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Java Fundamentals: Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

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Java Fundamentals

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

This lesson covers the following topics:
Describe the general form of a Java program
Describe the difference between an Object class and a
Driver class
Access a minimum of two Java class APIs
Explain and give examples of Java keywords
Create an Object class
Create a Driver class

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

General Java Program Form

There are two general forms of Java classes:
Driver classes
Object classes

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Driver Classes
Driver classes:
Contain a main method.
A main method is necessary to run a Java program in
The main method may include:
Instances of objects from an object class
Loops, conditional statements (if-else)
Other programming logic

Can also contain other static methods.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Object Classes
Object classes:
Are classes that define objects to be used in a driver
Can be found in the Java API, or created by you.
Examples: String, BankAccount, Student, Rectangle
The Java API is a library of packages and object classes that
are already written and are available for use in your programs.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

The Java API

The Java API is located here:


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Details for class

selected from the
list of classes

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

The Java API: String Class

Scroll through the list of classes until you see String, then
click on the link. You should see the following:

Scroll down in this

list to String


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Details for class

the the
list of class

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

The Java API: Examine String Class

Examine and discuss the constructors and methods.

Scroll down in this

list to String


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Details for class

the the
list of class

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

The Java API: The String Class

We will use the String class in programs.
The constructor that is most common for this class is:
String(String original)
Common Methods include:



charAt(int index)

Returns the char value at the specified index.


Returns the length of this string.

substring(int beginIndex)

Returns a new string that is a substring of this


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Object Class:

A Java class is used to store or represent data for the
object that the class represents. There are many classes
already available from the Java API, but you will want to
create many more.
For example, we can create a model, or programmatic
representation, of a Student.
Information that we might need for a student includes
Student ID, Name, and GPA.
In this lesson, we will create a Object class called
Student, then a Driver class called StudentTester.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Object Class:

Student (cont.)
All Java classes are created in a text file with the same
name as the class.
These files also have a .java extension.
In this lesson, we will create a Student class and a
StudentTester class in Eclipse.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Syntax to Create A Simple ProgrammerCreated Object Class

The following is example syntax to create a programmercreated object class. The Java keywords are:
package (optional)
import (optional)
public class
package <package_name>;
import <other_packages>;
public class ClassName
<variables (also known as fields)>;
<constructor method(s)>;
<other methods>;

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Key Terms


package keyword

Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides
a level of access control.
Use access modifiers (such as public and private) to control access.

import keyword

Defines other classes or groups of classes that you are using in your
The import statement provides the compiler information that identifies
outside classes used within the current class.

Precedes the name of the class.

class keyword

class variables or
instance fields (often
shortened to fields)

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The name of the class and the file name must match when the class
is declared public (which is a good practice). However, the keyword
public in front of the class keyword is a modifier and is not required.
Variables, or the data associated with programs (such as integers,
strings, arrays, and references to other objects).

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Key Terms (cont.)





Methods called during the creation (instantiation) of an object (a

representation in memory of a Java class.)


Methods that can be performed on an object. They are also referred

to as instance methods. Methods may return an objects variable
values (sometimes called functions) or they may change an objects
variable values.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Java Keywords
All Java programs use Java keywords.
Examples include the following words: class, public,
String, int, for, while, and double.
The font color for Keywords will change in the Eclipse
List of Java keywords:
A Java keyword is a word that has a special function in the Java
language, and cannot be used as names for classes, methods,
or variables.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Java Program Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions for a Java program:
The optional package name is defined before an import
statement in lower camel case.
The optional import statements are defined below the
package name.
The class name is a noun labeled using upper camel


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Camel Case
Camel case is the practice of stringing capitalized words
together with no spaces.
Lower camel case strings capitalized words together
but the lead word is not capitalized. For example:
Upper camel case strings capitalized words together,
but the lead word is capitalized. For example:


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Additional Naming Conventions for a Java

Additional naming conventions for a Java program:
Variable names are short but meaningful in lower camel
Constant names are declared in uppercase letters with
the final modifier.
Constructors are named the same as the class name.
Methods are verbs named in lower camel case.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Complete Code Conventions

For the complete code conventions for the Java Language
go to:


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Naming Conventions Example

The guidelines for a programmer-created object class are
labeled in this example for Student. Create this file in
Eclipse. // is the symbol for comments.
package com.example.domain;
// Package Declaration
import java.util.Scanner;
// An Import Statement for other packages
public class Student
// Class Declaration for this file
private int studentId;
// Variable Declarations for this class
private String name;
private String ssn;
private double gpa;
public final int SCHCODE = 34958
// A Constant Declaration
public Student(){
// A Constructor
public int getStudentId(){
// An accessor Method
return studentId;
public void setStudentId(int x){
// A mutator Method
studentId = x;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Object Class:

In the next few slides, each line will be explained:
The optional package keyword is used in Java to group
classes together.
A package is implemented as a folder. Like a folder, it
provides a namespace to a class.
It is recommended to always declare a package at the top
of the class.
package com.example.domain;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Object Class:

Student (cont.)
In the example below, a Student class and a Teacher
class could be in a folder under the domain name for each
developer. If a company called Acme has developers
named Smith and Jones, the packages could be:
package com.acme.smith
package com.acme.jones
The path for Jones file is shown below.
Namespace View for Jones:


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Folder View for Jones:


Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Import Keyword
The import keyword is used to identify packages or object
classes that you want to use in your class.
You can import a single class or an entire package.
You can include multiple import statements.
Import statements follow the package declaration and
precede the class declaration.
import java.util.Scanner;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Import Statements
An import statement is not required, and by default, your
class always imports java.lang from the API.
You do not need to import classes that are in the same
package as the import statement.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Import Statement Examples

Additional examples of import statements:


import java.util.Date;

// Import the individual class.

import java.util.*;

//Import the entire package.

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;

//Import using multiple statements.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Variables for Student Class

In addition to the package statement and import
statements, the Student class will contain variables for
student id, name, social security number, grade point
average, and school code.
This will require defining a class with class variables and a
constructor. In addition, methods will be added that can
access and change the variables.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

The Student Class

package com.example.domain;
public class Student
private int studentId;
private String name;
private String ssn;
private double gpa;
public final int SCHCODE = 34958;
public Student(){
public int getStudentId()
return studentId;
public void setStudentId(int x)
studentId = x;

Access Modifier

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Class Declaration


Access Modifier

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Conventions for the Class Declaration

Class declaration conventions:
The name of the class must be the same as the name of
the file that was created in Eclipse.
The name must begin with a character, and may contain
numbers, _ or $.
Use upper camel case if the name is more than one
For a simple programmer-created object class, the
access modifier should be public (all access modifiers
are either public, private, or protected).
public class Student{ }

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All code for this class must be

enclosed in a set of curly brackets { }.

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Conventions for the Class Variables

Class variables conventions:
Class variables should be declared with the private
access modifier to protect the data.
Class variables are named using lower camel case.
An exception is a constant (a value that does not
change) that should be named using upper case, and
declared as public to allow driver programs to access
the value.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Class Variable Declaration Examples

Examples of declaring class variables:
private int length;
private int width;
private double area;
public final double SCALE = 0.25; //constant
private String name;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Constructor Methods
A constructor method is unique in Java because:
The method creates an instance of the class.
Constructors always have the same name as the class
and do not declare a return type.
public Student{ }


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All code for this method must be

enclosed in a set of curly brackets { }.

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Constructor Methods (cont.)

With constructor methods:
You can declare more than one constructor in a class
You do not have to declare a constructor, in fact, Java
will provide a default (blank) constructor for you.
If you declare one or more constructors, Java will not
provide a default constructor.
public Student{ }


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All code for this method must be

enclosed in a set of curly brackets { }.

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Constructors without Parameters

If you create a constructor without parameters (the
parenthesis is empty), you can leave the contents of the
constructor (between the { and }) blank.
This is called a default constructor, and is the same as
the Java-provided constructor if you do not declare one.
This constructor initializes the numeric class variables to
zero, and object variables (such as Strings) to null.
public Student(){


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No parameters

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Constructors without Parameters (cont.)

If you create a constructor without parameters (the
parenthesis is empty), you can also initialize the variables
between the { and }. This is also called a default
This constructor initializes the numeric class variables to
zero, and object variables (such as Strings) to null. It has
the same results as the previous slide, but the values are
public Student(){
more evident.
No parameters
studentid = 0;
name = ;
ssn = ;
gpa = 0.0;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Constructors with Parameters

If you create a constructor with parameters (the
parenthesis is NOT empty), you would also initialize the
variables between the { and }.
This constructor will initialize the class variables with the
values that are sent in from the main driver class.
public Student(int x, String n, String s, double g){
studentid = x;
name = n;
ssn = s;
gpa = g;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Default Constructor Example

The constructor method in this example is a default
constructor that creates an instance of Student.
package com.example.domain;
import java.lang;
public class Student
private int studentId;
private String name;
private String ssn;
private double gpa;
public final int SCHCODE = 34958
public Student(){
public int getStudentId()
return studentId;

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Default Constructor Example (cont.)

The Student example on the previous slide illustrates a
simple no-argument constructor.
The value returned from the constructor is a reference to a
Java object of the type created. Remember, constructors can
also take parameters.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A constructor is a method that creates an object.
In Java, constructors are methods with the same name
as their class used to create an instance of an object.
Constructors are invoked using the new keyword.
Example of code that could be used in a Driver Class to
create an object from the Student constructor:
Student stu = new Student();


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Main Method
To run a Java program you must define a main method in
a Driver Class.
The main method is automatically called when the class
is called.
Remember to name the file the same as the class.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Driver Class:

For examples in this course, we will often use the name of
the object class followed by the word Tester. Below is an
example of a simple Java driver class named
StudentTester with a main method.
public class StudentTester
public static void main(String args[])


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Driver Class:

StudentTester Example 1
In this example, a statement is added to create a Student
object. A Student is created and the class variables are
initialized as previously described under default
public class StudentTester
public static void main(String args[]
Student s1 = new Student();


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

A Simple Programmer-Created Driver Class:

StudentTester Example 2
In this example the statement to create an object of the
Student class is different. This Student is created using
Can you guess this students id? Name? SSN? GPA?
Add another student using the default constructor.
public class StudentTester
public static void main(String args[]
Student s1 = new Student(123, Mary Smith, 999-99-9999, 3.4);


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Enhancing the Student Object Class

Most modern integrated development environments
provide an easy way to automatically generate the
accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) methods.
Another method that helpful during testing, creating and
modifying objects is the toString() method.
In the next few slides, we will develop new methods for
the Student object class and modify the StudentTester
driver class to test them.

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Accessor and Mutator Methods

It is common to create a set of methods that manipulate
and retrieve class data values:
Accessors (getters): Methods that return (get) the value
of each class variable.
Mutators (setters): Methods that change (set) the value
of each class variable.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Accessor and Mutator Methods to Enhance the

Student Object Class
Examples (to follow):
Add the following Accessor methods:
getStudentID(), getName(), getSSN(), getGPA()

Add the following Mutator methods:

setStudentID(), setName(), setSSN(), setGPA()

Add a toString() method to the Student class that will

allow us to see the Student data as output.


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Enhancing the Student Object Class

Add the getStudentID() method and the setStudentID()
method as shown below. The object name of the class
(this) is used to distinguish between the class variable
studentID and the parameter studentID being passed in
as an argument.
public int getStudentId()
return studentId;
public void setStudentId(int studentId)
this.studentId = studentId;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Additional Methods for the Student Object

Now using the example from the previous slide, add the
following methods to the Student object class:
getName(), getSSN(), getGPA()
setName(), setSSN(), setGPA()


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Add the toString() Method to the Student

Object Class
Now add the toString() method to the Student object
class. Note, any String object can be built by you to
display the information about each student:
public String toString()
String s1 = ;
s1 = Student ID: + getStudentID() +
Student Name: + getName() +
Student SSN: + getSSN() +
Student GPA: + getGPA();
return s1;


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Creating the StudentTester Driver Class Main

Now create a StudentTester Driver Class main Method as
public class StudentTester
public static void main(String args[]
Student s1 = new Student(123, Mary Smith,
999-99-9999, 3.4);
Student s2 = new Student();
s2.setStudentName(John Jacoby);
Student s3 = new Student();

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Code Blocks
A code block is defined by opening and closing curly
braces { }. When examining code blocks, consider the
Every class declaration is enclosed in a code block.
Method declarations, including the main method, are
enclosed in code blocks.
Java fields and methods have block (or class) scope.
public class SayHello
{ // Begin class code block
public static void main(String args[]
{ // Begin method code block
System.out.println(Hello Caron);
} // End method code block
} // End class code block

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Class Code Block

Method Code Block
Class Code Block

Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Code Block Format

Code blocks begin with a { and end with a }.
Each time you begin a code block you must have an
end. For example: Every { MUST have a matching }.
Code blocks can be found in:
Conditionals (if statements, switch statements)


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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Key terms used in this lesson included:
Access modifiers
Code blocks
Driver class
import statements
Java API
Java comments

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Key terms used in this lesson included:
Java keywords
Lower camel case
Object class
Programmer-created class
Upper camel case

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Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

In this lesson, you should have learned how to:
Describe the general form of a Java program
Describe the difference between an Object class and a
Driver class
Access a minimum of two Java class APIs
Explain and give examples of Java keywords
Create an Object class
Create a Driver class


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