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Name : Gita Primsa

NIM : 1183311001

Class : Ekstensi G 2018




First of all, I want to say "thank you" for God's love and grace for us. Thank God
for helping me and giving me the opportunity to complete this task on time. And I
want to say "Thank you" to Mr. Doddy F.P Ambarita M.Pd, as a lecturer who
taught me and gave me a lot of knowledge about how to practice English well.

This task is a task consisting of critical book reviews. I realized this task was not
perfect. But I hope this can be useful for us. Critics and suggestions are needed
here to make this task better. Hopefully I as a student at Medan State University
can learn more professionally using English as a second language no matter what.
Thank you.

Medan, March 2019

Gita Primsa

PREFACE ............................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER I BACKGROUND .............................................................................. 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................ 1
1.2 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................... 1
1.3 BENEFITS .................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER II CONTENT OF THE BOOK .......................................................... 3
2.1 BOOK IDENTITY ..................................................................... 3
2.2 SUMMARY OF BOOK CONTENTS ....................................... 4
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 22
3.1 STRENGTH OF BOOK CONTENTS ...................................... 22
3.2 WEAKNESS OF BOOK CONTENT ........................................ 22
CHAPTER IV ENDING ....................................................................................... 24
4.1 CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 24
4.2 SUGGESTION............................................................................ 24
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 25
ATTACHMENT ................................................................................................... 26

1.1 Background

Language is a typical symbol of a country or region, because language is a vital element

in communicating or as the main communication style. Ininteractions, social relationships with
others in the community. Language is very diversified in the world, because every language of
the country is each different from one another, even the language can distinguish between one
country to country. English is the International Language. By mastering English well, then we
will be able to communicate with other nations in this world. As well as watching movies,
listening to radio broadcasts abroad, as well as insight and knowledge for the betterment of our
nation and our country, as well as watching movies other science. Thus, in the end we can master
the knowledge - knowledge in all fields. In addition to increasing understanding of the
international language, the English language is studied at least will be easier for us to get decent,
or for the provision of our knowledge in the future. By understanding and mastering the benefits
for us all. Here, it is necessary to first understand that there are grammatical in English. In
addition to facilitating pronunciation, we will also understand how to pronounce it so that it feels
consistent and correct according to his tenses.

1.2 Objective

The objectives of the critical book review are as follows:

1. So that readers understand the contents of the book.

2. So that readers know and understand the weaknesses and strengths of the chapters of
the book.

3. So that the reader knows the summary of the material in the chapter.

4. In order to know the comparison between the main book and the comparison.

5. Develop potential students to become human beings who are capable of thinking and
developing their own potential.
1.3 Benefits

The benefits of critical book review writing are as follows:

1. Improve understanding of book content for readers.

2. Add insight to the reader about the weaknesses and strengths of this book

3. Provide a review of the main book and comparison book

4. We can find out the comparison between the main book and the comparison.

5. Provide an understanding of the comparison of comparisons between the main book and the
comparison book.
2.1 Book Identity
A. Book I

Name of book : Meaning And The English Verb

Author : Geoffrey Leech

Publisher : Pearson Education Limited

Date of book : 2004

ISBN : 0-582-78457-3

Number of pages : 141

B. Book II

Name of book : Active English

Author : 1. Ida Kusuma Dewi;

2. Djatmika;

3. Agus Dwi Priyatno.

Publisher : PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri

Date of book : 2015

ISBN : 978-979084-713-2

Number of pages : 136

2.2 Summary of the contents of the book
Book I.

Chapter I. Simple Present and Simple Past Tense

Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense is tenses that are used when an event is taking place at this time or an event
that occurs repeatedly (habits).

Simple Present Tense Formula :

To form simple present tense sentences, usually used the basic form verb, or Verb 1. Except for
third person pronouns, use Verb 1 + s / es. As shown in the table below.
Subject Verb The Rest of the sentence
I / You / They /
go to the school by bus
She / He / It goes to the school by bus

The verb spelling form in the third person (He, She, It), depends on the end of the verb (verb).
1. For verbs ending in -O, -CH, -SH, -X, or -Z, add -ES.

 go – goes
 catch – catches
 wash – washes
 kiss – kisses
 box – boxes
 fix – fixes

2. For verbs (Verb) ending in consonant + Y, remove Y, and add -IES.

 carry – carries
 study – studies
 worry – worries
 marry – marries

3. Whereas, for verbs ending in + Y vowels, just add -S.

 play – plays
 say – says
 enjoy – enjoys

Example of Simple Present Tense Sentences

The following are examples of simple present tense sentences that can be used.

1. Simple present tense to show recurring events that are taking place at this time.

 I take the motorcycle to the office

 The train to Bekasi leaves every hour.
 George sleeps seven hours every night during the week.

2. Simple present tense to show a fact.

 The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo.

 A snake has no legs.
 Indonesia has 34 provinces, from Sabang to Merauke.

3. Simple present tense to show a habit.

 Doni gets up early at 5 o’clock every day.

 John takes a bath twice a day.
 Every year at Lebaran day, most of people travel to their hometown.

Types of Simple Present Tense Sentences

1. Simple Present Tense Affirmative

To form simple present tense affirmative sentences, the formula is :

S + Verb (1) / Verb dasar / to be (is, am, are) + O

Example of simple present tense affirmative :

 Yana Pudjiastuti is the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
 She reads Harry Potter book everyday.
 They watch new movies every sunday.

2. Simple Present Tense Negative

To form negative simple present tense sentences, usually using extras don't know not before the
verb, EXCEPT To Be and Capital, the formula is :

S + Don’t / Doesn’t + Verb (1) + O

If the verb / verb is To Be, then the formula becomes :

S + (is, am, are) + not + O

Example of simple present tense negative :

 Susi Pudjiastuti is not the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

 She doesn’t read Harry Potter book everyday.
 They don’t watch new movies every sunday.

Note, for the third form subject (he, she it), after the word or no, the verb form is NOT ADDED S
/ ES.

Simple Present Tense Interogative

To form interrogative simple present tense sentences / question sentences, usually using an
additional do or does in front of the sentence. The formula is as follows.

Do / Does + S + Verb 1 + O

The word do is used if the subject is I, you, they, or we. However, the word does is used if the
subject is in the form of a third person (She, He, It).

Example of simple interrogative present tense :

 Does she read Harry potter book?

 Do they watch new movie everyday?
 Do you play basketball every morning?
If the verb (verb) is To Be or Capital, then do not use the word do or does.

Example :

 Is Susi Pudjiastuti the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ?

 Are you new staff of Wall Street English ?
 Are they football fans of Persija Jakarta ?

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is a tenses sentence that is used to express events that happened in the past and
have ended in the past. In contrast to past continuous tense, which states the events that occurred
in the past, but still occur in the present.
Simple Past Tense Formula
To form simple past tense sentences, the formula is as follows :
S + Verb 2 + O
In simple past tense sentences, the verb / verb used is the second form of the verb. There are 2
types of verbs / verbs, namely Regular Verb and Irregular Verb. For the regular verb, add -ed / -
d behind after the first form verb. As an example :

 Stay -> stayed (Tinggal)

 Punch -> Punched (Memukul)
 Play -> Played (Bermain)
 Touch -> Touched (Menyentuh)
 Write -> Writed (Menulis)

For Irregular verbs, including to be, the verb forms are very different. As an example :

 Awake -> Awoke (Terbangun)

 Begin -> Began (Memulai)
 Drink -> Drank (Minum)
 Eat -> ate (Makan)
 Run -> ran (Berlari)

However, there are some Irregular verbs that have the same verb form as the basic verb form. As
an example :

 Put -> Put (Meletakkan)

 Split -> Split (Membagi)
 Spread -> Spread (Menyebarkan)
 Set -> Set (Mengatur)
 Cut -> Cut (Memotong)

Examples of Simple Past Tense Affirmative Sentences

Following this, Wall Street English gives examples of simple sentences, past positive tense :

1. Abdul went to Bali for holiday last Sunday (Minggu kemarin, Abdul pergi ke Bali untuk
2. She joined english club class at school yesterday. (Kemarin, dia bergabung kedalam klub
bahasa Inggris di sekolah).
3. My mother cooked grilled fish for my birthday party. (Ibuku dulu memasak ikan bakar
untuk pesta ulang tahunku).
4. Last Monday, Joni got an accident at the office (Senin lalu, Joni terkena musibah di

Examples of simple past tense sentences are negative

To form simple sentences past negative tense, the formula is as follows :

S + did + not + Verb 1or,

S + To Be (Was / Were) + not

The following is an example of the sentence :

1. I did not sleep well last night, (Aku tidak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak, tadi malam).
2. She did not complete her job. (Dia tidak menyelesaikan tugasnya)
3. Many kids did not like horror movies. (Banyak anak-anak yang tidak menyukai film
4. Adi did not win english debate competition last month. (Adi tidak memenangkan
kompetisi debat berbahasa inggris bulan lalu).

Examples of Simple Past Tense Interrogative Sentences

To form simple past tense interogative sentences, the formula is as follows :

Did + S + Verb 1 or,

Was / Were + S

The following is an example of a question asking simple past tense :

1. Did the student come to school? (Apakah para murid datang ke sekolah?)
2. Did they allow you to join their english club? (Apakah mereka mengizinkan kamu
bergabung ke dalam klub bahasa Inggris?)
3. Were you late to come to the office at 11 am yesterday? (Apakah kamu datang terlambat
ke kantor jam 11 kemarin?)
4. Was he so busy ? (Apakah dia sangat sibuk?)

Chapter II. Progressive aspect

Progressive aspect refers to a verb phrase made with a form of be plus -ing that indicates an
action or condition continuing in the present, past, or future. A verb in the progressive aspect
(also known as the continuous form) usually describes something that takes place during a
limited time period.

Examples of Verbs in the Progressive Aspect

In the Past Tense
 He was singing.
(progressive tense)
 We were playing.
(progressive tense)
 She had been flying.
(perfect progressive tense)

In the Present Tense

 I am leaving.
(progressive tense)
 They are diving.
(progressive tense)
 They have been fighting.
(perfect progressive tense)

In the Future Tense

 I will be flying.
(progressive tense)
 They will be acting.
(progressive tense)
 She will have been singing.
(perfect progressive tense)

Forming the Progressive Aspect

The progressive aspect is formed using a form of the auxiliary verb to be and the present
participle. For example :

Forming the Past Progressive Tense :

"was" or "were" + present participle

 We were writing

Forming the Present Progressive Tense

"is" or "are" + present participle

 She is diving.
 They are eating.
Forming the Future Progressive Tense
"will be" + present participle

 He will be flying.
The progressive aspect also includes the perfect progressive tenses. These are formed using a
form of the auxiliary verb to have, plus been, and the present participle. For example:

Forming the Past Perfect Progressive Tense

"had" + "been" + present participle

 They had been eating.

Forming the Present Perfect Progressive Tense

"has" or "have" + "been" + present participle

 He has been eating.

 We have been eating.

Forming the Future Perfect Progressive Tense

"will have" + "been" + present participle

 He will have been eating.

Chapter III. The Expression of Past Time

Expressions for Past Tense

last ago yesterday

last night 10 minutes ago yesterday

last Sunday an hour ago yesterday morning

last week three days ago yesterday afternoon

last weekend a week ago yesterday evening

last year a month ago the day before yesterday

last month a year ago

Chapter IV. The Expression of Future Time

The expression information often used in future time forms includes :

a. Tomorrow… Besok…
- Morning Pagi
- Afternoon Siang/sore
- Evening Petang
- night Malam

b. Next… … yang akan datang

- Next time Waktu yang akan datang
- Next week Minggu/ pecan yang akan datang
- Next month Bulan yang akan datang
- Next year Tahun yang akan datang

c Tonight Nanti malam

d The day after tomorrow Besok lusa
e Soon Segera
f Later Kemudian, nanti
g Two more days Dua hari lagi
h Three more days Tiga hari lagi
i Two days later Dua hari lagi
j Three days later Tiga hari lagi

Chapter V. The Primary Modal Auxiliaries

Auxiliary verbs Capital is a word placed before the main verb (main verb) for the main verb

Its function is to encourage will or ability, needs and possibilities. Auxiliary verbs include: can,
can, can, maybe, will, will, will, must, must, must, and must.

Some Functions and Examples of Auxiliary Verb Capital Sentences :

Can and Could

“Can and could” can be used to express abilities. The difference is, it can be used to
express abilities in the past (past). Both can function for this Verb Capital can also be used to ask
permission (permission) to do something.

Example of Sentences of Auxiliary Verb Capital "can and could"

You can buy anything with your money but you can‘t buy love.
1 (Kamu dapat membeli apapun dengan uangmu tapi kamu tidak dapat membeli cinta)

Can I borrow your car for one night?

2 (Bisakah saya meminjam mobilmu selama satu malam?)

You could run faster than me two years ago.
(Kamu dapat berlari lebih cepat dari saya dua tahun lalu.)

Could I use your computer to print and scan?

4 (Bolehkah saya memakai komputermu untuk print dan scan?)

May dan Might

May and might can be used to express the possibility (present) in the present (present)
and the future (future). May and Might can be added to the primary auxiliary verb have to
express the possibility in the past (past). The difference, may be to declare hypothetical situations
that have not been proven, while might have been proven.

Examples of Capital Sentences Auxiliary Verb "may and might"

He may work out and eat healthy food every day.

1 (Dia mungkin berlatih dan memakan makanan sehat setiap hari.)

You may/might forget the embarassing incident tomorrow.

2 (Kamu mungkin melupakan insiden memalukan itu besok.)

 The doctor may have warned you not to eat red meat.
(Dokter mungkin telah melarangmu untuk memakan daging merah) faktanya
belum diketahui
 The doctor might have warned you not to eat red meat.
3 dikatakan setelah diketahui fakta: The doctor has not warned — Dokter
belum melarang.

Will dan Would

Will to express willingness. Willingness can be expressed in conditional sentence type 1

or invitation (invitation / invitation). Would also be used to express willingness, but more polite
(polite). In addition to expressing willingness, will and would be used to discuss possibilities or
make predictions.

Examples of Auxiliary Verb Capital Sentences "will and would"

I will help you if you help yourself first.
(Saya akan membantumu jika kamu membantu dirimu sendiri dulu.) conditional
sentence type 1

Will you marry me?

2 (Maukah kamu menikah dengan saya?)

I’ll give you a glass of water.

3 (Saya akan memberimu segelas air.)

Would you like to see my craft?

4 (Maukah kamu melihat kerajinan tanganku?)


Shall is used to declare simple future as well as willnamun is only used for first person I
and we. This verb capital can also be used to express obligations in formal situations (which can
be legal documents or during meetings. In this situation, both second and third person can be
used with this verb capital.

Examples of Verb Auxiliary Capital Sentences "shall"

We shall overcome it someday.

1 (Kita akan mengatasinya suatu hari nanti.)

Shall we pay a call him?

2 (Haruskah kita menjenguknya?) polite question

Shall I give you some advice?

3 (Haruskah saya memberimu nasehat?) polite question

The Human Resource manager shall report the employee performance.

4 (HR manager harus melaporkan performansi karyawan.)
Should give suggestion (saran) atau advice (nasehat).

Examples of Verb Auxiliary Capital Sentences "should"

You should see the doctor.

1 (Kamu harus ke dokter.)

We should meet more often.

2 (Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)


Must be combined with a note to declare prohibition. In addition, this capital verb can
also be used to express obligations or necessity.

Example of Capital Sentences Auxiliary Verb "must"

You mustn’t give up.

1 (Kamu tidak boleh menyerah.)

We must go to bed now.

2 (Kita harus tidur sekarang.)

Chapter VI. Modality Continued

Adverb of modality is an adverb used to express the level of confidence or expectation.

Examples of Adverb of Modality.

Contoh Adverb of
Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Modality
Fortunately you have a comfortable bedroom to sleep
after a long day working at the office.
fortunately (untunglah, (Untunglah kamu punya kamar yang nyaman untuk tidur
syukur) setelah sepanjang hari bekerja di kantor.)

Hopefully, he goes home carrying the good news.

hopefully (mudah-mudahan, (Mudah-mudahan dia pulang ke rumah membawa kabar
semoga) gembira.)

If you reject the job offer, you will likely regret it one
(Jika kamu menolak tawaran kerja tersebut, kamu
likely (sangat mungkin) mungkin akan sangat menyesalinya suatu hari nanti.)

Maybe he’ll call you to continue the discussion.

Maybe (Mungkin saya akan menghubungimu untuk melanjutkan
(barangkali/mungkin) diskusi.)

On sunday morning, perhaps I will learn to drive a car.

Perhaps (Minggu pagi mungkin saya akan belajar menyetir
(barangkali/mungkin) mobil.)

Cell phone radiation can possibly damage your health.

Possibly (Radiasi ponsel barangkali dapat mengganggu
(barangkali/mungkin) kesehatanmu.)

Probably He will probably remember to reply my letter.

(barangkali/mungkin) (Dia barangkali akan ingat untuk membalas suratku.)

Vita will unlikely forget her surprise birthday party.

(Vita tak mungkin akan melupakan pesta kejutan ulang
Unlikely (tak mungkin) tahunnya.)

Chapter VII. Indirect Speech


Indirect sentences are usually used to talk about the past. So, we usually change the tense
of the words spoken. We use reporting verbs such as say, tell, and ask. We can also use that word
to introduce the words reported. We don't use quotes.

She said, "I saw him." (direct sentence) = She said that she had seen him. (indirect sentence)

That can be eliminated:

She told him that she was happy. = She told him she was happy.


Use say when there are no indirect objects:

He said that he was tired.

Always use tell when you mention who you are talking to (ie indirect object):

He told me that he was tired.


Use these two verbs to describe the actions of communicating:

He talked to us.

She was speaking on telephone.

Use these two verbs with the word about to explain what is said:

He talked (to us) about his parents.

Book II.

Starting Point : Nice To Meet You

Introduction to reading or listening to a conversation. Then practice it by introducing
yourself. Provide training to test the skills of students in speaking in English. Example:
1) Tommy : Hi! I’m Tommy
Andi : Hello! I’m Andi. Nice to meet you.
2) Pedro : This’s Richard.
Riski : Hello, Richard! I;m Riski. Nice to meet you.
Richard : Nice to meet you too.

I’m = I am
This’s = This is

Unit 1 : What’sYour Name?

Introduction to name, age, and address by writing it down or speaking directly. Provide
writing practice and spell your own name in English. Example:
1) My name’s Rafif. I’m 8 years old. I live in Padang.
2) My name is Dino. I am 8 years old. Ilive in Jakarta.

My name is Salma = My name’s Salma

I am Salma = I’mSalma
What is your name? = What’s your name?

Unit 2 : Our School

Calculate how many students in the class using English numbers. Count objects in the class.
If single / one does not use an additional "s" behind the object. If more than one use "s" behind
the object.
One / Single :
 There is one school.
 There is one girl
 There is one canteen
 There is one chair

More than one / plural :

 There are two schools
 There are two girls
 There are ten canteens
 There are twenty chairs

Unit 3 : How Do You Feel?

Mengekspresikan perasaan dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris dan mengucapkannya.
Ekpresi misalnya: happy, sad, tired, sleppy, angry, sick, hungry, thirsty, etc. Contoh
1) I am in doctor room. I am sick. I am sad.
2) We are playing football. We are thirsty and tired. But, we are happy.

Unit 4 : In The Schoolyard

Say or tell what is happening on the school grounds using English. For example: eating,
playing football, climbing a tree, hide and seek, rope jumping, reading, painting, drinking,
chasing, etc. Example of sentences :
 Alin is reading book = She is reading a book
 Budi is reading book = He is reading a book
 Alin and Budi are reading books = They are reading books

Unit 5 : My Daily Activities

Saying daily activities or telling them to friends in English. Writing down
routine activities every day and carrying out and making daily stories. Activities such as: wake
up, take abath, study, have breakfast, go to school, go to bed, go home, take a map, watch tv, etc.
Example of sentences:
1) Everyday I wake up atfive o’clock. I take a bath.
2) I have breakfast with my family
3) I go to school
4) I go home at one. Then, I take a map.

Unit 6 : Helping Mummy

Mention other daily activities in English, for example: sweep the floor, iron
clothes, make the bed, wash the clothes, etc. Example of sentences:
1) She makes the bed
2) She cleans the room
3) She waters the flowers

Unit 7 : Hobbies

Expressing likes and dislikes for something in English. Tells hobbies that are
liked and what your friends don't like. Example:
1) I like reading. But, Pedro does not like reading.
He likes playing football.

Unit 8 : Want Some?

Offer something for someone using English. Example:

1) Would you like some grapes?
No, Thank you.
Would you like somw pineapples?
Yes, please.

Unit 9 : Ms Lia Is Beautiful

Describe your friends, your teacher, or the people around you using English. Example:
1) Dino is handsome
He is short. His hair is curly

Unit 10 : Our School Timetable

Mention any lesson on days that are asked to mention the day's lessons in
English. Tell the lesson you like. Example:
1) What lessons do you have on Monday?
I have Mathematics and Science.
2) What is your favourite lesson?
My favourite lesson is Mathematics

Unit 11 : Let’s Do Something

Showing activities or movements. For example: clap your hands !, stamp your
feet !, stand up! Sit down! Turn around! Jump !, cut off, touch your hair !, wave your hands !,
Unit 12 : Friendly Animals
Mention the names of animals and their location using English. Example:
1) The butterfly is at flower’s petal
2) The dog is in the cage
3) The turtle is under the table.
4) The fish ia in thw pond.



Book I :

The advantages of being the superiority of this book are:

1. Have a table of contents that supports the page.

2. Use references in each chapter of the book

3. The study of the material presented is very complete

4. Equipped with graphics as material support material.

5. Many opinions from experts.

Weaknesses Some of the shortcomings in this book are :

1. There are several sentences that are difficult to read.

2. There are convoluted words.

3. Not equipped with questions for evaluation.

4. In terms of cover, this book is dull and less attractive

5. No pictures as mop material. Not complete.

Book II.

The advantages of being the superiority of this book are:

1. Close the book interesting

2. The table of contents is good

3. Have many examples of sentences in each discussion.

4. The practice of writing English can train students to write and understand English.

5. Explanation Having an explanation in the form of an image is easily discussed.

6. There are songs that students can sing in unit 3

7. Each unit has its motivational words.

Weaknesses Some of the shortcomings in this book are :

1. The discussion in this book is still lacking.

2. There is no Indonesian at all in the book, students will not immediately understand English
writing so that Indonesian writing is needed too.



From the discussion above I can conclude that the tenses is a form of the verb in the
English language to indicate the time (present, future, or past) the occurrence of an act or event.

By mastering English language well, we will be able to master communication with other
nations in this world. In addition, we can add our insights and knowledge for the future.
Therefore we must be able to master tense properly and correctly. Therefore we must be able to
understand the basics in understanding English. So from that we make tense papers, hopefully
with this paper we can understand the basics of English.


Hopefully in the future this book can minimize its shortcomings, so students can learn
effectively using the book. Strengths and weaknesses in the review can be reviewed in the future.

Ida Kusuma Dewi, dkk, 2015. Actiive English. Solo: PT Tiga Serangkai Pustakaa Mandiri.

Leech, Geoffrey.2004.Meaning And The English Verb. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited

Book I.
Book II.

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