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UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Produce Organic Fertilizer

MODULE TITLE : Producing Organic Fertilizer

MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge,

skills and attitude required to prepare
composting area, identify and prepare
raw materials, carry out composting
process, and harvest compost





At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

1. Prepare composting area and raw materials

2. Compost and harvest fertilizer

1. Appropriate composting methods are applied based on production
2. Compost is monitored based on Philippine National Standard
(PNS) indicators of fully decomposed fertilizer
3. Quality of harvest is checked based on PNS indicators of fully
decomposed fertilizer
4. Processing of compost fertilizer are carried out based on
production requirement.
5. Record keeping is performed according to enterprise procedure

PNS for organic and mineral fertilizer
Factors affecting decomposition process
Methods and procedures of composting

o Rapid composting methods

o Double dig composting
o Six month composting
o Vermicomposting

Factors to be monitored during decomposition

o Moisture
o Temperature

Proper use and handling of Moisture Meter

Processing of compost fertilizer
Moisture and Temperature interpretation
The students/trainees must be provided with the following:
o Moisture meter
o Spading Fork
o Shovel
o Big pail
o Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
o Trichoderma
o Concoctions
o Knapsack sprayer
o Indigenous Micro-Organisms (IMO)
o Prepared materials for composting
o Earthworm (African Night Crawler)
o Siever

o PNS for organic and mineral fertilizer
o Hand-outs and Videos for Composting Methods

o Computer/Laptop
o Liquid Crystal Display Projector (LCD Projector)

Lecture and discussion
Field work/farm visitation
Video presentation

Demonstration with questioning
Written exam
Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome No. 2

Compost and Harvest Fertilizer
Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-1

2. Answer Self-Check No. 3.2-1 Compare answers to Answer Key

No. 3.1-1

3. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-1 Note: Do not proceed to answer Self-
Check No. 3.2-1 until you get a perfect
score in Self-Check No. 3.1-1

4. Answer Self-Check No. 3.2-1 Compare answers to Answer Key

No. 3.2-1
Information Sheet No. 3.2-3
Methods and Procedure of Composting

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:


Organic waste constitute the highest percentage of waste flow in most developing
countries. While most of the waste types (glass, plastic, scrap metals, etc. have
ready markets for recycling and reuse, however very limited activities on recycling of
organic materials is practiced. This is hampered by:
 High perishability of these materials thus requiring proper handling.
 Lack of awareness on appropriate composting technologies and,
 High competition from more familiar synthetic fertilizers
The Philippines is basically an agricultural country. Most of the population live in rural
areas, and agriculture employs about 50% of the total work force. The country’s
major crops includes Rice, Corn, Coconut, Sugarcane, Tobacco and Banana to
which a large amount of chemical fertilizers are used. In 1995, 1.4 million metric tons
of inorganic or chemical based fertilizers were recorded to have been use by farmers
and the volume of its consumption continued to rise over the years. In 2014, 2.010
million metric tons of inorganic fertilizer were used by farmers in the country of which
43% was urea. More than half the chemical fertilizer applied in the Philippines (52%)
is used for rice and corn.
There is an ever increasing consumption of inorganic fertilizer in the Philippines, but
this increase has not been translated into proportional increase in crop yield.
According to the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) of the
Department of Agriculture our soil has not been producing much yield because of a
number of concerns. Most of our soils, according to the Bureau are suffering from
soil acidity, low organic matter, and a deficiency of zinc and sulphur caused by the
continuous use of urea of the farmers as the main nitrogen carrier. In order to
enhance soil quality and soil structure, replace lost organic matter and restore
nutritional balance into our soil, organic composting is highly recommended for our

What is Composting?
Composting is a controlled process that breaks down organic fractions of waste into
stable substances whose chief use is soil conditioning. This process is a result of the
activities of micro-organisms that live in nature and are responsible for the natural
maintenance and return of nutrients back to the soil which ensures sustainable soil
productivity. Compost making is one of the most effective processes for recycling
organic wastes intended for use in agriculture. It is a natural process that turns waste
material into a valuable natural fertilizer.

Figure 1: Process of Composting

What is a Compost?
Compost is a nutrient rich soil-like material created by the biological decomposition
of organic materials such as vegetative debris or agricultural waste and livestock
manures. Compost can improve soil fertility, extend fertilizers, save water, suppress
plant diseases, and boost soil health.
Figure 2. Compost

Why use compost?

 There is a need for sustainable production through integrated nutrient
 Compost produces less methane than uncomposted rice straw when
incorporated in the soil
 Solves problem of declining yield
 Corrects micronutrient problems like zinc deficiency

Benefits of compost
 Increase farmer self-reliance
 Increases yields
 Improves soil tilth and structure
 Increases water holding capacity of soil
 Improves aeration
 Provides humus or organic matter, vitamins, hormones, and plant enzymes
which are not supplied by chemical fertilizers
 Acts as buffer to changes in soil pH
 Kills pathogenic organisms, weeds, and other unwanted seeds when
temperatures of over 60 degrees Celsius is reached
 Mature compost quickly comes to equilibrium with the soil
 Different materials can be blended or mixed together which can increase the
nutrient content of the compost fertilizer.

I. Types of Composting

A. Anaerobic Composting
In anaerobic composting, decomposition occurs where oxygen (O) is
absent or in limited supply. Under this method, anaerobic micro-
organisms dominate and develop intermediate compounds including
methane, organic acids, hydrogen sulphide and other substances. In
the absence of oxygen, these compounds accumulate and are not
metabolized further. Many of these compounds have strong odors and
some present phytotoxicity. As anaerobic composting is a low
temperature process, it leaves weed seeds and pathogens intact.
Moreover, the process usually takes longer than aerobic composting.

B. Aerobic Composting
Aerobic composting takes place in the presence of ample oxygen. In
this process, aerobic micro-organisms break down organic matter and
produce carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia, water, heat and humus, the
relatively stable organic end product. Although aerobic composting
may produce intermediate compounds such as organic acids, aerobic
micro-organisms decompose them further. The resultant compost, with
its relatively unstable form of organic matter, has little risk of
phytotoxicity. The heat generated accelerates the breakdown of
proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates such as cellulose and hemi-
cellulose. Hence, the processing time is shorter. Moreover, this
process destroys many micro-organisms that are human or plant
pathogens, as well as weed seeds, provided it undergoes sufficiently
high temperature. Although more nutrients are lost from the materials
by aerobic composting, it is considered more efficient and useful than
anaerobic composting for agricultural production.
Note: In this paper, we will be focus more on aerobic composting as
this is the main method used in organic farming.

Factors affecting Aerobic Composting

1. Aeration
Aerobic composting requires large amounts of oxygen,
particularly at the initial stage. Aeration is the source of oxygen,
and, thus indispensable for aerobic composting. Where the
supply of oxygen is not sufficient, the growth of aerobic micro-
organisms is limited, resulting in slower decomposition.
Moreover, aeration removes excessive heat, water vapour and
other gases trapped in the pile. Heat removal is particularly
important in warm climates as the risk of overheating and fire is
higher. Therefore, good aeration is indispensable for efficient
composting. It may be achieved by controlling physical quality of
the materials, pile size and ventilation and ensuring adequate
frequency of turning.

2. Moisture

Moisture is necessary to support the metabolic activity of the

micro-organisms. Composting materials should maintain a
moisture content of 40-65 percent. Where the pile is too dry,
composting occurs more slowly, while a moisture content in
excess of 65% develops anaerobic conditions. In practice, it is
advisable to start the pile with a moisture content of 50-60%
finishing at about 30&.

3. Nutrients

Micro-organisms require Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous

(P) and potassium (K) as the primary nutrients. Of particular
importance is the C:N ratio of raw materials. The optimal C:N
ratio of raw materials is between 25:1 and 30:1 although ratios
between 20:1 and 40:1 are also acceptable. Where the ratio is
higher than 40:1, the growth of micro-organisms is limited,
resulting in a longer composting time. A C:N ratio of less than
20:1 leads to underutilization of N and the excess may be lost to
the atmosphere as ammonia or nitrous oxide, and odour can be
a problem. The C:N ratio of the final product should be between
about 10:1 and 15:1.

4. Temperature

The process of composting involves two temperature ranges:

mesophilic and thermophilic. While the ideal temperature for the
initial composting stage is 20-45 degrees Celsius, at subsequent
changes with the thermophilic organisms taking over, a
temperature range of 50-70 degrees Celsius may be ideal. High
temperature characterize the aerobic composting process and
serve as signs of vigorous microbial activities. Pathogens are
normally destroyed at 55 degrees Celsius and above, while the
critical point for elimination of weed seeds is 62 degrees
Celsius. Turnings and aeration can be used to regulate
5. Lignin Content

Lignin is one of the main constituents of plant cell walls, and its
complex chemical structure makes it highly resistant to microbial
degradation. This nature of lignin has two implications. One is
that lignin reduces the bioavailability of the other cell-wall
constituents, making the actual C:N ratio lower than the one
normally cited. The other is that lignin serves as a porosity
enhancer, which creates favourable conditions for aerobic
composting. Therefore, while the addition of lignin-decomposing
fungi may in some cases increase available Carbon, accelerate
composting and reduce Nitrogen loss, in other cases it may
result in a higher actual C:N ratio and poor porosity, both of
which prolong composting time.

6. pH Value
Although the natural buffering effect of the composting process
lends itself to accepting material with wide range of pH, the pH
level should not exceed eight (8). At higher pH levels, more
ammonia gas is generated and may be lost to the atmosphere.

B.1 IBS Rapid Composting Method

This technology was developed by the Institute of Biological
Sciences (IBS). It is a development of the Windrow type of
composting, and the main innovation is inoculation with pure
cultures of Trichoderma Harzianum Rifai, a cellulolytic fungus
(Fungus Activator) or Indigenous Micro-Organism (IMO) in some
other organic farm practices.
The activator increases the population of microbial
decomposers. If the compost pile has an adequate moisture
content, enough nitrogenous materials and good aeration, these
microorganisms multiply rapidly. The increase in the population
of microorganisms raises temperature inside the compost heap,
which in turn hastens the decomposition process. The
composting period is shortened to just four weeks.
Process of Inoculation

o The fungus is cultured in sterile sawdust mixed with

leaves of ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala, a leguminous
o The whole package – one kilogram pack of fungus
medium in a plastic bag – is referred to as compost
activator (CFA).
o The activator is broadcast over rice straw or other plant
residues when the substance is made into pile.
o It should be applied at a rate of 1% (by fresh weight) of
the substrate (rice straw)
o Adequate moisture and aeration should be provided
throughout the composting period.
o The initial C:N ratio (Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio) should be
kept low, by combining animal manure with plant
materials with a high carbon content
o The composting time, using this procedure, ranges from
21 to 45 days, depending on the plant substrates used

B.2 Bio-Enriched Method

This method employs both a fungus activator and a nitrogen-
fixing bacteria. Farm wastes are first decomposed by
Trichoderma for 2-3 weeks, after which the resulting compost is
inoculated with live Nitrogen-Fixing bacteria (Azotobacter) sp.
Incubation for one (1) week produces a nitrogen-enriched
compost than can supply a rice crop’s total Nitrogen
requirement, depending on the material used, soil condition ,
and planting season

B.3 Double Digging

Is a method of composting by digging deeper for vegetable
beds. It means we dig twice as deep than normal cultivation.
This is so we can mix green biomass, semi-decomposed
biomass, and well-rotted biomass into the soil so plant roots
grow deeper and can get more nutrients. In these beds,
production is much higher, and though there is more work at the
beginning, the beds stay fertile for a long time, and we don’t
have to dig again for many years.
Benefits of Double Digging
 Makes the soil more fertile
 Makes the soil able to absorb more water
 Allows more air into the soil
 Keeps the soil fertile for a long time
 Allows plant roots too grow deeper into the soil
 Keeps the soil light and soft for a long time

How to make beds with Double Digging

1. Digging out the Beds

 Beds are 4 feet wide, and can be as long as you

need in the space that you have available
 First dig out 6-12 inches of soil and keep on the
side (the deeper the soil, the deeper you can dig)
 Then dig the same depth again with the crow bar
or pick axe, but don’t remove the soil, just leave it
in the bed.

2. Filling in the Bed

After digging the soil, it is replaced in layers with biomass.

 First, put a 6 inch layer of green biomass on top of

the lower layer of dug soil.
 Then on top of this put a 3-4 inch layer of soil
 Then put in a 6 inch layer of semi-decomposed
 Then put in another 3-4 inch layer of soil.
 Then put in a thin (2inch) layer of well-rotted
 Finally, put all the remaining soil back on top,
mixed with well-rotted compost, and raked to a fine
Figure 4. Cross section through a Double Dug Bed

B.4 Traditional Composting

This is a slow process, requiring 3-6 months before farm wastes
are fully decomposed and ready for use as compost fertilizer.
This means that fertilizer can only be used after one planting
season. This also requires a bigger composting area. However,
this method involves only eight steps, and it is inexpensive to
produce, requiring no extensive inputs except labour.

Figure 5 Traditional Composting

Steps in Traditional Composting

 Gather materials (rice straw, manure, leguminous green
plants, etc)
 Prepare Compost Area (choose a shaded and well-
drained area)
 Pile Materials (make 6 layers of compost materials, each
layer about 25 cm thick. A layer of compost material
consists of three parts of rice straw, one part manure, soil
and ash or lime spread on top of each other)
 Water Compost heap
 Cover Compost heap
 Turn Compost heap (turn or mix compost heap after 3
weeks, then again after 5 weeks
 Harvest Compost (Harvest compost 4 weeks after the
second turnover of the compost heap. The Nitrogen
content of the compost is now 1.5%. Use 2 tons of
compost per hectare)

Figure 6

Simplified guide to compost production in a Traditional, Rapid &

Bio-enriched method of composting

Traditional Rapid Method Enriched Method

Method (Trichoderma) (Tricho + Azotobacter

Step 1 Gather Materials

Step Prepare Area 2

Step Pile Materials 3

Step 4 Add CFA Add CFA

Water Compost heap

Step 5

Cover Compost heap

Step 6
Turn Compost heap
Step 7

Add Bio Fix Bacteria

Step 8

Harvest Compost
Step 9

Apply compost
Step 10

Composting Mixture
Carbonaceous substrates should be mixed with nitrogenous
ones at a ratio of 4:1 or less, but never lower than 1:1 (on a dry
weight basis). Some possible combinations are:
3 parts rice straw – 1 part ipil-ipil
4 parts rice straw – 1 part chicken manure
4 parts grasses – 1 part legume materials + 1 part manure
4 parts grasses – 1 part Chromolaena odorata or Mikania
cordata + 1 part manure (note: Chromolaena odorata is common
broad-leaf weed. Mikania cordata is an herbaceous climbing
plant, common weed in the Philippines)

C. Vermicomposting
Is the processing of organic wastes through earthworms. It is a natural,
odourless, aerobic process, much different from traditional composting.
Earthworms ingest waste then excrete casts – dark, odourless,
nutrient-and organically rich, soil mud granules that make an excellent
soil conditioner. Earthworm casts are a ready-to-use fertilizer that can
be used at a higher rate of application than compost, since nutrients
are released at rates that growing plants prefer.
Vermicasting can be done on a small scale by homeowners with
household organic waste, on a large-scale by farmers with manure or
by the food industry using organic wastes such as fruit and vegetable
cull materials. Through proper design, vermin casting is a method of
waste handling that:
 Is clean, socially acceptable, with little to no odor
 Requires no energy input for aeration
 Reduces the mass of waste by 30%
 Produces a valuable vermicast byproduct

Figure 6. African Night Crawler (Eudrilus Euginae)

C.1. Important Facts about Vermicasting

 Turning organic wastes into casts takes 22-32 days, depending
on density of waste and earthworm maturity
 Vermicast does not need curing, but fresh casts undergo 2
weeks of nitrification where ammonium transforms to nitrate, a
form that plants can uptake.
 Earthworms ingest about 75% of their body weight/day

C.2. Five Basic things that compost worm need

Bedding is any material that provides the worms with relatively
stable habitat. This habitat must have the following
 High Absorbency. Worms breathe through their skins
and therefore must have a moist environment in which to
live. If a worm’s skin dries out, it dies. The bedding must
be able to absorb and retain water fairly well of the worms
are to thrive.
 Good Bulking Potential. If the material is too dense to
begin with, or packs too tightly, then the flow of air is
reduced or eliminated. Worms require oxygen to live, just
as we do. Different materials affect the overall porosity of
the bedding through a variety of factors, including the
range of particle size and shape, the texture, and the
strength and rigidity of its structure.
 Low protein and/or nitrogen content (high
Carbon:Nitrogen ration). Although the worms do
consume their bedding as it breaks down, it is very
important that this be a slow process. High
protein/nitrogen levels can result in rapid degradation and
its associated heating , creating inhospitable, often fatal,
conditions. Heating can occur safely in the food layers of
the vermiculture or vermicomposting system, but not in
the bedding.

Worm Food
Compost worms are big eaters. Under ideal conditions, they are
able to consume in excess of their body weight each day,
although the general rule-of-thumb is ½ of their body weight per
day. They will eat almost anything organic (plant or animal
origin), but they definitely prefer some foods to others. Manures
are the most commonly used worm feedstock, with dairy and
beef manures generally considered the best natural food.

The ideal moisture-content range for vermicomposting or
vermiculture processes is 75 to not more than 85% which would
produce the best growth and reproductive response in
vermiculture operations.

Worms are oxygen breathers and cannot survive anaerobic
conditions (absence of oxygen). When factors such as high
levels of grease in the feedstock or excessive moisture combine
with poor aeration conspire to cut off oxygen supplies. This will
kill the worms very quickly. Not only are the worms deprived of
oxygen, they are also killed by toxic substances (e.g. ammonia)
created by different sets of microbes that bloom under these
conditions. This is one of the main reasons for not including
meat or other greasy wastes in worm feedstock unless they
have been pre-composted to break down oils and fats.

Controlling temperature to within the worms’ tolerance is vital to
both vermicomposting and vermiculture processes. Earthworms
require a temperature range of 0 degrees Celsius to 35 degree
Celsius (optimum is 25 degree Celsius).




1. Site is selected based on compost fertilizer production

2. Site lay-out is prepared based on location
3. Bed is prepared in accordance with production requirements
4. Materials are gathered based on production requirements and
Philippine National Standard (PNS) for organic fertilizer
5. Prepare raw materials following enterprise procedure and PNS for
organic fertilizer


Determine Volume of production

Characteristics of site

o Topography
o Area with minimum contamination
o Availability and accessibility of site
o Types of soil
o Good drainage system
o Area with minimal sunlight

Levelling of the site

Bed preparation
Design layout based on composting method
Preparing bed and raw materials


The student/trainee must be provided with the following:

o Digging bar
o Shovel
o Meter stick
o Canvass
o Bolo
o Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
o Pegs for markers

o Brochures
o Reading Materials
o Demo videos (if available)


Lecture (with power point presentation)

Group Discussion
Individual self-paced learning
Video Presentation

Observation with oral questioning

Written exam

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