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Microcatchment Water Harvesting: For Desert Revegetation

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SERG Restoration Bulletin

Microcatchment Water
for Desert Revegetation

Soil Ecology and Restoration Group
Restoration Bulletin #5

Microcatchment Water
Harvesting for Desert

Matthew W. Fidelibus* and David A. Bainbridge

Soil Ecology and Restoration Group
Environmental Studies Program
United States International University
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131

Q. What is water harvesting?

A. Water harvesting involves altering the topography and surface of a site
to direct limited desert rains to plants. It is used in many arid and semi-arid
regions of the world for both economic and environmental reasons and
should be more widely used for revegetation projects.

Q. Where were microcatchments invented?

A. Ancient
desert civiliza-
tions developed
very effective
systems for
harvesting rain
water in many
parts of the
world, including
Australia, the
U.S., Africa and
the MidEast. But
Seedlings in catchments
*Now Horticultural Sciences Dept., University of Florida, Gainsville
no one developed these techniques to the level that the Nabateans did in the
Negev desert (now Israel and Jordan) almost 2000 years ago. They used very
sophisticated water harvesting to farm more than 700,000 acres in areas that
only get 3-4 inches of rain a year. Israeli researchers were intrigued by
these ancient Nabatean farms and, in the early 1960’s, restored an area
called Wadi Mashash to “relearn” these ancient water harvesting tech-
niques. The positive results of the Wadi Mashash restoration inspired
Israel to invest in water harvesting research as a means of supporting
many types of crops and landscaping for desert parks.

Q. What is a microcatchment?
A. A microcatchment is a
specially contoured area
with slopes and berms
designed to increase runoff
from rain and concentrate
it in a planting basin
where it infiltrates and is
effectively “stored” in the
soil profile. The water is
available to plants but
protected from evaporation. Water capture in catchments

Q. What are the advantages of microcatchments?

A. Microcatchment systems provide many advantages over other irrigation
schemes. They are simple and inexpensive to construct and can be built
rapidly using local materials and manpower. The runoff water has a low salt
content and, because it does not have to be transported or pumped, is
relatively inexpensive. Microcatchments enhance leaching and often reduce
soil salinity. The use of microcatchment techniques in Arizona has returned
land to productive use that was previously retired from agriculture due to
high salt content from groundwater irrigation.

Q. What size is best?

A. Smaller individual catchments (microcatchments) have higher relative
water yield per unit surface area than the larger runoff farm catchments.
Modern microcatchment systems are typically small, sculpted basins which
harvest runoff water in a laminar flow with water depth less than 1/8 inch
and flow velocity less than 2.75 inches/sec. Catchment area can be tailored
to provide an optimal runoff volume for individual plants.
Q. What have these microcatchments been used for?

A. Many crops have been grown using microcatchments, including citrus in

North Africa. Water harvesting has also been used to supplement rainfall for
native vegetation. Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) with microcatchments grew
larger and produced more flowers and seeds than untreated plants (See
Figure 1). Even native plants that are well adapted to hot, dry conditions will
usually benefit from supplemental water. For example, creosote bushes
(Larrea tridentata) adjacent to highways, cut slopes and other sources of
runoff water are often much larger than shrubs not receiving runoff.

Q. What types of microcatchment systems are there?

A. There are three basic types of microcatchment systems: contour bench

terraces, runoff strips and micro-watersheds. Runoff strips and contour
bench terraces are best suited for agriculture as they require extensive
mechanical re-shaping of the surrounding terrain and create regular patterns
which are inconsistent with a natural landscape and revegetation project.

Seed Yield,( Grams/Plant)

100 M

1974 1977
Figure 1: Seed production in Jojoba plants
not receiving supplemental water (0) produce
much less seed than those in microcatchments
(M) and especilally those in wax treated
microcatchments (W).

Micro-watershed systems are more appropriate for revegetation. These

include mound, strip and basin collectors. In mound systems the soil surface
is shaped by hand into 4-20 inch (10-50 cm) tall mounds spaced 2-5 meters
apart. When organized into a regular pattern, this system is suitable for
many types of farm crops, including melons and squash (this is one expla-
nation for the mima mounds found in many semiarid areas). The mounds
are also effective when arranged in a more random manner for revegetation
and restoration efforts. In strip systems, either a recessed planting strip is
bordered by ground level berms, or ground level strips are lined with raised
berms. The strips can be built of earth or rocks with mechanical equipment
or by hand. Basin collectors are most appropriate for most sites. These are
dug by hand or with equipment.

Q. Where can microcatchment basins be used?

A. Microcatchments work best on gentle slopes (ideally less than 5%), but
steeper slopes can be used if the catchment basins are small. Basins can
also be made on flat ground.

Q. How are microcatchments made?

A. The slope is
divided into plots
by small earth
ridges 4-8 inches
high and 8-14
inches wide. The
ridges can be
constructed by
hand or with a
small plow using
the soil excavated
from the planting
Microcatchment construction — Israel basin. Catchment
basins are suscep-
tible to siltation and erosion if undesired runoff is allowed to enter the
system, so protective diversion ditches and berms are often constructed
above microcatchment areas subject to extensive ground flow.

The gradients within the microcatchments should be between 2% and 7%.

Square or rectangular plots are easier to lay out, but basin shapes for
revegetation sites should be irregular to suit the geography of the site,
to reduce disturbance and to retain a more natural appearance.
Q. What information is needed to design microcatchments?

A. The hydrological data needed for an efficient design can be collected

through observations over two to five years, even in areas with limited
rainfall. Soil data on infiltration and runoff is also helpful.

Q. What has to be considered in site design?

A. Developing a site for microcatchments requires information on four main

physiographic factors: the runoff producing potential, the soil surface
condition (cover, vegetation, crust, stoniness), the gradient and evenness of
slope and the
water retention
capacity of the
soil in the root
zone profile.
These all contrib-
ute to the runoff
threshold coeffi-
cient which is a
key factor in
determining the
optimum size for
a catchment.
Other factors Fruit trees in microcatchments — Israel
affecting the infiltration capacity of a particular area include the moisture
content of the soil, macro-pores in the soil as a result of decaying roots or
burrowing animals and the compaction of the soil.

Q. How much water will they yield?

A. To determine expected yields from microcatchments, three rainfall

characteristics must be evaluated: 1) the average annual rainfall, 2) peak
rainfall intensity and 3) the minimum expected annual precipitation. The
optimal size of the microcatchment for each species depends on many
factors including normal precipitation, soil quality and the slope of the site.
The size and depth of the planting basin in relation to the size of the catch-
ment area is also important. These factors determine the size of the surface
area wetted by runoff and the volume and depth of the water column in the
soil. If the infiltration rate of the soil and the water demands of the plant are
known, the desired size of a catchment basin can be calculated. If a particu-
lar species of shrub requiring 10 inches of rain per year is being grown in a
region of 5 inch average annual precipitation, then an additional 5 inches of
rain is needed. If the catchment soil has a runoff coefficient of 10% (a typical
runoff rate for untreated desert soils), then a shrub with 10 square feet of
root area (a young bush) would need a 100 square foot catchment (10 x 10).
However, larger catchments are often used for insurance in very dry years.

Q. What can be done to enhance runoff?

A. Effective precipitation produces runoff, but modifying the soil surface

can reduce the threshold required to get runoff. Basin runoff can be
improved by defoliating the runoff area (an existing condition in many
revegetation-restoration sites), by treating it with infiltration resistant
compounds or by applying an impervious film. A tenth of an inch of rain
equals more than one half gallon of water per square yard assuming 100%
runoff. Materials used to enhance runoff include low melting point wax,
sodium salts, synthetic membranes, asphalt and concrete and soil crusts.

Many types of synthetic membrane materials have been used to increase

runoff. Plastic membranes, such as polyethylene and vinyl, have been used
on hundreds of square miles of revegetation projects in China. They are very
effective but generally last less than a year. Butyl rubber and chlorinated
polyethylene sheeting last much longer. Any sheet type material is expen-
sive and must be well secured to protect it from wind damage. A catchment
system we built in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park provided water to storage
tanks with as a little as 1/100 inch of rain. Asphalt, concrete and other hard
surfaces can also be used to channel water to catchment basin plantings.
Landscaping on streets and parking lots in Tucson is increasingly watered
this way, and
the potential
for highway
plantings is
high, despite
some water
concerns from
road surface

Catchment — Anza Borrego Desert State Park

Q. How do you build microcatchments?

A. The first step in constructing microcatchment basins is clearing the

catchment area of weeds. Shaping can then be carried out with hand tools,
plows or graders. Shaping is easier when soil moisture is near field capacity.
The catchment area is smoothed with hand rakes following rough shaping.
Soil treatments,
if used, are
applied after
smoothing. The
soil is com-
pacted follow-
ing the first
rain storm.
can be done by
foot or with
tools on small
catchments, or
with rollers on
larger catchments. Placing the catchment liner

Basin size depends upon design requirements. Small basins can be constructed
by hand labor, but larger catchments should be built with equipment. Basins
should be shaped to form inverted truncated pyramids. The soil removed from
the basin area is deposited and spread on the border ridges.

Q. How are they planted?

A. Microcatchments are typically planted with shrub or tree seedlings, but
they can also be seeded. To take advantage of peak precipitation and
favorable temperatures, plantings of native shrubs in the low desert should
be planned before precipitation peaks. The soil around the planting spot
should be loosened before planting as compacted soils retard tap root
growth which can be essential for successful establishment. They can be
watered with a water truck until it rains.

The best place to plant desert shrubs in catchments is usually immediately

above the mean high water line, or near the top of the ridge where the
topsoil from the basin is placed (Figure 2). Observations of conventional
plantings reveal that both weeds and shrubs appear to thrive in such
locations and are absent from the places where water stays longer.
Figure 2. Planting on or near ridge tops protects 9
plants from flooding. Water wets the soil above
the water line by capillary action.

Microcatchment Cross Section

slope = 7% ground

14 m

Q. Why aren’t they used more often?

A. Microcatchments are an effective but little known technique for plant
establishment and growth (Figure 3). As landscape designers and landown-
ers become more familiar with them they will be used more often.

Figure 3. Fort Irwin Survival


Percent Survival

Prosopis sp.
Atriplex sp.



Inside Catchments Outside Catchments

Planting Technique
References and further reading
Boers, Th. M., K. Zondervan and J. Ben-Asher. 1986. Microcatchment
water harvesting for arid zone development. Agricultural Water
Management. 12:21-39.
Cluff, C. B. and R. K. Frobel. 1978. Catchment construction methods. pp. 2-11.
In Water Harvesting Catchment and Reservoir Construction Methods.
Water Resources Contribution Number 2. College of Earth Sciences,
University of Arizona, Tucson.
Ehrler, W. L., D. H. Fink and S. T. Mitchell. 1978. Growth and yield of jojoba
plants in native stands using runoff-collecting microcatchments.
Agronomy Journal 70:1005-1009.
Evenari, M. 1975. Fields and Pastures in Deserts: A Low Cost Method for
Agriculture in Semi-Arid Lands. Eduard Roether, Bundesrepublik
Deutschland. 37 p.
Evenari, M., L. Shanan and N. H. Tadmor. 1971. The Negev. Harvard
University Press, Boston. pp. 221-228.
Fink, D. H., K. R. Cooley and G. W. Frasier. 1973. Wax treated soils for
harvesting water. Journal of Range Management 26(6):396-398.
Glanzberg, J. 1994. Water harvesting traditions in the desert southwest.
Permaculture Drylands Journal 20:8-14.
Howell, D. 1989. How to harvest water with microcatchments. Permaculture
Drylands Journal 5.
Howell, K. and D. Howell. 1991. Water conservation in the home.
Permaculture Drylands Journal 8.
Karpiscak, M. M. 1988. Water harvesting on farmland retired from
groundwater-irrigated agriculture. pp. 273-280. In Arid Lands: Today
and Tomorrow.1988. Westview Press, Inc. Boulder, Colorado.
Laryea, K. B. 1992. Rainfed agriculture: water harvesting and soil
conservation. Outlook on Agriculture 21(4): 271-277.
Lightfoot, D. C. and W. G. Whitford. 1991. Productivity of creosote bush
foliage and associated canopy arthropods along a desert roadside.
American Midland Naturalist 125: 310-322.
Orev, Y. 1988. Some considerations in the planning of runoff farming.
Desertification Control Bulletin 16:13-16.
Rees, D. J., Z. A. Qureshi, S. Mehmood and S. H. Raza. 1991. Catchment
basin water harvesting as a means of improving the productivity of
rain-fed land in upland Baluchistan. Journal of Agricultural Science
116: 95-103.
Shanan, L. and N. H. Tadmor. 1979. Microcatchment System for Arid Zone
Development. Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 99 p.
Shanan, L., N. H. Tadmor, M. Evenari, and P. Reiniger. 1970. Runoff farming
in the desert. III. Microcatchments for improvement of desert range.
Agronomy Journal 62:445-448.
Sharma, K. D., O. P. Pareek and N. P. Singh. 1986. Micro-catchment water
harvesting for raising jojoba orchards in an arid climate. Transactions
of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 29: 112-118.
Report from the field
Fred Edwards and
David Bainbridge

Both of us have worked in

developing countries. As we have
worked, traveled and talked to
people, we have become con-
vinced that reversing desertifi-
cation, reducing soil erosion and
increasing production from arid Water harvesting - Jordan
and semi-arid regions are criti-
cal global issues. In developing countries, revegetation
methods need to be economical and adaptable to hand
labor, but in countries where labor costs are high, meth-
ods must be mechanized. Rainfall catchment construction
can fill both needs. It is a simple technique adaptable to
local labor and materials in drylands anywhere in the
world. Like most revegetation techniques for arid lands,
it does not work without rainfall; but, when the rain does
come, rainfall catchments can be used to focus water
where it will do the most good.
Like many great solutions to environmental problems,
rainfall catchments are a reinterpretation of ancient
techniques developed in the Middle East and Americas,
but forgotten by modern science and technology. In the
Mojave and Colorado deserts of California, we have found
this simple technique can improve the survival of trans-
planted native seedlings by more than 20%. Because this
technique is simple, additional construction costs are
offset by the savings gained by increased survival and
the reduced need to replant. We highly recommend this
technique for restoration and revegetation projects
undertaken in arid and semi-arid environments.
Special thanks to: Sicco Rood, Steve Netto, Debbie Waldecker, John
Tiszler, Josh Bennett, Robert MacAller and Jessica Johnson.
Photographs from Israel and Botswana, D. Gibbons and U. Nessler

For additional information, refer to our website:
Other booklets in the series:

Produced for SERG by VISIONsynthesis, San Diego, California

SERG Soil Ecology and Restoration Group

SAN DIEGO, CA 92182-0401 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131

Prepared for the California Department of Transportation, Biology, District 11, 2829
Juan Street, San Diego, CA 92186. We thank Caltrans for their support and assistance.

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