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Sample of Project Proposal

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Bulilit Star Scouts:

“A road to where a
great future begins”
(A Project Proposal)

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

Community Engagement, Solidarity

and Citizenship


Atienza, John Erwin A.

De Castro, Peter Albert C.
Maulion, Glenn J.
Cruzado, Kristina Lianne P.
Rolandong, Joy C.
Sandro, Mikaella B.
Valdez, Avie Grace I.

October 2018
Bulilit Star Scouts: “A road where a great future begins”

A. Nature of the Project

This project is about health intervention, educational support, spiritual guidance

and environmental protection. This is designed to reach out the citizens especially
children of the community. Bulilit Star Scouts is a multifaceted project and students will
be able to engage on numerous activities within a day. We also believe that chances are
very rare, so hitting all birds in one stone or incorporating all the different aspects is our
key to help people particularly children.

B. Objectives

At the end of this community project we will be able to:

1. Help children in need in terms of health intervention, educational support, spiritual

guidance and environmental protection;
2. Encourage children to be brave, have full of courage and trust within themselves in
joining and cooperating in different activities;
3. Let the children foster harmonious relationship with the other youths; and
4. Produce BULILIT STAR SCOUTS that are physically, mentally and spiritually healthy
that can contribute to the development of a society.

C. Rationale of the Community Development Project

One of our members noticed that some children has insufficiency in terms of
educational, spiritual and health support that leads them to a indecent environment. It was
also said that some of the children are having a hard time knowing their roles in their
society so with our aim- “help the children to move forward”-, we want them to
participate and join in different activities that we offer to alleviate the social problem they
are experiencing.

D. Target Community

Our target community is the Sitio Bagong Pook, Brgy. Mabalanoy, San Juan,
Batangas.The reason why we decided to conduct this activity in this community is to help
the children with their needs and try to produce Bulilit Star Scouts within themselves.

E. Date, Time, and Venues of Implementation

 Target Date/s: October 2018

 Specific time: 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
 Venue of the Project: Sitio Bagong Pook, Brgy. Mabalanoy, San Juan, Batangas
F. Community Development Project Activities

Activity 1: “Formal Introduction of the Project”

In this activity, (1) We will have a prayer to ask for the guidance of our God for
the whole day. There will be an assigned prayer leader on this. (2) Welcome each
participant through the message of the Subject teacher; (3) Let the Barangay Captain of
the certain community to speak and (4) The facilitator will define the community project
that we have done and states the importance of taking community action like this.

Activity 2: “Talk and Show”

Our first activity is (1) to have a “talk” with the children of the community to
share our knowledge/s about health, educational, spiritual and environmental aspects;
(2) we will group them depending on the numbers that will be assigned to them and have
a respective facilitator that comes from our group members to lead them and help them to
have a collaboration and cooperation for a good start of the activities that we will be
giving; (3) let them showcase their skills and abilities and what they got within
themselves by having a group presentation of their talents.
The incorporated BEC value in here is the SERVANT LEADERSHIP because
once you are a leader you are so passionate within your talent wherein you are willing to
showcase it. We also believe that they can be the good leaders they can be, which will be
a starting line to where they can be the next good influencers from their barangay to other
places, and the rest of them can be the best members that every leader need.

Activity 2: “Pray and Share”

Our group believes that aside from the people behind a certain activity, prayer is
the key to a successful project. In this activity we invited a catechist from our parish. (1)
A child volunteer will read a passage on the bible; (2) Let every child share what they
understand about it; (3) The speaker- catechist will ask the children to write a letter to
God that states their prayers and petitions; and (4) Let the children be the one to lead the
prayer before they eat.
LOVE is one of the values that a Beacon should possess. Through this activity,
we can show live to our Almighty God by spreading His words in the way that the
children will open their minds and have faith in Him. The prayer that they will write will
serve as their way to communicate with God in a simple way.

Activity 3: “Clean It”

In this activity we will: (1) Ask the children if they knew something about the
proper ways of washing their hands; (2) (if someone knows) Let them show their skills
with washing their hands on the front of everybody; (3) (if no one knows) Teach them the
proper ways of washing the hands with the step-by-step procedures; (4) and let them
know the importance of having a proper hygiene.
OBEDIENCE is the value that states that someone has the willingness to do
follow others. This activity will incorporate this value for us to test their compliance by
following step-by-step procedures of washing their hands that we will impart to them.
Activity 5: “Feeding Program”

This activity that we will be doing is the feeding program which will serves as the
lunch break of the participants. Not necessarily those mal-nutritious children but every
child that had participated in our program including the members of the support group.
We will prepare a simple meal to sustain their hunger. We will make sure that the meal
contains healthy ingredients that a child should eat.
Even in this simple activity, we can show HUMILITY. This Feeding Program
will help other children without expecting for anything in return. In our simple way, we
can show how passionate the Beacons can be because they are very willing to help others.

Activity 6: “Save Me”

The activities that we will be doing that incorporates environmental protection

are: (1) Ask the children if they have any idea regarding the proper segregation of wastes;
(2) Let them join in our prepared activity/game that includes the waste management; (3)
Let them draw the product that they want to make that they think it can help to reducing
The barangay officials are going to pick some drawings that they think it can help
for them and make them as a product that will be displayed at their own barangay hall for
the other members of the community including other people to see and witness how
resourceful the people in that certain community are.
Possessing the value RESPECT to our environment can be a big help in reducing
waste. This activity will make the children realize the importance of God's creation
especially the environment itself. At their young age, they should know the benefits and
effects of having a clean environment. They should respect one's creation because they
will benefit on those too, it can be on the same day, or the next day, or soon.

Activity 7: “Evaluation”

This is a 30- minute activity that will ensure the successfulness of the project. We
will provide survey questionnaires to ensure the effectivity of the whole day project. The
questions that we will indicate in the papers are related to the topic activities throughout
the day.
HONESTY is present in this activity because through this value we can
personally know their thoughts and perceptions on the activities that we have done. They
should freely express what they feel and/or learn about. This will be a big help in proved
if the project turns to be effective or not.

Activity 8: “Awarding”

This is the last part of the whole day activity that we will have. These includes the
(1) Giving the special awards into the children that have won from the different activities:
(2) Show appreciation to each child that had participating by giving the Bulilit Star Scout
Medallion: (3) Closing Message of the leader of the project: and (4) A closing prayer to
be led by the selected student from the class.
This will show every children’s COMMITTMENT to what we have done. This
will testify the consistency of the values we incorporated in each activity. By this activity
we will give them certificates and a medallion that signifies a “BULILIT STAR
SCOUT”. This can be a motivation for them to take community action in just simple
ways and being Committed to each action that they will take.
Time Table

Activity Allotted Time Estimated Time

Arrival and Preparation 30 mins. 7:00- 7:30 am
of the venue
Formal Introduction of 30 mins. 7:30- 8:00 am
the Project
Talk and Show 1hr. And 30 mins. 8:00- 9:30 am
Break 40 mins. 9:30- 10:10 am
Pray and Share 1hr. 10:10- 11:10 am
Clean It 50 mins. 11:10-12:00 pm
Feeding Program 1 hr. 12:00- 1:00 pm
Energizer 10 mins. 1:00- 1:10 pm
Save Me 1 hr. and 20 mins. 1:10-2:30 pm
Evaluation 30 mins. 2:30-3:00 pm
Awarding 50 mins 3:00- 3:50 pm
Cleaning of the Venue 10 mins. 3:50-4:00 pm

G. Persons/Agencies Involved

 Lead Group

Names Specific Tasks per Committee

Leader: Sandro
*Perez (Prayer) They will be the one who will lead the different
*Sentales activities. They are intended to be the facilitator. They
*Marasigan will be given their specific task to do on the activities
*Comia that we will assigned to them.
Awards and Decorations
Leader: Rolandong
They are responsible in decorating the venue and buy
*Panaligan R.
the materials that we will be using. They are also
assigned in making of the certificates and medallions
*De los Reyes
that indicates “Bulilit Star Scouts” that will be awarded
on the children at the end of all the activities.
* Javier

Food Committee
Leader: De Castro They are the one who will buy the ingredients and
Members: prepare the foods during the Feeding Program. They
are assigned to cook it and divide it into
*Samarita L.
the number of children and some of the
Brgy. Officials behind this project.
Safety and Security Committee
Leader: Atienza
*Ramos They will ensure the safety of the venue. They will also
*Panaligan G. be the one to coordinate with the Brgy. Tanod to
*De Torres further announce the project before the actual day.
Leader: Maulion They are responsible in having partnership onto
Members: different Support Groups especially to Barangay
*Amarillo captain. They will ask for the approval of the project
*Plaza that we will be conducted.
Leader: Cruzado They are assigned to the overall documentation of the
Members: project. They will capture photos and videos and write
*Ayap some important happenings on the project that can help
*Virtusio to further see the effectivity of the activity.
Leader: Valdez
They are the one who are responsible in handling the
money and creating a wise budget. They are also be the
*Samarita S.
one to distribute and collect the cans that we make to
gain money that we will be needing throughout this
community project.

 Support Groups

Name of Agencies/
Power Actors Specific Tasks/Assistance

Their knowledge regarding the proper washing of hands

 Department of
and the effects of good hygiene can help the members of
Health (San
the group to come up with a proper step-by-step
procedure in cleaning ourselves.
 Barangay He will be the one to decide regarding the confirmation of
Captain conducting this project within their Barangay.
 San Juan
They will be beneficial in conducting the “Pray and
Share Activity”. They can share their knowledge about
 Batangas
Eastern Colleges
This institution will play a big role in implementing this
(Principal, P.E and
kind of project. They will ensure the safety of the students
Health Teacher
while conducting this project.
and the Guidance
 Sangguniang They will provide help by informing the
Kabataan (SK) residents of the Barangay especially the
Children about the upcoming activity.
 Barangay They will also be the one to disseminate the information
Officials to the residents of the Barangay regarding this project.

 Beneficiaries

This project was proposed for the children of the Sitio Bagong Pook, Brgy.
Mabalanoy, San Juan, Batangas. We would like to reach out every people in that
community through this project proposal, by making them witness that every child of
their place can be their road and/or way to a great future, that this project of ours will
serves as the stepping stone to a brilliant change.

Bulilit Star Scouts was made to reach out the citizens of this particular place and
make them experience and feel the sense of belongingness. We will ensure them that after
this community project, the people of their barangay would definitely be proud of their
youth, that the road to a great future starts with them.

H. Budget Proposal
Financial expenses will not be able comply without the aid of money. So, our
group decided to conduct another small project that will sustain the expenses that we will
be needing throughout the project It is entitled “Piso Mula Sa Puso”. This project is a
voluntary contribution of students. We will be distributing cans to different classrooms at
the Senior High School department and ask for their support through donation of a “1
Peso” or “any” amount. This will be a big help to the effectiveness of our project.

Items Quantity Price

Materials for the Activities
 Soap 8 pieces Php 80.00
Total: Php 80.00
 Pansit 50 persons Php 550.00
 Sandwich 50 persons Php 300.00
 Drinks 50 persons Php 100.00
 Gulay na Mais 50 persons Php 350.00
 Bigas 5 kilos Php 300.00
Total: Php 1600.00
Prizes and Souvenirs
 Coloring Books 35 pieces Php 350.00
 Candy 3 packs Php 90.00
 Biscuits 4 packs Php 80.00
Total: Php 520.00
GRAND TOTAL Php 2200.00

I. Project Evaluation
In evaluating this target project, we will use different methods
that can be useful throughout the project. This can be beneficial for us
to know the problems and its causes and help them to address that certain community
problem. Through observation, we can know if there is a change in their daily living with
the aid of our project. It can be the way to easily conduct this project. Interview is another
way to personally know their thoughts and perceptions. And lastly is the survey
questionnaires we distributed at the last activity of the day. We will also make
documentary to further understand the different issues in the barangay.

Noted by: Approved by:


Team Leader Community Engagement, Solidarity
(Signature over Printed Name) and Citizenship Teacher

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