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Oral Language Lesson Plan

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Module 5 – Oral Language Standard – Folktale/Poetry

Name: Elizabeth Pelfrey

Lesson: Surprises by Jean Conder Soule
Target Grade Level: 1st or 2nd grade

Standard(s):Put the 1. SL.K.6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings,

appropriate common and ideas clearly.
core standard here. 2. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details
in a text read aloud or information presented in
various media and other formats (e.g., orally).
Objective(s): 1. Students are able to answer questions about key
What are your goals for words and ideas in a poem
this lesson? What do you 2. Students can express their own thoughts or feelings
want your kids to be about a certain topic (surprises)
able to do afterwards?? 3. To encourage a creative response to the poem by
Why are you doing this supporting my students to create a poem of their
lesson?? own.
4. To become familiar with poetic devices
5. That the children’s ability to describe is enhanced
Materials: ● Multiple Copies of the poem, Surprises
List absolutely ● paper & pencil
EVERYTHING you need ● crayons or markers- if students want to draw a
to do this lesson— picture about the poem
especially since you are
going to be sharing it.
From paper/pencils,
chart paper or whatever.
Instructional Strategy 1. Begin with a short discussion based on the theme of
This is your step by step the peom.
guide to what you are 2. Read the poem aloud to the class, using vocal and
going to and in what facial expression and making plenty of eye contact
order. Put ideas about 3. Read aloud to the class at least twice before asking
time involved to do it the children to respond
step. 4. Ask children for:
Be specific so others can a. their initial thoughts on the poem
follow this plan. b. an interesting word or phrase they heard in
the poem
c. a memory evoked by the poem
d. a feeling in the poem
5. The teacher facilitates pair/group talking tasks
where the children respond imaginatively to the
poetry experience (exploring and using
language/developing communicative relationships
through language).
6. Conclusion: Children share their responses to the
engagement activities. The teacher recaps on
interesting words heard in the story and used
throughout the lesson, and reviews children’s
language use.
Differentiation: ● for struggling students, I could read the poem to the
Put at least two class aloud and I could ask these students some
strategies as to how you simple questions about how they felt during the
can address students poem. Also, I could ask them to tell me a time when
with varying abilities, they felt surprised.
both above and below ● For my more advanced students, after reading the
typical students. poem to the class and discussing with a partner, I
could have these students write a poem of their own
on a topic of their choice

Assessments: I will know if my students learned anything by having them

How will you know if come together after discussing in groups by asking them
your students learned questions. I could also call them up to my desk individually
what you wanted them to ask them a question. If they answer the question
to learn? How can you correctly, then they can pick a quiet learning center while
prove it??? the rest of the class is still working on other things.

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