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Motor maintenance trends 35 Control system migration 40

2018 Lubrication Guide

oil analysis
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JUNE 2018
Cover Story
19 | 2018 Lubrication Guide
Effective lubrication management begins with
finding the right product for the job, but it
also requires better lubrication management
throughout the product lifecycle.

31 | Combine technologies
for effective oil analysis
Oil analysis is the one technology that
can actually monitor equipment health
proactively—before damage occurs.

36 | Motor maintenance trends:
6 factors to evaluate
Motors are the primary workhorses for many

19 of these plants—driving machinery, pumps,

conveyors, and other vital equipment. So when
they don’t work properly or fail, the impact on
regular plant operations can be enormous.
37 | Motor repair or replacement?
5 | Small-batch manufacturing: Location, Start with a motor failure policy
flexibility crucial to success Knowing the game plan before a motor
fails enables informed, data-driven motor-
10 | Maintenance contracting: management decisions that consider safety,
6 steps to success risk, and costs.

12 | Digital Twin keynote from SAP 40 | Control system migration:

on GAMS agenda Plan early and collaborate
An automation upgrade or migration should
deliver value throughout its entire lifecycle.
Finding the right solutions and resources takes
Research time, so planning is crucial.
16 | 2018 ERP, IIoT & the cloud study
Editor’s Insight 61 | Propane forklifts — 3 myths and truths
17 | Strengthen, secure the supply chain 64 | New Products for Engineers

PLANT ENGINEERING (ISSN 0032-082X, Vol. 72, No. 5, GST #123397457) is published 10x per year, monthly except in January and July, by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL
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input #4 at
By Randy Carr, World Emblem

10 6 steps to

Digital Twin
Among the small-batch orders produced at World Emblem are logos for the
12 from SAP on
NBA All-Star Game, which required just a 7-day turnaround. All images cour- GAMS agenda
tesy: World Emblem

Location, flexibility
crucial to success 2018 ERP, IIoT,
Custom products offer producers an opportunity 16 and the cloud

he first image the term “small A Deloitte Insights report summarizes
batch manufacturing” brings to the manufacturing sector landscape per-
mind may be of a hopeful entre- fectly: “The changing economics of produc-
preneur looking to turn a Kick- tion and distribution, along with shifts in
starter or Etsy dream into reality. However, consumer demand and the emergence of
Maker’s Row, which connects American ‘smart’ products, are pushing manufacturers
manufacturers and product-based busi- to explore radically new ways of creating
nesses, reports that established companies and capturing value.”
like Under Armour and Ralph Lauren also Custom-made products for smaller niche
partner with small batch manufacturers. markets are available and accessible with
The rise in adoption rates of just-in-time just the click of a mouse or tap on a screen.
manufacturing processes places increasing That raises consumers’ expectations for get-
pressure on large and small manufactur- ting exactly what they want, when they want
ers to shorten delivery times from weeks it. The good news: this creates new business
to days—or even overnight. Working with opportunities for manufacturers that can
small batch manufacturers can help large- deliver the goods.
scale producers improve their business agil- The Deloitte report also states that “the
ity and compete with smaller, more nimble boundary separating product makers from Strengthen,
companies. product sellers is increasingly permeable.
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input #5 at

Manufacturers are feeling the pressure—and gain- likely will come down to cost; the former requires As World
ing the ability—to increase both speed to market significant capital and labor investments that the Emblem has
and customer engagement. And numerous factors latter does not. expanded over
are leading manufacturers to build to order rather If your company has decided to evaluate potential the last 30
than building to stock. In this environment, inter- small batch manufacturing partners, consider that years, it focused
mediaries that create value by holding inventory are even in our high-tech age of broadband internet, on finding the
becoming less and less necessary.” cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), right locations
World Emblem produces custom-designed the basic rule of real estate still applies. Whether to serve its cus-
embroidered emblems for apparel manufacturers, you’re buying a new house or finding a suitable small tomer base.
and the days of us producing and holding inventory batch manufacturing partner, the three most impor-
are long gone. Our operation has evolved into a just- tant considerations are location, location, location.
in-time method as a majority of customers hold us That’s a lesson World Emblem learned when
to tight delivery timeframes. we opened our first factory nearly 30 years ago in
The 2018 NBA All-Star game is a good example. Atlanta. Our largest customer was based in Atlanta,
If the players thought the emblems on their All- and if we were to leverage the just-in-time method,
Star uniforms felt a little warm, that’s because they we needed to literally be their next-door neighbor.
were figuratively hot off the presses. Our company We followed that model as we grew and opened
received the order on Feb. 9—a week before All-Star new factories in Ontario, Calif.; Decatur, Ill.; Tay-
Weekend began on Feb. 16. lor, Mich.; and in Mississauga, Ontario. You don’t
Small batch manufacturers that have access to cut- have to drive more than a mile from our Canadian
ting-edge technologies like 3-D printing can respond plant before you arrive at one of our two biggest
to this individualism and operate at a much smaller customers’ buildings.
scale while still producing products that meet the If it is not possible to find a small batch manu-
consumer demands. Consider how Invisalign can facturer in your vicinity, location still remains a key
produce custom dental braces for individual patients’ consideration. You need your partner to deliver in
mouths, or Normal Earphones’ business of creating days, if not overnight. Atlanta offers a large airport
custom 3-D-printed earphones. and major UPS and FedEx facilities, which all com-
bine to provide one of the largest Zone 1 shipping
It’s still about location radiuses in the country.
This presents large-scale producers with two Location also plays a key role in determining labor
choices: develop small batch manufacturing capa- costs. We find that within the Atlanta city limits,
bilities in-house or outsource. The decision most the labor pool comprises both skilled and unskilled PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 7

INSIGHTS workers. But drive to outlying areas and the labor see your supply chain cut if there’s a management
pool leans much more heavily to skilled technology shakeup or company sale in the near future.
(and more expensive) workers. The same holds true • Diversification: You want to be an impor-
in California, where labor skews to skilled technol- tant client, but not the only client. Call it the
ogy workers in coastal cities like San Francisco and Amazon or Walmart Factor. As a small batch
San Diego, and to a more varied labor pool inland. manufacture, World Emblem needs to diversify
Location is a top consideration when partnering our business across markets and products. This
with a small batch manufacturer, but it’s not the only gives our clients the security of knowing that
one. You also should look for a strong technology an industry or client shake up will not interfere
background that assures its operations will scale with their supply of goods.
with your back office and eliminate most technical
challenges. You both need to speak the same tech You may find a small batch manufacturing part-
language, and one key to this fluency is insisting on ner who has developed its own software system for
using standards, such as with web-based services that inventory tracking, rather than using off-the-shelf
are easy to use via any device (e.g., PC, smartphone, solutions. For example, World Emblem has built
tablet), or electronic data transmissions interchange a unique solution for accepting orders, pulling
(EDI) transmissions for orders and invoices advanced designs, and tracking order in real-time. Although
shipping notices (ASNs). this customized technology enables quicker pro-
duction and delivery, it may create compatibility
The role of technology issues with your MES or ERP solutions that could
Other key considerations include: make systems integration difficult. Consider imple-
• Strong financials: You don’t want to work with menting middleware to bridge that systems’ com-
a company that will go broke in a month. munication gap and improve operational efficiency
• Strong leadership team: You’re taking the time for both you and your partners. PE
to develop a close relationship with your supplier.
You don’t want that work to be for naught and Randy Carr is CEO of World Emblem.

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input #7 at
By Bill Wasilewski, Day & Zimmermann

Maintenance contracting:
6 steps to success
Hire experienced pros, but building a relationship also is important.

ariable costs. These two little words Typically, this increases costs and extends sched-
wreak havoc with a plant manager’s ules so the capital project no longer meets the
desire for predictability in both the financial objectives under which it was originally
maintenance and capital projects bud- approved. More cost-effective results are achieved
get. When plant operating capacity is high, the when maintenance and capital work teams operate
maintenance support can be used fully with little in their own lanes.
down time.
In cyclical markets, when plant use fluctuates, Addressing owner objections
managers often look to outsource some or all of Managers who are reluctant to embrace this model
their maintenance support. A cost-effective and tend to believe that direct-hire employees will care
efficient solution is to choose a qualified main- more about the plant and its uptime than a contrac-
tenance contractor and keep the internal team tor will. However, an experienced maintenance
focused on predictive and preventive maintenance. contractor knows that its reputation and ability to
grow depend on its ability to earn it every day by
Advantages of a optimizing worker productivity and sharing indus-
maintenance contractor try best practices.
An experienced maintenance contractor can An in-house workforce may not act with the
more easily accommodate changing needs for same sense of urgency, particularly in a down cycle.
craft and staff. Contractors can pull from a pool Focusing the internal team on efficient plant pro-
of qualified people who can be deployed quickly, cesses creates a predictive, preventive maintenance
where it may take a plant manager many months culture. When these in-house plant experts antici-
to get a new hire fully productive in the plant. pate or detect a defect, they can execute requests
Some managers try to counter fluctuating mar- for the contractor to do the repair or replacement
kets by having their underused work force take on work while they continue to focus on optimizing
tasks beyond their maintenance core competency, capacity.
such as capital project work.
This approach just shifts the wage cost from Choosing the best partner
the maintenance budget to the capital budget. With all of this said, what should a manager do to
However, the skills needed in maintenance work select the best maintenance partner?
do not always align with those needed in capital
projects. For example, the maintenance worker’s 1. Look for capabilities and relevant experi-
mechanical or electrical aptitude is translatable ence. Size matters. The selected contrac-
but their work processes and behaviors are not. tor must have a staff and craft base that can

“ A cost-effective and efficient solution is to

choose a qualified maintenance contractor and
keep the internal team focused on predictive and
preventive maintenance.

respond quickly to needs for off- is another indicator that the main- to their customers to determine the
hours support, increases in quali- tenance contractor is fully engaged value delivered. Although cost is an
fied short-term staffing, and build- and able to bring reliability and pre- important component of value, it is
up for outage support. Look for a dictability. not the only factor. Low cost is no
contractor with internal subject assurance of long-term success. PE
matter experts on predictive and 6. Understand low price is not always
preventive maintenance processes low cost. Evaluate the contractors on Bill Wasilewski is president of Process
to support and drive their team to value provided not only on cost. Talk and Industrial for Day & Zimmermann.
bring continuous improvement to
your plants up-time.

2. Plan on a long-term relationship.

Contractors want to create value
for their customers, and they need
time to do it. A three-year contract
with the potential for a two-year
extension based on performance
helps the contractor and plant team
build a trusting, win-win relation-
ship. Plant knowledge improves
over time, and the contractor has
an opportunity to bring real inno-
vation to the plant.

3. Consider a performance-based
contract. Performance-based con-
tracts drive behaviors of the man-
agement team and the contractor’s
management and execution teams.
If a contractor’s performance does
not meet expectations, their fee can
be reduced. Conversely, if the con- I’m on the job. Days. Nights. Holidays.
tractor over-performs, and deliv-
ers cost savings or avoidance to
the plant, it would share in those Sensei™ Real-Time Lubrication Intelligence
savings. A contractor willing to put
its fee at risk has proven its ability works 24/7 to bring you information
to control budget, schedule, scope, about what’s happening inside your critical
and labor.
equipment. Use the insights to minimize
4. Develop mutually agreed KPIs. The time-consuming lube routes, unnecessary
performance-based contract only
works when the criteria is both real- maintenance and unplanned downtime.
istic and clearly defined. Key perfor- And relax a little more.
mance indicators must be business
drivers that can be measured objec-
tively. Measurement criteria must be
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challenging, yet achievable. Both Get a live look in the Sensei Sandbox,
parties must agree to an established
methodology whereby the contractor the dashboard that comes with
can share in documented savings. each installation.

5. Establish an executive governance

committee. Both parties must com-
pel senior management to align on
goals, resolve issues, and oversee
progress. A hands-on executive team
input #8 at
By Bob Vavra, Content Manager

Digital Twin keynote

from SAP on GAMS agenda
Sept. 12 event with Hannover Messe USA brings technology to attendees

AP will take attendees at the 2018 Global 11:30 a.m. as part of IMTS 2018 at Chicago’s
Automation and Manufacturing Summit McCormick Place. GAMS is co-presented by
(GAMS) on a tour of the concept of the CFE Media and Hannover Messe USA at IMTS
digital twin and demonstrate how it can 2018, North America’s largest industrial trade
be used today to improve operations and create event.
a new model for manufacturing. SAP and Siemens are platinum sp onsors
SAP’s 3 p.m. keynote presentation at GAMS of the fourth GAMS conference. B eckhoff,
will be among the highlights of the half-day INFOR, Stratus, and UL are gold sponsors for
seminar on Wednesday, Sept. 12, starting at the event and Universal Robots is the silver

2018 GAMS agenda

11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Registration and lunch

12:15 p.m. Keynote: Raj Batra, Siemens

1:00 p.m. Session 1: Robotics and AI in manufacturing

2:00 p.m. Session 2: Maintenance and IIoT

3:00 p.m. Keynote: SAP explains The Digital Twin

(Above) Image
4:00 p.m. Session 3: Cybersecurity: Keeping the cloud secure
courtesy: Katie
Spain, CFE
5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Cocktail and networking event



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input #10 at

s p o n s o r. R e g i s t r at i o n issue in an age of cloud will moderate what is sure to be an
for GAMS is now open computing. Richard Soley, important discussion on securing data
at https://hannovermes- executive director of while making it available to all parts of Industrial Internet Con- a manufacturing organization.
tration. sortium and chairman and The GAMS event concludes with
“Essentially, a digital CEO of the Object Man- a cocktail and networking reception
twin establishes a direct agement Group (OMG) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. PE
connection between
the physical product or asset and
its desig ne d, manufac ture d, and
deployed digital repres entation,”
said Patrick Crampton-Thomas, head
of SAP’s Digital Product and Asset
Management division. “This connec-
tion can lead to accelerated product
design, more effective maintenance
operations, and a newly introduced

service and business model.”
The company strategy, said Lars
Olson, SAP’s S olution O wner for
the Digital Twin, “is to deliver on the

promise of a digital twin by extending
it—creating a network of digital twins
supported by real-time information

embedded in business, product, pro-
curement, manufacturing, logistics,
and asset intelligence systems.”

The 2018 GAMS conference will
start with registration and lunch from
11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Raj Batra,
president of Digital Factory division
for Siemens USA, will deliver the
opening keynote at 12:15 p.m.
At 1 p.m., Bob Doyle, vice president
of the Robotic Industries Associa-
tion (RIA) and A3 Mexico, will lead
a discussion on robotics and artifi-
cial intelligence (AI) and their impact
on manufacturing. The panelists will
focus on how robots and humans are ALIGNMENT
interacting on the plant floor and talk
about AI’s potential to expand opera-
tional capabilities for manufacturers.
At 2 p.m., the topic will turn to the NE
relationship between maintenance BALANCING
and IIoT, led by Sal Spada, research
director in discrete manufacturing
for the ARC Advisory Group. Main-
tenance has been seen as an effective
way to use IIoT in manufacturing,
and the panelists will look at the
opportunities and the barriers to
Following SAP’s keynote presenta-
tion on the Digital Twin, the 4 p.m.
panel will look at the cybersecurity
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input #11 at
2018 STUDY:
ERP, IIoT, and the cloud

espondents to the IIoT for sition systems with productivity
Engineers 2018 Enterprise gain based on IIoT advances; 40%
Resource Planning, Industrial said the same of EAM/ERP/MES
Internet of Things (IIoT) and the software integration.
Cloud survey identified several key Eighty-two percent of facilities
findings affecting discrete manufac- Cloud usage have witnessed an increase of
turing and process production indus- • Seven out of 10 of end users, or their
productivity as a result of their
tries today: clients, are investing in greater use of
implemented safety programs.
the cloud for data management either
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) for process control and automation or Source: Plant Engineering
• Six out of 10 end users are managing enterprise business systems. 2017 Safety Study
business processes using ERP. • Engineering or IT staff are most

1 in 5
• Seventy-eight percent of end users, or interested in exploring connectivity facilities view
their clients, are investing in capabili- enhancements and improved network energy as a
ties to automate data or information management, while corporate enti-
raw material like any other
transmission from the production ties or local executive management
material source. Source: Plant
plant or supply chain to their ERP are interested in pursuing analytics,
system. simulation, and modeling functions,
Engineering 2016 Energy
• Sixty-four percent of companies are as well as cloud computing. Management Study
investing in an integrated ERP system • When it comes to cloud type that

for technology and data purposes or best fits their needs, 47% of end users Average
goals. prefer a private cloud and 7% said percentage
public. PE
of a plant’s annual operating
• Seventy-three percent of end users, View additional findings at
budget that is spent on
or their clients, are investing in IIoT. maintenance processes.
• More than half of end users associ- Source: Plant Engineering
ate HMIs, SCADA, data historians, Amanda Pelliccione is research director 2018 Maintenance Study
alarm management, and data acqui- at CFE Media.

42% ofwereengineers
non-salary compensation in
2017 based on their personal
performance. Source: Plant
Engineering 2017 Salary

M More
All reports are available at
When investing in an integrated ERP system, companies are trying to improve
technology and data, organizational structure, and product development.
Source: CFE Media

16 • December
June 2018 2017
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Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Variable Speed Direct Drive
CPVSd 35-50

• Low sound enclosure

Rotary Screw Air Compressor • 73 psig to 188 psig pressure range
Variable Speed Belt Drive • 20% to 100% turndown capacity
CPVS 20 to 30 • Networking capability
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standard or integrated dryer • Graphic display
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long periods of unloaded operation, reducing power cost
ACFM @ Size • Remote pressure sensor possible
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ACFM @ Size
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06909955 4152006995 CPVS 25HPD BM 25 30 to 112 66" x 32" x 48" 06909958 4152017624 CPVSd 35 35 27 to 164 53" x 31" x 62"
06909957 4152006996 CPVS 30HPD BM 30 35 to 130 66" x 32" x 48" 06909960 4152017625 CPVSd 40 40 35 to 193 53" x 31" x 62"
06909962 4152017626 CPVSd 50 50 37 to 212 53" x 31" x 62"

Rotary Screw Air Compressor Base Mount w/ Dryer

06909959 4152017651 CPVSd D 35 35 27 to 164 53" x 31" x 62"
Variable Speed Gear Drive 06909961 4152017652 CPVSd D 40 40 35 to 193 72" x 31" x 62"
CPVS 40 to 250
06909963 4152017653 CPVSd D 50 50 37 to 212 72" x 31" x 62"
• Low sound enclosure
• 60 psig to 138 psig (20 hp to 30 hp),
60 psig to 157 psig (40 hp to 250 hp)
• 30% to 100% capacity
• Networking capability
• 460V TEFC motor
• Heavy-duty, 2-stage pre-filtration
• ES3000 electronic microprocessor
(20 hp to 30 hp)
• ES4000 graphic controller (40 hp to 125 hp)
• Airlogic electronic microprocessor (150 hp to 250 hp)
• Axial cooling fan (40 hp to 125 hp), centrifugal cooling fan
Scan to watch
(150 hp to 250 hp)

ACFM @ Size
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Model HP 100 PSIG (L x W x H)
06909964 8158019557 CPVS 40 40 55 to 189 56" x 42" x 65"
06909965 8158019565 CPVS 50 50 70 to 233 56" x 42" x 65"
06909966 8158019573 CPVS 60 60 81 to 271 56" x 42" x 65"
06909967 8158036312 CPVS 75 75 110 to 350 65" x 42" x 65"
06909968 8158036320 CPVS 95 95 136 to 443 65" x 42" x 65"
06909969 8158046410 CPVS 100 100 142 to 492 73" x 42" x 65"
06909971 8158046428 CPVS 120 120 172 to 562 73" x 42" x 65"
06909973 8158136617 CPVS 150 150 152 to 673 88" x 42" x 63"
06909975 8152730724 CPVS 175 175 180 to 937 110" x 59" x 76"
06909977 6270347865 CPVS 250 250 173 to 1,071 117" x 64" x 79"
©2018 Motion Industries, Inc.

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Mobile Heavyweight Parts Washer Kit Signature Parts Washer Kit

SmartWasher® SmartWasher®

• 1,000 pound load capacity • Stationary, 500 pound capacity

• Alternative to conventional • Alternative to conventional
petroleum-based parts washing petroleum-based parts washing
systems, bio-remediating unit systems, bio-remediating unit
eliminates the expense and liability eliminates the expense and liability
of hazardous waste removal of hazardous waste removal
• No flashpoint, no toxic solvents • No flashpoint, no toxic solvents
and no caustic materials while and no caustic materials while
remaining intensely powerful remaining intensely powerful
• Convenient pre-packaged kit • Convenient pre-packaged kit
includes an SW-37 Smartwasher® • Includes: SW-25 SmartWasher®
unit and a regular-grade FL-4 Ozzymat® unit, (5) 5-gallon jugs of cleaning
filter plus (5) 5-gallon jugs of fluid for fluid, and regular grade FL-4
cleaning different types of products Ozzymat® filter
• Applications: Parts cleaning in • Applications: Parts cleaning
preventative maintenance and repair in preventative maintenance
facilities, industrial manufacturing plants, and repair facilities, industrial
automotive repair shops, metal fabricators manufacturing plants, automotive
repair shops, metal fabricators
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Fluid Type (H x W x D) Size
SW-4 Heavy-Duty Mi Item # Mfr Part # Fluid Type (H x W X D)
06949116 14741 Degreasing Solution 55" x 48" x 42"
SW-4 Heavy-Duty
07614840 14751 Degreasing Solution 41" x 39" x 29"
06949117 14742 SW-7 Parts/Brake 55" x 48" x 42"
Cleaning Solution SW-7 Parts/Brake
07614842 14753 42" x 46" x 48"
Cleaning Solution

Mobile Parts/Brake Washer Kit SuperSink Parts Washer Kit

SmartWasher® SmartWasher®

• Large sink, customized dolly • Extra large work surface

with footstep • Alternative to conventional
• Alternative to conventional petroleum-based parts washing
petroleum-based parts washing systems, bio-remediating unit
systems, bio-remediating unit eliminates the expense and liability
eliminates the expense and liability of hazardous waste removal
of hazardous waste removal • No flashpoint, no toxic solvents
• No flashpoint, no toxic solvents and no caustic materials while
and no caustic materials while remaining intensely powerful
remaining intensely powerful • Convenient pre-packaged kit
• Each convenient pre-packaged kit • Includes: SW-28 SmartWasher®
includes an SW-23 SmartWasher® unit, (5) 5-gallon jugs of cleaning
unit and a regular-grade FL-4 fluid, one regular grade FL-4
Ozzymat® filter plus (3) 5-gallon Ozzymat® filter
jugs of fluid for cleaning different • Applications: Parts cleaning
types of products in preventative maintenance
• Applications: Parts cleaning in and repair facilities, industrial
preventative maintenance and repair manufacturing plants, automotive
facilities, industrial manufacturing plants, repair shops, metal fabricators
automotive repair shops, metal fabricators
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Fluid Type (H x W X D)
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Fluid Type (H x W x D) SW-4 Heavy-Duty
07614846 14757 Degreasing Solution 42" x 53" x 48"
SW-4 Heavy-Duty
06949115 14740 Degreasing Solution 50" x 48" x 42" SW-7 Parts/Brake
04254005 14759 42" x 53" x 48"
SW-7 Parts/Brake Cleaning Solution
06949118 14743 50" x 48" x 42"
Cleaning Solution

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Desiccant Breather
Extended Series

• Trusted materials and design

of standard breathers with
Desiccant Breather the check-valves of the VentGuard™
Standard Series and HydroGuard® breathers, oil
• Simple, dependable protection mist-reducing feature, higher air flows
from moisture and particulate and more than double the desiccant
contamination in lubricants • Internal threads provide durability
and equipment across multiple and stability and can be used with one of several adapters
industries and applications • Shock-absorbing, clear polycarbonate body provides reliable
• Color-change indicator provides service, easy visual maintenance and UV resistance
diagnostic reading of moisture • Integrated standpipe provides excellent vibration resistance
in equipment headspace/ambient air and dissipates impact throughout the unit
• Shock-absorbing, clear polycarbonate body provides • Honeycomb oil mist reducer allows oil mist to coalesce
reliable service, easy visual maintenance and UV resistance and drain back into the reservoir
• Integrated nylon standpipe provides excellent vibration resistance • Six high-quality umbrella check valves add protection
and allows even airflow distribution throughout the unit from washdown environments and protect equipment
• Replaces the standard dust cap or OEM breather cap on equipment from ambient conditions, prolonging breather life
• Absolute rating: 3 micron • Filter elements and foam pads remove airborne contamination
• Applications: Totes, transformers, storage tanks, hydraulics and capture oil mist before it compromises the desiccant
• Absolute rating: 3 micron
Max • Applications: Storage tanks, wind turbines, large gearboxes/hydraulics,
Max Flow Max Flow Adsorption Size oil misting, remote applications
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (CFM) (GPM) Capacity (H x Dia)
3/8" Multi-Fit (NPT, BSPP, BSPT) Max
02485970 DC-BB 4.55 34 0.79 fl oz 3.9" x 2.5" Max Flow Max Flow Adsorption Size
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (CFM) (GPM) Capacity (H x Dia)
02676296 DC-1 4.16 31 1.68 fl oz 5.3" x 2.5"
Thread: 1" NPTF
1" Multi-Fit (NPT, BSPT, NPSM) 06587817 DC-EX-1 27 202 7.7 fl oz 4.67" x 5.665"
00297790 DC-2 16 120 4 fl oz 6.1" x 4" 06204408 DC-EX-2 26 194 14.1 fl oz 6.44" x 5.665"
00297792 DC-3 16 120 7.45 fl oz 8.1" x 4" 06044473 DC-EX-3 25 187 20.5 fl oz 8.21" x 5.665"
03078542 DC-4 16 120 11.3 fl oz 10.1" x 4" 06554241 DC-EX-4 24 179 27 fl oz 9.98" x 5.665"

Desiccant Breather Desiccant Breather

VentGuard™ HydroGuard®

• Check-valve technology isolates the • Expansion chamber and internal check

system and only “breathes” when valves create a nearly-sealed system
necessary—an ideal solution to • Diaphragm in expansion chamber allows for
protect low-flow applications with expansion/contraction of air within the casing
intermittent operations as a result of temperature variations during
• High-quality umbrella check-valves steady-state operations
isolate equipment from ambient • High-quality umbrella check-valves isolate
conditions, prolonging breather life equipment from ambient conditions,
• Shock-absorbing, clear polycarbonate body provides reliable service, prolonging breather life
easy visual maintenance and UV resistance • Color-change indicator provides diagnostic reading
• Integrated nylon standpipe provides excellent vibration resistance and of moisture in equipment headspace and/or ambient air
allows even airflow distribution throughout the unit • Shock-absorbing, clear polycarbonate body provides reliable
• Replaces the standard dust cap or OEM breather cap on equipment service, easy visual maintenance and UV resistance
• Absolute rating: 3 micron • Integrated nylon standpipe provides excellent vibration resistance
• Applications: Gearboxes, high-humidity and washdown equipment and allows even airflow distribution throughout the unit
• Replaces the standard dust cap or OEM breather cap on equipment
Max • Absolute rating: 3 micron
Max Flow Max Flow Adsorption Size • Applications: Steady-state operations, gearboxes, high humidity,
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (CFM) (GPM) Capacity (H x Dia)
washdowns, low flow applications
3/8" Multi-Fit (NPT, BSPP, BSPT)
05633530 DC-VG-BB 1.45 10.75 0.79 fl oz 3.9" x 2.5" Max
02780817 DC-VG-1 1.45 10.75 1.68 fl oz 5.3" x 2.5" Max Flow Max Flow Adsorption Size
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (CFM) (GPM) Capacity (H x Dia)
1" Multi-Fit (NPT, BSPT, NPSM)
3/8" Multi-Fit (NPT, BSPP, BSPT)
06002743 DC-VG-2 2.5 18.5 4 fl oz 6.1" x 4"
04676535 DC-HG-1 1.41 10.5 1.68 fl oz 7.2" x 2.5"
05339358 DC-VG-3 2.28 17 7.45 fl oz 8.1" x 4"
02955392 DC-VG-4 1.8 13.5 11.3 fl oz 10.1" x 4" 1" Multi-Fit (NPT, BSPT, NPSM)
03188344 DC-HG-8 2.5 18.5 4.05 fl oz 9.7" x 4.1"

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Hydraulic Spool Valve Gerotor Motor

Char-Lynn® H Series

• 4-bolt flange mount

• Time-tested Char-Lynn drive set; three moving components (gerotor-star, drive and shaft)
• Optimized drive running angle; three-zone pressure design (inlet, return and case)
• Variety of displacements, shafts and mounts; special options to meet customer needs
• High efficiency in a powerful, compact package; design flexibility; extended leak-free performance
• Applications: Agricultural augers, harvesters, seeders, car wash brushes, food processing, railroad
maintenance equipment, machine tools, conveyors, industrial sweepers and floor polishers, saw mill
works, turf equipment, concrete and asphalt equipment, skid steer attachments and much more
• SAE O-ring port recommended over NPT port to promote a leak-free connection

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Displacement (in3/rev) Output Shaft Size Special Features
SAE 10 Port Size
00769677 101-1749-009 2.20 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key Free Running Gerotor
00769862 101-1761-009 2.20 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard Free Running Gerotor
00768557 101-1009-009 2.80 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00769880 101-1057-009 2.80 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00769713 101-1750-009 3.60 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key Free Running Gerotor
00769898 101-1762-009 3.60 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard Free Running Gerotor
00768647 101-1010-009 4.50 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00769915 101-1058-009 4.50 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768729 101-1011-009 5.90 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00769933 101-1059-009 5.90 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00769727 101-1751-009 7.30 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00769947 101-1872-009 7.30 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00769740 101-1752-009 8.90 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00769968 101-1763-009 8.90 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00774249 101-1060-009 9.70 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768812 101-1012-009 9.70 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00769981 101-1061-009 11.30 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768901 101-1013-009 11.30 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774306 101-1062-009 14.10 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768988 101-1014-009 14.10 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774365 101-1063-009 17.90 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00769058 101-1015-009 17.90 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774416 101-1064-009 22.60 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00769132 101-1016-009 22.60 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
1/2" NPT Port Size
00799720 101-1753-009 2.20 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key Free Running Gerotor
00769997 101-1764-009 2.20 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard Free Running Gerotor
00767718 101-1001-009 2.80 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00772504 101-1049-009 2.80 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00799738 101-1754-009 3.60 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key Free Running Gerotor
00770012 101-1765-009 3.60 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard Free Running Gerotor
00767829 101-1002-009 4.50 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00772542 101-1050-009 4.50 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00767938 101-1003-009 5.90 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00772602 101-1051-009 5.90 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00799771 101-1755-009 7.30 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00770025 101-1766-009 7.30 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00799821 101-1756-009 8.90 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00770040 101-1767-009 8.90 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00773970 101-1052-009 9.70 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768045 101-1004-009 9.70 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774024 101-1053-009 11.30 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768148 101-1005-009 11.30 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774077 101-1054-009 14.10 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768251 101-1006-009 14.10 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774129 101-1055-009 17.90 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768357 101-1007-009 17.90 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None
00774188 101-1056-009 22.60 1" SAE 6B Spline - Standard None
00768456 101-1008-009 22.60 1" Straight w/ Woodruff Key None

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Cam Follower Cam Follower

Standard Thrust Disk—Maintenance-Free
• Basic style suits a wide range
of applications • Special resin thrust disk washers
• Sealed type with crowned are superior in wear and heat
outer ring resistance between the sliding
• Easy lubrication with oil supplied contact area of outer ring shoulders,
from the stud head with a hexagon stud head and side plate
socket design • Reduces friction and wear
due to axial loads caused
Mi Item # Mfr Part # OD Stud Dia Thread Pitch by misalignment, etc.
06894521 CF3BUUR 10 mm 3 mm M3 x 0.5 • Sealed type with crowned outer ring
05492854 CF4BUUR 12 mm 4 mm M4 x 0.7 • Hexagonal hole on roller side
06618801 CF5BUUR 13 mm 5 mm M5 x 0.8 • Bearings are lubricated with a newly
00148635 CF6BUUR 16 mm 6 mm M6 x 1 developed thermosetting solid-type lubricant
00124376 CF8UUR 19 mm 8 mm M8 x 1.25 which fills the inner space of the bearing
00130102 CF10BUUR 22 mm 10 mm M10 x 1.25 • Lubricant provides long-term, maintenance-free service
03541272 CF10BUURM 22 mm 10 mm M10 x 1
Mi Item # Mfr Part # OD Stud Dia Thread Pitch
00103928 CF10-1BUUR 26 mm 10 mm M10 x 1.25
07130311 CF5WBUUR/SG 13 mm 5 mm M5 x 0.8
06248921 CF10-1BUURM 26 mm 10 mm M10 x 1
06895133 CF6WBUUR/SG 16 mm 6 mm M6 x 1
00121937 CF12BUUR 30 mm 12 mm M12 x 1.5
06895134 CF8WBUUR/SG 19 mm 8 mm M8 x 1.25
00121924 CF12-1BUUR 32 mm 12 mm M12 x 1.5
05574148 CF10WBUUR/SG 22 mm 10 mm M10 x 1.25
01629378 CF16BUUR 35 mm 16 mm M16 x 1.5
06895135 CF10-1WBUUR/SG 26 mm 10 mm M10 x 1.25
06197609 CF18BUUR 40 mm 18 mm M18 x 1.5
06895136 CF12WBUUR/SG 30 mm 12 mm M12 x 1.5
00448848 CF20BUUR 52 mm 20 mm M20 x 1.5
06895137 CF12-1WBUUR/SG 32 mm 12 mm M12 x 1.5
02910642 CF20-1BUUR 47 mm 20 mm M20 x 1.5
06895138 CF16WBUUR/SG 35 mm 16 mm M16 x 1.5
05076840 CF24BUUR 62 mm 24 mm M24 x 1.5
06895139 CF18WBUUR/SG 40 mm 18 mm M18 x 1.5
06222068 CF24-1BUUR 72 mm 24 mm M24 x 1.5
06895140 CF20WBUUR/SG 52 mm 20 mm M20 x 1.5
04651342 CF30BUUR 80 mm 30 mm M30 x 1.5
06895141 CF20-1WBUUR/SG 47 mm 20 mm M20 x 1.5
06187799 CF30-1BUUR 85 mm 30 mm M30 x 1.5
06894527 CF30-2BUUR 90 mm 30 mm M30 x 1.5



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Pneumatic Impact Wrench Cordless Impact Wrench

1/2" Drive 1/2" Drive
2235 Series Impactool™ W7150 Impactool™

• Powered by Ingersoll Rand’s • Steel-lined aluminum

finely tuned twin-hammer hammer case designed
impact mechanism to be strong and lightweight
• Titanium hammercase, steel for maximum protection
wear plate and composite of the internal components
housing protect the tool from • All-metal drive train
the harshest environments and hammer mechanism
• 2-year limited warranty is robust, durable,
Model 2235TiMax and optimized for maximum
• Industrial-duty power and efficiency
• O-ring retainer • Variable speed switch with
• 9/16" bolt capacity electronic brake provides
maximum control of the tool
Model 2235PTiMax
• Industrial-duty • Patent-pending metal
• Pin retainer reinforced housing
• 3/4" bolt retainer • Patent-pending soft touch
over-molded grip minimizes
Max Torque Nut Busting vibration, reduces fatigue
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (ft-lbs) Torque (ft-lbs) BPM and enhances user comfort
06246857 2235TiMAX 930 1,350 1,220 during extended use
07228137 2235PTIMAX 900 1,350 1,220 W7150-K1 kit includes:
• W7150 Impactool, IQ Charger, 20V Li-ion 3.0 Ah battery,
blow–molded case
Pneumatic Impact Wrench W7150-K2 kit includes:
Heavy-Duty—1/2" Drive • W7150 Impactool, IQ Charger, two 20V Li-ion 3.0 Ah batteries,
231 Series blow–molded case
• Adjustable power regulator Max Torque
• Pressure-feed lubrication Mi Item # Mfr Part # (ft-lbs) BPM Batteries
• Easy to service two-piece construction Wrench Kits
• 3/8" hose 05416731 W7150-K1 780 2,300 1
• 1/4" NPTF inlet 05416732 W7150-K2 780 2,300 2
Max Torque
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (ft-lbs) RPM
01500913 231C 600 8,000

Pneumatic Impact Wrench Pneumatic Impact Wrench

QiMAX Impactool™ 3/4" Drive
261 Series
• Compact enough to access tight spaces
• Built to last, designed to withstand tough • Compact size and high output
use in rugged environments perfect for a variety of jobs
• 16% more efficient than its predecessor • Jumbo hammer mechanism
• Easy-to-clean inlet screen means less • Pressure-fed lube system
downtime, better tool performance, for trouble-free performance
and less money spent on compressed air and longer life
• 1,150 bpm at 7,000 rpm • 2-year limited warranty
• 2-year limited warranty with tool registration

Anvil Max Torque Forward Torque Max Torque

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size (ft-lbs) Range ft-lb (Nm) Mi Item # Mfr Part # (ft-lbs) Drive
04926652 2145QIMAX 3/4" 1,350 200 to 900 (271 to 1,220) 01500918 261 1,200 Square

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PIG® Grippy® Floor Mat

• Adhesive-backed floor mat stays exactly
where you put it with no shifting, bunching
up or flipping over
PIG® Universal Absorbent Mat • Traps dirt, salt and moisture to keep
it from being tracked around
• Lasts two times longer than ordinary • Proprietary adhesive sticks to the floor
mats for fewer change-outs with a super-tight grip, but peels up easily
• “Absorbs everything, • Extreme durability stands up to heavy
works everywhere” traffic—even forklifts—to keep it on the job
• Eight layers of 100% polypropylene for up to 12 weeks
are thermally bonded to make PIG • Easy to use: Roll out continuous walk-off
Mat the strongest mat on the coverage for entrances and walkways with
market—will not rip, tear or fray, no gaps, ripples or overlaps that cause slips and trips
even when saturated • Thinnest commercial floor mat you can buy; ADA compliant
• Exclusive dimple pattern speeds for wheelchairs and walkers
wicking of liquid throughout mat for faster, easier cleanup • Completely eliminates rental mat hassles and can save
• Absorbs most common industrial liquids, including oils, up to 50% per year over rental contracts
water, solvents, coolants and more • Tested and certified by the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI)—
• Easy-tear perforations let you take only what you need when used as part of your floor safety program, high-traction surfaces
so you use less mat and save money have been proven to reduce slip-and-fall claims by as much as 90%
• Choose pads for catching drips and spill response;
choose rolls for covering large areas Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size (W x L) Type Absorbency Color
• Dispenser box makes it easy to take, carry and store 06547098 GRP36200-GY 36" x 100' Roll 8 gal Gray
mat while protecting it from dirt and moisture

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size Absorbency Packaging PIG® Grippy® Absorbent Mat
Lightweight • Grippy backing “Stays
02422358 MAT204 15" x 20" Pad 22 gal 200 Pads/Bag put no matter what®”
Mediumweight • Specially formulated,
02311450 MAT411 30" x 200' Roll 43 gal 1 Roll full-coverage adhesive backing
Heavyweight holds tight but peels up easily
02368033 MAT203 15" x 20" Pad 22 gal 100 Pads/Bag • Eliminates the need
01305083 MAT230 30" x 150' Roll 40.2 gal 1 Roll for tapes and trays
• Peels up easily for quick change-outs,
reducing cleanup time for a more productive facility
PIG® Oil-Only Absorbent Mat • No curling or bunching—lies flat to reduce trip hazards
around workstations, walkways and machinery
• Lasts two times longer • Poly backing creates liquid-proof barrier that keeps floors completely dry
than ordinary mats • Tested and certified by the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI)—
for fewer change-outs, when used as part of your floor safety program, high-traction surfaces
while only absorbing oil have been proven to reduce slip-and-fall claims by as much as 90%
and fuels, not water
• Loves oil, hates water Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size Type Absorbency Packaging
• New Pig’s most cost-effective 04823012 MAT32100 32" x 100' Roll 10.5 gal/Roll 1 Roll
mat when you only need
to absorb oil-based liquids
• Eight layers of 100%
PIG® Blue Absorbent Sock
polypropylene are thermally • Heaviest sock we make features
bonded to make PIG Mat extra-dense construction to hug
the strongest mat on the market; floors stay in place while
will not rip, tear or fray, even when saturated containing spills
• Exclusive dimple pattern speeds wicking of liquid • Extra-dense construction hugs
throughout mat for faster, easier cleanup floors and stays in place while
• Floats to clean up spills on water containing spills
• Easy-tear perforations let you take only what • Fine-grade vermiculite filler
is needed, so you use less mat and save money • Stitch-bonded, polypropylene skin resists bursting
• Dispenser box makes it easy to take, carry and store • Reduces dust and holds in liquid, even when saturated
mat while protecting it from dirt and moisture • Absorbs and retains oils, coolants, solvents and water
• Ideal for diking and damming liquids
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size Type Absorbency Packaging • Can be air-dried for reuse when soaked with water
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size Absorbency Pkg Qty
02422439 MAT403 15" x 20" Precut Pad 22 gal/Box 100 Pads/Bag
02422157 4048 3" dia x 4' 30 gal/Box 40
02422436 MAT401 30" x 150' Perforated Roll 40.2 gal/Roll 1 Roll/Bag

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Crimped Wire Wheel Brush

Medium Face
• Filled densely and uniformly
with special analysis steel wire
Crimped Wire Wheel Brush • Adaptable to a wide range of equipment,
Small Diameter combining excellent brushing
• Specially designed for effective characteristics with exceptionally long
brushing operations on internal life—also adaptable to multiple mounting
surfaces and other hard-to-reach areas for brushing wide areas
• RPM: 20,000 • Arbor hole: 2"
• Applications: ID cleaning, • Applications: Edge blending, deburring, rust removal,
deburring, rust, scale, carbon surface finishing, cleaning, general bench motor use
and corrosion removal
Brush Fill Trim Face Width at Max
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Dia Dia Length Width Face Plates RPM
Brush Arbor Fill Trim Face
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Dia Hole Dia Length Width AB Carbon Wire
Stainless Steel Fill 03314577 22139 12" 0.012" 1-7/8" 1-1/4" 15/16" 3,000
03239453 11070 1" 1/4" 0.003" 13/64" 3/16" 03314573 22125 12" 0.012" 3" 1-1/8" 13/16" 3,000
03314291 11073 1-1/4" 1/4" 0.005" 21/64" 3/16" 03314578 22140 12" 0.014" 1-7/8" 1-1/4" 15/16" 3,000
03314292 11074 1-1/4" 1/4" 0.008" 21/64" 3/16" 03314574 22126 12" 0.014" 3" 1-1/8" 13/16" 3,000
03314257 11003 1-1/4" 1/4" 0.008" 5/16" 3/16" 03314579 22142 12" 0.020" 1-7/8" 1-1/4" 15/16" 3,000
03314259 11005 1-1/2" 3/8" 0.01" 21/64" 1/8" 03314538 22028 12" 0.020" 3" 1-1/8" 13/16" 3,000
03314294 11078 1-1/2" 3/8" 0.005" 3/8" 7/32" 03314604 22274 15" 0.012" 2-3/4" 1-3/8" 13-16" 2,400
03314295 11079 1-1/2" 3/8" 0.008" 3/8" 7/32"
03314260 11007 1-1/2" 3/8" 0.014" 3/8" 7/32" TY Encapsulated Brush
03314296 11085 2" 3/8" 0.014" 7/16" 9/32"
Narrow Face—
03314297 11086 2" 1/2" 0.005" 1/2" 1/4" Standard-Duty
03314298 11088 2" 1/2" 0.01" 1/2" 1/4"
• Standard-duty TY elastomer
03314261 11008 2" 1/2" 0.014" 1/2" 1/4"
gives high aggression
03314300 11094 3" 1/2" 0.005" 1" 1/4"
• Applications: Removing paint
and coatings, busbar insulation
removal, hose skiving
Small Grinder Stringer Bead
High Speed Brush Arbor Fill Trim Face Max
• Works aggressively, yet smoothly Mi Item # Mfr Part # Dia Hole Dia Length Width RPM
and efficiently on air tools or portable 03314518 21594 4" 5/8" 0.006" 3/4" 3/8" 6,000
power tools 03314512 21557 10" 1-1/4" 0.01" 2-1/2" 3/8" 3,600
• Brush diameter: 4"
• Fill diameter: 0.020"
• Trim length: 7/8"
Crimped Wire End Brush
• Maximum RPM: 20,000 1/4" Stem Mounted
• Applications: Bead scale removal • Ideal for a variety of general uses,
including surface blending, cleaning
Threaded Nut and polishing
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Arbor Hole Color
• Can be used on CNC equipment
Stainless Steel Wire Fill • Engineered to operate at high speeds
03314831 26400 3/8-24UNF Copper • Trim length: 1"
03314830 26398 1/2-13NC Black • Applications: Rubber and plastic mold
03239478 26399 5/8-11NC Steel cleaning, cleaning pipe ID, removing rust, weld scale and spatter,
03314828 26396 M10-1.25 Gold cleaning castings, burr removal, rubber flash removal, carbon removal,
03314829 26397 M10-1.50 Silver spot facing, cleaning and finishing recessed areas
03314827 26395 M14-2.0 Red
AB Carbon Wire Fill Mi Item # Mfr Part # Brush Dia Fill Dia Max RPM
03078245 26363 3/8-24UNF Copper AB Carbon Wire Fill
03314810 26368 1/2-13NC Black 03078250 30053 1/2" 0.0104" 25,000
03078247 26369 5/8-11NC Steel Stainless Steel Wire Fill
03078246 26366 M10-1.25 Gold 03314874 30019 1/2" 0.0104" 25,000
03314809 26367 M10-1.50 Silver 03314896 30079 3/4" 0.01" 22,000
03314808 26365 M14-2.0 Red 03314897 30085 1" 0.01" 22,000
03239482 30083 1" 0.005" 20,000
Brass Wire Fill
03314894 30074 1" 0.006" 22,000

Some products may ship direct from the manufacturer.

Call. 800-526-9328 Click. Visit. Over 550 Locations

General-Purpose Nylon/Lycra® Glove Safety Glasses

with Nitrile-Coated Micro-Foam Grip Semi-Rimless
Maxiflex® Ultimate™ AD-APT® Technology Bouton® Anser™

• Patented AD-APT® technology keeps • Wraparound temples with

hands drier and smelling fresh and clean rubberized tips gently grip
• Maximum comfort and dexterity helps the wearer’s head
increase worker productivity and compliance • Lightweight, semi-rimless design
• Proprietary Micro-Foam nitrile coating provides all day user comfort
is compatible with light oils, will provide • Sleek, sporty style with wraparound lens protection
a good grip and excellent abrasion resistance • Bayonet temples with flexible rubber tips offer a comfortable, secure fit
and provides 360° breathability • Soft rubber nose pads help keep the glasses in place
• 100% silicone-free • Supplied with an adjustable neck cord
• Micro encapsulated, natural-based component • 9-base curve lens
released as skin temperature rises helping keep hands cooler • Anti-scratch coated lens are treated front and back with clear,
• Made from component material which complies with federal scratch-resistant coating for a much harder surface that is more
regulations for food contact, 21CFR, 170-199 resistant to scratching
• Applications: General assembly, micro-engineering, automotive • Anti-fog coating eliminates the condensation of moisture on lenses
components, painting, horticulture, warehousing that causes fogging so your lenses and vision stay clear
• Color: Gray with black • Bouton® FogLess® 3Sixty™ Technology applies a densely bonded
• Cuff: Continuous knit coating that continues to bead away water and moisture, even after
repeated cleaning
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Size • Also provides the ultimate fog prevention when transitioning between
07684549 42-874/XS XSmall warm and cool environments, working in a humid or wet environment,
07684550 42-874/S Small engaging in an activity that causes perspiration, or when eye protection
07684551 42-874/M Medium is used with respiratory equipment
07684554 42-874/L Large
07684556 42-874/XL XLarge Lens Lens Frame
07684557 42-874/XXL 2XLarge Mi Item # Mfr Part # Color Coating Color
05567517 250-AN-10110 Clear Anti-Scratch Black
Safety Glasses 05567518
Light Blue
Rimless 05567519 250-AN-10114 I/O Anti-Scratch Black
Bouton® Recon™
05567520 250-AN-10115 Blue Mirror Anti-Scratch Black
• Lightweight, rimless design 07668880 250-AN-10116 Red Mirror Anti-Scratch Black
provides all-day comfort 07668881 250-AN-10118 IR Filter 3.0 Anti-Scratch Black
• Flexible bayonet temples contain 07668882 250-AN-10119 IR Filter 5.0 Anti-Scratch Black
rubber pads for a secure, non-slip fit 05553344 250-AN-10120 Amber Anti-Scratch Black
• Adjustable rubber nosepiece provides a comfortable fit 07668883 250-AN-10125 Silver Mirror Anti-Scratch Black
• Anti-scratch coated lens are treated front and back with clear, 07668884 250-AN-10117 Gray Anti-Scratch Red
scratch-resistant coating for a much harder surface that 05843622 250-AN-10121 Brown Anti-Scratch Camouflage
is more resistant to scratching 07668885 250-AN-10122 Amber Anti-Scratch Camouflage
• Anti-fog coating eliminates the condensation of moisture 07668886 250-AN-10123 Gray Anti-Scratch Camouflage
on lenses that causes fogging so your lenses and vision stay clear 07668887 250-AN-10128 Silver Mirror Anti-Scratch Camouflage
• Bouton® FogLess® 3Sixty™ Technology applies a densely bonded 07668888 250-AN-10130 Clear Anti-Scratch Camouflage
coating that continues to bead away water and moisture, even after Anti-Scratch/
repeated cleaning 07668889 250-AN-10126 Gray Anti-Fog Black
Lens Frame 05850883 250-AN-10111 Clear Anti-Fog Black
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Color Lens Coating Color Anti-Scratch/
Anti-Scratch/ 07668890 250-AN-10124 Brown Camouflage
05850952 250-32-0020 Clear Clear Anti-Fog
Anti-Fog Anti-Scratch/
Anti-Scratch/ 07668891 250-AN-10127 Amber Anti-Fog Camouflage
05873902 250-32-0021 Gray Gloss Black
Anti-Fog Anti-Scratch/
Anti-Scratch/ Translucent 07668892 250-AN-10131 Clear Anti-Fog Camouflage
07520034 250-32-0226 I/O
Anti-Fog Brown
07668893 250-AN-10520 Clear FogLess® Black
07668895 250-32-0010 Clear Anti-Scratch/ Clear 3Sixty™
Anti-Scratch/ 07668894 250-AN-10521 Gray 3Sixty™ Black
07655462 250-32-0520 Clear Clear
Fogless® 3Sixty™
07668896 250-32-0521 Gray Fogless® 3Sixty™ Gray

Some products may ship direct from the manufacturer.

Call. 800-526-9328 Click. Visit. Over 550 Locations

Portable Evaporative Cooler

Portacool Jetstream™ Series

• Molded-in handles make moving a breeze

• Low water shut off
• Lifetime warranty on evaporative cooler housing against manufacturing
defects and three-year warranty on all electrical components
• Assembled and ready to use out of the box
• Made in the USA

Air Cooling Water Size

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Delivery Capacity Reservoir (H x W X D)
07620952 PACJS2201A1 2,400 CFM 700 sq ft 20 gal 106.7" x 72.4" x 26.5"
07620953 PACJS2301A1 3,600 CFM 900 sq ft 30 gal 127" x 72.4" x 26.5"
06912208 PACJS2401A1 4,500 CFM 1,125 sq ft 50 gal 70" x 55" x 32.5"
06912209 PACJS2501A1 8,500 CFM 2,125 sq ft 55 gal 155" x 107" x 24.5"
06912210 PACJS2601A1 12,500 CFM 3,125 sq ft 60 gal 77" x 67" x 34.5"
06912211 PACJS2701A1 22,500 CFM 5,625 sq ft 65 gal 90" x 79" x 41"

Portable Evaporative Cooler

Portacool Hurricane™ Series

• Most powerful variable-speed evaporative coolers on the market today

• Digital control panel
• Patent-pending Cat5 Air Boosters™
• Super heavy-duty casters
• Lifetime warranty on evaporative cooler housing against manufacturing
defects and five-year warranty on all electrical components
• Assembled and ready to use out of the box
• Made in the USA

Air Cooling Water Size

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Delivery Capacity Reservoir (H x W X D)
07620949 PACHR3601A1 18,500 CFM 4,250 sq ft 70 gal 85" x 75" x 38"
06912212 PACHR3701F1 28,500 CFM 6,250 sq ft 75 gal 93" x 88" x 42"

Portable Evaporative Cooler

Portacool Hazardous Location™ Series

• All electrical components are sealed, making them intrinsically safe

• For use when safety and cooling comfort are both a must
• ETL Hazardous Location, Class 1, Division 2, Group C and D certified
• Spark-resistant
• Lifetime warranty on evaporative cooler housing against manufacturing
defects and three-year warranty on all electrical components
• Assembled and ready to use out of the box
• Made in the USA

Air Cooling Water Size

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Delivery Capacity Reservoir (H x W X D)
07620950 PACHZ260DAZ 12,500 CFM 3,125 sq ft 45 gal 77.5" x 63" x 28.5"
07620951 PACHZ270DAZ 22,500 CFM 5,625 sq ft 65 gal 228" x 196" x 89"

Some products may ship direct from the manufacturer.

Call. 800-526-9328 Click. Visit. Over 550 Locations

Electric Pump Lifting Cylinder/Ram

for Single- or Double-Acting Cylinders Shorty
Hydraulic PE17 Series
• Ideal for confined areas from 3-1/2"
• For use at operating pressures to 10,000 psi to 11-7/16" clearance
• For intermittent-duty, starts under full load • Power Tech plated piston rods and gland
• Equipped with 1/2 hp, 3,450 rpm, 1-phase, nuts resist scoring and corrosion
thermal protected induction motor • Heavy-duty return spring (except for double-
• Low amp draw, small generators and low acting models) provides fast piston return
amp circuits can be used as power source and low collapsed height
• Extremely quiet noise level (67 to 81 dBA) • Coupler on 10 ton thru 50 ton models is angled
• Capacity: 2 gallons upward 5° for added clearance
• Model PE174 shown • Grooved piston top keeps load from sliding
• Cylinders can be “dead-ended” at full capacity
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Style Valve Type Length • Removable carrying handles on 100 ton and 250 ton models
Thermoplastic Reservoir
00841479 PE172 Standard 2-Way 11-3/8" Capacity Retracted Extended
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (Tons) Stroke Height Height
00842222 RSS202 20 1-3/4" 3-3/4" 5-1/2"
Lifting Cylinder/Ram
• Aluminum bronze bearing reduces
wear caused by off-center loads
Hand Pump
• Maximum sized springs speed piston 2-Speed—Single-Acting
return and increase spring life • Rugged all-metal construction for
• Solid steel cylinder body for durability strength and durability will not burn
• Chrome-plated piston rod resists through in welding environments
wear and corrosion • Heavy-duty, formed metal handle
• Base mounting holes standard on 5-ton provides less flex, and less operator
through 55-ton cylinders; optional on 75-ton and 100-ton cylinders fatigue than round or composite handles
• 3/8" NPTF female half coupler is standard • Fill cap seal acts as safety valve to prevent over-pressurizing of reservoir
• Wide range of accessories available to thread • Relief valve inboard of check valve prevents loads from drifting down
onto piston rod, collar or onto cylinder base • Large valve knob gives added control for slowly metering loads down
• 3/8" NPT female oil port
Capacity Retracted Extended • Model P59L is a lightweight model
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (Tons) Stroke Height Height
5 Ton Capacity Low High Usable Oil Volume/
00841918 C55C 5 5-1/4" 8-1/2" 13-3/4" Rating Rating Oil Cap Stroke
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (PSI) (PSI) (cu-in) (cu-in)
10 Ton Capacity—2-1/4"-14 Collar Thread Size
02786591 P59L 850 10,000 66 0.72 to 0.15
00841927 C102C 10 2-1/8" 4-3/4" 6-7/8"
01981442 P157 1,400 10,000 137 0.65 to 0.16
00841968 C106C 10 6-1/8" 9-3/4" 15-7/8"

Rubber Hose
• All have plastic hose guards except Mini Jack
1/4" ID polyurethane hoses which Sidewinder
have spring guards
• 3/8" NPTF fittings on both ends • Operate either horizontally or vertically
• Operating pressure: 10,000 psi • Handles function in line with base
• All comply with MHI standard IJ100 for easier use in confined spaces
• #9754 is a hose assembly consisting
of #9756 (6' hose), 1/4" ID wire braid rubber
with 9798 hose half coupler and #9800 dust Capacity Min Retracted Max
Mi Item # Mfr Part # (Tons) Stroke Height Height
cap assembled
04046035 9105A 5 3/4" 2-1/2" 3-3/8"
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Style Length
00807100 9756 Hose Only 6'
01369133 9758 Hose Only 8'
00846469 9754 Hose Assembly 6'

Some products may ship direct from the manufacturer.

Call. 800-526-9328 Click. Visit. Over 550 Locations

Thirst Quencher Powder Electrolyte Beverage Mix

Powder Concentrate—Single Serve Sugar-Free
QwikServ® Sqwincher ZERO Qwik Stik®

• Mixes quickly and easily • Helps replace fluids

with water and electrolytes lost
• Helps replenish fluids during perspiration
and electrolytes lost during • Great tasting sugar-free
physical work, exercise, or electrolyte replacement
illness, or following exposure • Zero sugar
to extreme heat to help prevent dehydration • Priced each, 50 per bag, 10 bags per case (500 per case)
• Each package yields 1/2 liter when mixed with bottled water
• Four great tasting flavors to choose from Mi Item # Mfr Part # Flavor
• Priced each, sold in packs of 96 per case 0.11 oz Package, 20 oz Yield
05494901 060099-SL Strawberry Lemonade
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Flavor 02933377 060100-OR Orange
16.9 oz Yield 05164679 060101-MB Mixed Berry
04639428 060900-OR Orange 02933378 060102-FP Fruit Punch
04639429 060901-FP Fruit Punch 03250570 060103-LA Lemonade
04639430 060902-LL Lemon-Lime 03250572 060104-PT Peach Tea
06217100 060904-GR Grape 05163348 060105-RB Raspberry
03733598 060106-LL Lemon-Lime
03694690 060107-GR Grape
04639432 060109-CC Cool Citrus
Sqwincher Sqweeze®
Electrolyte Freezer Pops
• Electrolyte fortified freezer
pops replenish electrolytes
and minerals lost due to heat
• No caffeine, low sodium,
non-carbonated and contains Thirst Quencher
no fruit juice Powder Concentrate—Lower Calorie
• Priced each, sold by case of 150 Sqwincher LITE Powder Stiks

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Flavor Size • Perfect for those looking for less calories,
03108788 159200201 Assorted 3 oz each no color and no artificial flavor or additives
• Contains the perfect electrolyte blend
• Naturally flavored and sweetened with real sugar
• Priced per each, sold by pack of 8, case quantity
12 packs
Thirst Quencher
Powder Concentrate—Sugar-Free Mi Item # Mfr Part # Flavor
Sqwincher ZERO 1 oz Package, 20 oz Yield
06513809 060280-GR Grape
• Helps replace fluids and electrolytes
06513810 060281-OR Orange
lost during perspiration
06513811 060282-FP Fruit Punch
• Great tasting sugar-free electrolyte replacement
06513812 060283-LL Lemon-Lime
• Zero sugar
• Priced each, sold by case of 32 (4 bags of 8 packs each)

Mi Item # Mfr Part # Flavor

1.76 oz Package, 2-1/2 gal Yield
04156849 016800-LL Lemon-Lime
04156850 016801-OR Orange
05494900 016803-FP Fruit Punch
05264564 016804-GR Grape
06041312 016802-AS Assorted

Some products may ship direct from the manufacturer.

Call. 800-526-9328 Click. Visit. Over 550 Locations

Multi-Purpose Oil

• 3-IN-ONE’s original drip oil lubricates,

cleans and prevents rust
Penetrant Oil • Precise, easy-to-use drip spout enables precise
EZ-Reach™ lubrication with no overspray or splatter
• 8" flexible straw for hard-to-reach places • Can be used on in-line skates, tools, firearms,
• Straw bends and keeps its shape bicycles, wheels, fans and moving parts
• Sprays 2 Ways™
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container
• 50-State VOC-compliant
00765858 10135 3 fl oz Can
00765892 10138 8 fl oz Can
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container 05351014 100703 4 fl oz Telescoping Spout
06885286 49019 14.34 oz Aerosol

Penetrant Oil

• Penetrates up to three times faster

Penetrant Oil than the leading competitors
Smart Straw® • Prevents rust better than the leading competitors
• Marksman spout for easy precision application
• Protect, clean and lubricate
• Great for use on tools, hinges, nuts and bolts
thousands of items without
• Safe for use on plastics, rubber and metal
ever losing the straw again
• 50-state VOC-compliant
• Smart Straw features
a permanently attached Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container
straw that sprays two ways 05890769 120015 4 oz Bottle
• Simply flip it up for a precision
stream and down for a regular
spray action
All-Temp Silicone
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container 3-IN-ONE®
05841444 49002 8 oz Aerosol • Lubricates, waterproofs and protects
05841445 49004 11 oz Aerosol in temperatures between -100°F to 500°F
05841446 49005 12 oz Aerosol • Marksman spout for easy precision application
• Dries quickly
• Leaves no messy residue
• Safely works on multiple surfaces, including
plastic, metal and rubber
• 50-state VOC-compliant
Penetrant Oil
Multi-Purpose Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container
05890768 120008 4 oz Bottle
• Low surface tension penetrates, loosens
and frees stuck, frozen or rusted parts
• Displaces moisture Dry Lube
• Non-conductive Dry to Touch
• Excellent corrosion prohibitor protects metal 3-IN-ONE®
against moisture and corrosive elements
• Removes grease, grime, water deposits • Lubricates and protects against corrosion
and much more better than the leading competitors
• Long-lasting lubricant for moving parts • Quick-drying formula
• Now 50-state VOC-compliant • Will not attract dirt and dust
• Marksman spout for easy precision application
Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container • Ideal for blades and bits, rollers and more
01499905 10100 12 oz Trigger Spray Bottle (empty) • 50-state VOC-compliant
05841450 49011 1 gal Can
05841451 49012 5 gal Can Mi Item # Mfr Part # Container
05841452 49013 55 gal Drum 05890770 120022 4 oz Bottle

Some products may ship direct from the manufacturer.

Call. 800-526-9328 Click. Visit. Over 550 Locations
Call. 800-526-9328
Motion Industries is a wholly owned subsidiary
Visit. Over 550 Locations of Genuine Parts Company (NYSE: GPC).

ALABAMA Ft. Pierce, 772/464-0490 Owensboro, 270/926-0330 NEW JERSEY SOUTH DAKOTA WYOMING
Birmingham, 205/251-3231 Jacksonville, 904/737-9919 Paducah, 270/443-6291 Kenilworth, 908/241-1047 Sioux Falls, 605/334-5333 Gillette, 307/682-8821
Brewton, 251/867-6363 Lake City, 386/755-4330 New Brunswick, 732/828-8711 Watertown, 605/886-4114 Mills, 307/266-2966
Decatur, 256/355-0492 Lakeland, 863/701-9500 LOUISIANA Rock Springs, 307/212-3300
Demopolis, 334/287-0611 Largo, 727/536-5521 Alexandria, 318/445-7446 NEW MEXICO TENNESSEE
Dothan, 334/794-2747 Miami, 305/593-1724 Baton Rouge, 225/356-6131 Albuquerque, 505/884-2606 Chattanooga, 423/490-0852 MOTION CANADA
Fairfield, 205/744-1949 Ocala, 352/732-4141 Bogalusa-IP, 985/590-6399 Farmington, 505/325-1809 Cookeville, 931/528-3797
Gadsden, 256/543-3441 Orlando, 407/849-6000 DeRidder, 337/348-5100 Jackson, 731/423-4941 ALBERTA
Huntsville, 256/858-5020 Perry, 850/584-2161 Gonzales, 225/644-6568 NEW YORK Kingsport, 423/349-5092 Brooks, 403/501-3888
Mobile, 251/661-7800 Tampa, 813/247-7455 Harahan, 504/733-5400 Albany, 518/438-1771 Knoxville, 865/546-1704 Calgary, 403/236-5581
Monroeville, 251/743-4814 West Palm Beach, Harahan, 985/871-8000 Buffalo, 716/743-0691 Memphis, 901/398-2000 Drayton Valley, 780/542-4814
Montgomery, 334/262-5786 561/863-5111 Houma-Cenac, 985/873-9881 Elmira, 607/734-2158 Morristown, 423/587-6156 Edmonton South, 780/465-0821
Muscle Shoals, 256/383-0862 Braas Ruston, 318/255-6721 New York City, 914/235-0029 Nashville, 615/228-4020 Edmonton North, 780/483-7775
Pennington, 205/654-2975 Oldsmar, 952/937-8902 Shreveport, 318/687-2110 Plattsburgh, 518/438-1771 Tullahoma, 931/454-0907 Fort McMurray, 780/743-5504
Tuscaloosa, 205/759-4261 West Monroe, 318/387-6875 Rochester, 585/247-1121 Lewis Supply Fort Saskatchewan,
GEORGIA Drago Supply Schenectady-GE, 518/438-1771 Jackson, 731/424-5656 780/992-6940
ALASKA Albany, 229/888-0910 Geismar, 225/673-6403 Syracuse, 315/452-1775 Memphis, 901/525-6871 Grande Prairie, 780/539-5900
Anchorage, 907/563-5565 Atlanta, 770/948-5300 Lake Charles, 337/882-0392 Lethbridge, 403/327-1571
Fairbanks, 907/452-4488 Augusta, 706/724-7401 Voorhies Supply NORTH CAROLINA TEXAS Lloydminster, 780/875-2399
Brunswick, 912/265-0178 Harvey, 504/340-2271 Asheville, 828/684-3180 Abilene, 325/267-9530 Nisku, 780/955-7494
ARIZONA Cartersville, 770/387-0131 Houma, 985/868-4554 Charlotte, 704/588-4100 Amarillo, 806/372-5300 Red Deer, 403/343-6733
Flagstaff, 928/526-3296 Columbus, 706/324-0313 Lafayette, 337/235-7545 Greensboro, 336/993-2974 Austin, 512/989-5888
Phoenix, 602/269-2331 Dalton, 706/272-3900 Greenville, 252/752-6400 Brownwood, 325/643-9923 BRITISH COLUMBIA
Tucson, 520/882-6800 Gainesville, 770/532-4268 MAINE Hickory, 828/324-5548 Bryan, 979/822-1656 Abbotsford, 604/556-0716
Yuma, 928/782-3919 LaGrange, 706/883-7995 Bangor, 207/942-5571 Kernersville, 336/993-2974 Corpus Christi, 361/289-1773 Coquitlam, 604/927-5800
General Tool & Supply Macon, 478/784-0500 Hinckley, 207/942-5571 Lumberton, 910/738-4221 Dallas, 214/351-2211 Cranbrook, 250/426-8060
Morenci, 928/865-6294 Norcross, 770/441-9909 Portland, 207/828-4727 Raleigh, 919/779-7400 El Paso, 915/779-3335 Fort St. John, 250/787-0656
Tempe, 480/829-3835 Savannah, 912/236-1591 Portland, 207/228-1863 Rocky Mount, 252/972-3096 Ft. Worth, 817/838-7878 Houston, 250/845-3308
Tucson, 520/624-6656 Valdosta, 229/244-4548 Presque Isle, 207/764-7270 Wilmington, 910/343-1311 Friona, 806/250-5450 Kamloops, 250/372-9518
LEAT Rumford, 207/364-7933 Braas Garland, 972/278-0220 Kitimat, 250/632-7107
Phoenix, 810/632-0002 IDAHO Union, 207/785-4666 Salisbury, 704/639-0207 Groves, 409/962-7575 Nanaimo, 250/753-6411
Caldwell, 208/377-4334 Houston Petroleum Bearing, Prince George, 250/563-0452
ARKANSAS Pocatello, 208/233-3894 MARYLAND NORTH DAKOTA 713/956-0150 Quesnel, 250/992-7935
Blytheville, 870/763-6880 General Tool & Supply Baltimore, 410/687-2700 Bismarck, 701/223-5901 Houston, 713/688-9100 Vancouver, 604/521-3207
Ft. Smith, 479/646-6868 Boise, 503/226-3411 Dickinson, 701/225-9221 Laredo, 956/718-2229
Jonesboro, 870/974-7100 Lewiston, 208/798-3239 MASSACHUSETTS Fargo, 701/234-9015 Longview, 903/757-2383 MANITOBA
Little Rock, 501/568-3116 Beverly, 781/375-5850 Fargo, 701/492-0444 Lufkin, 936/634-4428 Brandon, 204/725-1419
Pine Bluff, 870/534-1177 ILLINOIS Boston, 781/376-5850 Grand Forks, 701/772-7177 Odessa, 432/362-7315 Winnipeg, 204/694-0050
Russellville, 479/968-3422 Addison, 630/627-4605 Marlborough, 508/229-2688 Freeport, 979/233-6476
Springdale, 479/756-6905 Bloomington, 309/827-0436 OHIO Pasadena, 281/542-1660 NEW BRUNSWICK
Stuttgart, 870/672-4785 Bourbonnais, 815/939-4466 MICHIGAN Canton, 330/305-1991 San Antonio, 210/662-6772 Hartland, 506/375-4441
Texarkana, 870/774-2547 Champaign, 217/352-8550 Escanaba, 906/786-8110 Chillicothe, 740/775-1226 Sherman, 903/892-4646 Moncton, 506/859-4345
Missouri Power Transmission Chicago S., 312/850-3700 Grand Rapids, 616/791-9770 Cincinnati, 513/533-4900 Temple, 254/773-4224
Batesville, 870/793-3700 Chicago Hts., 708/754-6300 Jackson, 517/788-6700 Cleveland, 216/398-2200 Tyler, 903/592-0873 NOVA SCOTIA
Blytheville, 870/762-1131 Countryside, 708/354-5900 Kalamazoo, 269/381-1540 Columbus, 614/444-3030 Victoria, 361/576-0015 Dartmouth, 902/468-3231
Conway, 501/450-9333 Danville, 217/442-8800 Kingsford, 906/774-1100 Dayton, 937/236-7711 Waco, 254/772-1119 New Glasgow, 902/755-3540
Fort Smith, 479/783-5300 Decatur, 217/877-3400 Lansing, 517/322-0540 Defiance, 419/784-4013 Weslaco, 956/546-5191
Hot Springs, 501/262-1133 East Peoria, 309/694-6214 Livonia, 734/261-4920 Findlay, 419/424-1003 Wichita Falls, 940/766-3328 ONTARIO
Springdale, 479/751-2844 Elgin, 847/697-3100 Ludington, 231/845-6256 Lancaster, 740/687-0405 Drago Supply Belleville, 613/966-1923
Elk Grove Vill., 847/616-4001 Madison Hts, 248/583-8600 Marion, 937/644-1613 Houston, 281/471-7026 Brockville, 613/342-8894
CALIFORNIA Lasalle, 815/223-7800 Saginaw, 989/771-2270 Marysville, 937/644-1613 Port Arthur,409/983-4911 Guelph, 519/763-0710
Anaheim, 714/780-1791 Machesney Pk, 815/654-1154 Taylor, 734/946-3788 Piqua, 937/778-1905 Hub Supply London, 519/681-5800
Anaheim, 657/208-5650 Mattoon, 217/235-7151 Traverse City, 231/929-0074 Sandusky, 419/625-3432 Amarillo, 806/341-3139 Mississauga, 905/695-7878
Apple Valley, 760/810-4350 Montgomery, 630/897-8652 D.P. Brown Toledo, 419/726-7422 Ft. Worth, 817/602-2084 Ottawa, 613/723-6200
Bakersfield, 661/324-6741 Mt. Vernon, 618/241-9500 Grand Rapids, 616/656-0500 DST LEAT Sarnia, 519/332-4500
Chico, 530/961-9950 Quincy, 217/222-6168 Saginaw, 989/771-0200 Cincinnati, 513/489-3588 Laredo, 810/632-0002 Scarborough, 905/695-7878
Concord, 925/689-9880 Rockdale, 815/725-6720 Dayton, 937/461-4550 Waterloo, 519/884-1220
Fontana, 909/357-9898 Rockford, 815/874-9461 MINNESOTA Mt. Vernon, 740/392-2100 UTAH
Fresno, 559/237-9131 Springfield, 217/523-8337 Duluth, 218/628-2825 Paragon Services & Supply Logan, 435/753-7310 QUEBEC
Gardena, 310/327-5070 Waukegan, 847/623-8770 Eden Prairie, 952/828-0800 Lima, 419/224-1988 Ogden, 801/732-1881 Montreal, 514/459-3301
Gilroy, 408/848-3099 W. Chicago, 630/231-4453 Mankato, 507/345-7856 LEAT Salt Lake City, 801/972-1036 Rimouski, 418/725-3750
Hayward, 510/266-0200 Wheeling, 847/459-7727 Marshall, 507/532-0198 Euclid, 216/692-2778 Saguenay, 418/696-1221
Lodi, 209/334-2530 Braas Mountain Iron, 218/749-8663 VERMONT Sept-Îles, 418/962-3232
Los Angeles, 323/728-0281 Elgin, 874/760-6630 St. Paul, 651/631-2430 OKLAHOMA Barre, 802/622-3400 Sherbrooke, 819/563-5732
Modesto, 209/529-0261 Waite Park, 320/656-1111 Lawton, 580/248-2211 St-Hubert, 450/445-0633
Oxnard, 805/487-4877 INDIANA Braas Millerton, 580/746-2225 VIRGINIA St-Hyacinthe, 450/774-3050
Palmdale, 661/948-8436 Columbus, 812/379-2329 Eden Prairie, 952/937-8902 Muskogee, 918/682-3611 Chesapeake, 757/487-0311 Trois-Rivières, 819/374-2788
Sacramento, 916/455-1990 Crawfordsville, 765/362-7227 Oklahoma City, 405/943-3316 Covington, 540/962-7161 Quèbec City, 418/657-3000
Salinas, 831/758-3345 Elkhart, 574/293-4343 MISSISSIPPI Tulsa, 918/459-6919 Harrisonburg, 540/434-1919
San Diego, 858/565-0092 Evansville, 812/423-7701 Columbus, 662/328-8041 Missouri Power Transmission Lynchburg, 434/239-7111 SASKATCHEWAN
San Fernando, 818/365-0300 Ft. Wayne, 260/422-6451 Grenada, 662/226-6800 Oklahoma City, 405/236-0594 Manassas, 703/393-2314 Hudson Bay, 306/865-2245
Santa Clara, 408/727-6408 Gary, 219/938-9200 Jackson, 601/373-3383 Stillwater, 405/372-6605 Richmond, 804/743-8000 Regina, 306/721-7233
Stockton, 209/943-2801 Hammond N., 219/931-3010 Laurel, 601/649-1321 Roanoke, 540/362-7695 Saskatoon, 306/931-7771
Turlock, 209/549-8155 Indianapolis, 317/248-2100 McComb, 601/684-3666 OREGON Winchester, 540/662-4800
Ukiah, 707/462-9766 Kendallville, 260/347-4135 Meridian, 601/482-0433 Albany, 541/926-5831 MOTION MEXICO
Victorville, 760/561-7270 Kokomo, 765/453-2550 Tupelo, 662/844-2119 Eugene, 541/342-5946 WASHINGTON For All Mexico Branches
Visalia, 559/651-0111 Lafayette, 765/448-6600 Lewis Supply Medford, 541/732-1552 Bellingham, 360/752-3303 From Mexico,
Moss Rubber LaPorte, 219/362-8526 Corinth, 662/287-6107 Portland, 503/460-0403 Longview, 360/425-4650 81-8321-5100
San Francisco, 650/871-6566 Muncie, 765/288-4474 Portland, 503/239-5021 Moses Lake, 509/765-4367 From U.S.,
Benicia, 707/746-1600 Richmond, 765/966-3528 MISSOURI Roseburg, 541/784-9003 Pasco, 509/547-0721 011-52-81-8321-5100
South Bend, 574/291-0770 Columbia, 573/814-0654 Salem, 503/585-7411 Seattle, 206/762-3800 CA Saltillo
COLORADO Terre Haute, 812/232-8344 Joplin, 417/781-0010 General Tool & Supply Spokane, 509/924-4800 CH Chihuahua
Denver, 303/399-1500 Warsaw, 574/268-0181 Kansas City, 816/587-8844 Portland, 503/226-3411 Tacoma, 253/572-7070 DF Mexico City
Ft. Morgan, 970/867-1045 Sedalia, 660/826-5661 Vancouver, 360/750-1464 GT Silao
Greeley, 970/336-6481 IOWA Springfield, 417/862-5300 PENNSYLVANIA General Tool & Supply JA Guadalajara
Pueblo, 719/546-0500 Ankeny, 515/965-1065 St. Louis, 314/770-2600 Allentown, 610/366-9034 Mukilteo, 425/249-5660 NL Monterrey
Cedar Rapids, 319/362-9940 Missouri Power Transmission Altoona, 814/941-8330 Seattle, 206/762-1500 QE Queretaro
CONNECTICUT Davenport, 563/391-8888 Cape Girardeau, 573/335-5546 Lancaster, 717/393-3901 Spokane, 509/795-3708
E. Windsor, 860/292-6091 Dubuque, 563/556-3022 Columbia, 573/474-1446 Monroeville, 412/856-8034
Wallingford, 203/294-5427 Ft. Dodge, 515/573-5753 O’Fallon, 636/474-6522 New Castle, 724/654-6411 WEST VIRGINIA
Ft. Madison, 319/372-6611 Rolla, 573/364-8009 Philadelphia, 610/616-8000 Charleston, 304/744-0201
DELAWARE Muscatine, 563/263-3452 Springfield, 417/869-4014 Pittsburgh, 412/787-1990 Fairmont, 304/368-6300
Delmar, 302/462-3130 Ottumwa, 641/682-5401 St. Louis, 314/421-0919 Reading, 610/376-7163 Huntington, 304/525-6706
Sioux City, 712/258-0595 Van Buren, 573/323-1260 Williamsport, 570/322-2439
Waterloo, 319/235-7167 York, 717/848-1102 WISCONSIN
FLORIDA MONTANA Appleton, 920/731-4121
Bartow, 863/533-0574 KANSAS Billings, 406/252-6641 PUERTO RICO Eau Claire, 715/833-2440
Clewiston, 863/983-5500 Dodge City, 620/227-6080 Missoula, 406/542-6692 Toa Baja, 787/251-1550 Fond Du Lac, 920/923-7500
Ft. Pierce, 772/464-5537 Salina, 785/826-9970 Helena, 406/449-6318 Green Bay, 920/983-6604
Jacksonville, 904/757-5080 Topeka, 785/233-6500 RHODE ISLAND Janesville, 608/754-4199
Miami/Miramar, 954/704-8565 Wichita, 316/942-6700 NEBRASKA Warwick, 401/736-0515 La Crosse, 608/785-1200
Orlando, 407/298-0380 Hub Supply Columbus, 402/562-7406 Madison, 608/221-3328
Panama City, 850/769-2492 Wichita, 316/265-9608 Grand Island, 308/381-2279 SOUTH CAROLINA Marinette, 715/732-1714
Tampa, 813/626-1191 Lincoln, 402/467-1153 Columbia, 803/796-1071 Milwaukee S., 414/649-2400
Miller Industrial Solutions KENTUCKY Omaha, 402/344-7323 Florence, 843/395-0095 Portage, 608/742-5129
Cocoa, 321/632-4091 Bowling Green, 270/842-6195 Greenville, 864/288-7503 Racine, 262/554-0110
Daytona Beach, Carrollton, 502/732-8114 NEVADA Spartanburg, 864/578-1470 Sheboygan, 920/208-5600
386/255-4509 Lexington, 859/873-7212 Las Vegas, 702/651-9490 LEAT Waukesha, 262/896-3880
Deland, 386/736-3636 London, 606/878-6312 Reno, 775/355-0555 Greer, 864/877-1313 Wausau, 715/848-2994
Ft. Lauderdale, 954/491-6222 Louisville, 502/964-4804 NEW HAMPSHIRE Braas
Ft. Myers, 239/936-6264 Manchester, 603/641-5649 New Berlin, 262/780-1600

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Mi Item # Mfr Part # HP RPM Voltage NEMA Frame

00552122 CL3608TM 5 3,600 230 184TC
00542302 CL3612TM 5 1,800 230 184TC
General-Purpose 00545522 CL3711T 10 3,600 230 215TC
Industrial Motor 02083762 CL3712T 10 1,800 230 215TC
1-Phase— Footless, with Drip Cover
Totally Enclosed (TEFC)— 00535466 KL3400 1/6 115 and 208-230 56C
C-Face 00535467 KL3401 1/6 1,200 115 and 208-230 56C
• Pressure cast aluminum end plates 00539472 KL3403 1/4 1,800 115/230 56C
with ribbed design for rigidity 00543001 KL3405 1/3 3,600 115 and 208-230 56C
• Ball bearings with a locked drive 00539521 VL3501 1/3 1,800 115/230 56C
end bearing, heavy-gauge steel 00540162 VL3503 1/2 3,600 115 and 208-230 56C
frame, and gasketed conduit box
00539555 VL3504 1/2 1,800 115/230 56C
and capacitor cover
• Applications: Pumps, fans, 00540165 VL3505 1/2 1,200 115/230 56C
conveyors, machine tools, gear 00543007 VL3506 3/4 3,600 115 and 208-230 56C
reducers and other applications 00539597 VL3507 3/4 1,800 115/230 56C
requiring a NEMA C-face motor 00543021 VL3506A 3/4 3,600 115/230 56C
00536727 VL3508 3/4 1,200 115/230 56C
Mi Item # Mfr Part # HP RPM Voltage NEMA Frame
00540169 VL3509 1 3,600 115/230 56C
Foot-Mounted, without Drip Cover 00540173 VL3510 1 1,800 115/230 56C
03933349 CL3403 1/4 1,800 115/230 56C 00536729 VL3510T 1 1,800 115/230 143TC
03933138 CL3405 1/3 3,600 115 and 208-230 56C 00543023 VL3509A 1 3,600 115/230 56C
00542299 CL3501 1/3 1,800 115/230 56C 00540179 VL3513 1-1/2 3,600 115/230 56C
00534574 CL3503 1/2 3,600 115 and 208-230 56C 00536732 VL3513T 1-1/2 3,600 115/230 143TC
00542164 CL3504 1/2 1,800 115/230 56C 00540183 VL3514 1-1/2 1,800 115/230 56C
00542305 CL3506 3/4 3,600 115 and 208-230 56C 00536734 VL3514T 1-1/2 1,800 115/230 145TC
00542170 CL3507 3/4 1,800 115/230 56C 00536738 VL3515 2 3,600 115/230 56C
00543734 CL3509 1 3,600 115/230 56C 00536741 VL3515T 2 3,600 115/230 145TC
00542185 CL3510 1 1,800 115/230 56C 00536745 VL3605T 2 1,800 115/230 182TC
00534579 CL3513 1-1/2 3,600 115/230 56C 00536744 VL3605 2 1,800 115/230 184C
00542303 CL3514 1-1/2 1,800 115/230 56C 00545516 VL3606T 3 3,600 115/230 182TC
00534595 CL3515 2 3,600 115/230 56C 00536757 VL3609T 3 1,800 115/230 184TC
00534581 CL3515T 2 3,600 115/230 145TC
00543417 CL3516TM 2 1,800 208–230 145TC
00552123 CL3619TM 3 1,800 230 184TC
©2018 Motion Industries, Inc. 0M0618 00003W12566
By Bob Vavra, Content Manager

Strengthen, secure the supply chain 3010 Highland Parkway Suite 325
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Ph. 630-571-4070, Fax 630-214-4504

With the continuing manufacturing sophistica- CONTENT SPECIALISTS/EDITORIAL

drama in Washington, tion to build Lot Size of BOB VAVRA, Content Manager
D.C., and the royal wed- One of virtually any prod-
ding in London, you might uct—including vehicles. EMILY GUENTHER, Associate Content Manager
have missed two impor- In order for this to hap-
AMANDA PELLICCIONE, Director of Research
tant manufacturing sto- pen, however, our supply
ries that emanated from chain must be robust, CHRIS VAVRA, Production Editor
the same company just flexible, and indestruc-
two weeks apart. tible. The example of SUSIE BAK, Production Coordinator
In late Apr i l, Ford what happened at Ford
announced that starting in May with the F-150 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
in 2020, it would no longer production—a problem H. LANDIS “LANNY” FLOYD, IEEE Life Fellow
produce a full line of pas- that eventually spilled
senger cars in the United into other manufactur- JOHN GLENSKI, President, Automation Plus
States. Only the iconic ers as well—ought to be
Mustang and the economy sedan Focus a cautionary tale for everyone. SHON ISENHOUR, Partner, Eruditio LLC
would remain on the Ford production It is worth pondering about your own
DR. SHI-WAN LIN, CEO and co-founder, Thingswise, LLC
schedule as the company shifted attention flow of raw materials—and we include Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) board member
to its profitable truck line, including the energy in this discussion—as you look to
F-150 pick-up truck. improve your manufacturing operation. DAVE REIBER, Senior Reliability Leader,
Then on May 10, Ford announced it You can monitor temperature and vibra-
had temporarily suspended production of tion but all that sensor data won’t help DAVID SKELTON, Vice president and general manager
Phoenix Contact Development and Manufacturing
the F-150 after a fire at a Michigan sup- you produce a single item unless there are
plier created a shortage of parts. While materials available at your front door to BILLY RAY TAYLOR,
the company said it had a three-month turn into finished goods. Director of commercial and off-highway manufacturing
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
inventory of trucks available, the produc- As the modern supply chain gets more
tion stoppage lasted for the better part of sophisticated, it’s important to integrate
LARRY TURNER, President and CEO, Hannover Fairs USA
the month. your data with your suppliers. That may
My first two cars were a Chevrolet Vega give some plant managers (and the IT team MARK WATSON, Senior director, manufacturing technology,
and a Ford Pinto, and both names are long that operates their system) some concern, IHS Markit
gone. In my life, such auto brands as AMC, but we do find ourselves in the midst of a
Oldsmobile, and Pontiac have disappeared digital age. We can shy away from it, but CFE MEDIA CONTRIBUTOR
completely. Those of a certain age might that only will serve to slow operations at a GUIDELINES OVERVIEW
recall the demise of the Studebaker in the time when others are looking to get faster. Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media stands for,
and what CFE Media is all about—engineers sharing with their
1960s. Creating a safe, robust, and interoper- peers. We welcome content submissions for all interested
However sound the business decision, able supply chain may be one of the more parties in engineering. We will use those materials online, on
our Website, in print and in newsletters to keep engineers
it’s somewhat jarring to see Ford essen- overlooked challenges for the IIoT, but it informed about the products, solutions, and industry trends.
tially ceding the passenger car business should get more attention. It will be among * explains how to
submit press releases, products, images and graphics, bylined
in the U.S. to other manufacturers. From the topics in the discussion at the upcom- feature articles, case studies, white papers, and other media.
my father’s Fairlane in the 1960s to my ing Global Automation and Manufactur- * Content should focus on helping engineers solve prob-
lems. Articles that are commercial in nature or that are critical
Pinto in the 1970s to my current Focus, ing Summit (GAMS) on Sept. 12, as part of other products or organizations will be rejected. (Technol-
Ford has been a popular family brand. of IMTS 2018 in Chicago. CFE Media, in ogy discussions and comparative tables may be accepted if
It has been a successful brand as well; at partnership with Hannover Messe USA, non-promotional and if contributor corroborates information
with sources cited.)
one time, the Taurus was the most popu- will present this half-day seminar on IIoT * If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines, expect
lar domestic sedan in America. Ford has issues, including cybersecurity. to see it first on our websites. Content for our enewsletters
comes from content already available on our Websites. All
a long tradition in getting America from Manufacturing in a digital age is not content for print also will be online. All content that appears
place to place. about the four walls of the plant. Today in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and we
will indicate in print if more content from that article is avail-
But getting parts from place to place production stretches to the four corners of able online.
is important as well, and that’s why the our supply chain and to the cloud, where * Deadlines for feature articles intended for the print maga-
zines are at least two months in advance of the publication
second issue with a supplier becomes the our data is stored. These systems are hard date. Again, it is best to discuss all feature articles with the
cautionary tale for all of us. We talk about to manage and yet vital to our success. As content manager prior to submission.
all the potential for the Industrial Internet the example at Ford demonstrates, the sup- Learn more at:
of Things (IIoT), and we marvel at our ply chain is vital—and fragile. PE PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 17


If you are still using different lubricants for each piece of equipment in your plant,
it’s time to reduce, simplify and consolidate with Lubriplate SYN LUBE Series
Super Multi-Purpose Lubricants. From air compressors and hydraulic systems
to chains, bearings and gear reducers, Lubriplate Syn Lube Series has you
covered. They significantly reduce the need to carry large inventories
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Information provided by Amanda Pelliccione, Research Director, CFE Media

he science and art of lubrication often is as important as the
mechanical functions it enables. If one oil or grease worked
in all applications, in all temperatures and environments, and
on all equipment, this would be a simpler world. The laws of
physics aren’t that simple.
So we turn to researchers and engineers to continue to find new
ways to keep the wheels turning and to limit friction and wear. Their Combine
work continues, as new metals and alloys are developed and new
synthetic products are created. The products they develop will keep 31 for effectiveoil
our plants operating effectively and efficiently.
Sponsored by Lubriplate, Plant Engineering’s annual Lubrication analysis
Guide provides a comprehensive look at those products and how
they can be employed in your facilities. We also have a detailed look
at oil analysis from our content partner at the Society of Tribologists
and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). Their assistance in developing the
content for this year’s Lubrication Guide was invaluable.
“One of the
benefits that
As we take a look at lubrication as both an art and a science, we also
need to look deeper. The cost of effective lubrication can’t be mea- oil analysis
sured on a balance sheet. Effective lubrication management begins
with finding the right product for the job, but it also requires bet- has over most
ter lubrication management throughout the product lifecycle.
Measuring and managing lubrication can extend the life of other condition
both the oil or grease as well as the machine it serves.
Establishing an oil analysis program is the best monitoring
way to ensure you can improve equipment reli-
ability and save costly breakdowns. Lubrica- tools is it detects
tion isn’t a product, as we demonstrate
again this year. It is an investment, problems in both
every bit as important as the the fluid and the
machine it works with.
Invest wisely. PE

Bob Vavra

Content Manager
36 trends:
6 factors to

Motor repair or
37 Start with a
motor failure

Control system
40 Plan early and
Lubriplate Lubricants American Chemical
AMSOIL Bechem SA Bel-Ray
Newark, N.J. Superior, WI Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Farmingdale, NJ
Fowlerville, MI

General Purpose Lubricant

ISO Viscosity Grade
SUS at 100 F
Bechem Staroil NR 32, Essex
32 135-165 HO-0 - - Anti-Wear Lubricant 32
Hydraulic Fluid 32

Bechem Staroil NR 46, Essex

46 194-236 HO-1 - - Anti-Wear Lubricant 46
Hydraulic Fluid 46

Bechem Staroil NR 68, Essex

68 284-346 HO-2 - - Anti-Wear Lubricant 68
Hydraulic Fluid 68

150 630-770 HO-3 - - Essex Industrial Gear Oil 150 Anti-Wear Lubricant 150

220 900-1100 HO-4 - - Essex Industrial Gear Oil 220 Anti-Wear Lubricant 220

460 1935-2365 HO-6 - - Essex Industrial Gear Oil 460 Anti-Wear Lubricant 460

Antiwear Hydraulic Oil

Bechem Staroil NR 32, Essex
32 135-165 HO-0 EcoSafe V, Neptune AW HVH Raylene Hydraulic Fluid 32
Hydraulic Fluid 32

EcoSafe FR, EcoSafe EHC, EcoSafe Bechem Staroil NR 32, Essex

46 194-236 HO-1 HVI Raylene Hydraulic Fluid 46
V, UCON Trident, Neptune AW Hydraulic Fluid 32

EcoSafe FR, EcoSafe EHC, EcoSafe Bechem Staroil NR 32, Essex

68 284-346 HO-2 HVJ Raylene Hydraulic Fluid 68
V, UCON Trident, Neptune AW Hydraulic Fluid 32

Spindle Oil
2 29-35 GG Oil - - Essex Spindle Oil 2 -

10 54-66 No. 0 - - Essex Spindle Oil 10 Royal Purple Syndraulic 10

22 95-115 No. 1 - - Essex Spindle Oil 22 Anti-Wear Lubricant 22

Way Oil
32 135-165 10-R - - Essex Slideway Oil 32 Way Oil 32

68 284-346 Way Lube 68 - - Essex Slideway Oil 68 Way Oil 68

220 900-1100 SPO-255 - - Essex Slideway Oil 220 Way Oil 220

Extreme Pressure Gear Oil

Bechem Staroil SMO 68, Essex
68 284-346 APG-80 EcoGear XP, EcoGear EP - Raylene Way Oil 68
Industrial Gear Oil 68

Bechem Staroil SMO 150, Essex

150 630-770 Kline Gear 80W-90 EcoGear XP, EcoGear EP SGL Raylene EP Oil 150
Industrial Gear Oil 150

Bechem Staroil SMO 320, Essex

320 135-1650 APG 80W-140 EcoGear XP, EcoGear EP SGN Raylene EP Oil 320
Industrial Gear Oil 320

Worm Gear Oil

EcoGear XP, EcoGear EP, EcoGear
460 1935-2365 SPO-277 RCO Berusynth GP 460 Worm Gear Oil 460
9 Series, Neptune 9 Series

Cling Type Gear Shield - Gear Shield Extra Heavy - - Bechem Berugear HV 20 Molylube SF 100 OGL Med

General Purpose Extreme Bechem High-Lub LT 2 EP SEB,

NLGI 2 No. 1242 Lux Lithium Complex Series - Termalene EP Grease LC 2
Pressure Lithium Base Grease Bechem High-Lub LFB 2000

Molybdenum Disulfide Bechem High-Lub FA 50 MO,

NLGI 2 No. 3000 - - Molylube EP Grease AC 2
Extreme Pressure Grease Bechem High-Lub FA 40 MO

HI Grease - FGL-2 - - Berutox MB 2 H No-Tox HD FG Grs

H1 Fluid - FMO-350AW - - Bechem Berusynth H1 Range No-Tox HD FG Oil

General Purpose Synthetic

- SynLube 68 - - Bechem Berusynth H1 Range Royal Purple Synfilm


Best-Wade Petroleum Chevron Lubricants Chrysan Industries Comet Supply Daubert Chemical
Ripley, TN San Ramon, CA Plymouth, MI Washington, IL Chicago, IL

Nuto H 32, DTE 24, DTE 10Ex 32 Regal R&O 32 - Galaxy R&O 32 -

Nuto H 46, DTE 25, DTE 10Ex 46 Regal R&O 46 - Galaxy R&O 46 -

Nuto H 68, DTE 26, DTE 10Ex 68 Regal R&O 68 - Galaxy R&O 68 -

Teresstic 150, DTE EH, DTE 10 Ex 150 Regal R&O 150 Chrysan 150 HD Circulating Oil Galaxy R&O 150 TecPlex 2150

SHC 630, DTE BB, Teresstic 220 Regal R&O 220 Chrysan 220 HD Circulating Oil Galaxy R&O 220 TecPlex 2220

SH460C 634, DTE HH, Teresstic Regal R&O 460 Chrysan 460 HD Circulating Oil Galaxy R&O 460 TecPlex 2460

Nuto H 32, DTE 24 Rando HD 32 Chrysan 32 AW Hydraulic Oil Saturn AW 32 -

Nuto H 46, DTE 25 Rando HD 46 Chrysan 46 AW Hydraulic Oil Saturn AW 46 -

Nuto H 68, DTE 26 Rando HD 68 Chrysan 68 AW Hydraulic Oil Saturn AW 68 -

Velocite No 2 - - Spindle Oil 2 -

Velocite No 6 Rando HD 10 - Spindle Oil 10 -

Velocite No 10 Regal R&O 22 Chrysan 22 Spindle Oil Spindle Oil 22 -

Vactra 1 Way Lubricant 32 Chrysan 32 Way Oil Waylube 32 -

Vactra 2 Way Lubricant 68 Chrysan 68 Way Oil Waylube 68 -

Vactra 4 Way Lubricant 220 Chrysan 220 Way Oil Waylube 220 -

Mobilgear 600XP 68 Meropa XL 68 Chrysan 68 EP Gear Oil Gearlube EP 68 -

Mobilgear 600XP 150 Meropa XL 150 Chrysan 150 EP Gear Oil Gearlube EP 150 -

Mobilgear 600XP 320 Meropa XL 320 Chrysan 320 EP Gear Oil Gearlube EP 320 -

Mobil SHC 634 Clarity Synthetic Machine Oil 460 - Cylinder 460 -

Dynagear 4000 Open Gear Lubricant 250 NC - - -

Mobilgrease XHP 222 Ulti-Plex Grease EP 2 - PEP 2 -

Mobilgrease XHP 322 Mine Delo Grease ESI HD Moly 3% EP 2 - LCM 2 -

Mobilgrease FM 222 - - - -

Mobil DTE FM - - - -

Mobil SHC (PAO) Cetus HiPerSYN 220 - - - PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 21

DuBois Chemicals ExxonMobil G-C Lubricants HUSKEY Specialty Hydrotex
Bedford Park, IL Spring, TX San Carlos, CA Farmers Branch, TX
Norco, CA

General Purpose Lubricant

ISO Viscosity Grade
SUS at 100 F

32 135-165 Perlube RO-32 Mobil SHC 624 Elapa 32 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 32 HyDiamond Fluid 6Kp

46 194-236 Perlube RO-46 Mobil SHC 625 Elapa 46 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 46 HyDiamond Fluid 6Kp

68 284-346 Perlube RO-68 Mobil SHC 626 Elapa 68 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 68 HyDiamond Fluid 6Kp

No. 930 Industrial Gear

150 630-770 Perlube RO-150 Mobil SHC 629 Elapa 150 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 150

No. 931 Industrial Gear

220 900-1100 Perlube RO-220 Mobil SHC 630 Elapa 220 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 220

No. 933 Industrial Gear

460 1935-2365 Perlube RO-460 Mobil SHC 634 Elapa 460 -

Antiwear Hydraulic Oil

32 135-165 Perlube AW-32-S Mobil DTE 10 Excel 32 Light AW 32 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 32 Syn-Nth Hydraulic Fluid

46 194-236 Perlube AW-46-S Mobil DTE 10 Excel 46 Medium AW 46 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 46 Syn-Nth Hydraulic Fluid

Heavy Medium
68 284-346 Perlube AW-68-S Mobil DTE 10 Excel 68 HUSKEY HLO Oil, ISO 68 Syn-Nth Hydraulic Fluid
AW 68

Spindle Oil
2 29-35 Perlube S-2 - Spindle Oil 000 - -

10 54-66 Perlube S-10 - Spindle Oil 00 - Super White Textile Oil

22 95-115 Perlube S-22 - Spindle Oil 0 - Super White Textile Oil

Way Oil
32 135-165 Perlube WL-32 - Way Lube 1405 - -

68 284-346 Perlube WL-68 - Way Lube 80 - Industrial Way Oil

220 900-1100 Perlube WL-220 - Way Lube 90 - Industrial Way Oil

Extreme Pressure Gear Oil

Multi Purpose
68 284-346 Perlube EP-68 - HUSKEY Enclosed Gear Oil, ISO 68 Syn-Nth Gear Oil
EP 68

Multi Purpose HUSKEY Enclosed Gear Oil,

150 630-770 Perlube EP-150 - Syn-Nth Gear Oil
EP 150 ISO 150

Multi Purpose HUSKEY Enclosed Gear Oil,

320 135-1650 Perlube EP-320 - Syn-Nth Gear Oil
EP 320 ISO 320

Worm Gear Oil

Steam Cylinder Oil HUSKEY Enclosed Gear Oil,
460 1935-2365 Perlube 460-F - No. 921 Worm Gear Oil
85 WA ISO 460

Pure Lube Cable

Cling Type Gear Shield - - - HUSKEY Open Gear Grease Copr Gear Cote

General Purpose Extreme

NLGI 2 CLG-2 - Lith EP #2 HUSKEY Coolplex Grease MTP Ultra
Pressure Lithium Base Grease

Molybdenum Disulfide
NLGI 2 Perlube MC-2 - High Temp Moly #2 HUSKEY Molyplex Grease PIN-TAC
Extreme Pressure Grease

Ultra-Kleen 555 White Food

HI Grease - FGG-2 - Alumplex FM #2 HUSKEY 775-FMG Grease
Grade Grease

Ultra-Kleen Food Grade

H1 Fluid - - - FM 619 HUSKEY FG-300 Series

General Purpose Synthetic

- - - Primus Lube 220 HUSKEY SGL-800 Series -


Industrial Oils Unlimited Isel JAX LANXESS Lubrication Engineers
Tulsa, OK Jacksonville, FL Menomonee Falls, WI East Hanover, NJ Wichita, KS

Hi-Tek R&O Oil 32 - Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 32 - 6401 Monolec R&O Compressor/Turbine Oil

Hi-Tek R&O Oil 46 - Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 46 Anderol 3046 6402 Monolec R&O Compressor/Turbine Oil

Hi-Tek R&O Oil 68 - Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 68 Anderol 3068 6403 Monolec R&O Compressor/Turbine Oil

Hi-Tek R&O Oil 150 - Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 150 Anderol 3150 6405 Monolec R&O Compressor/Turbine Oil

Hi-Tek R&O Oil 220 - Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 220 - 6406 Monolec R&O Compressor/Turbine Oil

Hi-Tek R&O Oil 460 - Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 460 - -

Hi-Tek AW Hydraulic Oil 32 2284-32 Premium Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 - 6107 Monolec Hydraulic Oil

Anderol BioGuard
Hi-Tek AW Hydraulic Oil 46 2284-46 Premium Hydraulic Oil ISO 46 6110 Monolec Hydraulic Oil

Anderol BioGuard
Hi-Tek AW Hydraulic Oil 68 2284-68 Premium Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 6120 Monolec Hydraulic Oil

Spindle Oil 2 2290-2 - - -

Spindle Oil 10 2290-10 - - -

Spindle Oil 22 2290-22 Hydra-Plate Fluid ISO 22 - -

Hi-Tek Way Lubricant 32 2085-32 Way-Tac Fluid ISO 32 - -

Hi-Tek Way Lubricant 68 2085-68 Way-Tac Fluid ISO 68 - 1602 Duolec Industrial Gear Oil

Hi-Tek Way Lubricant 220 2085-220 Way-Tac Fluid ISO 220 - 6315 Monolec Way Lubricant

Super EP Gear Oil 68 2032-68 H-P Industrial Gear Oil ISO 68 - 1602 Duolec Industrial Gear Oil

Super EP Gear Oil 150 2032-150 H-P Industrial Gear Oil ISO 150 - 1604 Duolec Industrial Gear Oil

Super EP Gear Oil 320 2032-320 H-P Industrial Gear Oil ISO 320 Anderol 5320 Plus 1606 Duolec Industrial Gear Oil

Superfilm Steam Cylinder Oil 460 6531-460 PERMA-GEAR INDUSTRIAL ISO 460 - 460 Almasol Worm Gear Lubricant

Super Blue Goo - Gear-Guard Synthetic - 5100 Pyroshield Syn Open Gear Grease

Utility EP Grease #2 - Magna-Plate 500-2 - 3752 Almagard Vari-Purpose Lubricant

Superfilm HMA #2 Grease - Magna-Plate 300 - 1488 Almamoly HD Grease

- - Halo-Guard FG Series - 4072 H1 Quincal Syn FG Grease

- - FGH-AW Series - 4140 H1 Quinplex White Gear Lubricant

- - Flow-Guard Synthetic Series - 9460 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 23

LUVAL SA Novvi Petro-Canada Lubricants Renewable Lubricants ROCOL
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Santiago, Chile Emeryville, CA Hartville, OH Leeds, United Kingdom

General Purpose Lubricant

ISO Viscosity Grade
SUS at 100 F

32 135-165 ETC R&O ISO 32 - Turboflo R&O 32 Bio AW Turbine R&O 32 Sapphire Hi-Power 32

46 194-236 ETC R&O ISO 46 - Turboflo R&O 46 Bio AW Turbine R&O 46 Sapphire Hi-Power 46

68 284-346 ETC R&O ISO 68 - Turboflo R&O 68 Bio AW Turbine R&O 68 Sapphire Hi-Power 68

150 630-770 ETC R&O ISO 150 - Turboflo R&O 159 - Sapphire Hi-Torque 150

220 900-1100 ETC R&O ISO 220 - Turboflo R&O 220 - Sapphire Hi-Torque 220

460 1935-2365 ETC R&O ISO 460 - - - Sapphire Hi-Torque 460

Antiwear Hydraulic Oil

Novvi Hydraulic Fluid
32 135-165 AW Hydraulic Plus 32 Hydrex AW, MV / Environ AW, MV Bio Fleet AW 32 Sapphire Hi-Power 32

Novvi Hydraulic Fluid Hydrex AW, MV, XV / Environ

46 194-236 AW Hydraulic Plus 46 Bio Fleet AW 46 Sapphire Hi-Power 46

Novvi Hydraulic Fluid

68 284-346 AW Hydraulic Plus 68 Hydrex AW, MV / Environ AW Bio Fleet AW 68 Sapphire Hi-Power 68

Spindle Oil
2 29-35 - - - - -

10 54-66 - - Turboflo R&O 10 - -

22 95-115 - - Turboflo R&O 22 Bio Spindle Oil 22 -

Way Oil
32 135-165 Clammy Oil ISO 32 - - Bio SW Slide Way 32 -

68 284-346 Clammy Oil ISO 68 - PC Waylube 68 Bio SW Slide Way 68 Ultraglide X5

220 900-1100 Clammy Oil ISO 220 - - Bio SW Slide Way 220 -

Extreme Pressure Gear Oil

Engranaje AGMA 2 EP
68 284-346 - Enduratex EP 68 Bio EP Gear Oil 68 -
ISO 68

Engranaje AGMA 4 EP
150 630-770 - Enduratex EP 150 Bio EP Gear Oil 150 Sapphire Hi-Torque 150
ISO 150

Engranaje AGMA 6 EP
320 135-1650 - Enduratex EP 320 Bio EP Gear Oil 320 Sapphire Hi-Torque 320
ISO 320

Worm Gear Oil

460 1935-2365 - - Enduratex Mild WG 460 Bio SynXtra Gear Oil 460 Sapphire Hi-Torque 460

Cling Type Gear Shield - - - Vultrex Gear Shield NC - -

General Purpose Extreme

NLGI 2 - - Precision EP 2 Bio High Temp 180 Grease Sapphire 2
Pressure Lithium Base Grease

Molybdenum Disulfide
NLGI 2 - - Precision XL 5 Moly EP 2 - Sapphire Hi-Load 2
Extreme Pressure Grease

HI Grease - - - Purity FG 2 Bio Food Grade Grease FoodLube Universal

FoodLube Hi-Power /
H1 Fluid - - - Purity FG Fluid -

General Purpose Synthetic FoodLube Hi-Power /

- - - Synduro SHB -
Fluid Hi-Torque


Safety-Kleen SantoLubes Schaeffer Shell Lubricants Thermal-Lube
Richardson, TX Spartanburg, SC St. Louis, Mo Houston, TX Pointe-Claire, QB, Canada

Performance Plus R&O 32 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 32, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 32 Shell Turbo T 32 -

Performance Plus R&O 46 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 46, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 46 Shell Turbo T 46 -

Performance Plus R&O 68 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 68, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 68 Shell Turbo T 68 -

Performance Plus R&O 150 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 150, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 150 Shell Morlina S3 BA 150 -

Performance Plus R&O 220 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 220, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 220 Shell Morlina S3 BA 220 -

- - - Shell Morlina S3 BA 460 -

Performance Plus AW 32 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 32, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 32 Shell Tellus S2 MX 32 XL7325/032 Syn AW Hydraulic Fluid

Performance Plus AW 46 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 46, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 46 Shell Tellus S2 MX 46 XL7325/046 Syn AW Hydraulic Fluid

Performance Plus AW 68 - 112 HTC Oil ISO 368 254 HTC Supreme ISO 68 Shell Tellus S2 MX 68 XL7325/068 Syn AW Hydraulic Fluid

- - 112 HTC Oil ISO 32, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 32 - XL7345/002 Syn Spindle, Twister Ring Oil

- - 112 HTC Oil ISO 46, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 46 Shell Morlina S2 BL 10 XL7345/010 Syn Spindle, Twister Ring Oil

Performance Plus Spindle

- 112 HTC Oil ISO 368 254 HTC Supreme ISO 68 Shell Morlina S2 BL 22 XL7345/022 Syn Spindle, Twister Ring Oil
Oil 22

Performance Plus Way Oil 32 - 160 Moly Slide & Way Lube ISO 32 Shell Tonna S2 M 32 XL7360/032 Syn Way Lube

Performance Plus Way Oil 68 - 160 Moly Slide & Way Lube ISO 68 Shell Tonna S2 MX 68 XL7360/068 Syn Way Lube

Performance Plus Way Oil 220 - 160 Moly Slide & Way Lube ISO 220 Shell Tonna S2 MX 220 XL7360/220 Syn Way Lube

203B EP Industrial Machine Lube ISO 68, 203C EP Industrial

Performance Plus Gear Oil 68 Santotrac UHE 68 Gear Oil Shell Omala S2 GX 68 XL7316/068 Syn EP Gear Lube
Machine Lube No Tack ISO 68

203B EP Industrial Machine Lube ISO 150, 203C EP Industrial

Performance Plus Gear Oil 150 Santotrac UHE 150 Gear Oil Shell Omala S2 GX 150 XL7316/150 Syn EP Gear Lube
Machine Lube No Tack ISO 150, 293 Supreme Gear Lube ISO 150

294 Supreme Gear Lube ISO 320, 293A Supreme Gear Lube No
Performance Plus Gear Oil 320 Santotrac UHE 320 Gear Oil Shell Omala S2 GX 320 XL7316/320 Syn EP Gear Lube
Tack ISO 320

- Santotrac UHE 460 Gear Oil 147 Steam Cylinder Oil Shell Morlina S4 B 460 XL0835/460 Syn EP Gear Oil

- - 200S Silver Streak Multilube Shell Gadus S1 OG 1600 XL0835/320 Syn EP Gear Oil

221 Moly Ultra #2, 229 Ultra Red Supreme #2, 238 Ultra
- - Supreme #2, 274 Moly EP Synthetic Plus #2, 219 Syn Force Shell Gadus S2 V220 2 XL0LC2/002 Li Complex Grease

221 Moly Ultra #2, 229 Ultra Red Supreme #2, 238 Ultra
- - Supreme #2, 274 Moly EP Synthetic Plus #2, 219 Syn Force Shell Gadus S3 V460D 2 XL0EP2/002 Syn MoS2 EP Grease

195 Supertac Food Grade Grease, 271 Synthetic Food Grade

- - - XL0FG2/002 Syn H1 Grease

280 Food Grade HTC, 276 Synthetic Food Grade Gear Lube, 269
- - - XL0855/032 Syn H1 Hi Temp Fluid
Hydraulic Oil H-1

- - 264 Pure Synthetic Hydraulic Oil Shell Morlina S4 B 220 XL7325/032 Syn PAO AW Fluid PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 25

TOTAL Specialties USA Tower Metalworking Fluids Ultrachem United Oil & Grease
Linden, NJ Chicago, IL New Castle, DE Abilene, TX

General Purpose Lubricant

ISO Viscosity Grade
SUS at 100 F

32 135-165 Cirkan RO 32 - Chemlube 624 -

46 194-236 Cirkan RO 46 Durol D Chemlube 625 -

68 284-346 Cirkan RO 68 - Chemlube 626 -

150 630-770 Cirkan RO 150 - Chemlube 629 -

220 900-1100 Cirkan RO 220 Durol H Chemlube 630 -

460 1935-2365 Cirkan RO 460 - Chemlube 634 -

Antiwear Hydraulic Oil

32 135-165 Azolla ZS 32 Hydroil AW-32 P-ACO 32 Mobil Nuto H 32

46 194-236 Azolla ZS 46 Hydroil AW-46 P-ACO 46 Mobil Nuto H 46

68 284-346 Azolla ZS 68 Hydroil AW-68 P-ACO 68 Mobil Nuto H 68

Spindle Oil
2 29-35 Drosera MS 2 - - -

10 54-66 Drosera MS 10 Quadroil A Chemlube 10 -

22 95-115 Drosera MS 22 - Chemlube 22 -

Way Oil
32 135-165 Drosera H 32 32-SF Way Lube - Mobil Vactra No 1

68 284-346 Drosera H 68 68-SF Way Lube - Mobil Vactra No 2

220 900-1100 - 220-SF Way Lube - Mobil Vactra No 3

Extreme Pressure Gear Oil

68 284-346 Carter EP 68 - Omnigear 68 EP Mobilgear 600 XP 68

150 630-770 Carter EP 150 Super Gear Lube 150 Omnigear 150 EP Mobilgear 600 XP 150

320 135-1650 Carter EP 320 Express Gear Lube GH-90 Omnigear 320 EP Mobilgear 600 XP 320

Worm Gear Oil

460 1935-2365 Cylan WG 460 Express Lube JK-140 Chemlube 634 Mobil SHC 460

Cling Type Gear Shield - - - - Mobil Tac 375 NC

General Purpose Extreme

NLGI 2 Multis EP NA 2 - - Mobilgrease XHP 222
Pressure Lithium Base Grease

Molybdenum Disulfide
NLGI 2 Multis Complex ET Moly - - Mobilgrease XHP 222 Special
Extreme Pressure Grease

HI Grease - NevaStane XS - Omnilube FGM2 -

H1 Fluid - NevaStane SH - Omnilube 32/46 -

General Purpose Synthetic

- Synolan - Omnilube 2 -


Lubriplate Lubricants American Chemical
AMSOIL Bechem SA Bel-Ray
Newark, N.J. Superior, WI Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Farmingdale, NJ
Fowlerville, MI

Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Compressor Oil

32 140 Syn Lube 32 SAP 3000 PCH Bechem Berusynth HC 32 Synthetic PAO Lube

46 134 Syn Lube 46 SAP 3000 PCI Bechem Berusynth HC 46 Synthetic PAO Lube

68 139 Syn Lube 68 SAP 3000 PCJ Bechem Berusynth HC 68 Synthetic PAO Lube

100 150 Syn Lube 100 SAP 3000 PCK Bechem Berusynth HC 100 Synthetic PAO Lube

150 131 Syn Lube 150 SAP 3000 PCL Bechem Berusynth HC 150 Royal Purple Synfilm 150

Partial Synthetic Compressor Oil

32 146 - SAP 2000, SAP 4000 - Compressor Oil 32 Royal Purple Parafilm 32

46 145 - SAP 2000, SAP 4000 - Compressor Oil 46 Royal Purple Parafilm 46

68 87 - SAP 2000, SAP 4000 - Compressor Oil 68 Royal Purple Parafilm 68

100 99 - SAP 2000, SAP 4000 - Compressor Oil 100 Royal Purple Parafilm 100

150 105 - SAP 2000, SAP 4000 - Compressor Oil 150 Royal Purple Parafilm 150

220 105 - SAP 2000, SAP 4000 - Compressor Oil 220 -

Centrifugal Compressor Oil

32 127 - SAP 12500, SAP 12700 - Compressor Oil C 32 -

46 136 - SAP 12500, SAP 12700 - Compressor Oil C 46 -

15 120 - - - Compressor Oil C 15 -

32 160 - - - Compressor Oil C 32 Royal Purple Synfilm GT 32

Best-Wade Petroleum Chevron Lubricants Chrysan Industries Comet Supply Daubert Chemical
Ripley, TN San Ramon, CA Plymouth, MI Washington, IL Chicago, IL

Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Compressor Oil

32 140 Mobil SHC Rarus 32 Cetus PAO 32 - PAO 32 -

46 134 Mobil SHC Rarus 46 Cetus PAO 46 - PAO 46 -

68 139 Mobil SHC Rarus 68 Cetus PAO 68 - PAO 68 -

100 150 - Cetus PAO 100 - PAO 100 -

150 131 - Cetus PAO 150 - PAO 150 -

Partial Synthetic Compressor Oil

32 146 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 32 - - -

46 145 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 46 - -

68 87 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 68 - -

100 99 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 100 - -

150 105 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 150 - - -

220 105 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 220 - - -

Centrifugal Compressor Oil

32 127 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 32 - - -

46 136 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 46 - - -

15 120 - - - -

32 160 - Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 32 - - - PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 27

DuBois Chemicals ExxonMobil G-C Lubricants HUSKEY Specialty Hydrotex
Bedford Park, IL Spring, TX San Carlos, CA Farmers Branch, TX
Norco, CA

Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Compressor Oil

32 140 Perlube SYN-COMP-32 Mobil SHC Rarus 32 Primus UCBO Compressor Oil 32 HUSKEY HI-LO Oil, ISO 32 SYN-Air

46 134 Perlube SYN-COMP-46 Mobil SHC Rarus 46 Primus UCBO Compressor Oil 46 HUSKEY HI-LO Oil, ISO 46 SYN-Air

68 139 Perlube SYN-COMP-68 Mobil SHC Rarus 68 Primus UCBO Compressor Oil 68 HUSKEY HI-LO Oil, ISO 68 SYN-Air

100 150 - - Primus UCBO Compressor Oil 100 HUSKEY HI-LO Oil, ISO 100 SYN-Air

150 131 Perlube SYN-COMP-150 - Primus UCBO Compressor Oil 150 HUSKEY HI-LO Oil, ISO 150 -

Partial Synthetic Compressor Oil

32 146 - - Compressor Oil 32 - -

46 145 Blue Star 6150/46 - Compressor Oil 46 - -

68 87 - - Compressor Oil 68 - -

100 99 Blue Star 6150/100 - - - -

150 105 Blue Star 6150/150 - - - -

220 105 - - - - -

Centrifugal Compressor Oil

32 127 - Mobil DTE 832 Compressor Oil 32 HUSKEY N-500 Oil, ISO 32 HyDiamond Fluid 15Kp

46 136 - Mobil DTE 846 Compressor Oil 46 HUSKEY N-500 Oil, ISO 32 HyDiamond Fluid 15Kp

15 120 - - - - HyDiamond Fluid 15Kp

32 160 - - - - HyDiamond Fluid 15Kp

LUVAL SA Novvi Petro-Canada Lubricants Renewable Lubricants ROCOL

Mississauga, ON, Canada
Santiago, Chile Emeryville, CA Hartville, OH Leeds, United Kingdom

Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Compressor Oil

32 140 - - Synduro SHB 32 - -

46 134 - - Synduro SHB 46 - -

68 139 - - Synduro SHB 68 - -

100 150 - - Synduro SHB 100 - -

150 131 - - Synduro SHB 150 - -

Partial Synthetic Compressor Oil

32 146 Anderol S-32 Novvi Compressor Oil ISO 32 Compro XL-S 32 - -

46 145 Anderol S-46 Novvi Compressor Oil ISO 46 Compro XL-S 46 - -

68 87 Anderol S-68 Novvi Compressor Oil ISO 68 Compro XL-S 68 - -

100 99 Anderol S-100 - Compro XL-S 100 - -

150 105 - - Compro XL-S 150 - -

220 105 - - - - -

Centrifugal Compressor Oil

32 127 - - Compro XL-S 32 - -

46 136 - - Compro XL-S 46 - -

15 120 - - - - -

32 160 - - - - -


Industrial Oils Unlimited Isel JAX LANXESS Lubrication Engineers
Tulsa, OK Jacksonville, FL Menomonee Falls, WI East Hanover, NJ Wichita, KS

SynComp P 32 2015-32 Compresyn HD PLD ISO 32 - 9032 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

SynComp P 46 2015-46 Compresyn HD PLD ISO 46 Anderol 3046 9046 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

SynComp P 68 2015-68 Compresyn HD PLD ISO 68 Anderol 3068 9068 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

SynComp P 100 2015-100 Compresyn HD PLD ISO 100 Anderol 3100 9100 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

SynComp P 150 2015-150 Compresyn HD PLD ISO 150 Anderol 3150 9150 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

Syncomp SS 32 2057-32 - Anderol S 32 9032 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

Syncomp SS 46 2057-46 Compresyn 250 ISO 46 Anderol S 46 9046 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

Syncomp SS 68 2057-68 - Anderol S 68 9068 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

Syncomp SS 100 2057-100 Compresyn 250 ISO 100 Anderol S 100 9100 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

Syncomp SS 150 2057-150 - - 9150 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

N/A 2057-220 - - 9220 Monolec Syn Industrial Oil

Inquire 6421-32 Compresyn HD PGE TG - 6260 Monolec Centrifugal Compressor Oil

Inquire 6421-46 Compresyn HD PGE UC Anderol 3046 -

Inquire 6421-15 - - -

Inquire 6421-32 Compresyn HD PGE SL - -

Safety-Kleen SantoLubes Schaeffer Shell Lubricants Thermal-Lube
Richardson, TX Spartanburg, SC St. Louis, Mo Houston, TX Pointe-Claire, QB, Canada

- - 158 Pure Synthetic Compressor Oil ISO 32 Shell Corena S4 R 32 XL7330/032 Syn PAO Compressor Lube

- - 158 Pure Synthetic Compressor Oil ISO 46 Shell Corena S4 R 46 XL7330/046 Syn PAO Compressor Lube

- - 158 Pure Synthetic Compressor Oil ISO 68 Shell Corena S4 R 68 XL7330/068 Syn PAO Compressor Lube

- - 158 Pure Synthetic Compressor Oil ISO 100 Shell Morlina S4 B 100 XL7330/100 Syn PAO Compressor Lube

- - 158 Pure Synthetic Compressor Oil ISO 150 Shell Morlina S4 B 150 XL7330/150 Syn PAO Compressor Lube

- - 254 HTC Supreme ISO 32 - XL8330/032 Synth Compressor Lube

- - 254 HTC Supreme ISO 46 Shell Corena S3 R 46 XL8330/046 Synth Compressor Lube

- - 254 HTC Supreme ISO 68 - XL8330/068 Synth Compressor Lube

- - 254 HTC Supreme ISO 100 - XL8330/100 Synth Compressor Lube

- - 254 HTC Supreme ISO 150 - XL8330/150 Synth Compressor Lube

- - 254 HTC Supreme ISO 220 - XL8330/220 Synth Compressor Lube

112 HTC Oil ISO 32, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 32, 158 Pure Synthetic
- - Shell Turbo S4 GX 32 XL7331/032 Syn Ester Compressor Fluid
Compressor Oil ISO 32

112 HTC Oil ISO 46, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 46, 158 Pure Synthetic
- - Shell Turbo S4 GX 46 XL7331/046 Syn Ester Compressor Fluid
Compressor Oil ISO 46

- - - - XL7331/068 Syn Ester Compressor Fluid

112 HTC Oil ISO 32, 254 HTC Supreme ISO 32, 158 Pure Synthetic
- - - XL7331/032 Syn Ester Compressor Fluid
Compressor Oil ISO 32 PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 29

TOTAL Specialties USA Tower Metalworking Fluids Ultrachem United Oil & Grease
Linden, NJ Chicago, IL New Castle, DE Abilene, TX

Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Compressor Oil

32 140 Synolan 1000 32 - Chemlube 221 -

46 134 Dacnis SH 46 - Chemlube 228 -

68 139 Synolan 1000 68 - Chemlube 268 -

100 150 Synolan 1000 100 - Chemlube 299 -

150 131 Synolan 1000 150 - Chemlube 300 -

460 1935-2365 Cirkan RO 460 - Chemlube 634 -

Partial Synthetic Compressor Oil

32 146 Dacnis SB 32 - PS 32 -

46 145 Dacnis SB 46 - PS 46 -

68 87 Dacnis SB 68 - PS 68 -
100 99 Dacnis SB 100 - PS 100 -
150 105 - - PS 150 -
220 105 - - PS 220 -

Centrifugal Compressor Oil

32 127 Synolan DE 32 - Chemlube CF 32 -

46 136 Synolan DE 46 - Chemlube CF 46 -

15 120 - - - -

32 160 - - - -

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By Jeanna Van Rensselar, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)

Combine technologies
for effective oil analysis
Vibration analysis, thermography, and ultrasound are more valuable together.

ost-effective, comprehensive and presence of solid contaminants, moisture, and
proven, oil analysis is an extreme- lubricant health. “In addition to working in the
ly powerful condition monitoring proactive zone, oil analysis is an excellent tool to
tool. Those skeptical of its bene- use within the predictive zone,” Spurlock said.
fits are likely not fully or correctly “When sampled from the correct location, follow-
leveraging its awesome range of ing best practice sampling procedures and utilizing
capabilities. a comprehensive approach to sample testing, oil
Getting the most from oil analysis starts with analysis can determine the presence of wear debris
setting up the program correctly and continues very high on the P-F curve.”
with thorough follow up. For some organizations, One of the benefits that oil analysis has over
it makes sense to bring in expert help in the form most other condition monitoring tools is it detects
of reliability consultants who will initiate and man- problems in both the fluid and the machine. In
age the program. addition, it may detect defects earlier than other
“Acquiring data without having a process to technologies such as thermography and ultra-
organize and follow up with the information can sound. For this reason, oil analysis is usually the
lead to confusion and frustration for users,” said first line of defense.
David B. Doyle, CLS, OMA I, OMA II, general Among the many benefits of oil analysis are:
manager of ALS Tribology. “The challenge today
is taking the data that historically has been gener- • Longer equipment life. Oil analysis ensures
ated and report it in such a way that it provides machinery is being lubricated optimally while
more value for the user. Reporting data without also monitoring issues such as wear and con-
a process for follow up and ownership limits the tamination. Wear particle analysis—the cor-
value that is available from using these condition nerstone of oil analysis—is amazingly effective
monitoring tools.” at flagging and predicting problems before
they start to negatively affect equipment life.
Oil analysis benefits
According to RCL platform leader for Allied • Extended lubricant life. Oil analysis yields a
Reliability Matt Spurlock, oil analysis is the clear picture of the condition of the lubricant
one technology that can actually so that it never has to be changed prematurely.

M More
monitor equipment health proac- This can, in some cases, more than double the
tively—before damage occurs. This filter change and drain intervals. Eliminating
SOLUTIONS includes the ability to monitor the even one oil change a year saves money in
material and labor time.
Performance analysis
In considering the issues of oil analysis, performance is a basic step that often • Reduced equipment downtime. Oil analysis
is neglected. gives maintenance personnel the opportunity
to detect and correct issues before they cause
It involves comparing actual operating statistics with the manufacturer’s original equipment shutdown. On-the-road break-
parameters—usually posted on the machine’s nameplate. These statistics also downs, in particular, are expensive. The cost
are available in the equipment manual, online, or via the manufacturer’s rep. of oil analysis pales in comparison.
Combined with oil analysis, supplemental condition monitoring methods will
be able to detect the vast majority of equipment issues—hopefully before they • Monitoring of viscosity and acidity. Know-
affect operations. If one method detects an anomaly, experts recommend ing the oil’s viscosity means knowing if it is
employing a second technology for confirmation. adequately lubricating the parts. The base PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 31

include damaged components, severe operating
conditions, lack of proper maintenance, lack of

“One of the benefits that oil analysis

has over most other condition
proper lubrication, or lubricant degradation and
contamination. Different types of equipment
have specific failure modes that reflect equipment
design and metallurgy that oil analysis diagnostics
staff are trained to recognize. Test parameters can
monitoring tools is it detects give indications as to the root cause. Other times
the test data will pick up the symptom of the failure
problems in both the fluid and mode, which requires further inspection. Many
times the value of the test data can be increased
the machine. In addition, it may 10 fold after discussion between the end-user or
asset manager and the testing laboratory.”
detect defects earlier than other
technologies such as thermography Instituting oil analysis
Most people don’t need convincing that oil analysis
and ultrasound.
” is beneficial. However, the prospect of setting up
a comprehensive oil analysis program can seem
daunting. Following are a few steps that, if sequen-
tially adhered to, will ensure the program is set
number (BN) and acid number (AN) on an up and then functioning correctly.
oil analysis report will indicate if the oil is
still protecting the machinery. 1. Select an oil analysis lab. This is a good
first step because the lab can provide advice on
• Boosting resale value. Nothing says the equip- setting up the rest of the program. Look for an
ment has been taken care of better than a series established lab with a demonstrable quality assur-
of reports demonstrating regular oil analysis. ance program and industry accreditations such
as ISO 17025 or 10CFR50. If possible, it’s always
Oil analysis is not just about saving money, it’s a good idea to visit the lab before committing. In
also about reducing headaches and having the fact, the laboratory’s proximity can itself be an
assurance there will not be any serious disrup- advantage since it allows more timely delivery
tions in operations due to equipment failure. of samples—especially important in emergency
“Analysis of in-service lubricants detects a wide situations—which the new oil analysis program
variety of failure modes,” Doyle said. “This can hopefully will eliminate.

Condition monitoring as a service: 6 ways to ensure success

Monitoring the health of critical machinery is an important com- ment at the optimal time and with the best resources. Ultimate
ponent of an operational excellence strategy. Reliability services goals include:
providers offer a menu of options that can include maintenance,
reliability and operational consulting and services, training, and • Aligning maintenance efforts to business needs
staffing. They also implement and integrate oil analysis programs. • Reducing equipment damage and losses
Condition monitoring as a service (dubbed CMaaS) includes • Increasing availability and reliability
a collection of components, solutions, and support designed to • Reducing overall maintenance costs in a sustainable manner.
extend equipment life and increase profitability. CMaaS reduces the
effort to collect inspection data and integrate it into a single analyz- 2. Planned maintenance routines. The reliability services
able format. With inspection data stored in a central system, the provider will configure, support and deploy a planned maintenance
integration of reliability engineering, condition-based maintenance, routine. Benefits include increased resource productivity, greater
and reporting enables an environment where vendors, contractors, reliability and uptime improvement, and a greater likelihood of
and internal personnel can collaborate. This improves the competi- meeting production targets and business goals. Effective planning
tiveness of production facilities, raises product quality, increases and scheduling result in an efficient planned maintenance routine.
uptime and production capacity, and ultimately lowers costs.
Here are six things to expect from a CMaaS provider: 3. Work planning and scheduling. Planning and scheduling
1. Maintenance strategy review. This process ensures the daily maintenance is a vital part of every industrial manufacturing
customer is performing the correct maintenance on the right equip- operation. Well-structured, up-to-date planning will reduce costs


2. Articulate goals. The program’s structure and Oil analysis using vibration
foundation should be based on sound reliabil-
ity engineering goals that create a roadmap for Vibration analysis is a key condition monitoring tool for rotating equip-
designing and implementing the program. The ment. It excels at precisely detecting impending failures in high-speed
oil analysis lab can help here, but it is ultimately bearing systems. As components reach the end of their life, they begin
up to the end-user to align the program with the to vibrate more dramatically and distinctly. Ongoing vibration analysis
organization’s reliability needs. Following are a flags these signs before significant damage occurs. Common failure
few suggestions for goals: modes that vibration analysis detects include:
• Improve reliability by avoiding breakdowns
and extending life (both the machinery and • Imbalance
its parts) • Misalignment
• Flag and eliminate recurring problems • Cavitation
• Eliminate most unscheduled maintenance • Cracked/broken gear teeth
• Maximize lubricant life and performance • Looseness—both in chains and structural
• Support comprehensive proactive and predic- • Gear wear
tive maintenance. • Rolling element bearing defects
• Resonance
Once these goals are established, it’s time to • Bent shafts
choose a program champion/key contact. • Multiple bearing issues
• Sheave run-out
• Electrical issues
3. Create an equipment list. Establish a list of • Fluid and airflow issues.
equipment to be sampled. Prioritize based on
equipment criticality and allow for adjustment Oil analysis and vibration analysis complement each other almost per-
as the program continues. This list should include fectly: oil analysis monitors and controls lubricant quality and contami-
at least the following: nation; vibration analysis monitors and controls balance, looseness,
• Equipment identification (a generic descrip- and alignment.
tion along with serial number)
• Component type, make, and model In fleet industries, oil analysis is the primary technology because die-
• Required lubricant brand and grade, often sel engines predominate. In industrial applications, especially power
designated by the OEM generation and petrochemical, vibration analysis is the technology of
• Oil reservoir capacity choice. In general, industrial applications such as primary metals, pulp
• Filter type and rating and paper, etc., use both methods together.
• Sampling frequency.

and have a positive impact on safety and environmental programs 3. Organizational systems—operating procedures and decision
by forestalling unexpected events. making.

4. Reliability, availability, and maintainability. This provides So for most equipment, oil analysis will be the most cost-
an integrated analysis of expected system performance based on effective method of determining the health of the equipment and
system design, operations, and maintenance. It is a key component the fluid. Oil analysis becomes exponentially more effective when
of lifecycle cost and asset management programs. teamed with complementary technology such as thermography
or vibration analysis. Organizations that don’t already have an oil
5. Risk-based inspection. This involves defining appropriate analysis program in place can either set one up with a few simple
inspection technique, and frequency based on damage conse- steps or opt for a reliability services provider that will design and
quences and probability of failure. Examining risks enables optimum administer the program for them.
inspection programs. “Oil analysis, thermography, and vibration analysis are each
condition monitoring tools that, when used in combination, can
6. Root cause analysis. This identifies the root cause of failure provide a fuller picture of an asset’s current health,” Doyle said.
and identifies actions that will prevent recurrence. The process “The challenge in applying these various tools is to be able to
investigates three failure causes: combine the information in such a way that one data comple-
1. Physical or technical ments the others and is easily understood by the end-user and
2. Human errors asset manager.” PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 33

report. This is where the program
Oil analysis using thermography champion comes in. It is this per-
son’s job to ensure that each sample
The idea behind thermography is that an increase in heat indicates failing components. is labeled correctly when it arrives
Thermography detects heat patterns and measures the temperature of electrical and at the laboratory.
mechanical components. The areas it identifies can indicate electrical resistance or excess “A key to achieving maximum
friction. It also is ideal for identifying heat loss. Additionally, thermography can uncover ROI from oil analysis is to ensure
problems with moisture, thickness, bonding, capacitance, and friction. the laboratory has all the required
information regarding the equip-
Thermography will pick up anomalies in motors, couplings, bearings, belts and sheaves, ment being sampled,” Spurlock says.
steam traps, heat exchangers, and electrical systems/components. “When going to the doctor for a
blood test, we are asked questions
Thermography detects issues that oil analysis can’t, such as the condition of rollers, such as age and health history in
the level of deposit build-up in storage tanks, and the condition of high-speed bearings order to assure the correct test state.
and couplings. Just as in misdiagnosing a human,
failure to provide the needed infor-
mation for a machine also will result
Equipment critical to plant operations should in a misdiagnosis.”
be identified first. Appropriate oil analysis for
critical equipment includes wear metal analysis, 5. Establish performance metrics. Metrics
moisture content, viscosity, acid number, particle always lead to accountability, so create metrics
count, and analytical ferrography. tied to the program’s original goals. For example,
are there fewer breakdowns? Is there a reduction
4. Devise the sampling strategy. While the oil in recurring problems? Is there less unscheduled
analysis lab can advise, the end-user is the ulti- maintenance? Are drain intervals being extended?
mate decider on sampling strategy. This strategy Be sure to account for anomalies and other fac-
will include sampling locations, method, and tors that will affect the accuracy of the metrics.
procedure. If all of this seems a little overwhelming, there
The procedure component of the strategy is are reliability service providers that are more
where most programs fall apart. Oil analysis than qualified to set up and administer the pro-
labs receive the vast majority of samples with gram. More about this later. The bottom line is
information that is incomplete—making it very that setting up an oil analysis program requires
difficult for end-users to get the most from the careful consideration, planning, and—perhaps
most important—consistency and thorough fol-
low through in order to be successful.
Oil analysis using sensors
KapStone Paper: A success story
Embedding condition monitoring sensors in machinery is becoming com- KapStone Paper, located in Longview, Wash.,
monplace. “The growth in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) as it relates produces a wide spectrum of kraft and recycled
to online real data monitoring is expected to be huge in the coming years,” products ranging from containerboard to kraft
said Matt Spurlock of Allied Reliability. “Sensors have been around for papers, saturating kraft, and folding carton board.
over a decade but have been cost prohibitive until just recently. Imagine It is an example of a company that makes full and
a suite of sensors that monitors vibration data, oil health, contamination, effective use of integrated condition monitor-
and wear debris. These sensors constantly send data to the cloud where ing technologies. KapStone leverages oil analy-
machine learning algorithms allow for dynamic alarms to be in place in sis, microscopic analysis, vibration analysis, and
order to immediately identify when a condition is changed along with a ultrasonic and thermal imaging.
relevant corrective action recommendation. That day is here. “At KapStone Paper, we have integrated several
different technologies into our predictive main-
“Oil analysis technology has been severely commoditized over the years. tenance program to help increase our uptime
There is fierce competition within the laboratory world for end-user sam- and reduce the number of failures we have,” said
pling dollars,” Spurlock added. “In addition, oil analysis seems to be one Jeffrey H. DesArmo, KapStone’s lubrication man-
of the most misunderstood tools of condition monitoring. The idea of ager. “The benefits of oil analysis are many, and
inline monitoring should help to alleviate both of these issues and bring the ability to integrate other predictive mainte-
to light the true benefits of comprehensive condition monitoring and nance technologies throughout our mill benefits
multi-technology integration.” us a great deal and provides for a more thorough
and accurate diagnosis of equipment issues. We


work with our vibration department on a daily
basis sharing equipment-related concerns as they Oil analysis using ultrasound
are identified.”
Out-of-spec oil reports are shared between the Ultrasound is defined by high-frequency sound waves above 20 kHz
two crews, which review the historical oil and and up to 300 kHz and is one of the more flexible condition monitoring
vibration data. The equipment may be re-sam- technologies. It is commonly used for leak detection (of compressed gas)
pled as needed and closely monitored for change. and mechanical and electrical inspections. For the latter, ultrasound can
When the vibration group reports a motor that is be used as a safety tool to identify arcing, tracking, and corona.
noisy or has a high frequency event on a bearing
and asks for lubrication, a lubrication specialist Ultrasound relies on digital meters that measure high frequency signals
uses the UE Systems ultrasonic meter to ensure and display the results in decibels per microvolt. Trending values point
that the right amount of grease is inserted to the to potential defects caused by contact such as rubbing and friction. The
bearing. Thermal imaging helps find hot spots use of ultrasound complements vibration analysis, which in turn improves
and allows for the location of potential problems oil analysis.
in larger, more complex systems.
“Microscopic analysis is an effective method ultrasonic analysis provides information on
of identifying wear debris, as it allows us to see structural deficiencies before larger problems
what type of particles are being generated in the occur, which would not necessarily be picked
oil, accurately count the particle numbers, and up by oil analysis. The composition of gases
examine their size and shape, which allows us generated in emission and effluent processing
to more accurately assess the machinery and the also can provide unique information regarding
condition of the oil,” DesArmo said. “We can asset operating health.
have results as quickly as an hour after a sample Allied Reliability’s Spurlock has been working
is brought in.” with KapStone. He explains that in addition to
A good example of the benefits of integrated sending samples to an outside laboratory on a
analysis at KapStone was an oil sample that regular basis, KapStone purchased equipment to
came back fine—but the vibration department make patches and view them through a micro-
subsequently picked up a high gear mesh on a scope onsite.
roll-mounted gearbox. Temperatures were up “This gives KapStone a very early indication of
on the gearbox, and the motor was drawing any potential severe condition,” Spurlock says.
high amps to keep running. “Through this process, the lubrication super-
“After performing a microscopic analysis of visor prepares patches from oiled and greased
the oil, I noticed there was wear material in the components for review. On more than one occa-
oil going to the gearbox,” DesArmo said. “The sion, they noted abnormal wear particles on
wear material was coming from the pump that the patch and were able to notify the vibration
was feeding the gearbox from a larger oil reser- group for further review. In each instance, the
voir and was not pumping properly. The pump vibration group confirmed the presence of a
was failing, and with the finding we were able problem, although the vibration data had yet to
to switch over to a backup pump and replace reach a level of alarm. This allows the facility
the failing pump on our time. The cost of the ample time to plan and schedule needed correc-
possible failure of a gearbox and downtime asso- tive action or overall component replacement.”
ciated would have been in excess of $300,000.” DesArmo said KapStone chooses to integrate
In situations where an oil sample cannot be predictive technologies for several reasons but
taken during normal operating conditions, ther- primarily because of the amount of uptime and
mography and vibration analysis provide data reliability they gain.
without requiring downtime or interruption to “Then there is the understanding of other
operations. They also provide a picture of what disciplines and how they work,” he says. “Tying
is happening during actual operating conditions. all of the technologies together, we find that we
According to Doyle, in situations where work better together than if each department
an oil sample cannot be taken during normal is on its own trying to increase reliability, not
operating conditions, thermography and vibra- knowing what the other is up to.” PE
tion analysis provide data without requiring
downtime or interruption to operations. They Jeanna Van Rensselar is a writer for TLT, the
also provide a picture of what is happening official publication for the Society of Tribologists
during actual operating conditions. In addi- and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), a CFE Media
tion to thermography and vibration analysis, content partner. PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 35

By Mike Howell, Electrical Apparatus and Service Association (EASA)

Figure 1: Accord-
ing to research,
just more than
one-half of plants
have a policy of
replacing failed
electric motors
below a certain
horsepower rat-
ing. Image cour-
tesy: EASA/Plant

Motor maintenance trends:

6 factors to evaluate
Recent EASA research studies provide new insights on repair versus replace

or many industrial plants, maintenance remainder (21%) replaced. Within the repaired elec-
strategies and decisions relating to the elec- tric motor group, mechanical repairs were the most
tric motors in use are among their most common (49%), compared with electrical rewinds
critical. Without question, motors are the (30%). Further, over the past three years, mechani-
primary workhorses for many of these plants—driv- cal repairs are trending higher, while the electrical
ing machinery, pumps, conveyors, and other vital rewinds are declining (Figure 2).
equipment. So when they don’t work properly or What are some of the reasons for these motor
fail, the impact on regular plant operations can be repair trends?
When faced with an ailing or failed motor, plant 1. Availability of a suitable
operators typically consider whether to repair or replacement
replace it. According to a 2014 study conducted by Any time an electric motor fails, the application
Plant Engineering magazine for the Electrical Appa- should be reviewed. Over time, it’s common for
ratus and Service Association (EASA), just more processes to change, and this can alter motor load-
than one-half of plants have a policy of automati- ing and duty cycles. When a failure occurs, consider
cally replacing failed electric motors below a certain any such changes that have taken place and how
horsepower rating. While that horsepower rating they may have affected the suitability of the motor.
varied depending upon the plant’s installed motor If nothing has changed, this assessment will be very
population, the average rating was 30 hp (Figure 1). quick.
While such policies address a portion of the motors Other times, it could be more extensive. If the
used at most plants, they do not cover what occurs motor is deemed acceptable for the application, the
with those motors. That question was addressed in a decision-making process can move forward. The
more recent research project commissioned by EASA repair-replace flow chart (Figure 3) can be helpful
that focused on the disposition of electric motors for this process.
considered for repair. The research showed that just Motors manufactured with atypical features,
over three-quarters (79%) were repairable, with the Continued on page 38


Motor repair or replacement?
Start with a motor failure policy
Three fundamentals to help plants make the right decisions
By Nicole Dyess, Motors@Work

hen a motor fails, there are two options: repair cause failure analysis (RCFA). Once the reasons behind chronic
or replace. The best option for a given motor motor failures have been identified, a business case can be built
depends on a variety of factors. Today’s cost to and corrective action can begin. For example, if a harsh environ-
repair or replace plays a relatively small role in ment causes frequent motor failures, replace the motors with
the big picture. severe duty motors—increasing motor reliability and reduc-
Establishing a motor failure policy and repair guidelines can ing downtime. Similarly, a motor with damaged windings may
help reduce downtime, lower energy expenses, and maximize indicate an electrical issue at the plant.
capital investments. Knowing the game plan before a motor Replacing oversized, under-loaded motors—those running at
fails enables informed, data-driven motor-management deci- less than 50% of their capacity—with smaller, premium efficient
sions that consider safety, risk, and costs. A motor failure policy motors that better match the load requirements reduces the
also helps procure the appropriate equipment and services in cost of capital expenditure and increases the motor’s operating
advance—getting the plant back up and running sooner. efficiency, reducing energy spend.
A strong motor failure policy should consider the following:
3. Communicate your plan.
1. Determine your horsepower breakpoint. For critical motors, the cost of downtime will far exceed the
Depending on your electric rate, repair cost, distributor dis- cost to either repair or replace the motor. But that doesn’t mean
count on new motors, the efficiency of your failed motor, and there isn’t time to apply these principles.
its annual run-hours, it may be more cost-effective to replace To ensure continuity, the motor failure plan should be com-
your motor than repair it. municated and transparent to all equipment operators and
Some asset management system add-ons enable you to calcu- maintenance technicians. Place easily identifiable tags on each
late near-real-time motor repair-versus-replace business cases, motor to communicate the correct course of action upon that
in which case your policy document should outline the proce- motor’s failure. Use the tag to identify whether to repair or
dure and assumptions to be used in the calculation. However, replace the motor.
facilities without this technology may find it helpful to calculate If replacing, indicate where to find its spare, whether on-site
their horsepower breakpoint. or stocked off-site with a contracted vendor. For motors not
To calculate the horsepower breakpoint, evaluate the costs stocked on-site, check availability of spares quarterly. Many
for repairing as well as replacing common motor sizes, includ- motor manufacturers produce motors in batches, meaning the
ing full lifecycle operating costs. However, if a new motor is available stock for certain size and speed motors varies. Critical
expected to last longer than a repaired motor, consider only the and essential spare shortages can lead to higher prices or worse,
costs that the new motor will incur over the expected lifetime an operational shutdown.
of the repaired motor. Increasingly, firms use outside vendors to manage their spare
Then, calculate the horsepower and operating hours above parts inventory. In addition to reducing (or even eliminating)
which it becomes more cost-effective to repair a motor based inventory carrying costs, spares management firms can share
on your company’s payback or internal rate of return criteria. the risks associated with obsolescence, shrinkage, overstocking,
These calculations inform the facility’s particular rule of thumb. and depreciation. These supply-chain management vendors
For example, replace all motors falling below this horsepower also often bring industry-specific expertise on failure rates of
breakpoint; repair everything at and above it. similar equipment and benefit from economies of scale on the
Why consider lifecycle costs? Energy expenses comprise up price of spares they stock.
to 97% of a motor’s total lifecycle cost. Even a one-point rise in At the very least, establish a retainer agreement with the
efficiency translates into tremendous savings over the motor’s preferred motor supplier and repair shop to respectively ensure
service life. Considering full lifecycle costs may sway the deci- local availability of spares and guaranteed repair turnaround
sion to repair versus replace. times.

2. Identify improperly specified motors. Motor repair guidelines

Given the high capital cost of new motors, motor failures offer Let’s face it—there is no way to justify replacing all failed motors.
an opportunity to evaluate the appropriateness of a motor in Repairing the motor will be the best option for at least a few
its application. motors, particularly if they’ve been upgraded to premium-effi-
Identify motors and locations with frequent failures, then ciency motors.
perform (or ask your preferred repair shop to perform) a root Continued on page 39 PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 37

Figure 2: Over the past three years, mechan-
ical repairs are trending higher, while the
electrical rewinds are declining. Image cour-
tesy: EASA/Plant Engineering

of repair become less favorable. For example,

severe damage to the rotor body, stator core, or
a significant mechanical failure may decrease
repair feasibility.
If an older machine fails, there may be signifi-
cant opportunities to reduce operating costs by
purchasing a machine with higher efficiency (e.g.,
NEMA Premium or IE3). Quality is an impor-
tant factor, though, and higher efficiency doesn’t
guarantee higher reliability. It’s also important to
such as custom shafts, are more likely to be repaired note that higher efficiency motors can be repaired,
than readily available stock motors. When suitable when repair is logical, while maintaining efficiency
replacements are readily available, the two factors and reliability.
often driving the decision are time and money.
3. Repair provides opportunity to
2. Cost of repair versus replacement determine (and address) root cause
Often, motor repair can be a much quicker and Depending on the importance of the application, it’s
less expensive path than replacement. If the motor often worthwhile to perform cause analysis when
failure is catastrophic in nature, however, the merits failures occur. While the cost of motor repair or
replacement is significant, the cost of
downtime can be orders of magnitude
greater. When causes are determined,
and countermeasures are implemented
to prevent their recurrence, the process
becomes more robust.
Sometimes repairs can be tailored to
address stresses seen by a specific instal-
lation, thereby improving reliability.
An example of this might be insulation
system modification in an installation
known to experience transients. Of
course, a cause analysis can be performed
whether the decision is repair or replace.

4. Regular preventive and

predictive maintenance
practices can provide ‘early
This allows repairs to be planned/
scheduled when least disruptive to
plant operations.
Use of preventive maintenance (PM)
and predictive maintenance (PdM)
activities has grown continually for
decades and continues to grow. PM typi-

Figure 3: A flow chart from “The

Effect of Repair/Rewinding on
Motor Efficiency,” from the Electrical
Apparatus Service Association 2003.
Image courtesy: EASA


cally involves component or system maintenance performed Studies by W.U. McGovern, R.S. Colby and D.L. Flora and
on a periodic basis to reduce the likelihood of a failure. An others show that motor efficiency drops an average of 1% on
example of this would be a 36-month bearing replacement the first repair, with further decline with repeated rewinds.
cycle on a specific motor application. Yet, studies conducted by the Electrical Apparatus and Service
PdM, which includes online or condition monitoring, Association (EASA) and Advanced Energy have proven that
assesses the condition of machines in-service to determine motor rewinding can in fact, improve motor efficiency by up to
the need for repair. So rather than replace the bearings in 1% when the shop embraces certain recognized best practices.
the previous example on a fixed schedule, the owner may Motor repair guidelines help protect the performance of
use tools like online vibration and temperature monitor- repaired motors, ensuring they achieve the same speed, torque,
ing to assess bearing health and then schedule replacement and efficiency as they did when new. At a minimum, motor repair
when needed. guidelines should address who performs motor repairs and how
With the onset of Industrie 4.0 and the Internet of Things they’re completed— such as whether repairs are performed in-
(IoT), PdM activities, whatever they are termed, will continue house or outsourced, and what repair procedures are followed.
to grow. Some machines will be able to predict impending
failures and schedule their own maintenance processes. 1. Who repairs the motors?
If motor repairs are outsourced, the motor repair guidelines
5. ANSI/EASA standard establishes motor should identify the preferred vendor. The motor repair guide-
repair best practices lines also should establish criteria for assessing whether a repair
ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 Recommended Practice for the shop is equipped to perform best-practice-level motor repairs.
Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus describes record- These criteria allow an assessment of whether the currently pre-
keeping, tests, analysis, and general guidelines for the repair ferred vendor provides the best-value service and ensures any
of induction, synchronous, and direct current rotating future review of repair services procure high-quality services.
electrical apparatus. It is not intended to replace customer At a minimum, a service center should be able to provide a
or manufacturer specifications or accepted and applicable root-cause analysis on motor failure, spell out your repair/replace-
industry standards, but can be supplemented by such other ment options, highlight their prior experience servicing similar
documents as needed. motors, and outline their repair procedures and warranty details.
It provides a sound framework of recommended practices
for each step of the rewinding and rebuilding processes for 2. How are motors repaired?
rotating electrical apparatus. Many service centers use ANSI/ Whether repairs take place in-house or are outsourced,
EASA AR100 as a foundation around which to develop work requiring ANSI/EASA AR100 best practices helps maintain
instructions specific to their organization. It provides consis- and even enhance the energy efficiency and reliability of
tency in repair, which in turn yields greater reliability once repaired motors. The AR100 standard provides a compre-
the motor is returned to service. hensive list of best practices covering mechanical repair,
electrical repair, rewinding, and testing.
6. EASA accreditation provides third-party Best practices prescribed by AR100 include
assurance of motor repair practices • Providing a quality assurance program and warranty
It has been proven that electric motor efficiency can be main- • Replacing all broken and worn parts per OEM specifica-
tained during repair and rewind by following defined good tions
practices. EASA has developed an international accreditation • Conducting stator core tests both before and after winding
program for service centers based on the sources of these removal to check for stator core damage
good practices, namely ANSI/EASA AR100 and the Good • Repairing or replacing defective stator core laminations
Practice Guide from the 2003 study The Effect of Repair/ • Calibrating all test equipment and measuring devices at
Rewinding on Motor Efficiency, by EASA and the Associa- least once yearly to the national standard to ensure accuracy
tion of Electrical and Mechanical Trades (AEMT). • Recording winding resistance and room temperature before
The intent of this groundbreaking accreditation program and after repair to ensure that the resistance measured is
is to evaluate service centers for evidence of compliance to within spec and balanced on all three phases
assure that they are using prescribed good practices to main- • Carrying out insulation resistance test, surge comparison
tain motor efficiency and reliability during electrical and tests, high-potential tests, nominal, and no-load testing
mechanical repairs of electric motors. The program accom- • Regulating power supply to ensure good power quality at
plishes this by use of independent, third-party auditors. The the appropriate rated voltage for motor tests.
accreditation program currently is limited to three-phase,
squirrel cage induction motors. PE Establishing a motor failure and repair policy helps plan
for the inevitable day when motors do fail. PE
Mike Howell is a technical support specialist at the Elec-
trical Apparatus Service Association (EASA), St. Louis, Nicole Dyess is director of client solutions at Motors@Work, a EASA is a CFE Media content partner. CFE Media Content Partner. PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 39

By Lynn Njaa, MAVERICK Technologies

Control system migration:

Plan early and collaborate
Front-end loading (FEL) offers advantages for planning and budgeting

he time to modernize and optimize • What tasks should be done first?
your manufacturing facility’s day-to-
day operations has come. Change can • How do we reduce risk and keep operations
be hard—but managing that change can up and running?
be even harder. Every day, you and your team are
responsible for managing and executing policies • How do we manage our existing resources
and procedures, production, maintenance, safety, and transition from old to new processes?
and quality, as well as other production-related
tasks. Now, add to that workload the challenge • Do we even have enough qualified resources
of managing the upgrade and migration of the with the extra time to plan and execute the
plant’s legacy control systems. project on a full-time basis?
A process control system (PCS) migration proj-
ect, whether large or small, can be exciting, but • How do we manage the project scope, budget,
overwhelming. It requires an enormous amount schedule, and overall plans?
of work and can be risky without the right team
Strong upfront of experts and proper planning. • What are the hardware and software technol-
planning and So where to start? ogy needs?
budgeting leads An automation upgrade or migration should
to success. All deliver value throughout its entire lifecycle. Find- • What suppliers should we use?
images courtesy: ing the right solutions and resources takes time,
MAVERICK Tech- so planning is crucial. From a management per- How these questions are answered will have
nologies spective, the questions to ask are: a major impact on the project’s outcome. A bad
decision now will affect the manu-
facturing facility for years to come
or could require great expense to
fix. The success or failure of the
migration project largely depends
on proper upfront planning, inves-
tigation, and discovery.

Qualified resources
Before beginning on a migra-
tion project, consider the process
control team’s level of experience
and whether they really have the
time to define, design, configure,
and implement a control system
migration effort in addition to
their normal daily responsibili-
ties. A strong, qualified team of
engineers, operators, IT person-
nel, and maintenance technicians
is needed to collaborate and cap-
ture process knowledge.


This kind of project may only happen once
in a career. Whatever experience the team
might have in-house, it’s unlikely they’ve
managed a project of this scope. That’s why “An automation
it’s so important to closely review all avail- upgrade or migration
able options, including consulting a third-
party expert. should deliver value
When qualified practical experience is
needed, a platform-independent automation throughout its entire
solutions provider can bring tremendous
value to the project. They can help make lifecycle. Finding the
informed, unbiased decisions on which
platforms to use based on their experiences right solutions and
using many types of products, systems, and
platforms. If the plant uses a mix of different resources takes time, so
technologies, the third-party expert’s experi-
ence is especially beneficial.
A full solutions provider brings to the
planning is crucial. ”
table the huge advantage of many lessons
learned from their experience on various
platforms. They partner with your team,
applying their knowledge and the tools to • FEL 2: Determine preferred project/pro-
assist in reducing your risk during the migra- gram option and obtain capital funding
tion process. This expertise also is needed
when tying together various control system • FEL 3: Finalize scope, cost, and schedule
platforms and in the planning involved with for automation projects.
third-party interfaces.
In FEL 1, the management team and advi-
Planning and budgeting sor work collaboratively to lay out a mutually
A successful migration project begins with agreeable path of migration that considers
strong upfront planning and budgeting. the plant’s business needs. This will ensure
Without this, the migration project can be any existing intellectual property and pro-
subject to significant changes later in the cess knowledge is incorporated into the new
project. The later in the project that neces- automation solution. This can reduce devel-
sary changes are identified, the more expen- opment costs while adding
sive those changes are to implement and all the operational and safety
the less likely they are to be incorporated features of the new system. By The
without negative impacts to the schedule.
Consequently, strong upfront planning and
In the FEL 2 phase, the
plant management team will
budgeting is not extra work. It is a best prac- review and evaluate several
tice for successful migration projects.
Front-end loading (FEL) is a repeatable
project options. An automa-
tion solutions provider is
$2.5 trillion
methodology that governs successful plan- invaluable at this stage, as Total system integration
ning and budgeting. All discovery and docu- they can write the project
ments are continually modified and refined plan, create a vendor com- revenue of the 100 firms
as the project progresses, resulting in overall parison, provide a schedule,
project cost savings. itemize cost estimates, and included in CFE Media’s
During the FEL migration planning pro- compare options by calculat-
cess, the right automation solutions provider ing the total cost of owner- 2018 System Integrator
can help with proper planning to avoid risk ship. They also will consider
and manage costs. During this early stage many other elements, as Giants list. The 2019
of project planning, the solutions provider well as the potential impact
should take a consultative approach. those elements may have in SI Giants list will be
Consider the following three FEL phases: migrating from the old to
• FEL 1: Align automation opportunities the new systems. If the auto- published in December.
with business needs and goals mation project needs to be PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 41


Effort spent implemented in a phased approach, the automa- facility or unit for many years to come. The right
early pays for tion solutions provider also will help define the choice will have a positive effect on the facility’s
itself later. sequence of phases that best aligns with your ability to produce effectively and profitably. The
facility’s needs and requirements. operators will find the system easy to use, and
In FEL 3, a solutions provider will help work there will be room to improve and optimize the
through the planning and implementation stages process. The wrong choice can have the opposite
and will be supportive of phased approaches while effects.
helping identify and manage costs. Granted, a The supplier selection process should begin by
phased approach may cost a little more than if identifying the critical to quality (CTQ) elements
a control system is installed all at once, but the for the new control system. Input and collabora-
costs can be spread out over a longer period. These tion from operations, engineering, and mainte-
phased approaches are also inherently less risky nance are crucial for the selection of the next PCS.
and allow for less downtime than replacing the Getting everyone on board and in alignment is
entire control system as a single turn-key project. key to the support of the migration and success
Throughout all FEL phases, a solutions pro- of the project. When identifying CTQ elements,
vider will offer high-value upgrades to the control all automation projects should get the same con-
systems using innovative techniques and technol- sideration. A platform-independent solutions
ogy. This creates more value for the migration provider can work with stakeholders to outline
project. Newer technologies can extend what your your critical CTQ elements for an unbiased and
control system can do and will increase the value objective choice.
of the investment. After all, if you’re going to
migrate, it’s best to do it right the first time. Manage your success
Upfront planning and consulting an automation
Platform selection solutions provider are the keys to a successful
A new control system platform is a major invest- migration. The right guidance will help you
ment and is critical to operations. The indi- identify potential problem areas upfront and
viduals who have the responsibility to choose the consider such things as risk, safety, downtime,
supplier and system will set the course for the resource allocation, network traffic levels, data
integrity, cybersecurity, and more.

M More
True team collaboration ensures efficient com-
munication and a high level of success. The right
automation solutions provider can help define
your team’s goals and be there at every stage of
Five reasons why system integrators are
the project. With everyone working together, you
critical assets for the IIoT can build your project plan based on the FEL pro-
The IIoT is transforming the industrial cess and ensure your decisions are remembered
landscape and system integrators who add positively for many years to come. PE
it to their core business offerings can have
Lynn Njaa is a senior consultant for MAVERICK
a powerful effect on their bottom line for
Technologies. MAVERICK Technologies is a CFE
enterprises in five ways. Media content partner.



With just five minimalistic, low-profile blades matched with unique down-turned winglets, Entrematic HVLS fans move
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input #13 at


We proudly salute manufacturing innovation
and invite you to explore and celebrate
the success stories of these participating
manufacturing innovators:

Aeroflex USA
AVO Training Institute
Baldor Electric Company
Camfil Air Pollution Control
Henkel Adhesive Technologies
L&T Technology Services
mk North America
SEW Eurodrive Inc.

Look for the special Innovations videos at:

We ship super-fast (and FREE on
orders over $49). The majority of our
products are stocked for same-day
shipping, when you place your order
by 6p.m. E.T. (with approved company
credit or credit card). Plus, you get
free two day (transit) shipping on
orders over $49 within the U.S.,
Canada and Puerto Rico; shipped via
ground service or LTL (certain heavy
items are excluded). We guarantee it.

We want you to be pleased with

every order. That’s why we offer a
30-day money-back guarantee on
Company headquarters located just north of Atlanta, Georgia
almost every stock product we sell,
including our software (see Terms and
A well-recognized name in the industrial automation Conditions for certain exclusions).
market, AutomationDirect is a distributor of thousands
of products including Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLCs), AC/DC drives and motors, operator interface
panel/HMIs, power supplies, sensors, pushbuttons,
NEMA enclosures, pneumatic supplies, wire, and
much more. In business since 1994, the company
headquarters is located just north of Atlanta, Georgia.

For over 20 years we’ve been saving our customers

time and money on industrial automation products.
We have a huge inventory that is constantly growing
in order to provide you with the quality components
needed to keep your projects on schedule. We’ve heavily Orders ship quickly from our state-of-the-art warehouse
invested in new infrastructure that will allow us to
continue offering the service and support you deserve.

We make ordering easy and our service For more information,

is exceptional. Shop online with our contact us at 800-633-0405
exhaustive product listings or browse or visit us online at
our online catalog; fax or phone us –
you’ll get friendly, efficient service
from the most helpful sales team in the
business. Independent surveys completed
by readers of industrial trade magazines
for their Readers’ Choice Awards have placed
us at the top of the list for service 15+ years in a row.

1-800-633-0405 |
input #28 at

ABB’s US motors and generators business, formerly known as Baldor Electric

Company, produces and supports their products from more than 15 locations in
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and
South Carolina. Based in Fort Smith, Arkansas, they are the leading marketer, designer,
manufacturer and service provider of industrial electric motors, mechanical power
transmission products, and generators.

ABB is the largest motor and mechanical power transmission company in North
America. They sell, service and support the entire range of ABB IEC motors,
Baldor-Reliance ® NEMA motors, and above NEMA medium and high voltage motors
up to 100,000 horsepower. They are also the leading provider of mechanical power
transmission products with Dodge ® mounted bearings, enclosed gear products, and
power transmission components, including sheaves, couplings, and conveyor pulleys.

ABB offers dedicated market expertise and product solutions for the mining, food &
beverage, oil & gas, paper & forest, aggregate & cement, unit & air handling, water
and power generation industries. | 479-646-4711
input #29 at

Camfil APC Helps Safely Collect Hazardous

and Combustible Dusts

Camfil APC designs the industry’s most rugged and high performance dust
collection systems and filter cartridges. They safely collect and contain the
toxic and combustible dusts created by manufacturing processes. Removing
dust from the workplace improves employee health and overall plant safety.
Each system is based on modular units that are customized for each specific
application with the required filtration system and safety features. All dust
collectors and filter cartridges are manufactured at the ISO 9001 certified
facility in Jonesboro, AR.

Combustible Dust Collection

Camfil’s flagship dry dust collector, the Farr Gold Series® , is used in
hundreds of manufacturing plants around the world. Made from 7-10 gauge
steel, FGS collectors stop combustible dust fires and explosions before
they spread. They exceed OSHA mandates for factory air quality, and when
equipped with a Camfil explosion vent, they offer the highest explosion
protection in accordance with NFPA and ATEX standards.

The Handte Vortex wet scrubber is a low maintenance dust-collecting option

for collecting extremely combustible airborne particles.

Industry-Leading Customer Support

Through its Camfil Cares support program, Camfil APC
employees help customers improve the air quality in
their facility. They make site visits to evaluate the dusts,
assess needs and recommend the most cost-effective
equipment to solve problems and comply with OSHA
and NFPA standards.

A Complete Product Line

Camfil APC also offers equipment for collecting airborne
oils and coolants from machining processes. The Handte
Oil Expert and Handte EM Profi collectors efficiently
collect oil and coolant mists before they are inhaled by
machine operators or collect on floors and surfaces. Most Camfil dust, fume and mist collection
systems feature extended filter life, easy filter change-out, energy-efficiency, and a 12-year warranty.

Dust testing, ASHRAE Standard 199 Testing and Training

Camfil APC testing services that help manufacturers select the best dust collector for their application,
with the lowest energy and operating expenses. They can perform dust testing and ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 199 testing.

800-479-6801 or 870-933-8048 | |

input #30 at

Flexicon stand-alone bulk handling equipment

to engineered, plant-wide systems
Choose from a broad range of reliable, high
performance equipment:
• Flexible Screw Conveyors • Bulk Bag Dischargers
• Volumetric Feeding • Bulk Bag Conditioners
Conveyors • Weigh Batching Systems
• Tubular Cable Conveyors • Manual Dumping
• Pneumatic Conveying Stations
Systems • Drum/Box/
• Bulk Bag Fillers Container Dumpers
Continuous growth required the company to recently double
the size of its US headquarters.
A separate Flexicon
Flexicon provides an unparalleled level of service Project Engineering
through its administrative, engineering and manufac- Division manages
turing capabilities on four continents, and extensive large-scale bulk
worldwide network of applications engineers, authorized handling projects
representatives and field support technicians—a unique across the chemical,
consolidation of bulk handling specialists with hundreds mineral, food, dairy
of years of combined experience. and pharmaceutical
industries worldwide.
An extensive research and development program
continually sets new standards for bulk handling Supervised by
equipment performance with entirely new designs, dedicated Project Managers, these custom-engineered,
product improvements and equipment that complies with automated systems integrate Flexicon equipment with
chemical, food, dairy and pharmaceutical requirements bulk handling and process equipment of other
nationally and internationally. manufacturers including:

Flexicon’s design engineering staff devises efficient • Gravimetric/Volumetric • Screeners

solutions to the most unusual problems with highly Feeders • Crushers/Grinders
custom equipment, endowing the company with a depth • Silos and other • Packaging Machines
and breadth of bulk handling experience unequalled by storage vessels • Other bulk
any other manufacturer. • Dryers/Coolers processing equipment
• Mixers/Blenders
Equipment overview
Flexicon is a world leader in the design and manufacture Basic, stand-alone
of bulk handling equipment and custom-engineered and machines to
integrated plant-wide systems that transport, discharge, automated
fill, weigh, blend, deliver and/or feed a broad range of plant-wide systems,
powder and bulk solid materials. all Flexicon
equipment is backed
Products range from individual equipment to automated by Flexicon’s Lifetime
systems that source bulk material from interior and Performance
exterior plant locations, transport it between process Guarantee.
equipment and storage vessels, weigh it, blend it, feed it
to packaging lines, extruders, molding machines and
storage vessels, and load it into railcars and trailers.

+1 610 814 2400 |
input #31 at

The New Tools of the Trade

LOCTITE ® HY 4060 ™ Repair Adhesive is a 5-minute,
general-purpose universal bonder that is machinable
and works across a wide variety of substrates,
including metals, most plastics and rubbers.
It provides long-lasting, high-performance
durability, fast fixture, excellent low-temperature
cure capability and enhanced safety. It offers good
moisture, temperature and chemical resistance.

LOCTITE ® Universal Structural Bonders, innovative

adhesives powered by a patented Hybrid technology,
combine the most critical attributes of structural,
instant and epoxy adhesives – bond strength, speed
and durability.

This powerful combination provides improved

performance on a variety of substrates, and the
versatility to solve a wide range of maintenance
repair challenges.

The maintenance industry is under constant pres-

sure to optimize efficiency, reduce costs and look
for new solutions that keep plants running smoothly
and safely. Offering performance and versatility,
LOCTITE ® Universal Structural Bonders greatly LOCTITE® HY 4060™ offers superior cure times.
expand the capabilities of traditional adhesives.
These innovative hybrids provide solutions for
plant managers and maintenance professionals LOCTITE ® HY 4070 ™ Repair Adhesive offers ultra-
looking for fast, durable, general-purpose repair fast fixture (<60 seconds) with high-strength
with a range of substrates and in all types of performance, excellent gap-fill ability (up to 5mm),
operating conditions. and good temperature, humidity and chemical
resistance. Designed for a variety of substrates,
including metals, most plastics and rubbers. Full
cure is <24 hours.

This new hybrid technology will continue to evolve

with further research into applications and user
needs also evolves. The possibilities are limitless.

For more information about these LOCTITE ®

Hybrid Universal Structural Bonders, contact
Henkel directly.

For a free sample of LOCTITE ® HY 4060™, visit:
LOCTITE® adhesives expand application boundaries.

Phone: U.S. (800) 562-8483 U.S. Canada (800) 263-5043 |

input #32 at

Future-Proof Manufacturing With Smart Plants

How did a power tool manufacturer improve labor efficiency by 10% and utilization rates from
80% to 90%? What about the engineering major who increased operational efficiency by 20%
through simulation of material movement? Both these cases and numerous others have found
success through one underlying technology—digitalization.

Treading the Digital Path

Converting a traditional factory into a smart plant involves a lot of strategic planning and
diligent execution, which often require plant operators to:

Walk the LTTS Way

For years now, LTTS has been making manufacturing plants smarter by incorporating
technologies like industrial IoT, automation, and cloud computing. We help companies devel-
op connected ecosystems, ensuring that plant owners can constantly monitor and document
machine health, production status, and risk assessment without breaking a sweat.

Enhanced productivity, better ROI, higher revenue, and improved efficiency are results
companies often report from taking this digital leap of faith.

Let’s start a conversation.

Take your first step toward embracing digital transformation for your plants today!

Let’s #EngineerTheChange



input #33 at

Lubriplate’s Complimentary ESP Extra Services Package

helps maximize your lubrication maintenance program

Complimentary Value Added

Services Offered Include...

A Toll Free Technical Support Hotline and E-mail

You can call Lubriplate’s technical service center toll free at 800-347-5343 for
quick answers to tough lubrication questions by phone, or you can e-mail
questions to seven days a week.

Complete Plant Surveys and Lubricant Inventory Consolidation

Complete plant surveys by Lubriplate’s professional staff of lubrication engineers
are also available to determine your exact lubricant requirements and identify
opportunities for lubricant inventory consolidation.

Color Coded, Lubricant Specification, Machinery Tags

Lubriplate offers customized, color coded machinery tags to help prevent lubricant
misapplication and ensure that the proper lubricant is used when servicing a
particular piece of equipment. Based on a complete plant survey, tags can be
provided for each piece of equipment in your plant.

Lubrication Maintenance Software

Lubriplate offers a PC based computer software program that puts your entire
lubrication and maintenance schedules at your fingertips. This service is based
on a complete survey of your entire plant. Contact Dan Moroses (Newark office)
for details at 973-589-9150.

No-Charge Follow-up Oil/Fluid and Grease Analysis

Lubriplate’s Oil|Fluid and Grease Analysis Program is offered at no-charge on all
Lubriplate products. Tests include: Viscosity, Acidity, Contamination (% sediment
and % moisture,) Spectrochemical (PPM of wear metals and additives) ISO
Cleanliness (optional). An interpretation of the results is included along with
suggested actions to take.

In Plant User Lubrication Training Programs

We offer training programs tailored to your needs. These educational training
sessions focus on all facets of machinery lubrication and are not a sales
presentation. Seminars are graphically presented with overheads and other
support material. Available on-site at your facility or in a local conference room.
Contact us at 800-733-4755 for more information.
input #34 at

1-800-733-4755 | |


Innovative Material Handling Solutions

from mk North America, Inc.
Since 1988, mk North America, Inc. has been
designing and manufacturing a wide variety of
conveyors for use in piece handling, assembly lines,
production areas, industrial pallet handling, as well
as food and pharmaceutical use. mk also offers an
expansive assortment of t-slot aluminum extrusions for
use in guarding and workstation construction, as well
as a variety of linear motion modules which round out
the full product offerings.

better products. better solutions.

mk North America believes in offering not only a
better product, but also a better solution. Regardless
of what makes your material handling application
unique, mk can provide a custom conveyor solution that
meets your needs and keeps your business moving.

mk North America provides better products and better

solutions by:
s Taking the time to understand the unique aspects
of each application
s Working with customers to identify and address
individual pain points
s Bringing decades of design and integration experience to each new application
s Providing customer service and engineering support before, during, and after the sale
s Assembling and testing all conveyors before shipping
s Catering to customer requests for aluminum extrusion products sold as
raw materials, kits or fully assembled dependent upon their needs.
s Offering a 10 Year Limited Warranty

Continual Improvements and Innovations

mk North America, is a member of the German mk Technology Group. By combining
German and American engineering and innovation, mk North America is able
to offer unique material handling solutions.

Innovative products from mk include:

s SPU 2040 over / under pallet conveyor s Flat finish (no t-slot)
s Adjustable width conveyors bases for pharmaceutical
s Belt conveyors with light panels equipment
in the frame s Linear modules to travel in
s Pallet conveyors for individual the X-Y-Z planes
pallets loads up to 700 lbs. s Guarding customized for
s Curve conveyors including nearly any machine or
stainless steel belt conveyors floor layout

Inquire with mk today to learn how we can be your solutions provider. | 860.769.5500 |
input #35 at

Nexans gives you the confidence to make the connection

Superior Product Performance
In the field of industrial cabling solutions, Nexans
offers a complete range of products that provide
improved reliability and reduced cost of ownership.
Industrial Ethernet is the technology of
the future on the factory floor. It enables Nexans’ solutions are run through a battery of
convergence to the office and to the internet, vigorous mechanical testing, followed by data
which is impossible over traditional, often transmission testing to ensure your IP traffic will be
piecemealed bus technologies. Nexans’ protected. Nexans Industrial Solutions are built to
industrial Ethernet solutions help improve withstand even the most demanding harsh conditions.
productivity and profitability by avoiding, Our comprehensive solutions include:
eliminating, and minimizing risk, and
ultimately achieving Bulk Copper Cable
100% uptime.
• Cat 5e, Cat 6, and Cat 6A
• Two-pair and-four pair products
• Unshielded products available
• Shielding with foil (high frequency) and braids
(low frequency)
The • TPE and PVC jackets
Fourth • Stranded and solid conductors
Industrial Revolution • 23AWG and 24AWG
We are in the midst of the fourth industrial • 600V AWM rated
revolution, characterized by the introduction
of cyber-physical systems. A cyber-physical Bulk Fiber Cable
system is a mechanism controlled or • OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4, and single-mode
monitored by computer-based algorithms • Loose Tube constructions up to 432 fiber counts
tightly integrated with the internet and its • Tight Buffer constructions up to 144 fiber counts
users. Reliable connections between the • Jacketing in PVC, PVDF, LSZH, MDPE, and PUR
machines, the people, and the internet are, • Indoor/Outdoor rated
in a word, everything. However, one bad
connection can mean the flow of information Field Installable Connectors
is disrupted, which could have devastating • M12 and RJ45 variety
results on your operation and your • IP67 rated
bottom line. • Shielded and unshielded RJ45 connectors
Nexans gives you the confidence Industrial Cordsets
to make the connection.
• M12 and RJ45 copper assemblies
• IP20 and IP67 rated available
• Shielded and unshielded

Fiber Assemblies
• LC-LC and MPO-MPO Assemblies

717-354-6200 | |

input #36 at

How ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Benefits Customers
By Thomas Foy - Radwell Global Corporate Training & ISO Manager

ISO 9001:2015 certification is a positive achievement for an organization. This achievement is

very important for a company as well as the customers it services.

For Radwell International, there were certain key points that we recognized as major external
benefits to our customers upon achieving ISO 9001: 2015 certification.

• Improved Quality and Service—By adhering to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard we enhance
all aspects of the products and services we provide for our customers, from the level of
repairs we offer, testing capabilities we provide, and the effective turnaround of new,
surplus, and repairs we offer. This allows us to provide a higher level of customer service
throughout our organization.

• Annual and Independent Audits—we provide annual audits to insure compliance with
ISO 9001: 2015 standards and best practices. We also have an independent Certification
company provide 2 and 3 day audits to give us additional perspective and provide third
party expertise to allow us to maintain our ISO Certification.

• Quality Review and Testing Capabilities—by offering thorough and extensive quality
checks and thorough testing, we provide our customers with exceptional products and
services, which provide peace of mind, confidence, minimal returns, and the desire to
work with Radwell on a regular basis.

• Reliable Production Scheduling and Delivery—ISO standards allow our customers

to have realistic expectations with our Repair lead times, and confidence in our New and
Surplus turnaround time. This also allows us to pinpoint delivery times with existing
Inventory stock items.

• Minimize Errors—ISO standards provide our customers with minimal errors for repairs,
which enhance customer confidence. This also holds true for items that we have in stock,
and also for items we outsource when necessary. Customers can count on Radwell to
cover all their repair, surplus and new product needs.

To learn more about Radwell International’s

ISO 9001:2015 Certification visit
input #37 at

New Drive and Maintenance Management Solutions

CDM® Maintenance Management
SEW-EURODRIVE now offers a full complement of drive maintenance
services. Our CDM® Maintenance Management service provides
an online portal and complete overview of your entire stock of drive
components, condition of your units, drive usage, and service details.
With 24/7 online access, CDM removes the headache of managing
your maintenance and inventory.

Pick-Up Box Service

Let SEW-EURODRIVE be a part of your maintenance team to
free up your crew for other tasks. This new service provides a
dedicated on-site Pick-Up Box, along with scheduled pick-up,
repair, and return of your drive units. Each unit is examined by an
experienced SEW-EURODRIVE service technician. Service or repairs
are completed after approval.

The MOVIGEAR® Mechatronic Drive System for horizontal
materials handling from SEW-EURODRIVE sets new standards in
terms of efficiency and functionality. MOVIGEAR® combines the
gear unit, motor and electronics within one highly reliable, efficient,
and hygienically designed unit. Not only does independent research
prove that MOVIGEAR reduces total start-up cost and annual
operating expenses by 20-30%, but actual installations have seen
even higher savings…by as much as 50%!

DRC Electronic Motor

The DRC electronic motor provides an ultra-efficient motor and
electronics package for those SEW gear units already installed in
your system. Like MOVIGEAR, the DRC electronic motor consists of a
permanent-field synchronous motor with integrated drive electronics
in a completely enclosed housing. Step up to IE4 efficiency — the
next level beyond premium.

Engineering excellence and customer responsiveness distinguish
SEW-EURODRIVE, a leading manufacturer of integrated power
transmission and motion control systems. SEW-EURODRIVE solutions
set the global standard for high performance and rugged reliability
in the toughest operating conditions. With its global headquarters in
Germany, the privately held company currently employs over 16,000
employees with a presence in 48 countries worldwide. U.S. opera-
tions include a state-of-the-art manufacturing center, five regional assembly plants, more than
63 technical sales offices and hundreds of distributors and support specialists. This enables
SEW-EURODRIVE to provide local manufacturing, service and
support, coast-to-coast andaround the world.

P: 864-439-7537 | F: 864-439-7830 |

input #38 at

Aeroflex USA, Inc. Introduces Aerocel® ULP® Flexible Elastomeric Insulation

Aeroflex USA, Inc. has developed Aerocel® ULP® closed-cell
EPDM insulation, offering the best water vapor and water
resistance in the industry.
Aeroflex USA, Inc. introduces the newest version of Aerocel® EPDM
elastomeric flexible closed-cell foam insulation. This newest
introduction is called Aerocel® ULP ®, that delivers exceptionally low
water and water vapor transport properties. Aerocel® ULP ® is a
vapor retarder, helping ensure that the insulation system remains
sealed against moisture. Offering ease of installation, a high level of energy efficiency, and superior
moisture resistance, Aerocel® ULP ® is the ideal choice for cost-effective installations on all
low-temperature system insulation jobs, especially in high humidity and high temperature climates.
New Aerocel ULP with SSPT is supplied with Cel-Link® II. Cel-Link® II provides a method of completing
projects with the best cost, in harsh conditions, in critical environments where liquid adhesives present
problems, in low VOC applications like LEED® certified projects. Cel-Link II can be installed in temperatures
as low as 0°F, and provides in-place service from -50°F to +257°F. No
other joining method like Cel-Link® II exists for elastomeric insulation.

866-237-6235(AEROCEL) |
input #39 at

pe201806_innovHLF_aeroflex.indd 1 5/17/2018 1:27:56 PM


Electrical Safety Compliance Assessment

Electrical accidents are described by OSHA as one of their “Fatal Four.”
That’s why it is essential to have an Electrical Safety Program that meets the
comprehensive compliance standards and regulations established by OSHA,
NEC, NFPA, IEEE, NESC, ANSI and other governing bodies.

Because these assessments can be time-consuming, complex and confusing,

AVO’s team of Electrical Safety Specialists are ready to walk you through it.
We will come to your facility and conduct an audit that covers all five key
components of the Electrical Safety Program (illustrated below) or assess
the individual components you choose.

The components of an assessment Be prepared for an OSHA “Drop-Out” random

visits. Staying safe and compliant isn’t a choice,
1. Assess installation for NEC and OSHA compliance
but whom you choose
2. Electrical Hazards Audit for NFPA 70E, NESC and
as your electrical safety
OSHA 1910.269 Standards
partner is. Choose
3. Review facility’s Electrical Safe Work Practice for
AVO Training Institute.
compliance with current standards and regulations
4. Assess Personal Protective Equipment for
safety compliance Please visit
5. Recommend Electrical Safety Training for
employee: the next step to compliance for more information.
input #40 at
pe201806_innovHLF_AVO.indd 1 5/11/2018 12:23:42 PM

Study on Industry Standard Motor Repair Practice: Burnout Oven Incineration Winding Stripping
Dreisilker Electric Motors, Inc (DEM) performed a study on the burnout
oven incineration (BO) method where a motor winding gets placed in oven
temperatures ranging from 650 to 900 °F. In the BO method, the insulating
materials turn to ash while catching on fire so that the conductors can be
easily removed for rewinding a motor. Sometimes per standards, a water
misting system puts out fires and causes a steam sauna effect.

DEM conducted a study on the effects of the BO method by stripping a

200 and 100 HP motor windings following industry standards. Physical
dimensions using a coordinate measuring arm and electrical core loss
readings were taken before and after. It was found that the motor
laminations and motor frames changed. Physical changes can affect
rotor/stator air gap, soft foot, bearing alignment, and frame concentricity.

Electrical changes can affect metallurgical characteristics of laminations, core loss, and phase
balance. Any of these changes can result in efficiency loss, power factor decrease, increased
operating costs, and ROI of a motor.

To learn more on the damaging effects of BO and alternative

stripping methods, visit
input #41 at
pe201806_innovHLF_dreisilker.indd 1 5/13/2018 1:17:06 PM


VIBSCANNER 2: The high-speed data collector with triaxial sensor sets new standards
Keep it smart and simple The intuitive graphical user
This is the motto under which entire development interface, the integrated
of the VIBSCANNER ® 2 was placed. The result: RFID reader and the
A unique measurement device with which even VIBCODE technology
untrained personnel can easily measure machine assist the employee in
vibration on rotating equipment. taking repeatable and
error-free measurements.
Fast: Thanks to its ground-breaking measuring
principle and the parallel data acquisition, ALL IN ONE: Depending
VIBSCANNER 2 collects all relevant health on the filter setting,
information of the machine at the push of a button. VIBSCANNER 2 measures
Measurement times are up to four times faster. parameters, spectra and time waveforms
This makes it possible for employees on site to synchronously on three axes. In combination with
take care of additional maintenance tasks. a triaxial sensor, the high-speed data collector
provides even more condition information for
Easy: The design of the device is such that even each measurement location at the push of a button.
new or untrained personnel can effectively perform This creates an overall image of the machine health
a measurement – without any prior training. without affecting the measuring time.

+1 844 242-6296 (USA & Canada) l

input #42 at

pe201806_innovHLF_pruftechnik.indd 1 5/8/2018 3:03:04 PM

HD Technology: The future of condition monitoring

In the digital world of Industry 4.0, SPM condition
monitoring solutions deliver high quality, relevant
data on multiple levels: from raw, unprocessed
sensor data; via data processed through our so
sophisticated digital HD algorithms; to refined, fully evaluated and actionable machine condition
data. This capacity to provide intelligent and customized input on the required level of detail is
unique in the industry.

Error-free data is the foundation for successful decision-making. The high-definition data delivered
by SPM condition monitoring solutions fully comply with the Industry 4.0 philosophy–providing more
intelligent, superior-quality input perfectly suited for industrial IoT systems and Big Data mining.
The result is more accurate predictions and sharper analysis.

SPM Instrument is a global leader in condition monitoring technology. We offer a wide product range
from high-tech portable instruments to online systems and comprehensive software. We have supplied
the world’s industries with high performance condition monitoring solutions for nearly 50 years, and we
are passionate about what we do. Our entire focus is developing world-class products for world-class
reliability and maintenance. | Tel: 330-299-7645
input #43 at
pe201806_innovHLF_SPM.indd 1 5/7/2018 11:28:46 AM


VAC-U-MAX Bulk Material Handling & Industrial Vacuum Cleaning Solutions -

Combustible Dust Vacs Now ATEX-Certified
VAC-U-MAX is a worldwide leader in the design and manu-
facture of process automation systems for bulk material
transfer of over 10,000 various powders, pellets, flakes and
granular materials. Now available as “packaged systems” –
the VAC-U-MAX Signature SeriesTM vacuum conveyors
are available in 1500 Series for conveying applications
from handfuls to 1500 lbs/hr (680 kg/hr) or the 3500 Series
for vacuum conveying applications up to 3500 lbs/hr (1600 kg/hr). Each package
consists of 5 easy-to-install parts including vacuum producer and controls.

Product line also includes a full range of industrial vacuum cleaning solutions – portable, continuous duty for
1-3 operators at one time, and central systems. VAC-U-MAX combustible dust vacs run only on compressed-
air and are ATEX tested and certified for for Class I and Class II hazardous area locations. VAC-U-MAX
explosion-proof electric-powered industrial vacs feature 55-gallons of collection capacity for Class II,
Group F & G combustible dust environments. VAC-U-MAX Flammable Liquid and Submerged Recovery
industrial vacuum cleaners are also ATEX certified with submerged recovery unit
rendering reactive powders inert. For more information about VAC-U-MAX and its
full range of process automation and plant hygiene solutions
(973) 759-4600 or (800) VAC-U-MAX
input #44 at
pe201806_innovHLF_vacumax.indd 1 5/14/2018 5:27:09 PM
2018 Global Automation &
Manufacturing Summit

GAMS Agenda
REGISTRATION and LUNCH: 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

KEYNOTE: 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Raj Batra, Siemens
In a global, competitive manufacturing environment, how can American
manufacturers compete? The same way they’ve lifted the U.S. economy
September 12th out of the Great Recession: By being smarter, leaner (and Leaner) and using
technology and data to point the way to a better manufacturing strategy.
Join Control Engineering, Plant
SESSION 1: 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Engineering and Hannover Messe USA for
Embrace your future: How robotics and AI are changing manufacturing
the Global Automation and Manufacturing No longer a science fiction story, robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are real,
Summit, part of the Industrial Automation valuable to manufacturing, and winding up in more plants than ever. How
North America (IANA) pavilion at the can you find the best way to utilize robots in your plant? How can AI be a
training and plant management tool? Our human experts will discuss the
2018 IMTS Show at McCormick Place in practical ways these technologies will enhance manufacturing—and all the
Chicago. This one-day summit is designed ways humans are still vital to your operation. Bob Doyle, vice president of
to bring plant managers, control engineers, the Robotic Industries Association (RIA) and the Association for Advancing
Automation (A3) in Ann Arbor, Mich. and a CFE Media Partner, will lead the
and manufacturing business leaders panel discussion.
together to highlight plant improvement
opportunities and deliver strategies that SESSION 2: 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Maintenance and IIoT: Follow the numbers
manufacturing personnel can take back to
The data generated by IIoT can point a maintenance professional to a
their plants and implement immediately. problem on the plant floor—if he’s looking at the right numbers at the right
time. More sophisticated analytics are helping maintenance teams focus
Sponsored by: on the right data at the right time, and we’ll talk with them on how this
strategy can lead to more uptime and better safety. The presentation will
be led by Sal Spada, research director for discrete manufacturing for ARC
Advisory Group.

KEYNOTE: 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

The Digital Twin: Changing the face of the plant floor
A digital twin establishes a direct connection between the physical
product or asset and its designed, manufactured, and deployed digital
representation. This connection can lead to accelerated product design,
more effective maintenance operations, and a newly introduced service and
business model. SAP experts will discuss the digital twin and its value to
manufacturers in an engaging keynote presentation.

SESSION 3: 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Cybersecurity: How far do we need to go?
The problem of security for (IIoT) is one of the most discussed issues as
manufacturers look to deploy this technology solution. We’ll look at the real
issues, perhaps debunk a few myths, and talk about the common-sense
ways manufacturers can secure their data and their operational integrity.
The presentation will be led by Dr. Richard Soley, Executive Director of
the Industrial Internet Consortium, Chairman and CEO of the Object
Management Group (OMG).


For more information and to register visit:
2019 TO

System G

Integrator TE
of the TE
Year S

Entries are due August 17, 2018

Control Engineering and 2018 System Integrator of the Year 13 | 2018 SI Giants 27

Plant Engineering’s annual

System Integrator of the Year Awards
Data consolidation
Integrators help deliver

Who should enter?

efficiency on a single platform

If you’re a system integrator with demonstrable

industry success, Control Engineering and Plant
Engineering urge you to enter the 2019 System
Integrator of the Year competition. Past System
Integrator of the Year winners—Class of 2018,
Class of 2017, and Class of 2016—are not eligible

to enter the 2019 System Integrator of the Year


What’s in it for the winners?

The chosen System Integrator of the Year winners will receive worldwide recognition from
Control Engineering and Plant Engineering. The winners also will be featured as the cover
story of the Global System Integrator Report, distributed in December 2018.

How will the competition be judged?
Contact Bailey Rice Control Engineering and Plant Engineering’s panel of judges will conscientiously evaluate
Director of Business all entries. Three general criteria will be considered for the selection of the System
and Market Development Integrator of the Year:
CFE Media • Business skills • Technical competence
(630) 310-2598 • Customer satisfaction

Tell us how you measure up in these three areas.

Get the application:
By Jeremy Wishart, Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Propane forklifts— INSIDE

3 myths and truths NEW
PERC discusses how propane remains a viable fuel

ropane forklifts have long been the marketplace. The following are the
a key piece of equipment in most common myths associated with
plant and facility operations propane forklifts and the truth behind
across the globe. From their each.
first appearance in the 1950s, propane
forklifts commanded markets with their MYTH #1: Propane is a gas-
versatility and payload capacity. Pro- eous fuel, so it can’t be used
pane still powers more than 600,000 indoors.
forklifts across the United States today. Actually, one of the biggest advantages
Despite propane’s established repu- to using propane forklifts is the fuel’s
tation on the floors of manufacturing
plants, distribution centers, and facilities
of all kinds, a few misconceptions and
myths about propane forklifts permeate
versatility to operate inside, outside, on
concrete, or dirt.
Well-maintained propane forklifts
produce much lower levels of carbon

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input #14 at

monoxide than gasoline or diesel, so indoors and outdoors, according to a
they can be used anywhere electric recent survey conducted by the Pro-
forklifts operate in properly ventilat-
ed facilities. This versatility is espe-
pane Education & Research Council
(PERC) of individuals responsible for “In multi-shift
cially noteworthy when considering managing and/or maintaining their facilities where
that 68% of forklift fleets work both companies’ forklifts.
work continues day
and night, propane
provides the quick
Superior Suction, refueling necessary

Safety & Solutions. to keep materials

Guaranteed. moving. ”
VAC-U-MAX compressed-air powered industrial vacuum
cleaners are engineered for 100% more suction power
for even the finest powders and combustible dusts - now Propane forklifts can handle small
ATEX Approved & Certified - the first line offering for
Class I and Class II hazardous area locations. Since 1954 loads as well as loads heavier than 10,000
VAC-U-MAX has provided “Intrinsically Safe” Industrial pounds. In fact, 70% of respondents to
Hygiene Solutions for flammable liquids, combustible dusts the PERC survey reported using pro-
and reactive powders.
Flammable Liquids Reactive Powders pane forklifts for loads between 5,000-
MDL55 23954 MDL55SR Combustible Dusts 10,000 pounds—34% actually reported
using propane forklifts exclusively in
this weight class—in part because of the
varied applications for which forklifts
are used.
One example is Renze Display, a
company that prints, builds, and ships
state-of-the-art displays, graphics, and
trade show exhibits up to 5,000 pounds
from its Omaha, Neb.-based office and
Combustible Dusts warehouses. The company uses propane
MDL30 40008SS Combustible Dusts
MDL55 40012/3 (General Purpose)
forklifts to maneuver products between
Let us solve your industrial vacuum cleaning challenges. shipping bays, fabrication, and storage
Visit or call 800-VAC-U-MAX. because they needed equipment that
ensured a healthy work environment
when doors were constantly opened and
closed between its office, manufacturing
shop, and warehouse.
Booth 121035
East Building
For Renze, the difference between
Level 2 using propane and electric forklifts was
the difference between sending a product
on time or disappointing a customer with
a late product because its forklifts were
In multi-shift facilities where work
continues day and night, propane pro-
vides the quick refueling necessary to
keep materials moving. Swapping out an
empty propane cylinder for a full one
• COMBUSTIBLE DUST DUST takes less than a minute; so plants don’t
need to purchase extra expensive bat-


input #15 at
Submit new product releases to our New Products for
Engineers Database

M More
Go to and use the keyword ‘lift
trucks’ to find these and other articles:

Small data, big impact

Extract actionable insights from lift truck telemetry to improve
efficiency for material handling applications.

Three steps to proper propane truck maintenance

Handle your trucks and your fuel with caution to maintain your
propane fleet.

teries or allow for downtime during shifts for recharging.

Refueling schedules can be tailored with a propane retailer
to ensure a plant’s cylinder cage is always full.

MYTH #2: Propane forklifts cost too much.

Plant managers using propane forklifts can actually see
several advantages on costs compared to diesel and electric
forklifts. Propane forklifts are less expensive at acquisition
than electric forklifts. Plus, Tier-4 diesel requirements are
already adding thousands of dollars to the purchase price
of diesel equipment.

Well-maintained propane forklifts produce much lower NEED MORE FLEXIBILIT Y ?

levels of carbon monoxide than gasoline or diesel, so
they can be used anywhere electric forklifts operate in
properly ventilated facilities. All images courtesy: PERC


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PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 63 input #16 at

Electric forklifts are often
miscategorized as equipment
with fuel that’s only paid for
during the initial purchase. But
in reality, ongoing costs occur
with electric forklifts as with
any other type forklifts. Plant
managers must also consider
that battery life and power out-
put will diminish over time and
lead to future costs that can go
overlooked. These costs include
additional battery purchases,
which can also add thousands
of dollars to the lifetime cost of
the forklift. Don’t forget about

Propane can be a cost-

effective solution to reducing
emissions while maintaining
the power needed to handle
larger jobs.

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input #17 at

Submit new product releases to our New Products for

Engineers Database

an increase in utility bills to constantly recharge the batter-
ies for an electric forklift fleet, too. These ongoing charges
can begin to add up in overall facility costs, especially with
larger fleets.
In contrast, an investment in propane cylinders and storage
cages can last decades. Facilities can set up a fuel delivery or HAT
propane cylinder exchange program and fuel contract with Save time and money cleaning and
a local propane supplier to ensure an affordable price per sanitizing the inside of hard hats and suspensions.
gallon to make fuel management (and budgeting) simple.
HARDLINER is a soft disposable cloth liner that fits
MYTH #3: Electric forklifts are the only way inside the hard hat suspension.
to reduce emissions. Helps prevent the transfer of hair and scalp disease.
For companies that want to reduce their carbon footprint, Hardliner is an aid to help comply
electric forklifts may seem like the only answer. However, with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132(a).
that’s not true by a long shot. Propane forklifts offer emis-

sions reductions for facilities still using older diesel forklifts,
commonly used in the 10,000-plus pound forklift market
where larger loads are being moved and power matters. Pro-
pane also offers reduced emissions compared with gasoline, For a Free Sample mention PE12
natural gas, and even electric forklifts. For information or a free sample contact: GKR Industries, Inc. 13653 S. Kenton Ave., Crestwood,IL 60445
Regardless of weight class, emissions are taking on an or call 800-526–7879
ever-increasing importance around the country. Propane
can be a cost-effective solution to reducing emissions while input #18 at
maintaining the power needed to
handle larger jobs. Recently, PERC
contracted with the Gas Technology
Institute (GTI) to execute a compara-
tive emissions analysis of forklifts. The
analysis found that propane forklifts
reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- ALL-TEST PRO MD III™
sions by 16%, NOx emissions by 17%,
and SOx emissions by 15% compared
with gasoline forklifts.
Compared with natural gas, pro-
pane forklifts reduce GHG emissions Your Key to Successful
by 11%. PERC also found that although Predictive Maintenance!
electric forklifts produce no emissions • Combine the power of
during operation, using propane fork- Motor Circuit Analysis
lifts can reduce SOx emissions by 76% (MCA™) and Electrical
compared to electric when total site- Signature Analysis (ESA)
to-source emissions are taken into to evaluate & trend your
account. entire motor system
Given the right setting, propane • Auto diagnosis providing
forklifts can help plant managers and an immediate health status
facility operations be more productive, report
while reducing costs and lowering a • Route-based testing &
forklift fleets’ emissions profile. To trending
learn more about how propane fork- Features
lifts can improve plant operations, visit
• Hand-held PE
• Lightweight
Jeremy Wishart is director of off-road • Portable Complete Energized & De-Energized Testing:
business development for the Propane Motors, Generators & Transformers
Education & Research Council.
ALL-TEST Pro delivers on the promise of true motor maintenance and troubleshooting, with
innovative diagnostic tools, software, and support that enable you to keep your business running.
input #19 at
Wideband receiver
The AMC588 is a wideband transceiver in AMC form factor from VadaTech. The modules are
suitable for software defined radio (SDR), SATCOM, 3G/4G micro and macro BTS, antenna
systems, research, and instrumentation. Each receiver and transmitter subsystem includes
quadrature error correction (QEC) and on-chip programmable digital filters. These
transceivers range in frequency from 300 MHz to 6 GHz. They offer flexible clocking,
observation channels for implementation of error correction functions, and sniffer
receiver channels that can monitor different frequency bands.
VadaTech Inc.
Input #201 at

Shunt current measurement module

The 750-494/000-005 from WAGO Corp. uses external shunts to measure current power networks up to 480 Vac.
The module can also be used to measure dc voltages up to 277 Vdc and high currents on two channels. The
modules measure both ac and dc currents, can be used with any fieldbus, and measure currents up to 20,000
amps. The modules measure other ac values such as voltage, current, power (active, reactive and apparent),
power factors, phase shift angles, and frequencies.
WAGO Corp.
Input #202 at

Is motor failure Find out how our

MotorSafe Repair
keeping you can improve your
plant’s reliability:
up at night? 800.922.1882

input #20 at

Submit new product releases to our New Products for
Engineers Database

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input #22 at

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input #21 at
Wireless vibration sensor
The G-Link-200 from LORD has an on-board
triaxial accelerometer that allows high-resolu-
tion data acquisition with extremely low noise
and drift. The sensor offers time-synchronized,
wireless transmission of data and provides
outputs for key performance indicators such
as velocity, acceleration RMPS, crest factor
and acceleration Pk-Pk. Users can measure
vibration, impact events, and acceleration at
rates up to 4,000 samples per second. Addi-
tionally, derived vibration parameters allow
for long-term monitoring of key performance
indicators while maximizing battery life.
LORD Corp.
Input #203 at


Combustible Dust: Driving Compliance

Through Prevention
Brad Carr | President, SonicAire, Inc.

Combustible dust accumulation in plants continues to be a major concern

throughout multiple industries. The risk of a combustible dust explosion is a real
threat if fugitive dust is allowed to accumulate. Along with the safety risk to
employees, comes the importance of being in compliance with OSHA and NFPA
regulations. What many fail to realize is the significant role that preventative measures
can play in achieving compliance while creating safer work environments.

This paper will outline several key steps that companies can take to help ensure
compliance of combustible dust regulations and discuss ways to prevent fugitive
dust buildup.

Register to download the paper at:

pe201805_whitePpr_sonicAireHLF.indd 1 input #23 at 5/15/2018 4:14:08 PM

Submit new product releases to our New Products for Engineers Database

Overcurrent protection
Phoenix Contact has released single-channel, electronic PTCB overcurrent protection
with an adjustable range from 1 to 8 A. Due to the range, it is suitable for protecting
critical loads. It is compatible with standard terminal blocks and accessories, simplify-
ing integration and reducing inventory. The PTCBs are small, measuring in at just 6
millimeters wide. The devices come in two varieties: an adjustable device and a static
device with fixed nominal currents
rated at 2, 3, 4, and 6 A.
Phoenix Contact See all our products at:
Input #204 at

LED signal towers

The LR6-USB, a USB LED signal
tower, is designed to connect to a
PC or HMI and receive power and
commands over a single USB con-
nection. This second-generation
USB signal tower line builds on the
first generation LU7-USB series. Quality
Offering similarly low power con-
sumption and no maintenance
LEDs, the LR6-USB features Expertise
PATLITE’s next generation LR6 Sig-
nal Tower technology with brighter
LEDs, is expandable up to five LED
color modules, and supports mul- Save Time and Money with Summit Gear Oils
tiple platforms including Windows Summit gear lubricants have proven to reduce friction,
and Linux. Four Flash patterns and which reduces the input power to operate the equipment
four alarm sounds are built-in to or increases the available power output. The reduction
further provide clearer, unambigu- of fluid friction results in lower lubricant operating
temperatures, prolonging the life of both the lubricant and
ous indication. the equipment. Contact our experts to find the right gear
PATLITE lubricant for your application.
Input #205 at
( 800.749.5823
Klüber Lubrication NA LP


input #24 at
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Input #100 at Input #101

#100 at Input #102
#100 at

400 AMP
This digital report highlights technologies
that enable Industrial Internet of Things,
IIoT-related products and strategies.
Easiest to Including easier real-time sensor data
Operate access via tablets, PC-based control, data
analytics, smarter machines, cybersecurity,
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Input #103
#100 at Input #104
#100 at Input #105
#100 at

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Input #108 at PLANT ENGINEERING June 2018 • 71

CONTACTS Advertiser Contacts
for plant engineers
Request more information about products and advertisers in this issue by using the link and reader service number located near each. If you’re
3010 Highland Parkway, Suite 325
reading the digital edition, the link will be live. When you contact a company directly, please let them
Downers Grove, IL 60515
know you read about them in Plant Engineering. Ph. 630-571-4070, Fax 630-214-4504

Advertiser Page Service # Web site
BOB VAVRA, Content Manager
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EMILY GUENTHER, Associate Content Manager
Aeroflex USA 64 17
AMANDA PELLICCIONE, Director of Research
ALL-TEST Pro, LLC 65 19 860-432-4767,
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Camfil APC 4 4
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TRUDY KELLY, Executive Assistant
630-571-4070 x2205,
ContiTech 63 16 ELENA MOELLER-YOUNGER, Marketing Manager
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Flexicon Corp 6 5
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GAMS 2018 59 PAUL BROUCH, Director of Operations

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Marcia Brewer, Wright’s Media
PRUFTECHNIK Inc. 15 11 281-419-5725,


Tom Corcoran, West, TX, OK
SonicAire 68 23 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite 325, Tel. 215-275-6420
Downers Grove, IL 60515 Fax 484-631-0598
SPM Instrument 67 22
Karen Cira, Southeast
879 Autumn Rain Ln. Tel. 704-523-5466
Summit Industrial Products 69 24 Charlotte, NC 28209 Fax 630-214-4504
Diane Houghton, AL, FL
Swagelok 13 4 38 Charles River Drive, Tel. 508-298-9021
Franklin, MA 02038 Fax 630-214-4504
TRI TOOL 8, 71 6, 25 Jennifer Wafalosky, N. Central
246 South Franklin St. Tel. 216-409-8314
TRICO 11 8 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Fax 440-348-1980
Richard A. Groth Jr., NJ/ E. PA
Vac-U-Max 62 15 12 Pine St. Tel. 774-277-7266
Franklin, MA 02038 Fax 508-590-0432
8044 E. Sienna Street Tel. 602-369-3037
Yaskawa America, Inc C-3 26 Mesa, AZ 85207
Stuart Smith, International
SSM Global Media Ltd. Tel. +44 208 464 5577
Fax +44 208 464 5588


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