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Overview of Harmonic and Resonance in Railway Electrification Systems

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Overview of Harmonic and Resonance in Railway

Electrification Systems
Haitao Hu , Member, IEEE, Yang Shao, Li Tang , Jin Ma , Senior Member, IEEE,
Zhengyou He , Senior Member, IEEE, and Shibin Gao

Abstract—Harmonic distortion and harmonic resonance prob-

lems have been widely concerned and reported in railway electri-
fication systems (RESs) due to the harmonic injection from the
nonlinear electric train, especially high-speed/high-capacity/large-
power trains. This paper presents an overview of the harmonic
and resonance problems in the RES, including harmonic prob-
lem composition, harmonic modeling, available influential factors
assessment, harmonic resonance, and associated suppression meth-
ods. The harmonic problem mainly consists of the background har-
monics brought from the utility system, resonance-region harmon-
ics interacted by capacitive and inductive network elements, and
characteristic harmonics generated from the switching process of
the onboard power conversion system. The mathematical modeling
and analysis methods are introduced, including frequency scanning
analysis, S-domain analysis, resonance mode analysis, and modal
sensitivity analysis. Available influential factors/parameters have
been fully investigated against above-mentioned harmonic prob-
lems. Finally, different harmonic suppression methods have been
compared and summarized in this paper.
Index Terms—Harmonic analysis, harmonic modeling, har-
monic resonance, harmonic suppression, railway electrification
system (RES).

ARMONIC distortion has raised increasing attentions
H with the rapid development of the railway electrification
system (RES), especially the high-speed railways (HSRs). The Fig. 1. (a) Measured voltage and current waveforms under a resonance condi-
harmonic currents, generated from the thyristor- or pulse-width- tion. (b) Measured catenary voltage harmonic distortions during a 24-h period
(catenary-rail V TR = 27.5 kV): (1) low-frequency background harmonics; (2)
modulation (PWM)-controlled converters in an electric train, resonance-region harmonics; and (3) high-frequency characteristic harmonics.
flowing through the catenary network are one of the largest
concerns. As a distributed RLC circuit, the catenary network can
experience series or parallel resonances at one or more specific
Manuscript received September 21, 2017; revised January 9, 2018; accepted frequencies that amplify harmonic currents. The measured
February 22, 2018. Date of publication March 9, 2018; date of current version voltage and current waveforms under a resonance are shown
September 17, 2018. Paper 2017-IPCC-1070.R1, approved for publication in in Fig. 1(a). The highly distorted waveforms may lead to the
Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work electromagnetic interference in adjacent communication lines
was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the railway signaling system, overheating, and vibration at
under Grant NSFC 51677154 and Grant NSFC 51525702; and in part by the power capacitors, and maloperation at the protections. With the
Mid-Career Researcher Development Program, Faculty of EIT, the University
of Sydney. (Corresponding author: Haitao Hu.) growing density of electric trains and increasing requests for
H. Hu, L. Tang, Z. He, and S. Gao are with the School of Electri- power demand, harmonic pollution and resonance have become
cal Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China a major concern in both utility power system and RES.
Y. Shao is with the Hefei Power Supply Company, China Railway Shanghai A. Harmonic Problem Sources in RESs
Group Co. Ltd., Hefei 230012, China (e-mail:,
J. Ma is with the School of Electrical & Information Engineering, the Univer- Fig. 1(b) shows voltage harmonic contents obtained from the
sity of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia (e-mail:, secondary-side voltage waveforms of a traction substation (TSS)
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at during a 24-h period. Different harmonic sources are therefore,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2018.2813967 respectively, presented and generally cataloged as follows.
0093-9994 © 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution
requires IEEE permission. See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

1) Background voltage harmonics are brought from aggra- Recent harmonic modeling methods for the RES are mainly
vated harmonic injections of available nonlinear devices based on either mathematical models or simulation models [3],
connected to the utility power system, and usually below [23]. Analyzing the former condition without considering the
20 per unit (p.u.), i.e., 5-, 7-, 11-, 13-th harmonics [1], nonlinear load (NLL) model or modeling them as a set of ideal
[2]. They can be measured in a new RES without train current harmonic sources are not rigorous. Several uncoupled
operations. Moreover, the background harmonics may be or coupled NLL models are discussed in [24]–[26], such as
magnified by the series resonance. Norton, crossed frequency admittance matrix, and frequency-
2) Harmonic resonance is aroused through the interaction of coupled matrix approaches to describe the external features of
capacitive and inductive elements/parameters, and excited NLLs for harmonic studies. The catenary network has a com-
by the current injection of the nonlinear train, which has plex network structure, and the multitransmission lines (MTL)
been reported in many countries, such as South Korea [3], approach is adopted for modeling the catenary network. The
Italy [4], China [5], and Zimbabwe [6]. Two conditions completed model of the RES has been studied and discussed
required to stimulate a harmonic resonance are as follows. in [27].
a) The system inductance and capacitance match with The harmonic problem is influenced by different electrical pa-
each other at some frequencies. rameters of the system, including the power system, the traction
b) A harmonic source, connected to the system, covers system, and the train control system. The structure or capacity
one or more of these resonance frequencies. of the power system will influence the background harmonics
3) Characteristic harmonics generate inherently around the [28]. The parameters of the electric train’s control system will
integer switching frequencies of the PWM-controlled change characteristic harmonics easily [8], [29]. Meanwhile,
4-quardrant converter (4QC) of high-speed trains [7], resonance and parameters of the RES are closely related, such
[8]. As for the conventional electric train, the harmon- as the length of the catenary network, impedance of the traction
ics are characterized by rich low-frequency odd har- transformer, multiple railway lines, etc. [15]. Thus, different in-
monics [9]. Apart from different harmonic spectra of fluential factors will affect harmonic and resonance behaviors
different electric train types, they may have different in the RES.
harmonic behaviors by means of the equivalent output The serious harmonic distortion will cause power quality
admittance. problems, such as the motor failure, the arrester explosion, the
potential transformer breakdown, etc. [30], [31]. Thus, available
harmonic suppression methods are then considered to overcome
B. Overview of Harmonic Studies in RES the harmonic problems in the RES, such as optimizing the struc-
Harmonic and resonance problems have been reported and ture of the power system, installing power filters in the train
investigated in many circumstances, such as low-voltage distri- or the TSS, and adjusting sensitive parameters of the traction
bution systems and microgrids [10], [11], high-voltage transmis- system to change the resonant impedance amplitude and the
sion lines [12], substation and affiliated reactive-load compen- frequency [22], [32], [33].
sation equipments [13], wind power systems [14], and electric
railways [4]. The phenomena and impacts, harmonic modeling,
series/parallel resonances, methodologies, mitigations for har- C. Contribution and Organization
monic and resonance problems are under the intensive research As shown in Fig. 2, an overview schematic diagram of the
interest. harmonic and resonance in the RES is proposed. Based on our
Due to the specific circuit topology and nonlinear traction harmonic and resonance works in the RES, the fundamental
loads in RESs, this paper mainly concentrates on the overview contribution of this paper is to present an overview of differ-
of the harmonic and resonance problems in RESs. Many schol- ent harmonic generation sources, harmonic modeling, available
ars in this field have put forward many analysis methods in influential factors, analysis methods, and suppression schemes
recent decades. The influences of available factors, including for the RES. Moreover, some new phenomena of harmonic and
primary/secondary supply lines, catenary lengths, traction trans- resonance from measured and simulation results have been dis-
former, interconnection point of rails, rolling stocks including cussed. Available influential factors are fully investigated, and
trains’ number, positions, and effort, have been investigated resonance sensitivity studies dealing with harmonic mitigations
through simulations [15], [16]. are discussed.
In order to quantify the harmonic severity levels, some meth- The rest parts of this paper are organized as follows. The
ods have been presented for studying the harmonic resonance. topology and harmonic problems of the RES are described in
The methods can be roughly classified into the following four Section II. The completed harmonic modeling of each com-
categories: frequency scan method [12], [17], [18], S-domain ponent is arranged in Section III. Different resonance analysis
mode method [19], [20], harmonic magnification method [3], methods are summarized and further applied to analyze the har-
[6], and resonance mode assessment (RMA) or modal sensitivity monic resonance problems in Section IV. Available influential
indices [21], [22]. Different methods can obtain different note- factors of the harmonic resonance are discussed in Section V.
worthy information, such as resonance frequencies, resonance Section VI describes the harmonic penetration and assessment
amplitudes, critical resonance nodes, resonance locations, and with different types of electric trains. Section VII summarizes
their corresponding sensitivities. and compares the suppression methods in dealing with three

Fig. 2. Overview schematic diagram of harmonic and resonance in the electric railway system.

Fig. 4. 95% maximum values of background harmonic voltages.

Fig. 3. System topology of a typical RES.

B. Background Harmonics
harmonic problem sources of the RES through simulation The background harmonics observed from the TSS are de-
studies. Finally, a discussion and conclusion section are added scribed as harmonic voltages that consist of the harmonics
in Section VIII. caused by available NLLs and power-electronics-based genera-
tions connected to the utility power system and the infiltration
II. DESCRIPTION OF THE RES AND ITS HARMONIC PROBLEMS of the harmonic from associated TSSs on the operation rail-
way. The background harmonics may be easily magnified when
A. Typical RES Configuration the series resonance exists in the traction system [34]. With
The ac RES, a specific single-phase power grid, is shown in the application of PWM technique in modern high-speed trains
Fig. 3. The system mainly consists of the TSS, catenary net- (HSTs), low-frequency harmonic contents are significantly re-
work, and electric trains. It normally takes the electricity from duced [31], [35] and are comparable to background harmon-
the three-phase upstream power grid (normally, 220/110 kV ics so that the background harmonic in the HSR cannot be
in China, 154 kV in South Korea, 225/400 kV in France, and ignored.
275 kV in Japan). Moreover, some countries, such as Germany The harmonic voltage spectra of the primary utility sys-
and Norway, have their own dedicated power plants and tem could be obtained by the field data measured in the Sky-
distribution grids and their characteristics vary significantly. light period of Hongqiao hub TSS without train operations in
The voltages are stepped to two single-phase feeders via Shanghai, China. According to the continuous 24-h measured
secondary supply lines to the catenary network. The electricity data, the 95% maximum values of three-phase background har-
is finally supplied to the electric train through the contact of the monic voltages are illustrated in Fig. 4, and one can find that the
pantograph–catenary system. third, fifth, seventh, 11st, and 13rd harmonic voltages are high

Fig. 6. Simple resonant circuit.

D. Resonance Harmonics
Harmonic resonance is the frequent reactive power exchange
at the resonance frequency between the inductive and capacitive
components in the RES. Resonances will amplify the injected
harmonic current from the train through the catenary network
lines. Generally, harmonic resonances can be categorized as
series resonance and parallel resonance [36].
As shown in Fig. 6, viewed from the load side, the capacitor
is in parallel with the harmonic source, the harmonic current
coming from NLL may be near the parallel resonance frequency
between the capacitance and the inductance of the overhead lines
or transformers, then, the harmonic may be seriously magnified.
Viewed from the grid side, background harmonics may be close
to the series resonance frequency between the capacitors and
Fig. 5. Harmonic current spectra of different trains. (a) Thyristor-controlled grid inductance, then, the background harmonic in the power
conventional train. (b) PWM-controlled high-speed train. grid will be magnified.
Series resonance between the capacitance and grid inductance
may magnify background harmonic current and worsen the har-
since the power system contain enough nonlinear loads such as
monic current distortion point of common coupling. The series
three-phase bridge rectifiers whose characteristic harmonics are
resonance problem in the RES was reported in [37] and [38]
6n ± 1 p.u.(n = 1, 2, 3, . . .).
due to the connection of Steinmetz circuit which is used to cor-
rect unbalance voltages of the TSS. Resonance between the
C. Characteristic Harmonics of Electric Train Steinmetz circuit and supply system reactances “ob-
served” from the traction network is usually a series
The train is the main harmonic source in the RES, and its
injected harmonic currents are found in abundance. The driving
modes of electric trains are different and can be divided into two
types, i.e., ac–dc type (thyristor-controlled conventional train) III. HARMONIC MODELING FOR THE TRACTION SYSTEMS
and ac–dc–ac type (PWM-controlled high-speed train). Thus, A. Power System Model
different current spectra generated by these trains are measured
A three-phase power system can be considered as a coupling
and compared in Fig. 5.
circuit, and the coupled Norton model is adopted to represent
For a thyristor-controlled train [7], the measured current spec-
such a system. Primary supply lines can be represented as a
trum of the SS-type train (in China) is shown in Fig. 5(a), and the
six-port MTL between the utility system and TSS [23].
harmonic current values are listed in Appendix I. The harmonic
current has rich content and concentrate at the low frequency
region (third, fifth, seventh, etc.), and the high-frequency har- B. MTL-based Catenary Network Model
monic current contents are decreased with the increasing of 1) Secondary Supply Line: The secondary supply lines con-
frequency. nected from the TSS to the catenary network use power cables
On the other hand, the high-speed trains controlled by the widely. The supply lines with nonnegligible distributed capac-
PWM-controlled 4QC share less harmonic issue concerns due itances play an important role in resonance behaviors. Consid-
to the adoption of high switching frequency PWM. In Fig. 5(b), ering the transmission line theory, the supply line is usually
the HST has reduced the lower order harmonics remarkably, but modeled by an equivalent PI circuit, and its nodal admittance
the high-frequency components, especially the characteristic matrix is presented as the primary supply line.
harmonics near to the switching frequency, remain serious. The 2) Catenary Network: The MTL model is effective in
power factor of HST shows a relatively large increasement and representing the auto-transformer (AT)-fed catenary network
almost close to 1 and the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the [16]. Considering the relatively large leakage conductance of
injected current is usually below 5%. the return circuit to the ground, the multiport equivalent PI-type

The nodal admittance matrix of the V/x transformer can be

described by
= =YT . (3)
The vectors in (3) are listed as follows:


⎪ I P = IA IB IC

Fig. 7. V/x traction transformer model. ⎨ V P = VA VB VC T
. (4)
⎪ I =
I α I α I α β I β I β T

⎪ S

circuit model is used to represent each MTL segment. TSS, ⎩
ATS, trains, section posts (SPs), and different area geography V S = VT VF VR
α α αβ

are the truncated slices in the MTL model, which “cut” the The modeling method of other traction transformers is sim-
catenary network into several sections. The parameters of the ilar according to the mathematical model theory, and another
PI-based MTL model are expressed as detailed traction transformer model is shown in Appendix II.
2) Auto-Transformer: AT is concatenated to the contact line
sin(γx) and positive feeder, and its extracted neutral point is con-
Zπ = T V · T −1
V ·Z (1) nected to rails or directly grounded. The up-track and down-
track, shorted out by an extremely small resistance ε, respec-
Y π /2 = Z −1 T V [γtan h (γx/2)] T −1
V (2) tively, will power for the same AT in the all-parallel AT trac-
tion network. The modeling approach has been worked out
2 in [40].
where x is the length of an MTL segment, ∂∂x 2 V m = [γ 2 ]V m ,
V m = T −1 V V p . V is the voltage vector of multiple conductors. D. Harmonic Modeling for the Electric Train
γ is the eigenvalue matrix through phase-model transformation,
[γ 2 ] = T −1
V [ZY ]T V = [diag(γ1 · · · γN )], Z and Y are the
2 2 Harmonic modeling for the electric trains, especially the 4QC
impedance matrix and admittance matrix of an MTL segment, controlled by the PWM technique, dominates the resonance
respectively. behaviors of the traction drive system. There are available
Multiple lines in the catenary network will lead to a nodal modeling methods to represent the harmonic current of the
admittance matrix with huge dimensions. Therefore, this paper train, such as in [3] and [16] adopting a set 1 p.u. harmonic
merged these lines into five equivalent conductors according to currents. An ideal current source can inject specific harmonics
the electrical connection relationship. They are T buses (includ- for testing the harmonic impedance behaviors observed from
ing a contact wire and a messenger wire) in up and down tracks, the train (or pantograph). But this method can only test the
F buses (including a positive feeder) in up and down tracks, traction network resonance not the whole RES. The 4QC of
and R bus (including four rails, two protection wires, and 2 the trains are usually two level, multiple interlaced two-level or
integrated earth wires). three-level converters, as shown in Fig. 8.
The ac-side voltage is determined from the switching func-
tions and dc voltage in Fig. 8(c), thus, the input current is ob-
C. Transformer Model tained as
VS (1) − Vac (1)
Transformers are considered by its low-frequency equivalent Vac (h)
model, which adds capacitances that allow to take into account IS = − (5)
RS + jω0 LS RS + jhω0 LS
the displacement currents inside the equipment at higher fre-
quencies. Here, we are not considering the capacitance of trans- Vac and VS are the primary- and secondary-side voltages of the
formers for simplifying the analysis. converter, respectively. RS and LS are the equivalent resistance
1) Traction Transformer: There are many different connec- and inductance of the traction transformer, respectively, and 1
tions of traction transformers, such as single-phase, Ynd11, and h are the fundamental and harmonic orders, respectively.
V/v(V/x), and Scott [39]. The V/x traction transformer is widely If the 4QC of the train is two level, the signal is SA (same
used in Germany and China HSR due to its high capacity utiliza- to SB with 180° shifting) and the three-level or two-interlaced
tion, simple wiring, and easy interface to AT catenary network. signal is SA B . Associated harmonic spectra of SA and SA B are
The V/x transformer contains two single-phase three-winding presented in Fig. 9. As described in [21] and also from the mea-
transformers, which supply power for both sides of the feeding surements of Chinese electric trains, the dominant harmonics all
section. The two windings, whose voltages are ±27.5 kV due center around 4× switching frequency for three-level PWM con-
to the extracted and grounded neutral point of the secondary verter, 2× switching frequency for two-level PWM converter,
winding, are connected to the T bus and F bus. Fig. 7 shows the and 2 n× switching frequency for n-interleaved two-level PWM
equivalent circuit of the V/x transformer and its alpha phase. converter.

Fig. 10. Harmonic current of different cases measured from a three-level 4QC.

Harmonic currents, measured from a power unit of China

HST, in different cases are presented in Fig. 10. Six sets of
current parameters are represented to cover multiple operation
modes of the HSTs. The operation modes are, namely, trac-
tive full-load, tractive middle-load, tractive small-load, brak-
ing small-load, braking middle-load, and braking full-load. The
harmonic current concentrated within 20 p.u. when the train
operation mode is tractive full-load. The harmonic current of
tractive middle-load and tractive small-load are similarly con-
centrated at low orders and around 30 to 50 p.u., respectively.
The power of the barking regeneration mode is less than that
of the traction modes, and its harmonic current content is less
than the traction mode. When the train operates in the barking
middle-load condition, the low-frequency harmonic currents are
rich. The harmonic currents of barking full-load are well dis-
tributed, and individual order is high, e.g., 25 p.u., 39 p.u.,
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of a drive unit of CRH380A. (a) Two-level 4QC. 51 p.u., etc. The harmonic current distribution is different when
(b) Interlaces two-level 4QC. (c) Three-level PWM converter. the train operating under six conditions. Therefore, constant har-
monic source models of different conditions are considered by
the measured data [1], [23].
2) Norton Model: The drive unit of the HST is a typical
nonlinear device, which consists of the onboard traction trans-
former, 4QC, dc-link, inverter, and motors. The Norton model
is utilized to represent the NLL of train’s harmonic studies [24].
The Norton equivalent harmonic model and the injected har-
monic currents of a train can be obtained as
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
Is (1) ys (1) 0 0 0 Vs (1)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ Is (2) ⎥ ⎢ 0 ys (2) 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Vs (2) ⎥
⎢ ⎥= ⎢ ⎥×⎢ ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥
⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 . ⎢
0 ⎦ ⎣ . ⎥

Fig. 9. Fourier results of injected current, the THDs are 12.96% and 3.29%, ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Is (n) 0 0 0 ys (n) Vs (n)
⎡ ⎤
1) Constant Current Harmonic and Measured-Based Model: ys (1)Vac (1)
The harmonic current model is usually used to model the train. ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ys (2)Vac (2) ⎥
The model will be so effective that the complex internal struc- ⎢ ⎥
−⎢ ⎢ ..

⎥ (6)
ture of NLLs is simplified, and the harmonic current character- ⎢ ⎥
⎣ . ⎦
istics are used to study the harmonic problems of the system.
The probability distributions of the train harmonic currents are ys (n)Vac (n)
obtained by the measured data. The constant harmonic source
model will correctly represent the harmonic behaviors of the where ys (k), Vs (k) are the kth harmonic equivalent admittance
electric train. and harmonic voltage on the secondary side of the traction

where γ = zy is the propagation constant of the contact line.

Catenary Z0 = z/y is the characteristic impedance of the
contact line. L = L1 + L2 is the length of the catenary line and
L1 , L2 are the left-side length and right-side length seen from
the harmonic source, respectively.
In (8), the parallel resonance condition is ZS sinh γL +
Z0 cosh γL = 0, which can be simplified as ZS = −Z0 /(γL)
due to γL ≤ 1 and tanh γL ≈ γL. If ZS could be expressed
Fig. 11. Harmonic transmission model of T-type catenary circuit.
by ZS = jωLS , the parallel resonant frequency will be f ≈
√ 1 . Therefore, the resonance is highly dependent on
2π L ×L S c p u
transformer, respectively, and Vac (k) is the kth harmonic voltage the system impedance (grid, transformer, catenary), catenary
of the grid side of the train. length, and its per unit distributed capacitance.
3) Analytical Model: The drive unit of the HST is controlled To address the harmonic resonance problem, there are many
by the three-level PWM converter, and an analytical solution for methods presented for investigating resonance frequencies, am-
converter harmonics based on the double Fourier series theory plifications, and sensitivity indices, such as RMA and its sen-
is applied to model the train. The interlaced two-level PWM sitive methods, S-domain modal method, and transfer function
converter is presented in Fig. 8. Assume that the ac-side voltage method. The common methods for the harmonic resonance anal-
is sinusoidal, the dc-link voltage is constant, and the switching ysis in the electric railways are mainly studied by measurements
operation is ideal. Based on the double Fourier series method, [4], time-domain simulations [5]–[7], and the frequency scan
the input voltage V31 of the interlaced three-level PWM convert- method [8]. These methods are widely adopted to investigate all
ers with enhanced sampling scheme given in Fig. 8 is shown as parallel and series resonance frequencies in a linear network in
[8], [15], [41]–[43] frequency domain. Unfortunately, these tools cannot offer addi-
tional information, such as the importance of different buses or
∞ 8Jn n pεM 2
V31 (t) = sin nωm t − components in the network to the critical resonance, which is
npεπ 2 effective to solve the harmonic problems [10].
1) Frequency scan method was widely adopted in study-

ing the harmonic resonance, and is also one of the most
+ 8Cm n (−1)m /2 sin accurate and reliable analysis method [12]. It aims at
m =2,4,6,... n =1,3,5,...
  obtaining the curves of different nodes whose driving
npεπ  impedance changes with the frequency. A peak value
× (mωc + nωm ) t − mπ + (7)
2 point in this curve represents a parallel resonance point,
n  while a valley value in this curve represents a series res-
J [(m + n εp) M π ] 2π j x sin y
where Cm n = n π (m + n εp) 2 , Jn (x) = (−1) 2π 0 e onance point. Frequency scanning method utilizes the
ej n y dy is n-order Bessel function, M is the modulate ratio, system nodal voltage and injected current equation, i.e.,
p = ωm /ωc , ωc is the carrier angular frequency, ωm is the mod- V f = Y f−1 I f = Z f I f . Each element zij in Z f in the
ulation angular frequency, and ε is the sampling factor. Based on harmonic domain can represent the driving impedance
the assumption, the 4QC is therefore a voltage harmonic source. seen from node i injected from node j.
With the leakage impedance of the onboard transformer, it can 2) Resonance mode assessment method offers additional in-
also be seen as a Norton or Thevenin equivalent circuit. formation needed to solve the resonance problem. Har-
The Norton model or the current source model is usually used monic resonance of a linear electrical system is associated
to represent the harmonic behaviors of electric trains. Due to the with the nodal admittance matrix Y f at frequency f . It
time-varying operations of the train, the variation of the Norton can be decomposed as [15], [21]
model should be considered. A solution was made with consid-
ering different power demands in earlier and the admittance part Y f = LΛT (9)
can be found in [1].
where L, T (L = T −1 ) are the left and right eigenvec-
tor matrices, respectively. Λ = diag(λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λk , . . .)
IV. ANALYSIS METHODS is the diagonal eigenvalue matrix of Y . 1/λk can reflect
A. Harmonic Resonance Mechanism and Analysis Methods the modal impedance of the linear electrical system.
The sensitivities of eigenvalue m with respect to Yij is
The main mechanism of the harmonic resonance to detect
defined as
the resonance point is searching the maximum magnification
of the harmonic current. According to the steady-state equation ∂λm
Sm ,ij = = t m i lj m (10)
and the equivalent circuit, neglecting the long-line effect, the ∂Yij
parameters in Fig. 11 can be described as [3], [5]
where Yij is the ith row and jth column entry of Y f . The term
Z0 cosh (γL2 ) [ZS sinh (γL1 ) + Z0 cosh (γL1 )] Sm ,ij represents the bus sensitivity to a mode resonance or bus
Zsys = (8)
ZS sinh (γL) + Z0 cosh (γL) participator factor only when i = j.


Z s = 0.562 + j8.073 Ω L 1 = 15 km L 2 = 10 km Z 0 = 0.04 + j0.295 Ω/km C 0 = 32 nF/km


Impedance/Ω Utility Transformer Catenary

Conventional railway j22.042 13.7% 22.9% 63.4%

High-speed railway j10.625 1.5% 47.5% 51.0%

According to mathematical calculation, the modal impedance

sensitivity and modal frequency sensitivity can be defined as the
derivative of the modal impedance and frequency with respect to
component parameter α [22], i.e., dzm /dα and dfm /dα. They
can reflect the impacts of component parameters on the modal
resonance impedance and frequency, and help us find the most
sensitive component.
3) S-domain mode method is a kind of resonance analy-
sis methods which transfers the nodal admittance matrix
from frequency domain to s-domain [19]. Zeros and poles,
which are the premise of determining series or parallel
resonance, can be calculated by the transfer function be-
tween the nodal voltage and the injected current, utilizing
the Newton iteration method.
The injected current im (s) at bus m and output voltage un (s)
at bus n can be obtained as
un (s)
G(s) = = cT · Y (s)−1 b. (11)
im (s)
In which, b = [ 0 · · · 1m · · · 0 ]T is the injected cur-
rent vector, c = [ 0 · · · 1n · · · 0 ]T represents the inves-
tigated bus n. And the Newton iteration method can be used
to calculate zeros and poles in identifying the series or parallel
resonance, respectively.
The S-domain mode method has a faster calculation speed
when compared to the frequency scanning analysis method.
However, this method is somewhat sensitive to the initial value Fig. 12. Resonance results. (a) Frequency scan. (b) Resonance mode assess-
during the iterative process. Therefore, a proper initial value can ment. (c) S-domain mode method.
improve the calculation speed and the convergence direction
are far from the scope of the background harmonics. In other
word, this series is out of concern since that its frequencies
B. Case Study for Harmonic Resonance mismatched with the background harmonics.
The electrical parameters are given in Table I, based on which On the other hand, all the three methods can provide three
the methods and the influential factors are compared. As listed parallel resonances, i.e., 16.35 p.u., 61.58 p.u., and 80.75 p.u.
in Table II, the impedance proportion of each components in One can find that they could support similar parallel resonances.
the traction system also represents the influential degrees on the Each node of the frequency scan has all three resonances but the
corresponding harmonic resonance. RMA only shows three modes representing independent reso-
The resonance results calculated through the frequency scan, nance information. Additionally, the frequency scan curves are
RMA, and S-domain mode methods are presented in Fig. 12. of redundancy and cannot support more effective information in
As seen in Fig. 12(a), the frequency scan approach not only making a mitigation scheme since all “resonance peaks and val-
calculates the parallel resonance points of the peaks, but also leys” are seen equally important. Therefore, the RMA method
determines the series resonance results of the valleys. The series and derived resonance sensitivity are applied in investigating
resonance results are 29.81 p.u., 38.83 p.u., and 57.68 p.u. which the harmonic resonance behaviors of the RES.

Fig. 13. Typical HSR line with all-parallel AT catenary network.

The disadvantages of the S-domain mode method are as

1) Complicated modeling and it is not possible to directly
model the distributed components in S-domain.
2) It is so sensitive to the initial values that starting from a
nonsuitable initial value cannot obtain the poles.
3) The amount of the iterative number and the calculation
time may increase as the increasing nodes of the system.
However, it may save time since they just need an iteration
rather than a frequency scan process.

V. INFLUENTIAL FACTORS OF RESONANCE Fig. 14. Series resonances seen from the utility power system. (a) One-line
traction system. (b) Five-line traction system.
A. System Configuration
A typical RES [44], [45] has been taken as an example of more
complicated topology and electric elements. The RES, under
case studies depicted in Fig. 13, consists of a traction trans-
former, primary/secondary supply lines, 2 × 25 kV AT catenary
network, and integrated grounding lines. The case study system
is a typical traction power system of an HSR in China [40], [46],
South Korea [3], and Italy [16], [47]. The similar topology can
be found in [48] and [49].
The three-phase 220 kV utility is stepped down to 2 × 27.5 kV
by a V/x transformer in a TSS. The primary supply line con-
nects upstream power substation and the TSS. Practically, a TSS
offers multiple feeders for the up track and down track of one
railway line or multiple railway lines (which is known as the
hub TSS). The TSS is distributed about 40–60 km along the Fig. 15. Resonance results obtained by the RMA method.
rail route, while the ATs installed in the AT substation (ATS)
or SP are distributed about 10–15 km. The nodes are also num- On the other hand, series resonances seen from 27.5 kV
bered in Fig. 13. Detailed electrical parameters are selected buses, far away from the frequency range of the background
from a Chinese electric railway for a study case, as listed in harmonics, are out of concern. Moreover, one can find that the
Appendix III. admittances are slightly amplified at these series resonance fre-
quencies. Therefore, majority of the resonance studies focuses
B. Series Resonance on the parallel resonance due to the practical circuit topology
and their parameters.
Fig. 14 gives the series results of one-line and five-line trac-
tion system. Series resonance points of each curve, seen from
different network buses, are different. The dominant series reso- C. Parallel Resonance and Sensitivity Results
nance at 16.52 p.u. observed from the 220 kV utility grid should Fig. 15 shows the resonance results obtained from the
be considered. Moreover, the series resonance frequencies will RMA approach. The parallel resonances of the test system are
be shifted toward the lower frequencies with the increasing of 16.55 p.u., 47.50 p.u., 57.69 p.u., and 61.17 p.u., four different
the supply lines, such as 7.61 p.u. with five supply lines. As a resonances.
result, the background harmonic voltages may be amplified by As a result, derivating from the RMA method, the partici-
the series resonance at the primary side of the TSS. pation factor of each node and resonance sensitivity indices,

Fig. 16. Participation factors of all nodes with respect to four resonance modes.

TABLE III 1) The RFS indices are almost negative which shows that
increasing the electric parameters corresponding to either
L or C may decrease the resonance frequencies. It can be
Indices C/L RFS [Hz/%] RIS [%/%] explained
√ through Fig. 11 where the resonance frequency
System impedance L –30 5.13 is 1/ LS C.
Supply-line length L 0 0 2) The network components are corresponding to the induc-
Secondary-line length C –10 –5.26
Secondary-line capacitance C –10 –4.37
tive or capacitive parameters. Therefore, increasing in-
Secondary-line inductance L 0 7.37 ductive components may decrease resonance magnitudes.
Traction transformer impedance L –335 +27.73 Otherwise, increasing capacitive parameter increases res-
Catenary line length C –440 –60.02
Catenary line Capacitance C –400 –76.43
onance magnitude.
Catenary line Inductance L –35 –3.53 3) Electrical parameters of the catenary network and traction
AT impedance L –5 3.70 transformer dominate the primary resonance frequency
Train position – 0 –3.90
Train impedance L –20 –5.51
and magnitude.

D. Simulations Results of Available Influential Factors

including resonance frequency sensitive (RFS) and an reso- Some electrical parameters are so small that variations of
nance impedance sensitivity (RIS), of each parameter is applied them cannot show enough sensitivity. For example, the sec-
here, as shown in Fig. 16. Note that the participation factors of ondary line is only 150 m, and there are multiple lines in a
the contact lines (or positive feeders) on up and down tracks are hub TSS. Therefore, this section simulates and investigates the
the same as they are directly connected at ATs in the all-parallel impact of these parameters.
AT-fed catenary network. The contacts and positive feeders at 1) Impact of Multiple Railway Lines on Resonances: Reso-
the SP show the larger participation of the resonances, which nance results with multiple railway lines are shown in Fig. 17.
can be selected to place a filter for mitigating the harmonic res- The results include four scenarios, i.e., one line, two lines,
onance. The rails, power system, and primary lines own ignored five lines, and ten lines in a TSS, illustrate that the number
participations in resonances. of resonance points increase with the increase of railway lines.
In order to clarify the impact of electrical parameters and The conventional traction system with only one railway line
components, the resonance sensitivity indices are applied here. has three dominant independent resonances. With the increas-
Select f = 16.55 p.u. mode as an example. The resonance sen- ing number of railway lines, the number of resonances are
sitivity indices are presented in Table III. Following interesting becoming 11, 20, 49, respectively, and center in a frequency
summarizations can be drawn. band. Just like “earthquake band,” these bands are defined as

Fig. 17. Resonance characteristic of different railway lines in a TSS.

“resonance bands.” Meanwhile, the first resonance mode, sep-

arated from other resonances, is kept and shifted to the lower
In order to distinguish different resonance behaviors, there-
fore, the resonances are classified into two categories, i.e., pri-
mary resonance and resonance bands. In this case, the primary
resonance has only one isolate resonance, and the resonance
band owns multiple resonances gathering in a frequency low
frequency. If the number of railway lines increases, the reso-
nance band will be wider [15].
Fig. 18. Impact of train number on resonance results: (a) f = 16.55 p.u. and
2) Impact of Train Organization (Positions, Numbers): (b) f = 47.50 p.u. “U” and “D” represent up and down tracks, respectively.
The electric train is usually represented as two models in
the harmonic domain, i.e., a harmonic current source and
a Norton circuit. The resonance will not be affected if the
ply lines, the length is selected as 0∼5 km and corresponding
train is equivalent to a harmonic current source. As for the
resonance results are illustrated in Fig. 20. The resonance fre-
Norton circuit model, the onboard transformer in the train
quency is decreased about 250 Hz (5 p.u.) when increasing 5 km
has an equivalent impedance, which will change the system
power cable, and the resonance amplitude is also decreased. The
nodal admittance matrix and influence the results of resonance
results make a good agreement with the obtained sensitivity in-
dices given in Table III.
The resonant results of different numbers of trains are shown
in Fig. 18. Resonance frequencies increase when the number of
E. Summary
train increases from 1 to 6. As early concluded in Section V-C,
the energization of a train is equal to decrease the impedance As discussed above, one can quantify impact levels of differ-
from infinite to the equivalent impedance of the train. As a ent electrical parameters with respect to resonance frequencies
result, the primary resonance frequency would be increased and and amplitudes. The increase of all the inductive or capacitive
the amplitude would be decreased. However, it shows a slight equivalent parameters may decrease the primary resonance fre-
influence on the resonance in terms of the number of trains. quency.
Comparing Fig. 19(a) and (b), one can find that positions of a 1) Among electrical parameters, some of them have a
train have a slight impact on the primary resonance frequency. strong influence on resonances, such as the traction
However, the number of the trains will affect the resonance fre- transformer, catenary network, while others have a
quency with about 100 Hz (2 p.u.) variation. Moreover, varia- slight impact on resonances, such as the AT, pri-
tions of the position and number of the trains have larger impact mary/secondary supply line, and origination of the electric
on f = 47.50 p.u. resonance. The impact of the position and trains.
number on this resonance frequency are within 1 p.u. and 4 p.u., 2) In other words, the sensitive parameters and correspond-
respectively. ing devices can be effective in reducing harmonic and
3) Impact of the Secondary Supply Line: The supply line resonance problems. Fortunately, the sensitive informa-
is an important component in RES, and it mainly consists of tion can be effective in designing an RES dealing with the
the power cable with considerable capacitance. As the default harmonic and resonance problems.
length is only 0.15 km, the sensitivity values are relatively small. 3) Additionally, multiple railway lines increase the reso-
Therefore, in order to clarify the impact of the secondary sup- nance points and result in the resonance band in a fre-


h Voltages/V Phase/deg h Voltages/V Phase/deg

3 109.61 62.9 11 77.76 113.5

5 159.44 250.0 13 67.16 164.4
7 135.06 294.5 15 8.72 132.5
9 22.17 0.20 17 21.60 244.3
19 8.47 269.6

harmonic injection of different trains. Fortunately, the harmonic

penetration dealing with harmonic power flow in this case is
noniterative. Therefore, the hth harmonic flow can be solved
V h = Y h −1 I h (12)
where I h is the harmonic injection vector; Y h is the network
nodal admittance matrix; and V h is the voltage response vector.
Consequently, the conventional trains are represented by the
current source model and PWM-based high-speed trains are
represented by the Norton model that consists of the equivalent
output admittance and injected harmonic currents. The mea-
sured 95% maximum values of background voltage harmonics
at the secondary side of the TSS are considered and listed in
Table IV.
Fig. 19. Impact of trains’ positions on resonance results: (a) f = 16.55 p.u.
and (b) f = 47.50 p.u. B. Typical Harmonic Results of the RES
Three scenarios are conducted for investigating the effects
of different types of electric trains in terms of their harmonic
spectra, i.e., one high-speed train, one thyristor-controlled train,
and both. And the typical harmonic spectra of the trains are
given in Appendix I.
The resulted harmonic distortions of the three scenarios at T-
bus in the TSS are calculated through harmonic power flow pro-
cess and are compared in Fig. 21. The resonance f = 16.55 p.u.
significantly increases the distortion of the 17th, 15th, and 19th
harmonics. The thyristor-controlled train highly affects the low-
frequency harmonics below 20 p.u., while the high-frequency
harmonics beyond 40 p.u. are mainly determined by character-
istic harmonics of the PWM-controlled train. Due to the higher
distortion of the thyristor, the harmonic problem of the thyristor-
Fig. 20. Impact of secondary supply lines on resonance results.
controlled train is more serious than that of the PWM-controlled
train. Comparison results also verify the three harmonic sources
quency region. The resonance band allows us to treat them presented in Section I. Due to the space limit, typical mitigation
as a special resonance when a mitigation scheme is issued, schemes and results for RESs will be generally described in the
since the individual suppression for each resonance point following section.
is not practical.
A. Overview of Harmonic Suppression
A. Fundamentals For solving the harmonic and resonance problems which are
Harmonic resonance is an important part of harmonic prob- mainly caused by electronic devices and other NLLs, power
lems as well as characteristic and background harmonics men- filters are the dominant solution. There are three basic modes:
tioned earlier. Therefore, as mentioned in Section I, the har- active, passive, and both treatments. There are three categories
monic distortion should be simulated with the impact of har- of technical methods used to deal with the three harmonic types
monic sources in the RES, such as background harmonics and of harmonic distortions [50], [51].

uation at a specific tuned frequency. However, these filters

will introduce additional parallel resonance point below
the original resonance point. The high-pass filers, such as
first order and second order, can be effective for filter-
ing high-frequency components generated by the PWM
voltage-source converter (VSC). However, the resistor in
series with a capacitor also consumes kilowatts power
3) Besides, we would like to introduce the third scheme. Op-
timizing/modifying critical or sensitive network parame-
ters to shift the harmful resonance frequencies and offer a
lower impedance path at those frequencies [6], [13]. This
method can be coordinated with the resonance sensitivity
studies, which provide the sensitive indices with respect
to each bus, parameter or component.

B. Background Harmonic Suppression

The background voltage harmonics in the RES are caused by
the harmonic aggregation of available nonlinear devices con-
nected to the power grid. Therefore, an effective scheme is to
filter harmonics in critical down-stream system or secondary
side of the transformer that supplies the interest system. As the
background harmonics are typically fixed and less fluctuating,
passive filters are the better solution, such as the combination
of fifth, seventh, and 11st single-tuned filters [55]. The optimiz-
ing combination and placement of various filter topologies to
achieve a certain harmonic filtering goal in the typical power
system are reported in [56].

C. Characteristic Harmonic Suppression

There are two mainstream traction driving modes of electric
trains, i.e., thyristor controlled and PWM controlled as afore-
mentioned. The two modes dominate the distribution of char-
Fig. 21. Harmonic results of three scenario. (a) Thyristor-controlled train,
V thd = 7.44%. (b) PWM train, V thd = 4.58%. (c) (a) + (b), V thd = 13.87%.
acteristic harmonics: 1) the thyristor-controlled train emits rich
low-frequency harmonics and does not introduce new harmonic
problems; 2) the PWM-controlled train emits higher frequency
1) The first category includes the methods that eliminate or harmonics that center near intertimes switching frequency.
reduce the harmonic current emission of the nonlinear Dealing with high-frequency characteristic harmonics, two
devices. Therefore, one can go via optimizing the con- treatments can be applied: 1) optimizing the controls and in-
trol strategies of the converter, harmonic compensation stalling a filter at the onboard 4QC; and 2) filtering the har-
controls of the converter, and adjusting grid-tied filter monics at TSSs of SPs. Song et al. proposed an LCL filter for
parameter to decrease harmonic emission of the source onboard transformer to filter high-frequency characteristic har-
[52]–[54]. The common purpose of these schemes is to monics [32]. Alternatively, some control methods can be used
suppress the root of the harmonic source [11]. However, to eliminate selected critical harmonics or shift the centered
these schemes are not practical in some specific scenar- frequency. The onboard treatment, increasing the mass bur-
ios because of the wide frequency band of various types den of the train and is not practical. Generally, C-type, second
of the nonlinear devices. Meanwhile, harmonic distortion high-order, damped harmonic, and first-order filters are widely
may be easily amplified by a resonance even though the used [33].
harmonic emission complies with the standards.
2) Alternatively, harmonic filters (e.g., passive filter, active
filter, and hybrid filter) are the common solutions used to D. Harmonic Resonance Suppression
reduce the system impedance or compensate antiharmonic The dominant resonances cannot be completely removed but
currents for voltage distortion suppression [12]. They are can be shifted. The serious resonance frequency, near the rich
applicable to all kinds of harmonic sources. In traditional harmonic spectrum (e.g., 5 p.u., 7 p.u.), could be shifted to
filtering methods, single-tuned and high-pass filters are the neighboring frequencies (e.g., 4 p.u., 6 p.u.) where the har-
widely adopted for mitigating harmonic current injections monic current is not sufficient. The harmonic resonance would
[12], [14], [40]. Single-tuned filters provide strong atten- be therefore weakened. Thus, then, in order to minimize the

cost or adjustment based on the RFS method, the most sensitive TABLE V
parameter or component would be selected. RFS method can
be then employed here to eliminate the 17th harmonic prob-
lem corresponding to the 16.55 p.u. resonance. Therefore, the Harmonic parts Harmonics Mitigations
resonance 16.55 p.u. can be shifted to either 16 p.u. or 18 p.u. Background harmonics 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 p.u. • Single-tuned filters
(even harmonics) through the adjustment of the most sensitive • Active power filters
component parameters including the equivalent impedance of Resonance harmonics 15∼30 p.u. • Frequency shifting
• C-type, second order filter, etc.
the traction transformer corresponding to its laps. • Active power filters.
On the other hand, in traditional power filters, single- Characteristic Thyristor- 3∼19 p.u. (odd) • Single-tuned filters
turned and high-pass (e.g., first-order, second-order, third-order, harmonics controlled • C-type
C-type) filters are widely adopted for mitigating harmonic cur- • Active power filters
rent injections [31], [33], [57], [58]. Based on the present lit- PWM- 45∼50 p.u. (odd) • High-pass filters
eratures, single-turned and third-order filters will introduce ad- controlled • Onboard LC L/L/LC filters
ditional parallel resonance point below the original resonance • Active power filters
point, although they can provide strong attenuation at a specific
tuned frequency. Moreover, some high-pass filters can mitigate
high-frequency harmonic effectively, but cannot avoid the kilo- harmonics in the RES. The onboard scheme, cutting the
watts power loss produced by the resistor in series with the harmonic generation source and blocking the harmonic
capacitor. injections, is an effective filtering scheme. It may increase
the weight of train and can be adopted at the design stage.
4) The harmonic standard is important to assess that the mit-
E. Case Studies
igation scheme is effective. There are several harmonic
As described above, Scenario 3 in Section VI-B is selected as (or power quality) standards are applied in the RES,
a test case, with using the following schemes based on 20 Var. such as International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)
The passive filters are placed at the SP according to the bus IEC-61000-3-6, European Norm (EN51060), IEEE 519,
participation factor results obtained in Fig. 16 [31]. and Chinese National Standard Commission (GB) GB/T
1) Resonance frequency shifting increases the 7.5% tap 14549 [59]–[62]. According to GB/T 14549, the mitiga-
of the traction transformer. The resonance frequency is tion schemes shown in Fig. 22 can be assessed, (a), (b),
shifted to 16.08 p.u. The cost is almost free. and (c) exceed the 3% limit, and cannot be applied in the
2) Fifth (tuned at 4.8 p.u.), seventh(tuned at 6.8 p.u.), 11th RES of China. On the contrary, schemes (d), (e), and (f)
(tuned at 10.5 p.u.) single-tuned filters at SP, total Qf = are well selected.
150 kVar, the cost is moderate.
3) C-type filter at SP, Qf = 150 kVar, tuned frequency F. Summary
11 p.u., the cost is moderate.
On the basis of aforementioned studied and previous works,
4) LCL filter in the PWM-controlled train, Lg =
mitigations for different harmonic problems in the RES are con-
1.63 mH, Lf = 1.3 mH, Cf = 125 μF [22], the cost is
cluded in Table V. These mitigations can also be classified as
onboard and ground solutions. The onboard solution owns a per-
5) 2) + 4).
fect filtering performance but with the highest cost. The ground
6) 3) + 4).
mitigation solutions, either passive or active, are commonly
Recalling the harmonic power flow procedure, the filtering
placed in a TSS or an SP.
results of different mitigation schemes are presented in Fig. 22.
On the other hand, the ground solution installing power fil-
The following conclusions can be made.
ters at the TSS is also a common way to suppress harmonic
1) Resonance frequency shifting scheme successfully shifts
problems; combination and parameter selection of available fil-
the 16.55 p.u. resonance to 16.08 p.u. and highly reduces
ters is a primary work. In this case, C-type filter gives a good
the distortions of 17th and 19th harmonics. It is a simple
filtering performance in both the resonance harmonics and high-
and practical way to mitigate critical resonance issue in
frequency characteristics harmonics.
normal operations or design stages. As discussed earlier,
There will be many better mitigation schemes against the
other parameters can also be selected to achieve the same
harmonic and resonance problems. Due to the space limit, the
comparisons of available filters and mitigation schemes are
2) The passive filter combination of fifth (tuned at 4.8 p.u.),
not fully discussed, one can find these overview papers [50],
seventh (tuned at 6.8 p.u.), 11th (tuned at 10.5 p.u.) single-
[63]–[66]. Considering the harmonic behaviors of the RES,
tuned filters do not work well since the low-frequency har-
some of them can be carefully adopted.
monics are not significant. Moreover, these single-tuned
filters also bring additional resonances. While, the C-type
filter has obtained good filtering results in both resonance
and characteristic harmonics. Harmonic resonance problems are inherent in any industrial
3) The onboard LCL filter and its combination with the power systems due to the interaction of inductive and capacitive
C-type filter are the best selection to suppress almost all network parameters. It would be effective to reveal more har-

Fig. 22. Filtering results of different mitigation schemes: (a) 1); (b) 2); (c) 3); (d) 4); (e) 2) + 4); and (f) 3) + 4).

monic and resonance information to find solutions to mitigate TABLE VI

the harmonic problem in the RES, such as the occurrence mech-
anism of harmonic and resonance problems, influential factors,
effective analysis methods, modeling methods, and suppression h Content/% h Content/% h Content/%
schemes. However, there are also some other harmonic prob- 1 100 21 0.185 41 0.005
lems that needs to be studied in future. 3 15.770 23 0.155 43 0.000
5 10.270 25 0.140 45 0.003
1) How to identify the cause of a serious harmonic dis- 7 5.700 27 0.170 47 0.000
tortion in a power system whether it results from a 9 4.490 29 0.155 49 0.000
resonance or an aggregated harmonic excitation which is 11 1.750 31 0.050 51 0.000
13 0.995 33 0.025 53 0.000
not fully known. It may be identified by comparing the har- 15 0.855 35 0.015 55 0.000
monic impedances seen from different buses, especially 17 0.795 37 0.008 57 0.000
the adjacent buses, whether they are all at the some res- 19 0.245 39 0.005 59 0.000
onance point or not. Consequently, the impedance versus
frequency curves can be obtained through a specific dis-
turbance injection device. Furthermore, online detection
conclusions are obtained that background harmonics, resonance
and active control approaches will be necessary to mini-
harmonics, and characteristic harmonics are mainly harmonic
mize the harmonic effects and power loss of the devices.
sources in the RES. Different analysis methods were introduced
2) The classical harmonic current model may be not suit-
and compared to perform the resonance results in terms of res-
able for the PWM-based 4QC, since the passive harmonic
onance frequencies. In addition, model of the TPSS based on
model cannot represent its harmonic behaviors accurately.
mathematical model has been applied to better investigate dif-
The output electrical behavior of the 4QC should be taken
ferent resonance factors. Furthermore, suppression methods ac-
more attention to address the modeling issue.
cording to different characteristic of harmonic sources in the
3) Resonance instability may oscillate and destabilize the
RES are compared.
control system of the 4QC if the damping of the control
system is not enough [67]. It is different from the har-
monic resonance problem. The formation mechanism and APPENDIX I
associated factors should be taken into attention. The harmonic spectrum of a thyristor-controlled train is given
4) As the harmonic spectra and characteristics of different in Table VI. The typical harmonic spectrum used in Section III
types of electric trains center in different frequency re- can be found in [31, Table III].
gions, the harmonic and resonance problems may be more
complex even in a hub TSS with more railway lines (which
increase the resonance points and operate more trains). APPENDIX II
Therefore, the detailed harmonics in a hub TSS should be The Scott connection traction transformer, which employs
considered. two single-phase transformers, is frequently used transformer
To be concluded, the paper has presented an overview of for transferring three-phase power to two-phase power. The first
the harmonic problem in the RES. Harmonic problem sources, transformer is called the main transformer, and the second one
analysis methods, modeling methods, influential factors, and is called the teaser transformer. Fig. 23 shows the equivalent
suppression schemes were summarized in this paper. Some circuit of the Scott transformer and its α power supply phase.

Fig. 24. V/v traction transformer model.

Fig. 23. Scott traction transformer model.

As the size and turns ratio of these two transformers are The node-admittance matrix of the V/v transformer can be
different, their equivalent short-circuit admittance are therefore described by (13) and their vectors are listed as
different. The equivalent short-circuit admittance could be rep- ⎧

⎨I P = IA IB IC T , V P = VA VB VC T
resented by yM and yT for the main and teaser transformers, re-
spectively. The node-admittance matrix of the Scott transformer ⎩

β T

β T
α α β α α β
in Fig. 23 and the submatrices in its nodal matrix Y T are, (13)
⎡ 4 −2 −2 ⎤ These submatrices in Y T can be expressed by
⎢ 3Zα 3Zα 3Zα ⎥ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥ yT −yT 0
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
1 ⎢ −2 1 1 1 1 ⎥ Y PP = ⎢ ⎥
Y PP = 2⎢⎢ + − ⎥, ⎣ −yT 2yT −yT ⎦ ,
k ⎢ 3Zα 3Zα Zβ 3Zα Zβ ⎥

⎢ ⎥ 0 −yT yT
⎣ −2 1 1 1 1 ⎦ ⎡ ⎤
− + −1 1 0 0
3Zα 3Zα Zβ 3Zα Zβ
kyT ⎢ ⎥
⎡ −2 2 ⎤ Y PS = ∗⎢⎣ 1 −1 −1 1 ⎥ ⎦,
√ √ 0 0 0 2
⎢ 3Zα 3Zα ⎥ 0 0 1 −1
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎡ ⎤
1⎢ 1 −1 −1 1 ⎥ m n 0 0
YP S = ⎢ √ √ 0 ⎥
k⎢⎢ 3Zα 3Zα Zβ Zβ ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ 1 ⎢⎢
n m 0 0⎥

⎣ 1 1 −1 ⎦ Y SS =
√ √
0 z2 ⎢⎣0 0 m n⎦

3Zα 3Zα Zβ Zβ
0 0 n m
Y SS =
in which, yT , z1 , z2 , m, n, k are similar values as the V/x traction
⎡ ⎤
1 1 −1 1 −1 transformer.
+ + 0 0
⎢ kZα 2Z2 kZα 2Z2 Z2 ⎥ For the V/x connection traction transformer, the submatrices
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ in Y T are
⎢ −1 1 1 1 −1 ⎥ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ kZ + 2Z kZ + 2Z 0 0 ⎥ yT −yT 0
⎢ α 2 α 2 Z2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ Y P P = ⎣ −yT 2yT −yT ⎦ ,
⎢ −1 −1 −1 −1 ⎥
⎢ 4 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ 0 −yT yT
⎢ Z2 Z2 Z2 Z2 Z2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥ −1 1 0 0 0
⎢ −1 1 1 −1 1 ⎥
⎢ 0 0 + + ⎥ kyT ⎢ ⎥
⎢ Z2 kZβ 2Z2 kZβ 2Z2 ⎥ Y PS = ∗ ⎣ 1 −1 0 −1 1 ⎦ ,
⎢ ⎥ 2
⎢ ⎥ 0 0 0 1 −1
⎣ −1 −1 1 1 1 ⎦
0 0 + + ⎡ ⎤
Z2 kZβ 2Z2 kZβ 2Z2 m n −1 0 0
⎢ ⎥
where Zα = 3k4 2 (ZA + Z4X ), Zβ = Z B k+Z C
, ZX = 3ZB C −4ZA . ⎢ n m −1 0 0 ⎥
1 ⎢⎢ ⎥

The V/v connection transformer is composed of two Y SS = ⎢ −1 −1 4 −1 −1 ⎥
single-phase transformers. It steps three-phase power from z2 ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 −1 m n ⎥
the primary side, and supplies two single-phase loads on the ⎣ ⎦
secondary side. There is phase shifting between two single- 0 0 −1 n m
phase loads, so an isolation section should be set to isolate two
different phases of power. The equivalent circuit model can in which, yT = Z1T = z 1 +k12 z 2 /2 , z1 = ZA = ZC , z2 = 2Zα ,
be made available by the interconnection method, as shown n = yT z1 /2, m = (z1 + k 2 z2 )yT /2. k is transformation ratio,
in Fig. 24 [38]. k = 220 kV/55 kV.

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Li Tang received the B.S. degree in electrical engi- Zhengyou He (M’10–SM’13) received the B.Sc.
neering from Southwest Jiaotong University, Emei, and M.Sc. degrees in computational mechanics from
China, in 2017. He is working toward the M.Sc. de- Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in 1992
gree in electrical engineering at Southwest Jiaotong and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the
University, Chengdu. School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong
His main research interests include power qual- University, Chengdu, China, in 2001.
ity and harmonic resonance of traction power supply He is currently a Professor with the School of
system. Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong Univer-
sity. His research interests include signal process and
information theory applied to electrical power sys-
tem, and application of wavelet transforms in power
Jin Ma (M’06) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2004.
From 2004 to 2013, he had been a Faculty mem-
ber with the North China Electric Power University,
China. He is currently an Associate Professor with
the School of Electrical & Information Engineering, Shibin Gao received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. de-
the University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W, Australia. grees in electrical engineering from Southwest
His major research interests include power system Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, 1986, 1999,
modeling, nonlinear control system, dynamic power system, and power system and 2006, respectively.
economics. He is currently a Professor with Southwest
Dr. Ma is the member of CIGRE W.G. C4.605 “Modeling and aggregation Jiaotong University. His research interests include
of loads in flexible power networks” and the corresponding member of CIGRE protection and control of electric traction system.
Joint Workgroup C4-C6/CIRED “Modeling and dynamic performance of in-
verter based generation in power system transmission and distribution studies.”
He is a registered Chartered Engineer in U.K. and a Member of IET.

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