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20 Means of Transportation in English and Spanish

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1.- Car / Car.

2.- Bus / Bus
3.- Taxi / Taxi.
4.- Truck / Truck.
5.- Van / Truck.
6.- Train / Train.
7.- Metro / Metro.
8.- Motorcycle / Motocicleta or Moto.
9.- Bicycle / Bicycle.
10.- Boat / Boat.
11.- Jet ski: Jet ski.
12.- Ship: Ship.
13.- Yatch: Yacht.
14.- Submarine / Submarine.
15.- Plain / Plane.
16.- Helicopter / Helicopter.
17.- Glider: Glider.
18.- Hot air balloon / Hot air balloon.
19.- Canoe / Canoe.
20.- Sailboat / Sailboat.


The environment is the space in which the life of living beings develops and that allows their interaction.
However, this system is not only made up of living beings , but also of abiotic elements (without life) and
artificial elements.
When talking about living beings, reference is made to biotic factors , be it flora, fauna or even human
beings . In contrast, abiotic factors are those that lack life. However, these elements are essential for the
subsistence of living organisms, such as air , soil and water . Among the artificial elements we include
socioeconomic relations, such as urbanization , conflicts within a society , etc.
The environment, according to other authors, is considered as the sum of cultural and social
relationships, in an environment, in a historical moment and in a particular place. This means that this
definition includes customs and folklore within the concept of environment, among many other things.
The environment is the environment focused on the biodiversity of species, which includes natural and
artificial elements that relate to each other; and that can be modified by human behavior.

However, there is a classification in which the natural environment is spoken of as that environment
made up of elements that arise naturally, without human intervention; unlike the built environment,
which includes modifications given by the human population.

RIDDLES I won't be
1. That's not how I am, until the end.
so I wasn't,
Answer: the donkey.
2. I am a very elegant animal, Answer: the seahorse.
very fast and not fierce;
and when I want to put on shoes 10. Only one goalkeeper,
I'm going to the blacksmith's house. a single tenant,
your round house
Answer: the horse. you take it with you.

3. Before little egg, Answer: the snail.

then little cocoon,
later I will fly
like a little bird

Answer: the butterfly.

4. I am clever and playful

and catch a mouse
It is my biggest hobby.

Answer: the cat.

5. What is the animal,

field or corral,
that if you give him a carrot
Will you see his little teeth?

Answer : the rabbit.

6. From cell to cell I go

but I'm not trapped.

Answer: the bee.

7. He lives on high, he lives on high,

the weaver weaves high.

Answer: the spider.

8. Go out to the countryside at night

if you want to know me,
I am a gentleman with big eyes,
serious face and great knowledge.

Answer: the owl.

9. I don't look like it and I'm a fish,

and my shape reflects it
a chess piece
1. At ten, you're in bed
Children have to go to bed early to go to school rested.

2. Loose lips sink ships

At certain times it is better to be silent before screwing up.

3. Shoe rack to your shoes

You don't have to go where you're not called.

4. Empty belly, has no joy

Eating well sees things differently.

5. April, thousand waters

April is a month with a lot of rain.

6. After the milk, do not add anything

After drinking milk it is better not to drink anything else to avoid cutting.

7. Whoever has a mouth makes mistakes

You don't have to be afraid of saying something wrong.

8. He who chops garlic eats

The person who gets angry has two options: either let go or stay angry.

9. Like father Like Son

Children usually look like their parents.

10. God helps those who get up early

Every effort has its rewards.


1. PRISONER WITHOUT HORIZON We are alone in my cell

Beautiful light adorable reason
Prisoner without horizon
I hear the noises of the street Author: Guillaume Apollinaire
And I see only a hostile sky
And the white wall of my prison
The afternoon flees in my prison
A sweet lamp burns
The wind, high in its element some get lost.
It makes me more alone - I'm not Here a fog, there another fog,
Lamenting, he has to lament. but then the day.

It is an abstract, unfathomable Author: Emily Dickinson

come from the elusive end of the
world. 6. DOVE
Deep is its meaning.
The dove was wrong,
The non-existent everything in him he was wrong.
speaks to me, To go North, he went South,
How virtue is not a shield, and He believed that wheat was water.
How the best thing is to be silent. He believed that the sea was the
Author: Fernando Pessoa than the night the morning.
May the stars dew,
that the heat the snowfall.
3. IV That your skirt was your blouse,
May your heart be his home.
Sighs are air and go to the air! (She fell asleep on the shore,
Tears are water and go to the sea! you at the top of a branch.)
Tell me, woman: when love is
forgotten, Author: Rafael Alberti
do you know where it's going?

Author: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer 7. DYING DOESN'T HURT MUCH

Dying doesn't hurt much:

4. THEY KILL WHAT THEY LOVE life hurts us more.
But dying is a different thing,
behind the hidden door:
And all men kill what they love,
let everyone hear it, The custom of the south, when the
some do it with a bitter look, birds
others with a flattering word; before the ice comes,
the coward with a kiss, They go to a better climate. We are
The brave man with a sword! birds that stay:

Author: Oscar Wilde Those trembling by the peasant

that the crumb they seek,
5. KNOW HOW TO CARRY OUR greedily toasted, until the snow
PORTION AT NIGHT pious toward home pushes our
Know how to carry our portion at
night Author: Emily Dickinson
or pure morning;
fill our emptiness with contempt,
fill it with happiness. 8. THE PINK GIRL, SITTING...

Here a star, and another star far The pink girl, sitting.
away: On her lap,
like a flower, he makes a god out of a log at his
open, an atlas. whim
How I looked at her and then before his work he kneels,
travel, from my balcony! That's what you and I did.
His finger, white sailboat,
from the Canary Islands We gave real shapes to a ghost,
He was going to die in the Black of the mind's ridiculous invention
Sea. and once the idol is done, we
How I looked at her sacrifice
die, from my balcony! on his altar our love.
The girl, sitting pink.
On her lap, Author: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
like a flower,
closed, an atlas.
By the evening sea 10. DREAMS ARE THE SUBTLE GIFT
the clouds go crying
red islands of blood. Dreams are the subtle gift
that makes us rich for an hour
Author: Rafael Alberti then they throw us poor.

Outside the purple door

9. XII In the cold precinct
Previous previously owned.
What the savage who with a clumsy
hand Author: Emily Dickinson


1. Key twisters that I got waxed. 7. Chalk tongue twisters

short tongue twisters keys Teresa brought the chalks
The key ring 4. Pablito's short difficult And how did you bring the
It doesn't have keys. tongue twister chalks?
Who took the keys Pablito nailed a nail shattered
of the key ring? what nail nail pablito? the chalks he brought.

2. Bricked Sky Tongue 5. Short Platypus Tongue 8. Painter's Easy Short

Twister Twister Tongue Twister
The sky is bricked. Platypus, platypus, Pedro Pérez painter
Who will unbrick it? Dare and jump. paint beautiful landscapes
The bricklayer who unblocks for a few pesetas
it, 6. Children's slope tongue to be able to leave for Paris.
It will be a good brick twister
remover. Cuesta finds it difficult 9. Very difficult tongue
climb the hill. twisters from stories
3. Easy cherry tongue twister And in the middle of the when you tell stories
easy tongue twisters for kids slope, Count how many stories you
I ate cherries, Cuesta goes and goes to tell
I had cherries for dinner. bed! Because if you don't count
I ate so many cherries, how many stories you tell
You will never know how 10. Paquito's short tongue Paquito packs
many stories you tell twister few glasses
Little by little, in that package.


And they managed without bloody clash

Letter place you on a throne of love,

Happy Guatemala…! that your plows that of homeland in energetic accent

let the executioner never profane; They gave life to the redemptive ideal.

nor let there be slaves to lick the yoke

nor tyrants who spit on your face. It's your piece of heaven
in which a cloud catches its sap,

If tomorrow your sacred ground and oh! of him who with blind madness

foreign invasion threatens him, its colors intend to stain.

free your beautiful flag to the wind

to conquer or to die he will call. Well, your brave and haughty children,
who venerate peace as it pleases,
Chorus they never avoid the rough fight

Free your beautiful flag to the wind if they defend their land and their home.

to conquer or to die he will call;

that your people with fierce spirit Chorus
sooner dead than a slave he will be. They never avoid the rough fight
If they defend their land and their home,

Of your old and hard chains that honor is only your soul's idea

you forged with an angry hand, and the altar of the country his altar.

the plow that fertilizes the soil

and the sword that saves honor. Lying on the superb Ande,
from two seas to the sound noise,

Our fathers fought one day under the wing of scarlet and gold

lit in burning homeland, you fall asleep from the beautiful quetzal.

and they managed without bloody clash

place you on a throne of love. Indian bird that lives on your shield,
palladium that protects your soil;
I hope it takes flight again,
more than the condor and the golden eagle!


I hope it takes flight again,

more than the condor and the golden eagle!
and on his wings lift up to the sky,
Guatemala your immortal name.


our flag,
we swear to you
enduring devotion,
perennial loyalty,
honor, sacrifice and hope
until the hour of our death.

In the name of blood and earth,

we swear to maintain your excellency
above all things;
in the prosperous days,
and on adverse days,
watch and even die,
because you wave perpetually
about a worthy homeland.

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