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Breeders of Revolutionary Ideas: Rizalbspt2k19

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Rizal’s Imprisonment in Fort Santiago

 July 6, 1892 to July 13, 1892
 July 3, 1892 was the first and the last assembly
MIDTERM AY: 2019-2020
because three days thereafter, Rizal was arrested
on the strength of “subversive” materials found in
“Some revolutions are mighty upheavals; likewise , there
the house he visited prior to the launching of La
were silent but powerful revolutions which permanently
changed the minds of the human race”
3. The Foundation of the KKK
Breeders of Revolutionary Ideas  July 7, 1892- Azcarraga (Claro M. Recto today),
 Writers serve as a feeders of revolutionary ideas like; Tondo, Manila
1. Thomas Paine  The deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan was
2. Jacques Rousseau officially announced.
3. John Milton  On the same day, Andres Bonifacio initiated the
4. Niccolo Machiavellie organization KKK
Breeders of Revolutionary Ideas 4. Bonifacio sent Dr. Pio Valenzuela to
 Rizal established linkage between tradition and the Dapitan
culture of his time when he annotated Antonio  June 21, 1896
Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas.  Valenzuela was sent by Andres Bonifacio to tell
 He analyzed the Philippine society through Noli Me him about the existence of Katipunan and the
Tangere synthesized it in El Filibusterismo and Revolution which would break out anytime.
forecast the country’s future in his essay, Filipinas
dentro de Cien Anos. ( The Philippines a Hundred 5. Four years and thirteen days (July 17, 1892
Years from Now) to July 30, 1896) of exile in Dapitan ended;
Blanco permitted Rizal to serve the
 He correctly proved his theory on imperialism when Spanish conscript in Cuba
America and Japan colonized the Philippines after  Rizal wrote to Governor General Ramon
Spain.  Blanco to offer his services as a medical volunteer.

The Revolution 6. The Secret of KKK Betrayed

 Insurrection  August 19, 1896- Teodoro Patiño divulged the
 aims to have the forcible change in the secrets of the KKK.
government.  September 1, 1896- Pio Valenzuela’s betrayal
 Revolt  Teodoro Patiño revealed to Fr. Mariano Gil the
 is waged to overthrow the government itself. existence of Katipunan who in turn, reported it to
the civil and military authorities.
 Rebellion  Dr. Pio Valenzuela opted for an executive pardon.
 is a large scale revolt which failed.
 Revolution 7. The Revolution Escalated
 is a successful large scale revolt.  August 19-31, 1896
 August 21, around five hundred rebels left
Rizal’s Stand on Revolution Balintawak and proceeded to a small town called
The Katipunan  August 22, Katipuneros discussed strategies to be
 Jose Rizal was not convinced that the planned employed.
revolution would succeed.  August 23, “The First Cry” in Pugad Lawin.
 He pointed out that the movement was premature and  August 25, the civil guards and the infantry men
it would be suicidal if at time, they launched the fired upon katipuneros.
revolution  August 28, Bonifacio declared August 29, 1896 as
the beginning of the general uprising against Spain.
Chronology of Events that Lead to  August 30, Battle of Pinaglabanan took place.
Rizal’s Execution 8. The Reign of Terror began
 August 31, 1896
1. The Launching of La Liga Filipina
 Fifty seven revolutionaries publicly executed at
 July 3, 1892 - Tondo, Manila Luneta.
 Rizal came home and on July 3, 1982, he launched
the La Liga Filipina in Tondo, Manila 9. Jose Rizal, oblivious of the raging
 In that assembly, Andres Bonifacio was present. revolution ashore

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 July 31 to September 2, 1896 Rizal was on board  December 6, 1896, The court martial of Rizal began.
different steamers in the Philippine waters for 32  December 26, 1896, Rizal was sentenced to death by
days Spanish military court.
 July 31, 1896- He sailed aboard the mail boat  January 7, 1897 ( a month after Rizal’s execution) Dr
España for five days. Pio Valenzuela and other katipuneros who betrayed
 August 5, 1896- Isla de Panay bound for Spain, had Rizal were also charged of complicity in the rebellion.
already left when they arrived. They too were court martialed.
 From the mail boat España, he was transferred to
cruiser Castilla which was docked in the navy yard __________________________________________________________
of Cavite

10. Sailing away from the upheavals and

back for the worst
 Jose Rizal was on board the cruiser Castilla for
almost one month while waiting for the Steamer
 Governor General Eulogio Despujol in collaboration
bound for Spain.
with the Jesuits
 As order by Blanco, Rizal was held incommunicado
 September 3, Rizal’s voyage to Spain and Cuba via Why Dapitan?
Singapore began.  Dapitan was under control of the Jesuit Fathers.
 September 28, (at Port Said) the ship Captain The masterminds thought that by conniving they
informed Rizal that we would be arrested upon could work on Rizal’s retraction to adhere to the
reaching Barcelona, to be imprisoned in Fort Catholic faith once again.
Montjuich; and to be shipped back to the
Philippines as a prisoner. When?
 October 6, Isla de Panay reached Barcelona. He  July 14, 1892 – boarded the steamer Cebu from
had a brief interview with Despujol who informed Manila
him that he was to be shipped back to Philippines  July 17, 1892 – landed in Dapitan
as a prisoner.
Dapitan, a Haven by the Sea
11.Camilo Polavieja replaced Ramon  Originated from a Visayan term “dapit” meaning to
Blanco invite.
 December 13, 1896, the Dominican sponsored  Situated in Western Mindanao at Dapitan Bay of Sulu
Camilo Polavieja replaced Blanco. Sea
 With Polavieja as governor general of the  Dapitan is known as the Shrine City famous for its
Philippines, the military courts became very active rustic beauty and serenity
as a result, many Filipinos held as leaders or
participants in the conspiracy were executed. Choice to live with the Jesuits or in the
Military Headquarters
The Court Martial Jesuits Military Headquarters
Preconditions: Preconditions:
 Court Martial is the judicial court  Recant what he had • None
of the military or naval officer written against the • Opted to stay there
that tries soldiers’ offense. It is a friars with Captain
trial held before the military  Rectify his errors Ricardo Carnicero -
court.  Go through A commanding
religious rituals to officer who was
The Court Martial regain his being a young and a
 November 3, 1896, Jose Rizal went straight to Fort Catholic freethinker
Santiago after being a prisoner in the steamer Colon.
 November 20, 1896, Preliminary investigation was A Lucky Man
conducted.  Rizal and Carnicero won second prize in a lottery Ticket
 Dominguez found prima facie evidence that Jose Rizal  Total winnings was Php21,000.00
was the principal organizer and the living soul of the  Rizal’s share was Php 6,200.00
armed struggle.  Rizal gave to his parents the amount of Php2,000.00
 December 5, 1896, Blanco forwarded the judge  Php200.00 to Jose Ma. Basa
advocate’s finding to the senior legal officer and auditor  The rest he invested by buying a land
general of war,
 Judge Advocate General Nicolas Peña for his
comments and recommendations. The Many Hats worn by Jose Rizal in
2midterm | r i z a l b s p t 2 k 1 9
A. Farmer RIZAL and the Katipunan
 Lanzones, Mangosteen, Macopa, Santol, Coffee,
Cacao etc.
June 21, 1896
B. Community Developer of Dapitan  Dr. Valenzuela (emissary) informed Rizal of the plan
C. Engineer of the Katipunan to launch a revolution
 Constructed Water System for drinking and irrigation  JOSE RIZAL opposed Bonifacio’s proposed project to
D. Inventor plunge the country in bloody revolution.
 Invented a simple machine to produce bricks 1) The people are not ready for a revolution;
E. Businessman 2) Arms and funds must first be collected before
 Engaged in entrepreneurship by exporting copra and raising the cry of revolution.
abaka  He advised the Katipunan to seek the help
F. Doctor of Antonio Luna (to obtain financial aid from
 Practiced his medical profession the elite)
G. teacher  He also refused the offer of the Katipunan to spirit
him out of Dapitan. (he had given his word of honor
Lived Life to the Spanish authorities and did not want to
break it)
“We can create abundance out of our desert or a desert
out of our abundance.”
July 30, 1896
Excerpt from Rizal’s letter to Blumentritt
 Received a letter (handed by General Carnicero)
from the Governor General Blanco allowing him to
I get up early at 5:00AM. I visit my friends,
render medical services to the Spanish soldiers in
feed my chickens, wake up my people, and
get things moving. At 7:30AM we have
 Note: Rizal volunteered as military physician
breakfast. Afterwards I treat my poor
patients. I get dressed and go to town to months before the Katipunan contacted
attend the sick people there, and by noon him.
 Cuba was in the throes of revolution and is
return home. Then I teach the youngsters
experiencing yellow fever epidemic
until 4:00PM, and the rest of the afternoon I
 Cuba was in shortage of physicians to
dedicate to agriculture. I spend my evening
minister to the needs of the Spanish troops
reading & studying…
& Cuban people
Rizal’s Women: Spotlight on Josephine
Bracken From Dapitan into the Trap
 Arrived at Dapitan when Rizal was still feeling the  Rizal auctioned his properties, gave souvenirs, gave
void left by Leonor Rivera his plantation to a friend and to his barber and gave
 Went to Dapitan from Hong Kong to accompany her the houses to the poorest...
non-biological father, Geoffrey Tauffer, for an eye
operation July 31, 1896
 Rizal bade farewell to the Dapiteños.
 Speculated as a Eurasian (Anglo-Chinese) due to
 Rizal set afire the kiosk that he used for retreat and
her short stature (barely 5’1)
 She claims to be Irish
 Chopin’s funeral march was being played by the
 18 years old at the time she met Rizal
town band as Rizal’s boat was rowed.
Whirlwind Romance
Existing & Living at Dapitan
 One-month courtship and immediate plan for
marriage Existence is a decision or a choice. A person is what he
 Hastiness of the decision was because chooses to do, what he does, and what he does for self
of Rizal’s loneliness and vulnerability and for others.
 Rizal lived in Dapitan for four years
 Josephine became Rizal’s live-in partner which
 Rizal led a life with sense, with purpose and with
caused rumors among the community
 Some parents restricted their children to attend the
classes of Rizal

A Still-Born Child
 After a year of cohabitation, on March 11, 1896
Josephine gave birth to a still-born baby boy
 They named him Francisco
 Rizal buried him silently in a place, he alone knew
3midterm | r i z a l b s p t 2 k 1 9
b. Jesuit Fathers
 Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata, Fr. Luis Viza, Fr.
 RADICALISM  Vicente Balaguer, and Fr. Vilaclara
 it means employment of violence and the total
overhauling of a social system. c. Doña Teodora Alonso- but was not allowed to
hug each other
 PACIFISM d. Rizal’s sisters and nephews where he gave his
 it means solving a conflict through peaceful lamp and alcohol burner whispering, “There is
resolutions. something inside.”
 Josephine was Rizal’s last caller and gave her his
 RADICAL-PACIFISM book , the Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
 is a peaceful but radical means of effecting social and scribbled,
change which observes willful acceptance of unjust “To my dear unhappy wife.”
punishment which can shock the social conscience;  He wrote letters to the following people:
magnify the wrong done; evoke compassion; agitate a. Ferdinand Blumentritt
the apathetic; enrage the public; and ignite an b. Frau Rosa,Loleng, Curt,a nd Friedrich
explosive social condition. c. To his mother and father


a. Socrates December 30, 1896 at 6:30 AM
b. Mahatma Gandhi  Rizal came out of his cell.
c. Jesus Christ; and  he was wearing all black except for his white shirt
d. Jose Rizal as expresses in Noli Me Tangere and waist coat
 The order of the procession:
My Last Farewell : 3rd Stanza 1) bugler;
2) drummer;
I die just when I see the dawn breaks, 3) military escorts and marshals;
Through the gloom of the night, to herald the day 4) Jose Rizal
And if color is lacking my blood thou shalt take, 5) 2 priests
Pour’d out at eed for the dear sake,
6) Luis Taviel de Andrade
To dye with its crimson the waking ray.
 8 Filipinos composed the firing squad, dressed in in
tropical climate uniform and straw hats.
 Jose Rizal expressed his sentiments and anticipation
 Behind them were the row of Spanish soldiers who
of his early death.
will shoot them in case they fail.

My Last Farewell : 11th and 12th Stanza Offers During his Execution
1) Face the sea where his back faces the firing squad
Beloved Filipinas, hear now my last good-by! which he tried to refuse for he is not a traitor who
I give thee all: parents and kindred and friends turns his back.
For I go where no slave before the oppressor bends, 2) Declined the offer to be blindfolded.
Where faith can never kill, and God reigns e'er on high! 3) He chose to stand instead of kneeling down.
4) Offered to kiss a crucifix but turned it away.
Farewell to you all, from my soul torn away, 5) Military surgeon checked his pulse but it remained
Friends of my childhood in the home dispossessed! normal.
Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day!
Farewell to thee, too, sweet friend that lightened my way; The Execution
Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is rest!  The command sounded off, “Preparen! Apunten!
Fuego! (Ready! Aim! Fire!)
 He expresses his lamentation and resignation which  In a clear voice Jose Rizal uttered, “Consummatum
spoke of an imperfect society and a perfect place he est” (It is finished!) the same words Jesus Christ said
would be going where neither tyrants nor slaves exist. when He gave up His life.
 December 30, 1896 was the final curtain call for Dr.
PREPARATION FOR HIS DEATH Jose Protacio Mercado-Rizal.

 Day before his execution, Rizal had many visitors: RIZAL’S DEATH WISH
a. Santiago Mataix – news correspondent from

4midterm | r i z a l b s p t 2 k 1 9
In a sealed letter to be open after his  She said that she walked all the way to Imus, Cavite
death he wished that: without her sister-in-laws knowledge and was
 He will be buried in the ground; welcomed by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo where she
 Place a stone and cross over it; described how she fought on a horseback, shooting
 Put his name, birth and the date of his death; and killing a Spanish officer like Gabriela Silang.
 He prefer Paang Bundok or North Cemetery  Based on her records in Hong Kong, her
today to be buried. documents were tampered.
 Surround his grave with fence.  She claimed that they were married which required
 No anniversaries. Rizal to retract all of what he said against the friars
which was officiated by Father Balaguer and
AFTER HIS DEATH witnessed by one of Rizal’s sisters. But the truth
 He was buried directly without a coffin and was that, no one from the family was there.
straight to the ground without his family’s
knowledge. Naive or Clever Josephine
 Doña Teodora and Narcisa begged and looked
for Rizal’s body and was recovered after a year
 After 15 years after Rizal’s death filed and
and eight months.
demanded the following to Rizal’s family given to
 On August 17, 1898 Rizal’s skeletal remains were
Ferdinand Blumentritt:
exhumed and deposited in an urn and was
brought to the Marble Hall of Ayuntamiento for
1) Filed a suit against Doña Teodora to produce the
proper necrology.
presumed “last will and testament” of her
 Soon deposited his remains at the cornerstone of
“husband” ;
his monument at Luneta Park.
2) Give her cash;
My Last Farewell 3) Rizal’s library with more than 2,000 books;
 Late afternoon day after his execution, they saw a 4) Paintings in procession of Jose Ma. Basa in
small piece of paper 9x15 cm folded inside the HongKong
hollow of the alcohol burner from Rizal.
 The family sent a copy to his friends abroad and to  Reacting to her letter, Paciano sent a letter to
the KKK in Cavite. Blumentritt asking him to ignore Josephine.
 In 1897, Mariano Ponce titled it, Ultimo Pensamiento  Out of courtesy, Basa asked her to submit a copy of
and today, is known as Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last her marriage contract but she failed.
Farewell)  In the years that followed, she married Vicente Abad
and on March 14, 1903 she died at the age of 26 due
to either tuberculosis or ulceration of the breast.
THE AFTERMATH  She was penniless and forgotten.
(What happened to Paciano and Josephine?)

Paciano Rizal
 After his brother’s death, he became very active in  True to what are embedded in Rizal’s novels and
revolutionary activities in Central Luzon. poems, his blood flowed freely to deepen and ring,
 He was elected as Secretary of Treasury of the “What of the slaves of today shall be tyrants of
armed movement. tomorrow?”
 He rose to General and continued on what he  Without Spaniards, Americans, and the Japanese,
and his brother covenanted with. are our values as a people today better than what
 He’s an unmarried man but he had an illegitimate we had yesterday?
daughter Emiliana.  Are our masters today less corrupt and less
tyrannical than the olden days?
Josephine Bracken’s Inconsistencies  Are we united as a people?
 After Jose Rizal’s death, she became an instant
celebrity where she easily narrated how she met
and married Rizal but in a different version.  Despite the lesson of our past, we have remained
 According to her, she was following behind Rizal as tolerant and indifferent that it took us 2 decades to
he was escorted to the spot where he will be shot free ourselves from our lethargy in Marcos
which did not happened. dictatorship, for us to finally move into action in
 She said that she attempted to enter the cemetery 1986.
where Rizal was buried but was stopped by the  Due to our ningas cogon, in a whiff of a wind our
guards and only gained entry when he pushed them national heroes
aside and them to either shoot her or to detain her. like Rizal, Ninoy and the People Power are easily
This turned her into an amazona. forgotten.

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 Our respective revolutions start from within us.
 There was a call for unity and change in us,
reverberated in the entire archipelago which has to
wage consistently, over and over again. Jose Rizal’s
revolution is meant to outlived him, to last through
the generations.

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