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Manufacturing and Process Optimization of Porous Rice Straw Board

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SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

Manufacturing and process optimization of porous rice straw


Dejun Liu1,a, Bing Dong2, Xuewei Bai1 , Wei Gao1, Yuanjuan Gong1,b
Shenyang Agricultural University, Engineering College, Shenyang, 110866,China
Shenyang Huachuang Industrial Technology Co., LTD, 110020,China


Abstract: Development and utilization of straw resources and the production of straw
board can dramatically reduce straw waste and environmental pollution associated
with straw burning in China. However, the straw board production faces several
challenges, such as improving the physical and mechanical properties, as well as
eliminating its formaldehyde content. The recent research was to develop a new straw
board compound adhesive containing both inorganic ( MgSO4, MgCO3, active silicon
and ALSiO4 ) and organic (bean gum and modified Methyl DiphenylDiisocyanate,
MDI) gelling materials, to devise a new high frequency straw board hot pressing
technique and to optimize the straw board production parameters. The results indicated
that the key hot pressing parameters leading to porous straw board with optimal
physical and mechanical properties. These parameters are as follows: an adhesive
containing a 4:1 ratio of inorganic-to-organic gelled material, the percentage of
adhesive in the total mass of preload straw materials is 40%, a hot-pressing
temperature in the range of 120 ℃ to 140 ℃, and a high frequency hot pressing for 10
times at a pressure of 30 MPa. Finally, the present work demonstrated that porous
straw board fabricated under optimal manufacturing condition is an environmentally
friendly and renewable materials, thereby meeting national standard of medium density
fiberboard (MDF) with potential applications in the building industry.

1. Introduction
Tons of agricultural crop residues are generated every year in China. Abundant availability of the
agricultural crop residues makes them highly attractive for producing of high quality fiberboard or
particleboard . In order to promote the use of these huge biomass resources, local governments have
introduced several specific policies, and allocated special funds to promote academic and industrial
scientific research targeting the development of new straw products. Straw board production
represents one of most rational usage of straw resources at the same time enabling a truly sustainable
rural economy [1][2]. In order to protect the environment and reduce the energy cost of building
materials, considerable effort has been devoted to the development of environmental friendly and
energy-efficient building materials, such as fiberboard and particleboard [3]. Particleboard is common

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SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

manufactured under pressure and temperature using wood particles or other lignocellulosic materials
and any kind of binder[4]. Presently, particle boards are made from urea formaldehyde, formaldehyde
or phenolic aldehyde[5][6][7][8]. However, formaldehyde-free products are preferred, due to health
and safety concerns. Other straw board production challenges are associated with rice straw
morphological differences and the fact that wax and silica adversely affect the properties of particle
boards[9]. For example, synthetic resin are incompatible with the straw raw materials in that it was
reported that UF resin hard to effectively penetrate the rice straw surface because of the hydrophobic
wax and inorganic silica exist the straw outer surface. Consequently, there is the need for involve
mechanical, chemical or biological pretreatments for breaking down the wax layer the rice straw and
for improving the diffusion and penetration of the resin into straw fibers [9][10][11]. Parviz (2004)
employed a combination of pressure, heat and carbonation reaction to produce cement-bonded
particleboard[12]. Hydrothermal or chemical pretreatments are usually applied after the process of
materials mechanical smashed. Hydrothermal processes include carbon dioxide explosion[13], steam
explosion[14] or hot water treatment [15]. Chemical treatments include dilute-acid treatment [16],
organosolv by organic solvents [17], alkali treatment [18], ammonia fiber explosion and
ozonolysis[19]. Many of these methods degraded lignocellulose components to by-products or are
carried out under extreme conditions (high temperatures and/or pressures, strong acids or bases)
requiring specialized processing equipment. In addition, many of the above methods involve
hazardous and toxic chemicals and therefore are not environmentally friendly. Consequently, the
development of cost-effective and green technologies for straw board manufacturing remains
The objectives of this paper are to investigate a new type of adhesive compound based on such
materials as MgSO4, MgCO3, active silicon and AlSiO4 as inorganic gelled material and bean pulp and
modified MDI as organic gelled materials and to optimize the straw board production parameters by
means of an orthogonal array L16(45) experiment. The study shows that the straw board manufactured
under these technological parameters is formaldehyde-free, non-toxic, and fireproof. The board
performance exceeds that of wood-based particleboard and equals that medium density
fiberboard(MDF) currently available on the market.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Materials
Rice straw used for experiment was transported from local farmers in Shenbei New District of
Shenyang City (Longitude: 42.12; Latitude: 123.47). Trial sites were located in the workshop of
Shenyang Huachuang Industrial Co., Ltd. These straw materials were placed in the field after harvest
in October under the natural drying situation for a period of over 2 months. The rice straw with the
moisture content approximately 13% variety is the Shendao 47. Straw in the workshop were cut with
9FX-80 type straw pulverizer manufactured by FengTai District Farming Machinery Plant in Tai'an
City, Shandong Province. The productivity of the pulverizer is 1500kg/h with motor power of 30KW.
The smashed straw (with particle size ranging from 0.5 to 5cm )materials are ejected through the
cyclone discharge spout.
Preparation of adhesive: Adhesives were obtained by compounding an inorganic gelling material
and an organic binder. The inorganic gelling material was a mixture of MgO, MgSO4, MgCO3, active
silicon additives, active AlSiO4, (in various proportions) stirred in warm water ( temperature in the
range 25℃~40 ℃ ). The organic gelling material contained bean gum derived from soy bean pulp
after alkaline treatment, and the acid separation processing. The bean gum and modified MDI
(Diphenylmethanediisocyanate) were subsequently mixed with the deionized water to obtain an
organic gelling material.

SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

2.2 Test equipment

Test equipment used in addition to the above mentioned type of 9FX-80 straw pulverizer, include
an NZF1000 horizontal mixer for preparing the inorganic gelling material and an organic binder mixer,
manufactured by Hongxin Machinery Factory of RongYang City in Henan Province. The
multi-frequency hot pressing apparatus were used comparatively for manufacturing of the porous rice
straw board. The supplementary material apparatus and the heating apparatus are specialized
production equipment ordered by Huachuang company and made by Guosen Machinery Co., Ltd. in
Qingdao City Shandong province. The supplementary material apparatus is composed of two
conveyor belts and a container, which consists of two rotating bulk feeders allowing the material to be
evenly spread into the compressing mold of the multi-frequency hot pressing apparatus. The porous
straw board exiting the hot press is trimmed with a plunger cutter. Heating is provided by a straw
pellet fuel boiler, which feeds hot oil into the compressing mold and hollow heart stick.
The thermal gravimetric tests performed before and after coating with adhesives were carried out
by using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) with weighing accuracy of ± 0.01%, sensitivity 0.1ug,
temperature accuracy of ± 1 ℃ produced by TA Instrument in United States and assembled in
Canada. The test apparatus with ceramic sample trays (volume~100ul ) was cooled by forced flow of
nitrogen provided by a gas cylinder.

2.3 Experimental design

The significant manufacturing parameters of this study include the proportion of inorganic to
organic gelling materials(PIO), the adhesive added ratio (AAR), the pressing pressure, the temperature,
and the pressing frequency. the organic gelling material was composed of a mixture of bean pulp and
MDI(100: 1 mass ratio) dissolved in deionized water by vigorous stirring. We have used four PIO's
prepared by thoroughly mixing inorganic and organic gelling materials with various ratios, denoted as
following: T1: (inorganic : organic ration of 1:4),T2:(1:6 ratio), T3:(4:1 ratio), and T4(6:1ratio). The
experimental adhesive addition ratio(AAR), defined as the percentage of adhesive in the total mass of
preload straw materials, was 10%, 20%, 40%,and 60%, respectively. The hot pressing pressure levels
investigated were 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 20 MPa, 30MPa, and the pressing temperature levels were 100 ℃,
120 ℃, 140 ℃, 160 ℃, respectively. The hot pressing frequency was 6, 8, 10, and 12 times per
minutes. Table 1 shows the experimental factors and levels. Experimental parameters obtained by a
L16(45) orthogonal array experiment are shown in Table 2. The experimental data represent averages
over four independent measurements.
Table.1 Factors levels and code of variables
Level A B C D
Hot pressing
PIO AAP/% Hot pressure/MPa Hot pressing temperature/℃
1 (A1)T1 (B1)10 (C1)5 (D1)100 (E1)6
2 (A2)T2 (B2)20 (C2)10 (D2)120 (E2)8
3 (A3)T3 (B3)40 (C3)20 (D3)140 (E3)10
4 (A4)T4 (B4)60 (C4)30 (D4)160 (E4)12

SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

3. Results and Analysis

3.1 Experimental results

The key indicators of the orthogonal test target include the density of the porous straw board (ρ),
internal bond strength of (IB), modulus of rupture (MOR) and thickness swelling after 2 hours (TS ).
The results of the orthogonal test are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 The results of orthogonal test
Experimental factors Experimental indicators
A B C D E Ρ(g·m ) 3
IB(MPa) MOR(MPa) Ts2h(%)
1 A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 0.41 0.44 21.5 1.21
2 A1 B2 C2 D2 E2 0.64 0.53 22.1 1.03
3 A1 B3 C3 D3 E3 0.82 0.96 25.4 0.93
4 A1 B4 C4 D4 E4 0.89 1.13 28.5 0.82
5 A2 B1 C2 D3 E4 0.53 0.87 23.2 1.11
6 A2 B2 C1 D4 E3 0.49 0.66 22.1 1.07
7 A2 B3 C4 D1 E2 0.86 0.71 24.2 0.83
8 A2 B4 C3 D2 E1 0.88 1.07 24.6 0.85
9 A3 B1 C3 D4 E2 0.85 1.06 23.8 0.87
10 A3 B2 C4 D3 E1 0.87 1.12 29.8 0.83
11 A3 B3 C1 D2 E4 0.63 0.97 24.5 0.97
12 A3 B4 C2 D1 E3 0.78 1.04 25.7 0.88
13 A4 B1 C4 D2 E3 0.88 1.13 28.5 0.82
14 A4 B2 C3 D1 E4 0.83 1.08 27.7 0.93
15 A4 B3 C2 D4 E1 0.77 0.97 26.7 0.98
16 A4 B4 C1 D3 E2 0.76 0.88 25.7 1.03

3.2 Strawboard process optimization

Range analysis of the test results, shown in Table 3, indicates that the pressing pressure is the main
factor influencing the key indicators ρ, IB, MOR and TS, followed by the adhesive addition ratio(AAR)
and the adhesive type (the proportion of inorganic to organic gelling materials in the adhesive being
denoted PIO). The results also shows that the pressing temperature and pressing frequency have
relatively little influence on the test parameters. However, a hot pressing temperature of 120 ℃ to
140 ℃ and pressing frequency control rate of less than 10 times per minute are necessary to
maximize production energy efficiency. The results of test factor A show that the ratio of the inorganic
gelling material and the organic gelling material influence performance indicators results. Specifically,
it was found that the A3 and A4 protocols improve the density of the straw board, IB and MOR while
minimizing the thickness swelling after 2 h (TS). Consequently, the addition of inorganic gelling
materials not only enhance the straw board flame resistance but its density and mechanical strength
alike. Adding more adhesive to the pre-pressing straw also greatly influence the performance of the
straw board, specifically the performance indicators indicate an optimal AAP value of 40%. However,
by increasing the AAP up to 60% does not significantly compromise performances. Our

SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

multi-parameter optimization analysis indicates that the optimal, most energy efficient straw board
manufacturing process is C4A3B3D3E3. The key parameters of the fabrication process are: a pressing
pressure 30MPa, an inorganic to organic gelled material ratio of 4:1, the proportion of adhesive in
straw board mass ratio of 40%, a pressing frequency control less than 10 times per minute, and a
pressing temperature between 120 ℃ and 140 ℃.
Table 3 Range analysis of the test results
Factors Primary
Performance coeff and Individual
Indicator icient A B C D E secondary optimization
K1 0.69 0.6675 0.5725 0.72 0.7325
K2 0.69 0.7075 0.68 0.745 0.7775
P K3 0.7825 0.77 0.845 0.745 0.7425 CBAED C4B4A4E2D4
K4 0.81 0.8275 0.875 0.75 0.72
R 0.12 0.16 0.3025 0.03 0.0575
K1 0.765 0.875 0.7375 0.8175 0.9375
K2 0.8275 0.8475 0.8525 0.9 0.765
IB K3 1.0475 0.9025 1.0425 0.9575 0.9475 CAEBD C3A3 E4B4D3
K4 1.015 1.03 1.0025 0.955 1.0125
R 0.2825 0.1825 0.305 0.14 0.2475
K1 24.375 24.25 23.45 24.775 25.65
K2 23.525 25.425 24.425 24.925 23.95
MOR K3 23.95 25.2 25.375 26.025 25.425 CAEBD C4A4 E4B4D3
K4 27.15 26.125 27.75 25.275 25.975
R 3.625 1.875 4.375 1.25 2.025
K1 0.9975 1.0025 1.07 0.9625 0.9675
K2 0.965 0.965 1.0125 0.9175 0.94
TS K3 0.8875 0.9275 0.895 0.975 0.925 CABDE C1A1B2D3E1
K4 0.94 0.895 0.825 0.935 0.9575
R 0.11 0.1075 0.245 0.0575 0.0425

3.3 Factors influences on strawboard performance

The results of the analysis of variance demonstrate that both the pressing pressure, and the AAR
have a very significant influence (P <0.01) on the performance indicators. The PIO also has a highly
significant influence on the density of the straw board and the TS after 2h(P <0.01), whereas the
influence on the IB and the MOR is slightly less significant (P <0.05). The pressing temperature and
the hot pressing frequency have relatively lesser (P <0.05) influence on the performance index. The
data in Table 2 also show that adding more adhesive to the materials ( by increasing the AAR)
significantly enhanced the modulus of rupture(MOR), the internal bond strength(IB) and the density(ρ)
while decreasing the thickness swelling (TS) after 2 hour. These results also suggest that the pressing

SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

pressure, pressing temperature, and pressing frequency rate also influence the performance of the
straw board, albeit to a lesser extent. This results is due to the straw moisture content being held at
20%. A higher moisture contents, the pressing time need to be increased by either lowering the
pressing frequency or increasing the hot temperature, both of which promote the evaporation of water.

Figure 1 The rmo gravimetry of the rice straw before and after coating with adhesive

Figure 2 The straw board under condition of the optimal technological parameters
In order to assess the impact of adhesive composition on the properties of the straw board, the
quality and temperature variation of the rice straw before and after coating with adhesive were studied
using thermogravimetry. The results, shown in Figure 1, indicated that the quality of rice straw
material before coating with the adhesive decreases significantly when the temperature reaches 100
℃, due to water evaporation. The quality of the rice straw material further sharply decreased by
approximately 25% and the material began to burn when the temperature reached 180 ℃.Differential
thermogravimetric curve shows that the maximum weight loss rate occurs at a temperature of 340 ℃.

SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

The curve 3 of figure 4 shows that the mass loss was significantly lower when adhesive was added to
the bare straw material. The curve 3 of figure 1 also shows a maximum mass loss rate of
approximately 48% after the test material was coated with adhesive and a carbonization reaction
occurring when the temperature reached 340 ℃. Altogether, these findings suggest that the adhesive
acts as a flame retardant. During the thermoforming process, the pressing temperature and pressing
time promote the solidification of the adhesive, and its chemical reaction with the surface of the straw
material[20]. Insufficient hot pressing temperature or pressing time prevent the complete solidification
of the adhesive thereby affecting the performance of straw board. However, an excessive pressing time
causes the thermal decomposition of the isocyanate in the adhesive, also resulting in poor mechanical
performances[21]. Based on actual production data, the suitable pressing time and pressing
temperature are in the range of 1 to 3 min and 120 ℃ to 140 ℃, respectively. However, the effect of
the pressing time and the pressing temperature on the adhesive solidification deserves further study.

4. Validation test
Based on the test results and optimization analysis, the following optimal technological parameters
was established: ratio of inorganic : organic gelling material in the adhesive equal to 4:1, adhesive to
straw material mass ratio is 40%, hot-pressing pressure equal to 30 MPa, pressing frequency less than
10 times, and pressing temperature between 120 ℃ and 140 ℃. Validation experiments and
performance tests were also conducted. The straw board manufactured under the optimal technological
parameters shown in figure 2. The test results, shown in Table 4, indicated that the rice straw artificial
board met or exceeded the performance index of the national medium density fiber board (MDF)
under the optimal fabrication conditions describe above.
Table 4 Performance values of the rice straw board for validation tests
Perfor Den M MO a- Average Average Smoke
IB 2hT
- sity OR E NHP ldehy burning Flue gas density
(M s
mance ρ/g· (M (MP (N) de residual length temperature grade
Pa) (%)
index m Pa) a) emiss (cm) /℃ SDR
Test 29. 1.1
0.9 13 3570 1750 0 30 180 60
Value 4 2
Standa ≥0. ≥18 ≥115
0.88 ≥20 ≤10 ≤70 ≥15 ≤200 ≤75
rd 4 00 0

5. Conclusions
In the pressing process of straw board, the hot pressing pressure and the adhesive added ratio(AAR)
have a significant impact on various performance indicators(P<0.01). The ratio inorganic to organic
gelling materials have a very significant impact on the board density and its thickness swelling ratio in
water after 2h(P<0.01). The ratio even more significantly influences the internal bond strength(IB) and
the modulus of rapture (MOR) (P<0.05). Conversely, the effect of hot pressing temperature and hot
pressing frequency on the performance index is minor (P<0.05).
A L16(45) orthogonal experiment was used to optimize the production process of rice straw board.

SAMSE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 322 (2018) 072065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/322/7/072065

The optimal production process parameters for this experiment were observed to be inorganic to
organic gelling material ratio of 4:1, adhesive content and straw material mass ratio of 40%,
hot-pressing pressure of 30 MPa, hot-pressing temperature in the range of 120 ℃ to 140 ℃, and hot
pressing frequency of 10 times per minute. The results indicated that this optimized manufacturing
process yields straw board meets the national standard for medium density fiberboard(MDF).

The authors would also like to acknowledge the funding support from the Special Fund for
Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(201503134).

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