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Development and Application of Green Composites: Using Coffee Ground and Bamboo Flour

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J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709

DOI 10.1007/s10924-013-0581-3


Development and Application of Green Composites:

Using Coffee Ground and Bamboo Flour
Bong-San Baek Ji-Won Park Byoung-Ho Lee

Hyun-Joong Kim

Published online: 11 April 2013

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Environmental degradation and global warm- Introduction

ing are increasing as a result of the use of petroleum.
Therefore, many industries are seeking more eco-friendly The increasing environmental awareness and new regula-
materials that will decrease the level of environmental tions are forcing many industries to seek more eco-friendly
contamination and economic cost. Recently, the level of materials for the products they produce. Biodegradable
coffee consumption has increased rapidly. Therefore, the polymers may result in products that are environmentally
amount of coffee grounds discarded is increasing. In this safe [1]. The most popular and important biodegradable
study, polylactic acid, coffee grounds and bamboo flour polymers are aliphatic polyesters, such as polylactic acid
were compounded for green composites. Coffee grounds (PLA), polycaprolactone, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and
are used in the recycling of food waste. In addition, 4,4- polyglycolic acid. Biodegradable plastics derived from
methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) was used as a these polymers have similar properties to normal plastics
coupling agent. The mechanical strength of green com- but without the adverse environmental load because they
posites decreased with increasing natural filler content. will eventually decompose into CO2, H2O and other
However, mechanical and thermal properties were increased harmless compounds when disposed of [2]. Because of the
by the addition of MDI as a coupling agent. The hydroxyl degradation mechanism, PLA is ideally suited for many
groups of natural fillers reacted with the isocyanate group of applications in the environment where recovery of the
MDI, and a urethane linkage was created between the product is impractical, such as agricultural mulch films and
polymer and natural fillers. bags. PLA resins can be tailor-made for a range of fabri-
cation processes, including injection molding, sheet extru-
Keywords Green composites  Biodegradable polymer  sion, blow molding, thermoforming, film forming, or fiber
PLA  Coffee ground  Bamboo flour  4,4-Methylene spinning [3].
diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) Biodegradable polymers are still very expensive and not
economically competitive compared to commodity plas-
tics. The properties and cost of biodegradable polymers can
be modified and improved using lignocellulosic fibers,
which can reduce the cost of a material without modifying
the biodegradability. Natural fibers are suitable reinforce-
B.-S. Baek  J.-W. Park  B.-H. Lee  H.-J. Kim (&) ment materials for composites because they can combine
Laboratory of Adhesion and Bio-Composites, Program
their good mechanical properties with environmental advan-
in Environmental Materials Science, Seoul National University,
Seoul 151-921, Republic of Korea tages on account of their abundance and biodegradability
e-mail: [4, 5]. Natural fibers, such as flax, ramie, jute, bamboo,
pineapple, kenaf, henequen and hemp, were used as rein-
H.-J. Kim
forcements in these studies [6]. Currently, coffee has become
Research Team for Biomass-based Bio-Materials, Research
Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National an established beverage in many parts of the world including
University, Seoul 151-921, Republic of Korea Europe, America and Korea, and large amounts of coffee

J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709 703

grounds (CG) are discharged from food industries. Table 2 Chemical components of coffee ground
Approximately 6,000,000 tons of CG are generated world- Component Range (g/kg)
wide. Developing technology to reuse CG for useful pur-
poses would help convert this large amount of waste into a Crude fiber 466510
new resource [7]. However, CG and bamboo flour are Ether extract 225283
hydrophilic, which leads to a gap between natural fillers and Nitrogen free extract 143168
polymer. Therefore, green composites are restricted for Crude proteins (N 9 6.25) 102130
commercial applications. Ash 78
The aims of this study were to determine a substitute for Etc. 1.42.0
a petroleum-based polymer in green composites, and to
examine the interface bond of green composites enhanced
by a coupling agent using food industry waste, such as CG. Sample Preparation
Natural fillers contain hydroxyl groups. However, the
character of the polymer is hydrophobic. Isocyanate groups To manufacture the green composites, the CG and BF were
of MDI react with the terminal hydroxyl or carboxyl dried at 105 C for 24 h to adjust the moisture content to
groups of PLA and the hydroxyl groups of natural fillers to 13 %. PLA, natural fillers, and coupling agent were
produce a urethane linkage [8]. MDI was used to improve compounded using a twin screw extruder (BA-19, Bau
the interface bond between natural fillers and polymer. Tech., South Korea). The temperature of the mixing zone
in the extruder was maintained at 165185 C and the
screw speed was 200 rpm. Extruded samples are passes
Experimental through a water bath to lower the temperature. Cooling
sample put into the pelletizer and cut to about 5 mm pellet.
Bio-Based Polymer Pellets were dried at 50 C for 4 h to remove moisture. The
pellets were manufactured into the test specimens using a
PLA (Polylacic acid) was obtained from Nature Works injection molding machine (Bau Tech., South Korea).
LLC Co., USA. (MFI: 15 g/10 min, (190 C/2,160 g) Before the mechanical test, it was conditioned at 50 5 %
density: 1.22 g/cm3). RH for at least 40 h according to the ASTM D618-99.

Natural Fillers
Tensile Test
Bamboo flour (BF) and CG were used as reinforcing nat-
ural fillers. BF was purchased from Hangyang Advanced A universal testing machine (UTM, Zwick Co.) was used
Materials Co., South Korea, and the CG were supplied by to evaluate the tensile strength. The tensile test was
CJ Co., South Korea. After brewing the coffee, it was determined according to ASTM D 638-08. The test con-
recycled as a natural filler in the green composites. Table 1 dition was a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min and a temper-
shows the composition of the natural fillers. Table 2 shows ature of 24 2 C. Five measurements were performed
the chemical component of CG [9]. and averaged for the final result.

Coupling Agent Flexural Test

MDI (4,40 -Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) was pur- The flexural strength was evaluated according to ASTM D
chased from BASF Co., Germany. The solid content of 790-07 using a universal testing machine (UTM, Zwick
MDI is 97 %. The isocyanate group of MDI was used as a Co.). A crosshead speed of 5 mm/min was used to deter-
coupling agent to improve the interface bond between the mine the flexural strength. Five specimens were evaluated
polymer and natural fillers (Table 3). and averaged for the final result.

Table 1 Composition ingredients of the natural fillers (BF and coffee ground)
Cellulose (wt %) Hemicellulose (wt %) Lignin (wt %) Etc. (wt %)

Bamboo flour 2643 2025 2030 13

Coffee ground 18 29 25 28

704 J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709

Table 3 Derivative weight maximum temperature according to the blending conditions

Bamboo flour (BF) PLA PLA:BF 70:30 PLA:BF/70:30 MDI 3 phr

Deriv. weight max (%/C) 360.3 383.2 365.7 365.2

Coffee ground (CG) PLA PLA:CG 70:30 PLA:CG/70:30 MDI 3 phr

Deriv. weight max (%/C) 315.7 383.2 368.8 372.1

Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy (a) 70

A JASCO 6100 FT-IR spectrophotometer was used in PLA-CG
range of 4,000600 cm-1 with a spectrum resolution of
4 cm-1. All spectra were averaged over 30 scans. The

Tensile strength (MPa)

specimen was conducted at a point-to-point contact with 50

the pressure device.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
The viscoelastic properties of the green composites were
evaluated using a DMA (Q800, TA Instrument). The size
of rectangular specimens was 35 9 15 9 3 (mm). The
specimens were measured using a dual cantilever method
at a frequency of 1 Hz and a strain rate of 0.1 %. The 10
0 10 20 30 40
temperature ranged from -20 to 120 C and the scanning
Flour (wt.%)
rate was 5 C/min.
(b) 70
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)

The TGA measurements were carried out using a thermo
gravimetric analyzer (TGA Q500, TA Instruments). The
samples, 8 * 10 mg, were evaluated from 25 to 600 C at 50
Tensile strength (MPa)

a heating rate of 20 C/min. During the test, the green

composites were placed in a high purity nitrogen (99.5 % 40
nitrogen, 0.5 % oxygen content) atmosphere to prevent
unwanted oxidation.

Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy

(FE-SEM) 20 PLA:BF=70:30

Field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM,

SUPRA 55VP (Carl Zeiss, Germany) was used to observe 0 1 3 5
the interface between the PLA and natural fillers. A frac- MDI content (phr)
tured samples test was conducted after the tensile test.
Fig. 1 Tensile strength of the green composites with the a natural
Before the measurement, the specimens were coated with fillers (bamboo flour and coffee grounds) and b MDI
platinum (purity, 99.99 %) to eliminate electron charging.

PLA composites decreased with the addition of bamboo

Results and Discussion and CG as natural fillers. Pure PLA showed a tensile
strength of 60.1 MPa. However, the tensile strength of BF/
Tensile Test PLA composites decreased from 48 to 27.5 MPa and the
CG/PLA composites showed a similar result according to
Figure 1 shows the tensile strength results of the green the flour loading. The tensile strength decreased from 20.1
composites. The tensile strength of the BF/PLA and CG/ to 54.3 % compared to pure PLA with increasing filler

J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709 705

(a) 120
100 90
Flexural strength (MPa)

Stress (MPa)

40 PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 1%
PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 3%
PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 5%
20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 10 20 30 40
Strain (mm)
Flour (wt.%)
(b) Fig. 3 Stress-strain behavior of the coffee ground (CG)/PLA
120 composites

100 from 34.6 to 54 MPa and from 27.5 to 37.3 MPa, respec-
tively. In the case of the BF/PLA composites, MDI
Flexural strength (MPa)

increased the tensile strength rapidly compared to the CG/

80 PLA composites. MDI possesses isocyanate groups that
react with the hydroxyl groups of BF and CG, producing a
graft copolymer of PLA and natural fillers with a urethane
60 linkage [8]. Accordingly, interface bonding between the
natural fillers and polymer was enhanced by MDI.
40 PLA:CG=70:30
Flexural Test

The flexural properties showed a similar trend to that of the

0 1 3 5 tensile strength. Figure 2 shows the flexural strength of the
MDI content (phr) composites with different natural fillers. The flexural
strength of pure PLA was 106 MPa. However, the CG/PLA
Fig. 2 Flexural strength of the green composites with the a natural
fillers (bamboo flour and coffee grounds) and b MDI composites decreased with increasing natural filler loading
from 80 to 42.3 MPa. The BF/PLA composites showed a
loading. This was attributed to the weak bonding between similar result to the CG/PLA composites. The flexural
the hydrophilic natural fillers and hydrophobic matrix strength deceased because of the different character of the
polymer, which obstructs stress propagation [10]. The natural fillers and polymer. Green composites with the
tensile strength of the BF/PLA composites was higher than MDI coupling agent showed a significant increase in the
that of the CG/PLA composites because of the chemical flexural strength of PLA composites with 30 % BF and
components. The holocellulose and lignin content of BF CG. For example, the flexural strength of the BF/PLA and
was higher than that of CG. Natural fillers consist mainly of CG/PLA composites was increased by approximately 70.5
a complex network of three polymers: cellulose, hemicel- and 42 % by the addition of MDI coupling agent 5 phr,
lulose and lignin. Lignin not only holds the bio-flour respectively. The isocyanate groups of MDI react with the
together, but also acts as a stiffening agent for the cellulose terminal hydroxyl or carboxyl groups of PLA and the
molecules within the bio-flour cell wall. Therefore, the hydroxyl groups of the natural fillers [8]. In the case of the
lignin and cellulose content of bio-flour affects the strength BF/PLA composites, the rate of increasing strength after
of bio-flour and the tensile strength of the resulting com- the addition of MDI was higher than that of the CG/PLA
posites [11]. composites due to the hydroxyl group. BF has more
The addition of MDI resulted in an increase in the hydroxyl group than CG; hence more urethane linkages are
tensile strength of the BF/PLA and CG/PLA composites created than the CG/PLA composites. However, elongation

706 J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709

Fig. 4 FT-IR spectra of the natural fillers (bamboo flour and coffee

of the CG/PLA composites was increased slightly by

blending CG and PLA (Fig. 3). CG contain an ether extract
of 22.528.3 %. The oil component of the ether extract
induce an increase in elongation [12]. Flexural modulus are
changed by MDI ratio. Roles of non-treated CG are filler
that not bind to matrix polymer and crack point that
starting point of break. After MDI treatment, internal
bonding between CG and PLA is reinforced and the role is
changed to binder between the two components. The more
ratio of MDI, the higher flexural modulus.

Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy

Figure 4 shows the FT-IR spectra of BF, CG and PLA. The

absorbance at 1,430, 1,158, 1,109, 1,025, 1,000, 970
(cm-1) were assigned to the typical absorption of cellulose. Fig. 5 FT-IR spectra of the green composites with a coffee grounds
In addition, the OH bending peak at 3,420 cm-1 was and b bamboo flour
observed in the natural fillers [13]. The hydroxyl groups of
the natural fillers reacted with the isocyanate groups to
form a urethane linkage. BF contains more hydroxyl Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
groups than CG, as confirmed by a comparison of the
hydroxyl group area. The bio-based polymer was observed Figure 6 shows the storage modulus of pure PLA, BF/PLA
by FT-IR. The 1,759, 1,093 and 1,362 (cm-1) peaks were and CG/PLA composites, as a function of temperature.
observed, which means the C=O, CO and CH in the DMA was performed to evaluate the temperature effect on
ester linkage, respectively [14]. In addition, BF/PLA and the stiffness of the green composites. Figure 6 shows the
CG/PLA composites were carried out to confirm the ure- effect of temperature on the storage modulus of BF/PLA
thane linkage between the polymer and natural fillers. The and CG/PLA composites having natural fillers. The storage
isocyanate and urethane linkage of the PLA composites modulus of the composites containing natural fillers was
were observed in the Fig. 5. The isocyanate group and higher than that of pure PLA. This is due to the rein-
urethane linkage was observed between 2,250 and 2,350 forcement imparted by the fibers, which allowed stress
and 1,535 cm-1, respectively [15]. The urethane absorp- transfer from the matrix to the fiber [16]. The storage
tion peak appeared after the blending. Accordingly, the modulus of the green composites with MDI as a coupling
interface consisting of a urethane linkage shows a strong agent increased slightly compared to that without MDI. In
bond with MDI as a coupling agent. the case of MDI addition, the interface bond was enhanced

J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709 707

3000 PLA
PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 1%
PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 3%
Storage modulus (MPa)

PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 5%


20 40 60 80 100
Temperature (C)
PLA:BF=70:30 MDI 1%
PLA:BF=70:30 MDI 3%
Storage modulus (MPa)

PLA:BF=70:30 MDI 5%



20 40 60 80 100
Temperature (C)

Fig. 6 Storage modulus of the green composites with a coffee

grounds and b bamboo flour
Fig. 7 Thermogravimetric curves of the green composites with
coffee grounds andbamboo flour. a PLA, bamboo flour and coffee
by the coupling agent. Therefore, the green composites ground, b Green composites
with the coupling agent have a higher storage modulus.
of the CG was slightly higher than that of BF at over 400 C.
Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) This suggests that CG have higher thermal stability than BF.
Figure 7 shows the thermal degradation of green composites
The thermal properties of pure PLA, BF/PLA and CG/PLA from 250 to 450 C. The BF/PLA and CG/PLA composites
composites were examined by TGA. Figure 7 shows the with MDI showed higher thermal stability than the green
weight loss of PLA, natural fillers and green composites from composites without MDI. Therefore, MDI as a coupling
30 to 600 C and from 250 to 450 C, respectively. agent can improve the thermal stability. Figure 7 also pre-
According to Fig. 7, PLA appears as a single step in the sents the derivative weight loss curves of the natural fillers
thermal degradation step between 350 and 400 C. This was and PLA based composites. BF and CG have different pro-
attributed to decomposition of the scission of the main chain, cess due to their chemical components. When MDI 3 phr
such as the ester linkage. However, natural fillers have three was used as a coupling agent, the derivative weight loss
thermal degradation steps. Weight loss in the first step occurs curves are shifted slightly to a high temperature. The deriv-
due to absorbed moisture in the sample from 30 to 110 C, ative weight maximum point of the BF/PLA and CG/PLA
and second degradation occurs between 250 and 400 C, composites was increased from 365.7 to 370 C and from
Weight loss in the second step occurs due to the degradation 368.9 to 372.1 C in Fig. 8, respectively. The addition of
of cellulose and hemicellulose. In the third step over 400 C, MDI resulted in an increase of approximately 4 C compared
lignin in the natural fillers is degraded [17]. The ash content to that without MDI. This means that the urethane linkage at

708 J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709

the interface induced by the addition of MDI as a coupling of the green composites without coupling agent at 30 wt %
agent increases the thermal stability. of fillers loading, a gap was observed due to the difference
in character between the natural fillers and polymer. This
Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy results in a decrease in mechanical strength. However, the
(FE-SEM) gap of the BF/PLA composites was decreased with the
addition of MDI 3 phr. In addition, the interface adhesion
Figure 9 shows the tensile fractured surface of the BF/PLA of the CG/PLA composites was increased. This improved
and CG/PLA composites with or without MDI. In the case interfacial adhesion might be due to the compactable effect
of MDI by the hydroxyl groups of natural fillers and the
3 isocyanate groups of MDI producing a urethane linkage.
PLA:BF=70:30 MDI 3% Conclusions
PLA:CG=70:30 MDI 3%
Deriv. Weight (% /C)

This study examined the effect of natural fillers and coupling
agent in green composites. The tensile and flexural strength
was decreased by increasing the natural fillers. This was due
to the difference character, the polymer was hydrophobic but
1 the natural fillers were hydrophilic. However, the mechani-
cal strength was increased by the addition of MDI due to a
reaction between MDI and the hydroxyl groups of natural
fillers. The CG/PLA composites showed higher elongation
0 than the BF/PLA composites due to the ether compounds
250 300 350 400 450 in CG.
Temperature (C)
The storage modulus of the green composites increased
Fig. 8 Derivative weight loss curves of the green composites with according to natural filler loading. This is due to stress
bamboo flour and coffee grounds transfer from the matrix to the fiber. The green composites

Fig. 9 FE-SEM images of the

tensile fractured surface of the
green composites with bamboo
flour and coffee grounds. a BF/
PLA (30/70), b BF/PLA (30/70)
with MDI 3 phr, c CG/PLA (30/
70), d CG/PLA (30/70) with
MDI 3 phr

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

J Polym Environ (2013) 21:702709 709

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