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Semi - Detailed Lesson Plan English

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

English 6
Teacher: Laarni Isabel L. Demain Date: Jan. 28, 2020
Grade & Section: VI- Venus Time: 8:00-8:50

I. Objective: Distinguish text- type according to purpose and language – features.

- Cause and Effect-

Listen when somebody is talking.

Be aware what is happening in your surroundings.

II. A. Distinguishing text-types according to purpose and language- features.

- Cause and Effect –
B. K-12 Curriculum Guide in English 6, EN6RC-IVb-3.2.6
Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 5, pp.53-55
English for All Times 6 (Reading) pp. 14-15
C. pictures, charts, activity sheets
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Spelling
a. wildlife
b. awareness
c. emerge
d. endangered
e. breed
2. Pronunciation Drill
night – knight through – threw waist – waste
council – counsel bass – base sent – scent
write – right blue – blew cell – sell
seen – scene mail – male
3. Paragraph Drill
Read the selection, then answer the following questions.
When the seeds and fruits of plants are ripe, they separate and
fall to the ground. There, when conditions, are right they will germinate or
begin to grow. In time they will develop into mature plants which will
flower in turn. However, if the seeds simply fall beneath the parent plant
and grow there, they become overcrowded and soon exhaust the nutrients
in the soil.
1. What happened when the seeds and fruits of plants were ripe?
2. What will happen if the condition of the soil is not right?
3. If the soil is in good condition, what happened to the plants?
4. What is the selection all about?
What are conjunctions? Give examples of conjunctions.
5. Checking of Assignment
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
I have here a picture on the board. What do you see? Have you seen
an eagle in real life nowadays? Why can we see eagles frequently
2. Presentation
Today we will read a selection about the Philippine eaglet.
Find out in the selection the cause and effect why the Philippine
eagle becomes endangered.
3. Removal of Difficulties
1. Endangered – put someone or something in a situation that is
likely to be harmed, damaged or destroyed.
He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his
2. Wildlife – animals and plants that grow independently of
people usually in natural conditions.
Their works involve restoring and recreating wildlife
habitats all across the country.
3. Awareness – knowledge that something exists or understanding
of a situation or subject at a present time based on information
or experience.
Environmental awareness has increased dramatically
over the past decade.
4. Captive – a person or animal whose ability to move or act
freely is limited by being kept in a space or prisoner especially.
Most animals bred in captivity would probably not
survive in the wild.
5. Breed – to keep animals for the purpose of producing offspring
animals in controlled way.
Biologists have been trying to breed this rare bird, the
Philippine eagle.
6. Dwindling – to become smaller in size or amount, a fewer in
The Philippine eagle has been dwindling in their
7. Deforestation – the cutting down of trees in a large area, the
destruction of forest by people.
Deforestation is destroying large area of tropical rain
4. Recall of Standard in Silent Reading
5. Silent Reading
6. Comprehension Check-up
A. Answer the following questions.
a. Who is Pag-asa?
b. When did Pag-asa emerge from its shell?
c. What is the place of Pag-asa in the dwindling Philippine eagle
d. In the last sixteen years, how many fertile eggs did not hatch?
e. Why did the fertile eggs did not hatch?
f. Why is Pag-asa remain in the cage?
g. Why was the Philippine eagle has become critically endangered
h. What will you do to save the population of the Philippine eagle to
become extinct?
B. Read the sentences on the chart. Analyze the sentences.
What do the sentences show?
What did you notice on the sentences?
Do the sentences use signal words to show cause – effect
relationship? What are these signal words?
7. Skill Development Activities
a. Activity 1
In each of the following sentences, one phrase or clause has been
underlined. Indicate whether the phrase or clause is cause or an
1. Ruben could strengthen his leg muscles by bicycling four
miles every morning.
2. When a photocopier runs out of paper, a light flashes on the
b. Activity 2
With a partner, answer the activity.
Underlined the cause in each sentence and encircle the effect.
Write on the blank the signal word that is used in each sentence.
1. Because Clarence overslept, she had to rush to school.
2. The freezer was turned off and the ice is melted.
c. Activity 3- Group Activity
Group the class into 4. Use a graphic organizer.
Connect the phrases to form the correct sentence showing cause-
effect relationship. Put them in a Manila paper, then report to the
8. Generalization
What is a cause? What is an effect? What signal words are used to
show cause – effect relationship?
The effect is what happened and the cause is why something happened.

Signal words and phrases for cause:

1. For 7. Due to
2. Because 8. Because of
3. Since 9. The effect of
4. As 10. As a result
5. To result from 11. As a consequence of
6. To be result of

Signal words and phrases for effect:

1. As a result 8. To cause
2. As a consequence 9. To have an effect in
3. Therefore 10. hence
4. Thus 11. To affect
5. Consequently 12. The cause of
6. So 13. The reason for
7. To result in 14. thereby

9. Application
Group Work
Use the picture assigned to your group. Write three sentences showing
the cause – effect relationship. Use a graphic organizer.
Cause Effect
IV. Evaluation
Distinguish the cause and effect in each sentence by underlining the cause and
encircling the effect.
1. It had begun to rain, so Sadio and Yusuf had to run inside.
2. Since it was chilly and damp outside, Ahmed built a big fire in his fireplace.
3. Ernestina was getting very frustrated and angry because none of her good
ideas were being recognized at work.
4. We went to the grocery store because we needed milk, tortillas and cheese.
5. Scientists believe that long ago humans needed food, so they followed herds
of mammoths to North America.
5x MPS =
1x CPL =

V. Assignment
Write five sentences showing cause – effect relationship. Use signal words.
In each of the following sentences, one phrase or clause has been underlined. In the blank W
___________1. Ruben could strengthen his leg muscles by bicycling four miles every
___________2. When a photocopier runs out of paper, a light flashes on the console.
___________3. Because its population is rapidly decreasing, the monkey-eating eagle is now
___________4. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 is bringing about global cooling over
___________5. Seeing the long line of people trying to buy concert tickets, we decided to
change our plans.
___________6. Failure to submit your project by the end of the semester will result in an
incomplete garade.
___________7. The jeepney strike, now on its third week, has made people angry.
___________8. Caution: This glass will break if exposed to pressure.
___________9. The fire aboard a ferry forced people jumped into the sea without life jackets.
___________10. The poisoned food killed the chidren.

In each of the following sentences, one phrase or clause has been underlined. In the blank W
___________1. Ruben could strengthen his leg muscles by bicycling four miles every
___________2. When a photocopier runs out of paper, a light flashes on the console.
___________3. Because its population is rapidly decreasing, the monkey-eating eagle is now
___________4. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 is bringing about global cooling over
___________5. Seeing the long line of people trying to buy concert tickets, we decided to
change our plans.
___________6. Failure to submit your project by the end of the semester will result in an
incomplete garade.
___________7. The jeepney strike, now on its third week, has made people angry.
___________8. Caution: This glass will break if exposed to pressure.
___________9. The fire aboard a ferry forced people jumped into the sea without life jackets.
___________10. The poisoned food killed the chidren.

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