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21 Laws of Fat Loss

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A purchaser may photocopy pages for personal use.

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DISCLAIMER Not all programs are appropriate for everyone. Consult your doctor before
starting this program. This manual and program are not intended as medical advice and do not
take the place of medical advice or treatment from your doctor. The authors shall not be held
liable or responsible for any misuse of this information or any loss, damage, injury caused or
alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any of use of this information or these workouts.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

Note: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a "typical"
result is. The harsh truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so
most of the time, their typical results are zero. You are the main element of your success! Our
clients have lost thousands of pounds of fat, increased lean muscle and increased their
performance using this system. The people that show even greater success worked hard, and
earned their results. As with any exercise program, obtain the consent of your doctor before the
initiation of any physical training program.

For further information and additional services, including consulting and speaking engagements,
please see our website.
About Devon Worrell

The Caribbean's Fat Loss Expert

Devon Worrell Bsc. is an experienced, multi-certified fitness
professional with over 15 years experience in the fitness industry;
having worked at a number of top New York city gyms he then took his
career further overseas to the U.K. where he taught a range of fitness
classes as well as presenting Health, Wellness and Nutritional seminars
internationally as Fitness Director of a popular Cruise Line. Devon is
the founder/owner of Fitness 360' Ltd. A corporate and Personal fitness
solutions provider with the aim of providing the citizenery of Trinidad
and Tobago quality personal fitness training experience and Trifecta
Fitness a proven online training solution helping individuals all around the globe achieve their fitness and fat
loss goals.

Having traveled extensively, Devon has worked with people from all walks of life from Heads of Government
spouses and family members to Corporate Multinational, to your average 'Man on the Street' helping them to
reach their Health & Fitness goals while making healthier lifestyle choices.

Devon believes that the greatest tool in our arsenal to achieving the bodies we so desire is to firstly get a
deeper understanding of how our bodies work and responds to the stimuli placed upon them. This can only be
achieved by firstly developing an intimate relationship with & understanding of our bodies and it is with this in
mind, Proper Education and Training Principles we can truly achieve our fitness goals.
About The 21 Laws of Fat Loss

The 21 Law of Fat Loss is a compilation of the top 21 rules that will govern your results. This
list is not conclusive and is not presented in any particular order.

The Laws presented to you are the very same habits and actions that are responsible for
helping thousands of others, just like you, completely revamp
their bodies and change their lives.

What you will notice most, when reading through the 21 Laws
Of Fat Loss is that much of the advice counters what you’ve
always believed.

The purpose of this book was never to debunk myths and

beliefs… The purpose is to just give it to you straight, without
any fluff.

You have to realize that the fitness industry is enormous and

growing month by month. And because people are spending
money trying to improve their health and fitness, there are a lot
of ‘charlatans and snake oil salesmen’ that use pseudoscience
and misinformation to sell you their products and programs.

It’s my goal to give you the straight answers. Not my opinion. Not some made up science. But
real facts as we know them today. Of course as time passes and science advances, it’s possible
that the Laws Of Fat Loss may need changing to. But for now, these are the 21 Laws Of Fat
Loss that will get you the results you want… all you have to do is follow them.

Committed to your Success,

Devon Worrell
Law Of Fat Loss #1
You Must Have Crystal Clear Goals

The most common reason for people not reaching their desired destination is… they
don’t really know where they’re going.

Seems kinda obvious right?

The truth is, if you’ve been unsuccessful at attaining

and sustaining your goals, it’s because you’ve
probably never actually set clear, powerful and
meaningful goals.

“But isn’t wanting to lose weight a goal?”

Kinda, but not really…

Imagine you wanted to leave your house and go visit a friend in the next town and all
you had was the name of the street they lived on. No house number. No cross streets.
No point of reference. No signs knowing if you went too far.

You’d never get there right? You may come close, by accident. But arrive at your
desired location; nope.

This is exactly what happens if you don’t set clear goals.

What does a clear goal look like?

Here’s an example of a clear goal:

I want to be a size 6 and fit into my favorite jeans and feel comfortable and confident
wearing them.

You see how specific and measurable it needs to be? If this was one of your goals, you
could try them on at the end of each week and see your progress.

Try setting your own SMART goals.

Law Of Fat Loss #2
How You Do The Exercise (form) Is More Important Than What Exercise
You Are Doing

Is it possible to burn fat while doing an exercise incorrectly?

Yes, absolutely. But what you risk by not taking the time to learn good form is a sidelining injury.

Besides not getting results, the 2nd most common

reason people quit their fitness program’s is they suffer
an injury that requires them to stop working out.

And when an injury like this occurs, most people’s

healthy eating regimen also goes out the window.

So what’s the best way to learn good form and avoid

debilitating injuries?

Getting the right help.

Working with a skilled fitness professional will not only ensure you develop great form when
exercising, they’ll also prescribe the best workout routine to help you reach your goals as
quickly as possible.

If you’ve never worked with a fitness professional before, don’t worry, most have packages to
meet your needs and budget.

You wouldn’t try doing your own dental work to avoid the cost would you?

Of course not, so don’t put your body at risk if you know you need the help.
Law Of Fat Loss #3
You Need To Get Enough Sleep If You Ever Want To See Your Abs

There’s a saying: lean bodies are built in the gym and kitchen. And although you need to follow
a proper nutrition and exercise regimen… if you don’t allow your body to recover, you’re going
to set your results back up to 50%.

So what is it about sleep and recovery that makes it important to fat loss?

Well, anytime we undergo any type of stress like working out, pulling an all nighter or helping a
friend move heavy furniture; the insides of our bodies end up looking like a Walmart after a
black Friday sale (cellularly speaking)!

It’s only during our sleep cycles that our cells are able to clean up the mess, rebalance our
hormones, sweep up our digestion system and build new cells (like skin, hair, nails and

When we don’t give our bodies enough time to recover and repair, we actually end up with
greater stress hormone levels (cortisone) and inflammation - causing diseases, weight gain and
extremely low energy levels.

Hormonal imbalance and inflammation are the root of all illnesses such as cancers, diabetes,
high blood pressure and heart disease… Scary stuff to look forward to if you neglect your

Getting more sleep is the simplest way to not only improve your health but also contribute to a
shrinking waist size!

(Need held getting enough sleep? Send us a message for tips we share with our clients)
Law Of Fat Loss #4
Out Exercising A Bad Diet Is An Uphill Battle

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You can’t outwork a bad diet.”…

To be honest with you, this isn’t 100% true.

Depending on your metabolism, genetics, age and activity level, you actually can outwork a bad

But it’s an uphill battle!

When it comes to attaining success, in any arena, your best bet is to follow the path of least
resistance. Doesn’t that make more sense than purposefully making things more difficult for

If you’re currently working out and still binging on junk food you KNOW are not serving your
goals, your chances of being successful drop by 90%. How does that sound?

Here is how to never sabotage yourself with bad foods again:

“Plan, schedule and prepare for sticking to your nutrition program first, before you plan anything
else. First add your healthy meals and workout time into your schedule, then comes everything

That means put your meals into your schedule so you know when you’re next meal is coming.
Prepare all of your healthy meals on Sunday and package them in containers to save you time
and thinking.
And if you have a meeting or have to eat out, decide what you’re going to order before you

If you need help creating a customized meal plan to help you reach your goals, send us a
Law Of Fat Loss #5
Small Consistent Steps Turn Into Big Positive Changes

One of my favorite books is The Compound Effect by Dan Hardy. In it, Dan describes how
little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.

This means even if you only do 10 pushups every day, at the end of the year, your body will
benefit from 3650 pushups.

Those small baby steps add up to a lot over time!

Consequently, the bad habits you keep, even if small, will add up to a big negative snowball
when you do it for 1, 2, 5, 10 years.

The Compound Effect has much greater benefits than just adding up small actions.

Let’s say you commit to doing 5 minutes of exercise, every day… 5 minutes is such a small,
insignificant amount of time that it’s silly not to be able to make yourself do it right?

Well once you start your 5 minutes and have gotten past the part of getting started, your brain is
much more likely to want to keep going since you’ve gotten a little momentum going.

That means your planned 5 minutes will usually turn into 15+ minutes. All without the internal
resistance that usually keeps you on the couch.

And if you actually only do the 5 minutes you initially committed to, you’re still ahead of the
game and get a gold star for the day.

If you have struggled in the past to stay motivated, try using the Compound Effect. It’ll get you
back on track and on the way to your goals.

“Even if you’re taking baby steps, you’re still lapping the people on the couch!”
Law Of Fat Loss #6
Strength Training Benefits Everything

I often get asked, what’s the best workout for fat loss?

10+ years ago, it was believed that in order to lose fat you had to spend an hour on a cardio
machine, as often as possible.

And if you had more time, you’d spend 2 hours!

Those were some boring times…

But since then the science of fat loss has improved and one single reigning king of workouts has
taken the throne…

The king of all workouts is: Strength Training

What qualifies as strength training?

In order to get all of the amazing benefits of strength training, you must do weight lifting exercise
with resistance (like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells) that you cannot do for more than 12
repetitions in a set.

By being limited to only 12 repetitions because of the resistance, your body gets incredible lean
muscle building, cardio and core strengthening benefits; all in a single workout.

Now of course you wouldn’t only do 12 repetitions every time. This example is used to
demonstrate that if you’re trying to do “a lot of repetitions to tone up”, you’re likely not getting the
real benefits of strength training.

This is how our most successful clients get such incredible results - by picking the right weights.

Before you start trying to add more weights to your workouts, make sure you consult a fitness
professional to ensure your form and technique is safe and effective.
Law Of Fat Loss #7
You Must Be Properly Hydrated To Lose Fat

Do you know how long we (humans) can live without food?

It’s about 40 days for the average person.

Do you know how long we can live without water?

It’s about 4 days.

Water must be pretty important right?

Not only is water crucially to our survival, but our bodies are mostly composed of it.

If you aren’t properly hydrated, then your organs, hormones and cells can’t do their job properly
and that means your body is not likely to release it’s fat storages and build lean muscle tissue.

Additionally, when you’re dehydrated, you’ll actually feel hungrier, even if you just ate.

Here is a sneaky little fat loss hack I share with my clients:

When you’re feeling hungry or about to eat, drink 16 ounces of room temperature water (2 cups)
and wait 10 minutes. Miraculously, most of your hunger will go away and you’ll be able to make
better choices!
Law Of Fat Loss #8
Friends Make Fitness Fun

If you’ve always worked out alone, you’ve been making a huge mistake.

Not only is it infinitely more enjoyable to exercise with a friend, but having someone else there
will actually push you to subconsciously perform better.

This little hack is called Social Facilitation (it’s a real thing).

When I share this Law Of Fat Loss with people, many times the response is, “But my friends
don’t like working out…”

If this is true, I got you covered. I work with many friendly, likeminded people just like you and
I’m happy to introduce you into a few future workout buddies.

I guarantee you’ll have more fun and enjoy working out more than you ever have before!
Law Of Fat Loss #9
Everything You Want Is On The Other Side Of Fear

In order to have the life, career, relationship and body you desire, you’re going to have to get
comfortable with being uncomfortable.

It’s a law of the universe that the more you stretch to grow and expand, the more resistance
you’re going to encounter pushing back against you. Like a plant trying to push through the
earth to become an oak tree.

And the fear of having to do the things we don’t want to do, like getting up earlier in the morning,
getting out of a bad relationship, changing careers, being sore from your workout - is what
keeps us from achieving greater things.

I’m going to be honest with you right now and tell you that when you start working out, you’re
going to be sore and in pain… but only at first.

And when you change your eating habits for healthier options, you’re going to be left feeling
hungry and craving junk food… but only at the beginning until your body adjusts.

And when you start drinking the right amount of water to stay hydrated, you may hate the taste
and have to pee every 15 minutes… but only for the first few days.

The biggest challenges are at the beginning and if you push through, you’ll be rewarded with the
results on the other side!
Law Of Fat Loss #10
Not All Calories Are Created Equal

If you burn more calories than you consume… you’re suppose to lose weight.
If you consume more calories than you burn… you’re suppose to gain weight.
And if you burn the same amount you consume, you’re supposed to stay the same.

Sounds pretty simple right?

This equation is a simplified version of the first Law of Thermodynamics.

It’s suppose to be the law which all living forms abide by…

But there’s a major problem. Sure the food you eat has a caloric value of fat, proteins and
carbohydrates. You know that from looking at food labels.

But what isn’t included on food labels (and needs to be) is the hormonal effect your food choices
have on your body.

Which do you think is going to have a more positive hormonal effect on your body:
French fries or Green beans?

It’s an obvious answer but what most people fail to do is consider the longer term effect of food
choices to their goals.

Any food that is processed and comes out of a box is typically going to carry a greater punch to
your system. It’s going to cause inflammation. Probably contain lots of known carcinogens. It’ll
disrupt your delicate hormone balance causing you to gain weight easier.

And most foods that come straight from the ground, like vegetables and fruits are going to
nourish your cells, provide you with cancer fighting nutrients, give you a better source of energy
and allow your body to tap into it’s fat storages.

Start asking this question before you ate anything:

“Is this food choice helping or hurting my goals?”

Law Of Fat Loss #11
Compound Exercises Are More Effective At Burning Fat VS Isolation Exercises

Compound exercises are those that require more than one major muscle group to complete the

Where as isolation exercises are those that isolate a joint.

Examples of compound exercises are: bench press, pull-ups, squats, lunges and overhead

Examples of isolation exercises are: bicep curls, leg extension machine, abductor and adductor

Now while I’m not likely to say there’s such a thing as a bad exercise… there are definitely
exercises that are inefficient and not very effective (it’s goal specific).

If fat loss is your goal and I’m assuming it is because you’re reading the 21 Laws Of Fat Loss,
then you want to be able to build your workout using exercises that are designed to get your
metabolism revving.

And nothing does that better than multi-muscle compound exercises.

One of my favorite benefits of doing compound exercises is that because you’re using more
muscle groups, your heart rate will be elevated as if you were doing cardio.

So you’ll get cardio benefits (better actually) without having to spend time on boring machines.

To learn how to create the most effective, fun and time saving workouts to help you reach your
goals faster, give us a call.
Law Of Fat Loss #12
You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure

Our bodies are like a delicate machine. We run thousands of different cellular processes
simultaneously. It’s no wonder our bodies can get thrown out of whack from not getting enough
sleep, eating a fatty meal, drinking too much and being dehydrated.

This is why it’s crucial to not only carefully plan your success items (healthy meals and
workouts) but to also track what you’re doing.

The truth is, most everyone (including you and I) will unaccount for 25% of the calories we
consume when going off of memory.

Can you imagine what kind of impact that 25% will have on your waistline?

When you keep track of your metrics for the foods you eat, the water you drink and your choice
of body measurement (weight, tape measure or trying on your favorite outfit) you’ll be able to
know exactly what’s working and what isn’t.

And the people that are meticulous about tracking are also the ones who get faster results… no

Today, start tracking everything you eat and drink, even if you know it’s bad.
There’s lots of apps if you like doing it digitally or use the old fashion pen and paper method.

Track for 3 days and well go over it with you and tell you exactly what you should change for
your desired goals.
Law Of Fat Loss #13
The Scale Will Never Tell You The Whole Truth

Continuing on from Law #12 about tracking your metrics; one metric you don’t want to give too
much weight to (pun intended), is the scale.

And here is why…

Let’s say you work out every day for a week straight…

You combine that with eating healthy and eliminate all the soda you used to drink…

You feel like that bloated feeling has gone away and your clothes are feeling loser in the waist…

You’re excited to get on the scale to see the results and… the scale tells you , you’ve gained a

How would that make you feel?

Would the scale’s reading deflate your excitement you were so proud of a minute before?

The scale is a tool to tell you how much you weigh, in the moment, with all the fluid, tissues,
muscle, fat - you have on you for that particular moment.

The scale does not take into consideration whether you’re properly hydrated (you may weigh
more from the water).

And it doesn’t take into consideration your lean body mass vs fat.

In fact, if you don’t drink water for 24-48 hours (do not attempt this), you’ll end up losing 5-10
pounds on the scale.

Do you see how skewed the scale’s measurements can be?

This is why you never want to depend on the scale to tell you the whole truth.

The best method we recommend our clients to use is to try on an outfit that use to fit you well
but doesn’t anymore. And try it on at the end of each week to see how much looser it becomes.

That will tell you much more about your progress than the scale.
Law Of Fat Loss #14
The More Green Foods You Eat, The More Fat You’ll Lose

Law #14 should come to no surprise. The more green vegetables you eat = the healthier you’ll
be and the more fat you’ll lose.

There are several reasons green veggies should be your best friend.

But let’s focus on these three.

1. Veggies are high in fiber which act to help you feel fuller and to keep your digestive system
moving at a healthy clip. And the more veggies you eat, the lower your risk of colorectal
2. Veggies are high in nutrients that will make you feel more energized and radiant. And the
more energy you have, the more you’ll enjoy exercising and being active.
3. Veggies help regulate the hormones responsible for inflammation and weight gain. So
essentially, you’re helping stop the problem altogether.

But what if I don’t like veggies?…

I often hear this excuse and here’s my take on it…

The resistance to doing the things you’re avoiding only exists at the beginning, when you’re
starting out. Once you build moment, you’ll see that you’ll begin to enjoy the things that are
serving you well, like healthy foods and exercise.
Law Of Fat Loss #15
To Lose Fat, You Must Know The Difference Between Bad Carbs VS Good carbs

Carbohydrates, like fat, have been given an unfair bad rap. Over the last few years, it seems as
if carbs and gluten containing foods have all been labeled as evil…

If you’re trying to avoid “carbs” because you hear they were bad for you… It’s crucial of you to
know the difference between the good types and the bad types.

The Bad types:

Any carbohydrate that contains little fiber, little nutrition, high amounts of sugar and are
processed - should be avoided as often as possible.

The Good type:

Any carbohydrate that has lots of nutrients (like fruits and veggies), lots of fiber, low amounts of
sugar and are as close to their natural state as possible - should be added into your diet.

So what do bad carbs do?

Well when you eat the “bad carbs”, they immediately cause internal cellular inflammation, raise
your insulin levels and negatively affect your hormonal balance… Which means you’ll gain
weight much easier.

When you eat the “good carbs”, they’ll actually help you regulate your hormones to burn fat
more easily, give you energy for sustained activity and help your digestive system moving.

Here are some examples of good carbs of you to begin to increase in your own diet.

• Fruits
• vegetables
• squashes
• sweet potatoes
• quinoa
Law Of Fat Loss #16
To Lose Fat, You Must Eat Fat

If you’ve recently been paying attention to the news, then you’ve undoubtedly have seen reports
where egg yolks have been taken off the “bad” foods list…

In fact, the nutrition and medical community are now conceding that they were wrong and giving
us misinformation about the true causes of heart disease and other metabolic disease.

For years, we were told that eating foods high in cholesterol would lead to weight gain and heart
disease. This is information was well known to be incorrect in the fitness community and it took
some time for the guys in the white coats to finally admit it!

Law #16 is about convincing you it’s safe to eat fat… and you should really be eating a good
portion of your calories from fat if you want to lose it.

Although cholesterol has been given a bad rap, there are actually really wonderful fat fighting
nutrients in good fats. When you ingest these fats, they breakdown into little fatty acids that help
repair your hormones system. Which make it easier for us to maintain good health and a
slender waistline.

Now it’s important that you know which fats are considered the “good” kind.

One of the most important types of fat you want to increase is Omega-3 Fatty Acids and you
can find these in:

• avocados
• olive oil
• coconut
• whole eggs
• fatty fish
• walnuts
• flaxseeds
• nut butters

The bad fats are known a trans fats and are found in processed and packaged foods.

If you’re purposefully been eating the fat-free types of foods, do yourself a favor and go back to
what mother nature intend us to eat!
Law Of Fat Loss #17
Muscle Burns 5x The Calories At Rest Vs Fat

Did you know that if you sat on the couch for a full day, you’d still be burning energy (some fat
as well)?

In order for us to survive, our bodies have a minimal energy requirement. We need energy for
our brains to function, for our nervous system to fire, for our digestion to work and to maintain
our muscle mass.

Even our fat tissue burns energy… it burns very little but it does burn some.

The tissues and organs that burn that require the most energy (calorie burn) are our brains,
nervous system and muscles.

Since we can increase our brain tissue let’s focus on the muscles.

If you increase your muscle tissue, even by a marginal amount, you’ll actual increase the
amount of calories you burn while you’re at rest.

That means that you will be able to burn more fat while you’re sleeping.

Pretty cool right?

It’s important to leverage this law and have your workouts focus on Strength Training and
increase your lean muscle mass.

If you’re not sure how to do this, go back and read Law #6.
Law Of Fat Loss #18
If You Want Nice Abs, You Must Do Functional Core Strength Exercises

The days of using your Ab Roller you bought from a late infomercial, to develop a six pack, are
gone… Actually, they never existed!

Even though doing countless sit-ups and crunches never gave anyone a sixpack, countless
people still try.

Instead of waisting (see what I did there?) your time doing an exercise that isn’t going to work
and probably only going to lead to back and neck pain…

Try these 3 fat burning and ab developing core strengtheners.

Functional Core Exercise #1: The Plank. Try to build up to 3 sets of 1 minute each. If you’re
already doing that, try holding one foot off the ground.

Functional Core Exercise #2: The Deadbug. While laying on your back, extend a leg and arm
on the same side, bring it up and then switch side. Do these slowly while holding your abs

Functional Core Exercise #3: The Grasshopper. In a push-up position, bring your knee
across your body to the opposite elbow. Return your foot down and switch sides. Do 30-50
repetitions of this exercise.
Law Of Fat Loss #19
Change Is Constant. If You’re Not Improving, You’re Getting Worse

Our bodies are constantly changing. Old cells die. New cells grow. And this vessel we call our
body ages.

As we get older, we can expect a pretty steady loss of muscle mass every single year (unless of
course we exercise).

And with the loss of muscle and strength, comes more fat stored and also difficulty performing
physical tasks we took for granted.

If you do nothing at all, your body will naturally decline.

That means the aches and pains you’re experiencing worsen.

The risk of disease and illness worsens.

Your low energy levels worsen.

Everything gets worse with time… if we do nothing about it.

Luckily for us, our bodies are resilient and respond well to our health improving efforts.
Therefore whether we want to feel energized, strong and lean; it’s truly our decision.

Since we can’t stop time, the best we can do is focus on the factors we have control over, like:

• reversing the aging process by increasing our muscle mass (strength training)
• strengthening our cells against illness and cancers, with nourishing foods (veggies)
• making our bodies run smoothly by being properly hydrated (water)
• and giving our bodies the opportunity to repair and recover by getting the proper amounts of

So you see the future of your health is in your hands!

If you need help coming up with the perfect fitness and health plan, reach out to us and we’ll
customize a solution for you!
Law Of Fat Loss #20
When You Feel Like Quitting You’re About To Make A Breakthrough

Law #20 is one that brings me the most sadness…

And that is because more often then not, I witness really good people get started and work hard
to achieve their goals, only to quite after a few weeks.
In all my years in the fitness industry, I can tell you that when you feel like quitting the most and
throwing in the towel… you’re just about to make your break through. It’s true.

This is where the saying, “It’s darkest right before dawn” comes form.

If only the people that quit, held off a few more days, they would have experienced their
breakthroughs and taken a major step towards their goals.

Now, I’m a realist. I believe in being honest with what your expectations should be.

You need to expect that things will get tough, you’re going to lose motivation and you’re going to
feel like quitting. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when it’ll happen.

If you prepare to deal with the obstacles and challenges that come your way, you’ll be able to
handle them and keep from being derailed.

This time, as you prepare to tackle your fitness goals once again (we can help you so it’s the
last time), I want you to expect the challenges and create a plan to keep moving forward.

If you need help getting started or staying committed, contact us and we’ll custom tailor a fitness
and fat loss solution of for you.
Law Of Fat Loss #21
Success Leaves Clues, Follow Them

Congratulations for making it all the way through the 21 Laws Of Fat Loss!

Most people never finish reading what they start and since you’ve made it here, I can tell you’re
a go-getter who will not be stopped.

The final law is the law that success leaves clues.

Regardless of what you’re trying to improve in life… if someone else has accomplished it
already, then they left a proven road map of the steps it takes to get there.

In fact if you want a short cut to success, simply do what the person before you did to get there.
As long as you take action, you’re guaranteed success as well.

Even with all the clues and proven plans for effective fat loss out there; it still surprises me why
so many people struggle with this…

When I pondered this question recently, I thought about the commonalities of my most
successful clients and what they did to reach their accomplishments.

So what was the common theme?

They hired a professional coach to keep them accountable, to show them the way and to
increase the speed at which they got results.

Think about it… can you name a single high level performing athlete who doesn’t at least have
one couch?

Friend, I’d like to invite you to have a conversation with me, personally, where we can uncover
what’s been holding you back and discover the best plan of attack of you.

There’ll be no pressure or commitments, I simply want to give you a gift for completing my 21
Rules Of Fat Loss!

Contact us to schedule your Breakthrough Sessions with me!

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