AIN I JOOJ Brochure
AIN I JOOJ Brochure
AIN I JOOJ Brochure
Organized by Royal School of Law and Administration, The Assam Royal Global University
Knowledge Partner - National Law University and Judicial Academy
The Assam Royal Global University, was established in The University offers Bachelor, Master, And Doctoral
2013 through an Act of the State Legislature ‘The programs in management, engineering, information
Assam Royal Global University Act’, which has been technology, education, law, physical education,
notified by Government of Assam vide notification no. pharmacy, nursing, humanities & social science and
LGL.12/2013/22. The University is a full-fledged Private other areas. Royal School of Law and Administration is
University established under section 2(f) of the UGC Act making rapid advancements in standards of legal
and is included in the list of universities maintained by education and research. It offers B.A. LL.B(H) five years
University Grants Commission with the right to confer Integrated Program; LL.M. course and PhD course. The
degrees as per Section 22 of UGC Act, 1956. The courses are designed to provide overall development of
university is a member of the Association of Indian students to strengthen them to face the need of the
Universities (AIU), New Delhi, India. The University has hour and global challenges. We aspire to inculcate
accreditation of the following regulatory authorities: humanistic approach, entrepreneurial skills, innovative
Bar Council of India (BCI), All India Council for outlook and academic focus in our future leaders who
Technical Education (AICTE), Council of Architecture can make a difference in the society. Our
(COA), Assam Nursing Council (ANC), Pharmacy Council multidisciplinary learning methods of the University
of India(PCI) and Indian Nursing Council (INC). have proved fruitful as our alumni are setting new
milestones in their professional fields.
Royal School of Law and Administration, The Assam Royal Global University, is
hosting its first National Moot Court Competition virtually. This Competition will be
the flagship event for the University for the years to come. It is administered by the
Moot Court Society of the University. Other than contributing to the field of Civil Law,
this Competition serves as a channel through which young law students can
showcase and hone their advocacy skills.
This year, we welcome participation from the best law schools/colleges/universities of
the country, in expectation to chisel out the proficient lawyers and judges of the
Chancellor’s Message
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
Prof. (Dr)A.K.Buragohain
Academic Chairperson
Convener's Message
The Team
The moot court committee, of the MCC, is the heart of RSLA, as is every moot court
committee of a law college. Student run, faculty advised and monitored the MCC is
constituted of three parts – The Patron (Vice Chancellor of the University), The Faculty
Advisory Board (Composed of group of law faculty from the University) and the most crucial
and active part The Executive Board (the student members). The committee is governed by
its constitution specially drafted with the intend to ensure the environment and attitude of
legal professionalism. The committee aims to foster the interest of law students by
encouraging and assisting them in developing, inter alia, legal acumen, research and
advocacy skills. Today, with immense pride in our hearts we the members of MCC, RSLA
invite you to our first edition of RSLA, National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2021.
The language of the competition will be English.
a. Students pursuing 3 years/ 5 years undergraduate LL.B. degree course are eligible to
participate in this competition.
b. Only one team can participate from each institution.
Each team of the competition shall consist of the following members
Each team shall consist of three members. Two designated as speaker and one as researcher.
The participants shall adhere to following dress code when present in any court room during the
a. Girls: White Shirt/White Kurta, Black Trouser/Black Leggings and Black Tie along with Black
Blazer and Black Shoes. (Blazers are compulsory in either of the attires)
b. Boys: White Shirt and Black Trouser along with Black Tie, Black Blazer and Black Shoes.
Branch- Bhangagarh
IFSC- PUNB0465100
“Registration Forms for 1st Royal Global, National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2021”.
The following requirements for memorial must be strictly followed by the participants
a. All memorials submitted for all purposes of the Competition shall strictly adhere to the rules of the Competition.
Each Team participating in the Competition must prepare one Memorial on behalf of Petitioner(s)/ Appellant(s) and one
on behalf of the Respondent(s).
b. Appellant memorials are required to have a Blue cover and Respondent memorials are required to have a Red cover.
The memorials shall not contain any form of identification apart from the team code. If any such identification or mark,
symbol, etc. which has the effect of identifying the team is found on the memorial, then it shall result in instant
disqualification. A penalty of 1 mark shall be levied in case the memorial is submitted in any other format or as a
multiple file by the team.
c. While sending the softcopy of the memorials in PDF format, please name the file pertaining to the Respondent as R
accompanied by the team code and name the file pertaining to the Petitioner as P accompanied by the team code. For
example, Respondent of team 06 should name the PDF file as R06.
d. Each Team must send a soft copy of their memorials, in PDF format only, for evaluation by 18th April 2021, 11.59pm
to with the subject “Memorials for 1st Royal Global National Virtual Moot Court Competition,
a. Cover Page,
b. Table of Contents,
c. Index of Authorities,
d. Statement of Jurisdiction,
f. Issues raised,
h. Arguments Advanced,
j. Exhibits (Optional).
Non-Compliance with above criteria shall result in penalty of two marks for each missing section.
2. TEAM CODE: The team code must be ascribed on the top right corner of the cover page
f. The Hard Copies of the Memorial shall be printed on only one side.
4. MARKING CRITERIA OF MEMORIALS: The maximum scores for the memorials shall be 100 marks.
c. The time stated above includes the time required for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal. However, the maximum Lime taken
for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal shall be not more 5 minutes.
b. One speaker shall not use more than 25 minutes of the total time.
c. The time stated above includes the time required for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal. However, the maximum Lime taken
for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal shall be not more 5 minutes. This will be a knockout round.
Maximum scores for the oral rounds shall be 100 points per speaker, and which shall be judged on the following criteria:
f. Organization- 10 Points
Teams shall not be allowed to observe the orals of another team, unless they have been officially knocked-out of the
competition. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Scouting by any team shall entail instant disqualification.
a. Winner of the Final Round will be given the “Best Team” award.
b. Runner-up of the Final Round will be given the “1st Runner Up” award.
c. “Best Mooter” award shall be determined on the basis of the total marks secured during the Preliminary Round.
d. In addition to the above, certificates will be issued to all the participants only during the valedictory function and no prior
request shall be entertained in any case.
The student counsels shall not state their names during the oral rounds and must use the assigned team code for all
correspondence. All team members must refrain from disclosing the identity of their institutions at any time and in any manner
during the entire Competition.Non compliance with this Rule will result in immediate disqualification of the team.
The decision of the judges with regard to the outcome of the rounds shall be final. For all purposes and in any dispute, the
decision of the Moot Court Committee shall be final and binding.
Any clarifications regarding competition and the moot problem may be sought by sending us an email at or
from the following persons:-
For registering kindly fill the following form on or before the 15th of April 2021 :-
Days went on. Priya could not engage herself, but at the same time, she was put in such a
position that she could not leave the association of Dr. Kumar, because they became so
attached and close to each other during her stay there, that they started living like husband
and wife, and also had a baby girl (Pooja) in the year 1999. Sakshi, Dr. Kumar’s wife came to
know about their relation in 2002. But the matter had crossed the limits of her endurance
and patience and so Sakshi lodged a complaint in Police Station in Mumbai u/s 494 of IPC,
and 17 of Hindu Marriage Act 1955, during her last visit to Dr. Kumar’s Residence. But it
was very unfortunate that while she was returning to Delhi towards her own residence
from airport by a hired taxi, she met with an accident in which she was killed.
Dr. Kumar immediately rushed to Delhi after he was informed about the accident and
attended her last funeral rites. Thereafter, putting his son (Rishi) and daughter (Amrita) in
Boarding School in Mumbai, and thereafter he was transferred to Chennai. Along with Priya,
and Pooja he shifted to this new place and started a normal life again there. There was no
further action taken by the police and the proceeding was abated.
Thereafter in 2013, Mr Kumar died suddenly out of cardiac arrest during his visit to Mumbai.
After his death when Priya approached the pension authority, her claim was refused saying
that she was not entitled to family pension benefits. Then she filed a civil suit, in Mumbai
claiming her rights over Mr. Kumar’s property and pension benefits which nullified her claim
on the ground that she was not legally married to Dr. Kumar, and Rishi and Amrita are the
legal heirs and hence are entitled to the property rights and pension benefits
The case is now pending before the Hon’ble Mumbai High Court.