of cleansing is to

enhance the production of Glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants and
the most powerful detoxifier in the body. Glutathione helps to improve your
body’s detoxification system, especially the liver and it protects you from
chronic illness. All the foods in this cleanse program are geared towards
maximum Glutathione production but for an extra boost you may want to
try one of the supplements below. I recommend taking either supplement
for the 5 days that you are cleansing and an additional 21 days after you
finish the cleanse for maximum liver support.

To Enhance Glutathione Levels:

1. Alpha Lipoic Acid: Integrative Therapeutics Lipoic Acid.

Instructions: Take 100mg two times a day during the cleanse and for
21 days after you finish the cleanse.

This is the number one precursor to glutathione and is involved in

detoxification, energy production, brain health and blood sugar control.
The body usually makes it, but stress and poor food causes us to
become depleted.

2. N-acetyl-cysteine: Integrative Therapeutics NAC.

Instructions: Take 600mg two times a day during the cleanse and for
21 days after you finish the cleanse.

This is another powerful precursor to glutathione and has been used to treat
lung disease and asthma as well as people with life-threatening liver
failure from over-the-counter drug overdose.

2. Clean out the cabinets and the fridge – get rid of those foods that
are SO freaking tempting! Toss ‘em or give ‘em away (don’t binge on them,
as tempting as it may be!). Remember this is only a short period of time –
but you may find you feel so good you want to keep eating this way most
of the time. The less temptation the better!
3. If you consume caffeine, slowly reduce your consumption by ¼ cup 3
every day so you’ll be off caffeine by the start of the cleanse. Quitting
caffeine cold turkey causes pretty severe headaches and mood swings for
many, so I don’t recommend it. Consider a replacement like Dandy Blend
or Teeccino to help you reduce and eliminate it.

4. You may feel like you need support right away. I encourage you to
read all the materials purchase a pretty journal and start journaling
about your fears and expectations. There will be additional journaling
exercises during the cleanse. Also consider getting support from family
and friends. You can do this!

I highly recommend pre-detoxing (eating clean) for 5-7 days before the
official start date of your detox. This will help to prepare your body and
reduce any yucky detox symptoms. Instead of taking this pre-cleanse time
to go all out and gorge on steaks and cupcakes, I want you to think about
what foods make you feel good, give you energy and make you feel nour-
ished. This is your chance to take some time to discover how you feel when
you start to really NOURISH your body with whole foods.

Here’s what to do: eat lots of veggies, some fruit, healthy fats, high
quality protein, and whole grains - reduce salt, sugar, caffeine and
eliminate as much processed food as possible (anything in a box or bag
is processed!). If you can’t pre-detox for 5-7 days, consider doing it
for 3 days. You will still benefit greatly.

Last but not least...and this one is HUGE: I’ve included some simple
morning elixirs that are designed to flush the liver, kidneys and lymph
system, support detox, improve absorption of minerals, and encourage the
digestion and break down of fat.

There is no right or wrong – the goal of this cleanse is to bring you closer
to knowing what foods and drinks work for your unique body. Everyone is
different, which is why this isn’t a one-fits-all program. I will give you all
the tools you need to succeed, but you may have to experiment a little and
be sensitive to your body’s needs to find the optimum nourishment. This
is called bio-individuality – your physical body is just as unique as your

Now let’s talk about what you’re NOT going to eat during the DETOX. The
goal is to jump-start your detox by eliminating foods that have been known
to interfere with hormonal balance on some level. This means we will

Flour (refined grains), sugar, salt, caffeine, dairy products,

soy products, artificial sweeteners, artificial ingredients.

These foods are triggers for allergies, sensitivities, digestive problems,

mood problems, sleep issues, bloating and weight gain.

You may find that when you eliminate these foods, you have so much more
energy! WHY? First off, you gave your digestive system a break from hard-
to-digest foods and foods that you may be intolerant to. Therefore, your
organs and digestive system (your liver, kidneys, pancreas, and stomach)
do not have to work as hard. Your body can use that newfound energy to
get rid of toxins, which means weight loss and rockin’ hormones! Yay!


After you’ve completed your Liver Detox, I suggest adding the foods you’ve
eliminated back into your diet slowly. You have worked hard to cleanse and
don’t want to overload your rejuvenated liver or fall back into old habits.
You will also find that too much of these “bad” foods causes you to feel
pretty bad too.

Final Words for you!

I want you to enjoy the new tastes and sensations that will come with this
cleanse! View it as an experiment to see what really works for you. Let go
of junk that has no room in your body. There will be highs and lows – it’s
all part of the experience of DETOX, of change. Just know that letting go
does not have to be scary or hard. It can and should be a pleasurable
experience. Your liver and your body will thank you!



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