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How To Successfully Parallel Generators

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How To Successfully Parallel

Generators ? | Step By Step

Published on: December 19, 2018 by admin
When two or more generators with same frequency, voltage and phase difference are
connected to the bus-bar; such that it increase their overall capacity, ease of
maintenance, and active load management. Then they are called to be connected in
parallel; and the method used is called paralleling. While the process used in this
method to assist is known as synchronizing. It is an effective way to increase the overall
power output of a plant; with much better control and ease of maintenance.

This helps do the job without spending money on buying high capacity generators. The
process is used where the demand for power is variable with extreme points; too low
and too high power demand. For two generators to be synchronized; the waveform of
their output must match with one another. This can be achieved by using a
synchroscope or dark and bright lamp methods. To ensure further safety; it is required
to keep the incoming generator at sightly higher frequency.

A generator already connected to the bus bar is called running generator; while the one
which need to be synchronized to connect is called incoming generator. A generators
frequency reduce slightly once it is applied to active load; and thus an increased
frequency help it avoid running as a synchronous motor. Moreover a generator is not
connected to the bus bar under stationary condition as; it will cause high induced emf in
stator winding causing it to short circuit.
Connecting Three Phase Generators In
Heavy industries and ship with high power demand are installed with two or more three
phase generators; to effectively share the load and provide increased output when
needed. For two generators to be synchronized they must have equal number of phase;
same phase angle, same voltage, frequency and identical voltage sine curve
( waveform ). This means the RYB connection point of bus bar; should be connected to
RYB terminals of incoming generator and not RBY.

An three phase incoming generator can be synchronized to the one connected to the
bus bar; using bright lamp, dark lamp or synchroscope method. For generators to be
properly synchronized they must be locked finally to the system frequency; irrespective
of their initial speed or frequencies. Once synchronized they must share the total load
according to their individual capacity and not equally. For generators to share equal
loads they must be identical in most aspects.
When two generators are connected in parallel their e.m.f E 1 and E2 are in opposite
phase; with respect to their internal circuit while in shame phase for external circuit.
Under this condition if one generator tries to move out of synchronization; their internal
circuit will subjected to synchronizing current. This synchronizing current denoted by I s =
Er / Zs reestablish synchronicity between the two alternators.
Here; Er is the net resultant voltage of the system while the Z s is the impedance of
synchronization. The different method used to achieve this synchronization are given
Synchronizing 3 Phase Generators Using Synchroscope
While all modern control panel either on ship or large industry have facility to parallel
generators automatically; it is necessary to understand and prepare to do it manually in
case. A synchroscope is a device used to measure the degree of synchronization; so
that we can close the breaker at the right time. It represents the relative speed of the
incoming machinery with the help of a pointer. If it moves anti clock wise then the speed
of incoming generator is less; while is more if it moves clockwise.

1. Start the incoming generator and warm it up while increasing its speed to the
meet the required operational frequency.
2. Monitor in the control panel whether the incoming generator have the same
voltage and frequency that of the bus-bar.
3. Make sure both of your generators have the same phase sequence.
4. Make necessary adjustments if required to meet identical voltage, frequency and
phase sequence.
5. Now switch on the synchroscope and monitor the movement of pointer.
6. If the pointer moving anticlockwise increase the speed; if it moves fast along
clockwise direction reduce the alternator speed.
7. Keep the speed of incoming generator slightly more than that on load; such that
the pointer moves very slowly clockwise.
8. Engage the breaker just before the pointer reach midnight ( 12’O Clock ); it is the
moment when the incoming generator is in phase with the bus bar.
9. Once done decide whether you need both generators on load or need to shut
down the running generator.
10. This can be achieved by lowering the governor switch of running generator while
increasing for incoming generator.
11. Switch off the synchroscope.
12. Switch off or trip the breaker for the running generator; now the generator is on
Synchronizing 3 Phase Generators Using Lamp Method
Proper synchronization for an alternator can be achieved by using either; dark lamp or
one dark two bright lamp method. It is an cheap alternative for the expensive
synchroscope for the job. In dark lamp method all the three bulb is connected across
the same phase; i.e RR’, YY’, BB’ with a voltmeter connected across two phase of the
bus bar and terminals of incoming generator. On other hand one dark and two bright
lamp method have; one lamp connected in phase while others out of phase to the bus-
bar i.e RB’, YY’, BR’.

The basic idea behind working of dark lamp method is that; when the two generators
are in synchronicity their net resultant frequency will be zero. You can consider it by
this; if bus-bar frequency is 60 Hz and that of incoming generator is 50 Hz then resultant
frequency is 10 Hz. At this point in time all the three lamps will remain dark. Initially
when there is a difference between these frequencies the resultant frequency will cause
the lamp to flicker ( On and OFF ) concurrently.

Just in case if these bulb don’t flicker concurrently its a clear cut indication of incorrect
phase sequence; stop the incoming generator and replace the terminal positions. In the
process the breaker is closed when during the dark phase of the light when the net
frequency is almost 1. Similarly we can use two bright and one dark method to do it
more efficiently.

Steps To parallel Generators By Two Bright One dark

Lamp Method
1. Start the Prime mover of the alternator and bring it to its rated speed.
2. Connect the three lamps and a voltmeter to its terminal  as shown in the above
figure; following two bring and one dark lamp method.
3. Check whether the incoming generator have the same voltage as of the bus-bar.
4. If not; increases the voltage by changing field current in the alternator till it mach
up with that of the bus bar.
5. Watch for the bulb flicker and decide whether it follows an anticlockwise or
clockwise pattern.
6. An anticlockwise movement indicates slow speed while a clockwise movement
indicate; fast speed of the incoming generator in respect to the bus bar or
running generator.
7. Change the speed of the alternator accordingly to reduce the flicking of the bulb
to nearly zero or as low as possible.
8. Now close the breaker at moment when the bulb connected in phase is dark
while the others two are equally bright.
9. Once done decide whether you need both generators on load or need to shut
down the running generator.
10. This can be achieved by lowering the governor switch of running generator while
increasing for incoming generator.
11. Now disconnect the supply to the lamps and turn off the step down transformer
connected if any.
12. It is a general practice for high voltage generators to connect these lamps via an
step down transformer.
13. Switch off or trip the breaker for the running generator; now the generator is on
Connecting Single Phase Generators In
A single phase generator can be synchronized and then connected in parallel by using
dark lamp or bright lam method of synchronization. Other than the dark lamp and one
dark two bright lamp method in three phase generator; here we only use two lamps for
the whole process. For dark lamp method; the lamps are connected in phase to the
terminal and the bus bar as shown in the diagram. While for bright lamp method they
are connected out of phase to each other.

The light bulb will flicker with alternate dark and bright phase based on the net resultant
frequency of generators. Now when the frequency and voltage of the running generator;
is matched with that of the incoming generator the bulb will not glow. It is so because
the root mean square value; of their voltage for the waveform is in equal but opposite
magnitude. This can be represented in general by two equal but opposite waveform; as
in below diagram.
Similar to that in three phase alternators close the breaker in the middle of the dark
phase or period. The two output are in exact phase opposition at that point of time. If not
done properly the generator might not synchronize; which lead to reverse power trip or
simply called blackout. Pay special attention during the process as in single phase
generators; even if the magnitude of output voltage of each generator be same the net
resultant voltage may be different.

Parallel Operation of Portable Generators – The Easy

Way !
No one ever wants to get into complexity of manually synchronizing generators;
specially when it comes to portable generators at home or camp ( Picnic ). It’s not just
require attention and experience but could also damage the generator if things goes

With all that advancement in technology we want something which; take care of all this
important stuff for us and is easy to use. You can check out my personal favorite
parallel kit for generators with its price Over Here on Amazon. You just have to plug it in
the outputs and then start together to enjoy increased / combined output.
But its not the only product out there so pick the one which is compatible with your
generator and is cost effective. For most portable generators they have dedicated
socket for connecting paralleling cables termed as “Parallel output” or just “Parallel”.
Connect the both ends of cable on both of the generator and the internal generator
control with inbuilt program for parallel operation will take care of it.
Two or more generators are run in parallel on ship, industries and power plants to share
load; increase power output, provide ease of maintenance and reduced operational
cost. A generator can be run in parallel by providing proper synchronization and
effective load sharing. While all generator panels either local or in control room have
automatic synchronization facility; it is not uncommon to see a backup manual
synchronization method provided for emergency.

To achieve smooth paralleling of generator they must be first taken up to same

frequency; voltage and phase angle to properly synchronize using one of its method. A
generator can be synchronized to another generator or the bus bar using; a
synchroscope, dark lamp and one dark two bright lamp method.

Parallel operation of standby and

primary generator sets
July 12th, 2017, Published in Articles: Energize

by Mike Rycroft, features editor, EE Publishers


It is becoming common practice to install a number of smaller sized standby or primary power
generator sets rather than a single larger machine. This is done to ensure availability, handle variable
loads efficiently, and facilitate maintenance. Efficient operation of paralleled sets requires
synchronisation and load balancing, as well as operating machines at the optimum load point. Modern
control equipment has made it easier to meet these requirements when operating machines in parallel.

Parallel standby power systems have always provided significant advantages over single large generator units.
However, implementation of such systems has been limited to large projects or mission critical applications,
due to the constraints of higher cost, space, and the high level of complexity involved in setting up and
maintaining such plant. With the introduction of advanced digital control technologies, it has now become
easier to operate systems in parallel and benefit from the additional advantages these systems can provide.
Fig. 1: Synchronising requires voltage, phase and frequency to be matched [4].

Advantages of parallel operation

The main advantages are:

 Reliability: The redundancy inherent in parallel operation of multiple generators provides greater

reliability than is offered by single generator unit for critical loads. If one unit fails, the critical loads are
redistributed among other units in the system on a priority basis.
 Expandability: When sizing generators to match load requirements, it is often difficult to accurately
project increases in load and adequately plan for anticipated additional requirements. By operating
systems in parallel, it is easier to allow for variations in load without overrunning budget or piling up
expensive units that rarely get used. Redundant generators can be detached from the unit and can be
used separately at other sites.

 Flexibility: Using multiple units in parallel offers greater flexibility than using a single large-sized
generator of a high capacity. Multiple smaller generators operating in parallel do not need to be grouped
together and can be located in a distributed fashion. Since the units do not require a collective large space
that have to be side by side, these can often be installed in small facilities or whenever space is a
restricting factor.

 Ease of maintenance and serviceability: If a generator in the system breaks down or requires
maintenance, individual units can be dismantled and serviced without disrupting the functioning of other
units. The redundancy inherent in a parallel system provides multiple layers of protection and ensures an
uninterrupted supply of power for critical circuits.

 Cost-effectiveness and quality performance: Individual units operating in parallel are typically of

smaller capacities. The engines used in these generators are usually industrial, on-road or high-volume
engines produced with advanced manufacturing technology that gives them a high degree of reliability and
low cost per unit of power [1].

Fig. 2: Slip frequency synchronising [2].

Most parallel configurations use machines of the same size and same characteristics. Parallel operation of
machines of different sizes and/or with different characteristics provides operational challenges, but is not
impossible with the advanced control systems available today. There are three critical considerations when
operating generators in parallel:
 Synchronisation: frequency phase and voltage must be the same
 Load sharing: equal loads must be carried by each machine

 Circulating currents: these can cause damage and must be kept to a minimum


To connect generators in parallel, they must first be synchronised. Synchronising means that the output voltage
waveform of the generator must match the output waveform of another source in terms of voltage, frequency
and phase angle. A phase angle difference between the two waveforms creates a difference in potential
between the two sources. The potential difference should be as small as possible within practical limits before
closing the paralleling circuit breaker (Fig. 1).

Fig. 3: Phase lock synchronising [2].

There are two forms of synchronising in common use: slip frequency synchronising, and phase lock active
Slip frequency synchronising

Slip is the difference in frequency (or speed of rotation) of the two sources (measured in Hz). In a slip
frequency application there will be alternating moments of being in phase (synchronism) and being out of
phase (Fig. 2). A synchronising unit is normally used to match the voltage of the incoming generator set to that
of the busbar and the frequency of the incoming generator is set to a fixed difference to that of the busbar. The
different frequencies permit an instant of minimal phase angle and therefore potential difference between
sources. The paralleling contactor will be closed at the instant of minimum potential difference [3].
Fig. 4: Typical power/frequency droop curve [4].

Phase lock synchronising

Fig. 2 illustrates the phase lock loop (phase match) method of synchronising. There is initially a large phase
angle difference between waveforms, which is reduced and maintained. This allows for a sustained period of
synchronism. The design of the synchroniser makes this mode of operation possible by controlling voltage,
frequency and phase angle. The unit analyses the output voltage and makes corrections to the engine speed
(via the governor) and controls the AVR to adjust voltage amplitude and phase angle to achieve sustained
synchronism [2].

Parallel connection and synchronisation procedures

Two systems of parallel connection and synchronisation are commonly used:

 Random access paralleling

 Dead bus paralleling
Fig. 5: Load sharing with similar machines.

Random access paralleling

In a random access paralleling system all generator sets receive a start command at the same time and
independently build up their voltage and speed to rated values, at which point they are ready to close to the
paralleling bus. The generator sets will not be in synchronism with each other, so the generator set controls
have an arbitration scheme which allows only one generator set to close to the dead bus. When one generator
set “wins” the arbitration it sends a signal to the other generator sets preventing them from closing their
breakers and then closes its own paralleling breaker to the bus. At this point the other generator sets recognise
that the bus is now live and they synchronise and close to the bus. In a random access system it is not
predetermined which generator set will close to the dead bus. It is a robust paralleling method because if a
single generator set fails or is slow to come up to speed the rest of the generator sets are not affected. There is
no single point of failure [3].

Dead bus paralleling

In a dead bus paralleling system all generator sets start with their paralleling breakers closed to the bus, and
with their excitation circuits disabled. This allows generator sets to be connected in parallel without being in
synchronisation because no voltage is generated. As engines reach a preset speed the generator set controls
turn on and ramp up excitation levels. This causes the voltage on the bus to build up and forces the generator
sets to come into synchronisation with each other. Because there is no need for arbitration or synchronising
multiple generator sets, dead bus paralleling can bring a generator to rated speed and voltage quickly. This,
however, is a less robust method of paralleling as each generator set represents a single point of failure [3].
Fig. 6: Load sharing on generators with different droop characteristics.

Circulating currents are caused by generators building up internal voltage at different rates as excitation is
increased. Although the terminal voltages of the paralleled generator sets will be the same because they will be
electrically connected, the internal voltages of the generators may be different due to different characteristics.
Current will flow from generators with higher internal voltage to generators with lower internal voltage resulting
in some generators being back fed which causes stress to the windings and excitation system.

In a random access paralleling system the closed loop load sharing algorithm will effectively eliminate any
circulating current. During the excitation ramp in a dead bus paralleling system the voltage reference of the
AVR is increased linearly with no feedback. The control is not correcting for any of these differences so there
could be substantial current circulating between the generator sets [3].

Load sharing

There are two main methods of load sharing:

 Passive load sharing or droop load sharing: this relies upon the settings of the generators.
 Active load sharing: this uses a load sharing controller which interacts with the voltage and speed
controls of the machines to achieve balance.

Passive load sharing

Frequency or voltage droop load sharing

Droop is a characteristic of a generator and describes the variation of either power or voltage with speed of
rotation. Speed of rotation determines frequency and droop is often defined a change of output power with

Fig. 7: The effect of changing the load on dissimilar paralleled generators.

As the load increases, the speed of the generator, and hence the frequency will decrease. In the isochronous
case the control system will adjust the operation of the machine to maintain the frequency at a set frequency. In
Isochronous operation the no-load frequency is the system frequency. In a droop load sharing system, the
proportion of the load carried by each machine is determined by the droop characteristic of the machine. The
operation of droop controlled load sharing can be understood by considering the case of two machines
connected in parallel. If the two machines have similar ratings and the same droop characteristics, the load
sharing is as shown in Fig. 5.

Because the machines have the same droop characteristics power is shared equally between the two
generators, i.e. PG1 = PG2. If the power drawn increases, the frequency will change, but the power drawn from
each generator remains the same.

Droop load sharing dissimilar machines

When machines with different droop characteristics are operated in parallel, the proportion carried by each
machine will depend on the total load and the droop characteristics of each machine. This is illustrated in Fig.
Fig. 8: Changing the sharing ratio between generators.

From Fig. 6 it can be seem that Gen. 1 carries a higher portion of the load than Gen. 2. Changing the load
changes the frequency as shown in Fig. 7, and the proportional sharing has also changed because of the
different droop rates. The load sharing will depend on the droop characteristics of the two machines. The no
load frequency of the machines in this example differs which is unusual, as most machines would be operated
or set to have the same no load frequency.

In order to compensate for the variation in frequency, the generator set points can be adjusted to provide
constant system frequency. Note that both generator no-load frequencies must be adjusted in order to maintain
the balance of power between generators 1 and 2.

Changing load sharing

The load sharing ratio may be altered by changing the settings of the generators. Adjusting one generator
changes both the load balance and the frequency of the system. This is illustrated in Fig. 8 where the no-load
frequency of
Gen. 1 has been changed, with a resultant change in both load sharing and the system frequency.
Fig. 9: Reactive droop compensation [7].

Active load sharing

Active load sharing is used to ensure a constant voltage and frequency output from the paralleled generator
sets. Active load sharing requires the interconnection of control units of each machine. Control units monitor
the voltage, current, active and reactive loads on each machine and adjust control parameters to ensure
balanced loading, constant voltage and frequency.

Isochronous kW and kvar load sharing

In an isochronous load sharing system, the frequency of the system is maintained constant throughout load
variations. Isochronous load sharing control systems are active control systems that calculate the percentage
of real and reactive load on a specific generator set, compare those values to the percentage of real and
reactive load on the system, and then provide control to the fuel and excitation system of the generator to drive
the percentage of load on the generator to the same value as the percentage of load on the system. Load
sharing is critical to paralleling compatibility because the load sharing communication is the only point where
generator controls interact with each other when operating on an isolated bus [7].

There are several methods of doing this, amongst which are reactive load sharing and cross current
Fig. 10: Cross current compensation [7].

Reactive load sharing

Otherwise known as reactive droop compensation, this system is shown in Fig. 9.

In this system the voltage regulators operate to obtain equal sharing of the reactive load.

Cross current compensation

Cross current is a flow of electrical current between generator sets that is caused by dissimilar excitation levels
in those sets. Cross current compensation is a term describing the operation of paralleled generator sets
without intentional voltage droop. This is achieved by the insertion of a current transformer (CT), on one phase
of the generator output and interconnecting the CTs together to provide an identical voltage bias to each AVR
in the system. Using cross current compensation results in no intentional droop in voltage from no load to full
load on the system, so it is considered to be superior to a reactive droop compensation system from a
performance perspective. Fig.10 shows a cross current compensation circuit [7].
Fig. 11: Generators with different winding pitch produce different voltage waveforms [8].

Circulating currents
One of the more common concerns with paralleled generator sets is circulating currents, where current flows
between the generators. Circulating currents can be due to two things:

 Difference in voltage settings

 Difference in generator characteristics

Difference in voltage settings or voltage droop will result in circulating current flowing in the line or phase
conductors of the alternators and can be corrected by adjusting the voltage settings, either manually or

Although the use of generators with dissimilar characteristics is an unusual situation is does occur and has its
own set of challenges. The most common problem is the different shape of the voltage waveforms from
generators with different winding pitches or patterns. This can also be described as the different harmonic
contents of the two waveforms. This is illustrated in Fig. 11. Although the two waveforms have the same peak
voltages and more or less sinusoidal waveforms, there are instantaneous differences in voltage. This difference
results in circulating neutral currents between the two machines. These circulating currents can cause
overheating in the generator windings and false tripping of overcurrent protection equipment, particularly
ground fault detection schemes [5].
Fig. 12: Different voltage waveforms result in circulating currents in the neutral [8].

Where the load current contains harmonics, this can also introduce extra harmonics on the generator voltage
waveform, as machines with different winding pitch have different reactance to harmonics [4]. Flow of harmonic
current in the neutral can be reduced by the introduction of reactance into the neutral conductor.

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