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Professional Learning Committee (PLC)

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Professional Learning Community Leader for the first Name of PLC Team:
quarter: Ms. Melissa C. Rosario STA. CRUZ INSTITUTE, INC.
PLC Group Members:

Proficiency Level:
Unit Plan: Lesson Subtopics(s):
90% and above
Reading Comprehension in Grade 7-10
Standards/Competencies The learners:
or Skills/ Transfer Goals 1. Unlock difficulties in words and in the material read
2. Note details from the material read
3. Use appropriate reading styles for various text types

Extent of
PLC Strategies and Action Steps Data/Resources Implementation/Comments
(Standards, Mandates, Pre Evidence of Effectiveness (results of evaluations of the
PLC Team Objectives Current Improvement/Innovation & Post-Test Results, or Impact to Students implementation either/both
Practice/Problem Strategies or Steps Formative Assessment Learning numerical or/and
Results, Observations, etc.) descriptive)

The team aims to: More than 50 % of the We will: 1. Diagnostic test results 1. At least 90% rating in The strategies and steps
1. Identify students who are students from grade 7-10 1. employ peer tutoring in conducted by English formative and summative implemented revealed a
weak in reading SY: 2018-2019 perform improving the performance teachers assessment of reading positive outcome as shown
comprehension below proficiency level in of the students in reading 2. Periodical Exam comprehension in the result that at least 85%
2. Plan strategies to reading comprehension comprehensions. 3. Written Works 2. Improved vocabulary of students from grade 7-10
improve students’ 2. provide adequate 4. National Achievement 3. increase rate in reading performed above proficiency
performance on reading vocabulary enrichment Test results in English 4. make meaning out of level in reading
comprehension activity for individual and conducted last 2017-2018 material read or comprehension; hence their
group such as “Word comprehension of various vocabulary, reading rate and
Power” and identifying text tiles various text tiles-
meaning through context comprehension improved,
clues to widen student’s increased, and advanced.
3. provide reading materials
with guide questions to
improve students reading
Professional Learning Community Leader for the Name of PLC Team:
quarter: Mrs. Clarissa S. Quiming PLC Group Members: STA. CRUZ INSTITUTE, INC.
Proficiency Level:
Unit Plan: Lesson Subtopics(s):
90% and above
Oral/Verbal Communication in grade G 7-10
The learners:
1. Orally produce differences among the English phonemes and variants; stress patterns and intonational contours
2. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery
3. Produce speech in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breathe groups, and sentences.
or Skills/ Transfer Goals
4. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse
5. Accomplish appropriately communicative functions according to their contexts.

Extent of
PLC Strategies and Action Steps Data/Resources Implementation/Comments
(Standards, Mandates, Pre Evidence of Effectiveness (results of evaluations of the
PLC Team Objectives Current Improvement/Innovation & Post-Test Results, or Impact to Students implementation either/both
Practice/Problem Strategies or Steps Formative Assessment Learning numerical or/and
Results, Observations, etc.) descriptive)

The team aims to: More than 50 % of the We will: 1. Class participation 1. At least 80% rating in The strategies and steps
1. Identify students who are students from grade 7-10 1. Increase STT 2. Group discussion assessment of verbal/oral implemented revealed a
weak in Oral/Verbal SY: 2019-2020 perform (Student Talking 3. Group reporting communication positive outcome as shown
communication skill below proficiency level in Time) during 4. Speaking activities 2. Improved rate of in the result that at least 85%
2. Plan strategies to Oral/verbal classroom students’ participation in of students from grade 7-10
improve students’ communication. discussions class discussions. performed above proficiency
performance on 3. High number of students level in oral communication;
Oral/Verbal 2. Provide more engaging and emerging to hence rate of students’
Communication opportunities/activit different situations and participation in class
ies for speaking environment which prompt discussions improved, and
whether individual, them to freely and number of students engaging
pair or group confidently communicate and emerging to different
and converse with other speaking situations and
3. Engage and emerge students. environment were
students to different maximized
situations and
environment that
prompt them to
freely and
communicate and
converse with other
Professional Learning Community Leader for the first Name of PLC Team:
quarter: Ms. Melissa C. Rosario STA. CRUZ INSTITUTE, INC.
PLC Group Members:

Proficiency Level:
Unit Plan: Lesson Subtopics(s):
90% and above
Writing Skill in Grade 7-10
Standards/Competencies The learners:
or Skills/ Transfer Goals 1. Construct correct, meaningful sentences
2. Write paragraphs with cohesion and coherence
2. Use transitional devices in writing
3. Apply different styles in writing

Extent of
PLC Strategies and Action Steps Data/Resources Implementation/Comments
(Standards, Mandates, Pre Evidence of Effectiveness (results of evaluations of the
PLC Team Objectives Current Improvement/Innovation & Post-Test Results, or Impact to Students implementation either/both
Practice/Problem Strategies or Steps Formative Assessment Learning numerical or/and
Results, Observations, etc.) descriptive)

The team aims to: More than 50 % of the We will: 1. Diagnostic test results 1. At least 90% rating of The strategies and steps
1. Identify students who are students from grade 7-10 1. Provide more conducted by English students in the assessment implemented revealed a
weak in writing SY: 2018-2019 perform writing activities/ teachers of their writing skills positive outcome as shown
2. Plan strategies to below proficiency level in writeshops; 2. Periodical Exam 2. enhanced cohesion and in the result that at least 85%
improve students’ writing. 2. Equip students with 3. Written Works coherence of ideas in of students from grade 7-10
performance on writing. more reading texts writing performed above proficiency
as a material for 3. Improved writing style level in writing; hence their
analyzing the and approach approach, style and
writing approach 4. Improved writing mechanics in writing
and style of the mechanics improved; ideas were more
author. cohesive and coherent;

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