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Weight Loss Hacks That Will Change Your Life!

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Letter From the Author
I. Introduction
II. Why Do Most Weight Loss
Programs Don’t Work
III. Designing Your Lifestyle For
Optimum Weight Loss
IV. Weight Loss Hacks That Will
Transform You
• Diet
• Exercise
• Daily Habits
V. Weight Loss and Fitness
Tracker Sheets
In a Nutshell
letter from the author
Thank You for purchasing this product!
We offer you this eBook as a sort of thank-you gift for
choosing our product. We hope to give you more
information about the item you’ve purchased and help you
make the most out of it!
We will help you know more about how to optimize your weight
loss efforts to achieve the body that best resonates with you.
Losing weight doesn’t need to be the hardest thing to do, as the
habits and activities leading to it can be designed specifically
for your lifestyle and enjoyment!.
Learn to enjoy the ride towards a healthier and sexier you! If
you find happiness within and exude positivity to achieve the
body you want, you’ll inevitably attain your fitness goals
with success!
This guide was designed for you to cover all bases
in the weight loss game. Get ready because we’ll take you
by the hand and lead you towards your
best transformation ever!
Send us a note about the experiences and suggestions
you have of the product by emailing us at
We appreciate any feedback that can help us
serve you better!

We wish you all the best that life has to offer!


Nick Coe
“I found that people like rules,
and I love to tell people what
to do. It’s not rocket science
when it comes to weight loss.
It’s about eating a little less and
moving a little bit more.”

Bob Harper

All weight loss pursuits boil down to two things: you have
to eat way less than you’ve been consuming (diet) and you
have to move more (exercise).

There’s a variety of ways which you can do those two things,

and it would depend on how consistent you are in your
diet and exercise regimen. You’ll know that you’re gaining
progress when there’s a definite change in your habits
every single day, week and month. This will manifest in the
difference that you’ll see on the scale every week, every
month, or perhaps every year.

Weight loss is indeed not rocket science at all because

everything is based on diet and exercise. You just have to
keep in mind this simple formula: Weight Loss = Calories
Burned – Calories Consumed. So basically you’ll just have to
burn more calories than what you are consuming.
So how do you want to achieve your
weight loss? Just remember that you
have the upper hand on what habits
and activities you’ll do for your diet and
exercise program. Do you want to follow
paleo diet principles together with high-
intensity exercises? Or do you still want
to eat the things you love but turn them
into something healthier while you do
low-intensity exercises every day?

We give you the juicy tidbits on how

to make your diet and exercise more
fun, exciting and effective to achieve
optimum weight loss results. We’re going
to prep you up so that you’ll know what
are the best diet and exercise tips which
are well suited for your body. From a
list of diet suggestions and workout
strategies, you can choose which you
can easily follow every day. We have also
prepared fitness tracker sheets to help
you stay motivated to follow-through
your regimen without having to fall back
to square one.

We’re excited to help you achieve

your best self! Read on and use
this eBook as your guide on the way
to better health and fitness!
Why Do Most Weight Loss
programs don’t work

It’s easy to be attracted to the promises of a

weight loss program. After all, society makes a
pretty clear distinction between what body type
or appearance is acceptable or not. Several
advertisements even have very promising
taglines. Each of them is targeted towards
people’s emotions and weaknesses.

Some people enroll in a weight loss program

mainly because of health reasons, but there
are also people who enroll because they want
to improve their physical appearance.
Whatever reason you have, as long as it
serves you well, then there shouldn’t be
anything wrong with it.

However, with the great desire and longing to

achieve a weight or fitness goal, sometimes
you don’t realize that you fall into a trap of
unending weight loss programs that simply
might not work for you.

Now, you might be asking

why most weight loss
programs don’t work at all.
Here are 3 important things
to take note of.
1. different individuals have different needs.
Some weight loss programs follow the same diet and
exercise routines for all without taking into consideration
the different needs of each individual. But remember that
no one size fits all. If you do not truly know what your
needs are, then it will be difficult to achieve your goal.
Similarly, if you follow the same program as all the others
are undergoing without adjusting it based on your fitness
needs, then you might just be wasting your time, money,
and energy.

Although you might see some progress along the way, it

will be difficult to maintain it if there’s something missing in
your diets or workouts. Before long, you will be doing the
same program over and over again with little to no weight

2. dieting for weight loss in not sustainable.

How many times have you actually told yourself (and

everyone) that you’ll start dieting? Then after a few months
ditched the diet and moved on to binge-eating? Don’t
worry – you’re not alone, and it’s not entirely your fault. It’s
just your body working its way to survival.

Sure you can change your eating habits, but the thing is,
most diets for weight loss have an element of deprivation
or restriction. For example, you are not allowed to eat a
particular food group in a given amount of time. You can’t
eat desserts or anything that has sugar in it.

Diets probably help in the short-term but will you be

able to sustain that in the long run? If you only focus on
changing your food choices over the course of time, it’s
very easy to go back to your usual eating habits because
you never exactly considered evaluating the reasons you
eat, how you actually eat, and who you are as an eater.
Understanding the psychology of your eating behavior will
help you better in achieving a long-term change in dieting
which will eventually help you lose weight too.

Healthy eating habits are largely connected to your

behavior, daily activities, and beliefs. When you change
your eating habits, you don’t just change the habit itself;
you are also changing your behavior or your activities, as
well as your beliefs. So you are practically doing all of these
together while dieting to lose weight.

3. weight loss success still depends on you.

A study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine

shows that people who enroll in some commercial weight
loss programs only lost a moderate amount of weight.
Another clinical study revealed that 95% of dieters usually
regain the weight they lose within one year. These studies
just strengthen the fact that restrictive diets do not work
long-term. (Reference:

The sad thing about most weight loss programs is that you
are still liable if and when the program doesn’t work for
you. Besides, who exactly follows the program? You, right?
The program is just there to guide you on what to do and
eat, and what to not do and not eat. This is why it’s hard to
lose weight. It’s hard when all fingers still point at you at the
end of the day when you don’t achieve your weight goal.

Just like most people who are battling weight gain, you
will most likely blame yourself too because you failed your
own expectations. Most weight loss programs aren’t really
designed to target culture, eating behavior, and how the
body system works. They mostly work on food choices and
general exercises.

This is why you mostly take the burden when a weight

loss program doesn’t work. Society will interpret it as a
weakness of will or laziness when in truth, there are so
many hormones in your body acting upon your weight
regain or unsuccessful weight loss. Again, your body is
working for you and not against you, so it’s just normal that
it will allow you to eat when you’re hungry or when your
diet takes the pleasure of eating away from you.
Designing your lifestyle
for optimum weight loss

Ready to take on a journey

towards bringing your best self to
the world? It all starts with daily
habits you can do every single
day which will form your entire
lifestyle. But how do you start this?
You don’t have to try every diet
and exercise out there. You can
start with knowing which type of
diet and exercise you should do
for your body type and work on
from there.

Remember to keep on improving

on your routine per day. Get
a calendar and cross off those
days which you have successfully
followed your weight loss
regimen. If you have done your
regimen for three straight weeks
or 21 days, then you have won
over your old self and inculcated
healthier habits for a better you.
Try a healthier living for three
weeks and see how the results will
astound you.
diet & exercise
for your body type



To maximize your weight loss efforts, you have to know

which body type you have and learn the techniques
which optimize fat burning for it. You don’t have to work
so hard with little results. You just have to know the right
kind of diet and exercise for your body type so that you
can lose weight more efficiently and re-shape your body
to its best. The following are the major body types and
the recommended diet and exercise for each.
If you have an hourglass-shaped body, your muscles tend to bulk
up faster. It is recommended that you don’t add weights to your
exercise routine up until you lose most of your body fat.

Recommended Workout:
1. Go for sports activities which require high speed and low to
medium resistance for your entire body (upper and lower body).
2. Try swimming, jumping rope, fast walking without an incline,
stationary biking at low resistance, and skiing.
3. Avoid the following: walking on an incline, step classes, spinning,
jogging, rollerblading, kick-boxing, and impact aerobics.

Recommended Diet:
1. Go for lean meat such as skinless
turkey breast or chicken, beef, veal,
tuna, and cod.
2. Include cooked or raw vegetables
such as leafy greens, zucchini,
broccoli, and cabbage. All kinds of
fruits are suitable as well.
3. Include foods which are rich in
omega-3 fatty acids such as nuts,
olive oil, avocados, flaxseed oil,
sardines, halibut, wild salmon.
These help you burn more body
4. Avoid the following: starchy
vegetables such as potatoes, beets,
and carrots. Stay away from animal
fat except for fatty fish. Get rid of
food high in sugar content and
carbonated drinks.
Rectangular-shaped bodies are more suitable to long and
sustained aerobic movements. Stretching routine should be done
at the start and end of every workout. Abdominal exercises done
at the first part of a workout program will give you more energy
and help you get a flat stomach. You should only do weight
training when you have achieved your ideal weight.

Recommended Workout:
1. Go for long-distance running on an incline, jumping rope,
rollerblading, and kick-boxing.
2. Do medium to high resistance in stationary biking, stationary
stepping, and elliptical machine.
3. Long-distance swimming and
aquatic exercise routines also work
well for your ruler-shape bodies.
4. Avoid the following: leg lifts and
side leg lifts which would cause
discomfort to your lower back.

Recommended Diet:
1. Stock some high-quality proteins
in your fridge such as whole wheat
and rye products, beans, shellfish,
tuna, beef, veal, turkey, or chicken.
2. Also include food rich in omega-3
such as nuts, olive oil, flaxseed oil,
sardines, halibut, and wild salmon.
3. Avoid the following: simple
carbohydrates such as potatoes,
white wheat flour products, and
white rice. Avoid foods which
are high in sugar content and
carbonated drinks.
For spoon or pear body shapes, you need to do exercises which
focus on lower body strength, flexibility, and coordination. Avoid
weight or resistance training since a spoon shape is already heavier
on the lower part of the body.

Recommended Workout:
1. Brisk walking with no incline, jumping rope, and skiing.
2. Also recommended are push-up variations and leg lifts.
3. Avoid the following: spinning and step classes, curls, presses,
rollerblading, skating, kick-boxing, long-distance running, and
high-impact aerobics because these will make you heavier on
the lower part of your body.

Recommended Diet:
1. High-quality lean meat such as
beef, veal, turkey breast, skinless
chicken, cod, and tuna.
2. Go for non-starchy vegetables
which are high in fiber such as
leafy greens, zucchini, broccoli, and
3. Choose fruits which are not too
sweet such as apples, cherries,
prunes, and berries.
4. Use healthy cooking oils and foods
rich in omega-3 such as nuts, olive
oil, flaxseed oil, sardines, halibut
and wild salmon.
5. Avoid the following: sweet fruits
such as pineapple, grapes, melons,
apricots and pears. Avoid starchy
vegetables such as potatoes, beets
and carrots. Also, curtail fatty foods
except for fatty fish. Like the other
body types, you should also avoid
foods high in sugar content and
carbonated drinks.
Short movements which have low-resistance for the upper body
and high-resistance for the lower body are recommended for
apple-shaped bodies. Go for high-resistance exercises for your
abdomen as well. These will improve the proportion of your body

Recommended Workout:
1. Do jumping rope, slow walking on inclines, and racquet sports.
2. Do medium to high resistance on stationary biking or
stationary stepping.
3. Avoid the following: Upper body exercises that use weights,
bench presses, and rowing which will increase the volume of
your upper body.

Recommended Diet:
1. High-quality lean meat such as whole wheat and rye products,
beans, shellfish, tuna, beef, veal, chicken and turkey.
2. Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, and all types of
vegetables and fruits.
3. Don’t forget to include omega-3 sources such as nuts, olive oil,
flaxseed oil, sardines, halibut, and wild salmon.
4. Avoid the following: simple carbohydrates such as potatoes,
white wheat products, white rice and other foods high in starch.
Avoid sugary food and carbonated drinks as well.
Weight loss hacks
th at w il l t r a n s for m you
As you probably know by now, weight loss is not just diet and exercise.
It’s actually a lifestyle that needs to be maintained for it to work and be
successful. It also requires discipline and consistency.

Harley Pasternak, a fitness trainer who trained several celebrities, said

that “it’s not about a diet, it’s not about an exercise – it’s about a little
bit of few things.” This sounds just about right because weight loss for
sure doesn’t happen overnight. When done in accordance with a daily
healthy lifestyle, chances of success are more probable.

Here we compiled 30
practical weight loss hacks
that you can do daily to
help with your weight
loss journey. It’s important
that you do these daily so
that they get embedded
in your system and they
become your habits.
When they do, you will
move on with your day
to day life naturally and
weight loss will be more
fun and bearable for you.

You’ll be surprised with the

results as you follow these
hacks every single day!
hacks: diet
1. Abs are made in the kitchen, not in
the gym
While it’s always helpful to work on your crunches, the
true definer of great looking abs is dependent on what
you eat. Pay attention to your sugar, fat, sodium and
calorie intake which will help you stay healthy and put
you on the path to a washboard stomach.
2. Let’s get snacking
An excellent way to gain weight quickly is by snacking
on junk foods. While these selections may be easily
available, things like fast food, vending machine options,
or the local pretzel stand around the corner can ruin
your healthy initiative. While it’s fine to enjoy these treats
occasionally, you’re much better off packing your own
snacks. Doing this is friendlier to your wallet and helps
soothe the cravings when your own snacks are readily

Try packing these healthy, easy,

junk food alternatives

• Baby Carrots
• Frozen Grapes
• Sliced Apples
• Avocado
• Almonds

3. Plan for the week

Stay on track with what you’re eating by planning and
scheduling your meals ahead. Set a day for the week
and make time to prepare and pack your meals. This will
help you stick to your thought-out, predetermined plan
rather than grabbing something on the go that may not
be the best diet decision. Not only is this a great way to
monitor your meals, but done right and this can help
you save some extra cash.
4. ask a pro!
A dietician or a health fitness instructor
can advise you on what your diet
should look like based on your weight
goals and measurements. You can
ask them about what a healthy diet
and exercise plan for you would
be, keeping your Total Daily Energy
Expenditure (TDEE) is and your Basal
Metabolic Rate (BMR) in mind. Knowing
these stats are great starting points for
determining what your diet needs are.

5. Listen to your hunger cues

It’s easy to keep eating when your plate is filled with delicious
goodness even when you’re not hungry. Try listening to your
hunger cues. Once you begin to have that feeling of getting full,
slow down or stop. While for some, it may be normal to finish
everything on the plate, knowing when to stop is a good habit
to keep.

6. bored does not equal hungry

A primary culprit to unnecessary eating is due to being bored.
When you get the urge to run to the fridge or have something
delivered to you, take a minute to consider if you are actually
hungry or not. If you feel the need to eat something, but you
don’t necessarily feel hungry, have a glass of water and wait a
while, or break open a bag of your pre-packed carrots to snack

7. eat before you shop!

It’s better to have already eaten a meal before going to the
grocery store for the week. With all the wonderfully delicious
options you have to choose from on the shelves (or freezer),
it’s easy to succumb to the temptation and grab something
you don’t need. Instead, before you head out, check your own
pantry and fridge at home and make a list of what you need to.
Having something to eat before you leave will help you prevent
buying a bunch of unnecessary items.
8. keeping a diet diary
Keeping track of what you’re eating on a daily basis is a
great way to monitor your diet. You can see where you
have made good choices and where you can improve.
It’s also a great way for you to plan and balance your
meals for the future. There are many ways you can log
your meals to help you stay on track with nutrition and
calories. You can easily use a journal and pen, or, if
you have your phone handy, there are a ton of apps
that provide you with the guides you need.

Try these apps!

• My Fitness Pal
• Lose it!
• Daily Burn
• Livestrong

9. stay hydrated
Water, water, water. You’ve heard it a thousand times,
and you’ll hear it a thousand more. Drinking water has
an extensive list of benefits that will help your health
stay in tune. It can help you curb your hunger and
cravings, keeps you hydrated and energized. Never
underestimate drinking water!

10. stay motivated

Keeping your head up and knowing what you’re working
towards is a great way to get to what you want. Sticking
to a diet is not always the easiest thing, remember
the first two weeks are the hardest. Do your research,
remember why you’re doing this and stay motivated.
hacks: exercise
1. do what’s fun for you.
For some, exercise can be a chore, but going to the gym is
not the only option for fitness. Find an activity that’s right
for you. Some people may be going to the gym, others it
could be rock climbing, basketball, hiking and more. You
may discover your new favorite hobby!

2. take the harder path.

Yes, there are all sorts of transportation methods that help
you get from Point A to Point B with ease, like taking a car
or using the escalator, elevator or more. Challenge yourself
and take the harder path. Instead of driving, use a bike,
run, or walk to where you need to go if it’s feasible. Instead
of the escalator and elevator, take the extra steps and climb
the stairs. These efforts may seem small, but every little bit
3. join a class
There are a ton of different activities available that will
help you get yourself active and moving. Working out in
a group setting led by an experienced instructor can be
the push you need to stay motivated. Find a class you like.
From yoga to kickboxing there’s a class perfect for you.

4. grab a buddy
Going to the gym can be difficult, especially if you’re new
to working out. Grab a buddy whom you can count on!
Having someone there to guide or spot you can give you
that extra motivation and assistance
you need to build confidence
and get going.

5. pick a time that’s right for you

Morning, day or night, find a time to workout that’s right
for you. The important part is consistency. Pick a time that
fits into your daily schedule whether it’s between classes,
after work or right when you wake up, getting your sweat
on is essential.

6. make a schedule or a split

Planning a split and targeting different muscles groups
during the week can be a useful method to help you
regulate your progress and recovery time in the gym.
A split is efficient in determining a schedule for upper
body, lower body, cardio or whatever you have planned
depending on your fitness goals. Use this to stay organized
and remember to keep a log of what you do.
7. determine your goals
Working out with goals set in mind can make your fitness
journey a lot clearer and defined. Whether it’s a weight goal,
an appearance or just to stay healthy, knowing what you want
will help get you started to where you want to be.

8. log it!
Keep a journal or download an app to monitor your goals
and progress. Having a log of what you’re doing to
stay active will help you keep track and show you
how and where you’ve improved.

9. push through
The mind quits before the body. Knowing
your limit is important, but remember,
the body can withstand more than
you think. It’s often a person’s thought
process that persuades giving up. Push
yourself and power through the hard
part and find the results you want.

10. ask a pro!

It’s never a bad idea to consult a pro.
Working out with a professional fitness
instructor can help you determine your
goals and set you at a pace that will be
comfortable, safe and beneficial for you.
They can assist you with form, proper
weights and equipment how-to’s when
you need.

1. move around.
With the rise of digital media, it’s so easy just to sit back,
relax, and be a couch potato. Although this might sound
dreamy, this is not going to help you lose weight at all.
Ditch the sedentary lifestyle and make it a habit to move
around during the day. One of the best ways to do this is
by walking.

Instead of just sitting around, you can walk off and go

around your neighborhood. Instead of driving to the coffee
shop in your town, you can walk your way to it. Instead of
taking the elevator in your office, take the stairs. In short, if
there’s an opportunity to walk – take it.

You can also start your day with a cleanup. To boost

your energy during the day, do some light to moderate
household chores that will allow you to move around. It’s
like hitting two birds with one stone. You get to clean the
house while also getting your much-needed exercise for
the day.
2. sleep well.
A lot of people underestimate the wonders that good
and quality sleep brings. Nope, sleep isn’t for the weak.
It’s for everyone. It’s definitely not a luxury. It’s a necessity.
Although people have their own challenges when it comes
to sleeping properly, it’s crucial that you do your best to
get enough quality sleep every day to support your weight
loss journey.

For adults, 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is good

enough. When you don’t get enough sleep, you actually
gain more weight. This is because you burn less fat and
your body signals you to eat more.

3. schedule a block of time to unplug.

Getting glued to your mobile phones and computers all
day will only hinder you from being active. It makes you
tired of moving, thus, causing your body to burn fewer
calories. It’s also a very convenient way to grab just about
anything you can eat nearby.

It will really help if you schedule a block of time during

the day to unplug. One to two hours before bedtime
is ideal if you aim for a good night’s sleep. If you’re
usually struggling to sleep, one of the possible reasons
could also be the blue LED light emitted by your phone
screen. Studies suggest that this type of light hinders the
production of melatonin – the hormone that induces sleep.
4. slow down when eating.
We get it that you’re hungry. But it would be best to eat slowly
especially when you’re working on losing weight. When you
savor your food a little more than usual, your brain has enough
time to register that you’re full. When you eat too fast, you
won’t realize that you are already past the point that you’re full
so then you eat some more.

There are also more and more studies supporting this daily
habit. Studies indeed confirm that you will consume fewer
calories just by eating slowly.

5. never skip meals.

When losing weight, skipping meals is probably a common
mistake to commit. Losing weight is never about skipping meals
at all. You will not only deprive yourself of the essential nutrients,
but you will also make yourself prone to sickness and fatigue.

Remember that your body works to help you survive so when

you don’t eat when you are supposed to, your body attempts
to store energy by building more fats. Also, there’s a tendency
you will eat more than usual on your next meal because
skipping it beforehand made you hungrier.

To make sure you eat enough daily, start eating three small
meals with two or three small and healthy snacks in between.

6. drink lots of water.

Drinking 8-9 glasses of water daily
helps in your weight loss journey.
Water helps control your calorie
acquisition and benefits you with
healthy digestion. Some people love
adding a slice of lemon to their glass
of water which is a superb practice,
but water alone is good enough.
7. keep a food & fitness diary.
To be mindful of your diet and exercise, it’s best to keep
track of your daily intake and activities. Keeping a food
and fitness diary is one good way to create a record of
what you have been doing. This way you can really see for
yourself what things you need to continue doing or stop
doing. You will find out which activity is working for you or

Keeling a food and fitness log also helps when you need
to consult a professional to assist you with your weight
loss journey. It will be easier for you to answer questions
because everything’s already written.

Keep a specific notebook for all your food and fitness logs
and put it in a place where you can easily grab it. You can
also use fitness apps or note apps as your diary. Choose
which is more convenient for you. Remember to be specific
and detailed as much as possible with your logs.

8. eat healthy snacks.

You don’t have to deprive yourself of delicious snacks
every day. Remember that dieting is never about starving
yourself. However, you’ve really got to snack on healthier
food choices rather than your usual junk food or pastries
with too much sugar or starch content.

Aside from the ones

mentioned in the Diet
Health Hacks section above
for ideas about healthy
snacks, a quick Google or
Pinterest search will yield
a thousand results. Make
good use of the information
you get from the internet
and be sure to fact-check
them too.
9. eat vegetables first.
During a regular meal, it’s best to eat your veggies first
before anything else on the menu or the table. Research
suggests that most veggies have high water content. The
water contained in veggies helps fill you up so that you eat
less without compromising your health.

Some examples of veggies that you can include in your

daily meals are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce,
radishes, and spinach.

10. do resistance
It’s recommended to do at least five
minutes of resistance exercise daily.
This helps you burn calories, sharpen
your focus, boost metabolism, and
manage pain. It can also help you lose

You can try choosing one

exercise daily – a different
exercise each day for a
different body part. Some
examples are yoga, Pilates,
and weight training.
Weight loss fitness
tracker sheets
These fitness worksheets will help you track your progress
towards a healthier and fitter you! Print as many as you want
and add it to your planner or journal. You can also post these
on the wall for you to easily see your progress each day. Once
you keep on updating your tracker, it’s hard to fall back.

1. ideal body weight

An ideal body weight chart is a handy tool that can assist you in your
quest to a healthier lifestyle. It is a simple tracker where you can log
your weight information. Although this chart is called an ideal body
weight chart, it doesn’t mean that there is only one ideal weight for
all. In fact, the ideal weight is the right or healthy weight for your
height and age.

Knowing your weight is not just simply recording the number after
weighing yourself on a weighing scale and looking at a height-weight
chart. It is also important that you consider the amount of bone, fats,
and muscles that compose your body. Determining how much fat
you have in your body is one critical measurement, which is why you
also need to note down your body mass index or BMI on the chart.

If you are on your way to losing weight, you might have already set a
target and consulted a dietitian, nutritionist, or a health coach about
your journey so he/she can help you in measuring your body weight
properly, including your BMI. If you are doing it yourself, there are
lots of BMI calculators online that can help you compute your BMI.
ideal body weight

date: notes
bmi bmi goal
weight weight goal
waist to hip::
body frame

date: notes
waist to hip::
body frame

date: notes
waist to hip::
body frame

date: notes
waist to hip::
body frame
2. body measurement chart
A body measurement chart is a helpful tool to record
your body measurements, especially when you are on a
diet or working out. You will be missing a lot if you just
try to remember the figures in your head. Keeping your
measurements on a chart or tracker makes it easier for you
to follow your progress.

You can simply refer

to the numbered body
measurements on the right,
and track them on the date
sections on the left.

1. Chest
2. Bust
3. Top arm
4. Waist
5. Hips
6. Thigh

date: date:
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

date: date: date:

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6

date: date: date:

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
3. nutrition record
A lot of people don’t care too much about their food intake,
while others are very particular about it. If you’re the type
who usually take note of the ingredients and nutritional value
of your food, then this nutrition record is for you! If you want
to start the habit of being fully aware of what goes into your
body, then you may also consider tracking the nutrition details
using a food record.

This nutrition record template is divided into four sections –

breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. For each section, you can
list down the amount of calories, protein, fats, sugar, sodium,
and carbohydrates for the food that you eat. You can also note
down the time of your meal so that you’ll be aware of your
eating pattern.

It might be a tedious task to those who just want to eat and

enjoy their food, but to those who are in the serious diet
(maybe because it’s their goal), keeping track of the food intake
is highly recommended.





4. food diary
A food & diet diary is your trusty companion to record your eating
or diet habits. If you are on a diet, you can’t just wing it and forget
you ate broccoli yesterday and a ton of sweets today. Dieting is most
effective when coupled with hard work and discipline. If you are
trying to follow a healthy lifestyle, recording or tracking your food
intake proves to be useful in checking your progress.

By using the food & diet diary, you get to log your motivation
and hours of sleep every day. Yes, it’s a food diary, but what good
is a diet when you are always sleep-deprived or oversleeping?
This printable log shows the basic food groups – whole grains,
vegetables, fruits, protein, dairy, and fat. There are check boxes you
can check off to show how much of each you have consumed for
the day.

Remember to note down what exactly your meals are, including

your snacks for the day. Set a target weight for yourself. This way,
you have a clear view of your food & diet plan.

In a Nutshell
We hope that you’ve gained a better
understanding of how you can become
healthier and slimmer without having to
get lost in the myriad of diet and exercise
programs out there. As with all things, you
only need to work smarter and not harder
when it comes to weight loss.
Take note of your body type and do the
necessary diet and exercise well suited for it.
Try out our weight loss hacks and see which
works for you and your daily schedule.
Learn to love eating healthy and see your
next workout session as a “me-time” treat for
yourself. Love your body now and keep on
loving it as you sculpt it to the best shape it
could be. Do this for yourself, your health,
and your loved ones. The best gift you can
give to your loved ones is a healthy and
happy you.
Go out there with your head held up high as
you become the best version of yourself!
We’d love to hear from you about your
health and weight loss stories. Send us your
love at hello!
For more on the good stuff on effective
weight loss supplements, visit us at

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