SECTION - GROUP No. - BUSINESS NAME - Business Plan Paper / Report Rubric
SECTION - GROUP No. - BUSINESS NAME - Business Plan Paper / Report Rubric
SECTION - GROUP No. - BUSINESS NAME - Business Plan Paper / Report Rubric
Products and Services Group did not have Group identified a Group identified Group identified Group identified
-What the product is this section or it product. And attempted product and each product and each product and each
-List of benefits was put together to include some of the components of a components of a components of a
in a non-coherent components. Still there concept statement. concept statement. concept statement.
-Advantages against competitors
manner. were parts that were not There were some There were few to no There were no
-Resources Needed
answered and left many questions left questions left questions left
-Pricing questions for the reader. unanswered. unanswered. Overall unanswered. Clear
very good. and well supported.
Marketing Plan Group did not have Group had at least 1 of Group had at least 2 Group had all 3 parts Had all 3 parts of the
-What is the need for the this section or it the 3 components. No of the 3 components. and provided some marketing plan. Clear
product? was put together supports were given and Hand some supports support for the and all decisions were
in a non-coherent just lacked clarity. but also left some decisions. Still have well supported.
-Who will it be marketing to and
manner. questions. few questions.
-Sample of a marketing strategy
(i.e. magazine ad)
Operational Information Group did not have Group had the section Group had the Group had the section Group had the section
-What are the costs and how this section or it and provided 5 of 7 parts section and provided and provided all parts and provided all parts
much was put together of the operational 6 of 7 parts of the of the operational of the operational
in a non-coherent information and did not operational information. There information. There
-Who are the suppliers manner. provide support. information and still left some were few to no
-Quality control management provided support but unanswered unanswered questions.
-How is the distribution of are still lacking. questions and it was Very clear.
not full clear.
finished products
-Employee salaries
-Assets needed
-Insurances, Licenses and
Management & Organizational Groups did not Group had a summary of Group had a Group had a summary Group had a summary
- Summarize the type of work have this section the type of work summary of the type of the type of work of the type of work
environment and leadership of or it was put environment and of work environment environment and environment and
together in a non- leadership of the and leadership of the leadership of the leadership of the
coherent manner. company company little to no company and some company and support
support. support of the for the decisions they
decisions they made. made. Clear about
type of environment
they wanted to create.
Financial Information Groups did not Group had the section Group had either Group had costs and Group had costs and
-Outline and provided some have this section and provided either the cost or revenue and revenue and provided revenue and provided
research support on the costs or it was put costs or the revenue but provided support of some support. There support on both.
together in a non- did not provide support. that one. still left some There were few to no
-Project an estimate for revenue,
coherent manner. OR unanswered unanswered questions.
provide support for this
Group had both cost questions and it was Very clear.
-Give some accounting support and revenue but did not full clear.
using supply and demand not have any
Funding Requirements Groups did not Group identified a Group identified a Group identified a Groups identified
-Identify the business’ sources of have this section. source. Not clear if it’s source and began to source and began to source and shows
capital sufficient. provide little provide more sufficiency of the
explanation of explanation, but not capital for the business
sufficiency. completely clear.
Overall Paper / Report Not well written Turned in, but there Clear but some Clear and overall Clear and Well Written
-How well was the paper / and did not make were a lot of problems grammatical and/or nicely written. Some Little to No
report written sense. with writing. Unclear spelling mistakes. mistakes. All Grammatical or
OR and a lot of mistakes. Might have missed or concepts presented. Spelling Errors
-Demonstration of
Did not turn in Did not have all the not fully developed a All Concepts were
understanding the concepts.
components. section. presented
-Ability to support decisions
throughout the paper / report.