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Band Theory of Solids

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Band theory of Solids

• Failures of quantum free electron theory:

1. It could not explain the negative temperature co-efficient of
certain solids
2. It could not classify a solid on the basis of their conductivity
3. It failed to explain the sign of Hall co-efficient.
Band theory
 Although the assumption that free electrons in a metal move in a
field of zero potential seems drastic, could able to explain many
properties of metals quite successfully
 But in non-metals , this assumption can not be applied , as no. of
free electrons are less.
 To have a generalized approach we can consider that electrons
inside a solid material experience a potential due to the positive
ions, which are arranged in a regular and periodic manner
• V= - Ze.e / 4 πε0 r
• They may also experience an interaction with other electrons inside
the solid which is a constant when averaged over all electrons.
• In the band theory the potential experienced by the electrons due
to the periodically arranged ions, was considered.
• The periodic potential is given as
• V (x) = V (x+ na)…., ‘a’ being the periodicity of the lattice or the
lattice parameter.
For one atomic 3S

. . . . .
a a


Potential is more negative for V= - Ze.e / 4 πε0 r 1S

distance of the electron close to nucleus
& approaches zero towards outer shell r
For two atomic system

a r
The allowed energy levels for an atom are discrete (2 electrons
with opposite spin can occupy a state)
When atoms are brought into close contact, these energy levels
If there are a large number of atoms, the discrete energy levels
form a “continuous” band.
Hence, at equilibrium interatomic spacing, energy bands are
formed in a solid.
Due to the discrete nature of energy , there are forbidden gaps in between the
Many atomic system—a solid



-Ze2/ 4πε0r


Periodic Potential: V (x) = V( x +n a )




E E2



r0 r
 This also leads to lowering of total energy.
 but the energy levels of inner electrons
remain sharp
 The width of the bands depend on E
interatomic spacing

E2 E2

E1 E1

r0 r
 Higher bands are wider and forbidden gap decreases towards
higher state
 When no. of free electrons are more, splitting is more, so,
overlapping of bands occur
 Depending on the no. of electrons in a solid, some bands are
completely filled, some partially filled and some are empty
 Highest filled band is called valence band and lowest empty band
is called conduction band.
 Most of the properties can be understood by considering the
VB,CB and the FG between them.
 These are… the occupation state of VB, width of FG, density of
state in the VB and the impurities present which introduces
allowed states in the FG
Conduction band
Forbidden gap

Valence band
•Valence band may be
partially filled, half filled or
completely filled

•Forbidden gap may be

narrow, wide or totally

Band structure in a solid

Classification in a solid
Conductors semiconductors Insulators
ρ = 10-4 -10 - 6 Ωm ρ= 102 – 10 9 Ωm ρ= 10 11- 10 22 Ωm

Eg = 3 - 7 eV
Mg12 Eg = 1eV


Conductors: These solids have either half filled valence band like
Cu, so that, no. of free electrons available is exactly equal to the
no. of allowed states available in the same band, a very small
amount of externally supplied energy can enable the electrons to
move raise the conductivity
Or, some have overlapping of valence band and conduction band,
such that there is no distinguished barriers for the electrons to
overcome. On the other hand, plenty of allowed states are
available for the electrons, due to the merging of two bands.
Ex:- Mg
• Valence band completely filled, conduction band empty and
forbidden gap very wide (3—7 eV),
• Normally electrons can not acquire this large energy to overcome
the forbidden gap and remain immobile.
• Filled valence band
• Empty conduction band
• Narrow forbidden gap (1 eV)
• Electrons in the valence band can easily acquire this energy, ( at
T>0 or ext. electric field )free themselves from the valence band
and move in the conduction band, behaving as free carriers.
• When the electrons leave the valence band, a vacant space—
”hole” is created in the valence band which are equivalent to
positive charge carriers and contribute to the conductivity.

conductivity :=
. . .. . Free electrons
σ = neμ e + pe μ h
o o o o o Free holes
Mathematical approach– Kronig-Penny model :
• Electrons moving inside the solid material experience a periodic
• V (x) = V (x+ na)
• The Schrödinger's equation for the electrons is
( x) 2m
• (E V) ( x) 0
x2  2

• Solution of the equation is obtained by using Bloch’s theorem

k ( x) u k ( x)e ikx

• Where, uk ( x) uk ( x na)
• Is called the Bloch’s function having the same periodicity “a”
• Solution for Schrödinger's equation for Kronig Penny model is
possible for energies that satisfy the following conditions


- (a+b) -b 0 a a+b

sin a cos a cos ka
Where, P= β2ab / 2 , β2= 2m(V0-E) / ħ2 , α2= 2mE / ħ2

Or, P= V0 mab / 2 = barrier strength

• Plot of the LHS with ‘αa’ gives an oscillating curve having both
positive & negative values
• Amplitude of the curve decreases as ‘αa’ increases
• RHS, which is a cosine function, can have values only between
-1 to +1
• So, values of ‘ α ‘ = 2mE / ħ2 , or ‘E’ for which the portion of
the curve lies between these values are allowed and other
values are forbidden
• Hence, in a solid there are allowed energy bands separated by
forbidden gaps
• As we move towards the higher state allowed band width
increases and forbidden band width decreases
• Forbidden gaps appear at values of k = ± nπ / a , which defines
the Brillouin zones
• Ex, k= + π / a to k= - π / a is 1st Brillouin zone and from
+2 π / a to - 2 π / a minus 1st zone is 2nd Brillouin zone
sin a cos a



α 2= 2mE / ħ 2
band gap

k -π/a k +π/a +2π/a

Brillouin Zones
+2π / a


2nd Brillouin

-2π/a -π/a 0 +π/a +2π/a

-π / a +π / a

1st Brillouin 3rd Brillouin

zone zone

2nd Brillouin

1st Brillouin
-2π / a

Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor
• conductivity of pure semiconductors is poor
• doping improves the conductivity
pentavalent impurity added to pure SC results in n-type SC ,
where, majority carriers are electrons and minority are holes,
conductivity is σ =neμe
whereas trivalent impurity addition results in the p-type SC ,
majority carrier holes and minority are electrons
conductivity σ =neμh
Fermi level
pure n-type p-type

When a current carrying conductor/
Hall Effect: semi-Conductor is placed in an ext.
IX magnetic Field a potential difference is
established in a direction perpendicular
to both Current and magnetic field,
known as Hall voltage
 current Ix in the material along x-axis
 magnetic field Bz along z-axis
Bz  current density Jx = nq <Vx>
 Lorentz force on electrons due to
N S magnetic field,
F= Fy= q ( vXB) or Fy= q<vx>Bz
VHY Due to charge separation, a potential
difference (electric field ) is set up
Or, qEH= q<vx>Bz
Or, EH = <vx>Bz= Jx Bz/ nq
As, VH= Ehw
Hence, (VH)y= IxBzw / nq wt
Or, Hall voltage, (VH)y = RH IxBz / t
Since, in a semiconductor, two types of
Where RH= 1 / nq,, is known as Hall co-
Charge carriers are present, RH can be
positive(p-type) or negative (n-type)

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