Newsletter 1 May 2020
Newsletter 1 May 2020
Newsletter 1 May 2020
I n sp i ra t i on
Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 41 1 May 2020
Gardening in May
By now, many of your winter gar- Calendula from frost. Something I like doing
dens will be well and truly under- when planting young seedlings at
way. Fret not if you have fallen Polyanthus this time of the year is protecting
behind or haven’t even started. them with a cloche. You can also
There is plenty of time to put in Cornflowers spray the leaves of bigger plants
veggies, herbs and flowers. It’s with liquid frost cloth.
Sweet peas
getting a bit too cold to sow seeds
6. Be patient. Plants grow
now, so concentrate on putting in Spring bulbs slower in winter so it will
punnets of seedlings. Now that we
Tips for the winter garden take longer for your veggies
have moved back to Level 3, gar-
to mature.
den centres should be operating a
pick up service. I am running a If you’re short on space,
don’t forget that veggies, 7. Some veggies can be har-
contactless plant nursery here at vested as you need them, so
Anita’s Garden. herbs and flowers can all be
grown happily in containers. pick what you require and
Use a quality potting mix leave the rest to continue to
Veggie seedlings to plant
and make sure that your grow in the ground. Exam-
Bok choy ples include silverbeet, spin-
container has holes in the
bottom for drainage. ach, kale and cut-and-come
Broad beans again lettuce.
Some plants need a wide
Broccoli—regular, roma- 8. Remember to water your
berth and grow better in the
nesco plants if it hasn’t been rain-
ground. Examples include
ing. Sometimes the cooler
Cabbage—red, green, Chi- broccoli, cabbage and cauli-
months can be quite dry.
nese flower. Broad beans also do
better in the ground as they 9. Don’t forget that you can
Cauliflower grow quite tall (see below). make preserves with your
winter veggies. Some exam-
Kale Some plants will require
ples include pickle (we like
some support in order to
carrot pickle and lemon
Lettuce grow. Broad beans, for ex-
ample, re-
Silverbeet quire staking
“Stagger your planting 10. Don’t for-
as st ro ng get that your
Spinach intervals to ensure that
winds can winter garden
you have a continuous
Peas cause them also needs to be
supply of veggies
to br e ak . nourished. Liq-
throughout winter.
Herbs to plant Stake (and uid feed plants
There’s nothing worse
tie) seedlings weekly with a
Coriander than having all your
at the time of soluble plant food
brassicas mature at once!”
planting in or seaweed tonic
order to if you’re garden-
Parsley avoid damaging the roots ing organically.
later on. Sweet peas and
Oregano edible peas climb and re- 11. Keep an eye on your veggies
quire a trellis or other type as they progress and har-
Rosemary of frame so they can creep vest them as they become
upwards ready, even if this means
Sage that you have to keep them
Stagger your planting inter- in the fridge for awhile be-
vals to ensure that you have fore you get around to eat-
Dill a continuous supply of veg- ing them.
gies throughout winter.
Marjoram There’s nothing worse than Have a great weekend
having all your brassicas
Flowers to plant mature at once! Happy gardening!
Pansies Protect tender seedlings