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3 Levels of Creditor

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The 3 "CREDITOR" Levels of a Nation of America Citizen/Customer and their Accounts:

LEVEL 1: �US Country� SOCIAL SECURITY # - the lowest level operated as a US Country
Citizen/Employee for the Debtor Corporations
to access your Labor and Inherit assets for the US Country Corporate Government and
other authorized Corporations to Benefit as
Corporate INCOME by their DEBT Bondage. [Use the 1099C and the 1040/1040X to Cancel
and CLAIM your return �CREDITS�; if services
were not rendered.] Creditor by the Privilaged Rights as an American - US

LEVEL 2: �US Country� ESTATE EIN# - the mid-level as it is held by the US Country
Corporate Governmental Treasury for their Benefits
as Corporate INCOME by their DEBT Bondage under a restricted 10 year usage access
or until Claimed. [Use the 1099C and the
1041 to Cancel and CLAIM your return �CREDITS�; if services were not rendered.]
Creditor by RIGHT as an American - US TRUSTEE.

LEVEL 3: �American Nation� FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST EIN# - where the American Customer
has Expressed Grant to Claim his
American Inheritance, military service bounty and Labor Assets as his Private
Property �Free of DEBT Bondage� and the Right to
remove it from the �US Country Governmental Controls�. [Use the 1099C and the 1041
to Cancel and CLAIM your return, if services were
not rendered and to transfer the ESTATE Assets �CREDITS� to your Private American
Grantor Trust.] Creditor with Full RIGHTS as a

The American Customer can use all 3 Account Levels in Order to CANCEL the Corporate
DEBTS as the CREDITOR. The American
Customer is the American Tariff TAX collector for the �CREDIT USAGE� from the
Corporate Bonded INCOME and/or LIABILITY INCOME
derived from their usage of the American Customers Assets as Collateral with the
Foreign Monetary Bonded INCOME and LIABILITY
Bonding System of USURY. (The monetary system of the Dead, as they risk nothing and
produce no real substance only paper contracts
of fraud, banking blood suckers of real assets.)

ONLY WE the PEOPLE can CANCEL DEBT and TAX their INCOMES, as ALL Corporation and
Banks are getting their INCOME by USING
OUR ASSETS and CREDITS. The only way to SAVE AMERICA, cancel her Debts and Free the

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