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SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS) : Kathmandu, Nepal

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SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

SAARC Secretariat
Kathmandu, Nepal

March 2010
© SAARC Secretariat
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
Without prior permission or due acknowledgement.

Published by
SAARC Secretariat
P.O. Box:4222
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: (977-1) 4221785, 4226350, 4231334
Fax: (977-1) 4227033, 4223991
At the Twelfth SAARC Summit (Islamabad, 4-6 January 2004), the SAARC
Heads of States emphasized that for accelerated and balanced economic growth, it is
essential to strengthen energy cooperation in the region. The Summit directed that a study
on creating a South Asian Energy Cooperation in the energy sector should be undertaken.
In follow-up, the First Meeting of the Energy Ministers decided to conduct a study on the
options, benefits and constraints of energy trade in the region.

The SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS) has consequently been
carried out with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank. The study has identified
measures that would enhance regional energy cooperation among the Member States of
SAARC and promote both intra-regional and inter-regional energy trade. The SRETS
promises to be an important source of reference material, containing information on
regional energy trade and its relevance to socio-economic development in South Asia.

I commend the National and Regional consultants for their strenuous efforts in
preparing the ground work, collecting data and providing input for preparing the initial
draft. I would also like to put on record my appreciations to the energy Experts of the
SAARC Member States, who provided input and invaluable comments, and to the Lead
Consultant for playing a vital role in preparing this study. The efforts of the ADB experts,
who carried out peer review of the study and provided very useful comments to make it
acceptable to all Member States, are laudable.

I also wish to express appreciation to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for
providing technical and financial assistance to conduct the Study.

Dr. Sheel Kant Sharma

Secretary General of SAARC
March 2010

The SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS) report has been prepared by a team of
experts from South Asia headed by Dr. Leena Srivatava. It has been synthesized from the eight
country reports prepared by the National Consultants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The names of the authors of country reports
are given below:

• Mr. Ghulam Mohd Malikyar, Afghanistan

• Mr. M. Jamaluddin, Bangladesh
• Mr. Kul Bahadur Wakhley, Bhutan
• Mr. Yoginder Raj Mehta, India
• Mr. Rakesh Kumar, India
• Mr. Abdullah Wahid, Maldives
• Dr. Rabin Shrestha, Nepal
• Mr. Tanweer Hussain, Pakistan
• Prof. Priyantha Wijayatunga, Sri Lanka

Dr. P. N. Fernando and Mr. Durga Raina provided extensive inputs and valuable comments
while reviewing the country reports, the regional report, and incorporating responses to the
comments of the SAARC Member States while finalizing the SRETS Report. Ms. Ruchika
Chawla and Ms. Garima Jain extended assistance to Dr. Srivastava in drafting the regional

Officials, individuals and organizations of the SAARC Member States provided their support
in different forms in carrying out this study. Their critique, as well as endorsement, assisted in
better articulation of the regional energy trade initiatives presented in this report.

South Asia Energy Division of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) extended the required
financial and coordination support for undertaking and successfully completing this study.
SAARC Energy Centre led by Dr. Hilal Raza provided extremely useful feedback and direction
at various stages of the study. The overall coordination on behalf of the SAARC Secretariat
was carried out by Energy, Tourism and Science Division headed by Mr Ghulam Dastgir,
Director Pakistan.

SAARC Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the support extended by all these individuals and
institutions for their respective inputs in finalising the SRETS report.

March 2010
List of Abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank

AEPC Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
AFRA Average Freight Rate Assessment
AFREC Africa Energy Commission
AISA Afghanistan Investment Support Agency
ANDS Afghanistan National Development Strategy
ANSA Afghan National Standardization Authority
APP Asia Pacific Partnership
APM Administered Pricing Mechanism
APPA Africa Petroleum Producers Association
AU Africa Union
BCM Billion Cubic Meter
BERC Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission
BEA Bhutan Electricity Authority
BGFCL Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited
BOGMC Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation
BPC Bhutan Power Corporation Limited
BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board
CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate
CATS Customers Access Terminal System
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CEB Ceylon Electricity Board
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CIL Coal India Ltd
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CPC Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
CPGS Central Power Generating Stations
DAE Department of Atomic Energy
DGH Directorate General of Hydrocarbon
DGPC Druk Green Power Corporation Limited
DHI Druk Holdings and Investments Limited
DOED Department of Electricity Development
DRC Democratic Republic of Congo
DRED Department of Renewable Energy Development
EAC Energy Advisory Committee
ECA Economic Commission of Africa
ECT Energy Charter Treaty
EI Energy Intensity
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

EMRD Energy & Mineral Resources Division

EPF Electric Power Forum
E&P Exploration and Production
F.O.B Free On Board
GoI Government of India
GoN Government of Nepal
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GMS Greater Mekong Sub-Region
GTCL Gas Transmission Company Limited
GWh Giga Watt Hour
HCU Hydrocarbon Unit
HDI Human Development Index
HSD High Speed Diesel
ICE Inter-Ministerial Commission for Energy
IDCOL Infrastructure Development Company Limited
IOCs International Oil Companies
IEA International Energy Agency
IEX India Energy Exchange
IGA Inter Governmental Agreement
IPI Pipeline Iran-Pakistan- India Pipeline
IPP Independent Power Producers
IREDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
ITC Independent Transmission Companies
KESC Karachi Electric Supply Corporation
LDC Load Dispatch Centre
LECO Lanka Electricity Company
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MEA Maldives Energy Authority
MEW Ministry of Energy and Water
MMSCFD Standard Million Cubic Feet Per Day
MMTPA Million Tonnes Per Annum
MoEST Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology
MoICS Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
MoP Ministry of Power
MoPEMR The Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
MoP&NR Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MoFT Ministry of Finance and Treasury
MoPNG Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MoWR Ministry of Water and Resources
MoW&P Ministry of Water & Power

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

MMT Million tonnes

MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MTOE Million tonnes of oil equivalent
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt Hour
NCL Nepal Coal Limited
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NEP National Energy Policy
NELP New Exploration Licensing Policy
NEEPCO North Eastern Electric Power Corporation
NLDCs National Load Dispatch Centres
NOC Nepal Oil Corporation
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NHPC National Hydro Electric Power Corporation
NPCIL Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited
NSP National Solidarity Program
NTDC National Transmission and Dispatch Company
NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation
OGDCL Oil and Gas Development Company Limited
OGRA Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
PAEC Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
PEEREA Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects
PEPCO Pakistan Electric Power Company
PEPP Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project
PNGRB Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board
PGCIL Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
POL Petroleum and Oil Product
PFC Power Finance Corporation
PSUs Public Sector Undertaking
PTC Power Trading Corporation Ltd.
PPIB Private Power Infrastructure Board
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
PRR Priority Reform and Reconstruction Program
PSCs Production Sharing Contracts
PSO Pakistan State Oil
PUCSL Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka
R/P ratio Reserves-to-Production Ratio
REC Rural Electrification Corporation
RECs Regional Economic Communities
RERA Regional Electricity Regulatory Association
RETA Regional Technical Assistance
RETs Renewable Energy Technologies
RGoB Royal Government of Bhutan

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

RIPA Regional Integrated Programme of Action

RPTCC Regional Power Trading Coordination Committee
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SADC Southern African Development Community
SADF South Asian Development Fund
SAPP Southern African Power Pool
SC Single Circuit
SDF SAARC Development Fund
SEBs State Electricity Boards
SEC SAARC Energy Centre
SERCs State Electricity Regulatory Commissions
SFRPS SAARC Fund for Regional Projects
SGFL Sylhet Gas Fields Limited
SHS Solar Home Systems
SMS SAARC Member States
SRETF SAARC Renewable Energy Task Force
SRETS SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study
SRF SAARC Regional Fund
SCA Sindh Coal Authority
SNGPL Sui Northern Gas Pipe Line Company Limited
SSGCL Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
STEM Short Term Energy Market
STELCO State Electric Company Ltd
STO State Trading Organization
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TAPI Pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline
TCF Trillion Cubic Feet
TERI The Energy and Resources Institute
ToR Terms of Reference
TSO Transmission System Operator
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UMPP Ultra Mega Power Projects
USA Unites States of America
USD United States Dollars
WEC World Energy Council
WTO World Trade Organization

Energy Conversion Factors
Basic Energy Units
1 joule (J) = 0.2388 cal
1 calorie (cal) = 4.1868 J
(1 British thermal unit [Btu] = 1.055 kJ = 0.252 kcal)

WEC Standard Energy Units

1 tonne of oil equivalent (toe) = 42 GJ (net calorific value) = 10 034 Mcal
1 tonne of coal equivalent (tce) = 29.3 GJ (net calorific value) = 7 000 Mcal

Note: the tonne of oil equivalent currently employed by the International Energy
Agency and the United Nations Statistics Division is defined as 107 kilocalories, net
calorific value (equivalent to 41.868 GJ).

Volumetric Equivalents
1 barrel = 42 US gallons = approximately 159 litres
1 cubic metre = 35.315 cubic feet = 6.2898 barrels

1 kWh of electricity output = 3.6 MJ = approx. 860 kcal

Representative Average Conversion Factors

1 tonne of crude oil = approx. 7.3 barrels
1 tonne of natural gas liquids = 45 GJ (net calorific value)
1 000 standard cubic metres of natural gas = 36 GJ (net calorific value)
1 tonne of uranium (light-water reactors, open cycle) = 10 000–16 000 toe
1 tonne of peat = 0.2275 toe
1 tonne of fuel wood = 0.3215 toe
1 kWh (primary energy equivalent) = 9.36 MJ = approx. 2 236 Mcal
Table of Contents
Preface i
Acknowledgment ii
List of Abbreviations iii
Energy Conversion Factors vii
Table of Contents viii
Executive Summary xiii

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Context 1
1.2 Terms of Reference 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Structure of Report 3

Chapter 2: SAARC Region Energy Scenario: Key Issues and Need for Regional 5
Energy Trade
2.1 Social and Economic Indicators 5
2.2 Energy Reserves in the SAARC Region 5
2.3 Current Energy Scenario in SAARC Region 7
2.4 Future Energy Scenario in SAARC Region 13
2.5 Sector-wise Demand Analysis 15
2.6 Key Challenges and Issues Faced by the Energy Sector in the SAARC Region 23
2.7 Likely Gains from Energy Trade Arrangements 27
2.8 Need for Regional Trade/Cooperation 29

Chapter 3: Institutional, Legal and Regulatory Framework of Energy Sector in SAARC 30

Member States
3.1 Afghanistan 30
3.2 Bangladesh 33
3.3 Bhutan 36
3.4 India 37
3.5 Maldives 41
3.6 Nepal 41
3.7 Pakistan 43
3.8 Sri Lanka 45
3.9 Conclusions 47

Chapter 4: Prospects of Energy Imports from Central Asian Republics, Iran and 50
4.1 Energy Situation in CARs 50
4.1.1 Installed Capacity 51
4.1.2 Demand Forecast 52
4.1.3 Electricity Tariffs 53
4.1.4 Potential of CAR's Electricity Exports to SMS 54
4.1.5 Opportunities for hydrocarbon/Gas Exports from CARS to South Asia 54
4.2 Opportunities for Oil, Gas and Electricity Imports by SMS from Iran 55
4.3 Opportunities for Oil, Gas and Electricity Imports by SMS from Myanmar 55
4.4 Diversification of Energy Basket of SMS 56

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Chapter 5: Review of International Experience and Best Practices 57

5.1 Building Institutional Framework for Promoting Regional Energy Trade: Case of 57
Greater Mekong Sub-region
5.2 Developing a Power Exchange: Case of Nordic Pool 62
5.3 Building a Power Pool: Experience of the Southern African Power Pool 67
5.4 Involving Private Sector for Infrastructure Development: Case of Baja California LNG 72
5.5 Joint Procurement of Crude Oil and Sharing of Infrastructure for Optimal Utilization: 74
Case of African Oil sector
5.6 Conclusions 77

Chapter 6: Intra Regional Energy Trade, Perspective and Prospects 81

6.0 Intra Regional Energy Trade and Cooperation Opportunities 81
6.1 Existing Trade Arrangements - Petroleum Products 83
6.2 Existing Electricity Trade between India- Bhutan and Future Prospects 83
6.3 Existing Electricity Trade between Nepal-India and Future Prospects 87
6.4 Energy Trade Initiatives between India-Bangladesh and Prospects 89
6.5 Power Trade Initiatives between India and Pakistan 90
6.6 Power Trade Initiatives between India-Sri Lanka and Prospects 90
6.7 Potential Area for Cooperation in Regional Energy Trade 92
6.8 Collaboration for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects 93
6.9 India Energy Exchange Ltd. 94
6.10 Diversification of Energy Supplies 94
6.11 Areas for Sharing of Experiences and Best Practices 96
6.12 Cooperation in the Areas of Capacity Development, Research and Development 96
6.13 Cooperation in the Area of Energy Efficiency and Fuel Diversification 97
6.14 Conclusions 97

Chapter 7: Inter Regional Energy Trade and Related Options 99

7.0 Joint procurement of Energy Supplies 99
7.1 Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline 99
7.2 Eastern Gas Pipeline Infrastructure 100
7.3 Central Asia, South Asia (CASA 1000) Power Transmission Project 101
7.4 Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline 102
7.5 Additional Options 103
7.5.1 Proposed Trade Option 1: Regional/ Sub-regional Power Market 103
7.5.2 Proposed Trade Option 2: Regional/ Sub-regional Refinery 107
7.5.3 Proposed Trade Option 3: Regional/ Sub-regional LNG Terminal 110
7.5.4 Proposed Trade Option 4: Regional/ Sub-regional Power Plant 114
7.6 Suggested Action Plan 119

Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations 120

8.1 Conclusions 120
8.2 Recommendations 120
8.2.1 Develop SAARC Regional Energy Trade and Cooperation Agreement 121
8.2.2 Harmonize Legal and Regulatory Frameworks 121
8.2.3 Build Comprehensive and Reliable Energy Database 122
8.2.4 Promote Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Developing Regional Energy Trade 122
and Cooperation Initiatives
8.2.5 Develop Regional Trade Treaty Similar to the Energy Charter Treaty 123
8.2.6 Role of SAARC Secretariat 124
8.2.7 Activities to be Undertaken to Expedite Regional Energy Trade 125

Bibliography 127

Annexure 1 – Example Economic Analysis for Regional/Sub-regional Refinery 132

Annexure 2 – Spreadsheet for Biomass Conversion Potential 134
Annexure 3 – Proposed Transmission Interconnection between India and Bangladesh 135
Annexure 4 – Proposed Transmission Interconnection between India and Sri Lanka 136
Annexure 5 – Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline Project 139
Annexure 6 – CASA 1000 Project 142
Annexure 7 – Illustrative Basic Economic Analyses 145

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Resource Endowments of Neighbours of SAARC Countries 2
Table 2.1: Key Socio-economic Indicators for the SAARC Region 5
Table 2.2: Energy Reserves of SAARC Member States 6
Table 2.3: Reserves to Production Ratio (2007) 6
Table 2.4: Current Refining Capacity and Petroleum Product Consumption of the SAARC Member 10
States (2005)
Table 2.5: Current Natural Gas Demand Supply Position in SAARC Region (2006) (mtoe) 11
Table 2.6: Percentage of Population with Access to Electricity 12
Table 2.7: Future Energy Demand in SAARC Region 14
Table 2.8: Future Electricity Demand in SAARC Region (GWh) 14
Table 3.1: Summary of Legal Regulatory Frameworks in SAARC Member States 48
Table 4.1: Gross Domestic Product Growth Rates of the Four CARs 50
Table 4.2: Installed Capacity and Supply/Demand Balance of CARS (2002) 51
Table 4.3: Gross Electricity Demand Projections, in GWh, (2005-2025) 52
Table 4.4: Surplus Electricity Available for Trade (GWh) 52
Table 4.5: Electricity Tariffs in the CARs (2003) 53
Table 4.6: Comparison of Marginal Cost in the Export Market with 2003 Import Cost from CARs 53
(US cents/kWh)
Table 5.1: Individual Drivers for Each Country to Join GMS 58
Table 5.2: Power Generation Mix in Nordic Countries (2003) 63
Table 5.3: Events Leading to Formation of the Nord Pool 64
Table 6.1: Energy Trade to India from Bhutan (MU) 85
Table 7.1: Cost of Power Generation from Different Fuels 115
List of Figures

Figure 2.1 : Per Capita Commercial Energy Consumption in SMS (2005-2006) 7

Figure 2.2 : Relative Sources of Energy Consumed in SAARC Countries 8
Figure 2.3 : Coal Imports by SAARC Countries (2006 MMt) 9
Figure 2.4 : Price Volatility of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (2007-2008) 10
Figure 2.5 : Electricity Shortage in SAARC Countries 12
Figure 2.6 : Dependence for Traditional Fuels in SAARC Countries 13
Figure 2.7 : Sector-wise Energy Consumption in Afghanistan in 2006 16
Figure 2.8 : Sector-wise Consumption of Natural Gas in Bangladesh 16
Figure 2.9 : Sector-wise Consumption of Power in Bangladesh 17
Figure 2.10: Sector-wise Demand of Electricity in Bhutan 17
Figure 2.11: Sector-wise Commercial Energy Consumption in India 18
Figure 2.12: Sector-wise Demand for Energy in Maldives 19
Figure 2.13: Sector-wise Energy Consumption in Nepal 20
Figure 2.14: Sector-wise Consumption of Natural Gas in Pakistan in 2006 21
Figure 2.15: Sector-wise Consumption of Power in Pakistan in 2006 21
Figure 2.16: Sector-wise Energy Consumption in Sri Lanka 22
Figure 5.1 : Institutional Framework of Power Interconnection among GMS 59
Figure 5.2 : Operation of Nord Pool 64
Figure 5.3 : Hierarchical Structure of SAPP 68
Figure 6.1 : Nepal-India Electricity Trade 87
Figure 7.1 : Petroleum Product Consumption Profile of Selected SAARC Member 107

List of Boxes
Box 5.1: Learning from GMS Model 62
Box 5.2: Learning from Nord Pool 67
Box 5.3: Learning from SAPP 72
Box 5.4: Learning from Energía Costa Azul LNG Terminal 74
Box 5.5: Learning from Africa Oil Sector 77
Box 8.1: The Energy Charter Treaty 124

List of Maps

Map 5.1: Map of Nordic Pool 63

Map 5.2: Map of Southern African Power Pool 67
Executive Summary
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region is home to 23%
of total world population. The region has been witnessing an impressive average annual
GDP growth rate of 5.6% (1995-2005). Countries such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and
Sri Lanka have had a GDP growth rate of 6 to 9% in the recent years. Since there is a
direct co-relationship between rising economic growth and increasing energy demand, the
accelerating economic growth in the region is expected to boost the energy demand.
Moreover, even to sustain the robust economic growth, it is necessary that the energy
demand of the region be sufficiently met by a continuous supply of energy in various
forms. Despite these impressive economic growth levels, the region is home to a large
proportion of population that is living below the poverty line. It is, therefore, important to
explore all possible options to ensure and enhance regular supply of energy to support the
economic growth and to help alleviate poverty in the region.

ES 1. SAARC Energy Sector Overview

There is a wide variation in the energy resource endowments among the SAARC Member
States (SMS). India and Pakistan account for the major share of natural gas and coal.
However, these Member States are large in terms of area as well as population and thus,
the higher resource base need not necessarily be sufficient to meet their energy needs.
Being home to the Himalayas, South Asia has a large hydropower potential, with Bhutan
and Nepal having hydropower potential in excess of their electric power demand in the
foreseeable future. Along with variation in resource endowments, there is disparity in
energy consumption pattern across the Member States, due to various reasons.

Annual energy consumption among the Member States ranges from as low as 0.17 million
tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) for Maldives to 423.2 mtoe for India1. In per capita
consumption terms too, there exist significant variations, albeit in different compositions,
with Maldives registering the highest per capita energy consumption and Afghanistan and
Nepal the lowest.

In terms of energy consumption pattern, most of the SMS, except for India and Pakistan
rely primarily on one predominant form of commercial energy. Afghanistan is dependent
on imported energy. The Maldives is heavily dependent on oil. Bhutan, Nepal and Sri
Lanka meet a large part of their commercial energy needs, especially electricity from
hydropower, but are heavily dependent on imported petroleum products to meet the energy
needs in other sectors of the economy. Bangladesh is heavily reliant on natural gas. Such a
heavy dependence on a single energy form not only limits the options of meeting diverse
energy demands but also increases energy security concerns.

From the regional cooperation and energy trade perspective, an important characteristic of
the region is the variation in the energy demand and supply situation. While Bangladesh,
India and Pakistan are facing significant levels of power shortages; Bhutan, at its current
level of generation capacity, exports relatively a large volume of power to India in
addition to meeting its own demand. A similar situation would arise in Nepal with the
realization of large scale hydropower under development. Such an environment creates
1 Country reports
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

opportunities for trade among the deficit and the surplus Member States given the unique
characteristic of electricity – once produced it has to be consumed immediately. The
SAARC region is well endowed in renewable energy sources – biomass, wind and solar.
While biomass meets the large portion of household energy demand across the region, the
full potential of wind and solar energy has not been realised due to lack of requisite
technological capacities, high capital cost of equipment and higher energy prices from
these resources.

As far as crude oil/ petroleum products are concerned, all the Member States are
dependent on either crude oil or petroleum product imports to different extents to meet
their domestic demand. This intensifies the energy security concerns of the entire region.

Looking at the sector-wise energy demand in the region, it is observed that two sectors –
household and industry – are the key consumers of energy in the SAARC region. The
household sector is also the major consumer of the traditional fuel (biomass). Since, SMS
are aiming for higher GDP growth rates, energy demand from industry would increase.
Moreover, with increasing household income, it is expected that the household sector
would shift from traditional energy sources to commercial energy sources, thereby
increasing the demand for the commercial energy supplies.

In the medium to long term future (2010-2020) energy demand in the region is expected to
grow exponentially. Total regional energy demand is expected to grow at a compounded
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% with natural gas expected to register a growth rate of
6.34% followed by crude oil and coal. Among all the commercial energy sources,
electricity is expected to register the fastest annual growth in demand at around 9%.

Based on the current and the future energy demand supply situation, the following key
challenges exist and, these need to be addressed by the region collectively at the earliest:

(i) Increasing energy deficits

(ii) Dominance of single fuel in energy mix
(iii) Limited exploitation of the renewable energy resources
(iv) High dependence on traditional fuels
(v) Rising import dependence
(vi) Lack of requisite energy infrastructure

Cooperation among the SMS would be the most cost effective and efficient mechanism to
meet these challenges. Augmenting energy supply and diversifying the fuel basket, would
call for both inter and intra-regional energy trade. Resource constraints are limiting the
options for intra-regional energy trade. SMS would immensely benefit by collaborating in
securing energy supplies through inter-regional trade with the neighbouring energy
resource rich regions/countries. It would, therefore, be useful to give equal emphasis to
identification of inter-regional trade opportunities. A few inter-regional trade proposals are
already under discussion. The SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS) examines
these and other energy trade options to strengthen energy security in the region through
regional energy trade. In this context, SRETS has identified four multilateral trade and
cooperation options. These four multilateral trade and cooperation options can, over time,
include all countries of the region. In the selection of these options care has been taken to
ensure that interests of all concerned stakeholders are addressed and that these options can

be practically implemented. A brief over view of these options is given in subsequent

ES 2. Current Energy Trade between SAARC Member States

The existing regional energy trade among the SMS is limited to electricity trade between
Bhutan-India and India-Nepal which is of the order of 5,620GWh and 329GWh
respectively and trade in petroleum products between India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh
and Sri Lanka. While the electricity traded is based on indigenous resources, the petroleum
trade is essentially India importing crude oil in excess of its requirement to satisfy the
petroleum demand in Bhutan, Nepal and partly that of Sri Lanka. As a result of excess
refining capacity and availability of surplus of certain petroleum products, India has
started exporting diesel to Bangladesh. With the Indian Oil Corporation taking stake in the
Sri Lankan petroleum industry, it is helping in partially meeting the petroleum product
demand in Sri Lanka. Bangladesh imports about 3-4 million tons of coal from the
SAARC region and beyond. The amount of imports may increase significantly in coming
years and the Government of Bangladesh is actively considering some coal based power
plants for the country.

The inter-regional energy trade between South Asia and the rest of the world covers
petroleum, coal, and limited electricity trade. No inter or intra-regional gas transmission
infrastructure is in place to facilitate gas imports, except for the LNG terminals in India
satisfying domestic requirements. The inter-regional electricity trade is limited to
Afghanistan importing power from Central Asian Republics (CAR) and Pakistan from
Iran. But the volume of this trade is insignificant in comparison to its potential, the
exploitation of which would require building of the essential infrastructure to support this

ES 3. Energy Infrastructure Projects on the Horizon

Recently two pre-feasibility studies, one to interconnect the Indian power grid with that of
Bangladesh and the other to interconnect the Indian power grid with that of Sri Lanka have
been carried out. Similarly pre-feasibility studies for some specific inter-regional power
and gas transmission systems i.e. Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline, Central Asia-
South Asia (CASA) 1000 power link and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
(TAPI) gas pipeline have also been undertaken. Related studies have prima facie
established financial, economic and technical viability of these projects.

Additional power transmission interconnection options between India and Nepal too have
been studied by private developers. With the interest of the IPPs in Nepal and power
purchasers in India, it is expected that these projects will be implemented in the
foreseeable future. Bhutan-India interconnections are built as part of the power evacuation
system for each generation project established in Bhutan.

One pre-feasibility study that needs to be undertaken with earnestness is the power
transmission interconnection between India and Pakistan. The nearest substations that can
be interconnected are Dinnath near Lahore with Patti in the Indian state of Punjab. The
estimated length of this link is about just 50 km. Given the ease with which it can be built
and the benefit to both the countries, this needs to be carried out as a priority project.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

With the establishment of India-Pakistan, India-Bangladesh and India-Sri Lanka electricity

interconnections, six of the eight SAARC Member States will get interconnected and can
reap the benefits of regional electricity trade.

ES 4. Financing of Projects

The investment requirement for the energy projects in each Member State is very large, in
certain cases, well beyond their manageable limits. It is estimated that India alone needs
about US$ 220 billion over the next 5 years for creating the domestic energy
infrastructure, leave alone the inter-regional energy projects. Inter-regional and intra-
regional energy investments will raise these requirements well above these figures. The
global financial markets melt down would certainly slow down certain investment
decisions/projects or result in increased cost of capital to finance these projects.

But one redeeming feature is that, though not isolated from the global economy, South
Asian economies are expected to continue to grow at a healthy rate as a result of their own
market dynamics. Since the rest of the world is not expected to grow at those rates, South
Asia will prove to be an attractive investment destination for global financial players.

Governments from the region will have to be the prime project sponsors and/or supporters
for the interregional energy projects, to give a reasonable level of comfort to the investors
and lenders to these projects. With government backing these projects, it is expected that
financing of these projects may not pose any major challenges.

Moreover the oil and gas majors across the world have stakes in the major oil and gas
reserves in CARs and in Myanmar, the two energy rich regions in the vicinity of South
Asia. They have the financial wherewithal as well as the willingness to monetize their
investments by exporting the energy supplies to South Asia. They themselves, or in
association with other investors can finance the interregional energy trade projects
between South Asia and its neighbouring regions.

ES 5. Technical Issues in Project Implementation

As far as the in-country projects are concerned, most of the countries in the region have
acquired technical expertise to implement energy projects. The inter regional projects are
expected to pose some challenges requiring large overseas investments including that from
the Multilateral Financial Institutions. Projects availing their financial assistance have to
be necessarily awarded through international competitive bidding. The first criterion under
this mechanism is the technical capability of the bidder; this ensures that technically
competent project developers get selected for the execution of such projects. The regional
energy projects on the horizon are similar to those successfully implemented in other parts
of world. As such technical issues will not be un-surmountable.

ES 6. Likely Gains from Energy Trade Projects

Energy trade can bring immense benefits to the participating Member States. Earlier
studies on the likely gains from power trade have demonstrated that the social and
economic benefits from energy trade among the SAARC Member States would in certain

cases even surpass the direct financial benefits from specific energy projects. The benefits
can broadly be categorized as technical, operational, environmental, financial, economic
and social sector benefits. Some of the main benefits from energy projects and energy
trade are given below.

(i) System Operational Benefits from:

• Optimal utilization of natural resources to meet growing energy demand

• Concentration of various types of energy resources in different countries
• Economy of scale
• Improved energy security and reliability
• Optimized transmission network
• Increased economic efficiency in system operation
• Reduced adverse environmental impact
• Reduced spinning reserves in the case of electricity generation

(ii) Economic and Financial Benefits from:

• Enhanced industrial productivity

• Increased revenues from trade and industrial activities
• Faster GDP growth rate
• Increased foreign exchange earnings for exporting countries

ES 7. Proposed Trade Option 1: Regional/Sub-regional Power Market

In addition to the projects mentioned in section ES-3, additional project opportunities are
discussed below.

A common link cutting across all SMS is the growing demand for electricity to meet
energy needs. However, it is expected that individual Member States themselves would
continue to be in a situation of shortages for quite some time to come. Given that the
opportunity cost of electricity shortages is very high any effort within the region to reduce
such energy shortages would have significant economic benefits. An option the region can
pursue is to develop a regional electricity market that would allow trade in any surpluses
that a country may have either over time of day or over seasons. Such trade would exploit
the unique characteristic of electricity which once generated has to be consumed
immediately. India has an important role to play in building a regional electricity market
because of its location.

Establishment of a regional power market for the SAARC countries can offer manifold
technical and economic benefits including optimal exploitation of energy resources,
reduction in generation reserve requirements, reduction in overall cost of supply from
competition in generation, improved system reliability, enhanced energy security, better
energy access, lesser environmental impacts of power generation, added incentives to
resource rich countries to accelerate power development with resultant benefits to the
county’s economic growth.

An Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) to facilitate multi-lateral power exchanges/ trade

is the pre-requisite for establishing the regional power market. This requires carrying out

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

of power system studies for different scenarios in the short, medium and long term. These
studies will identify the possible quanta of power exchanges and transmission system
requirements including the associated costs and benefits. Mode of cross border grid
interconnections (synchronous or asynchronous) will also emerge from these studies.

Different options may be considered for implementing the power exchanges between
regions. These include (a) for each country, the respective National Load Dispatch Centre
(NLDC) to schedule the net feasible power exchange and communicate the same to the
designated nodal/regional Load Dispatch Centre (LDC), and (b) a common power
exchange (with optional participation) to deal with all power other than bilateral trade
also and directly communicate with the designated nodal/regional LDC.

For building the regional and sub regional power market the region would need to adopt a
phased approach. Interconnections would need to be established between various Member
States, which could then graduate to support a regional/sub regional power market. The
cost of electricity transfer through these interconnections depends upon a number of
factors such as power transfer capacity, length of the line, energy flow and hours of
supply. These costs could be levied as wheeling charges on the base tariff charged for
electricity. Alternatively, as a method for financing these interconnections the central
governments of the Member States could consider building these interconnections as a
public good so as to reap larger benefits in the long term from increased regional
electricity trade.

ES 8. Proposed Energy Trade Option 2: Regional/Sub-regional Refinery

All the SAARC member states except India import diesel to meet a substantial part of their
petroleum product requirements. India also imports 75% of its total crude oil requirement.
Given the high dependence of the entire region on imported petroleum products/crude, the
region may consider setting up a Regional/Sub-regional refinery to meet the petroleum
products demand of the region. Considering the current dominance of diesel in the energy
consumption mix of the region, the refinery could be configured to maximize diesel
production. The refinery would result in a two fold benefit for the region – (a) Net saving
in foreign exchange due to decrease in import of petroleum products (b) additional
revenue stream to the participating Member States in terms of profit sharing from the

The Regional/Sub-Regional refinery can be set up as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

owned by interested Member States, and regulated as per agreed terms, with the specific
objective of setting up additional state-of-art refining capacity that would be available to
more than one country. The refinery will be expected to operate on commercial principles
(import parity pricing at refinery gate). The SPV can operate under two models:

(i) Grass Roots Refinery

(ii) Additional refining capacity in the planned capacity additions of an existing

Both approaches mentioned above would have a long gestation period. It takes about three
to four years for commissioning a new refinery and two to three years in expanding an
existing one. For the interim period either of the following arrangements may be adopted:

(i) Procurement of petroleum products from existing Indian refineries (closer
to respective borders) on commercial terms.
(ii) Common crude procurement by SAARC Member States and refining the
same at an existing refinery.

However, if we consider the setting up of a regional refinery, the total investment is

expected to be around USD 8.21 billion for 23 MMTPA refineries2. If the refinery
configuration is such that 65% of its product is diesel, then the diesel production from the
refinery would be about 14.95 mtoe. At USD 100/bbl (US dollars per barrel) of crude oil,
HSD free on board (f.o.b.) price is expected to be USD 135/bbl. Assuming that the diesel
produced by the refinery is sufficient to meet the entire diesel import requirement of the
region (excluding India), the region would save around USD 14.80 billion on account of
foreign exchange saved by avoiding diesel import. But foreign exchange would however
be incurred on refinery feedstock import in the form of crude oil. Further, assuming a
production profile with 3% LPG production, 10% naphtha, 15% petrol and 5% petroleum
coke along with 65% production of diesel3, the refinery is expected to earn a net revenue
of USD 2.75 billion (at a crude oil price of USD100/bbl). The expected pay back period
for the refinery would be about 3 years. Detailed spreadsheets for the above mentioned
analysis are given in Annexure 1.

ES 9. Proposed Energy Trade Option 3: Regional/Sub-regional LNG Terminal

In the context of energy security concerns and the need to use cleaner forms of energy,
there has been an increased focus on the use of natural gas. Majority of SAARC Member
States are largely dependent on one primary energy source and may consider natural gas to
be an attractive option to diversify their current fuel mix. Natural gas is an economically
attractive substitute for diesel based power generation. Moreover, if environmental costs
are internalized, imported natural gas based power generation may be competitive to
imported coal based power generation.

For this purpose, each country can either set up its own infrastructure or cooperate to set
up a common infrastructure to enjoy the benefit of economies of scale. It is proposed that
the region may consider developing a Regional/Sub regional LNG terminal that could
cater to the needs of participating SAARC Member States. The additional factor in the
establishment of such a terminal would be the gas transportation infrastructure within the
region that may require agreements on right of way as also investments on supporting
pipeline infrastructure.

Some of the main advantages from the Regional/Sub-regional LNG terminal are:

(i) It would provide an opportunity for the smaller Member States; Bhutan, the
Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka who up-till now do not use natural gas in
their energy mix to procure natural gas supplies to diversify their fuel mix.

2 Assumption: Investment requirement for 1 MMTPA refinery is USD 357 million

3 The production profile is based on discussions with refining experts

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(ii) Given their relatively small requirement for natural gas, setting up of
separate LNG terminals to only meet their individual demand would not be
justified. But clubbing their demand with other countries would make it
economical for them to procure this clean fuel.

(iii) Due to the economies of scale, they will be able to procure natural gas at
competitive rates to justify imports and help in fuel substitution and/or
utilization of natural gas for power generation and other applications.

One of the following options can be adopted for the ownership and financing structure of
the terminal:

(i) The LNG terminal can be structured as a joint venture of the participating
Member States with each participating member state holding an equity
stake, (based on its LNG requirement) in the terminal and procuring the
latest technology for setting up the terminal.

(ii) Involving the private sector in building the LNG terminal and using the
storage facility on a common carrier principle basis.

(iii) Merchant LNG terminal similar to Hazira LNG terminal operating on the
Indian western coast. It procures LNG on spot contracts and short to
medium term contracts on the supply side.

One of the following options for LNG pricing can be adopted, based on the ownership
model and market maturity:

(i) LNG operator may charge customers a fixed price for the gas supplies.
(ii) LNG operator may charge a price as determined by a common regulator.
(iii) Supply of LNG based on price and/or quantity bids.

The key parameters that would require due consideration while building the terminal are
the location of the LNG terminal which will be determined by relative transport
economics, availability of LNG and the price at which the LNG shall be available. The
establishment of a backbone pipeline network is a pre-requisite to exploring this option.
Alternatively, instead of transport of gas through pipelines, transfer of gas through wires in
the form of electricity may be considered.

Based on the cost estimates for setting up of the Kochi LNG terminal in Kerala, the cost of
setting up of an LNG terminal with 2.5 MMTPA nominal capacity which is equivalent to
about 8 MMCMD of natural gas, with provision of expansion up to 5 MMTPA, would be
approximately INRs. 20,000 million (US$ 445 million at the exchange rate of INRs. 45 to
1 US$). This will include storage and re-gasification facilities, unloading arms, two tanks
of 110,000 cubic metre capacity each, vaporization system and utilities and off-site
facilities. To begin with SAARC Member States could initiate this process by setting up of
a similar LNG terminal and gain experience and confidence to increase the capacity and or
number of such LNG facilities in the region to meet the regional gas demand.

ES 10. Proposed Energy Trade Option 4: Regional/Sub-regional Power Plant

Several of the Member States in the region are facing substantial power shortages and
require significant additions to their power generating capacity to meet the current demand
as well as to ensure universal access to electricity. Member States such as Afghanistan and
Bangladesh have a power deficit of more that 20%. Pakistan has a power deficit of around
16% and India and Nepal have deficits to the tune of 10%. Therefore, it is suggested that
the region may consider setting up of a Regional/Sub- regional power plant.

The size, location and fuel type (coal, natural gas, hydro) for the power plant are to some
extent inter-linked aspects. Size would depend upon the power needs of the participating
countries and how much power each country would like to avail from a regional/sub-
regional plant keeping in view its own energy security concerns. The type and availability
of fuel resource at a particular location would help decide the size and fuel source for the
plant. One option available to the region for development of the regional/sub regional
power plant is basing it on natural gas that can be supplied from the proposed regional/
sub regional LNG terminal through appropriate joint ventures where applicable.

An LNG based power plant may not be as competitive as an imported coal based power
plant on the financial costs alone, but if the environmental costs, especially those related to
emissions of carbon-dioxide, are internalized, the LNG based power plant may be
competitive to an imported coal based power plant. Developing a regional power plant
based on the hydro-power resources within the region may be explored. Other options,
such as the setting up of this regional power generating capacity either on imported coal
or imported LNG – both of which are more attractive than the significant current
dependence on imported diesel based power generation, may also be explored.

Ownership options include joint ownership of participating governments4, full private

sector ownership or a joint venture involving private sector and the governments of
participating countries. The public-private participation model is preferred as it could
provide some involvement of the governments in the project management and also at the
same time provide comfort to the private developer.

The process adopted for selection of the developer needs to be transparent giving due
weight to his qualification, experience and credibility.

Whosoever be the developer, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for project facilitation may
be created. Such a SPV model has been successfully adopted in India for the Ultra Mega
Power Plant (UMPP) projects. The plant can also be set up as a merchant power plant
where there is no PPA and the developer takes the entire risk of selling his power. The
associated power transmission system would also have to be built along with the power
plant. The evaluated levelized tariffs discovered through competitive bidding process for
the various thermal generation projects in India are in the range of 1.2 – 3.0 INRs/kWh for
long term power purchase agreements. However, the sale of electricity through short-
term/power exchange contract in India is as high as 4-14 INRs/kWh especially in peak

4 This equity holding could be based on the share of electricity for each country from the power plant.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

hours. With the electricity market and power exchanges already in vogue in India and
potential of its extension across SAARC region, a regional or a sub-regional power plant
can be beneficial for all the participating Member States.

Member States could constitute a Technical Committee of experts to deliberate upon the
sharing of the coal based power, as well as, hydropower resources within the region. The
committee should submit a detailed report, including methodology and transfer of
technology for sharing of these resources among the SMS.

Table: ES-1 provides a snapshot of the above options along with their quantifiable and
intangible benefits and expected time frames and suggested next steps.

Table ES-1: Summary of suggested trade options
S.No Trade Expected Time Quantifiable benefits Non quantifiable benefits Techno – commercial and Financing Approach to take forward trade
option Frame Options option
1 Electricity Short to long term • Reduction in generation • Optimal exploitation of energy • Techno- commercial options for • Preparation and signing of Inter
Market reserve requirements resources interconnection governmental agreement on
• Increase in economic • Reduction in cost of supply • Single HVDC back to back or pursuing regional trade and giving
value added to the • Improved system reliability HVAC interconnection, where it priority
economy through • Improved energy access operationally feasible, to be • Build domestic and regional
provision of electricity. • Lesser environmental impacts preferred over a number of infrastructure – interconnection
• One unit of electricity of fossil based power small AC links leading to regional grid
consumed ads generation • Financing Options • Adopt building block approach/
around USD 2 to the • Incentives to resource rich • Cost of the interconnect phased approach for building
Indian GDP. countries to accelerate power charged through the wheeling power market
development for increased charges; or • Harmonize legal and regulatory
economic growth • Participating governments frameworks
may investments as required
in building the interconnects
treating them as public good
2 Regional/ Medium term • With a 23 MMTPA • Technology transfer for • Techno commercial options • Location of the refinery ensuring
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Sub refinery the region would building state of the art • Grass Root refinery; or favourable economics
regional save around USD 14.80 refinery • Refining capacity added as • Refinery may adopt a swap
Refinery billion on account of • Economies of scale additional refining capacity in arrangement to supply of petroleum
foreign exchange saved already planned capacity products across existing refineries
by avoiding diesel import. additions of existing refineries • Member States to finalize a
But foreign exchange • Interim arrangement – framework for pricing petroleum
would however be procurement from existing products with the refinery aiming
incurred on refinery refineries in the region or joint for minimum pricing of products
feedstock in the form of procurement of crude by • Finalize the specifications of the
crude oil. participating Member States, product to be produced. This would
• Net revenue of USD 2.75 which is processed in an also impact refinery configuration.
billion accruing to all already existing refinery with
investing Member States spare capacity
based on relative • Financing Option
demand for petroleum • Petroleum product pricing to

• Pay back period – about be done on international
3 years import parity

3 Regional/ Medium term • Region natural gas deficit • Diversification of current fuel • Techno commercial options • Location of the LNG terminal would
Sub increasing to 139 mtoe by basket • Joint holding terminal with have implications on its relative
regional 2020 equivalent to 105 • Benefits of LNG terminal vis- equity holding of the transport economics.
LNG GW of additional power à-vis natural gas pipeline participating Member States; • Availability of requisite port facilities
Terminal  More supply options or to be an important determinant
available to LNG importer • Private sector to be awarded • LNG terminal to have forward
 Option to receive both long the contract as the LNG linkages and can be dedicated to
term and spot supplies terminal operator and using meet power demand and fertilizer
 Decreasing cost of the storage facility on a demand (if feasible) for the region
technology common carrier principle; or
• Cleaner fuel for power • Merchant LNG terminal
generation as compared to • LNG pricing options
coal • Fixed charge; or
• Regulated price determined
by a common regulator; or
• Selling of quantities through
bidding process
4 Regional/ Medium term • LNG based power • Increase bargaining power of • Techno commercial options • Size, location and technology to be
Sub generation is more the region for fuel • Power plant to be either based decided based on a detailed
regional economical as compared procurement. on imported coal or imported feasibility report
Power to diesel based • Economies of scale LNG • Joint team of engineers to carry out
Plant generation – Sri Lanka study on required transmission
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• SPV model (India experience

and Maldives are heavily UMPP) may be adopted for requirement and propose an
dependent on the latter. selection of the power plant optimal transmission expansion
operator plan acceptable to all participating
• Pricing countries.
• Regulatory principles for price
determination to be

Source: Author’s compilation

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

ES 11. Suggested Action Plan

There is need to undertake detailed techno-economic feasibility for each of the proposed
trade options, based on which, a final decision on their implementation can be taken.

The SAARC structure provides the framework for taking these proposed regional trade
options forward. Based on the consensus between the Member States, SAARC may set
up Technical Committees under the Working Group of Energy, formed during the
Twelfth SAARC Summit to take the proposed trade options forward.

ES 12. Conclusions and Recommendations

Following interventions are needed to create an enabling environment to promote

regional energy trade and to ensure that the energy trade options suggested are taken

(i) Develop a SAARC Regional Energy Trade and Cooperation Agreement

(ii) Harmonize the Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
(iii) Build a comprehensive/reliable energy database
(iv) Promote alternative financing mechanisms for developing regional energy
trade and cooperation initiatives
(v) Develop a regional trade treaty similar to the Energy Charter Treaty.

The major benefits of regional energy trade that would accrue to SAARC highlighted in
the preceding paragraphs will help the Member States to overcome the barriers and their
apprehensions. It is expected that they will initiate the process of carrying out necessary
studies, reaching agreements and collaborate for the development of various options for
energy cooperation.

The cross border energy projects that have been suggested above or those that are either
under discussion or where some progress has been made, have been categorized below
along with the implementation time horizons:

Short Term Initiatives (less than 5 years):

These initiatives listed below can be achieved within a time span of five years:

• India-Nepal oil products pipeline

• Feasibility Study to explore/ identify possible Pakistan-India power
transmission interconnection
• Dhalkebar (Nepal)–Muzaffarpur (India) power transmission interconnection
• Feasibility studies for joint development of regional hydropower, gas and coal
based power plants

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• Development of wind power projects to augment energy supplies for remote

• Feasibility study for possibility of connecting the Maldives with other
SAARC countries through submarine cable
• Feasibility study for setting up of joint LNG terminal(s)
• Strengthening of in-country gas truck transmissions systems to facilitate
transmission of additional gas supplies as and when they become available as
a result of implementation of the inter-regional gas pipelines/LNG projects
• Preparation of a “Least Cost Energy Sector Master Plan for SAARC Region”
• India-Bangladesh Power Transmission Interconnection:
♦ Baharampur, India to Bheramara, Bangladesh

Medium Term Initiatives (5-15 years):

• India - Sri Lanka power transmission interconnection

• Pakistan - India power transmission interconnection
• Additional India-Nepal Power Transmission interconnection
• CASA 1000 Project for Central Asia–Afghanistan–Pakistan power
transmission interconnection
• Phase-II of CASA project that could bring electricity from Central Asian
Republics up to the Indian power grid
• Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline
• Additional power grid interconnections between India-Bangladesh
• Eastern Gas Pipeline Infrastructure
• Additional power transmission interconnections between Bhutan and India
• Implementation of joint LNG Terminal(s) for procurement of LNG for the
• Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline
• Regional/Sub-regional Power Market
• Regional/Sub-regional Refinery
• Regional/Sub-regional LNG terminal and gas transmission expansion
• Regional/Sub- regional Power plant

Long Term Initiatives (greater than 15 years):

• Qatar-Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline

• SAARC Oil Pipeline grid

The above named projects are an indicative list. There would be many other projects that
can be conceived and implemented within the time horizon of 15-20 years, to make the
SAARC Energy Ring a reality. SAARC Member States will have to continue to identify
and explore other intra and inter-regional energy infrastructure projects that will facilitate
energy trade to meet the regional energy demand. The preparation of the “Least Cost
Energy Sector Master Plan for SAARC Region” will help in prioritizing investments and
reap benefits in the most economic manner.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Context
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region comprises of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The region has a population of about 1.5 billion, which is nearly 23% of the total world
population, living on 5% of the world’s land mass. The total Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) of the region amounted to US Dollars (USD) 996 billion (2005), and was even
less than 3% of the world’s total GDP. On the other hand, it is one of the fastest growing
regions in the world. It experienced an average annual GDP growth rate of 5.6% between
1995 and 2005.5 Countries such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka have
expanded at an even higher GDP growth rate of 6 to 9% in the recent past. This economic
growth is expected to facilitate the alleviation of widespread poverty existing in the
One of the key inputs for sustaining and accelerating the economic growth of the region
is the increasing availability of energy, as there is a strong direct co-relationship between
economic growth and increase in energy demand. Upward social mobility associated with
faster economic growth, further accentuates the demand for energy. This puts pressure on
all SMS to ensure a continuous and reliable supply of energy in its various forms. Though
the region as a whole is well endowed with diverse energy resources, including
renewable energy, a large part of these resources remains to be tapped due to various
reasons. Limited availability of indigenous energy supplies coupled with the large
population base, makes the region significantly import dependent.

The SAARC region is surrounded by countries that are rich in energy resources. Table
1.1 provides a snapshot of the energy resource endowment of these countries. This
diversity of resource endowment between South Asia and neighbouring energy resource
rich regions provides opportunities for inter-regional energy trade to reap the optimum
benefits from available resources. Several of these opportunities have been identified in
earlier studies. However, the terrain and competing market conditions make energy trade
with them a challenging proposition.

Table 1.1 highlights the resource potential of the neighbouring countries such as
Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan and Iran. These countries have
fossil fuel reserves (coal, oil and gas) while Central Asian Republics such as Tajikistan
and Kyrgyz Republic have substantial hydropower export potential.

5World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank accessed on 21st August
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Table 1.1: Resource Endowments of Neighbours of SAARC countries

Country Oil Natural Gas Coal Hydro Power

Kazakhstan Reserves: 29 billion bbl Reserves: 65 to 70 Trillion Reserves: Potential
Production:1.3 million Cubic feet (tcf) 37.5 billion tons 20,000 MW
bbl/day Production: 0.570 tcf/yr Production: Developed:
95 million tons (2004) 2000 MW
Turkmenistan Reserves: 546 million bbl. Reserves: 71 tcf Modest or Negligible Potential: Modest
Production: 260,000 bbl/day Production: 2.1 tcf/year

Uzbekistan Reserves: 594 million bbl. Reserves: 66.2 tcf Reserves: Potential
Production: 150,000 bbl/day Production: 2.07 tcf/year 4 billion tons Modest
Production: 2.8 Developed:
million tons 1700 MW
Tajikistan Modest or negligible Modest or negligible Reserves: Potential:
endowment endowment 3.6 billion tons 40,000 MW
Production: Developed:
32,000 tons (2002) 4000 MW
Kyrgyz Modest or negligible Modest or negligible Reserves: Potential:
Republic endowment endowment 0.8 billion tons 26,000 MW
Production : Developed:
400,000 tons (2003) 3000 MW
Iran Reserves: 132.5 billion bbl Reserves: 971 tcf Reserves: 461million Potential:
Production: Production: 3.5 tcf/year tons 42,000 MW
4.2million bbl Production: 1.1 Developed:
million ton 2000 MW
Myanmar Reserves: 3.2 billion bbl Reserves: 18 tcf Reserves: Modest Potential:
Production: 7.3 million bbl Probable: 89.7 tcf Production: Modest 39,720 MW
(During 11 months of 2005- Production: 362 bcf (10.53 Developed:
2006) bcm) 747 MW
Exports: 0.28 tcf (8.06
bcm )
(During 11 months of
Source: Potential and Prospects for Regional Energy Trade in the South Asia Region, World Bank

A brief discussion about the prevailing energy scenario and the prospects of inter-
regional energy trade in between SMS with the Central Asian Republics, Iran and
Myanmar, the energy resource rich regions/countries in the proximity of South Asia is
given in Chapter 4.

1.2 Terms of Reference

Recognizing the importance of energy trade in the region and at the request of the SMS,
the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a Regional Technical Assistance (RETA)
in December 2006 to promote energy cooperation in the SAARC region and to strengthen
the SAARC Energy Centre (SEC).6 The major component of the RETA is to undertake a
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS).
6ADB RETA 6368: Preparing the Energy Sector Dialogue and SAARC Energy Center Capacity Development
Project (December 2006)

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Following are the Terms of Reference (TOR) as finalized by the Third Meeting of the
Working Group on Energy (SAARC Secretariat, 23-24 January 2007) and as
communicated to ADB for the SRETS study:

(i) A sector-wise and fuel-wise study be carried out on the options, benefits
and constraints of energy trade in the region, covering the demand and
supply - both current and projected for optimal utilization, and
development, of energy resources for the benefit of SAARC Member

(ii) The Study would cover the prevailing trade regimes, the regulatory and
legal frameworks of the Member States.

(iii) It would examine the international and regional best practices and their
relevance as well as applicability to the region.

(iv) It would analyse the various technological, financial and commercial

options for promoting trade and related projects.

(v) It would examine the viability and modalities for development of trans-
national energy lines (electricity, gas and oil) keeping in view the broader
concept of the Energy Ring.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The SRETS supported by the ADB - RETA is an effort to augment the efforts of the SMS
to find the most appropriate and economic solution to help meet the energy needs of the
Member States, to the extent possible, through national resources and through regional
energy trade. The study is aimed at identifying specific opportunities for energy trade
among SAARC Member States and with neighbouring regions. The SRETS report is
based on the data provided in the eight country reports prepared by the national country
experts (national consultants) and on review of earlier studies done by national and
international organisations on various aspects related to regional energy trade, and
discussions held with the concerned stakeholders across the region.

1.4 Structure of Report

The SRETS report is organised in 8 chapters addressing the Terms of Reference. Chapter
2 discusses the energy scenario in SAARC region (current and future). Discussing the
energy resources available in the region in detail the chapter brings out the key energy
issues faced by the region, the benefits and the need for regional energy trade to address
these challenges. Chapter 3 discusses the institutional, legal and regulatory framework of
the energy sector in SAARC Member States. Chapter 4 presents an overview of the
situation in energy rich regions/countries in the neighbourhood of South Asia i.e. the
CARS, Iran and Myanmar to appreciate the potential and prospects of energy trade in
between South Asia and these regions/countries.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Chapter 5 presents an overview of the international best practices with regard to regional
energy trade. It discusses the proposed power interconnections in the Greater Mekong
Sub-region (GMS), power pools set up among the Nordic countries and the Southern
African countries, the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal at Baja California, Mexico
and the proposed common refinery in Africa.

Chapter 6 discusses the existing and the proposed intra regional energy trade initiatives
among the SAARC Member States, while Chapter 7 assesses the inter regional energy
trade opportunities that are on the horizon for implementation in the foreseeable future as
well as other initiatives that these Member States can take for their mutual benefit. These
include a regional/sub regional power market, a regional/sub regional refinery, a
regional/sub regional LNG terminal, and a regional/sub regional power plant. Chapter 8
is the concluding chapter summarizing the various initiatives and activities that the
SAARC Member States need to undertake to meet the energy demand of the region to
help them sustain and accelerate their economic growth and therewith the push for
poverty alleviation.

Chapter 2: SAARC Region Energy Scenario: Key Issues and
Need for Regional Energy Trade
2.1 Social and Economic Indicators
This section presents the socio economic profile of the region and its energy demand-
supply situation. The socio-economic profile for the region is summarized in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Key socio-economic indicators for the SAARC region

Member Population Urban Density of HDI HDI Index Per capita commercial GDP per
States (2006) population Population Ranking (2006) energy consumption capita (2007)
(2005) (2006) (2006) (2005/06)
Unit Million (mid year % Person/ km2 toe/capita PPP $
Afghanistan 24.10 22 38 NA NA 0.03 733
Bangladesh 140.60 25 964 137 0.530 0.13 1311
Bhutan 0.65 31 14 135 0.538 0.09 4862
India 1118.00 29 340 126 0.611 0.36 2563
Maldives 0.30 30 997 98 0.739 0.58 4603
Nepal 24.00 15 176 138 0.527 0.04 1078
Pakistan 159.00 34 197 134 0.539 0.35 2594
Sri Lanka 19.88 22 314 93 0.755 0.18 4265
Sources: Various Country Reports, Human Development Index (HDI) Report 2006, United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP); ADB Basic Statistics 2007, Asian Development Bank; ADB Key Indicators 2007, Asian
Development Bank; World Economic Outlook Database, IMF, October 2008

There is a wide variation in the societal and economic profile of the Member States. For
instance, the population in Maldives is only a third of a million while that in India is more
than a billion. Given the difference in land areas of the countries, a more relevant social
indicator is the density of population i.e. number of person per square kilometre of land.
The density of population varies from a low of 14 persons per square kilometre in Bhutan
to as high as 997 persons per square kilometre in Maldives. Increased population density
highlights the increasing pressure on land and national resources of the concerned
Member State. The per capita GDP of the Member States (on a PPP basis) also varies
significantly and ranges from USD 733 in Afghanistan to over USD 4862 in Bhutan. The
Human Development Index (HDI) of the SMS is somewhat similar, except for Maldives
and Sri Lanka, which are higher in ranking than the rest of the Member States. Regional
energy trade opportunities that can result in a win-win situation in terms of enhancing this
ranking need to be pursued aggressively.

2.2 Energy Reserves in the SAARC Region

Table 2.2 given below, indicates the potential total energy reserves of various energy
forms in the region. As is the case with other natural resources, the energy resources of
South Asia are not uniformly spread over the region. From Table 2.2, one can observe
that Member States, such as, India and Pakistan account for the major share of energy
reserves - coal and natural gas. However, these Member States are also large in terms of
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

area and population and thus, the higher reserves need not necessarily be sufficient to
meet respective country’s energy need. The region is rich in hydro potential with Member
States, such as, Bhutan and Nepal having a large share of this resource in relation to their
size and energy needs in the foreseeable future.

Table 2.2: Energy Reserves of SAARC Member States

Countries Coal Oil Natural Gas Hydro Biomass

Million Tonnes Million Barrels tcf MW Million tonnes
Afghanistan 440 NA 15 25000 18 - 27
Bhutan 2 0 0 30000 26.60
Bangladesh 884 12 8 330 0.08
India 90085 5700 39 150000 139
Maldives 0 0 0 0 0.06
Nepal NA 0 0 42000 27.04
Pakistan 17550 324 33 45000 NA
Sri Lanka NA 150 0 2000 12
Total 108961 5906 95 294330 223
Source: Various Country Reports, Country Report of Bangladesh ‘Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment’,
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India. Figures are rounded off.

Table 2.3 indicates the Reserves to Production (R/P) ratio of the hydrocarbon fuels for
some of the SAARC Member States. The R/P ratio shows the time period for which the
reserves will last at the current production rate. As such, it represents the expected
longevity of the reserves of a country in relation to its current level of production, but it
does not capture in any way, the import dependence of a country.

Table 2.3: Reserves to Production Ratio (2007)

Country Coal Oil Natural Gas

Bangladesh NA NA 16
India 45 24 35
Pakistan NA NA 21
(Figure indicates the number of years, which have been rounded off to nearest integer)
Source: calculated based on data from Various Country Reports

The R/P ratio is necessarily a dynamic ratio that varies with changes in the estimation of
reserves, resulting either from increased investments or improved technologies and or
with changes in production pattern. With robust economic growth of the region, there is
increased demand for energy that could result in the energy reserves being exploited at a
faster rate. The R/P ratio of energy reserves in the region has been falling over the years.
For instance, in 1981 Bangladesh had an R/P ratio for natural gas of 300 years. By 2007,
the ratio dropped down to 15.5 years.7

The R/P ratio of energy in India indicates that its energy reserves will last only for the
next couple of decades, unless significant new discoveries are made (34 years for natural
gas and 24 years for crude oil). Due to a relatively recent recognition of the differences
between proven reserves and extractable reserves for coal, the R/P ratio for this energy

7 Bangladesh Country Report

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

form has been corrected from ~ 200 years to 45 years. This estimate also internalises a
future production increase of 5% per annum.

To place in context the picture of reserve endowments of the SAARC region, it is

relevant to note that the R/P ratios of some of the Western and Central Asian countries
are in the range of 60-90 years for oil and gas. In coal, Kazakhstan has an R/P ratio
higher than 300 years and Uzbekistan has more than 142 years.8

The limitation of hydrocarbon reserves in the SAARC region, can to a certain extent, be
overcome by promoting renewable energy resources such as solar, wind and biomass.
The SMS are rich in renewable resources and have a good potential for their utilisation.
The region has a total of 223 million tonnes of biomass, with Member States such as
India having a larger share of it. This available biomass has huge potential for electricity
generation, which is as high as 148756 giga-watt-hours (GWh)9. Regional cooperation in
the field of technology development and sharing of technical expertise to develop these
energy forms can have a direct and large impact on the poorer segments of society,
thereby having the potential to provide a huge fillip to social and economic development
of the region.

2.3 Current Energy Scenario in SAARC Region

As in the case of energy resource endowments, there is a wide disparity in energy

demand and its consumption pattern among the SMS. Total energy consumption in
absolute terms, among the Member States ranges from as low as 0.17 million tonnes of
oil equivalent (mtoe) in Maldives to 423.2 mtoe in India10. In per capita terms too
significant variations exist, albeit in different forms, as brought out in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Per Capita Commercial Energy Consumption in SMS (2005-2006)

toe per capita


Sri Lanka



Source: Calculated from data available in various Country Reports

8 ‘Potential and Prospects for Regional Energy Trade In the South Asia Region’ Sustainable Development Department,

World Bank, June 2007

9 As explained in Annexure 2
10 Country reports

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Figure 2.2 highlights the relative share of various energy forms in the total energy
consumption mix in the SAARC region. Most countries, with the exception of India and
Pakistan, have a predominant dependence on a single commercial energy form. That is:
oil for Afghanistan (77%), Maldives (100%), Nepal (78%) and Sri Lanka (82%);
hydropower for Bhutan (78%) and natural gas for Bangladesh (74%).




Sri Lanka


Coal Oil Natural Gas Electricity

Figure 2.2: Relative Sources of Energy Consumed in SAARC Countries

Source: Various Country Reports

Such a large dependence on a single energy form not only limits the options of meeting
diverse energy needs but also increases energy security concerns. The situation worsens
with increasing dependence on imported fuels, by all the countries in the region,

Despite substantial coal resources available in the region, the Member States are
importing coal to meet their requirement (see Figure 2.3). This is due to the
characteristics of coal seams, the poor quality of coal and in part due to technical
capabilities, thereby creating the need for Member States to work towards improving
their technical/mining capabilities to harness the resource better.

One of the important forms of energy, especially from the transport sector perspective is
petroleum and its products. As highlighted in foregoing paragraphs, in several Member
States, oil is the dominant fuel. But all the Member States are dependent on oil imports,
irrespective of the share of the local production. The region has many energy security
concerns associated with oil imports.

(i) The entire region is dependent on oil imports. In 2005, the total petroleum product
demand of the region was around 132 mtoe, out of which only 52 mtoe was
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

supplied through domestic production. The rest was met through imports,
implying an import dependence of around 60%. Member States such as
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka are 100% dependent on
imported petroleum and products.

(ii) SMS have limited refining capacity, with the exception of India, as very little
capacity expansion or up-gradation has taken place in the recent years.
Bangladesh has a refining capacity of 1.5 million tonnes per annum (MMTPA),
Pakistan 12.85 MMTPA and Sri Lanka 2.5 MMTPA. Both Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka have one refinery each, and Pakistan 7 refineries. The technology of most
of these refineries is out dated and there is limited capacity addition planned in
these Member States. Country wise refining capacity of the region is summarized
in Table 2.4. India is planning substantial refinery capacity addition. However,
with a stagnant domestic crude production of 33-34 MMT, dependence on
imported crude oil is expected to rise. According to TERI estimates, India’s
import dependence on crude oil would be above 90% by 2031.11

30 India, 28





Pakistan, 1.87
5 Nepal, 0.24
Bhutan, 0.006

Bhutan India Nepal Pakistan

(iii) Out of the total product wise consumption across the region, diesel constitutes the
largest component. The share of diesel in the total product profile ranges from
37% (India) to 95% (Maldives). In Maldives, most of power generation is based
on petroleum products.

Figure 2.3: Coal Imports by SAARC Countries (2006 MMt)

Source: Various Country Report, Coal Import by other SAARC countries is either nil or negligible.

11 PSA/2006/3, “National Energy Map for India, Technology Vision 2030”, Study by TERI for Office of the Principal
Adviser to the Government of India.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Table 2.4: Current refining capacity and petroleum product consumption of the
SAARC Member States (2005)

Country Refining capacity Petroleum Product consumption

Afghanistan 0 1.10
Bhutan 0 0.08
Bangladesh 1.50 3.77
India 149 111.92
Maldives 0 0.18
Nepal 0 0.72
Pakistan 12.85 14.87
Sri Lanka 2.50 2.94
Total 165.85 132.40
Source: Various country reports

Energy security concerns increase with the increase of imported petroleum products
rather than imported crude. This is for a variety of reasons, including the near saturated
utilisation of refinery capacity in the world, affording little flexibility to respond to
demand fluctuations, resulting in larger price volatility as compared to crude oil (Figure
2.4). More, the diversity in sourcing of crude oil, greater the flexibility in matching
product profile to demands.

Figure 2.4: Price volatility of crude oil and petroleum products (2007-08)
Source: Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India

An alternative fuel that is being used by the region is natural gas. However, its
availability and consumption across the region is skewed. While Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

and Sri Lanka do not use natural gas at all; Bangladesh and India face supply deficit.12
The excess of supply over demand in 2006 shown in Table 2.5 for Pakistan has now
turned negative and intensive efforts are being made to accelerate production and also
acquire additional supply of natural gas from outside the region through pipelines and in
the form of LNG. In the long term (15 years) the region is expected to experience a
natural gas shortage of around 99 mtoe/year.13

Table 2.5: Current Natural Gas Demand Supply Position in SAARC Region (2006) (mtoe)
Country Demand Supply Deficit/ Surplus
Bhutan 0 0 0
Bangladesh 13.70 12.78 -0.92
India 35.80 28.60 -7.20
Maldives 0 0 0
Nepal 0 0 0
Pakistan 13.33 29.19 15.86
Sri Lanka 0 0 0
Total 62.83 70.57 7.47
Source: Various Country Reports including 2008 Pakistan Energy Year Book.
Data was not available for Afghanistan

The major consumer for natural gas is the power sector. In Bangladesh 82% of the total
electricity generation capacity is natural gas based, while in Pakistan it is around 64%.
Afghanistan is expected to have substantial gas reserves. However, infrastructure is the
main hindrance in development of natural gas markets in the country. This is highlighted
by the fact that natural gas production in Afghanistan which was 285 million cubic
meters/year in 2006 is declining annually; also about 13 % of the gas produced is lost
during transmission. India has natural gas infrastructure, with major trunk natural gas
pipelines, called Hazira-Bijaipur-Jagdishpur, Dahej-Vijaipur, Dahej-Uran and East-West
pipeline connecting domestic and imported supply. At present, the total trunk natural gas
pipeline network is more than 9,000 km and the country is going to add another 9,000 km
to the network in the next 5 years.

The demand for electricity is steadily rising with the improvements in economic
development of the region. However, Member States have not been able to augment the
electricity supply to keep pace with increasing demand. Thus, the demand for power
surpasses its supply, resulting in electricity shortages in most of the Member States.
Figure 2.5 shows the level of electricity shortages in the region. These range from about
9% in Nepal to as high as 28% in Bangladesh.

The electricity shortages have been calculated based on the data provided in the country
reports, either on the basis of the quantum of electricity imported or on the basis of load
shedding experienced in the country. Access to electricity across the various Member
States is still low and a cause for concern (Table 2.6).

12 Natural gas is the most important fuel for Pakistan and Bangladesh.
13 Based on various country reports
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

30 27.96

% 15

9.96 9.00

Afghanistan 39% Bangladesh India Nepal Pakistan

Figure 2.5: Electricity Shortage in SAARC Countries

Source: Various Country Reports.

Above data is for 2006/07, except for Bhutan for which data is for 2004/05. Data not available for Maldives

Table 2.6: Percentage of population with access to electricity

Country % of population with electricity access

Afghanistan 20%
Bangladesh 42%
Bhutan 40%
India 56%
Maldives 100%
Nepal 25%
Pakistan 70%
Sri Lanka 78%

Sources: Various country reports, Census of India 2001, ADB website, Srivastava L, Misra N ‘Promoting Regional
Energy Co-operation in South Asia’ Energy Policy 35, pg 3360-3368, 2007
Demand for electricity will increase with the efforts of Member States to provide
electricity to un-served segments of society. India’s mission of ‘Power for All by 2012’
has led the Government of India to plan a capacity addition of around 100,000 MW by
that year.

On the supply side, the electricity generation mix in the region also varies widely across
nations. About 65% of the total installed capacity of India is based on thermal resources,
whereas Bhutan and Nepal are largely hydro based. Although, according to Figure 2.5,
there are minimal electricity shortages in Bhutan the country experiences a substantial
drop in electricity supply in the winter months, which is met through imports from India.

An important characteristic of the SAARC Member States is the heavy dependence on

traditional fuels (fuel wood, agricultural residues and animal dung). Figure 2.6 indicates
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

the level of usage of traditional fuels in final energy consumption in SAARC countries.

100 86 91 87
70 53 56

40 29
10 1.05


Sri Lanka



Figure 2.6: Dependence for Traditional Fuels in SAARC Countries

Sources: Various Country Reports, Bhutan Data Directory 2005. Data for Pakistan is not available

Only Maldives has a dependence on traditional fuels lower than the world average of
21.7%.14 In India around 90% of the cooking energy needs in the rural areas are met
through traditional sources of energy.15 In Bhutan and Nepal, more than 85% of the
domestic energy needs are met through traditional fuels. These fuels are primarily used to
meet the domestic cooking, lighting and heating requirement, causing great drudgery and
adverse health impacts. According to World Health Organization (2002) indoor air
pollution, primarily caused by burning of these fuels, is the world’s 4th largest health
risk, causing perhaps 2.5 million premature deaths a year.16 However, as the SMS
progress, it is expected that their dependence on traditional fuels will decrease and
consumption of commercial fuels will increase. This implies increased pressure on the
already constrained commercial fuels. SMS should collectively explore and adopt more
efficient technologies for use of the traditional fuels. The options for regional cooperation
are discussed in greater detail in subsequent chapters.

2.4 Future Energy Scenario in SAARC Region

With faster economic growth, the energy demand of the Member States’ is expected to
escalate. Table 2.7 indicates the demand of various energy sources in future, as indicated
in various country reports.

14 Human Development Index Report 2006, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
15 Misra N, Chawla R, Srivastava L, Pachauri RK ‘Petroleum Pricing in India: balancing efficiency and
equity’ The Energy and Resources Institute, November 2005
16 Household Energy Use in Developing Countries: A Multi-country Study; UNDP/World Bank Energy
Sector Management Assistance Programme, October 2003
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Table 2.7: Future Energy Demand in SAARC Region

Crude Oil/ Petroleum Products Coal Natural Gas

Year/ Countries 2010 2020 CAGR 2010 2020 CAGR 2010 2020 CAGR
Afghanistan NA NA NA 0l 0 0 NA NA NA
Bangladesh NA NA NA 0.37 6.58 33.35% 16.79 33.95 7.29%
Bhutan 0.09 0.18 7.18% 0.17 0.17 0% 0 0 0
India 147 267 6.15% 426.94 599.95 3.46% 43.95 81.68 6.39%
Maldives 0.50 0.83 5.20% 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nepal 0.85 1.23 3.74% 0.27 0.32 1.94% 0 0 0
Pakistan 20.60 30.70 4.07% 5.80 15.10 10.04% 35.60 62.50 5.79%
Sri Lanka 5.19 6.34 2.01% 0 7.30 0 0 0 0
Total 174.23 306.28 5.80% 433.55 629.42 3.80% 96.34 178.13 6.34%
Sources: Various Country Reports, Energy master plan for Bhutan; TERI Report; TERI 2008, (All figures in mtoe)

From the above table, one can be observe that at a regional level, total energy demand is
expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% with natural gas expected to register the fastest
growth rate of 6.34% followed by crude oil and then coal. At an individual level, demand
for crude oil/petroleum products is rising with growth rate of as high as 7% annually in
Bhutan. Growth in demand for coal ranges from about 2% in Nepal to as high as about
33% in Bangladesh. Demand for natural gas is also consistently rising in Bangladesh,
India and Pakistan.

Looking at the prospective demand of electricity, it is observed that the demand for
electricity in the region is rising rapidly. In fact, among all commercial energy forms,
electricity is expected to register fastest growth in demand of around 9%. Table 2.8
indicates the future electricity demand in SAARC region.

Table 2.8: Future Electricity Demand in SAARC Region (GWh)

Country 2010 2020 CAGR

Afghanistan NA NA NA
Bangladesh 33716 71990 7.88%
Bhutan 2260 3703 5.06%
India 1077000 2550000 9.00%
Maldives 1,923 2,447 2.44%
Nepal 3731 8990 9.91%
Pakistan 144711 261523 6.10%
Sri Lanka 10327 22040 7.88%
Total 1273668 2920693 8.65%
Sources: Various Country Reports

Although the electricity demand figures are not available for Afghanistan, the member
state has ambitious plan to enhance electricity access from current 20% to 65% by

17 Afghanistan National Development Strategy (2008-2013) – A strategy of Security, Governance, Economic

Growth and Poverty Reduction
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Summarising the above discussion, it is concluded that the energy demand in the SAARC
region is expected to grow at a rapid pace. SMS would need to make concerted efforts to
meet this demand. It would entail substantial investment for building the requisite energy
infrastructure, given the present lack of infrastructure.18 According to an estimate,
Bangladesh requires an investment in the range of US$5–6 billion over the next 10 years
for power sector development. The proposed projects under Bhutan's power system
master plan will require an investment of $3.36 billion over the 20-year period from 2003
to 2022. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the investment for meeting
the projected increase in generating capacity, transmission and distribution in India is
estimated at around $680 billion from now on to 2030. Nepal's combined investment
need for generation and transmission for the next 10 years is estimated at US$1.22
billion.19 These are substantial investments that are required by each of the Member
States, and one of the biggest challenges for them would be to create an enabling
environment to attract such large investments.

The subsequent sections discuss sector-wise energy consumption in the SAARC Member
States followed by a discussion on the key challenges faced by the region and the role of
regional energy trade in addressing these challenges.

2.5 Sector-wise Demand Analysis

In order to have a better appreciation of the extent of import dependence and the
vulnerability to energy shortages, the sector-wise energy demand on a country basis
needs to be examined. A detailed discussion on this is available in the country reports
prepared by the national consultants. A snapshot of the findings thereof is given below.

2.5.1 Afghanistan

Figure 2.7 indicates the sector-wise energy consumption in Afghanistan’s estimated total
energy consumption of 4.8 mtoe in 2006. The transport sector accounts for the maximum
share of the commercial energy consumption. Due to low level of industrial activity, only
10% of energy was consumed in the industrial sector in 2006. Energy consumption by the
agriculture sector is negligible and is not reported sufficiently.

18 accessed on 23rd

August 2007
19 Srivastava L and Misra N ‘Promoting regional energy co-operation in South Asia’; Energy Policy; Volume
35, Issue 6, June 2007, Pages 3360-3368

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Others A gric ultural

10% 11%

C ommerc ial

Trans port
Indus tries

Hous ehold

Figure 2.7: Sector-wise energy consumption in Afghanistan in 2006

Source: Afghanistan Country Report

2.5.2 Bangladesh

Natural gas is the main source of commercial energy in Bangladesh. Power and fertilizer
sectors are the major consumers of natural gas in Bangladesh. In 2006/07, power,
fertilizer, industry, domestic and captive power sectors consumed 41%, 17%, 15%, 12%
and 12% of natural gas respectively. Figure 2.8 indicates the sector-wise usage of natural
gas over a decade in million toe.

Figure 2.8: Sector-wise Consumption of Natural Gas in Bangladesh

Source: Bangladesh Country Report

Figure 2.8 indicates that although power sector has been the major consumer of natural
gas; gas demand is significantly increasing in industrial, captive power and domestic
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

sectors. Since the power sector consumes a major chunk of the gas, it is important to
analyze the sector-wise consumption of power in Bangladesh. Industry and household
sectors are the major consumers, accounting for 44% and 42% of power consumed in
Bangladesh respectively (2006). Figure 2.9 indicates the sector-wise usage of power over
a decade.


m to e














Y e ar
Res idential Indus trial Commerc ial A gric ultural Other

Figure 2.9: Sector-wise Consumption of Power in Bangladesh

Source: Bangladesh Country Report

2.5.3 Bhutan







2004 2005 2006 2007

Domestic LV Consumption LV Bulk Consumption HV Industries

Figure 2.10: Sector-wise Demand of Electricity in Bhutan

Source: Bhutan Country Report
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Commercial energy is largely consumed in the form of electricity in Bhutan. Industrial

sector accounts for about 75-85% of electricity consumption in Bhutan. Figure 2.10
indicates the growth pattern of sector-wise demand of electricity in Bhutan. It is
expected that the electricity sector will witness an average growth rate of about 8%
during 2008-2020 and industrial sector will continue to be the major electricity consumer.

2.5.4 India

In the case of India, industrial, transport and household sectors account for the major
share of the energy consumption. Figure 2.11 indicates the break up of fuel wise
commercial energy consumption.

Energy Demand by Fuel Type


400 401.6 423.2

350 342.2 348.2
304 320.4
300 285.6
250 271.5





1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006

Oil Gas Hydro Nuclear Total

Figure 2.11: Sector-wise Commercial Energy Consumption in India

Source: India Country Report
Traditional sources meet the largest part of the domestic energy demand in the rural
areas, where fuel wood and biomass are used extensively; LPG and electricity are used
predominantly in urban areas.

2.5.5 Maldives

Energy is mainly consumed in the form of diesel, biomass, LPG and kerosene in
Maldives. Looking at the sector-wise break down of the total energy consumed in
Maldives, it is observed that household sector alone accounts for more than 50% of
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

total energy demand. Figure 2.12 indicates the growth of share of various sectors in
energy demand in Maldives from 2003 to 2005. The figure highlights the dominance of
the household sector in energy consumption in the country. The other sectors such as
manufacturing and public usage have been increasing steadily over the years; however,
energy demand from government buildings has been declining.




m to e




2003 2004 2005
Hous ehold Public Manufacturing & Commerce Government buildings

Figure 2.12: Sector-wise Demand for Energy in Maldives

Source: Maldives Country Report

Diesel is the main source of energy in Maldives, accounting for about 78% of
commercial energy consumption during the period 2003 to 2005. In 2005, household and
manufacturing sectors accounted for about 50% and 28% of the total diesel demand.

2.5.6 Nepal

Traditional fuels dominate the overall energy consumption in Nepal, representing about
87% of the total energy consumption by fuel type in 2006. Household sector accounts for
the major share in total energy consumption, however, the share of domestic sector has
decreased from 91.7% in 1996 to 89.2% in 2006. Industrial, commercial, transport,
agriculture and others accounted for 4.5%, 1.5%, 3.7%, 0.8% and 0.2% of energy
consumption respectively in 2006. Figure 2.13 indicates the growth of energy
consumption (in million toe) in different sectors over the decade, 1996-2006.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

M to e

1 9 9 5 /9 6

1 9 9 6 /9 7

1 9 9 7 /9 8

1 9 9 8 /9 9

1 9 9 9 /0 0

2 0 0 0 /0 1

2 0 0 1 /0 2

2 0 0 2 /0 3

2 0 0 3 /0 4

2 0 0 4 /0 5

2 0 0 5 /0 6
Res idential Indus trial Commercial

Trans port A griculture Others

Figure 2.13: Sector-wise Energy Consumption in Nepal

Source: Nepal Country Report

2.5.7 Pakistan

Natural gas is the main commercial fuel consumed in Pakistan. Sector-wise consumption
of natural gas is governed by the Federal government allocation. The order of priority is:
domestic sector, fertilizer sector, power sector and general industry. Power sector was
the largest user of gas in 2006 with a consumption of 9.98 mtoe, followed by industry
6.16 mtoe , domestic (household) with 4.00 mtoe and fertilizer (as feed stock) 3.03 mtoe.
The other users include transport (CNG) 0.91 mtoe, fertilizer (as fuel) 0.84 mtoe,
commercial 0.69 mtoe, steel 0.36 mtoe and cement sector 0.36 mtoe. Figure 2.14
indicates the sector-wise consumption of natural gas in 2006 in Pakistan.

Since power sector is the major consumer of natural gas, it is essential to analyse sector-
wise consumption of power. It is observed here that the domestic sector was the largest
user of electricity with a consumption of 2.5 mtoe, followed by industry with 1.61 mtoe
in 2006. Figure 2.15 indicates the sector-wise consumption of power in Pakistan in 2006.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

1% 1%


11% 2004



Power General Industries Domestic

Fertilizer (as feed stock) Transport Fertilizer (as fuel)
Commercial Pakistan Steel Mills Cement

Figure 2.14: Sector-wise Consumption of Natural Gas in Pakistan in 2006

Source: Pakistan Country Report




0% 1%
Domestic Industrial Agriculture Commercial
Bulk Suppliers Street Light Other Govt. Traction

Figure 2.15: Sector-wise Consumption of Power in Pakistan in 2006

Source: Pakistan Country Report

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

2.5.8 Sri Lanka

The end-use energy demand in Sri Lanka mainly consists of the three sources, electricity,
petroleum (including LPG) and biomass. Out of the total energy consumption, the sector
comprising household, commercial and others accounted for the major share. In 2005,
this sector accounted for about 48% of total energy consumption, followed by equal share
of 26% each by the transport and industry sectors. The Figure 2.16 indicates the growth
of the energy consumption (in million toe) over the decade in these three sectors.

Mto e










Indus try Trans port Hous ehold, c ommerc ial and other

Figure 2.16: Sector-wise Energy Consumption in Sri Lanka

Source: Sri Lanka Country Report

Biomass alone accounts for about 50% of energy demand in Sri Lanka. More than 70%
of biomass is consumed in the sector comprising of household, commercial and others.
Out of 11.84 million tonnes of biomass consumption in 2005, about 8.3 million tonnes
were consumed in this sector and the rest was consumed in industrial sector. Out of the
petroleum products consumed, diesel is mainly used in the transport sector and furnace
oil is mainly used for electricity generation.

Summary of Sector-wise Energy Consumption

The three sectors which are the main consumers of energy in the SAARC region are
household, industry and transport. Household sector is also the major consumer of the
traditional fuels (biomass). Since industry is the driver for economic growth, as SAARC
Member States aim at higher GDP growth rates, energy demand from industry will
increase. So would be the case with the transport sector. In the case of the household
sector, as mentioned earlier, with increasing income, it is expected that the household
sector would shift from traditional sources to commercial sources of energy. This
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

would lead to increased pressure on the Member States to source more commercial
energy supplies. Transport sector being totally dependant on petroleum products, most of
which are imported, would also have a significant impact on energy imports. Another
aspect that emerges from the sector-wise analysis is that these sectors are most vulnerable
to any energy supply disruptions.

2.6 Key Challenges and Issues Faced by the Energy Sector in SAARC
Among the pre-requisites for energy trade, are the availability of energy resources,
potential for their economical exploitation, competitive cost advantages, adequate
infrastructure, harmonious and enabling policies, lack of trade barriers, a climate of
mutual trust and strong political will to cooperate for gaining mutual benefits. The major
energy sector challenges in the SAARC region are given below:

2.6.1 Increasing Energy Deficit

The first and foremost energy challenge faced by the region is persistent energy deficit.
All Member States of the SAARC region face electricity supply shortages, ranging from
about 9% in Nepal to 28% in Bangladesh. The entire region faces either crude oil or
petroleum product supply deficit. Member States currently using natural gas also face
shortfall. Bangladesh and India are currently natural gas deficient. Although at present
Pakistan does not have a natural gas shortage, in the future it is expected that the country
would be facing such shortfall. Shortages of energy have an adverse impact on industrial
and economic output as well as on social development. The same is elucidated by the fact
that both industry and household sector are among the key energy consumers in the
region, and a disruption in energy supply would have far reaching implications in these

The social impacts of energy provision are very well documented. A number of studies
have been done to establish benefits that accrue to society at large with availability of
commercial energy. Based on a study done in Chitral District, North-West Frontier
Province, Pakistan, through the efforts of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO),
community micro hydro power plants were installed in a remote region. With access to
electricity, households in the area got better and safer illumination than obtained with
pinewood sticks or kerosene. Children got more opportunity to study at night thus
improving the quality of their education. This is expected to have long-term benefits for
the community with better educated people expected to have better livelihoods in the
future. Even in the short term, the livelihood of women in the area has improved.20

2.6.2 Dominance of Single Fuel for Electricity Generation

Most of the Member States in the region are dependent on a single fuel for electricity
generation. In India 65% of the total generation capacity is thermal based, Bhutan and
Nepal are almost completely dependent upon hydro to meet their electricity requirements,
pdf accessed on 15th September 2008
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Maldives produces all its electricity from diesel and natural gas dominates the generation
mix in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Excessive dependence on one energy resource raises
concerns related to energy security. The concerns are aggravated with limited domestic
supply of these fuels in respective Member States. For instance, India has already started
to experience a shortage of non-coking coal. This is highlighted by the steady increase in
the amount of coal imports to meet the demand. Within a decade non-coking coal imports
have shot up from nearly a negligible level to ~25 million tonnes in 2007-08. Bangladesh
dependent on natural gas, has started to face shortage of natural gas, which is expected to
increase in the coming years. The cases of India and Bangladesh highlight long-term
energy shortages, but certain Member States also experience short term shortages. For
instance, Bhutan faces short-term shortage of electricity in winter months, when
generation from its hydro resources goes down substantially. It imports electricity from
India in winter, thus emphasizing the benefit of cross border energy trade.

2.6.3 Limited Utilization of the Renewable Energy Potential

In the wake of depleting scarce non-renewable energy resources, it becomes imperative

that all energy resources are harnessed optimally. Thus, development of renewable
energy resources, including wind, solar and biomass assume great importance. The
SAARC region has significant potential for the utilisation of these renewable resources.
The region has a total of 223 million tonnes of biomass potential, which can be harnessed
to generate electricity or to replace diesel usage in industries.

SMS are making increasing efforts to enhance share of renewable energy in total
electricity generation. However, despite large resource endowments, they are currently
not used to their full potential due to lack of technology, infrastructure and financial
resources. Another concern that is creating a hindrance in development of the renewable
energy sources is timely availability of wind power equipment and the high cost of solar
energy equipment and its availability. While solar and wind mapping has been done for
Afghanistan, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka under the South Asia Regional Energy
Programme funded by USAID, this exercise is yet to be undertaken in respect of Bhutan,
Bangladesh and Nepal. Completing this exercise for the entire region will help identify
the full potential from these renewable resources for the entire region. SAARC/SEC may
consider undertaking the wind and solar mapping of the latter countries to assess
renewable energy potential. Member States can then collectively prepare an action plan
for harnessing of energy from these resources optimally.

2.6.4 High Dependence on Traditional Fuels

It is observed that the region is excessively dependent on traditional energy resource for
meeting energy requirements. For instance, in Member States such as Afghanistan,
Bhutan and Nepal traditional fuels are used to meet 85% of the total energy requirements.
The main traditional energy resource is biomass, which under its current usage pattern is
utilized inefficiently. This inefficient utilization of biomass and fuel wood has an impact
on the health of household members as burning of these fuel impacts indoor air quality
in households. Dependence on traditional sources of energy also has gender related issues
attached with it, as responsibility of collection of the fire wood primarily falls on the

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

female members of the family; for which young girls are forced to drop out of schools.21
To address these issues the region can adopt a two pronged approach - first is to
encourage technology trade for promotion of efficient technologies such as smokeless
efficient chullahs, and second to steadily shift households from traditional sources of
energy to commercial and cleaner sources.

2.6.5 Rising Import Dependence

SMS are excessively dependent on import of fuels to meet their energy requirements.
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka are totally dependent on imports to
meet petroleum products demand. India having sufficient refining capacity, imports 75%
of its total crude requirement. In effect the entire region is in energy deficit and thus
imports a large quantum of crude oil/petroleum products to meet its demand. Such import
dependence raises energy security concerns as it increases vulnerability of a nation both
in terms of availability of the energy supply as well as its prices. Moreover, import of
fuels in large quantities also has financial implications on the country’s economy. For
instance, in the case of Bhutan, in 2007, the entire electricity exports earnings of the
country were spent on procuring petroleum products. In the current situation of volatile
international crude oil markets, such high dependence on imported fuel can have an
inflationary impact on the economy. A related concern in the case of petroleum products
is that the current refining capacity of the Member States, excluding India, is insufficient
to meet the their respective demand and also that the technology employed in these
refineries is not state-of-the-art. The region may hence, consider enhancing its aggregate
refining capacity by setting up a state-of-the-art refinery to meet the region’s petroleum
product demand. Under such an arrangement the region would also be able to reap
benefits of joint fuel procurement.

2.6.6 Lack of Energy Infrastructure

A prerequisite for energy availability is existence of requisite infrastructure to facilitate

transmission/transportation of energy supplies. Energy infrastructure includes electricity
transmission lines, natural gas pipelines, crude oil and petroleum product pipelines etc.
Energy infrastructure is not only crucial for regional trade to take place but also essential
to ensure flow of energy within a country. However, the SAARC region lacks this
supporting infrastructure. Lack of infrastructure has had an adverse impact on
exploitation of resources and also in accessing the available resources. For instance, in
Afghanistan, access to electricity service is limited due to the damaged infrastructure
during the war and a large backlog of repair and maintenance work which dates back to
25 years. About 40% of power lines in Afghanistan were destroyed during the war. In
Bhutan due to the difficult terrain there has been limited development of an integrated
country wide electricity transmission network.

Matching energy infrastructure is also important for countries importing energy. At

present, in the entire region only India has LNG terminals and the country is developing

21 Cecelski E ‘Enabling Equitable Access To Rural Electrification: Current Thinking On Energy, Poverty And
Gender’ Briefing Paper Asia Alternative Energy Policy and Project Development Support: Emphasis on
Poverty Alleviation and Women, Asia Alternative Energy Unit, The World Bank, Washington, DC (January
2000, Revised July 2002)
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

its natural gas pipeline network to connect all demand and supply centres. Building cross
border energy infrastructure may also reduce the need for building dedicated in-country
transmission corridors. To resolve the lack of infrastructure bottlenecks, substantial
financial investments are required (as mentioned earlier in the chapter), which in turn call
for cooperation among the member nations so as to optimise investments for
infrastructure development.

2.6.7 Lack of Infrastructure for Developing Remotely Located Hydro Projects

Most of the hydropower projects are located in the remote and mountainous areas, where
infrastructure, such as, accessible roads and high-voltage transmission lines do not exist.
This necessitates the development of this infrastructure for each and every project with
the associated cost being added to the overall cost of the project. This ultimately leads to
higher costs for the hydropower project and adversely affects their competitiveness. The
study titled “ Financing Hydropower Projects During 9th and 10th Plan periods” carried
out in India in 1998 recommended that the entire cost of the infrastructure development
of the hydropower projects should not be exclusively loaded to these projects. Because
such infrastructure meets the social and economic development needs of the entire region
in addition to the needs of the project. SMS could examine the possibility of allocating
the infrastructure development cost of hydropower projects between the project and state
infrastructure development. This in turn would expedite the development of these
projects and result in lower tariff, to make energy from these projects more competitive.

2.6.8 Lack of Funds to Undertake Capital Intensive Projects

Energy infrastructure including power projects and transmission inter-connections require

large capital outlay. SMS do not have adequate financial resources for the development
of these projects, and have to seek support from international donors and multilateral
funding agencies. But, given the focus of these agencies on the soft sectors, their support
would be limited. However, in recent times, the private sector has become increasingly
active in energy infrastructure. Nevertheless, inadequate internal financial resources and
lack of developed capital markets in most of the SMS act as a major barrier.

2.6.9 Absence of Competitive Power Market

India is the only country in South Asia to have permitted electricity trade as a commodity
and has also recently put in place two electricity exchanges (India Energy Exchange and
Power Exchange India Limited) for electricity trading. Such options are not available to
the buyers and sellers of electricity in other countries of the region. Although it is not a
precondition for regional trade in energy, a vibrant power market with competitive
segments offers better opportunities for electricity trade.

2.6.10 Lack of Harmonious Energy Policy and Related Framework

Existence of well-defined, coherent/harmonious energy policies, enabling legal and

regulatory framework are an essential criterion for cross-border trade and investments. As
such, there is an urgent need to put in place related mechanisms that would not only
facilitate but also encourage energy trade among the SMS.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

2.7 Likely Gains from Energy Trade Arrangements
Energy trade can bring immense benefits to the participating Member States. Earlier
studies on the subject have demonstrated that the social and economic benefits from these
initiatives would in certain cases even surpass their direct financial benefits. The benefits
can broadly be categorized as technical, operational, environmental, financial, economic
and social sector benefit. Some of the benefits from the energy projects that would
accrue to the SMS are given below.

2.7.1 System Operational Benefits

Optimal Utilization of Natural Resources to Meet Growing Power Demand

The area-wise demand/supply mismatch of power creates opportunities for effective

exchange of power between two regions or countries to meet the growing demand. For
this, the advantages of peak diversity as well as time diversity in inter-connected
areas/countries can be exploited. In any power system, the generation capacity is created
to meet the peak power demand and so, during off-peak hours, surplus power is available
for transfer to some other area. If there is a time diversity of the peak power demand
between two power systems, the surplus power available in one system during its off-
peak hours can be supplied to the other region during its peak hours. This results in
optimized utilization of generation capacity to meet peak load in both power systems.
Further, for optimal hydro-thermal mix, power exchange from various resources is the
best option. Moreover, electricity can be traded through transmission networks with
relative ease as compared to other sources of energy.

Concentration of various types of energy resources in different countries

The concentration of various types of energy sources viz. coal, gas, hydro etc. varies in
different SMS. Given the poor road/rail connectivity and absence of gas transmission
interconnections among the SMS, large scale trading of coal or natural gas is fraught with
serious limitations in their handling and transportation. Transmission of power is the best
solution for energy exchange to begin with. Once transmission interconnections are
established, coal and gas generating stations can be used to meet the base load of
interconnected countries and hydro generating plants can be used to meet the peak load.
Thus, better load factor of thermal power plant can be obtained. This results in optimal
and economic utilization of resources.

Economy of Scale

Economy of scale can be achieved by setting up large sized generating plants to meet
local demand as well as demand of the interconnected regions.

Improved energy security and reliability

Increased interconnectivity of power systems increase their reliability and the expectation
with which the demand can be met through continuity in supply under contingencies.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Optimized transmission network

Sometimes the geography of two countries is such that the loads of one country are in
proximity with generation facilities of the other country as compared to its own
generation facilities. It would then be easier and more economical to meet such loads
from neighbouring countries. Such arrangements result in reduced line length, reduced
losses and less capital cost.

Increased economic efficiency in system operation

With cross-border exchange, the generation of each of the interconnected countries has
access to a larger market. This would result in improved merit order operation and
extend opportunity to promote operation of more efficient power plants as far as possible,
to achieve overall economic efficiency in system operation.

Reduced environmental damage

Apart from economic benefits, sharing of energy resources through cross border
interconnections help reduce adverse energy sector impact on the environment. As in
such a scenario, renewable or "clean" energy like hydro power can be used more than
other polluting energy sources. By setting up more export oriented hydro power projects,
Nepal and Bhutan can further help the region in reducing its dependence on fossil fuel
and consequent reduction in GHG emissions.

Increased natural gas use through natural gas interconnections would also result in
cleaner production in the power and industrial sectors with reduced adverse
environmental impact. There are also likely environment gains from regional energy
trade opportunities in the field of renewable energy. Energy sector cooperation among
the SMS to enhance energy use efficiency both on the supply side as well as the demand
side would also lead to reduced adverse environmental impact.

2.7.2 Economic and Financial Gains

Industrial Productivity Gains

Economic Impact of Poor Power Quality on Industry: Nepal, conducted by Nexant in

October 2003 indicated an annual industrial sector loss of US$ 24.7 million annually due
to poor power quality. This translated into 4.43% of the industrial sector Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) or 0.47% of the national GDP. The study findings indicate that in the
industrial sector loss impact attributable to unplanned power interruptions averaged 0.49
US$/kWh, while those from planned outages were 0.14 US$/kWh. Availability of
additional supply of electricity/energy through regional energy trade can not only reduce
such losses but also help in enhancing industrial productivity.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Revenue Gains

This can be illustrated by the fact that Bhutan exported 1472 GWh of surplus electricity
to India from the 336 MW Chukha Hydropower Project during 2002-03 and the revenue
generated was US$ 52 million. With commissioning of the 1020 MW Tala Hydropower
Project in 2008, Bhutan’s revenue from power exports reached US$ 214 million
annually. Nepal could have earned similarly through power exports from the 750 MW
West Seti Hydropower Project had the project been implemented.

GDP Gains

The case of Bhutan illustrates this aspect also. A very large percentage of Bhutan’s
revenue has been from sale of electricity to India and the revenue so generated has helped
it to take its economy on a higher growth trajectory. More than 45% of the national
domestic revenue of Bhutan (> Nu 5000 Million) comes from sale of electricity.
Electricity sector’s contribution to GDP was 22% in 2006 and helped Bhutan’s per capita
GDP to reach US $ 1414 per annum (2006). The revenue so generated helped the
country in meeting financial resources for social development, education, health care,
development of physical infrastructure like roads, industrialization and other nation
building activities.

2.8 Need for Regional Trade/Cooperation

The summary of key issues faced by the SMS point towards the likely areas of
competition amongst them as well as the shared opportunities that exist for energy

Energy trade options could be both inter and intra-regional. Intra-regional energy trade
would have limited opportunities due to the fact that the countries of the region are
themselves resource constrained and operate in a competitive spirit. Inter-regional trade
would be a more attractive option given the fact that the neighbouring regions of SAARC
have abundance of energy resource.

Geographically, South Asia is ideally located to reap the benefits of inter-regional energy
trade with countries in the West as well as the East; since it is flanked in the West by
energy rich West Asia, Central Asian Republics (CARs), and Iran and on the East by
Myanmar which also has abundant hydropower as well as hydrocarbon reserves. A brief
discussion about the prevailing energy situation in the CARs, Iran and Myanmar and the
perspectives and prospects of energy trade between these regions/countries and South
Asia are given in Chapter 4.

Before embarking upon these trade initiatives; there is a need to know the prevailing legal
and regulatory frameworks that have been put in place in the SMS and how these
mechanisms facilitate and/or impede inter and intra-regional energy trade. Chapter 3
focuses on the SAARC member state institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks.

Chapter 3: Institutional, Legal and Regulatory Framework of
Energy Sector in SAARC Member States
This chapter discusses in detail the institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks
currently existing in the energy sector of the SAARC Member States.

3.1 Afghanistan
3.1.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

The Inter-Ministerial Commission for Energy (ICE) established in December 2006

provides overall supervision for the energy sector policy and infrastructure investments.
The Commission includes the Ministry of Energy and Water, Ministry of Finance, and
Ministry of Mines as core members and the Ministries of Commerce and Industry,
Foreign Affairs, Urban Development and Rural Rehabilitation and Development as ad-
hoc members. The objective of ICE is to help the Government to understand, support,
design and monitor development of energy resources, based on commercial principles.
The Commission supervises energy sector policy, infrastructure, and investments and
coordinates support and assistance from different development partners. It brings together
a wide range of government and donor agencies to assure coordinated actions and
practical planning. The Commission develops sound policies in line with fiscal and
policy priorities and international standards. The energy sub sectors are directly
supervised by the respective ministries as detailed below.

Power Sector

Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) provides the regulatory and policy framework for
the power sector with an aim to provide sustainable power supply, at affordable prices, in
an environmentally sound manner, for economic growth to improve living standards and
to support multi-purpose irrigation dams and water resource management. The
Department of Power under MEW is responsible for overall generation, transmission and
distribution of power. The Department of Renewable Energy Development (DRED)
works for the promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies (RET). It promotes
programmes related to biogas, solar, improved water mills and micro-hydro etc. The
Department of Policy and Strategy and the Department of Planning deal with policy and
strategy formulation for the power sector and energy supply.

Hydrocarbon Sector

The Ministry of Commerce and Industries is responsible for developing the policies and
regulatory framework for demand, supply and purchase of crude oil and petroleum,
including technologies, as well as to represent the government for entering in to crude oil,
petroleum products, gas and related agreements. It is also responsible for small scale
energy technology imports, fuel and gas supply and import facilitation and regulations.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

The Ministry aims to integrate Afghanistan markets into the regional and global economy
to ensure competitiveness of domestic industries and to improve attractiveness of
Afghanistan for investors. The Ministry is responsible for all types of international and
regional agreements pertaining to petroleum and natural gas at the government level. The
Department of Petroleum in the Ministry is responsible for supply and quality control
including licensing to national and international fuel companies.

The Ministry of Mines and Industry manages the underground natural resources and
mines including exploration of gas, coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels. It is
responsible for development of policies and regulatory framework for explorations and
trade of minerals, chemicals and petroleum at the national level including technologies,
national level government negotiations, marketing and related agreements.

All these ministries work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(MoFA), Ministry of Finance (MoF) and ICE. MoF has jurisdiction over policy
formulation of energy sector and provides appropriate funding to the ministries and
institutions in accordance with the developed policy, operational and development
budget. MoFA facilitates foreign relations and regional cooperation in all sectors
including energy, and power transmission agreements.

In addition to the above established institutions, the following advisory positions and
national programs are involved in the energy sector development in Afghanistan:

• Advisor on Mines and Energy to the Office of the President

• Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA)
• Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)
• Afghan National Standardization Authority (ANSA)
• MRRD’s National Solidarity Program (NSP)
• Priority Reform and Reconstruction Program (PRR)

3.1.2 Legal and Regulatory Framework of the Energy Sector

Legal framework for the energy sector in Afghanistan is currently at a nascent stage. The
existing energy laws being rudimentary do not address energy issues in an integrated
fashion. There are three key energy laws in the country:

• Power Consumption Law, 1982

• Oil and Gas/ Hydrocarbons Law, 2005
• Coal/ Minerals Law, 2005

With an aim to alleviate poverty and to create employment opportunities, Ministry of

Mines and Natural Resource makes policies and regulations for the development of the
mining sector. These include the Mineral Law 2005 and Hydrocarbons (petroleum) Law
2005. Hydrocarbons Regulation, Minerals Regulation and Natural Gas Distribution Law
are in the process of being finalized. Specific strategies are being formulated for the
identification, exploration and exploitation of crude oil and natural gas resources.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Along with the above mentioned legal framework specific to the energy sector,
Afghanistan government has also developed an interim energy strategy called
Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). The strategy aims to promote
growth, generate wealth and reduce poverty and vulnerability. It provides the framework
for development of government policies and acts as a guide for allocation of resources
and programs towards these goals. The Energy Strategy indicates that the optimisation in
respect of energy sector will be achieved when the varied sources of energy reaches at
least 60% of population. To achieve this optimisation, goals are set for the overall energy
sector with the aim to:

• Restructure energy sector governance and promote cost-recoverable

• Rehabilitate and expand the public power grid
• Provide adequate incentives to attract private investment in the energy
• Improve rural energy access
• Develop indigenous resources for power and energy use

In order to achieve the above mentioned goals following have been identified as the
action points:

• Attract funds from international donors and private players to develop

transmission networks.
• Undertake intensive capacity building programme for the local staff to
operate and maintain the system.
• Increase exploration activities and develop already known reserves.
• Attract private investment in operation of gas pump stations and fuel
trucks to improve quality of products and to introduce competitive pricing.
• Develop renewable energy in Afghanistan, as currently, only a number
of small renewable projects are undertaken in the country. Promote usage
of solar water heating and lighting, water pumping and micro-hydro
through private sector participation.

The Ministries in each energy sub-sector lay special emphasis on promotion of inter and
intra regional energy trade. MoFA facilitates regional cooperation in energy. Upgrading
electricity transmission ties with CARs and exploring options for transport of electricity
and natural gas through Afghanistan for regional supply are regarded as important areas
for regional cooperation.

Although there is clear distinction of role of ministries in each of the energy sub sector,
these form part of the IEC. This has been done to integrate individual energy strategies of
each energy sub-sector with others. A major challenge faced by the Afghanistan energy
sector in developing an energy sector policy is the lack of reliable energy sector data and
a resource repository.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

3.2 Bangladesh
3.2.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

The Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MoPEMR) has the responsibility
for the overall planning, development and management of different types of commercial
energy resources and power. The two divisions under the Ministry, namely, the Energy &
Mineral Resources Division (EMRD) and the Power Division manage the gas and power
sector utilities respectively. The two main state corporations are Bangladesh Oil, Gas and
Mineral Corporation (BOGMC), commonly referred as Petrobangla and the Bangladesh
Power Development Board (BPDB). Institutional framework of each of the energy sub-
sectors is discussed below.

Power Sector

Power Division of MoPEMR manages the power sector in Bangladesh. There are four
generation utilities apart from the small and independent power producers, one
transmission utility and five distribution utilities. Private sector participation is
encouraged in generation of power. Power Cell provides assistance to Power Division in
implementation of reform measures taken by the Government along with the review of
tariff and performance monitoring of the utilities.

Hydrocarbon and Coal Sector

EMRD of MoPEMR is the administrative authority of all energy and mineral resources
(oil, gas, coal and other minerals) of Bangladesh. Petrobangla on behalf of EMRD holds
the shares of the companies dealing in oil, gas, minerals exploration and development. It
is at present in the business of hydrocarbon exploration, development, transmission,
distribution and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) conversion and development and
marketing of minerals. It is regarded as an upstream regulator and thus, it administers
Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) with the International Oil Companies (IOCs) on
behalf of the government. The Hydrocarbon Unit (HCU) serves as a support wing of the

The gas sector of the country is divided into four segments. The utilities involved in
various segments of the gas business are as follows:

• Exploration: One national company namely, Bangladesh Petroleum

Exploration & Production Company Ltd., (BAPEX) and four IOCs are
engaged in gas exploration and production activities.

• Production: National companies namely, Bangladesh Gas Fields

Company Limited (BGFCL) and Sylhet Gas Fields Limited (SGFL) are
involved in the gas production business.

• Transmission: National Company namely, Gas Transmission Company

Limited (GTCL) is engaged in the gas transmission business.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• Distribution: Four gas distribution and marketing companies (TGTDCL,

BGSL, JGTDSL and PGCL) and one CNG conversion company (RPGCL)
are engaged in gas distribution activities.

3.2.2 Legal and regulatory framework of energy sector

Article 143 of the Constitution of Bangladesh provides that all mineral resources
underlying any land of Bangladesh or under land within the territorial waters or
continental shelf shall vest in the Republic.

Petroleum Act, 1974 defines the basic legal framework in the petroleum sector. It
provides that the Government may enter into a petroleum agreement with any person for
any petroleum operation, and that no person shall undertake any petroleum operation
except under a petroleum agreement. Petrobangla, the national holding corporation, is
authorized to enter into such agreement(s) on behalf of the Government.

The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC), formed in 2003 and effective
from April 2004, is an independent commission with a mandate to regulate energy sector
(gas, electricity and petroleum products) in Bangladesh.

The major functions of the Commission are as follows:

(i) to determine efficiency and standard of the machinery and appliances of

the institutions using energy and to ensure through energy audit the
verification, monitoring, analysis of economic energy use, and
enhancement of energy use efficiency;

(ii) to ensure efficient use, quality of services, tariff determination and safety
enhancement of electricity generation and transmission, marketing,
supply, storage and distribution of energy;

(iii) to issue, cancel, amend and determine conditions of licences, exemption of

licences and to determine the conditions to be followed by such exempted

(iv) to collect, review, maintain and publish statistics of energy;

(v) to frame codes and standards and enforce those compulsory to ensure
quality of service;

(vi) to develop uniform methods of accounting for all licensees;

(vii) to create a congenial atmosphere to promote competition amongst the


(viii) to extend co-operation and advice to the Government, if necessary,

regarding electricity generation, transmission, marketing, supply,
distribution and storage of energy;
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(ix) to resolve disputes between the licensees, and between licensees and
consumers, and refer those to arbitration if considered necessary; and

(x) to ensure control of environmental standards for energy use under

existing laws.

BERC plays a significant role in attracting private investment in electricity generation

and transmission, and transportation and marketing of gas resources and petroleum
products. The Commission ensures transparency in management, operation and tariff
determination in the energy sector and promotes creation of a competitive market. It is
independent of the Government, but is responsive to government policies, which
determines the policy and overall planning in the energy sector. BERC is also regarded as
a downstream regulator with responsibility for gas transmission, distribution and supply.
It grants licenses to entities involved in the transmission, distribution and supply of gas. It
is empowered to set tariffs in the future for gas transmission and supply in consultation
with the Government, based on published policy guidelines and methodology.

National Energy Policy

The National Energy Policy (NEP) was first issued in 1996 and provides guidelines for
the overall energy sector. It is presently under a process of revision. NEP deals with
country specific energy sector issues. The objectives of the revised draft National Energy
Policy (NEP 2004) are:

• To provide energy for sustainable economic growth so that the economic

development activities of different sectors are not constrained due to
shortage of energy.
• To meet energy needs of different zones of the country and socio-
economic groups.
• To ensure optimum development of all indigenous energy sources.
• To ensure sustainable operation of the energy utilities.
• To ensure rational use of total energy source.
• To ensure environmentally sound sustainable energy development
programs causing minimum damage to environment.
• To encourage public and private sector participation in the development
and management of the energy sector.
• To bring entire country under electrification by the year 2020.
• To ensure reliable supply of energy to the people at reasonable and
affordable price.
• To develop a regional energy market for rational exchange of commercial
energy to ensure energy security.
• To provide and secure energy resources for all.

To achieve these strategic objectives, the energy policy focuses on:

• Providing a sustainable and balanced energy supply

• Promoting rational use of energy
• Improving sector management and performance
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• Increasing private sector participation and investment

• Reducing inter regional disparity (disparity between east zone and west
• Creating regional energy markets

The policy framework in Bangladesh indicates possibility of regional cooperation on

energy trade. With regard to electricity trade, NEP emphasizes examination of possibility
of cross border electricity trade among neighbouring countries and establishment of
linkages of local utilities with those in other countries for provision of a basis for
exchange of experience in power development and training of human resources. It also
emphasises the possibility of cooperation and linkage of utilities across the region for
promoting experience sharing and capacity development.

3.3 Bhutan
3.3.1 Institutional framework of the energy sector

The energy sector in Bhutan is primarily governed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs
(MEA, erstwhile Ministry of Trade & Industry). It has the following five technical

• Department of Trade
• Department of Industry
• Department of Geology & Mines
• Department of Tourism
• Department of Energy

The institutional framework specific to each of the energy sub sectors is discussed below.

Power Sector

The electricity sector falls under the Department of Energy of MEA which looks after all
the national planning aspects in the energy sector. Its functions include master plan
developments, resource mobilization, coordination with donor agencies, monitoring
power projects including generation, transmission and rural electrification and
implementation of guidelines related to the energy sector.

Bhutan Electricity Authority (BEA) is the regulatory body for the Power sector as per
Electricity Act 2001. Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) is a public owned utility
responsible for transmission, distribution and supply of electricity in Bhutan. There are
three hydro-generating companies, namely Chhukha; Basochhu and Kurichhu. In January
2008, the corporations holding the above-mentioned hydropower generating stations were
amalgamated under Druk Holdings and Investments Limited (DHI) to form the Druk
Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC), which is responsible for managing all
hydropower plants fully owned by the Royal Government of Bhutan. DGPC has the
mandate to develop projects on its own or through joint ventures on behalf of the Royal
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Hydrocarbon Sector and Coal Sector

The petroleum sector is controlled by the Department of Trade under MEA. The
Department looks after the import of petroleum products and their distribution. The
Internal Trade Division of the Department deals with the retail and wholesale business
within Bhutan (including licensing and regulatory issues) and the Foreign Trade Division
of the department deals with bilateral and multilateral trade activities.

The coal and mining sectors are controlled by the Department of Geology & Mines under
MEA. This Department functions through two divisions.

Legal and Regulatory Framework of Energy Sector

As mentioned earlier, BEA is the electricity regulator in the country responsible for
power sector. Operations such as generation, transmission and distribution are carried out
by the respective licensees within the framework of the Electricity Act, 2001. The
following aspects are included under the purview of the BEA – electricity pricing,
ensuring licensees meet their functional obligations and responsibilities to their customers
and other stakeholders, ensuring inter-operational discipline and dispute resolution etc. It
also provides various codes and regulations such as grid code, distribution code,
grievance redressal mechanism etc. and policy preparation.

The Government aims to attract private investment for hydropower development in the
country through independent power producers. Although the specific regulations in this
regard are yet to be finalized (Hydropower Policy on Foreign Direct Investment – FDI
and formulation of IPPs is at draft stage), these regulations are expected to provide
sufficient incentives for investments in hydropower projects of Bhutan and to ensure sale
of electricity outside the country by IPPs thereby promoting regional trade.

3.4 India
3.4.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

Government of India manages the energy sector through five key ministries for the
energy sub sectors - power, coal, oil and gas, renewable energy and atomic energy. A
brief description of the institutional framework of each energy sub sector is discussed

Power Sector

The Ministry of Power

The Ministry of Power (MoP) is primarily responsible for development of the electricity
sector in India. It deals with perspective planning, policy formulation, processing of
projects of PSUs for investment decision, monitoring of the implementation of power
projects, training and manpower development and the administration and enactment of
legislation in regard to thermal, hydro power generation, transmission and distribution.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Electricity is a concurrent subject under the Constitution of India and therefore, both
central and state governments have the jurisdiction over the sector. MoP coordinates with
the State Electricity Boards (SEBs), power departments and the private sector. It is
responsible for administration of the Electricity Act, 2003; the Energy Conservation Act,
2001 and to suggest amendments to these Acts, as may be necessary from time to time, in
conformity with the Government's policy objectives. MoP is also responsible for
formulating National Electricity Policy.

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) is the regulator at Central level
for inter-state power matters. Its responsibilities include licensing/regulating and
promoting power market, determining generation tariffs of central utilities and projects
that supply power to more than one state, regulating inter-state transmission and tariffs,
inter-state trading of power, bringing efficiency in the sector and safeguarding the interest
of the consumers. State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) have the above
mentioned responsibilities at the state level. Regulatory issues related to regional energy
trade would fall under the purview of the CERC.

Central Electricity Authority (CEA) assists the MoP in all technical and economic
matters. It is responsible for the technical coordination and supervision of programmes
and is also entrusted with a number of statutory functions. It is also responsible for
preparation of National Electricity Plan in accordance with the National Electricity Policy
and notifies such plan once in five years.

The construction and operation of generation and transmission projects in the Central
Sector are entrusted to Central Sector Power Corporations, such as the National Thermal
Power Corporation (NTPC), the National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC), the
North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) and the Power Grid Corporation of
India Limited (POWERGRID). POWERGRID has the mandate to establish and operate
regional and national power grids to facilitate transfer of electricity within and across the

Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) provide
support for financing power projects and rural electrification respectively.

Hydrocarbon Sector

The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG) has the responsibility for
exploration and production of oil and natural gas. Transportation, refining of petroleum,
distribution, marketing, import, export, and conservation of petroleum products also falls
within the ambit of its responsibilities. It also deals with development and
implementation of pricing policy and with the supervision, production and marketing of

Directorate General of Hydrocarbon (DGH) has been established to look after the
interests of GoI as it is the owner of all hydrocarbon resources of the country and the
operators are only leaseholders. DGH also maintains the repository of data pertaining to
the oil fields and promotes participation of oil companies in the rounds of bidding and
supervises award of concessions after ensuring proper evaluation of the bids received. It
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

supervises activities of operators and approves the budgets and establishment of reserves
of hydrocarbons.

With the enactment of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) Act in
2006, the regulator for the oil and gas downstream sector was established. The objective
of PNGRB is to regulate the refining, processing, storage, transportation, distribution,
marketing and sale of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas so as to protect the
interests of the consumers and entities engaged in specified activities, to ensure
uninterrupted and adequate supply of petroleum products and natural gas in all parts of
the country, and to promote competitive markets. It supervises the work of the operator
and approves the budgets and the establishment of reserves of hydrocarbons.

Coal Sector

The Ministry of Coal is responsible for development of the coal industry in the country
by formulating plans and policies for exploration and development of coal and lignite
reserves and attracting investment in the sector. The Ministry works through Coal India
Ltd (CIL), Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. (subsidiary of CIL), and Singareni Collieries
Company Limited (a joint venture between CIL and Government of Andhra Pradesh)

Renewable Energy Sector

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the nodal agency of GoI for all
matters relating to new and renewable energy resources. The Ministry aims to develop
and deploy these energy sources to augment energy supply for the country and for
carrying out a national programme to increase wind, small hydro, solar and biomass
based power generation capacity. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
(IREDA) is a public sector enterprise under MNRE to promote, develop and extend
financial assistance for renewable energy and energy efficiency/conservation projects.

Atomic Energy Sector

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), set up in 1954, is directly under the charge of
the Prime Minister of India and it administers India’s nuclear programme. Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), a public enterprise under DAE, undertakes the
designing, construction, operation and maintenance of the atomic power stations for
generation of electricity in the country.

3.4.2 Legal and Regulatory framework of the energy sector

Power Sector

The Electricity Act 2003 provides the overarching legal framework for the Indian
electricity sector. It consolidates the laws relating to generation, transmission,
distribution, trading and use of electricity. It aims to promote competition, protect the
interest of the consumers and rationalize electricity tariffs. The Act facilitates flow of
investment into the sector by creating a competitive environment and reforming the
distribution segment of the power industry. The Act also removed and reduced many
entry barriers by de-licensing generation for setting up captive generation facilities,
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

recognizing trading of power as independent activity; allowing multiple licenses in

distribution of electricity; establishing Regulatory Commissions for developing the sector
in a transparent and competitive manner by rational fixation and management of tariff.
National Electricity Policy, 2005 and National Tariff Policy, 2006 aim to improve access
to reliable electricity supply and to make the power sector commercially viable through
cost-reflective tariffs.

The Government of India also issued guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding in
2006 for promoting competitive procurement of electricity by distribution licensees,
facilitating transparency and fairness in procurement processes, protecting consumer
interests by facilitating competitive conditions in procurement of electricity, etc.

Private participation in the transmission segment is encouraged through joint ventures.

Development of Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPP) is another major investment
initiative to encourage private participation through international competitive tariff based
bidding. State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) have initiated actions on
open access in the distribution segment.

Foreign Investment Promotion Board grants approval for foreign investment in the coal
sector on a case-to-case basis and up to a maximum of 50% of equity. So far, Coal India
Ltd plays a dominant role in the sector and not much private investments have been made
in the coal sector.

Hydrocarbon Sector

Reforms in the oil sector began in the early 1990s with private and foreign firms allowed
to participate in onshore exploration and production through PSCs regime. In 1997, the
government announced the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) to provide a more
attractive framework for private domestic and foreign investment in oil and gas

The government officially abolished the Administered Pricing Mechanism (APM) in

2002 for all petroleum products except kerosene and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Oil
Marketing Companies were allowed to fix price of petroleum products for a while but as
international oil prices rose, the government continued its control on diesel and petrol
prices. These controls, along with subsidies on kerosene and LPG have imposed heavy
financial burden on the downstream oil companies. Private sector participation in
building oil-product pipelines through joint ventures has been allowed since 2002.
Private sector is also free to invest in gas-pipeline infrastructure. Foreign direct
investment in the gas sector is allowed in exploration and production and in liquefied
natural gas terminals (LNG).

In 2007, the Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) was set up. It is an
independent regulator for midstream and downstream activities with an aim to promote
competition in the oil and gas sector and the development of natural gas pipelines and
city or local gas distribution networks in the country. The role of PNGRB in promotion
of regional energy trade is primarily related to giving approvals for laying cross-border
pipelines within the Indian Territory.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

3.5 Maldives
3.5.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

The Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water (MEEW), established in July 2005,
oversees energy, environment and water sectors in Maldives, and was later renamed as
Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment (MHTE). It replaced the multiple
ministries that existed in the energy sector prior to it being set up. It aims to encourage
energy efficiency and alternative energy use in Maldives. The following sections discuss
the institutional framework of each energy sub sector.

Power Sector

Maldives Energy Authority (MEA) regulates the energy sector of the Maldives. Although
it has a broad mandate to regulate the energy sector, set standards and conduct awareness
programs, its activities are restricted to technical activities in the electricity sub-sector,
such as setting technical standards for improving the quality of electricity supply and
resolving conflicts between electricity providers and consumers. In the Maldives,
electricity service is provided by the state owned companies and private parties. State
Electric Company is the biggest company which provides electricity to the inhabited
islands of the North Central province which includes the capital Malé. Electricity
provision at the rest of the six provinces is done by the respective regional utility
companies and private parties.

In the renewable energy sector, the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment has
the mandate to develop and promote renewable energy technologies (RETs), which
include RE resources assessments, energy policy formulation, capacity development, and
awareness and to provide the financial and technical support in order to promote and
develop RETs in the country.

Hydrocarbon Sector

The State Trading Organization (STO) under MoFT plays an important role in fossil fuel
imports to the country such as import of diesel, gasoline, LPG, kerosene and aviation
fuel. It is also licensed to re-export the products.

3.6 Nepal
3.6.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

The various institutions involved in the energy sector of Nepal are discussed below.

Power Sector

The power sector in Nepal is under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Water and Resources
(MoWR). Department of Electricity Development (DOED) was formed in 1992 under
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

MoWR as the electricity development centre. It has three working divisions; Project
Study Division (responsible for survey and feasibility study of hydropower projects),
Privatization Division (responsible for proposal evaluation, project licensing and
promotion) and Inspection Division (responsible for project inspections). Nepal
Electricity Authority (NEA) is a government undertaking, responsible for the generation,
transmission and distribution of electricity in Nepal. It undertakes system planning
studies including demand forecast and generation planning. It is in the process of
unbundling its vertically integrated structure to improve operational efficiency.

The Water and Energy Commission (WEC), established to develop water and energy
resources in an integrated and accelerated manner, primarily assists Government of
Nepal, MoWR and other related agencies in the formulation of policies and planning of
projects in the water resources and energy sectors.

Petroleum Sector

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MoICS) is the legislative body for the
exploration and development of fossil fuel resources, as well as for the marketing and
distribution of their products. Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (PEPP) is an
independent unit under the Department of Mines and Geology, to promote petroleum
exploration activities. PEPP acts as the facilitator in negotiations and grants petroleum
agreement to private investors in conformity with the procedural arrangement as defined
in the Petroleum Act and Regulations. The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) is the public
enterprise under the Ministry. It primarily arranges import of petroleum and oil (POL)
products and storage and distribution of POL products throughout Nepal.

Coal Sector

Till 1992, Nepal Coal Limited (NCL), a public corporation had the exclusive right for
import of coal from India. However NCL was dissolved to encourage private
participation. Currently the private sector is engaged in import and distribution of coal
throughout the country.

Renewable Energy Sector

The Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MoEST) and Alternative Energy
Promotion Centre (AEPC) under MoEST are the main entities for promotion and
development of RETs. AEPC provides the financial and technical support to local
organizations for promoting and developing decentralized rural energy through
technology transfer, and research and development activities.

3.6.2 Legal and Regulatory Framework of the Energy Sector

The Government of Nepal (GoN) is responsible for developing the statutory, legal and
policy framework for the energy sector. Various acts and regulations constitute the
statutory framework, under which public and private energy supply activities take place.
With regard to energy trade, GoN lays special emphasis on development of hydropower
projects in Nepal as export oriented projects, as reflected in the Hydropower
Development Policy in 2001. One of the major objectives of the Policy is to develop
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

hydropower as an exportable commodity, pursue a strategy of bilateral and regional

cooperation. To achieve this objective the government intends to pursue investment
friendly and transparent procedures to promote private sector participation in the
development of hydropower, taking into consideration internal consumption and export
possibility of hydropower. It aims to attract investment from both private sector and
governmental sector, as necessary, and through joint ventures. In the process of
reforming the power sector, Nepal is bringing new legislation, namely the new Electricity
Act and Nepal Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, which are currently tabled in the

3.7 Pakistan
3.7.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

Pakistan has a well defined institutional structure for the energy sector. The country has
established regulators for the electricity sector and the oil and gas sector. A brief outline
of the institutional structure and role of each entity involved in the energy sector of
Pakistan are discussed below.

Power Sector

The Ministry of Water & Power (MoW&P) is primarily responsible for the power sector
in Pakistan. National Electric Power Regulating Authority (NEPRA) is the overall
regulator of the power sector and provides regulations for power generation, transmission
and distribution activities in Pakistan.

Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was responsible for supplying
electricity across the entire country, except for the greater metropolis of Karachi, which
was the responsibility of the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC). In 1992,
unbundling of the WAPDA power wing began and it was unbundled into four thermal
power generation companies, one National Transmission and Dispatch company
(NTDC), and nine electricity distribution companies. At present, apart from these entities
there are about 28 Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in Pakistan. Pakistan Electric
Power Company (PEPCO) manages power sector reforms in the country including
restructuring of the power wing of WAPDA.

The first power sector public entity KESC has been handed over to private sector with
license for Generation, Transmission and Distribution to the biggest metropolis of the
country, Karachi, for involvement of private sector to improve the power sector
performance since last three years.

Private Power Infrastructure Board (PPIB) has the mandate to promote private sector
investment in Pakistan through a “Single One-Window” facility to investors. PPIB
formulates reviews and updates policies and procedures relating to private sector
investments in power generation and allied infrastructure. Provincial Private Power (PPP)
Cells have been formed in each of the four provinces of Pakistan to promote private
investment in the power sector, especially hydro electric plants.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Hydrocarbon Sector

Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources (MoP&NR) is responsible for the overall
activities of the oil and gas sector. Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), the
regulator for the sector, aims to foster competition, increase private investment and
ownership in the midstream and downstream petroleum industry, protect the public
interest and provide effective and efficient regulations.

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) is the largest hydrocarbon
exploration and production (E&P) company in Pakistan oil and gas sector. Pakistan State
Oil (PSO) is the oil market leader in Pakistan and is engaged in importing, storage,
distribution and marketing of various POL products, including gasoline, diesel, fuel oil,
jet fuel, kerosene, LPG, CNG and petrochemicals. Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
(SSGCL) and Sui Northern Gas Pipe Line Company Limited (SNGPL) are the two main
companies engaged in gas distribution and transmission.

Coal Sector

Coal is a provincial subject therefore provincial governments are responsible for

development of the coal industry in their respective provinces by formulating plans for
exploration, development and mining of coal and attracting investment in the sector. For
exploitation of the huge coal resources in Thar Coalfield in Sindh on fast track, the
Government of Sindh has established Thar Coal and Energy Board (TCEB) chaired by
the Chief Minister to act as a one stop organization on behalf of Federal and Provincial
Government organizations and departments in the matters relating to development,
mining, leasing and attracting investment in the Thar Coalfield.

Renewable Energy Sector

Alternate Energy Development Board (AEDB) looks after alternate sources of power
especially wind power. Solar, biomass and other technologies are also promoted through
private sector participation.

3.7.2 Legal and Regulatory Framework of Energy Sector

Pakistan has separate regulatory authorities for power and the oil & gas sectors,

NEPRA aims to develop and pursue a regulatory framework, which ensures provision of
safe, reliable, efficient and affordable electric power to consumers, facilitate building of
competitive markets in the power sector in an efficiency oriented and market driven
environment and maintain a balance between the interests of the consumers, service
providers and economic and social policy objectives of the Government of Pakistan.

For the oil and gas sector, OGRA is the regulator. Functions of the regulator include
regulating refineries, oil storage, oil pipe lines, oil marketing companies, compressed
natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) supply, natural gas transmission,
distribution and sale, including determination of gas tariffs of the companies. Since its
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

inception OGRA has laid down performance and service standards as part of licence
conditions to improve the quality of service to the consumers. A number of regulatory
measures have been introduced to ensure the provision of safe, efficient and satisfactory
service to the CNG and LPG consumers.

A total of 28 private power projects have materialized with a net capacity of 6707 MW
while an additional capacity of about 1800 MW was scheduled in 2008 for induction to
the national grid.. Apart from this, KESC with power generation capacity of 1948 MW is
also being operated by the private sector. Thus 40 % of the country’s total power
generation is through the private sector.

Pakistan also has a policy to promote renewable energy based power generation in the
country by providing various types of incentives to developers. It permits an investor to
generate electricity based on renewable energy resources at one location and receive an
equivalent amount of electricity for own use elsewhere on the grid at the investor’s own
cost of generation plus transmission charges (wheeling). It facilitates projects to obtain
carbon credits for avoided greenhouse gas emission, helping to improve financial returns
and reducing per unit costs for the purchaser.

3.8 Sri Lanka
3.8.1 Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector

The following section discusses the broad institutional framework of the Sri Lankan
energy sector. The Ministry of Power and Energy (MPE) and the Ministry of Petroleum
and Petroleum Resources Development (MPPRD) are responsible for implementing
energy sector policies.

Power Sector

In the power sector, the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), under MPE, is the owner and
operator of the national electricity grid. It owns all large hydropower stations and about
50% of the thermal power generation capacity in Sri Lanka. Rest of the thermal based
power generation is owned by private players. CEB is the main agency dealing with its
counterparts in India in any technical collaboration required for the proposed India-Sri
Lanka electricity grid interconnection.

On the distribution side, CEB caters to about 85% of the consumers connected to the
national grid and Lanka Electricity Company (LECO), under MPE, supplies electricity to
about 15% of the consumers mainly in urban and sub-urban areas.
Private sector involvement in thermal power generation has been steadily increasing
since the mid 1990s when the first independent power producer entered the supply

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Hydrocarbon Sector

State owned Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC), under MPPRD, is the only player in
the petroleum refining business. All crude oil imports in the country are handled by it.
For the import of finished petroleum products, CPC competes with the privately owned
Lanka IOC (a subsidiary of Indian Oil Corporation). Import and distribution of Liquefied
Petroleum Gas (LPG) is completely owned by the private sector, with CPC contributing
about 15% of the total LPG supply through its own refinery output.

Renewable Energy

Sri Lanka has recently established Sustainable Energy Authority to coordinate the
development of the renewable energy sector and take forward initiatives on energy
efficiency. Government is providing financial incentives to small scale (less than 10MW)
electricity generation facilities using renewable energy sources such as small-
hydropower, wind and biomass. There are many professional non-governmental
organisations promoting renewable energy use, such as the Sri Lanka Energy Managers
Association (SLEMA), Energy Forum and Bio-energy Association.

3.8.2 Regulatory and Policy Framework of Energy Sector

The government has developed a ten year development framework for the period 2006-
2016 in line with the broad policy of the government. One of the features of the
development framework is the diversification of fuel in such a manner that 90% of
electricity generation is from the non oil resources. The overall strategy to address this
issue is to build coal-fired power plants, and large/medium hydroelectric power plants
with involvement of the private sector. Also, the target of 10% of grid energy to be
supplied from renewable energy sources by 2015 is being set. The development
framework also provides for the increase in investment in transmission and distribution
network expansion to ensure the stipulated quality and reliability of electricity supply.
Other relevant provisions of the Energy Policy include:

(i) Ensuring energy security through diversification of fuel in electricity

generation and transport sector and promotion of regional cooperation in
the energy sector by establishing cross-border energy transfer links with
neighbouring countries.

(ii) Provision of basic electricity requirements of people through grid-

extension or off-grid systems at competitive prices.

(iii) Appropriate pricing policy adoption by the regulatory agency. Cost

reflective pricing policy for all commercial energy products including a
reasonable rate of return on equity.

(iv) Provision of necessary incentives for increased usage of non conventional

renewable energy sources.

(v) Encouraging supply side and end-use energy efficiency through financial
and other incentives/disincentives.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(vi) Enhancing energy sector management capacity through appropriate

training, empowerment and delegation of authority to develop integrated
long term energy plans and conduct policy analyses in the energy sector.

(vii) Reforming and restructuring of energy industry to accommodate public

private partnership in the development process.

A multi-sector regulatory body, Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has
been established as an independent regulator for the electricity and downstream
petroleum industries. Regulations for the electricity and the petroleum sector are in the
process of being finalized.

3.9 Conclusions
There is a wide diversity in the institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks across the
SAARC Member States. On one hand Afghanistan is still at a nascent stage of
developing these frameworks and would require hand holding from the Member States to
develop relevant frameworks, on the other, India and Pakistan have well developed

There is a difference in the institutional structure across member states. In select member
states energy falls under the purview of a single ministry, alternatively there are multiple
ministries handling energy related and energy sub-sector-wise issues. These differences
add complexity to regional energy trade as it is difficult to draw one to one relationships
across ministries and across member states.

Differences also exist in structure and mandate of the regulators. Their roles range from
multi sector regulation, overall energy sector regulation, to energy sub-sector-wise
regulation. Another difference is in terms of pace of reforms in respective Member States
for instance in unbundling of energy utilities. This is an important aspect as unbundling
of utilities creates an enabling environment for promoting regional energy trade. Table
3.1 summarizes briefly the key aspects of the legal and regulatory frameworks that in the

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Table 3.1: Summary of Legal Regulatory Frameworks in SAARC Member States

Country Unbundling Energy Regulator Private sector Provisions for promoting
of utilities participation in energy regional energy trade
Afghanistan No No No policy promoting Regional energy trade has
Private sector been recognized as an
participation, but has been option for increasing energy
included in the energy availability.
Bangladesh Yes Yes – one common Policy in place. Private Regional energy trade
energy regulator for sector participation recognized as an option for
downstream oil and already there in upstream increasing energy availability
gas sector and oil and gas sector and
electricity sector- electricity sector
Bangladesh Energy
Commission (BERC).
Oil & Gas Upstream
Regulator – Energy
and Mineral
Resources Division
(EMRD), Ministry of
Power, Energy and
Mineral Resources.
Bhutan Yes. Partially Yes. Bhutan PSP encouraged in the No particular mention to
unbundled. Electricity Authority energy sector especially in regional energy trade in the
(BEA) is responsible hydro power generation policy, however, regulations
for electricity and the in place for promoting open
petroleum sector is access
regulated by the
Department of Trade.
India Yes Yes – Energy sub- Private sector present in No particular provision in the
sector-wise regulator most sections of the Indian legislative framework,
 Electricity energy value chain however, regulations for
regulator – Central open access and third party
and State access in place
 Oil and gas –
Central regulator
Maldives Yes Yes – Maldives Limited private sector No particular mention of
Energy Authority participation in the energy regional energy trade in the
sector legislations and regulations
Nepal Yes, after the In the process of Private sector participation Hydro Policy 2001
new establishing NERC. in electricity generation. recognizes scope of regional
Legislations energy trade (bilateral and
come into multilateral) to harness the
effect. hydro potential in the country
Pakistan Yes Yes – Energy Sub- Private sector participation The Government of Pakistan
sector-wise regulator allowed in the electricity recognizes scope of regional
 Electricity sector – sector energy trade and is actively
NEPRA engaged with Iran and CARs
 Oil and gas sector for cross border electricity
– OGRA trade.
Sri Lanka No Yes, but a non- Private sector participation Regional energy trade
energy, multi sector already exists in recognized as a measure for
regulator- PUSCL petroleum distribution and enhancing energy security
in electricity generation
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Notwithstanding the differences that exist in these frameworks across the member states,
all Member States are making efforts at increasing private sector participation in the
energy sector. This is especially relevant in wake of the huge investment requirements
highlighted in the previous chapter. This creates an opportunity for the region to work
together and create an enabling environment for promoting regional energy trade. The
pace of reforms may differ across the region; however, efforts need to be made to
harmonize these differing legal and regulatory frameworks. Harmonization of these
frameworks is essential as is discussed in the international best practices.

Given that regional energy trade is a long term commitment, SAARC Member States
may consider in the long term setting up an independent regulator for promoting regional
energy trade only. The mandate of the regulator to ensure smooth functioning of
contracts, developing short term/spot energy markets, grid (electricity, oil and gas)
operations, price setting (wheeling charges) etc. Setting up of an independent regulator
would be possible once regional energy trade reaches a critical mass. While regulations
and policies for the independent regulator need to be made, care would have to be taken
that its mandate does not clash with the mandate of the member state specific regulator.

Chapter 4: Prospects of Energy Imports from Central Asian
Republics, Iran and Myanmar
The situation of the energy sector development, energy availability and the need for
energy imports by the SMS from the neighbouring regions has been discussed in the
previous chapters. In order to put in to context, the possibilities of energy imports by
SMS from the neighbouring regions/countries, this chapter briefly discusses the situation
of the energy sector and energy export potential of Central Asian Republics, Iran and
Myanmar, which are in the vicinity of South Asia and the nearest potential energy
exporters to South Asia.
4.1 Energy Situation in the CARs
The Central Asian Republics (CARs) viz. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are one of the energy resource rich regions of the world
with plenty of hydropower potential and hydrocarbon resources. As in any other part of
the world, these energy resources are not evenly distributed. While Kazakhstan is very
rich in oil, gas and coal; Uzbekistan is rich in gas, coal and has some oil reserves.
Turkmenistan is rich in gas and has some oil. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are primarily
endowed with plenty of hydropower potential with insignificant gas or oil reserves (see
Table 1.1). Despite being energy rich countries, their economic growth rates have been
lagging far behind the economic development indicators of the neighbouring regions,
such as, South Asia.

The elasticity of demand for electricity consumption has a direct co-relation to GDP
growth rate of a nation. For developing economies this ratio is around 1:1.2. That is, for
every percentage point increase in the GDP, the demand for electricity increases by 1.2
times. In order to have a long-term perspective about the energy needs of the CAR
countries it is essential to know the Gross Domestic Product projections these countries
have set for themselves for the foreseeable future. The GDP growth rates prevailing in
the year 2004 and for the future, of the four CAR countries are given in Table 4.1 given

Table 4.1: Gross Domestic Product Growth Rates of the Four CARs
GDP growth rates (per unit)
Country Data Source 2004 2005 2006 2007-2025
Kazakhstan 2004-2006:SIMA,IMF 2007-2025:Estimate 0.072 0.07 0.075 0.04
Kyrgyzstan 2004-2006:SIMA,IMF 2007-2025:Estimate 0.041 0.045 0.051 0.03
Tajikistan 2004-2006:SIMA,IMF 2007-2025:Estimate 0.153 0.066 0.067 0.03
Uzbekistan 2004-2006:SIMA,IMF 2007-2025:Estimate 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.025

Source: World Bank study titled “Central Asian Regional Electricity Export Potential”, 2004

During the Soviet Union era of central planning, the natural resources were developed
and allocated as
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

per national requirement. The hydropower resources in the Kyrgyz Republic and
Tajikistan were operated primarily in an irrigation mode, with power generation being a
secondary objective. As a result energy was exchanged regionally among the various
republics. After the break-up of the Soviet Union the energy exchanges turned into
energy trade among these countries. Physical and financial resource constraints have
limited further exploitation of energy resources on a large scale. Moreover, the individual
national interests have now prevented these countries from deploying the resources to
meet the regional demand. Instead each country is now focusing on securing its own
energy supplies.

Easier transportation of fossil fuels has enabled the fossil fuel resource rich countries to
leverage their energy resources into a significant volume of energy exports even to
markets outside Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan the two hydropower rich
countries continue to face electricity shortages during the winter and their attempts to
export their summer hydropower surpluses are constrained by the access limitations to
the markets outside the CARs. Changes in the political climate in Afghanistan and the
increasing demand for electricity in Pakistan, India and other neighbouring SMS provide
an excellent opportunity for these countries to explore options for export of their

4.1.1 Installed Capacity

It may be pertinent to state here that though a part of the CARs power grid till 2003,
Turkmenistan is operating independent of CAR power system and is interconnected with
the Iranian power grid. As such, the power sector review for the purpose of this study
does not cover Turkmenistan. The installed electricity generation capacities and
supply/demand balances for the year 2002 of the CAR countries are given in Table 4.2

Table 4.2: Installed Capacity and Supply/Demand Balances of CARs in 2002

Item Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Total

Installed Capacity Hydro(MW) 2,950 4,059 1,710 2,000 10,719
Installed Capacity Thermal(MW) 763 346 9,870 16,240 27219
Installed Capacity Total(MW) 3,713 4,405 11,580 18,240 37,938
Available Capacity(MW) About 3,100 3,428 7,800 13,840 25,068
Peak Demand(MW) 2,687 2,901 7,925 9,432
Generation Hydro(GWh) 10,778 15,086 7,278 8,861 42,003
Generation Thermal (GWh) 1,115 138 42,021 49,317 92,591
Generation Total(GWh) 11,893 15,224 49,299 58,178 134,594
Exports(GWh) 1,216 266 634 595 2,711
Imports(GWh) 430 1,058 609 464 2,561
Gross supply to Domestic
Market(GWh) 11,107 16,016 49,274 58,048 134,445
Domestic Billed Consumption
Annual(GWh) 6,836 12,988 38,112 40,053 97,989

Source: World Bank study titled “Central Asian Regional Electricity Export Potential”, 2004

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Given the resource scenario of the four CAR countries, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan can
export hydropower, while Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan can export power from their
thermal power plants. Moreover, there is a large scope for increasing the power
generation within CARs through rehabilitation and up-gradation of the existing power
plants and completion of the incomplete/languishing projects that have not been
completed due to resource constraints after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Equally
important would be the rehabilitation, augmentation and construction of new
transmission interconnections to wheel the additional generation to the load centres
within the CARs and to South Asia.

4.1.2 Demand Forecast

The country wise gross electricity demand projections, in GWh, for the period 2005-2025
of the CAR countries are given in Tables 4.3 below:

Table 4.3: Gross Electricity Demand Projections, in GWh, 2005-2025

Actual Demand Forecast (GWh) Annual Growth rates
2003- 2003- 2003- 2003-
Country 2003 2010 2015 2020 2025 2010 2015 2020 2025
Kazakhstan 58,944 72,056 84,034 98,367 115,146 2.91% 3.00% 3.06% 3.09%
Kyrgyzstan 12,145 9,222 10,033 11,296 12,719 -3.86% -1.58% -0.43% 0.21%
Tajikistan 16,348 11,267 12,410 13,972 15,731 -5.18% -2.27% -0.92% -0.17%
Uzbekistan 48,691 46,597 51,255 56,589 62,479 -0.63% 0.43% 0.89% 1.14%
Total 136,128 139,142 157,731 180,225 206,075 0.31% 1.24% 1.66% 1.90%
Source: World Bank study titled “Central Asian Regional Electricity Export Potential”, 2004

The export potential of the CARs has been worked on the basis of their generation
capacity addition programmes, consumption patterns and transmission and distribution
losses that the power systems suffer. The surplus electricity available for trade in each of
the four CARs is given in Table 4.4 below:

Table 4.4: Surplus Electricity Available for Trade (GWh)

Country Season 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Summer 3198 3623 6876 3745 -234
Winter -2504 -2969 -130 -5563 -12318
Kazakhstan Annual 694 654 6746 -1818 -12552
Summer 4737 6283 6863 6406 5991
Winter -2092 1584 1517 5761 4753
Kyrgyzstan Annual 2645 7866 8381 12167 10744
Summer 1511 4587 6767 12579 11697
Winter 96 2841 4287 8308 7431
Tajikistan Annual 1607 7429 11055 20887 19128
Summer 1620 3904 7635 5088 2091
Winter 2862 5485 9846 7058 3767
Uzbekistan Annual 4482 9389 17481 12147 5858
Summer 11066 18396 28142 27819 19545
Winter -1637 6942 15521 15564 3633
Total Annual 9429 25338 43663 43383 23178

Source: World Bank study titled “Central Asian Regional Electricity Export Potential”, 2004

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

4.1.3 Electricity Tariffs

Two important factors that will determine the potential of power exports from CARs to
the SMS are: i) the quantum of surplus power available with the CARs for export, and ii)
the price at which they can offer the supply. The quantum of surplus power available has
been identified in Table 4.4 above. The actual tariff at the bus-bar to enable the utility to
fully recover its cost, plus a reasonable profit margin would normally be the highest price
required to be paid by the power importing country. However, the power exporting
country would use generation cost from the most expensive generation facility as the
price to negotiate the tariff for power exports. A look at the retail tariffs and the actual
cost of supply will be a good indicator to get an idea about the possible range of tariff at
which CARs could export their surplus power. The electricity tariffs and the actual cost
of supply within the CARs in the year 2003 are given in Table 4.5 below:

Table 4.5: Electricity Tariffs in the CARs in 2003

Item Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan

Average tariff(cents/kWh) 1.4 0.5 2.15 2.64
Cost recovery level of tariff (cents/kWh) 2.3 2.1 3.5 2.8
Current Tariff as% of Cost Recovery Tariff 61% 24% 61% 94%

Source: World Bank study titled “Central Asian Regional Electricity Export Potential”, 2004

To further evaluate the viability of power imports by some of the SMS from the CARS, it
would be of interest to have a comparison of marginal cost in the export market with
import costs from CARs. This comparison in respect of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the
two SMS that have already entered in to a MOU with Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan for
the inter-regional Central Asia South Asia – 1000 Power Transmission Project; is given
in Table 4.6 below:

Table: 4.6 Comparison of Marginal Cost in the Export Market with 2003 Import
Cost from CARs (US Cents/kWh)

Target Marginal Generation options in CARs Cost of Supply from

Market generation cost CARs
in Target Market
Afghanistan >10 Sangtuda-I, Rogun-I, Talimardjan I & 2.26 to 3.43
Pakistan 5.6 Sangtuda-I, Rogun-I, Talimardjan I & 2.26 to 3.75
II and Kambarata II
Source: World Bank study titled “Central Asian Regional Electricity Export Potential”, 2004

The marginal cost of generation in the target SMS markets is likely to be higher than the
landed cost of supply from CARs. As such, SMS would benefit from power trade with
the CARs. CARs need to expedite completion of their partly complete power projects
with export orientation.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

4.1.4 Potential of CARs Electricity Exporters to SMS

The two potential power exporters from the CARs to South Asia are Tajikistan and
Kyrgyz Republic with hydropower potential of 40,000 MW (developed: 4000 MW) and
26,000 MW (developed: 3000 MW) respectively. The surplus electricity available with
these two countries by 2015 with the addition of proposed thermal and hydropower plant
would be of the order of 11,055 and 8381 GWh annually, which if imported into South
Asia could bridge the demand-supply gap to a large extent. Since these two countries
have modest reserves of other forms of energy they could be hydropower exporters to
South Asia.

It is pertinent to state here that these two countries have already initiated the process of
power export to Afghanistan and Pakistan through the CASA 1000 project. The special
purpose vehicle for the implementation of the project has been put in place with its
Headquarters in Kabul. The project is being supported by the World Bank.

Uzbekistan’s has a hydropower potential of 15,000 MW, out of which only 1710 MW has
been developed thus far, but due to its rich hydrocarbon base, it still has a surplus
electricity which can be exported to South Asia. But bottlenecks in the grid capacity
within Uzbekistan, which limit interregional power transfers within the country, shall
have to be removed by strengthening the national grid, before any progress can be made
in this direction.

4.1.5 Opportunities for Hydrocarbon/Gas Export from CARs to South Asia

Kazakhstan has oil reserves of 29 billion bbl (production: 1.3 million bbl/day), gas
reserves of 65 to 70 tcf (production: 0.570 tcf/yr); coal reserves of 37.5 billion tons
(production: 95 million tons) and hydropower potential of 20,000 MW (developed: 2000
MW). With such a large resource base, Kazakhstan can export energy in various forms to
the SMS.

Uzbekistan with oil reserves of 594 million bbl (production of 150,000 bbl/day), gas
reserves of 66.2 tcf (production: 2.07 tcf/year) and coal reserves of 4 billion tons
(production: 2.8 million tons/year) can export gas and coal to SMS.

Turkmenistan with oil reserves of 546 million bbl (production: 260,000 bbl/day) and gas
reserves: 71 tcf (production: 2.1 tcf/year) has the potential to export only gas, as its
resource base with regard to other forms of energy is relatively modest.

As stated above, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan having modest hydrocarbon reserves, can be
potential exporters of only hydropower.

The only initiative on hydrocarbon exports from CARs to SMS so far has been the
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline. Since inter-regional gas
pipeline projects entail very large investments, such projects are undertaken only after
full scrutiny of the reserve and production data. The re-certification of the gas reserves
now renews the hope for the establishment of this gas pipeline project. A brief synopsis
of this pipeline project is given at Annexure-5 to this report.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

4.2 Opportunities for Oil, Gas and Electricity Imports by SMS from Iran
From the energy perspective Iran is one of the richest countries, having very large
reserves of oil, gas and hydropower potential. With oil reserves: 132.5 billion bbl
(production: 4.2 million bbl/day); gas reserves: 971 tcf (production: 3.5 tcf/year) and
hydropower potential: 42,000 MW (developed: 2000 MW). Iran has the potential of
being the largest energy export partner for the SMS. The added advantage is that the
terrain between Iran and South Asia is much smoother than that between the CARS and
South Asia. In the case of CARS the terrain is extremely rugged and mountainous.
Building of energy infrastructure between Iran and South Asia will be much cheaper and
faster than that required for the CARs-South Asia energy linkages.

The tripartite discussions between Iran, Pakistan and India for construction of the Iran-
Pakistan-India gas pipeline have made considerable progress. There is also good
potential for importing oil from Iran through an oil pipeline.. Power transmission
interconnection from Iran to South Asian neighbours is another major opportunity for
enhancing energy trade between Iran and SMS.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are the two SMS that have energy linkages with Iran.
Afghanistan is importing a small quantity of power from Iran to meet the demand in the
bordering towns. Pakistan is importing 39 MW of electricity from Iran to meet the
demand in its Western province of Balochistan. It intends to increase the quantum of
power imports from Iran to 1100 MW to meet the demand of the port city Gwadar and
other parts of Balochistan province by connecting with the national grid.

Iran with its large hydropower and gas reserves has the option of not only exporting
natural gas and oil to the SMS, but it can also establish large gas based power plants near
the gas fields and also develop hydropower projects for dedicated power export to the
SMS. The Iranian power grid operates synchronously with the power grid of
Turkmenistan. This also provides the opportunity for Turkmenistan to export power
through the Iranian grid to the SMS. These two countries could jointly help in meeting
the natural gas as well electricity demand of the SMS.

4.3 Opportunities for Oil, Gas and Electricity Imports by SMS from Myanmar
With oil reserves of 3.2 billion bbl (production: about 8 million bbl /year), confirmed gas
reserves: 18 tcf and probable gas reserves: 89.7 tcf (production: about 400 bcf /year) and
hydropower potential of 39,720 MW (developed: 747 MW), Myanmar is another energy
resource rich country in the vicinity of South Asia. Hydropower projects with an installed
capacity 10,398 MW are reported to be under construction. Out of these, nine projects
with an installed capacity of 916 MW are complete and four projects with an installed
capacity of 1,172 MW are expected to be completed by 2010, and the rest are expected to
be commissioned by 2021. This provides an opportunity for the SMS to import both,
electricity as well as gas from Myanmar. However, one of the limiting factors for
electricity imports may be that several of the hydropower projects are being developed as
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

joint venture projects and the foreign partners might want to wheel the electricity from
such projects to their own countries.

India is also developing the Tamanti multipurpose project, close to the India-Myanmar
border with an installed capacity of 1200 MW in the first stage and 400 MW and 700
MW in the second and third stage. Most of the electricity generated from this project is
meant for export to India.

Myanmar has invited substantial foreign direct investment for the exploration and
development of oil and gas fields. Indian energy companies from both, public as well as
private sector have taken equity stakes for the development of gas and oil fields of
Myanmar. Sun group of companies with a Russian consortium has taken stake for the
development of B-8 block. ONGC Videsh Limited and Gas Authority of India Limited
(GAIL) have nearly 30% equity stake in the A-1 and A-3 blocks with reserves of the
order of 5.43 tcf of gas, off the coast of Myanmar.

In 2007, India was planning to bring its equity gas from the A-1/A-3 blocks through a
pipeline passing through Bangladesh. The pipeline section within Bangladesh would have
been 180 miles. Furthering this project needs a mutually beneficial agreement on the use
of the right of way within Bangladesh. The gas transit fee alone could be in the range of
US$125 million per year. However, Myanmar Government has taken a decision to
export gas to China from blocks A-1/A-3.
4.4 Diversification of the Energy Basket of SMS
The SMS have to recognize that their energy needs are not going to be met exclusively
from indigenous resources. They will have to adopt a multi-pronged strategy, of
developing their in-country as well as the regional resources and import energy from
neighbouring regions to ensure and enhance energy security. As discussed in the earlier
chapters the reliance on a single fuel for electricity generation in several of the SMS
makes them vulnerable both from supply and availability perspective as well as from the
pricing aspect. Diversification of their energy baskets has to be a priority of almost all the
SMS, if they want to enhance their energy security, given the adverse impacts of non-
availability of energy on economic growth.

Before one embarks on to suggest specific intra and inter-regional energy trade and
energy cooperation initiatives with the neighbouring countries, SMS may want to learn
from experiences in other parts of the world that have successfully demonstrated the
benefits of energy cooperation. An overview of international experience and best
practices in the area of energy cooperation is given in Chapter 5.

Chapter-5: Review of International Experience and Best Practices

Regional energy trade is being pursued by a number of regions across the world, wherein
the constituent countries collaborate and cooperate to take advantage of each other’s
strength and meet their energy requirements in a sustainable manner. This chapter
discusses in detail, some of the best practices in regional trade across the globe, so as to
draw lessons for the SAARC region. The best practices discussed include:

(i) Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) – This region has been selected, as it is
similar to the SAARC region. GMS has been studied from the point of view to
understand the institutional set up required with which the region has
progressed with power system interconnection to ensure involvement of all

(ii) Nordic pool: The Nordic pool is a good example to study to understand the
policy/ regulatory interventions planned to develop an integrated electricity
market in the region.

(iii) South African Power Pool (SAPP) – While discussing the experience of
development of electricity pool markets across the world, this chapter also
discusses the experience of the South African Power Pool (SAPP).

Along with the above- mentioned best practices in regional cooperation, the chapter also
discusses some of the recent developments/initiatives that are being undertaken across the
globe to promote regional trade. These initiatives are a) development of a joint LNG
terminal in Baja California, Mexico b) proposal for setting up joint strategic refineries in
the African region.

5.1 Building Institutional Framework for Promoting Regional Energy Trade:

Case of Greater Mekong Sub-region

In 1992, an important development that took place in South Asia, was the establishment
of the hexagonal growth area comprising six countries along side the Mekong River
namely, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and the southern Chinese
province of Yunnan. This region is better known as Greater Mekong Sub region (GMS).

One of the drivers for formation of GMS was the similarities that existed across these six
countries. Following are the similarities, which fostered cooperation among the countries:

• All of the GMS countries, except Thailand, were in transition from highly
centralised, planned economies to more market-oriented, open economies.

• These countries are resource-rich countries, and there exists a high degree of
complementarity between their resource endowments.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• Even prior to the GMS initiative there was bilateral trade among the countries in
the sub-region, for example there was trade between China and Thailand,
Vietnam and Thailand, and Myanmar and Thailand. However, this trade was
limited due to the poor state of infrastructure.

• The sub-region suffered from a severe lack of investible capital which had to
come, in a significant part, from outside sources. Private investors were expected
to invest in the sub-region if all countries coordinated their efforts to improve the
returns on investment.

• There was common cultural heritage among the countries of GMS. For example,
Thailand has a long historical relationship with Laos and shares some common
language roots with the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province.

Along with these similarities, individual countries had specific reasons for coming
together. These individual drivers helped the region to work together. Table 5.1 lists
these individual reasons for the countries to join hands.

Table 5.1: Individual Drivers for Each Country to Join GMS

Country Reason
Cambodia • Willingness to improve linkages with countries for development of
infrastructure and human resources
Chinese Province of Yunann • Aim to expand trade by opening up route to Thailand
• Aim to get connected to Malaysia, Singapore through Thailand
Loas • Aim to improve relationship with Thailand
Myanmar • Keen to access benefits of cooperation
Thailand • Opportunity to expand trade and investment
• Aim to acquire production inputs and to remove artificial barriers through
policy adjustments
Vietnam • Liberalize foreign trade and foreign investment promotion
Source: Author’s Compilation

Ever since the formation of the region, the countries of GMS have embarked upon a
programme of economic cooperation, called the GMS Programme. The objective of the
programme is to promote development within the region through closer economic
linkages. The GMS Programme aimed at implementation of projects in high priority
sectors such as transport, energy, telecommunications, environment, human resource
development, tourism, trade, private sector investment, and agriculture.

The GMS programme stressed on power interconnections among the countries to

improve reliable power supply, enhance consumer access to power and reduce
operational cost and investments in power reserves to meet peak demand. The rest of the
section on GMS discusses the institutional mechanism that was adopted in the region to
promote interconnections and power trade.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

5.1.1 Institutional Framework

Understanding the institutional structure and thus drawing lessons are important for the
SAARC region in promoting regional trade. Figure 5.1 describes the institutional
framework adopted by the GMS for initiating power trade in the region.

Figure 5.1: Institutional Framework of Power Interconnection among GMS

Electric Power Forum

Policy Statement on Regional Energy Trade

Inter Governmental Agreement

Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee

Focal Group Planning Working Group

The GMS Economic Cooperation Programme was initiated under which, the Electric
Power Forum (EPF) was set up to serve as an advisory body on sub-regional power
projects and issues. The EPF reported to the Ministerial Conference and the respective
governments on treaties or protocols22. EPF had the following objectives:

• Act as a cooperative link among government agencies and institutions such as

power utilities that are directly involved in power supply and power system
• Act as a promotional and advisory organization for the development of efficient
electric power systems.
• Identify and promote opportunities for mutually beneficial power projects.
• Promote financing of such projects by the governments, power utilities, donor
agencies and the private sector.
• Provide and disseminate information to participating countries, and communicate
and cooperate with regional and international organizations involved in the energy
• Facilitate training and other human resource development initiatives.

Each GMS country was represented by two persons in the EPF core group; one senior
official from the government organization dealing with policy and planning in the power
sector and one senior official of a key power utility. EPF prepared a ‘Policy Statement

22 According to the IGA, the Experts’ Group on Power Interconnection and Trade (EGP), which is a group of experts drawn from the
utilities and GMS member government and constituted by the EPF in 1998, was to prepare a protocol on regional power trade for
adoption by the EPF and endorsement at GMS Ministerial Meeting. The protocol is to reflect foreseen trading environment and it is
expected that subsidiary formal bodies may be constituted as trade develops in order to deal with technical and non-technical
matters relating to power trade. (Source: Inter Governmental Agreement on Regional Power Trade in the Greater Mekong Region)
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

for Regional Cooperation in Power Trade’ which was signed by member countries in
1999. The key objectives of the policy were to:

• Promote efficient development of the power sector in the GMS.

• Promote opportunities for extension of economic cooperation between Members
in the field of energy.
• Facilitate the implementation of priority power projects.
• Address technical, economic, financial and institutional issues relevant to GMS
power development.
• Protect and improve the environment through the adoption of appropriate
technologies and plans.

The Policy Statement also required the government of each of the member countries to
sign an Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA). The IGA provided a framework to
implement the Policy Statement. The IGA put forth the principles of electricity trade that
enabled the member countries to: 23

• Coordinate and cooperate in the planning and operation of their systems to

minimize costs while maintaining satisfactory reliability.
• Fully recover their costs and share equitably in the resulting benefits, including
reductions in required generation and transmission capacity, reduction in fuel
costs and improved use of low cost electricity sources.
• Provide reliable and economic power services to the customers of each party.

Under the IGA, the Regional Power Trading Coordination Committee (RPTCC) was
formed to actively coordinate implementation of regional trade. The mandate of RPTCC

• Preparation of a Regional Power Trade Operating Agreement specifying the rules

of regional power trade
• Recommending polices for the overall and day to day management of regional
power trade
• Establishing short, medium and long term initiatives which need to be pursued on
a priority basis in order to achieve the objectives of regional power trade within a
specified timetable.
• Identifying necessary steps for implementation of regional trade, including means
for financing.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed for implementation of the Regional

Power Trading Operating Agreement. Two subgroups were formed - Focal Group and
Planning Working Group for implementing the agreement.

Focal Group had a middle level official representative from each country. Each member
country was associated with planning and operation of regional power interconnections.
The group implemented RPTCC’s decision on a day to day basis in each individual
country and reported to the RPTCC.

23 Inter-Governmental Agreement on Regional Power Interconnection and Trade in the GMS or the IGA
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

The Planning Working Group has representation from a senior level official from each
country’s TSO (Transmission System Operator) with a responsibility for national
transmission planning. It prepared plans for augmenting the capacity of existing cross
border transmission facilities and facilitating cross border power trading. This group also
developed performance standards regarding safety, security reliability and quality of
services and created and maintained the regional data base on power trading.

Power trade in GMS has been developed according to the Regional Indicative Master
Plan on Power Interconnection.

The master plan identifies various projects for development of the power grid. These
projects are either bilateral or multi lateral in nature. Following is an indicative list of the
projects planned that are currently underway:

• 500 kV power transmission line from Ban Sok (Lao) to Pleiku (Vietnam)
• 115-kV single circuit (SC) line from Thailand to supply isolated load centres in
Western Cambodia which are currently supplied by diesel units
• 230-kV SC line to transfer power from Nam Mo hydropower in Lao PDR to
Northern Viet Nam
• 230-kV line along Malutang in Yunnan to Soc Son in Viet Nam
• Power Transmission lines between PRC, Lao and Thailand

The member countries of GMS are deeply committed to the cooperation programme.
This is highlighted in the Joint Summit Declaration of the Third GMS Summit24 which

In energy, we are in the process of building new power generation and
transmission facilities and broadening cooperation to other energy sub-sectors,
and have laid down the foundations for future sub-regional power trade and
energy market.

5.1.2 Learning from the GMS Model

The GMS model is a good case study to look at the institutional mechanism and planning
that was adopted to promote power trade. Box 5.1 discusses some of the key learning for
the SAARC region from the GMS experience.

24 Third GMS Summit Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic 30-31 March 2008 titled “Enhancing
Competitiveness Through Greater Connectivity”
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Box 5.1: Learning from GMS model

Commonalities exist between the structure of GMS and SAARC region. Similar to the GMS, SAARC Member States
are reasonably well resource endowed nations with a high degree of complementarity. Second, before regional trade
was initiated in the region, there already existed bilateral trade contracts. Third, the SAARC region too needs to
mobilize greater private sector participation. And finally, all countries in the region are closely linked to each other
culturally. Given these similarities that exist between the two regions, there are a number of lessons that can be drawn
from GMS for the SAARC region in terms of development of institutional mechanisms for greater cooperation and
trade in electricity. These are listed below:

• Need for an intergovernmental agreement: The starting point for regional cooperation in GMS was the IGA,
which provided the guideline for developing the frameworks for implementing policy statements for promoting
regional trade. The Member States of the SAARC region also need to come together and sign an
intergovernmental agreement committing to regional trade.
• Involvement of technical personnel at all levels: Under the GMS a number of working groups and forums
were established. In each body there was representation of both government and utility. Further, even from
the utility there was involvement of both senior level personnel (for planning) and middle level personnel (for
implementation). Such an approach is useful in ensuring that the plans made at the policy level are such that
they can be implemented. Also, it ensures that the planning is not faulty and is technically sound.
• Clarity on policy framework to be adopted: Efforts were made since inception of GMS to develop a clear and
transparent policy framework promoting regional electricity trade. This helped the members to understand
the concept of regional electricity trade so as to plan their internal policies and reforms that would support
regional trade.

5.2 Developing a Power Exchange: Case of Nordic Pool

One of the most often discussed regional energy trade models is the Nordic power
exchange. It has been considered as a best practice in sub- regional TSO cooperation.25

It is important to study the Nord Pool, as it is the world’s first international electricity
commodity exchange, which has been successfully in operation for more than a decade.
A power exchange is a market clearing platform, where participants trade any form of
contracts for delivery or receipt of power or trade in any instrument derived from an
underlying power contract. The Nordic power exchange or the Nord Pool was established
in 1996 for the exchange of electricity among the four Scandinavian countries i.e.
Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Nord Pool organizes trade in two separate
markets –a physical market called Elspot and a financial contracts market called Etermin.

25 Building Regional Power Pools: A Toolkit, World Bank

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

5.2.1 Formation of the Nordic Pool

The Nord Pool reached its

current structure in a phased
manner. There were a number of
factors that contributed and
created incentives for the four
Scandinavian countries to come

• Even before development

of the regional market,
informal trading
arrangements existed
among these countries.
This laid the foundation for
development of the Nord
Pool. Also, it ensured that
some amount of
transmission inter-linkages
pre existed before initiation of power trade. For instance transmission lines from
Northern Finland-Northern Sweden (1959), Sweden – Norway (1964), Sweden –
Denmark (1965) were already in operation before setting up of the Nord Pool.

• A driver for the power pool was the significantly different power generation mix
each country had. Norway had completely hydro based power generation, whereas
Denmark had all thermal based power generation. Sweden and Finland had a mix of
hydro, nuclear and thermal based power generation. Table 5.2 indicates the mix of
power generation in Nordic Countries. The countries thus decided to cooperate
among themselves to realize benefits of difference in generation mix and improve
security of energy supply.

Table 5.2: Power Generation Mix in Nordic Countries (2003)

Countries Power Generation Mix

Norway 100.00% - Hydro
26,631 MW
Sweden 40.50% - Hydro
32,461 MW 49.50%- Nuclear
10.00%- Thermal
Finland 11.25% - Hydro
16,569 MW 61.25 %- Thermal
27.50% - Nuclear
Denmark 86.36%- Thermal
13,335 MW 13.64% - Wind
Source: Carlsson L ‘International Power Trade— the Nordic Power Pool

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

As mentioned earlier, development of the Nord Pool happened in a phased manner.

Table 5.3 summarizes events that instigated countries to come together to form a Nord
Table 5.3: Events Leading to Formation of the Nord Pool
Year Activities
1990  Norway Electricity Act was passed *
1993  Norwegian power exchange Statnett Market AS was formed
1995  Louisiana declaration by Nordic Council of Ministers regarding development of a free and open
market with efficient trade with neighbouring markets
 Finland Electricity Market Act was passed*
1996  Sweden Electricity Act was passed*
 Nord Pool is established as the first international power exchange by amalgamation of Norway and
Swedish power markets. The Swedish grid company – Svenska Kraftnät – acquired 50% of the
Statnett Power Market, which was then renamed Nord Pool.
1998  Finland joined the Nord Pool
 Denmark Electricity Act was passed*
1999  West Denmark joined the Nord pool
 First Agreement on System Operation was signed by Transmission System Operators in all
2000  East Denmark joined the Nord Pool
* Separation of generation and transmission activities

Source: Author’s Compilation

5.2.2 Operation of Nord Pool

Nord Pool operates a spot market called Elspot, which is a day-ahead market, where
power contracts of a minimum of one-hour duration are traded for physical delivery the
following day. Figure 5.2 describes the operation of Nord Pool Spot Market in brief.

Figure 5.2: Operation of Nord Pool

TSO to notify to Placement of bids Determination of Settlement of

the Nord Pool in the Elspot Price (both Accounts
about its capacity Market System price and
to trade Area price)

Source: Author’s Compilation

For maintaining the grid discipline across the regions there was one TSO operating in
each country. These were Energinet, Denmark; Fingrid, Finland; Statnett SF, Norway and
Svenska Kraftnät, Sweden.

To begin operations, the TSO operating in each Nordic country notified to the Nord Spot
Market (also called the Nord Pool Spot AS) capacities allocated by them to Elspot
contracts by 10.00 a.m. for the following day trade.

For undertaking bidding, the entire Nordic Exchange area is geographically divided
into bidding areas, which are consistent with the geographical area of each of the TSO.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Power flow between the bidding areas is determined according to the bids submitted by
the participants. Bids made by participants fall in the bidding area where their production
or consumption lies.

A bid is a sequence of price/volume pairs for each specified hour with volumes being
stated in Megawatt hour (MWh). In a bid form, purchases are designated as positive
numbers whereas sales as negative numbers. Participants submit their bids (to make or
take delivery) on bidding forms covering all 24- delivery hours through an internet
application for submitting bids to Elspot’s trading system, or fax their bid forms to the
marketplace by noon for the following day delivery.

All bids received from the market participants are summed to form a curve for purchase
(demand) and a curve for sale (supply). The intersection point of the two curves
determines the System Price for that hour. In all, 24 price calculations are made, one for
each delivery hour of the following day. If the contracted power flow between the
bidding areas is same as the capacity allocated to the areas by the TSOs , then only
System Price prevails in the entire market, otherwise separate Area Prices26 are
determined. This method of setting the different bidding area prices is called the market
splitting mechanism. This mechanism is regarded as a congestion management tool at
the Nordic power exchange . The market splitting system ensures that all available
capacity will be utilized from the area which has a sales surplus (lower price) to the area
which has a sales deficit (higher price).

In case the contractual power flow demand across bidding areas exceeds the capacity
allocated to it, then the price of power is increased in power deficit area to stimulate
higher generation (supply) and lower consumption (demand) and price is reduced in
power surplus area to stimulate lower generation (supply) and higher consumption
(demand). Area prices are adjusted until the contract may have different Area prices
instead of one single System Price. Area price in effect introduces an extra charge on
those causing an imbalance in the system. Through area prices the Pool can earn some
revenue as the System Price is usually a break even price. 27

For settlement of accounts between participants, net amounts to be debited /credited to

each participant are calculated at the end of the day when the bids are submitted by the

Invoices/credit notes are issued to the participants the same day. Nord Pool receives
payment from buyers the following day and it subsequently makes payment to seller on
the next day, on which it receives payment.

There is a payment security mechanism in-built in the Nord Pool system. In a typical
exchange transaction the Pool is exposed to settlement risk.28 Players in the Nord Pool
need to have a security deposit with the Pool before initiating transactions. Further this

Area prices are prices that are applicable to each TSO bidding area. In case the contractual flow between bidding
areas is equal to the capacity allocated then the system price is equal to area price.
Kristiansena T ‘The Nordic approach to market-based provision of ancillary services’; Energy Policy; Volume 35,
Issue 7, July 2007, Pages 3681-3700
Settlement risk can be defines as the risk faced by the exchange that the participant may pay to settle accounts.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

security is posted as an on-demand guarantee or as a cash deposit in a pledged bank

account or a combination of both.

5.2.3 Institutional Framework

The TSO in each Nordic country plays an important role in operation of Nord Pool. The
core duty of the TSOs is the system responsibility, which includes:

• Ensuring the operational security of the power system so that the power reaches to
the end consumers
• Maintaining balance between supply and demand
• Ensuring stability of the transmission system by keeping frequency at 50Hz.
• Responsibility for the efficient functioning of the electricity market

The System Operating Agreement signed between Nordic countries for the operation of
the Nord Pool and the Nordic Grid Code governs the coordinated operation of the Nord

The first System Operation Agreement between two Nordic TSOs i. e. Statnett and
Svenska Kraftnat was made in 1996. This agreement was followed by bilateral system
operation agreements between all TSOs and thus the system operation agreement reached
between all Nordic TSOs by October 1999.

The Agreement entails effective operational collaboration and co-ordination taking place
between the system operators, which provided the technical prerequisites for trading in
power on an open electricity market. The Agreement specifies in detail the commitments
that the Parties undertake to honour during their operational collaboration.

The formulation of a common code for the Nordic grid (the Nordic Grid Code) was a step
towards the harmonisation of the rules that govern the various national grid companies.
The purpose of the Nordic Grid Code is to achieve coherent and coordinated operation
and planning between the TSOs, in order to establish the best possible conditions for
development of a functioning and effectively integrated Nordic power market.

An objective is to develop a shared basis for satisfactory operational reliability and

quality of delivery in the coherent Nordic electric power system. The Nordic Grid Code
must, however, be subordinate to the national rules in the various Nordic countries, such
as the provisions of legislation, decrees and the conditions imposed by official bodies.

5.2.4 Learning from Nord Pool

The Nord Pool lays down the path for developing a power exchange. The key learning for
the SAARC region from the Nord Pool experience are summarized in Box 5.2

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Box 5.2: Learning from Nord Pool

The Nord Pool is one of the most developed power exchanges in the world. It clearly lays the path that a
regional power exchange can adopt. Following are some of the key lessons that are derived from the Nord
pool experience:
 One of the drivers for initiation of the Nord pool was the difference in the generation mix of each of the
country. Hence, Norway would be able to have an access to thermal generation in Denmark during
winters and in summers Denmark would have access to cheap hydro electricity of Norway.
 Harmonization of legal and regulatory structures: Prior to a new country becoming a part of the Nord
pool, the country passed a legislation suggesting unbundling of the electricity markets. This facilitated
formation of a TSO in each of the countries
 Clearly defined roles and responsibilities: The Nord pool clearly defines the roles and responsibilities
of all concerned players in the market. Along with that, the pricing mechanism and the price discovery
process are also clearly defined. This is essential to ensure good participation from all players and for
smooth functioning of the Power Pool.

5.3 Building a Power Pool: Experience of the Southern African Power Pool
The South African Power Pool
(SAPP) consists of
interconnections among the power
utilities of 12 countries: Angola,
Botswana, Congo, Lesotho,
Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia,
South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania,
Zambia and Zimbabwe. It was set
up in 1995, with an objective to
provide reliable and economical
electricity supply to the consumers
of each of the SAPP members,
consistent with the reasonable
utilisation of natural resources and
the effect on the environment.29
The starting point for the power
pool was already existing bilateral
trade and interconnections between
the South African companies. The interconnections and bilateral power trading existed
among South African countries since 1950s. There were interconnections between
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia in 1950s. In 1960s interconnections
were developed between Zambia and Zimbabwe with construction of Kariba Dam. In
1975, South Africa was connected to Mozambique via a transmission line from Cahora
Bassa to Apollo. Consequently, due to the gradual extension of interconnections among
the South African countries, two broad networks were developed namely:

29 accessed on 15th August 2008

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• Southern Network, dominated primarily by thermal based power generation and

included interconnections among Namibia, South Africa and Mozambique

• Northern network which was primarily hydro based power generation and
included DRC, Zambia, Mozambique’s Cahora Bassa and Zimbabwe.

This complementarity of resource endowments that existed between the two networks
was one of the key factors that led to creation of the SAPP. The two networks got linked
to each other in 1995 with commissioning of a 400 KV line. This interconnection
between northern and southern network laid the platform for development of regional
trade and cooperation and thereby leading to creation of SAPP.

5.3.1 Institutional mechanism

SAPP is an association of 12 member countries represented by the respective electricity

utilities organized via Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The SAPP has a well defined institutional structure involving all the relevant stakeholders
at various stages. Figure 5.3 summarizes the SAPP structure.

Figure 5.3: Hierarchical Structure of SAPP

SADC Directorate of
Infrastructure & Services

Executive Committee

Management Committee

Markets Sub- Planning Sub- Coordination Environmental Operating Sub

Committee committee Centre Board Sub Committee Committee

Co-ordination Centre

Source: SAPP Annual Report 2007

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

The Executive Committee consisting of the heads of the participating utilities acts like
the board of directors of the power pool. The Management Committee, consisting of the
senior managers of the transmission utilities and energy trading departments of each
utility, is responsible for collating information from the five sub committees – planning,
operating, markets, environmental and Coordination Centre Board30- preparing proposals
for the Executive Committee and presenting biannually the report to the Executive
Committee. These sub committees work under the guidance of the Management
Committee. The Coordination Centre works under the Operating Sub Committee and is
responsible for the working of the pool and monitoring activities.

There are a number of guiding documents that have been agreed to by all the
participating nations so as to ensure smooth working of the pool. Broadly, SAPP is
guided by the following four agreements:

• Inter Governmental Memorandum of Understanding signed among member

governments of SADC for the formation of South African Power Pool. This is the
guiding agreement based on which the Pool was established. The pool was
inaugurated by this agreement.31 It grants permission for the utilities to participate
in SAPP and enter into contracts, and guarantees the financial and technical
performance of the power utilities.

• Inter Utility Memorandum of Understanding among the utilities establishes

the basic management and operating principles for SAPP. The MoU defines
ownership of assets and other rights, for example, provision for change in status
from participating to operating member. In 2007, a revised inter-utility
Memorandum of Understanding was signed following which a new committee
Market Sub Committee was formed. The revised MoU enables other players
within the SADC region such as Independent Power Producers (IPP) and
Independent Transmission Companies (ITC) to join the SAPP and to participate
in all activities of the SAPP.

• Agreement between Operating Members determines the interaction between

the utilities with respect to operating responsibilities under normal and emergency

• Operating Guidelines provides the standards and the operating guidelines. It also
defines the sharing of costs and functional responsibilities for plant operation and
maintenance, including safety rules.

5.3.2 Operating Mechanism

Currently there are two mechanisms through which the market operates – bilateral market
and Short Term Energy Market (STEM).

30 The Coordination Centre Board and the Markets Sub Committee has been formed recently in 2007, with
signing of the revised Inter Utility Memorandum of Understanding.
31 Donal T O’Leary, Jean-Pierre Charpentier and Diane Minogue ‘Promoting Regional Power Trade – The
Southern African Power Pool’ Public Policy for the private Sector, Note number 145, June 1998
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Bilateral Contracts

Bilateral contracts under the pool are inter utility long term power purchase
arrangements. Long term could be from one year to five year time span. This trade
accounts for around 90% of the total trade under the pool, and is primarily meant for
meeting the peak demand in the region .

Prices for these transactions are determined on a bilateral basis and are governed by the
bilateral contract between the trading parties. For settlement of these transactions the
Coordination Centre plays an important role, under its function to monitor operation of
the members of the pool. The four documents governing the functioning of the SAPP also
lay the guideline for implementing the bilateral trade arrangements.

Short Term Energy Market (STEM)

SAPP is operated through STEM. STEM participants include any party of SAPP or any
other participant approved by the SAPP Executive Committee. The STEM operates as

• Each participant of the STEM submits the trading form to the Coordination
Centre. The participants may bid for Monthly, Weekly and Daily Contracts. The
bid form must provide the details such as participant name, volumes of energy to
be traded and peak in MW, type of contract, trading period, prices required and
applicable currency etc. The bids may be submitted either through facsimile,
internet, electronic mail, or an agent.

• Each participant network must fall under any host control area such as Eskom
control area; ZESA control area, or ZESCO control area. Host control area is
aware of the network constraints and transfer limits; and scheduled bilateral
energy trade arrangements.

• The Coordination Centre matches the bids and offers using an optimization
process taking into consideration the bilateral agreements (as they are given the
first priority), latest system constraints and wheeling charges etc.

• The Co-ordination Centre publishes the volume and price results to all the
successful participants as well as unallocated offers and unmatched bids. The
Coordination Centre follows the following basic rules for allocation of offers to
successful bidders:

♦ Rule 1: The cheapest power sells first, unless such sales would
compromise system integrity.
♦ Rule 2: Equal sharing of cheaper power to all the qualified bidders.

• The centre publishes all the offer power and the corresponding offer price without
any inclusion of the wheeling charges. The buyers are responsible for payments of
all wheeling charges.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• The bids are qualified by the centre on the following basis:

♦ When a seller advertises P MW of power at the selling price of Cs
cents/kWh and the bidder is ready to buy power at the bidding price of Cb
cents/kWh, then for the bidder to qualify for the advertised power it is
necessary that the Cs [ 1 + Wheeling charge as a percentage] should be
less than Cb.

• All Participants to STEM notifies on the 1st working day following the delivery
of the contracted energy to the Co-ordination Centre, of all information pertaining
to forced outages or other events that may impact final payments.

• There could be two types of imbalances that may occur in the STEM. These may
include Inter Control Area Imbalance which is dealt in accordance with SAPP
operating guidelines or the Intra Control Area Imbalance which is dealt with
according to the host control area procedures.

Payment Security Mechanism

Electricity is traded in increments of 1 MW (one megawatt) at United States cents per

kWh or South African cents per kWh.

The security required for each electricity contract shall be the value of the contract from
the date of optimisation of bids and offers until the date of payment of the settlement
amount. The security could either be in form of cash collateral or a bank guarantee with
the Coordination Centre. All forms of security shall be held at Stanbic Bank, Gaborone,

The coordination centre maintains the security account and authorizes liquidations and
transfers from this account. Any interest accruing from the security account is credited to
the Participant. Payment of settlement amounts is not made from the security account.

The following procedure is followed for the payments:

Day 1: Offers and bids are matched. Confirmation of trading notification issued.
Delivery of contracted energy is made for different contracts.

Day 2 - Day 3: Reconciliation of the actual energy traded.

Day 4: Invoice issued.

Day 7: Payment of Invoice into the clearing account by buyers

Day 8: Settlement amounts to be paid through electronic banking system,

Customers Access Terminal System (CATS) Special Accounts of sellers. Notice
is given to buyers who defaulted in payment of invoices. Co-ordination Centre
proceeds to claim the amount outstanding and interest from the security.

Day 9: Late payments to CATS Special Accounts of sellers.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

5.3.4 Learning from SAPP development

SAPP is the first power pool to be set up outside North American and Western Europe.
Being a power pool of the developing world, there is relevant learning that the SAARC
region can draw from its experience (Box 5.3).

Box 5.3: Learning from SAPP

The key lessons that can be drawn from the SAPP experience are :
• Need of political will: One of the driving forces for development of SAPP was initiatives taken up by South Africa. This
highlights the role one country can play in driving other countries in the region to move towards regional energy trade.
• Synergies in power generation mix: The SAPP was formed so that the region is able to benefit from the varying
electricity mix existing in the region, for instance the southern network was dominated by thermal based generation and the
northern network was dominated by hydro. Both regions were able to benefit from this diversity in generation mix, leading
to a cleaner supply of electricity, which is more reliable.
• Laying down the rules before the market begins operation: Four important documents, laid down the procedures/
processes that need to be adopted for building the power pool. This aids in delineating responsibilities of the various
concerned members and thus in smooth operations of the power pool. Further, these four underlying documents/
agreements have been revised recently so as to keep pace with the developments in the electricity market structure across
the participating countries.

5.4 Involving Private Sector for Infrastructure Development: Case of Baja

California LNG Terminal
The demand for natural gas in Mexico and Unites States of America (USA) has been
growing steadily. Consequently, both these countries are net importers of natural gas
despite having significant reserves. Imports by Mexico have increased to about 500
million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) in 2005 from about 200 MMSCFD in 1995. Gas
based power generation is the primary driver raising demand for natural gas. Natural gas
demand is expected to nearly double by 2010.

With Mexico and USA both being net importers of natural gas and sharing a common
border as well as pipeline infrastructure, setting up of a common LNG terminal seemed
natural to enhance security of supply in both countries. Also, setting up of the LNG
terminal would help Mexico in diversification of sources of natural gas import, since
presently Mexico sources most of its import of natural gas from USA alone.

5.4.1 LNG Project Overview

Sempra Energy Mexico, a subsidiary company of Sempra Energy, has just commissioned
an LNG receipt terminal at Energía Costa Azul at Baja California, México. Natural gas
for this plant is expected to be imported from Indonesia. The gas received by this
terminal will be used for power generation and diverse industries in the region via a new
72 km long gas pipeline, which will be interconnected with gas pipelines already existing
in the area. The gas received will first meet the needs of Baja California, Mexico. Only
after its needs are met will excess supply move into the Southwest USA. The total
investment in setting up the terminal amounted to USD 875 million dollars and it has an
output capacity of 1 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

5.4.2 Operation of LNG Terminal32

The storage capacity in the terminal is available on common carrier basis. Energía Costa
Azul has a standard terms and conditions for allocation of capacity and supply of natural
gas. As per Article 63 of the Regulation of Natural Gas, Energía Costa Azul allows open
access, limited to the available capacity, to the interested parties for the storage capacities
for LNG terminal.

The storage facilities are provided under the service contract signed by the parties with
Energía Costa Azul. These storage facilities could be of two types:

• Storage Facilities at Firm Base (SABF): For stockpiling LNG received at the
receipt point of the user. It is an uninterruptible storage facility except in
conditions as provided in the general terms and conditions and the service

• Service Storage base Interruptible Supply: The availability of this storage facility
is subject to capacity available after meeting the orders for SABF. This service
has the higher probability of being interrupted.

In order to qualify for the hire capacity, the party requesting for it, must submit a written
service application specifying the requirements. On receipt of such application, Energía
Costa Azul evaluates them. Capacity available is allocated to the request having the
greatest economic value as determined by Energía Costa Azul. It notifies within 30 days
of receipt of application whether it can provide the service requested or not. On
acceptance of request by Energía Costa Azul, the applicant meets the financial guarantees
within next 30 days.

Once the contract is signed, the user for LNG must withdraw or otherwise dispose of all
the quantity of LNG as contracted by him before the termination of service contract. In
the event of any failure to withdraw all natural gas prior to termination of service,
Energía Costa Azul reserves the right to retain the available amount without appropriate
claims by the users.

Bills for the charges applicable for usage of storage service for the prior month are issued
by Energía Costa Azul not later than the tenth day of each month. The user is required to
make due payment within 10 days of receipt of the bill.

Energía Costa Azul may render the services of storage facilities by setting aside the
necessary capacity to deliver natural gas up to a capacity equivalent to volumes needed to
fulfil commitments made by signing contracts. However in case of failure to set aside
capacity, Energía Costa Azul allocates the LNG capacity among its prospective users by
a process called “Open Season” wherein the users submit their request in order to allocate
the available capacity.

Details regarding the operation of the LNG Terminal is based on provisions mentioned in ‘General
Conditions for the Provision of the Storage Services’ (July 2004)
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

It publishes notices for open season in one of the largest newspapers at least 30 days prior
to start of the open season, which will not last less than 10 days. Energía Costa Azul
establishes and discloses the criteria for evaluating bids, as well as the established method
for awarding capacity in case of expansion of system. Energía Costa Azul evaluates each
valid service application in accordance with terms of service of contract and with the
capacity required. The capacity is awarded to the service application with the highest
value in terms of net present value based on ability, currency and price, at the date of
receipt of the request for service.

5.4.3 Learning from Energía Costa Azul LNG Terminal

Though the project has just been commissioned in May 2008, there are a few lessons that
can be drawn from the terminal. These are summarized in Box 5.4.

Box 5.4: Learning from Energía Costa Azul LNG Terminal

The Energía Costa Azul LNG terminal is the first LNG terminal to be built on the East coast of Mexico. There are
some specific lessons the SAARC region can draw from the experience. These are:-
• Promotion to Natural Gas: One of the drivers for building the LNG terminal was to increase natural gas
supply in the region. Natural gas is a cleaner fuel as compared to other fossil fuels such as oil and coal, given
increasing concerns with respect to environment.
• Benefit of involving private sector: The total investment in the LNG terminal was around USD 1 billion.
Energía Costa Azul managed its funds and made the requisite investments. This strengthens the case for
encouraging private sector participation in building the infrastructure.
• Building integrated projects: The LNG project is not a project done in isolation. Energía Costa Azul has also
made investments in building the related infrastructure such as spur pipelines etc. Therefore, such projects
should not be looked in isolation and require investments in basic as well as auxiliary investment.

5.5 Joint Procurement of Crude Oil and Sharing of Infrastructure for

Optimal Utilization: Case of African Oil Sector
5.5.1 Refining Sector in Africa – Drivers for Change

The African continent is richly endowed with natural resources. It has 168.60 billion
tones of oil reserves, accounting for 9.5% of the total world reserves. The R/P ratio,
although a lot of this production is exported, is 32 years.33 However, to meet its domestic
requirement of petroleum products the continent imports petroleum products and crude

The African continent has 45 refineries, with an average refinery size of 3.7 Million
tonnes per annum (MMTPA).34 These refineries are currently being under utilized.
Further, most of these refineries are only topping refineries35 that produce primarily fuel
BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008
Overview of the Africa’s Hydrocarbon Situation the Need for Coherent Strategies and Directions; First
African Union Conference of Ministers responsible for Hydrocarbons (11-15 December 2006 Cairo,
Refineries with only a distillation unit
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

oil and other lower distillates, which are exported for further refining so as to produce
diesel and other lighter distillates.36 These non-complex refineries produce products that
are high in sulphur content and there are no standards laid for product specification.
Further most of these refineries are old -- built in early 60’s and 70’s and are very low in
efficiency. There have been a number of proposals to upgrade these refineries, but due to
their poor financial performance they do not have the requisite funds to upgrade. The
financial performance of the refineries is impacted by the petroleum pricing regimes in
the countries. In most countries the ex-refinery price formula is based on Platt’s
quotations plus Average Freight Rate Assessment (AFRA) freight from Europe or the
AG. However the formula is applied inconsistently by the government, which puts a dent
on the profitability of these refineries.37

5.5.2 Collaboration in the Refining Sector – The proposal38

Recognizing the shortcomings of the existing African refinery sector, the Africa Energy
Commission (AFREC), in 2006, proposed standardization of the refining sector at the
regional or the sub-regional level. The reason for this suggestion was that it was felt that
from the economic point of view it was uneconomical for each country to build a small
refinery to meet its domestic demand. It was also felt that the existing refining industry is
not as effective as those built outside the region. Under the proposal it was planned to
make strategic investments to rehabilitate, modernize and expand select refineries at sub-
regional and regional levels so as to optimize Africa’s refining capacity and obtain
economies of scales. Further, it was expected that this would improve negotiating
powers of the member countries in crude oil procurement.

The proposal also suggested that if such a regional/sub-regional refinery is set up that
with a common strategy designed to concentrate its refining capacity in two or three large
units, an area such as West Africa could save 0.5 USD/ bbl in the cost price of oil for its
importing countries.

Based on the above, in the First African Union Conference of Ministers Responsible for
Hydrocarbons (11-15 December 2006, Cairo, Egypt), a comprehensive proposal to
develop the African refining sector through regional cooperation was presented.
Following are the key points of the proposal:

(i) Encourage policies aimed at pooling of refineries, under which a group of

countries may share the construction and operation of refinery/refineries which
serve them as a group.

Sorbara M.J. ‘Refining Africa’s Future’ Business Africa online, March 2007
37 Overview of the Africa’s Hydrocarbon Situation the Need for Coherent Strategies and Directions; First
African Union Conference of Ministers responsible for Hydrocarbons (11-15 December 2006 Cairo, Egypt)
38 This section is based on the proposal presented in the First African Union Conference of Ministers
Responsible for Hydrocarbons (Oil and Gas); 11-15 December 2006; Cairo, Egypt. Details available at accessed on 15th June 2008
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(ii) Promote plans for attracting big African oil companies to build, own and operate
refineries in strategic locations around Africa – each to serve a group of countries.

(iii) Support Regional Economic Communities’ (RECs’) policies for oil products
procurement from refineries within their geographic regions.

(iv) Encourage bi-lateral or multi-lateral construction of refineries and attract African

and international financial institutions for funding support.

(v) Promote policies aimed at harmonization of fuel specifications and standards

throughout Africa in order to get benefits from.

a) Economies of scale of oil refining;

b) Economies of scale for petroleum product importing countries;
c) Reduced health hazards associated with cleaner fuels;
d) Alleviation of dumping of poor quality fuels and motor vehicles from
outside Africa; and
e) Inability of newer vehicles to operate on inferior fuels.

(vi) The possibilities of improving the terms and conditions under which oil products
are supplied to the land-locked African countries from nearby refineries should be
carefully considered. The astronomical prices currently paid by these countries for
their supply underscore the relevancy of a joint sub-regional financial effort to
improve and build refining and transportation infrastructures (refineries, storage
depots, railways, waterways, and oil and gas pipelines) combined with a common
oil products purchasing policy.

Recognizing the magnitude of the project, a number of agencies involved in regional

cooperation in Africa have been entrusted with the responsibility of promoting large scale
regional integration projects. The agencies include:

(i) Africa Union (AU)

(ii) African Development Bank (AfDB)
(iii) Economic Commission of Africa (ECA)
(iv) Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
(v) Africa Petroleum Producers Association (APPA)
(vi) Africa Energy Commission (AFREC)

5.5.3 Learning from African Experience

Though the idea of building a joint infrastructure is currently at a formative stage, there
are lessons that can be drawn from the experience. Box 5.5 summarizes the key lessons
relevant to the SAARC region.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Box 5.5: Leaning from Africa Oil Sector

There are a number of similarities that can be drawn between the African and the SAARC refining sector. Drawing
from these similarities, there are lessons that the SAARC region can learn from the African experience.
• Limited domestic availability: In both regions the domestic refining capacity is insufficient to meet the
domestic demand for petroleum products and therefore, the countries are dependent on imports to meet
their domestic demand. In the SAARC region there are Member States such as Bhutan, Nepal and
Maldives which are 100% dependent on imported petroleum products. Further, Member States such as
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan do not have sufficient refining capacity and import a large part of the
petroleum products required to meet the domestic demand.
• The driver for joint procurement of crude as well as building common refinery is that the region would be
able to reap benefits attached to economies of scale. The average size of a refinery in Africa region is small
(3.7MMTPA), and at present most of these refineries require up-gradation to meet the growing energy
demand. A bigger refinery is expected to lower costs of operation as compared to building a number of
small refineries across the region.
• Move towards common pricing regime: The regional/ sub-regional refinery is expected to promote trade
among the participating countries. Further, it is also expected to favourably impact financial performance of
the utilities involved.

5.6 Conclusions
In essence, the above international experiences are extremely useful in understanding the
frameworks required for enhancing regional trade. There are lessons that can be drawn
from each of the international experiences, which need to be borne in mind while
developing the regional trade framework in the SAARC Region.

5.6.1 Existing Bilateral Trade Creates an Enabling Environment for Graduating

to Regional Trade: The Building Block Approach

In the cases of GMS and Nord Pool, interconnections did exist before initiation of
regional trade. This implies that countries adopt a building block approach i.e. developing
bilateral trade arrangements into multilateral trade arrangements. In the case of SAPP,
bilateral and spot trade coexist. In the case of SAARC, bilateral trade arrangements,
though limited to a few Member States, already exist. Applying the same approach in the
region, the Member States may consider graduating these bilateral trade arrangements to
multilateral trade arrangements. For instance, in case of electricity, interconnections
already exist between India –Bhutan and India- Nepal. Further, India already has two
working level electricity exchanges namely India Energy Exchange (IEX) and Power
Exchange India Limited (PEXIL). Various power producers and buyers in all the
Member States within SAARC may consider participating in these exchanges for
promoting regional electricity trade.

5.6.2 Harmonization of Legal, Policy and Regulatory Regimes

In the case of both GMS and Nord Pool the countries involved harmonized in a phased
manner their legal and policy regimes. The Nord Pool countries adopted similar market
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

structures by unbundling the power sector and appointing TSOs in each country.

Under the SAPP, a common regulator Regional Electricity Regulatory Association

(RERA) was created in June 2001. The key objectives of RERA are:39

• Capacity building, information sharing and experience sharing among regulators;

• Coordination of regional policy/strategy/legislation, with a view to harmonizing

regulatory frameworks that will enhance regional electricity trade and facilitate
regional ESI systems integration; and

• Regulatory cooperation on issues affecting the economic efficiency of regional

electricity trade with a view to deliberating and making recommendations to the
SADC Energy Ministers on issues outside the scope of jurisdiction of national
regulators, and to undertake such duties as may be conferred on it through the
Energy Protocol.

However, it does not undermine the role that has to be played by the national regulators
in promoting regional trade, and strives to work in coordination with the respective

In the SAARC region, in most of the Member States regulators have been appointed;
however, they are presently not completely functional. Further, in certain Member States
there are energy regulators and in some sector specific regulators. In the case of Sri
Lanka instead of sector/energy regulators, there exists a Public Utilities Regulator. In
terms of market structure, in most Member States – Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, bundled
entities operate in the energy sector. For promoting trading, there may be a need to
harmonize these structures so as to promote regional energy trade. The region may take a
step wise approach here, starting with strengthening capacities of individual regulators
and creating a national level enabling framework for regional trade followed by creation
of a common regulator as and when the energy markets develop. The SAARC Secretariat
would have an important role to play in this.

5.6.3 Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities of Market Players

In both GMS and Nord Pool, there is clear demarcation of roles and responsibilities of
each of the players/ stakeholders involved. This brings in clarity in the functioning of the
regional trade arrangement. This needs to be borne in mind while developing any trade
option in the SAARC region. Further, clarity needs to be provided in the price
determination mechanisms and the safeguards need to be spelt out to ensure payment
security. This is clearly visible from the detailed pricing methodology that has been
adopted in the day-ahead market in the Nord pool (discussed in the Nord pool section in
detail). In case of SAPP also the pricing discovery method is clearly defined and in case
of bilateral trade, it is mentioned that the price is based on negotiations.

Assessment of power pooling arrangements in Africa, Sustainable Development Division, Economic
Commission of Africa, October 2004
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

5.6.4 Building Integrated Projects

The African region is planning to build joint refineries at strategically located places.
However, this is not being planned in isolation. The region plans to invest in big regional
integrating projects, where along with building the refinery, there are plans to link these
refineries across the region. This is particularly relevant to the SAARC context, as at
present the member countries are not connected through an oil pipeline grid. Hence,
while planning such a refinery, planning could be inclusive of the pipelines that need to
be laid. An advantage SAARC region has vis-à-vis the African region, is that India has a
number of refineries located near to its borders with other SAARC member nations.
Therefore, one possible solution that the region could consider is to build a refinery in
one of the Member States, which could then swap its refined products with those
refineries nearer to the border of distant Member States.40

A similar example of building integrated projects is seen in case of the joint LNG
terminal. There again the LNG terminal is not being built in isolation, but also
investments were made in related infrastructure such as pipelines.

5.6.5 Efforts to Reap Benefits of Economies of Scale

Infrastructure projects have high capital costs and long gestation periods. Therefore,
while planning an infrastructure project it is important to have a well defined revenue
stream, big enough to ensure break even followed return on the project. While planning
such investments it is beneficial to aggregate smaller demands and to build a bigger
infrastructure project to meet energy demands of many. In Africa a driver for common
procurement and joint refinery is that the refinery would be able to enjoy economies of
scale. This aids in cutting down incremental capital cost per unit of refinery added.
Further, joint projects are also expected to enhance negotiating powers of the refiners/
crude procurement agency.

5.6.6 Benefit of Commercial Transactions

The ECA LNG terminal has been built on completely commercial terms and conditions.
The payment terms and conditions remain same irrespective of the consumer of natural
gas. This ensures payment security for the LNG supplier. Further, during the construction
phase of the terminal the company made efforts to ensure transparency in its working.
Information is available with respect to the various clearances required by the terminal
and the status of the same.

5.6.7 Building Database for Information Sharing

The SAPP experience highlights the importance of information exchange so as to

maximise both economic benefits and reliability of the trading system. Development of
databanks also facilitates in building system autonomy, as it gets in built in the
institutional frameworks required for promoting regional trade. Thus one of the initial
steps or for that matter the first step is to build a regional database. This is expected to

40 This arrangement is explained in detail in the subsequent chapter.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

encourage and enhance regional energy trade as it would provide the building blocks for
estimating benefits of various proposed trade options.

5.6.8 Long Term Commitment from Participating Countries

All the regional projects discussed above have had a long gestation period before they
were commissioned as full fledged regional energy projects. For instance, the GMS was
initiated in 1992 and the first 500 kV power transmission project between Thailand and
the Lao PDR associated with the 1080 MW Nam Theun 2 Hydrpower Project is now
under commission, implying a total gestation period of nearly two decades. Even in the
case of Nord Pool, it took over a decade for step by step harmonization of legal and
regulatory frameworks and setting up the fully functional Nord Pool. These experiences
highlight the need for long term commitment from each of the participating member
states for establishing good regional energy trade relations. As the SAARC region makes
efforts to build regional energy trade these timelines need to be considered and all
member states need to have firm commitment to commission the projects involved.

Chapter-6: Intra-Regional Energy Trade - Perspective and
While the intra-regional energy trade initiatives are covered in the next chapter, this
chapter discusses the past initiatives and prospects of intra-regional energy trade among
the SMS.
6.0 Intra-Regional Energy Trade and Cooperation Opportunities

Intra-regional energy trade and investment would offer enormous economic, social and
environment benefit to SMS. The region though deficient in hydrocarbon reserves has
been endowed by nature with a very large hydropower potential of over 266,020 MW of
which 145,720 MW is economically exploitable. If exploited fully, the same could meet
the electricity demand of the region for the foreseeable future and may even enable it to
export some of it in the near-term. Bhutan and Nepal are endowed with huge hydro
potential of about 23,000 MW and 42,000 MW respectively, in excess of their domestic
requirements that can be economically exploited. While Bhutan has developed about 5%
of its hydroelectric potential, Nepal has developed only about 1.5% of its hydroelectric

If the region is able to develop even 50% of the total hydropower potential, it would
account for over 50% of the existing installed electricity generation capacity of the entire
region, which would be a major breakthrough for meeting the electricity needs of the

Oil and Natural Gas

None of the countries in the region have adequate oil and gas reserves to meet domestic
demand. The four countries that have proven gas reserves and use natural gas in their
energy mix are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Due to financial and other
reasons, exploration and building of the gas infrastructure is taking longer time than

On the oil front none of the countries is able even to meet a notable part of their demand
for the petroleum products from their own resources. Opportunities of any major oil finds
in the near future too do not seem to be promising as per the existing seismological and
geological data related to oil exploration. The region would therefore, primarily depend
on external resources to meet the oil and gas requirement.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Renewable Energy Resources

South Asia has enormous biomass, solar and wind energy potential. While biomass is
meeting a large part of the household energy demand throughout the region, solar and
wind energy resources have not been exploited in a big way. Though India during the
past one decade has made considerable progress in exploiting its wind energy potential
and is today the fourth largest wind power producer in the world; no other country in the
region has made comparable progress in this direction. Since India has not only the
technology, but is also a manufacturer of high quality wind turbines and associated
equipment required for harnessing the wind power potential, other countries in the region
could seek its collaboration to help them exploit this vital source of energy. Solar energy
is being used on a very small scale for solar lighting and heating systems in the remote
areas. Given the solar energy potential, South Asia needs to adopt and evolve
technologies that can help its countries reap the benefits of this largest energy resource in
a cost effective manner. On the biomass side as well they need to adopt and/or develop
technologies for the efficient use of the biomass. Bio-fuel provides another important
window for collaboration between the Member States.


Coal is an important hydrocarbon resource being extensively used for power generation
in India. Bangladesh has recently set up its first coal based power plant. Pakistan initiated
steps for utilization of coal to meet its energy demand a decade back, but has not
progressed to the stage of actual utilization. Though India and Pakistan have very large
coal reserves, the quality of coal is poor with about 35% ash content, compelling India to
import as a supplementary energy source, high quality coal for power generation and
other applications. However, Bangladeshi coal is assessed to be of very high quality41.
Afghanistan too has some coal reserves. SMS can collaborate for exploration and
exploitation of more coal reserves to meet their energy demand.

Regional Trade

Currently less than 0.5% of regional trade comes from within the region and total intra
regional trade in energy is less than 5% of the total trade taking place between SMS.
Formulating policies that promote and at least that do not impede energy trade is a
challenge that is facing the SMS.

SMS are looking to diversify their energy supply and promote regional energy trade and
investment. They are increasingly recognizing that there is a need to promote sustainable
use and supply of energy by strengthening regional cooperation and that there is need to
address cross border transmission and energy import issues. Several initiatives have been
under way to sensitize SMS about the benefits of regional energy trade and cooperation
in the energy sector.

Discussions are underway to develop electricity transmission interconnections within the

region and with neighbouring regions. Some of the prominent regional projects being

As assessed by the expert deputed under the SARI/energy programme to identify the quality of coal in
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

discussed at the moment are the additional power transmission interconnections from
Bhutan and Nepal to India and those between Sri Lanka –India and Bangladesh-India.

These cross border energy trade initiatives would no doubt help relieve the overall supply
shortage through energy trade. Diversity of national endowment and use of energy
resources within the region present a unique opportunity for energy trade for the common
benefit and towards meeting the demand and for better energy security of the region.

Despite large opportunities for energy trade within the region, the progress has been sub-
optimal thus far. The successful example of electricity trade between Bhutan-India and
the resultant benefits to both economies are well appreciated and could be emulated by
other countries in the region. A brief discussion about the existing and past energy trade
initiatives within South Asia are given below.
6.1 Existing Trade Arrangements - Petroleum Products
India meets the entire demand of petroleum products in Nepal and Bhutan. The
governments of India and Nepal have recently agreed to proceed with construction of
about a 40 km long pipeline to transport petroleum products from India to Nepal (about
20,000 bbl/d are sent at present by bowser). With the increased refining capacity of crude
oil, India also exports petroleum products to Bangladesh. Moreover, Lanka IOC, Indian
Oil’s subsidiary in Sri Lanka, is the only private oil company other than the state-owned
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) that operates retail petrol/diesel stations in Sri
Lanka. It has been incorporated to carry out retail marketing of petroleum products, bulk
supply to industrial consumers, building and operating storage facilities at the
Trincomalee Tank Farm, thereby not only providing energy security and supply stability
for Sri Lanka but also upgrading the overall standards of service, particularly in
petroleum retailing in the nation.

6.2 Existing Electricity Trade between India-Bhutan and Future Prospects
6.2.1 Historical overview

One of the most important areas of cooperation and assistance extended by India has been
for the development of hydro power resources of Bhutan. Cooperation in the hydro power
sector between India and Bhutan dates back to 1961 when the first Indo-Bhutan
Agreement was signed for implementation of the Jaldhaka Hydroelectric Project located
at the boundary of the Indian State of West Bengal. The project supplied electricity to the
adjoining border towns of Bhutan. Even today the supply to some part of the bordering
area of Bhutan continues. Since 1967, Government of India (GOI) has been providing
assistance to Bhutan for development of mini hydropower projects and electricity

At the bilateral level, India and Bhutan have enjoyed free trade ever since the two
countries signed the treaty of friendship in 1949. A formal agreement on trade and
commerce was signed in 1972, and further extended till 2005 and beyond.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

6.2.2 Collaboration on Large Hydro Projects and Power Trade

India and Bhutan maintain friendly relations. Their key companies have been
collaborating for decades in the power sector development, resulting in setting up of a
number of hydro electric projects in Bhutan. Both countries recognize the benefits of
these initiatives, their contribution to the economic growth and in addressing the energy
security concerns. Power trade between the two countries is an outcome of successful
completion of these projects and a shining example of the regional cooperation among
SMS. Bhutan after catering to its domestic demand sells the surplus power to India, the
largest energy market in the region.

6.2.3 Development of 336 MW Chukha Hydroelectric Project

The first major initiative in this direction was the bilateral agreement signed in the year
1974 for the construction of Chukha Hydroelectric Project (336 MW installed capacity)
as a joint venture. GOI agreed to finance the total cost of the project with 60% grant and
40% loan. The first 84 MW Unit was commissioned in the year 1986 and by the year
1988 all the remaining three units were commissioned.

The Royal Government of Bhutan agreed to sell the surplus power generated by the
project to India after meeting its internal requirement. The project not only provided
electricity for meeting the internal demand of Western Bhutan and large revenue earnings
from its export, but also set an example of an excellent economic cooperation. Power is
evacuated to India through three 220 kV transmission lines – one S/C 220 kV Chukha
(Bhutan) – Birpara (India) and one D/C 220 kV Chukha – Birpara line.

PTC of India has signed a 15 year PPA with the Department of Energy (DOE), RGOB
for the purchase of surplus power from the Chukha and Kurichhu Projects. These
agreements became operational from 1st October 2002. The surplus power from these
projects is being supplied to the Indian power utilities of the Eastern Region. The typical
annual generation of these projects is about 1860 Million Units (MU) and out of this
about 1300–1400 MUs (70-80%) is exported to India while the rest is consumed within
the country.

The successful completion of the Chukha HEP coupled with its sustained performance
after commissioning has given added confidence to the Governments of India and Bhutan
to construct similar large hydroelectric projects as joint ventures. This led to the
construction of 60 MW Kurichhu HEP and 1020 MW Tala HEP.

6.2.4 Development of Tala Hydroelectric Project (1020 MW)

An agreement for implementation of the Tala HEP with an installed capacity of 1020
MW was signed between the GOI and RGOB in 1996. The project was conceived as a
joint venture with funding provided by GOI: 60% grant and 40% loan. The Tala HEP is
an environment friendly run-of-the-river scheme downstream of the Chukha HEP. The
underground power house has six generation units of 170 MW capacity each. The project
was commissioned on 30th March 2007. Two 400 kV D/C transmission lines evacuate
power from Tala the HEP at two different locations at the India-Bhutan border. The
transmission system in India carries power from the border to a pooling point at Siliguri
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(West Bengal) and beyond to the Eastern and Northern Grid. Electricity generation as of
30th November 2007 was 4568 MUs and a revenue worth NU 6723.92 million (1 Nu =1
INR) was generated. The project will generate 4865 million units (Gwh) of energy in an
average year and also provide 1122 MW of peaking power (3-4 hrs) throughout the year.
PTC signed a 35 year PPA with RGOB in the year 2006. Table 6.1 indicates the year
wise energy trade between India and Bhutan.

Table 6.1: Energy Trade to India from Bhutan (MU)

Year Tala Chukha Kurichu Total

FY 03 0 333 81 414
FY 04 0 1494 256 1751
FY 05 0 1447 288 1735
FY 06 0 1466 296 1762
FY 07 821 1851 291 2963
FY 08 3001 1696 195 4893
FY 09* 3900 1470 250 5620
FY 10* 3900 1470 250 5620
FY 11* 3900 1470 250 5620
FY 12* 3900 1470 250 5620

* Projected
Source: India Country Report

6.2.5 Prospects of Future Hydro Project Development and Energy Trade

Bhutan situated in Eastern Himalayas is blessed with four major river systems namely
Amochu (Torsa), Wangchu (known as Raidak in India), Phochu-Mochu (Sankosh) and
Dangmechu (Manas). All these rivers having snow fed perennial flow afford attractive
possibilities of hydro electric development.

The total hydro potential exploited in the country by 2008 was 1500 MW which is less
than 5% of the total potential. The 2007 power demand of 130 MW in Bhutan is expected
to rise to 350 MW in 2010 . The higher rate of growth in demand is primarily on account
of energy intensive industries and increased economic and commercial activities besides
life style changes. The long term demand growth for electricity in Bhutan is expected to
be moderate.

GOI and RGOB signed an agreement in 2006 for cooperation in the field of hydro
electric power. The two sides agreed to facilitate, encourage and promote the
development and construction of hydro power projects and associated transmission
systems as well as trade in electricity between the two countries, both through public and
private sector participation. The Government of India has agreed to a minimum import of
10,000 MW electricity from Bhutan by the year 2020. One of the important features of
the agreement is that the two countries would be cooperating to develop projects under
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol, using India’s carbon
emission baseline.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

As per the assessment made in the Bhutan Power System Master Plan, the potential of
easily accessible sites is roughly 10,000 MW at 60% plant load factor. A large hydro
potential, therefore, exists which could be developed at an economical cost for export of
power to other SMS, keeping in view the region’s huge demand fpr power and prevailing

The present power transfer capacity between the two countries through transmission
interconnection is about 2500 MW. As new projects are undertaken in the coming years,
an additional 10000 MW capacity is targeted by 2020. The transmission interconnection
capacity would have to be suitably augmented or new capacity created. Techno-economic
feasibility is being examined for AC transmission interconnection at 765 kV or
asynchronous HVDC transmission depending on the long term plan and the schemes that
are to be finalized by CEA.

6.2.6 Hydro projects that could be developed in Bhutan for bilateral and regional

GOI and RGOB signed an agreement in 2007 to implement the Punatsangchhu-I

hydroelectric project (1095 MW) in Bhutan. Besides these, the two sides have agreed to
cooperate on Punatsangchhu-II (1000 MW) and Mangdechhu (720 MW). The Detailed
Project Reports (DPRs) for these projects are being prepared. In addition, investigations
and DPRs of two hydroelectric projects, namely Bunakha (180 MW) and Wangchu (900
MW), have been completed.

Although due to environmental concerns and need for sustainable development, the hydro
projects developed in Bhutan so far have been run-of-river schemes, there could be
possibility of development of two major storage based hydroelectric projects -- . Sankosh
Dam (4000 +60 MW) and Manas Dam (1000+1800 MW). These projects have the
potential to make major cotributions to meet the energy demand in the region. Since the
investment requirements for these projects would be quite large, the prospective
beneficiary Member States could consider participating in the promotion/development of
these projects.

6.2.7 Prospects of India-Bhutan Transmission Interconnections and Hydro Project

Development in Bhutan

The transmission system between India and Bhutan along with the future development of
hydro projects in Bhutan are being planned and developed considering optimization of
investment in transmission and optimization of right-of-way in the chicken-neck area on
a long-term basis along with requirement of transmission system for evacuation of power
from future projects in Sikkim and North-Eastern region of India. Presently, it is
envisaged that the connectivity with generation projects could be at high capacity 400kV
lines upto pooling point(s) and onward transmission from suitable pooling points would
be through hybrid system of HVDC and 400kV/765kV transmission lines.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

6.3 Existing Electricity Trade between Nepal-India and Future Prospects
The history of Indo-Nepal cooperation on power dates back to the 1950s with the
commissioning of Kataiya Powerhouse on the Koshi Canal. Subsequently, Trisuli,
Devighat and Phewa hydro projects were built in Nepal in the 1970s and 1980s with
India’s assistance. Indo-Nepal Power Exchange began in 1971 with the exchange of
about 5 MW of power and by 2001-02 the exchange of power grew to about 150 MW to
meet the requirement of remote adjoining areas. Figure 6.1 gives the details of power
exchange between the two countries.

350 3 2 8 .8 3
300 2 6 6 .2 2
2 4 1.3 8
19 2 .2 5 18 3 .7 2

14 9 .8 8 14 3 .5 3
110 .7 10 1.0 0
100 7 8 .2 5




Im p o r t F r o m In d ia E x p o r t t o In d ia

Figure 6.1: Nepal-India Electricity Trade

Source: India Country Report.

The present exchange is taking place through 21 interconnections through 11kV, 33kV,
132kV transmission lines which are not adequate to accommodate the transfer of summer
surplus capacity from Nepal to India. The power exchange takes place between Nepal
Electricity Authority and utilities on the Indian side namely Bihar State Electricity Board,
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited and Uttarakhand. India also supplies free
power from Tanakpur HEP to Nepal.

Nepal has a hydro-dominated power system whereas India is primarily a thermal system.
Nepal’s generation comprises mainly of the run-of-river schemes. With reduced demand
during wet season (April-October) these hydro projects have to reduce generation and
spill energy. This spill energy could potentially be exported as electricity to India, which
faces shortage during this period. During the dry season (October to March) Nepal faces
shortage of power. Presently, bilateral power exchange between India and Nepal up to 50
MW net import by Nepal is taking place. The intra-State power system in the Indian side
.especially in Bihar, which is supplying power to Nepal, is being augmented to enable
Nepal to draw power from India in excess of 50 MW. For power transfer beyond 50 MW,
Nepal needs to arrange power from Indian power market/producers on a commercial
basis. Additional transmission inter-connections between India and Nepal may be
planned and implemented along with the proposed medium sized and large storage hydro
projects in Nepal.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Several of the prospective hydropower sites in Nepal are located near the Northern region
of India, which faces the most severe power shortages, especially during the summer
when Nepal’s rivers overflow with water. Development of export oriented hydro power
projects in Nepal, principally for consumption by India, is potentially the biggest area for
cooperation. The 750 MW SMEC West Seti storage HEP exemplifies a project being
developed under this model. It is already under process of development by an IPP in
Nepal and a PPA has been initialled. The Government of Nepal has also either awarded
or is in an advanced stage of awarding to developers some hydro projects like Budhi
Gandaki storage type project of 600 MW installed capacity, Upper Karnali (900 MW),
Arun III (402 MW) and Lower Arun (300MW).

6.3.1 Proposed Transmission Interconnection (220 kV / 400 kV)

Recently MoUs have been signed between Indian and Nepalese public/private sector
companies for construction of a transmission line to enhance the power transfer capacity
between the two countries. Initially, the following four 400/220 kV transmission lines to
interconnect the Indian and Nepalese grids for import/export of power between the two
countries were considered:
• Butwal – Gorakhpur
• Duhabi-Purnea
• Dhalkebar – Muzaffarpur
• Anarmani-Siliguri

Out of the above proposed four alternatives, the Anarmani-Siliguri link is not feasible as
it passes through the chicken-neck area in the Indian territory, which is being used for
evacuation of power from power generation projects in North-Eastern region of India and
in Bhutan.

The Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur, Butwal-Gorakhpur and Duhabi-Purnea lines were studied as

alternate transmission proposals between India and Nepal, and the Dhalkebar-
Muzaffarpur line was selected as it was found to be the most viable alternative both for
initial transfer of power to Nepal and later for importing power from hydro projects being
developed in Eastern Nepal. The Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur link would be constructed as a
400kV D/C line initially charged at 220kV.

PTC India Ltd is presently acting as nodal agency for trade of power from/to Indian
Utilities to Bhutan and Nepal. After construction of the 400kV Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur
D/C line, NEA will import power through PTC from India. At a later date, this line will
be utilized for import of power from Nepal when hydro potential in Nepal will be
increasingly harnessed. The Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur line is being taken up through joint
venture companies for implementation. Nepal needs to sign a Transmission Service
Agreement with the transmission providers so as to enable financial closure and
subsequent implementation of the project.

The present Nepal peak demand is of the order of 800 MW and is estimated to increase to
about 1300 MW by 2014 and 2000 MW by 2020. Against this background, the proposal
of four power transmission lines to interconnect with India, which would have a total
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

transmission capacity of the order of 4000-5000 MW, for implementation within five
years will be excessive and in any case cannot be justified on techno-economic analysis
in the short term.

6.3.2 Institutional Models for Project Development

There are mainly three models for institutional involvement for project development:

• Government to Government as in the existing arrangement between India

and Nepal (BSEB / UPPCL and NEA are exporting/importing power),
• Government and Private (Public Private Partnership) as in the proposed
interconnection transmission line project (IL&FS and NEA will be
executing the project), and
• Private to Private as in the West Seti Project (Project developer and PTC)

There is a need to develop projects on a commercial basis at either the government level
or private sector level. There is also the possibility of developing a project in partnership
with a national or foreign private developer to supply power to India and other SMS.

6.4 Energy Trade Initiatives between India - Bangladesh and Prospects
6.4.1 Current Status

Bangladesh is facing a grim power situation with both capacity and energy shortages. The
present peak shortage is expected to be about 750 MW (about 17%). The western grid of
Bangladesh which is nearer to Eastern Region of India is mainly facing power deficit.
Bangladesh has predominantly gas based electricity generation while India has
substantial amounts of coal and hydro based electricity generation. There is daily and
seasonal diversity in electricity demand of the two countries. The difference in weekly
and festival holidays and 30 minute time diversity can also provide opportunities for
exchanging power.

Bangladesh and India may decide on the modalities for mutually beneficial mechanisms
to share the benefits from their respective generation assets. This would also be important
from the energy security point of view for both countries. Annexure 3 discusses the
proposed power interconnection option between the two countries.

There could be another possibility of cooperation between the two countries i.e. exploring
and development of coal in Bangladesh and setting up thermal power projects based on
coal. With its experience in coal exploration, production and related technologies as well
as setting up thermal power projects based on coal, India can assist Bangladesh in
development of coal resources and development of coal-based thermal power projects.
This also will open up possibilities of strengthening the bilateral relationship.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

6.5 Power Trade Initiative between India and Pakistan

Pakistan’s informal offer to India in 1998 for selling surplus power that was available
from the IPP units was primarily based on two very compulsive domestic realities.
Firstly, Pakistan was under obligation to buy power being produced by the IPPs, which it
could not sell in its own market, as the projected industrialization and economic growth
did not materialize to absorb the electricity generated. The availability was to further
increase due to the Ghazi Barotha and Chashma Hydel projects coming on stream.
Surplus power production was causing Pakistan great economic loss, because WAPDA
was bound to make the capacity payments to IPPs even if it did not need the power. The
option left for an efficient and gainful disposal of power was to export the same to India42.
And secondly, the international financial institutions which had either extended loans or
guarantees to the power sector investors in Pakistan wanted to have an uninterrupted
repayment of debts which was possible only through power sale to a stable market like
that of India. But, tariff came up as a major stumbling block in the entire negotiation
process that was conducted during 1998/1999. WAPDA offered a price of US 7.2
cents/KWh while the Indian side was not ready to go beyond US 2.25 cents/KWh, the
rate at which the Indian power utilities were supplying power to the national grid. It was
not possible for the Indian power utilities to absorb power at that high tariff.

6.5.1 India-Pakistan Power Transmission Interconnections

There is a complete network of transmission lines and grids on the Pakistani side along
the north-western border of Indian Punjab. The nearest grid on the Indian side of Punjab
is Patti, located very near to Lahore Ring. In 1998-99, the Dinanath (in Pakistan) – Patti
(in India) link between Pakistan-India was considered to transfer surplus power available
in Pakistan at that time, on radial basis, by synchronously connecting some part of the
Indian load with the Pakistan grid. It may be noted that the Pakistan grid is at 500kV AC
whereas the voltage adopted in the Indian grid is 400kV and 765kV AC. Therefore, a
direct AC link between the two countries may not be technically feasible. For
interconnecting India and Pakistan, an asynchronous link with HVDC back-to-back
module(s) of suitable capacity would be needed along with a 400kV / 500kV AC inter-
connecting transmission line. The option of having 220 kV transmission
interconnection(s) between India-Pakistan to be operated on radial mode, can also be
considered/explored as an initial step. A suitable point in Pakistan (whether Dinanath or
any other point) and a suitable point in Indian side (whether Patti or any other point)
along with corresponding system strengthening on both sides and possible power/energy
transfer potentials are required to be studied.
6.6 Power Trade Initiatives between India - Sri Lanka and Prospects
The island nation of Sri Lanka has also faced power sector capacity and energy shortages
in the recent past. The country’s heavy dependence on oil import accentuated the
42 As a reaction to power purchase proposals, the then Water and Power Minister Raja Nadir Pervaiz said, "GOP is considering a

proposal to allow the IPP to export 200 MW of surplus power to India. Pakistan has got a study conducted and found it viable that
surplus power could be exported to India through multi-nationals. MNCs would be asked to lay transmission lines and export elec-
tricity to India." The IPPs including Japan Power, Fauji Kabairwala Power and Liberty Power had completed their plants and were.
in a position to sell power to India through MNCs.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

situation. Most hydropower resources of the country have been exploited and there is
limited scope for further exploitation. The average cost of electricity is as high as 15 US
cent/ kWh whereas the average selling price is about 10 US cent/ kWh. Thus the
electricity sector in Sri Lanka is under a deep financial crisis and is seriously looking for
diversification of fuel resources to address its energy security risks and also to address the
rising energy demand in the island. Accordingly Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon
Electricity Board) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with NTPC of India
for setting up of a 2 x 500 MW thermal power station in Sri Lanka based on coal in
addition to the 900 MW of such generation now under construction with assistance from
the Peoples Republic of China.

Another possibility that is being seriously evaluated between Sri Lanka and India is a
power transmission interconnection between the two countries through a 50 km long
HVDC submarine cable link and HVDC overhead transmission. To take care of
reliability in transfer of power in the event of outage of one circuit, an HVDC bi-pole
arrangement needs to be constructed with two overhead circuits as well as two submarine
cables. The HVDC connection needs strong buses at both ends to have sufficient short
circuit level at them. Accordingly, Madurai substation on the Indian side and New
Anuradhapura substation on the Sri Lankan side have been identified as strong
substations for this purpose. The length of the HVDC line is about 385km. The details are
as followed:

Asynchronous Interconnection for 1000MW Transmission (initial 500 MW):

• 400kV HVDC overhead line from Madurai to Indian Sea Coast (near
Rameshwaram) (185 km)
• 400kV HVDC cable from Indian Sea Coast to Sri Lankan Sea Coast (50 km)
• 400kV HVDC overhead line from Sri Lankan Sea Coast to New Anuradhapura
(150 km) Substation
• 400kV HVDC terminal of 1000MW capacity one each at Madurai and New

The proposed link could initially provide for 500 MW of power transfer with the
possibility to enhance the capacity to 1000 MW in future. Summarized technical details
and the cost involved are given in Annexure 4. The investment requirement for setting up
the initial 500 MW of transmission is estimated at US$ 339 with a transmission line cost
of US $248 Million and a substation cost US $91million.

Sri Lanka energy sector officials are also in discussion with NTPC for a 2 x 500 MW
coastal power station in Sri Lanka based on imported coal for supply of power to Sri
Lanka. It is expected that power will mostly be exported from India to Sri Lanka over the
above mentioned HVDC link, but due to seasonal variation and demand diversity, it
would be possible in certain periods of time to export power from Sri Lanka with
increase in coal fired power generation. This will help in optimal utilization of resources.

Sri Lanka would also like to have access to energy sources other than those in India.
Nepal and Bhutan have large hydro power potential. Since the Indian load centres are in
the Northern, Western and Southern parts of the country, high capacity

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

EHVAC/UHVAC/HVDC interconnections from Nepal and Bhutan to these regions of

India could be built. Sri Lanka may avail supply of power from regional/sub-regional
projects in Nepal/Bhutan through wheeling/transmission of power through the Indian
national grid system and cross-country transmission links by paying the applicable open
access/wheeling/transmission charges. These options would have to be evaluated techno-
economically for their feasibility. To facilitate such international transactions of supply of
power, enabling regulatory, commercial and legal framework would be needed.

India is also setting up LNG terminals on its West coast and there are proposals for LNG
terminals on the East coast as well. Again depending on techno-economic feasibility,
there could be a power plant based on natural gas for supply of power to Sri Lanka. Sri
Lanka can share some of the cost of the LNG terminal depending on its natural gas share
in the LNG terminal. Setting up of an LNG terminal in Sri Lanka may not be economical
at present, as Sri Lanka’s demand for natural gas has yet to reach an inflexion point
where it can support such a terminal.
6.7 Potential Areas for Cooperation in Regional Energy Trade
The energy challenges facing SAARC countries need a coherent energy policy for
tackling common problems. Such a policy is essential to deliver sustainable, competitive
and secure energy supplies. SAARC member countries can cooperate on formulating
such policy which would also reflect their commitment to common solutions to shared
problems. The countries would also need to ensure effective exchange of information
particularly of their energy market, policies, legal, regulatory and other matters and work
towards a harmonious policy that supports regional energy trade. This will result in
effective exchange of information and also a real coordination of approach.

The member countries must cooperate to improve regional cross border exchange and
accelerate the development of regional energy cooperation while facilitating integration
of their local energy markets with regional energy markets notably through adequate
interconnections, such as, electricity interconnections and/or gas interconnections.

The SMS should agree on a priority interconnection plan with in a specified time frame
by identifying measures to be taken by each member country involved in the
interconnection. The countries could also collaborate to fix a target level of electricity
interconnections, in line with the European Community, whose member countries agreed
to establish electricity interconnection equivalent to 10% of their installed generation
capacity. To begin with the SMS (other than Maldives) may fix a target of dedicating
10% of their electricity installed capacity for regional energy exchanges/trade. Bhutan, is
already exporting a major part of its generation.

SMS would have to agree sooner or later to make their transmission interconnections
operate like a single integrated grid from the end users point of view by completing the
conformity of technical rules and procedures for grid connectivity required for cross
border trade in energy, access to networks and suitable congestion management in the
electricity market.

Transparent open access to transmission infrastructure and agreeing to common protocol

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

and harmonious legal, regulatory and economic rules would be essential and member
countries must work towards them.

SMS also need to develop energy infrastructure. They can review and improve their
medium to long term investment plans and coordinate investment with regard to cross
border power interconnections, gas infrastructure and LNG facilities as well as electricity
generation capacity and ensure a business climate more conducive to long term
investment through increased transparency and exchange of information based on
member countries’ own planning.

The SMS can also cooperate to further promote, in a cost effective manner, a renewable
energy development roadmap for a long-term horizon. One target could be raising the
share of renewable energy to more than say 10% by 2020. Setting up such targets shall
not be limited to meeting the target from within the country’s RE resources but could be
through regional RE trade based on cost effectiveness of such arrangements.

The SMS could also collaborate for promoting use of biomass and also agree to energy
efficiency targets that would further strengthen cooperation among them. . They can
bring out necessary legislative changes and put in place administrative framework
arrangements to promote renewable energy and facilitate its access to the grid, wherever
possible, by ensuring transparency, effectiveness and certainty of support policies.

It would be important for the SMS to provide non discriminatory, transparent and third
party access to export through gas pipeline infrastructure and power transmission
infrastructure. The countries may also jointly promote a strategic reserve stock of energy
(particularly crude oil and petroleum products) and encourage joint stock holdings with
partner countries where appropriate.

6.8 Collaboration for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects
SMS can also cooperate among themselves in developing projects under the clean
development mechanism (CDM) which has tremendous potential. CDM is a mechanism
created under Kyoto Protocol for projects, which reduce green house gas (GHG)
emission in developing countries. India acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 2002 and the
Government is becoming more active in Global Climate Change negotiations. Although it
does not have GHG mitigation obligations, it has taken active steps to address global
climate change issues, notably by encouraging projects under CDM, which play an
important role in curbing global emissions.

India is one of the leading CDM destinations today hosting about 1/3rd of the all
registered CDM projects (2007). CDM activity in India is second only to China. These
projects focus mainly on RE, energy efficiency and fuel switching. Most of the projects
are being developed by Indian companies.

India’s carbon base line is such that many of the RE projects in the neighbouring
countries can become viable by supplying power to India to replace some of its thermal
base generation and help in GHG mitigation. For example, India and Bhutan are already

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

cooperating on the Dagachhu Hydroelectric Project jn Bhutan to develop it as a CDM

project by utilizing the Indian carbon base line. As a run-of-river hydro power project, it
will have an installed capacity of 114 MW with an approximate annual energy generation
of 500 GWh. The overall purpose of the project is the generation of electricity based on
renewable energy sources for export to India. Preliminary estimates suggest that
hydropower projects in Bhutan developed to supply electricity to India could generate
Certified Emission Reduction (CERs) of up to 500,000 tonne of CO2 equivalent per
annum. Thus, the sale of CERs will contribute not only to the socio-economic
development in Bhutan and its financial sustainability but also help reduce CO2 emissions
in India. Demonstrable success of the Dagachhu HE Project could lead to a large number
of CDM projects that could be undertaken bilaterally between India and Bhutan.
6.9 India Energy Exchange Ltd.
Indian Energy Exchange Limited (IEX) has been set up to provide a national level online
electricity trading platform. It will enable the market forces of demand and supply to
determine electricity prices in a transparent manner for electricity traded outside bilateral
agreements. IEX is India’s and South Asia’s first ever power exchange. A second power
exchange: Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL) was also set up subsequently. The
power exchange provides a spot market (mainly day ahead for electricity) by matching
demand and supply for each hour, by providing/publishing a price index. It can be viewed
as a competitive whole sale spot trading arrangement that facilitates selling and buying of
electricity. The power exchange is a voluntary market providing an alternative to the
classical bilateral market.

Competition in the power exchange would occur through generators, distributors, traders
and large consumers submitting bids for buying and selling electricity. Each sale bid
would specify the quantity and its minimum price at which sellers are willing to supply
energy. Conversely each buy bid would specify the desired quantity and maximum price
at which the buyers are willing to buy energy. The power exchange would match supply
and demand along with publishing a market clearing price.

At this stage IEX is envisaged to be a national electricity exchange, with participation

limited to national players. But as the exchange evolves and necessary transmission
interconnections between the SMS get established and/or strengthened, it would be
possible for neighbouring countries also to trade power through this exchange. There are
many successful examples of regional energy trade taking place such as the South
African Power Pool (SAPP), NORD POOL, and the North American Interconnection.
ASEAN countries are also planning to cooperate for regional power exchange by setting
up interconnection projects. Indian integrated energy policy also recommends easy access
to neighbouring countries to the Indian Power Market. This can open up huge
opportunities for cooperation between the SMS.
6.10 Diversification of Energy Supplies
Energy security can be increased not only by import of a particular energy source but also
by diversifying the energy mix by using different types of fuel. An economy that uses
coal, oil, gas, nuclear, hydro and renewable energy of various kinds is naturally less
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

dependent on one particular fuel and hence less vulnerable to supply disruptions or price
fluctuations of either domestic or imported energy sources. Some additional initiatives
that are currently under way, especially in India and can be adopted by other countries in
the region to diversify the energy mix, are given below.

6.10.1 Coal Bed Methane

It is estimated that India’s resource base of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is between 1400
BCM (1260 mtoe) and 2500 BCM (2340 mtoe). To give impetus to exploration and
production, the government has formulated a CBM policy. Since Pakistan and
Bangladesh are having substantial coal reserves, possibilities of CBM exist in these
countries as well. India is engaged in developing/adopting appropriate technologies for
the utilization of this relative new energy source in South Asia. It could share its
experiences with other countries to help them harness the benefits of this energy source.

6.10.2 Coal Gasification

In-situ coal gasification can significantly increase the extractable energy from India's vast
in-place coal reserves to tap energy that cannot be extracted economically with the
available open cast/underground extraction technologies. Trials are in progress to
establish the feasibility and economics of this technology for Indian coal and lignite in
collaboration with Russia and Australia. In-situ gasification has many environmental
advantages. The potential for domestic energy supply based on in-situ coal gasification
can be large but it has not yet been assessed.

6.10.3 Gas Hydrates

South Asia has a very large coast line stretching from the Myanmar-India border in the
East to the Iran-Pakistan border in the West. The entire coast line is rich in gas hydrates
in the form of methane hydrate. Technology to harness this vast energy resource, said to
be enough to meet the entire energy needs of South Asia, needs to be developed through
joint research programmes sponsored by the SMS. ADB or World Bank may be
approached to develop and realize the potential of gas hydrates. Success in developing
this technology would reduce or might eliminate the need for oil imports.

6.10.4 Cooperation in Wind and Solar Energy Development

This is another possibility for regional energy cooperation/trade among the SMS. Wind
and solar mapping for Afghanistan, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka has been done
under the SARI/E program through National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),
USA. High resolution wind and solar maps developed for these countries provide critical
information on location and extent of renewable energy resources that these countries can
tap to meet their energy demand. These maps together with easy to use geo-spatial tool
kits assist planners and developers in identifying the most cost effective sites for
renewable energy development.

Based on these resources, it is possible to develop wind energy and solar projects in those
countries. Sri Lanka wind maps have led to the award of an initial 34 MW wind power

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

project and offers for an additional 150 MW of wind power. Other countries can emulate
the Indian and Sri Lankan experience to tap these potential sources of energy.

India is one of the leading countries in wind power development, with the fourth largest
wind power installed capacity in the world. It has acquired equipment manufacturing as
well as project development capability. The Indian companies engaged in the
development of wind power projects are helping India to develop this renewable energy
resource and also have a large presence in China and in markets in the developed world
including USA, Europe and other parts of world. They can undertake development of
wind power projects in all the SMS.

With the state of art satellite imaging capabilities, India could do the solar and wind
mapping of the remaining three countries viz., Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh to help
them harness the benefits from wind and solar energy.

Most of the countries in the region have been harnessing solar energy, though at a
minuscule scale for lighting purposes and solar water heating systems. South Asia being
one of the regions which receive large annual solar radiation has the potential to exploit
and diversify the use of solar energy. Member States can share their experiences to widen
the user base for such applications.
6.11 Areas for Sharing of Experiences and Best Practices
For regional energy trade to take place it is important that regulatory and trading practices
are harmonious. Unless they evolve in a manner that encourages standardization of rules
and procedures and simplify transaction mechanisms and reduce costs associated
therewith, it will be difficult to reach the stage where markets can develop and trade can
take place. Some of the SMS have put in place the regulatory mechanisms and regulators
are discharging their responsibilities effectively. Others have either yet to have regulatory
mechanisms in place or where the policies have been formulated and regulators put in
place, they have yet to effectively discharge their functions. SMS need to learn from each
other’s experiences so that fair and transparent rules and procedures govern energy trade
transactions under a proper regulatory oversight. Apprehensions of these governments
need to be overcome through proper sharing of information. South Asia Forum for
Infrastructure Regulators (SAFIR) is already a functioning body, where these regulators
meet on a regular basis. SAARC Secretariat could involve SAFIR to address the concerns
of governments that still have reservations in allowing deeper regulatory mechanisms to
function in their countries.
6.12 Cooperation in the Areas of Capacity Development, Research and
There are several institutions of excellence in the region dedicated to development of the
energy sector. Such institutions are spread across the region. While larger countries like
India have several such institutions, others have a limited number of them. SMS could
utilize the services of such institutions for capacity development of their professionals.

In order to meet the long term energy needs, it is essential to carry out Research and
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Development (R&D). As the demand for energy is growing at a rate faster than the
growth in the world’s fossil fuel supply, it becomes essential to use fuel efficiently by
using high efficiency technologies. Energy R & D would play a critical role in this
aspect. There are some scientific research bodies under CSIR in India that could support
related efforts of the energy sector. SMS could collaborate to offer the services of their
institutions of excellence for carrying out research in various areas of energy sector
6.13 Cooperation in the Area of Energy Efficiency and Fuel Diversification
SMS can agree to realistic action plans on energy efficiency keeping in view that energy
intensity in SMS is high and there are ample opportunities for reducing the same. This
will require improvement in energy efficiency in participating countries, implementing
necessary legislation on energy intensity norms and end use efficiency as well as
agreement to increasing efficiency of power stations and promoting use of combined heat
and power. There is also enormous scope for the applicability of energy efficiency at the
consumer end through efforts among SMS to evolve standards and labelling of electric
appliances. India already has evolved a Building Energy Code and Pakistan is in the
process of evolving one. Other countries could evolve similar codes with the help of
India and attain a reasonable level of energy efficiency in this area.
6.14 Conclusions
In essence the above discussion boils down to the following conclusions:

• Hydropower is the largest indigenous energy resource of the region and can meet
a large part of the energy requirement of the SMS. They need to adopt a
collaborative approach for the exploitation of this resource and possible CDM
opportunities from a regional than from a national perspective alone.

• Coal, another abundant indigenous energy resource of the region, is not exploited
to its full potential. Member States – Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan who
have proven coal reserves, need to utilize the long experience of India in the
development of coal mines/infrastructure and its utilization for power generation
and meeting other energy needs in the region.

• Member States need to expedite exploration of oil and natural gas resources, the
two commodities in their energy imports basket, which are impacting their
economies adversely. Sharing of technical expertise and information and data on
seismology can help the Member States in expediting the finds and reduce
dependence of costly services they have to hire from outside the region. Where
ever opportunities exist, monetizing the resource by sharing it with neighbouring
countries will be beneficial in the long run.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• Diversification of the energy basket of the Member States through the

development of energy resources additional to conventional energy and renewable
energy (including wind, solar and biomass) provides another important
opportunity to meet their energy demand. The areas that could be covered under
this initiative are coal bed methane, in-situ coal gasification, and gas hydrates.

• Other important areas of collaboration would be in energy efficiency, availing the

benefits under the CDM, sharing best practices, and joint research programmes.

Chapter-7: Inter Regional Energy Trade and Related Options
7.0 Joint Procurement of Energy Supplies
The current inter-regional energy trade arrangements between South Asia and other parts
of the world primarily cover import of petroleum and its products, and coal and limited
electricity imports by Afghanistan and Pakistan from the CARS and Iran respectively. A
number of energy supply options are being explored by the SMS for joint procurement of
energy supplies from outside the region. These include opportunities, such as,
establishing inter-regional gas pipelines and power transmission interconnections. Some
of the prominent projects on the horizon being discussed are:

• Iran-Pakistan- India gas pipeline (IPI)

• Eastern Gas Pipeline Infrastructure
• Central Asia, South Asia (CASA) Power Transmission Project (CASA1000)
• Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline (TAPI)

A brief overview of these projects is given below.

7.1 Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline
This project has remained under discussion for the past couple of decades. However, the
recent round of negotiations started in 2004, and after protracted discussions, the
counterparties i.e. Inter State Gas Systems (ISGS) from Pakistan and National Iranian Oil
Company (NIOC) from Iran, finally initialled the Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement
(GSPA) on 24th May 2009. The Presidents of both countries signed the Inter
Governmental Framework Declaration also on the same date. The Federal Cabinet of
Pakistan in its meeting dated 3rd June 2009 approved the GSPA as initialled on 24th May
2009 and the GSPA was signed bilaterally on 5th June 2009 at Istanbul in Turkey.

The signed GSPA leaves room for India to join the project also at a later stage.

7.1.1 Financing of the Project

The original investment requirement for the project was of the order of US$ 7 billion. As
per the latest project negotiations, the respective sections of the gas pipeline falling
within the territory of each country are to be built and operated by the concerned country.
The gas volume has been revised from the original proposal of 55 BCMA to 21 BCMA
to be shared equally between Pakistan and India in the first phase of the project.

It is understood that Iran has completed its pipeline up-to Iran Shehr, which is about 200
KM away from Iran-Pakistan border.

Pakistan is currently planning to lay a 42 inch pipeline in the first stage to transport only
the Pakistan volume of upto 1.0 BCFD, while another section of the same size can be
added later as and when India decides to join the project. The pipeline cost based on
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

current steel prices is estimated at US$ 1.3 billion to supply the Pakistan volume up to
Nawabshah, which is about 800 KM from the Iran-Pakistan border.

Funding for these pipelines would be based on project finance principles, with the transit
charge cash flow coming from gas purchasers possessing high credit ratings and strong
balance sheets i.e. those which will provide credible power purchase contracts. These
project participants could be big companies such as Pakistan State Oil, OGDC, Pakistan
Petroleum, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines, Sui Southern Gas Company, some international
companies, and major power generation and industrial companies.

The model proposed for funding the project is fundamentally based on an integrated
project structure with the Government of Pakistan or a strategic investor taking a lead
role in implementing the project, and participating in the midstream activities.

Member States as Project Developers/Owners

Pakistan has sought the requisite approval and designed a financial mechanism to finance
the project through equity participation by the Government owned entities. Since the
funding required to complete the Pakistan segment has reduced significantly compared to
the overall project financing estimated originally, it is expected that arrangements for
project funding will not be a major issue.

7.1.2 Technical Aspects

This 800 KM long pipeline to transport an estimated 21 BCMA will be passing mostly
through normal terrain conditions, and will not pose any major technical issues and
challenges, except for pipeline security measures. This may entail higher costs than the
building of normal pipeline infrastructure projects. All the countries have extensive
experience of establishing gas pipelines of somewhat similar magnitude. Most of the
material for the pipeline is indigenously available within the region. The only item that
these countries may need to import would be the high pressure pumps for the compressor
stations. Moreover, local companies are well versed in undertaking such projects.

7.2 Eastern Gas Pipeline Infrastructure
The first project of this nature that came up for discussions was the Myanmar-
Bangladesh-India pipeline project. But the right of way has not been resolved so far.

It would be advantageous for Bangladesh, India and some of the other SAARC Member
States to have gas infrastructure that could help them access the gas reserves in Myanmar
and possibly in other neighbouring countries to the East of the SAARC region. Even if
the concerned SMS as a group intend to bring in natural gas in the form of LNG, they
would still require the pipeline infrastructure to evacuate the gas to the load centres from
the LNG re-gasification terminals.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

7.2.1 Financing of - Eastern Pipeline Infrastructure

As and when the concerned SMS decide to build the joint pipeline infrastructure referred
to above, its financing may not be a major challenge, since the infrastructure would be
sponsored and / or supported by several countries in the region. Their active participation
would make the infrastructure project bankable and the MFIs and private sector would
get interested to serve the larger market segment that would be the ultimate beneficiary of
the gas supplies from this pipeline infrastructure.
7.3 Central Asia, South Asia (CASA 1000) Power Transmission Project
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, the two hydropower resource rich countries of Central Asia
and the potential hydropower exporters, have entered into project agreements with
Afghanistan and Pakistan, the two power importing countries, for construction of the
CASA 1000 transmission project. The project company has already been formed with its
headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan with representation from all four countries. The pre-
feasibility studies and economic analysis studies for the project were sponsored by the
Asian Development Bank and the World Bank respectively. The same have been
completed. The project overview and the latest status of the developments taking place
are given in Annexure 6.

7.3.1 Financing of the Project

The project is supported by the World Bank to demonstrate the potential of inter-regional
energy projects for regional cooperation and economic development. As is evident from
the project overview the aim of the facilitation process is to attract a private project
developer for this project.

The major issue right now in view of the global economic melt down is that project
developers might find it difficult to finance the project. Even if a financial close is
reached in the current situation of financial crisis, the financing costs that the developer
will have to bear would be in excess of project financing costs identified earlier. That
might perhaps delay reaching a financial close, as per the projected time schedule.

7.3.2 Technical Issues

The project may pose some major technical challenges, as the transmission line has to
pass through very rough and rugged terrain over snow clad mountains and soft sub-soil
conditions. But the challenges are not un-surmountable, as the Power Grid Corporation of
India has already built a 220 kV transmission system over the same mountain range under
the India-Afghanistan bi-lateral aid agreement to help Afghanistan evacuate power from
the CARs. One thing to note will be that given the terrain and harsh winter weather
conditions the project will entail higher cost than for a similar project in normal terrain
conditions. During the Donor Conference in July 2005, Power Grid Corporation of India
in their presentation at the conference were able to convince the participants, especially
the technical experts that the design parameters that they had envisaged for building the
220 kV system were strong enough to withstand all the hostile weather conditions that
might prevail in the region.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

7.4 Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline
This project like the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project has been discussed over the
past two decades. But the gas availability, geo-political situation in the CARs and
Afghanistan, and India-Pakistan relations were the main reasons for holding back
progress on this project. An overview of the project is placed at Annexure 5.

As gas pipeline projects entail huge investments, one of the preconditions for laying such
pipelines is the long-term availability of the gas supplies to ensure the economic and
financial viability. Now that the gas certification has been done, the governments
involved have started moving towards the project preparation activities and signing of the
relevant agreements.

The design capacity of the pipeline is 33 BCMA (3.2 BCFD). The route proposed for the
56-inch diameter pipeline is through Herat, Kandhar across Pakistan border near
Chaman, Zhob, DG Khan, Multan and onwards to Fazilka near Pak-India border. The
length of the pipeline up to Pakistan-India border is 1,680km. The cost of the project was
originally estimated at US$ 3.3 billion, which has since been revised to US$ 7.6 billion
based upon current steel and construction costs.

7.4.1 Financing of the Project

The financing options discussed above in respect of the I-P-I gas pipeline would hold
good for this project as well. ADB’s association as a main supporter and a good quality
feasibility study would certainly add credibility to the project and help attract financing
for the project.

Still the governments involved in the project will have to lend support to either their own
entities to raise resources, if they choose to take the public sector route for project
development or provide credible support mechanisms in place if the project is to be
developed through either PPP or exclusively through the private sector.

Another option that could be explored would be the major energy consuming industries
in the energy recipient countries taking equity stakes in the project, as they would be
some of the main beneficiaries of the additional energy supplies. Energy intensive
industries and major energy utilities might not be averse to contributing equity and/or
debt for the project against assured energy supply. Giving tax breaks and other incentives
to equity participants would be another option to raise resources expeditiously.

7.4.2 Technical Aspects

Unlike the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline the TAPI project will have to traverse through
a rugged and mountainous terrain. But gas from CARs and Balkans is being exported to
markets as far as Europe. Those pipeline projects too traverse through similar terrain. So
there would be no additional challenges in building this project.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

7.5 Additional Options
A number of studies have been undertaken over time looking at the economic feasibility
of the above mentioned trade options and the possibility of a Qatar-Pakistan-India natural
gas pipeline 43. These studies have been reviewed while developing the following trade

Four multilateral trade and cooperation options that can, over time, include almost all
countries of the region have been identified here. In the selection of these options care
has been taken to ensure that interests of all concerned stakeholders are addressed and
that these options can be practically implemented. The subsequent sections discuss these
four options in some detail and broadly estimate the economic benefits that would accrue
to the Member States, if adopted. These regional energy trade/cooperation options have
taken into account, the future energy demand supply position and limited resource
endowments of the region and have focussed primarily on cooperation on infrastructure
development within the region which could facilitate trade at a regional level.

It is also important to stress here that a long term integrated view of energy cooperation
needs to be taken beyond looking at the attractiveness of each project in isolation.

7.5.1 Proposed Trade Option 1: Regional/Sub-regional Power Market

A common link cutting across all SAARC Member States is the growing demand for
electricity to meet energy needs. In the near future (2010-2020), the region’s electricity
demand is expected to grow faster than that for any other commercial energy source,
with a CAGR of around 9%.44 However, it is expected that many of the individual
Member States themselves would continue to be in a situation of shortages for quite some
time to come. It is well recognised that the opportunity cost of electricity shortages can be
very high. According to a TERI study done on economic value created by electricity
consumption, one kWh of electricity consumed in the Indian economy raises output by
Rs.39.41.45 The corresponding value at 2006-07 prices is Rs.81.22.46 Hence, any potential
that might be exploited within the region to reduce electricity shortages would have
significant economic benefits. An option the region can pursue is to develop a regional
electricity market that would allow trade in any surpluses that a country may have either
over the time span of a day or over a seasons. Such trade would exploit the unique
characteristic of electricity – which once generated has to be consumed immediately.

43 The Qatar-Pakistan-India Pipeline through the UAE and Karachi has also been considered for a long time,
but its chances of materializing are dependant on whether Qatar can commit the 2.6 bcf/d of natural gas to
be supplied by the pipeline given its LNG commitments
44 Calculations based on the data provided in the various Country reports. This number understates the growth in electricity
demand, as projections for electricity demand of Afghanistan and Maldives are not available.
45 TERI study titled ‘Valuation of the Socio-Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of Hydro Power Projects in India: Case
Study of Two Selected Projects’; TERI 2005 (2005SF32)
46 The wholesale price index number for Indian Economy was considered for inflating the coefficients at 2006-07 prices. At 1993-94
prices the coefficients was found to be 39.41. The wholesale price index number for all commodities stood at 206.1 with weight-base
100 for the year 1993-94. Therefore, the change in electricity consumption in the economy by one kWh contributes to
39.41*(206.1/100) at constant 2005-06 prices. Source: accessed on 6th
September 2008
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

India has an important role to play in building a regional electricity market because of its
location. All trade except that between Afghanistan and Pakistan would involve India as
the conduit for electricity transmission. This highlights the need for adopting a planned
approach to build adequate capacities for developing electricity markets.

Establishment of a regional power market for the SAARC countries can offer manifold
technical and economic benefits. These include optimal exploitation of energy resources,
reduction in generation reserve requirements, reduction in overall cost of supply through
competition in generation, improved system reliability, enhanced energy security, better
energy access, lesser environmental impacts of power generation, and added incentives to
resource rich countries to accelerate power development with resultant benefits to the
county’s economic growth.

Looking at international experience, it emerges that a regional power market can be set
up by adopting a building block approach. Regional electricity markets need to evolve
over time for a variety of reasons – technical, regulatory and policy related. The
evolutionary path for this market would depend on the pace at which the regional
resource potential is exploited, the demand-supply balance in the foreseeable future,
structure of the power supply industry — including the network characteristics, legal and
regulatory framework, government policies and, not in the least, the surpluses that these
countries can identify over seasons and over time of day. A roadmap with definite time
lines is, therefore, difficult at this stage. But a beginning could definitely be made. It
would, therefore, be desirable to develop a framework and to identify the actions needed
and conditions to be satisfied in achieving this long-term objective.

At present the electricity trade taking place in the SAARC region is limited to India-
Bhutan and India-Nepal, which is primarily bilateral in nature. There are a number of
interconnects that have been proposed over the years, for which detailed feasibility has
also been undertaken.

The first and foremost requirement for moving towards a regional power market would
be a broad agreement at the governmental level, between participating Member States to
facilitate bilateral power exchanges followed by multi-lateral power exchanges. This has
been an initiating point for a number of power pools currently operating across the world,
for instance GMS and SAPP discussed in Chapter 5. Once this is decided, in principle,
then, power system studies for different scenarios in the short, medium and long term
may be taken up. These studies would help identify the possible quanta of power
exchanges and transmission system requirements including the associated costs and
benefits. A joint task force of participating countries could carry out the studies.
An important decision while interconnecting a number of power systems would be the
mode of interconnection (synchronous or asynchronous) and a scheme for grid level
protection. The radial (asynchronous) AC Link is normally used for small blocks of
power exchange (up to 150 MW). Synchronous AC links could be used if it were
technically possible to operate the two grids in synchronous mode, which is determined
on the basis of relevant technical studies. HVDC back-to-back links could be used for
interconnecting two adjacent grids for regulated power transfer or for those, which need
to be operated in asynchronous manner due to operational reasons. HVDC bipole lines
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

are used for transferring large blocks of power over longer distances. All investments
need to be justified considering economic and technical analysis.
The Indian experience of linking various regional grids to move to a national grid may be
emulated for building the proposed regional/sub-regional power market and a SAARC
grid/ring. India has five regional transmission grids viz. Northern, Western, Southern,
Eastern and North Eastern. In India, as in case of SAARC, resources are unevenly
distributed with select regions such as Bihar/Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal in the
East having abundant coal and north and North-east India having abundant hydro
resources. The demand centres in the North, West and South do not have adequate natural
resources for setting up power plants to meet their requirements. Therefore, the regions
were inter-linked for optimal utilization of generating resources for sustainable
development. At present four regions viz. Northern, Western, Eastern and North Eastern
regions are synchronously interconnected through high capacity 400kV AC lines. ER-NR
and WR-NR also have HVDC back-to-back interconnections, which are operated to
supplement the AC synchronous links. The Southern Region now connected with the
remaining all-India grid through asynchronous HVDC/radial AC links, is expected to be
synchronously connected to the other Regions by 2013-14. In India, the current scenario
is to inter-connect the regional grids through more and more synchronous inter-regional
links with the aim of developing a strong National Grid for optimum resource utilization
and enhanced grid stability.

Along with setting up interconnections, it is necessary to review the regulatory provisions

including the grid codes to ensure that the interconnected operation would not endanger
grid reliability. Another important technical requirement would be well equipped and
adequately manned National Load Dispatch Centres (NLDCs) in all the participating
countries and a mechanism for close coordination between them. Studies are also
required to be taken up on (a) augmentation of the communication and dispatch facilities,
(b) joint formulation and incorporation in respective national grid codes a section which
defines procedures for operational planning, dispatch and control, and liaison between
dispatch centres at the regional level, (c) joint formulation of market operation rules
(corresponding to the stage of market evolution), (d) identification of a nodal Load
Dispatch Centre (LDC) ideally suited for overall coordination, and (e) the stage at which
a separate regional level dispatch centre has to be established. There should also be
agreement on commercial aspects such as (a) pricing of traded power47, (b) transmission
pricing including the wheeling charges and compensation for transmission losses, and (c)
payment security mechanisms. On the policy front, incentives would have to be created
for attracting investments in both generation and transmission facilities.

Different options may be considered for implementing the power exchanges between
SMS. These include (a) for each country, the respective NLDC scheduling the net
feasible power exchange (based on data from generators, traders or aggregators) along
with the points of power export/ import for each scheduling period from that country’s
perspective and communicating the same to the designated nodal/ regional LDC, and (b)
a common power exchange (with optional participation) dealing with all power other than
bilateral ones and directly communicating with the designated nodal/ regional LDC. In

47 As the regional market develops, price discovery would be on commercial basis, driven by demand supply balance. This is unlike
the current system of price determination through negotiations.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

turn the designated nodal/ regional LDC would put together the schedules and
communicate the proposed net power exchanges including the injection points and price
(for the part not covered under contracts) with all NLDCs for them to examine the same
from the point of view of grid security and their power needs. Based on the response
from the NLDCs, the nodal/ regional LDC could finalize the exchange schedule and
communicate the same to all for implementation. Open access of transmission grid,
transparent functioning of the nodal/ regional LDC and proper confidentiality agreements
between partner countries would be prerequisites in this context.

A possible evolutionary trajectory for the market could be to start with short-term trading
on a multi lateral basis. A prerequisite for moving towards multilateral trading is
existence of interconnections between Member States. An important aspect while setting
up these interconnect points shall be the cost of inter country transmission of power.
Once short term trading works satisfactorily, the region could move to a day-ahead
market and depending on the techno-commercial preparedness gradually to a spot market.
It would be advisable to follow ‘a feel the shore and swim policy’ while opening up the
market. It would also be desirable to keep track of how the essential pre-conditions that
are required for any region to operate in a fully competitive market are satisfied. These
include (a) adequate redundancy in generation and transmission, (b) electricity sales price
reaching its economic value, (c) level playing field for all participants, and (d) a
mechanism for market surveillance to guard against abuse of market power. Moving into
a market mode of operation may also require legislative changes. If so, the time required
for these changes to come into effect would significantly affect the time lines for opening
up of the market.

Phasing of the Regional/Sub-regional Power Market

For building the regional and sub regional power market the region would need to adopt a
phased approach. Interconnections initially established between various Member States,
could then be graduated to support a regional/ sub regional market.

The cost of these interconnections depends upon a number of factors such as – power
transfer capacity, length of the line, energy flow, and hours of supply. The costs of
transmission interconnections could be either recovered separately from the beneficiaries
of the transmission systems or could be levied as part of the tariff for energy.
Alternatively, as a method for financing these interconnections the central governments
of the Member States could consider providing funds to build these interconnections as a
public good so as to reap larger benefits in the long term as a result of increased regional
electricity trade. To identify these interconnect points it is imperative that the region
collectively undertakes a detailed study to zero-in on them and also work out the
investments required for the interconnections. A detailed study or a Master Plan can be
prepared in line with the Regional Indicative Master Plan on Power Interconnection
developed by GMS so as to identify the road map for building a regional power market.
The power transmission interconnections that are on the horizon for implementation have
been given in Chapter 6 of this report.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

7.5.2 Proposed Trade Option 2: Regional/Sub-regional Refinery

From the foregoing chapters, it is evident that the region is very heavily import dependent
to meet its crude oil and petroleum product demand, and import of petroleum products
has a higher energy security concern linked to it as compared to import of crude oil.

Member States such as Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Afghanistan are nearly 100% import
dependent while Sri Lanka is about 50% dependent on imports for its petroleum product
demand. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have limited refining capacity and therefore are
dependent on import of petroleum products to meet their energy demand. Current refining
capacity in Pakistan meets about 68% of its demand., but Pakistan is actively pursuing three
new refinery projects namely; Khalifa Coastal Refinery, New Bosicor Refinery and Trans-Asia
Refinery, which are expected to commence by 2012 and add around 20 mtpa. Consequently,
Pakistan’s diesel and furnace oil deficit would reduce considerably. Although India, on an
aggregate basis, has a surplus refining capacity it is still not able to meet the demand for
all its petroleum products and therefore imports some quantity of select petroleum
products such as LPG.

In a five year time frame (2005-2010)48 , the demand for petroleum products in the region
is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.08% from 132 mtoe to 153 mtoe, with Maldives
registering the highest growth rate of around 22.17%, followed by Sri Lanka at 12.09%
and Pakistan at 11.96%.49 Although there would be an increase in the demand for
petroleum products, plans for refinery capacity expansion are limited and thus the import
dependence on petroleum products is expected to increase in the future.

An analysis of the current petroleum product consumption pattern of the Member States
reveals that High Speed Diesel (HSD) constitutes the major share of the total petroleum
product consumption (see Figure 7.1). In select Member States such as Bhutan and
Maldives, HSD accounts for more than 90% of the petroleum product consumption.

Figure 7.1: Petroleum Product Consumption Profile of Selected SAARC Member States
80% HSD
70% HSD 38%
60% 56% HSD HSD
50% 65% 37% HSD HSD
92% 95% 48% 49%
Afghanistan Bhutan Bangladesh India Maldives Nepal Sri Lanka Pakistan

Sources: Various country report and Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell, Ministry of PNG, GOI

48 The lack of long term demand projections for petroleum by-products, has proved to be a constraining
factor in this analysis.
49 It needs to be highlighted that these projections do not include projections of petroleum product demand
of Afghanistan and Bangladesh as none are available. Source for projections: various country reports
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Another point that needs to be highlighted here is that all Member States, except India,
import diesel to meet their requirements. In effect the entire region is importing diesel to
meet its energy needs. India also has had some diesel imports in 2008. The current
refining technology employed in most of the refineries across the region is old and there
is a need to infuse state of the art technology in the refining sector.

Also, the entire region is experiencing rapidly increasing demand for electricity and
would require an adequate quantum of furnace oil based power projects. Therefore, any
proposed refining capacity should also have the configuration to address this need.

Given the above points, the region could consider cooperating in setting up a
Regional/Sub-regional refinery to meet the petroleum products demand of the region.
The refinery would be aimed at enhancing energy security of the region by decreasing its
dependence on imports of petroleum products and configuring it so as to maximise HSD
production. Based on projections given in the respective country reports and assuming
that the current dominance of HSD is expected to continue, it is expected that a 23
MMTPA refinery would suffice to meet the HSD demand of the region (2010 scenario).
The total investment is expected to be around USD 8.1 billion50. If the refinery
configuration is such that 65% of its product is diesel, then the diesel production from the
refinery would be about 14 mtoe. At USD 100/bbl (US dollars per barrel) of crude oil,
HSD free on board (f.o.b.) price is expected to be USD 135/bbl. Assuming that the diesel
produced by the refinery is sufficient to meet the entire diesel import requirement of the
region (excluding India), the region would save around USD 14.80 billion on account of
foreign exchange saved by avoiding diesel import. Foreign exchange would however be
incurred on feedstock in the form of crude oil for the refinery. Further, assuming a
production profile with 3% LPG production, 10% naphtha, 15% petrol and 5% petroleum
coke along with 65% production of diesel51, the refinery is expected to earn a net annual
revenue of USD 2.75 billion at a crude oil price of USD100/bbl (reducing to USD 2.07
billion at a crude oil price of USD75/bbl). The expected pay back period for the refinery
could be about 3 years. Detailed spreadsheets for the above mentioned analysis are in
Annexure 1. If the 65% of diesel production is changed to 60% diesel and 5% furnace oil
(valued at 70% of crude oil price), the refinery can be expected to earn a net annual
revenue of USD 2.20 billion.

From the above it clearly emerges that setting up of a regional/sub regional refinery shall
be beneficial to the entire region, and this benefit is expected to go up if high crude oil
prices prevail.

The Regional/Sub-Regional refinery can be set up as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

owned by interested Member States, and regulated as per agreed terms, with the specific
objective of setting up additional state-of-art refining capacity that would be available to
more than one country. While it is suggested that this refinery should operate on
commercial principles (import parity pricing at refinery gate), by virtue of their
ownership share in the refinery, participating Member States would obtain an additional
source of income. This SPV can operate under various models:
50 Assumption: Investment requirement for 1 MMTPA refinery is USD 357 million
51 The production profile is based on discussions with refining experts
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(i) Grass-Roots Refinery: The SPV can be entrusted with the responsibility of
setting up a grass roots refinery to meet the petroleum product needs of
participating Member States in an optimal manner. Identifying potential location
and sizing, and obtaining operational clearances would all be the responsibility of
the SPV.

(ii) Additional refining capacity in planned capacity additions: There are a

number of refinery capacity expansion projects that are planned in the region,
especially in India. The SPV can be tasked with the responsibility of negotiating
incremental capacities in such projects for meeting the needs of other member-
states – individually or severally. The interest of participating countries in such
incremental capacities may differ by the specific locations where such
incremental capacity is being sought. This could be a less expensive and
accelerated method of accessing capacity than setting up a grassroots refinery.

Both methods mentioned above could have a long gestation period. It takes about three to
four years for commissioning a new refinery and two to three years for expanding an
existing one. In the meanwhile, either of the following interim arrangements can be
adopted by the region as short term options with the first option being less cumbersome:

(i) Interim arrangement with existing Indian refineries: The SAARC region can
benefit from the currently existing refining capacity by tying up commercial
agreements with existing Indian refineries closer to their respective borders to
supply the required petroleum products. Locational advantages may allow these
countries to source imports at a lower cost as compared to importing the products
from longer distances.

(ii) Common crude procurement and refining at an existing refinery:

Participating SAARC Member States can jointly procure the required crude,
possibly through the above defined SPV, tie up with an existing refinery with
spare capacity to process the crude and supply the products to participating
Member States (fee-for-service model).

Along with savings on outflow of foreign exchange, following are some of the key
benefits that the region would derive by adopting any of the above approaches:

• Most of the existing refineries in the region are old and require upgrading to
increase output. The refining capacity in three of the four Member States that
have refining capacity has remained nearly constant over the past few years.
Pakistan has added only 1MMTPA of additional refining capacity since 2001.52
Both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have one refinery each, with a refining capacity
of 1.5 MMTPA and 1.2 MMTPA respectively.53 On the other hand, India has
been augmenting its refining capacity on a regular basis.

52 Pakistan country report

53 Respective country reports
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• It is expected that a regional refinery would be able to supply products within the
region at a lower cost as compared to each country building its own refinery due
to the benefits of economies of scale. Economies of scale have been one of the
driving forces for the African region to consider building strategic refineries in the
region. Member States with the requisite technology could provide technical
inputs for building the refining.

While developing a detailed feasibility for the refinery project the following need to be
considered, to ensure a mutually beneficial and profitable venture:

• Location of the refinery – for either the grass roots refinery or add-on capacity –
shall be a crucial factor in ensuring favourable economics for the project.
Therefore, the refinery location has to take into account the transportation costs of
sourcing crude oil to the refinery and supplying petroleum products to the
Member States.

• For transporting refined products, the region could allow swap arrangements for
supply of petroleum products across the existing refineries. This could also help
in limiting transportation costs for petroleum products. This swap arrangement
could be worked out between the regional and domestic refineries. Some of the
domestic refineries have an advantage in that they are located in proximity to the
border of the adjoining Member States. The regional refinery can have swap
arrangements with these refineries under which it could supply to markets of the
domestic refineries located closer to it and in turn the domestic refineries can
supply to the regional refinery markets closer to them.

• A common framework for pricing petroleum products to be supplied from the

refinery would need to be worked out.

• Petroleum product quality would be another factor that would impact the refinery

7.5.3 Proposed Trade Option 3: Regional/Sub-regional LNG Terminal

Concept and Rationale

A common thread running across the region is that it is a natural gas deficit region. The
three Member States Bangladesh, India and Pakistan using natural gas in their energy mix
are facing a deficit in natural gas supply. For instance, in Bangladesh out of a 2008
power shortage of about 1000 MW, 600-700 MW was due to non availability of natural
gas.54 In India, the gas based electricity generating capacity requires about 29 mtoe (89
MMSCMD), however it is being supplied only about 13 mtoe (40 MMSCMD) of the
resource.55 The deficit position is more worrisome for Member States, such as,
Bangladesh and Pakistan where gas is the predominant resource of energy. India and Sri
Lanka are making efforts to diversify their energy basket. While India is trying to
increase gas supply, Sri Lanka has sought to include natural gas in its energy basket. For
Member States such as Bhutan also, diversification from hydro to other sources of energy
54 Based on discussions with Bangladesh’s energy sector experts
55 India Country Report
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

for electricity generation may be desirable, particularly as in winter months, when

electricity demand is at its peak, power generation from hydro resources goes down
substantially forcing the country to import electricity. In 2005, Bhutan imported around
18 MW of electricity from India.56

In the long term (2020) the region is expected to experience a natural gas shortage of
around 99 mtoe.57 This is a substantial deficit, and is illustrated by the fact that if the
region is able to meet this deficit, it would be able to commission 75 GW of additional
power generating capacity. Almost all countries of the region have expressed an interest
in accessing larger quantities of natural gas and an interest in expanding the proposed IPI
pipeline as well as the proposed TAPI pipeline to serve other countries of the region has
been expressed time and again. While flagging this interest, recognising the inflexibilities
of sourcing natural gas imports through the pipeline route as well as the current
limitations on quantities, it is proposed here to seriously explore the possibility of
developing a bulk natural gas import infrastructure based on the LNG technology. Not
only would this provide wider and flexible opportunities for sourcing natural gas but
could also potentially be faster than the pipeline projects referred to above. The region
may, therefore, also plan to build a regional/ sub regional LNG terminal.

There are a number of arguments that can be put forward in support of the LNG terminal.
First, the regional/ sub regional LNG terminal would provide the importing Member
States more supply options for importing LNG (as mentioned earlier). At a single large
terminal, cargoes from multiple supply sources could be received.

Second, in an LNG terminal the Member States have options of importing LNG on both
long-term as well as through spot contracts to meet temporary increase in natural gas

Third, any cost advantage that a pipeline project may have had would recede in the future
as it is expected that the price of natural gas supplied by cross border pipelines would
move in line with international LNG prices. This was highlighted when, for the TAPI
cross border natural gas pipeline, the gas supplier suggested that the price of natural gas
may be linked to that of market prices of natural gas.

Finally, with technology development, the cost gap between establishing pipelines and
importing gas through the LNG route is closing fast.

Setting up an LNG terminal, however, is a capital intensive investment and it may not be
feasible for each Member State to commission an LNG terminal individually. Also, select
Member States such as Sri Lanka would have a marginal demand as compared to other
Member States in the region. An advantage the region has for sourcing natural gas (both
in LNG and piped natural gas) is that it is surrounded by countries/ regions such as the
Caspian region, Algeria, Middle East and Myanmar and hence it may be easier for the
region to source the resource. The current international scenario indicates a tight natural
gas market, but it is expected that a regional/ sub regional LNG terminal would enhance
the negotiating power of the SAARC region.
56 Bhutan Energy Data Directory 2005
57 Based on various country reports
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Following are the benefits that would accrue to the region as a whole with setting up of a
joint LNG terminal.

• The region would be able to bridge the substantial natural gas supply deficit it
faces in the medium as well as in the long term.
• Diversification of the current energy basket of the Member States, as most of
them have a single fuel source predominating their energy resource base
• Clean resource: Natural gas is a cleaner energy resource as compared to coal.
Therefore, natural gas usage replacing coal shall have favourable impact on the
• Economies of scale: Instead of each member state building its own LNG terminal,
a joint LNG terminal would help the Member States in reaping benefits of
economies of scale.

Financial Structuring Options for the LNG Terminal

There are a few options that can be considered for deciding the ownership structure as
well as financing options for the regional/ sub-regional LNG terminal.

The first option for the terminal is to structure it as a joint holding of the participating
Member States. This could be through equity holding of the participating Member States.

Alternatively, the participating Member States may also consider involving the private
sector in building the LNG terminal and using the storage facility on a common carrier
principle. This model is similar to the model discussed in Chapter 5 with reference to the
Baja California LNG terminal. The storage facility can then be auctioned to the interested
consumers on a bid basis so as to tie up the supplies. Supplies could be tied on both long-
term basis and short term basis.

The third option that is available for the ownership and financing is to build a Merchant
LNG terminal for meeting natural gas demand of the region. This option does have a
higher market risk associated with it.. The Hazira LNG terminal in India, located on its
western coast functions as a Merchant LNG terminal, wherein, it procures LNG on spot
contracts and then on the supply side also has short to medium term contracts. The
promoters of the Hazira LNG terminal are Shell Gas B.V, and Total Gaz Electricité
Holdings France. A deviation from the usual practice, a merchant LNG terminal offers
flexibility in contract duration to match fluctuations in customer demand profile. The
Hazira terminal was built to benefit from the number of LNG projects existing across the
globe, which Shell wanted to exploit. In this proposed structure, involvement of the
private sector is also expected to be beneficial.

In terms of commercial arrangements there are a number of options that are available for
pricing the LNG to be supplied from the LNG terminal. From the following options one
option can be selected based on expected maturity of the market to accept LNG, price of
LNG source, ownership structure, and terms and conditions of functioning of the LNG
terminal operator.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(i) Fixed charge – under this arrangement the developer charges its customers a
fixed charge based on the price at which the LNG is procured.

(ii) Regulated by a common regulator – under this arrangement the price for LNG
is decided on the basis of principles as defined by the common regulator in
the region using cost plus or performance benchmarked pricing. Setting up of
the common regulator would require first and foremost harmonization of the
different policy and regulatory regimes and possibly customs and tariff
structures existing across the Member States.

(iii) Selling of quantities through a bidding process – This price setting mechanism
is similar to that followed in the Baja California case. The bids invited could
either be price or quantity bids. Under the first case, the bidding process shall
be used to determine the price for delivery and under the latter case the price
may be fixed by the operator, and the consumers are required to bid for
quantity of LNG as well as the period of supply. Under this case also, as in
case of Baja California, there could be two prices prevailing, one short term
price, which is higher than the long term supply price.

The following are the key parameters that would require due consideration while
undertaking a detailed feasibility of building a regional/ sub regional terminal:

(i) A crucial factor for deciding the location of the LNG terminal would be the
relative transport economics and availability of requisite port facilities, which
are important determinants in deciding the place of setting up the LNG

(ii) An LNG terminal dedicated to meet the power and fertilizer demand for the
region shall be a good option to pursue.

(iii) The establishment of a backbone pipeline network would be a pre-requisite to

exploring this option unless the transfer of gas takes place through wires in the
form of electricity.

Presently the only country in the region to import natural gas in the form of LNG is India,
through the company named Petronet LNG Ltd. It set up its first plant in Dahej and is
now in the process of setting up an LNG receiving and re-gasification terminal at Kochi
in Kerala with 2.5 MMTPA nominal capacity which is equivalent to 8 MMCMD of
natural gas, with provision of expansion up to 5 MMTPA. Storage and Re-gasification
facilities will include unloading arms, two tanks of 110,000 cubic million capacity each,
vaporization system and utilities and off-site facilities. The estimated cost of the project
is INRs. 20,000 million (US$ 445 million)58. The other terminal India is putting up is at
Dabhol, Maharastra with 2.5 MMTPA nominal capacity with a provision of expansion up
to 5 MMTPA by Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited. To begin with SAARC
Member States could initiate this process by setting up a similar facility and gain

58 Petronet LNG Website,

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

experience and confidence to increase the number and the capacity of such LNG facilities
in the region to meet the regional energy demand.

As can be interpolated from Table 7.1 below; the cost of electricity generated from LNG,
priced at $ 18/GJ works out to $ 0.12/kWh as against the diesel based electricity
generation cost of $ 0.21/kWh at the diesel price of $ 784/MMT ($18/GJ). Countries
which are using diesel to partially meet their electricity demand would benefit immensely
by fuel switching to accessible natural gas.

7.5.4 Proposed Trade Option 4: Regional/Sub-regional Power Plant

A major hindrance to development in the SAARC region is that a majority of Member

States in the region are facing substantial power shortages and would require
considerable addition in the power generating capacity to meet the current demand as
well as ensure that electricity access is available to all. Member States such as
Afghanistan and Bangladesh had a growing power deficit of more that 20% in 2007.
Pakistan had a power deficit of around 16% and India and Nepal had power deficits in the
order of 10%.59 While Bhutan does not have large annual deficits, it does have seasonal
deficits, driven largely by its dependence on a single source of electricity generation. To
avoid any further worsening of the electricity situation, the Government of Bhutan has
currently put a moratorium for energy intensive industries till additional power
generation capacity is added to the system.60

Therefore, the region may consider commissioning a Regional/Sub regional power

plant. A regional/ sub-regional power plant refers to a power plant set up in the
geographical territory of one country with the intent of using the power generated from it
not only by the home country but others as well. The plant may be set up either jointly by
the countries or by a third party. A Regional/sub regional power plant is not a new
concept as seen from international experience and also regional experience61. The
rationale for this in the present context lies in the following.

• All Member States are facing energy deficits and their power requirements are
increasing at a fast pace;
• Capacity addition within the country to meet the growing demand may not be
easy due to constraints of fuel availability, fiscal resources, etc.;
• Unexploited hydropower and the coastal facilities for import of fuels in different
countries could be optimally utilized;
• Economies of scale are likely; and
• It would provide an opportunity to those countries which may not have the
demand or resources to develop their natural resources and thereby realize
significant improvements in their own economy.

59 Based on information provided in the Country Reports

60 Source: Bhutan Country Report
61 Regional examples include power projects set up under Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Nepal co-operation. The
inter-State power projects in India, like Ultra Mega Power Plants (UMPP) and those set up by NTPC, NHPC,
NPC, etc also has this concept at a utility level.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

There are various options to be considered in proceeding with this concept like size,
location and technology of the plant, cost and benefit sharing mechanism. The pros and
cons in case of each of the options need to be carefully assessed and a consensus arrived

Size, Location and Technology Options

These are to some extent inter-linked. Size would depend upon the power needs of the
participating countries and how much power each country would like to draw from a
regional/ sub-regional plant keeping in view its own energy security concerns. The type
and availability of fuel resource (that can be techno-economically developed) at a
particular location would also have an impact on the size and technology of the plant. For
example, the prevailing regional scenario shows prospects of large hydropower plants in
Bhutan, India or Nepal. Similarly, a LNG based or imported coal based plant could be
conceived in a location which has relatively easy access to the fuel through import (port
location). Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka could be considered for such a

An option available to the region for development of the regional/sub regional power
plant is that it could be based on natural gas to be supplied from the proposed
regional/sub regional LNG terminal. One advantage LNG offers is that the cost of power
generation based on LNG is much lower than that based on liquid fuels such as diesel.
This is highlighted by Table 7.1. The table summarizes cost of power generation by LNG
and diesel based generation at various price levels.

Table 7.1: Cost of Power Generation from Different Fuels

LNG LNG CCGT Diesel based
Price Price generation Diesel price Diesel price generation
$/MMBtu $/GJ $/kWh $/MMT $/GJ $/kWh
8 7.58 0.060 784 18 0.210
10 9.48 0.072 990 23 0.270
12 11.37 0.083 1503 35 0.400
15 14.22 0.100 1605 37 0.430
20 18.96 0.128 1810 42 0.480
25 23.70 0.157 2015 46 0.530
30 28.44 0.185 2527 58 0.660
35 33.18 0.214 3040 70 0.800
Source: Author’s analysis

Although the setting up of an LNG based power plant may not be as competitive as an
imported coal based power plant based only on financial costs, if the environmental costs,
especially those related to emissions of carbon-dioxide, are internalized, the economics
move in favour of the LNG based power plant. This environmental benefit of using LNG
vis-à-vis coal has been the driving force in commissioning of new LNG terminals
(considering the constraints in accessing coal supplies also). The same is exhibited by the
ECA LNG terminal, as discussed earlier in Chapter 5. The region may also explore the
possibility of generating additional revenues through the Clean Development Mechanism

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(CDM) route for an LNG based power plant.

Developing a regional power plant based on the hydro-power resources within the region
may also be explored along with other options, such as setting up of this regional power
generating capacity either on imported coal or imported LNG – both of which are more
attractive than the significant current dependence on imported diesel based power

The environmental and social impacts, transmission facilities that are required to
distribute power to the participating countries could also vary from site to site. Thus, the
cost economics would depend on the size, location and technology chosen including
sourcing of fuel. Ease of access to location, issues related to fuel sourcing, time for
preparation of a detailed project report, processes for project clearance and approval by
concerned authorities, construction time, and extent of project risks would also merit
consideration in making the final decision.

As a first project it appears prudent to select a “low hanging” fruit which has minimum
complexities in implementation, demonstrable GHG benefits, and indicative tariffs
comparable to the marginal cost of generation in the respective countries in economic

Once the concept is accepted and the size, location and type of the power plant are
decided for which a detailed feasibility is required, agreements would be required on the
following aspects relating to implementation.

• Ownership of the plant

• Selection of developer
• Arrangement for project facilitation
• Agency or agencies for planning and implementation of associated transmission
• Principle of cost and benefit sharing including royalty aspects, if any
• Mechanism for monitoring and control of power transfers as well as settlement

Ownership options include joint ownership of participating governments62, full private

sector ownership or a joint venture involving private sector and the governments of
participating countries. Government participation could also be through a public sector
undertaking. Public-private participation model is preferred as it could provide some
involvement of the governments in the project management and also at the same time
provide a hand holding comfort to the private developer. The projects could be awarded
to the developer on BOO (build, own and operate) basis for say 30-40 years with a
provision for handing it over to the concerned governments thereafter or for granting
extension on request.

The selection process adopted for selection of the developer needs to be transparent and
impartial giving due weight to its qualification, experience and credibility. The process of

62 In this equity holding could be based on the share of power for each country from the power plant.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

selection should be such as to ensure a level of confidence both among project developers
and investors as well as financial lenders. Tariff-based bidding would be ideal as it would
help to get the best price63. However, this may not be possible for hydropower projects,
especially if well-investigated project reports or details of some of the planning data64 are
not readily available in public domain. Where it is not possible to adopt a tariff-based
bidding, the tariff should be regulated and determined as per a pre-defined methodology
preferably by an independent regulator.

Whosoever be the developer a vehicle for project facilitation is highly desired. This will
help attract investors and also speed up the implementation process. A Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV) may be created for this purpose, which would facilitate fuel linkage,
environmental and local clearances, land acquisition, etc. The SPV could also be
entrusted with the responsibility for the tendering process. It would also provide a single
point of contact for the developers. This is especially important in the case of a private
developer or a public sector undertaking from a different country. Such an SPV model
has been adopted in India under the Ultra Mega Power Plant (UMPP) projects. Under this
policy initiative of the Ministry of Power, GoI, a SPV has been formed for each of the
proposed 4000 MW UMPPs. It is entrusted with the responsibility of undertaking all the
preparatory work such as site selection, fuel tie up (in case of pit head power plants only),
expediting clearance and preparation of the detailed project report. Post completion of the
preliminary work, the SPV invites bids from potential investors through a competitive
process on a least cost tariff basis. The SPV is then transferred to the successful bidder
along with the assets and liabilities.

In the above cases it is assumed that the developer enters into a long-term power
purchase agreement (PPA) with the prospective buyers. Another option would be setting
up the plant as a merchant power plant where there is no PPA and the developer takes the
entire risk of selling his power. But for a regional/sub-regional power plant, this model
does not appear feasible at the present juncture. Nevertheless, it is possible that the
developer may decide on a capacity in excess of the committed purchases by the
participating countries and look for avenues to sell that excess in the short-term market.

Transmission System

Necessary transmission links need to be established for delivering the power to the
participating countries as per their requirements. Planning of the transmission system for
evacuation of power for this purpose, especially from a regional/sub-regional plant is a
complex exercise. It should take into consideration among other things, the grid
development in the respective countries, RoW (right-of-way) issues, operational and
reliability aspects, etc. A joint team of engineers from the participating countries could be
set up for this purpose, which could carry out the requisite planning studies and propose
an optimal transmission expansion plan acceptable to all the participating countries.

63This has been clear in the biddings in India for the UMPP projects.
64 Thiscould be so in case of hydrology data, especially that relating to river basins covering one or more
countries. Further, the uncertainties relating to geology, hydrology, R&R (re-habitation and resettlement)
needs, etc, generally associated with large hydropower projects may have significant impact on the
completed cost.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

The objective should be to minimize the cost of the transmission system associated with
the project. The obvious choice for this would be to interconnect the plant/ grid of the
host country to the nearest grid points in the countries drawing the power, considering of
course the availability of ROW and operational and reliability concerns. The voltage
level and nature of interconnection would depend on the quantum and distance (which
would depend on the relative location of the power plant and the supply points in the
different grid systems) of power transmission as well as the RoW constraints. Where
power transfers are small, say for example of the order of 50 MW, and the grids are
contiguous, simple radial interconnections65 would serve the purpose; however, where
power transfers are large and power has to be wheeled through the power systems of
intermediary countries, the transmission system has to be planned in more detail
considering the impact on the intermediary system(s). The interconnection between any
two systems may be synchronous through AC (alternating current) lines or asynchronous
through DC (line or back-back station66). The choice in this regard as well as the need of
additional power electronic control systems would depend upon the grid characteristics
and operational requirements. All these have cost implications and hence the choice has
to be based on detailed studies. It should also be noted in this context that the incremental
transmission requirements within a country could vary depending upon the point of
interconnection and hence what is more economical from a regional point of view may
not be so for a particular country. An agreement on sharing of transmission charges
assumes importance in this context67.

An agreement on an agency for implementing the transmission system improvements

should also be identified. The options available in this regard are (a) implementing by an
Independent Power Transmission Company (IPTC) either as a fully private owned one or
a joint venture with a public sector transmission company; and (b) implementing through
the respective national transmission utilities as per a jointly agreed design and
construction plan. Both these models are in operation in the region.

Regulatory Aspects

In establishing any regional/ sub-regional power plant the following regulatory aspects
would merit consideration.

• Principles for price regulation (both for the power produced and transmission
• Scope of performance regulation
• Agency/ agencies responsible for regulation
• Accounting and settlement procedures
• Validity period for the agreements and provisions for review

65 In a radial interconnection, part of the grid of the receiving system is islanded from the rest (load in this
part of the grid being equal to the share to be received) and connected to the power system supplying power.
The power systems of the two countries are not operating interconnected in this arrangement.
66 In a back-back interconnection an AC line links the two power systems; but at the interconnecting point

power is converted from AC to DC and then again reconverted to AC.

67 The experience of Indo-Bhutan projects and of inter-State generation projects in India could provide some

useful lessons.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

These should be of interest to the participating countries as well as prospective

developers. It would also be necessary to examine ab-initio whether the proposed
implementation strategy would necessitate any amendment to the electricity laws in the
concerned countries68. As far as possible this should be avoided or pragmatically
accounted for in deciding the implementation schedule.

7.6 Suggested Action Plan

In each of the proposed trade options, a number of factors that influence the economics
and feasibility of the trade option have been identified. There is a need to undertake a
detailed techno-economic feasibility for each of the alternatives identified, based on
which only the final shape of the trade option would be decided. Further, the current
analysis is preliminary in nature and would need further refining to proceed further. Some
example economic analyses covering a typical high voltage power transmission link, an
onshore natural gas pipeline, and an onshore oil pipeline are given in Annexure 7 to this
report to illustrate the broad parameters to be considered.

A suggested approach for taking these proposed trade options forward is to examine the
aspects outlined above in the context of a few relevant projects short-listed on the basis of
discussions with member countries and if possible with a few interested developers..
Such an examination could form the basis to prepare appropriate pre-feasibility and
feasibility reports, which should become launching pads for project implementation.
ADB may consider TA for this purpose.

The SAARC structure provides the framework for taking these proposed regional trade
option forward. Based on the consensus between the Member States, SAARC may set up
technical committees under the Working Group of Energy, formed during the Twelfth
SAARC Summit to take the proposed trade options forward.

While developing the various energy trade options, following elements should also be

• Analysis to quantitatively evaluate technological and commercial options and

location where applicable, and to determine institutional and financial
arrangements and implementation framework.

• Identification of specific opportunities keeping in view regional demand and

supply of petroleum products.

• Lessons learnt from and way forward for existing proposals like gas import
options available for the region.

• Prioritization of options and projects according to the needs of Member States.

68 In the event of a need for significant changes to the laws through a legislative process there will be a high

level of uncertainty in the implementation time.

Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations
8.1 Conclusions
The SAARC region is rich in hydropower and renewable energy resources, but it is
deficient in hydrocarbon resources. The region has not been able to exploit the
indigenous energy resources due to various constraints including lack of: (i) financial
resources to undertake capital intensive projects, (ii) cross border energy infrastructure to
facilitate regional energy trade, (iii) spirit of cooperation to collectively address energy
issues, and (iv) institutional mechanisms that could promote inter and intra regional
energy trade. SMS could benefit by sharing their experiences and success stories in
addressing energy challenges faced by the individual Member States, but there is no
mechanism to facilitate such a process.

The region is flanked by energy resource rich countries/regions, such as West Asia, the
Central Asian Region, Iran and Myanmar. There is significant potential for importing
energy in its various forms from these regions/countries at competitive rates to meet the
growing energy demand of the SAARC region. Tapping this potential is vital for not only
sustaining, but also accelerating the economic growth of the SAARC region.

Except in certain cases, initiatives undertaken thus far to promote inter and intra regional
energy trade have yet to reach a stage where, actual execution of projects could take place
for improving the energy supply situation in the SAARC region.

The SMS recognize the barriers to as well as the benefits of regional energy trade and
cooperation. But the initiatives required to overcome the barriers, and create an enabling
environment to harness the benefits of energy trade are yet to be undertaken.
8.2 Recommendations

The recommendations emerging from this study have been divided into policy initiatives
and project activities that the SMS need to undertake to promote and harness the benefits
of regional energy trade and cooperation among the SMS.

The following sub-sections discuss the key policy interventions and frameworks that
need to be put in place by the SMS to create an environment conducive to promote
regional energy trade and, thereafter, summarize the activities that need to be undertaken
to expedite regional energy trade.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

8.2.1 Develop SAARC Regional Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The first and foremost step that all Member States have to undertake is to commit to a
common agreement to promote energy trade in the region. This agreement, which would
also need to be environmentally sensitive, would be similar to the IGA signed by the
GMS countries and be the cornerstone for promoting energy trade in the region.

Such an agreement could be called the SAARC Regional Energy Trade and Cooperation
Agreement and can be developed by first building the basic framework conditions for
developing regional energy trade and then developing an Inter Governmental Agreement
(IGA) to promote specific energy trade initiatives in the region. A similar agreement was
also the starting point of development of the SAPP in Africa. The Inter Governmental
Memorandum of Understanding signed among member governments of SADC at the
time of formation SAPP, laid down the agreement conditions for developing the power
pool in the region. Further, there were agreements among all expected participants of the
power pool – boards of directors of utilities, senior utility managers, and operating
members of the pool. Efforts were also made to define important operational aspects of
the power pool through the operating guidelines.

For the SAARC region, it is suggested that the Member States may first come together
and develop an IGA to promote regional energy trade. This agreement should define the
areas where the governments of the Member States shall commit to work towards
regional energy trade. Further, it may also prioritize the regional energy trade initiatives
so that the relevant stakeholders can then come together and develop detailed feasibility
reports for the prioritized trade options.

8.2.2 Harmonize Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

Energy markets in individual Member States are governed by the individual legal,
regulatory and policy frameworks. The existing legal and regulatory framework in each
of the individual member countries is discussed in Chapter 3. A highlight of the current
framework is that the institutional structure already exists in most of the Member States.
This creates the first step for harmonizing relevant frameworks. Each member state in the
region has the requisite institutional set up, in terms of the relevant ministries. Select
Member States such as Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have energy sector regulators
also. However Pakistan and India have separate sector-wise regulators and Bangladesh
has one energy regulator. In the case of Sri Lanka, it has a Public Utilities Commission
which is not restricted to only the energy sector. Such divergence in the mandate of
regulators across the region can create a problem in coordination. Therefore, as a first
step these regulators need to work together to develop a road map for harmonizing the
relevant regulations.

The legal, policy and regulatory risks multiply in the case of a cross border transaction as
the trade arrangements need to deal with multiple frameworks. The risks are further
increased by the fact that the investments required in such projects are substantial and the
investors need to be given an assurance of return on investment. To mitigate these risks
the region needs to move towards a common legal and regulatory framework to govern
the cross border transactions. This need for harmonization of legal and regulatory
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

frameworks is also highlighted in the case of the Nordic Pool. Under the pool
arrangement, the regulatory reforms in all the member countries were at the same level.
All the utilities in the region were unbundled so as to clearly delineate roles of each of the
players (generation, transmission and distribution) thereby ensuring a smooth
functioning. There was a TSO in each member country to ensure that the national entities
maintained grid discipline, as also a regional TSO to ensure grid discipline across

8.2.3 Build Comprehensive and Reliable Energy Database

A comprehensive and reliable energy database for the region would facilitate better
estimation of intra and inter regional trade and cooperation benefits. Moreover, sharing of
information is a strong confidence building measure that could pave the way for better
cooperation and trade within the region. The database would also aid in better planning at
the regional and/or sub-regional level. Also, given the renewable potential in the region,
it is essential to include the results of energy resource mapping exercises in the database.
The review of international experience also shows that developing an energy database
would aid in developing regional energy trade ties. For instance, prior to the operation of
both power pools referred to earlier (Nord Pool and SAPP) the relevant databases were
built with respect to electricity demand and supply patterns of the participating countries,
along with the generation profiles and the prevailing tariff regimes. A comprehensive and
reliable database would also aid in developing operational guidelines for the selected
trade options.

8.2.4 Promote Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Developing Regional Energy

Trade and Cooperation Initiatives

Most of the options under regional enrgy trade are capital intensive. Hence, mobilization
of finances for these projects is a crucial aspect in implementing these concepts. Under
the SAARC umbrella there are a number of financing options available to the investors:

(i) SAARC Development Fund (SDF): SAARC over the years has made a
number of efforts to formulate a fund for regional trade activities in the
region. Earlier there was a South Asian Development Fund (SADF), which
came into existence in 1996. The SADF was formed with the merger of two
erstwhile funds - SAARC Fund for Regional Projects (SFRP) and SAARC
Regional Fund (SRF). In 2005, it was proposed to reconstitute the SADF and
form an umbrella organization- the SDF with:

• Social Window, with an initial corpus of USD300 million, which shall be

used to fund poverty alleviation programmes and projects.

• Infrastructure Window, wherein funds would be mobilized, from within and

beyond the region, to finance infrastructure projects.

• Economic Window, which would fund other non-infrastructure commercial


SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

It was proposed that the fund should be professionally managed and should have a
permanent secretariat.69 The agreement for the SDF was finalized in November
2007, and signed during the 15th SAARC Summit held in Colombo in August
2008. The agreement clearly lays down the rules for funding, according to which,
funds shall be provided to only multilateral regional trade projects (involving all
or more than two Member States).70

(ii) Private sector participation and public private partnership: A very important
source of funding in the region are funds flowing through increased private
sector participation and public private partnership. At present, most of the
energy sector is operated by publicly owned utilities, and these have not had
good financial performance for a variety of reasons. As a result the investment
capability of these utilities is limited. Therefore, thrust has been given to
encourage private sector participation in regional trade either individually or
jointly with public utilities. An advantage that private sector participation
(national and international private sector firms) has is that these entities are
seen as neutral parties driven by commercial principles as compared to state
owned utilities. This adds to the credibility of their involvement in the cross
border trade. Also, it is perceived that involvement of private sector in
regional trade would expedite the process of implementation of projects.

Notwithstanding the above, private sector participation in regional trade has

been limited in the SAARC region. This is due to a variety of reasons, one of
them being lack of policy and regulatory clarity in cross border dealings.

(iii) Other sources of funding such as Member State funds, and pooling of
Member States funding. Under these sources, investors could approach
singular or multiple Member States for funding a regional trade option.

Thus, there are a number of sources of funding available to those interested in investing
in the SAARC region. Increasing emphasis is also being given to multilateral trade
involvement rather than bilateral trade arrangements. However, Member State
governments need to provide policy, regulatory and contractual clarity so as to increase
investments in the region. They need to move towards a more transparent policy and
regulatory mechanism and also develop clear contracts with well defined provisions
related to matters such as taxation and royalties.

8.2.5 Develop Regional Trade Treaty Similar to the Energy Charter Treaty

SAARC Member States need to either join the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) or to
collectively develop a regional energy trade treaty, which may be structured similar to the
ECT. The ECT was signed in December 1994 by 51 countries mostly from Europe and
the Former Soviet Union and by European Community and Euratom (which aims at
developing the market for nuclear energy). The objective of ECT is to strengthen the rule
of law on energy issues by creating a level playing field of rules to be observed by all
participating governments. The SAARC regional trade treaty could be structured to
69 accessed on 14th July 2008
70 accessed on 14th July 2008
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

minimize risks associated with energy related regional investments and trade focusing on
inter-governmental cooperation in the energy sector. Box 8.1 discusses the ECT in
greater detail and its relevance for the SAARC region.
Box 8.1: The Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Treaty’s provisions focus on five broad areas:
• Protection and promotion of foreign energy investments based on the extension of national treatment or
most favoured nation treatment whichever is more favourable.
• Free trading in energy materials products and energy related equipments based on the WTO rules.
• The freedom of energy transit through pipelines and grids.
• Reducing the negative environmental impact of the energy cycle through improving energy efficiency
• Mechanisms for resolution of state-to-state or investor-to-state disputes.

The ECT promotes long term energy cooperation through stable and predictable ‘rules of the game.’ Developed
in line with the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, specifically for the energy sector, the ECT guarantees
security of supply through reliable and well defined transit rules. Through its various provisions it creates an
investor friendly environment favourable to flow of investments and technologies. A forum for experience
sharing, the Treaty encourages co-operative efforts aimed at promoting market oriented reforms in the energy

ECT has been structured in such a way that it benefits all the concerned parties in a cross border trade
arrangement – the supplier of energy or producer, the transit entity/ country and the consumer.
• The Producer Country: The producer member countries benefit through investor confidence which results
in a constant flow of foreign direct investment into the countries. Further, the increased confidence may
lead to an increase in the flow of income for producing countries by giving access to markets.
• The Transit Country: ECT creates a secure transit framework, which is also an advantage to the
purchasers and consumer countries. The treaty also tries to secure certain income from transit for the
transit countries such that these countries can at least cover certain risks associated with transit and at the
same time provides for incentives to allow transit.
• The Consumer Country: For the consumer country the treaty provides a basis for security of supply of the
energy resource. It also provides security to the investments made by the consumer country.

Source: Proceedings of the Workshop on The Energy Charter Treaty under the aegis of Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India and the Energy Charter Secretariat; 6th April, 2005, New

8.2.6 Role of SAARC Secretariat

In all the interventions suggested above and in the previous chapter, the SAARC
Secretariat has an important role to play in promoting regional energy trade. For instance,
in the case of developing the inter governmental agreement on regional trade it may
facilitate the process of development of such an agreement (model agreement) and then
along with other stakeholders provide the requisite push so that agreement is reached at
the earliest.

The Secretariat could act as a coordinating body for developing a trade treaty similar to
the ECT. For all the trade and cooperation concepts mentioned in earlier chapters, The
Secretariat could act as the coordinating agency for taking these concepts forward. The

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Secretariat may also help the SAARC Energy Centre (SEC) to undertake capacity
building programmes, and transfer of technical, financial and personnel knowledge.

To conclude, benefits of regional energy trade that would accrue to the SAARC region
are well known and cannot be disputed. The concerned stakeholders – governments of
member states, public and private utilities, policymakers, and various organizations under
the SAARC framework.-- have an important role to play in ensuring promotion of
regional energy trade. However, there is a need for all these stakeholders to coordinate
their activities to expedite the process of taking forward the proposed trade options.

8.2.7 Activities to be Undertaken to Expedite Regional Energy Trade

As discussed earlier in the report, the SMS need to expedite the implantation of the
various initiatives that would facilitate and promote regional energy trade. The major
initiatives that are to be expedited including the policy frameworks, as well as, hard core
projects are listed below:

• Develop SAARC Regional Energy Trade and Cooperation Agreement

• Harmonize Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
• Build a comprehensive and reliable energy database
• Promote alternative financing mechanisms for developing regional energy trade
and cooperation initiatives
• Develop a regional trade treaty similar to the Energy Charter Treaty

Further, SMS need to have a time bound action plan to implement the energy
infrastructure projects. These projects have been categorized below under three
categories, i.e. short-term (less than 5 years) medium term (5-15 years) and long-term
(greater than 15 years) for implementation to reap the benefits of regional energy trade
and energy cooperation:

Short Term Initiatives (less than 5 years)

These initiatives listed below can be achieved within a time span of five years:

• India-Nepal oil products pipeline

• Feasibility Study to explore/ identify possible Pakistan-India power transmission
• Dhalkebar(Nepal)– Muzaffarpur(India) power transmission interconnection
• Feasibility studies for joint development of regional hydropower, gas and coal
based power plants
• Development of wind power projects to augment energy supplies for remote areas
• Feasibility study for possibility of connecting the Maldives with other SAARC
countries through submarine cable
• Feasibility study for setting up of joint LNG terminal(s)
• Strengthening of in-country gas truck transmissions systems to facilitate
transmission of additional gas supplies as and when they become available as a
result of implementation of the inter-regional gas pipelines/LNG projects
• Preparation of a “Least Cost Energy Sector Master Plan for SAARC Region”
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

• India-Bangladesh Power Transmission Interconnections:

♦ Baharampur, India to Bheramara, Bangladesh

Medium Term Initiatives (5-15 years):

• India - Sri Lanka power transmission interconnection

• Pakistan - India power transmission interconnection
• Additional India-Nepal Power Transmission interconnection
• CASA 1000 Project for Central Asia–Afghanistan–Pakistan power transmission
• Phase-II of CASA project that could bring electricity from Central Asian
Republics up to the Indian power grid
• Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline
• Additional power grid interconnections between India-Bangladesh
• Eastern Gas Pipeline Infrastructure
• Additional power transmission interconnections between Bhutan and India
• Implementation of joint LNG Terminal(s) for procurement of LNG for the region
• Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline
• Regional/ Sub-regional Power Market
• Regional/ Sub-regional Refinery
• Regional/ Sub-regional LNG terminal and gas transmission expansion
• Regional/ Sub- regional Power plant

Long Term Initiatives (greater than 15 years):

• Qatar-Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline

• SAARC Oil Pipeline grid

The above named projects have emerged from previous relevant studies as well as from
the discussions in the report.. There would be other projects also that can be conceived
and implemented within the time horizon of 15-20 years towards making the SAARC
Energy Ring a ground reality.

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Shirish S Garud, Benita K Gurung
Bhutan Energy Data Directory 2005
Department of Energy Ministry of Trade and Industry Thimphu, Bhutan and The Energy and
Resources Institute, 2007

World Bank
Building Regional Power Pools: A Toolkit
Energy, Transport and Water Department, World Bank,

Comparative Assessment of ESI Policies, Legislation and Regulation in
Southern African Development community
October 2004

Dr. L. Musaba, P. Naidoo, W. Balet and A. Chikova

Developing a competitive market for regional electricity cross border trading:
The case for the Southern African Power Pool
SAPP Coordination Centre

Integriertes Ressourcen Management (IRM- AG)

Developing a Greater Mekong Subregion Energy Strategy
May 2007

Development and integration of Regional Electricity Markets
Annual Report, Nordel, 2005

Prof Mahendra P Lama

Dynamics of Emerging New Regulations

Economic and Social Benefits Analysis of Power Trade In the South Asia Growth
Quadrangle Region
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2003

Prabodh Bajpai and S. N. Singh

Electricity Trading In Competitive Power Market: An Overview and Key Issues
International Conference on Power Systems, Kathmandu, Nepal, ICPS 2004

General Conditions for the Provision of Storage Services

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

India’s Electricity Act, 2003: Implications for Regional Electricity Trade,
Volume I
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2004

India’s Electricity Act, 2003: Implications for Regional Electricity Trade,
Volume II
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2004

Greater Mekong Subregion

Inter Governmental Agreement on Regional Power Trade in the Greater
Mekong Sub Region

Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba and Emmanuel J. Chinyama

Implementation of Africa’s Integration and Development Agenda: Challenges
and Prospects
African Integration Review, Volume 1, No. 1 January 2007
Core International, Inc.

Issues and Options for Rural Electrification in SAPP Member Countries and
Rural Electrification Planning in Lesotho
March 2003

Brig. Gen. M. A. Malek

Major Issues and Benefits of Regional Power Trade
South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development, 2001

Mikael Bask, Jens Lundgren, Niklas Rudholm

Market Power in the Expanding Nordic Power Market
Department of Business Administration and Economics, University of Gävle, SE-801 76
Gävle, Sweden; and The Swedish Retail Institute (HUI),Sweden, July 2007

Bishnu Bam Malla

Nepal Electricity Authority and Its Role in Regional Power Trade
South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development, 2001

Erik Hjalmarsson
Nord Pool: A Power Market without Market Power
Department of Economics, Goteborg University, July 2000

Nordic Grid code

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

World Bank
Potential and Prospects for Regional Energy Trade in South Asia Region
June 2007

Power Trade in Between Central Asian Republics and with South Asia
Energy Charter Treaty, Brussels, Belgium

Rakesh Nath
Prevailing Situation in Indian Power Sector and Major Issues, Barriers and
Benefits of Expanding Regional Power Trade
South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development, 2001

Africa Energy Commission

Project Proposal: Africa Gas Markets Agreements

Leena Srivastava, Neha Misra

Promoting Regional Energy Co-operation in South Asia
Energy Policy 35, pg 3360-3368, 2007

Prof. Bishwa Pradhan

Regional Cooperation: Prospect for Energy Development
Institute of Foreign Affairs, SAARC paper

Xiaojiang Yu
Regional cooperation and energy development in the Greater Mekong Sub-
Energy Policy 31 (2003) Pg 1221–1234

Regional Electricity Trading: Issues and Challenges

South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development, 2001

T.L. Sankar, Hilal A. Raza, Abul Barkat, Priyantha Wijayatunga, Mahesh Acharya, D.N.
Regional Energy Security for South Asia
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2006

Regional Energy and Trade Laws in South Asia, Volume I
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2004

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Regional Hydro Power Resources: Status of Development and Barriers,
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2003

Regional Hydro Power Resources: Status of Development and Barriers, Bhutan
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2002

Regional Hydro Power Resources: Status of Development and Barriers, India
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2002

Regional Hydro Power Resources: Status of Development and Barriers, Nepal
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2002

Regional Hydro Power Resources: Status of Development and Barriers, Sri
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2002

Regional Hydro Power Resources: Summary and Analysis of Selected SARI Data
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2003

The Singapore Institute of International Affairs

Regional Integration, Trade and Conflict in Southeast Asia
January 2007

Nordic Energy Regulator, NordReg

Regulation of Nordic TSOs
July 2007

Short Term Action Plan Infrastructure
May 2002

S. Chander
South – Asia Growth Quadrangle Cooperation in the Energy Sector
November 2000

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Priyantha D C Wijayatunga, D G D C Wijeratne

Sri Lanka Energy Supply Status and Cross Border Energy Trade Issues
South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development, 2001

System Operating Agreement

The World Bank Group

International Power Trade—The Nordic Power Pool
Public Policy for Private Sector, January 1999

Asian Development Bank

Technical Assistance for Developing the Greater Mekong Subregion Energy
Sector Strategy
January 2006

The Nordic Power Exchange

Trade at the Nordic Spot Market
April, 2004

Update On The Costs / Conclusions Contained In The Feasibility Report On
Viability of Power Exports From Bangladesh To India
USAID SARI/Energy Program, South Asian Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and
Development, 2005

Bechtel National, Inc.

Viability Of Power Exports From Bangladesh To India: Pre-Feasibility Report
USAID/Government of Bangladesh, 2000

Annexure 1 – Example Economic Analysis for Regional/Sub-
Regional Refinery

Table A1.1: Net revenue generated from the refinery

Particulars Amount Unit
Regional refining 23 MMTPA
Capital investment @
USD 357/MMTPA 8.21 USD billion

Share of diesel 14.95 MMT

Fob price of diesel 990 USD/MT

Expenditure on diesel
imports saved 14.80 USD billion
Revenue earned from the
refinery 20.61 USD billion
Cost of procurement of
crude @ $100/bbl 16.79 USD billion

Refining cost 1.07 USD billion

Net revenue to region 2.75 USD billion
Payback time period 3.0 Years

Table A1.2: Gross revenue accruing to the refinery

Product Produce (MMT) Price (USD/MT) million)
LPG 0.69 875 604
Naphtha 2.3 1131 2601
Motor Spirit 2.3 1131 2601
SKO/ ATF 0 0 0
Diesel 14.95 990 14801
Coke 1.15 0 0
Total Revenue 20607
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Table A1.3: Calculation of gross refinery margins

Price of petroleum
product (international
Product Share (%) price $) Value ($)
LPG 3% 119.37 3.58
Naphtha 10% 154.30 15.43
Motor Spirit 10% 154.30 15.43
SKO/ ATF 0% 0.00 0
Diesel 65% 135.06 87.79
Coke 5% 0 0
Total Value / bbl 122.23
Crude price / bbl 100
Refinery Margin / bbl 22.23
Refinery Costs / bbl 6.38
Gross Refinery Margin / bbl 15.851

Annexure 2 – Spreadsheet for Biomass Conversion Potential

Table A2.1: Electricity generation potential of biomass

Biomass Potential (million Generation potential
tonnes) (GWh)
27 18000.00
18 12000.00
Bangladesh 26.60 17732.33
Bhutan 0.08 54.08
India 139 92903.87
Maldives 0.062 41.47
Nepal 27.04 18023.85
Pakistan NA NA
Sri Lanka 12 8000.00
Grand Total 223 148755.59
Sources: Various country reports, Country Report on Bangladesh Solar and Wind Energy Resource
Assessment TERI, February 2007, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Resources, Government of India

Table A2.2: Diesel generation potential of biomass

Biomass Potential (million Diesel substitution Diesel substitution Diesel substitution

tonnes) (kL) (MMT) (mtoe)
27 7714285.71 4.18 4.33
18 5142857.14 2.79 2.88
Bangladesh 26.60 7599568.35 4.12 4.26
Bhutan 0.08 23176.86 0.01 0.01
India 139 39815942.86 21.58 22.34
Maldives 0.062 17773.83 0.01 0.01
Nepal 27.04 7724505.67 4.19 4.33
Pakistan 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sri Lanka 12 3428571.43 1.86 1.92
Grand Total 223 63752396.13 38.73 40.09
Sources: Various country reports, Country Report on Bangladesh Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment
TERI, February 2007, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Resources, Government of India

Table A2.3: Assumptions for the biomass substitution potential


Biomass based electricity generation 1.5 kg 1 KWh

Heat and electricity generation (industrial use) 3.5 kg 1 litre diesel

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Annexure 3: Proposed Transmission Interconnection between

India and Bangladesh
The possible routes for exchange of power are:

• between Eastern Region of India and Western Grid of Bangladesh

• between North Eastern Region of India and Eastern Grid of Bangladesh

The detailed analysis so far shows that interconnection between the North Eastern Region
of India and the Eastern Grid of Bangladesh would have limited attractiveness for
development since any power tradable between India and Bangladesh through this route
would ultimately increase flow of power through the critically loaded East-West inter-
connector of Bangladesh. However, development of the 750MW gas fired power plant
at Tripura close to Agartala in India and the recent initiatives taken by the Government of
Bangladesh and the Government of India to increase power interconnections between the
two countries requires reconsideration of possible cross-border interconnection of the
Bangladesh Eastern Grid with the North Eastern Region of India together with possible
options to increase the power transfer capacity of the East-West interconnector in
Bangladesh. The most attractive, interconnection between Bangladesh and India in the
meantime is through the route between the Western Grid of Bangladesh and the Eastern
Region of India.

The above-mentioned power interconnections can take place with the help of an
asynchronous link like a HVDC back-to-back between the countries. In this case, the load
centres and transmission grid of either country would remain unaltered. Power transfer
can be controlled in either direction up to the capacity of the HVDC unit depending upon
the availability and demand on either side. Further, any fluctuations or disturbances of
one grid would not affect the other side. The transfer capacity can be upgraded by adding
a new HVDC block provided the AC transmission line is provided for the ultimate
capacity planned.

It is proposed at this stage to connect India and Bangladesh (on the Western side) through
a HVDC back-to-back link of 500 MW capacity in the short term with provision for
upgrading to about 1000 MW in the longer term. For establishment of this asynchronous
interconnection between the Eastern Region of India and the Western Grid of
Bangladesh, the short circuit MVA of both interconnecting terminal AC substations
should be strong enough. In the Bangladesh side, the substation identified for this
purpose is Bheramara close to Ishurdi in the Western Grid of Bangladesh. For the
interconnection at 400kV with the Eastern Region of India a 400kV/230kV substation
needs to be established at Bheramara. On the Indian side, one 400 kV substation is to be
created at Baharampur using one circuit of the Farakka-Jeerat 400kV line. The back to
back HVDC converter will be located at Bheramara along with Bahrampur-Bheramara
400 kV double circuit line.

Annexure 4: Proposed Transmission Interconnection between
India and Sri Lanka
Technically, the best option for the proposed India-Sri Lanka power transmission
interconnection would be an asynchronous type of interconnection with double circuit
HVDC overhead transmission and an interconnecting double circuit HVDC submarine
cable. The quantum of power planned for exchange between these countries is 500 MW
in the short term and 1000MW in the longer term. In view of the difficulty in laying the
transmission line involving submarine cable as well as the cost of the transmission
system it is techno economically advantageous, to build the transmission system for the
ultimate capacity i.e. 1000MW.

The HVDC connection needs strong AC buses at both ends with sufficient short circuit
level. After detail study, Madurai on the Indian side and New Anuradhapura on the Sri
Lankan side have been identified as strong substations The length of the proposed HVDC
line between Madurai(India) and New Anuradhapura(Sri Lanka) is about 385km. The
proposed interconnection is shown below.











The details of the scope of work are given below:

Asynchronous Interconnection (for the 1000MW capacity)

Transmission Line
- +400kV HVDC overhead line from Madurai to Indian Sea Coast (near
Rameshwaram) (185 km)
- + 400kV HVDC cable from Indian Sea Coast to Sri Lankan Sea Coast(50 km)
- + 400kV HVDC overhead line from Sri Lankan Sea Coast to New Anuradhapura
(150 km)
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

- +400kV HVDC terminal of 1000MW capacity each at Madurai and New

Tentative cost of the scheme:

Transmission line: $248 Million
Substation Cost: $182million
Total Cost: $ 430 million. )

In the short term period, if required, the line could be operated as a mono-polar HVDC
line with ground return at the initial stage for transfer of 500MW power. In this case,
there would be no saving in the HVDC line portion, however, the HVDC terminal station
could be of 500MW capacity instead of 1000MW, which would give a financial relief of
about $90 million. Later on, the above link can be used as HVDC bipole link for transfer
of 1000MW power with up-gradation of the HVDC terminals by addition of new blocks
of 500MW at each end. The transmission system in this case is given below:

Asynchronous Interconnection (for the 500MW capacity)

Transmission Line
- +400kV HVDC overhead line from Madurai to Indian Sea Coast (near
Rameshwaram) (185 km)

- +400kV HVDC cable from Indian Sea Coast to Sri Lankan Sea Coast(50 km)

- +400kV HVDC overhead line from Sri Lankan Sea Coast to New Anuradhapura
(150 km)

- +400kV HVDC terminal of 500MW capacity each at Madurai and New

Tentative cost of the scheme:

Transmission line: $248 Million
Substation Cost: $91million
Total Cost: $ 339 million. )

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

The single line diagram of the proposed scheme is given below:






155KM 50KM 125KM


400/220kV TRF


The annual transmission charges for Stage-I transmission system is about $47
Million/annum which would correspond to about $0.022 /unit for an electricity flow of
2190 MU/annum based on 500MW maximum flow and a load factor of 0.5.

The annual transmission charges for Stage-II transmission system (including the charges
of Stage-I) is about $60 Million/annum which would correspond to about $0.014 /unit for
an energy flow of 4380 MU/annum based on 1000MW maximum flow a load factor 0.5.

Annexure 5: Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Gas
Pipeline Project
1. Project Brief

(i) Turkmenistan is the second largest producer of natural gas among the Eastern
and Central European States, with current estimated production of about 73
billion cubic meters per annum, and standing only behind Russia.
(ii) As per Turkmen Authorities, after an audit of the newly discovered
Osman/South Yolatan Gas Field, the gas reserves are now estimated to range
around 14 Trillion Cubic Meter (TCM). This places Turkmenistan as world’s
fifth largest gas reserves country after Russia, Iran, Qatar and the USA.
(iii) Most of Turkmenistan gas is being sold to Russia, who transports it to sell it
to Europe. Some gas volume is also sold to Iran. China has made major
investments in Turkmenistan and is building a pipeline to transport Turkmen
gas to China through Central Asian states.
(iv) Discussions between Pakistan and Turkmenistan have continued since 2002,
however little progress has been witnessed during the last one and half year.
(v) The Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) gas pipeline project
aims to bring natural gas from the Dauletabad and adjacent gas fields in
Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. (Route Map-1 below).
(vi) The ADB is acting as the facilitator and coordinator for the project. ADB
funded a feasibility study of the project in 2004, which was conducted by a
British consulting firm PENSPEN.
(vii) As per the feasibility study, the design capacity of the pipeline is 3.2 billion
cubic feet of natural gas per annum (BCFD). It is proposed to lay a 56-inch
diameter 1,680 KM pipeline from Turkmenistan through Heart and Kandahar
in Afghanistan, cross the Pakistan border near Chaman to pass near Zhob,
DG Khan, Multan, and onwards to Fazilka near Pak-India border.
(viii) The capital cost of the project was originally estimated at US$ 3.3 billion,
which has since been revised to US $ 7.6 billion, using the current steel and
construction costs. The project will take between 4 to 5 years to complete
after singing of all contracts.
2. Current Status
(i) The project is being supervised by an inter ministerial Steering Committee of
the Petroleum Ministers of the participating countries, i.e. Turkmenistan,
Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, which has had ten meetings so far. The last
meeting was held at Islamabad in April 2008, in which some progress was
made on gas price discussion.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

(ii) The Member Countries of TAPI project exchanged the comments on draft Gas
Sale Purchase Agreement (GSPA) for its finalization. The next meeting of the
Steering Committee is likely to be held in April 2010, where GSPA is
expected to be signed by the Member States.
3. Off-take Volumes

(i) The TAPI parties have agreed in-principle to share the gas volumes (in
MMCFD) as under:

Country Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 & onwards

Afghanistan 175 175 500
Pakistan 960 1,225 1,325
India 960 1,225 1,325
Total 2,095 2,625 3,150

4. Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement (GPFA)

(i) Originally, a GPFA was signed by the heads of state of three countries
(Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan) in December 2002.
(ii) However, to formalize Indian participation in the project, a revised GPFA has
been initialed during 10th SC meeting held in April 2008 by the respective
Ministers of the concerned parties. Turkmen Party’s internal approval of the
GPFA is awaited.
5. Heads of Agreement (HOA)
(i) The Heads of Agreement is a framework document which outlines the key
principles of the Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement (GSPA).
(ii) The TWG in its 3rd meeting, held in May 2008, successfully completed
negotiations on the HOA, and it was initialed and frozen for submission to the
relevant authorities for consideration and signing. Turkmen Party’s internal
approval of the HOA is awaited.
6. Pipeline Consortium
(i) In the initialed GPFA, Parties have agreed to the formation of a pipeline
consortium with equal shareholding of participating countries lead by an oil &
gas major to undertake the financing, construction and operation of the pipeline.
7. Transaction Advisor
(i) Parties also agreed to engage services of a Transaction Advisor to update the
Feasibility Study, prospecting the lead investor and project developer. The
assignment is expected to be completed in 12 to 18 months.
8. Negotiations on Gas Pricing & GSPA
(i) Considerable progress has been made in negotiations on gas pricing and Gas
Sale and Purchase Agreement (GSPA). The parties have achieved consensus on

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

a number of issues of GSPA, and it is planned that all remaining issues of model
GSPA will be resolved in next round of negotiations.

TAPI Gas Pipeline Route Map-1

Annexure 6: CASA 1000 Project

1. Background and Brief Description

Pakistan and Afghanistan, as most of the countries in the South Asia region, need to
increase electricity supply to meet the growing demand for electricity. The neighbouring
states of the Central Asia region (Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan
and Turkmenistan) are well endowed with energy resources, including hydropower and
natural gas, and would have electricity surpluses which they would like to export.
Afghanistan does not have an integrated national electricity network but some electricity
lines interconnect the border areas of Afghanistan with the three neighbouring Central
Asian states (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan).

The countries involved have recognized the electricity trade potential and are looking into
ways to exploit it. This is particularly the case with Pakistan and Tajikistan, which have
been discussing opportunities for electricity trade since early 1990s. These discussions
received a renewed impetus during the last few years, as the international financial
institutions – especially the World Bank and ADB – as well as the private sector have
shown strong interest in supporting regional integration. The Europe and Central Asia
region of the World Bank completed a study on electricity export potential in Central
Asia, and the South Asia Region, in June 2005 and organized a workshop on electricity
trade with the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), which encompasses both
Central and South Asian countries. At a regional conference on electricity trade,
organized by the Government of Pakistan in Islamabad in May 2006, the four countries –
Afghanistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, and Tajikistan – created a joint Multi-Country
Working Group (MCWG) to pursue a project for constructing a transmission line to
export about 1000 MW of electricity from Tajikistan and Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan
via Afghanistan (with a possibility to off-load some electricity in Afghanistan).
Subsequently, at the second regional conference in Dushanbe in October 2006, the
countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Central Asia-South
Asia (CASA) project development (CASA-1000) and created a Ministerial Committee to
oversee the effort. They also formally requested the World Bank and ADB to assist in
conducting the necessary analytical work for project preparation.

2. Project Summary

CASA-1000 involves: (i) construction of a high-voltage power transmission line from

Tajikistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan and strengthening of transmission infrastructure in
the associated countries (including possibly in Kyrgyz Republic as well); and (ii)
development of the associated electricity trading arrangements. The analytical work in
support of the CASA-1000 project consists of two main tasks: (a) a Technical and
Economic Assessment (TEA); and (b) Commercial Assessment (CA) of the project. The
TEA study, examined the technical and economic merits of the project and its
environmental, social and other safeguard implications, while the CA examined options
for implementing the project through public-private partnerships arrangement and the
institutional, financial, risk, and legal structures of the project. The two studies, which are
interlinked, were conducted in parallel.
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

At present, there are no electrical (nor other energy) links between the two regions. By
demonstrating how a regional electricity project could be structured, financed,
implemented, and operated, the project would establish a precedent that could be used to
expand electricity (and gas) trade further, paving the way for building up an integrated
Central Asia – South Asia Regional Electricity Market (CASAREM), whose potential
benefits would extend beyond electricity/energy sector.

Promoting regional cooperation and regional markets is the primary thematic area of the
CASA-1000 project. At the same time, such cooperation in the specific context of Central
Asia – South Asia electricity trade would contribute to increased energy security of the
region, as well as to the increased use of renewable energy resources (hydropower). The
trade would open up export markets for hydropower of Tajikistan and Kyrgyz Republic,
providing a boost to economic growth in the two countries. The income from the transit
fees to Afghanistan and the prospects of closer integration of the country with its
neighbours should have direct and indirect benefits to its economy and its ability to
broaden electricity access.

3. Project Status

The country delegations and their advisors, the IFIs and the consulting teams and
representatives of the US Government met over July 31-August 2, 2008 to discuss the
CASA 1000 project and reached the following consensus, which is to be considered as a
recommendation to the Inter Governmental Committee for endorsement.

Institutional Structure

The Concession would include the Kyrgyz-Tajik link (a.k.a. AC facilities). The
Concession Company would develop, construct and operate the Tajik-Afghan-Pakistan
transmission system (a.k.a. the DC facilities) as well as construct the Kyrgyz-Tajik link.
A decision on whether to also include the operations and maintenance of the AC facilities
in the concession is under consideration.

Trading Arrangements

It was considered in principle that Barki Tajik (Tajikistan) could be the consolidator in
the initial phase which would require Kyrgyz GENCO to sell power to Barki Tajik (at the
Tajik-Kyrgyz border) on the Kyrgyz-Tajik link (which is part of the CASA 1000 project)
and Barki Tojik will then sign a single PPA power purchasers. But this was subject to
further discussion.

Energy Flows

Until additional exportable capacities are developed, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan are
together expected to commit 5 TWh flow on average per year through the line during the
operating period of the concession agreement ( 25 - 30 years) to be delivered during the
summer months (Tajikistan - 3 TWh and Kyrgyz Republic - 2 TWh).

SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

Transmission Tariffs

Different options will be considered for transmission service pricing between sellers and
buyers as a basis for (TSA) negotiations. These tariff estimates will be based on total
project costs and adjusted once the final EPC is determined during the tendering process.

Project Processing

The Project Engineering Consultant (SNC) will submit the draft bidding documents
within one month of the countries having completed negotiations of the commercial term

The bidding process will begin immediately after the countries’ aforementioned
commitment to go forward with the Project has been received.

Annexure 7: Illustrative Basic Economic Analyses
1. Power Transmission Project Example
Transmission Project Example With Distribution and Without Distribution (HV Transfer of 1000 GWh/y only)
(all costs and benefits in $ million)

Capital HV Annuitized Unserved Loss

Operation & Total Total Net Project HV Transfer Net HV
Year Cost High Purchased Distribution Electricity Reduction
Maintain Costs Reven Revenue Charge Reven
Voltage Power Costs UE (GWh) LR (GWh)

2015 40 - - 40 - - - (40) - (40)

2016 60 - - 60 - - - (60) - (60)
2017 60 - - 60 - - - (60) - (60)
2018 40 - - 40 - - - (40) - (40)
2019 - - - - - - - - -
2020 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2021 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2022 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2023 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2024 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2025 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2026 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2027 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2028 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2029 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2030 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2031 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2032 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2033 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2034 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2035 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2036 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2037 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2038 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2039 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2040 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2041 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2042 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2043 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
2044 - 2 60 10 72 1,000 50 101 29 30 28
NPV 158 11 338 564 5,636 282 569 5 169 - 1
EIRR = 10.3% EIRR = 10.0%

Total Cost Year 1 (pu) Year 2 (pu) Year 3 (pu) Year 4 (pu)
200 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.20
UE $/kwh LR $/kwh
0.10 0.02
High Voltage Purchase $/kwh
Annuitized Distribution $/kwh
HV Transfer Charge $/kwh
2. Onshore Natural Gas Pipeline Project Example

ONSHORE PIPELINE GAS TRANSPORT EXAMPLE 32 inch OD 3800 km Pipeline with 22 compressor stations
5 MMt/y (6.9 BCMY) (each compressor station comprises 15 nos 1.5 MW compressors)

Capital Expenditure Operating Costs Net

Year Sales Tariff Revenue Pipeline Compress Pipeline Compress Revenue
MMTpa $/MMbtu MM$ (10% loss) MM$ MM$ MM$ MM$ MM$
1 0 3.41 0.0 243 64.5 0 0 -307.5
2 0 3.41 0.0 607 161.25 0 0 -768.3
3 0 3.41 0.0 730 193.5 0 0 -923.5
4 0 3.41 0.0 486 129 0 0 -615.0
5 1.25 3.41 188.3 243 64.5 8 17.6 -144.8
6 2.5 3.41 376.6 122 32.25 10.9 24.0 187.4
7 3.75 3.41 564.9 0 0 18.7 41.1 505.1
8 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
9 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
10 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
11 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
12 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
13 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
14 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
15 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
16 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
17 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
18 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
19 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
20 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
21 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
22 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
23 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
24 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

25 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5

26 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
27 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
28 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5
29 5 3.41 753.2 0 0 24.3 53.4 675.5

Total 117.5 17699.3 2431 645 572.2 1257.5 12793.6

15% NPV $2,269.18 $1,601.70 $425.01 $73.81 $162.23 $6.43

IRR= 15.0%
3.41 Tariff $/MMbtu
2431 Pipeline cost MM$
645 Comprs cost MM$

3. Onshore Oil Pipeline Project Example

ONSHORE OIL TRANSPORT PIPELINE EXAMPLE 20 inch OD 40 km long pipeline with one pump station

Capital Expenditure Operating Costs Net

Year Sales Tariff Revenue Pipeline Pumps Pipeline Pumps Revenue
MMbbl $/bbl MM$ MM$ MM$ MM$ MM$ MM$
1 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 -1.0
2 0 0.0 4 0 0 0 -4.0
3 0 0.0 4 1 0 0 -5.0
4 0 0.0 1 1 0 0 -2.0
30k bbl/day 5 10.95 0.2 2.2 0 0 0.5 0.3 1.4
6 10.95 0.2 2.2 0 0 0.5 0.3 1.4
7 10.95 0.2 2.2 0 0 0.5 0.3 1.4
40k bbl/day 8 14.6 0.2 2.9 0 0 0.5 0.4 2.0
9 14.6 0.2 2.9 0 0 0.5 0.4 2.0
10 14.6 0.2 2.9 0 0 0.5 0.4 2.0
50k bbl/day 11 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
12 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
13 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
14 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
15 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
16 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
17 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
18 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
19 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
20 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
21 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
22 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
23 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
24 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
25 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
SAARC Regional Energy Trade Study (SRETS)

26 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7

27 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
28 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7
29 18.25 0.2 3.7 0 0 0.5 0.5 2.7

Total 423.4 84.7 10 2 12.5 11.6 48.6

15% Discount NPV $10.96 $7.10 $1.23 $1.85 $1.50 ($0.72)

IRR= 13.9%
0.2 Tariff $/bbl
8 Pipe cost $ million
2 Pump cost $ million


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