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Step-Step Penelitian: Appendix A

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Step-step penelitian

Emerson (2015)
Students in the independent problem solving (control) sections are provided 8–10 min to individually complete a
problem related to material covered in class. At the end of this time, the instructor presents the answer so that students may
check their understanding. Students in the cooperative think-pair-share (treatment) sections engaged in problem solving
carefully designed to incorporate the elements of positive interdependence, individual accountability, equal participation,
and simultaneous interaction. Like their counterparts in the independent problem solving sections, students in the
treatment sections also begin by spending 8–10 min individually completing the same problem. Thereafter, they are paired
with a classmate and are instructed to methodically take turns presenting answers to different components of the problem
to their partner. Students are encouraged to ask for clarification if they do not understand their partner’s explanation. At the
end of this pairing and private sharing stage, students are randomly called upon by the instructor to share their answer to a component of the
problem to the entire class. This public sharing process continues until students fully present all parts of
the problem. An example think-pair-share problem and instructions associated with the topic of elasticity is provided in
Appendix A. Over the entire semester, students in both the treatment and control classes participate in 12 problem-solving
exercises covering topics of comparative advantage, supply and demand, price controls, elasticity, utility maximization,
production and profit, short and long run competitive equilibrium, monopoly, game theory, monopolistic competition, and
The total time spent solving in-class problems in a given class meeting (and across the semester) was the same
in both the control and treatment class sections.
Student demographic characteristics and academic information are collected via a survey
administered on the first day of class. Observed student absences are recorded throughout the
semester. Students completed their MBTI assessment using an online tool and we incentivized
their completion of the personality inventory by offering extra credit. On the last day of class,
students completed a survey regarding their experiences and perceptions about the course, as
well as their intent to take other economics courses.

Sutrisno (2018)
is there any statistically significant difference in English essay writing skill between groups of
students taking classes with TPS learning techniques and group of students taking classes with
STAD learning techniques?;
(2) is there any statistically significant difference in English essay writing skills between groups
of students with introverted and extroverted personality types?;
(3) is there any statistically significant interaction effect between learning techniques and
personality types on English essay writing skills?; and
(4) For groups of students who have introverted personality types, is there any statistically
significant difference in English essay writing skill between the students who take the lecture
with the TPS learning techniques and the students who take the lecture with STAD learning

Cari previous study

There were some previous researches
about the extroversion and introversion
towards the students’ skill in writ ing and the
difficulties of instruction to facilitate students
in improving students essay writing.

personality questionnaire
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)
Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Additional note:
Students who scored high on extraversion were likely to score better in speaking skills and reading
skills, whereas introverts tended to perform better in listening skills. (zafar et al 2017)

With regard to the various definitions of personality, there are some scholars who have
formulated the personality based on the paradigm of the theory they have developed.

Supriana et al (2017) had a research towards the influence of cooperative learning

method and personality type. The result is the personality types do influence their achievement.

Extrovert students reach higher score than the introvert students.

In one classroom definitely is consists of heterogenic students. In so many ways, there must be

heterogenic students, such as students’ race, mother-language, interest, personalities, the ability,

and another contradiction. It is no doubt that some students tend to play and close to their friends

that have many similarity to them. This situation sometimes makes students feel bored and have

low motivation to participate in the class. \

In order to disassociate grouping by students that makes another students feel do not comfort in

the class, many previous research use the cooperative learning as the techniques. There are so

many issues faced by students where English as the foreign language in so many countries

especially in Indonesia. One of them is about students’ reading skill. They have low motivation

to read in English text. According to Putra (2015), he says that motivation plays important role as

the language cannot be managed to comprehend by unenthusiastic outlook from the learners.

Somehow, lacking of motivation turns out to be one of major obstacles not only for learners but

also for the continuity of language acquisition. Motivation and enjoyment of reading are the

crucial things when students want to learn language.According to

Recently issues in English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners, talks about student centered. It

means that students as the main subject. They change from passive into active. It is because the
traditional learning style makes students feel bored and tend to not to be motivated following the

classroom activities. Some teachers just using the traditional model that the teacher becomes the

center of learning. Students often hear verbal information from the teacher, so the students are

passive upon learning the English language. English is the skill subject that need a practice and

student participation so that they will understand how the language work. From the reasons,

many schools already take the cooperative learning strategy to avoid these mistakes. Cooperative

learning is one of many ways to make students

(pokoknya bagus-bagusin cooperative learning, experts, advantages)

There is a great deal of research evidence to support the assumption that collaborative learning is

an effective pedagogical approach in various EFL contexts (Bejarano, 1987; Roskams, 1999;

Lan, Sung, & Chang, 2006; Chen & Hird, 2006). However, there have been few studies of

collaborative learning in general (e.g., Baleghizadeh, 2010) and none in collaborative reading in

particular, in relation to the teaching of EFL in Iran. There is a pressing need for research in

these areas in order to ascertain whether collaborative learning is an appropriate approach in

Iranian EFL teaching contexts, and if so, how its potential can be developed. The present study

was designed in order to begin to meet that need.

Cooperative learning banyak digunakan buat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membaca.

Reading comprehension is one of the issues that many faced by EFL learners especially in

Indonesia. Many students can read in English fluently but they are not comprehending the text.

They know the vocabularies but still confused when it has to be connected to the context. There

are many previous study who talks about this issues.

1. Xx

2. Xx

3. Xx

4. Xx

Previous study nya yg punya kelemahan buat beberapa siswa jadi panic dan gak semangat atau

malah tertekan menjalani cooperative learning.

There are some techniques from cooperative learning. Jigsaw, TPS, three step interview, note-

taking pairs, dyadic, and three stay one stray are some techniques that come from cooperative

learning. In this present research, the researcher use note-taking pairs and the traditional formal

cooperative learning as the concern of the issues.

From some previous studies above, they are all talk about how effective cooperative learning

cope with reading comprehension. in a class, there must be heterogen class which has lowest and

highest achievement of students. there are some students who are happy with the cooperative

learning and some are not. The researcher interested in the personality of the students itself. there

3 kind of personalities, which are extrovert, introvert, and ambient.

I assume that the personality will more affecting the cooperative learning in the class. based on

Brown (2000) that said …….

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