AGR 150 Breeding Proposals
AGR 150 Breeding Proposals
AGR 150 Breeding Proposals
• fungal disease
• caused by Phomopsis vexans
• symptoms: brown or dark sunken lesions
slightly above the soil surface, and can result in cankers. Seedlings
eventually collapse and die.
• older leaves are more susceptible.
-circular, gray to brown, and light-centered
lesions; pycnidia in older lesions
• Fruit injury - pale, sunken, oval area(s) on the
-subsequently enlarge and become depressed
Phomopsis blight
• Abar
-farmer's variety from Nueva Ecija
-highly resistant variety (resistant to leafhopper, shoot
borer, Phomopsis blight, bacterial wilt)
-susceptible to fruit borer
-Donor Parent
• Black Ninja
-commercial variety
-resistant to shoot borer and bacterial wilt, has
intermediate resistance to leafhopper and fruit borer
-susceptible to Phomopsis blight
-Recurrent Parent
Year Activity Output
1 The donor parent is crossed with the recurrent parent F1 progenies
Backcross all F1 progenies with the recurrent parent BC1
2 Identify the heterozygotes in the resistance locus in B BC2
C1 through marker assisted selection (MAS). Rogue
out susceptible genotypes and backcross with the
recurrent parent
3 Repeat the steps until BC4 BC3 & BC4
Self all resistant plants BC4 F2
4 Progeny/yield trials will be done to determine the hom F2 with Resistant
ozygote genotypes for resistance allele allele and is high
Abar Black Ninja
Disease Resistant High Yielding
Resistance Locus: RR Disease Susceptible
Donor genes: 100% DONOR
Recurrent genes: 0% Resistance Locus: rr
Donor genes: 0%
Recurrent genes: 100%
100% Disease Resistant
Resistance Locus: Rr
Donor genes: 50%
Recurrent genes: 50%
50% Disease Resistant
Resistance Locus: Rr:rr
Donor genes: 25%
Recurrent genes: 75%
BC4 BC4 F2
50% Disease Resistant 1/4 RR
Resistance Locus: Rr:rr x Rr
Donor genes: 3.125% rr
Recurrent genes: 96.875%
Expected Output
• Rosalinda
-matures in 95-100 days
-flat, 3-4kg fruit
-Solid green at young stage; yellow brown at color break.
Flesh is yellow
-Excellent fruit and plant characteristics. Good shipper
• Suprema
-matures in 85 days
-Flat round, regularly ridged, 3-4 kg fruit
-Resistant to powdery mildew, high yielding, has excellent eating
quality, has good adaptation to wide range of different
agro-climatic condition
Pedigree selection
9-11 Conduct advance trials with more replications and over locations and F8-F10
Cleft grafting
Root stock & scion
• Root stock
-‘Steddom’ (PP24)
-known resistance to PPR
• Scion
-NSIC 95-Av-02 (Parker)
-Prolific yielder, (500-700 fruits/season) bear fruit both
during the late season & off season; fruit of excellent
eating quality, possessing flesh texture (smooth & firm) w/
scanty fiber with flavor buttery & nutty; high edible
portion of 87.0%. a fruit weighs 561.4 g
Expected Output