Brochure Mdu Cpas PDF
Brochure Mdu Cpas PDF
Brochure Mdu Cpas PDF
MDU- CPAS formerly known as UILMS established in 2000 as National Law
College is the maintained Centre of M.D. University, Rohtak. CPAS spread in 7
acres is the Satellite Campus of Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak and is
located in the vicinity of Gurugram city in Sector 40. Institute offer Quality
Education in discipline of Management and Law through programs like 2 year
MBA (General), B.A.L.L.B -5 year, L.L.B.- 3year, L.L.M Evening. Centre has
well qualified faculty and administrative staff recruited by University itself. Centre
is approximately 1 km away from NH-8 and 2km from Huda city centre. Since its
inception, the centre has attained numerous laurels to its credit. The centre has
numerous societies which are involved in diverse fields & activities ranging from
the cultural arts, photography, academics to scholarly events. The societies not
only successfully organized Internal and National Events but also participate in
various National level competitions with great enthusiasm, adroitness, efficiency
and skillfulness.
MDU- Center for Professional and Allied Studies, Gurugram, Sec- 40, has created
a professional and healthy competitive environment for its students, ensuring that
they get the best understanding of law. It also continuously works hard and focuses
on improving the professional skills of their students and provides them with the
best academic and practical experiences. The MDU-CPAS has organized many
triumphant Events the most recent being the ZONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL‟17 and
Moreover the objective of MDU- Center for Professional and Allied Studies
National Law Fest, 2019 is to home the academic excellence in the student
community concerning the rights of people, and to develop their advocacy and
research skills in an environment of friendly competition. The competition also
aims to provide a platform for law students to exhibit their argumentation skills
which are the core part of advocacy.
3. A window of the washroom was broken and it was without any grill
from which entry could have been made from the outside. No one was
guarding the washroom where this gruesome act took place. So was
the position of other washrooms of the school.
4. Ramu had gone to use the washroom of the junior kids, where he
said to have found the boy in the pool of the blood. Matter was
reported to the police and the boy was immediately taken to the
hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. Police immediately
visited the scene of the crime and started with the investigation.
was using it since last 2 years. The Police after initial investigation
lodged FIR against Ramu under section 302 IPC.
7. Parents of the victim and other members of the society doubted the
investigation of the local police and had no faith in them so they
demanded a CBI enquiry. On the request of the parents, the matter was
handed over from the state local police to the CBI.
8. CBI conducted the investigation and found from the CCTV footage
that a student of class 10 named Akash was also seen going towards
the same washroom.
10. On this the parents of the victim child contended that ossification
test of the accused should be conducted, as the nature of the crime and
act seems to be the act of a major person and not of a minor.
12. The counsel of the accused in defense took the plea that it is in
violation of fundamental right under article 20 (3) of the Constitution
of India.
13. Accused is son of area MLA so the parents of the deceased child
apprehended that they may not get justice there. So, the parents of
deceased have no faith on public prosecutor and they want to conduct
their case independently.
Gruesome act affected the society at large and people around India
through media and NGO groups have raised various questions:
B) Why such kind of PTM fear was being created in the mind of
student by the school and parents.
C) Why there is no scope for students for all kinds of aptitude decides
being a bright academic holder student in a society and system.
E) Why they didn't take any action on school which was having such
infrastructure and administrative lapses.
15. Some cameras were not working from past 1 year, there was no
staff to monitor the washroom. Washroom windows were broken since
1 and half year. Moreover, other staff members were also allowed to
use the students‟ Washrooms and there was no monitoring of it.
16. The accused is still in custody seeking bail and the case is pending
before Sessions Court. Prepare arguments for seeking bail and charge
for both sides.
a. Each team shall comprise of at least two (2) members and not
more than three (3) members out of which two (2) will be
speakers and one (1) researcher.
b. Arguments shall be in English only.
c. The competition is open for bona-fide students pursuing five
year and three years LL.B course.
d. Each Law College/ University shall be eligible to send one
team. Team should not disclose the identity of their institution
in course of proceedings in the court rooms; such disclosure
shall invite penalties including disqualification.
e. Each team shall be provided with the team code on registration.
IV. Registration
(i) The Registration form completed with all Team Details must
be mailed by 12th March 2020 submitted online and hard copy
by 15th march 2020.
(ii) A registration fee of Rs.4500/- is to be sent by way of
Demand Draft drawn in favor of “DIRECTOR MDU-CPAS”,
payable at Gurugram along with the registration form.
(iii) Registration particulars as soft copy and scanned copy of DD
should be sent by e-mail to EMAIL “3rd NATIONAL MOOT
COURT COMPETITOION 2020” as the subject of the mail
latest by 12TH MARCH 2020. The body of the mail should
also contain the details of team members (All three) such as
Name, Contact Number, Email Id, Role
V. Dress Code
Inside the court room the participant shall follow the below
mentioned dress code.
(i) Females: White Salwar Kurta & Dupatta or white shirt and black
trousers along with black coat and tie.
(ii) Males: white shirt, black trousers, black tie along with black coat
and black shoes.
The dress code for all the functions at the competition shall be
western formals for gentlemen and western or Indian formals for
There shall be two preliminary rounds, quarter final, semi- final and a
final round spreading over a period of 2 days.
A. Researchers’ Test
(i) The researchers‟ test shall be of30 minutes and objective in nature.
(ii) The researcher of every participating team shall attempt this test.
B. Preliminary Rounds
(i) In preliminary rounds each team shall argue from both the sides (appellant
and respondent).
(ii) The team shall be credited with a win in a preliminary round if their round
total is more than opposing team.
(iii) The marks of the EACH preliminary round shall be the cumulative total of
the marks of both the speakers.
(iv) No team shall face each other more than once in the preliminary rounds.
(v) Each team shall face a different bench in each round of arguments.
(vi) TOP EIGHT (8) teams shall move to the quarter finals on the basis of the
marks of the preliminary rounds.
(vii) The following criteria shall be observed in deciding teams which are to
move in quarter finals.
a. The teams that have TWO wins in preliminary rounds shall proceed to
the quarter final.
b. In case less than 8 teams are able to score two wins then teams that
have 1:1-win loss ratio shall advance based on their aggregate score in
the Preliminary Rounds.
c. Teams that have TWO wins shall be given preference over those which
have 1 win and 1 loss.
In case of a tie between two or more teams, the aggregate total of the score
of oral submissions of the speakers shall be taken into consideration and if
after that too there is a tie the marks of the memorial will be taken into
C. Quarter Finals
(i) Eight (8) teams shall compete in quarter final. Criteria for qualifying to
quarter finals have been mentioned in previous clauses.
(ii) It shall be a knock out round. The winner of each round shall move to the
semi- final. Four (4) teams shall move to semi-finals.
(iii)The criteria of marking in this round are aggregate total of the marks of both the
(iv) In case of tie between teams, in quarter finals, the aggregate total of the
marks of memorials (appellant and respondent) of the teams shall be
counted. Team with highest marks moves ahead.
D. Semi Finals.
(i) Four (4) teams shall compete in semi-finals. The criteria of qualifying in
semi-finals have been mentioned in previous clauses.
(ii) It shall be a knock out round. The winner of each round shall move to the
(iii) The criteria of marking in this round are aggregate total of the marks of
both the speakers.
(iv) In case of tie between teams, in semi-finals, the aggregate total of the
marks of memorials (appellant and respondent) of the teams shall be
counted. Team with highest marks moves ahead.
(i) The marking criteria in Final Round is same as that of semi-final
VII. Memorial
The following requirements for memorials must be strictly followed. Non-
conformities will be penalized:
(i) All teams must submit Memorials/ Written Submissions for both sides.
(Appellant/ Respondent).
(ii) All teams must submit typed Memorials for both sides and the Memorials
must fulfill all the following specifications;
(iv) The memorial shall not be of more than forty (40) pages and the Arguments
shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) pages.
(v) The Memorial shall be typed on A4 size page in Font type: Times New
Roman, Font size: 12, 1.5-line spacing & 1-inch margin on each side. Blue Book
pattern shall be followed.
(vi) The Cover Page of the Memorial must follow the following color scheme,
Blue for the Applicant Cover Page and Red for the Respondent Cover Page.
(ix) Soft Copies of the memorials (Both Side Appellant and Respondent) in
word as well as pdf format must be mailed to “Memorial Submission by TEAM Code”
( For Ex. Memorial Submission by TC-101) as subject of the mail by
21st march 2020.
(x) One soft copy for each side (appellant and respondent) must reach the
organizers (MDU CPAS) by 25th march 2020. Late submission will be
penalized by one point each memorial for every day of delay after due
date. No excuses in respect of delayed courier services will be entertained.
(xi) Eight (8) hard copies from each side (appellant and respondent) shall be
submitted by the teams on reaching at the venue of the Moot Court.
(i) The following shall be the criteria for marking the memorials:
2. Knowledge of Law 10
(ii) Memorial from each side shall carry total of hundred (100) marks.
(iii)A penalty of two (2) marks for each side of memorial shall be entailed on each
day‟s default in submissions of memorials.
(i) Each team shall comprise of two (2) speakers, as has been specified earlier.
(ii) Court language shall be English only
(iii) Each team will have a maximum of thirty (30) minutes to present their Oral
Submissions in Preliminary Rounds. No speaker will be permitted to address
the Court for more than Seventeen (17 minutes). This includes the time the
speaker addresses the Court during the rebuttal/ sur-rebuttal. The maximum time
for rebuttal/sur-rebuttal is five (5) minutes.
(iv) The maximum time allotted in quarter finals, semi-finals and final shall be
forty-five (45) minutes for each team. No speaker shall be allowed to
address the court for more than twenty- five (25) minutes. This includes
the time the speaker addresses the court during rejoinder/sur- rejoinder.
(v) At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team must
notify the Court Officer of the amount of time that the team reserves for
their rejoinder/sur-rejoinder. A maximum of 5 minutes can be reserved for
the rejoinder/sur-rejoinder.
(vi) At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team shall
notify the Court Officer as to the division of time between the 2 speakers.
(vii) If any speaker continues to speak after the completion of his/her time, he/she
shall entail penalty which shall be upon the discretion of the judges.
(viii) The final decision as to the time structure and the right to rejoinder/sur-
rejoinder will be that of the Bench Judges.
(ix) During the course of oral submissions the participants cannot submit to the
court any material containing pictorial representation whatsoever. Further
the participants will not be permitted to make any audio/visual
representation nor will they be allowed to use personal computers, laptops
and any other technical or mechanical device during their oral
(x) Speakers shall not be allowed to pass annexure to the judges; instead the
teams may make a compendium of annexure that shall be given to the
judges before the start of proceedings.
(xi) If at any instance a submission is made with any material in violation to the
above clause and if any picture, sketches, photos, cartoons, caricatures,
audio film, video film, projector-slide or a computer generated image is
submitted or presented to court, the teams shall be disqualified from the
competition forthwith.
(xii) During the course of the Oral Submissions no speaker shall neither reveal
his/her identify nor the identity of their University / College by any means
(i) Each Speaker will be marked on a total of 100 marks by each Bench Judge.
(ii) The following will be the Marking Criteria and the Marks allocated to each
Speaker by each Judge in the Round:
(iii) The decision of the judges as to the Marks allocated to any team shall be final.
XI. Awards: -
Faculty convener
Dr. G.S. Chauhan- 9811346171
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Kailash Kumar- 9212704898
Student convener
A. Deepanshu Dudeja – 8285095227
B. Chhavi Goyal -9911515887
Email us-
XII. Miscellaneous: -
(i) No team or any of its members or anyone connected with any team will be
permitted to sit or hear the arguments in any court room in which that team is
not one of the contesting teams while that team is competing in the
competition. For the violation of this rule strict action may be taken against
the team, even ranging to the disqualification of the team from the
(ii) If there is any dispute in regard to the interpretations of the rules or with
respect to any matter related to the competition which is not contemplated in
the rules, the decision of the Organizers shall be binding and final.
Note: Organizers will provide lodging and boarding facilities only from 27th TO 29th
MARCH 2020.
(iii) The teams are required to reach the venue by 8:30 A.M 28TH MARCH
2020 for the registrations, Draw of lots and memorial exchange.
(Note: Please Fill in capital letters)
Name- ................................................................................................
Semester/Year of study………………………………………………….....
Contact No…………………………………………………………………. PHOTO
Email Id………………………………………………………………….....
2. Speaker Two: -
Name- ................................................................................................
Semester/Year of study…………………………………………………....
Contact No…………………………………………………………………. PHOTO
Email Id…………………………………………………………………....
3. Researcher: -
Name- ................................................................................................
Semester/Year of study………………………………………………….....
Contact No…………………………………………………………………. PHOTO
Email Id………………………………………………………………….....
……………………………………………… …………………………………………
Name and Signature of Authorized Person Seal of Institution
Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of “DIRECTOR MDU-CPAS” payable at GURUGRAM. Please
mention name of the participants and the institution on the reverse of the original DD and
Send the form along with DD on the following address:
Opposite Police Station, Sector 40, Gurugram, Haryana 122001
Mode of Travel
Train/Flight No.
Train/Flight Name
Arrival Place
Mode of Travel
Train/Flight No.
Train/Flight Name
Contact Person:…………………………………………………………………………..
Contact Number:………………………………………………………………………………..
(Note: Teams should reach till 8;30 A.M on 28th March 2020 for registration and draw of lots)
(Please note that the institute shall provide for pick-up from metro station/ railway station/ bus stop, and
the participating teams should make necessary arrangement for their departure.)
Date Programme
13TH FEBRUARY Release of Moot Proposition