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Effect of Polyherbal Galactogogue Supplementation On Milk Yield and Quality As Well As General Health of Surti Buffaloes of South Gujarat PDF

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Effect of polyherbal galactogogue supplementation on milk yield and

quality as well as general health of Surti buffaloes of south Gujarat
M. D. Patel, K. K. Tyagi, L. M. Sorathiya and A. B. Fulsoundar

Livestock Research Station,

Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396 450, Gujarat-396 450, India
Corresponding author: M. D. Patel, email:
Received: 15-08-2012, Accepted: 12-09-2012, Published online: 30-01-2013

How to cite this article: Patel MD, Tyagi KK, Sorathiya LM and Fulsoundar AB (2013) Effect of polyherbal galactogogue
supplementation on milk yield and quality as well as general health of Surti buffaloes of south Gujarat, Vet. World 6(4):214-
218, doi:10.5455/vetworld.2013.214-218

Aim: A polyherbal galactogogue based on indigenous knowledge of tribles (Bhagats) belonging to Patalkot (Madhya
Pradesh), Dangs (Gujarat) and Aravallis (Rajasthan) was evaluated on lactating Surti buffaloes (medium sized buffalo breed
of South Gujarat which is best suitable for small and marginal farmers as well as landless labourers/tribal with less input
Materials and Methods: A total of 22 lactating Surti buffaloes maintained at Livestock Research Station, Navsari
Agricultural University, Gujarat, India were randomly allotted to treatment and control group (11 buffaloes in each group).
Two polyherbal galactogogue biscuits (19 g each) per day for initial 10 days of the month over a period of three months were
supplemented to buffaloes in treatment group. The daily milk yield of all 22 buffaloes was recorded. Milk samples from all
experimental buffaloes at fortnight interval were analyzed on automatic milk analyzer. The pooled gain/loss of BCS in all the
buffaloes was worked out. DMI (%) were also worked out by averaging all fortnight observations.
Results: A significant higher (p<0.05) total milk yield (14.24 %) of treatment group was recorded. The effect of polyherbal
galactogogue biscuits was non-significant on milk compositions. Dry matter intake /100 kg body weight (DMI %) was found
significantly (p<0.01) better in treatment over control. The buffaloes of treatment group had lost significantly (p<0.01) lesser
body condition scoring (BCS) than control however, both groups had lost BCS from initial BCS. The net profit of treatment
was Rs.339.90/animal/month higher than control and calculated cost-benefit ratio of treatment and control groups was 1:1.62
and 1:1.52 respectively.
Conclusion: It was concluded that supplementary feeding of polyherbal galactogogue to lactating Surti buffaloes is cost
effectively beneficial for milk yield and general health condition.
Keywords: body condition scoring, DMI, milk yield, net return, poly herbal galactogogue, surti buffaloes

Introduction production. Keeping in view the preservation of animal

Optimal milk production is the basic requirement health and prevention of excessive stress on its
in the management of dairy economics. As a highly production capacity through hormone and alike, a
demanding period, transition can be affected by many holistic approach making use of herbal formulations
factors that could compromise the health, productivity has come up as a desirable approach. Majority of these
and reproductive performance of dairy animals. herbal preparations have however not been thoroughly
Nutritional strategies can be used to prevent metabolic scientifically evaluated but their traditional use
diseases in the early days post-calving and to increase suggested some safety and efficacy [4]. In order to
milk production. A wide variety of additional feed restore the animal productivity and to optimize the
additives exist that may also have potential for use over milk production in individual animals for better profits,
a few weeks pre-partum and post-partum. Beyond various drugs, herbal preparations, hormones, mineral
appropriate feeding management, the administration of supplements and feed additives have been tried with
some additives such as plant extracts, enzymes, variable results [2-11].
glucose precursors, probiotics, choline and vitamin E Leptadenia reticulata, Asparagus racemosus,
may be helpful in ameliorating nutrient utilization and Nigella sativa and many more are known for galacto-
availability with a consequent improvement of milk gogue effect [12]. Researchers have also reported
yield, milk protein, milk fat and milk somatic cell significant galactopoitic response in various milch
count. These additives may also improve health status, animals [3-9, 11-19]. Singhal [9] observed as high as
which implies a decrease of early post-partum diseases 31.10% increase in milk yield of Payapro® fed cows,
and better reproductive performance [1-3]. whereas, Qureshi [7] not only observed an increase in
Galactogogues / lactogogues are medications or milk yield but also an increase in the fat percentage of
other substances believed to assist in the initiation, milk in dairy cows fed with Lectovet® (a herbal
maintenance, or augmentation of maternal milk combination). Baig and Bhagwat [5] also reported 214

improvement in milk yield, CLR, Fat % and SNF % on experimental animals were tied with GI chain in their
use of Galactin Vet® in dairy cows. Herbal preparations respective stalls. The identification number of
have also been shown to relieve the heat stress in dairy respective animal was written on the inner upper edge
cows and ultimately improve their productivity [20]. of feeding passage wall just in front of the respective
Sridhar and Bhagwat [21] also reported significant treatment group of animals for convenience in feeding
improvement in heamoglobin, serum calcium and total and management.
protein levels after treatment of Galactin Vet® with A total of 22 lactating Surti buffaloes (medium
5.48% increased milk yield which indicates the good sized buffalo breed of South Gujarat which is best
health of the animals. Kolte and co-workers [15] also suitable for small and marginal farmers as well as
reported that indigenous herbal preparations landless labourers/tribal with less input resources)
effectively restored the altered milk constituents and maintained at LRS, NAU, Navsari were selected. They
increased the milk production in cows with sub-clinical were randomly allotted to treatment and control group
mastitis. However, Şekerden [22] reported that in (eleven buffaloes in each group). The mean lactation
milking animals, lactation stage is one of the major yield of previous month, parity, days in milk and milk
factors influencing yield and compositions of milk in compositions did not differ significantly at p<0.05
buffalo. Whereas, Mech and co-workers [23] found between two groups at the start of experiment. All
that Total protein, Lactose, SNF and Ash did not vary animals were dewormed in the month of January, 2011
significantly except fat content of milk on use of herbal with Liq. Zycloze® (Zydus Pharmaceuticals). All the
preparations in animals. animals remained always tied except for milking as it
A polyherbal galactogogue which is a purely was done in milking parlor.
herbal and based on indigenous knowledge of tribles The fodders and feed used in the experiment was
(Bhagats) belonging to Patalkot (Madhya Pradesh), paddy straw as dry fodder, lucerne and hybrid napier
Dangs (Gujarat) and Aravallis (Rajasthan) for inducing grass as green fodders and Sumul Dan as concentrate.
and maintaining lactation in humans. It includes unique Fodder crops were cultivated either on the fodder farm
formulation that included various parts of 16 of LRS, Navsari or other research farms of NAU at
medicinally important plants as listed out in Table-1. Navsari and Sumul Dan manufactured by co-operative
Table-1. Scientific and common names of herbs used in
cattle feed factory of Sumul dairy at Chalthan, Surat
formulation of polyherbal galactogogue was purchased. In both groups, the animals were
Sr. No. Scientific Name Common Name in India (Gujarat)
offered balanced ration to fulfill requirements as per
ICAR [24] feeding standard. The percent proportion of
1 Acacia catechu Khair the daily ration used to feed is given in Table-2. Based
2 Acacia nilotica Desi babul
3 Alstonia scholaris Saptaparni on guideline of feeding standard, the proportion of
4 Anethum graveolens Suva ingredients was calculated in such a way that they
5 Aspargus racemosus Shatavari
6 Coriandrum sativum Dhania
provide daily DCP and TDN requirements to all the
7 Curnium cymium Jeera experimental animals.
8 Foeniculum vulgare Saunf A total of eleven Surti buffaloes under treatment
9 Lepidium sativum Asalio, Halim
10 Leptadenia reticulata Dodi group were fed two biscuits of a polyherbal galacto-
11 Madhuca indica Mahua gogue orally only in morning (between 8:00 to 9:00
12 Pueraria tuberosa Phagvel, Khakarvel, Patal kumhra a.m.). Biscuits were fed to each of the buffaloes of
13 Saccharum officinarum Ganna
14 Sesamum indicum Til treatment group by mixing them into 150g of
15 Tephrosia purpurea Sarphonka concentrate i.e. Sumul Dan for first 10 consecutive
16 Tinospora cordifolia Jiwantica days of the month during the treatment period for 89
The present study had been planned to assess the days (1st February to 30th April, 2011). Same quantity
effect of a polyherbal galactogogue on lactating Surti of Sumul Dan was also been given to each of the
buffaloes in respect of milk yield, milk compositions buffaloes in control group over and above routine
and general health status. feeding of concentrate at the time of milking to
buffaloes of both the groups.
Materials and Methods All buffaloes were milked twice a day in milking
Ethical approval: Necessary permission of Institu- parlor i.e. morning between 4:00-5:00 a.m. and
tional animal ethics committee was taken before evening 4:00-5:00 p.m. The milk had been collected
initiation of experiment. after hand milking of each buffalo into a clean and
The present experiment was conducted at the dried stainless steel bucket and was weighed on
Livestock Research Station, Navsari Agricultural electronic weighing balance and recorded in daily milk
University, Navsari, Gujarat state, India. The duration yield register. The milk samples were collected from all
of this study was 89 days i.e. from 1st February to 30th experimental buffaloes during morning and evening at
April, 2011 excluding Initial 10 days that was fortnight interval. The collected milk samples were
considered as preliminary period. The experiment was analyzed on automatic milk analyzer i.e. Lactoscan
conducted in both sides of pakka animal shed with Milk Analyzer from Bulgaria. All animals were
separate iron experimental stalls for each animal. The weighed on weighing balance at the start of the 215

Table-2. Percent proportion and proximate compositions of feed ingredients offered (DM basis)

Sr. No Name of Feed Proportion Proximate composition

Ingredients OM CP CF EE NFE Ash
1 Concentrate 33 81.33 18.05 10.48 2.81 49.99 18.67
2. Lucerne 17 90.88 18.54 26.15 2.71 40.48 9.12
3. Hybrid Napier 17 87.31 9.48 31.77 1.83 44.23 12.69
4. Paddy straw 33 81.35 6.78 29.24 2.01 43.32 18.65
5. DudhNahar Only in treatment group 89.18 3.0 0.00 0.00 86.18 10.82
Calculated CP 12.96 %

Table-3. Means of milk yield and compositions in Surti buffaloes influenced by polyherbal galactogogue biscuits

Parameter Control Group Treatment Group Difference Percent increase over control
a b
Total Milk Yield in 89 days (litres) 364.85±15.57 416.82±17.16 51.97 14.24
Milk composition (%)
Fat 6.34±0.27 6.55±0.29 -- --
SNF 9.43±0.20 9.68±0.23 -- --
Protein 3.50±0.14 3.36±0.27 -- --
Lactose 4.90±0.14 5.09±0.12 -- --

Means differing by superscript in a row are significant (p<0.05)

Table-4. Effect of polyherbal galactogogue biscuits on DMI and BCS of Surti buffaloes

Parameter Control Group Treatment Group

DMI kg/d 11.11a 11.64b
DMI % 2.99a 3.12ba
Initial BCS 3.98 3.84
Final BCS 3.70 3.82
Loss in BCS -0.28a -0.02b

Means differing by superscript in a row are significant (p<0.01)

experiment. The body condition scoring of buffaloes increase in milk yield from 9.12 to 31.10 % on
were recorded by using 1-5 score with increment of supplementation of herbal galactogogue preparations
0.25 at first and last day of experiment. The pooled [3-9, 13-18, 21]. Anjaria and Gupta [14] reported the
gain/loss of BCS in all the buffaloes was also worked significant increase in milk yield of goats, sheep, cows
out. The feed and fodders as per the feeding schedule and buffaloes with Leptadenia reticulata. Ramesh and
were weighed before feeding and supplied separately associated [8] also reported net gain in milk yield of
to the experimental buffaloes. The DMI % was 0.819 litres per HF cross-bred cow per day after
calculated by considering initial body weight of feeding of Galactin®- a polyherbal galactogogue.
animals. The pooled observations pertaining to DMI Further, they found that increased milk yield during the
were worked out by averaging all fortnight observa- declining phase after peak production of milk was
tions. Feed cost was calculated based on feed sustained for a minimum period of 3 weeks. The effect
ingredients offered daily. The rates of feed ingredients of herbal preparations might have helped in optimizing
were taken in to calculation as fixed by Navsari the ruminal fermentation that ultimately increased the
Agricultural University except concentrate and nutrient availability for milk production [6]. Dadkhah
mineral mixtures as their actual purchase price were and Yeganehzad [26] resulted 20-40% increase in daily
taken into consideration. Milk yield and cost of feed milk production in cows due to using the plant extracts
was calculated on monthly basis. Cost-benefit ratio (Medicago Sativa, Trigonella Foenum and Carum
was calculated based on market value of milk and total Carvi). They further found 12-25.2% and 3-17%
feeding cost of the month. increased levels of prolactin and insulin as well as
The means of all particular observations were blood glucose levels, respectively. Increased appetite
analyzed as per standard statistical procedure using and noticeable improvement in their general health
Student t-test described by Snedecor and Cochran [25]. condition was also observed by them. During the
present study, the effect of polyherbal galactogogue
Results and Discussion
biscuits was not observed better as compared to
The average milk yield of control and treatment previous reports as Surti buffaloes of LRS were
group is given in Table-3. The average milk yield of maintained on standard managemental conditions as
control group over a period of 89 days was recorded as well as feeding schedule. While it might have better
364.85 litres, whereas, in treatment group, it was effect at farmer's door step as animal may or may not be
recorded as 416.82 litres with the difference of 51.97 on balanced ration and standard managemental
litres. The milk yield of treatment group was found conditions.
significantly higher than the control group (p<0.05) The means of various milk compositions are
with 14.24% higher in average milk yield over control given in Table-3. The milk compositions i.e. Fat, SNF
group. Earlier, number of researchers had reported an and Lactose except protein in treatment group were 216

Table-5. Net return and cost-benefit ratio as influenced by supplementation of polyherbal galactogogue biscuits

Parameter Control Group Treatment Group

Feed Cost/animal/month (INR) 2393.30 2393.30
Cost of treatment/month (INR) -- 180.00
Total feeding cost/animal/month (INR) 2393.30 2573.30
Average milk yield/ animal/month (litres) 121.61 138.94
Market value of milk/animal/month @ INR.30/litre of milk 3648.30 4168.20
Net return over feed cost (INR/animal/month) 1255.00 1594.90
Cost : Benefit ratio over feed cost 1:1.52 1:1.62

recorded slightly higher than that of control group and efficiency of feed utilization to alleviate adverse effects
means did not differ significantly (p<0.05) between of environmental stress and to enhance the overall
two groups. The results were in accordance with earlier animal performance and health.
findings of scientists [5,27-29]. Authors’ contribution
However, contradictory to the results of present
study significant effects on the milk compositions on MDP: Overall monitoring and implementation of
feeding of herbal galactogogues in animals were also study, data collection, tabulation, drafted and revised
reported by the scientists [13, 14, 18, 30]. the manuscript. KKT: Helped in planning of experi-
The mean dry matter intake (kg/d), DMI %, ment and carried out the statistical analysis. LMS:
gain/loss in body condition scoring (BCS) are given in provided necessary help for data collection during the
table-4. The mean dry matter intake (kg/d) and DMI % study. ABF: Sanctioned necessary permission and
was found significantly higher (p<0.01) in buffaloes of provided technical guidance as and when required. All
treatment group. Earlier, similar results were reported authors read and approved the final manuscript.
by Kirtikar & Basu [31] where Ruchmex- a polyherbal Acknowledgements
preparation acted as good appetizer and stomachic.
Gupta and co-workers [32] also reported the significant Authors are thankful to Vice-chancellor and
increase in dry matter intake of crossbred heifers Director of Research & Dean, P.G.Studies, Navsari
supplemented with A. racemosus. Many herbal prep- Agricultural University, Navsari for providing
arations increased the salivary secretions, boosted the necessary permissions as well as moral support as and
populations of friendly bacteria and protozoa, when required. The technical guidance provided by
optimized the digestive functions and ultimately Principal, and help rendered by Dr.A.A.Wagh,
helped in the assimilation and metabolism of feeds [6, Assistant Professor, Van Bandhu Veterinary College,
33-35]. NAU, Navsari is duly acknowledged. A Special thank
Buffaloes selected for the present study were in to Directors of Abhumka Herbal Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad
initial phase of mid lactation at the time of peak yield. for their needful support and providing a product
Hence, all have lost the BCS as a result of production (DudhNahar®) for the present study.
stress. But, the buffaloes of treatment group have lost Competing interests
less BCS as compared to control group may be due to
an efficient microbial digestion enhanced by the Authors declare that they have no competing interest.
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