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Huntington Hills Elementary School Poetry Grade 5/6 Mr. Wasend's and Mr. Dedemus's Classes 2017-2018

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Huntington Hills Elementary School

Poetry Grade 5/6

Mr. Wasend’s and Mr. Dedemus’s Classes
I’m stuck on poetry
I don’t know what to write
Please come help me
I want to be right

By: Adian

So much depends upon the time
The when, the where, the why
It just keeps ticking on, on, on.

By: Alison


The most luxurious ship
I have ever seen
Finally, we were allowed to board the Titanic
My Mom and Dad waving goodbye
April 14th 1912
We struck on iceberg
A couple of minutes later
I saw the bow flooded with water
By the time I got into a lifeboat
I looked back
And saw the bridge was flooded
An hour later
There was still no help
The storm was high up in the air
Then snap
The ship broke in half
The storm lifted up in the air
Then went down
The 2 hours of terror was over.

By: Ben
31 teams in one
all aiming for the same goal
to be the best

By: Braxden

Who made God? What is my future? What is life?
I want infinite money.
Amethyst, Magenta, Alice Blue
Bodacious Burhan, cute cat, whooping willow
My first computer, my teddy Tyson, My grade 1 science textbook
My brother, my phone, my mom
So close to beating a boss fight and the computer crashed
Nothing to do
You’re a hacker, you’re a savage, I like your shirt

By: Burhan

Oh those deep fried peaches
How I love those deep fried peaches
I toss them in the pan
Crack! Pop!
Some hot oil felt on my arm
Ow! It hurts, it hurts
No worries it will all be better when I have those
Deep fried amazing peaches

By: Caleb

Crazy, folding
Nothing into something
Origami super fun folding

By: Caleb

Winter’s cold, winter ‘s bold
I slip on the transparent
Ice beneath me
I stare at the dark grey sky
Now I fall asleep for eternity

By: Caleb

Why can’t I be in the front row of a concert?
Maybe I’ll bring a big red ball,
It could also be lavender, seafoam green or magenta
I’d have purple pie before going to the green grass
I’d bring a friendship necklace or maybe her, herself.
I fell into a wall and dropped my tablet on a desk!
“Hey that’s pretty good!” said a man
“Oh hello there” said a woman

By: Chloe

Spring, spring is a time of new life
Spring, Spring flowers blooming
Spring, spring is near
Spring, spring is here

By: Delena

What am I?
A boy
Aqua, lavender and red
Meme may, Peter pickle, Red run
My PS3
The wall, a door, a pencil, a plate, a TV
Fist fight
First day of school
Doing nothing
Hi good morning, WAKE UP!

By: Drayden

The teacher said to write anything
So that’s what I will do
It’s hard to do anything
When you are doing nothing

By: Hailey

So much depends upon the pencil
strokes on the paper
Drawing with patience
So much depends upon a yellow pencil
Sharpened to a point
Drawing within the lines

By: Hailey

Shells swiftly sat by the sea shore
Small squids spotted shrimp by the seashore
Scary sharks swam strangely by the seashore
Small snails suddenly slimed the sea shore
The sun shined sadly on the seashore

By: Hailey


IS the series of unfortunate events a true story?
Why don’t I have a second question?
Yay! I got a question
Why was that such a big turd?
In a dream, I have encountered
A cape that makes you fly!
Crimson, violet and cobalt blue oh my!
Picture perfect, tongue Twister and of course,
Puntastic Puns!
A blanket named Nummy and a stuffy named Poley
And stuffy named poley and Pandey
Five things I see every day are,
My hands, my feet, my door, my shoes and our car
A forbidden thought and a boring thing about friendship is
When you have nothing to do
Once I got in trouble for a thing I didn’t do
So I said it was my sister who didn’t flush the poo!
Yesterday, people said to me,
Good game, Hi and I gotta pee.

By: Hudson

I was gaming until the internet crashed
It felt like I dashed into a million lightning bolts
I started to smash my key board then it broke
I dress up then flopped on the fluffy snow
Walking to the tech store because I need a
Brand new keyboard since I broke my keyboard
I paid with cash for the keyboard and went home

By: Ivan

Some people fly, fly, and fly
Up to the sky really, really high
I try and I try to go in
The sky.
It can really satisfy.
You have an eye in the sky.
But why?
Because everybody loves the sky.

By: Jakob

Your grave is ready
Come on by and see the bed
Your soul will rest in.

By: Jakob

What lies out there
In the great unknown
Another world?
Well I don’t even know
So many mysteries
To be solved
I ponder and ponder
To find them all
Like what is the secret
Of a Mobius strip
Or in space and time
Is a black hole a dip?
I think by some time
We will finally know
The mind bending secrets
Of the great unknown

By: Jared

So much depends upon
Time on my X-Box
That it goes too fast
1 hour fells like
1 minute
1 minute feels like
1 second
1 second feels
like nothing to me at all

By: Jeremy

Wait, so how did earth get its name. Did a giant eye colour the colours?
Amethyst, Jet blacks or titanium white
I would have my creation necklace or while thinking I see stray cats chasing
And human hands opening fridges hey say
“you are growing” but I beg to differ

By: Kassandra

Do you feel the ice melting, I do
The icicles grow sharpened like draggers,
And it is as cold as a cellar
White snowflakes and blue ice
Surround you

By: Kassandra

As the left winger takes it up the boards,
Passes it up to the centre man and skates it up the ice
Passes the blue line and passes it back and forth to the right winger
He shoots the score as the announcer says on the radio and it’s one-one
We’re going to overtime for the Stanley cup
One minute in and the Calgary flames win with the game winning goal from
Glany McDonald the number 9 of the Calgary flames

By: Keenan

I’m going to the rink to play hockey
I’m only going to play till the first period
(and watch other players shoot on and deek the goalie)
I shan’t be long – you come too

By: Keenan
Shovel snow as it ricochet’s off the ground.
Days pass as snow turns into a furious, humongous black ice
“Crash” as I tumble down
On a very large slope, snow flies in the air
As I got up, the tiniest crack formed
Someone forced me to jump
But I was intimidated to do it.

By: Ken

Trees are orange as fall,
It changes colour while it falls.
It gets crunched,
A blue blanket on the grass as the sky
There was a bunny with some honey
Why does the world have these creatures?

By: Ken

Like a circus
Very fun
But sometimes
It can get scary at night
When you see all those clowns
But enough of that
It can be really fun as well
Especially the mirror maze
And all that candy and popcorns
No matter where you go
it always smells like mini donuts
And I love how
Everything is so bright
And colourful
It’s so much fun
By: Kyla

So much depends on all the puppies and dogs in the world
When it is hot outside it lays on their back and sticks their tongue out
Some of them are fluffy and some are not

By: Lazaria


Friends, Family
And the sky, the sky can cry
And can be shy
Sometimes it wants me to fly
Some guy wanted to try
But Bill Nye was just a guy
So he wanted to be a fly
So come on sky
Let family and friends try!

By: Loreal

Pie Pie Pie
Red light brown, we eat it and make it sometimes
We have it with our family on special days

By: Raquel

Your red fur is like a rose
Big black eyes like the sky
Run deep into the woods
Were the good kids hide
Far away from home
Tiny paws thumping low up the hill
Swinging tail side to side as you hide.

By: Raven

I’m going out to annoy my teachers
I’ll only stop when they keep me in for recess
(And wait until teachers get annoyed)
I shan’t be long- you come too
I am going out to fetch a water gun
That by my best friend-it’s so old
It sprays when my teacher talks, it goes off
I shan’t be long- you come too

By: Sarah

From the brightness of summer
To the flurries in the winter
With temperature changing its quite a bummer
From the lush grass of spring
To the crusty floor of Autumn
When seasons change, never know what to bring

By: Sarai

Sarai swooped seashells from the sad seagulls
and a simple swarm of scary squids spooked me away.
Seven snails snatched my only snack
so I scurried to snatch my small snack.
Sarai was scared from swooping the seagull’s shells.
By: Sarai

The sound of soft whispers fill the room
The repetitive sounds of scratching at the pantry door
When the little ball of fluff goes into slumber
He looks like a clump of snow, buried in the countless blankets

By: Sophia

I like Iron Maiden because when I Iisten to their music, I feel strong
But I wonder what is the meaning of life?
I don’t really know but maybe love for the family and friends
I want to see pearls, diamonds and willows
But not just any, I want to see pink pearls, dark diamonds and white willow
If you think friendship is boring, you’d be wrong!
Friendship is never boring
Recently my brother has made me mad
We get into fights just like any other siblings.

By: Sophia

I wear my suit and my boots,
I go to the shop and get my fruit
like colours and tasty
sweet fresh yummy fruit

By: Taniah

I Wonder
Why people are racist?
Why do they think they are the greatest?
Why do they think they are the latest?
No! Somebody tell them that they are just doing that to be famous
I wonder...
Are people really mean to me or
is that just they are staring at me,
cards, gifts and picture make me smile and make me
remember people across the miles
I wonder…
Do people see what I see
Like the trees, bees, animals and
sky and birds that fly so high and touch the sky.
I want to fly and touch the sky
Like you but I don’t know how to
One day I will fly so high and touch the sky.
You’ll all see and try to recognize

By: Tasmia

I’m your nightmare I’ll give you a fright
You’re scared of the dark, you go to hide
You say goodbye, you hear the children cry
You hear screaming laughter from the night
You want to go back to the light
You don’t want to die
You see me from the side
You’re asking yourself from the sky
I’m making marks on the wall giving you a fright
Dead is in my name
There no right, no right, no right
Nobody can help you I am a freak look like I am
I on my finest stage
Your mom don’t care about
Your dad don’t care about
You see their body in the basement
You see my summon I will show you nightmare
Distracted in my way will destroying you.
Is the end for you and the END

By: Vaughn

I see the bright blue sky,
While I eat my pie,
Then I wonder how many people die,
when they are in the sky.
I walked down the street and meet a guy,
Who claimed that his name was Bill Nye,
I knew it was a big fat lie,
Just like his lame bow tie.

By: William

I’m going out to listen to some 60’s music
I’ll only stop to hear some Jimi Hendrix
He also uses all those awesome guitar tricks
I shan’t be gone long- you come too
I’m going out to listen to some Guns N Roses too
I’ll only stop to hear some November rain
I’ll still listen to that song, till I’m old and have a walking cane,
I shan’t be gone long- you come too

By: William

How did Jimi Hendrix become famous, when can I go to a Guns n Roses
concert and where is the nearest Lamborghini dealership, all these questions
I have yet to answer, just like what turkey would taste like without gravy dip.
In my dream I found Prince’s guitar in a seat, I reached out to touch it but it
turned to meat.
Indigo, violet and Amazon are the colours I like, I also like riding my bike.
Cool comics, giant guitar, derby Dorito, they all use alliteration, just like
snappy speedo.
I like my drum set, guitar and multi-tool, I use them all the time cause I’m no
I see my alarm clock, my room, my sister, father and mother, but sometimes
I wonder what it would be like to have a brother
When I was young, I went on a field trip to a farm looking, place, there were
goats on the roof and one landed on my face, I got a bloody nose, but it
could have been worse for all we know, the goat could have stolen my Mom’s

By: William

Why is the sky blue?
Why do birds walk when they can fly?
Why do things die oh why or why?
Why do we call chilli, chilli when it is hot?
Why do we call freezies, freezies just because they are frozen?
Why when we ask for chicken wings, we get chicken legs
Oh why, oh why what has society become

By: Zenah
A Poem is going to have a 26th line
B-ecause I really want it to turn out just fine
C what ‘s about to happen with this one, as Mr,
D is planning on having just a little fun
E-nough of this playing around,
If (eF) you don’t like it dig your head in the ground
G-eniuses have probably figured it out
H-(tchyu) (aintychu) supposed to know what life’s about
I (Eye)of the Tiger is my favourite song
Jays are my favourite bird, any other is just wrong
K that was lame, but my pattern’s just the same
L O L at my name, a plain poem game makes my fame
M & Ms are my favourite candies
eN-tities of tiny chocolate fancies
O-zone layer damage is more than theoretical
P eanuts are good, but to my friend he’d end up medical
Q-tips are more for than just cleaning out an ear.
R-rest me if you want, the cringe is far worse than your fear
e Specially when I dance to your crazy drumming beat
“T-chair Mr. D, would you please just take a seat?”
U got it bud, besides my poem is almost over
Venus is the hottest planet, and where is that double-double
U promised to get me tonight? I’ll
eX-it with it, stage right
Y are you staring at me?
Zees iz the 26th line.

By: Mr. Dedemus

My name is Stan
And I have a plan,
A plan that involves a can,
And a cat named Dan,
Dan and the can,
Are kicked out of my van,
They need a sun tan,
And I need my fan,
Maybe even my pan,
So I cook bacon like a man,
Sounds like a plan.

By: Mr.
I was gaming until the internet crashed
It felt like I dashed into a million lightning bolts
I started to smash my key board then it broke
I dress up then flopped on the fluffy snow
Walking to the tech store because I need a
Brand new keyboard since I broke my keyboard
I paid with cash for the keyboard and went home

By: Ivan

Some people fly, fly, and fly
Up to the sky really, really high
I try and I try to go in
The sky.
It can really satisfy.
You have an eye in the sky.
But why?
Because everybody loves the sky.

By: Jakob

Your grave is ready
Come on by and see the bed
Your soul will rest in.

By: Jakob

So much depends upon
Time on my X-Box
That it goes too fast
1 hour fells like
1 minute
1 minute feels like
1 second
1 second feels
like nothing to me at all

By: Jeremiah

I love to dance.
Disco, break, or hip hop
I fall in a trance when I move,
But I never want to stop
It makes me move my body,
My legs, my arms, and my chest
I feel happy, excited, intense
So many emotions
I can’t name the rest.
My legs move, like they have no weight
The music makes me insane
My arms dash through the air
The energy flows through my brain

By: Jeremy
There’s a lot of questions I have, but I never got an answer.
Like who let the dogs out?
It’s a catchy song, a lot know it, but they keep going,
Who let the dogs out?
Who! Who! Who!
Because I got to know who let the dogs out?
I can tell them to put them back because I’m allergic to dogs!
Then more questions appear!
What is Pinocchio told a lie, but then it became true later
Or what if he thought he told a lie, but it was secretly true,
What happens to his nose! Who knows! Then more questions appear
What’s the meaning of life…cereal?
I mean, it’s not the best cereal, kind of boring,
But who’s idea was it to put a rooster on the box?
Then more questions appear.
But a lot of people say I’ve very noisy,
But I think to myself… What happened to Pinocchio’s nose?
Then more questions appear!
There’s green, there’s “dark green”,
But is there a color called “darker green”, or even “darkest green”?
When you add black to dark green, will it become darker green or a shade
Because when you think about I, it’s just a darker green,
And what about even darker green? Then more questions appear!
The more questions I answer, the more questions I think of
I’m an endless quest of questions!
Who put The Cat in the Hat?
Who put the cheese in the cake?
Who put the ladders with snakes?
Who put happy in the meal?
Who put Trump in the Whitehouse?
Who put the big in the mac?
Who put the Pac in the man?
Who put the chocolate in milk?
Who put the chicken in the nuggets?
Who made the fries go French?
Who made a burger become a king?
But most of all, who let the dogs out?

By: Jeremy
Shovel snow as it ricochet’s off the ground.
Days pass as snow turns into a furious, humongous black ice
“Crash” as I tumble down
On a very large slope, snow flies in the air
As I got up, the tiniest crack formed
Someone forced me to jump
But I was intimidated to do it.

By: Ken

Trees are orange as fall,
It changes colour while it falls.
It gets crunched,
A blue blanket on the grass as the sky
There was a bunny with some honey
Why does the world have these creatures?

By: Ken

What am I going to be when I grow up?
Bed, pillow, blanket
Crimson red, lemon yellow, neon green
Slithering snake, enormous elephant, sweet strawberries
Blanket, shoes, backpack
Bed, clothes, toothbrush, school, house
Doing nothing
Hello, how are you, what are we going to do?

By: Niall

I am going out to practise hockey for my game
Backyard, in that big frozen lake
I’ll only stop to get a break
To get a gulp of water
I shan’t be gone long – you come too.

By: Zach B.

When I wake up, I see my room, my dog, and my brother
And my other brother, and my mom and my dad
At day, I see the band I like
And my awesome soccer ball that I will never sell
I dreamt of my dog and when I was young,
I got angry with my brothers
And dreaming about why war world II and I and
Other wars that are happening right now
A forbidden thought about friendship like when I did not
Like that game and when a friend got gold in hockey
- All I said was “nice”

By: Zach B.


Thank you,
To all my wonderful students
For all the laughter the whole crew
Enjoyed, and for the day’s amusements
Adian, you’re a life peer
Allison, you’re serene
Ben, you’re sincere
Braxden, you’re so funny you break my spleen
Burhan, you’re a computer whiz
Caleb, your origami amazes me
Chloe, you’re one of the most confident speakers there is
Delena, you’re always in glee
Drayden, your enthusiasm bursts at the seams
Hailey, not even black holes can absorb your light
Hudson, your laughter and smile beams
Ivan, I’m sure you’ll create many websites
Jakob, you inspire many people to do their best
Jared, your presentations are captivating
Jeremiah, your actions are filled with zest
Jeremy, you’re always creating
Kassandra, you always give me the best of your work
Keenan, you always strive for your goals
Ken, your curiosity is your best perk
Kyla, your artwork touches souls
La’Zaria, you always persevere
Loreal, your acting skills will eclipse Hollywood
Niall, your work brings me cheer
Raquel, your compassion makes my day all good
Raven, your passion for foxes is touching
Sarah, you’re a pleasure to teach
Sarai, you’re a walking encyclopedia
Sophia, your ideas are far-reaching
Taniah, your outspokenness adds to your depth
Tasmia, you’re passionate about knowledge
Vaughn, don’t doubt that you possess enormous strength
William, you may be the next cartoon master
Yeben, you can make friends with anyone
Zach B, your analytical skills seem to be getting faster and faster
Zaiser, your presence cannot be outdone
Zenah, your sense of humour never fails to make me laugh (and think twice)

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