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ver 20200203 on: Windows

Hardware information:
Number of processors: 8
Page size: 4096
Processor type: 8664
Minimum application address: 0000000000010000
Maximum application address: 00007ffffffeffff
Active processor mask: 255

Windows 10 (10, 0, Build 17763)

SDL Version (build) 2.0.10
SDL Version (dynamic) 2.0.10
SDL Versions match
SDL_image Version (build): 2.0.5
SDL_image Version (dynamic): 2.0.5
SDL_image Versions match
Assimp Version: 5.0.2794988841
FreeType Version: 2.10.1
GLEW dynamic version: 2.1.0

Initialized OpenGL 3.1, with extensions, renderer

Initializing joystick subsystem.
started 7 worker threads
font orbiteer:
- DejaVuSans.ttf 1.200000
- wqy-microhei.ttc 1.000000
- Orbiteer-Bold.ttf 1.000000
font pionillium:
- DejaVuSans.ttf 0.928571
- wqy-microhei.ttc 1.000000
- PionilliumText22L-Medium.ttf 1.000000
import [libs/autoload.lua]: libs/autoload.lua did not return anything
import [ui/GalacticView.lua]: ui/GalacticView.lua did not return anything
nanosvg: C:\Program Files\Pioneer\data/icons/icons.svg 1024x1024
import [ui/InfoView.lua]: ui/InfoView.lua did not return anything
import [ui/StationView.lua]: ui/StationView.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/flight-ui/hyperspace.lua]: pigui/modules/flight-
ui/hyperspace.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/flight-ui/indicators.lua]: pigui/modules/flight-
ui/indicators.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/flight-ui/reticule.lua]: pigui/modules/flight-ui/reticule.lua
did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/flight-ui/target-scanner.lua]: pigui/modules/flight-
ui/target-scanner.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/info-view/01-ship-info.lua]: pigui/modules/info-view/01-ship-
info.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/info-view/02-personal-info.lua]: pigui/modules/info-view/02-
personal-info.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/info-view/03-econ-trade.lua]: pigui/modules/info-view/03-
econ-trade.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/info-view/04-missions.lua]: pigui/modules/info-view/04-
missions.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/info-view/05-crew.lua]: pigui/modules/info-view/05-crew.lua
did not return anything
WARNING: texture 'icons/goods/Hydrogen.png' is not power-of-two and may not display
import [pigui/modules/station-view/01-lobby.lua]: pigui/modules/station-view/01-
lobby.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/station-view/02-bulletinBoard.lua]: pigui/modules/station-
view/02-bulletinBoard.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/station-view/03-commodityMarket.lua]: pigui/modules/station-
view/03-commodityMarket.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/station-view/04-shipMarket.lua]: pigui/modules/station-
view/04-shipMarket.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/station-view/05-equipmentMarket.lua]: pigui/modules/station-
view/05-equipmentMarket.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/station-view/06-shipRepairs.lua]: pigui/modules/station-
view/06-shipRepairs.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/modules/station-view/07-police.lua]: pigui/modules/station-view/07-
police.lua did not return anything
nanosvg: C:\Program Files\Pioneer\data/icons/logo.svg 512x512
import [pigui/views/init.lua]: pigui/views/init.lua did not return anything
import [pigui/views/mainmenu.lua]: pigui/views/mainmenu.lua did not return anything
import [modules/AIWarning/AIWarning.lua]: modules/AIWarning/AIWarning.lua did not
return anything
import [modules/Advice/Advice.lua]: modules/Advice/Advice.lua did not return
import [modules/Assassination/Assassination.lua]:
modules/Assassination/Assassination.lua did not return anything
import [modules/AutoSave/AutoSave.lua]: modules/AutoSave/AutoSave.lua did not
return anything
import [modules/BreakdownServicing/BreakdownServicing.lua]:
modules/BreakdownServicing/BreakdownServicing.lua did not return anything
import [modules/BulkShips.lua]: modules/BulkShips.lua did not return anything
import [modules/CargoRun/CargoRun.lua]: modules/CargoRun/CargoRun.lua did not
return anything
import [modules/Combat/Combat.lua]: modules/Combat/Combat.lua did not return
import [modules/CrewContracts/CrewContracts.lua]:
modules/CrewContracts/CrewContracts.lua did not return anything
import [modules/CrimeTracking/CrimeTracking.lua]:
modules/CrimeTracking/CrimeTracking.lua did not return anything
Ship Def found: malabar
Ship Def found: kanara
Ship Def found: bowfin
Ship Def found: missile_unguided
Ship Def found: vatakara
Ship Def found: lunarshuttle
Ship Def found: natrix
Ship Def found: molamola
Ship Def found: molaramsayi
Ship Def found: lodos
Ship Def found: pumpkinseed_police
Ship Def found: xylophis
Ship Def found: wave
Ship Def found: missile_smart
Ship Def found: venturestar
Ship Def found: varada
Ship Def found: amphiesma
Ship Def found: bluenose
Ship Def found: missile_guided
Ship Def found: sinonatrix
Ship Def found: sinonatrix_police
Ship Def found: missile_naval
Ship Def found: pumpkinseed
Ship Def found: nerodia
Ship Def found: ac33
Ship Def found: kanara_civ
Ship Def found: deneb
Ship Def found: storeria
Ship Def found: dsminer
import [modules/DebugShipSpawn/DebugShipSpawn.lua]:
modules/DebugShipSpawn/DebugShipSpawn.lua did not return anything
import [modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua]:
modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua did not return anything
import [modules/DonateToCranks/DonateToCranks.lua]:
modules/DonateToCranks/DonateToCranks.lua did not return anything
import [modules/EasterEgg/Message.lua]: modules/EasterEgg/Message.lua did not
return anything
import [modules/FuelClub/FuelClub.lua]: modules/FuelClub/FuelClub.lua did not
return anything
import [modules/GoodsTrader/GoodsTrader.lua]: modules/GoodsTrader/GoodsTrader.lua
did not return anything
import [modules/Mining.lua]: modules/Mining.lua did not return anything
import [modules/MusicPlayer.lua]: modules/MusicPlayer.lua did not return anything
import [modules/NewsEventCommodity/NewsEventCommodity.lua]:
modules/NewsEventCommodity/NewsEventCommodity.lua did not return anything
import [modules/Pirates.lua]: modules/Pirates.lua did not return anything
import [modules/PolicePatrol/PolicePatrol.lua]:
modules/PolicePatrol/PolicePatrol.lua did not return anything
import [modules/SearchRescue/SearchRescue.lua]:
modules/SearchRescue/SearchRescue.lua did not return anything
import [modules/SecondHand/SecondHand.lua]: modules/SecondHand/SecondHand.lua did
not return anything
import [modules/StationRefuelling/StationRefuelling.lua]:
modules/StationRefuelling/StationRefuelling.lua did not return anything
import [modules/StatsTracking/StatsTracking.lua]:
modules/StatsTracking/StatsTracking.lua did not return anything
import [modules/System/Explore.lua]: modules/System/Explore.lua did not return
import [modules/System/OutOfFuel.lua]: modules/System/OutOfFuel.lua did not return
import [modules/Taxi/Taxi.lua]: modules/Taxi/Taxi.lua did not return anything
import [modules/TradeShips.lua]: modules/TradeShips.lua did not return anything
Creating new galaxy generator 'legacy' version 1
Warning: 'mass' is 0.000000 for body 'Themisto'
Warning: 'mass' is 0.000000 for body 'Lucksmall'
Number of factions added: 103
StarSystemCache: misses: 0, slave hits: 0, master hits: 0
SectorCache: misses: 101, slave hits: 0, master hits: 2
Face Generation source images loaded.
new ModelCache
GenerateIndices: triangles count = 2312, mid indexes = 6528, hi edges = 102
decompressed model file Dome1.sgm (152.00 KB) -> 354.15 KB
decompressed model file Dome2.sgm (72.84 KB) -> 166.89 KB
decompressed model file Library.sgm (214.96 KB) -> 471.25 KB
decompressed model file Mall.sgm (170.83 KB) -> 413.49 KB
decompressed model file Tower1.sgm (140.81 KB) -> 349.18 KB
decompressed model file Tower2.sgm (84.48 KB) -> 183.86 KB
decompressed model file kbuilding01.sgm (27.69 KB) -> 86.25 KB
decompressed model file kbuilding02.sgm (50.79 KB) -> 172.07 KB
decompressed model file kbuilding03.sgm (67.13 KB) -> 216.47 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding1.sgm (51.80 KB) -> 123.32 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding10.sgm (80.30 KB) -> 184.71 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding11.sgm (30.43 KB) -> 76.66 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding2.sgm (42.71 KB) -> 92.07 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding3.sgm (47.20 KB) -> 110.95 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding4.sgm (70.41 KB) -> 159.83 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding5.sgm (49.34 KB) -> 114.50 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding6.sgm (44.19 KB) -> 101.05 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding7.sgm (48.78 KB) -> 109.56 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding8.sgm (48.42 KB) -> 107.77 KB
decompressed model file newbuilding9.sgm (27.53 KB) -> 76.75 KB
Got 20 buildings of tag city_building
- Dome1: 39.626175
- Dome2: 48.596382
- Library: 64.693522
- Mall: 26.159388
- Tower1: 33.094160
- Tower2: 34.924003
- kbuilding01: 29.664692
- kbuilding02: 46.268344
- kbuilding03: 41.542333
- newbuilding1: 36.202756
- newbuilding10: 16.297418
- newbuilding11: 34.961034
- newbuilding2: 22.822782
- newbuilding3: 22.649894
- newbuilding4: 25.978193
- newbuilding5: 22.908506
- newbuilding6: 29.817877
- newbuilding7: 22.674426
- newbuilding8: 23.154979
- newbuilding9: 36.528138
End of buildings.
decompressed model file ground_station.sgm (2325.16 KB) -> 5659.22 KB
ground_station has:
14 entrances,
14 pads,
0 exits
decompressed model file new_ground.sgm (2490.52 KB) -> 6159.70 KB
new_ground has:
6 entrances,
6 pads,
0 exits
decompressed model file orbital_station_2-10k.sgm (10976.04 KB) -> 23761.34 KB
orbital_station_2-10k has:
5 entrances,
64 pads,
5 exits
decompressed model file orbital_station_2-2k.sgm (5892.55 KB) -> 12647.17 KB
orbital_station_2-2k has:
4 entrances,
18 pads,
4 exits
decompressed model file orbital_station_2-5k.sgm (10647.64 KB) -> 23013.06 KB
orbital_station_2-5k has:
5 entrances,
64 pads,
5 exits
decompressed model file orbital_station_2-5k10k.sgm (11436.10 KB) -> 24714.23 KB
orbital_station_2-5k10k has:
5 entrances,
64 pads,
5 exits

Loading took: 16191.431800 milliseconds

Stars picked from galaxy: 0
Final stars number: 500000
Stars picked from galaxy: 0
Final stars number: 500000
decompressed model file ac33.sgm (670.06 KB) -> 1247.96 KB
decompressed model file amphiesma.sgm (204.63 KB) -> 535.87 KB
decompressed model file bluenose.sgm (991.95 KB) -> 2011.61 KB
decompressed model file bowfin.sgm (687.47 KB) -> 1297.31 KB
decompressed model file deneb.sgm (514.03 KB) -> 989.52 KB
decompressed model file dsminer.sgm (834.10 KB) -> 1721.18 KB
decompressed model file kanara_civ.sgm (496.29 KB) -> 902.03 KB
decompressed model file lodos.sgm (409.30 KB) -> 750.58 KB
decompressed model file lunarshuttle.sgm (303.55 KB) -> 826.22 KB
decompressed model file malabar.sgm (907.31 KB) -> 1789.96 KB
decompressed model file molamola.sgm (638.57 KB) -> 1146.25 KB
decompressed model file molaramsayi.sgm (737.05 KB) -> 1453.82 KB
decompressed model file natrix.sgm (76.93 KB) -> 193.34 KB
decompressed model file nerodia.sgm (259.26 KB) -> 528.47 KB
decompressed model file pumpkinseed.sgm (803.60 KB) -> 1544.25 KB
decompressed model file sinonatrix.sgm (96.65 KB) -> 220.04 KB
decompressed model file storeria.sgm (322.57 KB) -> 659.01 KB
decompressed model file varada.sgm (354.91 KB) -> 676.39 KB
decompressed model file vatakara.sgm (846.88 KB) -> 1692.59 KB
decompressed model file venturestar.sgm (603.86 KB) -> 1129.19 KB
decompressed model file wave.sgm (387.32 KB) -> 717.74 KB
decompressed model file xylophis.sgm (125.97 KB) -> 275.96 KB
Creating new galaxy generator 'legacy' version 1
Clearing and re-using previous Galaxy object
StarSystemCache: misses: 0, slave hits: 0, master hits: 0
SectorCache: misses: 101, slave hits: 0, master hits: 1
Stars picked from galaxy: 0
Final stars number: 500000
Stars picked from galaxy: 0
Final stars number: 500000
height fractal: Ellipsoid
colour fractal: StarG
seed: 2514954181
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 6
height fractal: Barren Rock
colour fractal: Desert
seed: 3673958391
height fractal: Mapped
colour fractal: EarthLikeHeightmapped
seed: 228984367
height fractal: Mapped2
colour fractal: Rock2
seed: 4294967291
height fractal: Mapped
colour fractal: EarthLikeHeightmapped
seed: 2977652237
Warning: Lua custom Systems definition: Surface starport has been automatically
relocated. This is in order to place it on flatter ground to reduce the chance of
landing pads being buried. This is not an error as such and you may attempt to move
the starport to another location by changing latitude and longitude fields.
Surface starport name: Cydonia, Body name: Mars, In sector: x = 0, y = 0, z =
height fractal: Asteroid4
colour fractal: BandedRock
seed: 439771126
height fractal: Asteroid4
colour fractal: BandedRock
seed: 439771126
Warning: Lua custom Systems definition: Surface starport has been automatically
relocated. This is in order to place it on flatter ground to reduce the chance of
landing pads being buried. This is not an error as such and you may attempt to move
the starport to another location by changing latitude and longitude fields.
Surface starport name: Tomm's Sanctuary, Body name: Deimos, In sector: x = 0,
y = 0, z = 0.
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 842785371
height fractal: Barren Rock 3
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 1194904676
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 1135910067
height fractal: HillsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 944802879
height fractal: Asteroid2
colour fractal: Asteroid
seed: 4294967198
height fractal: Asteroid3
colour fractal: Asteroid
seed: 4294963315
height fractal: Asteroid2
colour fractal: BandedRock
seed: 4294957314
height fractal: Asteroid
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 4293977314
Warning: Lua custom Systems definition: Surface starport has been automatically
relocated. This is in order to place it on flatter ground to reduce the chance of
landing pads being buried. This is not an error as such and you may attempt to move
the starport to another location by changing latitude and longitude fields.
Surface starport name: Thebe Gas Refinery, Body name: Thebe, In sector: x =
0, y = 0, z = 0.
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 4290011317
height fractal: Barren Rock 2
colour fractal: Ice
seed: 2102431459
height fractal: Barren Rock
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 3062955636
height fractal: Barren Rock 3
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 1272712740
height fractal: Asteroid3
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 134102334
height fractal: Asteroid
colour fractal: Asteroid
seed: 4211482628
height fractal: Asteroid4
colour fractal: BandedRock
seed: 1344978
height fractal: Asteroid2
colour fractal: Asteroid
seed: 3934
height fractal: Asteroid4
colour fractal: BandedRock
seed: 128860219
height fractal: Asteroid3
colour fractal: Asteroid
seed: 6953
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 4033460718
height fractal: Barren Rock 3
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 3732948941
height fractal: Barren Rock 2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 823367762
height fractal: MountainsRiversVolcano
colour fractal: Desert
seed: 0
height fractal: HillsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 3650944653
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 1740171277
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 3343986154
height fractal: HillsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 159067793
height fractal: RuggedDesert
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 4101481878
height fractal: MountainsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 1468260434
height fractal: Asteroid4
colour fractal: BandedRock
seed: 1251043226
height fractal: HillsCraters2
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 4287361396
height fractal: Asteroid
colour fractal: Asteroid
seed: 4174212004
height fractal: Barren Rock 3
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 2535552934
height fractal: Barren Rock 3
colour fractal: Rock
seed: 140027361
decompressed model file kanara.sgm (496.29 KB) -> 902.02 KB
decompressed model file pumpkinseed_police.sgm (803.58 KB) -> 1544.28 KB
Stars picked from galaxy: 16850
Final stars number: 500000
Stars picked from galaxy: 16850
Final stars number: 500000
MP-6656 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:molamola
TR-2100 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bluenose
SH-0710 docked with Tranquility Base ship:storeria
BC-5476 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed_police
TradeShips: Removed 0 ships before serialization
ZJ-6567 docked with Cydonia ship:amphiesma
VC-8381 docked with Mars High ship:dsminer
YF-0589 docked with Mars High ship:molaramsayi
VA-7956 docked with Mars High ship:varada
LN-2206 docked with Mars High ship:amphiesma
GZ-7515 docked with Phobos Base ship:dsminer
SI-7923 docked with Tomm's Sanctuary ship:bowfin
KD-6259 docked with Dante's Base ship:varada
XW-2984 docked with Pluto Research Base ship:amphiesma
Stars picked from galaxy: 16850
Final stars number: 500000
Stars picked from galaxy: 16850
Final stars number: 500000
Color Fractal name: GGNeptune
Color Fractal name: GGUranus
Color Fractal name: GGSaturn
Color Fractal name: GGJupiter
TradeShips: Removed 0 ships before serialization
Stars picked from galaxy: 16850
Final stars number: 500000
Stars picked from galaxy: 16850
Final stars number: 500000
BC-5476 left Sol for Struve 2398
SI-7923 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Deimos
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Deimos
TE-5124 leaves frame Mars
TE-5124 leaves frame Mars
LN-2206 leaves frame Mars High
LN-2206 left Sol for Toliman
LN-2206 enters frame Mars High
XW-2984 left Sol for Barnard's star
ZJ-6567 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars High
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Pluto
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
KD-6259 leaves frame Io
KD-6259 left Sol for Ross 614
VA-7956 leaves frame Mars High
VA-7956 left Sol for Kruger 60
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
molamola jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud enters frame Io
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
MP-6656 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:molamola
TR-2100 leaves frame Moon
TR-2100 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
molamola jump status is not OK
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
MP-6656 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:molamola
YF-0589 leaves frame Mars High
YF-0589 left Sol for Sirius
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Io
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
molamola jump status is not OK
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
MP-6656 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:molamola
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
molamola jump status is not OK
MP-6656 enters frame Torvalds Platform
MP-6656 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:molamola
MP-6656 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Io
MP-6656 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
SH-0710 leaves frame Moon
SH-0710 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Pluto
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CZ-6243 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Gliese 1
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
NA-5274 lodos entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UH-1974 nerodia entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
NY-7639 sinonatrix entered Sol from Toliman
VY-6499 venturestar entered Sol from Kruger 60
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
FV-4960 amphiesma entered Sol from DX Cancri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
VR-9896 enters frame Earth
VR-9896 enters frame Moon
VR-9896 enters frame Moon
VR-9896 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed
VR-9896 leaves frame Moon
VR-9896 left Sol for Toliman
ZW-9961 amphiesma entered Sol from Wolf 359
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
UK-9121 bluenose entered Sol from 61 Cygni
CB-1110 enters frame Jupiter
VC-8381 leaves frame Mars High
dsminer jump status is not OK
VC-8381 enters frame Mars High
VC-8381 docked with Mars High ship:dsminer
KP-0919 lodos entered Sol from Barnard's star
EW-1819 dsminer entered Sol from Ross 128
CB-1110 enters frame Europa
VV-9422 enters frame Earth
CB-1110 enters frame Clarke's Station
CB-1110 docked with Clarke's Station ship:pumpkinseed_police
CB-1110 leaves frame Clarke's Station
CB-1110 leaves frame Europa
CB-1110 left Sol for Sirius
VV-9422 enters frame Earth
VV-9422 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:venturestar, starport:Shanghai
CZ-6243 enters frame Earth
BB-2629 varada entered Sol from Struve 2398
CZ-6243 enters frame Moon
CZ-6243 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CZ-6243 docked with Mariasurīru ship:pumpkinseed_police
CZ-6243 leaves frame Moon
CZ-6243 left Sol for LHS 292
RL-1875 enters frame Mars
RL-1875 enters frame Mars High
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
RL-1875 docked with Mars High ship:sinonatrix
HL-3034 lodos entered Sol from GJ 1061
RL-1875 leaves frame Mars High
RL-1875 left Sol for GJ 1061
GZ-7515 leaves frame Phobos
GZ-7515 leaves frame Phobos
GZ-7515 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
PS-6092 natrix entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
JG-8192 storeria entered Sol from Lalande 21185
NY-7639 enters frame Earth
NY-7639 enters frame Moon
NY-7639 enters frame Moon
NY-7639 docked with Mariasurīru ship:sinonatrix
JH-9115 lodos entered Sol from Gliese 687
MF-8065 enters frame Earth
MF-8065 enters frame Moon
MF-8065 enters frame Moon
MF-8065 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed
NY-7639 leaves frame Moon
NY-7639 left Sol for LHS 292
MF-8065 leaves frame Moon
MF-8065 left Sol for Ayizan
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
FV-4960 enters frame Earth
FV-4960 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
FV-4960 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 enters frame Earth
FV-4960 docked with Mariasurīru ship:amphiesma
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
FV-4960 leaves frame Moon
FV-4960 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
NA-5274 enters frame Earth
NA-5274 enters frame Moon
NA-5274 enters frame Moon
NA-5274 docked with Mariasurīru ship:lodos
ZW-9961 enters frame Earth
ZW-9961 enters frame Moon
ZW-9961 enters frame Moon
ZW-9961 docked with Mariasurīru ship:amphiesma
ZW-9961 leaves frame Moon
ZW-9961 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
JF-1236 storeria entered Sol from Van Maanen's Star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UH-1974 enters frame Earth
UH-1974 enters frame Moon
UH-1974 enters frame Moon
UH-1974 docked with Mariasurīru ship:nerodia
TM-2409 enters frame Earth
TM-2409 enters frame Moon
TM-2409 enters frame Moon
TM-2409 docked with Tranquility Base ship:wave
TM-2409 leaves frame Moon
TM-2409 left Sol for Barnard's star
DC-6953 enters frame Earth
VY-6499 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
VY-6499 enters frame Moon
DC-6953 enters frame Jobs Pad
VY-6499 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
DC-6953 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
BB-2629 enters frame Earth
VY-6499 docked with Mariasurīru ship:venturestar
NA-5274 leaves frame Moon
NA-5274 left Sol for Barnard's star
BB-2629 enters frame Moon
BB-2629 enters frame Moon
BB-2629 docked with Mariasurīru ship:varada
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CE-7627 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Kruger 60
DC-6953 leaves frame Jobs Pad
molamola jump status is not OK
BB-2629 leaves frame Moon
BB-2629 left Sol for Sirius
CM-2074 deneb entered Sol from Struve 2398
DC-6953 enters frame Jobs Pad
DC-6953 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
ZI-0773 enters frame Mars
ZI-0773 enters frame Mars
ZI-0773 leaves frame Mars
ZI-0773 enters frame Mars High
OQ-4211 lodos entered Sol from Lacaille 9352
DC-6953 leaves frame Jobs Pad
molamola jump status is not OK
KP-0919 enters frame Earth
ZI-0773 docked with Mars High ship:pumpkinseed
DC-6953 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
DC-6953 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
KP-0919 enters frame Moon
ZI-0773 leaves frame Mars High
ZI-0773 left Sol for Kapteyn's Star
KP-0919 enters frame Moon
AO-0195 enters frame Mars
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
KP-0919 docked with Mariasurīru ship:lodos
AO-0195 enters frame Deimos
AO-0195 enters frame Deimos
AO-0195 docked with Tomm's Sanctuary ship:storeria
DC-6953 leaves frame Jobs Pad
molamola jump status is not OK
KR-2855 bluenose entered Sol from LHS 288
DC-6953 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
DC-6953 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
PB-6176 enters frame Earth
PS-6092 enters frame Earth
DC-6953 leaves frame Jobs Pad
molamola jump status is not OK
PB-6176 enters frame Earth
DC-6953 enters frame Jobs Pad
PB-6176 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:pumpkinseed_police,
starport:Torvalds Platform
PS-6092 enters frame Moon
DC-6953 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
PS-6092 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
PS-6092 docked with Mariasurīru ship:natrix
IP-1566 enters frame Mars
DZ-5000 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Gliese 674
IP-1566 enters frame Phobos
IP-1566 enters frame Phobos
HL-3034 enters frame Earth
IP-1566 docked with Phobos Base ship:amphiesma
TD-3497 enters frame Mars
DC-6953 leaves frame Jobs Pad
PS-6092 leaves frame Moon
DC-6953 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
PS-6092 left Sol for Wolf 359
TD-3497 enters frame Phobos
IP-1566 leaves frame Phobos
TD-3497 enters frame Phobos
IP-1566 leaves frame Phobos
IP-1566 left Sol for Barnard's star
HL-3034 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
TD-3497 docked with Phobos Base ship:venturestar
HL-3034 enters frame Moon
HL-3034 docked with Mariasurīru ship:lodos
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KG-7862 varada entered Sol from Gliese 563.2
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
VC-8381 leaves frame Mars High
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
VC-8381 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
OL-9141 varada entered Sol from TZ Arietis
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
JG-8192 enters frame Earth
CE-7627 enters frame Earth
JG-8192 enters frame Moon
JG-8192 enters frame Moon
CE-7627 enters frame Moon
CE-7627 enters frame Moon
KJ-7094 enters frame Earth
JG-8192 docked with Mariasurīru ship:storeria
KP-0919 leaves frame Moon
JH-9115 enters frame Earth
CE-7627 docked with Mariasurīru ship:pumpkinseed
KP-0919 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
QH-6072 enters frame Jupiter
MS-8835 natrix entered Sol from Noril
CE-7627 leaves frame Moon
JH-9115 enters frame Moon
CE-7627 left Sol for Struve 2398
KJ-7094 enters frame Earth
KJ-7094 leaves frame Earth
JH-9115 enters frame Moon
KJ-7094 enters frame Torvalds Platform
JH-9115 docked with Mariasurīru ship:lodos
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
KJ-7094 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:lodos
HL-3034 leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HL-3034 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
QH-6072 enters frame Ganymede
QH-6072 enters frame Ganymede
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
QH-6072 docked with Enki Catena ship:amphiesma
QH-6072 leaves frame Ganymede
QH-6072 left Sol for Toliman
IU-0219 enters frame Earth
JF-1236 enters frame Earth
MK-5391 natrix entered Sol from LHS 288
DZ-5000 enters frame Earth
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
DZ-5000 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Ganymede
DZ-5000 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
JF-1236 enters frame Moon
DZ-5000 docked with Mariasurīru ship:pumpkinseed_police
JF-1236 enters frame Moon
AO-0195 leaves frame Deimos
AO-0195 leaves frame Deimos
AO-0195 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
JF-1236 docked with Mariasurīru ship:storeria
DZ-5000 leaves frame Moon
DZ-5000 left Sol for Kruger 60
EW-1819 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
KJ-7094 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
KJ-7094 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
EW-1819 enters frame Moon
HE-6270 nerodia entered Sol from Ross 248
EW-1819 enters frame Moon
EW-1819 docked with Mariasurīru ship:dsminer
HY-0046 bowfin entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
JH-9115 leaves frame Moon
JH-9115 left Sol for Barnard's star
CD-8272 storeria entered Sol from Ayizan
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UK-9121 enters frame Earth
NJ-3980 amphiesma entered Sol from Wolf 359
TY-3838 lodos entered Sol from LHS 288
CM-2074 enters frame Earth
OQ-4211 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
TW-7919 bluenose entered Sol from Epsilon Eridani
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
XM-0952 lodos entered Sol from Ayizan
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UK-9121 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
UK-9121 AICompleted: Error: REFUSED_PERM Status: inbound
UK-9121 ordering orbit of Moon
VY-6499 leaves frame Moon
VY-6499 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
JG-8192 leaves frame Moon
JG-8192 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
WG-3324 pumpkinseed entered Sol from TZ Arietis
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
OQ-4211 enters frame Earth
OQ-4211 docked with Shanghai ship:lodos
RD-0800 enters frame Earth
RD-0800 enters frame Torvalds Platform
RD-0800 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:natrix
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
RD-0800 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
RD-0800 left Sol for Lalande 21185
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
OL-9141 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
OL-9141 enters frame Earth
UK-9121 enters frame Moon
OL-9141 docked with Brasilia ship:varada
UK-9121 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bluenose
OL-9141 leaves frame Earth
KG-7862 enters frame Earth
OL-9141 left Sol for Ross 614
JF-1236 leaves frame Moon
FX-1866 wave entered Sol from Lalande 21185
KG-7862 enters frame Moon
JF-1236 left Sol for Toliman
KG-7862 enters frame Moon
KG-7862 docked with Mariasurīru ship:varada
KG-7862 leaves frame Moon
KG-7862 left Sol for Luyten's Star
UK-9121 leaves frame Moon
UK-9121 left Sol for Toliman
UH-1974 leaves frame Moon
UH-1974 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
OQ-4211 leaves frame Earth
OQ-4211 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
GH-1157 lodos entered Sol from Epsilon Eridani
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
MN-2517 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Van Maanen's Star
MS-8835 enters frame Earth
WG-3324 enters frame Earth
MS-8835 enters frame Torvalds Platform
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
WG-3324 enters frame Earth
MS-8835 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:natrix
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
WG-3324 docked with Brasilia ship:pumpkinseed
HY-0046 enters frame Earth
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
VM-5570 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Barnard's star
HY-0046 enters frame Moon
QZ-5211 natrix entered Sol from Gliese 674
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HY-0046 enters frame Moon
MS-8835 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
MS-8835 left Sol for Barnard's star
WG-3324 leaves frame Earth
WG-3324 left Sol for Procyon
HY-0046 docked with Mariasurīru ship:bowfin
JK-0046 molamola entered Sol from Luyten 726-8
HY-0046 leaves frame Moon
HY-0046 left Sol for Barnard's star
KM-5908 natrix entered Sol from Luyten's Star
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
TD-3497 leaves frame Phobos
TD-3497 leaves frame Phobos
TD-3497 left Sol for Toliman
MK-5391 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
DE-4942 enters frame Jupiter
AF-9459 enters frame Mars
MK-5391 enters frame Torvalds Platform
AF-9459 enters frame Mars High
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
MK-5391 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:natrix
AF-9459 docked with Mars High ship:natrix
DS-1406 sinonatrix entered Sol from Groombridge 34
NJ-3980 enters frame Earth
QE-7421 bluenose entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
MK-5391 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
MK-5391 left Sol for Toliman
AF-9459 leaves frame Mars High
AF-9459 left Sol for Barnard's star
NJ-3980 enters frame Moon
NJ-3980 enters frame Moon
NJ-3980 docked with Mariasurīru ship:amphiesma
NJ-3980 leaves frame Moon
NJ-3980 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
CD-8272 enters frame Earth
HE-6270 enters frame Earth
FE-2853 wave entered Sol from NN 3522
CD-8272 enters frame Torvalds Platform
CD-8272 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
CD-8272 enters frame Torvalds Platform
TY-3838 enters frame Earth
CN-1165 venturestar entered Sol from Luyten 726-8
CD-8272 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:storeria
AJ-2269 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
HE-6270 enters frame Torvalds Platform
PQ-7263 bluenose entered Sol from Barnard's star
HE-6270 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:nerodia
MN-2517 enters frame Earth
TY-3838 enters frame Earth
MN-2517 enters frame Jobs Pad
TY-3838 docked with Brasilia ship:lodos
MN-2517 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed
XM-0952 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
DL-4429 venturestar entered Sol from Toliman
YN-0823 venturestar entered Sol from Ayizan
MN-2517 leaves frame Jobs Pad
MN-2517 left Sol for Epsilon Indi
XM-0952 enters frame Jobs Pad
XM-0952 docked with Jobs Pad ship:lodos
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
VM-5570 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
VM-5570 enters frame Jobs Pad
VM-5570 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed_police
KZ-8932 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Procyon
DE-4942 enters frame Discovery Base
NN-0885 enters frame Earth
DE-4942 docked with Discovery Base ship:bluenose
VM-5570 leaves frame Jobs Pad
VM-5570 left Sol for 61 Cygni
KR-2855 enters frame Earth
FX-1866 enters frame Earth
NN-0885 enters frame Gates Spaceport
NN-0885 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
NN-0885 enters frame Gates Spaceport
NN-0885 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
NN-0885 enters frame Gates Spaceport
FX-1866 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
NN-0885 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molaramsayi
FX-1866 docked with Jobs Pad ship:wave
ES-6460 bluenose entered Sol from Toliman
FX-1866 leaves frame Jobs Pad
FX-1866 left Sol for Tau Ceti
KR-2855 enters frame Moon
KR-2855 enters frame Moon
KR-2855 docked with Mariasurīru ship:bluenose
DE-4942 leaves frame Discovery Base
DE-4942 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
TY-3838 leaves frame Earth
TY-3838 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KR-2855 leaves frame Moon
KR-2855 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
XM-0952 leaves frame Jobs Pad
XM-0952 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
GW-5290 natrix entered Sol from Kruger 60
DS-1406 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
DS-1406 enters frame Jobs Pad
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
DS-1406 docked with Jobs Pad ship:sinonatrix
AJ-2269 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
DS-1406 leaves frame Jobs Pad
DS-1406 left Sol for TZ Arietis
GH-1157 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
AJ-2269 enters frame Jobs Pad
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
AJ-2269 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed_police
GH-1157 enters frame Jobs Pad
GH-1157 docked with Jobs Pad ship:lodos
NN-0885 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
NN-0885 left Sol for Barnard's star
HE-4805 sinonatrix entered Sol from Gliese 674
AJ-2269 leaves frame Jobs Pad
AJ-2269 left Sol for Ross 154
HG-1311 sinonatrix entered Sol from LHS 292
CD-8272 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
CD-8272 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RP-1629 enters frame Earth
JK-0046 enters frame Earth
QZ-5211 enters frame Earth
RP-1629 enters frame Moon
JK-0046 enters frame Jobs Pad
KM-5908 enters frame Earth
RP-1629 enters frame Moon
QZ-5211 enters frame Jobs Pad
KZ-8932 enters frame Earth
JK-0046 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
RP-1629 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bluenose
QZ-5211 docked with Jobs Pad ship:natrix
KZ-8932 enters frame Jobs Pad
KM-5908 enters frame Jobs Pad
BB-9628 storeria entered Sol from Lalande 21185
KZ-8932 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed_police
KM-5908 docked with Jobs Pad ship:natrix
JK-0046 leaves frame Jobs Pad
JK-0046 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
UZ-0514 molamola entered Sol from Gliese 674
QZ-5211 leaves frame Jobs Pad
QZ-5211 left Sol for Wolf 359
KZ-8932 leaves frame Jobs Pad
LV-2099 natrix entered Sol from Ayizan
KZ-8932 left Sol for Gliese 1
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KM-5908 leaves frame Jobs Pad
KM-5908 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
RP-1629 leaves frame Moon
RP-1629 left Sol for Toliman
FE-2853 enters frame Earth
RQ-4045 bluenose entered Sol from LHS 292
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
FE-2853 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
FE-2853 docked with Jobs Pad ship:wave
FE-2853 leaves frame Jobs Pad
FE-2853 left Sol for DX Cancri
GH-1157 leaves frame Jobs Pad
GH-1157 left Sol for Barnard's star
TW-7919 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZK-6908 dsminer entered Sol from Wolf 359
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
EW-1819 leaves frame Moon
EW-1819 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
XF-9680 sinonatrix entered Sol from Wolf 359
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
GO-9917 varada entered Sol from Sirius
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HD-9640 deneb entered Sol from Tau Ceti
CN-1165 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
CN-1165 enters frame Jobs Pad
UQ-2420 bluenose entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
CN-1165 docked with Jobs Pad ship:venturestar
HG-1311 enters frame Earth
HE-4805 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
IW-9478 natrix entered Sol from Ross 614
HG-1311 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HE-4805 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HG-1311 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:sinonatrix
HE-4805 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:sinonatrix
HE-4805 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
HE-4805 left Sol for Luyten's Star
HG-1311 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
GH-7600 storeria entered Sol from Epsilon Eridani
HG-1311 left Sol for LHS 292
IO-9052 wave entered Sol from Sirius
TX-4105 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 deneb entered Sol from GJ 1061
TX-4105 enters frame Moon
TX-4105 enters frame Moon
TX-4105 docked with Tranquility Base ship:nerodia
DA-7457 storeria entered Sol from Struve 2398
YN-0823 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
DL-4429 enters frame Earth
RJ-8920 venturestar entered Sol from Ayizan
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
YN-0823 enters frame Jobs Pad
YN-0823 docked with Jobs Pad ship:venturestar
DL-4429 enters frame Jobs Pad
VW-4571 nerodia entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
DL-4429 docked with Jobs Pad ship:venturestar
GW-5290 enters frame Earth
HE-6270 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
HE-6270 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
GW-5290 enters frame Jobs Pad
WH-5946 molaramsayi entered Sol from Epsilon Eridani
GW-5290 docked with Jobs Pad ship:natrix
CO-6041 sinonatrix entered Sol from Gliese 674
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
GW-5290 leaves frame Jobs Pad
GW-5290 left Sol for Barnard's star
YV-1761 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
YV-1761 enters frame Torvalds Platform
SV-7620 amphiesma entered Sol from Ayizan
UV-4974 molamola entered Sol from Ross 154
UZ-0514 enters frame Earth
QP-1019 molaramsayi entered Sol from Ross 248
NC-9255 amphiesma entered Sol from Wolf 424
LV-2099 enters frame Earth
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
UZ-0514 enters frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
XF-9680 enters frame Earth
UZ-0514 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
LV-2099 enters frame Gates Spaceport
BB-9628 enters frame Earth
LV-2099 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:natrix
XF-9680 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GG-7586 lodos entered Sol from Ross 128
XF-9680 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:sinonatrix
BB-9628 enters frame Gates Spaceport
XF-9680 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
XF-9680 left Sol for GJ 1061
UZ-0514 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
PQ-7263 enters frame Earth
LV-2099 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
LV-2099 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
UZ-0514 enters frame Gates Spaceport
BB-9628 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:storeria
UZ-0514 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
DJ-3141 enters frame Earth
QE-7421 enters frame Earth
UZ-0514 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
UZ-0514 enters frame Gates Spaceport
DJ-3141 enters frame Gates Spaceport
UZ-0514 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
PQ-7263 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
DJ-3141 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:nerodia
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
PQ-7263 docked with Jobs Pad ship:bluenose
GO-9917 enters frame Earth
UZ-0514 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
QE-7421 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UZ-0514 enters frame Gates Spaceport
QE-7421 docked with Jobs Pad ship:bluenose
UZ-0514 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
PU-1380 molaramsayi entered Sol from TZ Arietis
GO-9917 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GO-9917 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:varada
GO-9917 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
GO-9917 left Sol for Barnard's star
UZ-0514 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
UZ-0514 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
UZ-0514 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
PQ-7263 leaves frame Jobs Pad
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
PQ-7263 left Sol for Barnard's star
CF-6123 bowfin entered Sol from Luyten's Star
QE-7421 leaves frame Jobs Pad
QE-7421 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
EG-6586 storeria entered Sol from Epsilon Eridani
UZ-0514 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
UZ-0514 enters frame Gates Spaceport
UZ-0514 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
UZ-0514 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
UZ-0514 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ES-6460 enters frame Earth
AM-3883 natrix entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
IO-9052 enters frame Earth
IO-9052 enters frame Gates Spaceport
IO-9052 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:wave
IW-9478 enters frame Earth
CO-6041 enters frame Earth
IO-9052 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
IO-9052 left Sol for Ross 248
CO-6041 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ES-6460 enters frame Jobs Pad
IW-9478 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CO-6041 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:sinonatrix
ES-6460 docked with Jobs Pad ship:bluenose
IW-9478 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:natrix
CO-6041 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
CO-6041 left Sol for Ross 614
GH-7600 enters frame Earth
IW-9478 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
IW-9478 left Sol for Toliman
HD-9640 enters frame Earth
GH-7600 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GH-7600 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:storeria
ES-6460 leaves frame Jobs Pad
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ES-6460 left Sol for Toliman
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
SV-7620 enters frame Earth
DA-7457 enters frame Earth
BB-9628 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
BB-9628 left Sol for Barnard's star
SV-7620 enters frame Gates Spaceport
SV-7620 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:amphiesma
DA-7457 enters frame Gates Spaceport
DA-7457 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:storeria
SV-7620 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
SV-7620 left Sol for Barnard's star
NC-9255 enters frame Earth
DL-4429 leaves frame Jobs Pad
DL-4429 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
MM-8242 sinonatrix entered Sol from Gliese 563.2
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HU-7317 enters frame Earth
NC-9255 enters frame Gates Spaceport
RJ-8920 enters frame Earth
NC-9255 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:amphiesma
MX-1996 dsminer entered Sol from Noril
VW-4571 enters frame Earth
CN-1165 leaves frame Jobs Pad
NC-9255 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
CN-1165 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
NC-9255 left Sol for Barnard's star
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
RJ-8920 enters frame Gates Spaceport
VW-4571 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
RJ-8920 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:venturestar
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
VW-4571 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:nerodia
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
TX-4105 leaves frame Moon
UV-4974 enters frame Earth
TX-4105 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
WH-5946 enters frame Earth
ZK-6908 enters frame Earth
UV-4974 enters frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
UV-4974 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
WH-5946 enters frame Gates Spaceport
WH-5946 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molaramsayi
KX-3218 storeria entered Sol from Procyon
ZK-6908 enters frame Gates Spaceport
EL-4204 varada entered Sol from Luyten's Star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UV-4974 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
ZK-6908 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:dsminer
UV-4974 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CF-6123 enters frame Earth
UV-4974 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
CF-6123 enters frame Gates Spaceport
YN-0823 leaves frame Jobs Pad
YN-0823 left Sol for Barnard's star
CF-6123 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bowfin
UV-4974 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
UV-4974 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GG-7586 enters frame Earth
UV-4974 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
CF-6123 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
CF-6123 left Sol for Wolf 359
GG-7586 enters frame Gates Spaceport
RQ-4045 enters frame Earth
UV-4974 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
UV-4974 enters frame Gates Spaceport
EO-5901 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Ross 614
GG-7586 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:lodos
UV-4974 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
QP-1019 enters frame Earth
XB-8028 nerodia entered Sol from GJ 1061
UQ-2420 enters frame Earth
UV-4974 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
UV-4974 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RQ-4045 enters frame Gates Spaceport
WH-5946 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
WH-5946 left Sol for Sirius
RQ-4045 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bluenose
GH-7600 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
QP-1019 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GH-7600 left Sol for Barnard's star
QP-1019 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molaramsayi
UZ-9513 bluenose entered Sol from 61 Cygni
XE-5646 lodos entered Sol from Wolf 424
EG-6586 enters frame Earth
UQ-2420 enters frame Gates Spaceport
UQ-2420 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bluenose
DA-7457 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
DA-7457 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
FV-6305 amphiesma entered Sol from DX Cancri
RQ-4045 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
RQ-4045 left Sol for Barnard's star
EG-6586 enters frame Torvalds Platform
EG-6586 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:storeria
UQ-2420 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
UQ-2420 left Sol for Barnard's star
GG-7586 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
GG-7586 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
MM-8242 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
MM-8242 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
MM-8242 docked with Mexico City ship:sinonatrix
MM-8242 leaves frame Earth
PU-1380 enters frame Earth
MM-8242 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
AM-3883 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 deneb entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
SK-1853 bowfin entered Sol from Gliese 687
DJ-3141 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
DJ-3141 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
UO-0721 varada entered Sol from Barnard's star
PU-1380 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
AM-3883 enters frame Torvalds Platform
JU-9186 varada entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
PU-1380 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molaramsayi
AM-3883 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:natrix
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
QP-1019 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
QP-1019 left Sol for Luyten 726-8
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
AM-3883 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
AM-3883 left Sol for Lalande 21185
NT-2891 bowfin entered Sol from LHS 288
EO-5901 enters frame Earth
SF-0359 nerodia entered Sol from Gliese 1
EO-5901 enters frame Earth
EO-5901 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:pumpkinseed_police,
starport:Torvalds Platform
JR-7908 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Tau Ceti
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
SV-5039 varada entered Sol from TZ Arietis
PU-1380 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
PU-1380 left Sol for Sirius
JF-8849 molaramsayi entered Sol from Wolf 359
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RJ-8920 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
RJ-8920 left Sol for Barnard's star
EL-4204 enters frame Earth
RM-8616 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from GJ 1061
EG-6586 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
EG-6586 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZL-9406 lodos entered Sol from 61 Cygni
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KX-3218 enters frame Earth
EL-4204 enters frame Earth
EL-4204 docked with Shanghai ship:varada
EL-4204 leaves frame Earth
KX-3218 enters frame Torvalds Platform
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
EL-4204 left Sol for Wolf 424
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KX-3218 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:storeria
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
SB-8448 wave entered Sol from Gliese 687
SM-1619 nerodia entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
AP-0156 lodos entered Sol from Wolf 359
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RX-5038 molamola entered Sol from Kruger 60
XB-8028 enters frame Earth
LS-8156 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Lalande 21185
XB-8028 enters frame Earth
XB-8028 leaves frame Earth
YE-8195 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Gliese 687
XB-8028 enters frame Torvalds Platform
FV-6305 enters frame Earth
XB-8028 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:nerodia
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
JR-7908 enters frame Earth
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
UH-4009 sinonatrix entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
VW-4571 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
VW-4571 left Sol for Toliman
JR-7908 enters frame Jobs Pad
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
FV-6305 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
JR-7908 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed
JU-9186 enters frame Earth
FV-6305 docked with Brasilia ship:amphiesma
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
FV-6305 leaves frame Earth
JR-7908 leaves frame Jobs Pad
FV-6305 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
JR-7908 left Sol for Procyon
JU-9186 enters frame Torvalds Platform
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JL-0005 bowfin entered Sol from Ayizan
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
SK-1853 enters frame Earth
NT-2891 enters frame Earth
XE-5646 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
NT-2891 enters frame Earth
NT-2891 docked with Shanghai ship:bowfin
HU-9240 natrix entered Sol from Ross 154
NT-2891 leaves frame Earth
NT-2891 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
SK-1853 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
SK-1853 docked with Los Angeles ship:bowfin
RM-8616 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
XE-5646 enters frame Earth
UO-0721 enters frame Earth
XE-5646 docked with Brasilia ship:lodos
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
RM-8616 enters frame Jobs Pad
SK-1853 leaves frame Earth
SK-1853 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
RM-8616 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed_police
RM-8616 leaves frame Jobs Pad
RM-8616 left Sol for Ayizan
FT-9776 dsminer entered Sol from Wolf 424
UO-0721 enters frame Earth
UO-0721 docked with Shanghai ship:varada
UO-0721 leaves frame Earth
UO-0721 left Sol for Luyten's Star
RJ-8811 nerodia entered Sol from Luyten's Star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
BD-9012 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Proxima Centauri
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
MX-1996 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KX-3218 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
KX-3218 left Sol for Barnard's star
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
VA-9021 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
XE-5646 leaves frame Earth
XE-5646 left Sol for Toliman
SV-5039 enters frame Earth
LS-8156 enters frame Earth
SV-5039 enters frame Jobs Pad
LS-8156 enters frame Jobs Pad
YE-8195 enters frame Earth
VA-9021 enters frame Gates Spaceport
SV-5039 leaves frame Jobs Pad
LS-8156 leaves frame Jobs Pad
YE-8195 enters frame Jobs Pad
VA-9021 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:dsminer
YE-8195 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed
MX-1996 enters frame Earth
YE-8195 leaves frame Jobs Pad
MX-1996 leaves frame Earth
YE-8195 left Sol for 61 Cygni
SZ-2421 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Luyten 726-8
SF-0359 enters frame Earth
SF-0359 enters frame Earth
SF-0359 docked with Shanghai ship:nerodia
SV-5039 (varada) out of fuel
IX-4935 varada entered Sol from Wolf 424
SB-8448 enters frame Earth
UH-4009 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
SB-8448 enters frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
UH-4009 enters frame Jobs Pad
UZ-9513 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
SB-8448 docked with Jobs Pad ship:wave
AT-7097 wave entered Sol from Gliese 1
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
SB-8448 leaves frame Jobs Pad
SB-8448 left Sol for Kruger 60
UH-4009 leaves frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
NE-9882 deneb entered Sol from Ayizan
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
RX-5038 enters frame Earth
UZ-9513 enters frame Earth
UZ-9513 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:bluenose, starport:Torvalds
BD-9012 enters frame Earth
MX-1996 (dsminer) out of fuel
BD-9012 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RX-5038 enters frame Jobs Pad
ZL-9406 enters frame Earth
SV-5039 leaves frame Earth
LS-8156 leaves frame Earth
BD-9012 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed
RX-5038 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molamola
BD-9012 leaves frame Jobs Pad
BD-9012 left Sol for Ross 248
JF-8849 enters frame Earth
ZL-9406 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ZL-9406 docked with Jobs Pad ship:lodos
RX-5038 leaves frame Jobs Pad
RX-5038 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
AP-0156 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
SM-1619 enters frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JF-8849 enters frame Jobs Pad
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
JF-8849 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molaramsayi
AP-0156 enters frame Jobs Pad
SM-1619 enters frame Jobs Pad
AP-0156 docked with Jobs Pad ship:lodos
SM-1619 docked with Jobs Pad ship:nerodia
XW-5450 wave entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
RC-6867 nerodia entered Sol from Noril
JL-0005 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
JL-0005 enters frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JL-0005 docked with Jobs Pad ship:bowfin
XB-9714 amphiesma entered Sol from Wolf 424
ZK-1323 deneb entered Sol from Luyten 726-8
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
JL-0005 leaves frame Jobs Pad
JL-0005 left Sol for Toliman
GP-8354 bluenose entered Sol from Ross 128
SZ-2421 enters frame Earth
TE-1722 bowfin entered Sol from Noril
SZ-2421 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
SZ-2421 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed
HU-9240 enters frame Earth
SZ-2421 leaves frame Jobs Pad
SZ-2421 left Sol for Wolf 359
HU-9240 enters frame Jobs Pad
HU-9240 docked with Jobs Pad ship:natrix
PV-4293 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Struve 2398
HU-9240 leaves frame Jobs Pad
HU-9240 left Sol for Lalande 21185
ZK-6908 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
dsminer jump status is not OK
ZK-6908 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ZK-6908 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:dsminer
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
AP-0156 leaves frame Jobs Pad
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
AP-0156 left Sol for Toliman
JF-8849 leaves frame Jobs Pad
JF-8849 left Sol for Sirius
ZL-9406 leaves frame Jobs Pad
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
ZL-9406 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
XB-8028 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
XB-8028 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RJ-8811 enters frame Earth
TW-7919 (bluenose) out of fuel
TW-7919 enters frame Earth
TW-7919 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:bluenose, starport:Torvalds
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
RJ-8811 enters frame Jobs Pad
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
JQ-2722 deneb entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
RJ-8811 docked with Jobs Pad ship:nerodia
AT-7097 enters frame Earth
AT-7097 enters frame Jobs Pad
IX-4935 enters frame Earth
AT-7097 docked with Jobs Pad ship:wave
AT-7097 leaves frame Jobs Pad
AT-7097 left Sol for Gliese 687
IX-4935 enters frame Jobs Pad
EQ-9075 molamola entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
IX-4935 docked with Jobs Pad ship:varada
IX-4935 leaves frame Jobs Pad
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IX-4935 left Sol for Ayizan
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
KX-6406 bowfin entered Sol from Groombridge 34
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
AX-3283 molaramsayi entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
PV-4293 enters frame Earth
PV-4293 enters frame Gates Spaceport
NE-9882 enters frame Earth
PV-4293 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:pumpkinseed
XW-5450 enters frame Earth
PV-4293 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
PV-4293 left Sol for EZ Aquarii
WD-8635 bowfin entered Sol from Kruger 60
XW-5450 enters frame Gates Spaceport
XB-9714 enters frame Earth
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
XW-5450 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:wave
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
XB-9714 enters frame Gates Spaceport
XW-5450 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
XW-5450 left Sol for Ross 128
XB-9714 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:amphiesma
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
JG-4918 natrix entered Sol from Procyon
ZT-4504 venturestar entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
XB-9714 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
XB-9714 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
SF-0359 leaves frame Earth
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
SF-0359 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RC-9574 varada entered Sol from Toliman
TE-1722 enters frame Earth
TE-1722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
PT-2810 varada entered Sol from DX Cancri
TE-1722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bowfin
RC-6867 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
TE-1722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
TE-1722 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
FT-9776 enters frame Earth
FX-8795 molamola entered Sol from 61 Cygni
RC-6867 enters frame Jobs Pad
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
RC-6867 docked with Jobs Pad ship:nerodia
ZK-1323 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
JU-5335 bowfin entered Sol from Toliman
FT-9776 enters frame Jobs Pad
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
FT-9776 docked with Jobs Pad ship:dsminer
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CC-0541 amphiesma entered Sol from Van Maanen's Star
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
KX-6406 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
RO-8491 sinonatrix entered Sol from Sirius
KX-6406 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
KX-6406 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bowfin
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
YF-2418 dsminer entered Sol from Ross 128
KX-6406 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
KX-6406 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
BB-7239 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Gliese 674
KX-5896 dsminer entered Sol from Sirius
RJ-8811 leaves frame Jobs Pad
RJ-8811 left Sol for Toliman
EQ-9075 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
SM-1619 leaves frame Jobs Pad
EQ-9075 enters frame Gates Spaceport
SM-1619 left Sol for Barnard's star
EQ-9075 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NR-0425 natrix entered Sol from Luyten's Star
JQ-2722 enters frame Earth
JW-4240 sinonatrix entered Sol from Luyten's Star
EQ-9075 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
WD-8635 enters frame Earth
molamola jump status is not OK
EQ-9075 enters frame Gates Spaceport
EQ-9075 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
WD-8635 enters frame Gates Spaceport
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
WD-8635 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bowfin
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
WD-8635 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
WD-8635 left Sol for Toliman
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
EQ-9075 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
EQ-9075 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
GP-8354 enters frame Earth
ZM-6067 molamola entered Sol from Wolf 424
PT-2810 enters frame Earth
GP-8354 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GP-8354 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bluenose
PT-2810 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
PT-2810 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:varada
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
PT-2810 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
PT-2810 left Sol for DX Cancri
RJ-5275 venturestar entered Sol from TZ Arietis
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
VA-9021 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
dsminer jump status is not OK
VA-9021 enters frame Gates Spaceport
VA-9021 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:dsminer
RO-8491 enters frame Earth
JG-4918 enters frame Earth
AX-3283 enters frame Earth
RC-9574 enters frame Earth
RO-8491 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GP-8354 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
GP-8354 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
FX-8795 enters frame Earth
RO-8491 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:sinonatrix
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
JU-5335 enters frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JG-4918 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
JG-4918 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:natrix
AX-3283 enters frame Gates Spaceport
RC-9574 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
JU-5335 enters frame Gates Spaceport
RO-8491 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
RO-8491 left Sol for Kapteyn's Star
BB-7239 enters frame Earth
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
AX-3283 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molaramsayi
JU-5335 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:bowfin
RC-9574 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:varada
FX-8795 enters frame Gates Spaceport
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
RC-9574 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
RC-9574 left Sol for DX Cancri
BB-7239 enters frame Gates Spaceport
FX-8795 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
JG-4918 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
BB-7239 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:pumpkinseed
JG-4918 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
JU-5335 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
JU-5335 left Sol for Wolf 359
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
BB-7239 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
BB-7239 left Sol for DX Cancri
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
CC-0541 enters frame Earth
FX-8795 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
FX-8795 enters frame Gates Spaceport
FX-8795 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
CC-0541 enters frame Gates Spaceport
CC-0541 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:amphiesma
CC-0541 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
CC-0541 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
FX-8795 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
FX-8795 enters frame Gates Spaceport
WP-4750 deneb entered Sol from Lalande 21185
FX-8795 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
FX-8795 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
molamola jump status is not OK
FX-8795 enters frame Gates Spaceport
FX-8795 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:molamola
ZT-4504 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JW-4240 enters frame Earth
FX-8795 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
FX-8795 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
AX-3283 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
AX-3283 left Sol for Sirius
JW-4240 enters frame Earth
JW-4240 docked with Shanghai ship:sinonatrix
ZT-4504 enters frame Gates Spaceport
RC-6867 leaves frame Jobs Pad
RC-6867 left Sol for Barnard's star
JW-4240 leaves frame Earth
ZT-4504 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:venturestar
JW-4240 left Sol for Wolf 359
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
ZK-6908 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
GP-0512 molaramsayi entered Sol from Luyten 726-8
ZK-6908 left Sol for Toliman
FJ-3356 amphiesma entered Sol from Gliese 563.2
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
EF-8302 venturestar entered Sol from Ayizan
NR-0425 enters frame Earth
JS-1220 lodos entered Sol from GJ 1061
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
NR-0425 enters frame Earth
NR-0425 leaves frame Earth
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NR-0425 enters frame Torvalds Platform
NR-0425 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:natrix
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
NR-0425 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
NR-0425 left Sol for Barnard's star
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
NH-1588 nerodia entered Sol from Noril
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JZ-4603 deneb entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
AM-4491 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from LHS 292
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
MX-6753 nerodia entered Sol from Van Maanen's Star
TC-5906 bowfin entered Sol from Groombridge 34
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZM-6067 enters frame Earth
XC-0527 varada entered Sol from Tau Ceti
GD-0388 varada entered Sol from Gliese 1
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
ZM-6067 enters frame Earth
ZM-6067 leaves frame Earth
ZM-6067 enters frame Earth
XF-5897 pumpkinseed entered Sol from NN 3522
ZM-6067 docked with Moscow ship:molamola
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
GK-5873 sinonatrix entered Sol from Lalande 21185
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
ZM-6067 leaves frame Earth
ZM-6067 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
ZD-6466 storeria entered Sol from Procyon
DW-5787 molaramsayi entered Sol from Sirius
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
QL-3715 sinonatrix entered Sol from Gliese 687
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
TO-2959 storeria entered Sol from Wolf 424
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
RJ-5275 enters frame Earth
AM-4491 enters frame Earth
AM-4491 enters frame Moon
AM-4491 enters frame Moon
AM-4491 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed_police
FJ-3356 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
FJ-3356 enters frame Moon
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
AM-4491 leaves frame Moon
AM-4491 left Sol for DX Cancri
FJ-3356 enters frame Moon
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
FJ-3356 docked with Tranquility Base ship:amphiesma
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
FJ-3356 leaves frame Moon
FJ-3356 left Sol for Toliman
RJ-5275 enters frame Earth
RJ-5275 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:venturestar, starport:Torvalds
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
KX-5896 enters frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
KX-5896 enters frame Gates Spaceport
KX-5896 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:dsminer
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
XF-5897 enters frame Earth
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
YF-2418 enters frame Mars
XF-5897 enters frame Earth
YF-2418 enters frame Mars High
ZT-4504 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
ZT-4504 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
XF-5897 docked with Shanghai ship:pumpkinseed
YF-2418 docked with Mars High ship:dsminer
XF-5897 leaves frame Earth
XF-5897 left Sol for Gliese 1
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
WQ-7113 bluenose entered Sol from Gliese 1
GP-0512 enters frame Earth
XC-0527 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
GK-5873 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
GK-5873 enters frame Moon
GK-5873 enters frame Moon
XC-0527 enters frame Earth
JS-1220 enters frame Earth
GK-5873 docked with Tranquility Base ship:sinonatrix
GP-0512 enters frame Earth
XC-0527 docked with Los Angeles ship:varada
GP-0512 destroyed by Earth, status:inbound ship:molaramsayi, starport:Shanghai
XC-0527 leaves frame Earth
XC-0527 left Sol for Kruger 60
GK-5873 leaves frame Moon
GK-5873 left Sol for Epsilon Eridani
QL-3715 enters frame Earth
JS-1220 enters frame Torvalds Platform
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
JS-1220 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:lodos
QL-3715 enters frame Jobs Pad
QL-3715 docked with Jobs Pad ship:sinonatrix
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
QL-3715 leaves frame Jobs Pad
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
QL-3715 left Sol for Toliman
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
FT-9776 leaves frame Jobs Pad
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
FT-9776 left Sol for Toliman
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
TC-5906 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ET-6443 deneb entered Sol from Ross 128
TC-5906 enters frame Earth
EF-8302 enters frame Earth
EF-8302 enters frame Moon
TC-5906 docked with Los Angeles ship:bowfin
EF-8302 enters frame Moon
EF-8302 docked with Tranquility Base ship:venturestar
TC-5906 leaves frame Earth
TC-5906 left Sol for Toliman
NH-1588 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
NH-1588 enters frame Moon
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
NH-1588 enters frame Moon
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
NH-1588 docked with Tranquility Base ship:nerodia
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
VY-1867 venturestar entered Sol from Gliese 1
VA-9021 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
VA-9021 left Sol for Toliman
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
ZD-6466 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
GD-0388 enters frame Earth
MX-6753 enters frame Earth
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
MX-6753 enters frame Moon
MX-6753 enters frame Moon
MX-6753 docked with Tranquility Base ship:nerodia
GD-0388 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
GD-0388 docked with Los Angeles ship:varada
JS-1220 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
JS-1220 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
GD-0388 leaves frame Earth
ZD-6466 enters frame Torvalds Platform
GD-0388 left Sol for Procyon
ZD-6466 docked with Torvalds Platform ship:storeria
TO-2959 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
TO-2959 enters frame Jobs Pad
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
TO-2959 docked with Jobs Pad ship:storeria
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
TT-5914 sinonatrix entered Sol from LHS 288
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
XU-2159 molaramsayi entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
JF-1568 nerodia entered Sol from LHS 292
DW-5787 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
DW-5787 enters frame Jobs Pad
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
DW-5787 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molaramsayi
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
BL-6794 varada entered Sol from DX Cancri
PQ-9795 varada entered Sol from Sirius
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ZD-8307 venturestar entered Sol from Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
VH-8549 nerodia entered Sol from Ross 614
HN-1552 bowfin entered Sol from Ross 614
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CU-0949 molaramsayi entered Sol from LHS 292
IC-1093 pumpkinseed entered Sol from YZ Ceti
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
DW-5787 leaves frame Jobs Pad
DW-5787 left Sol for Sirius
EW-7170 lodos entered Sol from LHS 292
TO-2959 leaves frame Jobs Pad
TO-2959 left Sol for Toliman
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
ZD-6466 leaves frame Torvalds Platform
PE-3217 nerodia entered Sol from Epsilon Eridani
ZD-6466 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ET-6443 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
ET-6443 enters frame Jobs Pad
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
ET-6443 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
NI-4646 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Gliese 1
TT-5914 enters frame Earth
TT-5914 enters frame Jobs Pad
TT-5914 docked with Jobs Pad ship:sinonatrix
TT-5914 leaves frame Jobs Pad
TT-5914 left Sol for TZ Arietis
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
EF-8302 leaves frame Moon
EF-8302 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
IC-1093 enters frame Earth
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IC-1093 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
IC-1093 docked with Jobs Pad ship:pumpkinseed
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
IC-1093 leaves frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
IC-1093 left Sol for Groombridge 34
EG-2403 lodos entered Sol from Kruger 60
BL-6794 enters frame Earth
BL-6794 enters frame Moon
BL-6794 enters frame Moon
BL-6794 docked with Tranquility Base ship:varada
VY-1867 enters frame Earth
VY-1867 enters frame Moon
BL-6794 leaves frame Moon
BL-6794 left Sol for Ayizan
VY-1867 enters frame Moon
VY-1867 docked with Tranquility Base ship:venturestar
PQ-9795 enters frame Earth
PQ-9795 enters frame Moon
WQ-7113 enters frame Earth
PQ-9795 enters frame Moon
PQ-9795 docked with Tranquility Base ship:varada
HN-1552 enters frame Earth
HN-1552 enters frame Moon
XI-9327 molaramsayi entered Sol from Wolf 359
HN-1552 enters frame Moon
KX-5896 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KX-5896 left Sol for Toliman
PQ-9795 leaves frame Moon
PQ-9795 left Sol for Tau Ceti
HN-1552 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bowfin
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HN-1552 leaves frame Moon
HN-1552 left Sol for Wolf 359
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JF-1568 enters frame Earth
WQ-7113 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
JF-1568 enters frame Moon
JF-1568 enters frame Moon
WQ-7113 docked with Jobs Pad ship:bluenose
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JF-1568 docked with Tranquility Base ship:nerodia
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
MX-6753 leaves frame Moon
MX-6753 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
NH-1588 leaves frame Moon
NI-4646 enters frame Earth
NH-1588 left Sol for Barnard's star
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NI-4646 enters frame Moon
NI-4646 enters frame Moon
NI-4646 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed_police
XU-2159 enters frame Earth
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
NI-4646 leaves frame Moon
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NI-4646 left Sol for Noril
WQ-7113 leaves frame Jobs Pad
WQ-7113 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
VH-8549 enters frame Earth
AV-0302 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Ross 248
VH-8549 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
VH-8549 enters frame Moon
XU-2159 enters frame Jobs Pad
VH-8549 docked with Tranquility Base ship:nerodia
XU-2159 docked with Jobs Pad ship:molaramsayi
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
GV-5445 wave entered Sol from Groombridge 34
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
ZD-8307 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
ZD-8307 enters frame Jobs Pad
EW-7170 enters frame Earth
ZD-8307 docked with Jobs Pad ship:venturestar
EW-7170 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
EW-7170 enters frame Moon
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
EW-7170 docked with Tranquility Base ship:lodos
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CU-0949 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
CU-0949 enters frame Moon
ET-6443 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
CU-0949 AICompleted: Error: REFUSED_PERM Status: inbound
CU-0949 ordering orbit of Moon
ET-6443 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ET-6443 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
AU-6421 varada entered Sol from Luyten's Star
PE-3217 enters frame Earth
PE-3217 enters frame Moon
PE-3217 AICompleted: Error: REFUSED_PERM Status: inbound
PE-3217 ordering orbit of Moon
YF-2418 leaves frame Mars High
YF-2418 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
XU-2159 leaves frame Jobs Pad
XU-2159 left Sol for Luyten 726-8
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
ZM-0047 molaramsayi entered Sol from LHS 292
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
CU-0949 enters frame Moon
YD-5469 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Gliese 563.2
CU-0949 docked with Mariasurīru ship:molaramsayi
SA-6302 nerodia entered Sol from Struve 2398
PE-3217 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
PE-3217 docked with Mariasurīru ship:nerodia
ZY-9675 varada entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
AV-0302 enters frame Earth
DE-3002 molamola entered Sol from Kruger 60
AV-0302 enters frame Moon
AV-0302 enters frame Moon
AV-0302 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed
UQ-5967 molamola entered Sol from Barnard's star
QH-2405 storeria entered Sol from Luyten's Star
AV-0302 leaves frame Moon
EW-7170 leaves frame Moon
AV-0302 left Sol for DX Cancri
EW-7170 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
EG-2403 enters frame Earth
EG-2403 enters frame Moon
EG-2403 enters frame Moon
EG-2403 docked with Tranquility Base ship:lodos
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
CU-0949 leaves frame Moon
CU-0949 left Sol for Barnard's star
QP-3747 molaramsayi entered Sol from Wolf 359
UL-4974 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Gliese 1
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ZW-6988 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from 61 Cygni
GV-5445 enters frame Earth
GV-5445 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
GV-5445 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
GV-5445 docked with Tranquility Base ship:wave
ET-6443 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ET-6443 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
GV-5445 leaves frame Moon
GV-5445 left Sol for Wolf 424
ET-6443 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
VY-1867 leaves frame Moon
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
VY-1867 left Sol for Barnard's star
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
EG-2403 leaves frame Moon
EG-2403 left Sol for Barnard's star
YD-5469 enters frame Earth
YD-5469 enters frame Moon
XI-9327 enters frame Earth
YD-5469 enters frame Moon
XI-9327 enters frame Moon
YD-5469 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed_police
XI-9327 enters frame Moon
YD-5469 leaves frame Moon
YD-5469 left Sol for Struve 2398
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
XI-9327 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molaramsayi
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
JF-1568 leaves frame Moon
JF-1568 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
AU-6421 enters frame Earth
AU-6421 enters frame Moon
AU-6421 enters frame Moon
AU-6421 docked with Tranquility Base ship:varada
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
AU-6421 leaves frame Moon
AU-6421 left Sol for Groombridge 34
IT-8318 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Sirius
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
DV-6461 bluenose entered Sol from Ayizan
UL-4974 enters frame Earth
UL-4974 enters frame Moon
UL-4974 enters frame Moon
UL-4974 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed
UL-4974 leaves frame Moon
UL-4974 left Sol for Gliese 674
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
XI-9327 leaves frame Moon
XI-9327 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ZW-6988 enters frame Mars
ZW-6988 enters frame Phobos
ZW-6988 enters frame Phobos
ZW-6988 docked with Phobos Base ship:pumpkinseed_police
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZW-6988 leaves frame Phobos
ZW-6988 leaves frame Phobos
ZW-6988 left Sol for Barnard's star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JN-8265 bowfin entered Sol from YZ Ceti
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Mars
SA-6302 enters frame Earth
SA-6302 enters frame Moon
VH-8549 leaves frame Moon
VH-8549 left Sol for Barnard's star
SA-6302 enters frame Moon
SA-6302 docked with Tranquility Base ship:nerodia
ZY-9675 enters frame Earth
ZY-9675 enters frame Moon
ZY-9675 enters frame Moon
ZY-9675 docked with Tranquility Base ship:varada
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ZY-9675 leaves frame Moon
QH-2405 enters frame Earth
ZY-9675 left Sol for Ross 128
QH-2405 enters frame Moon
ZD-8307 leaves frame Jobs Pad
UQ-5967 enters frame Earth
ZD-8307 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
QH-2405 enters frame Moon
UQ-5967 enters frame Moon
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
UQ-5967 enters frame Moon
QH-2405 docked with Tranquility Base ship:storeria
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
UQ-5967 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
ZM-0047 enters frame Earth
ZM-0047 enters frame Moon
DE-3002 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZM-0047 enters frame Moon
DE-3002 enters frame Moon
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
DE-3002 enters frame Moon
ET-6443 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZM-0047 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molaramsayi
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
ET-6443 enters frame Jobs Pad
DE-3002 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
TP-1470 venturestar entered Sol from Sirius
UQ-5967 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
ET-6443 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
UQ-5967 enters frame Moon
UQ-5967 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
DE-3002 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
DE-3002 enters frame Moon
UQ-5967 leaves frame Moon
UQ-5967 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
DE-3002 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
DE-3002 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
DE-3002 enters frame Moon
DE-3002 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
IT-8318 enters frame Earth
IT-8318 enters frame Moon
IT-8318 enters frame Moon
DE-3002 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
IT-8318 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed
DE-3002 enters frame Moon
DE-3002 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
IT-8318 leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
IT-8318 left Sol for Wolf 359
SK-3717 bluenose entered Sol from Luyten 726-8
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
YM-6955 varada entered Sol from LHS 292
DE-3002 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
EU-1457 sinonatrix entered Sol from Gliese 563.2
DE-3002 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
DE-3002 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
CT-5649 wave entered Sol from Lacaille 9352
DE-3002 leaves frame Moon
DE-3002 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
OY-5549 wave entered Sol from YZ Ceti
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
OS-3131 deneb entered Sol from DX Cancri
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
ZM-0047 leaves frame Moon
ZM-0047 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
PE-3217 leaves frame Moon
PE-3217 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
YI-2554 lodos entered Sol from Gliese 563.2
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
QP-3747 enters frame Earth
QP-3747 enters frame Moon
QP-3747 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
QP-3747 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molaramsayi
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
QH-2405 leaves frame Moon
QH-2405 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
WV-7245 molamola entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
JN-8265 enters frame Earth
JN-8265 enters frame Moon
JN-8265 enters frame Moon
JN-8265 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bowfin
JN-8265 leaves frame Moon
JN-8265 left Sol for Barnard's star
XN-3472 wave entered Sol from Ross 614
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
AV-3574 amphiesma entered Sol from Gliese 1
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
QP-3747 leaves frame Moon
QP-3747 left Sol for Luyten 726-8
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ME-4905 molaramsayi entered Sol from Procyon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
ET-6443 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
XQ-9255 natrix entered Sol from Kapteyn's Star
ET-6443 enters frame Jobs Pad
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
ET-6443 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
EU-1457 enters frame Earth
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
EU-1457 enters frame Moon
EU-1457 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
EU-1457 docked with Tranquility Base ship:sinonatrix
EU-1457 leaves frame Moon
EU-1457 left Sol for Epsilon Indi
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
CT-5649 enters frame Earth
XW-2462 bowfin entered Sol from LHS 288
CT-5649 enters frame Moon
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
CT-5649 enters frame Moon
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
CT-5649 docked with Tranquility Base ship:wave
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
ZK-8913 deneb entered Sol from 61 Cygni
CT-5649 leaves frame Moon
CT-5649 left Sol for Lacaille 9352
OY-5549 enters frame Earth
OY-5549 enters frame Moon
OY-5549 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
OY-5549 docked with Tranquility Base ship:wave
YM-6955 enters frame Earth
OY-5549 leaves frame Moon
YM-6955 enters frame Moon
OY-5549 left Sol for Epsilon Indi
YM-6955 enters frame Moon
RL-5211 pumpkinseed entered Sol from Epsilon Indi
YM-6955 docked with Tranquility Base ship:varada
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
YM-6955 leaves frame Moon
YM-6955 left Sol for Tau Ceti
TP-1470 enters frame Earth
TP-1470 enters frame Moon
TP-1470 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
TP-1470 docked with Tranquility Base ship:venturestar
MW-6737 deneb entered Sol from Toliman
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
LY-1945 pumpkinseed_police entered Sol from Toliman
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
AD-1245 molamola entered Sol from Procyon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
QN-0766 sinonatrix entered Sol from LHS 288
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
SA-6302 leaves frame Moon
SA-6302 left Sol for Toliman
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
AV-3574 enters frame Earth
AV-3574 enters frame Moon
OS-3131 enters frame Earth
AV-3574 enters frame Moon
OS-3131 enters frame Moon
AV-3574 docked with Tranquility Base ship:amphiesma
OS-3131 enters frame Moon
OS-3131 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
AV-3574 leaves frame Moon
AV-3574 left Sol for Toliman
XN-3472 enters frame Earth
XN-3472 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
XN-3472 enters frame Moon
XN-3472 docked with Tranquility Base ship:wave
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
KE-2834 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
XN-3472 leaves frame Moon
XN-3472 left Sol for Epsilon Indi
KE-2834 enters frame Earth
YI-2554 enters frame Earth
KE-2834 docked with Shanghai ship:deneb
DV-6461 enters frame Earth
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
YI-2554 enters frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
YI-2554 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
DV-6461 enters frame Moon
YI-2554 docked with Tranquility Base ship:lodos
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
FI-8500 bluenose entered Sol from EZ Aquarii
DV-6461 enters frame Moon
DV-6461 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bluenose
WV-7245 enters frame Earth
WP-4750 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
WV-7245 enters frame Moon
WP-4750 enters frame Earth
WV-7245 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
WP-4750 docked with Los Angeles ship:deneb
WV-7245 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
CM-2074 enters frame Moon
CM-2074 docked with Mariasurīru ship:deneb
RL-5211 enters frame Earth
RL-5211 enters frame Moon
RL-5211 enters frame Moon
RL-5211 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed
ZK-1323 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ZK-1323 enters frame Jobs Pad
WV-7245 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
RL-5211 leaves frame Moon
RL-5211 left Sol for Epsilon Eridani
WV-7245 enters frame Moon
ZK-1323 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
WV-7245 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
XW-2462 enters frame Earth
XW-2462 enters frame Moon
XW-2462 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
DV-6461 leaves frame Moon
XW-2462 docked with Tranquility Base ship:bowfin
DV-6461 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ET-6443 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
ET-6443 enters frame Jobs Pad
WV-7245 leaves frame Moon
XW-2462 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
XW-2462 left Sol for Wolf 359
WV-7245 enters frame Moon
ET-6443 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
WV-7245 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
HU-7317 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
IU-0219 leaves frame Moon
HU-7317 enters frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
LY-1945 enters frame Earth
IU-0219 enters frame Moon
LY-1945 enters frame Moon
HU-7317 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
LY-1945 enters frame Moon
IU-0219 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
LY-1945 docked with Tranquility Base ship:pumpkinseed_police
WV-7245 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
WV-7245 enters frame Moon
KO-4267 wave entered Sol from GJ 1061
LY-1945 leaves frame Moon
WV-7245 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
LY-1945 left Sol for Van Maanen's Star
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
WV-7245 leaves frame Moon
molamola jump status is not OK
WV-7245 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
YI-2554 leaves frame Moon
YI-2554 left Sol for Barnard's star
WV-7245 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molamola
ED-7415 leaves frame Moon
deneb jump status is not OK
ED-7415 enters frame Moon
ED-7415 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
IP-5637 storeria entered Sol from Ross 128
XQ-9255 enters frame Earth
WV-7245 leaves frame Moon
WV-7245 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
XQ-9255 enters frame Moon
XQ-9255 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
XQ-9255 docked with Tranquility Base ship:natrix
NE-9882 leaves frame Jobs Pad
deneb jump status is not OK
NE-9882 enters frame Jobs Pad
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
QN-0766 enters frame Earth
NE-9882 docked with Jobs Pad ship:deneb
QN-0766 enters frame Moon
XQ-9255 leaves frame Moon
QN-0766 enters frame Moon
XQ-9255 left Sol for Proxima Centauri
QN-0766 docked with Tranquility Base ship:sinonatrix
XJ-5803 nerodia entered Sol from Kruger 60
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
QN-0766 leaves frame Moon
QN-0766 left Sol for Struve 2398
ME-4905 enters frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ME-4905 enters frame Moon
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Moon
ME-4905 enters frame Moon
ME-4905 docked with Tranquility Base ship:molaramsayi
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
VR-3108 deneb entered Sol from Proxima Centauri
FP-9994 venturestar entered Sol from Kruger 60
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
ZK-8913 enters frame Earth
ZK-8913 enters frame Moon
ZK-8913 enters frame Moon
ZK-8913 docked with Tranquility Base ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JQ-2722 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
JQ-2722 enters frame Gates Spaceport
JQ-2722 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
HD-9640 leaves frame Gates Spaceport
deneb jump status is not OK
HD-9640 enters frame Gates Spaceport
HD-9640 docked with Gates Spaceport ship:deneb
Hyperspace departure cloud leaves frame Earth
JZ-4603 leaves frame Earth
deneb jump status is not OK
JZ-4603 enters frame Earth
JZ-4603 docked with Mexico City ship:deneb
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
StarSystemCache: misses: 3559, slave hits: 0, master hits: 130291
SectorCache: misses: 1096196, slave hits: 20275348, master hits: 148540
Stars picked from galaxy: 0
Final stars number: 500000
Stars picked from galaxy: 0
Final stars number: 500000
StarSystemCache: misses: 0, slave hits: 0, master hits: 0
SectorCache: misses: 0, slave hits: 0, master hits: 0

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