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English2am Modakirat Gen2-Unit1

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Level :2ms

Me and my friends and
my family


Teacher: bendoubaba djamel

Teacher : Mr bendoubaba djamel (djamel djamel)

Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson: I listen and do Framework: PDP

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to describe his/her physical appearance.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce.
Target structure: -simple present of to
be –have got
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
➢ ➢
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal messages to Respecting the diffreences
get information.

Meth: He can use listening strategies in
interpreting messages.
He can work in pairs or in groups.

Com: He can use a role play to communicate

Per and soc: He can socialize through oral

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Learning situation to install resourses (the

starting off)

There is an Algerian TV show to

choose young actors and actresses
,your friend wants to participate.
Help him/her write an e-mail to apply
for this job.

5mn Warm up Teacher greets his learners /the learners V

respond. Interacting A
Teacher makes a quick review about colours To make a quick
by singing the colour song or asking some review about
questions: colors
what colour is my pen?(teacher/learner)
what colour is your slate?(learner/learner)
10m Pre listen n the teacher pins on the board the following L/L
pictures to elicit (or present) the following Presenting
New lexis Wboard
adjectives :


The teacher announces the topic of the T/L Announcing the

20m While listen n this sequence topic of the
The teacher invites his learners to listen to
the 1st script and do Task 1page 11

The teacher uses gestures when reading the

script about the different parts of the body.

This is my head ,this is my hair.These are my

eyes, this is my hand ,these are my fingers,I T/L
Interpreting an
have two lips,this is my mouth,I have a
oral message
small nose and big ears hhhhhhhhhh.

The teacher invites his learners to listen again

and check their answers (here the learner
works with his partner) Checking the ls
-here the teacher invites his learners to drill
chorally and individually
Task 2 : I look at Paul and correct the mistakes
(the learner works with his partner:

I Paul has got long

straight hair. He´s K/T
wearing glasses. He´s
got small eyes and a
big mouth. He´s got
big ears.
Mistakes………………………………………………… L

10m After listen Task 3 : a) I classify the following words:

n Big-green-short-slim-brown-black-fair-tall-
long-thin-small-fat-straight-wavy-frizzy Producing a short
text in which
(the learner works with his partner)
they describe
L their physical
height build hairstyle eyes appearance
…….. ………… …………… …………

b)I use the the table to describe myself :

My name is ……………I’m
………………………..(height) and (build)(boy ,girl).
10m I have………………… and ……………… eyes
The learners describe themselves in front of
their classmates (their classmates correct the

The teacher invites the learner to write on

their copybooks.
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson: I listen and speak Framework: PPU

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to :a)describe his/her relatives’
physical appearance b) naming clothes.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce.
Target structure: -simple present
Asking about physical appearance
Asking about clothes
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
 
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Respecting the differences

messages to get information. Valuing the family

Meth: He can use listening strategies in
interpreting messages.
He can work in pairs or in groups.

Com: He can use a role play to communicate

Per and soc: socializing

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

The teacher greets his learners/the

learners respond.
Warm up The teacher shows his learners this picture
and makes a quick review about members V
of the family by asking some question:
n T/L Activate the LS Flash
prior knowledge card+
L/L wboard

what is this ? where is the father ?name the

other members of the family ?the learners
try to remember and answer.
The teacher invites them to do Task 18
page33: I match each definition with the
corresponding word. To introduce the
The teacher makes a quick review about other members
Of the family
physical appearance.
The teacher describes the father then asks
one of his learner : what does the mother
look like?The learner answers. Interacting
The teacher pins a picture of a girl on the Refresh their
board and asks his learners what does she
Asking about A/V/
look like ? the learners answer .
Presentation Physical K/ appearance


Interpreting the
picture to say
T/L what does karima
look like?
The teacher sets a series of questions about
her eyes,hair;build,......
Is she fat?does she wear jeans?is she tall? Eliciting
What does she look like?
-with the help of the teacher the
learners answer.
Then he and writes :This is Karima ,she is my
niece ,she wears a dress and a nice pair of
shoes, she looks elegant ,she loves fashion Checking the Ls
and she practises Judo. Understanding
The teacher explains the new
lexis Elegant =charming T/L
Teacher pins on the board pictures of
clothes and invites his learners to drill
individually and chorally
Practice Task 1 : I work with my partner to complete
the table. Familiarizing
Boys wear Girls wear them with the
new lexis

n Asking about ph
Task 2 : Task 9 page13 : I work with my appear
partner and ask him to describe one of L/L
his relative.
Use Task 3: Producing a short
a)I draw my family tree including grandpa text in which the
grand ,uncle,aunt,.............. learner describes
15m his relative
b) I choose one of my relatives and writes
about what does he look like and what does
he wear?
The teacher invites his learner to write
on their copybooks.
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson focus: the language use Framework: PDP

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to express his/her like and dislikes , to ask
and answer about the reason and to describe his free time activities.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce.
Target structure: -simple present
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
 
Intel:. The PPs can use critical thinking to deduce Valuing the free time

the rules Valuing physical free time activities,like sport

Meth: he can assess his work and his classmates activities
He can work in pairs or in groups.

Com: He can use a use to communicate

Per and soc: socializing

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

The teacher greets his learners /the learners

Warm up The teacher shows the learners sports flash Brainstorming
Pre listening cards and elicits from them their names. Interact to V
The teacher asks them to name other sports Check the LS A
T/LS knowledge
activities,Then fill in the table
Sport I like Sport I don’t like cards
Stimulating their +
15m Expressing
n likes/dislikes
Teacher asks them :
Which sport do you like ? the LS answer T/LS
Then the Ls ask each other in close pairs.
LS/LS Preparing them V/A/
T invites them to fill in this table:
for the listening K
Sport I do when presentation
..................... On Monday afternoon
.................... On Sunday morning
At the weekend Asking about free
time activities
T: which sport do you do at the weekend?
LS answer T/LS
T: when do you do .....?
Ls answer Ls/LS interacting
Then the learners ask each other in close or
open pairs.
The teacher invites his learners to listen to the
first part of the conversation between Sami
and Rachid and do Task 1:Task 11 page 14. T/LS
Interpreting an
then listen again and do Task 2: I Listen and oral message
complete :
Sami likes .......................................
Rachid likes:....................................
20m Then the LS exchange their answers with their
n partners.
Task 3: I listen again and choose the correct
g each other
1-Sami’s weekend was(fine –awful).
2-Why was Sami’s weekend awful ? Asking
Because there was no water in the pool- about/expressing
there was no pool . a reason
The teacher highlights the use of why and


TASK4 : I order the words Forming the

1- do/like/you/?/Tennis/Why T/LS question and the
2- like/it/I /Because/./ answer
Task 5: (communicative-based activity) LS/LS
Post listening
Tasks17/18 page17
N Producing a
dialogue about
Free time

The teacher invites his learners to write on

their copy books.
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson focus: 4 /language use Framework: PPU

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to talk and write /ask and answer
about daily activities and free time activities .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both I pronounce : the pronunciation of
interpret – produce. Materials: Flashcards / W. the ending s
Target structure: -simple present Board/
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
 
Intel. The learner can use his critical thinking to Valuing time

deduce the rules Respecting each other

Meth: He can take notes and exchange
information with his peers

Com: He can use a role play to communicate

Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
/written exchanges

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Materia Vakt


Teacher greets his learners /the learners

Warm up The teacher makes a quick review about the
10m daily routine which they saw last year by Flash V
n Showing them some flashcards Reminding the cards+ A
Ls about the Wboar
T/L daily d

Interpret the
flash cards

The teacher asks his learners to order the

following daily routine(the learner works
with his partner)
I go to school-I have dinner-I get up –I put on
my clothes(I get dressed)- I have breakfast-I
watch Tv-I have lunch-I go to bed.
Use the ls
T. suggests a short text with missing words Prior
and asks the pupils to complete them.
Presentatio Every day my friend Hakim ………… 6:40
n ,he
……………….his face and…………..breakfast at T/L To elicit the
7:00 , he …………………dressed at 7:25, target language
he………………to school at …………….but at from the
weekends he learners
15m relaxes,……,………………….,………………
The teacher sorts out the verbs and asks
them to read correctly :gets-washes-has-
goes- T
The teacher highlights the rulehow to To pronounce
pronounce the s endings in plural nouns and correctly
present simple(he,she,it):
S is pronounced /s/ after the following
sounds/f/ , /k/ , /p/ , /t/ , /θ/
S is pronounced /Z/ after (a, e, i,
o, u ) or consonant sounds:
/b/ , /d/ , /g/ , /l/ , /m/ , /n/ , /r/ , /v/.
S is pronounced /IZ/ after plurals and verbs
that end in
/t ∫ / , /s/ , /d / , /z/ , /∫ / :( -ches, -ces,-ges,
-ses, -shes, -sses, -xes, -zes)

Task 1: Iask my partner and complete the

Practice schedule (the teacher guides and helps) L/L
what do you do everyday?
15m What do you do at weekends?
n morning afternoo evenings Interacting /ask
s ns and answer
weekday about daily
s routine and free
weekend time activities

Task2: I pronounce
T invites his learners to classify the following
words: hidjabs-watches-revises-puts -goes-
relaxes-slippers-trainers L/L

/s/ /z/ /IZ/


Task 3: 24page34
use I use the information in the schedule and
write three or four sentences about my
10m partner”s
n Weekdays activities and two or three about
his weekends activities as an example : The learner can
L/L Produce a
about his
partner daily
and weekends


The teacher invites his learners to write on

their copybooks
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson focus: 5 /language use Framework: PPU

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to talk about activities he/she
can/can’t do .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both I pronounce : the pronunciation of
interpret – produce. Materials: Flashcards / W. can and can’t
Target structure: -the model can Board/
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
➢ ➢
Intel. The learner can use his critical thinking to Respecting each other

deduce the rules Respecting differences
➢ ➢
Meth: He can take notes and exchange Respecting people who are physically impaired.
information with his peers

Com: He can interview his partner

Per and soc: He can socialise through oral
/written exchanges

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Teacher greets his learners and the learners

Warm up The teacher asks his learner about what do T/L Interacting to
5mn they do at weekends? The learners may remind them and Flash
answer like this : I practise football /I do to prepare them card+ V
for the new W A
judo/I play the guitar...........
lesson board
The teacher pins on the board a picture of
A kimono and asks them :what is this ? T/L

The picture

do we use it in
28m boxing?
The learners will answer and tell you : karate
and judo.
The teacher writes on the board the
following question :(the teacher should be interacting through
very careful about the pronunciation of can) asking/ answering
the questions
Can( ) you use judo? to elicit the
The teacher chooses some learners to target structure
answer and helps them in forming the
Use correct
answer :Yes ,I can /No, I can’t
The teacher invites his learners to put a tick
or a cross about what they can do/can”t do.
Play the guitar
sing T/L
Ride a horse
The learners start asking each other
Example: can you sing ?
The teacher writes on the board the
following questions : what can you do ?
What can’t you do?
The learners use the table above to answer
T helps the learners to answer : I can swim
but I can’t play the guitar.

The teacher isolates and states the rule :

Expressing ability and inability page24.

I pronounce: The teacher states the rule
T The rule

Task 1: I order the words 1-

you /Can/Chinese/speak?
5mn 2- My/ father/drive/can/ the car. To check how well
Task two: the learners have
grasped the
I put can or can’t(the teacher uses gestures meaning and the
5mn to explain the difficult words(blind-deaf- LS/LS
use of the new
practice dumb) structure.
I’m blind,I ...........see.
My sister is deaf , she ............hear.
My friend is dumb,he ................ speak
I ‘m tall ,I ..............write the date
Task three :(communicative based (producing)
7mn use activity)(orally):task 4page22 To check how
I work with my partner ,I look LS/LS well the learners
at the pictures on page 23 and ask him ,I pay are able to use
attention to the pronunciation of can and and pronounce
can’t. the new
The teacher invites his learners to write on
their copybook.
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson focus: 6 /language Framework: PDP
FAMILY. learning

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to describe his/her house and the
basic furniture in each room.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both I pronounce : the silent h
interpret – produce. Materials: Flashcards / W.
Target structure: -present simple Board/
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

Intel. He can understand and interpret verbal and

non-verbal messages Valuing the place /the city where we live in.

Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups

Com: He can describe

Per and soc: He can socialise through oral
/written exchanges

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up The teacher greets his learners /the learners

respond. T/L
The teacher draws (or pins on )a house and To pave the way V
Pre listen asks some questions: what is this ?is it big or A
small ? is it beautiful or horrible ?

While listen The teacher invites his learners to listen to the T/L Interpreting/
15m following script and do Task 1(task 19 page 17) Listening for
n I listen to my elder brother Samir read the specific
definitions from the information
Oxford dictionary.
Definition 1: A bedroom is a room for
sleeping in.
Definition 2: A living room is a room where
people sit together, watch television, etc.
Definition 3: A dining room is a room that is
used mainly for eating meals in.
Definition 4: A kitchen is a room in which
meals are cooked or prepared.
Definition 5: A bathroom is a room in which
there is a bathtub, a washbasin and a toilet.
I listen to my brother salim again and do
Task 2(task 22 page 18) I work with my
partner and check each other answers T/L
here the teacher invites his learners to drill Helping him to
chorally and individually memorize
The new lexis
I pronounce Pronouncing in
The teacher writes some words on the board a correct way
and reads them ,then asks the LS which letter
is silent in the second word. T/L
house- why –shop-watch –
bathroom -washbasin kitchen-home

the rule : we don’t pronounce the h when it

comes after w like: why-when-what-where
15m but in who ,whose we pronounce the h. n

Producing a short
15m After listen L/L Text in which the
Task 3 : I describe my house: learner describes
n His/her house
It is in…(the city)
House with____________bedrooms)
I share a bedroom with my…
I want to describe my bedroom. It is… I have
…(a bed, cupboards for my clothes).
I have….(on the walls)
My bedroom is
My kitchen has…
My favourite room in the house is…
(I can relax there, I make delicious meals
The only thing I don’t like about my house
10m is…
The teacher invites his learners to write on their
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson focus: 7 /language use Framework: PDP/PIASP

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to locate rooms and places inside a house
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce.
Target structure: -simple present /
Markers(next to-between-on the
right/left of/ possessive pronouns
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel. He can understand and interpret verbal and

non-verbal messages Valuing the place and the city where we live

Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups

Com: He can describe
Per and soc: He can socialise through oral /written

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims /rationals Material Vakt

The teacher greets his learners/the learners
The teacher interacts with his learners and makes T/L
5mn Warm up a quick review about describing their houses and To Interact to
The basic furniture in each room. Refresh the V
vocabulary A
10m Pre listen about Flashcar
n houses/furniture ds+
a plan +
w board

Cottage Terraced house

The teacher pins on the board a real plan of any To Pave the way
house to explain the new vocabulary that may and present the
impede the understanding like: cottage-storeys- T/LS key words
flat- stairs-downstairs-upstairs-the first flour-the needed in the
ground floor.) conversation
To explain the prepositions: next to – on the left
of –on the right of –between


Where is the room A? It is next to B.

B is between A and C
E is on the left of D
To Listen for
D is on the right E. specific
15m while listen n
The teacher invites his learners to listen to Liz information/
and her friend Razane and do Task 1: Task 23 Interpreting
page 19
Task 2 :Task 25 p19:The learner listen again and T/LS
complete the first floor plan of Liz’s house ,then To involve PPs in
the learner works with his partner to correct each peer- correction

The teacher invites his learners to listen to the

script and complete the missing words in the
following dialogue
After listen Prep 2(PIASP)
20m Razane: Which one is …….bedroom,
n Liz?
Liz: It’s the one with two balconies. The T/LS
one next to ……… is Mike’s. The
learners answer with :
Your mine
The teacher makes a short revision of he
possessive adjective and get them
familiarized with the possessive
pronouns It is my room ,it is mine
Isolate │ │
a noun mine

Analysis a possessive pronoun

Highlighting We use possessive pronouns (mine-yours-his-

the rule hers-ours-theirs) in place of a noun

practice Task3: I complete with a possessive pronoun

It is the bedroom of karima , it is ..................
It is your car , it is ........................ LS/LS
It kamel”s pen ,it is ........................
Task 4: I choose the right pronoun
(my, mine) bedroom is beautiful.
Whose car is it? It is (my –mine) To Help PPs to
Where is (hers-her )room ? be more
Task 5: I draw the plan of my house and locate LS/LS In reinvesting
My bedroom . their prior
My bedroom is ( small- spacious) it is(downstairs knowledge
Upstairs) it is (next to ,between,on the right of
,on the left of )..............................

10m The teacher invites his learners to their copybook

Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson : I read and do Framework: PDP

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to interprete a written message
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both I pronounce: the silent d in
interpret – produce. Materials: Flashcards / W. handsome/the weak form of
Target structure: -simple present Board/ can/the ending s

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

Intel. He can understand and interpret verbal and

non-verbal messages Valuing time
 
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups/develop Valuing talents

his strategies for reading Encouraging sport

Com:he can use ICT to communicate with people/
He can describe
Per and soc: He can socialise through written

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

The teacher greets his learners/the

Warm up learners respond.
The teacher writes on the board the T/L Interact/
following words then interacts with his To pave the way V
learners about the meaning of them :
Pre read Magic
handsome ,dark hair and black eyes-
10m cube
n journalist- I live with my aunts- +
championship ,the magic cube, a blog Course

Te teacher asks some questions about the to prepare them

magic cube: who likes this game, how many
faces are there : 6 or 8?. T/L

The teacher invites the learners to guess the to involve

everybody in
topic of the text is about what?
paving the way
30m while read
n The teacher invites his learners to read the interpret/
text page :37 and do TASK one : I read and fill
in the bibliographical notes. skimming to get
Task 2 : I read and complete the missing general
information .( the learner works with his information
partner and corrects each other)
Task three : I read and answer by true or false
Task four : I read and answer the questions
Task six : I find in the text words aare closest to read for
in meaning to:
Beautiful =............... like=...................
10m Words opposite in meaning to :
n Horrible ≠ ....... small≠...................
Post read
The learner works with his partner to make 2
10m To reinvest what
n or 3 statements about the text. he learnt
The teacher invites his learners to write on
their copybooks.
Level : MS2 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS ANDMY Lesson: I learn to integrate Framework: writing process

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to write about his profile

Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: the course book / W.
interpret – produce. Board
Target structure: -simple present /like
and dislike/have/my
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

Intel: Learner can show autonomy and creativity in 

Being positive
writing 
Being respectful toward himself/his family and
Meth: he can exchange ideas with his partner people
he can mobilize his resources to write about his
com: he can use ICT to communicate with others.
Per and soc: he can socialize through written

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Teacher greets his learners/the learners

The teacher asks his learners about what T/L
10mn Pre-writing they do at the weekend : /interacting V
process A
The teacher and the learners interact about
The board K
sports activities/leisure activities
+ T
/championship/ and what does the word The
competition mean./and if they participated in Ls can use his course
a competition before? T/L prior knowledge book

Setting up the Situation

You are entering a national competition Interacting

organised by the Algerian Ministry of
National Education for middle school
students about the “Best Personal Profile”
written in English. Competitors are required
to upload their profiles to the website of the
Algerian Ministry of National Education
5mn before December 20th.
The first three winners will be offered a four-
week English language course in London next
The learner writes about his personal
The learners follow the lay out (page4o) The
learner can ask and exchange ideas with his
15mn T helps his learners to remember what they
learnt in this sequence. T/L
In -writing T asks the learners to complete the
process following table:
knowledge Skills Attitudes
related to Describing Page 39
physical physical
description appearance
…………………… ……………………
… …
Lexis related Expressing
to clothing likes and
…………………… dislikes
… related to
Lexis related clothing,haird
free time ress,
activities ……………………
…………………… …
… Describing
Lexis related daily activities
to description
of my house Reading and
…………………… interpreting
… A plan of a
Lexis related house
to likes and
dislikes Describing
…………………… and locating
… places and
The present rooms
simple tense
The Expressing
connector ability
because ,inability

(adverbs of

To correct the
10mn Drafting mistakes(spelling ,
With the help of their teacher, the learners grammar,..)
start drafting .
Teacher helps his learners to find out and L/L
correct typographical errors and mistakes in
grammar, style, and spelling.
10mn publishing
The learner writes the final draft and
presents his work in front of his classmates
to be assessed
T selects a work to be written on the board
and corrected.
T invites his learners to write on their
10mn copybooks
Level : MS2 School : bormadia Relizane Teacher :Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 1 1 ME ,MY FRIENDS Lesson : I think and write Framework: PDP

Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learner will be able to write an email in which
he/she describes his/her house.
Targeted competencies: interact Domain (s): Oral/written/ Materials: W. board/The course book
– interpret – produce.
Target structure: simple present
/markers of location .

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

Intel: Learner shows creativity in writing Valuing the place and house where we live
Meth: He can mobilize his resources to Being proud of to belong to a family
produce a written message A good conduct
Com:He can use ICTs to communicate with others Being polite
Openness to other people.
Per and soc: He can socialize through written

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Materia Vakt


T greets his learners/they respond

Teacher writes some questions and asks T/L
15m Pre writing his learners to answer . V
n What kind of house do you live in(villa ,flat, Interacting to A
cottage,terraced house) ? pave the way
Where is it situated (desert city,
countryside ...)?
How big is it(the number of storeys) ? Wboard
Does your house contain garage
,swimming pool.........? +cours
Where is each room located? e book
Where do you sleep ?do you have a T/L
Do you share it with your brother/sisters?
Which room in the house is your favourite
and why?
The teacher sets up the situation
The teacher introduces the situation and
asks them to work individually.
My English friend is asking me about the
place where I live . so I’m going to tell
her with a detailed description of my
house and my room.I’m also attaching
the plan of my house

To guide him

You start like this :3 page 41 A/V/

The teacher collects the sheets to
be corrected
Criteria Indicators
1-Relevance Write an email
Describe his house and the
room where he sleeps
2-Correct use of 1-the learners uses :the present
linguistic simple /markers of location
resources 2-the learner uses personal /
possessive pronoun I/my
The use of the connector
Uses suitable ajectives
3-Coherence 1-the learner writes simple and
meaningful sentences about the
topic;2- the good use of :
Punctuation, capitalisation and
indentation. The learner
3-s/he respects the logical order of uses what he
4-Cross- 1-the learner uses ICT in learnt to
curricular communicating with his/her friends produce a
competences : 2-s/he produces a written
40m While meaningful
n writing message about
5-Values 1-the learner shows a good describing his
2-shows attitude of respect

6-Excellence 1-The learner shows creativity in

his /her writing
2- Good hand writing


Post writing

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